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Date post: 07-Aug-2015
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ACTIONPLAN Thi’s CREATOR OF H.E.A.R.T. PEDCARE INTERNATIONAL ED. Support global perspective for Thai children and women’s socioeconomic growth in public health and education. about.me/thinghiem wellness for every child 2015 PEDS Aligning Key Strengths with UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Thailand Exclusive Edition feat. Cover Letter to United Nations (UN)



Support global perspective for Thai children and women’s socioeconomic growth in public health and education.


wellness for every child



Aligning Key Strengths with UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

Thailand Exclusive Editionfeat. Cover Letter to United Nations (UN)

Support Thai culture and equity for global health policy improvement | Prince Mahidol Award Conference 2015

Support Thai culture and equity for global health policy improvement | Prince Mahidol Award Conference 2015

ContentsPrimary focus on pediatrics and wom-en during diplomatic missions to help im-prove public admin-istration for health systems in Thailand’s developing nation.

Global Perspective for Maternal Health


Support Global Perspective, Hug Krabi Local UN Campaign

Women’s Medical Education Girl Activism and Women Mentorship Programs, Women’s Health Focus


Expanding Pediatric CareGlobal Teamwork Efforts, Educate Children



Peds and Women’s Health Programs, Protecting Battered Victims

Preservation of Thai Exotic FloraBotany Genome Research & University Education

feat. Foreword Letter to UN from Youth and Women Development Ambassador Thi Nghiem.

Habitat ConservationStudent Health & Learning during School Fieldtrips


WELCOME TO THAILANDedition featuring global perspective for local Thai children and women.



UN Environment, Culture & Socioeconomic Development

Moving Forward, Future Priorities: Carrying out UN MDGs

Chao Phraya River View at Anantara Riverside Resort and Spa Bangkok, Thailand

support global perspective for Thai children and women’s socioeconomic growth in public health and education.


Girl Activism and Women Mentorship Programs, Women’s Health Focus

Photography Courtesy of Anantara Riverside Resort and Spa in Bangkok, Thailand.

WELCOME TO THAILANDedition featuring global perspective for local Thai children and women.

Sunrise at Anantara Riverside Resort and Spa

Bangkok, Thailand

FOREWORDfrom Youth and Women Development Ambassador

Respectfully Yours,


United Nations New York Division for PACB has surface in my market research as a prime opportunity where my talents in delivering public administration, health systems management, operational research surveys, policy drafting, and technology integration may best be applied.

My reputation for excellence has been earned in leading-edge human resources public administrative undertakings worldwide. Although my recent diplomatic relations experience as a US citizen expands to Thailand this month, I have seen the shortcomings of certain administrative practices in both developed and developing nations while traveling within USA, Europe, Middle East, to Southeast Asia in the last 5 years. I would like to address the various concerns and awareness for advancing global education and public health programs that aims to help improve the overall living standards for women and children.

Recent diplomatic relations with Thailand include attending Orchid Day Celebration sponsored by Thailand’s Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chraki Sirindhorn’s Plant Genetic Conservation Foundation to commemorate HRH upcoming 60th birthday this April. I aid in raising awareness for Thailand’s cultural heritage and promote botany research to preserve rare and exotic plant species. One mission involves reaching out to the Administration Division in the Khlong Toei district in central Bangkok, Thailand. I had the privilege of accepting invitation to attend “Hug Krabi Campaign” for The Krabi Relief Fund in which equal participation of men and women in local Krabi district of South Thailand came together to propose to Bangkok’s UN for removing debris, pollution, toxic waste, and environmental destruction caused by new construction building projects. Their efforts presented throughout the streets in front of Bangkok’s UN building for the common cause to save their surrounding marine and wildlife habitat was an eye-opening experience which has provided inspiration for me to continue my overseas missionary work which includes volunteer services for children through Thailand’s Zoological Foundation and teaching them the importance of saving our existing ecosystem.

