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Page 1: This page intentionally left blank. · pesticides like DDT, banned more than thirty years ago but still polluting our soil, to the flame-retarding PCBs and PBDEs build-ing up in salmon
Page 2: This page intentionally left blank. · pesticides like DDT, banned more than thirty years ago but still polluting our soil, to the flame-retarding PCBs and PBDEs build-ing up in salmon

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Page 3: This page intentionally left blank. · pesticides like DDT, banned more than thirty years ago but still polluting our soil, to the flame-retarding PCBs and PBDEs build-ing up in salmon

A Toxic-Free Legacy Coalition Report

May 2006

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AcknowledgementsWe gratefully acknowledge the assistance of our advisors who helped develop this project,

including Sharyle Patton, Kristin Schafer, Ted Schettler, Kim Hooper, and Sonya Lunder. Indispensableteam members include Sibyl Diver and Margaret Shield, who served as participant coordinators; editorElena Conis; Maria Mergel, who researched methods for reducing exposure; Candice Suping Huang andAudree DeAngeles, who researched health effects; communications consultants Kristin Hyde and JenLamson; and statistician Abbe Rubin. Members of the Toxic-Free Legacy Coalition steering committeeand others reviewed the report, including Heather Trim (People For Puget Sound), Nancy Dickeman(Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility), Pam Tazioli (Breast Cancer Fund), Karen Bowman

(Washington State Nurses Association), John Rumpler (WashPIRG), Laurie Valeriano, Philip Dickey, IvySager-Rosenthal, and Gregg Small (Washington Toxics Coalition), Margaret Shield (Coalition Coordina-

tor), David Cosman, Steve Gilbert, Kim Hooper, Kristin Hyde, Jen Lamson, Sharyle Patton, Dr. TedSchettler, Margaret Shield, Abbe Rubin, John Rumpler, and Kristin Schafer.

We especially thank our funders, including the John Merck Fund, Seattle Biotech LegacyFoundation, Alida R. Messinger Charitable Lead Trust, No. 2, Beldon Fund, Wallace Genetic Foundation,

Bullitt Foundation, Russell Family Foundation, and many generous individual donors to theWashington Toxics Coalition.

Author:Erika Schreder, Washington Toxics Coalition

Report design and cover by Jessica Renner, Studiohatch.Layout by Ken Steffenson, Washington Toxics Coalition.

Toxic-Free Legacy Coalition Steering Committee:Breast Cancer Fund, Healthy Building Network, People For Puget Sound,

Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility, Washington State Nurses Association,Washington Toxics Coalition, and WashPIRG

The Toxic-Free Legacy Coalition is an alliance of organizations across Washington statethat rejects the trespass of toxic chemicals in our environment and our bodies.

Our vision is to leave our children a legacy of fresh air, clean water, thriving wildlife,and healthy bodies — a Toxic-Free Legacy.

Toxic-Free Legacy Coalition4649 Sunnyside Avenue North, Suite 540

Seattle, WA 98103206-632-1545 ext. 123

[email protected]

Pollution in People© 2006 Toxic-Free Legacy Coalition

Printed on 100% post-consumer content recycled paper, not rebleached with chlorine compounds.

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary ................................................................................. 4

Chapter 1: From Toys to Body Lotion: Phthalates, the Everywhere Chemicals .. 8

Figure 1: Levels of DEHP Metabolites in Ten Washingtonians ................. 9

Chapter 2: Burning Problem: Toxic Flame Retardants in People and Wildlife .. 14

Figure 2: PBDE Levels in Ten Washingtonians..................................... 15

Sidebar: Breastfeeding is Still the Best for Babies .............................. 17

Chapter 3: Heavy Metals: A Centuries-Old Story ........................................ 20

Figure 3: Mercury Levels in Ten Washingtonians................................. 21

Table 1: Common Health Effects of Lead, Mercury, and Arsenic ............ 24

Chapter 4: Stain-Protectors Leave an Indelible Mark .................................. 28

Figure 4: PFOS Levels in Ten Washingtonians ..................................... 30

Figure 5: PFOA Levels in Ten Washingtonians..................................... 31

Chapter 5: Choice is Clear on Pesticides .................................................... 34

Figure 6: Pesticide Exposures in Ten Washingtonians .......................... 35

Chapter 6: The Chemicals that Came to Stay ............................................. 40

Figure 7: DDT Levels in Ten Washingtonians ...................................... 41

Figure 8: PCB Levels in Ten Washingtonians....................................... 42

Chapter 7: The Laws that Fail Us, and a Better Way ................................... 46

Appendix 1: Materials and Methods ......................................................... 54

Appendix 2: ......................................................................................... 58

Table 2: Chemicals and Breakdown Products Tested ............................ 58

Table 3: Results ............................................................................. 59

Table 4: Results Summary ............................................................... 61

References:........................................................................................... 62

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Study participant Deb Abrahamsonhas her blood drawn for testing.

Toxic chemicals from

consumer products, food,

and industrial pollution

contaminate our bodies.

Every person tested had at

least 26 and as many as 39

toxic chemicals in his or her


Pollution in People

Last year, ten Washingtonresidents agreed to testing oftheir hair, blood, and urine forthe presence of toxic chemicalsas part of an investigative studyby the Toxic-Free Legacy Coali-tion. The Coalition was seekingto determine which chemicals

were getting into our bodies, and at what levels, to betterunderstand the potential harm posed by poor regulation ofchemicals, and to develop better solutions.

For decades, toxic chemicals in soil, water, air, and sedi-ment have made front-page news. These chemicals range frompesticides like DDT, banned more than thirty years ago but stillpolluting our soil, to the flame-retarding PCBs and PBDEs build-ing up in salmon and orca whales.

Scientists are now finding these same chemicals in people.The computers we use every day, the cars we drive, and the panswe cook on are leaching toxic chemicals into our homes andinto our bodies.

We tested ten Washington residents for six groups of chemi-cals: phthalates; PBDEs; the heavy metals arsenic, lead, and mer-cury; perfluorinated chemicals such as those used to make Teflon;pesticides; and the banned but persistent chemicals PCBs and DDT.Our findings reveal that under the current regulatory system, toxicchemicals from consumer products and industrial pollution con-taminate each of us and threaten our health.

Key Findings

1. Toxic chemicals from consumer products, food, andindustrial pollution contaminate our bodies. Every person testedhad at least 26 and as many as 39 toxic chemicals in his or herbody. This pollution came from food; everyday household dust;direct contact with products such as personal care items, con-sumer electronics, and stain-resistant furniture; and from

Executive Summary

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contaminated soil, air, and water. Many of thechemicals do not break down or do so slowly, andtherefore build up in human bodies and breastmilk.

2. The toxic chemicals in our bodies arecause for concern because they can lead to healthproblems. For some chemicals, the levels we foundare at or near those believed to be capable ofcausing serious problems, such as infertility andlearning deficits. Many of these problems canresult from being exposed to chemicals at criticalpoints of child development, which can causepermanent damage.

❖ Every participant was contaminated withphthalates, found in myriad everyday prod-ucts. The same is true for perfluorinatedchemicals, used to make Teflon and stain-protection treatments for paper and textiles.

❖ Every participant had PCBs in his or her blood,despite a decades-old ban on the chemicals.PCBs from everyday exposures have been shownto cause learning deficits.

❖ Every participant had PBDEs in his or herblood. Dr. Patricia Dawson had PBDEs in herbody at levels close to those that cause repro-ductive problems in laboratory animals.

❖ We found a marker for the pesticide carbaryl,considered a carcinogen by the EPA, in five often participants: Rev. Ann Holmes Redding,Sen. Lisa Brown, Sen. Bill Finkbeiner, DebAbrahamson, and Allyson Schrier.

❖ Three of our ten participants — Denis Hayes,Sen. Bill Finkbeiner, and Karen Bowman —had mercury exposures above the Environmen-tal Protection Agency’s “safe” levels.

❖ Even Laurie Valeriano, toxic chemical expertand regular organic shopper, tested positivefor more than two dozen chemicals.

3. State and federal government have failed

to prevent the use of harmful chemicals in con-sumer products, manufacturing processes, andfood production. Most chemicals are virtuallyunregulated, because federal law does not requiretesting for harmful effects before chemicals areallowed for use in products or manufacturing.Once chemicals are in use, it is extremely difficultfor the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) torestrict them. The law does require pesticidetesting, but at the same time it permits theongoing use of pesticides that can cause cancer,nervous system harm, and other health problems.At the state level, Washington lacks the regula-tory structure needed to prevent harmful chemi-cals from turning up in consumer products, air,water, and people.


Washington state, already a leader in phasingout some dangerous chemicals such as mercury,should take immediate steps to protect the healthof its residents by developing a common-sensechemicals policy that ensures only the safestchemicals are used in consumer products, manu-facturing, and food production.

Governor Gregoire, the legislature, andagencies should take the following steps:

Come clean with the facts. Require companiesto provide data on the health effects caused bythe chemicals they produce or use in production.Companies must also be required to make thisinformation available to the public.

Take out the toxics. Develop immediate plansto phase out of products and manufacturingchemicals that can damage children’s intellectual

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development, harm reproduction, cause cancer, orbuild up in our bodies.

Switch to safer substitutes. Assist companies inreplacing hazardous chemicals with safer substancesand practices, using requirements, incentives, andtechnical assistance.

A Real Solution Is Emerging

A growing number of companies are alreadyswitching to safer chemicals and practices inresponse to mounting scientific evidence andgrowing consumer demand. Microsoft hasswitched to safer packaging plastics, the healthcare community has taken strides to reduce itsuse of mercury and phthalates, and food compa-nies like Campbell’s Soup Company are marketingorganic alternatives, produced without harmfulpesticides. In the regulatory arena, the EuropeanUnion has led the way by establishing a forward-thinking chemicals policy that requires testingand moves companies toward safer materials andprocesses.

This study’s findings show that toxic chemicalswhich can cause cancer, learning problems, andinfertility are likely already in all Washingtonians.The Toxic-Free Legacy Coalition calls on Gov.Gregoire, the state Legislature, and state agencies tolead our state into a healthy future with real reformto ensure that our consumer products and food aremade in the safest ways possible.

About This Study

In 2005, the Toxic-Free Legacy Coalition andthe Washington Toxics Coalition invited ten

Washingtonians on an unusual journey: to submittheir hair, blood, and urine for toxic chemicalstesting. We and our participants sought to un-cover the chemical secrets in their bodies—tofind out whether the computers, cars, and cos-metics they use could in fact be the source ofhidden dangers. We submitted their samples toaccredited laboratories to test for heavy metals;pesticides; toxic flame retardants; the plasticizersknown as phthalates; the “Teflon chemicals”(perfluorinated compounds); and the banned butpersistent DDT and PCBs.

Our participants:Rev. Dr. Ann Holmes Redding, Episcopal

priest, St. Mark’s CathedralDr. Patricia Dawson, breast cancer surgeon,

Swedish Providence Medical CenterPam Tazioli, breast cancer survivor and

Washington State Coordinator, Breast Cancer FundDenis Hayes, Earth Day founder and presi-

dent, Bullitt FoundationSenator Lisa Brown, Washington State Senate

Majority LeaderSenator Bill Finkbeiner, Washington State

SenateLaurie Valeriano, toxics policy expert, Wash-

ington Toxics CoalitionDeb Abrahamson, member, Spokane Tribe and

director, Society for Sovereignty, Health, Air,Water, and Land

Allyson Schrier, children’s book authorKaren Bowman, registered nurse; consultant,

Washington State Nurses Association; and facultymember, University of Washington Nursing De-partment

We submitted blood, urine, and hair samplesto three laboratories that specialize in highlysensitive chemical analysis. For some chemicals,

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the laboratories analyzed the samples for theparent compound; for others, such as phthalatesand some pesticides, the analysis was for metabo-lites, or breakdown products. The laboratoriesreported the results to us in varying units ofmeasurement. For ease of understanding, we haveconverted the results in most cases to parts perbillion (ppb).

We used several methods to determine theimplications of the chemical levels found in ourparticipants. Statistician Abbe Rubin analyzed theresulting data. For chemicals that were detectedin most or all participants’ samples, medians werecalculated.1 Where possible, we compared levelsin our participants with values for the U.S. popu-lation at large obtained by the Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention (CDC). For chemicals notstudied by the CDC, we used values from indepen-dent scientific studies for comparison purposes.

In addition to determining whether levels inour participants were above or below nationalaverages, we examined studies on the chemicals’toxicity to assess health hazards posed by thelevels we found. In some cases, such as with lead,scientists have extensively researched and docu-mented the chemicals’ health effects in humans.As a result, we were able to compare levels foundin our study directly to levels known to havecaused harm in people. In other cases, such aswith toxic flame retardants, most available healtheffects information comes from laboratory animalexperiments, not human studies. In these cases,we used animal testing levels to assess potentialimpacts in people.

Animals and people can vary significantly intheir response to toxic chemicals, and eithergroup can be much more sensitive than the other,depending on the chemical. People can also differ

from each other in their ability to detoxify harm-ful chemicals in the body. For these reasons,regulatory agencies typically apply a safety factorwhen using data from laboratory animals to setregulatory limits. For example, EPA typicallyapplies a safety factor of ten to account fordifferences between animals and humans, and anadditional factor of ten for differences amongpeople. The agency may also apply a safety factorof up to ten to account for other uncertainties.

For both people and other animals, the mostsensitive time of life is generally during develop-ment: before birth and in early childhood. In thisstudy, we compared our participants’ results tothe lowest levels in human or animal studieswhere health effects have been seen. In somecases, such levels are those that result in harm tothe offspring when the mother is exposed duringpregnancy. None of our participants was pregnantat the time of sampling. To protect public health,however, it is necessary to maintain levels in allindividuals that are below levels that would harma developing child. Therefore, we use the levelswe detected in our ten participants as a barom-eter of the degree of danger faced by the rest ofthe residents of Washington.

Report reviewers included David Cosman,Ph.D., Nancy Dickeman, Philip Dickey, Ph.D.,Steve Gilbert, Ph.D., Kim Hooper, Ph.D., KristinHyde, Jen Lamson, Sharyle Patton, Abbe Rubin,Ph.D., Ivy Sager-Rosenthal, Dr. Ted Schettler,Margaret Shield, Kristin Schafer, Gregg Small, PamTazioli, Heather Trim, and Laurie Valeriano. ElenaConis edited the manuscript.

1 In order to be consistent with methods used by the CDC, tocalculate medians, values for samples in which the chemicalwas not detected were set at the detection limit divided bythe square root of two.

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Pam Tazioli is the consum-mate Washington woman. Raisedin Seattle, she grew up swimmingin Puget Sound, digging clams onNorthwest beaches, and hiking inthe Cascades. She went on to starttwo day care centers and helpchildren with special needs. ButPam was forced to examine herlife at age 47, when she wasdiagnosed with two forms ofbreast cancer that required exten-sive treatment. A double mastec-

tomy and six rounds of chemotherapy later, Pam is now passion-ate about her health and diligent about getting the care sheneeds to keep the cancer from coming back. As the WashingtonState Coordinator for the Breast Cancer Fund, Pam also educateswomen about how to reduce breast cancer by addressing envi-ronmental causes like pesticides and other toxic chemicals.

Pam has particular concerns about a class of plasticizingchemicals known as phthalates (pronounced THAL-ates), usedwidely in consumer products like cosmetics, vinyl flooring, andshower curtains. Phthalates are nearly ubiquitous in the medicaldevices Pam got to know intimately during her treatment. Herfears about the chemicals were realized when she received herPollution in People study results: Pam had some of the highestlevels of phthalates in the study, with a total of 467 ppb in herurine. Since phthalates don’t build up in the body, it’s unlikelythat this was a remnant of her cancer treatment. Instead, herlevels indicate Pam is encountering phthalates in her daily life:from the vinyl wallpaper in her apartment, the food she eats,her follow-up medical care, and the cosmetics and personal-careproducts she uses.

Our results show that Pam is not the only one unable toavoid phthalate exposure. We tested for seven forms of phtha-lates, which vary in their toxicity and use.2 Most forms were

2 We tested for seven phthalate monoesters, which are breakdown products offive phthalate diesters used in products.

Pam Tazioli, Washington StateCoordinator, Breast Cancer Fund.

