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Thomas Adams Portfolio

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Page 2: Thomas Adams Portfolio

00_ intro

Hello, Welcome to my portfolio. Here, you will find a sampling of just a few of the products and projects that I have had the opportunity to work on during my years as an industrial design major at the Cleveland Institute of Art.


(thomas adams)

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01_ ergonomic+focus :: describe

Sometimes it seems as though we humans live in a world that doesn’t quite seem as though it was designed for humans. Ergonomics are not always considered when making a product. This project was developed to help teach me the importance for not only including considerations for the body and function of my user, but also that its importance should be first thing that I should consider in my process because after all, I want people to want to use my products. The charge of this assignment was for me to develop a solid and specific testing regimen to gather data that would in tern influence the design of object of my choosing.

trebshoes,put em’ ontake em’ offput em’ up.

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01_ ergonomic+focus :: problem

At last, you’re almost there, and from the beginning only a few seconds have passed, involving very little brain power or effort, (maybe) amazing! The rub here is just that, a rub, it’s a rub of your kinda smelly but hopefully less soiled sock on the back heel of your, also smelly and very dirty shoe. No body wants that. Another aside to mention here throughout all of these images are the shoes lined up outside this apartment door. One person lives here and it still looks a bit sloppy.

1 2 43 We have had our shoes out for a walk, or possibly just a quick trip out to grab the mail, either way they’re filthy and probably will always remain that way no matter how clean you think you have gotten them. It’s common courtesy and practice to remove your shoes no matter whose home you will be entering and the most common way to do this, even if they are lace up, is the ole’ heel to toe method. Now, this isn’t so bad for the first shoe because there is protection from whatever got on the first shoe off in the form of, you guessed it, the other shoe.

So, we have people putting on their shoes, no big deal, right? Well, you see, that’s just the thing, it is an action often neglected. It all begins with a swift and very unnatural bend straight over. Then, as if to solve the problem with a problem, the foot accepting the shoe lifts off of the ground throwing the “shoe’er” completely out of balance. This is especially a big deal for the first shoe because, now, the foot trying to keep the balance doesn’t’ have the support of its shoe yet. So, yup, this is a problem.

Now on with the second shoe, this is, of course that we are assuming that these are shoes that are slip on, because the balance issue in the first stage would probably have you leaning against a wall to keep stable or, better yet, have you sitting in a chair. With this step you, at least, have a solid footing to stand on, but you are still standing on only one foot. Many people instinctively throw their free hand up onto the wall for extra stability.

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01_ ergonomic+focus :: testing

a b

c d e

For this ergonomic project I was required to form and execute a testing process so that I could better come up with a useful solution.

a _ The test subject was asked to sit in an adjustable chair.

b _ They were then asked to sit on the edge of the seat as if they were watching a thrilling movie.

c _ After they found a comfortable position I had them adjust the seat height to what they felt was most comfortable.

d _ I then put markers where I could measure the seat height and depth and recorded my findings.

e _ Last, I requested that they stand in this position so that I could measure for a handle for them to lean on while standing. f _ When we were finished with the mobile testing I gave them an oral questionnaire and filled it in myself.

* f _ questionnaire

1. How many people live in your household? Children ______ Adults ______

2. Do you rent or own your current living space? Rent _____ Own _____

3. About how many different pair of shoes do you wear on a regular basis? ____

4. Of those regularly worn shoes, how many are: Lace up ______ Slip on ______

5. Do you drive a car or walk to Work/ School?

Circle one:6. Would you say you _______ take off your shoes when you enter your home?a.Alwaysb.Sometimes, if they’re really dirty.c.Never

7. Do you usually stand up or sit down when you put your shoes on?

8. Do you usually stand up or sit down when you take your shoes off?

9. Please describe, in detail, your normal routine taking off/ putting on your shoes. (setting, time, method, position,etc.)

10. Circle the letter or letters where you usually put your shoes on.a. In the bedroom b. In the hallwayc. by the front door d. by the back doore. in the garage f. in the car

11. Circle the letter or letters where you usually take your shoes off.b.In the bedroom b. In the hallwayc. by the front door d. by the back doore. in the garage f. in the car

12. do you find that you have a hard time balancing when you take off/ put on your shoes?

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01_ ergonomic+focus :: sketch

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01_ ergonomic+focus :: function

In a hurry, or maybe everyone is trying to get ready at the same time and you’ve run out of space. Whatever the case may be, you’re covered. This step is kinked out away from the back of the chair so that if you have the chair up against a wall, you aren’t.

