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THOMSON REUTERS DEALING XTRA Document Version: 1.8 Document Reference: 17660 Issue Date: 23 January 2014 USER GUIDE


Document Version: 1.8 Document Reference: 17660 Issue Date: 23 January 2014


Legal Information

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© Thomson Reuters 2014. All Rights Reserved.

Thomson Reuters, by publishing this document, does not guarantee that any information contained herein is and will remain accurate or that use of the information will ensure correct and faultless operation of the relevant service or equipment. Thomson Reuters, its agents and employees, shall not be held liable to or through any user for any loss or damage whatsoever resulting from reliance on the information contained herein.

This document contains information proprietary to Thomson Reuters and may not be reproduced, disclosed, or used in whole or part without the express written permission of Thomson Reuters.

Any Software, including but not limited to, the code, screen, structure, sequence, and organization thereof, and Documentation are protected by national copyright laws and international treaty provisions. This manual is subject to U.S. and other national export regulations.

Nothing in this document is intended, nor does it, alter the legal obligations, responsibilities or relationship between yourself and Thomson Reuters as set out in the contract existing between us.


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Contents About this document........................................................................................................... 5

Intended readership ............................................................................................................................5

In this document .................................................................................................................................5

Feedback ............................................................................................................................................5

Chapter 1 Overview ....................................................................................................... 6

Web address .................................................................................................................................. 6

Details .................................................................................................................................. 6

Availability .................................................................................................................................. 7

Report performance ............................................................................................................................ 7

Restricted information ......................................................................................................................... 7

Pre-euro information ........................................................................................................................... 7

Chapter 2 Dealing Xtra Log On ..................................................................................... 8

Chapter 3 Directory .......................................................................................................11

Chapter 4 Credit ............................................................................................................13

Chapter 5 Daily Confirmation Statements ...................................................................14

Prime Broker and Prime Broker Client options ................................................................................... 17

Chapter 6 Monthly Deal Fees .......................................................................................18

Statement Summary ......................................................................................................................... 20

Chapter 7 Monthly Trade Summaries ..........................................................................23

Prime Broker Client Monthly Trade Summaries for Prime Brokers ..................................................... 24

Chapter 8 Matching Client Record ...............................................................................25

Site information ................................................................................................................................ 25

User information ............................................................................................................................... 26

Chapter 9 Documentation.............................................................................................27

Chapter 10 Currency Information ..................................................................................28

High and Low Report ........................................................................................................................ 28

Holidays ................................................................................................................................ 30

Value Dates ................................................................................................................................ 31

Exchange Rates ............................................................................................................................... 32

Chapter 11 Pickups .........................................................................................................33


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Chapter 12 User Options ................................................................................................34

Logon ................................................................................................................................ 34

Change Site ................................................................................................................................ 35

Change Password............................................................................................................................. 36

Reset Matching Password ................................................................................................................. 37

Chapter 13 Log Off ..........................................................................................................38

About this document

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About this document

Intended readership The Thomson Reuters Dealing Xtra User Guide is for all Dealing Xtra users.

In this document The aim of this short document is to show you how best to use the rich functionality of the Dealing Xtra capability to maximise the benefits to you both as an individual and the company you represent.

You will soon find that Dealing Xtra is very simple to use and that this guide can quickly be assigned to the list of reference tools that are rarely used, but which provide a valuable back up in the event of any “how do I do that” type of query.

Feedback If you have any comments on this document please contact the Thomson Reuters TPG Documentation team.

Chapter 1 Overview

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Chapter 1 Overview

Web address

• Enter the address in your web browser: https://dxtra.markets.reuters.com. The Dealing Xtra home screen is displayed.

Note: Thomson Reuters recommends Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) Version 5 or above. If you turn off Java scripts you will lose some display functionality.

Details This page is updated periodically by Thomson Reuters and contains information about topics that we wish to advise clients on, for example when an update to the Rule Book comes into force, or details of a Credit Replication.

This page is updated periodically by Thomson Reuters and contains information about topics that we wish to advise clients on, for example when an update to the Rule Book comes into force, or details of a Credit Replication.

Dealing Xtra has the capability to allow you to have “Multi-Site” access. As you will appreciate specific site information is sensitive, so Reuters reserves the right to request written authorisation from each requested site.

