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Thousands'Expected Sunday 'FC?r ~por~s 9ar Round·l:J~Il...

Date post: 14-Jul-2020
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· . # . · ' . , , . , , . ",,' ' . .' ,. . ,c' ' > L" , " " - ) , . ,- . ' .. . 0_. . . . ·f " , . " . , I" -, ,. , .. , . , !. , - •• , , , .' , . ., , , . " , ,. . {. , , '. •n i II' " '!i " °' Thousands' Expected Sunday 'FC?r 9 ar Rites Are' Held RECEIVERSHIP Geo. S. Sisneros ORDERE FOR Ak EI · of tho BoutbWt!II& In Ruidoso Sat- In Carrizozo's s ection For Ferguson lREHAR E As Commissioner =e Funernl tlervl...... wore held In District Judee Chnrles O. Betts. .. Highlight of the Withering. which j Monday night at Austin, Tex., Is drawing tourists trom a wldQ the Keiley F:unerlll Home In Car- placed In' temporal'Y. recelvel'llhlJ) nrea. Is thl't'(l dIrt-track racell on rlzozo lust Friday tor Wallnce United Iaoyds nnd United World Sundll,Y nfternoon. two of them 25- Ifarvc:,y Fcrcuson, 48. lifelong Lin· Life Insurancc Co. of EI Paso. miles In Icnlttll. one of 50-milo coIn County who died ot lie awo "ranted a temporary In- dIstance. Cars of different clPllsell . cerebral hcmorrb1lge last Wednes- n I I ' vic In thl' three speed tests over day In' Ft. Stnnton hospltllL He junction against t 10 compan cs to a course 2% miles long. In an oval Willi active In county anlf com- prohibit their tranllllctlnll buulncllS shllf;: around the rollin" hili" t I I C It h In nnd Malnst United Lloyds prcsl- ... u munlty at a I'll n ap an, av g dcmt Spenccr Treharne of Ei Paso nor hWl!llt of the golf coune. llerved on the school board. tho and Huldo::o, and other Indl vldunltl Field trIals on Sunday mornlllll'. vJtlaae council theR nnd In mnny and banks, prohibiting the dlopo- a,;;.c ;, In whlrh there wl1l be aeeelera- other capaeltlCll. sitlon of any or th.., nBBeb ot ihe I , tlon. brrlklflll tests, wornen's evenls _ .• .' . He wns burled In Angus. At the com'panlell. and OthC>f c.ont.ellm. are expected lVJNNEai" chapei, Fnther Oeo. Bocnnlghnus- Atlorne>'S In the casc werc to to drllw lI00\\t all laruc a crowd. " , . Aim && d ld d en read the rltCll, and at the ceme- meet with Jud"c Betto Tuesday I Tht' fll 1<1 Irlal8 arc to be held on !t: . d Y: $5' '0,000 In 'Federal Funds Earmarked - os wo ozen ItO , an tery Fother Lowla Autllz ortlclat-.. the loop front1nll nuldo!o'lI a 'n . handsomel v en ved erophles d' mOfnln". to work out details of the , - I C! •• !choob. \\ Ith Iltat", coullty and vl1- 2 2 pleeured above arc to, be awlI'd- lie was born Jan. 8, 11106. on ardor ut which t(me he witt tlet a I rrl I I f . .' F U" H' d W h dP ed In ehe Wash\na'ton a Dtrtlula:r I NO"ai McBa. nttendcd cehool thero dDle for tr1al or thl? calle. I "'IC' u ,'c'rn c Mlna one t'f! 0 the WIT & WISDOM or pper on 0 aters e rOJ ·ect Sporta Car nound-Up hero In a and" In Capltun. Hb wed Loulro F.arller Munday Judlle Betta eX-I V or Slul" Highway 37 Into RUI- banClud to be held Bunda:r DieM Allie Fritz Julr 12. 1!l32; Thry had tended until Feb. 24 the tempor- dOllo 111 P'llrnt'r'n (jato\\'lI)'. B V · - at Navajo Lodre The trophlt!ll t ar." rClltrulnln" ordc;or, "!Ilrnl1ar to {<'or ofll'rnocm, the - 'y lX-" Word bas been received trom I . R two cono, Wll :)1, 20. nnd H.lrvey" .. porto Nr tllilclc> In EJllllancl. Grr- SWEARINGIN WuhlnKton that S50000 In Fed llre provided b:r UIO ulllOIO 17. ThrC'O brothern, Don E ana the Illjunctlon-!l\llt had bev n In Cottce Jloundo, houl:ewlvCll and ' 'eral funds Jlas bcco avall: Chamber of Commerce and wiU Wlltlam. Ventum, Calif.. and eU('c\' mam', }o'r1lI1cr. It.e1Y, alld lillme In ranchora nllko wlll drool over the Il'u tu flnl lecolld nnd thtrd -A!l5kclnnt Attorney Gt'nt'ral Rudy Ihl' (I R. Will tw JudeI'd fll' twauty be hJ Md' able durlne the current tJscaI I ' trf Champ C., Capitan: and four Dla- I In II conCClUffl' cll' "le/1i1I11't' III rront litUo itllm low w ot tt n WILL RUN year tar Wle on the Upper lIondo , plaea wlnnen In ral'ea. nl'ld l - tel'll. Mm. Fnmk Titllworth. Tin- nil'!! c105t'd arlfuml'ntn on the cru:e ot NuvaJ" I.ocl.:.. Tht' aporc,. cnr Mrn, John Boylan of t 0 d Wlltel'lhl'd ('roteeUon Project. al. and other eventll. Tho C nnl nlo; MI'1I. TruvlD Werner. C:apllnn; argut'tl tor Dtatt', Attorney ChnrleD. . drlvt'f wlnnlnll till' S''t'al(>ot num- coIn Courthouce !\tuJ:llum broug t FOR MAYOR In ordcr for th'- to r-ure troph:r In the «titer II tor the MI'1I. Joo Evanll noswcll anJ MI'II. E, Crcmahaw f'\'1l1"l·r.c·nl.'d Ihc Com- I I to our column this week w1)cn '" w aweepstakea winner, tbo .perf, Jack Conley. Abilene, Tex. alllO pam' and Treharne, It'r ot potntll. iJNrr t'nterann n1 they mado a c!ab In Rutdooo the!e Federal fundlJ It wltt be no- car own- am •• lnlt tho mOlt Attom\1Y A. W. ll'U 1cnred or most ot Iho C'\'C'nlq for h for th r farm nMd aurvlve . Ill n '·\on)••rnll. "'111 r(,nnlv" n thr rr - on uat lObIt- tit t oco ,. " .. poIots 'rom events ho or abo en- . _ to lIrllut' on IlChalt or 'ou Iwest- •. , ,.,. " ".: " ". prlt'l:!1t of DbeUt 50 yearn OllO: An announccmen& wIIJ bel Inndowncl'9 In the wntt'rohed to tor"" ern National Bank. (lnt' ot tho I , toot llWI'C'pataltl'u trflphv, C1ll" of 23 "With tho"'rlec of eoUee and _not k In It Id r ralllO $25.000 by . Harcrow Bltds fir II d I th t'!JtraJn I to Iw /ilIVcn WlOlllnr.t conlt'qtnntll. other <:01lUtlodiut'tI a topic of na- ;';;:1:;:'::: of Juno 30. Thill would mean 1hat a Local Bank OK'd ' . one II e r - ! Flrnt. Arcond an<t thIrd 1,Inl'c win- tlonal 1rnportllncc I tho toltowlna be enleM In tbe 195. munlclp:aJ totnl ot $75,000 would be r;pent, dr HIC'o calc! that (.xamUIlIUons U!l: 11 1It'0I III nil cv...,tu [11(' to fecelve may bo or Interc:a. election here AprU 0 b)' iii ctU- at leaat obtlr.ated, by the lundown- For FHA Title 1 For Re-Election 01 tilt' end or 1063 nhowed Ollit - Ic·th'rt'<1 Iro,lhlrll hv Ill<' nul- ''An old Whito Ow .:enertll UtIJI Commlttee. Ol'll and the Federal Government Unllcd l.\o>'d!l lock(,(\ approxl- OEO. S. SISNEROS Chamber or C(.mml>r<'t' .toro aecount book on dlrnlay nl &aD D. BwearlnclD. locaI!D- thia IlulI! year. The coot-llllarlDll Cl k mlltely 5502,210 to meet S. Sianoro,. ranchor who A bilnqucl SUlldrtv nlllht wttt he tho Old Court HoU£(! In LJnc:oln, nnnee man. tbls weok Indica&- part of Ule program under tho J}ro- As County er Dtatt' IIvcll north of Tlnnlo on tho Aru- held ut NilvlljO for tht' "-Ill lmlon" tho Items cold tltty - _u... --_ for Jeet 1JI to be rol:t'd on the bcmlfllo P rty L Atty. "n. John Ikon Shen""rd'A bellt 1'1l:1d hall thlD wClek unnoun('C!d ':;florta eur ownel'1:l. wllh lIWllrdJI to I Y;artl ClJeO 1hhs. 1 ,pound -ot iIi'i;':r .... c;;::u.::.t:'u;"'fcru received b,y tho Jandownc:nt In tlie rope 'oans 1 .. '. .' mit on behaU of the Board"':;; In: hlo candldaoy for ottlco of County 1>t' mndo Ihen. coUeo. 14ej 2 dOttn CBJ!l, 24e, 1 CftIJleIlmea'a IHlda Ukel, wOJ be dutorcnt UCtlODll of tho wntornhed. lIumnct' contendcd Commillatoncr, Uepubllcan ticket, On BlIturdav nll.ht. dallct'll for pound of oUlte!r, 300' 10 pounds I1I.mect la 11m -Uk'. Newa. The a03rd of Superv1l:orn of· thl" Title I Fedoral HOWling AdmIn- that nclth('r ot tht' complililCll wnn Dubject to tho nepubllcan Primary. IhC' vlllttorll wl1l h(' hold lit both ot llJ)ud.!r. lOoi. 9 :yora. ot eD.lIco, U£per Hondo Soli ContervaUan Intrutlon 1001111 UP. to $2,500 ettn ICllalty qualified to trammel bunl- In l.IJ1nouncJnll Mr SltmeroD .(Ild. Navll/o Lotlnl! lind Carr-Iro l.odl:p G4e: 200 POUnlU $3.00, nnd pt aI H G 0 otrlct. tho cponcora of tho pro- now bo mndo In RuldollO by Rul· Dt'tl!I In Texan. lind thut pnrt of thl? "Ltncoln County III rapidly rlolng AUrnclt't1 here by the nporttl ('lIr 83 pounds llf hllY. 1I5e." , m ome ame Jed, aro cUort to doco State Bank, T. B. Hood. ex· purporlcd oll!:elJl c1alml!d by Unlt- to lis fonner promlnenCt' 110 one rocc. will he noma 35 or mort" t expecUto tho pro ect and have ro- ecutlve vleo-J)MlIldent ot thtl In· ed Lloydn aa the b:uill of r.ecurlnlt ot tho mo!!t Im'lOrtant countlca til amlltrur rlldlo opemtol'1:l of Nt'w Tho many hundrOOs of membelrs F W'. quested tho BOll atlan Ser- J Iltltution. announced IlIJIt wl!(!k- a Illntc ceniflcate were b:ink loanJl the lItate. New lI11flcultural, mIn., Mextco Who havl!' plonned an all- ot tho BOswell Chamber of Com.. or amors vice tcclU1leloDll to mnke tho pre- I?nd. Ite llIlld he had received tho and "not uncneumoored," eru1 l.IJ1d military dcvelopmentll .1Ioy ltllthcrlnll In nuldogo lor Sun- mtrt'O are beinJl Clllkcd to voto on ' llmlnnry llW'VC!YlJ to dO-I authorlznUon only laat wC!(!k. The ulonll with 1m t'JllnbllllllC'd larne: rlny Thov are to ch('('k In with what thO)' think are tho 10 mOst H T' L t.ermlne DUrn and coatJa of ctroc- IO:IllJl may be UUd for property G I Sc Offl Ia! calUI!' nnd Ilh('('p IndUlltrlC!ll 1I11d UIlI nay Bilker. newcomor to tht' /ltato needC!d projeets tor that arca; Tho ere omg t tUfC3 which mlghl be tellJl.iblo to Improveml!tl& nnd modem.1%llUon. ir out C 8 mnny tourl!lt aUrocUonll nit point, \\ ho hlU h«'n lIwapplna: talk with projects are listed by Ilumber and be lrurtatled thlll ye:lr. They can be financed for Ull long T M t T nl hi to the neccaMly of a vll1oroull Dnd I' "hllrrtll" of New Mexico. there are 34 or 1hetn. No. 25 Ol\ ..... e #'-al __ A of tho __ ,"'p The Watcnhed ProteeUan Pro- all 30 mont1uJ, ho added. 0 ee 0 9 progrell!llve county commlllJllcm I Publtclly vln radio. nt'wBpop<'r .... blUet III" "Uet and ClJlcolir- All un ._u.., n" ...... Ject IncludOll tho IlUlIInatJon of Named Stale De)oaltor A community mC'Otlng, to be f III U I fl It t d d telt'vl,l I Texa lind NC'w ..... , P a I lenten wnl be pln)'ed here tonight Iloodwntar retarding lItrUl!tUt'Oll. Announced IOlll \\'C!(!1c. by -Stato conducted by MIIllI MlIlIm of Ar- ec 11IVl? II' 'lun I cn 011' 0 0 i an on n II h ,by tho RuJdoso Worriora when ItnblUzlng and &l!dltnent mntrol TrelWtU'er n. H. OrWon wnll tho tOllla and MIlllI Drodcheck of nOJJ- for all these group!l If I 'the ,l:::::'i how. the ba11ot.·inB;. eaJl1.0 out. 1nJl.0:. G d artructuru, lltream. channel 1m- that RuldlllO Sin1e Btlttk had. well, dlartrlct Olrl Sroul ortlcla1Jl, Mr. SiJmertlll. 11 11ft' long rc111j- thlg wt't'k-tmd. nnd It wilt IIk"lv .. .. ... "'" \)rovernl!tltll, .tnbnJUI(Jon ot mtJ- b4!bl approvod lUI a depollitory for . ' .. '. (. V!JJO: 1tI collect tor tonlllht (Friday. Fob. dent of LlnC'oln ('ounty. m Ileeklnll rlmw tho Inrllt'st crowti evt'r &C'''n NeWs nnd atuU ••• w. A. Rtrt to - this fJnnl contm bo- cal runoU nnd J:edlml!tlt proauclnn !ltate fundll. The b:lnk lu1!J provld. . ':') , "" 10) In the high £cheol study han. hb flnrt public otrlct' til? hall. how- In RUldrnm In the wintl:'r bunt malP'llflcent Jllaster retkf On! DistrIct Toumament ORlIJI, rood croston control. pluJJ ed ucurlUes up to $110,000 to _", 't ., 1 IItartlnr: at 7 p. m. OIrl Scout lead- evcr. bt't'n llellvl? In a vllrlcty or Nott'C1 rncel'll who havC! appcart'tl ma h P P! .. th{hll nO!lwc11 nClxt management praetice. nnd other q\UlUty, GrllI!lm enId. and he added J crn, parents and all other'll Intt<r- rommunlty al'tlvltll'lI otnC" hln fl'- In tht' tomed MoxlC'an Itblld RacC! 11 OW.. qs. Cl oca on ,0 .., A1hi''the d1'l1wln" for tournament soU cont:C!rvoUon measuretl which that $100,0110 In Illllte fUnds wlU, . J' . i eJltCd In Girl SC'out a"tlvltll'll hero turn from Rervko III World War rmm EI Paco 10 Mt'xlco Cltv oro Mountain Par'lo. beauutuJ IIllo for In th A "'bra-"""II hnld tn might be! needed on lndlvldunl be dClpOllJted here 1:m'Jle t1mil In '\. 'I" I';.t aro Invited to attend. ,II. AI hI' 111 5(,fVllI" hIs t'x ...... ll?d 10 drive IlOmCl Clntrktl In n ski run for next Tuem! c 'beRnl M plnccs and which wOllld contribute February. '",i Cond.ct 'Tralnlnr School &crond on a ml'mbt'r of thp Ih;'r'nl'C'lI NC'wspnpC'r wrllt'1"!I ffC'm RUIdOSO Cltttnlbtt of Corn'mer«, to 1:1' ny. onc ph e- to watershed , ," . :''i;.] '} '. _ While ht'f'\' this week-end. tht' hoard of dtl'('('tCtt9 of thC' Olero I dnllv 110PC'C'1! of the alate. photoa- use In .<fcvelopment. •, NCWlI Outre drew one of thl? fOUr byes , p ..TA Meefing ,' --,' '" . '1' "I ./ Girl Swut ortleilim will C'ondu!'t a Cuullty Elt't1rlc: C·o(lperIlU\,I'. II 1 brief from tht' Hct1SJey Brothern, In tho first round. Ruidosos fll'llt CLEAN UP SET t ",,' 1( jI ... trnlnlna &t'hool ror ''''":"I S nt the I'Ommlttc-<>man of thl' ASe (tonn-, Dt LLETL"J bIg stocltboldl!t'll In R u 14 oao Is Moved Up '1 I }!:- II,' I !' ' .. I (ommunlly MC'thOtlist (hurt'h I?d- t'rh' I'MA) vke pfroldeJlt lIt thr , Four nt'w1IP2per lUld IIcUllrft'1 DOWM, ttlyll a new nnd modetn met!t the wlnnl!r or the Eunlce- MARC To Monday .'\t ." ... -:." " .'. ,1'J I ucoUonal onnex. rr(lm l) 15 until Form BUJ'C'aU'R f1ond" C'1l1lplC'r, nnr!: rllmtonamCOn Wltl1Jt' Ilt'ht hl'C't\ by trailer court will be made avtlll· Boo'\ter T Wnahlnttton name which H3 .. "t' .• i' .' , ,i! II !.5 D. m thl.;' morning rmd tram mf'mtwr or thl' Mcxlco Wo"l, J)allu OWN! of Int('matlonal WI11 be 'pla\'ed Thursday nllfht. I dJ:1' " -;0_ :I If ' >. : I )" .. ; '.: 'a h"--. 'I: will 00 held an rotonday, Feb. 22, '" f' J /- '. 1 Lloyd VigU Asks i alton. 'h(' ... orp,..,mud ml'o·s. 111m lind nt'WII p'etUTn l1 ... '" ..... '" '" ........ R he, mu.u h th WNJiesdS:r. lIt.reb 3. Luther I inSteud of the usual next ,;>, ..... , .... , : dull 10 "Uppott rtflndo Ihuh! 0 u.1' "port tar rues to )' (lU!It llJl1'lgh column written by be hel;!, ero e I Wl!