For those who have tricky shoes to put on, or maybe just have a bit more time to really do it right, there is the extra wide seat. It’s extra wide not because I anticipated fat people to sit on it, although that would be fine, but because I wanted this piece to be able to serve the needs of multiple users at once. With the wide seat, the sitting user does not feel as though they are being stepped on by someone using the step up portion of the seat. Also the bottom shelf comes out just a bit further than the seat so that the user can get their feet just a bit closer for a comfortable fit.

As stated before, balance was quite an issue when observing multiple users put on and take off their footwear so I extended the other end to become a cane of sorts, so that if ever there is a need for balance, I’ve got you covered.

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01_ ergonomic+focus :: model

This is a full scale model of my final direction. I felt it necessary to model in full scale because I needed a solid understanding of how big the chair was going to be. I wanted to make it small enough that it didn’t take up much more space than a normal shoe rack but it still had the presence ehough to make the user feel comfortable using it as a chair. Many of my final measurements referred directly back to my test results.


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01_ ergonomic+focus :: final

TREB This is a full scale model of my final direction. The final material will be powder coated sheet steel so that the hollow form can hold up the weight of a person without flexing too much. As outlined above. There is room for your shoes to be stored above and below the base as well as a place to sit, stand, or lean while taking off or putting on your shoes.


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01.5_ ergonomic+focus :: why?

cost size aesthetic

why the change? So why did I revisit this project? *

After further review of my first final design I came to the realization that, unless it was seen as a super beautiful design item for the elite, the necessary price for production just couldn’t meet up with the average customers resources.

Even though size had been a concern throughout the process, I felt that the bench was trying to do too much in too many different ways, so I re-evaluated which functions were more necessary than the others and then was able to design a more succinct solution that fit the space more realistically.

Space age isn’t for everybody. Plain and simple. Also, the bench wasn’t really referencing much, it was a chair, but, maybe a bit too abstracted for the use value to be clearly and fully seen. So, I looked at other things that are very functional and utilitarian. My solution, make it like a tool, more specifically, like a shovel.

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01.5_ ergonomic+focus :: redo

In terms of ergonomics, the action of taking off and putting on your shoes is quite an awkward one. After analyzing the process and pointing out key areas like:

1: When you step on the heel of the first shoe to remove it, its all good because you are stepping on it with your other shoe. But, when you are stepping on the second shoe, you’re stepping on it with your sock. Who wants muddy or wet socks? I don’t.

2: Whether you are putting your shoes on or taking them off, balance is always an issue.

3: Cleanliness is next to godliness....but when it comes to shoes, speed ranks right up there too.

So, with LEEN all of these things were addressed. It is a tool for shoes. It cleans, supports, and looks good doing it!

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01.5_ ergonomic+focus :: final

LEEN This is a full scale model of my final direction. It’s been fabricated from steel and ash wood. The bristles on the bottom are taken from a push broom and are made of stiff nylon.




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2. Kick off first shoe as normal.

1. First, approach LEEN.

3. Then, with first shoe off, insert heel of second shoe into LEEN like so, thus catching heel and removing second shoe!

4. Enjoy your clean floor with your clean feet!

01.5_ ergonomic+focus :: function

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01.5_ ergonomic+focus :: final

LEEN was inspired by the utility and intuitive nature of a shovel, so i thought it only natural to make it look like one too. The handle is made of smooth rounded ash wood.

At the bottom of LEEN there are bristles so that you can clean off your dirty shoes before taking them off.

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02_ brand+family :: describe

Freedom is a beautiful thing. We are used to buy one get one, fat, shipping, guilt, and hassle free. We are free to be what we want to be. This project was a free assignment where the only constraint was that we design multiple products that all fit within a brand that we made up. I was free to say and do what I wanted to and I think everyone else should have that freedom to. You should be able to have your cake and eat it to. You should be able to have a little (+) along with your (-). I made this project about having your dirty along with your clean and allowing one to coexist with the other because we all need to be dirty every once in a while.

dirtyit’s okaybe a mess

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02_ brand+family :: placed

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This hunk a hunk a beautiful plastic is a multi-function product. It is made to fit over a standard size sink both right side up and upside down. One side is concave which allows you more room to store dirty dishes, so you can put it off just a little bit longer. On the other side is a cutting board complete with slits for knife storage and a groove for drainage.


