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THK BUFFALO EXPRESS, \ PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING ( Sunday* excepted)by TEE EXPEEaS rillMING CO. NO. 14 E SWAN STREET. « # E 1 0 D*-Hvere<i bv carrier In the city or »er*t b> mi. I ............... W«rk v t spree, by null. (10 00 j«er annum. 1 bv do VOL. AX V. FRIDAY. MAY 27. 1870. NO. 8292. IlLSIN KXS DIRECTORY.! SAME, DUSIShSS 4 SU LOCATION OF THE LEAD!SO UOUSKS OF BUFFALO. \ IlL-rw ol our m* ler* wl.'. make pirctsses in Buf- lalo, by eultififr to. LOST A.\l> FOI Xi». I / >S II •< I —A attec mum it ». * refererc*. uni trouble. Tl.e ejection baa beet- arefu.iy made and is.trictly FIRST CLA»S.J architects . f , au» K. PORTER, Svi Main -t AO’L IMPLEMENTS, CASTINGS, AC. UO* A ID IRON WOB.n l , <bi ^MO near Canal. BANK CHS. II. W. BURT JI Co., Bain oor. Seneca. BLIND 11INGEH, FINKUAbTINGS, Ac. (. i. ai. a a . CO.,cor AustfsraaiKl V tripm* *t*. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. tA M iN TAYLOR. V.6 Man.. KK O IL.VY.R a BHO., Li7 V.aia,cor Mohawk. HUE :.D £ LENT, *40 Main ana tf W . oeneca. L. 11. Ol lh, ies Maiu. ii BOOKS, STATIONERY, AC. Vi.i . LOOM WOOL* A JuUNaoN, « « Main. UIR.hI'y LA Ol EV AMEI HIST PIN ie <tn a blscli tw.w, n<ar to Sixth «tre*-t finding it will mi tan.y r.warded b> u» tbe above number. *2; 3t WiKTKU, * J EN k a , HM anu tv i Ma •DOTS A SHOES. A. L. H' llfl'i \ EK, -A I. H JKWP.i r. . Aain. BLANK H'.GK Ma N!’J fiCT ,^ ¥ a' J. L. CiUCUkelKK, ll»4 and ds Waahington. ON FECTION LBS, (W hole.^ 4 K®tail.) W. JtL I i;LLOC'K a CO., 10 1 D viM.m caupkth, oil cloths , fe a t "*148 R. A J. '/AAtK, Cplinieterere, 47*5 Main carpet fitter . H. Plill.Lll’S, av* Main et. CON F EC J i ON ERS, (VVholeaaie.) H K .'•K > 11EARNK, ».1 ticnnca. U. A. M KNK ER, 450 Maui, uppne.M Tifft Houae. < HINA. GLASS ft CROI EERY. MATlnf.W ('SKILL 219 Main 4.BO. IC . NEWMAN, *44 Main. ( AKKLYGES. HAKVEY k WALLACE, Lock mar Cou/ter Houae CRACKERS, AC. B. OVEN'S k &iS, IfcAau.i 167 EUicntt. COAL, (Wholesale and Retail.) II. DUDLEY a CO., co-- krie *nd lerrace. OK'IUia DA SIN, Ag. , root Cvne*r. COFFEE & SPICK MILLS. OHASK a CO., Ml Main cppowie (’Lurches. COAL AND PIG IKON. O. • VMLhoN A CO., 90Obi.» c<r MxwbwipfL fu 11 EDIT ROM, * Commercial Wharf, loot of M -n «tliet. DRY GOODS. DODD, BEST * CO.,*J2 Ma'n. DRAPERS A TAlLOitri. M. H. TKYOS*. 2M4 Main. DYER AND RENOVATOR. cr - AH i IIBSTKH, 4e;i Main ENVELOPE MAN I FACTUKEkid. H w PIMOSEK, 'l'i W. Hwan ENG RA V E KS «>N WOO D u'« D WIOIITMAN. 200 Main. FANCY GOODS, AC. VOM1KK. KIEL LINO k CO . 420 Main. MKNITURE, AC. IHAAf r- WIin.T, ^;7 M*" IL i.ltlHT1 *L a CO.. **•» »*". KL'lClt, FEED AND GRAIN. W. II. (JddH. T-m-: c-r Evana. F K11 j AND O Y>TLL.1. PLATT KB! *T CO , 2 -7 Wa-.Lin*b "• FINE BRASS CASTINGS. BUFF ' LO BRASS FOUNDRY, 76 Exchange. (;i | AND PA PI ll SHOW CARDS. i. v. Huffman, hi k s- -* «t up uaira. G 1.1 M r.KS, (W huleaalfc.) A. -1. JOHNSTON, . ; Mam _ GK<MiERS I tV ii-iichalo ana Keta. .) K. I*. HOLMAN 17 •<M* - OK.» W SOOTT, 17 E be.'-ei. (; E N T S ’ Kc KN I s 111N G G 0 (»DS. ADDl-ON 1! HTAFKOKD ■u' Man. h N U.DiK.M K.V.-ON,!!'«»'" 7.,, "• Jt BK.NKD1CT. J*.7 Maui. •U'.Vs AND JEWELRY. J. O. BoBoO ’ 4 ‘JO “ *‘x HOT LLS. .......... 'a'arblnMF n and CarrolL BONNKY S HOTEL, eor ~ h a i : n : •- J. ti. LYTI.I l.t.i ! i)i.i:.' ' A KE. \IT A S T E D —*20,OWI OF THK STOCK T T of the Manufacturer* and Traders’ Bank Apply to JOBS I/I PD 81 Pearl a I A GENTS WANTED—RAKE ( HAN* t<- Diiue mo e*. Smnethii-M new Calls Buffalo (ifmeral Mubecripti-m Off.' e, 3.'i3 Ma ■rf HELP PBILgS. ______ NI AGARA ST WANTED, A OIRI for general housework in a family of three _____________________________ e*7»t NINTH ST, girl fur co WANTED, A GOOI king, »* stung ai.d ironing, a ir .) J- UNSON PLACE irl t-> du ge' er*I bonne CAROLINA ST -WANTED, re»j«otablu girl fur general houseauri a small family. EAST EAGLE ST. g.MM l plan. eook. MU ) apprent ce girls. It WANTED, A GIRI -fan infant e*5-*t 11 1041 Jin J ^ o SENECA ST -WANTED or*. e'Jfi ut -WANTED KINGSLEY nrcssmaker* % -.• 1I7 i -MAIN ST ' to take car-: HELP *ALEv. U RANTED—2 OR 3 i arry morning mutes ep - m ........... .......... w OR 3 GOOD BOY? Exp r wardlll, ; to Apply ANTED -D GOOD COOPERS Tf work on Ilnur barrel*. htea--jr w< rk am rag-». Api-ljtoO. W CMoWKLL, 72 Mci , Uevolaiid, Ohio. e*7-«t W anted , 11 MASO.-k, 154 l.l:u JAPANERS—A man todecorale t n wi ng t- FIR.1 re; also, « llir, hr , . Bo si n vrioss WANTED- A SITI'AI Y V W ANTED# ITT ATION -1 lady. Adi lOlUPIVC ANO IJIIM ilM .. \K ST A FEW GENTLEMEN IJ WEST swan sr. NEAR MAIN without board, in n 1-iS NIAGARA SI -A GENTLEMAN WANTED, A >rntn tu do cu Ai.-.g, lamiiy. G*»od rrf t RL sr THREE PLEAS i-d-.d, witi. i vi A P L E IS A N T L 0 C 1 L - xml In.ilr om, with or w thout x 3 this oft -- _ c*4-4t WANTED TWO GEN i-ir wv • md ll-rc ■ ->r four am It .-t i a j " -Lrc.-t, belwct-n Mchiga hef. runcca tDWAK , Uul KltfiXCNS v V tNCE.H. ; ti : a l (.;t SAl.t 1JCSINES: uK LEASH. AI I L>Jt Ci * Ma vt Mil W. J ALS. i PROPERTY known a.* the - Id a -o - f MS fe. i :ial -treet, a- «l ex- Ti.e I uiblmg i> M »k fe A L K H O IKES. F; R SALE—A VERY DESIRABLE. r-otny a- d almost new houae on Connecticut rt, between Tenth and l-leventh -or-et*. Tm hou*» ontains 9r*t m*. ijeaide a la-ire ha i and atic; k.t jQ x 1 T e aboTe property an be sold cheap ii plied U r immediately. If not add by the first of day wi ; be r*nted JOHN (/TT'i.fcl » '■ arl »t. «<ENECA ST.—STORE F‘)R SALE O ri 1« neca et., lertween Main and Wa-hiug*un, t-storj brick. Liu.N a bAkhtt, hne Lana tnfi'-e OTT *. ol Pearl st. ^ lOiiAGEtt FOK SALE- So W. Spruce rt., lj-§t,rj frame; lot 30x180, ;<rice f l tbv. 4^3 hwan rt , near spring, 1-etory frame; price LYON k BAKER. Erie Land <dBce. 9*200. L^OR SALE I cottage on ■•e *er and ga«. 1 :• 25 LY t l >R SALE — A SPLEN den-’e in Iy-wist'-n, N. Y.; a fine NEW 1-STORY FRAME enth et, near Carolina; cellar, and gaa. Wili tie eoid easy te iu*. LYON «k BAKfR, Hne L»nd Office. SPLENDID R E SI bouse with 15 in the be-t manner, with clegan: { u n.da, - rge sta de, chr-i e Iruit-, hea;tlifu! cl - nate.fiid- driv a In tb- vicinity romantic tcenery. 5 minutes drive from Falls, on through r-ute to 1o- ' -ntu an-l jl -ntreal, and on L. O. Snore R. K , near lep--’; aspic dm home for a family, or an elegam r- tr-at from tie dty; s- IJ low; terms t-aj. Apply *t Lewwtn.i t*i JOHN OL1PHANT. dft-Stn ' F JR SALE — THAT VALUABLE ror-'*# oil be south ^e-t corair uf Main an -reetH, w.th large and first class issideuc flni-bed. Alao, eevcral el-ga-.i vacant lot* ng the above properly on ths south. J'/HN ■1 Fe-rl at. e.3 f* FOR SALE OR TO RFNT— AT mljL La Sslie, near tiie Junction uf Cayuga Creek and the river, a large, comnmdioue hou-e with 10 rooms, p-ntry ard iilla*', 3 a-rcs of laud with quite a quantity nt fruit, sn excellent ba-n and s ie s at tac-'ed t-i It, within 3 minutes wa’k fr>-m the depot and a stone's throw from the Put* office an-l grocery. WiU be »-i|d low, terms easy. App:v to A. M CHE - BOROUGH, la fall*, K* ference tu K*-BKKT JdIIXmiN, nf the firm ,f Lockwood, Young k .'--hn- s >n, 2 0U Mal i -t , Buffalo. ellk-Vt TORE FOR SALE CHEAP—3-STORY -t re, N t 212 Beneca at Lo --xl at a l urgain. HASTINGS k OTT«> i L\)K SALE I • 2 et rj with al' ••ar. st F '.'i No. 2 H |)RH K I> M —T H A T frame dau-lh odern convenience VERY I) ESI! ig, No 42 Good 11-< JOHN OTI»», SALE -TFIE 1-STORY FIIA! ■tt* -- , Nu. Park »t , with gas and » - G I i-juire at EUVVAKDa A HI CKLANi DWELLING ■*t., near Eil-c< tt, 2 story a ment briek dwelling; has ga-, water and m1 or-.er. LYoN k BAKER, No. 1 Bui. i g. FOK SALE. IJ ESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. t st, 2-storv brick house, very desirable, Tn Ninth »t. h North Divi nut sts, 2 nt--i HoWAH pORSALE CHEAP, r nen Midi gm and Chert- w; price fhAeO. HAPFEL:., 34-i Mam st. ed « : i the i finis’ md Twelfth tots; lot- 2.‘ixll3 • » li be s.. d c r |>un easy ie r> and winr house, tbt N l\ fiu »iif 1;man-!e tn»ntlea,< HASTINGS k OTTO, * 1: ■rth WilUam :il*r, ga-w4tc. LT(Hi . sale JUL NORTH DIVISION JL »«t., l-stm\ and '•asemei-t; gas, cellar and wster. a,11s*II oh ap as the pa ty is go ng to leave town. Price #23W. Apply to M. Mc.O.Mi), No. 6 8*-uth ilOR SALE-J50 SENECA i 20 d: kpply • th. |*rtv is g i g ys wi 1-ake 94 >0> . ■ ... M . McOoMB, No. ST., 2 j pr. jx-rtj •Ohio. IKES, Ac. ii .I Morgan. l> k wrrr HARDWARE AND Mfc PRArr k CO., 40,ad aud lbo IVrmc-. IP 11 air FURNACES. A. D. GIL.IHCRT, bo Mam. 11 A T S, C \ PS AND K U RS. C. A K. Ci.'HUtr.K, f- - Mr. BEHOTOLH A BRO , 21*1 Mam. WM. WIPPEKT, 821 Main. IKON FOUNDRY. EAGLE IRON WoRKN, Perry,, -r *1 -Ipfd. CLINTON IKON WORKH,Church, -r J*<T.sou. IRON Kol N DERS, EM. I N ES, BOILERS OEO W. TlFkT, SOM A CO., Washing* IRON, NAILS, R. R. ^ fRATT A CO., 4d, 4- and 60 Terra. LAGER BEER, KILLI A UDS, Ac. MICHAEL KOKSTER, *01 Ma.n tot. light carriage \ ndsleigh . o. C. OOHWIN, 333 and 336 Washington. lAIOKtNO Cl..\ss, Pin'l IU3 FRAMES. HOWARD k BUNTING, 16 K. Swan. MALLEABLE IRON. PRATT A LKTCUWoRTU, 'st and 64 Terrace. MARBLE MANTLES AND GRATES, c. H t ooi’ER, 511 DeUaare. L SWARTZ k 0 »., 8*73 Main. MARBLE * GRANITE WORKS. DVMMONS ft ' ORSON, i --!• r C JolIN CRAWFORD, I#7 an ! ltd Niagara. MILLIN ERY (Wholesale and Retail.) HENRY oTUHKN, 2.M) Man. W. 11 WOODWARD. BU Mai’i. MOURNING GOODS. DODD. BEST A Co, 414 Main. M.ttolr IIK\I.KKS.INI) ITIILISHEKS. JKWEIT A Mlfit'HAA, 2C*J Main. ORGANS (Portable Pipe.) DERRICK, KELOEMAKEK A 0O..3J, 41 and 43 Clinton. ORGANS, MEI.ODEONS, *(’. »E > , A. PRINCE A CO.. Ni.< ara. Seventh and Ma- Un,t OILS, P VTNTS, AC. S PEASE, tk'. and *17Ma n PtANIN.t Mll.I.S, llDOHto, SASH. tC. tv. EVANS A CO., Mechanic PRINTERS A BLANK BOOK MAN’FS, B A K FR JONES A SMITH. 220 and 222 Wa-iiingtuu street. PIANOS, MTSfG, AC. OOTTIK.R A Dr VTON, 2>J» Mali:. PIANO M ANU FAC ’TU'R E RS. C KDRT'/.M \N, I *«. liHarhl lid Batavis. OKVINE BllOS.,4u1 Niagara, ear Maryland. PAPER HANGINGS, AC. M K. Bl RUE, 21- Main. MONTOOM 1.UY BROS., V .V- Main fif KRIlKTT NICHOLS, 679 Mam. P HOTOO RA P ll ERS. W M KNIGHT. U.v. Man. r B. RAMBLETON, 306 and 460 Main SCALES AND SAFES. BUFFALO UO aI K WORKS. 63 Main. SEWING MACHINES. WHFELKR A WILSON 6 M. CO.. 275 Main, cor WILCOX * GIBBS S M . Of'.. 14 S. Dirision. UO'* F S. M C.l , IS W Swan. FLOHEV ES M- CO., 401 Main SADDLERY HARDWARE, AC. PRATT A LE .CH WORTH, 52 and 54 Terre c. SILK HAT MANUFACTURERS. c ji^vCKENZlK, 197 Main. )VE HOLLOW WARE. cor. Brace rt. and Eiie Cana STAINED GLASS. BUFFALO s T - ,N::!‘ GLASS WORKS, 29 Pear!. 0 O. L- BUHNS. - 'Main. SCHOOL FURNITURE. ev. CTIASK A SOM. « 2 Seventh. STOVES AND HARDWARE. ■ HAW FFBHIS A CO , 446 Main STOVCS. FURNACES AND RANGES. 1 . SWAK1Z A CO., 363 Main. TRUNKS. DANIEL H HUMPHREY. Suereewir to Jeo. Una- phrvy s Bn... SuS Man. tot. TOBACCONISTS. a M ADAMS A CO.. *59 Washington A 48 A50 Pearl. GIBSON’ F HOWARD A Co . **> Wa*lungt*.n. WATCHES. JEWELRY * DIAMONDS. PITKIN'S JF.WF.I.RY STORE. 292 Ualn. T Js E. DICKINSON, *64 Main. DAN. B. CASTLE, 1«1 Main. BTEVFN3 BROS., 469 Mam. WATCH MAKERS & JEWELERS. JULIUS WALKER. * 7 Mam. ___________ LYoN A i'AKhit. M ILLINERY SI vtoOraM. •t-niito. HASTINGS A FOR SALE- •f good* ' 4 Brown' niM T J I*ANFOl S. ri HER FI XTURES - ar Eig'’f No 309 West Forty-Aral If w j-.rk. HOUSES AND CARRIAGES, » _ FOR SALE A YOUNG MAKE, id fart. r-w .j£,\\ \N 1KI) A ? " i ’ * s-'nted cirr a A LIGHT, TWO- piOK SAliE P ham! |.h«r *.n CHEAP -A S KCON D -O KOI FOR S ll.F, SALE ( lint.*' A THOROUGH •h dog, eight m<>nthi F •nd ha - E 70 R SALE OR 1 .-n Main st . in a gu* MI sale UD"D feet of land on Jeffer-on. Bristol, llaiuilt n. Kandall, >pring A. lam -tr. i ts m I t- and < n time m suit pur- th . Apply tu JOHN OTTO.61 feari nt. TO LET—A STORE .od location Will take a« •art lot. ►nquire A BUCKLAND, No. 2 Brown’s r?f> I \ESIRABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY I / FOK SA K The 3-st .rv brick ft. re. No. 390 tli.itoh* ud ling !-. rear niS'-U-d to 1. xlw to a le i; wifi fto« HAbilNUs k 4 Bn.v 1 fer a , wa-«-r a r nianuf •* TAOR S ale -NO. J? 2 storv frame dwell LEE A PICKERING, 13 W. Swi 119 SIXTH ST., iot 3 -x132 ; price Y?0R SALE OR TO EXCHANGE FOK • - first da.'r* rsfidence in thi* citv, a farm of 104 * .. . lying just irgc orchard, on* r • biick house i liarnto. Wi.i be aold cb'i HoWA D li.SIRAI-.LK BRICK HOUSE SALE li-storv t ri- k house, 174 Franklin . 'Lot 26 feet front to an alley in rt cheap, terms easy. HASlINGS n's Buildings d'Jtf T?OR SALE.—A NEW X1 cla cias* 2 J story r' sldencc .vemeiiL-; south side of ure. Lot 159x566 feet. Terms easy. AND FIRST !1 the modern im reet, west of i>el- •tfl BUELL, 2 Hollister Building 70R SALE—NO. and attic brick dw- mantlis, c.mrnt cellar, ga-* am *23 LYON' A BAKE F mi J 11* (JE> 17 at IS* EAGLE ST.. 2 *1 welling: grat. s, marble , Kri AOI: SAI.K—BRICK HOUSK, -2-STOR- ic-*, attic and cellar, situate on Oak st., ncai ,ir ti; gas and water; g <>*1lot ami Bam r >;, LVOV A If VKKR, Erie Land Office. bargain. N 'o. 414 Seneca sr., lot fO throngh Foi om at., with a 2-story h ick house and 2 barns in rear This '.**a rare ehar.ee for a milkman or an- < t.,er party hav.ngbu-i< ess in ’ha* l**ra'i..n. Will lie sold on li’ era', terms F-.r further parti- «- lsr. apply to HI ME A SANFORD, 16 West Swan st. ALE-435 SDUTH DIVISION atory cottage, lot 40x120, grape* ard fruit trees. Till- I- .-heap,41500. Apply to M. McCOMB, No. a S«.th Division T?OR S A r n t. i to I ADR SAI.K LOT 35 x 100FT., William tot west -Ide near Allen BvKKll N > . 1 Brown’s Building. NORTH LYON It i j o n I 1 l’i: .CHia, ;t sioritis irame. PROPERTY FOR SALE—AT fim. eto from Batavia; hu di g i.- LYON A BAKER, Erie Land '*f- T O I. F.T H O l toES. ! VWKU.IN.i F"R SAI.K CHEAP—A \J g.-od bargain will f-e given in the sale of the ■tory bri* ga- and v 6 Nia.' •*: 7 M-.ehigan tot; lo ro*.in« LEj NAKD Wlt-bON A SON, Nu e2tf A 0 ’£ GOOD ENGINE AND BOILER FOR sale cheap B>>1.1.1 U A BK.CTFNWALT, PAPERS an<l 75 i^nts FOK SALE - AT 5 o lOKSAIJ’U KW v / VNE OF 1 HE FI NEST FARMS IN F.r i*Cu ,ntv for tosls. con-itoting *.f about 12n a.-n*-*, 10 acres wood l»a an ,-e excel eut s*.il und r a liunst.it uf cultivation, with brick dwelling, fi"e barns, outhouses, fi.-h i-ond, lit ing water, and or chards of several in .*Ire-1 hiartTig t'ecs of every v i-i-ty of frm-. Tin-| ..|«erty can be b-ught very che~ii> ai.d on *-a»y term ■ A - ply to *12 ' LEE A PICKERING. 13 West Swan <L Hi BD k SS P V Co.. * POR SAUK 1 city pr -perty Unit along the (.cnesee Portage ln*|iure s*»on LAN -'8. Ite*l E*. a OR EXCHANGE or Wist- n lands. 13fi£ ». FOK ,*.d I.o i Br... . No ; Br alto-tit 6 ni’ E.-HaKIW A t l . a :s*trance Agents, Trtut wi.’s Buil ing. el7 A I) WEI.I INGS FOR SALE rent cheap, with immediate j-v*s* >.xti* tot , No. 15t. 2-stury brick; 9 ro l«-r; gas and water. Sixth St., No 4>.*f. 1}-tot ory frame; > LEO.NAK, OR TO -sic.n— •ms, in fine No I'lN K 1 136 Ci RESIDENCE FOR KENT—NO. ttage st., new 2-atory brick, with gas and _ de ightful lo ation. " ill be rented i**wt a - ■*1tenant. LEE A PICKERUfw, 13 West Bwa •« DWELLING TO RENT—THE 2 - ta::l st.nrv basement and attic brick dwelling. No S3 Mac .ra st., with gas, hot «.r.d cold water ar.<! t.iti*. ail in L-o*-*l onler p ..f-wi ual «r bu-meas n 13 W. Swan rt. _____ j IRAKLI] DWELLINGS TO RENT. Ij- t.*rv bricV, 32 Norris place, ga* ar.d water. 11 -story frame, ISO Cl:ut n st, good cellar, gas and Apply to EDWARDS Jrown'to Bu'.ding k BUCKLAND, No. M A l g U E r ▼19— HUBBARD—On Thursday, the ?«th tnrt., DA -tud.y Cbur.-h. bv the Hev, Dr. InyewoM. •' d Met' Davta.of Alhan», to Kila S., daugh- E wai '». ilut'bxrJ, of thia city, ur DIED. -lcn J.. wife of Alfred H«!nea, HA15E9 j ,ck«on, of Oneans County, an-* 4aafM r IF B %l, \ t74tft s. 11 o’clock a. in , from Funeral <*n ► inlav. Ms> 2 . Uw, Mr B. Hain*s, th- rend n e of tier father in mh p iend* and 13" Carolina* st , co.mr of 9-vc ^ atlentL acquaintanors are respectfully ms 1 Msv 19-b. Hon. J Burch, In nf,, uncle of J . J FINK FARM FOR SALE OR KX chug* coiittoining 140 aer*» 25 w*vsl lan*i; soil excellent, w. 11wat-red. fine . rrhard,nrw *-st*>rr fr ut e dwellin.-, with bams, outln.u-e-*, »h-d--, Ac. ad In good order City property will t-c- taken in part payment, balance on e-a_. terms. LEE A PICK EKl NG, IS W. Swat rt el 1.7 A R M FOR SALE —33 ACRES OF 1 1 •nd si*listed on Ferry st, about 2 mile-* east <-f Ma n st-. with framehous -, splendid bam,sheds, Ac . vo. ng orchard c*f 1009 dwarf l- ar an l 100 app'* !’*■ * Will be *.ld cheap or will exchange!—aL- •! —el. HASTINGS k uTTO, N'o. 4 Brown's B 8 _____________________________ j^RUIT FARM FOR SALE —36ACRES _1 of land, 17j acres in apple orchard, l-e ides other smtil fruita in great abundance; l*a'an e of land in tillage; large t-sfory f**m house g *od l*ni, Ar ; loea’iun very pleasant—J-mile east from Me dina, Orleans coun'y. t. *niall property w-ill he taken in part pay. Price of farm FstOO LYON k BAKER, Erie laud Office. ___________________ LENDID OPPORTUNITY—FOR e or exchange f .r improved city property, 1000 acres of laud in W avne Co , Michigan, 25 miles from lie'r.'lt, part timbered and balance in fin? prairie For *trtn* applv to EDWARDS A BUCK- LAND. X 8 Brown's | el7 I J1 ARM FOR SAI.K- BEST GARDEN lard in Erie County Must be s*».d to close outancstve, 26J a-res, 2 mii**s from the Court- h**u e. Will he s*.Id cheap by HoWaKD k CHAP PELL, 34-to Main st _____ *4 ESIRABLE HOUSES TO KENT W.th immediate possession, the 2-story brick house. No. 23! Seventh street, with gts, water, cellar.’ Also, the very commodious 3-*>t*.ry brick house. N.. 4".* Frank!i 1 street, very convenient, has ga«. water, bain, c. Her and stable, and u* find lo at. d; a portion ..r th<* whole of the furniture n..» in the house can be bought cheap by the tenant if HASTINGS A OTTO, d?0 4 Brown's Bunding. A tbe SOth yaar ."’Bureh, of thu q t7 ■o.ralsi U^saa. B-Met* M-.rUMDt at rsasnnawe prwu-_ Bcrrcui socxvitoo vroj*. BT 1 aoOO Wlsd -v e w . ua.rud s r— ° i\ s s s j j . . 00 m IbtoA «*4 48 lAmyA at. 171 ARMS FOK SALE—A GOOD FARM ; of 1*') a w la ibe town ot West Seneca four-and a half mdes fr m Buffalo. A nice l^ b 'r y biick hou-e, three hundred grafted tree-* and a good glaes house, tery cheap. HOWARD A cHaPPBL, S«8 Main street.____________ dl» O ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE AT A O bargain, on Limestone R dge, between White's Comer. Plank Road and the Turnpike, with orchard of select® 1fru t. A very pbanautand de*trable loca tion. Prio* 91500 Applv at No. 5 SDgar* *V LEONARD WILSON * »ON, Real Estate and Insur ance Agvnta_________________ e7 K- 0R RENT—A VERY DESIRABLE i red !en.-e. 294 Ninth st; Jtotory frame, n , in excel-.ent oroer. JOHN OT Uid V TO LET— RENT—THE FINE 2-STORY Morris P ace, with bam delightful 1 . cati' n. Will be rentod low to a go© er.ant. LEE k PICKEKING. * We-t 8* an et. el* F or frame dw* Ding N" F o r s ale— 2 'sto ry brick house. No 254 Frxu.k.intt., with every modern con- enience; ot 64x140. lerm* favoratle. JO-lN el3 NEW 2 STORY brick bouee, with gas, water, liath and furnace 6C6 Pro pect Avenue A deiightfui location E k PICKERING, 13 Wee- Swan »t. e5 pOR RENT—THE F or rent of No l(r2 Seventh rt., on a paved allev. JOHN tl P-arl *t. el8 B oarding house for ren t— The large 3-«tory basement and attic brick building,No.135 E Seneca *t,wili be rented at a rood- rate rent. LEE k PICKERING, 13 W. Swan *t. f ^OR RENT—THE HOUSE KNOWN as Spring AbVy House, on Main street, will be rented, with the priviirge of » limg liquors io the garden. The house i» a large two-voiy frame, fitted up for salo .11 and dwelling. LYO- S k BAKKK Eric Land Office. elfi H ouses to ren t by m. mccomb, No. 6 South Division st. 335 HaiLtoon st , 2-story frame, gas, cellar and a gr-od w*-i, of water, flrisved in fine style. This ix tc of the finest locations in Buffalo; rent 9400. 