(!k to nIlaw membel'll to ht'ar nn '1 J- I Be-Election To Post , $,'hltC,1'. <llhl"C.. [)I hVlltt'D ,}1cm'1lPllPl'f!I all onr the H•• a RuIdoso hOW'{!(Irnl!t'.lIlnury How- Tho:;(! en the tournament team Im\lOrtant nuC?llt llJX'aker. oWelab SAMF.8 EAKL 1IAncaow Of Assessor : Mr ,0 ,I I1f,uIUJI" "r prtnl'lpall,. to thl' holl'll \l. R. erlon. former 'Estes Park. Colo., ore tlron J;lolntnn., Ben HoJJ. Glen i nOUDced thb week. hnThVt' . Is to be W. B. J Earl U NM rot I and WlllI nttC'nrlang IhC' I' lleanl duln 01 papefll from llCWlJP<lpet'J1UlD. Yeu'll t1nd It on WaltIill. BUly Earl AI- On '''-t d"'''. non rl't ... In J sJ>C I . --utfv A r"'-"'_ of CJ oec eJI thltl :-crow'all - .' '''''''---;-1 I uf Anzonn In hla tenlor toUI to {'ouL Thl' Dallal! oUke lln bUlde page, • • • Hm. IltJgI NI LnCk UiiJ..., ... , U\JU ell. .." ...ry 0 erA, wee y an : ," . .' ' 'yt'ar wht"n he vohtnt('t!rt'71 for tilt' of the IIJndll'ate ullf'd Ruidoso, SamWl1e Dbcnes the News our ."u,,, er, es ClJ erollon wIth J. 11. ADll:on. will. the New MexIco Education A!lso- nounced hb cm1dldac} ror I army In IfH I, He cl'rvC'(! for 4''J I C, ot C. to malll' ""'C' ..... U!l'tL'J klclll nre s:ettbtgrambuctlOUll ngoln. hn\--c three truekll av.nnble for claUon. He wlU speak on C'Om- tlon wbJed to the RCJ)<lbllcan PrJ- I , I yOClI'll with tht' tlcld artillery. fJlo I ror tbe' .&:Itt of four for lbli "I had the all' Jet out or my tit'Oll Remold Ch:maln will CO oleng 09 hnullna ott all trllllh free of char!:t'. munily relationJl. "What the Par· mnry. I lJaltnlftln wall II part or the fame I' \nek-end. wh11e bUfint!drugg at 0 Joctll store managers. The team III llmltOO by Trnsh mUllt be plared In caM cnta can Do For Their'SclJools," The cnncUdate, blrthplncC' ! 10th Mountain Shl DiviSion which! . the othl!t' dlI)', 'then while I wa!J District rUles. to ten plnye.... boxeo, barre1ll or Il3Cks. C!.'llly to The medina will be beld In tho Is R03Wcn. waa deputy I ' fought in Itnly. He mnrrled to I ropncTll and n<'wIII'1't'1 cameramon at the lifu>W" 'One i11ght gos was •• _, load to t::tit thlll tree Goet'VlC:e. elementary school t':Ifcterja alart· clerk for this ceunt,. on January, f tht' formC't' nO::Mnary Thyfauln or art' aIm dill' to ht' 1tt'1"C to rt't:Ord stc1en from my -car:: the fnlonn- Kick Off Dm. e I "It 19 thllt we hove Ing ot 7:30 p. m.. and n large at- 7, 1952 and W'0lI e1C!ctcld County Dallas Texnn. They havl? five ehll- Ilh(' I?"'t'nl. ht's(>tvaUoolJ !lnvt' come II!It 1la1/L , It thorough clt3ftooup ut t1I1s time kndancc 19 urged to display to the Clerk In tho 11)52 Ocnernl Elec'" drcn. hili parontJI. Mr. QnU Mrll L. from ag for away QIl California AmeUll founder JOt for "1..- ....1 ror health, tor spealeer the community In lion. A tn'Oduate of Capitan Union Pacheco 'roncherll ot Arabel" arc nnrt Colnrado. OIt1s1own.r, 'Tn .. and w:ell known ' OR' dC llafet1' t for fJre Jlrt!\o-entlon. On li1s mbJect. the ottlclolll 1llild. High Sehool, Hote.rOW bl1ll realded known throughout The raC't'9 wllJ start promptly at Il to .riIanY ,"uldOSOJt\St and who '&'0'. e ro.. top ot b ... it b n tn:ltter of civic _. In that vtllage for the post 18 County. 2 p. m. with the IItart and tinlsh ltsbcm! frequenitt; has been plck- r l " Oil pride that We hove out conlJDunUy WOaTHi' OaAND MATRON yeai'll.. Following hi'.> . GC't up lit ert'e MelldowlI Country. of 1953" •• :Mi. and A' , . ._- 'PIc and llP3ir I!1'ent 1n1lux OF O. E. 8. EXPECt'ED setWa tWo Mil j)barmacJst'li Ch-.l .. A. Jone. ' Clubhousl'. TIll! ttaele 'wlU bti rop· Mrs. NOi'mlUi Ftlt%t who atl! oper.. t ' LeDin' . P- eb" 22 of sumnter vlllitors in the canyon," IN RUIDOSO lItONDAY mnte-ln the U. S.l'favy .. 13 months -- t'd oft. and no one may drlvo Into atmi!' .. fknver tarm on 1hetr plllC&LID: Bynum said. 1tuldoeo C1t8pter Ifo. fJ5 ,of tho ot which Unie was spent 011 all· 11 _L_ 'ri El &I thnt area In II car alt<?r 1:30 p. m. (lit Jileandu Lane Cbl>l1h of, the Rio ..... '" 1'" II-i -"of .... AIUson III plQV1dlng two ot the Order ot the Eastem Stnr will slstnnt tho office at . VJUu.. ..tU&IJ AS- 8C.uOn Spectators muat walk to the alta Rutdaso &ezoD. Ytom the Scltool t "'DV ..... eam_q ttl lise three truck!l tOr the lmuUn/t tree honor Worthy Orand Matr.l:atrl. the Navill. ltollPitU In COrpUll As Comm1Js1oner ! oftef that time, ,. 1'otc:st Camp Otottnd" In RetI 'W'UlliHllJI· ot chllrge, Bynum said, and he ex- Brmtarl lDd .other. Grandi Chrlnl, At tho conclullion IJoyd VIgil Wishes to nnnounco Commltteell ot the Chamber of ue IOlng to preued appreclntlon on the part of Chaptet 'olficffl at a fipeclll1 meet· of his na,vJ1 tour of duly. ho en. he fWiU LI treelnk: to thQ Commerco. InCIUdJnaCkClt sellert, literaUy' tllOu:SImdJI Of flow. 11 II tho city' ttlt: thts Cine gesture. ,In. In Wldlf,leJd m.J!)l4:lDdltJ'.7eb. roned III Las 0 .. «1 0 nco .....un y SlIeuof road cnre workc.l'II, udaes tor tho }' '«l:!I. bedm""Plint. al'IC1 otbttflot· ... iIte ltdd at t.Jle OW I",.,. ,' .... 12. VJ&itfng memberil lire invited, he mo. on the Republican ticket subject cPlltellll, ete.. 1uive ncclvln. ,.allterM JM .ete W-Yea1". Th01've- c IJl DAN SW£AKlNGIN BEADS Mtn. BllIle Clarke 111 Worthy Mat. Jared 111 buSln8i atbnJlilatrntJon. to fbe R«!Jl'Ubllcan prltnary In MlIY, brlefJnll att thla week In prllpllra", Pi "aU >lM.1f!U UIJ tWa will Ll1!eotn.at.at ... m. Mem")'. BUSINESS SIICl'ION ron and Ezell Clitlce, Worthy PlIt- PrIor to Han:row'. courthowc IJoyd says he M9Amdellvoted to tion for making Ihe big ovent eUck be thdi:' blgjMt year, and shOUld Feb. 2%;. . llED CllOSS DI'tIVE ton. employment, he had been r;erve the dtitetU ot Ltncoln Coun.. lIlJlOothly. Crowd control tor 1htl ,. tell t:be ta1j it estabUsh Mrs,3'Ohn ttOylllJi, Chairman of Mrs. John BOylan, Lincoln the '. '.: . ed tor tWOlfld 0. 12l", ..dMtrtlr- ty emclenUy ond impanlally. He raC!(ls wlll be In chllrge ot the two tn:Rp1d<M!o big", . bUI-! the Red Cl'O!IS countY ltIembel'llhip drive chair- CWitiii tM.lio.W1 lrative sWl ot the 11. S. fetls that the and ex, club, sponsOring the meet hue. lrie-.. ••• Tard rtPorled Chap ·1ltidJ."Wldnrl1'e COordJn... man tor the American Rec1 ero. , ... , Health .ltO!!PlWo .Fort gained durll'J. hl6 TheY.' wllt havo autos with 10Ud- \ 10 WI fitured on _lor, w61 be holtClSll' to cUvlslon for nW month. ilnnauoffi! this Totifm ' . stanton, and serVed lUi atoUcil Judge of otflce wUt enable him to per- speakers to give dlrcetlonll nrtd fit'" , tlU 'obi Jti Rut,.. elWtml!n: ot Drive frem week Dan Swearlnjtln, reptftent- iL1 ... and j\1llUc:ll lit Capl. form a better Job during tho next structlons. and therl! wlll bel arna- ciOai6, 1ne1'{lcUtlt 1J1@Hitnj' 19 Coullty big RuJdc:lSO Row)' ClUb; Will head Ali .. , lall. tenn ahould the peoplo tee til to teur radio broadeasting IIIld re- 0I2't eabln "", the buslrteJli Ilt!CtlOI1 drive lil Rui· MllYiJto.AlItm the All'. elect ,.. ecl\llnJt units In \1110 liS weIJ .. 1ltIrt, liS well reaidenCC!$ . '.l'lle: "L1nCotn. Counb' e;tiaptet, dO!O. A rt!ll!denUaJ:tlrlve chaltman Cillitm& Tk.et. whleb.'WOi1 er In CtipltM \lfMre be has been wnltde-tnlkle rndio tetl, and " ••. Then, 1I,-et to' be plcke4. In 1,.:r.!DIUQt1mt hi theVillalte al:til'e lit dv.lb mali'a.;.'JL'JIf, andl- Id1etime Club The home tolkJ al"C advlud to "fwO) reacllva. , " ,. of OtHn .bib be on cW Js member of :KliCha tel' "'_.!I_ fRt C!Ilrly Rnd 10 thtl ttllck , .' " " . '.,' ", ". tips; thrOiIlb thf!' 'eUotts of el\tle TO 'LA8, CRUCES .... . the btllktf JDSlwt!ng h1 tit it. Xi lllf.Ufnal. .... uwaJ' .head of thel rullh which wlll *" et.A1t* .and1eaderf, IIbd with lhe A Ittild6,l() Cham1:ier ot that .. m be can. ;rum It Idletlmtl Club, recreation tur P$ thtt crowd moves. tram Pal .. . I.'., .. 1t1i1H It{eJttir,,field mt'TCe- deJtjtatlon, ot Co cUd... , for ma10r, M4 PaitN'9ble center featurin. bUllard 1U ... ,d JrIor\t,/i OafeWay to the race eout'le .. ' ",", ltepf\;ftUtltl,.e cot the' i'tnenc:::l nonal. Mi'. and M. J."J:cJwatdSfart apj»lntee 'WhelM Orand ot lbe Carrlzo%o Lad,. ot snooku tableal. plng.pong, ama" trnl: ,:n: . " E '" , Mt. Wilkinson ot the iii tkoII Alf., ao,lan: ......... ·CttJQeS'WlI.'tit:fiW11Jd1iriYiled Haley; l?t'" C'llambetqf" department, will today (Frf.. . . <# fdl!ItJme Ree1'Cntlon Centtr WClJ1to . fa tile ,zlmmermaJt'lwm '6n mgbwoY " '. ,'/ fi"lIUd 'lIetYln, day} at I\oon. Mr. and MI'll. A. G. .' ,', " ;, Cattb:oto lIJll.ltors On Feb. 10. . ... . who llef:r. aetlntr ehaftmaJi this week. advertisIng facUlflt"S in 'k tOUtlli eatididafe to be Prttidenl Of the New NexICO JU.. WUklnson arc Inviting tolks to, ' ., " ;J>;' l:·:,::" '.',::1 ' . :;r , .. ' '0 '_ tan :f . .. .... ,_ .•'F< wu _...... .. . 1tDl:.BT, ;0' . ..... 1m" Mayor Or", Pid, '''itliol· , nyttoui'; .. the 1l0UlH!, Th(J new OC:'" Charles A. Jone_. VilntbCrat, ha. thi. -dod'S ,02 tn. "'lI!o'- ., . . ". , u..,.dtd bY Did D. QWea,.uglft ;--'1 •. , '''' I" ," "" ... .. ,"" .,,"* U capl" the Tuxhorn building onC!e uked the Jthf"tffi) ,·HllWII ta Qili 81 "" 1 t.. 8. owr"" , f' , "'lO' .... · ,..,, .• " At"1he' local AbOUt APA()lt£ JPtJitN1Tt11t£' , Mch1i'is, ,. boualDg Sft I d FOOd J,(ltrkeL 0Ulici Jai u ...... undrd to f' , .. t an. 8 1 ..... u.e, n -. -. . a'NOW: Ol"ltH PAII,T"nM:B l'nannotmeln,hacandJdac;r.Ml', , , ..... tlbnto .tht(lL(lc:,,·ot J'fr .....1D1eriIl.25 t:'. Preef ... the ... In i'eJI'IOdeJln, 'ot the olli . Ulsfet Hm.tee Mood .. flifi!ellkt2; l\Ct ,lao 20 00 .•. •• .... :88 ..... _ .. ........ , .. ...,,:_ .. r, !ftdaulhterotM"dUtdJdl'll U 'SI 41 00 .. , 15 ,$3 13 ;02 .. ' . ···bOt'l:i·'· " .. ... '. A ..... ... iotr.ta&.u.a:.y ... " :a...... ... 1ft . (54 'I .,00 r(; .," TIlt 1' ........ 'I..' 'ftlii ..... i\'cjjf.. .-. '. aDd Jm W.r4 Wftt j)fot terim 'Of LfnCtllD County .... . ... '" ,,' ....... .' ....... ..., . ", . bftfi anl1Qimci&t . " .' . wMJe/* Jjf Wd.· mete,.) " . " . . , , , , , £. , r" M I c- , '-. '. ::r'. H;: :'.".'."'" ... '.::.' . ,,,.., U.-S,Hlghwai70f nrQugh to Worid'fi - .. OPPORTUNITY FOR - ·rt 'r> PA.INTI MGS. . L\U"gesi: Year ..'RQund Playground otfice expetience, or In- . "," ".,., ," ,.' Q"'" ·m.ES .... " Besldesycars of SC9retarlal, Insurance and Buslrtes.s Ex- .. ' ".'''' TJhe perlcnce. our training has included Commercln1 College; leS; ·H·A·D.bIS ··C'·H ELTON Mackull aond School; Chartered Life Underwl'Uer (Colleg",) ',' '. ... ,.' , '.. course in Lite Insurllnce Fundamentals; mnny Compliny courses .. .. In Iilsul'unce arllnches. Our Agency has \mexce1.1ed facilities, . 'Summe):' St"dlO reprcsenting the Oldest Insurance Compnny In the World (Sun); uJ .1 N xl others with Home Offices In Kansas. Iowa Oldahoma, lndlanl,l. . R :'l'lQllO, ew, e. eo Illinois. Michigan. Kentucky, Minnesota. Connecticut. Pennsyl- ',. 'WiJ:rl:er "diO . vaniil, und New York. Ull Jld.tl11ond St. EJ Paso, Tent WARnEN BAnRETT AGENCY . __ . __....... ,... .. -!MuiCiiiPi'riONi$2J'-Fo;;' .... - o' ,. '.':.>'" .'.0' ' .,, ." '''' ,, " " "" 0 'FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1954 -0- SUBSCRIPTION $2.50 Per V .. , ·• V'OJ!V1«E' 8, NJJMnER.. 36 RUIDOSo, LINCOLN CQUNTY, NJiW MEXIC " _,,' .. ; .. { , r •• · . )1 " ' ;\'. I, t·,,· ., " " ;'"," I', ," ,., . ',": .' ." ", ....,':<':, ',"'<,:"1 I .,', - , , ... ' ' ,) " , : ' {, ',\. ': " ' j ",' ".',"., '1" ,',' , , '. ' , \' .,,', ''l\ ',' , " , " ." -1', 't' " ' .' , c ','"' >.', ' , , '/l I" .' ."' •• .'. , " '." ' , ,l' 'I" t/ .. , ".' ',' .''11 '" " ,'. ,\,:.";,' " ." II> .' 'f ',,',, ',' 1 .'" ,> ',1: . ,", '" <, ' " ,.,' ,;11' , I ',"', ,,',. , " ,: > •• ' , " , .. , , , '/ :, " ,,> , " , t",' . , I' , , , ;,' . , , , . f . ",',/!' ,""', < \,' "', ," " I' \-' ,.'" ."."." j;if •• ,. ,I' ". ." ,,' 'I"'" ;,".'.', ,,,,,'i: I ,',,<> :":1,"""'''' " ",,"',' "', '\,".,' r c .; ". '.'" ..£', - < J ,,,. , i " " •• , ' ' ": < .' " f' <"'.;' . ',I <, "", ' ,,'" " tt "" lI'. ',', """""' ", I " . "I' (,," .. .'. " \' ,. , I '.. ': ' <, 'I, lit' , ", , .'.., " , " t',r' ' , ,; " "" ;' c' Ji' __ , '" ",' ''';', !'!' I ", ,I' ':':.; ,', ' ...... o¥, ' " •• ':K .... ; " ',' ; ',- 'll' " . <' .. \ 1 •• :.,., '. '., "('," ,\.' •. ' .. :,., " " " ' ., ',-, ". •• " ' ,0:' ' i ''; ., , ,.:' , •• J j ," "'. I, L. il!,.i, A3. J. t > t ... :, LR "0- ;' .. . ', :'i .... "J,P,;'" Ir' " ., ". .". " -' . . . ',J) ;, . .... , .' ' j . Municipal Sl:h901 ;"Ub whll/ll II new Ilchool aUonal hall, n large number 1)t is week the to in'" .. .'naCe .. ·aDs tre ". \. . •. " ,,' S17VJllO in tcderal atd money had .Ule construction of a sYstem hcre,' . the school m'ght bUy nnd move 0 Am. ' .. ·a" te·. ur.. R. :adt·o Ope·rato.rs· 1)e(1tl appl'Qveu .. The pews Clime $20 .000 high schllol on a sHe yet . . " televbone to Superintendent J •. , to be determined. 'fhe ooard will th"'y "1"e worked out tully. ft. departmnnl is crowded into the . Morrill. Morrill said tormal notice Qdd t\mds to the federal gtJlnt to .... .. , " ,, 1!lI' .. .... -IIIIIII- ......... ----- ... -.' .... -- .......... willQe by mail soon con- cover the additlonl\l cost of a plant spdkesman for the board said. same building wUh Ule home cco- I!: . ' , :. , i .. '} firming gt'untlnl{ ot the lund; which is to Include n large recr¢- In the meantlmc, Supt. nomlcs department,
Page 1: Thousands'Expected Sunday 'FC?r ~por~s 9ar Round·l:J~Il ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · tlonal 1rnportllnccI tho toltowlna be enleMIn tbe 195. munlclp:aJ