Chapter 1 Overview

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Availability Dealing Xtra has the same availability hours as the Matching services.

Period Up Down

Summer 19.00GMT 22.00GMT (in line with New York close at 18.00 local time)

Winter 18.00GMT 23.00GMT

Report performance Most reports are displayed within 10 to 15 seconds after your request. This will obviously depend entirely on the level of your site’s trading activity, the workload being imposed on the system at the time plus the quality of the communications channels in place.

Restricted information Any one accessing Dealing Xtra can see data in the “unrestricted” area of the site e.g. holiday dates but “site specific” data is restricted to your account and you will require a login to obtain access. To obtain a login ask your Reuters Business Administrator.

All of the documents in the “Documentation section” are “unrestricted”, just click the document you want to view. All items under Currency Information are unrestricted except for “High and Low Report”; you must be logged on to Dealing Xtra to request this report. You must log on to Dealing Xtra to access all the other menu-options.

Pre-euro information Currently pre-euro currencies are kept in Thomson Reuters central systems due to the historical data retained there (7 years worth). So even though they have not been used for a number of years, they are still needed historically.

Chapter 2 Dealing Xtra Log On

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Chapter 2 Dealing Xtra Log On Your local Thomson Reuters representative will provide you with your Dealing Xtra login id e.g. SELMS01. The default password is DXSTART.

To login for the first time select User Options from the menu list and then Log On.

For a first time User, enter the Dealing Xtra user code that the Thomson Reuters Business Administrator has generated for you e.g. SELMS01, and then enter DXSTART in the Password field. Click the Submit button. If you make a mistake, the system will tell you and invite you to retry.

You will be presented with the following screen where you are requested to provide your own personal password and to confirm the choice.

Chapter 2 Dealing Xtra Log On

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A successful change of password is confirmed by the following screen:

As Dealing Xtra has its own built in security you may see a window similar to this below.

Chapter 2 Dealing Xtra Log On

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Click on “Yes” to progress. Please note that you may see this screen at several different points when using Dealing Xtra as it verifies that you are a user who has the required levels of permissioning for the data requested.

You will be returned to the Dealing Xtra home page with your Matching Site Id reference shown in the top right of the screen.

You can now access all the relevant sections of Dealing Xtra for your site, and other sites for which you are permissioned.

Chapter 3 Directory

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Chapter 3 Directory The Directory section of Dealing Xtra allows you to obtain details of Dealing Direct and Matching clients that are part of the community.

Clicking on the Counterparty List option displays a simple screen showing any Counterparty information that has been published:

Selecting the Subscriber Directories option displays the following select screen:

Chapter 3 Directory

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You can choose which service you require information – for example Dealing Direct or Spot Matching clients. This will list the existing live directory for each client who takes the requested service. This can be displayed to the screen or probably more usefully downloaded as a CSV file. Simply select the CSV radio button. You will be given the options:

a) Open (this will open the file directly into Excel if you have previously chosen to open CSV files by Excel)

b) Save (this saves the file to your PC hard drive from where you can open it at your convenience)

c) Cancel

You can change the selection criteria and choose the order of the output criteria if required by using the provided fields.

If the system cannot process your request in real time it will undertake it in background. When your request is ready, Dealing Xtra will then activate your Dealing Xtra Pickup Indicator (on the menu navigation title bar). Simply, click on the option “Pickups” on the navigational toolbar to gain access to your personal Pickup Reports Screen to get to your list of reports in the Pickup facility.

Chapter 4 Credit

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Chapter 4 Credit The Credit section of Dealing Xtra allows you to select the Turndown Analysis report option. Credit Information (Turndown Reports) are available for the last 12 months.

The principal target users of this reporting functionality are the Credit administrators at the bank. In brief, this report details the number of times that you might have dealt with a Matching Counterparty at possibly at a better rate if a limit had been available. This could mean that the bank concerned is in the “NO CREDIT” Group or that during the period involved limits became exhausted.

On clicking the option “Turndown Analysis” from the main from the Credit option on the Navigational Toolbar, you will see the screen below:

Simply select either Spot Matching or Forwards Matching (choosing the “All” option automatically includes both elements of the Matching offering), and enter the Start and End dates for the search. Normally you will only be interested in the last couple of days.