From Toys to Body Lotion:Phthalates, the Everywhere Chemicals

Pam is encountering

phthalates in her daily life:

from the vinyl wallpaper in

her apartment, the food she

eats, her follow-up medical

care, and the cosmetics and

personal-care products she


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9Chapter 1: From Toys to Body Lotion: Phthalates, the Everywhere ChemicalsChapter 1: From Toys to Body Lotion: Phthalates, the Everywhere ChemicalsChapter 1: From Toys to Body Lotion: Phthalates, the Everywhere ChemicalsChapter 1: From Toys to Body Lotion: Phthalates, the Everywhere ChemicalsChapter 1: From Toys to Body Lotion: Phthalates, the Everywhere Chemicals

tional andenvironmentalnurse whosejob takes herto foundries,shipyards,biotechcompanies,and a medicalsupplieswarehouse.The chemicalsshe picks up at these workplaces include heavymetals, solvents—and apparently phthalates.Karen Bowman’s career in nursing spans morethan two decades, and the tools of her trade makeheavy use of phthalate-containing plastics. Medi-

Figure 1: Three breakdown products of the phthalate DEHP were measured in urine:


Figure 1: Levels of DEHP Metabolites in Ten Washingtonians










es Red


Patricia D







is Hay





Bill F





ie Valer











en B







Karen Bowman, registered nurse,Washington State Nurses Association.

found in all partici-pants; five partici-pants tested positivefor all seven forms.Because the CDC testsfor phthalates, wewere able to comparethe levels in ourparticipants withlevels found in a largenumber of peoplenationwide. For mostof the forms, we foundlevels much higherthan those in thepopulation at large.

Figure 1 showsour participants’exposures to thephthalate known asDEHP, which is widelyused and, among phthalates, appears to be mosttoxic at low levels of exposure. Median levelsamong our participants for the three DEHP me-tabolites (MEHP, MEOHP, and MEHHP) were 7.7,31.9, and 58.6 ppb; median levels in the CDCstudy were lower, at 4.1, 17.7, and 12.2 ppb (CDC2005). We can’t be sure why the levels in ourparticipants were higher, but there are two possi-bilities. Our samples were all taken at the firstmorning void, while the CDC took samplesthroughout the day, potentially creating a differ-ence. Our participants or Washingtonians ingeneral may, however, have greater exposuresthan others in the United States.

The Pollution in People participant at the topof the list for DEHP metabolites is an occupa-

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cal devices made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), suchas gloves, tubing, and intravenous bags, contain20 to 40% DEHP. Karen’s overall DEHP metabolitelevels (603 ppb) were more than twice those ofany other participant.

Phthalates: How We Get Exposed

The widespread exposures among our studyparticipants are not a surprise. Phthalates arefound in an array of consumer products most ofus use every day: cosmetics and personal-care

products, plastic toys, and vinyl flooring, wallpa-per, and shower curtains. The chemicals are oftenan unlisted ingredient in personal-care productssuch as lotions, shampoo, perfume, and after-shave, where they are used to carry fragrancesand can thus simply be labeled “fragrance,”despite the fact that they may make up 20% ormore of the product (ATSDR 1995). In nail polish,phthalates are included to prevent chipping (EWG2000).

In plastic, phthalates can make up as muchas 80% of a product. Since they’re not chemicallybound to the plastic, up to 50% of the phthalatescan leach from a product over its lifetime(DiGangi 2002). Phthalates are used most often asplasticizers, or softeners, in PVC products; in fact,such use accounts for 90% of all phthalate use.PVC, the second-most commonly used plasticworldwide (CHEJ 2004), is found in an incrediblerange of products, from pipes and building mate-rials to packaging and toys.

Scientists have shown that phthalates leachfrom medical devices, such as tubing and bloodbags. In a 2005 study, Harvard University re-searchers measured phthalate levels in newbornsat two Boston-area hospitals to determinewhether those who received feedings, respiratorytherapy, and other treatments with PVC productsreceived higher phthalate exposures than thosetreated with non-PVC products. The study foundthat the newborns in the hospital where PVC wasused had higher phthalate levels than newbornsin the hospital using predominantly other plastics(Green 2005). Newborns that had the most inten-sive treatment with phthalate-containing prod-ucts had levels five times those of newborns withless-intensive treatment.

Male Reproductive Problems TopHealth Concerns

For years, evidence that exposure to phtha-lates may be leading to health problems has beenaccumulating. Animal tests have revealed a widearray of phthalate-related health effects, most ofthem reproductive: small or otherwise abnormaltestes, hypospadias (abnormal urinary openings),and undescended testes (Gray 2000). Theseeffects occur at exposure levels higher than those

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expected for people today; however, some of themost highly exposed people have phthalate levelsgreater than the no-effect, or safe, level in animaltests. For example, some children in neonatalintensive care have DEHP doses greater thanlevels considered safe by the FDA or EPA. Inhumans, phthalates cross the placenta to reachthe growing fetus. They’re also present inbreastmilk.

Researchers believe that the phthalate formsthat have these reproductive effects, such asDEHP and DBP, act by reducing levels of testoster-one and important growth factors in young males.Damage occurs when males are exposed in utero— that is, when mothers come into contact withphthalates during pregnancy. Phthalates are notall equally toxic in this regard, but CDC testingindicates that exposure patterns are of concern.In particular, women have higher exposure toDBP, the harmful phthalate form found in nailpolish and other cosmetics, than do men. Thesewomen are also exposed to other phthalates, withsimilar effects, creating the potential that asignificant segment of the population may havetotal phthalate levels high enough to cause harm.

A 2005 study that looked at mothers’ phtha-late exposure and reproductive organs in theirbaby boys provides evidence that current expo-sure levels may indeed be having an impact onboys’ health. University of Rochester researcherShana Swan and colleagues found that baby boyswhose mothers had greater exposure to phtha-lates were more likely to have altered genitaldevelopment. These boys had a changed penislocation and a smaller average penis size and weremore likely to have undescended testicles (Swan2005). These effects are consistent with a “phtha-late syndrome” observed in male rodents with

phthalate-induced feminized traits. Future studieswill shed more light on the extent to whichphthalates are already affecting baby boys’ repro-ductive development.

Phthalate exposure has also been linked tolower sperm counts, reduced sperm motility, anddamaged sperm in men (Duty 2003). The plasti-cizers may also affect women’s fertility; animalstudies show that females exposed to the chemi-cals experience more difficulty becoming preg-nant (Hauser 2005).

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Other phthalate-related health concernsinclude liver and kidney damage as well asasthma (ATSDR 2002). Researchers have foundthat children in homes with greater levels ofphthalates are more likely to have asthma(Bornehag 2004). In adults, phthalate exposurehas been associated with reduced lung capacity,with the magnitude of effects similar to that oftobacco smoke (Hoppin 2004).

Policy Changes Needed

The reality of the reproductive effects causedby phthalates at today’s exposure levels high-lights the urgent need to eliminate the plasticiz-ers from products. Addressing two types of prod-ucts containing phthalates—PVC and cosmetics—would have a major impact in reducing exposure.

A number of companies, hospitals, andgovernment agencies have taken steps to switchto alternative materials and phase out PVC use.Microsoft, for example, has now completely ended

the use of PVC in its packaging material, andKaiser Permanente has pledged to reduce PVCwherever possible in new construction. The healthcare provider has also worked with vendors todevelop PVC-free carpeting and wall coverings.Evergreen Hospital in Kirkland has eliminatedmost PVC products from its neonatal intensivecare unit, as has the Special Care Nursery atGroup Health Cooperative in Seattle. Seattle andOlympia have both passed resolutions committingthem to seeking alternatives to PVC for cityoperations.

Based on existing evidence, the EuropeanUnion passed legislation banning some phthalatesin cosmetics in 2003, and has kept three phtha-lates out of toys since 1999. Although many usesof phthalates are essentially ungoverned in theUnited States, cosmetic and medical uses areregulated by the Food and Drug Administration(FDA). The FDA has not taken steps to ban phtha-lates. It has, however, urged medical providers toswitch to alternative products that do not containphthalates. Cosmetics companies, on the otherhand, have taken action on their own: Revlon,L’Oreal, and other major companies are phasingphthalates out of nail polish. Three hundredcompanies, including The Body Shop and Burt’sBees, have pledged to eliminate phthalates fromtheir products in response to requests from theCampaign for Safe Cosmetics.

Reducing Your Exposure toPhthalates

You can reduce your and your family’s expo-sure to phthalates by avoiding PVC and purchas-ing products from companies that have elimi-nated phthalates.

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PVC-free building products. Steer clear ofvinyl windows and doors and choose wood in-stead. For flooring, choose linoleum, cork, bam-boo, or wood instead of vinyl. Adhesives, caulk,grout, and sealants may also contain phthalates.You can check for phthalate ingredients in theseproducts using the National Institutes of Health’sHousehold Products Database:www.householdproducts.nlm.nih.gov/ (search for‘phthalate’ as an ingredient).

PVC-free shower curtains. Avoid vinyl showercurtains in favor of natural fibers, polyester, ornylon.

PVC-free packaging. Look at the recyclingsymbol on products you purchase in plasticpackaging. Plastics marked with the #3 symbolcontain PVC.

PVC-free toys. Toymakers Brio, Chicco, EarlyStart, Evenflo, Gerber, Lego, Prime Time, Sassy,and Tiny Love have pledged to stop using PVC.

PVC-free food storage. Buy plastic wrap andbags made from polyethylene, such as GLAD. Forfood storage, use glass containers or plasticcontainers marked with recycling symbols otherthan the #3.

Phthalate-free cosmetics. Check ingredientlists and avoid products listing ‘fragrance’ orphthalates. A wide variety of personal-care prod-ucts may contain phthalates, including perfume,cologne, after-shave, deodorant, soap, hair andskin-care products, and makeup. Choose productsfrom companies that have signed the Compact forSafe Cosmetics: a list is available atwww.safecosmetics.org.

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Dr. Patricia Dawson, breastcancer surgeon, SwedishProvedence Medical Center.

Burning Problem:Toxic Flame Retardants in People and Wildlife

Every day for the past twelveyears, Dr. Patricia Dawson has risenat 5 a.m. to help women facebreast cancer. Women fromthroughout the Northwest, hopingto purge their bodies of cancer andput their lives back together, cometo Swedish Medical Center’s Com-prehensive Breast Center, wherePatricia is a surgeon. In Patricia’sline of work there is no denyingdisease, and she grapples every daywith questions about the blamethat can be placed on toxic chemi-cals and other environmentalcauses of cancer.

By submitting her hair, urine, and blood for chemicaltesting, Patricia sought to learn more about how our dailydecisions and our government’s policies on toxic chemicalsdirectly affect our lives. She was surprised by what her testresults revealed: she is ingesting pesticides along with thenutrients from her otherwise healthful diet. Her body carriesDDT and PCBs decades after these chemicals were banned. Butperhaps most disturbing was the fact that somehow, her bodyhas absorbed enough of the toxic flame retardants known asPBDEs to make her levels three times the national average.

Each of the ten Pollution in People participants testedpositive for PBDEs, with levels ranging from 29 to 147 ppb (asmeasured compared to total fat in blood samples). With 147 ppbPBDEs in her blood, Patricia had the highest level in the group.The CDC has not included PBDEs in its ongoing program to testU.S. residents for toxic chemicals, but Tom McDonald, at thetime a California EPA scientist, recently compiled six studies(with a total of 191 tested individuals) and found a medianlevel of 47.9 ppb in tested women nationally (McDonald 2005),a level comparable to the median in our study, 47.5 ppb.

McDonald also back-calculated from the measured levels toestimate daily exposures for these women and compare them to

Somehow, her body has

absorbed enough of the toxic

flame retardants known as

PBDEs to make her levels

three times the national


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15Chapter 2: Burning Problem: Toxic Flame Retardants in People and WildlifeChapter 2: Burning Problem: Toxic Flame Retardants in People and WildlifeChapter 2: Burning Problem: Toxic Flame Retardants in People and WildlifeChapter 2: Burning Problem: Toxic Flame Retardants in People and WildlifeChapter 2: Burning Problem: Toxic Flame Retardants in People and Wildlife

exposure levels thatcaused harm in labo-ratory animals. Hisfindings indicate thatcurrent levels in U.S.women are at orapproaching thosethat could harm adeveloping fetus.Levels of PBDEs thatcaused behavioralproblems in mice werejust 4 to 11 timesthose of the mostexposed U.S. women(those in the top fivepercent of testedwomen, with levels of302 ppb and above).Rats suffer fertilityproblems—reduced sperm counts and changes toovary cells—at levels at or lower than those ofthe most exposed women. Patricia’s level, at 147ppb, is uncomfortably close to the approximately230 ppb in affected rats. Generally, agencies seekto ensure a safety margin of at least 100, a mar-gin that is much greater than that which existstoday for many women.

Figure 2 shows PBDE levels in Pollution inPeople participants as compared to the nationalmedian.

Out of Our Mattresses, Into OurBodies

Although PBDEs are used around the world,the largest volumes are used in the Americas: anestimated 33,100 metric tons in 2001 alone

(WDOE 2005). The flame retardants, developed 30years ago, have been used heavily in the produc-tion of furniture, textiles, and electronics. Two ofthe commercial formulations of PBDEs, known aspenta and octa, were once widely used in foamand plastic products from upholstered furniture tokitchen appliances. But in 2004, industry volun-tarily ended production in the United States inresponse to new information on high levels inbreastmilk. EPA subsequently issued a rule requir-ing companies to notify the agency before begin-ning any significant new uses of penta or octa.

Still in production, however, is the decaformulation of PBDEs, long the most widely used,with 50 million pounds going into products eachyear. Deca is employed primarily in plastics forelectronics, such as television and computerhousings, as well as in textiles. Its use may in-

Figure 2: PBDE levels, measured in blood serum and expressed on a lipid weight basis.

Figure 2. PBDE Levels in Ten Washingtonians












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crease with the introduction of new, more rigor-ous standards for fire resistance for upholsteredfurniture.

The first hint that the chemicals were build-ing up in the environment came in 1981, whenPBDEs were found in Sweden’s River Viskan(Sjödin 2003). Subsequent studies found thatenvironmental levels were rising at an alarmingrate across the globe. Between 1981 and 2000,levels in Arctic seals increased tenfold (Ikonomou2000). From 1988 to 1999, levels in Beluga whalesin the St. Lawrence Estuary increased exponen-tially, doubling every three years or less (Lebeuf2004). And during roughly the same period (1989to 1998), levels in San Francisco Bay harbor sealsdoubled every 1.8 years (She 2002).

Puget Sound appears to have an especiallydire PBDE problem. Recent measurements havefound that harbor seals, particularly those thatlive near Seattle, have elevated levels of PBDEs(Ross 2006). They also found that Puget Sound’sChinook salmon—the key food source for endan-gered orca whales—have the highest levels among

tested fish, which included herring, sole, rock-fish, and lingcod (O’Neill 2006).

Because of their presence in such a widevariety of consumer products, each of us encoun-ters PBDEs daily. Many products made with PBDEs,such as furniture, are used for many years andshed the chemicals over the course of their life-times. A number of studies have found PBDEs inhouse dust as well as indoor air, which is consid-erably more contaminated with these chemicalsthan outdoor air (Stapleton 2005, Sjödin 2004,Butt 2004). We’re also likely consuming the flameretardants with every meal: studies in the U.S.,Europe, and Asia have found PBDEs in fish, meat,eggs, fruits, vegetables, and infant formula(Schecter 2004, Bocio 2003).

PBDEs made the headlines in 2003, when anEnvironmental Working Group study found previ-ously unheard of levels in U.S. women’sbreastmilk. Recent studies have estimated that

the largest percentage of PBDE exposures inchildren, particularly infants and toddlers who arenot breastfed, comes from house dust (Jones-Otazo 2005). Breastfed infants, however, have the

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highest exposure of any age group (Health Canada2004). Scientists have even found PBDEs inumbilical cord blood, revealing that today’snewborns are exposed even before they are born(Health Canada 2004,Mazdai 2003).

That PBDEs werein breastmilk wasnews to AllysonSchrier, who hadnever even heard ofthe chemicals whenshe was pregnant withand nursing her twosons. But when herson Aidan was diagnosed as having learningdisabilities, she began a quest for environmentalchemicals that could interfere with brain develop-ment. Allyson was outraged to learn years laterthat breastmilk was contaminated with toxicflame retardants linked to learning and memoryproblems. In 2006, she brought her son and threeother children to meet with her legislators andask for a ban on PBDEs. Now, laboratory resultshave confirmed what she suspected: PBDEs are inher body, at a level of 48.3 ppb.

Slow to Learn

Our daily dose of PBDEs may be enough tokeep our children from learning at their poten-tial. Studies in laboratory animals have foundthat PBDEs profoundly and permanently affectthe developing brain at levels frighteningly closeto those in today’s most exposed women. In aseries of studies on rodents, rats and mice ex-posed to a single dose of PBDEs 10 days afterbirth had difficulty adjusting to new environ-

ments and negotiating mazes, indicating effectson learning, behavior, and memory (Ericksson2001). A 2003 study found similar effects in miceexposed to deca (Viberg 2003).

