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Thoracotomy thrombi-hrt lung-machine-jtt-1996

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Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis 1996;3:195-208 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. Printed in the Netherlands. Effect of Thoracotomy and Cardiopulmonary Bypass on Activated Platelet and Neutrophil Dynamics and Platelet Emboli in a Pig Model Mrinal K. Dewanjee, 1 Victor Belinskiy, 2 Jamie F.W. Holland, 2 Mansoor Kapadvanjwala, 3 Shu Ming Wu, I~ Stana Novak, 2 Li-Chien Hsu, ~ Juan Sanchez, 2 Sumit Dewanjee, I Aldo N. Serafini/ Robert C. Duncan, 6 and George N. Sfakianakis 1 Departments of 1Radiology, 2Surgery, 3Biomedical Engineering, and 4Epidemiology, University of Miami, School of Medicine, Miami, Florida; ~Bentley Laboratories, Irvine, California Abstract. The effects of thoracotomy and components of ex- tracorporeal circuits on dynamics of platelets and neutro- phils were quantified with autologous In-Ill-labeled plate- lets (INPLT) and neutrophils (INN) during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) operations in Yorkshire pigs. Cardiopulmo- nary bypass was carried out with a hollow-fiber oxygenator and an arterial filter in 48 pigs (30-35 kg; 12 unoperated con- trols for platelets and neutrophils; 12 sham operated controls; 12 with 180 minutes of CPB with platelets and neutrophils; 12 with 90 minutes of CPB and 90 minutes of reperfusion at 2.5-3.5 one/min. Platelets and neutrophils were labeled witb In-lll tropolone and were injected intravenously: platelets at 24 hours and neutrophils at 15 minutes before CPB. All pigs were systemically heparinized [activated coagulation time (ACT) >400 seconds]; CPB was instituted with a roller pump, oxygenator (OX; Bentley Univox, 1.8 m2), and arterial filter (AF; 0.025 m 2) for durations of 180 minutes and 90 min- utes of bypass, followed by 90 minutes of reperfusion. The kinetics and pooling of platelets and neutrophils were moni- tored by a Geiger probe. The adherent thrombi and neutro- phils in the OX, AF, viscera, and brain were imaged with a gamma camera and were measured with an ion chamber and a gamma counter. The percentile distribution of labeled platelets and neutrophils expressed as the mean - standard deviation of injected dose in eight groups was calculated and statistical analyses were performed (ANOVA and paired t- test). Sham operation alone increased platelet retention in the lung, heart, and brain significantly (p < 0.001) over that of unoperated pigs. Neutrophil margination to lung immedi- ately after injection was high; CPB and reperfusion altered the distribution in blood, viscera, and connective tissues. During CPB, an equilibrium among single platelets, platelet thrombi, and emboli was reached in the blood, oxygenator, arterial filter, perfused organs, and tissues. After CPB, the pulmonary neutrophil retention increased significantly (p < 0.001). Reperfusion of 90 minutes following 90 minutes of CPB decreased the level of neutrophils and increased the level of platelets in the lung. Only a small amount of platelets and neutrophils was retained in the oxygenator and arterial filter. Neutrophil retention in the OX and AF was higher than that of platelets. The small amount of retained neutrophils in the heart, kidneys, and brain suggested that cytokines, rather than marginated neutrophils alone, may play a major role in inflammatory insult to these organs during and after CPB. OX thrombi increased with the time of CPB; AF throm- bus in both groups was almost similar. During CPB, AF func- tioned minimally as a thrombus trap with a small percent of retained thrombi; reperfusion post-CPB did not change the amount. Thoracotomy alone has a significant effect on plate- let and neutrophil kinetics, and on the subsequent effect of thrombus formation, embolization, and neutrophil margina- tion in organs during the CPB procedure. Key Words. cardiopulmonary bypass, Yorkshire pigs, indium- 111, platelets, neutrophils, adherent thrombi, platelet em- boli, marginated neutrophils Primary and secondary factors affecting platelet and neutrophil dynamics and their margination during car- diopulmonary bypass (CPB) have not been evaluated previously. In previous studies, the parameters of ac- tivation of cellular elements of blood, coagulation, complements, and cytokine cascades have been evalu- ated. In the process of dissecting the effects of thora- cotomy and CPB with radiolabeled platelets and neu- trophils, we observed that thoracotomy alone significantly altered the localization of platelet emboli and the margination of neutrophils in the lung, brain, and heart. Cardiopulmonary bypass surgery induces damage in organs and tissues by ischemic insult with thromb] and emboli. Leukocytes add additional in- Address for correspondence: Mrinal K. Dewanjee, Ph.D., Univer- sity of Miami, School of Medicine, Division of Nuclear Medicine (D- 57), Jackson Memorial Medical Center, Central Building, Room C266, P.O. Box 016960, Miami, FL 33101. Received 28 September 1995, Accepted 18 October 1995 195

Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis 1996;3:195-208 �9 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. Printed in the Netherlands.

Effect of Thoracotomy and Cardiopulmonary Bypass on Activated Platelet and Neutrophil Dynamics and Platelet Emboli in a Pig Model

Mrinal K. Dewanjee, 1 Victor Belinskiy, 2 Jamie F.W. Holland, 2 Mansoor Kapadvanjwala , 3 Shu Ming Wu, I~ Stana Novak, 2 Li-Chien Hsu, ~ Juan Sanchez, 2 Sumi t Dewanjee, I Aldo N. Sera f in i / Robert C. Duncan, 6 and George N. S fakianakis 1 Departments of 1Radiology, 2 Surgery, 3Biomedical Engineering, and 4Epidemiology, University of Miami, School of Medicine, Miami, Florida; ~Bentley Laboratories, Irvine, California