You can go back 24 months when reviewing the Turndown Analysis report.

Chapter 5 Daily Confirmation Statements

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Chapter 5 Daily Confirmation Statements The Daily Confirmation Statement section of the site is the central core of the Dealing Xtra capability. Users can collect a Daily Confirmation Statement for any day within the last 24 months. Your Daily Confirmation Statement will normally be available 15 minutes after your specified end-of-day cut-off time. Dealing Xtra will show up to 45,000 trades displayed to the screen. If the number is between 45,000 and 49,000 the data can be returned to the screen or to a Pickup report. Where the number of trades is over 49,000 the data always goes to a Pickup.

Note: The US$ figures on the Daily Confirmation Statement do not reflect what is shown in the invoice because the Monthly Trade Summary reports are not based on the data from the billing system. The reports are derived from the DSS and are based upon the trading data there.

You can select the Daily Confirmation Statement for any of the three service options – Dealing, Spot or Forwards.

For Dealing you can select the individual TCID or leave the default of All TCIDs at the location.

Just enter the date that you wish to display the Daily Confirmation Statement for.

You can select to have the system display the data to the screen or be downloaded as a CSV file to your local computer.

If you require an Interim Daily Confirmation Statement then simply click the ‘Interim’ checkbox only; there is no need to enter a date if selecting an interim Daily Confirmation Statement.

The Interim option allows you to obtain an interim Daily Confirmation Statement for your site at any time of the trading day, and for Dealing it can be selected per TCID.

In the event of an unconfirmed trade on Matching you should go to Dealing Xtra and request the interim Daily Confirmation Statement (Matching Rule Book Rule 11.1). Dealing Xtra will provide you with the interim Daily Confirmation Statement within a few seconds.

Chapter 5 Daily Confirmation Statements

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If you require an Unacknowledged Matches Daily Confirmation Statement for Spot or Forwards Matching then simply click the ‘Unacknowledged Matches’ checkbox; the ‘Interim’ checkbox activates as well. There is no need to enter a date if selecting the Unacknowledged Matches Daily Confirmation Statement.

There is no limit to the number of requests you can make for any Daily Confirmation Statement.

If you make an invalid request – for example request a Daily Confirmation Statement that is older than 24 months for Spot or Forwards Matching you will be presented with the error screen similar to that below.

If you wish to quickly check your potential problem match, this can easily be achieved by opening the interim Daily Confirmation Statement on the screen for Spot or Forwards Matching and clicking on the Search option to display the detailed search criteria screen.

Chapter 5 Daily Confirmation Statements

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Here just enter the Counterparty name in the “Their Site ID” field and click on Submit to quickly check if the match was made or not. If the trade is listed then the deal has been done.

You can also search for a particular match or trade via the “Match Trade Search” facility.

The Match/Trade Search option allows you to enter a specific Match or Trade number to display the actual Daily Confirmation Statement containing the Match or Trade number with the requested trade highlighted. Searching for a Match requested by Number is available for the past 90 days.

The Match Number requested is highlighted in red on the display to the User.

Chapter 5 Daily Confirmation Statements

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Prime Broker and Prime Broker Client options Prime Brokers will see the Prime Broker Client option as shown below. The user can select any of their attached Prime Broker Client from the drop down combo box. Using this option allows a Prime Broker to check on any deals that have been made in their name by each of their Prime Broker Clients.

The Daily Confirmation Statement data displayed is the same as for standard clients.

Chapter 6 Monthly Deal Fees

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Chapter 6 Monthly Deal Fees The Monthly Deals Fees option on the navigation bar provides a "snap-shot" history of your Monthly Deal Fees, based on what activity you have undertaken in the previous months. The following table explains what is displayed within each menu option. Monthly Deal Fees are available for the previous 24 months.

12 Month History

The $Net Fees per 1Mio Volume Traded gives a good indication of the cost of trading for each month over the 12 month period showing:

- Month

- Number of Deals

- Volume Dealt USD Mio

- Deal Fees (USD) [Net of all discounts]

- Deal Fees Cost per 1USD Mio Dealt

By Day

For each day in the selected month (you can go back 24 months) and display.