197 c/to gia st , 2-etory brick, In excellent condi- tion, .as,water and cel ar; this is a very central io- ition; rent |4o0 62%Swan nt., 2-*tory frarne. houae new; and finis' - 1 < fl in excellent manner with ai. the modem lm •ovementto. rent 915". Bnck .-tore and dwe ling to rent in a good lueation for a family grocery; tbe same has a good brick oven. FURNISHED COUNTRY SEAT FOR [. rent at Lewiston, on the Niagara River, con sisting of a good medium sized dwelling, wi.h out- buildings, three acres of land with a fine grove, shrubbery, choice flowers, fruH and berries, im*i>t delightful reridence will l*e r*nu-.l eompletolv urmsbed, f-*r f..ur months or louger, with .mine*;: te jKitoSetoxioQ. LEE k PICKERING, 13 W. hwan reel . 17 IO LEI 10 ACRES OF LAND, WITH g*.. I frame h *u*e and barn, situate <>n Roucx enue; rent J2f>**. Apply »*>.ii at EDWARDS k BUt KLAND’S, No. 2 Br. *u’» Building. el7 5 BRICK BARN FOR RENT—SITC- x ate on the alley in rear of No. 154 Swan st , r Michigan st. LtE k PICKERING, 13 W. Swan TO LET—STORE'S. UTORES NOS. 83 , 91 ft 93 MAIN ST., O to rent. Apply to JOHN OTTO, 81 Pearl «t T » 1. St RENT — A FINE BUSINESS stand 3 miles from Main St., on Seneca Rt., .t re, dwelling and bum. R«nt low. Apply soon South Divim 1 M. McCOMB *s TORE FOR RENT—BRICK STORK No. fil Ma n st.. ehe-p to a g.-od tenanL HASTINGS AuTfO, 4 lirowr.’s Building. S' TORES TO RENT— i4 Main st. now occupied by Lyon k Fleirshelm. ht WVst 8*neca st,Courier HI. ck. 99 Ellico.t st, cor. of No th Division. HASTINGS A OTTO, d20 4 Brown’s Bunding. T Division *10R TO LET—ROOMS . ____ LET—LODGING ROOMS. FUR nialied and u. furnished. Apply at 109 North _________lt R EN T -O F FI ( E. S U IT A BLE for a i’ll to., iai Inquire at 160 Pearl st. \ ES1K ABLK lTTir1 MS FUR e21 6 Centra! I v n U.ie 0 RENT.— located in a g <*d neighborhood, ms witl. ^aj*, water. Ac ; tmrble mau ler, v*d. b,- rent- d to a goo*! tenant. I EE A PIuKKUINO 13 Swan st. I OFT*S FOR RENT—IN THE NEW 1 J block comer of V iashington and Green streets, he second story over N<>s. 153 and 155. The whole f the third story Apply to : lsTo. cl»-tf JEWETT k ROOT. IH REE N1CESLEBPINO ROOMS IN that *»utral locality, 333 Main street, over -diey A Kockwelh Apply to GEO. B. BULL on the nreir*— T MORTtiAGES. __________ 1ITY AND COUNTY ORDERS, Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages, Commercial Paper, negodated by EDWARDS <v BUCKLAND, Real Estate a d Loan brokers. No. 2 Brown’s Build- d28 JUKc'HASE MONEY — MORTGAGES _ wanUri by LEE k PICKERING, tfi West Swan st. SPECIAL NOTICES. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN Ail women know that lt ii beauty, rather than genii.«, whicli ai’ generati -nt of* men have w,*rship- ped in the sex. Can it be wondered at, then, thst much of wi man's time arid attention should be directed to the means of developing and preserving that beau y? Women know, too, that when men peak of the lntfc'.'eet of women, they speak criti- •aly, .tamely, eooliy; but when they come to speak if the charms of a h*autiful woman, their language 1.1 their eves kindle w.th an enthusiaon which ■I.owi them to be profoundly, if r.ot, indeed, ndi.-u- ously in eirneat. It is part ol the na’ural s.-gacity .f women to perceive a:l this, and therefore empl y vc v a lowable art to bee me the goddess of tt.at adoration. P.-each to the contrary, a* we n a . against the arts employed bv worn*n fur enhancing tlitir t eauty, there still stands the eternal fact, that ti.e w rl*l *i*-es not prefer the society sf an ug y eoinan of genius to that of a • eauty of less intelhc- ual acquir m-nts. The world has vet allowed no higher mission to won.an than to Ire beautiful,*n l it uid «eem that the ladi s of the piesent sge are car- ng tli h id- a of ti.e w.-rl.l to greater extreme* than ev*r. for all women n*-w t *whom nature ha* denied till manic po*er of beauty.sup; ly the rieficency by the u.-«- of a mo«t de.igbtiul toilet article, knowa ic “ B oom of Youth,” which has beeu late'y In troduced into this country ,by George VV . Laird, a delicate beautifier, which smoothes out aii indenta tions,'furrows, sc TS, removing tan, frecklo', and discolaratio-.s from the skin, leaving the complexi >n lear, 4;riiliant and beautiful, tho ^ i n soft and smooth. With the assistance of this new American trick of a Lady’s toilet, female beauty is destined to play a larger part in the admiration of men and tho ambition of woipen than all the arts employed since her crestton. Prof. C. F. Chandler, Chemist to tiie Metropolitan Board of Health, has recently prepared a chemical analysis of thi« de ightful toilet prepara tion, and reporteJ that the “Bloom of Youth” was hamilca-, containing nothing injurious to ti.e health. Lad es need have no fear of using thia invaluable t I et .cquis'tion. S id by every druggist and fancy gords dealer in tbe Us Fed States. ei; DEPOT 5 OOULD ST , N. Y DRY ROODS. IlttilMIIAH HliCEIlffl TO FL KCHASERS Or DRY GOODS BARNES & BANCROFT. o Q 5 Cen DRESS GOODS COUNTER Is supplied at all times with the MOST DESIRABLE STYLES OF DRESS GOODS, J FREQUENTLY WORTH 35 and 50 Cents pep Yard. FRIDAY A SATURDAY fOF EACH WEEK ONE 25i* CENT [[COUNTER Of a variety of artlclea, 1 AT .GREAT BARGAINS, i EN0RM01ISJ SALES! WHITE 4 PIQUES! At 26 Cents per yard and upwards. BlackJ Alpacas, Embroideries, Gloves and Parasols. SHAWLS IAND :w raps . AND ALSO, BLACK, 1 COLORED JAPANESE SILKS BARNES &BANCROFT, CASH HOUSK. 259 MAIN STRE ST. M lS H 'U . H AUNTING IMAGE— Song for Soprano, composed by H. Sutter, price 80 cents. concert, quite eavy and Lisetten Waltae*—Emil Wahle prioe 50 eent*. Amel a Polka Redowa—Emil Wahle.. do 80 do Among the best of Wahle's compositions. We have just published the above and will mall the same on receipt ..f price c!9 COITIEK M l DENTON, 269 Main st. C 1 HR 1 S. KURTZMAN, PIANO MANU j FACTURER, corner Batavia and Elm sts., two squares from old Court House. The subscriber keeps constantly on hand a choice assortment of Piar.o T .rtes, in elegant rosewood cases, which he warrants to be equal in tone, touch and finish to any manufac tured n the country. Persona desirous of obtainirg a superior instrument are respectfully invited to give him a call before purchasing elsewh»r# CHRlHTfAW KfRTZMJ 6HIPPIKC. THE UNION STEAMBOAT ________ COMPANY—For Chicago, MUwau- at.d mtrrmeuiate peris. 1 he elegant passen ger itomtr FA88AIC, w. A- SMITH............................................ Csplain is nowreoeivmg freight at the foot of Main street fo 'bepuri* named above, an 1 wiil leave on FKIDaV E f ENISO, May 28, at 7 ©’dock. For freight or pw—age apply at the Company's otfiee. bo. 1 Main street. cA>2t SKTH CALDWELL. Agent. Tfi© Union bteamborti Company. FOR LAKE SUPERIOR. the elegant passen - ED pacific, KELLEY............................ Captain, o’clock. Wi' leave Buffalo TUESDAY, MAY 81, at 8 P. M.J ro R SAULT ST. MARIE, MARQUETTE, AND PORTAGE LAKE, CALLING AT CLEVELAND AND DETROIT, and makiig dose connection at Portage Lake wi'h toteamtr* for Cupper Harb- r. Eagle Ha; bor, Ontoiu- r >n La Pointe, BavfieM. Suoenor Ci-y and IDULUTH. Freight received tor above boat* at foot of Mam •treet. The steamer ARCTIC, J. E. TURNER...................................Captain, Equal in rate, capacity and accommodations,will leave as above, on TLESUAY, June 7, at three o’clock P. VI., for same destination. These steamers are near! iew, have elegant cabin*, and are furnished w.th special reference to tne accommodation of passer: ;en. and have also ample room lor freight, and will institute, during the sea** u of lo70, AN INDEPENDENT LAKE SUPERIOR LINE, leaving Huffxlo regularly every "Tues sy at 8 P. M., and Cleveland every Wednealay at 8 P. M. For freight er pa-tsage anply at the Company’s oboe. No. 1 Mam street. Buffalo. ________________ SETH CALDWELL, Agent. THE WESTERN TRANS- _______ PORTATJON COMPANY.—F r land He n it. Go d Harbor, Milwaukee and Chicago. The first rlass pa*senger steamer EMPIRE STATE, JAMES CARLISLE........................... Master l« now receiving freight at her docks, foot of Wash- iogton street, and wdl !«are for the above ports Thursday even.ng, May 26th, at 8 o’clock. F r freight or pa*-*age apply at the Company's Offices, foot of Waahington .-t snd Erie Basin. JOHN ALLEN. Ja., R. M. CHOATE, President. Passenger Agent.______________ e26-2t 1870. 1870. New Jersey Steamboat Company. PEOPLE’S EVENING LINE F.iK NEW YORK DAILY, Sundays excepted, at o’clock P M. L>KAS RICHMOND, Capt. W. H. Christoph*r, Mondays, Wednesday* and Fndnys, DKEW, Capt. S. j . Roe. Tue-*days, Thunuiays and 4totiirday«, at s i o’clock P. M. or on arrival of trains. Hu uftU.V RIVER RAILROAD TICK ETS OOOD FOR STATE RO*>M PASSAGE. These boati* will connect with the Train* of N Y. C.R. K ..R .S 8 R. R. and A k 8. R. R., due at Albany 8:10, 8:15 and 8:20 A. M. All check»d hagg;ige transferred FREE, as usu-1, an Agent of the Line at the Depot alway* on arrival of the Trains. FREIGHT TAKEN CHEAP AS BY ANY OTHER LINE, vorpari rttlars applv at the Office, N >•* . 283 and 285 Broviwa;. J. W. HARCuUKT, ALB akv, April 28, 1870. Agent 1870 UNION STEAMBOAT CO. Will run during the present season, TWENTY-SIX 5TKAMERS betxeeo Buffalo and the principal ports of the Great Northwestern Lakes, in connection wi'h .he E ltlE RAILW AY. Also, in connection with the Merchants’ Wen*ern Line and Jonathan Myers’ Line on the Erie Canal and with all Western Railways having tl.e.r termini at the Lake ports. The various Lines will be constituted as follows: BUFFALO ft LAKE SUPERIOR LINE. .....Capt. J. F. Turner. ............... Capt. Ed. Kelley. BUFFALO, MILWAUKEE &CHICAG 0. DAILY LINE. JAY GOULD, (new).................. Capt. F. H. Br- wn. COLORADO............................. Capt. J. W. Brett. DEAN RICHMOND.................. Capt. B. S. Wolvin. ST. LOUIS.............................. Capt. Jam** Pratt. JAMES FISK, Ja.(new........... Capt. J. W. Me re. .NEBRASKA........................... Capt. X Gcbhard. B W BLANCHARD (new) Capt. John Kirby. CANISTEO .......................... Capt. J. P Ever*. ROANOKE ...................... Capt. R. Anderson. WABASH................................ <apt. F. L. Pope PASSAIC.................................Capt. W. A. Smith. WENONA................................ Capt. 0. B. Joiner. BUFFALO, CLEVELAND ft TOLEDO. DAILY LINE. NEW YORK... equinox...... Toledo........ orontes.. .. ECLIPSE........ AKAXES;....... Capt. Wm. Camming*. Capt John Egeler. Capt. H. A. Sisson. Capt. J G. Hinde. .... Capt. Samuel Shannon. Capt. E. A. Myers. JEWETT & MISCHKA’S * MUSIC STORE. 26 Slain Street* AGENCY FOR THE UNRIVALLED CHlCKERINC PIANOS At prices reduced to such ar. extent that they can be purchased for nearly the same figure which inferior and w orthless instruments command. Call and get an illustrated price list. We are also Agents for the celebrated DECKER BROTHERS’ PIANOS Which are now taking the lead over ali other New York rnske* Our large assortment of Pianos also Includes In strument* fr-m th# celebrated manufactories of J. & DUNHAM, BLOOMFIELD k OTIS, KAN'•'8T GABLER. We have on hand an assortment u the celebrated QEQ. WOOCS f t e o . PARLOI ARO VESTRY ORSAI, which for i^autiful and pipelike quality of tone, elegance of finish a- d durability of cot*»ruction ex ceed all other make*. Call and examine onr large variety of PIANO 8T(tOLS. PIANO COVERS, kc. Piano* moved, stored, boxed and shipped on short uoiice. OLD PIANOS taken In exchange. We are constantly adding to our very large and well selected st' ck of Sheet Music, Musical Instru menu and Musical Merjhand.se of every description JEWETT MISCHKA, 263 MAIN STREET, bi Buffalo, N. Y. BUFFALO ft DETROIT. DAILY LINE. ATLANTIC......................... Capt. Wm. Thorrt. TIOGA................................ Capt. G. W. Siodda-d. OLEAN............................. Capt, G. F. Cleveland. ELMIRA.............................Capt. W I>. Douglam. GUIDING STAR................ Capt. D. McFarlaue. GALENA............................ Capt. W. N'otrun. Theee Steamer* aro first-cla**, several of them quite new, other* nearly new, ar.<l all are in tlie very l«-i older for service. They will >*e run regular!v a* -tated. Sh’piwr* are assured that this now orhither- o unequalled organization will afford tht.n every >le- irable facility fer the transportation of their fr. ight n the m*yit prompt and *atisfaclory manuer, ai.d a: fair rates. Duck for Chicago, Milwaukee and Lake Superior U .e, foot of Main street; fur Lake Eric Lines, foot of Lloyd street. * Freight aud Passage Office, No. 1 Main street. BY TELEGRAPH. THE FENIANS. a r Gene* ■ of Canada announcing hat tbe Feciaca had crusstd the lice tear I’hilipebnrg and at other points on tie frontier, and that tremble was ireatened at rariona plaoee along the b >rder. Bat he was happy to aay tha gov ernment bad farther information that tht Ereaident of the United Statea ha I iaaaed * proclamation of warning, and General Meade had dispatched troops to the frontier to prevent the violation of neutrality. The Iriah land bill with amendmenta waa r* ported from the committee. After a dis- uStoion of eome of the amendmenta the report was agreed to and the bill ordered to he read for the third time on Monday next. I he announcement of the result waa re ceived with load and repeated cheers. A JUDGMENT FOR THE U. S. ^ In the caae cf the Government of the United States against Blakely for the pos -t'ssion of certain gnns, shell and other ord nance, came up for decision to-day before the Iloil Conrt. Judgment waa given in favor of the United Statea. “ CONSTITUTIONAL LEFT “ P aris, May 26.— In the Corps Legialatif to-morrow an interpellation will be submit ted to the government on the cause of the dissolution of the Plebiscitary Committee. The ministerial journals express fears that the question raise*! on this point may result in a coalition of the Right and Left Wwga •>f the Corps Legialatif against the Ministry. It ia announced tbat on thia occasiou tbt Left Wing will declare itself a constitu tional party, and wiil signify ita willingness to accept power under the empire, if it is permitted to carry out its programme. Picard is the leader iu this movement, and wiil be the chief of tbe party, wbich is to be called Constitutional Left. NEW P0RTUGUE8B CABINET. L isbon, May 26.—The Duke of Saldanha haa nearly completed his new Cabinet, which is now reported thus: President of * ouncil and Minister of War, Saldanha Minister of the Interior, Sainpoyo; Mans ter of Finance, Ferreire; Minister of Jup tice, Acosta; Minister of Marine, Torres; Minister of Public Works, Perniche. WASHINGTON. THE FIASCO AT.FIGEON HILL. T oronto, May 26.—From the best infor mation received here the Fenian raid, s* far as Pigeon Hill is concerned, is looker upon as a miserable failure. Ths Fenian* xre now retreating, leaving tbeir arms, naggage and wounded behind them. N* loss of life on the Canadian side. Hun tington is the principal point of interest where every necessary preparation hac been made. The Fenian movement may be now look ed upon as virtually ended. Straggling narties may give a little trouble, but th* preparations to meet them are so complete that nothing bnt the entire defeat will at t«nd any further attemp at invasion. THE INDIAN ATTACK. The story of the Indians having attacker the troops« at Saolt Ste. Marie, cannot I* traced to any trustworthy source, and th* latest advices say nothing of it. On the Niagara and Detroit frontiers a sufficient force is in readine&s to repel any attempt to enter the country. RENEWEB EXCITEMENT IN NEW YORK. New York, May 26.—The evening papers contain the following: The rejtort that the Fenians had crossed the border nto Canada from the ipper part of thu ■State haa created renewed excitement in the city. A dispatch Announcing the fact was read at Hibernian Hall, where an im mense crowd was assembled, and was re. ceived with tumultuous cheers. Large numbers of men left by Hudson River Mail Road this P. M , and more are going off to-night. Further intelligence ie awaited with great anxiety. Whether the movement is a lizzie or not, recruiting is still going on, and all men offering their services are at once accepted and provided with transportation. Understood Feninn dispatches deny that any demoralization exists among the meu on the border. The> speak hopefully of the prospects to have a battle hourly. FITZHUGH LEE TO 8 UCCEED O’NEILL No attempts are made to deny tbe arrest of General O’Neill, and it is reported that General Fitzhugh Lee will succeed him in command. MALONE THE BASE. Malone, New York, has been fixed npon an the central point of concentration, and ail the troops are hereafter to be sent there. A FEINT. The battle at Franklin is characterized as a feint to draw off the attention of the Ca nadian forces from other points. TRANSPORTATION SECURED. At the Hudson River Railroad depot transportation lias !*een secured for several thousand men. The tickets have |>een pur chased in advance so that no delay may occur. The four o'clock train this afternoon will carry 1400 men. under command of Colonel McMahon, an ex-Confederate officer. Tbe men are aaid to be veterans of the late war and most of them able to pay their own ex penses. They will probably go to Malone, where an army of more than 7000 men is said, by Fenians, to be fully equipped and ready for the field. Colonel Gay nor will leave the city to night with 1000 men, but no correct sur mise can be made in regard to their desti nation. Even the railroad tbey go by ia kept profoundly secret from the men, but the rumor is at: oat that they are intended for some point west. Colonel Byron, Colonel O’Leary, Captain Linda* y and other officers who command the Irish volunteers in the Catharine W hit ing expedition to Cuba that was captured at Gardiner’s Ialand have all gone to the front. 20,000 MEN GETTING READY. It is reported, not on good authority, that there are 22 t(K )0 men on the bigd* r now who are making ready for tho field as quickly as possible. DISGUSTED AND DISCOURAGED. A dispatch from St. Albans says s num ber of Fenians are lounging about there discouraged and disgusted. They decline to co to Malone, and many are retnrmnc , , .. . . ^ , hom., our go.ernment furm.hiug trMupor- I *h° .’/oM h tation. < e . POSTMAn TERS APPOINTED. Washington, May 26.—The President appointed a number of Postmasters for minor offices to-day, among them Horace A. Jarvis, at Cortland Village, N. Y. THE RIVER AND HARBOR*BILL. The River and Harbor Bill reported to day makes appropriations to the amount of nearly three millions and a half do]]; The following are among them: For tho improvement of the Krie harlmr, f 20 ,(MNi; for the improvement of Dunkirk harbor, $2.i.ODD; for tbe improvement of Buffalo harbor, for the improvement of i 'hwego harbor, $50,000; for the improve ment of Ogdt-nsburg harbor. $15,(kid; for the improvement of Hudson River, $10,U00; for tbe examination and surveys of tbe North and Northwestern lakes and rivers aud Atlantic and Pacific coast and for con tingencies, $150,000. RESOLUTIONS SIGNED. The President to-dsy signed a resolution authorizing the payment of the full salary of Alvin B. Harvey as Miurstrr to Peru, without deduction on account of absence from his post. The President also signed a resolution authorizing Lieutenant-Commander Arthur A. Yates, Surgeon Albert L. Gibson, Pass ed Assistant Surgeon Charles H. \\ bite, and Assistant Surgeon Jerome H. SkiJder, of the United States Nsvy, to accept deco* rations from the King of Portugal in recog nition of humane service. GENERAL JORDAN. General Jordan was at the House this afternoon in conference with those nu others known as the friends of Cuban inaepen dence. He recently bad an interview with President Grant, represenfinc to him th. resources of the insurgents and their pros pects of success. I.aht night he dm*d with Kepreaentative Swann, there being present □early all the members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. General Jordan express* s himself much pleased with the progress he made since his arrival in Washington ruring a mere friendly ' ; half c AGENTS AND CONSIGNEES: rl. L. WILLIAMS.......... 