In addition to extensive networking abroad, I resided briefly in Uttaradit Province in North Thailand and advocated for health administration improvement for women in labor and surgery units. The threats and concerns regarding sanitation from the hospital waiting lobbies to O.R.’s in many rural areas are far below U.S. national standards. While funding is scarce, Thai community members remain vigilant by implementing clear triage system strategies. While meeting with the Director of Women Affairs at the government-owned Uttaradit Hospital, there is an ever-increasing need for women in charge of the hospital facilities to provide managers and staff with on-going training. We concluded that health intervention practices are needed to combine the latest technologies to help prolong human life and this starts with a formal education.

On my flight back to the USA, I realize there is much to be accomplished to help jumpstart public programs on the home front as well as abroad. As creator of H.E.A.R.T. PedCare not-for-profit “think tank” group, I have found that my mission matches your organization’s long-term goals. I propose my public administrative solutions to improve living standards for empowering children and women which may be best applied in furthering your mission with respect to the following applications of each of UN’s MDG:

• HEALTH- start with pushing for agricultural land and genetic crop development, sustainable environment care, eco-friendly housing to reduce environmental pollution. For public health programs, on-going counselling and medical insurance programs targeting women and children. Vaccination delivery in systemic and organized logistics in developing rural areas to contain spread of diseases. • EDUCATION- incorporate new and old texts for eReadings with expansive up-to-date market view and global perspective learning to improve medical school curriculums. Teach safe sanitation, protective reproductive prevention practices, and provide on-going training for medical managers and staff. • ADMINISTRATION- Budget for using eData collection software by collaborating with both startups and longstanding companies to gather large data then translate it to easy-to-read and view eBooks/pamphlets/apps. Implement case management programs for women with ER hotline services. Help jumpstart women’s career using social media.• RIGHTEOUSNESS- Safeguard online content via local/national/international forums and conferences. Stress political virtue, democracy, transparency for business practices, and intern/mentorship opportunities for women and children.• TECHNOLOGY- collaborate with government agencies/organizations, for-profit, and non-profits for innovation and streamlining new market med/biotech for clinics and research.

In summary, UN DESA is known worldwide for leveraging the most prominent policy making experts and talents to carry out UN MDGs targeting women and children. No matter where I travel or to which country I visit, my loyalty to serve the United States as an open-minded and entrepreneurial-spirited individual is of utmost importance. It is my humble intent for the 2015 year and onward to explore new growth opportunities and align my current strengths to drive your organization’s success.

Please accept the assurances of my highest respect and consideration for your organization. To view more detail information regarding my current projects and duties as civil servant for the United States of America, please visit my online profile at: about.me/thinghiem.

Feb. 27, 2015


The women’s health education curriculum has scarcely advanced due to decreased funding under this medical umbrella. Women’s health directly relates to a ba-by’s health upon deliverance into this world. An “URGENT WAKE-UP CALL” is needed to increase awareness and funding to prevent common women reproductive health diseases such as: STD such as HPV, other STIs, Cervical/Vagi-nal Cancer, and Breast Cancer.

global perspective for maternal health

Pediatric and women’s movement to improvement public health, human rights, and seeking democratic justice in the judicial sys-tem is progressing relatively slowly. The public health sector es-pecially in rural communities such as Uttaradit, Thailand have a scarcity toward sanitation methods and medical educational in-structions in its ORs. Continued staff training needs clear man-agement organization, HR policy administration that may save paper and recycling fees with implementation of new market admin software programs. eMarketing for medical education is crucial to improving funds for public health programs in these communities.

Uttaradit HospitalUttaradit, Thailandwomen and children public health and education.

Peds and Women’s Public Health Program

Uttaradit HospitalUttaradit, Thailandchildren and women public health and education facility.

Young children and women, especially adolescent age groups are more prone to domestic violence, sexual exploitation, and devaluation as human beings in dominating home environments where one or more family members directly involved in caring for the children abuse them either or both mentally and physically.

Due to such an increase in violence against children and their mothers living in both domestic and public circumstances, more ER shelter funding is needed by the government to help protect these victims. As most of the battered children and women demographic come from uneducated and poverty-stricken communities, they need more advocates to help speak on their behalf. Counselling aid may take place in shelters or be advised and referred directly to hospital clinics. Participating hospitals may setup special programs that accept government aid for battered victims and their family members.