Abstract. The effects of thoracotomy and components of ex- t racorporeal circuits on dynamics of platelets and neutro- phils were quantified with autologous I n - I l l - l a b e l e d plate- lets ( INPLT) and neutrophi ls (INN) dur ing cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) operat ions in Yorkshire pigs. Cardiopulmo- nary bypass was carr ied out with a hollow-fiber oxygenator and an ar ter ia l filter in 48 pigs (30-35 kg; 12 unoperated con- trols for platelets and neutrophi ls ; 12 sham operated controls; 12 with 180 minutes of CPB with platelets and neutrophils ; 12 with 90 minutes of CPB and 90 minutes of reperfusion at 2.5-3.5 one/min. Pla te le ts and neutrophi ls were labeled witb I n - l l l t ropolone and were injected intravenously: platelets at 24 hours and neutrophi ls a t 15 minutes before CPB. All pigs were systemically hepar inized [activated coagulat ion t ime (ACT) >400 seconds]; CPB was ins t i tu ted with a roller pump, oxygenator (OX; Bent ley Univox, 1.8 m2), and ar ter ial filter (AF; 0.025 m 2) for dura t ions of 180 minutes and 90 min- utes of bypass, followed by 90 minutes of reperfusion. The kinet ics and pooling of platelets and neutrophi ls were moni- tored by a Geiger probe. The adheren t th rombi and neutro- phils in the OX, AF, viscera, and bra in were imaged with a gamma camera and were measured with an ion chamber and a gamma counter . The percenti le dis t r ibut ion of labeled platelets and neutrophi ls expressed as the mean - s tandard deviat ion of injected dose in eight groups was calculated and s tat is t ical analyses were performed (ANOVA and paired t- test). Sham operat ion alone increased platelet re tent ion in the lung, hear t , and brain significantly (p < 0.001) over tha t of unoperated pigs. Neutrophi l marg ina t ion to lung immedi- ately af ter inject ion was high; CPB and reperfusion altered the dis t r ibut ion in blood, viscera, and connective tissues. Dur ing CPB, an equi l ibr ium among single platelets, platelet thrombi, and emboli was reached in the blood, oxygenator, ar ter ia l filter, perfused organs, and tissues. After CPB, the pu lmonary neut rophi l re ten t ion increased significantly (p < 0.001). Reperfusion of 90 minutes following 90 minutes of CPB decreased the level of neutrophi ls and increased the level of platelets in the lung. Only a small amount of platelets and neutrophi ls was re ta ined in the oxygenator and ar ter ia l filter. Neutrophi l re ten t ion in the OX and AF was higher t han t ha t of platelets. The small amount of re ta ined neutrophi ls in the hear t , kidneys, and bra in suggested tha t cytokines,

r a the r t h a n marg ina ted neutrophi ls alone, may play a major role in inf lammatory insul t to these organs dur ing and after CPB. OX thrombi increased with the t ime of CPB; AF throm- bus in both groups was almost similar. During CPB, AF func- t ioned minimal ly as a th rombus t rap with a small percent of re ta ined thrombi ; reperfusion post-CPB did not change the amount . Thoracotomy alone has a significant effect on plate- let and neutrophi l kinetics, and on the subsequent effect of th rombus format ion, embolization, and neutrophi l margina- t ion in organs dur ing the CPB procedure.

Key Words. cardiopulmonary bypass, Yorkshire pigs, indium- 111, platelets, neutrophi ls , adheren t thrombi , platelet em- boli, marg ina ted neutrophi ls

Primary and secondary factors affecting platelet and neutrophil dynamics and their margination during car- diopulmonary bypass (CPB) have not been evaluated previously. In previous studies, the parameters of ac- tivation of cellular elements of blood, coagulation, complements, and cytokine cascades have been evalu- ated. In the process of dissecting the effects of thora- cotomy and CPB with radiolabeled platelets and neu- trophils, we observed that thoracotomy alone significantly altered the localization of platelet emboli and the margination of neutrophils in the lung, brain, and heart. Cardiopulmonary bypass surgery induces damage in organs and tissues by ischemic insult with thromb] and emboli. Leukocytes add additional in-

Address for correspondence: Mrinal K. Dewanjee, Ph.D., Univer- sity of Miami, School of Medicine, Division of Nuclear Medicine (D- 57), Jackson Memorial Medical Center, Central Building, Room C266, P.O. Box 016960, Miami, FL 33101.

Received 28 September 1995, Accepted 18 October 1995


196 Dewanjee et al.

fiammatory insult by the release of cytokines and free radicals from activated neutrophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes.

Prosthetic devices with large surface areas (oxy- genators and hemodialyzers) consume circulating platelets by adhesion of platelets, forming thrombi and emboli, and of neutrophils by margination and platelet/neutrophil disintegration due to the high shear rate [1-10]. In previous studies of the extracor- poreal circulation of CPB and hemodialysis in the pig model, we carried out platelet balance studies with In-Ill-labeled autologous platelets [7-10,13] and pin- pointed the site of thrombus formation in hemodialyz- ers, oxygenators, and arterial filters.

Neutropenia during hemodialysis has been ob- served previously [24]. Neutrophil consumption by these processes in the intraluminal flow oxygenator and arterial filter was recently quantified with In-11 I - labeled neutrophils in our laboratory [28]. We also de- termined the comparative retention of neutrophils from beagle dogs, Yorkshire pigs, and healthy human volunteers using a flow loop consisting of a hemodia- lyzer and a roller pump, and demonstrated no differ- ence in neutrophil reactivity to cellulose fibers in these three species [28]. The adhesive molecules on the membranes of neutrophils and monocytes (integrins: Mac-l, LFA-1, lectins) and endothelial cells (cell adhe- sion molecules, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, P-selectins, E- selectin: ELAM-1) result in the adhesion of rolling neutrophils to endothelial cells, rupture of endothelial junctions, and transendothelial migration in the inter- stitial space [17,28,29]. Activated neutrophils in in- flammatory lesion possess a heterodimeric surface glycoprotein complex of CD11b/CD18 or Mac-1 (gp155/gp95), which binds the counter-receptor of the endothelial cell adhesion molecule, ICAM-1. They also interact with adsorbed proteins in hollow-fiber de- vices.

Dynamic interactions among adhesion receptors and counter-receptors expressed by leukocytes and endothelium control the process of margination and migration into the tissue space. The four critical stages of neutrophil-endothelial interactions are (1) tethering, (2) triggering, (3) gluing, and (4) transendo- thelial migration and depend on the cascade of multi- ple receptor-counter receptor interactions. The initial stage of tethering is mediated by selectins, with hy- brid receptors consisting of the NH 2 terminus of the lectin-binding domain, the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domain, and a variable number of short consensus repeats (SCR). E- and P-selectins are ex- pressed after initial stimulation; within a few minutes of the initial signaling, the Weibel-Palade bodies con- taining P-selectin fuse with the membrane, but they are also internalized quickly within 30 minutes, when the E-selectin takes over the role of tethering. The synthesis of E-selectin is initiated by cytokine stimu- lation and peaks in 4-6 hours [17,26,29,30].

Over the last 15 years, we have been quantifying

the dynamics of platelets and neutrophils, and the level of thrombi and emboli in the critical organs, with bubble, membrane, and hollow-fiber oxygenators in the dog and pig models [6-14]. We also studied the effect of CPB sugery on the thrombogenicity of heart valve prostheses [14,20,21]. Our systematic cell- balance studies indicated that there is a significant reduction of thrombi and emboli formed in the compo- nents of the CPB circuit, mainly due to the improved design of the oxygenators and arterial filters. In spite of these improvements, the net retention of platelets and neutrophils by the lung, heart, brain, and lddneys decreased only marginally. The sham thoracotomy op- eration alone had a dramatic effect on the mobilization and retention of In-ill-labeled platelets and neutro- phils by these organs. In this report, we describe our observations on the dominant effect of thoracotomy over the circulatory effect of blood in the extraluminal flow oxygenator on margination and retention of platelets and neutrophils during CPB and on reperfu- sion time in the pig model.