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Thousands'Expected Sunday'FC?r ~por~s 9 ar Round·l:J~Il~",uu"R'Id"'N:_Rites Are'Held RECEIVERSHIP Geo. S. Sisneros i~:!~~~m~~f~~~;!:~

ORDERE FOR A k EI· of tho BoutbWt!II& In Ruidoso Sat-

InCarrizozo's s ection ~::~:~d ::~~~:h:c:e=~

For Ferguson lREHAR E As Commissioner =e ~lh ~F:!t:1:':rs"P:"~Funernl tlervl...... wore held In District Judee Chnrles O. Betts. .. • Highlight of the Withering. which j

~." Monday night at Austin, Tex., Is drawing tourists trom a wldQ •the Keiley F:unerlll Home In Car- placed In' temporal'Y. recelvel'llhlJ) nrea. Is thl't'(l dIrt-track racell onrlzozo lust Friday tor Wallnce United Iaoyds nnd United World Sundll,Y nfternoon. two of them 25-Ifarvc:,y Fcrcuson, 48. lifelong Lin· Life Insurancc Co. of EI Paso. miles In Icnlttll. one of 50-milocoIn County ~sldent who died ot lie awo "ranted a temporary In- dIstance. Cars of different clPllsell

. cerebral hcmorrb1lge last Wednes- n I I ' vic In thl' three speed tests overday In' Ft. Stnnton hospltllL He junction against t 10 compan cs to a course 2% miles long. In an ovalWilli active In county anlf com- prohibit their tranllllctlnll buulncllS shllf;: around the rollin" hili"

t I I C It h In nnd Malnst United Lloyds prcsl- ... umunlty at a I'll n ap an, av g dcmt Spenccr Treharne of Ei Paso nor hWl!llt of the golf coune.llerved on the school board. tho and Huldo::o, and other Indl vldunltl Field trIals on Sunday mornlllll'.vJtlaae council theR nnd In mnny and banks, prohibiting the dlopo- a,;;.c ;, In whlrh there wl1l be aeeelera-other capaeltlCll. sitlon of any or th.., nBBeb ot iheI ~ , tlon. brrlklflll tests, wornen's evenls

_.• ~,_ .'. He wns burled In Angus. At the com'panlell. and OthC>f c.ont.ellm. are expected:=~~:::;:t::::==-::::==::"~=~~~:::::=~=:::==="tIF;cO~ltusup~oiiRlt-T~S!tiC~:\1tlVJNNEai" chapei, Fnther Oeo. Bocnnlghnus- Atlorne>'S In the casc werc to to drllw lI00\\t all laruc a crowd.

" , . Aim & & d ld d en read the rltCll, and at the ceme- meet with Jud"c Betto TuesdayI Tht' fll 1<1 Irlal8 arc to be held on

!t:. d Y: $5''0,000 In 'Federal Funds Earmarked - os wo ozen ItO , an tery Fother Lowla Autllz ortlclat-.. the 'l:l\,,~t loop front1nll nuldo!o'lIa'n . handsomel v en ved erophles d' mOfnln". to work out details of the, - I C! • •• • !choob. \\ Ith Iltat", coullty and vl1-2 2 pleeured above arc to, be awlI'd- lie was born Jan. 8, 11106. on ardor ut which t(me he witt tlet a I rrl I I f. . ' F U" H' d W h dP ed In ehe Wash\na'ton a Dtrtlula:r INO"ai McBa. nttendcd cehool thero dDle for tr1al or thl? calle. I "'IC' u ,'c'rn c Mlna one t'f! 0 the

WIT & WISDOM or pper on 0 aters e rOJ·ect Sporta Car nound-Up hero In a and" In Capltun. Hb wed Loulro F.arller Munday Judlle Betta eX-I V or Slul" Highway 37 Into RUI-banClud to be held Bunda:r DieM Allie Fritz Julr 12. 1!l32; Thry had tended until Feb. 24 the tempor- dOllo 111 P'llrnt'r'n (jato\\'lI)'.

B V· - at Navajo Lodre The trophlt!ll t ar." rClltrulnln" ordc;or, "!Ilrnl1ar to {<'or R~llIrrla.v ofll'rnocm, the- ' y lX-" Word bas been received trom I . R two cono, Wll :)1, 20. nnd H.lrvey" .. ~ porto Nr tllilclc> In EJllllancl. Grr-

SWEARINGIN WuhlnKton that S50000 In Fed llre provided b:r UIO ulllOIO 17. ThrC'O brothern, Don E ana the Illjunctlon-!l\llt had bevn InCottce Jloundo, houl:ewlvCll and ' 'eral funds Jlas bcco ~Cl avall: Chamber of Commerce and wiU Wlltlam. Ventum, Calif.. and eU('c\' mam', }o'r1lI1cr. It.e1Y, alld lillme In

ranchora nllko wlll drool over the Il'u tu flnl lecolld nnd thtrd -A!l5kclnnt Attorney Gt'nt'ral Rudy Ihl' (I R. Will tw JudeI'd fll' twautybe hJ Md' able durlne the current tJscaI I ' trf Champ C., Capitan: and four Dla- I In II conCClUffl' cll' "le/1i1I11't' III rrontlitUo itllm low w ~h ot ttn WILL RUN year tar Wle on the Upper lIondo , plaea wlnnen In ral'ea. nl'ld l - tel'll. Mm. Fnmk Titllworth. Tin- nil'!! c105t'd arlfuml'ntn on the cru:e ot NuvaJ" I.ocl.:.. Tht' aporc,. cnrMrn, John Boylan of t 0 d ~- Wlltel'lhl'd ('roteeUon Project. al. and other eventll. Tho C nnl nlo; MI'1I. TruvlD Werner. C:apllnn; argut'tl tor Dtatt', Attorney ChnrleD. . drlvt'f wlnnlnll till' S''t'al(>ot num-coIn Courthouce !\tuJ:llum broug t FOR MAYOR In ordcr for th'- a~~ to r-ure troph:r In the «titer II tor the MI'1I. Joo Evanll noswcll anJ MI'II. E, Crcmahaw f'\'1l1"l·r.c·nl.'d Ihc Com- I Ito our column this week w1)cn '" •w ~~~ aweepstakea winner, tbo .perf, Jack Conley. Abilene, Tex. alllO pam' and Treharne, It'r ot potntll. iJNrr t'nterann n 1they mado a ~.P c!ab In Rutdooo the!e Federal fundlJ It wltt be no- car own- am••lnlt tho mOlt Attom\1Y A. W. Noreo~ ll'U1cnred or most ot Iho C'\'C'nlq Il~tt'd for

h rt'.'~ry for thr farm nMd ran"a~' aurvlve . Illn '·\on)••rnll. "'111 r(,nnlv" n thrrr-on bUllln~ uat lObIt- tit t oco • ~ ,. " ~. .. poIots 'rom events ho or abo en- . _ to lIrllut' on IlChalt or 'ou Iwest- •. , ,.,. " ".: " ".prlt'l:!1t of DbeUt 50 yearn OllO: An announccmen& wIIJ bel Inndowncl'9 In the wntt'rohed to tor"" ern National Bank. (lnt' ot tho I , toot llWI'C'pataltl'u trflphv, C1ll" of 23

"With tho"'rlec of eoUee and _not • k In It Id r ralllO np~l'Oltlmato\y $25.000 by . Harcrow Bltds fir II d I th t'!JtraJn I r,~" to Iw /ilIVcn WlOlllnr.t conlt'qtnntll.other <:01lUtlodiut'tI a topic of na- ;';;:1:;:':::of ~~1c::::: Juno 30. Thill would mean 1hat a Local Bank OK'd ' . In~ll::rd~~~ one II e r - ! it}·~" Flrnt. Arcond an<t thIrd 1,Inl'c win-tlonal 1rnportllnccI tho toltowlna be enleM In tbe 195. munlclp:aJ totnl ot $75,000 would be r;pent, dr HIC'o calc! that (.xamUIlIUons U!l: 11 1It'0I III nil cv...,tu [11(' to fecelvemay bo or Interc:a. • election here AprU 0 b)' iii ctU- at leaat obtlr.ated, by the lundown- For FHATitle 1 For Re-Election 01 tilt' end or 1063 nhowed Ollit - Ic·th'rt'<1 Iro,lhlrll ~IVC'1I hv Ill<' nul-''An old Whito Ow .:enertll UtIJI Commlttee. Ol'll and the Federal Government Unllcd l.\o>'d!l lock(,(\ approxl- OEO. S. SISNEROS c!0~1l Chamber or C(.mml>r<'t'.toro aecount book on dlrnlay nl &aD D. BwearlnclD. locaI!D- thia IlulI! year. The coot-llllarlDll Cl k mlltely 5502,210 ng~cts to meet O~rao S. Sianoro,. ranchor who A bilnqucl SUlldrtv nlllht wttt hetho Old Court HoU£(! In LJnc:oln, nnnee man. tbls weok Indica&- part of Ule program under tho J}ro- As County er Dtatt' reC~UlremcntD. IIvcll north of Tlnnlo on tho Aru- held ut NilvlljO Lod~c for tht'"-Ill lmlon" tho Items cold tltty - _u... --_ for Jeet 1JI to be rol:t'd on the bcmlfllo P rtyL Atty. "n. John Ikon Shen""rd'A bellt 1'1l:1d hall thlD wClek unnoun('C!d ':;florta eur ownel'1:l. wllh lIWllrdJI to

I Y;artl ClJeO 1hhs. '\Vcclt~ 1 ,pound -ot iIi'i;':r....c;;::u.::.t:'u;"'fcru received b,y tho Jandownc:nt In tlie rope 'oans 1 .. ' . .' mit on behaU of the Board"':;; In: hlo candldaoy for ottlco of County 1>t' mndo Ihen.coUeo. 14ej 2 dOttn CBJ!l, 24e, 1 CftIJleIlmea'a IHlda Ukel, wOJ be dutorcnt UCtlODll of tho wntornhed. lIumnct' CommlJt~lonel'1:l contendcd Commillatoncr, Uepubllcan ticket, On BlIturdav nll.ht. dallct'll forpound of oUlte!r, 300' 10 pounds I1I.mect la 11m -Uk'. Newa. The a03rd of Superv1l:orn of· thl" Title I Fedoral HOWling AdmIn- that nclth('r ot tht' complililCll wnn Dubject to tho nepubllcan Primary. IhC' vlllttorll wl1l h(' hold lit bothot llJ)ud.!r. lOoi. 9 :yora. ot eD.lIco, U£per Hondo Soli ContervaUan Intrutlon 1001111 UP. to $2,500 ettn ICllalty qualified to trammel bunl- In l.IJ1nouncJnll Mr SltmeroD .(Ild. Navll/o Lotlnl! lind Carr-Iro l.odl:pG4e: 200 POUnlU ot~, $3.00, nnd pt aIH G 0 otrlct. tho cponcora of tho pro- now bo mndo In RuldollO by Rul· Dt'tl!I In Texan. lind thut pnrt of thl? "Ltncoln County III rapidly rlolng AUrnclt't1 here by the nporttl ('lIr83 pounds llf hllY. 1I5e." ,m ome ame Jed, aro mo.kln~: cUort to doco State Bank, T. B. Hood. ex· purporlcd oll!:elJl c1alml!d by Unlt- to lis fonner promlnenCt' 110 one rocc. will he noma 35 or mort"

