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Thoburn News Thoburn United Methodist Church November ...

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Thoburn News Thoburn United Methodist Church November-December 2018 Who…Me? 11 But Moses said to God, "Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?" 12 And God said, "I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain."” -Exodus 3:11-12 When God speaks to Moses from the burning bush in Exodus 3, the people of Israel have been in Egypt for over 400 years. Forced into slavery by the Egyptians, their constant prayer to God has been for deliverance. Finally, after all this time, God calls Moses to be His Deliverer who will lead his people to freedom. Moses responds to God’s call by offering a number of excuses as to why he isn’t the man for the job (3:11,13; 4:1,10,13). [Surely we’ve never offered to God a long list of excuses as to why we can’t do what He’s asking us to do. Have we?] Who? Me?” appears in verse 11 as Moses’ initial response to God’s call. How many times have we hesitated when we sensed God’s Spirit speaking to us, calling us to some action that we feared taking? Behind this response is the assumption that there is surely someone else better equipped, more gifted, and with greater talents who would do a much better job than we. Do we really expect God to respond, ‘Oh yeah, come to think of it you’re not really up to the task. Glad you reminded me, I hadn’t realized that’? God knows just what He is doing. By himself Moses could never hope to lead God’s people to freedom, but God promises, “I will be with you.” God makes the same promise to us today, when we respond to His call and step up to follow where He leads. Our own talents and abilities may seem insufficient, but- in the words of the writer of Romans - 31 What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?”[8:31] In addition to His promise to be with Moses, God offers a sign. However, it is a sign that will let Moses know when he has completed the task God has called him to. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.” In other words, God tells Moses, “You’ll know for sure that it is God who has called you when you gather with the people on this mountain to worship me.” A mysterious voice from within a burning bush, a voice that knows Moses by name! How many signs do you need? God will offer to Moses other signs that He is with Him, leading and empowering Him in his quest. But this is a sign of fulfillment, a sign that will confirm a job well done. What is God calling you to do? Where is He wanting you to step out of your comfort zone? What opportunities and needs has He impressed upon your heart that He is asking you to step up and face? Sure, you can’t do it on your own, but God promises to be with you. Sure, we can offer a dozen reasons (excuses) why we can’t or shouldn’t, but in our heart we know how hollow they are. Are you willing to step out? Are you willing to follow God’s call? Are you willing to set aside all the clever excuses and simply follow God’s leading? It may not be on the mountain height, or over the stormy sea. It may not be at the battle’s front my Lord will have need of me; But if, by a still, small voice He calls to paths that I do not know, I’ll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in Thine, ‘I’ll go where you want me to go.’ I’ll go where you want me to go, dear Lord, over mountain, or plain or sea; I’ll say what you want me to say, dear Lord, I’ll be what you want me to be.‘I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go’, hymn by Mary Brown, from Hymns for Praise and Service, copyright 1956 In Christ, Pastor Tom

Thoburn News Thoburn United Methodist Church

November-December 2018


“11 But Moses said to God, "Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?" 12 And God said, "I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain."” -Exodus 3:11-12

When God speaks to Moses from the burning bush in Exodus 3, the people of Israel have been in Egypt for over 400 years. Forced into slavery by the Egyptians, their constant prayer to God has been for deliverance. Finally, after all this time, God calls Moses to be His Deliverer who will lead his people to freedom. Moses responds to God’s call by offering a number of excuses as to why he isn’t the man for the job (3:11,13; 4:1,10,13). [Surely we’ve never offered to God a long list of excuses as to why we can’t do what He’s asking us to do. Have we?]

“Who? Me?” appears in verse 11 as Moses’ initial response to God’s call. How many times have we hesitated when we sensed God’s Spirit speaking to us, calling us to some action that we feared taking? Behind this response is the assumption that there is surely someone else better equipped, more gifted, and with greater talents who would do a much better job than we. Do we really expect God to respond, ‘Oh yeah, come to think of it you’re not really up to the task. Glad you reminded me, I hadn’t realized that’? God knows just what He is doing. By himself Moses could never hope to lead God’s people to freedom, but God promises, “I will be with you.” God makes the same promise to us today, when we respond to His call and step up to follow where He leads. Our own talents and abilities may seem insufficient, but- in the words of the writer of Romans - “31What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?”[8:31]

In addition to His promise to be with Moses, God offers a sign. However, it is a sign that will let Moses know when he has completed the task God has called him to. “And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.” In other words, God tells Moses, “You’ll know for sure that it is God who has called you when you gather with the people on this mountain to worship me.” A mysterious voice from within a burning bush, a voice that knows Moses by name! How many signs do you need? God will offer to Moses other signs that He is with Him, leading and empowering Him in his quest. But this is a sign of fulfillment, a sign that will confirm a job well done.