M a W r i a l s a n d M e t h o d s

The experiments reported herein were conducted ac- cording to the principles set forth in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals from the Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Research Council (NIH 86-23, 1985). The details of blood collection; labeling of platelets and neutrophils with In-111 tropolone, CPB operations, static and dy- namic measurements of adherent thrombi and neutro- phils to the oxygenator, arterial filter, and platelet emboli, and marginating neutrophils in lung, brain, heart, and kidneys by imaging with a gamma camera, ionization chamber, gamma counter, and Geiger probe have been described previously [6,7,11,13,28]. A brief description of these procedures follows:

Labeling of autologous platelets with indium-lll tropolone Porcine platelets were labeled according to the method of Dewanjee et al. [11]. Sixty milliliters of whole blood were collected from anesthetized York- shire pigs in 10 ml of modified ACD anticoagulant so- lution (NIH-A, Fenwal Laboratory). The platelets were separated by differential centrifugation, were incubated with In-111 tropolone (600-700 ~Ci) for 20 minutes, and were washed by centrifugation. The In- 111-labeled platelets were measured with ionization chamber (Capintec CRC-5RH3) and were injected into the ear vein of anesthetized pigs. A platelet har- vesting efficiency of typically 40-45% and a labeling efficiency of 80-95% were routinely obtained.

Labeling of autologous neutrophils with indium-Ill tropoione Porcine neutrophils were radiolabeled according to the method of Chowdhury et al. [12]. One hundred

Thoracotomy and CP Bypass on Thrombi/Emboli 197

milliters of venous blood were collected in two 60 ml syringes, each containing 10 ml of ACD anticoagulant (acid, citrate, dextrose; ACD, NIH-A; Baxter, Deer- field, IL); 25 ml of anticoagulated blood were trans- ferred to each of four sterile 50 ml polypropylene round-bottom tubes, each containing 8 ml of Heta- starch (HESPAN, Du Pont Pharmaceuticals, Wilmin- gton, DE) from the vial. Blood was gently mixed with Volex, avoiding air bubble formation. Red blood cells (RBCs) were sedimented at a 45 ~ angle for 20-25 rain- utes in a sterile laminar flow hood. Supernatant con- taining white blood cells, platelets, and some RBCs was removed with a sterile pipette in a laminar flow hood. Ficoll-Hypaque (F-H) stock solutions were pre- pared by mixing 9% Ficoll (Pharmacia Fine Chemi- cals~ Uppsala, Sweden) and Hypaque (33.9%, Win- throp, New York) in sterile glass cylinders. The density was adjusted with a hydrometer, and finally the solution was sterilized by membrane filtration (0.22 ~m, NaIgene).

Five milliliters of leukocyte-rich plasma were transferred with a sterile polyethylene pipette to each of 12 sterile screw-capped tubes (Corning, 15 ml); then 3 ml of F-H solution (1.080 g/ml) and 3 ml of F-H solution (1.120 g/ml) were layered. They were spun at 2800 rpm (Jouan C412, Winchester, VA; 1650 g) for 12 minutes at 18~ The plasma and platelets (top layer) were withdrawn with a pipette and discarded. The neutrophil aliquots were pooled in a sterile (40 ml) centrifuge tube and were diluted with 20 ml of ACD saline to remove the EDTA and F-H residue. The centrifuge tubes were spun at 1300 rpm (Beck- man TJ6R, 400 g, 18~ for 6 minutes to settle the neutrophil pellet.

The supernatant was discarded using a sterile poly- ethylene tube; the plasma and platelets were with- drawn with a pipette and discarded. Seven hundred to 800 ~Ci of In-111 tropolone in 2 ml of ACD saline were added to the pellet and, after resuspension, were incubated for 25 minutes and washed twice with 4 ml of ACD saline by centrifugation at 400 g; 0.2 ml of aliquot was transferred for the CBS and differential (Coulter S +, Coulter, Miami, FL). The radioactivity was measured with a dose calibrator (Capintec CRC- 5RH3, Ramsey, N J). The suspension was injected in- travenously with a butterfly needle into the ear vein of the anesthetized pig. A neutrophil harvesting effi~ ciency of typically 15-25% and a labeling efficiency of typically 60-70% were obtained by the above- mentioned procedures in our laboratory.

Cardiopulmonary bypass with a roller pump, a hollow-fiber oxygenator, and an arterial filter in Yorkshire pigs Twenty-four pigs in four groups (six on platelets, with 180 minutes CPB; six on platelets with 90 minutes CPB and 90 minutes reperfusion; six neutrophils with 180 minutes CPB; and six on neutrophils with 90 min- utes CPB and 90 minutes reperfusion) were studied

(Figures 1A and 1B). Anesthesia was induced with ketamine (20 mg/kg, IM, Fort Dodge Laboratories, Ford Dodge, IA) and sodium pentobarbital (3-5 mg/ kg IV as needed, Abbott Laboratories, N. Chicago, IL) [15-18]. After endotracheal intubation, the pigs were connected to the ventilator. Carfentanyl was ad- ministered intravenously (bolus 20 ~g/kg, Abbott Laboratories, N. Chicago, IL) along with muscle re- laxants (pancuronium bromide, 0.1 mg/kg iv, Elkins- Sinn, Cherry Hill, N J). The extracorporeal system (volume, 2 1) consisted of polyvinyl chloride tubing, a venous reservoir (Bentley BMR 1900, Irvine, CA), a barely occlusive roller pump (American Optical), a membrane oxygenator (Bently Univox, 1.8 m2), and an arterial filter (Bentley AF-1025, 0.25 m2).

The whole extracorporeal system was flushed with C02 and was primed with lactated Ringer's solution. After endotracheal intubation and being connected to the ventilator (Harvard Apparatus, dual phase control ventilator, S. Natick, MA), arterial blood gases were monitored and the ventilator was adjusted to maintain normal pH, pOz, and p C Q values ( G e m - 6 plus, Mal- linckrodt Sensor System, Ann Arbor, MI). Aortic, ar- terial, and venous pressures were continuously moni- tored by transducers (TA400, Gould, Valley View, OH), along with the electrocardiogram and heart rate (Datascope 2001, Paramus, NJ). After a median sternotomy, an arterial cannula was inserted into the ascending aorta (16-18F) and a venous cannula (40F) was inserted into the right atrium via the atrial ap- pendage and was retained by purse-string sutures. The arterial and venous lines were connected with components of the CPB [15-18]. Cardiopulmonary by- pass was initiated and the left ventricle was vented via the left atrial appendage. The ascending aorta was clamped, and cold cardioplegia (4~ was infused via the aortic root.