• • t expecUto tho pro ect and have ro- ecutlve vleo-J)MlIldent ot thtl In· ed Lloydn aa the b:uill of r.ecurlnlt ot tho mo!!t Im'lOrtant countlca til amlltrur rlldlo opemtol'1:l of Nt'wTho many hundrOOs of membelrs F W'. quested tho BOll atlan Ser-J Iltltution. announced IlIJIt wl!(!k- a Illntc ceniflcate were b:ink loanJl the lItate. New lI11flcultural, mIn., Mextco Who havl!' plonned an all-

ot tho BOswell Chamber of Com.. or amors vice tcclU1leloDll to mnke tho pre- I?nd. Ite llIlld he had received tho and "not uncneumoored," eru1 l.IJ1d military dcvelopmentll .1Ioy ltllthcrlnll In nuldogo lor Sun-mtrt'O are beinJl Clllkcd to voto on ' llmlnnry llW'VC!YlJn~ to dO-I authorlznUon only laat wC!(!k. The ulonll with 1m t'JllnbllllllC'd larne: rlny Thov are to ch('('k In withwhat thO)' think are tho 10 mOst H T' L t.ermlne DUrn and coatJa of ctroc- IO:IllJl may be UUd for property G I Sc Offl Ia! calUI!' nnd Ilh('('p IndUlltrlC!ll 1I11d UIlI nay Bilker. newcomor to tht' /ltatoneedC!d projeets tor that arca; Tho ere omg t tUfC3 which mlghl be tellJl.iblo to Improveml!tl& nnd modem.1%llUon. ir out C 8 mnny tourl!lt aUrocUonll nit point, \\ ho hlU h«'n lIwapplna: talk withprojects are listed by Ilumber and be lrurtatled thlll ye:lr. They can be financed for Ull long T M t T nl hi to the neccaMly of a vll1oroull Dnd I' "hllrrtll" of New Mexico.there are 34 or 1hetn. No. 25 Ol\ .....e #'-al __A of tho __,"'p The Watcnhed ProteeUan Pro- all 30 mont1uJ, ho added. 0 ee 0 9 progrell!llve county commlllJllcm I Publtclly vln radio. nt'wBpop<'r.... blUet III" "Uet and ClJlcolir- All un ._u.., n"...... Ject IncludOll tho IlUlIInatJon of Named Stale De)oaltor A community mC'Otlng, to be f I I I U I fl It t d d telt'vl,l I Texa lind NC'w....., • Pa I lenten wnl be pln)'ed here tonight Iloodwntar retarding lItrUl!tUt'Oll. Announced IOlll \\'C!(!1c. by -Stato conducted by MIIllI MlIlIm of Ar- ec 11IVl? II' 'lun I cn 011' 0 0 i an on n II h':=:'r;~!W'Cl ~v~td~~: ,by tho RuJdoso Worriora when ItnblUzlng and &l!dltnent mntrol TrelWtU'er n. H. OrWon wnll tho tOllla and MIlllI Drodcheck of nOJJ- ~1~~.JOb for all these group!l IfI~~~i~~ot~~~c:O~~~I:~llgf 'the,l:::::'ihow. the ba11ot.·inB;.eaJl1.0 out. ~t~ 1nJl.0:. ~o If::::'~Gd ~.!..~ artructuru, lltream. channel 1m- tD~ that RuldlllO Sin1e Btlttk had. well, dlartrlct Olrl Sroul ortlcla1Jl, Mr. SiJmertlll. 11 11ft' long rc111j- thlg wt't'k-tmd. nnd It wilt IIk"lv

.. ~ ..~ ... "'" \)rovernl!tltll, .tnbnJUI(Jon ot mtJ- b4!bl approvod lUI a depollitory for . ' .. ' . (. V!JJO: 1tI collect tor tonlllht (Friday. Fob. dent of LlnC'oln ('ounty. m Ileeklnll rlmw tho Inrllt'st crowti evt'r &C'''nNeWs nnd atuU ••• w. A. Rtrt ~ted to - this fJnnl contm bo- cal runoU nnd J:edlml!tlt proauclnn !ltate fundll. The b:lnk lu1!J provld. .':') , "" ~ 10) In the high £cheol study han. hb flnrt public otrlct' til? hall. how- In RUldrnm In the wintl:'r month~

bunt • malP'llflcent Jllaster retkf On! th~ DistrIct Toumament ORlIJI, rood croston control. pluJJ ed ucurlUes up to $110,000 to _", 't ~ .,1 IItartlnr: at 7 p. m. OIrl Scout lead- evcr. bt't'n llellvl? In a vllrlcty or Nott'C1 rncel'll who havC! appcart'tlmah

P P!..th{hll WbII1QUMounlaflnWh1~ ~h!.C2"a~lnln.!light.1n nO!lwc11 nClxt management praetice. nnd other q\UlUty, GrllI!lm enId. and he added J crn, parents and all other'll Intt<r- rommunlty al'tlvltll'lI otnC" hln fl'- In tht' tomed MoxlC'an Itblld RacC!11 OW..qs. Cl oca on ,0 .., A1hi''the d1'l1wln" for tournament soU cont:C!rvoUon measuretl which that $100,0110 In Illllte fUnds wlU, . J' . i eJltCd In Girl SC'out a"tlvltll'll hero turn from Rervko III World War rmm EI Paco 10 Mt'xlco Cltv oroMountain Par'lo. beauutuJ IIllo for tlOSlUon~ In thA "'bra-"""II hnld tn might be! needed on lndlvldunl be dClpOllJted here 1:m'Jle t1mil In .,',~ '\. 'I" I';.t aro Invited to attend. ,II. AI p~cnt hI' 111 5(,fVllI" hIs t'x ......ll?d 10 drive IlOmCl Clntrktl Inn~~ AIJ~lnt.er ski run for next Tuem! ~ c 'beRnl ~ M plnccs and which wOllld contribute February. '",i :.",\\'~ 4,,1~, ,~J! Cond.ct 'Tralnlnr School &crond t~;;;' on a ml'mbt'r of thp Ih;'r'nl'C'lI NC'wspnpC'r wrllt'1"!I ffC'mRUIdOSO Cltttnlbtt of Corn'mer«, to 1:1' ny. onc ph e- to watershed prot~tlon. , ," .:''i;.] '} '. _~4' While ht'f'\' this week-end. tht' hoard of dtl'('('tCtt9 of thC' Olero I dnllv 110PC'C'1! of the alate. photoa-use In .<fcvelopment. • , • NCWlI Outre drew one of thl? fOUr byes , p ..TA Meefing , ' --,' ~ '" .'1' "I• ./ Girl Swut ortleilim will C'ondu!'t a Cuullty Elt't1rlc: C·o(lperIlU\,I'. II 1brief from tht' Hct1SJey Brothern, In tho first round. Ruidoso s fll'llt CLEAN UP SET t ",,' 1( jI ... trnlnlna &t'hool ror ''''":"IS nt the I'Ommlttc-<>man of thl' ASe (tonn-, Dt LLETL"JbIg stocltboldl!t'll In R u 14oao ~eOf~~~~t~~3r::~r;.~ • Is Moved Up '1 ,~i I ~ }!:- II,' I !' ' .. I (ommunlly MC'thOtlist (hurt'h I?d- t'rh' I'MA) vke pfroldeJlt lIt thr , Four nt'w1IP2per lUld IIcUllrft'1DOWM, ttlyll a new nnd modetn met!t the wlnnl!r or the Eunlce- MARC To Monday .'\t . " ... -:." " .'. ,1'J I ucoUonal onnex. rr(lm l) 15 until Form BUJ'C'aU'R f1ond" C'1l1lplC'r, nnr!: rllmtonamCOn Wltl1Jt' Ilt'ht hl'C't\ bytrailer court will be made avtlll· Boo'\ter T Wnahlnttton name which H3 .. "t' .• i' ~!,.' , ,i! II !.5 D. m thl.;' morning rmd tram mf'mtwr or thl' NC',,~ Mcxlco Wo"l, t~(' J)allu OWN! of Int('matlonal~rl:rff~o:ran~~~~~t~~ WI11 be 'pla\'ed Thursday nllfht. IdJ:1'~~~~~~~g~~~i~~ " -;0_ :I If '>. /~' :I )" IIn~ ~ ~ ..~~9dDr~~~ol," ; ~r;;~J::/~':~~lIl~~·~~;~: ~lqc:,::;,:: ~~;I.::a~'~ ~~~~I~~:r:~~a:Dtls~<thnl!l~SV!"!!:!!k' '.: 'a h"--. 'I: =~=Il~g ':1~;llorrfi u:~~~r~n~Da:er'~c~t'a:~ will 00 held an rotonday, Feb. 22, '" f'J /- '. ~,' 1 Lloyd VigU Asks i alton. 'h(' lIo~l ... orp,..,mud ml'o·s. nf~~ret'l 111m lind nt'WII p'etUTnl1...~u... '" .....'" '" ........ R he, mu.u h th WNJiesdS:r. lIt.reb 3. Luther I inSteud of the usual Thu~aY next ,;>,..... ,.... , : dull 10 "Uppott rtflndo Ihuh! 0 u.1' "port tar rues to ~. )'(lU!It llJl1'lgh column written by ~lJIt!~F~m be hel;!, ero e IWl!(!k to nIlaw membel'll to ht'ar nn '1 J- • I Be-Election To Post ,$,'hltC,1'. <llhl"C.. [)I hVlltt'D • ,}1cm'1lPllPl'f!I all onr the t~. H••aRuIdoso hOW'{!(Irnl!t'.lIlnury How- Tho:;(! en the tournament team :::'~ond~omc:.tta:l~~ ~~ Im\lOrtant nuC?llt llJX'aker. oWelab SAMF.8 EAKL 1IAncaow Of Assessor : Mr Sl~,n('rns ,0 ,I I1f,uIUJI" "r prtnl'lpall,. to thl' holl'll \l. R.erlon. former 'Estes Park. Colo., ore tlron J;lolntnn., Ben HoJJ. Glen i nOUDced thb week. hnThVt'~OWICnkeedr . Is to be W. B. J Earl U C· N M rot I and WlllI nttC'nrlang IhC' I' lleanl duln 01 papefll fromllCWlJP<lpet'J1UlD. Yeu'll t1nd It on WaltIill. BUly Gln~k, Earl AI- On '''-t d"'''. non rl't ... In ~~-~n.. JO'~n sJ>C

I. --utfv

Ar"'-"'_ of CJ oeceJI

thltl :-crow'all ount~ ~- - .' '''''''---;-1 I tl~I"'t''''lty uf Anzonn In hla tenlor toUI to {'ouL Thl' Dallal! oUkelln bUlde page, • • • 1'~ Hm. IltJgI N I LnCk UiiJ..., lU~" .'~... , U\JU ell. ~'~ ~ ~.." ...ry 0 erA, wee ~rm y an : ," . .' ' 'yt'ar wht"n he vohtnt('t!rt'71 for tilt' of the IIJndll'ate ullf'd Ruidoso,

SamWl1e Dbcnes the News our ."u,,, u~t er, ~ es ClJ erollon wIth J. 11. ADll:on. will. the New MexIco Education A!lso- nounced hb cm1dldac} ror I'C!"I:'I~- • I army In IfH I, He cl'rvC'(! for 4''J I C, ot C. to malll' ""'C'.....U!l'tL'Jklclll nre s:ettbtgrambuctlOUll ngoln. ~~~~ ::~. A~lJ ~~ ~ hn\--c three truekll av.nnble for claUon. He wlU speak on C'Om- tlon wbJed to the RCJ)<lbllcan PrJ- I , I yOClI'll with tht' tlcld artillery. fJlo I ror tbe' .&:Itt of four for lbli"I had the all' Jet out or my tit'Oll Remold Ch:maln will CO oleng 09 hnullna ott all trllllh free of char!:t'. munily relationJl. "What the Par· mnry. I lJaltnlftln wall II part or the fame I ' \nek-end.wh11e bUfint!drugg at 0 Joctll store managers. The team III llmltOO by Trnsh mUllt be plared In caM cnta can Do For Their'SclJools," The cnncUdate, \Vhe~c blrthplncC' ! 10th Mountain Shl DiviSion which! .the othl!t' dlI)', 'then while I wa!J District rUles. to ten plnye.... boxeo, barre1ll or Il3Cks. C!.'llly to The medina will be beld In tho Is R03Wcn. waa ~Intcd deputy I ' fought in Itnly. He l~ mnrrled to IropncTll and n<'wIII'1't'1 cameramonat the lifu>W" 'One i11ght gos was •• _, • load to t::tit thlll tree Goet'VlC:e. elementary school t':Ifcterja alart· clerk for this ceunt,. on January, f tht' formC't' nO::Mnary Thyfauln or art' aIm dill' to ht' 1tt'1"C to rt't:Ordstc1en from my -car:: the fnlonn- Kick Off Dm.e I "It 19 n~ry thllt we hove Ing ot 7:30 p. m.. and n large at- 7, 1952 and W'0lI e1C!ctcld County Dallas Texnn. They havl? five ehll- Ilh(' I?"'t'nl. ht's(>tvaUoolJ !lnvt' comeII!It 1la1/L ~ , ~ It thorough clt3ftooup ut t1I1s time kndancc 19 urged to display to the Clerk In tho 11)52 Ocnernl Elec'" drcn. hili parontJI. Mr. QnU Mrll L. from ag for away QIl California

AmeUll .Antho~, founder JOt for "1..- ....1~crnc ror health, tor spealeer the community fnt~ In lion. A tn'Oduate of Capitan Union Pacheco 'roncherll ot Arabel" arc nnrt Colnrado.OIt1s1own.r, 'Tn.. and w:ell known ' OR' dC llafet1' t for fJre Jlrt!\o-entlon. On li1s mbJect. the ottlclolll 1llild. High Sehool, Hote.rOW bl1ll realded ~ell known throughout LI~l'Oln The raC't'9 wllJ start promptly at Ilto .riIanY ,"uldOSOJt\St and who~ '&'0'. e ro.. top ot b... it b n tn:ltter of civic _. In that vtllage for the post 18 County. 2 p. m. with the IItart and tinlsh ~ltsbcm! frequenitt; has been plck- r l " Oil pride that We hove out conlJDunUy WOaTHi' OaAND MATRON yeai'll.. Following grad~atlon hi'.> . • GC't up lit ert'e MelldowlI Country.~ ~oman of 1953" •• • :Mi. and A', . ._- 'PIc and llP3ir t01"lh~ I!1'ent 1n1lux OF O. E. 8. EXPECt'ED setWa tWo ~liiiI Mil j)barmacJst'li Ch-.l.. A. Jone. ' Clubhousl'. TIll! ttaele 'wlU bti rop·Mrs. NOi'mlUi Ftlt%t who atl! oper.. t

'LeDin'.P-eb" 22 of sumnter vlllitors in the canyon," IN RUIDOSO lItONDAY mnte-ln the U. S.l'favy.. 13 months -- t'd oft. and no one may drlvo Into

atmi!' .. fknver tarm on 1hetr plllC&LID: • Bynum said. 1tuldoeo C1t8pter Ifo. fJ5 ,of tho ot which Unie was spent 011 all· 11 _L_ 'ri El &I thnt area In II car alt<?r 1:30 p. m.(lit Jileandu Lane Cbl>l1h of, the Rio .....'"1'" II-i -"of.... AIUson III plQV1dlng two ot the Order ot the Eastem Stnr will slstnnt t~. tho ~tIIoIlil1 office at . VJUu.. ..tU&IJ AS- 8C.uOn Spectators muat walk to the altaRutdaso &ezoD. Ytom the Scltool t "'DV ..... eam_q ttl lise three truck!l tOr the lmuUn/t tree honor Worthy Orand Matr.l:atrl. the Navill. ltollPitU In COrpUll As Comm1Js1oner ! oftef that time,

, . Ho~ 1'otc:st Camp Otottnd" In~ RetI ~I" 'W'UlliHllJI· ot chllrge, Bynum said, and he ex- P~le Brmtarl lDd .other. Grandi Chrlnl, T~U. At tho conclullion IJoyd VIgil Wishes to nnnounco Commltteell ot the Chamber ofp~t. :Ga~llY) ue IOlng to nnna.&et~,c~ preued appreclntlon on the part of Chaptet 'olficffl at a fipeclll1 meet· of his na,vJ1 tour of duly. ho en. tht~l he fWiULI treelnk: ~electUoAn to thQ Commerco. InCIUdJnaCkClt sellert,.ha~ literaUy' tllOu:SImdJI Of flow. • G~e 11 II tho city' ttlt: thts Cine gesture. ,In. In Wldlf,leJd m.J!)l4:lDdltJ'.7eb. roned III ~1aalJa.l1nlv.-rsltYILas 0 ..«1 0 nco .....un y SlIeuof road cnre workc.l'II, udaes tor tho

}' '«l:!I. bedm""Plint. al'IC1 otbttflot· ~ ... iIte ltdd at t.Jle OW I",.,. ,'.... 12. VJ&itfng memberil lire invited, Veg~. New~exlett~he mo. on the Republican ticket subject cPlltellll, ete.. 1uive ncclvln.,.allterMJM .ete W-Yea1". Th01've- c ~ft 'Cftn&,o.,~ IJl DAN SW£AKlNGIN BEADS Mtn. BllIle Clarke 111 Worthy Mat. Jared 111 buSln8i atbnJlilatrntJon. to fbe R«!Jl'Ubllcan prltnary In MlIY, brlefJnll att thla week In prllpllra",Pi "aU ·~t~'>lM.1f!U UIJ tWa will Ll1!eotn.at.at ... m. Mem")'. BUSINESS SIICl'ION ron and Ezell Clitlce, Worthy PlIt- PrIor to Han:row'. courthowc IJoyd says he M9Amdellvoted to tion for making Ihe big ovent eUckbe thdi:' blgjMt year, and shOUld Feb. 2%;. . llED CllOSS DI'tIVE ton. employment, he had been em,PIO)'~ r;erve the dtitetU ot Ltncoln Coun.. lIlJlOothly. Crowd control tor 1htl