Violence and psych counselling for abused women are often expensive and require patience. As the vic-tims move from their homes for care, they may require other medical evaluations from the ER shelters, which may be short of further health accommodations. Therefore, it is critical that Pediatric and Women wards be directly involved in establishing a clear public goal program for battered victims.

ER procedures carried out in the OR require constant public sanitation and hygiene monitoring

through proper hospital administration.

Uttaradit HospitalUttaradit, Thailandwomen and children public health and education.

Protecting Battered Victims


Women’s Health Focus

Key Message:

• Hospital HR Administration involving the most up-to-date software• Education Curriculum updates that integrate both tech and media• On-going Medical Staff Vocational Training at every clinical level • Action Platforms (online crowd funding sources, gender activist

group, organization, and council)

Global Trend:

• Gender equality to advance society growth & public understanding• Increase mother/neonate life expectancy before/during/after labor • Labor workforce improvements to increase minimum wage• Sexual Reproductive Health advancement with safe-sex practices,

free public clinics, eMarketing, and medicine given on need-basis• Relationship Abuse prevention with ER shelters and 24-hr hotlines

Girl youth participation in volunteer, internship, and on-going school events allows for growth from primary school to higher education levels. By actively participating in these special event activities, not only do girls have the option and freedom to choose a career that best suits their talents, skills, and passion but they also have the ability to reassess their life goals with the guidance of experienced mentors of both genders. There is ever-increasing demand to provide institutional support for girls’ rights in education and professional research. From elementary expanding to the high school and university levels, young girls are vulnerable to choosing best long-term career options. Therefore, it is wise expand networking oppor-tunities for experienced women in the workforce to mentor young girls who want to follow in their footsteps. These actions and teamwork efforts promote girl and women sustainable development.

Networking at global conferences that involve discussions from women leaders and industry experts generates positive youth movement response. Youth advocates invited to speak at these events helps promote inclusion for upcoming Gen X, Y, and Z.

Girl Activism and Women Mentorship Programs

• Hospital HR Administration involving the most up-to-date software• Education Curriculum updates that integrate both tech and media• On-going Medical Staff Vocational Training at every clinical level • Action Platforms (online crowd funding sources, gender activist

group, organization, and council)

• Gender equality to advance society growth & public understanding• Increase mother/neonate life expectancy before/during/after labor • Labor workforce improvements to increase minimum wage• Sexual Reproductive Health advancement with safe-sex practices,

free public clinics, eMarketing, and medicine given on need-basis• Relationship Abuse prevention with ER shelters and 24-hr hotlines

Girl youth participation in volunteer, internship, and on-going school events allows for growth from primary school to higher education levels. By actively participating in these special event activities, not only do girls have the option and freedom to choose a career that best suits their talents, skills, and passion but they also have the ability to reassess their life goals with the guidance of experienced mentors of both genders. There is ever-increasing demand to provide institutional support for girls’ rights in education and professional research. From elementary expanding to the high school and university levels, young girls are vulnerable to choosing best long-term career options. Therefore, it is wise expand networking oppor-tunities for experienced women in the workforce to mentor young girls who want to follow in their footsteps. These actions and teamwork efforts promote girl and women sustainable development.

Networking at global conferences that involve discussions from women leaders and industry experts generates positive youth movement response. Youth advocates invited to speak at these events helps promote inclusion for upcoming Gen X, Y, and Z.

Girl Activism and Women Mentorship Programs

The Conventions on the Rights of the Child Booklet print-ed in New York represents a summary of what every child under the age of 18 in the world deserves. Almost every country on Earth has agreed to the terms listed in this mini booklet. Every right listed in the booklet is connected and is written in universal text as Articles. This booklet was written to ensure that children are properly represented in every aspect of life.

