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This is the 3 - PetPoint Edit-Final.pdfthis info, from your staff, especially behavior staff, ......

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This is the 3rd class in the Boot Camp Basics track. We’ve got 1 more this afternoon and 3 more tomorrow, so I hope you’ll join us for those.


During this class we’ll add all kinds of details to animal records and person records. By enriching these records, we supplement the basics with details that will help the animals get adopted and improve the experience people have with your organization. We’ll also talk about creating ownership/guardianship records & how to add a member to an agency. Then we’ll create a receipt when it’s not part of another operation. And finally, there will be time at the end for questions.


As I move through these examples, feel free to work with me. It’s probably better for you to experiment in our demo database rather than your production database, so log in to USAC04 using the user name and passwords: summit. For those of you who joined me in the last class, you created some animal and person records as part of the intake process. Use those records again to fill in more details.


Why do we want to add details to an animal record? If you’ve seen one black cat, you’ve seen them all right? Think back to your English classes. Basic sentence: The black cat came to the shelter. Let’s add the adjectives and adverbs that will distinguish THIS black cat from that OTHER black cat. What details could we add to the animal record that would improve adoptability? What would attract an adopter or reunite a lost pet with its owner? Go to the edit menu, choose edit: animal. Search for one of the records you created last class. We collected the basic info during our intake, so let’s go to the details tab. The additional fields are: medical status (customizable), temperament status (customizable). Third color, color pattern 2, and danger. Notice that once you select the danger check box, you can include a danger reason (customizable). If you wanted to make changes to this list, where would you do that? Admin options: add/edit field values. Selecting this box displays the Danger oval on the animal’s record.Then you have coat, eye color, ears, tail and declawed. Declawed is an often overlooked field, but how many times to you have this request from your adopters? Distinguishing marks is a free text field to record anything else you need to: white socks, tripod, one eye.The details tab also includes the section called animal point in time, which provides an automatic history tracking of these fields. Make sure you SAVE.


Photos/videos tab: photos and videos are a great way to attract adopters to your animals. 3 photos are allowed. The first displays on Petango and your iframe in the group view, the others are available when you look at the animal’s details. You can load a photo from your mobile device (go to screen shot). Or you can browse your hard drive. Include a photo caption (internal use). You can check the ‘do not show on website’ check box if you need to keep a photo with the animal’s record, but you don’t want to make it public, or you can delete a photo. The green arrows will rearrange the photos for you. Uploading a new photo, click browse, choose a photo, won’t display until you choose ‘add photos’. It’s the same process for videos. You can upload a video which will go into your PetPoint/Petango YouTube Channel. Can only have 1 video here. Or you can link to your own YouTube account. For more help with that, visit LL or SOS training sessions.

Do we need to save the record? Read the messages and save yourself some clicks. Let’s move on to the Profile tab: This is where you record details about the animal’s behavior and interaction with his environment. This information is used by petango’s PetMatch. When a potential adopter answers questions on Petango, a profile for that person is built and matches against information that you record here about an animal. It returns an 85% match, or a 90%match. So the more info you record here, the better chance of a match.And the more info you record on this page, the higher up your animal listings will appear on a Petango search. To help you collect this from the former owner, there is a downloadable Owner/Guardian Surrender form in the online help. You can also collect this info, from your staff, especially behavior staff, or from volunteers. We start with general information. The Featured Pet check box includes this animal in a prominent display in your iframe and on Petango. The adoption price can be used to display a special price. Housetraining details. And any special needs. Depending upon what your admin set up for Online Animal listings, these fields could display on Petango and the iframe. I’ll show that to you in a minute.Next we record how this animal interacted with others. First, specify the number of animals; then record how the animal interacted with animals he lived with. Then with animals he interacted with out in the world. Then results of your own tests/observations. you need to specify 1 or greater. Can also select the ‘do not place’ check box. Click the ‘other animals’ button for more options.Next is the section to record interactions with people. Works the same way.Finally, this section to record activity. These are multi select lists. Hold down the ctrl key to select more than one option. 2 free text fields for known commands and anything else you want to record. The profile comments do NOT display on Petango. Make sure to hit the ‘save’ button. Because this info is used by Petango’s PetMatch, it needs be standard across all databases and therefore can’t be customized. Next, we have the Memos tab: Take a look at the memo types. From Happy Tails through Twitter types, PetPoint uses these for special purposes.,


Petango Adoption Description, is the one displayed on Petango and your iframe. Twitter 125 chars, Some organizations set up 2 different twitter feeds to accommodate avail animals on one and lost or found animals on another. If you’d like to get that set up, you can visit the Learning Lab here, or drop in on one of the SOS training sessions when you get back home.