267 Broadway, New York. . H. WARD................ 241 Br .adway, New York. . S. DUNL-tP....... 124 Washington strret, Boston. SETH CALDWELL. W. D. CUSHING, r. c. McDowell k co A. W. COLTON, ( A. W. C >LToN A CO.,) A. CHESEBROUG11, I J. S PATTEN f ....... C. M. COTTKILL................ L aTHROP A CO................... WASHINGTON BUL'ARD f- 1 Mam street, Buffalo . ..Cleveland. Toledo. Detn.it. . .Milwaukee. Racine. Chicago. S. D. CALDWELL. General Manager, Nu. 6 Ohio street, Buffalo ral Ticket Ageucy. PASSAGE TICKET3 ;B j Tmt Cliss STI'.AISHIPS. To and from ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND, FRANCK AND GERMANY, AT THE LOWEST RATES. Money remitted to ail part* of Ireland, Eng'xrd anl Scotland, through Ltah Era'frant Society, N*-w York. Apply to JOHN E. WALSH, Offiee comer Terrace and Lock st., Buffalo, N.Y 1*6 ________________ fjlOR SALE AT A BARGAIN—4000 I* acres of land ln Herkimer County, N. Y. Sta'e, 1 aril? iLwaeted. w.th gen* aaw mill and machin. ry ©f ali studs Inquire tl kl)WAKl» 8 8 UUtLA'l>, Ke 2 Brown’s Building.__________________ I .Y ARMS ! larg- ead small U 4 piCftJEftUiO. U W. FARMS—SEVERAL FINE J farms for sale or sxchange. LKK A M H ouses for re n t by him e ft S \NFORD, Ifi West Swan street. 56 Allen st, 2-rtory hr ck; bam, 4a*, hot and cold water, hath, furnace, etc. 566 Delaware st, 8 story brick, ham, gas, hot an cold water, bath, f amice, etc. 255 Pearl st, 8-story brick; ga», water, bath, fur nace, etc tO Allen rt, 2-storv brick; gas, water,!exth, furnace, etc. «0 Mohawk xt, -atory brick; gas, water, bath, furnace, etc. Jersey st. 2-story brick; gas, water, large ot. l i Court »t, Xstocy brca and basement; gas and water. 124 Seneca st, S-story brick with baaement; gaa and water. 74 C-ttage rt. 2 story brick with basement; g»a, water bam, etc. 42 Chippewa st, S-story brick; gaa and water. S3h Sixth st. 2-storv brick, and French roof; (new) gas, wtoter, hath. 44 M.-rgan st, 3-atory brick with basement: gas and water. *294 Virginia st. 2-story frame; gas, etc, 131 ^ * .i l **t 2-atory brick; ga* and water. S0» North Dliision st, 2-*tory frame; gas and water. 26 Union st, 2-story frame; gas and water. IS Alien »t. 1-atory frame with basement. S53 Eleventh st, 2-story frame witn large iot. 75 Union *t, 2-storv frame. 24 Wilkeson st. 2-rtory frame. 219 South Division st, 2-atory frame; water. 861 North Div sion rt, l-stor* (rame; cistern. Corner Vermont and Thirteenth sts, 2-atory frame, well and cistern. 235 Thirl*enth rt, 2-storv frame. 858 T*e fth st. frame cottage. 261 Cedar rt, frame cottage. Seventh near Connecticut st, 2-atory brick; Franah roof, gaa. water, etc. 216 Mackinaw st, 2 story frams; well and eistem. 222 Mtaost rt, fi ame cottage. to Arkansas st, frame cottsga. dJO __________ DECORATION. __________ pOST ft YIERGIYER, Dealers ln PAINTS, OILS, GLASS. AT1N!>•}■* SASH, ARTISTS’ MATERIALS t o , |No. 18 K. Swan at., Buffalo, N. T. SEWIN'© MACHINES. J. JOSEPHS, HOUSE, SION AND FANCY PAINTER, | 46 Exchange st. , Buffalo, New Toek GRAINING. MARBLING, GELDING ON GLASS. W ills and Ctilinga Kalcomined In the REST MANNERAad with despatch. WHEELER & WILSON’S !N"oiseless SEWING MACHINES. EXPOSITION UK1VERSZLLE, PARIS 1867 AWARDED, OVER 82 COMPETITORS, THE HIGHEST PREMIUM. The Only Gold. Medal. 81,000 Machines Sold in 1869. THEY COMBINE ALL LATEST IMPROVEMENTS.! “ Wheeler and Wilson’s Machines combine every- : thing that oan be required in the manufacture of garments. Our friends abroad may be assured that | tbey will give entire satisfaction, and that to pur- : chase one of them is a safe investment.”—N. Y. {Observer. 8. W. STONE & CO., Agt*. Office and Salesroom 275 Main street, oorner Swaa DCVTI8TKY. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, By uatof WITEOUa OXIDE er Megtong) OAE. M. I. ETRAIOMT, - - DENTIST OFFICE: OTEE.MB MAIM I WINES &C. RlSLEY & CO., IMPORTERS OF WINES, GINS,|RUMS AND BRANDIES! JOBBERS of FINE WHISKIES, OFFER TO THK TRADE THE R Superior Goods at the Lowest Prices DEPOTS: 7 Eart Front rt., DUNKIRK, N. Y., 157 W ashington st, Buffalo, N. Y. - e!6 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. The Northern Pacific Railroad Bill wa* passed by the House to day in the precise form it waa received from the Sr-nate, and now awaits the President’* signature. INDIAN VISITORS. Tbe Indian delegation here passed to-day iu eight seeing and visiting the Smithsonian Institute aud calling on General Sherman st his residence. XLIst CONGRESS—SECOND SESSION. Wabhinoton, May 26. SENATE. A joint resolution giving the consent of Congress to the acceptance by New Jersey of the Stevens Battery was passed. Mr. CONKLING (Rep., N. Y.j, reported a substitute for the bill regulating pro ceedings tor the naturalization of aliens. At one o’clock the Appropriation Bill wis proceeded with. Several slight amend ments were adopted, snd the bill wss then reported to the Senate, and the amend ments, in Committee of the Whole, agreed to, except those upon which a separate vote were desired by the Senators, j The amendment repealing tbe newspaper J publication of laws and treaties wa* de- i bated. Upon voting on the amendment of ! the Committee of the Whole it was non-con- -yeas 21 ; nays 26—as newspaper publications be continued as heretofore. The amendment was adopted that news paper publications shall contain only the more important laws and treaties, and the papers to be selected by the Secretary of State. Adjourned. HOUSE. Mr. SAWYER (Rep. Wi*.), from the Committee on Commerce, reported the River and Harbor Bill. Referred to Com mittee on Appropriations. Mr. Schofield (Kep. Fa.) introduced a . . bill exempting machinery used in steam Secretary of hcre'go Ana'rs to demand; vea(t€Lj from tonnage duties. Referred, from President Grant protection ef the The House thr n proceeded to vote on the Canadian fiontier. ! .s,irthrru Pacific Railroad toll. U tica, May 26. — Advices from Rome , Every amendment to the bill was re- say that greatfexcitement exists there rc- , jeered. warding the Fenians. The Fenians claim Mr. HOLMAN (Dem. Ind ) then moved to have enlisted several noted ex-rclx -1 : to lay the joint resolution on the table. Generals. Empty cars are held in readi- Referred by a vote of 82 to 100. STILL RECRUIT I NO. The Fenian headquarters in this city is almost entirely deserted, all the more prominent men having left the city. Colonels hurke and Gjynor have almost filled their regiments, and two hundred of the latter command have left for St. Al bans. THK EXCITEMENT AT OGDENSBURG. An Ogdenshurg special thiBevenirg says: The Fernau excitement iu this direction ib on the increase. Irish farmers with their teams have Wen engaged for the last three nights in landing material for the Fenians. OCCUPATION OF HUNTINGDON. From Canada I have information of the occupation of Huntingdon by the Fenians this morning. The excitement and suspense on that side is awful. The telegTaph operator at Hinchingbrook this forenoon says that the Fenians have crossed the border there and a fight is expected. A few minutes later he closed the office saying “ Good bye; the Fenians are only a few rods off !” RUMORS OF DEFEAT A gentleman from Canada informs me that there is a fearful depression iu all circles and rumors of defeat are rife. MISCELLANEOUS ITEM . Wasimn«tos, May 26. Ihe revenue cutter Cha«“ has been ordered by the Sucre- j lDB ’ tary of the Treasury to proceed to Ogdens- ■curre burg pending the present Fenian disturb ances for th#purpose of protecting the prop erty of American citizens. P ot ghkeif^ik, May 26.—All trains np te-night contained more or less Fenians. The Neilson Circle of this city met to-night and have called a meeting for to morrow night. JJO ttawa, May 26.—It is rumored here that the authorities have received notifica tion from the Bntish government that Min ister Thornton has been directed by th- ness by the Rome, Watertown & Ogdens- burg Railroad. A Fenian leader is in Rome furnishing transportation to ali. Chicago, May 26.—Forty Fenians left here this morning, some for the East and The joint resolution, without any amend ment, was then passed. Yeas, 107, noes, 82. Mr. BINGHAM (Rep. Ohio), from the -inmittee on the XVth Amendment, qaito * num W for Minntsnt*. A numb-r! m*fie * report. Agreemut w«* m».to th*t of Irish orgsnifitii.nl hive *lso toft us; , the report would go over till to-morrow; what directum is not known. | th»t »u hour snd * half would he then m m ----------------- j allowed to the opponent* of the report for 17/ 17 TU1 i discussion and one hour to ite friends, and X Y -'IktollJi.v. ; that then a vote would be taken without —*— | dilatory motions. PRESS COMMENTS j The House, at four o’clock, took up the London, May 26.—The 7 .rm * «*ys t h a t ! bill to revive navigation and the co miner- while the President s proclamation ia re- j lY ^ ’H, ^Rcp^Me.), pronoaed that gard to the Fenians itself is satisfactory, 1 the o^gia*] bill* and the amendments of- tbe absence of American troop* on the fered to it be laid aside, snd that the sub stitute be regarded a* a pending bilL An H . 1 nKlGOa ft CO., Distillers snd Recti^ers. office wies rooms corner Washington sndj Qo*7 Offer to the trade Alcohol. Hi>fhwl*®“* ^5*nch PpfriU snd Fine Wh.skle* of tb*rr own d«Utotion. Also, s superior brand of Bourbon. M<»nonsen«.* r u n s m s fiew ssii. ___ H AUKNSTXIN * CO. hav* JUbT l|M cold graraos greenhogbx , i '"T AT 1484 MAIN STREET. border to carry out it* provisions is deplor able. “This, however,” it says, “is not surprising, as troops are not usually qoar- tered on a friendly frontier. Troop* should be sent to Canfifls immediately, and Canada should forward to the front ail the soldiers she can spare. Canada must have no ten derness for this secoad offcote. Marauders must be treated as robbers, ruffians and murderers.” . 'I he ilcrniry TtU^rayh *»jr.: “ Pmmdeut Gr.i.L bus .ct*d with IcjAlty *ml honor Toe T'o.7 J fo ” GaxrtU to-doy wlmiUthe promptitude with which the Amerumn Government hw *cted on the Cmmdmn frontier, and seeks to dissipate the fears of tboee who expect the worst result from the Fenian invasion. THK LATE MURDER. The name of the engineer, who, with bis family wn* mtrdered in Uxbridge, is Mar- thmll- The supposed murderer now under arrset is aud to be his brother, who was transported to Australia siffhteM years ago through the efforts of the deceased. B IG ATTA. Tbe regatta for yachts el all aations will place on the 22d oi Jmmm tor tha Prinee ol Wales prise cup. PARLIAMENT. I b th* Hones sf Cousmoas this evening Mr. Moskssll said the Colonial Department ad received dispatches from the C objection ws* mad", and som*- time wa* consumed in an attempt to amplify ac tion on the matter. After ditcussion snd wrang ing, Mr. A Union moved to lay the bill and pending amendmenta on the table. Motion rejected by a vote of Cl to 105. The House, st 5 o'clock, adjourned. JOB PRINTING. OFFICE t Ossspistshr rtMkrt sttt* THE VERT BEST MJTEMAI* Is aQ tta vartetp * IS PREPARED TO RXEffCTR I PlR T DBSCSt TION OP BOOR, CABB AMIT JOB WOBB. MO. 14 RA8T SWAM 8 (BEET, (Second Floor.) THE BUFFALO EXPRESS adopted, and « fficeis were elected l ELLYSON ELECT / D Ma OR. Richmond, May 25.—^he municipal election to-day resulted in the eieolion of H. K. Ellyson ss Mayor, Mvd the white Conservative city ticket f $ a handsome majority. , OBITUARY Ottawa. May 26.—Mr ) (orland, oI the firm of Morland ft tYatafa, an eminant c.tisen of Montreal, diod votterdav. NEW YORK. ARRIVAL OF IMMl At ANTS. New Yore, May 26.—Sti thousand im migrants have arrived att!is port during tha past forty-eight hoars. PROPOSALS FOR BONDS. The Assistant Treasur/t this morning received proposals for tiie purchase of $1,000,000 of bonds on tht) account of the Sinking Fund. The totsfamount offered was $3, *21.450, at pnc^i ranging from 110.51 to 111.90. 8 FINANCIAL; The C o m m e retail apeak teg of tha street to-dsy, says: “ The market is some a hat dependant upon the result rf tb# govern ment claim for tax npo n $46 000,( 00 of New York Central and Hudson River Railroad scrip. We learn that high rep resentatives of the company ara now at Washington using every means te escape ihe payment of th4 tax, but it is not very apparent how the company can escape the payment." PERU AND BOLIVIA. Ihe steamer Alaska, from Aapinwal), brings intelligence tha’ the danger of a seri ous rupture between I’em and Bolivia has entirely disappeared. DARIEN bl KVkYING EXPEDITION. Advices from the Dsnan surveying ex pedition to May 13 are rrtS*iv«d. Ihe Work of tho survey had prOgre scl twelve miles inland from the Bay of Sin Biss, at which distance the first moui.’«in spurs proper were reached, the highest elevation pasted being 112 feet. The progress of the sur\« y ws* impede*! by heavy mine, which swelled the streams to torrents. The woikifrnr- ve) mg the Bay of San Kiss wss pn-gristing rtpidly. The ex(<e*litu>n would sail lor home about the 27th u.stent. EARTH QUA tK . Late advices from Sou.Ji America state that ou the 24tlf of Man ii laat the unfortu nate city of Mendoza, in '-die Argentine Re public, was again visited by a most teiritio earthquake, which destroyed sll the build ings that had upper stones. The loss of life is not given, but is said to have been much less thau might have been expected. Mend* za used to be considered one of the most interesting cities in South Amtrica, In 1861 it was visited by s fearful earth quake, during which eleven thousand lives were lost. Its population last year was about 15,0011 er 16.000. A NEW DEMOCRATIC PAPFR. Another new paper toJ>e called the Free Prea» will shortly be stalled in this city in the intereat of the Young Democracy. SPECIE EXPOKTS. The steamer Br* in* n for 1 urope to-day took out $125,0(H) of specie, of which $50,- 000 were s lver coin. QUARANTINE. Quarantine regulation^of the most strin gent nature will go into -Iffeot ou the 1st of June. ANOTHER DEFAULTER. The books of John M. Marrh. late col lector of Westfield Township, New Jersey, show a deficit of $14 0(Hf A suit has been commenced against the sureties for the re covery of the money. SUICIDE. Francis Hope, au cid fcisn, hanged him- self in a barn at Liberty Corners, N<w J«r- sey. Yesterday morning s ltd named Conk ling went into the barn.sti ipped and hang>-d himself from the same beam. STABBING AFFRAY. James Carroll was stabbed by Joseph Smith, Tuesday, iu Hoboken, and is not likely to recover. Smith is iu custody and confesses to the stabbing, but says he did not know what he wm d --ig. DIED FROM HAAi.i DInkase (Carles Schenck, a me inner of tbe Sev enth Regiment, had an attack of heart disease to-day while Banding with hia regiment, snd died in te^i minutes. NAVAL. The French steam frigate Magicitnne, from Martinique via I’ort au Prince, arrived to-day. S h e ia 3<MMI t o i *, CdOO h o r s e p o w e r , mounts 28 guns and has 25 * fib ers and 500 men. Admiral Lefebre, of the French nsvy, is s passenger. MISCELLANEOUS. RATIONAL HORSt GAIR. T renton, New Jersey, May 26.—The National Horse Fair to-day was a grand saoeeas. The weather waa pleasant aad thousands of people were present from this and the surrounding States, and the trials of speed aad tha display of fine horaee were excellent. Some of the beat trotting and running stoek in the oountry is here, while the show of road and aaddln horses is aaid to exoel anything of tha aort ever before aeea ia tha State. WOMRM’S SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION. Cmicaoo, May M.—The Natkws Giles B. S a Mto*~B«Iloa, Jodg* W «h aad okh-r*. A TELEGKAPUH' SUMMARY. |aSGM TSSTEADAT’ Am u BOOH OlsrATCHMS. N ew Y ork, May IC,1-L a te Washington advices state that aev^Vr.l dispatches have been received at the State Dt partment from United States Marshals along tho Canadian border, giving information of the gathering of bodies of men more or less numerous along the United State* line, but the telegrams give no detail of their intentions, or of the probable piace of ren dezvous. Prompt measure* have been taken for the suppression of their riotous proceedings. <Mineral Sherman has ordered General McDowell to give every assistance to United States Marshals iu preventing armed m**n from invading (.‘anaoa. The United States steamer Michigan is on tbe Lake, and Admiral l’orter states that her commander haa orders to give the civil authorities all the assistance in his power to suppress disorder and ariest c fT-nders against tho neutrality law*. The city is full of rumors in regard to tho Fenians. That many Fenians have left thu city within the last forty eight hours there is no doubt, but for what point is un known. The special dispatch with reference to their movements on the frontier is in tub- stance the same as was sent last night. Malone, May 26. — Five legiments of Fenians crossed the Trout River lin*s tLis morning, and are now moving on to Hunt ington. Lieutenant Colonel Cleaty is ia command. Colonels Smith, M c\vaoe, Thompson and Campbell are the regiment al commanders. St. A i. bans, May 2G.—The I-Vrian bob ble, as far ss the movement in this direction is concerned, has burst. Soon a'ter the ar rest of General O’Neill tbe Fenian <tiicera held a conncil of war, and decided that it was useless, with th" snia‘’|oumLer of men at their command, to make any further at tempts at invading Canadian soil, and ia consequence the roads leading from here to Franklin are lined with returning Femana. A gentleman juat from Franklin brings intelligence that there is not bow a Femsffi in that village; tbat guns, ammunition, blanket* and other paraphernalia of war are scattered abo it m great abundance snd sre being picked up by whoever chooses. The rank acd file complain bitterly of tbeir officers, snd there is great dissatisfac tion on all sides in regard to tb* manage ment of the affair. Three Fenians wcre this morning reported killed and ten or fifteen wounded. St . A lbans, May 26—11 A- M.—Gener al Spear, of Fenian notoriety, baa just arrived in town, and has taken quarters at the Welden House. General O’Niel is now in the common jail in Burlington. B altimore, May 26.—Rev. Isaac Col lins, a venerable Methodiit clergyman, died yesterday, aged cighty-one years. New VoRk, May 26. —The Mono Castle brings late Caban news, but there is noth ing <-f importance in regard to the progreaa of the war. There was a rumour curreat te the effect that the intendente advocate the placing of a loan of fifty millions of dollars in the United States, if possibl*, giving the island and ite revenues aa secur ity. Vslmaaeda had written to the Liaro de la Marina, requesting tbat journal to iport that I deny tbs currsat report t , be and Rodas New York, May 26 — Aa interesting meeting of tbe Hick site Friends was held yesterday ia this eity, at which Charles E. r&sh. Bister Shaw and othsrs delivered of tbs bo-