,. tell t:be ta1j it ~em estabUsh Mrs,3'Ohn ttOylllJi, Chairman of Mrs. John BOylan, Lincoln the '. '~ '.: . ed tor tWOlfld 0. 12l",..dMtrtlr- ty emclenUy ond impanlally. He raC!(ls wlll be In chllrge ot the twotn:Rp1d<M!o~ big", . ',l1~ bUI-! the ·~C01n~ty.Red Cl'O!IS countY ltIembel'llhip drive chair- CWitiii tM.lio.W1 lrative sWl ot the 11. S.~bUC! fetls that the ~owleltge and ex, club, sponsOring the meet hue.lrie-.. ••• ~lum. Tard rtPorled Chap ·1ltidJ."Wldnrl1'e COordJn... man tor the American Rec1 ero. , ... , J'l~ Health ~ .ltO!!PlWo .Fort &)C!tf~e gained durll'J. hl6 t~ TheY.' wllt havo autos with 10Ud-

\ 10 WI ~.*~Jt ~ fitured on _lor, w61 be holtClSll' to cUvlslon for nW month. ilnnauoffi! this Totifm ' . stanton, and serVed lUi atoUcil Judge of otflce wUt enable him to per- speakers to give dlrcetlonll nrtd fit'", tlU bl(;~Udtt'obi Jti Rut,.. elWtml!n: ot ~Fund Drive frem week Dan Swearlnjtln, reptftent- iL1 ~~...~, ~'.!'" and j\1llUc:ll ollberpe~ lit Capl. form a better Job during tho next structlons. and therl! wlll bel arna-

ciOai6, 1ne1'{lcUtlt1J1@Hitnj' ~t:Sf01' 19 ~r Coullty ~t.p'lItles big RuJdc:lSO Row)' ClUb; Will head Ali~ .. , lall. • tenn ahould the peoplo tee til to teur radio broadeasting IIIld re-0I2't ~~~,~. eabln arl4'~ "", the buslrteJli Ilt!CtlOI1 drive lil Rui· MllYiJto.AlItm ~r.,.1atd the 8UC~ All'.~ii,.,~~d~~. elect hl~ a~aln.. ,.. ecl\llnJt units In \1110 liS weIJ ..1ltIrt, liS well I',~ reaidenCC!$ . '.l'lle: "L1nCotn. Counb' e;tiaptet, dO!O. A rt!ll!denUaJ:tlrlve chaltman ~ Cillitm& Tk.et. whleb.'WOi1 er In CtipltM \lfMre be has been wnltde-tnlkle rndio tetl,and~~ " ••.Then, wJ1leb~l(t.CUYcts1Jice..ruJ1.1I,-et to' be plcke4. In~ 1,.:r.!DIUQt1mt hi theVillalte al:til'e lit dv.lb mali'a.;.'JL'JIf, andl- Id1etime Club The home tolkJ al"C advlud to

(~tinUe4tifl>'""fwO) l¥S~i\lilIiJ3:lHtl1l1Jfbt!c.:t'f:oreacllva. • , " • ,. of OtHn ~;wlIl .bib be on cW Js member of :KliCha tel' ~ "'_.!I_ fRt C!Ilrly Rnd ~t 10 thtl ttllck, .' " " . '.,' ", ". tips; thrOiIlb thf!' 'eUotts of el\tle TO 'LA8, CRUCES .... . the btllktf 1011~ JDSlwt!ng h1 tit it. ~.8Umi Xi lllf.Ufnal. ....uwaJ' .head of thel rullh which wlll *"~ et.A1t*~ ~JlS .and1eaderf, IIbd with lhe A Ittild6,l() Cham1:ier ot ~. that ~\m1ti.~ ..mbe • can. Ftate~fty,.Llneot;~nt~ ;rum It Idletlmtl Club, ~ recreation tur P$ thtt crowd moves. tram Pal..~'i~~, . I.'., ~ h~ ~ ..~.J¥1sas 1t1i1H It{eJttir,,field mt'TCe- deJtjtatlon, ebm~ ot Co cUd..., for~. ma10r, M4 Uves~k~PaitN'9ble center featurin. bUllard 1U...,d JrIor\t,/i OafeWay to the race eout'le

,""'!"".~ .. ' ",", ~ ltepf\;ftUtltl,.e cot the' i'tnenc:::l IL.r~n,.George nonal. Mi'. and M. J."J:cJwatdSfart apj»lntee 'WhelM Orand ot lbe Carrlzo%o Lad,. ot snooku tableal. plng.pong, ama" trnl:

~"'~t~~#:i=,:, ~C:::~t:=~'l,~~~; ~~~~t ~hsc'f~ ~ ~~Jllr:lt~~U::1lt~~ll~~ ~~~epe~~~r~d~: ~C::::;eal~~ofr ,:n:~~::~ . " E '" , Mt. u~d id~~' Wilkinson ot theiii tkoII Alf., ~ ao,lan: .........P~lnted.,;Chaptet'·CttJQeS'WlI.'tit:fiW11Jd1iriYiled Haley; w~ &W(}i,)'t!art~ l?t'" C'llambetqf" <:Pmtne~ 4tLth~ department, will o~ today (Frf.. . . <# fdl!ItJme Ree1'Cntlon Centtr WClJ1to

. fa ~ tile ~.,C~" ,zlmmermaJt'lwm '6n mgbwoY "10-Wi!dIl~ t>~. " '.,'/ ~l tl~ ~lf fi"lIUd 'lIetYln, a~ day} at I\oon. Mr. and MI'll. A. G. .' ,', " ;, Cattb:oto lIJll.ltors On Feb. 10. .~J!!!"lJ:':,b~.~,...~~ .who ~ llef:r. aetlntr ehaftmaJi this week. advertisIng facUlflt"S in 'k tOUtlli eatididafe _t.J'~' to be Prttidenl Of the New NexICO JU.. WUklnson arc Inviting tolks to, ' ., " ;J>;' l:·:,::" ~W~:;;:;;.b:;;i;: '.',::1

' .'-~" A:~;r;ini: .=Ud~~~ :;r .a~, ~JPf ~m.~~I~: ,.. ' '0 '_ ~~y*fheO~f:~t7::aJtl!W~~!~:=~~J~~tan ~~:n't ~~~v~eah~'to~~:f .L;cJiA.W·A.-~OrGI" . ...... ~., '::":~':,:.~~. ,_ .•'F<~:c:.~I:=t." wu _...... ~betfIal.;w ..~ ffl~~ .P~(jN1tDl:.BT, ;0' . ..... 1m" Mayor Or", Pid, '''itliol· , nyttoui'; ..~ ~ettl" the 1l0UlH!, Th(J new bO.ln~ OC:'" Charles A. Jone_. VilntbCrat, ha. Pr«!~lflitlOI1 thi. -dod'S ,02 tn."'lI!o'- . , . ~ • . ". , u..,.dtd bY Did D. QWea,.uglft ;--'1 •. , '''' '~ I" ," ~,". " " ... ~.. ,"" .,,"* ~~~ 4"."t""~ U capl" the Tuxhorn building onC!e uked the Jthf"tffi) ,·HllWII ta Qili 81 "" 1 t.. 8. I~~h owr""

, f' , "'lO'....· , .. , ,.•" At"1he' d~~fUJii'OiijlOii" local Pi'et~t ~tt AbOUt ~ APA()lt£ JPtJitN1Tt11t£' , Mch1i'is, , . boualDg Sft I d FOOd J,(ltrkeL 0Ulici Jai u...... undrd to f' ,.. t n~" an. 81..... u.e, n -.~:~'Ais -. "~<, . day,.:Dlai2t1tDt~:~j,iri!ted·1or dOUJllttildOso~tlmetWlm a'NOW: Ol"ltH PAII,T"nM:B l'nannotmeln,hacandJdac;r.Ml', , ,Y~ ,..... '~l~ tlbnto .tht(lL(lc:,,·ot~ J'fr.....1D1eriIl.25 t:'. Preef...tuM'r·~~i:te~lf t~=dno.D8~~t~~,.,.::otlimot the...~ounty In~Wlm i'eJI'IOdeJln, 'ot the olli :tTgI~"i'e-~~~ . Ulsfet Hm.tee Mood .. IOd"lC~rtllaiIOl)Q'iflifi!ellkt2; I'JIi~ l\Ct ,lao 20 00 •

.•. ••~~£-!t.:~.f~':.~~:~7~~hQW~.·wnt=rPt:'~ttdi~1hel~=:ted'?t~ti_lu:~si~fYaC!.~k~.:.........~&e e!~ ~g;~r-::.time~~~~~~~:(g:cm:ri~~':l~~~~3~~ Ii:~ ~1 :88-,"~* .....~oe"""-~"""'II'Q"~' _ tiithPldgn,.iIfi4.jiYeta1lJr~V\ei ~·~~,A~Ftiml.. _~t ........ , ..~...,,:_..r, !ftdaulhterotM"dUtdJdl'll ~.mlnmt!,jQm~J(~JhavtbeCmlll U 'SI 41 00~..~:?~ ,k_iti'~;u'iili~ ~L~rme~.1M =~.~;~~.Whml"'~ !~;~,.·t~tr~~~j. i.U1l~W'~A~ .ba~:I$J(~Oll1eft.rtdtid~t~WUl~votd6~ 15 ,$3 13 ;02~ .. ' . ···bOt'l:i·'· " 'f~ ..~_... ,"n'ff·""'-·"~· '. A.....JtUtf_~we·,<If... iotr.ta&.u.a:.y... " ,~~'fOOnWI :a...... ~ ...tmt.'I'\~1'lOl'JC'·wlth·Uifl 1ft . (54 'I .,00

r(; .," TIlt 1'........ 'I..'"_~"'HW~ 'ftlii q'"'''ftf~':1iIeIa.....,,~=rr~~ i\'cjjf.. .-. '. aDd Jm W.r4 Wftt ~~, j)fot terim 'Of LfnCtllD County .... ~01\r'ayve~~~::.~ ...~. '" ,,' .......*It.ttc''·ln.aciH.'."''.~'..... .'....... ..., . ", . bftfi anl1Qimci&t . w.Jl~ " .' . wMJe/* Jjf Wd.· mete,.) " . " ..,









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::r'. H;: :'.".'."'" ,.,_.":,,,~ ...'.::.' . ,,,.., Tr~veiU.-S,Hlghwai70f th~ Tt~~s~e Tr~U nrQugh theSc~ni~'S~~hwest. to :R~ach Ruid~s~. Worid'fi - .. OPPORTUNITY FOR ~~UDENT -

·rt 'r> •,:<'~::Olt PA.INTIMGS.. L\U"gesi: Year..'RQund M9~~ Playground "sura~~~u:~afu~~i~kYf t~oO~~~~\/J~:tlca} otfice expetience, or In-

. "," ".,., ," ,.' Q"'" ·m.ES.... " Besldesycars of SC9retarlal, Insurance and Buslrtes.s Ex-..' ".'''' TJhe perlcnce. our training has included Commercln1 College; leS;·H·A·D.bIS ··C'·H ELTON Mackull aond School; Chartered Life Underwl'Uer (Colleg",)',' '. ·;RR.~ ... ,.' , '.. course in Lite Insurllnce Fundamentals; mnny Compliny courses. . . . In Iilsul'unce arllnches. Our Agency has \mexce1.1ed facilities,.'Summe):' St"dlO reprcsenting the Oldest Insurance Compnny In the World (Sun);

uJ.1 N~ xl others with Home Offices In Kansas. Iowa Oldahoma, lndlanl,l.. R :'l'lQllO, ew, e. eo Illinois. Michigan. Kentucky, Minnesota. Connecticut. Pennsyl-

',. 'WiJ:rl:er "diO . vaniil, und New York.Ull Jld.tl11ond St. EJ Paso, Tent WARnEN BAnRETT AGENCY

. .~~"...;',.~.=.=-"::"__.__.......,... --_~.~:--:-~~~P~r;int;..~~~an~d~.\;;P~ub:=lis::h::e:::.d-=i=n-=th=·~::-.::p..:.la:::!y~g:;;ro~un~d~o:;-f~th;;;.;;.eiiS;;o~uth~w~e~st.:....._~_:::o:::- -!MuiCiiiPi'riONi$2J'-Fo;;'.... - o'

, . '.':.>'" .'.0' ' . , , ." '''' , , " " "" 0 'FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1954 -0- SUBSCRIPTION $2.50 Per V..,· • V'OJ!V1«E' 8, NJJMnER.. 36 RUIDOSo, LINCOLN CQUNTY, NJiW MEXIC • " _,,' ..

; ..{




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" -' . . lP:"~; . ',J) ;, ....., .' ' j . Ri.\idO~~ Municipal Sl:h901 D~- ;"Ub whll/ll II new hl~h Ilchool aUonal hall, n large number 1)t is week ~ed. the NllW~ to in'".. .:.~:;;:::".:', .'naCe ..·aDs ~~. ~f:~~~~ n~~g~7~ tre bu¥g~n~c~o~fC~a~~n~~:::ct~'cQn", ~~rsr:~T:ig~~e~~~~n~~~e::!l~~ 2~~~M~;~fh~sc~J:{?n'1t~~m~t~". \. . •. " ,,' S17VJllO in tcderal atd money had te~lutln8 .Ule construction of a sYstem hcre,' . the school m'ght bUy nnd move 0

Am.' ..·a"te·.ur.. R.:adt·o Ope·rato.rs· 1)e(1tl appl'Qveu.. The pews Clime ~ $20 .000 high schllol on a sHe yet str~~~&~e~~ilJP~~n~~~~c~3,~~~ .L~~t~~ A~m::~e~~r t~~e~~sl~'

. " televbone to Superintendent J •. , to be determined. 'fhe ooard will th"'y "1"e worked out tully. ft. departmnnl is crowded into the. Morrill. Morrill said tormal notice Qdd t\mds to the federal gtJlnt to .... .. ~ , "

,,1!lI'.. ....-IIIIIII-.........-----...-.'....--.......... willQe ~~\'ed by mail soon con- cover the additlonl\l cost of a plant spdkesman for the board said. same building wUh Ule home cco-I!: . ' , : . , i .. '} firming th~ gt'untlnl{ ot the lund; which is to Include n large recr¢- In the meantlmc, Supt. Morr~ nomlcs department,

Page 2: Thousands'Expected Sunday 'FC?r ~por~s 9ar Round·l:J~Il ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · tlonal 1rnportllnccI tho toltowlna be enleMIn tbe 195. munlclp:aJ

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•'1'(0 JOB 'rOO L.UGI:

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TAX ••• YICKBox 1&1. lluidotiO. R. JI.

'. Phoce et-02

Cmfom MAy OffbChemists and Assayers

Shlplla¥ ~".lItattre.

P. O. Box 811El Paso, Texas


« ,.' ' $' F -f' 1_ , _ I' ,... ... , -

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, '1-' • 6. ' , J f n __ ,


W.D.HorionD. E. Snyder


PhOiilt 1$5.01Actoeit hom

WatoQ Whftl Motor


... '




24 Modem Cabbul

"Iho fte ur, Of~

la A.~""fta...


Among The Pines

On The Noisy River'

Open Year 1loundrU1'CaOt1ND l'Oa CBJLI)U1'f


'1'1IIIira··'.....'. 'S' .. ,: :' .

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Fl7 Chartered Plane



First and foremost, ourwork is to keep your' >

car running, We havegoo d equipmeut forgarage work, and car­ry a large artdcom.plete 1ineol the very'belt 01 ""•.14.. ~

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of the

Sub rlptlo. '2.50 per ,ear I••d,...ce

M r' New Melllt:o Prea. Anoel.tle.

IDLETIME CLUBB~ CtzttR mSkrlabcl

FREE Coca·Co1u tOt'Vlatton CD Our~ ntrEq.•.. uip'~. With

SIx New BUUardTablM !"'''"

FOUl Saaoobt tablM .,ShQffl~ ~.~.1IMt~·BowJhlO~. mn.~.,, .

. .' .- .-

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Cold~.. - ~•. - aum··...... ClDlftb . ""': ~._Mr. ~dMts. A~ -G.WU1d~ nnil...,tots· ..

, ,. ", . -4 ~ , ~' • :'!'~: ".-' - •• ' - ",.~" ~ '-- ',,-' ---. ',--, c' ., ~. ",,_ --:. .' " , "_ "-'- -" ", Ie- _" ~.'~Il Ii"< ..k,''"$>' _ ,tf'~,~~' , ~~.u_, ','. ';"'W,.,,'~ ~',~


ANNQUNCING .The OPening Friday Noon

(F. 19)

Mr. and Mr•• Vic Lamb , , £diton & PubJiabefiJim Lamb ~ _. _........ .. Aq,ociate( Founded May 16, 1946 by Lloyd and Ida Blood~\)rlh)

Entert·rf aa Secoad CI... Hatter at tho Post Office, Ruidoso NewMexico, under Act ot March 30. 1879.