What is God calling you to do? Where is He wanting you to step out of your comfort zone? What opportunities and needs has He impressed upon your heart that He is asking you to step up and face? Sure, you can’t do it on your own, but God promises to be with you. Sure, we can offer a dozen reasons (excuses) why we can’t or shouldn’t, but in our heart we know how hollow they are. Are you willing to step out? Are you willing to follow God’s call? Are you willing to set aside all the clever excuses and simply follow God’s leading?

“It may not be on the mountain height, or over the stormy sea. It may not be at the battle’s front my Lord will have need of me; But if, by a still, small voice He calls to paths that I do not know, I’ll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in Thine, ‘I’ll go where you want me to go.’ I’ll go where you want me to go, dear Lord, over mountain, or plain or sea; I’ll say what you want me to say, dear Lord, I’ll be what you want me to be.” ‘I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go’, hymn by Mary Brown, from Hymns for Praise and Service, copyright 1956

In Christ, Pastor Tom

Thoburn Family,

Brittany, the boys and I are getting settled into our new community. I would like to take this

opportunity to thank everyone for the continued warm welcome! It has been a joy getting to know


One way I have had the privilege of getting to know people has been the cottage meetings. I want

to thank everyone who opened their homes to host these meetings and all the folks who were able

to make it to the meetings. It has been a joy spending time with people and the conversations have

been great. The final meeting will be Tuesday November 6th. In late November or early December,

we will have a congregational meeting to discuss the results of these meetings. As we head into the

close of the year we will begin to discern how God is calling us to move forward in the mission He

has given us to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world in 2019 and


I have also enjoyed our “Invitation” bible study. In his second letter to Timothy Paul writes this,

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in

righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work”

(2 Timothy 6:16-17). In this study we have been seeing how all of scripture fits together to invite us

onto God ongoing mission in this world! God’s mission of bringing all people into a restored and

growing relationship with Himself and each other.

It has also been a privilege get to know folks while working on many other ministries throughout my

first four months here. We are blessed with folks that are talented, passionate, and willing to take

on many different ministries that serve and bless many different people!

With Advent coming in December and the launch of our confirmation class in January, I am excited

to find out what God wants to do through us as we head into the future! Thank you all again for

your love, support, and passion for God’s kingdom coming to us and through us!

In the name and Spirit of Christ,

Pastor Bill Wendell

District News

Annual Church Conference 11/11/2018 Rev. Bruce Hitchcock, our new Ohio Valley District Superintendent, will be at Thoburn UMC on Sunday afternoon, November 11th to lead our Annual Church Conference*. All members of the TUMC family are invited to join us for the Conference and meet Rev. Hitchcock. The Schedule for the meetings will be as follows: 2:00 Tri-County Trinity Charge SPRC will meet with the District Superintendent.(Rm.#6) 3:00 Thoburn SPRC meeting with the District Superintendent (Rm.#6) 4:00 Thoburn UMC Church Conference (all members of the church can vote) (Sanctuary) 6:00 Cluster Church Conference with Bellaire First, Bellaire South, Bridgeport First, Brilliant, Brooks Run, Clarksburg, Flushing/Bannock, Oak Grove/Sewellsville, Lansing, Lloydsville, Martins Ferry, Maynard, Mt. Zion, Neffs, Old Wegee, Powhatan Pt/Amity, and Tri-County Trinity Charge UMC’s. (Sanctuary)

“The primary responsibilities of the Charge Conference in the annual meeting shall be to review and evaluate the

total mission and ministry of the church (¶120-124 UM Discipline), receive reports, and adopt objectives and goals

recommended by the church council that are in keeping with the objectives of The United Methodist Church.”

-¶247.3, UM Book of Discipline

Church News & Updates

STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY You should have received a letter in the mail from the Church with a card inviting you to make a pledge of financial support for the coming year, 2019. If you did not receive one in the mail, you may pick one up at the church. We ask that you prayerfully consider making a commitment to support the ongoing ministries of the church as we seek to fulfill our mission “to make disciples of Christ for the transformation of the world.” We have designated Sunday, November 18th as ‘Stewardship Sunday’. During the Worship services that day, we will be inviting folks to bring their completed ‘Pledge cards’ to the front and place them on the altar as an affirmation of our support and commitment to the work of Christ’s Church. [Those who attend ‘The Well’ service on Thursday evenings, will have the opportunity to present their cards there.]