(Sunday* excepted) by

T E E E X P E E a S r i l lM I N G CO.NO. 14 E SWAN STREET.

« # E 1 0

D*-Hvere<i bv carrier In the cityor »er*t b> mi. I...............W«rk v t spree, by null.

(10 00 j«er annum.1 bv do V O L . A X V. F R I D A Y . M A Y 27 . 1870. N O . 8292.

I l L S I N KXS D I R E C T O R Y . !S A M E , D U S IS h S S 4 S U LO C ATIO N OF TH E

L E A D !S O UO U SKS OF B U F F A LO . \ IlL-rw ol our m * ler* wl.'. make pirctsses in Buf-

lalo, by eultififr to.

L O S T A .\l> F O I X i» .

I / >SI I •<I —A


mum it ». * refererc*.uni trouble. Tl.e ejection baa beet-

arefu.iy made and is.trictly FIRST CLA»S.Ja r c h i t e c t s .

f , au» K. PORTER, Svi Main -tAO’L IMPLEM ENTS, CASTINGS, AC.UO* A ID IRON WOB.n l , < bi MO near Canal.

BANK CHS.II. W. BURT JI Co., Bain oor. Seneca.BLIN D 11INGEH, FINK U AbTING S, Ac.(. i.ai.a a. CO.,cor AustfsraaiKl V tripm* *t*.

BOOKS AND STATIONERY.tAM iN TAYLOR. V.6 Man..KK O IL.VY.R a BHO., Li7 V.aia,cor Mohawk. HUE :.D £ LENT, *40 Main ana tf W. oeneca.L. 11. Ol lh, ies Maiu.


L A O l E V A M E I H I S T P I Nie < tn a blscli tw.w, n<ar to Sixth «tre*-t finding it will mi tan.y r.warded b> u» tbe above number. *2; 3t

W iK T K U ,

* J EN k a , HM anu tv i Ma •D O T S A S H O E S .

A. L. H' llfl'i \ EK,-A I. H JKWP.i r. .

’A ain.

BLANK H'.GK Ma N!’J f i CT , ^ ¥ a 'J. L. CiUCUkelKK, ll»4 and ds Waahington.ON FECTION LBS, (W h o le .^ 4 K®tail.)

W. JtL I i;LLOC'K a CO., 10 1 D viM.mc a u p k t h , o i l c l o t h s , f e a t "*148

R. A J. '/AAtK, Cplinieterere, 47*5 Mainc a r p e t f i t t e r .

H. Plill.Lll’S, av* Main et.CON F EC J i ON ERS, (VVholeaaie.)

H K .'• K > 11 EA RN K, ». 1 ticnnca.U. A. M KN K ER, 450 Maui, uppne.M Tifft Houae.

< H I N A . GLASS f t CROI EE R Y .MATlnf.W ('SKILL 219 Main 4.BO. IC. NEWMAN, *44 Main.

( AKKLYGES.H AKVEY k WALLACE, Lock mar Cou/ter Houae

CRACKERS, AC.B. OVEN'S k & iS , IfcAau.i 167 EUicntt.