02_ brand+family :: final

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02.5_ brand+family :: final revisited

Hide is your surrogate mother when you’re in college and on you’re own, sort of. HIDE is based on the notion that we all have areas in our lives that, well we let go from time to time. We let things get “messy”, if you will. For most twenty somethings it is their room, or whole living space for that matter. HIDE knows this too. If it senses that the floor in your space is messy, it gets embarrassed for you and refuses to shine until you pick up the obstruction. Its not just cleanliness that it understands though, it also knows that its alright to be messy, just not all of the time. So when you’re going to bed and need to turn the light out, just toss some socks or trash or a ball in front of it and HIDE will understand and turn off. Good night.


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02.5_ brand+family :: function

1 When the beam is not blocked, then, the switch functions as normal. 2 When the beam is blocked, then, the

switch will not turn the light on. 3 When the beam is not blocked and the light is on, when the beam becomes blocked the light will turn off.

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little tikescreative renaissance:the ultimatesecurity blanket

03_ little tikes toys :: describe

Children are so important. As involved adults we need to constantly monitor the ways in which we organize their lives. They are miniature geniuses that have so much to offer and so much to learn. If children’s work is play then their tools are toys. In this project sponsored by Little Tikes we were presented with the challenge of re-inventing play a creative renaissance of sorts. So, the sky was the limit!

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03_ little tikes toys :: research

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03_ little tikes toys :: concept

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03_ little tikes toys :: refine

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**ESCAPEblanket vs.1 Becoming more things than one, this blanket is designed to be both a comfortable warm security blanket as well as have the ability to take on more structural qualities. Each triangle is made with stiff soy based foam to ensure safety while keeping the ability to become much more than a normal blanket. The idea is that a child could creatively imagine this seemingly ambiguous form as many different things. Maybe today it is a turtle shell or perhaps a vast mountain scape on which they can play with other toys!


03_ little tikes toys :: final vs.1

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03_ little tikes toys :: final vs.1

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TANKETblanket vs.2 This version of the blanket is a bit more in line with what I understand the brand Little Tikes to be. the shapes are much larger and easy to produce and the shapes, with their extremely rounded corners for added safety, speak more of the rotomolded aesthetic although they are made of the same stiff soyfoam as vs.1


03_ little tikes toys :: final vs.2

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Here is a rough schematic outlining the features of TANKET. This blanket is to serve a dual function with the materials it is made of. On one side it is a soft yet still durable felted material comfy enough to sleep on or under. On the other side is a very durable shock absorbent neoprene that will help shed moisture or accidental spills.

*03_ little tikes toys :: final vs.2

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04_ miscellaneous :: garage

Sometimes you just have one or two things that you love to show off. They don’t fall into any particular category but are all specifically unique and special. This is my grandad Samuel Adams. Some might call him a bit of a pack rat, but not me. I call him a man who knows something useful when he sees it, a man who has taught me a heck of a lot about seeing things in a different light. I have spent days on end in this garage. It is a very special place to me and I thought I’d share it with you. misc.

wait.... there is more!

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04_ miscellaneous :: ceramics

These are a few of the ceramic pieces that I have made over the past semester. I have been intrigued with the faceted form for a while. These small terra-cotta shapes are nice to hold, there is just something so nice about the edges in your hand. I like it.

slip-cast planters*

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04_ miscellaneous :: bike

On a trip to Arkansas, my home state, my girlfriend and I spotted an old rusted out bike in the trash. Not to be the one to let such treasure go to waste, I took it all the way back to Ohio. I fully restored it and customized it as a physical memory of that trip, and gave it to my girl, Wendy.

restored bike*

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04_ miscellaneous :: chair

This chair was a test, a test to see if I could put my money where my mouth was. Could I build what I designed on paper. The lessons learned, although the end product is a bit odd, were very valuable. Why design it if it can’t be built? I also learned to be flexible with my design, using the actual build as a refinement process.

woven chair*

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04_ miscellaneous :: chair

I just couldn’t find a chair for my studio that I liked, so, I made my own. Its a bit taller than your average chair so that It would fit my longish legs. I couldn’t commit to screwing it to the wooden base so, I tied it on with some bicycle tubing, which gives it a nice bounce!

custom chair*

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This is a little model of a one week assignment to design a digital music player.

mp3 player*

04_ miscellaneous :: model