While long-term studies on PBDEs’ effects inhumans have not been conducted, animal studiessuggest their effects are eerily similar to those ofPCBs, their close chemical cousins. Long-termstudies of children exposed to PCBs show that

Allyson Schrier, children’sbook author.

Breastfeeding is Still the Bestfor Babies

While researchers have found PBDEs and

other chemicals in breastmilk, mothers should

not be discouraged from breastfeeding.

Breastmilk is the best nutrition for babies.

Infants who do not breastfeed or do so for only

a short time have more acute illness such as

ear, lung, and urinary infections. Exposure to

foods other than human milk in the first few

months of life can increase the risk of life-long

autoimmune illnesses. Without breastfeeding,

infants do not receive optimal nutrition, impor-

tant hormones, protective immune factors,

and promoters of brain development.

Formula feeding does not eliminate

children’s exposure to toxic chemicals. Chil-

dren are exposed to toxic chemicals through

other food, the household environment, and

from contaminants that cross the placenta

while a fetus is still developing.

For more information, see Why Breast-

Feeding is Still Best for Baby by Physicians for

Social Responsibility at http://psr.igc.org/


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early exposure leads to deficits in learning(Schantz 2003).

PBDE exposure may also affect thyroidhormone, which is essential for proper braindevelopment in the fetus. In animal studies, bothpenta and octa have been shown to reduce levelsof thyroid hormone (Zhou 2002, Zhou 2001) andliver toxicity (Darnerud 2001). They’ve also beenshown to cause bone malformations and reducedweight gain as a result of prenatal exposure(Darnerud 2003).

Scientists are beginning to study the effectsof PBDEs on wildlife. Recent research by theNational Marine Fisheries Service has found thatPBDEs alter fish thyroid hormone levels, delayhatching, and retard growth (Lema 2006). Scien-tists have expressed concern that PBDEs maythreaten the health of orca whales, particularlywhen combined with effects from PCBs (Ross 2006).

Many of these toxicity studies have beenconducted on the phased-out PBDE formulations.But researchers have produced considerableevidence that, once in the environment, the stillwidely used deca formulation gets broken downinto chemicals that, like those in penta and octa,accumulate in human and animal tissue. Fourstudies, examining the breakdown of deca bysunlight and by living organisms, found that decadegrades into some of the PBDEs found in thepenta and octa formulations (Söderstrom 2004,Bezares-Cruz 2004). A study of the degradation ofdeca in house dust found rapid breakdown andconcluded that 83% of the deca converted toother PBDEs, some of which are more persistentand toxic than deca itself (Stapleton 2005). Useof deca continues at very high levels, and recent

testing has typically detected more deca than theother formulations in the indoor and outdoorenvironment (Sharp 2004, Song 2004).

Policy Changes Needed

Electronics, furniture, and other companieshave proven that these products can be made fire-safe without PBDEs. Furniture-maker IKEA hasfound ways to design its furniture so that flameretardants are not needed. Major U.S. electronicscompanies, such as HP and Dell, have turnedaway from PBDEs and use alternate flame retar-dants or non-flammable materials.

Eight U.S. states have passed legislation to banpenta and octa PBDEs, and several states havepassed laws to study deca. In 2003, the EuropeanUnion issued a directive to phase out PBDEs by July2006; however, deca is currently exempted from thephaseout until 2010, although the European Unionmay rescind the exemption at any time.

Washington state agencies, at the direction ofan executive order signed in 2004, have undertakena major effort to study PBDEs and develop a phase-out plan. The Washington State Departments ofHealth and Ecology published a final plan in 2005that recommended phasing out all forms of PBDEs,including deca, as long as safer alternatives areavailable. The plan identified several alternativesthat, unlike PBDEs, do not persist in the environ-ment or build up in people and wildlife.

In Washington, the Departments of Ecologyand Health have called for a phaseout of all formsof PBDEs. The agencies, together with members ofthe Toxic-Free Legacy Coalition, supported legisla-tion in 2006 that would have ended the manufac-ture and sale of all products containing penta andocta after 2007; computers and televisions made

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with deca after 2010; and residential furnituremade with deca after 2012. The legislation wouldalso have required state agencies to purchasePBDE-free products and allow for the Departmentof Ecology to study actions needed to addressexisting PBDE contamination. Bills with theseprovisions passed the Senate and House RulesCommittees, but legislative leaders did not bringthem to a vote.

Along with the legislation, the Toxic-FreeLegacy Coalition is calling for an end to the use ofPBDEs in all consumer products and for manufac-turers to disclosure the use of any chemical flameretardants. Legislation is planned for 2007 tophase out PBDEs.

Reducing Your Exposure to PBDEs

You can take the following steps to reduceyour family’s exposure to PBDEs:

Buy PBDE-free furniture. Choose furniturethat does not contain PBDEs, which are oftenused in furniture upholstery and foam. IKEA doesnot use PBDEs in its products, and Serta statesthat their mattresses produced after 2005 do notcontain PBDEs. Other retailers offering PBDE-freeproducts include:

Greener Lifestyles (couches and chairs):www.greenerlifestyles.com

Soaring Heart (mattresses and futons):www.soaringheart.com

Furnature (couches and chairs):www.furnature.com

Bean Products (couches and chairs):www.beanproducts.com

For more information on companies offeringPBDE-free products, see:

Safer Products Project: www.safer-products.org

Smart Shopper’s PBDE Card:www.thegreenguide.com

If you cannot find information on whether amanufacturer uses PBDEs, contact the companydirectly.

If you already own furniture that containsPBDEs, cover and seal any rips in upholstery, andconsider replacing old items where foam is ex-posed, loose, and crumbling. Cover mattresseswith allergen-barrier casings toreduce the amountof PBDE-laden dustthat they release.

Make electronicsPBDE-free. Chooseelectronics madewith alternatives toPBDEs, availablefrom Canon, Dell, HP,Intel, Erickson,Apple, and Sony.

Avoid farmed fish. European and U.S. farmedsalmon have particularly high levels of PBDEs.Choose wild salmon instead.

Reduce animal fats. Choose lean meat andpoultry cuts and low-fat dairy products. Cutvisible fat off meat and poultry before cooking,and choose lower-fat cooking methods, such asbroiling, grilling, roasting, or pressure-cooking.

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Heavy Metals:A Centuries-Old Story

Since 1970, when hecoordinated the first EarthDay, Denis Hayes has beendedicated to making ourplanet a healthy place. Raisedin Camas, Washington,marked by the grandeur ofthe Columbia River and thepollution of a major pulp mill,he grew up with an apprecia-tion for nature and an under-standing of how humans candegrade it.

Today, Denis is the chairof the International Earth DayNetwork; he also presides overthe conservation-mindedBullitt Foundation, and invarious posts has spentdecades promoting renewable

energy sources around the world. His accolades are impressive:he’s been named a “Hero of the Planet” by Time magazine,awarded the Sierra Club’s John Muir Award, and dubbed one ofthe twentieth century’s environmental heroes by the NationalAudubon Society.

Although he recently began sporting a buzz cut to pleasehis wife, Denis generously donated enough hair for the Pollu-tion in People study to discover that he has accumulated asignificant amount of mercury in his body—in fact, the highestlevel in our group. At 2020 ppb, his hair mercury level is morethan three times the median for his age and gender (Environ-mental Quality Institute 2005).3 Most likely his high levelresults from his fish-rich diet, not uncommon in the PacificNorthwest. Figure 3 shows our study participants’ levels, whichranged from 59.5 to 2020 ppb, with a median of 887 ppb.

3 Participants in this study were self-selecting volunteers, and may not reflectthe age and racial/ethnic background distribution in the general population.

Denis Hayes, president, BullittFoundation.

Denis generously do-

nated enough hair for the

Pollution in People study to

discover that he has accumu-

lated a significant amount of

mercury in his body—in fact,

the highest level in our group.

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21Chapter 3: Heavy Metals: A Centuries-Old ProblemChapter 3: Heavy Metals: A Centuries-Old ProblemChapter 3: Heavy Metals: A Centuries-Old ProblemChapter 3: Heavy Metals: A Centuries-Old ProblemChapter 3: Heavy Metals: A Centuries-Old Problem

We also tested ourparticipants for leadand arsenic. Four testedpositive for arsenic;one, nurse KarenBowman, tested posi-tive for lead.4

Karen also hadthe second-highestmercury level, and thehighest among thestudy’s women. Herlevel of 1880 ppb putsher above EPA’s refer-ence dose, or “safe”level, for women ofchildbearing age (1100ppb) (NAS 2000). The National Academy of Sci-ences has concluded that exposures above thislevel may harm neurological development in thedeveloping fetus. Bill Finkbeiner’s mercury alsoexceeded the safe level, and Lisa Brown’s mercury,at 1080 ppb, is just below the benchmark.

For centuries, humans have known thatheavy metals such as mercury, lead, and arseniccan seriously harm our health. Lead’s effects onthe brain were noted as early as the secondcentury B.C.E., and arsenic has been notorious asa poison since the Middle Ages. The ancientRomans noted mercury’s harmful effects whenslaves mined the metal in Spain. The Incas usedmercury to extract gold in the 1500s, and despitea well-developed reputation for harming the brainand causing birth defects, mercury continues tobe used in mining, in addition to other industriesand consumer products. Mercury, lead, and ar-

senic are naturally occurring elements, but ourbodies don’t need them in any way. And at verylow levels, all three can be toxic.

A Fish Story

Today, mercury is found in electrical fixtures,switches, medical equipment, and amalgamfillings; the metal is also used in battery, chemi-cal, and paper production, and, in many coun-tries, gold extraction (Gilbert 2004). In Washing-ton, mercury is emitted by the coal-burningpower plant in Centralia, and by manufacturers,oil refineries, medical waste disposal facilities,dental offices, and cremation facilities (Ecology2003). The largest amount of Washington’s envi-ronmental mercury from in-state sources likelycomes from the combustion of diesel, jet fuel, andheating oil. Mercury from these sources oftencirculates in the atmosphere and deposits on land

Figure 3: Mercury levels in participant hair.

4 The laboratory detection limit for lead was 3 µg/dL, and 10ppb for arsenic.

Figure 3. Mercury Levels in Ten Washingtonians











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and water, where it increases in concentration asit moves up the food chain.

Bacteria in water convert mercury to toxicorganic mercury, which builds up in fish. Whenwe eat fish—particularly long-lived fish that haveaccumulated mercury from a lifetime of eatingother fish—the mercury tags along and settles inour bodies. The Washington State Department ofHealth has issued warnings about eating fish from

Lake Whatcom, Lake Roosevelt, Sinclair Inlet, theDuwamish River, and Eagle Harbor because ofmercury contamination (WDOH 2006). The depart-ment has also warned women of childbearing ageand children under six not to eat any shark,swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel, or tuna steaks(WDOH 2001).

Getting the Lead Out

More so than mercury, lead turns up in afrighteningly large array of consumer products,from art supplies and automobile components to

PVC clothing, building materials, toys,lunchboxes, and even candy. Gasoline and paintare now lead-free in the United States and manyother countries, but lead continues to be added tocertain hair dyes and specialty paints (FDA 2002).And despite a 1978 ban, lead paint on the wallsof old homes and buildings continues to be aprimary source of lead exposure for children.Because of its slightly sweet taste, childrencommonly eat peeling lead-paint chips if theyhave access to them.

Most of us are exposed to lead through directcontact with lead-containing products, drinkinglead-contaminated water, and through house dustinto which lead from indoor and outdoor sourceshas settled. In certain areas and homes, contami-nated soil and dust from lead paint are a signifi-cant source, particularly for children. Two ofWashington’s now-shuttered smelters (facilitiesthat process metals) emitted lead that depositedin soil. Soils are also contaminated by past use ofthe pesticide lead arsenate in orchards. Lead thenenters our homes when we track it in on thebottom of our shoes.

Lead in the workplace can cause elevatedlevels both in the worker and in the worker’sfamily members (MMWR 2001). Workers can bringlead home on clothing and shoes. In our study,because the test was only sensitive enough topick up relatively high levels, the only participantwho tested positive was nurse Karen Bowman.Karen has regular occupational exposure throughher nursing visits to workplaces such as machineshops and metal fabricating companies.

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Arsenic and Old Wood

Arsenic-treated wood is a fixture in many ofour homes, where it has commonly been used toconstruct tough, long-lasting decks, fences, andplay structures. But arsenic leaches from treatedlumber and rubs off the wood when people oranimals come in contact with it.

In 2002, after various risks assessmentsindicated elevated childhood cancer risk fromarsenic exposure, EPA reached an agreement withmanufacturers to phase out the use of arsenic forresidential wood treatment. However, many homesstill have arsenic-treated wood in place, as well assoil contaminated from this lumber. As with lead,Washington’s soils are tainted in many areas witharsenic from smelters and pesticides. Arseniccontinues to be used in other products, too,including paints, dyes, metals, soaps, and drugs(USEPA 2005). Other major sources of arsenic,depending on diet and location, are drinkingwater and seafood. While seafood may containlarge amounts of arsenic, most of its arsenic isbelieved to be in the less-toxic inorganic form.The test in our study analyzed for the toxic,

inorganic form found in drinking water and othersources.

How Metals Threaten Our Health

Lead, mercury, and arsenic may occur natu-rally in the earth, but just because they’re naturaldoesn’t mean they’re harmless. And because wehave found such countless uses for these metalsthroughout the ages, today’s children, adults, andwildlife must contend with their effects onhealth.

Like many other chemicals, lead and mercuryexact their most devastating toll on the develop-ing brain. Children exposed to lead at a young ageare more likely to suffer from shorter attentionspans and are less able to read and learn thantheir peers (Gilbert 2004). A recent analysis ofmultiple studies by scientists at the CincinnatiChildren’s Hospital found that lead has a signifi-cant effect on brain development at blood levelsbelow 10 µg/dL, the current level at which publichealth agencies take action. In fact, they found

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no level that did not have an impact on intellectas measured by a decrease in IQ scores (Lanphear2005).

Research on mercury shows similar effects.Mass poisoning episodes, like that in Japan’sMinamata Bay community in the 1950s, haveproven that mercury can cause birth defectsincluding mental retardation and deformed limbs,and studies on children with above-averagemercury exposures show that the metal can affecttheir ability to learn. In a study published in2005, Harvard Medical School researchers testedmercury in new mothers’ hair at the time ofchildbirth and found that infants exposed to lessmercury in the womb scored better in intellectualtests (Oken 2005). Arsenic may also affect thedeveloping brain: a recent study found thatchildren with greater exposure to arsenic haddeficits in intelligence compared to their less-exposed peers (Wasserman 2004).

Lead, mercury, and arsenic do not stop atharming the developing brain. Their health ef-fects have been well-studied, and are summarizedin Table 1. It should be noted that many of theseeffects occur only at relatively high exposure levels.

Policy Changes Needed

Heavy metals have a long history of indus-trial and personal use—and just as long a historyof harming human health. Only relatively recentlyhave people begun to take action to curtail theiruse. Decades of evidence on lead’s health effectswere amassed before the metal was banned inpaint and gasoline, and lead is still allowed inmany consumer products. Arsenic-treated wood

was extremely widely used before manufacturersagreed to phase it out. Recently, a number ofstates, including Washington and Oregon, havepassed legislation to address mercury use inproducts such as thermometers and thermostats,but major sources like coal burning continue.

Local advocacy and legislation have made adifference in reducing continued pollution withthese metals. In 2005, an independent consumerwatchdog group found high levels of lead inchildren’s soft vinyl lunchboxes. In response to arequest by the Washington Toxics Coalition, theWashington State Department of Ecology tookaction in late 2005 to prevent the sale of suchlunchboxes in the state.

King County has had tremendous success inreducing mercury pollution from dental offices by

Metal Health Effects

behavioral problems

high blood pressure, anemia

kidney damage

memory and learning difficulties

miscarriage, decreased sperm production

reduced IQ

blindness and deafness

brain damage

digestive problems

kidney damage

lack of coordination

mental retardation

breathing problems


decreased intelligence

lung and skin cancer

nausea, diarrhea, vomiting

peripheral nervous system problems




Table 1: Common Health Effects of Lead,

Mercury, and Arsenic

Sources: ATSDR, Gilbert 2004

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cracking down on dentists to keep mercury out oftheir wastewater. Mercury in dental offices comesfrom amalgam fillings, which are about halfmercury by weight. State law requires dentists touse devices called separators, which removemercury from wastewater, but compliance in thepast has been poor. By conducting inspectionsand threatening fines, King County was able toachieve 97% compliance and a 50% reduction inmercury in wastewater between 2000 and 2003(King County 2005).

The following actions would reduce ongoingexposure to these toxic heavy metals:

❖ Lead, mercury, and arsenic should bephased out of products.