COAL, (Wholesale and Retail.)II. DUDLEY a CO., co-- krie *nd lerrace.

OK'IUia DA SIN, Ag. , root Cvne*r.COFFEE & SPICK MILLS.

OH ASK a CO., Ml Main cppowie (’Lurches. COAL AND PIG IKON.

O. • VMLhoN A CO., 90Obi.» c< r MxwbwipfL fu 11 EDIT ROM, * Commercial Wharf, loot of

M -n «tliet.DRY GOODS.




H w PIMOSEK, 'l'i W. HwanENG RA V E KS «>N WOO D


VOM1KK. KIEL LINO k CO . 420 Main.M K N IT U R E , AC.

IHAAf r- WIin.T, ^;7 M*"IL i.ltlHT1 *L a CO.. **•» »*".

K L 'lC lt, FEED AND GRAIN.W. II. (JddH. T-m-: c-r Evana.

F K11 j AND O Y >TLL.1.PLATT KB! *T CO , 2 -7 Wa-.Lin*b "•

FIN E BRASS CASTINGS.BUFF ' LO BRASS FOUNDRY, 76 Exchange.(;i | AND PA PI l l SHOW CARDS. i . v . H uffm an, hi k s- - * «t up uaira.

G 1 .1 M r.KS, (W huleaalfc.)A. -1. JOHNSTON, . ; Mam _

GK<MiERS I tV ii-iichalo ana Keta. .)K. I*. HOLMAN 17•< M* - OK.» W SOOTT, 17 E be.'-ei.

(; E N TS’ K c K N I s 111N G G 0(»DS. ADDl-ON 1! HTAFKOKD ■u ' Man. h N U.DiK.M K.V.-ON,!!'«»'"7.,, "• Jt BK.NKD1CT. J*.7 Maui.

•U '.Vs AND JEW E LR Y .J. O. BoBoO ’ 4 ‘JO “ *‘x

HOT LLS........... 'a'arblnMF n and CarrolLBONNKY S HOTEL, eor ~

h a i : n : •-J. ti. LYTI.I


! i)i.i:.'

' A KE.

\IT A S T E D — *20,OWI OF THK STOCKT T of the Manufacturer* and Traders’ Bank

Apply to JOBS I/I PD 8 1 Pearl aIA GENTS W ANTED—RAKE ( HAN*

t<- Diiue mo e*. Smnethii-M new Calls Buffalo (ifmeral Mubecripti-m Off.' e, 3.'i3 Ma ■ rf

H E L P P B I L g S . ______NI AG ARA ST W ANTED, A O IR I

for general housework in a family of three _____________________________ e*7»tNINTH ST,girl fur co

W A N T E D , A GOOIking, »* stung ai.d ironing, a ir

. ) J- UNSON PLACEirl t-> du ge' er*I bonne

CAROLINA ST -W A N T E D ,re»j«otablu girl fur general houseauri

a small family.EAST EAGLE ST.

g.MMl plan. eook.MU

)apprent ce girls. It

W ANTED, A GIRI-fan infant e*5-*t


1 0 4 1

J i nJ ^ o SENECA ST

-W A N TEDor*. e'Jfi ut


KINGSLEYnrcssmaker* %-.•

1 I 7 i-M AIN ST' to take car-:

H E L P * A L E v .

URANTED—2 OR 3 i arry morning mutes

ep -m “ ........... ..........



r w a r d l l l ,

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ANTED -D GOOD COOPERS Tfwork on Ilnur barrel*. htea--jr w< rk am

rag-». Api-ljtoO. W CMoWKLL, 72 Mci , Uevolaiid, Ohio. e*7-«t

Wa n t e d

, 11 MASO.-k, 154 l.l:u

JA PA N ER S—A man todecorale t n wi

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FIR.1re; also, «llir, h r ,

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WEST s w a n s r . NEAR MAINwithout board, in n

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W A N T E D , A>rn tn tu do cu Ai.-.g, ■ lamiiy. G*»od rrf

t RL s r TH REE PLEASi-d-.d, witi.

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i PROPERTYknown a.* the - Id a -o - f MS fe. i :ial -treet, a- «l ex-

Ti.e I uiblmg i>

M » k f e A L K — H O I K E S .

F ; R S A L E — A V E R Y D E S IR A B L E .r-otny a- d almost new houae on Connecticut rt,

between Tenth and l-leventh -or-et*. Tm hou*» on tains 9 r* t m*. ijeaide a la-ire ha i and atic; k.t

jQx 1 T e aboTe property an be sold cheap ii plied U r immediately. If not add by the first of

day wi ; be r* nted JOHN (/TT'i.fcl »'■ arl »t.«<ENECA ST.—STORE F ‘)R SALEO ri 1« neca et., lertween Main and Wa-hiug*un, t-storj brick. Liu.N a bAkhtt, hne Lana tnfi'-e

OTT *. ol Pearl st.

^ l O i i A G E t t F O K S A L E -

S o W . Spruce rt., lj-§t,rj frame; lot 30x180, ;<rice f l tbv.

4 3 hwan rt , near spring, 1-etory frame; priceLYON k BAKER. Erie Land <dBce.


L^OR SALEI cottage on ■•e * er and ga«. 1

:• 25 LY

t l >R SALE — A SPLENden-’e in Iy-wist'-n, N. Y.; a fine

NEW 1-STORY FRAMEenth et, near Carolina; cellar,

and gaa. Wili tie eoid easy te iu*.LYON «k BAKfR, Hne L»nd Office.

S P L E N D I D R E SIbouse with 15

in the be-t manner, with cleg an: { u n.da, - rge sta de, chr-i e Iruit-, hea;tlifu! cl - nate.fiid- driv a In tb- vicinity romantic tcenery. 5 minutes drive from Falls, on through r-ute to 1o- ' -ntu an-l jl -ntreal, and on L. O. Snore R. K , near lep--’; aspic dm home for a family, or an elegam r- tr-at from tie dty; s- IJ low; terms t-aj. Apply *t Lewwtn.i t*i JOHN OL1PHANT. dft-Stn '

F JR SALE — THAT VALUABLEror-'*# oil be south e-t corair uf Main an -reetH, w.th large and first class issideuc flni-bed. Alao, eevcral el-ga-.i vacant lot* ng the above properly on ths south. J'/HN ■1 Fe-rl at. e.3

f * FOR SALE OR TO RFNT— ATmljL La Sslie, near tiie Junction uf Cayuga Creek and the river, a large, comnmdioue hou-e with 10 rooms, p-ntry ard iilla*', 3 a-rcs of laud with quite a quantity nt fruit, sn excellent ba-n and s ie s at tac-'ed t-i It, within 3 minutes wa’k fr>-m the depot and a stone's throw from the Put* office an-l grocery. WiU be »-i|d low, terms easy. App:v to A. M CHE - BOROUGH, la fall*, K* ference tu K* -BKKT JdIIXmiN, nf the firm ,f Lockwood, Young k .'--hn- s >n, 20U Mal i -t , Buffalo. ellk-Vt

TORE FOR SALE C H EA P—3-STORY-t re, N t 212 Beneca at Lo --xl at a l urgain. HASTINGS k OTT«> i

L \)K SALEI • 2 et rjwith al'••ar. st

F ' . ' i

No. 2 H|) R H K I > M

—TH A Tframe dau-lh

odern convenienceVERY I) ESI!ig, No 42 Good 11 -<


SALE -TFIE 1-STORY FIIA!■tt* -- , Nu. Park »t , with gas and » - G I i-juire at EUVVAKDa A HI CKLANi

DW ELLING■*t., near Eil-c< tt, 2 story a

ment briek dwelling; has ga-, water and m1 or-.er. LYoN k BAKER, No. 1

Bui. i g.



t st, 2-storv brick house, very desirable, Tn

Ninth »t. h North Divi

nut sts, 2 nt--i HoWAH

p O R S A L E CHEAP, r

nen Midi gm and Chert- w; price fhAeO.HAPFEL:., 34-i Mam st.

ed «: i thei finis’

md Twelfth tots; lot- 2.‘ixll3 • » li be s.. d c r |> un easy ie r> and winr house, tbt N

l\ fiu »iif 1;man-!e tn»ntlea,< HASTINGS k OTTO, * 1:

■rth WilUam :il*r, ga-w4tc.

LT (Hi .s a l e JUL NORTH DIVISIONJL »«t., l-stm\ and '•asemei-t; gas, cellar and wster. a,11 s* II oh ap as the pa ty is go ng to leave town. Price #23W. Apply to M. Mc.O.Mi), No. 6 8*-uth


i 20 d: kpply

• th. |*rtv is g i g ys wi 1 -ake 94 >0 >. ■ ... M. McOoMB, No.

ST., 2j pr. jx-rtj

•Ohio.IKES, Ac.

ii.I Morgan.

l>k w rrrH A R D W A R E A N D Mfc

PRArr k CO., 40,ad aud lbo IVrmc-.IP 11 a i r F U R N A C E S .

A. D. GIL.IHCRT, bo Mam.11 A T S , C \ P S A N D K U R S .C. A K. Ci.'HUtr.K, f- - Mr.BEHOTOLH A BRO , 21*1 Mam.WM. WIPPEKT, 821 Main.

IKON F O U N D R Y .EAGLE IRON WoRKN, Perry,, -r *1 -Ipfd. CLINTON IKON WORKH,Church, -r J*<T.sou.I R O N K o l N D E R S , E M . I N E S , B O I L E R SOEO W. TlFkT, SOM A CO., Washing*

I R O N , N A I L S , R . R . ^ fRATT A CO., 4d, 4- and 60 Terra.

L A G E R B E E R , K I L L I A U D S , A c .MICHAEL KOKSTER, *01 Ma.n tot.

l i g h t c a r r i a g e \ n d s l e i g h .o. C. OOHWIN, 333 and 336 Washington.lAIOKtNO C l. . \ s s , P i n ' l IU3 FRAMES.HOWARD k BUNTING, 16 K. Swan.

M A L L E A B L E I R O N .PRATT A LKTCUWoRTU, 'st and 64 Terrace.M A R B L E M A N T L E S A N D G R A T E S , c. H t ooi’ER, 511 DeUaare.L SWARTZ k 0 »., 8*73 Main.

M A R B L E * G R A N I T E WORKS.DVMMONS ft ' ORSON, i --!• r C JolIN CRAWFORD, I#7 an ! ltd Niagara.

M I L L I N E R Y ( W h o l e s a l e a n d R e t a i l . ) HENRY oTUHKN, 2.M) Man.W. 11 WOODWARD. BU Mai’i.

M O U R N I N G G O O D S .DODD. BEST A Co, 414 Main.M . t t o l r IIK \I.K K S .IN I) IT IIL ISH EK S.JKWEIT A Mlfit'HAA, 2C*J Main.

O R G A N S ( P o r t a b l e P i p e . )DERRICK, KELOEMAKEK A 0O..3J, 41 and 43

Clinton.O R G A N S , M E I . O D E O N S , * ( ’.

»E >, A. PRINCE A CO.. Ni.<ara. Seventh and Ma-

Un,t OILS, P VTNTS, AC.S PEASE, tk'. and *17 Ma n

P t A N I N . t M l l . I . S , l l D O H t o , S A S H . t C .tv. EVANS A CO., MechanicP R I N T E R S A B L A N K B O O K M A N ’ F S ,B A K FR JONES A SMITH. 220 and 222 Wa-iiingtuu

street.P I A N O S , M T S f G , A C .

OOTTIK.R A Dr VTON, 2>J» Mali:.P I A N O M A N U FAC ’T U ' R E R S .

C KDRT'/.M \N, I *«. liHarhl lid Batavis.OKVINE BllOS.,4u1 Niagara, ear Maryland.

P A P E R H A N G I N G S , A C .M K. Bl RUE, 21 - Main.MONTOOM 1.UY BROS., V.V- Main fif KRIlKTT NICHOLS, 679 Mam.

P HOTOO RA P ll ERS.W M KNIGHT. U.v. Man. r B. RAMBLETON, 306 and 460 Main


S E W I N G M A C H I N E S .WHFELKR A WILSON 6 M. CO.. 275 Main, corWILCOX * GIBBS S M. Of'.. 14 S. Dirision.UO'* F S. M C.l , IS W Swan.FLOHEV ES M- CO., 401 Main

S A D D L E R Y H A R D W A R E , A C .PRATT A LE .CH WORTH, 52 and 54 Terre c.

S I L K H A T M A N U F A C T U R E R S .c ji^vCKENZlK, 197 Main.

)V E HOLLOW W A RE.cor. Brace rt. and Eiie Cana

S T A I N E D G L A S S .BUFFALO s T - ,N::!‘ GLASS WORKS, 29 Pear!.0 O. L- BU H NS. - 'Main.


STOVES AND HARDW ARE.■ HAW FFBHIS A CO , 446 MainS T O V C S . F U R N A C E S A N D R A N G E S .1 . SWAK1Z A CO., 363 Main.

T R U N K S .DANIEL H HUMPHREY. Suereewir to Jeo. Una-

phrvy s Bn... SuS Man. tot.T O B A C C O N I S T S .

a M ADAMS A CO.. *59 Washington A 48 A 50 Pearl. GIBSON’ F HOWARD A Co . **> Wa*lungt*.n. W A T C H E S . J E W E L R Y * D I A M O N D S . PITKIN'S JF.WF.I.RY STORE. 292 Ualn.T Js E. DICKINSON, *64 Main.DAN. B. CASTLE, 1«1 Main.BTEVFN3 BROS., 469 Mam.

W A T C H M A K E R S & JE W E L E R S . JULIUS WALKER. * 7 Mam.___________

LYoN A i'AKhit.


F O R S A L E-•f good* ' 4 Brown'

n i M T J I*A N F O l S .

r i HER F I XTURES -ar Eig'’fNo 309 West Forty-Aral

If w j-.rk.


id fart.

r - w . j £ , \ \ \N 1KI)A ? " i ’ * s-'nted cirr a

A L IG H T , TW O -

p iO K SAliEP ham! |.h«r *.n


- O KO I

F O R S l l . F ,

SALE( lint.*'

A THOROUGH•h dog, eight m<>nthi

F• nd ha -

E 70R S A L E O R1 .-n Main st . in a gu*

MI s a l e UD"D f e e t o f l a n d o nJeffer-on. Bristol, llaiuilt n. Kandall, > pring

A . lam -tr. i ts m I t- and < n time m suit pur- th. Apply tu JOHN OTTO.61 feari nt.

TO LET—A STORE.od location Will take a«

•art lot. ►nquire A BUCKLAND, No. 2 Brown’s


I \ E S I R A B L E B U S I N E S S P R O P E R T YI / FOK SA K The 3-st .rv brick ft. re. No. 390

tli.itoh*udling !-. rear

niS'-U-d to 1. xlw to a lei; wifi fto«

HAbilNUs k 4 Bn.v

1 fer a , wa-«-r a r nianuf •*

TAOR S a l e -N O .J ? 2 storv frame dwell LEE A PICKERING, 13 W. Swi

119 S I X T H S T .,iot 3 -x 132 ; price

Y?0R SALE OR T O E X C H A N G E FOK• - first da.'r* rsfidence in thi* citv, a farm of 104* .. . lying just

irgc orchard, on* r • biick house i

liarnto. Wi.i be aold cb'iHoWA

D li.SIRAI-.LK BRICK HOUSESALE li-storv t ri- k house, 174 Franklin

. 'Lot 26 feet front to an alley in rt cheap, terms easy. HASlINGS n's Buildings d'Jtf

T ? O R S A L E .— A N E WX1 clacias* 2 J story r' sldencc

.vemeiiL-; south side of ure. Lot 159x566 feet. Terms easy.

A N D F I R S T !1 the modern im reet, west of i>el-


2 Hollister Building

70R S A L E — N O .and attic brick dw-

mantlis, c.mrnt cellar, ga-* am *23 LYON' A BAKE



( J E >17 at

IS* EAGLE ST.. 2*1 welling: grat. s, marble


ic-*, attic and cellar, situate on Oak st., ncai ,ir ti; gas and water; g <>*1 lot ami Bam r >;, LVOV A If VK KR, Erie Land Office.

bargain. N'o. 414 Seneca sr., lot fO throngh Foi om at., with a 2-story h ick house and 2

barns in rear This '.** a rare ehar.ee for a milkman or an- < t.,er party hav.ngbu-i< ess in ’ha* l**ra'i..n. Will lie sold on li’ era', terms F-.r further parti- «- lsr. apply to HI ME A SANFORD, 16 West Swan st.

A L E -4 3 5 SD U TH D IV IS IO Na tory cottage, lot 40x120, grape* ard fruit

trees. Till- I- .-heap,41500. Apply to M. McCOMB, No. a S«.th Division

T ? O R S Ar n t . i to

I A D R S A I . K L O T 35x 100 F T . ,William tot west -Ide near Allen

BvKKll N >. 1 Brown’s Building.N O R T H


i j o nI 1 l’i: .C Hia,;t sioritis irame.

P R O P E R T Y F O R S A L E — A Tfim. eto from Batavia; hu di g i.- LYON A BAKER, Erie Land '*f-

T O I. F.T H O l toE S.! V W K U . I N . i F " R S A I . K C H E A P — A

\ J g.-od bargain will f-e given in the sale of the ■tory bri* ga- and v 6 Nia.' •*:

7 M-.ehigan tot; lo ro*.in« LEj NAKD Wlt-bON A SON, Nu



0 ’£

G O O D E N G I N E A N D B O I L E R F O Rsale cheap


P A P E R S an<l 75 i^nts

F O K S A L E - A T 5o

l O K S A I J ’ U K W v

/ VNE O F 1 H E FI NEST FARM S INF.r i* Cu ,ntv for tosls. con-itoting *.f about 12n

a.-n*-*, 10 acres wood l»a an ,-e excel eut s*.il und r a liunst.it uf cultivation, with brick dwelling, fi"e barns, outhouses, fi.-h i-ond, lit ing water, and or­chards of several in .* Ire-1 hiartTig t'ecs of every v i-i-ty of frm-. Tin-| ..|«erty can be b-ught very che~ii> ai.d on *-a»y term ■ A - ply to

*12 ' LEE A PICKERING. 13 West Swan <L

Hi BD k S S P VCo.. *

P O R SAUK1 city pr -perty Unit along the (.cnesee Portage ln*|iure s*»on LAN -'8. Ite*l E*. a

O R E X C H A N G Eor Wist- n lands. 13fi£ ».