- Daily Confirmation Statement of Day in Month

- Total Deals

- MM Deals

- Aggressor Deals

- Billable Deals (for Spot Only)

- Total Deals Volume USD Mio

- MM Volume USD Mio

- Aggressor Volume USD Mio

By User

By selecting one of the users at the site you can see by service for each period over the last 24 months the following details:

- Total Deals

- MM Deals

- Aggressor Deals

- Billable Deals (Spot only)

- Total Deals Volume USD Mio

- MM Volume USD Mio

- Aggressor Volume USD Mio

- $ Net Fees Total USD

- $Net Fees per 1 Mio Volume Traded in USD

A neat feature here from the display is the hyper-text link to the User’s profile so at a glance you can see if that person is permissioned for all the required features of either Spot or Forwards Matching,

Chapter 6 Monthly Deal Fees

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By Instrument

For each month you can get a breakdown for each instrument by

- Total Deals

- MM Deals

- Aggressor Deals

- Billable Deals (Spot only)

- Total Deals Volume USD Mio

- MM Volume USD Mio

- Aggressor Volume USD Mio

- $ Net Fees Total USD

- $Net Fees per 1 Mio Volume Traded in USD

By Counterparty

For each month and for either Spot or Forwards Matching you can breakdown your trading by Counterparty. Dealing Xtra will display the following information:

- Counterparty Name

- Counterparty Site ID

- Total Deals

- MM Deals

- Aggressor Deals

- Billable Deals (for Spot only)

- Total Deals Volume USD Mio

- MM Volume USD Mio

- Aggressor Volume USD Mio

This will enable you to analyse your trading patterns and to ensure that you set your system credit file to the right level to ensure you maximise your business opportunity.

By Deal

For each of the last 24 months you can analyses the individual deals for each and every user at the site. Dealing Xtra will show you:

- User ID

- User Name

- Date

- Time

- Deal Type

- Volume Mio

- Instrument

- Agreed Price

- Match No.

- Counterparty Site ID

- Deal Method

For Forwards you are also provided with:

- Agreed & Spot Rate

- Match & Proposal Token

- Value Dates

Chapter 6 Monthly Deal Fees

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The select screens are similar to this below.

Statement Summary The Matching invoice is available on Dealing Xtra as soon as the Matching billing run is completed within RTSL.

Clients may see the full statement details online before the hardcopy invoice arrives via the postal service. The statement is not a tax invoice and provides more detail than the invoice to which it relates.

To obtain your current invoice just click on the Billing Statement menu option. This displays the following select screen:

Note: Invoice details are just shown for the proceeding month and are then over-written by the new month.

Chapter 6 Monthly Deal Fees

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Simply click on the submit button to display the invoice on the screen. This is more user friendly than the CSV option.

Chapter 6 Monthly Deal Fees

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The deal fees to be paid are shown (deliberately erased in the display above).

The best way to get a soft copy of the displayed invoice is to highlight the whole invoice and copy / paste into a Word document with the page set up in landscape. Whilst the display may not appear as clear as required (due to the fact that it is in a table) it does print out exactly as the hardcopy that RTSL will send. Also in Print Preview the table bars are not shown. You can convert the table to text using the standard Word functionality.

Chapter 7 Monthly Trade Summaries

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Chapter 7 Monthly Trade Summaries Where the Monthly Deal Fees section shows breakdown of the data for previous months the Monthly Trade Summary section allows you to breakdown the current month to date, within the following options. Monthly Trade Summaries are available for the 3 calendar months prior to the current month and for the current month to date.

Note: whilst the volume of the trade may have been made at say a 2 (million) eur/nok trade the trade on the Monthly Trade Summaries could show the volume as 3 (million). This is because the system converts any non-USD base currency volume amounts traded in the month into USD volumes for reporting and billing purposes (see Exchange Rates).

By Day

The following Current Month to Date Trading Summary by Day details are delivered in a table format:

- Date

- Deals (MM) No.

- Deals (Agg) No.

- Deals (Total) No.

- Volume (MM) USD Mio

- Volume (Agg) USD Mio

- Volume (Total) USD Mio

By User

Similarly you can break down each User’s contributions to the total to show:

- User ID

- User Name

- Cumulative Deals (MM) No.