Then Se'e


1 to 36 Months to PayPayments to Meet Your Budget


NEED ...


R:N~w;- " M" "'!I"'''' . .~. ',I!!!IiiI4"...J.:~ ..f...NtwfloCrbihts.·.:..·llt;°v·mme.·.~e~,~;f!'.~... cJa~r~~ tor 9t~qldj:.!;tJ\19~:-tt~lrtS ri9~~!~·\~~trfi~tdrhe~gh''''.. ' . allrtr 1111:..' ""'1 g'.•a '2' ~. ,.. »0... .......b~~ "'ftlffi "/.ll~ .1q1!f. W!l1...t-wI·$1l.:lWm~IIIl>'''·I1l~u':.'frld~y.f~J)~tt 19,1054 ....." P!".::'" . ",~e .' (CO'~~' <{' ';':':,: :,: ••. ~~f.ip~~~~~~n~~~eele~~:;r&"&r~;~~~i~~i41~,~·~ti~~'~~Y;I'~~~l\·~~l

L' y' .j . • ,.' . nupy:ed ...~p~".:.~~ PUll) ,teffilpll, ~~b'hal' llbOQt the bc!!t yellr'il ~\ld~~~ert·tllv~ibJfu·;a ,u'Q:'YAAJi~~~~.J~~l!Q.vlt;r(lume. 'etter To '. eEditor .. ..... ''; ...... '.. " ,~ mreaJmr ~aicd'llr~~I1Y bl!!'I.~n4bil.lplme of IInY tell-cber in our .wa~hilttbeenC\ofJ#Ii.1.4'llt~hQ9~:l3,Qlj~n.cl'll~iI4§.t:t.'M.J!}lld~ =Q'p ~.

. S"n An.'to.'"1.0" '.3,·,·T-.·.. ft._ I""'~wnr:?,· t'he' t~....~~..1J" v.:o~;L~. 'bl1q ...,ro\Jmlt , rett'·~I,[email protected] Pl/~ ~hOQJ,s;:#lt' his l,lt...#en~ love bhn tf.'!rJntn~U'4Q11o.PJ.l~w~)lI'·t!lk¢1i'blj;m~l'I!:lWlj.l:f}tj)·...""I',)le~fn.·'dl:llc\\U'... ~..... ,...~",,,~ '"'''''' _ .... '~""'.... ,ll \4J1J~ 0 jIl;I..,.~ mor{: lo.Y~. anq ·work. w1t4 him wo~derful1y. Onmpre·.wo.rk.'A:ba~bit'jol)J\c" WK. th~.'Wllt· "''t'':H~1Z!llle .. to be t

. Feb. II), lOS. • •• T(l exp'afn.·il -cOlurM I, gen" hQro~•• ' • , Then c9m~ne,w.. p! J3pp ~es ~'. 1,Ii;!Uve p!<1rt in the tuaU>, cflllS tor isa,t~lI'ela~9n lJ1to-. ~l' ¢dUl;1atol", ,'Wl1-lIt J '?l~r~ i.m~ ,The RuidoJlQ News:· . eral1y put in «Ie: pa~.r 1.or one otAb· PdOiQlblC $~OOw,Q()o hlgb .lIWooltQwn,.~qhhtAellchllo~·work. for BOb'~beJlet!l•. JfQfin~apc.e, J,'184t' llortlYltl, t)l<m~ll~\1,..'·;:l:jc.,as~ ,

Enclosed please fInd my ch~k three rtlllSOllS; ane to inform, two IlJUi !&''; • .ho saw depr~ .~. loves ta dq bls pal1, ae has now he'/I' wor~uurw~th J:Wi'I~th.yOP W n YQq')lllllJr '1.9 why \tor two dollars and tifty cents to enwrtain, (lr three to fUl UP. "on, .,aw, , • . .hf.'!lpe4 with the CUb Scouts, hIlS grllderll. and 119m~ fiftll. ~Ilders.he ct! " the.V/.~f~1I .• "Yo are '($2,SI) tor another year's s.ub-- space, ••• Leave ItS hope we dont T~ isthll.klna of a piecll Illkll hel~ Iii. tl)e variQUs LIons club tall, in ll)uJliorbllSl«ltb~l!!quad,grll . '. tl) aQ!Jfat ·:1114 Mlp in ~IlCrlptilm ot your most intcrclltlnll fuU' In the Jl\.llt categi!tt, , •• We tt'~ wInI te-o

iyoul!' ~ow. flowcr#! 1.or proJeets, Is tiel;'ving in a very im-' Thc op!nlOn held ot him, 'bY p~r:. WAt . . KtlIl. th!liltemen~ry l!ChOOI

and newsy paper, . will try from week to week to ,'Ie v ng wUe they canlimeU Pr0rtllllt J,)llllition .in our ~arcnt~ ents of hili pupUs Is II til1c iAdi.... 1?e1 "fllltltfully ev~~\Vecktor our ." BecaUBO Rt your awry of tbe pass on some of tho'dolngs up and em. Yes. "Ir, a pat I)n U!e blll1k Js :reaeher~oeiatlon-and the n cation of the kind ot man he 1l!>' paper-at!Ile seryil1.e tJla~eallB for lAgpencllde a 1200 mile ride via down the cllnyon. maybe a Chuckle ~lnIy deserved by a fine yp!Wg flnds time to pJtch In and help One told me this week: 'fJ{e';l' extra time.. ~lJ~qQ~o ~" lucky to

Greyhound bUll-,.-!rom Slin An· or two, but mostly of th/$ and tbnt, IflettnlQw who. came to our town.. II even all pfbeJ:community needs, IIbout the grfAndest guY I ever: saw, haVe tbe c.all~f .9t t~llchel'll like_ tonlo to RuIdoso and retum, over • •• . c over two years ago to do hls J;3ab dOC!lQ't .. k his work inhls lie's lin asset to our schOOls. lJe's;Kautmann .in.aUf school SYstem,

. the week-end Willi' an outlltandlng PRICE of cottoe sUll~gocsup " . ....MI lind Mra Mack Osborne f>lelUlure to me, an 80 year old .•. Want II substltutll? We've goi

Wt'fC H"II>. Tl·xaa. VllJltoru Sunday Sewing Materials ady. It Is wonderful to have the one and it's darn goad too.•• '.and MondllY For s'hip~.ent 80th anniversary ot my birth and Better yet n doesn't cost llnythlng.

LEGA-L-N-O-T-'-C-E-- -have no worries, but ute Is a 01' Sassafras Tea. . • • All you

Overseas S ght constant joy, . have to do ts get some mB$afras.. _ .• __. ... . OU Thank you very much, root and boll It a bit, IIdd a Ume

NOTICE TO CREDITORS .. The General Federation of Wom- MfII. F. H. Seele, 520 So. Presa sugar It You want, and you have 'eOJ' CREE MEADOWS GOLF en'a Clubs ItJ again tlllting donll- Snn Antonio 3, Texas. a brew that's ambroslll for the . itANI) COUNTUY CLUD, INC, Uonll tor sewing materlnls to be Gods•••• We'll have some root M k . ..

d('~6~:~Eh':n "~~f~ ~~tta::lls u~f ~~tgtrr~.eTh~:yp~~~:::;lh"a:I=~ CF~~ar~~! ff~:lcO ~~nf:;r~a~s,~~U:~E y~~~~n~ ~' of Place of Conlon & Vall~y-BUSINESS DIRECTORY-Where to Find It In Ruidoso 1ere" Mcodow6 Golt and Country In exlatence for IICven years and Dear Vic: the a.klng•.•• Drop In, we'U even ,.._ ~::-J,~~tl:D~ru.:.~.=..,.. FOR REl'fr-IJl,1Sm~bidtdJnc onClub. Inc Dnd 011 non-judgment It III the ho·pe ot the mllitory that Here In tbat letter writer IIgllin. show' YOIJ how to brew It..• , ~=rrW'~:;'rt"i:l:*~"'ll,~"~I~ Paul H Douglass Real Estate t~.h;'~ ~m.IOttl~~. •,.rt'dllllra ot Crt.'C Meadows Golf II will dcvelop ouch mIJtual un· Old Mac Ihe Kindly old Gent1e~ • • • _tiM .tlr• .,o~ 10 Ut. II... trilla.snd Country Club. Inc lIrc hereby derotandlng tlult It wUl never be man from over In tbe canyon. A WE were having coffee with Ed 8JoalnlJll_. cIJ&rp. ,...Ia raIo IttlIcb .... .' . e. JSex, ~18t or Pbltne ~:".1l881, EInotltll'd thut they must tile verl- necCllsllry to toke up Ilrms In Ger· few week. ago many of the good Wynan up lit Mllrgaret's the other ~~s::''';~all=r"':t a::..u- ben. RANCHES It COMMERCIALS It HO)fES ~_......:....!tp '"tied lind itemized Itatementa of many ogoln. General Charles L, people of Ruidoso and that vlcln- day and he U,ld us the one abo~t ltIi be ....... W1UIN IiAILtNO IN~, FOR RENT C,mer bd"'--their cllllffiJl with the undersigned Dolte haD jUlll rcturned to Wasb· Ity. Including myself, were up in· a guy down In Dallas who Wilt Im- IrDID ADS PL1Wl1II ·JllNCL08Il CBIlCJI FOR SALE Ideal businOllll locatlan; Ap· . -.. '.- ,"",:,by March 16. 191U Forma for veri- lngton from 14 months In Ger· arms over the fact that the city Iblblng a bit too treely...• 5ee1Jll ~~'I'B=~~ f&V.JfJlAJ:. 100 teet ~~ pavement, $",500, prox. 300 teet on pavement ==~"'lnex:e~..:u.~::t!cotaon mllY be obtained from the many all vice chief of .taff and he councl1 wall ~bout 10' l1nforco a Ihe took one too many, and prompt. nell~ TI1JEI)A'I' ~OOM' wu $10.000. Thls is worth with well constructed mod- 'VlU'loti.s klndl of11~ Eo M. (unde.ratl,tned or bu ottorPC7)'1 and reporlls thaI ho personally can say curtcw law upon the young peo- ly feU out of hts third floor hotel lIACll lookln, Into. ern bldg. PrIced to IIOU- Clarkflo . " Uc~re aubject to opproval ot the un- that Ule material donated and col- plo of Ruidoso, which Will! tabled window, landing wltll a thud on WANTED-Loa d BARGAIN IN BoME $15,000.00. . ..~derallmed and Ihe District Court. lected by General Federation wu tor the time being. After reading tbe pavement below•• , • A, l10P er: Wo-'" ooa:4~r'cabt: :I bedroom. moiJem. winter.. BXCL1J81V. rna SALE-One a .....e No. 10Funds In the hands ot the under- used to It. tull IIdvantale In the the Feb, 12 lISue of your paper ran up uldng "What hap~ed. rite .... er Jzed home. c10ae In, floor Btulnesa opporttmi~ ot the- ' Poerlete Ptutl,: 1"~""oeIlUlIn; CaJltlled will be UJled to pay the ell- developrnent ot thltJ Important pro. J have been wondering, Just who what happened?" .•• Our Inebrl~ w.....ar.::a..e~••n N. P:l.: ··furnace, l~ge deedecl lot, year. WeUeatBblfahed ~ 1.·ti. IIICUe: U·n.•••..ola c1la-,en.lOl ot the rccelvenhlp and te gram to promote Qermsn-Amerl- 18 rCipofllllble for the so called ated fri~nd got unste.dlly to his. . au. ,,~ only $6,500.011 wUhferms. round retail concern. InVeb- eharn: beU beI4 A,~ at..U.,y all )udcmenlls and Hem, can undoflltlllJdln,.· juvenile delinquency. Bli head~ feet and mumbled thickly "Dunno poa S~7~ Uae star SOL D t017 itut completed. dtolce .. IItt,". B. G~ a.~ .P. O.The bolancl' remalnln, will be Mro. Jeu Harrl.. of Green Tree IIneJ: "Sale of Tickets Begun ThLs Otflscher, JUJht got bere IJ1YIelf." LIt.... 81ere. JDc1l1n' at .... IS deeded lots. 3 room mod· location. ,oodc1ean 1tQCk, ~ 35; Plcaeh" New 1IbIco. •pSld pro-ratll (e aU claimants tII- III chlllrman of the local committee Week For Sport Car Races Here • • • . • .em, winterized home. year lr,ltceptfonal leue, only," . CtcInll dallJ18 by March IB, 18:)4, pro- IllId Ihe IIta~ that II IarJe box Feb, 21" with a contest In the LADIES DEPT. , .• Here's a ALL'nns Of............... round 'location in the tall $U.500.oavldlnll the cJalfrui aro proper. All will be placed at the New. oUlce Juntor claas and the Senior cJau fl\.llhlon nott¥' ••• Should the old WIN'll: n.vaateeL 1JlIeIaIWao' III pine, tor onlY $7.500.00. WiU 8 0 L D P~..~A!:E,::,,~:~.pln••daJJna nut tiled by March 16, 10:)4 to ree:elve the donaUoflll, She uk- to tee wbo could tell tbe mo.t man pop lOU In f1!e e)'e. df(:Orum I'~ 111M. take late model car in trade. uod • ..• ..--m h~. w_........- .....

ed that each /,IlIcka,e be flalnJY ticket. to thl. event. Do you not .tate, tho you tim pJck arty .mall '. BX9J,.l1SIVIC-ValIq ..... - em .............. -~ ..bill. Fraq Xaauaew., .no.:~~tI:P~~~O:°I~eth:n~~~~r~,~ob~ markc.'C1 wllh Ule number 0 yardl think Vic that It would h~ve been obJeet .uch u a tllble leg, baU bat Foa lAL&-Lva'e .. lee. .... 31 acret, with 20 aen. ".- d~dedlot,PuU-"7 fumIIb In·.1. Up(he. undeTlIIOl~d. ot material and olber contents and betler for the ones who are re- or 2x4 and Bently but firmly mu. ., UaCllb'o .. a1lWNll. tor nlbts, nlco a bodl'oom ed, .au~ 0Il10. 7.ar' . "

J G. MOOHE with Ihe name at the donor so a ~slble In brln"lna thLs event to sage h/$'skull for a bit. • • • But • WW kIlI.7.,OIU' ....... J'naJI; modern home. We baP!. cec. round location. pricocl oq,ly WILL GIVE &w.~ tlDllleHecelvet' person will not be lIoUclted when RuldOlO to have .et~the date. Feb. if you have to iO out In society, JSex '"' AdelIa. N. II, tnl heaUnr tor = $7,500.00 with ~n:tlI., -.darer .~ *- ....-.oeaeCarrlww Now Mnlco they have already donated. The 19 lind Feb. 21), ll.I roy bible telLs Zla Zla Gabor ,ulIClu'a plnJc er· _~ ........J: ,000.00 "our01'OOAJlJNm ..~tJ~1.J_ ::::-m~~2~ ,"A

IJIlENTON and noVCI': tallowInII ltefrul are needed: wool· me In the book of xodtu to "ne· mine eye ~ateh to cover the .bln- _",,,,,u.n_ II 4............. ......... ....--.............._ .....Carrlwm, New MexIco ens, rayon.. cottoflll, corduroys, member the Sabbath day and keep err , • • Beet .teak wIll do but Smaft tumfahed eabln, In the 2 nJco doeded lots, CIIIJ,y lICnr. ..-; T. JIc~ tteAUomeYI tor rtecelver nalnllOOk. tlannel, pllttem books. It Holy." Is this event tal1owln, ermlq,e', prtlttler, and the price Ls CLARK E' S PIna, c:m1Y $14~o.oO. '500.00 $Z600.OO. - LIVII M TIll~2·12.1 0-28. 3-B wool tor knllltn, lind crochotln" thl. teaching of the bible? When about the same anyhow•••". We d~1 balance $40.00 PIC' mJIAL Jl011N'l'AIN BOIIIC trail,. ........... wJtaa .:.: '

. __ _ cotton tor knlttlnll and crocheting, the trlol runs are 10 be held along JUlt don't happen to have a lItUe mllDUl. One ot tho belt bullt hollMl ....~.~ .'._. ..... Ia-

NOTICE OF DIHHOLUTION OIJ(~ knitting needles. .Ide ot one or two of your churcheJ plnl ermine runnlnl around down conn ..1 LODGES in RuidOIO. Jar,o deeded Jot, ~ ....~~W;OF PARTNER8..... Sunday mornln« when Church and here, matter of tact we dan't have Insurance <Agency I have a cholco ae1ecUon of completelY tuinLsbId. t:lro- .... NnIot.Jat;Jft ..... lew