,*.d I.o i Br... . No ; Br

alto-tit 6 ni’ E.-HaKIW A t l . a

:s*trance Agents, Trtut wi.’s Buil ing. el7


I )W E I . I I N G S F O R S A L E

rent cheap, with immediate j-v*s* >.xti* tot , No. 15t. 2-stury brick; 9 ro l«-r; gas and water.Sixth St., No 4>.*f. 1}-tot ory frame; >


O R T O-sic.n—•ms, in fine

NoI 'lN K

1 136 CiR E S I D E N C E F O R K E N T — N O .ttage st., new 2-atory brick, with gas and

_ de ightful lo ation. " ill be rented i**w ta - ■ *1 tenant. LEE A PICKERUfw, 13 West Bwa

• «D W E L L I N G T O R E N T — T H E 2-

ta::l st.nrv basement and attic brick dwelling. No S3 Mac .ra st., with gas, hot «.r.d cold water ar.<! t.iti*. ail in L-o*-*l onler p ..f-wi ual «r bu-meas n 13 W. Swan rt. _____j I R A K L I ] D W E L L I N G S T O R E N T .

Ij- t.*rv bricV, 32 Norris place, ga* ar.d water.11-story frame, ISO Cl:ut n st, good cellar, gas andApply to EDWARDS

Jrown'to Bu'.dingk BUCKLAND, No.

M A lg U E r▼19— HUBBARD—On Thursday, the ?«th tnrt.,

DA -tud.y Cbur.-h. bv the Hev, Dr. InyewoM. •' d Met' Davta.of Alhan», to Kila S., daugh- E wai '». ilut'bxrJ, of thia city, ur

D IE D .-lcn J.. wife of Alfred H«!nea,

HA15E9 j ,ck«on, of Oneans County,an-* 4aafM r IF B %l, \ t74 tft

s. 11 o’clock a. in , from Funeral <*n ► inlav. Ms> 2 . Uw, Mr B. Hain*s,

th- rend n e of tier father in mh p iend* and 13" Carolina* st , co.mr of 9-vc ^ atlentLacquaintanors are respectfully ms

1 Msv 19-b. Hon. J Burch, In nf,, uncle of J . J

F I N K F A R M F O R S A L E O R K X chug* coiittoining 140 aer*» 25 w*vsl lan*i;

soil excellent, w. 11 wat-red. fine . rrhard,nrw *-st*>rr fr ut e dwellin.-, with bams, outln.u-e-*, »h-d--, Ac. ad In good order City property will t-c- taken in part payment, balance on e-a_. terms. LEE A PICK EKl NG, IS W. Swat rt el1.7 A R M F O R S A L E —33 A C R E S O F1 1 • nd si*listed on Ferry st, about 2 mile-* east <-f

Ma n st-. with framehous -, splendid bam,sheds, Ac . vo. ng orchard c*f 1009 dwarf l- ar an l 100 app'*

!’*■ * Will be *.ld cheap or will exchange!—aL- •! —el. HASTINGS k uTTO, N'o. 4 Brown's B8 _____________________________j ^ R U I T F A R M F O R S A L E —36 A C R E S

_1 of land, 17j acres in apple orchard, l-e ides other smtil fruita in great abundance; l*a'an e of land in tillage; large t-sfory f**m house g *od l*ni, Ar ; loea’iun very pleasant—J-mile east from Me­dina, Orleans coun'y. t. *niall property w-ill he taken in part pay. Price of farm FstOO LYON k BAKER, Erie laud Office.___________________

L E N D I D O P P O R T U N I T Y — F O Re or exchange f .r improved city property,

1000 acres of laud in W avne Co , Michigan, 25 miles from lie'r.'lt, part timbered and balance in fin? prairie For *trtn* applv to EDWARDS A BUCK- LAND. X 8 Brown's | el7

IJ1A R M F O R SAI.K- B E S T G A R D E Nlard in Erie County Must be s*».d to close

outancstve, 26J a-res, 2 mii**s from the Court- h**u e. Will he s*.Id cheap by HoWaKD k CHAP­PELL, 34-to Main st _____ *4


W.th immediate possession, the 2-story brick house. No. 23! Seventh street, with gts, water, cellar.’ Also, the very commodious 3-*>t*.ry brick house. N.. 4".* Frank!i 1 street, very convenient, has ga«. water, bain, c. Her and stable, and u* find lo at. d; a portion ..r th<* whole of the furniture n..» in the house can be bought cheap by the tenant if

HASTINGS A OTTO, d?0 4 Brown's Bunding.


tbe SOth yaar ."’Bureh, of thu q t7

■ o . r a l s i U^saa.B-Met* M-.rUMDt at rsasnnawe prwu-_

B c r rc u i socxv itoo v ro j* .

BT 1

aoOO Wlsd -v e w . ua.rud

s r — ° i\ s s s j j . . 00m IbtoA «*4 48 lAmyA at.

171 A R M S F O K S A L E — A G O O D F A R M; of 1*') a w la ibe town ot West Seneca

four-and a half mdes fr m Buffalo.A nice l^ b 'ry biick hou-e, three hundred grafted

tree-* and a good glaes house, tery cheap. HOWARD A cHaPPBL, S«8 Main street.____________ dl»O A C R E S O F L A N D F O R S A L E A T AO bargain, on Limestone R dge, between White's Comer. Plank Road and the Turnpike, with orchard of select® 1 fru t. A very pbanautand de*trable loca­tion. Prio* 91500 Applv at No. 5 SDgar* *V LEONARD WILSON * »ON, Real Estate and Insur­ance Agvnta_________________ e7

K-0R R E N T — A V E R Y D E S I R A B L Ei red !en.-e. 294 Ninth st; Jtotory frame, n

, in excel-.ent oroer. JOHN OTUid V

T O L E T —

R E N T — T H E F I N E 2 -S T O R YMorris P ace, with bam

delightful 1. cati' n. Will be rentod low to a go© er.ant. LEE k PICK EKING. * We-t 8* an et. el*Fo r

frame dw* Ding N"

Fo r s a l e — 2' s t o r y b r i c k h o u s e .No 254 Frxu.k.intt., with every modern con-

enience; ot 64x140. lerm* favoratle. JO-lNel3

N E W 2 STO RYbrick bouee, with gas, water, liath and furnace6C6 Pro pect Avenue A deiightfui location

E k PICKERING, 13 Wee- Swan »t. e5

p O R R E N T —T H E

F o r r e n tof No l(r2 Seventh r t . , on a paved allev. JOHN

— tl P-arl *t. el8

Bo a r d i n g h o u s e f o r r e n t —The large 3-«tory basement and attic brick

building,No.135 E Seneca *t,wili be rented at a rood- rate rent. LEE k PICKERING, 13 W. Swan *t.

f ^ O R R E N T — T H E H O U S E K N O W Nas Spring AbVy House, on Main street, will be

rented, with the priviirge of » limg liquors io the garden. The house i» a large two-voiy frame, fitted up for salo .11 and dwelling. LYO- S k BAKKK Eric Land Office. elfi

Ho u s e s t o r e n t b y m . m c c o m b ,No. 6 South Division st.

335 HaiLtoon st , 2-story frame, gas, cellar and a gr-od w*-i, of water, flrisved in fine style. This ix

tc of the finest locations in Buffalo; rent 9400.197 c/to gia st , 2-etory brick, In excellent condi-

tion, .as,water and cel ar; this is a very central io- ition; rent |4o062% Swan nt., 2-*tory frarne. houae new; and finis' - 1 < fl in excellent manner with ai. the modem lm•ovementto. rent 915".Bnck .-tore and dwe ling to rent in a good lueation

for a family grocery; tbe same has a good brick oven.F U R N I S H E D C O U N T R Y S E A T F O R[. rent at Lewiston, on the Niagara River, con­

sisting of a good medium sized dwelling, wi.h out- buildings, three acres of land with a fine grove, shrubbery, choice flowers, fruH and berries, im*i>t delightful reridence will l*e r*nu-.l eompletolv urmsbed, f-*r f..ur months or louger, with .mine*;: te jKitoSetoxioQ. LEE k PICKERING, 13 W. hwan reel . 17

I O L E I —10 A C R E S O F L A N D , W I T Hg*.. I frame h *u*e and barn, situate <>n Roucx

enue; rent J2f>**. Apply »*>.ii at EDWARDS k BUt KLAND’S, No. 2 Br. *u’» Building. el7

5 B R I C K B A R N F O R R E N T — S I T C -x ate on the alley in rear of No. 154 Swan st , r Michigan st. LtE k PICKERING, 13 W. Swan

T O L E T —S T O R E 'S .

U T O R E S N O S . 83, 91 f t 93 M A I N S T . ,O to rent. Apply to JOHN OTTO, 81 Pearl «t

T »1. StR E N T — A F I N E B U S I N E S S

stand 3 miles from Main St., on Seneca Rt., .t re, dwelling and bum. R«nt low. Apply soon

South Di vim 1 M. McCOMB

* sT O R E F O R R E N T — B R I C K S T O R K

No. fil Ma n st.. ehe-p to a g.-od tenanLHASTINGS AuTfO, 4 lirowr.’s Building.

S 'T O R E S T O R E N T —

i4 Main st. now occupied by Lyon k Fleirshelm. ht WVst 8* neca st,Courier HI. ck.99 Ellico.t st, cor. of No th Division.

HASTINGS A OTTO, d20 4 Brown’s Bunding.



T O L E T —R O O M S . ____L E T — L O D G I N G R O O M S . F U R

nialied and u. furnished. Apply at 109 North _________lt

R E N T - O F F I ( E . S U I T A B L Efor a i’ll to., iai

Inquire at 160 Pearl st. \ ES1K ABLK lTTir1 MS FU R

e21 6

Centra! I vn U.ie 0

REN T.—located in a g <*d neighborhood,

ms witl. aj*, water. Ac ; tmrble mau­ler, v* d. b,- rent- d to a goo*! tenant.

I EE A PIuKKUINO 13 Swan st.I O FT *S F O R R E N T — I N T H E N E W1 J block comer of Vi ashington and Green streets, he second story over N<>s. 153 and 155. The whole f the third story Apply to

: lsTo. cl»-tf JEWETT k ROOT.I H R E E N 1 C E S L E B P I N O R O O M S I N

that *»utral locality, 333 Main street, over -diey A Kockwelh Apply to GEO. B. BULL on

the nreir*—•T

M O R T tiA G E S .__________1IT Y AN D CO U N TY O R D ER S,

Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages, Commercial Paper, negodated by EDWARDS <v BUCKLAND, Real Estate a d Loan brokers. No. 2 Brown’s Build-

d28J U K c 'H A S E M O N E Y — M O R TG A G ES_ wanUri by LEE k PICKERING,

tfi West Swan st.

S P E C I A L N O T I C E S .

BEAUTIFUL WOMENAil women know that lt ii beauty, rather than

genii.«, whicli ai’ generati -nt of* men have w,*rship- ped in the sex. Can it be wondered at, then, thst

much of wi man's time arid attention should be directed to the means of developing and preserving that beau y? Women know, too, that when men peak of the lntfc'.'eet of women, they speak criti- •aly, .tamely, eooliy; but when they come to speak if the charms of a h*autiful woman, their language 1 . 1 their eves kindle w.th an enthusiaon which ■I.owi them to be profoundly, if r.ot, indeed, ndi.-u- ously in eirneat. It is part ol the na’ural s.-gacity .f women to perceive a:l this, and therefore empl y vc v a lowable art to bee me the goddess of tt.at

adoration. P.-each to the contrary, a* we na . against the arts employed bv worn*n fur enhancing tlitir t eauty, there still stands the eternal fact, that ti.e w rl*l *i*-es not prefer the society sf an ug y eoinan of genius to that of a • eauty of less intelhc- ual acquir m-nts. The world has vet allowed no

higher mission to won.an than to Ire beautiful,*n l it uid «eem that the ladi s of the piesent sge are car- ng tli h id- a of ti.e w.-rl.l to greater extreme* than

ev*r. for all women n*-w t * whom nature ha* denied till manic po*er of beauty.sup; ly the rieficency

by the u.-«- of a mo«t de.igbtiul toilet article, knowa ic “B oom of Youth,” which has beeu late'y In­

troduced into this country ,by George VV. Laird, a delicate beautifier, which smoothes out aii indenta­tions,'furrows, sc TS, removing tan, frecklo', and discolaratio-.s from the skin, leaving the complexi >n lear, 4;riiliant and beautiful, tho ^ in soft and

smooth. With the assistance of this new American trick of a Lady’s toilet, female beauty is destined to play a larger part in the admiration of men and tho ambition of woipen than all the arts employed since her crestton. Prof. C. F. Chandler, Chemist to tiie Metropolitan Board of Health, has recently prepared a chemical analysis of thi« de ightful toilet prepara­tion, and reporteJ that the “Bloom of Youth” was hamilca-, containing nothing injurious to ti.e health. Lad es need have no fear of using thia invaluable t I et .cquis'tion.

S id by every druggist and fancy gords dealer in tbe Us Fed States.


D R Y R O O D S .

IlttilMIIAH HliCEIlffl




o Q 5 C e n

DRESS GOODS COUNTERIs supplied at all times with the


35 and 50 C e n ts pep Y a rd .




Of a variety of artlclea, 1

A T . G R E A T B A R G A I N S ,


W H IT E 4 P I Q U E S !At 26 Cents per yard and upwards.

BlackJ Alpacas,Embroideries,

Gloves andP a ra s o ls .

S H A W L S IA N D :w r a p s .







M l S H ' U .


Song for Soprano, composed by H . Sutter, price 80 cents.

concert, quite eavy and

Lisetten Wal tae*—Emil Wahle prioe 50 eent*.Amel a Polka Redowa—Emil Wahle.. do 80 do

Among the best of Wahle's compositions.We have just published the above and will mall

the same on receipt ..f price c!9 COITIEK Ml DENTON, 269 Main st.

C1H R 1S . K U R T Z M A N , P I A N O M A N Uj FACTURER, corner Batavia and Elm sts., two

squares from old Court House. The subscriber keeps constantly on hand a choice assortment of Piar.o T .rtes, in elegant rosewood cases, which he warrants to be equal in tone, touch and finish to any manufac­tured n the country. Persona desirous of obtainirg a superior instrument are respectfully invited to give him a call before purchasing elsewh»r#


6 H I P P I K C .T H E U N I O N S T E A M B O A T

________ COMPANY—For Chicago, MUwau-at.d mtrrmeuiate peris. 1 he elegant passen­

ger itom trFA88AIC,

w. A- SMITH............................................ Csplainis nowreoeivmg freight at the foot of Main street fo 'bepuri* named above, an 1 wiil leave on FKIDaV E f EN ISO, May 28, at 7 ©’dock.

For freight or pw—age apply at the Company's otfiee. bo. 1 Main street.

cA>2t SKTH CALDWELL. Agent.Tfi© U n ion b te a m b o r t i C o m p a n y .

FOR LAKE SUPERIOR.t h e e l e g a n t p a s s e n -

EDpacific ,

KELLEY............................ Captain, o’clock.Wi' leave Buffalo TUESDAY, MAY 81, at 8



and makiig dose connection at Portage Lake wi'h toteamtr* for Cupper Harb- r. Eagle Ha; bor, Ontoiu- r >n La Pointe, BavfieM. Suoenor Ci-y and

IDULUTH.Freight received tor above boat* at foot of Mam

•treet.The steamer

ARCTIC,J. E. TURNER...................................Captain,

Equal in rate, capacity and accommodations,will leave as above, on TLESUAY, June 7, at three o’clock P. VI., for same destination. These steamers are near! iew, have elegant cabin*, and are furnished w.th special reference to tne accommodation of passer: ;en. and have also ample room lor freight, and will institute, during the sea** u of lo70, AN INDEPENDENT LAKE SUPERIOR LINE, leaving Huffxlo regularly every "Tues sy at 8 P. M., and Cleveland every Wednealay at 8 P. M.

For freight er pa-tsage anply at the Company’s oboe. No. 1 Mam street. Buffalo. ________________ SETH CALDWELL, Agent.

T H E W E S T E R N T R A N S -_______ PORTATJON COMPANY.—F rland He n it. Go d Harbor, Milwaukee and

Chicago. The first rlass pa*senger steamer EMPIRE STATE,

JAMES CARLISLE........................... Masterl« now receiving freight at her docks, foot of Wash- iogton street, and wdl !«are for the above ports Thursday even.ng, May 26th, at 8 o’clock.

F r freight or pa*-*age apply at the Company's Offices, foot of Waahington .-t snd Erie Basin.

JOHN ALLEN. Ja.,R. M. CHOATE, President.

Passenger Agent.______________ e26-2t1870.1870.

New Jersey Steamboat Company.PEOPLE’S EVENING LINE

F.iKN E W Y O R K D A I L Y ,

Sundays excepted, at o’clock P M.L>KAS RICHMOND, Capt. W. H. Christoph*r,

Mondays, Wednesday* and Fndnys,DKEW, Capt. S. j. Roe. Tue-*days, Thunuiays and

4totiirday«, at si o’clock P. M. or on arrival of trains. H u uftU.V RIVER RAILROAD TICK ETS OOOD FOR

STATE RO*>M PASSAGE.These boati* will connect with the Train* of N Y.

C.R. K ..R .S8 R. R. and A k 8. R. R., due at Albany 8:10, 8:15 and 8:20 A. M.

All check»d hagg;ige transferred FREE, as usu-1, an Agent of the Line at the Depot alway* on arrival of the Trains.

FREIGHT TAKEN CHEAP AS BY ANY OTHER LINE, vorpari rttlars applv at the Office, N >•*. 283 and 285 Broviwa;. J. W. HARCuUKT,

ALBakv, April 28, 1870. Agent18 7 0

UNION STEAMBOAT CO.Will run during the present season, TWENTY-SIX

5TKAMERS betxeeo Buffalo and the principal ports of the Great North western Lakes, in connection wi'h ’.he

E l t l E R A I L W A Y .Also, in connection with the Merchants’ Wen*ern

Line and Jonathan Myers’ Line on the Erie Canal and with all Western Railways having tl.e.r termini at the Lake ports.

The various Lines will be constituted as follows:

B U F F A L O f t L A K E S U P E R I O R L I N E . .....Capt. J. F. Turner................Capt. Ed. Kelley.