❖ Coal burning should be replaced withconservation and cleaner sources of fuelfor energy production. In the meantime,existing coal-fired power plants should berequired to install the best technology tolimit mercury emissions.

❖ Contaminated sites should be cleaned uppromptly and fully. Where a large geo-graphic area is contaminated, state gov-ernment should take measures to ensurefacilities such as schools and day carecenters are not sited on contaminated soil.

❖ Solid-waste and medical-waste incineratorsshould be shut down and replaced withwaste and toxicity reduction, reuse, recy-cling, and composting programs.

❖ Health care facilities, including hospitalsand dental offices, should phase outmercury-containing products in favor ofsafer alternatives.

❖ Government agencies should expandprograms to remove, collect, and safelystore mercury from thermostats, thermom-eters, and switches.

❖ School districts should take remedialaction to eliminate lead exposure tochildren from school drinking water.

Reducing Your Exposure to HeavyMetals

We come into contact with lead, mercury,and arsenic in many aspects of our lives, butthere are some steps we can take to reduce ourexposure.

Remove treated wood. Remove wood treatedwith the preservatives CCA or ACZA, which con-tain arsenic. If removing arsenic-treated wood isnot an option, you can paint or seal the wood toreduce leaching and contact exposure. Choosesemi-transparent deck stains for deck surfacesand play structures, and latex paint for fences,tables, and other furniture. Reapply the coatingwhen it shows signs of deterioration.

Avoid fish high in mercury. Avoid fish high inmercury, such as king mackerel, tilefish, sword-fish, orange roughy, and marlin. Limit consump-tion of tuna, especially steaks and canned ‘white’albacore. Lower-mercury choices include wildsalmon, sardines, anchovies, Atlantic herring,Dungeness crab, Pacific cod, Alaskan black cod,farmed striped bass, tilapia, farmed catfish,clams, mussels, and Pacific oysters. If you eatsport-caught fish, check the Department ofHealth’s fish advisories for specific guidance onWashington water bodies or coastal waters. Fish

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and shellfish consumption advisories are availableat www.doh.wa.gov/ehp/oehas/EHA_fish_adv.htm.

You can find additional guidance on fishchoices at the following websites:

Environmental Defense’s Oceans Alive: Best andWorst Seafood:


Environmental Working Group: Mercury inSeafood (includes Tuna Calculator):


Fish are an excellent source of nutrients,including protein, omega-3 fatty acids, andvitamin D, and we encourage people to continueeating fish following these precautions. Limiting

mercury intake from fish is especially importantfor young children and women who are pregnant,nursing, or of child-bearing age.

Watch for lead paint. If you live in a homebuilt before 1978, it is likely to contain lead-based paint. If the paint is chipping, peeling, or

otherwise deteriorating, or if you want to re-model, hire a certified abatement worker toremove or contain contaminated paint. Also, usedoor mats, remove shoes at the door, and vacuumand clean regularly to reduce lead that accumu-lates in house dust.

Protect drinking water. Flush your cold waterpipes (run water until it becomes as cold as it willget) before drinking, and only use cold water fordrinking or cooking, to reduce exposure to leadthat may be leaching from plumbing.

Avoid PVC. Choose alternatives to productsmade of PVC, which often contain lead. This isespecially important for items that are likely tocome into direct contact with children’s handsand mouths, such as toys, teethers, andlunchboxes. Also, check to make sure that youdon’t own children’s products that have beenrecalled due to high levels of lead. Old toys andfurniture made prior to 1978 may contain lead-based paint. For consumer product safety infor-mation, visit the Consumer Product SafetyCommission’s website at www.cpsc.gov.

Watch for lead in dishware. Do not use old,imported, or homemade ceramic dishware, unlessyou know that the glazes do not contain lead.Avoid leaded crystal, as well as imported foodcans, which can contain lead solder.

Make sure medicines are free of toxic metals.Some home remedies, as well as drugs and cos-metics, can contain these metals. Look at ingredi-ent lists, talk to your doctor, and avoid folkremedies and other medicines that contain lead,arsenic, or mercury.

Be cautious with mercury-containing products.When possible, choose products without mercury,

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27Chapter 3: Heavy Metals: A Centuries-Old ProblemChapter 3: Heavy Metals: A Centuries-Old ProblemChapter 3: Heavy Metals: A Centuries-Old ProblemChapter 3: Heavy Metals: A Centuries-Old ProblemChapter 3: Heavy Metals: A Centuries-Old Problem

such as digital thermostats and thermometers. Becareful not to break fluorescent light bulbs,mercury thermometers, or other household itemsthat contain liquid mercury. These productsrelease harmful mercury vapors when broken. Ifthey do break, use appropriate clean-up methods,found at www.epa.gov/epaoswer/hazwaste/mercury/faq/spills.htm.

Check paints and art supplies. Avoid paintscontaining mercury compounds, which were usedin the past as fungicides and are still found insome paints as pigments. Also avoid lead solderand artists’ paints and glazes that contain lead.Information on some products containing theseingredients is available from the HouseholdProducts Database:www.householdproducts.nlm.nih.gov. Otherwise,ask the manufacturer.

Skip herbicides with arsenic. Avoid arsenic-containing herbicides, which have ingredientslisted as monosodium methanearsonate (MSMA),calcium acid methanearsonate, or cacodylic acid.

Consider composite fillings. Consider choosingcomposite dental fillings rather than mercury-containing amalgam fillings.

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Stain-Protectors Leave an IndelibleMark

Senator Bill Finkbeiner is thepicture of health. At thirty-seven,he has the energy to maintain aseat in the legislature, run thefamily property-developmentbusiness, and play with his twoyoung children. He keeps inshape running, biking, andcoaching his daughter’s soccerteam, and doesn’t expect unpleas-ant news from routine medicaltests. But when he donated hishair, urine, and blood for toxicchemical testing, he was a bitapprehensive about what hemight learn. It turned out hisapprehension was warranted.

Bill topped the list of Pollution in People study participantsfor levels of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) and the pesticidecarbaryl. He had the second-highest levels of the toxic flameretardants PBDEs, the second-highest level of phthalates, andthe third-highest level of mercury. Some of these results areunderstandable—the carbaryl, for example, probably comes fromthe conventionally-grown fruitsand vegetables he eats. Othersare more difficult to explain,particularly his level of PFCs.

At the far eastern edge ofthe state, Deb Abrahamson’slifestyle doesn’t have too muchin common with Bill Finkbeiner’s.In Wellpinit, Washington, on theSpokane Tribe Reservation, Deb’sfamily eats rainbow trout caughtin nearby Turtle Lake, digs camasroots, and gathers huckleberriesand serviceberries for dessert.But their study results show Deband Bill have more in common

“The monkey and the

rat test results were scary.

The monkeys all died, and

with the rats, the pups


—Anonymous EPA official(Renner 2003)

Senator Bill Finkbeiner,Washington State Senate.

Deb Abrahamson, member,Spokane Tribe, and director,Society for Sovereignty, Health,Air, Water, and Land.

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than they bargained for: toxic chemicals theyknew about, like mercury, and some they neversuspected, like PFCs.

PFCs — unique chemicals that are possiblybest known for their use in the manufacture ofTeflon cookware and Scotchgard — are incrediblyresistant to breakdown and are turning up inunexpected places around the world. Thoughthey’ve been used for more than fifty years incountless familiar products, from fire extinguish-ing foam to microwave popcorn bags, they’vebeen subjected to little government testing.

PFCs come in many forms, but two havereceived considerable attention in recent years.PFOS, or perfluorooctane sulfonate, is a memberof a family of chemicals once used in treatmentsfor paper food containers, fire-fighting foams, andpesticides, as well as for preventing stains intextiles. Until 2002, the Minnesota company 3Mwas the major global producer, using PFOS-relatedchemicals to make Scotchgard, used to treatcarpet, furniture, and clothing.

DuPont is currently the major manufacturerof the PFC called PFOA, or perfluorooctanoic acid.

The company uses PFOA in the manufacturing ofTeflon non-stick cookware. PFOA may also begenerated by the breakdown of related chemicalsthat DuPont uses to make stain-protection treat-ments for paper products and textiles.

Bill Finkbeiner tested positive for five of thetwelve PFCs in our study. PFOS was the highestPFC in each participant. PFOS does not breakdown under normal environmental circumstances,and builds up in people and wildlife. PFOS levelsin our participants ranged from 3.3 to 49.4 ppb,with a median of 21.3 ppb. Bill topped the list forPFOS levels with 49.4 ppb in his blood.

Extensive information on PFC levels in thegeneral population has been lacking, but the CDCrecently published data from samples taken in2001 and 2002, in which blood from 1,832 indi-viduals was pooled into 54 samples for testing.These data revealed that non-Hispanic whitemales had the highest levels of PFOS, with a meanof 40.2 ppb, while women had somewhat lowerlevels, with an average of 17.9 ppb for non-Hispanic black women and 24 ppb for non-His-panic white women. Mexican-American womenhad the lowest levels, at 10.4 ppb (Calafat 2006).Reasons for the gender and racial/ethnic differ-ences are not known but may be due to varyinguse of PFC-treated consumer products.

PFOA is also commonly found in people. Inthe CDC study, levels varied by gender and racial/ethnic background, from 2.1 ppb for Mexican-American women to 7 ppb for non-Hispanic whitemales.

Previous studies have documented PFCs inspecific populations. A 3M-funded study of RedCross blood donors in Maryland found PFOS at a

Chapter 4: Stain-Protectors Leave an Indelible MarkChapter 4: Stain-Protectors Leave an Indelible MarkChapter 4: Stain-Protectors Leave an Indelible MarkChapter 4: Stain-Protectors Leave an Indelible MarkChapter 4: Stain-Protectors Leave an Indelible Mark

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median level of 34.7ppb and PFOA at 5.6ppb (Olsen 2005). Aglobal look thatincluded individualsfrom the UnitedStates, Colombia,Brazil, Belgium, Italy,Poland, India, Malay-sia, and Korea foundconsiderably higherlevels in residentsfrom the UnitedStates and Poland,with the lowest levelsin India (Kannan2004). The widevariation is likely dueto greater use of PFC-treated products in somecountries. A 2002 3M study of 599 childrenrevealed that children have unexpectedly highconcentrations, with PFOS at a mean of 37.5 ppbbut up to 515 ppb in some children (Olsen 2002).

Bill Finkbeiner’s PFOS level (49.4 ppb) issomewhat higher than the national average forwhite men (40.2 ppb). The women in our studyranged from well below the national average, at3.3 ppb, to somewhat above, at 29.8 ppb.

PFOA levels in our participants ranged from0.7 to 7.4 ppb, with a median of 3.6 ppb. Whilethese levels are lower than our participants’ levelsof PFOS, they may well be on the rise as otherPFCs continue to break down into PFOA, whichdoes not degrade.

Although not as well studied, two otherPFCs, known as PFDA and PFHxS, are developing areputation for toxicity. We detected at least one

of these chemicals in six of our participants.

Figures 4 and 5 show our participants’ levelsof the two compounds most commonly found,PFOS and PFOA.

The Post-war Revolution in StainProtection

PFCs have been in use since the 1950s andhave made possible such revolutionary productsas stain-resistant furniture and non-stick pans.Even that Northwest emblem, the Gore-Tex jacket,contains PFCs. Chemically, PFCs repel both oil andwater. This property has made them irresistiblefor a wide variety of applications, from stain-resistant couches, leathers, and carpets, for whichabout 5 millions pounds are used each year(Renner 2001), to grease-resistant food packagingand paper products, for which 2.7 million poundsare used annually.

Figure 4: Levels of PFOS measured in participant blood serum.

Figure 4. PFOS Levels in Ten Washingtonians










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PFCs are alsoincluded in cleaningand personal-careproducts like shampooand denture cleaners,and have numerousindustrial applica-tions, from semi-conductor productionto coatings for imag-ing films and printingplates. But exactlyhow each of us endsup with these chemi-cals in our bodies issomewhat of a mys-tery, though it islikely a combinationof direct contact with products that contain PFCstogether with exposure from our food, water, air,and house dust.

Perhaps most disturbing about these chemi-cals is their extreme persistence. Even if produc-tion were to end today, levels of the breakdownproduct PFOA would continue to increase in the

environment for manyyears to come. 3M,which manufacturedPFCs prior to 2002, hasdisclosed that“perfluorinated com-pounds are extremelyresistant to biodegrada-tion” (3M 2000). PFOA isparticularly resistant tobreakdown processes: ithas been found not todegrade at all—evenwhen boiled in nitric

acid for an hour (Renner 2001). Once PFOA entersour bodies, it remains in our blood and liver, andit takes years to get rid of it (USEPA 2003).Researchers have estimated PFOA’s half-life in ourbodies, or the time it would take to expel half ofa dose, at more than four years (Kudo 2003).PFOS’s half-life has been estimated at more thaneight years(OECD 2002).

Research-ers have foundPFCs in wildanimalsaround theworld (Giesy2001). Preda-tory animalssuch as mink, bald eagles, and polar bears dis-played the highest levels, indicating that thesechemicals increase in concentration as they moveup the food chain.

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Figure 5: Levels of PFOA measured in participant blood serum.

Figure 5. PFOA Levels in Ten Washingtonians












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PFOA a Likely Carcinogen

For 50 years, PFCs were used in consumerproducts without government scrutiny to ensuretheir safety. But industry-led laboratory studiesindicate that our study participants—and thepublic at large—should be concerned that theirPFC levels may be harming their health. In animaltests, male rats with a blood serum PFOA level ofapproximately 40 ppb had symptoms of kidneyand liver damage (USEPA 2002). Female rats withthe same level had smaller offspring with reducedgrowth in later life. Other effects, includingincreased number of dead offspring and alteredsize of the liver and pituitary in surviving pups,were seen at higher doses. No one knows exactlywhat this means for people, but there is consider-able cause for concern when, pound for pound,levels in ordinary people like Bill Finkbeinerapproach the levels shown to harm laboratoryanimals.

PFOA also causes liver, pancreatic, testicular,and mammary gland tumors in laboratory animals(USEPA 2002). Studies by 3M to see whetherworkers exposed to PFOA were more likely to dieof cancer have found a possible link to prostateand testicular cancer (Gilliland 1993, Alexander2001). In 2004, EPA asked an advisory panel of 17independent scientists to consider the evidenceon PFOA’s carcinogenicity. In February 2006, theverdict came in: the panel declared PFOA “likelyto be carcinogenic.”

PFOS has its own problems. As long ago asthe 1970s, scientists obtained disturbing resultswhen they exposed monkeys to the chemical. Inthe first study, no exposed rhesus monkeyssurvived past three weeks (Goldenthal 1979 as

described in OECD 2002). Before they died, themonkeys were weak and lethargic and sufferedtwitching, trembling, and convulsions. A follow-up study, using lower doses, caused anorexia,diarrhea, convulsions, and harm to the pancreas.Even at the lowest dose, monkeys were listlessand had gastrointestinal troubles.

PFOS also causes cancer and reproductiveproblems in laboratory animals. A two-year studyin rats found increases in liver and thyroid cancer(OECD 2002). When pregnant rats were exposed toPFOS, many of the offspring died shortly afterbirth. When the survivors reproduced, their pupswere smaller at birth than the pups of unexposedanimals. In rabbits, offspring of exposed mothershad more skeletal abnormalities and lower birthweight.

Policy Changes Needed

PFCs have been produced, used, and disposedof essentially without regulation for the last half-century. Under current federal law, the EPA canrequire studies on the potential health effects ofa chemical only when it already has evidence thatthe chemical is causing harm. Rigorous evaluationof these chemicals therefore did not start untilthe late 1990s, following 50 years of use. Risinglevels of PFCs in the environment and increasinggovernmental pressure, however, have led tovoluntary actions to reduce PFC production anduse. In 2002, 3M ceased using PFCs for its signa-ture product, Scotchgard, because of concernsover release of PFOS and PFOA during manufac-ture and use. In early 2006, the EPA, Teflonmanufacturer DuPont, and seven other companiesannounced an agreement to reduce PFOA inemissions from manufacturing plants and inconsumer products by 95% by the year 2010.

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While these actions are a step in the rightdirection, they do not adequately protect publichealth from the dangers posed by PFCs. TheWashington State Department of Ecology shouldbegin in 2007 by completing a chemical actionplan under its program on persistent toxic chemi-cals to phase out PFOA. The remaining PFCsshould undergo expedited review, and, if neces-sary, be eliminated from products.

Reducing Your Exposure to PFCs

Avoid purchasing or, at a minimum, limit useof products containing PFCs.

Watch for packaged foods. Stay away fromgreasy or oily packaged and fast foods, as thepackages often contain grease-repellent coatings.Examples include microwave popcorn bags, frenchfry boxes, and pizza boxes.