UNICEFMoving Forwardwith future priority to carry out UN MDGs

United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund

UN HeadquartersBangkok, Thailand


As nations move forward in administrating more laws and regulations to firmly establish a peace and stable living ground for children around the globe, they inadvertently agree to care for young members of each community. For neglected and abandoned children deprived of life, love, and medical care, there are youth advocates who push for equality and remain an unchanged voice for the young children who cannot speak for themselves. The pursuit to raise children in a loving and nurtured home whether directly from a mother’s home or through government housing programs, community homes, or orphanages, the laws and articles remain the same to provide children with healthy foods, proper education, and a peaceful upbringing.

Bright Future for Children Worldwide

UNICEF HeadquartersBangkok, Thailand

The local people of Krabi celebrate a successful proposal to United Nations in Thailand to propose a way to save and conserve marine wildlife and prevent pollution in rural areas by halting industrial projects that may undermine social habitats for local animals. The local people of Krabi celebrate a successful proposal to United Nations in Thailand.


United Nations (UN) Headquarters Bangkok, Thailand

Thailand’s future economy depends on its

ability to keep an open mind.

UN Environment, Culture & Socioeconomic Development

As a cultural hub for Thailand, UNESCO Headquarters in Bangkok serves as a building that promotes education through scientific research and educational development. More often than not, the organization serves its main purpose to preserve archaeological ar-tefacts, fund museum project curators, and partner with advanced research institutions both private and government-funded.

United Nations Educational,

Scientific, and Cultural


HeadquartersBangkok, Thailand

Hug Krabi Local Campaign

Bangkok, Thailand



Princess Maha Chraki Sirindhorn’s Plant Genetic ConservationFoundationBangkok, Thailand

In achieving a higher education and furthering profession-al research development in the corporate, government, and non-profit sectors, we help advance cultural learning. By bridg-ing the gap between gender, social class, and cultural differenc-es, we find a common cause to help preserve local history for coming generations.

In Thailand where orchids are rare and exotic artefacts that express cultural heritage of Thai pride, it stands as a symbol for peace, love, and prosperity. In its abundance, the most rare orchid breeds sit within Thailand’s geographical map.

Tourists often visit Thailand decorated in leis and hotels ornate their bedrooms and bathrooms with these flowers. They come in many different shades of color varieties ranging from rich and deep color purple, pink, white, and orange hues.

Not only do these orchids find their way into local homes, con-servatory greenhouses, and laboratories, but they also make a strong statement in showing rare beauty and cultural heritage for Thai people.

Preservation of Thai Exotic FloraBotany Genome Research & University Education

PUBLIC AND CIVILIAN AFFAIRSIn Thailand where most of the orchids are of special breed, it is vital that government-funded programs are on-going. University research to reach socioeconomic development goals to increase funding for botany and crop genetics help to expand Thai cultural education for environmental students.

Thailand’s cultural flora expresses a cultural unique-ness that promotes botany and genetic research to preserve rare and exotic breeds of Thai orchids for

learning purposes.

In achieving a higher education and furthering profession-al research development in the corporate, government, and non-profit sectors, we help advance cultural learning. By bridg-ing the gap between gender, social class, and cultural differenc-es, we find a common cause to help preserve local history for coming generations.

In Thailand where orchids are rare and exotic artefacts that express cultural heritage of Thai pride, it stands as a symbol for peace, love, and prosperity. In its abundance, the most rare orchid breeds sit within Thailand’s geographical map.

Tourists often visit Thailand decorated in leis and hotels ornate their bedrooms and bathrooms with these flowers. They come in many different shades of color varieties ranging from rich and deep color purple, pink, white, and orange hues.

Not only do these orchids find their way into local homes, con-servatory greenhouses, and laboratories, but they also make a strong statement in showing rare beauty and cultural heritage for Thai people.

Preservation of Thai Exotic Flora

Thailand’s Orchids: A Rare Cultural Value

Botany Genome Research & University Education


PUBLIC AND CIVILIAN AFFAIRSIn Thailand where most of the orchids are of special breed, it is vital that government-funded programs are on-going. University research to reach socioeconomic development goals to increase funding for botany and crop genetics help to expand Thai cultural education for environmental students.