Cardiopulmonary bypass was carried out in four groups of 24 pigs (six with the filter and six without the filter) for 180 and 90 minutes of CPB and for 90 minutes of reperfusion. Rectal temperature was moni- tored and maintained at 25-28~ Serial blood samples were withdrawn after endotracheal intubation, prior to initiation of CPB, at 1 hour of CPB and just prior to termination of CPB. During CPB, systemic hepa- rinization was maintained (3 mg/kg iv) and was moni- tored with repeated determinations of the activated coagulation time (ACT), every 20 minutes, main- taining it at four times normal (400-600 seconds, nor- mal value 100-120 seconds; Hemochron 400, Tech- nidyne, Edison, NJ). Cross-clamp time was always maintained at 45 minutes for all animals. Cardioplegic solution (Plegisol, Abbott Laboratories, N. Chicago, IL) was infused initially through the aortic root at 15 ml/kg, and every 20 minutes an additional infusion was performed at 8 ml/kg. Hespan (500-1000 ml, Du Pont Pharmaceuticals, Wilmington, DE) was adminis- tered to maintain osmolarity.

A sham operation was carried out using a median

198 Dewanjee et al.



Blood collection, Injection (I.V.) 1111n CPB OFF " Imaging of Platelet labeling Platelets oxygenator, filter Reperfusion, sacrifice,

with 1111n-tropolone (400-550 ~Ci) CPB ON and quantification of quantification of Platelets Platelets

-180 mln -15 min 0 90 rain 180 min





Blood collection, Platelet labeling

with 1111n-tropolone

Injection (I.V.) 111111- Plateleta

(400-550 pCi) CPB ON

CPB OFF Sacrifice, Imaging of

oxygenator, filter and quantification of


t t , , t t -180 rain -15 min 0 180 min


Fig. 1. Protocol of the study of platelet kinetics (A) during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB; 3 hours at 2.5-3.5 1/min) and 90 min- utes of CPB and 90 minutes of reperfusion (B) with In-ill-labeled autologous platelets in the pig model.

sternotomy in a similar fashion, and only the right pleural cavity was entered. The pigs were sacrificed after 180 minutes of sternotomy. At the end of CPB or reperfusion, each animal was sacrificed by exsan- guination. Both kidneys, as well as the lung, heart, brain, liver, and spleen were removed, preserved, sectioned, and inspected grossly for embolic material. The radioactivity in intact organs and tissue samples was measured with an ionization chamber and a gamma counter (Cobra II, Model 5003, Packard, Downers Grove, IL). The window of the gamma counter was adjusted to include the 171-, 245-, and 426-keV sum peaks of the indium-Il l radionuclide.

Biodistribution of i nd ium- I l l - labe led platelets and neutrophils in control and sham-operated pigs To differentiate between the role of thoracotomy and CPB, the biodistribution of radiolabeled platelets and

neutrophils was measured in four groups of 24 pigs. Two control groups of six unoperated pigs each were sacrificed after injection of In- I l l - labeled platelets (24 hours) and neutrophils (3 hours) and were desig- nated UNOPCPL and UNOPCN, respectively. Two additional sham-operated control groups of six pigs each were sacrificed after injection of In-I l l - labeled platelets (24 hours) and neutrophils (3 hours), and were called SHOPCPL and SHOPCN, respectively. All animals were heparinized and sacrificed with an overdose of barbiturate.

Dynamic measuremen t of radioactivity of indium--I l l platelets and neutrophils in the oxygenator and arterial filter during C P B The radioactivity in the oxygenator and arterial filter during CPB was measured with a lead-collimated Gei- ger probe detector (Ludlam Inc.). The background ra-

Thoracotomy and CP Bypass on Thrombi/Emboli 199

dioactivity was subtracted from the total radioactivity of adherent thrombus in oxygenator and trapped em- bolus in the arterial filter, and the net radioactivity was plotted with time of CPB.

Scintiphoto of platelet and neutrophil deposition with the gamma camera, and measurement of radioactivity with the ionization chamber and gamma-well counter At the end of CPB or reperfusion, the circuit was washed with 1 liter of sterile saline at a flow of 400-500 ml/min. The components of the arterial ill- te r and hollow-fiber oxygenator were removed from the circuit of the termination of CPB. The intact components were imaged with a gamma camera (Sie- mens, LFOV, Hoffman Estates, IL). The three- dimensional distribution of platelet and neutrophil deposition was also imaged with the single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) technique. The oxygenator and arterial filter were placed on the head rest so that their center of rotation was coaxial with the central axis of the camera gantry. The triple-headed gamma camera (Triad 88, Trionix Research Laboratory, Twinsburg, OH) was fitted with a medium energy, parallel-hole collimator. The heads were rotated clockwise, with 30 stops for each head at a 4~ and with 60 seconds of data acquisition at each stop in a 256 • 256 matrix. Images were processed for transaxial, sagittal, and coronal distribution at a thickness of 0.5 cm.

The radioactivity in the components was measured in a large-bore ionization chamber (Capintec CRC- 5RH3). The samples of the fibers and filter membrane obtained from the periphery, center, top, middle, and bottom of the filter and oxygenator were weighed on a microbalance, and the radioactivity was determined with a gamma-well counter in the In - l l l channel. All the detectors were calibrated with standard sources of In-111 to convert microcuries into counts per minute (cpm) and to calculate the percent of the injected dose of In-111 platelets and neutrophils in the device, blood organs, and tissues.

Statistical analysis of the distribution of radiolabeled platelets and neutrophils in Yorkshire pigs The statistical model for each experiment (platelet thrombosis, neutrophil infiltration) is a factorial ex- periment with three factors of thoracotomy, 180 minutes of CPB, 90 minutes of CPB, and 90 minutes of reperfusion. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out by comparing organ distribution for la- beled platelets and granulocytes, and their balance during and after CPB among three groups. Analysis of variance was performed for each study to assess the overall effects of thoracotomy and CFB on the distribution of platelets and neutrophils. Overall comparisons used a p value of <0.05 to indicate a significant difference.

R e s u l t s

We hypothesized that excess platelets and neutrophils in organs that were above the control unoperated ani- real levels were due to emboli and margination. Thora- cotomy alone activates several pathways, for exam- ple, clotting factor cascades, complement, and the extrinsic tissue factor pathway. In addition, whole or- gans and connective tissues in the body work as an arterial filter (Figure 4) in removing emboli (lung, liver, skeletal muscle) and microparticles (reticuloen- dothelial system). These organs and tissues also pro- vide a pool for the margination of activating neutro- phils with sticky endothelial cells. In this study, we wanted to determine what additional activation and insult result from CPB that are over and above that induced by thoracotomy. The role of the redistribution of platelets and neutrophils due to CPB was estimated after subtracting the effect of thoracotomy.

Equilibria of circulating platelets with platelet mi- croparticles and aggregates formed during CPB and their sequestration in Yorkshire pigs are shown in Figure 4. During CPB operations, platelet number and functions decrease [1-10]. The decline in platelet number is mainly due to hemodilution; adhesion to surfaces and the formation of adherent thrombus has decreased significantly (from 20% to 10% to 2% to 0.2%) from bubble to membrane to internal- to exter- nal-flow hollow-fiber oxygenators over the last 20 years due to improved designs and the use of compati- ble biomaterials ([5-10]. Activation of platelets was measured by the releasate (platelet factor 4, throm- bospondin, ~-thromboglobulin) from a-granules from activated platelets and was found to increase with the time of CPB [1-4]. A similar increase was observed for releasate (ADP, ATP, calcium and serotonin) from dense granules.