TO WlfOM IT MAY CONCY.UN: NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Sunday School Is golnl on' wben an ermine period, but we do have COurtl aDd Lod'et tor me. Plac!'t..Jn The taU p.ln0i0 0011 nItI , ...-.:~t wbtaarv"u art' hrrrhy nntlfled that on OF PARTNERS..IP many or your youlh of Ruidoso the be.t c1eanl"1l service In the All prlced nlht. ,10,wv.OO. L _ ...... NAVAJO LODGE BO-

Uie 141h day ut NnvIlmbrr. 10:)3, Notll:o 10 hereby elvon by the ahould be In Church and SundllY stllte, .. , OZONE.O·RAY. UCLVSlVE 1IX()J.1J81V&-CAI'lIi Tat. .,ttlt. Ilartnrruhlp rxl.tln, within underalltnl"d thot tho co.partne.... School will be toUcd down to these a • a Insurance Small touriIt co~ homo One of RuidOlO'. belt known .. . v.L'lIruln ('nunty loy and btotWl'(!1I IIhlp hl'relotoro exllltln, under tho trial rullS-flO close to the Sunday WAS tlllking 10 C. D. Wilson, and .Ix units. PrIced '10,- CatOio ecntraU,. Jocated.aOOd FOa SAL£.-4.-.rtmnt abe'~ ""Ulrk ("rollby a/lll W C MIUlI. do- tlrm nllmp and atylo ot PUEBLO School and Church that they at· the wcll drl11er, ye.lerdllY. <md he Of All Kinds 500,00, with one third cub, leuo on bulldfD,,_for qu1ck ~ lU:I-4 aWYel R1&tIeifill hUlllnl'Ol 110 IIl1rkllroo Uar, wa. 'l'UEATIlI':, engaged tn Ihe bu.l~ tend. Thcse ore the things that I tord us about another driller put~ balance In lim. me.'~ $2,760.00. oe1'dl. w..... nIto. eotfeo UddJlIllOlvrd by Ilurrluue of the In- n..111 ot operating Ihll PUEDLO look at Vic, tollin. our young pee· tin/( down a water well tor Q cat· BUlie and EzeJ Clarke P uI H 1_-- R aI Et eA4 lablw. eJanMo 41AoUe, JINeat .. f W (' MIlia loy tho MId 'rIlEAT/lY. III lluldoltO, Lincoln pie awoy trom tbe Sundoy School tleman In drouth slrlcken West a ouglilA e sate Pleoo UYIu ...... ·1RlIte. Inulk •lJio'k ("wlh,.. IIIUI thot trom lind ('ounty, Nrw MeXiCO, wlla on the ond Church whero they are beIng Texas... , SeerrJll lie struck IJI) • . ~.. CIeaI,rek. ApaeJao P1aDJ.alte, \ho dat.. of a/lld purchllao tho 27th dlly ot Januory, 10M. dlll~ taullht tbe finer U1tnP of life and 011 guaher. . •. Tho CaUlelJUlJ1I~===========:; p.......~__ Block hi.... Bamra UllIun........1.n"ul Ilirk l"flahy n/l.urnr/l and IIlIlvr<! by rnuhull COllllont, and that thlOn oventll like thltJ .are planned como worlng up and yelled ('Turn LI YW4 V~...c".rD \.. ,tu"horl/r 00)' nnd all henc.'(,torth nclther purty nhall be ualnu our youlh to noll Uek~tIl for thllt thinII aU ond dl.dt't!per. , .• U JOUl drlnk 1I a plouuro- Ru. Phone 20-21 BtU. Phone 53-03 JUrAL ,.Ol'DT'I' ',,"hll/lilulll lll"urrrd II( to 00 In- liable tor lIny ot tho ot'tn or omla~ It, to tlIke place on Ihc Lord s day My COWII clln't drink thot Iltuff." that'~our bullDea • .._a".....'"rf<O<l III thr 111111111"\ lit tho bU61- .1011/1 of tho other. Tho bUJlnCllII DO elo:lc to our ChurchCll. Ie thllt • • • U w.... I~ . _In --,.-~""on k""w/I ". Ihr nUl karoo U/lr will 00 ('()nllnuC1d undor the tlIIme hellllnll our youth? I havo been REMEMBER BERNICE GANT? 1~t" ;b'li.~""'·om

IJIl'K ('ItOSIlY Inunlt' h)' J C' Gnllll:! t'hrc'klnll tho attcndnnt'o to church We were lucky eooush to get her For a col1f1denlll1 UJk with a PENCIL SHARPINIU-ca....n WANTED-Wtrk tOf: two. W'lN:ISeII DAN D. SWEABINGmW (' MIl.LS (II) I . n, BRIGGS '!.nd SUlldny School tho PRllt few back, ao from now on, not only be A~11 11801 to ...,.r, aHlnt machine ,",.r, tb1J IllIIUl\I!l' fA auld.... upert. -- " .-••~-

I 211 2 ~.12 III (A) J C. CAPPS SundoYIl I fInd out thllt the youth wllJ you nel tho belIt In cleaning. mem 1'....... or rv",r ttl""" ,.,.r ell,.. file CIIICe4 bMkkeeper. ottlee wMt. -..... -. N. II.

••••.-•••••••••II...ii.iilli••Uiiii...... r~ 1~~~~:01~Ollntt~~3:~~~1I ::n~~~ ~~'Il~~~B~~ry tOPli tn prelllling IJI)d =~~= r:lft3J'~,1~Srn.knt, ,tc.. =:r~·A~~toCt~<:hur('h und SUndlly School. Think ... • • O,..n T.... ,Group of I I GlUt, Denver, c.r.. Zto IDLE HOUR LODGE

No Matter How or Whlre You Buy- thllt It would be tine It all much PERSONAL NOTE TO PAT Alco" I"c PLAY CANASTA? Y~ Ire InvIted - ModI1'l1 Log CablnIY Al S M at Th · ItdverUtemcnl wall given 0 u r CHUDBUCK ... Pal, why lion't ,,0 I S to 'rln, your own f~re.m., .r FOa SALE-lIU BliSek eeYen-

OU ways avo onlY I (hurcht'/I lind Sundo)' S('hoolo Qll you I:cl youl'llelf como bright aport Anonymous come by you....I', to p'ay canuta lblo eo.", II ... for CABU Open Year 'HOWld

RUIDOSO V were /llvcn tilla e\"cn1. I am not IIhlrtJl.... Brother. ItioU ever put MonclaY an.rnoon. at tho Wemo US'.H. C1.I7&ou lScmlett, Il1Ih. plLone

5".OA Box 57ftullaJn~1 evctlto utI" this but do on Ihol rod onc. lin the yellow Mootl"", av.ry SuntSay memlnt alt'l efu.. houM. tf \1'&7 2•• Pu. '-IL Uo'U ,'.. "

. think thut UII'I't.' lire (JllIf'" dayII In- ono. and tho Ill'OOn ono ot tho JIlImo .a 1111" GIU'''''''''~ IS() It H.tt au... Mr. UlI Hrw. LuUlor ......•••••••••••••••••••••'!I!~II!._••• I!~.!I.!~'!>. ctentl at Sunda)' tor tllt'ln 10 bo IImt>, 0;011 t'Ould Pn!lll tor a traWc i~~~~p~u-b~U~c~fnv~It~.~..~~~tf~ F~:~~&'o::t.=~~ N':w. ..~~~ 11M -==- ... ....~ ,'Ill'ld St I IIlnnaJ., .• nUl worry not, wo like tion. Pbe. ZI.n. .r bMk autcllts ClTer"'o. 111 A C KELLp-!V

NOB· .ollfl 'ern I'ot . . . .- renlar, ~.b1e 'I' JaIlIiIe she •• ~ •

"Old MII(," O\'"r • • • Foa WlNTEa WOOD-Dtott a paeltetl, with dMtoI .r .tell., Uceoted ContractorIn tilt> <'''nyoll DID you by anV challl'c nollco POIlcard to Art Draite)'. ISex '1. dd•• Amulcau 1Ieel:Ies, ... WI1lr

•. - - Iho lit] In The U(!mld~l'ost IlIllt· Greeu Tree U te.. f 'a'" I • • ROC" .nd (!MINT WORK

HILL ' Religious Census. Sat' One of tht>m advertlted • 0 ~:'lree~~tI:=-il~~' fltu'doN, N.w Meltfe.''('om.. b)' tor n Vnll'ntlne Doy dln~ DEBT LOCATION IN KIl14HO, lUteS we'll brl1t6 oar sam,l. kit. Phone 59-11

All.Night Meet. Revival nt>r" Anti rtllht nbove II one rood near IIthlttJ aD4 bM,ltal ad ~.,.;;;.~;;;..;;,'.;;;;::"';;';;~:':::'::;;':;'':::'::''============Plann

-d By Baptt-6- "Ambulu,ll'C &ervIl't! duy and night .hop,1n6 eeul.er-larre ndt ma· FOK KENT-ottlce SPRee. .W1Uts -

LODGE I .., UlU. .ox)·Ilt>n aVllllnble." Boy. thnt'o tIIIlry b.mo. UH·feet ., 8MI' fllrnkhed. Joe nawltlna at Dew E'TIlt' ItUldtno Fir II Dnptlllt what we ('all llC'rvlre.. , . 'PIU ad fev I..... Meta bug· Kalil... Gu c.. oUke a4Je1nlar APACH VILLAGE

IChurt'h hua lllmo~1 cOnJpletedart'-' • • Utall)' eel1ltnlete4 bltlle In au Baktt PJaumaer, Ito 0 'fOi,A AIOn U. S. Hi,hway 70 _ Ruidoso. New Mexico hllluua c('mUll ot our t'OlIImunlly ,THAT'S about all tor Ihln wC(!k, Film Developing of allldoeo. )',.'1) llITee wbt21 D ".... to Road

, nnd Wt> Wlllh 10 exp~ our thankll but we'll be nlllnlnll up lind down )'eu eo U. fl...... A. C. KelleY. aOYAL Tl'l'EWaITEllS MODERN CABINSSimmON Bnut,.real Mattrcsae, tor thc tlnc reception and Ule the cnnyon In thnt now white truck Overnight Sirvice Pho. II1-t!. 'tc SALES AND BEIlVlCE-AlI t7»eI Open Year 'RowI4

Rancho SI,.le F"niluro • Tiled Shower. and BatJu Irourtcsy 1IIlOWII the ccnllUll tnkeD plrklnll up elC'anlnlJ, blln ot new!'. • t1Pewrfk!ra aD. 14.1~ ma·L. A.. tt...1-M. E. St""'or. WIth ,h.. 'W'OIld. Moat Beautiful View' ! n. they ('lime Into your home We nnd maybe 0 lltory or Iwo.. ' . It QuaUty Prlnbs BAltGAlN8-ta rid ..e4I fJreI, dtlttes, Dew.r aeL A1Uet1 Bas- ==§§=.=~~:::=======

.. ..~~~~....~~!!!!!!!!!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ hll\'(' IJcver found n (inM' rapo.lJle you hnvt' onJ'thlnllln thl! nowsllne DI SI_- 1D ~ .tse. AD)' ahe tiro TIll· Inca. Macl1J.nts co.. (1' N.1lJcla.-'. . -_. -- '->-' III any rommunll)'." II IllwkCllman 01' the clollnlnt: lint'. coli me at dator ~ cubeL a'f.:,""a Teuee ata- IU'dIoa. e1J.1"ho.Un·W••r ERNEST \YI.OOD1"-- _ _ __ 4 tor th.. churcb ,Id this. WCflk. 210·01. Eilhor one will have tkn. Down a..w.o. tte eaJJ a NllWL. tnI W'

"Preparation J.rl under way for our undlvldcd attention. , .. ·Sec .I!tuuI. P L U M BIN G'our t'Omtnll NWlval ml!(!Unll and )'Ou n('xl w(llk.... Mllury. • J'J-,,~ T." 'U'-"e,/ Fun--' E1 "---'-0 Rul.3---Ihe mll:ll Imporlrllll pN!patlltlon III --- I'.... .w.. .D.VU ....&1 .uIUl'Cll UUIKJ CONJIlACTOIttho prayer t:l'rvl~ll thai oro being Emmt>1t Rce~ III up and about H °0 '0 a T S ... 1" bWeM ... M.held In our t'hul't'h this wC'l'k, for. ntter lwln~ confined In Ruido:o- A,.J it~",.J_ .._ U. 1.1. om. aeuoultle WJafer ...... Pboae 7~ ~the revlvnl Ihat IItarb Bundny Hondo Volley General Uospltal V, I'('~ ,ra IFf.. bk1azlee Benke Tw1D ... DOtrBLE BEDS ...-v.;J

morning, .'eb. 21. Much Interat !llCvt'rnl do)'o Ill' may go to E1 hJtertl Dtreetor '.rILE BATHSQnd tmthu/lllI!lm III IIhown by theIf'OllO lIhortl)'. CarrboIo, New KbJee J.'1t,ee llS-.1church fnmlly for Ihlll revlvnl. We -~.~ .'. - ~~.~~ •oro looking forward 10 I(rollt ller· ontract Itc orVIl"Clll and for IlIrge crowds 10 01-1tend," the apokcllmlln l'Ontlnue1 When You Need To MACHINE DICGlNG

"Ottr ('hurch vott'tl to have IJI) M" A H • d T'-' By Foot:.~~; BT \'enIall nlllhl prayer mCflUnll thu com· a I' ume np VAUGHNLAND Fo . •. . D1IirIng Saturday nlghl bt'lllnnlnll al a -eo1llO'lOlI.~ JOE HAWK.'NSp. m. and do:tlnu al 0:45 n. m. Sun~ n a".",a-da., morntng We cxt(!rnl an Invlln.· Pbne SS-U ... U5-"tlon 10 evcry cnll to come 10 thLs RALPH BROWNall night prll)'t'r meetlna." II WlllJ

I fut1her announced."It you ore nOI attending Sun·

dll)' Behool Dnd (!hul't'h IInywherewe lnttend to you II mll:lt cordl.olmvltntlon to comt' and wonhlpwith ua tbiJI Lord'lI Day," the an.noun«'tJJlOnt concluded.

--- -- .. -- -<- ---_._-- •••~-~ -••



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Page 3: Thousands'Expected Sunday 'FC?r ~por~s 9ar Round·l:J~Il ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · tlonal 1rnportllnccI tho toltowlna be enleMIn tbe 195. munlclp:aJ



~ "k-..:--~",'

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....•, t.






"''''r ,'f


Whole.ome dairy food. .dded ..your tt!dpeJl will mal«! menU. tao...

'. nourtehln, mot. t r u 1, .t.Iicl••Dury lood. tatte I •• el, •• u.load lor )'ou. tool

.&It CIt7 D.Irr ~~ at v... r S6on •••





Now Offering Flth On Our Menu

rlmprove and Renovate Your Property(Business or residence)

with 8J1 F. 1t,.L T1t1.. 1 Loan-Now A~llt a-te.

Up to $2,50o-Up. tQ 36 MQnthJ'ta PalVery low cost lnItallment {~qlq~0.,. New .."": 0... II CIllO ..

Sah.nla7, o.e:. II CINe 11 N...



CapI1al-$SG.OOO SWflUJ-$25,00Q

Telephonl 88




'o~m.r Gat.way, Ruidoso, N. M.

Sandwiches ...... Chicken ...

... Steaks" Chew With a View"

SERVING HIGHEST QUALITY FOODS- Hours: 11 a. m. to 9 p. m. -

CabInet Work - Fumlture RepalrtBuDding ud, Remodeling

; ..




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f Our New PhQ.lle~.Il~t, I.. ,:

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•••~ .

, .-

So truly odorlm you -anpaint in comrort In anyweaIJu:r-ln a dOled roomlVelvec·nal. ycc ,uper.wuh.able, beanue h', an alkydoil·base patnl-noL waccrthinned. Onc co;aC covcnmall any lurface. No primerneeded. AvaUablc In l.522Colorizer colon.

The winter months in Ruidoso are thetime for parties and dances-so

Look Your Bestwith an ensemble selected from

our famous name brands in fashionableREADY·TO-\VEAR

with accessories and Jewelry to match

, •

Resolve"That During 1954 Youl1 'tab ill. Famu,

OW: to Dhmer More OffII1--

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-and that you111 include a visit nowand thert to Ruid()S()'s most distinc.tive'dining rOOfu



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•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••'M,t. 51 ."'7 "t ...




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Sports CarRaces?



LelapdRealty Co.


Now Located 1 BlockEut of BU1k

au: New :phone No.21.·01.

:B12ldOlO, New MexIco., .,.

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Made to. Mouure SUitt and 8po11 Top


rhODe 28-02 for PJok-t1p and DellYel'1WE GIVE 8, ADd B. GRQN BTA1IIPS

For the ~eat In Launlb7 anil CleanlDl' Berriee

Estes Cleaners



:::~'l~~,~FUNERAL~;;;. HOMEI


WELCOME .....To the Sports car'Ownera and Race Fans

. -and fo ihe NeW' MeXIco '.AmBfeur RadIo I'\...u.....&' ... .