B U F F A L O , M I L W A U K E E & C H I C A G 0.

DAILY LINE.JAY GOULD, (new)..................Capt. F. H. Br- wn.COLORADO.............................Capt. J. W. Brett.DEAN RICHMOND..................Capt. B. S. Wolvin.ST. LOUIS.............................. Capt. Jam** Pratt.JAMES FISK, Ja.(new...........Capt. J. W. Me re..NEBRASKA........................... Capt. X Gcbhard.B W BLANCHARD (new) Capt. John Kirby.CANISTEO .......................... Capt. J. P Ever*.ROANOKE ...................... Capt. R. Anderson.WABASH................................ < apt. F. L. PopePASSAIC.................................Capt. W. A. Smith.WENONA................................Capt. 0. B. Joiner.


NEW YORK...equinox......Toledo........orontes.. ..ECLIPSE........AKAXES;.......

Capt. Wm. Camming*. Capt John Egeler. Capt. H. A. Sisson. Capt. J G. Hinde... . . Capt. Sam uel Shannon. Capt. E. A. Myers.


2 6 S l a i n S t r e e t*AGENCY FOR THE UNRIVALLED

C H l C K E R I N C P IA N O SAt prices reduced to such ar. extent that they can be purchased for nearly the same figure which inferior and w orthless instruments command.

Call and get an illustrated price list.We are also Agents for the celebratedDECKER BROTHERS’ PIANOS

Which are now taking the lead over ali other New York rnske*

Our large assortment of Pianos also Includes In­strument* fr-m th# celebrated manufactories of J. & DUNHAM,


We have on hand an assortment u the celebratedQEQ. WOOCS ft eo.

PARLO I ARO VESTRY O RSAI,which for i^autiful and pipelike quality of tone, elegance of finish a- d durability of cot*»ruction ex­ceed all other make*.

Call and examine onr large variety of PIANO 8T(tOLS. PIANO COVERS, kc.

Piano* moved, stored, boxed and shipped on short uoiice.

OLD PIANOS taken In exchange.We are constantly adding to our very large and

well selected st' ck of Sheet Music, Musical Instru menu and Musical Merjhand.se of every description


bi Buffalo, N. Y.


ATLANTIC......................... Capt. Wm. Thorrt.TIOGA................................Capt. G. W. Siodda-d.OLEAN............................. Capt, G. F. Cleveland.ELMIRA.............................Capt. W I>. Douglam.GUIDING STAR................ Capt. D. McFarlaue.GALENA............................Capt. W. N'otrun.

Theee Steamer* aro first-cla**, several of them quite new, other* nearly new, ar.<l all are in tlie very l«-i older for service. They will >*e run regular!v a* -tated. Sh’piwr* are assured that this now orhither- o unequalled organization will afford tht.n every >le- irable facility fer the transportation of their fr. ight n the m*yit prompt and *atisfaclory manuer, ai.d a: fair rates.

Duck for Chicago, Milwaukee and Lake Superior U .e, foot of Main street; fur Lake Eric Lines, foot of Lloyd street. *

Freight aud Passage Office, No. 1 Main street.

BY T E L E G R A PH .T H E F E N I A N S .

a r Gene* ■ of C anada announcing h a t tb e Fec iaca h ad c ru ss td th e lice tear I’h ilipebnrg and a t o th e r po in ts on

t i e frontier, an d t h a t trem ble was irea tened a t rariona plaoee a long th e

b >rder. B a t he was happy to aay th a gov­ernm ent bad fa r th e r inform ation th a t th t Ereaident of th e U nited S tatea h a I iaaaed* proclam ation of w arning , an d G eneral Meade had d ispatched troops to th e fron tie r to p reven t th e v iolation of n e u tra lity .

T he Iriah land bill w ith am endm enta waa r* ported from th e com m ittee. A fter a dis- uStoion of eome of th e am endm enta the

report was agreed to and th e b ill ordered to he read for th e th ird tim e on M onday next. I he announcem ent of th e resu lt waa re ceived w ith load and repeated cheers.

A JUDGMENT FOR THE U. S. In th e caae cf th e G overnm ent of th e

U nited S ta te s a g a in st B lakely for th e pos -t'ssion of c e rta in gnns, shell and o th er o rd ­nance, cam e u p for decision to -d ay before the Iloil Conrt. Ju d g m en t waa given in favor of th e U n ited Statea.

“CONSTITUTIONAL LEFT “’ Paris, M ay 26.— In th e Corps Legialatif

to-m orrow an in te rp ella tio n will be su b m it­ted to th e governm ent on th e cause of the d issolution of th e P leb isc ita ry Com m ittee. The m inisteria l jou rna ls express fears th a t

th e question raise*! on th is poin t m ay resu lt in a coalition of th e R ig h t and Left W w ga •>f the Corps Legialatif against th e M inistry . I t ia announced tb a t on th ia occasiou tb t Left W ing w ill declare itse lf a c o n s titu ­tional p a rty , and w iil signify ita w illingness to accept pow er u nder th e em pire, if i t is p erm itted to carry o u t i ts program me. Picard is th e leader iu th is m ovem ent, and w iil be th e chief of tb e p a rty , w bich is to be called C o n stitu tiona l Left.

NEW P0RTUGUE8B CABINET.L isbon , M ay 26 .— T he D uke of Saldanha

haa n ea rly com pleted h is new Cabinet, which is now rep o rted th u s : P residen t of* ouncil and M in iste r of W ar, Saldanha M inister of th e In te rio r , Sainpoyo; M ans te r of Finance, F e rre ire ; M inister of Jup tice, A costa; M in iste r of M arine, T orres; M inister of Pub lic W orks, Perniche.

W A S H I N G T O N .

THE FIASCO AT.FIGEON HILL.T oronto, M ay 26 .— From th e b est infor­

m ation received here th e F en ian raid , s* far as Pigeon H ill is concerned, is looker upon as a m iserable failure. T h s Fenian* xre now re trea tin g , leaving tb e ir arm s, naggage and wounded behind them . N* loss of life on th e C anadian side. H un ting ton is th e principal po in t of in terest where every necessary p rep a ra tio n hac been made.

T he Fenian m ovem ent m ay be now look­ed upon as v irtu a lly ended. Straggling narties m ay give a lit tle troub le , b u t th* preparations to m eet them are so complete th a t n o th ing b n t th e en tire d efeat w ill a t t«nd any fu rth e r a tte m p a t invasion.

THE INDIAN ATTACK.T he s to ry of th e In d ian s having a ttack er

th e troops« a t Sao lt Ste. M arie, cannot I* traced to any tru s tw o rth y source, and th* latest advices say n o th ing of it.

On th e N iagara and D etro it fro n tie rs a sufficient force is in readine&s to repe l any a tte m p t to en te r th e country .

RENEWEB EXCITEMENT IN NEW YORK.N ew York, M ay 26.—T he evening

papers con tain th e following: T he rejtort th a t th e F enians h ad crossed th e border n to Canada from th e ipper p a r t of th u

■State haa c rea ted renew ed ex c item en t in the city . A d ispa tch Announcing th e fact was read a t H ibern ian H all, w here an im ­mense crow d was assem bled, and was re. ceived w ith tu m u ltu o u s cheers. Large num bers of men le ft by H udson R iver Mail Road th is P . M , and more are going off to -n ight. F u r th e r in te lligence ie aw aited w ith g rea t anxiety . W h e th e r the m ovem ent is a lizzie or no t, recru iting is s till going on, and all m en offering th eir services are a t once accepted and provided w ith tran sp o rta tio n . U nderstood F eninn dispatches deny th a t any dem oralization ex ists among th e meu on th e border. The> speak hopefully of th e prospects to have a ba ttle hourly.

FITZHUGH LEE TO 8 UCCEED O’NEILLN o a tte m p ts are m ade to deny tb e a rres t

of G eneral O’N eill, and i t is reported th a t General F itzhugh Lee w ill succeed him in com m and.

MALONE THE BASE.M alone, New Y ork, has been fixed npon

an the cen tra l po in t of concentration , and ail th e troops are h ereafte r to be sen t there .

A FEINT.T he b a ttle a t F ran k lin is characterized as

a fe in t to d raw off th e a tte n tio n of th e Ca­nadian forces from o th er points.

TRANSPORTATION SECURED.A t th e H udson R iver R ailroad depot

tra n sp o rta tio n lias !*een secured for several thousand m en. T he tick e ts have |>een p u r­chased in advance so th a t no delay may occur.

T he four o'clock tra in th is afternoon will carry 1400 m en. u nder comm and of Colonel M cM ahon, an ex-C onfederate officer. Tbe m en are aaid to be v e te rans of th e la te w ar and m ost of them able to pay th e ir ow n ex ­penses. T hey w ill probably go to Malone, w here an arm y of m ore th an 7000 m en is said, b y Fenians, to be fu lly equipped and ready for th e field.

Colonel Gay nor w ill leave th e c ity to ­n ig h t w ith 10 0 0 m en, b u t no co rrec t su r ­mise can be m ade in regard to th e ir d e s ti­nation. E ven th e railroad tb ey go by ia k ep t profoundly secret from th e m en, but th e rum or is at: oat th a t th e y are in tended for some po in t west.

Colonel Byron, Colonel O’Leary, C aptain Linda* y and o th er officers w ho command th e Irish vo lunteers in th e C atharine W h it­ing exped ition to C uba th a t was cap tu red a t G ard in er’s Ialand have all gone to the front.

20,000 MEN GETTING READY.I t is reported , n o t on good a u th o rity ,

t h a t th e re a re 2 2 t(K)0 m en on th e bigd* r now who are m aking ready for th o field as qu ick ly as possible.

DISGUSTED AND DISCOURAGED.A d ispa tch from S t. A lb an s says s n u m ­

ber of Fenians are lounging a b o u t there discouraged and d isgusted . T h ey declineto co to M alone, and m any are re tn rm n c , , . . . . ,hom ., o u r g o .e rn m en t fu rm .h iu g trM upor- I *h° .’/ o M h “tatio n . ’ < e .

POSTMAnTERS APPOINTED.Washington, M ay 26.— T he P residen t

appointed a n um ber of P o stm aste rs for m inor offices to -day , am ong th em H orace A. Ja rv is , a t C o rtlan d V illage, N . Y.

THE RIVER AND HARBOR*BILL.T he R iver an d H arb o r Bill rep o rted to ­

day m akes appropria tions to th e am o u n t of nearly th ree m illions and a ha lf do]];The following are among th em : For thoim provem ent of th e Krie harlm r, f 2 0 ,(MNi; for th e im provem ent of D unkirk harbor, $2.i.ODD; for tb e im provem ent of Buffalo harbor, for th e im provem ent ofi 'hwego harbor, $50,000; for th e im prove­m ent of Ogdt-nsburg harbor. $15,(kid; for th e im provem ent of H udson River, $10,U00; for tb e exam ina tion and su rveys of tbe N orth and N o rth w este rn lakes and rivers aud A tlan tic and Pacific coast and for con­tingencies, $150,000.

RESOLUTIONS SIGNED.T he P residen t to -d sy signed a reso lu tion

authorizing th e p aym ent of the full salary of A lvin B. H arvey as M iurstrr to P eru , w ith o u t deduction on accoun t of absence from his post.

T he P residen t also signed a resolution au thorizing L ieutenant-C om m ander A rth u r A. Y ates, Surgeon A lb e rt L. Gibson, P ass­ed A ssistan t Surgeon C harles H. \ \ bite, and A ssistan t Surgeon Jerom e H. S k iJd er, of th e U nited S ta te s N sv y , to accep t deco* rations from th e K ing of P o rtu g a l in recog­n ition of hum ane service.

GENERAL JORDAN.G eneral Jo rd a n w as a t th e H ouse th is

a fternoon in conference w ith those nu others know n as th e friends of C uban inaepen dence. H e recen tly bad an in terv iew w ith P resid en t G ran t, represenfinc to him th. resources of th e insu rgen ts and th e ir pros­pects of success. I.aht n ight he dm *d w ith Kepreaentative Sw ann, th ere being present □early all th e m em bers of th e C om m ittee on Foreign Affairs. G eneral Jo rd a n express* s him self m uch pleased w ith th e progress he

m ade since his a rr iv a l in W ashington ruring a m ere friend ly '

; half c

A G E N T S A N D C O N SIG N E E S :rl. L. WILLIAMS..........267 Broadway, New York.

. H. WARD................241 Br .adway, New York.. S. DUNL-tP.......124 Washington strret, Boston.

SETH CALDWELL.W. D. CUSHING, r . c . McDowell k c o A. W. COLTON, (A. W. C >LToN A CO.,)A. CHESEBROUG11, IJ. S PATTEN f .......C. M. COTTKILL................LaTHROP A CO...................WASHINGTON BUL'ARD

f -

1 Mam street, Buffalo. ..Cleveland. Toledo. Detn.it.. .Milwaukee. Racine. Chicago.

S. D. CALDWELL. General Manager,Nu. 6 Ohio street, Buffalo

ral Ticket Ageucy.PASSAGE TICKET3

;Bj Tmt Cliss STI'.AISHIPS.To and from


AT THE LOWEST RATES.Money remitted to ail part* of Ireland, Eng'xrd

anl Scotland, through Ltah Era'frant Society, N*-w York. Apply to JOHN E. WALSH,

Offiee comer Terrace and Lock st., Buffalo, N.Y 1*6 ________________

f j lO R S A L E A T A B A R G A IN —4000 I* acres of land ln Herkimer County, N. Y. Sta'e,

1 aril? iLwaeted. w.th gen* aaw mill and machin. ry ©f ali studs Inquire t l kl)WAKl» 8 8 UUtLA'l>, Ke 2 Brown’s Building.__________________

I.Y ARMS !larg- ead small U

4 piCftJEftUiO. U W.

FA R M S—S E V E R A L F IN EJ farms for sale or sxchange. LKK A M

Ho u s e s f o r r e n t b y h i m e ftS \NFORD, Ifi West Swan street.

56 Allen st, 2-rtory hr ck; bam, 4a*, hot and cold water, hath, furnace, etc.

566 Delaware st, 8 story brick, ham, gas, hot an cold water, bath, f amice, etc.

255 Pearl st, 8-story brick; ga», water, bath, fur nace, etc

tO Allen rt, 2-storv brick; gas, water,!exth, furnace,etc.«0 Mohawk xt, -atory brick; gas, water, bath, furnace, etc.

Jersey st. 2-story brick; gas, water, large ot.l i Court »t, Xstocy brca and basement; gas and

water.124 Seneca st, S-story brick with baaement; gaa and water.

74 C-ttage rt. 2 story brick with basement; g»a, water bam, etc.42 Chippewa st, S-story brick; gaa and water.

S3h Sixth st. 2-storv brick, and French roof; (new) gas, wtoter, hath.

44 M.-rgan st, 3-atory brick with basement: gas and water.

*294 Virginia st. 2-story frame; gas, etc,131 ^ * . i l **t 2-atory brick; ga* and water.S0» North Dliision st, 2-*tory frame; gas and

water.26 Union st, 2-story frame; gas and water.IS Alien »t. 1-atory frame with basement.S53 Eleventh st, 2-story frame witn large iot.75 Union *t, 2-storv frame.24 Wilkeson st. 2-rtory frame. •219 South Division st, 2-atory frame; water.861 North Div sion rt, l-stor* (rame; cistern.Corner Vermont and Thirteenth sts, 2-atory frame,

well and cistern.235 Thirl*enth rt, 2-storv frame.858 T*e fth st. frame cottage.261 Cedar rt, frame cottage.Seventh near Connecticut st, 2-atory brick; Franah

roof, gaa. water, etc.216 Mackinaw st, 2 story frams; well and eistem.222 Mtaost rt, fi ame cottage.to Arkansas st, frame cottsga. dJO

__________ D E C O R A T IO N .__________

p O S T ft Y IE R G IY E R ,

Dealers ln


|No. 18 K. Swan at., Buffalo, N. T.

S E W I N '© M A C H I N E S .

J . J O S E P H S ,



F A N C Y P A I N T E R , |

46 Exchange st., Buffalo, New Toek

G R A I N I N G . M A R B L I N G ,


W i l l s a n d C t i l i n g a K a l c o m i n e d

In the REST MANNER Aad with despatch.

WHEELER & WILSON’S ! N " o i s e l e s s



THE HIGHEST PREMIUM.T h e O n l y G o l d . M e d a l .

81,000 Machines Sold in 1869.THEY COMBINE ALL

L A T E S T IM P R O V E M E N T S .!“ Wheeler and Wilson’s Machines combine every-

: thing that oan be required in the manufacture of garments. Our friends abroad may be assured that

| tbey will give entire satisfaction, and that to pur- : chase one of them is a safe investment.”—N. Y.{ Observer.

8 . W . S T O N E & C O . , Agt*.Office and Salesroom 275 Main street, oorner Swaa

■D C V T I8 T K Y .


By uatof WITEOUa OXIDE er Megtong) OAE.M . I . ETRAIOMT, - - DENTIST


W I N E S & C .

R l S L E Y & C O . ,


W I N E S , G IN S ,|R U M S

A N D B R A N D I E S !

JO B B E R S o f


S u p e r io r G o o d s a t th e L o w e s t P r ic e s

D E P O T S :

7 Eart Front rt., DUNKIRK, N. Y.,

157 W a s h in g to n s t , B u ffa lo , N . Y.- e!6

NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD.T he N orthern Pacific R ailroad Bill wa*

passed by th e House to day in th e precise form i t waa received from th e Sr-nate, and now aw aits th e P resid en t’* signature.

INDIAN VISITORS.Tbe Ind ian delegation here passed to-day

iu e igh t seeing and v isiting th e Sm ithsonian In s titu te aud calling on G eneral Sherm an s t h is residence.


W a b h in o to n , M ay 26. SENATE.

A jo in t reso lu tion giving th e consent of Congress to th e acceptance by New Je rse y of th e S tevens B a tte ry was passed.

M r. C O N K L IN G (Rep., N. Y .j, rep o rted a su b s titu te for th e bill reg u la tin g p ro ­ceedings to r th e na tu ra liza tion of aliens.