The receptor density for both ligands, fibrinogen and epinephrine, on the platelet membrane also de- creases, and platelet fragments increase in the blood. Scanning and transmission electron micrographs illus- trated the presence of a heterogenous population of platelets: intact activated platelets, partially and com- pletely degranulated platelets, platelet ghosts, and an influx of larger platelets that enter into the circulation from the marrow pool. These platelet defects result in an increase in the postperfusion bleeding time and reduced platelet function and survival time [1,2].

Our quantitative platelet balance studies suggest that thoracotomy alone has a more profound effect on platelet balance than the effects of multiple passages of blood through the components of the CPB circuit. Thrombi in lung increased significantly from 5% to 18% (p < 0.001) and in heart increased from 0.3% to 0.6% due to thoracotomy alone; platelets were proba- bly activated by the tissue factor pathway. This in- crease in the lung and heart was followed by a concom- itant drop in the blood platelet level from 38% to 31% (p < 0.01). Scintiphotos of neutrophil deposition in the


Thoracotomy and CP Bypass on Thrombi/Emboli 201

lung, liver, and spleen of the unoperated and operated pig undergoing CPB are shown in Figure 2A and 2B, respectively. Neutrophil depletion from circulating blood is evident from the absence of radioactivity in the cardiac chambers. After CPB, the splenic neutro- phil pool was minimal.

Although oxygenators have been perfected to a large extent, and the thrombus level has dropped sig- nificantly from 20% (bubble oxygenator) to 0.2-0.3% (hollow-fiber oxygenator), no major concurrent im- provement has occurred in the arterial filter. Neutro- phil retention was higher than platelet retention; the scintiphotos illustrated an inhomogenous distribution of platelets in the oxygenator and filter with the pres- ence of adherent thrombi as hot spots on the OX and AF walls (Figure 3A). A similar distribution was also observed in the oxygenator (Figure 3C). The current filter uses a pleated Dacron (polyester hydrophobic surface) fiber network (porosity 25 ~m). The accor~ dion configuration with lateral (side-to-side) as op- posed to end-to-end blood flow results in a less favor- able hemorheology and thrombus formation both inside and outside of the filter, and the trapping of emboli in distal organs [3-5]. The capacity for throm- bus formation when using this filter is high, and the capacity for thrombus retention is low. After 30 min- utes of oxygenation, the thrombus level reached a steady state.

Our systematic studies with 1-125-1abeled plasma proteins (serum albumin, fibrinogen, ~-thrombin, ira- munoglobulin, and complement 5) demonstrated that plasma proteins are adsorbed in the hollow-fiber lu- men instantaneously and reached a steady state within 5-10 minutes of circulation time [24,32]. The adsorbed adhesive proteins, for example, fibrinogen and von Willebrand factor, bind glycoprotein recep- tors of activated platelets to form platlet aggregates. The dynamic studies also showed that thrombus for- mation on the oxygenator and arterial filter reached a steady state due to thrombus formation and emboli- zation. In addition, we observed that in vitro studies overestimate platelet deposition on the oxygenator by a factor of 10-15 (unpublished data).

D i s c u s s i o n

The oxygenator and dialyzer, having large surface areas, consume circulating platelets by platelet- thrombus formation and platelet fragmentation. Both processes occur inside or outside the narrow fibers by shear-induced platelet fragmentation. Our previous studies with flow cytometry showed a linear relation- ship between blood flow and platelet fragmentation

for both the roller pump and centrifugal pump [32]. The concentration of the platelet microparticle (PMP) increases with the flow rate. When dialysis was car- ried out in the presence of a hemodialyzer, the PMP density was much lower, suggesting that the forma- tion of PMPs was shear dependent.

The large multimeric glycoprotein (1-20 • 10 ~ Da), von Willebrand factor (vWf), mediates platelet adhe- sion and thrombus formation at the site of vascular injury in a specific temporal sequence [1,2,32]. It serves as a carrier for factor VIII procoagulant factor by forming a VIII/vWf complex, vWf absorbed on the subendothelial or biomaterial surface or site of the wound interacts with the platelet glycoprotein GP Ib-IX-V complex, initiating platelet adhesion and activating the GF iIb-IIIa complex. The activated complex, in turn, promotes platelet spreading, irre- versible adhesion, and platelet aggregation. Both cir- culating vWf and vWf acutely released from 5- granules of activated platelets or endothelial cells are effective in platelet adhesion. Although this interac- tion was qualitatively evaluated in the everted aorta, platelet and protein deposition was never quantified in the hollow-fiber devices. Blood flow at a high shear rate outside the lumen of hollow fibers (internal diam- eter, 200 Ixm) may simulate blood flow in a porous matrix.

The adsorbed clotting factors (vWf and fibrinogen, fibronectin) on polypropylene in the oxygenator and Dacron polyester in the filter promote the adhesion of activated platelets via the exposed receptors. Calcula- tion of the shear rate in extraluminal flow is difficult due to the inhomogenous distribution of the fiber bun- dles. At a high shear rate, vWf reacts with both of the platelet-binding sites of GP Ib and GP IIb-IIIa. The GPIb interaction is independent of platelet activa- tion, whereas IIb-IIIa binding occurs after platelet activation. The midsection of the disulfide loop at the A1 domain of vWf undergoes a conformational transi- tion, and this alteration increases the affinity for GP Ib. The cell adhesion segment of the tetrapeptide (Arg-Gly~Asp-Ser, with other amino acids substitut- ing for serine) also exists in the carboxy terminus (res- idue 1744-1747) of vWf. Antibodies specific to this peptide epitope completely inhibit vWf binding to GP IIb-IIIa and shear-induced platelet aggregation.

The emboli generated during CPB localize in the hippocampus, inducing short-term memory loss, and in other sensitive parts of the cortical brain, lung, hearL and kidneys, causing thromboembolic complica- tions induced by ischemia and cell death [21,23,24]. The growth of platelet aggregates in the fiber lumen depends specifically on the shear rate and platelet re- leasate (ADP, serotonin, thromboxane A2, etc.), and

Fig. 2. A: Scintiphoto of neutrophil deposition in the lung, liver, and .spleen of an unoperated control pig at 3 hours postinjection of In-Ill-labeled neutrophils. B: Scintiphoto of neutrophil deposition in the lung, liver, and spleen of pig undergoing CPB at the termination of cardiopulmonary bypass (3 hours).