- Cumulative Deals (Agg) No.

- Cumulative Deals (Total) No.

- Cumulative Volume (MM) USD Mio

- Cumulative Volume (Agg) USD Mio

- Cumulative Volume (Total) USD Mio

The hyperlink takes you to the User’s personal set up on the Matching system so you can check the permissions easily to ensure everything required is provided.

By Instrument

The By Instrument displays the following details:

- Instrument

- Cumulative Deals (MM) No.

- Cumulative Deals (Agg.) No.

- Cumulative Deals (Total) No.

- Cumulative Volume (MM) USD Mio

- Cumulative Volume (Agg.) USD Mio

- Cumulative Volume (Total) USD Mio

The system ensures that it only lists the particular instruments that you have dealt in.

Chapter 7 Monthly Trade Summaries

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By Counterparty

Selecting the By Counterparty option will deliver the following details to you for the month to date:

- Counterparty Site ID

- Counterparty Name

- Cumulative Deals (MM) No.

- Cumulative Deals (Agg.) No.

- Cumulative Deals (Total) No.

- Cumulative Volume (MM) USD Mio

- Cumulative Volume (Agg.) USD Mio

- Cumulative Volume (Total) USD Mio

The system ensures that it only lists those Counterparties that you have dealt with.

Prime Broker Client Monthly Trade Summaries for Prime Brokers Prime Brokers will also be able to analyse their Prime Broker Client trade data via the menu option in the Monthly Trade Summaries menu list.

The Prime Broker is able to select the period to report on as per screen below:

The system will then display the trading activity for each Prime Broker Client attached to the Prime Broker for the selected period.

Chapter 8 Matching Client Record

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Chapter 8 Matching Client Record This menu option allows you to review the information that Thomson Reuters has recorded in its central Matching systems. This is the information that you have previously supplied via the SDD and UDD forms that were completed when you joined the system. The Dealing Xtra display enables you to periodically check that the detail Thomson Reuters has for your site are accurate (Thomson Reuters would like you to check this data each month).

It is the responsibility of the designated Matching Site Coordinator (refer to Coordinator Guide) to advise Thomson Reuters of changes in the subscriber and user information. Most importantly you must advise Thomson Reuters if a trader leaves your company.

The above information has been deliberately erased.

Site information To review your Site Information simply click on the menu option.

If your site is part of a Global Credit Organisation then this will be displayed with a hyper link to the Global Credit Organisation details showing the list of members of that Global Credit Organisation. This is very useful for Credit Managers within a bank.

Chapter 8 Matching Client Record

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User information To review your User Information simply click on the menu option.

The names above have been deliberately erased.

Chapter 9 Documentation

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Chapter 9 Documentation This section of Dealing Xtra provides links to relevant Dealing Direct and Matching support documents.

All activity on the Matching System is subject to the Rules contained in the Matching Rule Book. As a condition of your Organisation’s contract with Thomson Reuters, you need to be familiar with these Rules and observe them whenever necessary. Certain Rules or parts of Rules apply only to Spot or Forwards Matching - these are designated accordingly. Rules, which are not designated as applying specifically to one service or another, apply to all Services.

You can select further pages from here that support various parts of the system e.g. the Rule Books for all RTSL products (https://dxtrapub.markets.reuters.com/docs/Rule_Books_home.htm).

Chapter 10 Currency Information

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Chapter 10 Currency Information

High and Low Report This allows you to bypass calls to the Help Desk to request High and Low Spot Matching prices during the trading day. Dealing Xtra allows you get them on-line.

You will be required to enter your Dealing Xtra password to obtain the High and Low report.

You can enter the specific date and time range for the search. You can keep the default “All Instruments” or choose a specific instrument from the drop down list presented to you on the selection screen.

Note: Sites have unlimited rights to request Interim Daily Confirmation Statements.

Note: Sites are limited to requesting High and Low Reports to twice in a 30-minute period and 6 requests in an intra-session period.

The following data will be returned to you:

Chapter 10 Currency Information

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The Holidays, Value Dates and Exchange Rates sections all have unrestricted access.