A t one o’clock the A ppropria tion Bill w is proceeded w ith . Several s lig h t am end­m ents w ere adopted , sn d th e b ill w ss then reported to th e Senate, and th e am end­m ents, in C om m ittee of th e W hole, agreed to, excep t those upon w hich a sep ara te vote w ere desired by th e Senators,

j T he am endm ent repealing tb e new spaper J publication of law s and tre a tie s wa* de- i bated . Upon voting on th e am endm ent of ! th e Com m ittee of th e W hole i t was non-con-

-y e a s 2 1 ; nays 26—as new spaper publications be continued as heretofore. T he am endm ent was adopted th a t new s­paper publications shall contain only th e m ore im p o rtan t law s and trea tie s , and the papers to be selected b y th e S ecre ta ry of S ta te . A d journed .

HOUSE.M r. S A W Y E R (Rep. W i*.), from th e

Com m ittee on Commerce, rep o rted th e River and H arb o r Bill. R eferred to Com ­m ittee on A ppropriations.

M r. Schofield (Kep. Fa.) in troduced a . . b ill exem pting m achinery used in steam

S ecretary of h cre 'g o A n a 'r s to d em and ; vea(t€Lj from tonnage duties. Referred, from P residen t G ra n t p ro tec tion ef th e The House th r n proceeded to vote on the C anadian fio n tie r. ! .s , irth rru Pacific R ailroad toll.

U tica , M ay 26. — Advices from Rome , Every am endm ent to th e b ill w as re- say th a t g re a tf exc item en t ex ists th ere rc- , jeered.warding th e Fenians. T he F enians claim M r. H O LM A N (Dem. In d ) th en moved to have en lis ted several no ted ex-rclx -1 : to lay th e jo in t reso lu tion on th e tab le. G enerals. E m p ty cars are held in readi- R eferred by a vote of 82 to 100.

STILL RECRUIT I NO.The Fenian h ead q u arters in th is c ity is

a lm ost en tire ly deserted , all th e more prom inent m en hav ing le ft th e c ity .

Colonels h u rk e and G jy n o r have alm ost filled th e ir regim ents, and tw o h u n d red of th e la t te r com m and h ave le ft for S t. A l­bans.

THK EXCITEMENT AT OGDENSBURG.A n O gdenshurg special th iB ev en irg says:

The Fernau exc item en t iu th is d irec tion ib on th e increase. I rish farm ers w ith th e ir team s have W en engaged for th e la s t th ree nigh ts in landing m ateria l for th e Fenians.

OCCUPATION OF HUNTINGDON.From C anada I have inform ation of the

occupation of H un tin g d o n by th e Fenians th is m orning.

T he excitem ent and suspense on th a t side is aw ful. T he telegTaph operato r a t H inchingbrook th is forenoon says th a t the Fenians have crossed th e b o rd er th e re and a fight is expected . A few m inu tes la te r he closed th e office saying “ Good bye; th e F enians are only a few rods off !”

RUMORS OF DEFEATA gen tlem an from C anada inform s me

th a t th ere is a fearful depression iu all circles and rum ors of d efeat are rife.

MISCELLANEOUS ITEM . W a sim n « to s , M ay 26 .—I h e revenuec u tte r Cha«“ has been ordered by th e S u c r e - j lDB ’ ta ry of th e T reasury to proceed to Ogdens- ■ cu rre burg pending th e p resen t Fenian d is tu rb ­ances for th # p u rp o se of p ro tec ting th e p rop­e r ty of A m erican citizens.

P ot g h k e if ^ ik , M ay 26 .— A ll tra in s np te -n ig h t contained m ore o r less Fenians.T he Neilson C ircle of th is c ity m et to -n ig h t and have called a m eeting for to m orrow night.JJO ttawa , May 26.— I t is rum ored here th a t th e au th o ritie s have received notifica­tion from the B n tish governm ent th a t M in­iste r T h o rn ton has been d irec ted by th-

ness by th e Rome, W atertow n & Ogdens- burg R ailroad. A Fenian leader is in Rome furn ish ing tran sp o rta tio n to ali.

Chicago, M ay 26.—F o rty Fenians left here th is m orning, some for th e E a s t and

The jo in t reso lu tion , w ith o u t any am en d ­m ent, was th en passed. Yeas, 107, noes,82.

Mr. B IN G H A M (Rep. Ohio), from the -inm ittee on th e X V th A m endm ent,

q a ito * n u m W for M inntsn t* . A n u m b -r ! m*fie * report. Agreem ut w«* m».to th * tof Irish o rg sn if itii .n l h iv e *lso toft u s ; , th e rep o rt w ould go over t i l l to -m orrow ;w h a t d irectum is not know n. | th » t »u h o u r s n d * half would he then

m m -----------------j allow ed to th e opponent* of th e rep o rt for1 7/ 17 TU1 i discussion and one hour to ite friends, andX Y - 'I k t o l l J i . v . ; th a t th en a vote w ould be tak e n w ith o u t

■ ■ —*— | d ila to ry motions.PRESS COMMENTS j T he House, a t four o’clock, took up the

L o n d o n , M ay 2 6 .—T he 7 . r m * «*ys t h a t ! bill to revive navigation and th e co m iner-

w hile th e P resid en t s p roclam ation ia re- j l Y ^ ’H , R cp ^M e.), pronoaed th a tgard to th e Fenians itse lf is sa tisfacto ry , 1 th e o ^g ia*] bill* and th e am endm ents of- tb e absence of Am erican troop* on th e fered to i t be laid aside, s n d th a t th e su b ­

s titu te be regarded a* a pending bilL A n

H . 1n K lG O a ft CO.,

Distillers snd Recti^ers. office wies rooms corner Washington sndj Qo*7

Offer to the trade Alcohol. Hi>fhwl*®“* ^5*nch PpfriU snd Fine Wh.skle* of tb*rr own d«Utotion. Also, s superior brand of Bourbon. M<»nonsen«.*

r u n s m s f i e w s s i i . ___

H A U K N S T X IN * C O . h a v * J U b T l | M l «

c o l d g r a r a o s g r e e n h o g b x ,

i '"T AT 1484 MAIN STREET.

border to c a rry o u t it* provisions is d ep lo r­able. “ T his, how ever,” i t says, “ is not su rp rising , as troops a re not u sua lly qoar- te re d on a friend ly fro n tie r. Troop* should be sen t to Canfifls im m ediately , and Canada should fo rw ard to th e fro n t a il th e soldiers she can spare . C anada m ust have no ten ­derness for th is secoad offcote. M arauders m ust be tre a te d as robbers, ruffians and m urderers .” .

'I he i l c r n i r y T t U ^ r a y h *»jr.: “ Pm m deut G r.i.L bus .c t* d w ith IcjA lty *ml honor

Toe T'o.7 J f o ” G a x r t U to-doy w lm iU th e prom ptitude w ith w hich th e Am erumn G overnm ent h w *cted on th e Cmmdmn frontier, and seeks to d issipate th e fears of tboee w ho expect th e w orst resu lt from the Fenian invasion.

T H K L A T E M U R D E R .T he nam e of th e engineer, who, w ith bis

fam ily wn* m trd e re d in Uxbridge, is Mar- thmll- T he supposed m urderer now under a rrse t is a u d to b e h is b ro th e r, w ho was tran sp o rted to A u stra lia siffhteM years ago th ro u g h th e e fforts o f th e deceased.

BIG ATT A.T b e reg a tta fo r y ach ts e l a ll aa tio n s w ill

p lace on th e 22d o i J m m m t o r th a P rin ee o l W ales p rise cup.

PARLIAMENT.I b th * H o n es s f Cousmoas th is evening

M r. Moskssll sa id th e Colonial D epartm en t a d received d ispa tches f r o m th e C

objection ws* m ad", and som*- tim e wa* consum ed in an a tte m p t to a m p lify ac­tion on th e m atter.

A fte r d itcussion sn d w rang ing, M r. A Union m oved to lay th e bill and pending am endm enta on th e tab le . M otion rejected by a vote of Cl to 105.

T he House, s t 5 o 'clock, ad journed .

J O B P R I N T I N G . O F F I C Et

Ossspistshr rtM krt s t t t*

T H E V E R T B E S T M J T E M A I *Is aQ tta vartetp *


MO. 14 RA8T SWAM 8 (BEET,(Second F lo o r .)


adopted , and « fficeis were e lec ted l ELLYSON ELECT / D Ma OR.

R ichm ond , M ay 25 .—^ h e m unicipal election to -d ay resu lted in th e eieolion of H. K. Ellyson ss M ayor, M v d th e w h ite Conservative c ity t ic k e t f $ a handsom e m ajority . ,

OBITUARYO tta w a . M ay 26 .— M r ) (o rland , oI th e

firm of M orland ft tY a ta fa , an em inant c .tisen of M ontreal, diod vo tte rdav .


N ew Y o r e , M ay 26 .—S t i thousand im ­m igran ts h ave a rr iv ed a t t ! i s p o r t d u ring th a p a s t fo rty -e igh t hoars.

PROPOSALS FOR BONDS.T he A ss is ta n t T re a s u r /t th is m orning

received proposals for tiie pu rchase of $1,000,000 of bonds on tht) account of th e S inking Fund . T he to ts fa m o u n t offered was $3, *21.450, a t p n c ^ i ranging from 110.51 to 111.90. 8

FINANCIAL;T h e C o m m e r e t a i l apeak teg of th a s tre e t

to -d sy , say s: “ T he m ark e t is some a h a t d ependan t upon th e resu lt r f tb# govern ­m en t claim for tax npo n $46 000,( 00 of New Y ork C en tra l and H udson R iver Railroad scrip. W e learn th a t h igh rep ­resen tativ es of th e com pany a ra now a t W ash ing ton using every m eans te escape ihe p aym ent of th4 tax , b u t i t is n o t very ap p aren t how th e com pany can escape the pay m en t."

PERU AND BOLIVIA.I h e s team er A laska, from Aapinwal),

brings in te lligence th a ’ th e danger of a se ri­ous ru p tu re betw een I ’em and Bolivia has en tire ly d isappeared.

DARIEN bl KVkYING EXPEDITION.Advices from th e D sn an su rvey ing e x ­

pedition to M ay 13 are rrtS*iv«d. I h e Work of tho survey had prOgre s c l tw elve m iles in land from th e Bay of S in B is s , a t w hich d istance th e f irst m oui.’« in spurs p roper were reached, th e h ighest e levation pasted being 112 feet. The progress of th e sur\« y ws* impede*! b y heavy m in e , which s w e lle d the s tream s to to rre n ts . T he w o i k i f r n r - ve) m g th e Bay of San Kiss w ss p n -g ris tin g rtp id ly . T he ex(<e*litu>n w ould sail lo r home ab o u t th e 27th u .s te n t.

EARTH QUA tK.L a te a d v ic es from Sou.Ji A m erica s ta t e

th a t ou th e 2 4 tlf o f M an ii laat th e u n fo rtu ­n a te c i ty of M endoza, in '-die A r g en tin e R e ­pub lic , w a s again v is ited by a m o st te ir itio ea rth q u a k e, w h ich d e str o y e d s l l th e b u ild ­in g s th a t had upp er s to n e s . T h e loss o f life is n o t g iv e n , b u t is sa id to h a v e been m uch less th au m ig h t h a v e been ex p ec ted . Mend* za used to be co n sidered one of th e m ost in te r e stin g c it ie s in S o u th A m tr ica , In 1861 i t w a s v is it e d by s fearfu l e a r th ­q uak e, d u r in g w h ich e le v en th o u sa n d l iv e s w ere lo st. I ts p op u la tion la s t yea r w a s a b o u t 15,0011 er 16.000.

A NEW DEMOCRATIC PAPFR.A n o th er n ew paper toJ>e ca lled th e F ree

Prea» w ill sh o r tly be s ta l le d in th is c ity in th e in tereat of th e Y o u n g D em ocracy.

SPECIE EXPOKTS.T h e ste a m er Br* in* n for 1 urope to -d a y

took o u t $ 1 2 5 ,0(H) o f sp ecie , of w h ich $ 5 0 ,- 0 0 0 w ere s lv e r coin .

Q U A R A N T IN E .

Q uarantin e r e g u la tio n ^ o f th e m o st s tr in ­g e n t n atu re w ill go in to -Iffeot ou th e 1st of J u n e .

ANOTHER DEFAULTER.T h e b ooks o f J o h n M . M arrh. la te c o l­

lec to r o f W estfie ld T o w n sh ip , N e w J e r se y , sh ow a d efic it o f $ 14 0(Hf A s u it h as been com m enced a g a in st th e su r e t ie s for th e re­co v ery o f th e m on ey .

SUICIDE.F ra n cis H o p e , au c id fcisn, hanged h im -

se lf in a barn a t L ib erty C orners, N <w J«r- sey .

Y e ster d a y m orning s l t d n am ed C on k ­ling w e n t in to th e b a rn .sti ipped and hang>-d him self from th e sam e beam .


J a m e s C arroll w as sta b b e d b y J o sep h S m ith , T u e sd a y , iu H o b o k en , and is n o t l ik e ly to recover. S m ith is iu c u sto d y and co n fe sses to th e sta b b in g , b ut says h e did n o t k n o w w h a t h e w m d --ig.

DIED FROM HAAi.i DInkase(C a r le s S ch en ck , a m e inner o f tb e S e v ­

en th R eg im en t, had an a tta ck o f h eart disease to -d a y w h ile B a n d in g w ith hia reg im en t, sn d d ied in te^i m in utes.

NAVAL.T h e F rench steam fr ig a te M agic itn n e,

from M artin iq ue v ia I’ort au P rin ce , arrived to -d a y . S h e ia 3<MMI to i *, CdOO horsep ow er, m ou n ts 28 gu ns and has 25 * fib ers and 500 m en. A d m ira l L efebre, o f th e F rench n s v y , is s passenger.


RATIONAL HORSt GAIR.T renton , N ew Jersey , M ay 26 .—T he

N ational H orse F a ir to -d ay w as a grand saoeeas. T h e w ea th er waa p leasan t aad th o u san d s of people w ere p resen t from th is an d th e su rro u n d in g S ta tes, an d th e tria ls of speed a a d th a d isp lay of fine horaee w ere excellen t. Some of th e beat t ro t tin g and ru n n in g stoek in th e ooun try is here , while th e show of road an d aaddln horses is aaid to exoel a n y th in g of th a a o rt ev e r before aeea ia th a S ta te .

WOMRM’S SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION.Cm icaoo, M a y M .— T h e N a tk w s

G ile s B.

S a M to*~ B «Iloa, J o d g * W « h a a dokh-r*. A


N ew Y o rk , M ay IC,1- L a t e W ash ing ton advices s ta te th a t aev^Vr.l d isp a tch es have been received a t th e S ta te D t p a rtm en t from U n ited S ta te s M arshals along tho C anadian border, giv ing inform ation of th e g a th erin g of bodies of men m ore or less num erous along the U n ited S tate* line, b u t th e telegram s give no d eta il of th e ir in ten tio n s , or of th e probable piace of ren ­dezvous.

P rom pt m easure* have been tak e n for th e suppression of th e ir rio tous proceedings.< Mineral Sherm an has o rdered G eneral M cDowell to give ev e ry assistance to United S ta te s M arshals iu p reventing arm ed m**n from invading ( .‘anaoa.

T h e U n ited S ta te s s team er M ichigan is on tb e Lake, and A dm iral l ’o r te r sta tes th a t h e r com m ander haa orders to give the c iv il au th o ritie s all th e assistance in his pow er to suppress d isorder and a rie s t c fT-nders against th o n e u tra lity law*.

The c ity is full of rum ors in regard to tho Fenians. T h a t m any Fenians have left th u c ity w ith in th e la s t forty e ight hours th ere is no d o u b t, b u t for w h a t poin t is u n ­know n.

The special d ispa tch w ith reference to th e ir m ovem ents on th e frontier is in tub- stance th e same as was sen t la s t night.

M alone, M ay 26. — Five leg im ents of Fenians crossed the T ro u t R iver lin*s tL is m orning, and are now moving on to H u n t­ington . L ieu tenan t Colonel C lea ty is ia comm and. Colonels Sm ith , M c \v aoe, Thom pson and Cam pbell are th e reg im en t­al comm anders.

St. A i.bans, M ay 2G.—T he I-Vrian bo b ­ble, as fa r ss the m ovem ent in th is direction is concerned, has burst. Soon a 'te r th e a r ­re s t of G eneral O’N eill tb e Fenian < tiicera held a conncil of w ar, and decided th a t i t was useless, w ith th " sn ia ‘’|oum L er of m en a t th e ir com m and, to m ake any fu rth e r a t ­tem p ts a t invading C anadian soil, and ia consequence th e roads leading from here to F ranklin are lined w ith re tu rn in g Fem ana.

A gentlem an ju a t from F ran k lin b rings in telligence th a t th ere is n o t bo w a Femsffi in th a t village; tb a t guns, am m unition , blanket* and o th er p arap h ern a lia of w a r a re scattered abo i t m g rea t abundance s n d sre being picked up by w hoever chooses.

The ran k acd file com plain b i tte r ly of tb e ir officers, sn d th ere is g rea t d issatisfac­tion on a ll sides in reg ard to tb * m anage­m ent of th e affair.

T hree Fenians wcre th is m orning reported k illed and ten or fifteen wounded.

St . A lbans, M ay 2 6 —11 A- M .—G ener­al Spear, of Fenian no to rie ty , baa ju s t a rr iv ed in tow n, and has tak en q u a rte rs a t th e W elden House. General O’Niel is now in th e common ja il in B urlington.

B altim ore , M ay 26 .—R ev. Isaac Col­lins, a venerable M eth o d iit c lergym an, died yeste rday , aged c ighty-one years.

N ew VoRk, M ay 26. — T he Mono C astle brings la te C ab an new s, b u t th ere is n o th ­ing <-f im portance in regard to th e progreaa of th e w ar. T here was a rum our c u rre a t t e th e effect th a t th e in ten d en te advocate th e placing of a loan of fifty m illions of do llars in th e U nited S ta te s , if possibl*, giving th e island and ite revenues aa secu r­ity . V slm aaeda h ad w ritte n to th e L i a r o d e l a M a r i n a , requesting tb a t jou rn a l to

ip o rt t h a t Ideny t b s c u r r s a t rep o rt t , b e a n d R o d a s

N e w Y o rk , M a y 26 — A a in te r e s t in g m e e tin g o f t b e H ick s i te F r ie n d s w a s held y e s te r d a y i a t h i s e i ty , a t w h ic h C h a rle s E. r& sh. B is te r S h a w a n d o th s r s d e liv e re d

o f t b s b o -