202 Dewanjee et al.


Thoracotomy and CP Bypass on Thrombi/Emboli 203

Fig. 3. A: Scintiphoto of plate deposition on a Univox oxygenator (first row, transverse; third row; sagittal; and fifth row; coronal) and arterial filter (second row; transverse; fourth row; sagittal; and sixth row; coronal) at 180 minutes of extraco~poreal circula- tion with the SPECT technique. Inhomogenous platelet deposition was observed in all segments of the oxygenator and arterial ill- ter. B, C: Photograph and scintiphoto of neutrophil deposition on the oxygenator (Univox) after 3 hours of extracorporeal circula- tion. The circuit was flushed at a flow rate of 400-500 ml/min with I 1 of sterile saline before imaging with the gamma camera.

I Cell-clusters] I Ar ter~-""~

,Oxy.q~nator~ ~ X ~ ~ '

[Circulating~~-I~ Platelet-fibrin~ ~ ~ 1 ~ [platelets ]Platel~et-~ ~ X lmicr~ I Platelet- I / ~

[neutrophils J ~ [PMP-neutrophil~

[Trapping of emboli l ~ A kung, liver~spleen I

idneys, heart, brain l Connective~[

~[RES 1 j~,~sequestration~

Fig. 4. Equilibria of circulating platelets with platelet microparticles and aggregates formed during cardiopulmonary bypass and their sequestration in Yorkshire pigs.

204 Dewanjee et al.

on the amount of a d h e r e n t p la te le t s decreases at a h igher flow. By redes ign ing the a r t e r i a l f i l ter to facili- t a t e the di lut ion of these a g g r e g a t i n g agents , th rom- bosis and subsequen t embolizat ion could be fu r the r reduced .

The r ad ioac t iv i ty moni to red wi th the Geiger p robe in organs and devices was normal ized by dividing the counts pe r minu te by the to ta l in jec ted rad ioac t iv i ty and was p lo t t ed aga ins t CPB t ime. The kinet ics of neu t roph i l t raff icking, marg ina t ion , and t r ansen- doethel ia l migra t ion we re moni to red using the Geiger probe. Lung and l iver r ad ioac t iv i ty in CPB groups of pigs r eached a s t e a d y s t a t e wi th in 30 minutes; in spleen, the neu t rophi l -bound rad ioac t iv i ty decl ined with neu t ropen ia . Due to continuous neut rophi l acti- va t ion b y the o x y g e n a t o r and filter, lung r e t en t ion did not decl ine wi th CPB t ime. Reper fus ion significantly dec reased the level of a d h e r e n t neut rophi l s in the lung. Rad ioac t iv i ty in p ig bra in was at a cons tant level dur ing CPB in all g roups and increased significantly from tha t in the unope ra t ed control group.

C o m p a r a t i v e neu t rophi l r e t en t ion exp res sed as the pe rcen t of the in jec ted dose (ID% or neu t roph i l /m 2) was e s t i m a t e d for the surfaces of the lung, oxygena- tor , and a r t e r i a l filter. Al though the r e t en t ion of neu- t rophi l s b y the oxygena to r and fi l ter was compara- t ive ly low (0.70-4.72 and 0.19-0.67, respec t ive ly) , the adso rbed cytokines and complements p robab ly pro- v ided a r eac t ive surface for continuous s t imula t ion of neut rophi l s and subsequen t marg ina t ion to the lungs and o the r o rgans and t issues . Dur ing CPB, the neu- t rophi l s we re cont inuously dep le ted from the s to rage pool in the spleen and blood, and were marg ina t ed to the lungs, l iver , ske le ta l muscle, bone mar row, and k idneys .

Separa t ion of neut rophi l s by cent r i fugat ion and o the r mechanical s teps of compact ion and resuspen- sion m a y r e ve r s ib ly ac t iva te neut rophi l s dur ing radio- label ing procedures . Abou t 24%, 19%, and 4% of in- j ec t ed neut rophi l s m a r g i n a t e d to the lung, l iver, and ske le ta l muscle in the unope ra t e d control group; 19%, 25%, and 17% of in jec ted neut rophi l s ma rg ina t e d to the lung, l iver , and skele ta l muscle in the sham- ope ra t ed group. Thoraco tomy decreased ma rg ina t ed neut rophi l s to the lung from tha t of the unope ra t ed control group (p < 0.05). Abou t 0.37% and 0.65% of adhe ren t neut rophi l s were found in the oxygena to r and 0.02% and 0.43% were found in the a r te r ia l f i l ter a t 180 minu tes of CPB and reperfus ion, respec t ive ly . This neut rophi l d i s t r ibu t ion was dependen t on blood flow, the dura t ion of flow, and the type of oxygenator , and was s ignif icant ly a l t e r ed dur ing oxygenat ion with hollow-fiber in t ra lumina l and ex t ra lumina l flow oxy- gena tors . Since the surface a reas a re different , the %ID and neu t rophi l dens i ty were calculated pe r unit a r ea of the surfaces of the oxygena tor , a r t e r ia l filter, and lungs.

The confluence of s tudies of subse t s of leukocytes (neutrophi ls , p la te le t s , and T cells) and endothel ia l cells sugges t s t t ha t the four processes of (1) initial t e the r ing , (2) t r igge r ing , (3) s t rong adhesion, and (4) t r ansendo the l i a l migra t ion function at the level of the cel l-adhesion molecules. The ci rculat ing and margin- a ted neu t rophi l s in the lung of unope ra t ed pigs re ta in the i r homing function, and about 4% and 12% migra te to the lung and ske le ta l muscle in sham-opera ted pigs (Table 2).

Compar i son of the kinet ics of in te rac t ion of p lasma pro te ins and neu t rophi l s wi th b iomate r ia l s eva lua ted wi th 1-125-1abeled pro te ins and I n - I l l - l a b e l e d neu-

Table 1. Biodistribution (percent of injected dose) of indium-ill-labeled autologous platelets in Yorkshire pigs after 90 minutes cardiopulmona~g bypass, and 90 minutes reperfusion and 180 minutes bypass, with an oxygenator (Univox) and arterial filter (AF1025)

Organs and Unoperated control Sham-operated control CPB CPB-RP tissues (180 min, n = 6) (180 min, n = 6) (180 rain, n = 6) (90 rain CPB, 90 min rep., n = 6)

Lung 4.58 -+ 0.54 17.79 • 6.36 12.65 • 5.33 17.12 • 8.39 Liver 18.78 • 3.52 25.59 -- 2.12 28.96 • 5.42 28.96 • 5.42 Spleen 12.61 • 3.39 13.54 _+ 1.69 16.50 • 4.57 13.29 • 4.66 Kidneys 0.45 • 0.19 0.21 • 0.13 0.30 • 0.07 0.43 • 0.07 Heart 0.29 • 0.06 0.56 • 0.26 0.15 • 0.08 0.23 • 0.04 Muscle 4.88 -+ 0.78 4.35 • 0.55 5.13 • 4.50 7.58 • 2.96 Fat 4.0 • 0.51 2.64 § 0.91 1.22 -+ 0.65 1.41 • 0.69 Bone 2.41 _+ 1.12 2.45 +_ 1.76 1.88 • 0.87 1.78 • 0.84 Bone marrow 2.65 • 1.98 2.12 • 1.67 1.99 • 1.05 1.65 • 0.35 Skin 1.66 • 0.86 1.98 • 1.46 1.58 • 1.19 1.36 • 0.71 Brain 0.0004 • 0.0001 0.02 +_ 0.01 0.02 - 0.01 0.02 -+ 0.01 Blood 38.2 • 5.19 31.22 • 5.57 19.24 • 6.60 24.02 • 9.87 Oxygenator - - - - 0.16 • 0.07 0.29 • 0.26 Filter - - - - 0.04 • 0.01 0.04 • 0.02