The Zoological Park Organization Sponsorship Bangkok, Thailand


• Support agriculture for school lunch and during fieldtrip visits.

• Public school lunches often fall short of health quality standards for young children.

• As they grow, children they healthy meals for quality learning and focus on their educa-tion.

• Their education in the present time directly relates to their continuing education efforts that will affect them throughout their lifetime.

• Community sanitation procedures should take effect to reduce health problems that may spread directly from one student to an-other within a school unit.

Habitat Conservationstudent health & learning during school fieldtrips

Zoo Field Day Experience for Local Thai Children Bangkok, Thailand

Highlights for Public School Heath Programs

agricultural school lunch

HIGHER HEALTH STANDARDSland and soil development

student health & learning during school fieldtrips

Community sanitation is at the forefront of im-proving overall health for public school student communities.

During fieldtrips, students should have free ac-cess to clean water, soil, air, and a chance to see living plant and wildlife.

Protecting our environment with special empha-sis in regional parks and zoos directly improve community health programs for students who attend public fieldtrips.

On occasions where students may directly in-teract with wildlife habitat whether living or pre-served beings, they have the privilege to freely engage in direct-contact group learning.

environmental habitats

prevent pollution

public programs

student learning

support field trips

global perspective



Zoo Field Day Experience for Local Thai Children Bangkok, Thailand

Protecting Natural Resources and Wildlife in Public Parks

Science Cooperation

Partnering with different scientific research institutions to improve teaching curriculum by implementing teacher development pro-grams that provide vocational training for community teaching staff members.

expanding pediatric careGlobal teamwork efforts to help ex-pand our creativity through innovative and educational research helps further a child’s growth toward a positive direction. As chil-dren and market technology grow in the coming future years, we the current gen-eration must pave a proper path for them. They require all the love, attention, and care that require society to help alleviate human suffering such as poverty, chronic homelessness, improper education, unfair judicial systems, and inability to properly voice their opinions. Coming together for the children requires a strong commitment to endure hardships that may come along the way to achieve such vast goals.

22Educate Children

Friendship Bangkok, Thailand

United Nations (UN) in Thailand Bangkok, Thailand <http://www.un.or.th>

HRH Princess Maha Chraki Sirindhorn’s Plant Genetic Conservation Foundation Bangkok, Thailand <http://www.sirindhorn.net>

The Zoological Park Organization Bangkok, Thailand <http://www.zoothailand.org>

Her Royal Highness (HRH) Princess Maha Chraki Sirindhorn Bangkok, Thailand <http://www.sirindhorn.net>

The Krabi Relief Fund Krabi, Thailand <http://www.thepeacefund.org>

Anantara Riverside Resort and Spa Bangkok, Thailand <http://bangkok-riverside.anantara.com>

Suvarnabhumi International Airport Bangkok, Thailand <http://www.bangkokairportonline.com>

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Thailand Bangkok, Thailand <>

United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) in Thailand Bangkok, Thailand <http://www.unicef.org/thailand>

Uttaradit Hospital Uttaradit, Thailand <http://www.bangkokpost.com/lifestyle/6075_info_uttaradit-hospital.html>

To the Citizens of Thailand who help raise awareness for global perspective on youth

and women development&

to supporting organizations in Thailand that share our common mission.

© Thi’s PEDS Action Plan 2015 Thailand Exclusive Edition

SEAMEO Entrance

Bangkok, Thailand

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) in Thailand Bangkok, Thailand < http://www.seameo.org/index.php?option=com_con-tent&view=article&id=115&Itemid=532 >

A p p r e c i a t i o n s

His Royal Highness (HRH) Prince Mahidol of Songkla Bangkok, Thailand < http://www.pmaconference.mahidol.ac.th>

World Health Organization (WHO) in Thailand Bangkok, Thailand <http://www.who.int/countries/tha/en>

Thi’s PEDS Action Plan 2015 | Thailand Exclusive Edition

The Zoological Park Organization Student Field DayBangkok, Thailand