Avoid stain-resistance treatments. Choosefurniture and carpets that aren’t marketed as“stain-resistant,” and don’t apply finishing treat-

ments such as Stainmaster to these or otheritems. Where possible, choose alternatives toclothing that has been treated for water or stainresistance, such as outerwear and sportswear.Other products that may be treated include shoes,luggage, and camping and sporting equipment.

Check your personal-care products. Avoidpersonal-care products made with Teflon orcontaining ingredients that include the words”fluoro” or ”perfluoro.” PFCs can be found indental floss and a variety of cosmetics, includingnail polish, facial moisturizers, and eye makeup.

Avoid Teflon or non-stick cookware. If youchoose to continue using non-stick cookware, bevery careful not to let it heat to above 450ºF. Donot leave non-stick cookware unattended on thestove, or use non-stick cookware in hot ovens orgrills. Discard products if non-stick coatings showsigns of deterioration.

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Choice is Clear on Pesticides

Over fifteen years as acommunity organizer and toxicchemicals policy expert, LaurieValeriano has learned a thing ortwo about avoiding products thatcould harm her health. You won’tfind vinyl shower curtains or toysat her house, and she limits heruse of personal-care productsthat could contain toxic addi-tives such as phthalates. Sheknows which plastics are rela-tively safe, and which ones tosteer clear of.

This knowledge, unfortu-nately, has not fully protected Laurie or her family. Laurie’s bodycontains mercury, PFCs, toxic flame retardants, PCBs, and phtha-lates, albeit at lower levels than in other participants. Moreover, itis likely that she passed significant amounts of these chemicals toher three children in the womb and while breastfeeding.

But what we did not find in Laurie’s body shows that herchoices are—in at least one significant way—having a positiveeffect on her and her family’s health. The Pollution in Peoplestudy, which tested for metabolites of such commonly usedpesticides as malathion, chlorpyrifos, azinphos methyl, andcarbaryl, did not find any sign of pesticides in Laurie. Why?Well, for starters, Laurie and her family use alternatives topesticides in their home and garden, go to a pesticide-free park,and eat organically grown food. Her decisions are backed bygood evidence, too: University of Washington research hasfound that children who eat an organic diet are much less likelyto be exposed to pesticides (Lu 2005).

Senator Lisa Brown has made different choices. While she’sbeen a long-time advocate for government action to protectpeople and wildlife from toxic chemicals, she makes consumerdecisions that most any well-educated woman in the UnitedStates would: her home includes electronics likely embeddedwith toxic flame retardants, and she drives a car with an inte-

Laurie Valeriano, toxics policyexpert, Washington ToxicsCoalition.

Over fifteen years as a

community organizer and

toxic chemicals policy expert,

Laurie Valeriano has learned

a thing or two about avoiding

products that could harm her

health. This knowledge,

unfortunately, has not fully

protected Laurie or her


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35Chapter 5: Choice is Clear on PesticidesChapter 5: Choice is Clear on PesticidesChapter 5: Choice is Clear on PesticidesChapter 5: Choice is Clear on PesticidesChapter 5: Choice is Clear on Pesticides

rior made with phtha-lates. Most of the foodshe and her son eat isconventionally grown,not organic. And Lisa,along with five otherparticipants, testedpositive for pesticides.

We tested for aseries of pesticidebreakdown products,or metabolites, thatindicate exposure toorganophosphatepesticides, as well asthe metabolite of theinsecticide carbaryl.The carbaryl metabo-lite was most com-monly found, turningup in five partici-pants.5 We alsofound the organo-phosphate me-tabolites known asDMTP (in fourparticipants) andDMP (in two),indicating expo-sure to the widelyused insecticidesazinphos methyland malathion,among otherpesticides.6 Theseinsecticides arevery commonly used in agriculture, andmalathion is also found in some home-use prod-ucts. One participant had the metabolite DEP,

suggesting she had been exposed to the organo-phosphates diazinon or chlorpyrifos, or other lesscommonly used pesticides.

We also tested for a metabolite specific tochlorpyrifos exposure but did not find it in anystudy participants, possibly reflecting the phase-out of this pesticide’s residential uses, whichbegan in 2000.7 However, pesticide levels in two

Figure 6. Pesticide Exposures in Ten Washingtonians









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Patricia Daw






is Hay





Bill Fink



ie Valer











en B



# o

f p



e m





Figure 6: The number of organophosphate and carbaryl pesticide metabolites detected

in participant urine.

Senator Lisa Brown, WashingtonState Senate Majority Leader.

5 The presence of 1-napthol (the carbaryl metabolite tested)in urine may also be the result of exposure to naphthalene,tobacco smoke, or fires. None of our study participants is asmoker or lives with a smoker.

6 DMTP, DMP, and DEP are “non-specific” metabolites oforganophosphate pesticides, meaning they may result fromexposure to more than one pesticide.

7 We also tested for the herbicide 2,4-D, but the test was notsensitive enough to detect levels commonly found in thepopulation at large.

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7 Spearman’s correlation coefficient was calculated as -0.69,and it was significantly different from zero at p=0.028,indicating a possible negative correlation of the number oforganophosphate and/or carbaryl metabolite detections withthe number of organic meals per week.

of our participants, Deb Abrahamson and AnnHolmes Redding, suggest that the two are morehighly exposed to organophosphate pesticidesthan 90% of people nationally when comparedagainst the results of a 2005 CDC study (CDC2005). Deb had levels of DMP, DMTP, and DEP thatput her in the top 10% nationally; Ann’s levels ofDMP and DMTP were also in the top 10%. Organo-phosphates do not persist in the body, so theselevels reflect recent exposures. Many of us areexposed to these pesticides regularly over ourlifetimes, which often leads to consistentlydetectable levels.

Figure 6 (previous page) shows participants’exposures to organophosphates and carbaryl. Thechart shows the number of metabolites of thesepesticides detected, out of a total of seven tested.

Along for the Ride

Most of our ten participants don’t spraythese insecticides in their home or garden, so themost likely source of the pesticides in theirbodies is their food, especially since most of theirdiets are not organic. The organophosphatepesticides diazinon and chlorpyrifos, once themost widely used insecticides in U.S. homes andgardens, are now primarily used in agriculture

(with a few exceptions, they are not used inurban areas). Azinphos methyl is highly acutelytoxic and is used only in agriculture, on suchcrops as apples, cherries, and pears (USEPA 1999).Malathion is used in both settings, but mostcommonly in agriculture. Carbaryl is sprayed onabout half of Washington’s apple crop and muchof its grape acreage (WSDA 2003).

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)conducts a yearly “market basket” survey to testfor residues of pesticides in produce. The most-contaminated fruits and vegetables includeapples, bell peppers, celery, cherries, grapes,nectarines, peaches, pears, potatoes, raspberries,spinach, and strawberries. Purchasing some foodsin particular comes with a near-guarantee ofpesticides along for the ride. USDA’s most recenttesting found that 98% of apples and 97% of bellpeppers are contaminated (USDA 2006). All of theapples and pears tested by the USDA were con-taminated with 1-napthol, the breakdown productof carbaryl. The agency found up to nine pesti-cides on a single apple and eight in a single grapesample.

We found evidence in our study that sug-gests eating organic provides some protectionfrom pesticide exposure. We tested for a correla-tion between pesticide detections in our partici-pants and the number of organic meals eachperson reported eating. We found a statisticallysignificant correlation, indicating that the moreorganic food each participant ate, the less likelyhe or she was to have pesticides in his or herbody.7

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37Chapter 5: Choice is Clear on PesticidesChapter 5: Choice is Clear on PesticidesChapter 5: Choice is Clear on PesticidesChapter 5: Choice is Clear on PesticidesChapter 5: Choice is Clear on Pesticides

Farm workers and farm worker families areexposed to the most agricultural pesticides by far.While mixing and applying pesticides, they comeinto contact with significant amounts of chemi-cals, later tracking them into their homes ontheir shoes and clothing. Their homes, which areoften near the farms they work on, becomefurther contaminated when pesticides drift fromnearby fields.

From Convulsions to Cancer

It’s no secret that these pesticides can harmthe nervous system. Organophosphate pesticidesblock an enzyme, acetylcholinesterase, that iscritical for proper transmission of signals fromone nerve to the next. Shortly after being ex-posed to a high dose of organophosphates, aperson will suffer weakness, cramps, breathingtrouble, nausea, and vomiting (USEPA 1999).Worse, some effects may persist long after expo-sure. In one study, farm and pest-control workerstested months to years after a pesticide-poisoningincident had poorer memory and damaged motorskills, as well as anxiety, depression, and confu-

sion (Eskenazi 1999). Carbaryl has similar imme-diate effects on the nervous system. Inhaling oringesting large amounts can cause nausea, stom-ach cramps, and diarrhea, as well as sweating,blurred vision, loss of coordination, and convul-sions (USEPA 2003).

Increasing evidence from animal studies alsoindicates that the brain development of fetusesand children may be impaired by exposure toorganophosphates. Studies in young mice foundthat a single dose of an organophosphate causedpermanent damage to brain function, includinghyperactivity (Ahlbom 1995). Similarly, mice withprenatal exposure to diazinon had poorer coordi-nation and endurance, as well as delayed sexualdevelopment (Schettler 2000). Rats with prenatalexposure to chlorpyrifos had smaller brainweights and decreased reflexes (Chanda 1996,Schettler 2000).

Recent studies in farmworker populationsindicate that developmental damage from thesepesticides is occurring in people. University ofCalifornia researchers have studied a group ofchildren born to farmworkers in California’sSalinas Valley, where 500,000 pounds of organo-phosphate pesticides are used each year. In a2005 study, the group reported that infants withgreater exposure to organophosphates had moreabnormal reflexes (Young 2005). They also foundthat mothers with higher exposures are at in-creased risk for preterm birth (Eskenazi 2004). InOregon, researchers compared neurological perfor-mance of farmworkers with that of an immigrantcommunity living on the coast with little expo-sure to pesticides (Rothlein 2006). Their findings:adults with greater exposures to organophos-phates scored more poorly in tests of attention

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spans and motor function.

There’s also powerful evidence that carbarylmay cause cancer; EPA considers carbaryl a likelyhuman carcinogen (USEPA 2003). Several studieshave reported greater incidence of childhoodbrain cancer in homes using carbaryl (Davis 1993)or types of products that may contain carbaryl(Pagoda 1997). Other studies have found anelevated risk of non-Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL)among farmers who handled carbamate insecti-cides in general and carbaryl in particular. Astudy of Canadian farmers showed that thoseusing carbaryl had twice the incidence of NHL(McDuffie 2001). A reanalysis of pooled data fromthree separate studies in several Midwesternstates found a 60% increase in NHL among farm-ers who reported using carbaryl (Zheng 2001).While these studies don’t prove an association,their sample sizes were large and their findingscorrelate with evidence from animal studieslinking carbaryl to immune suppression, a knownrisk factor for NHL.

Policy Changes Needed

The presence of these pesticides in ourparticipants’ bodies demonstrates the extremeflaws in today’s system for regulating pesticides.People cannot fulfill the most basic of needs—nutrition—without risking harm from pesticidesthat can damage brain function and cause cancer.Although the EPA requires manufacturers to testpesticides for harmful effects, national rules donot prevent continued use of pesticides that testpositive for cancer or harm to brain development.

The federal pesticide law, the Federal Insecti-cide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, makes no

guarantee that pesticides allowed for use will notcause harm to people and other living things.Rather, the law protects a pesticide’s uses unlessthe chemical poses “unreasonable risk to man orthe environment, taking into account the eco-nomic, social, and environmental costs and benefitsof the use of any pesticide.” That is, as long as apesticide’s perceived economic benefits outweigh itshealth risks, the law allows for its use.

The Food Quality Protection Act of 1996aimed to improve this standard somewhat forpesticides used on food, but EPA has yet toimplement many of the law’s important provi-sions. For example, the law requires EPA to con-sider the cumulative effects of different pesticidesthat have the same health effect. A decade afterits passage, EPA is still in the process of deter-mining how to implement this requirement.

Under the same act, EPA has developedagreements with the pesticide industry to nearlyeliminate home use of two important organophos-phates, chlorpyrifos and diazinon. As noted aboveand as demonstrated in our study, however, thewidespread agricultural use of organophosphates,including of these two pesticides, means that U.S.residents continue to be regularly exposed to thechemicals. The EPA has also placed some restric-tions on carbaryl, but its use continues in thehome and garden setting and in agriculture. AndEPA continues to allow other carbamate pesti-cides, chemical relatives of carbaryl, which havesimilar effects on the nervous system.

To eliminate exposure to these pesticides,EPA should phase out the use of all organophos-phate and carbamate pesticides. The WashingtonState Department of Agriculture can also takeaction to phase out these and other toxic pesti-cides. At the state level, the legislature should

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continue to provide funding to Washington StateUniversity’s Center for Sustaining Agriculture andNatural Resources to develop alternatives for bothconventional and organic growers. Cities andcounties can eliminate their own use of toxicpesticides on public property, and educate resi-dents about replacing pesticides with healthierpractices in the home and garden. LaurieValeriano’s family has a pesticide-free park to usebecause of a community effort to make it one ofSeattle’s 22 pesticide-free parks. This effort,together with a campaign led by local residentsand organizations, ultimately led the City ofSeattle to establish a precedent-setting policyending its use of the most toxic pesticides, whichother cities and counties can emulate.

Reducing Your Exposure toPesticides

Although some exposure to pesticides isdifficult to avoid, you can significantly reducepesticides in your diet and your surroundingswith a few simple steps.

Buy organic. Organically-grown food isproduced without the use of toxic pesticides. It’sespecially important to buy organically grownapples, bell peppers, celery, cherries, grapes,nectarines, peaches, pears, potatoes, raspberries,spinach, and strawberries. Ask your grocer tostart carrying organic food if it doesn’t already.

Use alternatives to pesticides in your homeand garden. There are many non-chemical meth-ods of pest control that are safe and effective,such as using traps and barriers and removingpests physically. Focus on preventive techniques,which are most effective in the long run. Forexample, plug holes to keep insects from coming

in the house, and grow healthy grass so thatweeds don’t thrive in the lawn. Extensive re-sources for preventing and addressing pest prob-lems are available at www.watoxics.org.

Advocate for pesticide reduction in your schooland park. Many school districts, cities, and coun-ties have policies to replace toxic pesticides withsafer practices. The Washington Toxics Coalitioncan help you secure such a policy in your district,city, or county.

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The Chemicals That Came to Stay

Some chemicals just won’tgo away.

Rachel Carson taught usthat lesson more than 40 yearsago, when she issued a wake-up call in her book SilentSpring. Pesticides like DDT,then in common use for every-thing from mosquito control toorchard spraying, were notbreaking down into harmless

chemicals after their use. Instead, as Carson pointed out, thechemicals were building up in soil and sediment, fish and wild-life, threatening to destroy the very fabric of life.

For the Pollution in People study, we tested for DDT andPCBs, two chemicals that were long ago banned but continue tohaunt us. These chemicals persist in the environment and ourbodies. Women pass them on to their children in the womb andthrough breastmilk. And as each of us ages, our load of thesechemicals increases.

Rev. Ann Holmes Redding sees this chemical contaminationas a corruption of the sanctity of life. As an Episcopal priest andNew Testament scholar, Ann believes our bodies are a gift fromGod and that we have a responsibility to care for them. But fornearly her entire life, Ann’s body has been home to unwelcomechemical imposters like DDT and PCBs. Her Pollution in Peoplestudy results showed that she has 8.7 ppb DDT, a level highenough to put her in the top 25% of people nationwide. Shealso carries 1.5 ppb PCBs, again at the high end of nationalexposures.


DDT was first developed as an insecticide in the 1940s, andit was widely used during World War II to combat insect-bornediseases, such as malaria and typhus. After the war, DDT’seffectiveness, persistence, and low cost made it popular for

Rev. Dr. Ann Holmes Redding,Episcopal priest, St. Mark’sCathedral.

The histories of DDT and

PCBs are both success stories

and cautionary tales. Since

these chemicals were banned

30 years ago, levels in our

bodies have declined. And

yet, we still face levels that

could be causing harm—

decades after regulatory


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agricultural and commer-cial uses. In 1959, at theheight of its popularity,80 million pounds of thechemical were applied toforests, fields, andgardens (USEPA 1972).Over DDT’s 30-yearhistory in the UnitedStates, more than abillion pounds were used(USEPA 1975).

EPA banned nearlyall domestic uses of DDTin 1972. Today, its use islimited to malaria con-trol programs in somedeveloping countries.But most of us areexposed to DDT everyday because it is in somuch of the food we eat (USDA 2006). Vegetables,meat, fish, and dairy products all contain DDT,but animal and fatty foods contain the highestlevels because the chemical is stored in fat andincreases in concentration as it moves up the foodchain (ATSDR 2002). Children, breastfeeding

infants, and people living in the eastern Arctichave the greatest ongoing exposures to DDT fromfood.