The Membership Care Ministry Team will once again be sending out "care packages" to our college students to remind them that even when they are far from home, we love and support them, and keep them in our prayers. The packages will be sent out on November 26th. Donation baskets will be located in the Narthex during the month of November. Suggested snack items are: popcorn, Ramen noodles, pop tarts, chips and loose wrapped candy (please watch expiration dates). Monetary donations to cover postage would also be appreciated. Also note to college students and parents of college students, make sure we have your current college address on file in the office. Thank you.

Mark your calendars for the Congregational Family Christmas Dinner that will be held

on December 9th after the 11am service.

On ‘All Saints Sunday’, Nov. 4, we will be recognizing those members of Thoburn UMC who have been ‘promoted to glory’ in the course of the past year:

Richard Burghy on 11/5/17, Pat Davis on 11/8/17, Tom Campbell on 11/20/17, Jean Edler on 1/1/18, Jonathan Lindner on 1/8/18, Bill Bethel on 2/22/18, Joyce Van Horne on 3/6/18, Marjory Bovenizer on 6/3/18, Helen Purtiman on 4/17/18, Mary Orr on 4/19/17, Suzanne Moskala on 8/2/18 and Martha Glasgow on 10/23/18

Mission and Outreach

The St. Clairsville Christmas Parade will be Sunday, November 18. We will again be serving hot chocolate and

cookies to the parade-goers!

We are in need of a lot of cookies for this event. We would appreciate any donations. Please have your

cookies in the church office by noon November 18th. Thank you!

*Thoburn Choir Schedule

Attention: Ringers and Singers needed!!

Alpha/Omega Choir (Pre-school-4th grade)

Sunday 9:45am-10:15am

Celebration Ringers (Adult Bell Choir)

Tuesday 6:00pm

Wesley Bells (4th grade- High School)

Wednesday 4:15pm-5:00pm

Youth Choir (4th grade- High School)

Wednesday 5:00pm-5:30pm

Sancturary Choir (High School-Adult)

Wednesday 7:30pm *subject to change

Any questions? Call Marian 740-695-4827 or Text Marian 740-310-6849

Please mark December 16th on your calendars! The Sanctuary Choir will present a

Christmas Cantata “Good News From Home” at the 11:00am service!

Children and Youth Ministry News and Updates

Nursery workers are needed. Sign- up sheets are available in the Narthex. Volunteers

are needed for the 9:45am and 11:00am services. Thank you for helping with our

smallest members.

Kids Worship is in search of additional teachers and helpers. All material and lessons are already prepared and ready to go! Kids Worship is for ages Pre-K through 4th grade and lasts approximately 30mins- the children are dismissed after Children's Time during the 11am service and are picked up by a parent at the conclusion of the service. If you could give one Sunday a month (or even every other month) on a rotation basis, it would be much appreciated. An online sign up is available here:


For more information or questions contact Terresa Smith at [email protected]

All youth in grades 7th-12th grade are invited to join us each Sunday and Tuesday for Youth Group. We meet in the Youth Room each of these days. If you have any questions contact the Youth Leaders- Greg Miller, Laurann Young, Kent and Jennifer Litzenberger.

UMW News Come Join Us for Study, Devotions, Fellowship and Food!!

Thoburn Church has two ladies’ study and fellowship groups which have been sharing Christian

studies for many years.

1) One group is the Mary Reed Circle, which meets the first Monday of the month at 7:00pm in

the Fellowship Hall.

2) The second group is the Isabella Thoburn Circle, which meets the 1st Wednesday of the month

at 11:00am in Fellowship Hall, followed by lunch.

Our groups are interesting with a mixed age group.

Our groups/circles are named for and to honor two exceptional Christian ladies from the Thoburn

Congregation who served faithfully in the Mission Field for many years. First, we are proud to honor

Isabella Thoburn, descendent of Bishop James Thoburn and secondly Mary Reed. Both ladies

became missionaries and have made Thoburn Methodist Church a significant church in the


Please come visit one of our meetings and we encourage you to join one of the groups.

Mary Reed Circle The Mary Reed Circle will meet Monday, November 5th at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Pledge service and World Thank Offering.

Program: “The Sacred Space of Sharing Food”

Devotions: Kay Day

Hostesses: Barb Eiben and Sally Jones

Please bring food for the St. Clairsville food pantry

December 3rd is the Christmas party at 6:00pm

Program: Brothers in Song

Devotions: Margie Schafer

Hostesses: Kay Day, Linda Gillespie and Ginny Moore

All ladies are cordially invited to attend our meetings.