The mean and standard deviation values of the percent of total In-ill-labeled platelet radioactivity retained in the viscera, hollow-fiber oxygenator (Univox), and arterial filter (AF 1025) in unoperated and sham-operated controls and in two CPB groups of Yorkshire pigs. CFB = cardiopulmonary bypass; RP - reperfusion 90 minutes.

Thoracotomy and CP Bypass on Thrombi/Emboli 205

Table 2. Biodistribution (percent of injected dose) of autologous indium-Ill-labeled neutrophils in four groups of Yorkshire pigs: Unoperated control, sham-operated control, 90 minutes of cardiopulmonary bypass and 90 minutes of reperfusion, and 180 minutes of cardiopulmonary bypass operation with oxygenator (Univox) and arterial filter (AF1025)

Organs and Unoperated control Sham-operated control CPB CPB-RP tissues (180 min, n = 6) (180 rain, n = 6) (180 rain, n = 6) (90 CPB, 90 rep., n = 6)

Lungs 23.66 _+ 5.70 18.49 ___ 4.86 48.31 • 3.53 31.38 • 4.78 Liver 18.94 • 5.27 24.69 --- 3.55 21.82 _ 11.11 18.62 • 11.91 Spleen 4.91 • 0.97 3.75 • 1.31 2.72 • 0.92 3.86 • 2.38 Kidneys 0.54 • 0.16 1.25 • 0.37 0.51 • 0.18 0.97 • 0.32 Heart 0.54 • 0.16 0.48 • 0.14 0.30 • 0.08 0.48 • 0.05 Muscle 3.65 -+ 1.06 16.95 • 2.92 4.46 • 2.59 4.80 • 3.14 Fat 0.54 -+ 0.11 2.21 ___ 1.36 0.70 • 0.13 1.58 • 1.14 Bone 1.31 _+ 0.71 0.45 • 0.24 0.82 • 0.49 0.98 • 0.64 Bone marrow 2.06 • 1.7 0.94 • 0.55 0.65 • 0.14 0.88 • 0.31 Brain 0.022 • 0.006 0.021 • 0.012 0.02 • 0.01 0.02 • 0.001 Blood 6.81 • 1.92 16.95 • 2.94 4.69 --- 1.96 4.07 • 2.52 Oxygenator - - - - 2.71 • 2.01 0.65 _+ 0.38 Filter - - - - 0.37 • 0.15 0.43 • 0.24

The mean and standard deviation values of the percent of total In-ill-labeled neutrophil radioactivity retained in the viscera, hollow-fiber oxygenator (Univox), and arterial filter (AF 1025) in unoperated and sham-operated controls and in two CPB groups of Yorkshire pigs. CPB = cardiopulmonary bypass; RP = reperfusion 90 minutes.

trophils sugges ted tha t the neutrophil interaction with the bi0materials is similar to tha t of plasma pro- teins (Figure 3C). Neutrophi l deposition is indepen- dent of species differences and shear rate. Neutrophil kinetics reached a s teady state almost instantaneously in the oxygenator ; on the o ther hand, they increased with a low slope in the arterial filter [28]. The radioac- t ivi ty level of t rapped and circulating neutrophils in A F during CPB was 2 -6 t imes that of the oxygenator , showing a higher re tent ive capacity in the screen mesh. Biodistribution depends on the time and route of injection of I n - I l l - l a b e l e d neutrophils. When the neutrophils were injected th rough the r ight atrium, 48 __ 4% and 22 ___ 11% of the injected neutrophils marginated to lungs. On the o ther hand, when they were injected th rough the left atrium, 17 _+ 5% and 30 -+ 7% of the injected neutrophils marginated to the liver, sugges t ing that these two organs in pigs have a similar capacity for neutrophil retention; neutrophil re tent ion depends on the first perfused and extract ing organ [28].

The large size, low deformabili ty, and receptor- mediated adhesion of neutrophils are responsible for microvascular obstruction and retent ion in organs. The distribution of platelets (Table 1) during CPB a n d after reperfusion was different from that of neutro- phils (Table 2). About 5%, 19%, 5%, and 0.0004% of injected platelets marginated to the lung, liver, skele- tal muscle, and brain in the unopera ted control group; 18%, 26%, 4%, and 0.02% of injected platelets margin- ated to the lung, liver, skeletal muscle, and brain in the sham-opera ted group. About 0.16% and 0.29% of adherent platelets were found in the oxygenator and 0.04% in the arterial filter at 180 minutes of CPB and

reperfusion, respectively. A scintiphoto of platelet distribution on segments of oxygenator and arterial filter is shown in F igure 3A. This platelet distribution was dependent on blood flow, the duration of flow, and the type of oxygena tor and was significantly al tered during oxygenat ion with hollow-fiber intralurninal and extraluminal flow oxygenators . Since the surface ar- eas are different, the normalized values of %ID, plate- let, and neutrophil densi ty were calculated per unit area of the surfaces of the oxygenator , arterial filter, and lung.

During CPB, neutrophils are activated by plasma proteins adsorbed to biomaterials in the CPB circuits. The results of neutrophil re tent ion on the oxygenator and arterial filter with radiolabeled neutrophils are shown in Tables 2 and 3. Our previous studies indi- cated tha t adhesion of neutrophils from the dog, pig, and human to biomaterials is similar, indicating tha t the porcine model provides clinically relevant results tha t are comparable with human patients during CPB [13,14]. The adherent neutrophil on the oxygenator and arterial filter, af ter saline wash, accounted for 1-3% of the total circulating neutrophils. The adher- ent neutrophil was measured before and after a saline rinse of the oxygena tor and arterial filter.