Exposure to DDT is harmful to the nervoussystem, with high levels causing dizziness,tremor, irritability, and convulsions (ATSDR 2002).Animal studies have found that low levels canaffect nervous system development. In addition,people who applied DDT in occupational settingshave suffered lasting neurological problems,performing tasks more slowly and displayingdelayed reaction times, less dexterity andstrength, and reduced cognitive function (vanWendel de Joode 2001).

DDT is also considered a hormone disruptingchemical because of its estrogen-like properties,

Figure 7: DDT exposure was measured as the breakdown product p,p’-DDE in blood


Figure 7: DDT Levels in Ten Washingtonians











es Red


Patricia D







is Hay





Bill F





ie Valer











en B





DE in




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and researchers havefound disturbingeffects in this regard.Mothers with greaterexposure to DDT aremore likely to havepremature or small-for-gestational-agebabies than mothersless exposed to thechemical (Longnecker2001). Mothers withmore DDT alsobreastfeed for ashorter period, possi-bly because DDTmimics hormones thatinhibit milk produc-tion (ATSDR 2002). Animal studies have foundthat DDT causes cancer, and EPA ranks DDT as aprobable human carcinogen.


PCBs had a more obscure purpose, but thechemicals made a name for themselves nonethe-less. Between 1929 and the mid-1980s, PCBs werepopular as cooling fluids in electrical equipmentand machinery because of their reputation fordurability and fire resistance (USEPA 1979).

Concerns about PCBs’ health effects andpersistence surfaced in the 1970s, and Monsanto,the major U.S. manufacturer of the chemicals,stopped producing them in 1977. The EPA phasedout most uses of PCBs shortly thereafter. Levels ofthe chemical in people and wildlife have sincedeclined, but three decades later we continue to

ingest PCBs when we eat fish, meat, or dairyproducts (ATSDR 2002).

Because PCBs accumulate in sediment inrivers, lakes, and coastal areas, fish containparticularly high levels of the chemicals. Levels infish can be 2,000 to more than a million timeshigher than levels in surrounding waters (USEPA1999). Because of PCB contamination, the Wash-ington State Department of Health recommendslimiting consumption of fish and shellfish frommany of the state’s water bodies (WDOH 2006).

Women who consume PCBs in their dietreadily pass them to their children in breast milk:infants may get 6 to 12% of their lifetime expo-sure to PCBs from breastfeeding alone (ATSDR2002). At levels typically found in women andchildren around the world, PCBs can have pro-found effects on intellectual development.

In studies of large numbers of children in theU.S., Germany, and the Netherlands, those with

Figure 8: PCBs were measured in participant blood serum.

Figure 8. PCB Levels in Ten Washingtonians







Ann H


es R






Pam T



is H





Bill F





ie V




















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greater prenatal exposures (measured by levels inumbilical cord blood or the mother’s blood)performed worse on tests of brain developmentthan children with lower exposures (Shantz2003). The same body of research also revealedlower birth weights and slowed growth in childrenwith higher PCB levels. In each of these studies,the mothers of the most-exposed children ob-tained PCBs from fish or other common sources.

Researchers who followed children in Michi-gan from birth to age 11 found that these effectspersist (Jacobson 2002). They compared childrenfrom sport-fishing families, whose mothers ateabove-average amounts of Lake Michigan fish,with children whose mothers ate no Lake Michi-gan fish. The sport-fishers’ children, who hadgreater prenatal exposures, showed intellectualdeficits as infants, at age 4, and again at age 11,when they displayed attention deficits, lower IQs,and poorer reading comprehension. While themothers of the most-exposed children in thisstudy had PCB levels several times those of ourparticipants, other studies have found similareffects at lower levels (Shantz 2003).

In addition to cognitive damage, PCBs causetumors in laboratory animals (Ross 2004) andhave been classified by the EPA as probablehuman carcinogens. Studies suggest the chemicalsare also toxic to the immune system, reproductiveorgans, and thyroid.

PCBs are a major contaminant in PugetSound, and evidence is accumulating that theyare a serious threat to the Sound’s wildlife, too.Puget Sound’s endangered orca whales haveaccumulated PCBs to the point that they rankamong the most contaminated marine mammalsin the world (Ross 2006). Levels in orcas already

exceed those needed to cause health effects suchas immune system depression.

Policy Changes Needed

The histories of DDT and PCBs are bothsuccess stories and cautionary tales. Since thesechemicals were banned 30 years ago, levels in ourbodies have declined. And yet, we still face levelsthat could be causing harm—decades after regu-latory action.

To this day, runoff from agricultural landstransports DDT-containing sediment to rivers andstreams, where it is taken up by fish. PCBs per-sisting in river and bay sediment cause astonish-ingly high levels in orca whales and salmon. As aresult, both chemicals persist in our diets. Withboth DDT and PCBs, the EPA allowed productionand use to go on far too long, to the point whereour air, water, land, and bodies became so con-taminated that decades of cleanup efforts haveyet to eliminate their threats to our health. Andthe incredible sums expended by state, federal,

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and tribal governments are all too often resourcesthat could have been put to other uses had thesechemicals been adequately tested and analyzedbefore their widespread production.

Governor Christine Gregoire has launched amajor initiative to restore and protect Puget

Sound, with the goal of solving the Sound’sbiggest pollution problems by 2020. Becausecleaning up contaminated sediment is incrediblyexpensive, the 2006 Washington State Legislatureappropriated $44 million for just a single year of

Puget Sound cleanup and restoration activities.This initiative is a bold step toward addressingthe problem of historical pollution in PugetSound. However, to fully restore the health ofPuget Sound and other toxic sites, state govern-ment must place equal or greater priority onpreventing the Sound’s recontamination withthese banned chemicals—as well as other persis-tent toxic chemicals, like PBDEs andperfluorinated compounds.

Reducing Your Exposure to DDT andPCBs

Unless you live near an industrial or agricul-tural site contaminated with PCBs or DDT, yourgreatest source of exposure to these chemicals islikely to be food. While you cannot completelyavoid these chemicals in your diet, you can makesome choices that will help reduce your exposureto them.

The most important actions you can take toreduce the PCBs and DDT in your diet are to cutback on animal fats and watch the type of fishyou eat.

Choose fish wisely. Check with state adviso-ries before eating sport-caught fish or shellfish,which are often high in PCBs and DDT. Commer-cial fish that are high in PCBs include Atlantic orfarmed salmon, bluefish, wild striped bass, whiteand Atlantic croaker, blackback or winter floun-der, summer flounder, and blue crab. Commercialfish that contain higher levels of pesticides,including DDT, are bluefish, wild striped bass,American eel, and Atlantic salmon.

When preparing fish, remove the skin, trimthe fat, and broil, bake, or grill the fish so that

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the fat drips away; this will reduce your exposureto PCBs and other toxic chemicals that haveaccumulated in fatty tissue. Fish are an excellentsource of nutrients including protein, omega-3fatty acids, and vitamin D, so don’t remove fishfrom your diet—but do be selective about thefish you eat.

Make your meat lean. When it comes tomeat, choose lean meat cuts, and buy organicmeats if possible. Cut off visible fat before cook-ing meat and choose lower-fat cooking methods:broiling, grilling, roasting or pressure-cooking.Avoid frying meat in lard, bacon grease, or butter.

Limit dairy fat. Opt for low-fat, organicoptions when it comes to dairy products, too.

For more information on pollutants in fish,meats, and dairy, see:

Environmental Defense’s Oceans Alive: Best andWorst Seafood


Washington State Fish and Shellfish Consump-tion Advisories:


IATP Smart Meat and Dairy Guide for Parentsand Children


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There is no denying that toxicchemicals have set up shop in ourbodies and homes—without ourpermission. Teflon chemicals thatcan cause cancer. Pesticides thatharm the nervous system. Phtha-lates that threaten fertility. Flameretardants that accumulate in ourtissues. And persistent chemicals,banned for 30 years, that stillcontaminate some of our otherwisemost nutritious foods.

Companies like DuPont, 3M, and Monsanto undoubtedlychose these chemicals for their effectiveness and durability.They discovered that they could use fluorine, for example, tocreate products that make red wine run off of a couch instead ofstaining it, or let pancakes slide from the pan instead of stick-ing to it. Such products and others—plastic toys for infants,insect spray for our yards, and the fire-resistant PCBs that oncecooled machines—seem to work great. And the average con-sumer is justified in believing that government agencies havetested and approved all of these products, and that their use issafe.

These companies did not, however, create products thatserve a purpose without leaving a toxic legacy in their wake.

Neither manufacturers nor government agencies took thetime to ensure that these products are safe for our bodies andthe environment. Government agencies rarely require toxicitytesting, and even when they do, they do not reject chemicalslinked to serious health problems. In the end, we end upsaddled with toxic problems, like fish we can’t eat and flameretardants in our breastmilk and blood.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

In this laissez-faire system, government action to protectthe public is extremely rare, even when things go awry. The EPA

The Laws that Fail Us, and a Better Way

Washington should

adopt common-sense regula-

tions that ensure that indus-

tries use only the safest

chemicals and materials to

manufacture products.

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intervened to ban DDT and PCBs in the 1970s, butsince then has stopped only five chemicals underthe weak law that governs toxic chemicals in theUnited States (Wilson 2006). Under this law, theToxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), EPA consid-ers the vast majority of chemicals safe until theyare proven dangerous. New chemicals do not gothrough a regular screening process to determinehealth threats, and the law does not give EPAauthority to require toxicity testing to producethe information it would need to assess healththreats.

In many ways, little progress has been madesince Congress passed TSCA in 1976. Of the81,600 chemicals used in industry today, 62,000were already in production in 1979 when the lawwas implemented. Congress included measures inTSCA to protect chemicals already in use whenthe law was implemented. These exempt chemi-cals make up 92% of today’s high-use chemicals,those produced or imported at more than onemillion pounds each year (Wilson 2006). EPA facessubstantial legal hurdles if it attempts to restrictany of these 62,000 chemicals.

The situation is only slightly better forchemicals introduced after 1979. Manufacturersdon’t need permission from EPA to produce a newchemical, but they are required to notify theagency and provide any available information onharmful effects. If EPA finds that a chemicalpresents an unreasonable risk to health, theagency can take action to restrict the chemicalbefore it goes into production. EPA placed restric-tions on 3,500 chemicals between 1979 and 2004,a figure that represents fewer than 10% of thechemicals that came to market during that time.

Once a chemical is in production, EPA may

only restrict its use when a number of conditionsare met. First, the agency must demonstrate thechemical’s negative effects on human health andthe environment. Second, it must assess thechemical’s benefits and demonstrate that substi-tutes for its uses are available. Third, EPA’s actionmust constitute the least burdensome require-ment that will be sufficiently protective. Finally,EPA may restrict a chemical only if no other lawcan adequately address the hazard. Under thissystem, top protections don’t go to people—theygo to the chemical.

EPA may require health-effects testing onlywhen it has already demonstrated that a chemicalposes an unreasonable risk to health or theenvironment, or that it will be produced inquantities likely to result in substantial human orenvironmental exposure (GAO 2005). EPA hasused this authority for only 200 of the 81,600chemicals currently registered for use (GAO 2005,Wilson 2006). Even when it has information on achemical’s potential health effects, EPA cannotshare it publicly or with state government agen-cies because the law allows companies to claimsuch data as confidential business information.This secrecy creates stumbling blocks for stateagencies seeking to safeguard health and formanufacturers making decisions on which chemi-cals to use.

The federal law governing pesticides takes adifferent approach, but in many ways arrives atthe same destination. EPA has historically regu-lated pesticides under a risk/benefit standard,under which the agency must allow a pesticide foruse if its economic benefits outweigh its healthrisks. In 1996, Congress passed the Food QualityProtection Act, which established different re-

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quirements for pesticides used in food production.Under this system, pesticide manufacturers sub-mit voluminous reports on pesticide toxicity,generally including tests on the chemical’s acutetoxicity, likelihood to cause cancer, and ecologicaleffects, which EPA then uses to assess the level ofrisk to health posed by the chemical’s use.

Although this process often places restric-tions on pesticides, it has not eliminated the useof many pesticides linked to serious health prob-lems, such as carbaryl. Despite the fact thatcarbaryl is known to harm the nervous systemand is considered likely to cause cancer, EPA’srecent assessment allowed the pesticide to remainon the shelves. Some of its uses, such as fleatreatment, have been banned, but the pesticide isstill sold in 10-pound bags to be sold and spreadon lawns, and it’s used extensively in agriculture.The result is that we continue to be exposed tothis dangerous pesticide, despite its subjection toa process intended to weed out harmful chemicals.

An Uphill Battle for States

With federal regulations failing, Washingtonstate agencies face significant challenges in theirefforts to protect health and the environmentfrom toxic chemicals. When they have attemptedto reduce or eliminate exposures to a specificchemical, such as the toxic flame retardantsPBDEs, they’ve found that they have neither theinformation nor the power they need to takeprompt action. When these agencies have beensuccessful in restricting a chemical, they’ve foundthat they lack the resources necessary to helpbusinesses adopt safer practices and choose safermaterials.

Insufficient Information

In 1998, Washington state adopted agroundbreaking policy to eliminate persistenttoxic chemicals. To carry out this policy, the stateDepartments of Health and Ecology have devel-oped “chemical action plans,” which evaluate theexposures, uses, and toxic effects of a chemical,and its potential alternatives. This process hasbrought important information gaps to light.While attempting to determine the availability ofsafer alternatives to deca-PBDE, for example, thedepartments had no access to basic data onpersistence, bioaccumulation, and toxicity ofalternative chemicals. The state resorted tocomputer modeling to predict the alternativechemicals’ behavior, but this solution was farfrom perfect.

State agencies have been further frustratedby the lack of information about which compa-nies use what chemicals, and which chemicals endup in a company’s final products. This informa-tion gap is highlighted when agencies attempt tocontrol specific chemicals, such as PBDEs or lead,and find that they must either conduct their owntesting or beg companies for information. With-out access to this information, agencies arelimited in their ability to assist industry in reduc-ing pollution or switching to safer materials.

Unwieldy Regulatory Framework

While Washington state has a policy andrule to phase out persistent toxic chemicals,the state regulatory agencies, with limitedexception, lack the regulatory framework to actquickly to ban the sale of products containingthese chemicals or others that threaten humanhealth. State agencies derive most of theirauthority from federal laws that focus not on

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preventing pollution but on regulating it bylimiting discharges into water and controllingemissions from smokestacks.

Because they are not set up to eliminatedangerous chemicals in products, state agencieshave been forced to seek assistance from thestate legislature to ban specific chemicals, such asPBDEs. The Departments of Ecology and Health,through Ecology’s program on persistent toxicchemicals, have sought restrictions on mercuryand PBDEs. The program’s record so far: despite aneight-year history, it has won legislative approvalto restrict only one chemical, mercury. Thischemical-by-chemical approach is clearly not theroad to timely solutions for toxic problems.

The Washington State Department of Agricul-ture does have clear authority to ban pesticidesthat harm health or the environment, and it hasused this authority in the past to address particu-larly hazardous situations. What it lacks, however,is a framework to assess the potential hazards ofpesticides and eliminate those that are likely tocause harm. The agency requires registration ofpesticides used in the state but does not conductits own assessment of toxicity unless there isalready evidence of severe harm.

Taken as a whole, Washington’s agencieshave no clear path forward for assessing whatchemicals are too dangerous to appear in prod-ucts. The Department of Ecology’s persistent toxicchemicals program and the Department ofAgriculture’s pesticide registration program are afar cry from the regulatory framework needed tokeep toxic chemicals out of products.

Lack of Resources and Incentives

Washington state also lacks the technical

resources and incentives needed to assist localcompanies in developing safer processes andproducts. While the Department of Ecology has alimited technical assistance team, its focus hasbeen on reducing energy and water use ratherthan on toxic chemicals. To effectively assistbusinesses in reducing pollution, the state needsa comprehensive program to help local companiesdevelop safer products and reduce toxic chemicaluse. An effective program would require compa-nies to develop and implement plans to reducepollution; provide incentives, such as tax cuts, forcompanies that reduce their use of toxic chemi-cals; and institute disincentives for pollution,such as fees based on chemical use and releases.

The Path Forward

Industry leaders are demonstrating thatchange is possible, by responding to an evolvingglobal marketplace that is demanding saferproducts. In many cases, European regulationshave driven companies to reformulate theirproducts and adopt new standards. In other cases,companies see a market advantage in meetingconsumer demand for less-toxic, conscientiouslyproduced products. These stories are becomingmore and more common as companies of all sizesrecognize that the future lies in developingproducts that will last both because they areeffective and because they use the safest materi-als.