The Identifications tab. Notice how this screen is divided into sections with Add and save buttons on the right. You’ll see this in other areas of PetPoint. Know that you need to save or add in each section; if you don’t, the info is lost when you move on to the next tab. Sections for recording Microchip number and issuer. You can record multiple microchip scans. The next section is for other Pet ID, you can add to the list of types. Where would you do that? Field Values!And finally, we have a spot to record 2 collar types with colors like on the express tab, but here we can also record comments.

Vouchers/Waivers: care, spay/neuter. This is the spot to add vouchers to an animal’s record and redeem them. For more details about how to set these up, visit the Learning Lab.

Holds: Remember during intake, we saw the optional ‘animal hold’ section of the intake details tab, we can manage those holds here as well as place other holds. Why would you want to place a hold on an animal record? Remember that you cannot process an outcome for an animal with a hold on the record. Be sure to ‘add hold’ button. You’ll see how to release a hold during an outcome in the next class: Outcomes

Stage/Location: available stage pushes to Petango and your iframe. You can set up your iframe to include other, such as foster program (‘Coming Soon’). The Learning Lab can help you set that up.

File Tab: part of the purchased add-on Advanced Productivity Suite. Manage your files, could be photos, lab reports, court documents, whatever. On animal and person records. Visit the Learning Lab for more info.

Animal View ReportFrom the animal’s record, you can print kennel cards and documents, as well as jump to other operations in PetPoint. This brings the animal record with you so that you don’t have to search again.


This is what loading photos from a mobile devise looks like. When you choose the browse button, you get 2 options: take a photo or browse for a photo.


Here is the setup screen for the iframe and Petango. You can see where the info recorded on an animal record can be displayed in the iframe. No dogs, no cats, no kids check boxes. But it works in conjunction with what your administrators have decided to display. You should still collect the info because it’s still used for PetMatch. Why might a shelter decided NOT to display On Hold? Many in the public believe that ‘hold’ means an adoption hold and might pass over this animal. But in the shelter, an animal might be on hold for many reasons, and the shelter might not even technically ‘hold’ an animal for adoption.


Our next topic is Animal groups. There are 2 categories of animal groups in PetPoint. One is the system created groups when you use ‘add another animal’ during intakes, outcomes and other operations like licensing, lost/found or ownership. PetPoint created groups during the last class when we did our Intake Transfer.And then we also have user created groups. These can be litter groups or buddy groups, with subtypes, for example without parents for a litter group. Each member has a specific role. Why would you want to create one of these groups? - Great for applying same process to many, for example: medical procedures, sending them out to foster, sending the group to an adoption event, creating playgroups & recording details about that interaction, and later tracking those details.

Let’s create a litter group. [Go to PP] created an intake group that included mom, dad and 2 puppies. The mom and pups will travel together through the system, so they need their own litter group. Search for group 1560495, see the details of that intake group. Create new group. Type: litter, subtype: with mother. SAVE. Members tab. Jackie. Can add details if we need to, shows animal point in time, photos, now we must specify the group member details. Role: mother, ADD MEMBER, back to the top, can see that we have one member in our group. Search for puppy 1, can see the details, define the role: littermate, add member, scroll to the top, now we have 2 members,


search for puppy 2


Person record and why info is vital to your organizationQuality customer service for returning people (donors, adopters, surrenders), record information about an interaction for future use, either in reports, or for the next person who interacts with them. ID#’s cuts down on dups, staff protection, save timeGo to edit: person, Complete the basics on the express tab, Go to the details tab:You can add a ID number here, choose an ID typeTo the right, you can add a Photo. Maybe your organization has photos of volunteers, you can store them here. One of the most important fields in PetPoint is the Associations field. Here, you can record how a person interacts with your organization. You can assign more than one association to a person record. And you can customize this list. Where? Admin Options: field values. Great way to generate mailing labels or lists of fosters. Person by association report.Special alert person memo subtype: do not adopt assn: stops an adoption outcome, but might want special alert too; bad check assn: doesn’t stop anything, need special alert; danger assn: red oval when access person record even if multiple accesses in one PP session. education opportunity. With the danger label, or special alert memos, just means that staff need to pay attention. Doesn’t stop any process. Can learn how to set