Due to the other meetings

going on at the Church on

November 11th we are asking

parents, kids and workers to

make use of the basement

entrances to enter and exit

the building for TK. Thank you!

Office Updates The deadline to submit an event, meeting etc. for the next newsletter is Friday, December 14th. This

newsletter will cover January and February 2019.If you have any questions contact the church office.

Thank you!

Just a reminder the office will be closed for Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, November 22nd and

Friday, November 23th. The office will be closed for the Christmas holiday on Monday, December 24th

and Tuesday, December 25th, and for the New Year’s holiday on Monday, December 31st and

Tuesday, January 1st, 2019.

Just a reminder….if your committee, ministry team or group has an upcoming event that

needs to be publicized in anyway whether by flyers, in weekly updates, a Facebook post etc. there

are now forms available in the office racks. Please fill these forms out to include the information that

your committee/group is requesting. Please allow a timeframe request of at least two weeks prior to

when the promotional material is needed. This information will allow Kari and Terresa time to

complete the request in a timely and efficient manner. Thank you!

New for 2019… An Altar flower calendar is now available in the Narthex. Please sign

up for the Sunday in which you would like to purchase a basket or vases of flowers for

the altar. If you have any questions, or to sign up for a day, please contact the church

office. Thank you!

Poinsettias will again be available to purchase for the upcoming Christmas season. They lovingly

decorate and beautify our Sanctuary during the Christmas season. As with last year, there will also be

an opportunity to donate to the Florida Panhandle Hurricane Relief Fund, as well as purchase a

poinsettia in honor or memory of loved ones. Be looking for more information, along with a purchase

form, within the coming weeks.

Worship Opportunities each week:

Sunday Morning: 8:30 Classic Worship Service 9:45 Contemporary “Shine’ Worship Service 11:00 Classic Worship Service Thursday Evening: 6:30 Casual ‘The Well’ Worship Service (in the Chapel) The following are just a few of the ‘opportunities’ available to share your gifts and participate more fully in the life of TUMC: Sanctuary Choir Alpha/Omega Choir Celebration Ringers (Adult Bell Choir) Wesley Bells Brass Ensemble (contact Kevin Reed in regards to practice schedule) Kids Worship (Pre-K- 4th grade) U.M. Men’s Breakfast ( 3rd Saturday each month, 8:00 a.m.)

Christian Education Opportunities

Carpenter’s Class Adult Class Sunday mornings at 9:45am Seeker’s Class Adult Class Sunday mornings at 9:45am Youth Group Sunday evenings at 5:00 / Tuesdays at 5:00 (7th-12th) Kids’ Sunday School 9:45am (grades 5th-8th) 10:15am (grades PS-4th)

Thoburn Kids (once a month)

>We are currently working through our ‘Invitation’ Bible Study on Wednesdays at 5:45

>A 4-week Advent study called “Because of Bethlehem” will be offered starting November 28th. Watch for more details on this study as the time gets closer.

>We have about a dozen young people signed up to participate in our ‘Confirmation’ process which will begin in January. Each Confirmand is assigned an adult Mentor who will work with them through our Confirmation studies.

>New Member Classes are on the horizon for those who have expressed a desire to join the Church as ‘transfers’ or on ‘profession of faith’. More details TBA.

-and thanks to all who came and helped in any way to make our ‘Let’s Do Lunch’ event on October 12th a Big success (again). All proceeds go to local missions. (200 meals were served and 100 extra ham loafs were sold)

–to our Staff members who invest their time, energy and skills in the life and work of the Church. Special thanks to Terresa, our Office Manager; Kari, our Communications Coordinator; Marian, our Music Director (directs the Sanctuary Choir, Alpha/Omega kids Choir, Celebration Ringers and Wesley Bells); Linda, our pianist; Bill, our Custodian/Bldg. Manager; Shawn, our Treasurer; and Michelle our Financial Secretary.

–to all those who volunteer their time and talents to serve Christ and His Church through our Sunday School, Children’s Worship, Thoburn Kids, Youth Group, and in countless other ways

-to those who volunteer their time to help count on Mondays and to those who assist with the preparation of mailing out the church newsletter –Luke Stack and Russell Groves for decorating the front of the church for fall.

–to all those who ‘stepped up’ and contributed towards our ‘Let’s Fund Thoburn Ministries’ campaign. (Thus far we have received over $27,000 to help erase our ‘deficit’)

Whom are you thankful for? (Have you told them?) What are you doing to nurture an attitude of ‘gratitude and thanksgiving’ in your own heart and life?