❖ Health care provider Kaiser Permanente’schemical use policy helps the companyreduce its reliance on chemicals that buildup in our bodies or are linked to cancer orreproductive problems. Kaiser has alsoembraced organic food and has farmers

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markets offering organic food at 25 of itsmedical facilities (HCWH 2005).

❖ Furniture maker Herman Miller haspledged to generate zero hazardous wasteand zero air and water emissions by 2020.

The company’s innovative design processesnow include assessments of the hazards ofpotential materials. The company’s Mirrachair, for example, replaces PVC and PBDEswith safer alternatives.

❖ Dell, the largest computer manufacturer inthe world, acted to phase out all PBDEswhen the European Union adopted aphaseout of most PBDEs by 2006. Dell hasalso gone farther, developing a list ofchemicals it has chosen to reduce oreliminate from its products, includinglead, PVC, PBDEs, and mercury.

❖ Cascadian Farm, which began as a smallfarm in the Skagit Valley in the 1970s, hasgrown to become a leading grower and

processor of organic foods with productssold nationwide. General Mills obtainedthe company in 2000, recognizing thegrowth potential for this market.

❖ Cosmetics company The Body Shop haspledged to eliminate phthalates from itsproducts. The company joins a group of300 that have agreed to take this step inresponse to a request from the Campaignfor Safe Cosmetics.

Change Coming From Europe

Having recognized the flaws in its previousregulatory system, which was very similar to thatof the United States, the European Union is nowundertaking a top-to-bottom change in the way itregulates chemicals. Its REACH (Registration,Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals)initiative, which takes effect in 2007, will closethe information gap by requiring companies toregister and supply basic information on up to30,000 chemicals already in use. Companies willbe required to develop and submit more extensiveinformation on 5,000 higher-use chemicals sothat regulatory agencies can evaluate them. Thelegislation also bans chemicals that cause cancer,mutations, or reproductive harm, or that arepersistent and bioaccumulative, unless these risksare adequately controlled.

Washington State Can Lead theWay

In some cases, innovative businesses andindustry leaders, as well as state and local govern-ment agencies, have already joined with scientistsand public health experts to phase out some

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dangerous chemicals. But to effectively managethe more than 80,000 chemical substances cur-rently in use, we need a new approach. We simplycannot wait for people to get sick and then goafter problem chemicals one at a time. As Wash-ington state’s population grows and industryexpands, we need a policy framework that willmarry economic growth with solutions to healthand environmental problems.

Washington state has proven itself as aleader when it comes to addressing the seriousthreat of toxic chemicals. In 1998, the Depart-ment of Ecology established the first program inthe nation to phase out persistent toxic chemi-cals. Since that time, Ecology has developed andimplemented plans to phase out mercury andPBDEs, and has supported legislation to addressthese threats.

But the department and others have seen thelimitations of a chemical-by-chemical approachthat takes action only when threats have beendemonstrated. Like the current federal regulatorysystem, such an approach is destined to lagbehind harm to people and wildlife. Washingtonshould adopt common-sense regulations thatensure that industries use only the safest chemi-cals and materials to manufacture products.

Washington state can be a leader in protect-ing health with the following reforms:

1. Ensure that only the safest chemicals andmaterials are used to create consumer goods,grow food, or support industries.

Companies all over the world are usinginnovative practices to develop consumer goodsthat are safe and effective. Major computermanufacturers, such as Apple and Dell, have

replaced the toxic flame retardants PBDEs withsafer substitutes. IKEA redesigned its foam mat-tresses so that they no longer need any chemicalflame retardant. More and more food companies,such as Campbell’s Soup Company, are producingorganic versions of their products. Right now,these success stories are the exception. For Wash-ington to have a vibrant economy and a highquality of life, they must become the rule.

Washington needs new chemicals policy thatrewards innovative companies and moves the resttoward safer materials and practices. State gov-ernment should show leadership by developingpolicies and programs that will get toxic chemi-cals out of our bodies and secure us a healthyplace to live.

2. Require that companies provide full informa-tion on the chemicals they use in products andin manufacturing.

We won’t achieve safer products and prac-tices as long as we don’t ask questions or getanswers about whether chemicals can harm our

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health and build up in our bodies. Chemicalsshould be tested for safety before they are everallowed for use—just like pharmaceuticals are.And companies must make testing results avail-able to government agencies and the public.

Washington should require companies toprovide data on the health effects caused by thechemicals they produce or use in production, andmake this information available to the public.Washington should start by requiring companiesto submit existing health effects information aswell as reports on what chemicals they use intheir manufacturing processes and products. Thestate should also conduct a thorough analysis toconsider requiring additional tests to developsolid information about the toxicity of chemicalsused in Washington and sold in our products.

3. Prevent chemicals that build up in ourbodies, cause cancer, or harm our fertility frombeing used in commerce or released from facto-ries in our communities.

The surprising truth is that chemicals thatcan damage children’s intellectual development,

harm reproduction, cause cancer, or build up inour bodies are commonly used in everyday prod-ucts like cologne and non-stick pans. Productsmust be free of chemicals that build up in ourbodies or are linked to serious health problems.

Washington state should develop immediateplans to phase these chemicals out of productsand manufacturing. The plans must take on themost toxic chemicals in a comprehensive way,rather than one at a time. Safer materials areavailable, and governments can drive the market-place toward safer substitutes by restricting thesehazardous chemicals.

4. Invest in the development of safer chemi-cals, materials, and processes.

Forward-thinking companies have takensteps to develop products with ingredients knownto be safe and produce food without pesticides. Tofurther enable such innovation, however, we needinvestment from government agencies and majorindustries. Much of Washington’s history has beenshaped by pioneering spirit, innovation, and astrong commitment to develop new technologies.Now it’s time for Washington state to supportdevelopment of production practices that nolonger rely on toxic chemicals, and invest ingreen chemistry—processes that substitute saferand biologically-based methods for production.Research on alternatives to pesticides should alsobe a priority.

Universities are a key player in severalarenas. They have a significant role to play indeveloping the basic technology for green chemis-try practices, and the state legislature shouldsupport them in doing so. Washington StateUniversity has established a startup program onBiological and Organic Agriculture to develop

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53Chapter 7: The Laws that Fail Us, and a Better WayChapter 7: The Laws that Fail Us, and a Better WayChapter 7: The Laws that Fail Us, and a Better WayChapter 7: The Laws that Fail Us, and a Better WayChapter 7: The Laws that Fail Us, and a Better Way

alternatives to toxic pesticides for growers. Thisprogram should be substantially expanded toprovide resources for many crops across Washing-ton. To provide resources for other industries,Washington should develop an institute modeledon Massachusetts’ Toxics Use Reduction Institute,which conducts and disseminates research onsafer substitutes and helps companies developand implement plans to reduce pollution. Theresearch and assistance should be coupled with arequirement to create and fulfill such plans. Thestate’s tax structure should also provide incen-tives for companies to reduce their use andrelease of toxic chemicals.

Time for Strong Leadership

These reforms will not be completed over-night, but it is critical that we start down thepath to a healthier future now. Leadership fromGovernor Gregoire, the Washington State Legisla-ture, and the Departments of Ecology, Health, andAgriculture is essential to initiate lasting change.It is time to create a new common-sense chemi-cals policy so that we can move from today’s toxicreality to a legacy of health for tomorrow.

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The ten participantsin our sample wereselected for diversity inoccupations, geography,age, gender, and race.Each participant wasasked to complete anexposure assessmentquestionnaire andprovide informationabout their residences,

occupations, diet, and potential toxic exposures. Samples weretaken primarily in September and October of 2005. Nurses and acertified phlebotomist collected blood samples into vacutainers;after clotting, serum was obtained by centrifuging tubes andpouring off or pipetting serum into storage vials. One vacutainerof whole blood was maintained for each participant for leadtesting. Participants provided first morning void urine samplesfor phthalate testing and mid-morning urine samples for pesti-cide and arsenic testing. Hair samples for mercury analysis werecut from the base of the scalp (or beyond, if necessary); in onecase, chest hair was collected due to insufficient head hair.

PFC, PBDE, and Phthalate Analysis

AXYS Analytical Services (Victoria, BC) analyzed serumsamples for perfluorinated compounds and PBDEs and urinesamples for phthalates. Below are the laboratory’s methods, inbrief.

PBDEs: EPA Method 1614, an HRGC/HRMS method using anisotope dilution internal standard quantification.

Phthalate monoesters: Each separate urine sample wasspiked with a suite of 13C mono-ester surrogate standards andwith an enzyme to release the mono-esters from theirglucoronated form. The sample was extracted on NEXUS SPEcartridges, eluted, and analyzed by liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS).

Appendix 1: Materials and Methods

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55Appendix 1: Materials and MethodsAppendix 1: Materials and MethodsAppendix 1: Materials and MethodsAppendix 1: Materials and MethodsAppendix 1: Materials and Methods

PFCs: For each individual, a 2 mL serumsample was homogenized with 0.25M sodiumcarbonate and 0.5M tetrabutylammonium hydro-gen sulfate to disrupt cells and form respectiveion pairs. The aqueous homogenate was thenextracted with methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE).The MTBE solution was reduced to dryness andreconstituted in 50:50 water/methanol. Analysiswas performed using LC/MS/MS with a Genesis C8(2.1 mm x 50 mm, 4 µm) chromatographic col-umn. Quantification was performed by standardcurve using perfuorononanoic acid orperfluorododecanoic acid as the internal standard.

Pesticide, Arsenic, Lead, and PCBAnalysis

Pacific Toxicology Labs (Los Angeles, CA) andNational Medical Services (Willow Grove, PA)analyzed urine samples for organophosphatepesticides, 1-napthol, 2,5,6-TCP, 2,4-D, andarsenic; serum for organochlorine pesticides andPCBs; and whole blood for lead. Below are thelaboratories’ methods, in brief.

Organochlorine pesticides: A hexane extractof serum was concentrated and analyzed byelectron capture capillary gas chromatographyusing the internal standard method.

PCBs: The Webb-McCall method was used, inwhich PCBs were extracted from de-proteinizedserum with 1:1 hexane/ethyl ether. PCBs wereseparated from organochlorine pesticides andbiogenic material by chromatography on silica gelusing hexane as eluent. PCB concentrations in theeluent were determined by electron capture gaschromatographic analysis using Webb-McCallmean weight percent factors and the internalstandard method.

Organophosphate pesticide metabolites:Freeze-dried urine samples were derivatized witha benzyltoyltriazine reagent to produce benzylderivatives of alkylphosphate metabolites. Asaturated salt solution was added to the tubesand the benzyl derivatives were extracted withcyclohexane and analyzed by gas chromatographywith flame photometric detection.

Arsenic: Arsenic was reduced to the trivalentform with potassium iodide and extracted intotoluene. After a back-extraction into aqueousHNO3, the arsenic was measured by graphitefurnace atomic absorption spectophotometry.

Lead: Lead in whole blood was measured ongraphic furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy.Blood samples were mixed with antifoam agentand Triton X-100 prior to analysis. The samplewas atomized at 2800º C in a graphite tube andlight absorbed was measured by passing mono-chromatic light from a cathode tube. A calibrationcurve was generated from known standards andthe values for unknown samples were extrapo-lated.

3,5,6-TCP and 2,4-D: These compounds weremeasured in urine by gas chromatography/massspectrometry (GC/MS). The samples were hydro-lyzed in acid to release the compounds fromconjugates. After extraction in butyl chloride, thecompounds were derivatized to formtrimethylsilyl derivatives prior to analysis in theGC/MS in the SIM mode. A calibration curve wasgenerated from known standards.

Two samples were analyzed by NationalMedical Services due to changes in procedures atPacific Toxicology.8 For 3,5,6-TCP, urine samples

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were made acidic with HCl and heated to convertany conjugated compound into the un-conjugatedform. Samples were extracted with an organicsolvent that was tested on an Agilent 5890 gaschromatograph with an electron capture detector.The analytical column was a 30-meter x 0.32 mmID with a 0.25 micron DB-1 film, and it ran on atemperature program from 100º C to 300º C at arate of 20º C per minute. Calibrators at concen-trations of 50, 100, 500 and 1000 ppb and con-trols at 75 and 750 ppb were run to calibrate andcontrol each analytical batch.

For 2,4-D, urine samples were made acidicwith HCl and extracted with an organic solvent,back-extracted into a sodium hydroxide solutionthat was made acidic and extracted with anorganic solvent. Extractions were analyzed on anAgilent 6890 gas chromatograph with an electroncapture detector. The analytical column was a 30-meter x 0.32 mm ID with a 0.25 micron DB-5 film,and it ran on a temperature program from 140º Cto 280º C to at a rate of 10º C per minute. Cali-brators at concentrations of 20, 50, 100, 200, 400,and 600 ppb, and controls at 50 and 300 ppb wererun to calibrate and control each analytical batch.

Carbamates: Carbaryl in urine was measuredby GC/MS as the metabolite 1-napthol. Thesamples were hydrolyzed in acid to release thecompounds from conjugates. After extraction inbutyl chloride, the compounds were derivatized toform trimethylsilyl derivatives prior to analysis inthe GC/MS in the SIM mode. A calibration curve

was generated from known standards.

Again, two samples were analyzed by Na-tional Medical Services due to changes in proce-dures at Pacific Toxicology. A 0.5-mL aliquot ofurine was buffered with saturated ammoniumchloride and an internal standard (methyl-phe-nobarbital) was added. This was extracted with amixed organic solvent that was evaporated todryness and reconstituted with the HPLC mobilephase. Reconstituted extractions were analyzedon a Zorbax Stable Bond C-18, 4.6 x 150 mmanalytical column with an Optimize 3mm car-tridge C-18 precolumn. The mobile phase con-sisted of 24% CH3CN in 0.05 M KH2PO4, 0.007 M 1-heptanesulfonate sodium, and 0.01 M triethy-lamine (adjusted to pH 3.0 with H3PO4). Detec-tion was by UV at 210 nm. Calibrators for bothcarbaryl and 1-naphthol at concentrations of 100,400, 1000, and 4000 ppb, and controls at 400 and2000 ppb, were run to calibrate and control eachanalytical batch.

Mercury Analysis

Mercury analysis in hair was conducted byBrooks Rand (Seattle, WA). Hair samples werehomogenized by cutting the hair into smallpieces. The hair was transferred to clean glassjars. Sufficient acetone to cover each sample wasadded, and the jars were capped and shaken for30 seconds. After allowing the hair to settle, theacetone was pipetted off. The samples were thencleaned three times with Triton TX-100 washes,followed by rinses with deionized water andfiltration. The hair samples were then transferredto clean, dry, 40 mL glass vials and dried in a 40ºC oven overnight. Two aliquots of quartz woolwere homogenized according to the same proce-dure and analyzed along with the samples. Ho-

8 Pacific Toxicology ceased offering certain analyses duringthe course of our study; some of the analyses for twosamples, those of Karen Bowman and Denis Hayes, wereperformed by National Medical Services.

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57Appendix 1: Materials and MethodsAppendix 1: Materials and MethodsAppendix 1: Materials and MethodsAppendix 1: Materials and MethodsAppendix 1: Materials and Methods

mogenized and cleaned hair samples were pre-pared and analyzed in accordance with the Ap-pendix to EPA Method 1631. Hair samples weredigested with a nitric/sulfuric acid solution andfurther oxidized with bromine monochloride. Allsamples were then analyzed with stannous chlo-ride reduction, gold amalgamation, and coldvapor atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (CVAFS)detection using a BRL Model III CVAFS MercuryAnalyzer. All sample results for low-level mercuryanalysis were blank corrected.

Data Analysis

For phthalates, PFCs, PBDEs, DDE, and PCBs,medians were calculated setting non-detectablevalues at the detection limit divided by thesquare root of two. Total PBDEs were calculated inthe same manner. Medians were not calculated forarsenic, lead, organophosphate pesticides, orcarbaryl because of the relatively high number ofparticipants with undetectable levels. The influ-ence of diet on pesticide levels was analyzed bycomputing the Spearman correlation between (1)the number of organophosphate and/or carbarylmetabolite detections per week and (2) thenumber of organic meals per week. Spearman’scorrelation coefficient was calculated, and it wassignificantly different from zero at p=0.028,indicating a statistically significant correlation.

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Chemical Group Specific Chemical Tested Chemical Name or Explanation



















1-napthol DMP DimethylphosphateDMTP DimethylthiophosphateDMDTP DimethyldithiophosphateDEP DiethylphosphateDETP DiethylthiophosphateDEDTP Diethyldithiophosphate



Measurement of PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers); value reported is sum of levels of 40 congeners, adjusted for lipid content of blood.