these up in the Learning Lab. Now that we’ve assigned one, let’s see it in action. Since it only pops up the first time you retrieve the person’s record, we’ll need to log out and back in again.Contacts – Saw on the express tab that you could add one address, 2 phone numbers and 1 email address. Here, you can add more, assign a type. You can mark 1 as ‘primary’ for most used. It will appear first on any reports. Again, you see that each section has its own add/save. Need to save, see it in the grid and then can move to next tab. Profile – surveys – Who uses surveys? What kind have you set up? How many times have you heard this “We just got 2 litters of bottle baby kittens, who can foster bottle babies?” If you record that data, then you can report on it. (person: Profile: Person)adds association, learning lab to create the surveyPetango Application –Related Persons – What relationships do you record in your database? One of our board members’ spouses volunteered in the shelter. So, we had 2 person records with the corresponding associations, but we assigned the ‘spouse’ relationship with ‘include on mail labels’ so that they’d only get one donation request mailed to them, for example. Person View ReportEdit agency. Created one during intake, but you can always add more members to an existing agency here. Click find without filtering to see if there’s a long list and you need to filter, or not. Choose: Shannon’s Cat Rescue. Notice the check boxes, this is the place to specify license issuer or license reseller. members tab, only 1 member, add another. Search first, create new person. Save will create that person ID, complete the position field, add member.The Transfer Network allows you to search for animals you’d like to transfer in and market animals that you’d like to transfer out. Some setup is required, visit the learning lab for more info. And Meg will touch on this a bit in tomorrow’s Lunch and Learn session. But this is the spot to record what animals they want from you as a receiving agency, and if they’re a source of Transfer animals FOR you.


Create ownership/Guardianship, allows organization to reflect the o/g relationship without doing an intake:

If owner gives the animal to someone else, change the ownership. The microchip WILL be re-registered to the new person through this process.You can use this for your Microchip clinics but a word of caution, if you’re lite or Pro, there are no reports for this module, so if you need to report on the microchip clinic, you can handle it a different way, through care:activity. If you’reenterprise, can build a report.

- Add a microchip to existing animal record that has ownership info in PP, but is inactive- Search for Sunny, animal view report shows that she was adopted, The

owner/guardianship section shows that Sue Davy is current owner. Look at my person view report: O/G info. Edit O/G, prompted for person, select Hamilton, make any changes necessary, go to animal tab, search for Sunny. Make any changes you need, go to details tab, SUBMIT ownership. Can create a receipt from summary tab if you’re doing a microchip clinic. Look at my PVR, AVR.

- This is not the place to change contact info for a person. You can do that in edit person. And then that owner needs to call 24 PetWatch to register it with them.


Anytime you need to create a receipt outside of another operation (like accepting donations or selling a retail item), go to Finance: add receipt. The general user roles don’t control the finance menu. There is a specialty role for that: with Refund Basic permissions, can refund up to an amount specified in: Admin Options: Security Center. Refund Advanced can refund any amount. And can Void a Receipt. And can close the cash drawer.Let’s record a receipt for a donation. If you want to set up retail items, go to that session: get the name.CategoriesNotes templatesThe note that shows up on all receipts – Contract text: Receipt Print.If you’d like more info about starting to sell retail items, go to: the session tomorrow at 2:30 to learn more about retail sales.


Just a quick reminder of some of the things we talked about today in terms of editing records:Gather as much information as possible. Remember, the more info in an animal profile, the better matches Petango can make for you. Great photos and videos can boost adoptions. Detailed information can help get lost pets back home.For person records, more information can help you provide better customer service. Think of ways to use those special alert memos. If visitors check in with you at the front desk before visiting the animals, you might be able to clear up some money owed issue, or head them off if they have a do not adopt message. Or maybe you’ve just advertised in the newspaper, you could add a survey and for a week, ask folks how they heard about the shelter to see if it’s worth spending $$ on that kind of advertising.Recording information can increase your efficiency and decrease the time an animal stays in your care. Think about our bottle baby foster example; I know you can think of other examples too.Another best practice is to record your data accurately and consistently. PetPoint helps with some of this by using drop down menus to complete some steps. This consistency makes your reports meaningful. There’s a place to record microchip scan, use it, rather than just adding another memoAnd remember, if you don’t record it, PetPoint can’t report it! You might be the person


in your organization who runs reports and is looking at the numbers to help steer your organization. Or you might be the person who’s recording that info for someone else to run the reports. Either way, the data is important, capture it, and use it.