About 20% of the total neutrophils in the oxygena- tor and filter af ter a 3-hour run were lost after a rinse with 1000 ml of isotonic saline, suggest ing that 80% of the neutrophils were adherent to the hollow fibers and Dacron mesh. The calculated shear ra te for an intraluminal flow of 3000 ml/min is 1158/sec (fiber di- amete r -- 200 ~m and number of fibers = 55,000). Due to branching of the blood flow through multiple fibers, the Reynolds number is low, indicating the low

206 Dewanjee et al.

Table 3. Retention (percent of injected dose: ID %/m 2) of platelets and neutrophils and their surface density (• 108/m ~) in four groups of Yorishire pigs: unoperated control, sham-operated control, 90 minutes of cardiopulmonary bypass and 90 minutes of reperfusion, and 180 minutes of cardiopulmonary bypass operation with oxygenator (Univox) and arterial filter (AF1025)

Platelets Platelets Neutrophils Neutrophils Perfused system CPB 180 min CPB-RP CPB 180 rain CPB-RP

% ID/m 2 Lung 0.13 • 0.05 0.17 • 0.08 0.48 • 0.04 0.31 • 0.05

(0.09 • 0.04) a (0.24 --_ 0.05) a (0.18 -- 0.02) b (0.18 --_ 0.05) b

Oxygenator 0.09 ~- 0.04 0.16 • 0.14 1.51 • 1.12 0.35 • 0.21 filter 0.15 • 0.06 0.16 • 0.07 1.47 • 0.60 1.70 • 0.97

Density ( • 108/m 2) Lung 35 • 18 45 • 51 8 • 2 15 • 9

(22 • 8) ~ (14 • 4.7) ~ (30 • 11) b (3.2 • 1.3) b

Oxygenator 24 • 10 27 • 25 20 • 15 2 -+ 1.5 filter 40 • 15 28 • 13 21 • 3 3 • 1

The mean and standard deviation values of the percent of total In-Ill-labeled platelet and neutrophil radioactivity and their surface density retained in the oxygenator, arterial filter (Univox), and lungs in unoperated and sham-operated controls and m two CPB groups of York- shire pigs. RP = 90 minutes cardiopulmonary bypass and 90 minutes reperfusion. aUnoperated control; bsham operated control.

probability of turbulence in or around the fiber lumen. The neutrophil density was almost uniform in the fi- bers and was high at the bottom of the oxygenator.

Unlike the platelet kinetics and retention, neutro- phil deposition was not dependent on blood flow, the species of animals, and the duration of exposure. The porosity of membranes, geometry of blood pathways, hemodynamic properties, and species differences do not significantly affect neutrophil adhesion to bioma- terials. We measured platelet thrombi in oxygena- tors (bubble, membrane, and hollow fiber) in the dog and pig models [3-11]. The bubble oxygenators with the polyurethane defoamer used in the dog model ac- counted for 20-25% of adherent platelets in the 3-hour CPB; on the other hand, the intraluminal-flow, hollow- fiber oxygenator accounted for 2-4% of platelets in the pig model and for 1-2% in the arterial filter. Hepa- rin bonding to circuit components did not reduce the level of adherent platelets [10]. On the other hand, neutrophil retention in the intraluminal flow oxygena- tor and filter varied in the range of 1-2%. Neutrophil retention in the extraluminal flow oxygenator in- creased from 0.65% to 2.71% at 90 and 180 minutes of CPB. The extraluminal flow oxygenator (Univox) reduced the level of platelets and neutrophils signifi- cantly to 0.2-0.3% and 2-4%, respectively.

Neutrophil retention in the AF is lower, about 0.4-0.7% of the total neutrophils. Circulating plate- lets decreased significantly with CPB time; on the other hand, the circulating neutrophils remained at the low level of 4%. Reperfusion reduced the level of neutrophils and increased that of platelets to the lung (p < 0.05). A higher level of neutrophil margination to the skeletal muscle bed was observed in the sham-

operated group (p < 0.001). Further in vivo studies are in progress for quantification of neutrophil reten- tion in the hollow-fiber oxygenator and of neutrophil trapping in different types of arterial filter to evaluate the overall detrimental effects of an inflammatory in- sult on ischemic organ damage induced by platelet era- boli during CPB [28].

After disruption of the normal architecture of a blood vessel, blood, with its attendent components of coagulation factors and circulating cellular elements, contacts tissues from which it is normally separated. Many tissues contain a specific protein t issue factor , inserted into the plasma membrane of their compo- nent cells [19]. Tissue factor always exists in an active state and forms a procoagulant enzyme complex with factor VII, initiating the proteolytic cascade, re- sulting in clot formation at the site of the damaged tissues. Most of the enzymes in blood require a cofac- tor to express their procoagulant activity. The cofac- tors, tissue factors (TF), and factors V and VI I I are localized to the plasma membrane. Factors V and VI I I undergo limited proteolysis; the product factors Va and VI I I a exhibit high affinity for cell membranes. The activated clotting factors--VIIa , Xa, IXa, and tissue factor--form tight tertiary complexes con- sisting of membrane-bound cofactors and enzymes.

Most previous studies focused on the activation and exhaustion of circulating cells and on activation of plasma proteins. Only with labeled platelets and neu- trophils could the desired endpoints of the rate of transport and the absolute value of their fate in the blood, prostheses, organs, and connective tissues be determined. Barstad et al. recently demonstrated that tissue factor from monocytes mediates factor

Thoracotomy and CP Bypass on Thrombi/Emboli 207

V I I a - d e p e n d e n t t h r o m b u s format ion by an in vi t ro e x p e r i m e n t us ing a flow chamber [31]; t hey obse rved a 10-fold inc rease in a d h e r e n t t h rombus and fibrin de- posit ion. This level could be comple te ly blocked by an t i -TF ant ibody. The roles of p la te le ts , neut rophi l s , and c lot t ing factors a re i n t e r tw ined in this complex pa thobio logy dur ing CPB.

F u r t h e r s tudies a re in p r o g r e s s on the role of t i ssue factor and t u m o r necrosis fac tor b inding p ro te in ( T N F B P ) on p la te l e t and neut rophi l ac t iva t ion and the i r h igh- level r e t en t i on in the lung, hear t , and bra in a f te r thoraco tomy. In addit ion, we a re also eva lua t ing the role of t e m p e r a t u r e , an t icoagulan t (hepar in vs. r ecombinan t hirudin) and pumps (rol ler vs. centr i fugal pump) in o r d e r to opt imize CPB to reduce CPB- re l a t ed complications. By ident i fy ing the pro te ins in the s ignal ing p a t h w a y s [33] ac t iva t ing p la te le t s and neu t rophi l s dur ing CPB, we should be able to in ter - vene pharmacologica l ly to reduce the i r adver se ef- fects.

A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s

The support of NHLBI (HL47201), a Shannon Award, the Bax- ter Healthcare Corporation, Department of Energy grant DE- FG05-88ER60728, and the Florida High Technology and Indus- try Council are gratefully acknowledged. The oxygenators and arterial filters were kindly provided by Dr. Li-Chien Hsu of Bentley Laboratories, Irvine, California. The authors appreci- ate the assistance of Ms. Sherry Armstrong, Mr. Jason Freed, and Mr. Joe Carvalho (CPI Inc.) with the roller pump; the tech- nical assistance of Mr. V. Srinivasan and Mr. D. De; and Mr. Bob Burke for producing the photographs.

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