Metabolite of DMP (dimethyl phthalate) – used in hair-care products, solid rocket propellant, insect repellants, and plastics

Metabolite of DEP (diethyl phthalate) – found in personal care products such as perfume, cologne, aftershaves, deodorants, shampoo, and hand lotion

Metabolite of DBP (dibutyl phthalate) – found in personal care products such as nail polish and in pharmaceuticals

Metabolite of BzBP (benzylbutyl phthalate) – found in vinyl flooring, car-care products, personal-care products, adhesives, and sealants

Metabolites of DEHP (di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate) – found in PVC products including medical products such as tubing; auto interiors; consumer products such as clothing, diaper covers, shower curtains, and furniture

Perfluorooctanoic acid

Perfluornonananoic acid

Perfluorodecanoic acid

Metabolite of DDT

Metabolite of carbaryl pesticide

Perfluorohexanoic sulfonate

Perfluorooctane sulfonate

Perfluorooctane sulfonamide

Metabolites of organo-phosphate pesticides


Total PCBs tested in blood


Persistent Toxic Chemicals (banned)

Perfluorinated Compounds


Perfluoroundecanoic acid

Measurement of speciated arsenic, which is a summation of inorganic arsenic, demethylarsinic acid, and monomethylarsonic acid. Does not include organic arsenic

Appendix 2: Chemical Information and TestResults

Table 2: Chemicals and Breakdown Products Tested

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Table continued on next page

Chemical Class

Testing Medium

Chemical Tested

Ann Holmes

ReddingPatricia Dawson

Pam Tazioli

Denis Hayes

Lisa Brown

Bill Finkbeiner

Laurie Valeriano

Deb Abrahamson

Allyson Schrier

Karen Bowman

mMeP <1.07 <6.08 3.49 1.8 <3.40 11.2 <5.00 4.27 <8.00 8.05mEtP <1.96 85.9 302 52.3 73.2 234 15.2 163 38.1 189mBuP <0.900 24.8 16.4 14.9 158 78.1 17.1 9.13 68.8 134mBzP 6.48 12.4 25.7 16.9 59.3 99 23.9 9.2 37.2 96.7mEHP <3 3.8 7.52 3.3 10.3 43.7 <3 3.7 7.8 51.9mEOHP 1.68 21.3 35.7 39.8 28.1 73.6 13.5 22.7 38.9 211mEHHP 5.16 40 74.1 72 56.7 165 24.5 42.5 60.4 338

Phthalates (shown as ppb)


Appendix 2: Chemical Information and Test ResultsAppendix 2: Chemical Information and Test ResultsAppendix 2: Chemical Information and Test ResultsAppendix 2: Chemical Information and Test ResultsAppendix 2: Chemical Information and Test Results

Table 3: Results

Chemical Class

Testing Medium

Chemical Tested

Ann Holmes

ReddingPatricia Dawson

Pam Tazioli

Denis Hayes

Lisa Brown

Bill Finkbeiner

Laurie Valeriano

Deb Abrahamson

Allyson Schrier

Karen Bowman

Br2-DPE-7 < 5.15 < 6.21 < 9.46 < 6.90 < 6.33 < 12.6 < 5.16 < 5.90 < 7.05 < 6.68Br2-DPE-8/11 < 5.01 < 5.40 < 8.36 < 5.58 < 5.19 < 10.2 < 5.16 < 4.75 < 5.67 K 5.84Br2-DPE-10 6.19 K 8.10 K 14.3 < 8.08 < 7.46 < 14.5 < 5.49 K 7.71 < 8.31 < 7.63Br2-DPE-12/13 < 5.01 < 5.40 < 8.36 < 5.14 < 4.81 < 8.49 < 5.16 < 4.75 < 5.67 < 4.53Br2-DPE-15 692 278 68.3 417 286 89.8 406 272 94.5 145Br3-DPE-17/25 72.9 159 K 36.7 58 65.3 145 35.8 45.3 37.5 92.2Br3-DPE-28/33 3030 2540 668 1440 1290 960 759 2180 741 995Br3-DPE-30 < 6.92 < 8.64 < 12.7 < 8.37 < 7.72 < 13.2 < 6.16 < 7.05 < 7.94 < 8.58Br3-DPE-32 < 5.30 < 6.62 < 9.87 < 6.46 < 5.95 < 10.2 < 5.16 < 5.41 < 6.17 < 6.56Br3-DPE-35 8.69 < 5.40 < 8.36 < 5.14 K 5.57 < 8.68 < 5.16 < 4.75 < 5.67 < 5.60Br3-DPE-37 10.3 K 14.0 < 8.36 9.55 11.3 K 10.6 K 5.82 18.4 < 5.67 9.78Br4-DPE-47 28000 83000 9900 17200 23800 20900 15000 27200 19000 15900Br4-DPE-49 82.6 177 95.5 259 190 215 109 203 125 178Br4-DPE-51 K 10.5 15.9 < 15.9 < 10.6 12 30.4 < 9.98 < 11.1 < 12.7 14.5Br4-DPE-66 197 670 119 142 228 219 108 216 134 142Br4-DPE-71 < 12.8 35.6 < 22.8 < 15.1 < 17.1 < 43.4 < 14.3 < 15.9 < 18.1 < 17.6Br4-DPE-75 33.7 119 < 18.5 20.7 27.8 < 35.3 16.3 26.1 23.8 20.5Br4-DPE-77 < 7.22 < 7.02 < 13.4 < 8.96 < 10.0 < 27.7 < 8.49 < 9.51 < 10.6 < 11.2Br4-DPE-79 K 79.4 K 212 K 46.7 K 69.0 K 80.1 K 47.6 K 44.3 K 117 K 53.3 K 32.1Br5-DPE-85 439 1490 163 151 392 494 181 885 300 201Br5-DPE-99 4550 34200 1860 1970 4520 6380 2100 4490 4020 2600Br5-DPE-100 4040 8660 1110 1720 3060 3170 1650 7740 3640 1930Br5-DPE-105 < 10.2 < 15.5 < 16.2 < 8.96 < 44.7 < 18.9 < 66.9 < 61.8 < 8.06 < 18.2Br5-DPE-116 < 13.8 < 20.9 < 22.3 < 12.5 < 54.8 < 23.0 < 82.4 < 75.7 < 11.1 < 22.4Br5-DPE-119/120 24.7 66.8 < 14.8 20.9 < 29.5 < 12.5 < 48.3 < 40.8 < 7.31 18.1Br5-DPE-126 < 5.01 K 12.2 < 8.36 < 5.14 < 15.7 < 7.74 < 23.3 K 22.0 < 5.67 < 7.15Br6-DPE-128 < 42.4 < 46.4 < 89.9 < 27.5 < 34.3 < 66.6 < 44.3 < 32.3 < 55.2 < 44.3Br6-DPE-138/166 79.2 232 < 84.9 K 32.9 63.6 K 140 30.5 177 68.3 45.8Br6-DPE-140 33.1 96.1 < 52.6 33.5 35.7 < 51.9 16.5 105 81 21.5Br6-DPE-153 1590 2960 1030 6240 2490 17300 1380 7920 11700 1410Br6-DPE-154 409 2030 144 176 354 381 151 723 402 197Br6-DPE-155 48.5 207 < 32.9 K 38.0 K 55.4 38.3 K 26.0 83.3 K 79.0 K 34.6Br7-DPE-181 < 19.3 < 30.5 < 27.0 < 20.7 < 21.5 < 62.1 < 23.0 < 21.8 < 26.6 < 38.5Br7-DPE-183 249 1660 149 223 183 K 153 331 213 249 169Br7-DPE-190 36.1 102 < 40.3 68.6 K 41.0 < 96.2 52.6 K 43.1 39.7 < 59.7Br8-DPE-203 118 124 K 84.7 151 175 K 179 156 152 K 116 K 173Br9-DPE-206 < 801 < 735 < 1220 < 799 < 688 < 1030 < 905 1000 < 685 < 649Br9-DPE-207 885 1230 < 1150 < 756 2280 1120 894 1570 679 K 1100Br9-DPE-208 < 524 < 481 < 799 < 523 543 808 < 592 620 < 448 736Br10-DPE-209 < 9720 < 8910 < 14800 < 9690 < 8350 < 12500 < 11000 < 10800 < 8310 < 7870

blood serumPBDEs (shown as ppt on a lipid weight basis)

Chemical Class

Testing Medium

Chemical Tested

Ann Holmes

ReddingPatricia Dawson

Pam Tazioli

Denis Hayes

Lisa Brown

Bill Finkbeiner

Laurie Valeriano

Deb Abrahamson

Allyson Schrier

Karen Bowman

PFBA < 0.548 < 0.548 < 0.548 < 0.548 < 0.548 < 0.548 < 0.548 < 0.548 < 0.548 < 0.548PFPeA < 0.518 < 0.518 < 0.518 < 0.518 < 0.518 < 0.518 < 0.518 < 0.518 < 0.518 < 0.518PFHxA < 0.506 < 0.506 < 0.506 < 0.506 < 0.506 < 0.506 < 0.506 < 0.506 < 0.506 < 0.506PFHpA < 0.508 < 0.508 < 0.508 < 0.508 < 0.508 < 0.508 < 0.508 < 0.508 < 0.508 < 0.508PFOA 3.45 3.64 3.6 5.24 4.1 7.35 0.65 2.88 2.07 4.6PFNA 0.712 1.51 1.53 0.953 1.83 1.96 < 0.522 0.761 0.598 1.34PFDA < 0.518 0.648 < 0.518 < 0.518 0.78 0.711 < 0.518 < 0.518 < 0.518 < 0.518PFUnA < 0.524 < 0.524 0.553 0.538 < 0.524 0.779 < 0.524 < 0.524 < 0.524 < 0.524PFDoA < 0.530 < 0.530 < 0.530 < 0.530 < 0.530 < 0.530 < 0.530 < 0.530 < 0.530 < 0.530PFBS < 0.996 < 0.996 < 0.996 < 0.996 < 0.996 < 0.996 < 0.996 < 0.996 < 0.996 < 0.996PFHxS 1.7 1.33 < 1.02 5.32 1.69 < 1.02 < 1.02 3.57 < 1.02 1.59PFOS 6.36 19.4 20.2 26.3 25.2 49.4 3.27 29.8 8.15 22.3PFOSA < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500

blood serumPFCs, or perfluorinated compounds (shown as ppb)

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Table 3: Results (continued from previous page)

K-flagged values indicate a peak was detected but didnot meet quantification criteria; the result representsthe estimated maximum possible concentration.These values were not included in calculations ofsums.

E-flagged value: the laboratory has qualified this valueas an estimate due to sample inhomogeneity.

Chemical Class

Testing Medium

Chemical Tested

Ann Holmes

ReddingPatricia Dawson

Pam Tazioli

Denis Hayes

Lisa Brown

Bill Finkbeiner

Laurie Valeriano

Deb Abrahamson

Allyson Schrier

Karen Bowman

whole blood Pb (µg/dl) <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 3.4As (ppb) <10 12 13 16 15 <10 <10 <10 <10 14As (creatinine corrected, ppb)

N/A 10 54 10 9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 34

hair Hg (ppb) 787 E987 587 2020 1080 1840 397 59.5 634 1860



Chemical Class

Testing Medium

Chemical Tested

Ann Holmes

ReddingPatricia Dawson

Pam Tazioli

Denis Hayes

Lisa Brown

Bill Finkbeiner

Laurie Valeriano

Deb Abrahamson

Allyson Schrier

Karen Bowman

p,p'-DDT <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5p,p'-DDE 8.67 12.56 0.8 0.42 1.8 <0.20 <0.20 2.21 0.26 1.94p,p'-DDD <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2alpha-chlordane <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2gamma-chlordane <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2trans-nonachlor <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2heptachlor <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2heptachlor epoxide <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2oxychlordane <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2lindane (gamma-BHC)

<0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2

beta-BHC <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5dieldrin <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2hexachlorobenzene <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2

blood serumOrganochlorine pesticides (shown as ppb)

Chemical Class

Testing Medium

Chemical Tested

Ann Holmes

ReddingPatricia Dawson

Pam Tazioli

Denis Hayes

Lisa Brown

Bill Finkbeiner

Laurie Valeriano

Deb Abrahamson

Allyson Schrier

Karen Bowman

PCBs (shown as ppb)

blood serum PCBs 1.5 2.3 1 0.9 1.2 0.6 0.2 0.8 0.4 1.1

Chemical Class

Testing Medium

Chemical Tested

Ann Holmes

ReddingPatricia Dawson

Pam Tazioli

Denis Hayes

Lisa Brown

Bill Finkbeiner

Laurie Valeriano

Deb Abrahamson

Allyson Schrier

Karen Bowman

1-napthol 4.4 <1.0 <1.0 <20 6.8 9.9 <1 1.3 6.8 <10

1-napthol (creatinine corrected)

11.3 N/A N/A N/A 4.1 25.4 N/A 1.7 N/A N/A

Carbaryl (shown as ppb)


Chemical Class

Testing Medium

Chemical Tested

Ann Holmes

ReddingPatricia Dawson

Pam Tazioli

Denis Hayes

Lisa Brown

Bill Finkbeiner

Laurie Valeriano

Deb Abrahamson

Allyson Schrier

Karen Bowman

DMP 5.5 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 16.1 <5.0 <5.0DMP (creatinine corrected)

14 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 21 N/A N/A

DMTP 12.8 7.4 <5.0 <5.0 13.5 <5.0 <5.0 13.9 <5.0 <5.0DMTP (creatinine corrected)

33 6 N/A N/A 8 N/A N/A 19 N/A N/A

DMDTP <10.0 <10 <10 <10 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10 <10.0 <10.0DEP <5.0 <5 <5 <5 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 5.6 <5.0 <5.0DEP (creatinine corrected)

N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 7 N/A N/A

DETP <5.0 <5 <5 <5 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0DEDTP <10.0 <10 <10 <10 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0

Organophosphate pesticides (shown as ppb)


Chemical Class

Testing Medium

Chemical Tested

Ann Holmes

ReddingPatricia Dawson

Pam Tazioli

Denis Hayes

Lisa Brown

Bill Finkbeiner

Laurie Valeriano

Deb Abrahamson

Allyson Schrier

Karen Bowman

Chlorpyrifos (shown as ppb)

urine 3,5,6-TCP <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <50

Chemical Class

Testing Medium

Chemical Tested

Ann Holmes

ReddingPatricia Dawson

Pam Tazioli

Denis Hayes

Lisa Brown

Bill Finkbeiner

Laurie Valeriano

Deb Abrahamson

Allyson Schrier

Karen Bowman

2,4-D (shown as ppb)

urine 2,4-D <2 <2 <2 <20 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <20

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61Appendix 2: Chemical Information and Test ResultsAppendix 2: Chemical Information and Test ResultsAppendix 2: Chemical Information and Test ResultsAppendix 2: Chemical Information and Test ResultsAppendix 2: Chemical Information and Test Results

Table 4: Results Summary

Notes:LOD = limit of detectionResults are presented in ppb (parts per billion)


Anne Holmes Redding

Patricia Dawson

Pam Tazioli

Denis Hayes

Lisa Brown

Bill Finkbeiner

Laurie Valeriano

Deb Abrahamson

Allyson Schrier

Karen Bowman

Study Median

National Median/ Median Range

MBP <LOD 24.8 16.4 14.9 158 78.1 17.1 9.13 68.8 134 30 19.1

MEHP <LOD 3.8 7.52 3.3 10.3 43.7 <LOD 3.7 7.8 51.9 5.7 4.1PBDEs 52.6 147.5 28.5 38.8 46.7 62.6 32.5 63.8 48.3 40 47.5 47.9PFOS 6.36 19.4 20.2 26.3 25.2 49.4 3.27 29.8 8.15 22.3 21.3 10.4-40.2PFOA 3.45 3.64 3.6 5.24 4.1 7.35 0.65 2.88 2.07 4.6 3.6 2.1-7Mercury 787 987 587 2020 1080 1840 397 59.5 634 1860 887 430-620

DMP 5.5 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 16.1 <5.0 <5.0 <LOD <LODDMTP 12.8 7.4 <5.0 <5.0 13.5 <5.0 <5.0 13.9 <5.0 <5.0 <LOD <LOD

PCBs 1.5 2.3 1 0.9 1.2 0.6 0.2 0.8 0.4 1.1 0.95 0.9-1.5

Carbaryl (measured as 1-napthol)

4.4 <1.0 <1.0 <20 6.8 9.9 <1 1.3 6.8 <10 <LOD <LOD

DDT (measured as DDE)

8.67 12.56 0.8 0.42 1.8 <0.20 <0.20 2.21 0.26 1.94 1.3 1.8

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Toxic-Free Legacy Coalition4649 Sunnyside Avenue North, Suite 540

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