Chapter 10 Currency Information

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Holidays This option allows you to select a particular currency plus Year and will display all the holidays that are held in the dealing systems and which are used to calculate the Value Dates for both Dealing Direct and Matching.

You can choose past and future years in your selection criteria.

If you see any dates that you believe are wrong please advise Thomson Reuters as soon as possible.

Chapter 10 Currency Information

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Value Dates This option screen allows you to enter a specific trade date plus Base and Quote currencies to display the relevant settlement/Value Date. For Forwards the Short and Long dates will be displayed.

Chapter 10 Currency Information

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Exchange Rates This option shows for the last 12 months the USD exchange rates Thomson Reuters have used in converting any non-USD base currency volume amounts traded in the month into USD volumes for reporting and billing purposes. Thomson Reuters source the rates as the mid-point London closing rates on the penultimate business day of the previous calendar month.

Chapter 11 Pickups

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Chapter 11 Pickups If the system cannot process your request efficiently in real time it will undertake it in background. When your request is ready, Dealing Xtra will activate the Dealing Xtra Pickup Indicator (on the menu navigation title bar) and increment the number to show you that the report is ready for viewing. Simply, click on the option “Pickups” on the navigational toolbar to gain access to your personal Pickup Reports Screen to get to your list of reports in the Pickup facility.

To display the report on the screen simply click on the Report hyper link, else select the CSV File icon for direct loading to Excel.

There is a limit of 25 Pickup Reports per user at any one that can be stored on the Pickup Reports Screen.

To select the report(s) to remove/delete simply click in the “Delete box” and then click on the “Delete Checked Reports” button. The report(s) will be removed from the list. If no other reports are listed then the “Pickup Report Ready” highlight in the tool bar will be removed in a minute or two.

If there are no Pickups to be displayed you will receive the following screen:

Chapter 12 User Options

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Chapter 12 User Options The User Options menu list is where you log onto and off Dealing Xtra so is very important!

Logon Log On is where you enter your Dealing Xtra user code given to you by your Thomson Reuters Business Administrator e.g. SELMS01. The default password is DXSTART. Click the SUBMIT button. If you make a mistake, the system will tell you and invite you to retry. You will be requested to provide your own personal password and to confirm the choice.

Chapter 12 User Options

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Change Site This option allows those users who are permissioned for Multi-Site access to swap between the sites that have been set up for them. Typically a Global Credit Organisation will have a central person responsible for the credit so will find it useful to check out how the members of the Global Credit Organisation are trading to ensure that valuable credit lines are apportioned correctly and are not wasted.

If you inadvertently select this when you are permissioned for a single site you will get the message “Your account has not been granted permission to access more than one site”.

Chapter 12 User Options

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Change Password This option will be used when you first log on to Dealing Xtra with the default DXSTART password. Users are required re-authenticate their Password every 3 months, in order to ensure that Users cannot move between different Banks, and “browse” information not associated with their current employers.

It is the responsibility of the Matching Coordinator to ensure that Thomson Reuters are informed of any Dealing Xtra user who leaves the bank so as they cannot continue to use the Dealing Xtra service. On receipt of a delete request Thomson Reuters will immediately remove that user from the system.

Chapter 12 User Options

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Reset Matching Password This Dealing Xtra facility allows a user to reset his/her own Matching password.

The facility actually does two things on the New Matching Host:

1. removes any inhibits that have been generated by the user logging into the Matching host more than the allowed three attempts

2. resets their password to the default of D2START

The new facility is found on Dealing Xtra under the User Options menu and is called surprisingly “Reset Matching Password”. On selecting this from the menu the following screen is displayed:

You have to enter the User Id that requires resetting e.g. AO or DST or SCEE for example and then click on the submit button.

You will get an acknowledgement that says “Password for user id [user id] from TCID [XXXX] has been reset on the host” to confirm the update has been applied.

Chapter 13 Log Off

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Chapter 13 Log Off Log Off simply logs you off Dealing Xtra! All you need do is click on the Log Off option to disconnect your access to Dealing Xtra. Thomson Reuters requests that you log off Dealing Xtra as soon as you stop using it to ensure that only you have sight of the data provided.

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Document Version: 1.8 Document Reference: 17660 Issue Date: 23 January 2014