....t..' ....jIV4'tu01'S ......A~e our dore your h88~~m whJI•

In fown thls .,etk..ncL W..s.mcP

Your mailman bec,ome, your bonker when you u•

Firat Nntional'a "Bank by Mail" plnn. Malt ua you

deposit-we return the dupUcale deposit .Iip. Con

venient-time lavingl "g.... .J~ ,



" ' ,

Ford Passenger C81'I, PiCk-Ups, Trucks

LINCOLN COUNTY MOTORSUsed ears, PIck.Ups and Trucks

Pho. us MarYIn llebeN 0anisIs0, N.

. (J~ •_~ c.. ~

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..Etta,bliahed 1890 "A Homll I~stitutio

Member Federal Deposit ItUtI'J'arIce Corporation

For Convenience ..., Ban'k By Mail



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r" - I ,- ,


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'1to ". "" "

Fol' MagnoUa PeuoleUD1 Products

CLYDE (Mobil) McCLINTOCKPhone 41-11

Phone 12S.01W.'re open AgalD......:a••dy ToseneYou

RUIDOSO GRAVEL SERVICEPahnerGateway ...... BuldC*)

. J. B. Close .•.L_<.-_{ ,JJ. -

OUR MAlLADI>llESS:P.o. Box 2SS ......Bo11~ u.K..



From U. S. TeNd and Approved C<lwaDe11nre4 to Yftr DoMe or Fandle Si«Ii DaU7


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$1,000.00or mort

to the varue ofyout home.

wIth Starle Bra', World's Cham­pion FRUIT TREE&. SHRUBS,VINES. ROSES. and other Orna­enental.. No obIle_tlon. Write orTeJepboae

W,. S. CAMPBELLPh.. 1"1 Green Tree


Wire FlowerOrder.




, ••1.


IJOllltd, FUClln.



.'..: " : '-"~, i

,,::.,.. ,, ,

-- .,




, ',,'

. ,. ." ~ ,





2 'fOil Sluk.,


" t

And Visit Mae Rector at the

On this dozen carIS and trucks

( he'''' nl. I

I!J4!1 f)odW' :i-4-Ton PiI'k-Up

I!J4li Ch..vrol<>l Platform Trul'k

II/lIO Fard 'A.''Tnn I'wk·Ufl


1949 «'ord Con vprti hI.. Coupp

1!J:> 1 C~~vrol(,t CnrrvH--

1!J!', 1 Plymouth 4-Door

11148 Willy. "t/ltl,," WlIll"n

111~1 1',,,,1 2·To"

1VaIflA2elttlfJeHq; DRUG STOR~

Olive TabletsE;~~;"S43c

WITCH HAZEL ~!.~tl 24c

rho ltll·OJ neUrw'"


,t- ~ .~. .- ~.. j(l , ... , , t", ,-:';',

We wlll begin learning a new Three Tam LiSt dAs P" :vorit' , 'Hos' .italN~wi " ~~'ft~N$.~. ~ ,',;:",;;,;; ,;f~h~~QWi':';""L"".• '.• """"";-"~'.1Elementary ~~~g(l::~~::alllre ' ..' , ,e ,. s, .e ,',' a.,.,.,.e$,p."""'" ~lmUYinducfesi',M a ~~, ,.,~~NelBVar::~tJe~~ W'e hmavaedebcouenr mvallklel,nn~ In D'I·sm·c..t- '5.B· C'a.·.g·e"'0"urn,'.'.'.' e'.Y'.' .,"}>i1t,en~ r~JY!n,!.h-ea~eilt ~e~~~l1etm'~dCW> ~n8,g~,' rn~.l',~~ ~~t 1$:1.

School NewsII , ~t ~ep'~"ll d!lY4 m,:a~t!io~JJon,. 1'" Ql..~' c1~ ·~Qtnbll '., ,~,.( ..., ' .' '. ',' ....

~~~;:r.bo~(l°1:3do~~dp:J~teF~~f; Three tellms si;lnd O\.it liS the 'Uncler the. t!!ntiltlve brllcket • ,~:;I.I.I)y'Qell!!rallJQ~pl~l baye W)jter,l)~~"'J~:!~':=f~' .. ".• '" (':.;' .DIXIE DRYDEN "·r· r,ftemoon at which we had II relld- lavorltCs In Dlst. 5B liS the New drawn IJp for tbemeet, foUr glUJil1$ ". .. ,. ariel bas: 'twQIIlOJ1ll. Wjlllam, alill4.' . NO T'X a~l .'

• , .., !/ll( piny at "Honsel and Gretel." MeXIco hl(lh school bllsketblllJ sea- will be pll~Yed Feb. ~5 to trJm the ' ~rs. S~~rlQ RQ~as~ Alamo~or: 1l.andS~.,.e, a~l!d·6,The QlsQJl$ ,'... , .' .•.. " ••.. ". '.Flnt Orade-MrtI. KllcorCl Three mothers attended. We hud a !lOn hellds Into the district ploy- l2-team field to eight teams. Two. do, r/I~. Ste.ua MUchC!l, Tul~rosa, C;lme here from ldaho~, . ,ti'.m.. ~'ftcr !5ervlce r{(,.~

Mllny thllnks to Mr, IA'on Fllr-! \I('ry nice time lind hlld candy and otts pointing toward state cham- games wlJl be, played 10 ROllwell ,1'4~s-.,Jonn f?~mpsQn. TulllrQsl1.i..Mm• '. . ... , .". ' "JIJ'Irnr, Cundllce'u fnther. for the niceI('okeu for refrellhments. plonshlp toumamentll. 'HIgh School gym and two In spa- .' ,R.N. B;mley, Alilmogordo: ,IITBIlk PARENTS' OF .loy" " mwre :lIoQ~r ~uI110. we areJun'lJ rop..'s "If, Cl'rtnlnly enjoyed Mrs. McGuire hos had the tlu Capltan'll Tigers, unbeaten by eJous Cahoon Armory at New Dur;md. '1.'lnnle; Carl HoUanli. Mr. and Mrs. EstalprI/l Sanche~ ...... 'e ..."

Ih,.", I IHld WllS out of school tor two ony Clas!! D team thIs season and Mexico Military Institute. 4marUlo; Mrs. D. W. Greear! IUq.l San PAI.t.l~lo, Are parents of, a boy, . ~~.';#' .bl,lJim~ ~pm. ancl willir Illr !c.",II"'r II'" Il. II "(i'i""y i dllY., la Luna Vance, . I 10llors In only three contcats thus Two gamell wlJl bO plllYl"d Ji'rI.,mpgOI'dO; l.. M, l.oantron, A. amo- I;Jorn Feb U in St. Mary HQ$.- ~. j

t b bl IU"- to did ~o.rdor:' Mine.rva DayoJis,l3ent.· J.ols pitat in R'os~lI II. ' ,11ft so f~m now on,

B.dl" ,,,"t 11>'" Ilk,. thut 100 I Third ra4e-MrtI. Moore I IIr, pro a y w "'" p-see DC daY aftornoon an two Ft:lday w.....w,. "r<' "'"rrlln~ n dlOTlil rt·nd. The third grllde hua two new' In tho district toumament Feb. 25- night-ail at the ,Armory-to fur- . nnone, Rlildl)IlQ;:Sherman JOl;o- '. •• • •Irl~ 'TIll' l.IlIl,. 11('d lien" pUPIU They lire Geneva Burgess· 2fl-27 In ROswell. ther reduce the tournument field tph. W.eed; Mrs. Domina Aldez, SCOUT GnOW CoMING~""'I:'" "oon..." ...."

I .. ". A'"I-I:",... h .. '1 Iwr t'HlOII. ".1 Cillrry Rusnell. Dexter's Demons. with II dls- to tour teams. SemJ-tinal gamell ainco1n.rr M~ CZadys xJ3eart~rs. PaUl Baker, Sc:outmasterof Boy ......~ , .~"''''''''''Il",.t 1,," t, "lilY. 51.... to vlt"ltnll her I' r ;'''''111 al the Valentine pnrty on I tlokt mllrlc tlnd u schedule heavy wlll be plaYi;ld Silturday mgmlng r!1en e~;, rs.ucas onc. as, Scout Ttoop 40 ot'S1,Ul.doWn, Tex., ' ·S TI"\IO· ,•• ,." II, ( "rr"Am, HIlS wN'k. I"rJtlllY w..~rt' 1.('(' Annn S('ott. HoshI wilh ClUBS A oppon('nlll. probably and the finals llnd third-place con. Cloudcroft, .Mrs. Francell Graham, telephoned the Ruldosl;)'News, tb.Is .. , ",..., .'.

v,.. 1.01 oJ I',v,'!> Vull·nl"". par- I Annu Enjudy. Terry lind Barrie wlI.1 rnJt· I~c No.2 Hpot nnd Eun- task! Saturdaynjght.~recn-X:re~ BJllIe Ruth Simpson: week he was bringing hls tro,pp G~.Y·':A..'. R.O.·S·E, I t I ,.j " nObl/l50n. Jimmy and Leonard lice Ii C/ifdinulll, with un equally In addlUon to the Ihree favor- ·uldoso, yle Pinson, Dexter, 01 about 13 bOYll ond two' or three :1:14",

, . _ _ _ potent record llnd Of\(! win over Ites,' !Iondo and Hagcrman are ~;::I~~n~~ikl':Ja~~:~L~m: adillt leaders' herQ tor recreatl.Qn· BEAUTY'. SAL'"·0'N,. T>cxtt·r. un' expl·{·t.ed to rank third. rated Ilood bets to upset anY team , arosa'. . the week-end of Feb. :6.

Whnn in Roswell or Just Passing Through ,{)rawlnstfl for the district tour- they play. and the Huidoso War- . B' M M D SI • Comer'MaIn D._...... I flllmpnt W{lll heM TUl'sdny atter- rlora, which last week dcteuted oro, to r. and m. ee mp- Mr. and .Mrs. P. B. Morgan have ...-

i nom) lit l)l!xtcr, . high-riding Tularosa of District 6On, Grcen Tree, a ~Qn, weighing return~d tl'om an extended visit Ana Meehem Drfn,.___ •. 413. have to be rated a dark-horse. 7 lbs., 11 oz., Feb. 8. ~n~c~a~Ut~o~m~la~.......""....~~~~~·~~·~~~~~~11'I('k" Ot"'e b t t'" dl tIt t.,,,;-, ,....."'-- , ,Bor;;;n to Mr. and Mm. O. N. .

I P" II r mem ers 0 lie s r core (P TIn Idnoo m Mother, Mrs. Jimmy C'lIrl"lzozo, Hope. Jal. Ltlke Arthur, IS CANDIDATE-Terr,. l\foynl· ee eel ay or, u 080, a 80n,HlC'kti, was alllll.6tecl by Mrs. Cmt St. Peterll of Roswell and Booker hlln. above, J"llunl' Taos b\lllln~ weighing 6 Ibs., 3 oz., Feb. 10.Roblnnon. Mrs. Dert Drydcn, Mn. T. Washington ot Hobbs. Washlng- IeHer, this week llJUlllUDCed h1I ' I .' ,John Buckner. Mra. Dewey Gann ton Is playing Its Ilrst yellI' In New ellond.dacy for Corporation Com- ." H~ne,m'oon'Club'and MI'lI. Ogden Carroll. ~Slxlco high school competition. tn'ssloner subject to the Demo.. ..

TREASURE CHEST Those who made JOn In spelling Capitan has an 11-3 record lor crallceonvenUon. A realdent ~flire ('h(,ryl Carroll. Virginia Dry- aellBon play, with Its 105ses com- the state for 13 years IUld II Tl&OI Mr. nnd Mrs. Don Ruhlman ofdf'n. Linda Gann, Joe Moore and Inll at the hands at Socorro In an Chamber of Commerce presl- 615 Polk, Topeka. Kans., who were

223 W. Second LInda Wilaon, overtime game; Alamogordo and dent. he Is described as II eOD- wed Feb. 1 in Topeka, honeymoon-

A F P Ob f AFifth Orade-Mn. Samellan NMMI. The Tigers evened thll stant state booster. cd here the week-end of Feb. 4

ntlques, ine aintings, jects 0 rt Al our Vrdentlneparty last week score by rapping Socorro by 24 ~_. at Spearhead Cabins, The bride

~:=::~:;::~:~:~';:~~~~~~~~5~'every child got quite II, number ot points In a return game, balanced WII8 the former Doris NaU. daugh--_.. '..- -~. , , Vnlentlnea, Almost all of the chll- out with Alamogordo by clipping MESCALERO ter of Mr, and Mrs. A. T. Noll of

.~ _. dren f.'ontrlhuted toad anti pop. All them In a second contesth

and are Winchester, Kans., and the groomof un hod a good time,. to seek more revenge t Is week Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo

Look How Prices Have te:d(~I~~eJ.~a~t~~ ~~s [~tu£~:~ af- w~~~I~~:~ r~Otll~lr~~'record are~~~~I:~~~Sr~' 8~~tto~~ls~'J:= . DANCE -::-.,Saturday, F~b. 20 ,

DROPPED 1'he claR./l received a Valentine wins over Tulc.ros\I, Artesia, and Mr. Wendell Chino, c/ullmnm; AFD and the bride Is employed Music by the MeUotones Be Floor Showletter tram Joyce McCoy, who now Dexter. Andrew Little, vjce chairman; and In on all' force supply depOt in A.:J:"'~--·O·n ~2.·OO~r Co~IeIIvell In Roswell. Key man In the Tiger pillY ill Victor Dolan, trellllurer. all ot the Topeka. ~ ~

Bobby Spencer, Elmer Enjndy, Kenny Morris, all-state end In Mescalero Apache business com- Mr, and Mrs. Harvey J, Dur- TOU CAN BJUNG TO FAIIIJI-Charlell Ward, Bernlto Via, Della Clas./l C football-In whIch the TI- mlttee, left on Monday night by hom. Jr:. Box 168 Comanche, Tex., WE: nAVE NO BAa

~:~t1t~~~~~~aT~~~YDh~ln~o;:l:hfg, W;r3 f~~ r~ln~hc~~f~l; .~~e ~1~I~ati~:::'gth~n~~;' r~eb: :;;~gn~er:er:e~e:.er6'·~~' r!/g:ifn~ C'ARRIZO LO'DGEImprovement In reading. We are by lar tho top Ilcorer tor the club, held on Fl!bruary 19; also, tbeir Bird HIll Cabins. The bride Is thesurely proud at the prOI.'I'CllS they averagIng more than 20 points per trip wUJ inclUde meetings with former Mary Caroline Joiner, theare I mnklng. game. Against ArtL'Sla he counted various division beadll In tho Of.. daughter of Mr. 'lind Mrs, Grady See U. For YPur'Partlel81xlh Oracl~Mr. KAulmann 33 poInts, and collected 29 agalnllt flee of Indian Affairs. The com- Joiner ot Lorenzo, Tex,. and the i~~~~~~~;~'~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~;;;~

Jerry lteynoldll wall the out- Socorro. mltteemen expect to return by the ,",oom 18 the 80n of .Mr. and Mn, .atandlng plnyer ot the Intra·~uad Three other football starJr-'"Ed- tlrst 01 March. H. J. Durham, Sr., of Comanche.game IOllt Thurllday nIght. Other clio Womack, Wally FerglWon and The pnlr was wed 'at Lorenzo, ·Tex.plflycrs from the clnlls were Lee OQrth Uydo-also are regulars on Mr. W. D. Dreunlnger has been 'OIoseock. Gerold Tully, Brion the cage Ilcluad. Coach Duane I I I The C. n. ~¢'Iters have been vIs-No~ker, Andrew 1I0le nnd Orville Carlin" hnn sevorlll fioun....tem aI- g v ng nlItructlonll In the opora- Itlnl{ In SL LOuis with a relative.p .. .... ..., tlon of the agency flro truck th1IJ

erry nnd thoy nll did very well. temotlng all the 1If h player. week. AlI In connection with tho tie Growerll' Assdclatlon on Feb.C'hrJflotle lJurges" hall returned . Hanermun unoWelally 10 ranked satety ~rogrllm a~ellcalero. 15th. were the olectlon of new

to U/l from Ave~ T"Xllll, tourth behind Eunfx:e with Hondo Mr. nd Mrll. el Wall ftMdHrcllnd n-d 8 II' I fifth .... officers of the Boord: nufus Sa"o. .. •.... e- n. u van D c 0llC • Ilon left tor R1veralde, CalIf., Illllt re-elected ChaIrman', Richard Mil-

We want to thank all the room ------- lo'rlday for a villit wIth relat!vCll goollh. Vice Cbalrman' BernardmothC'rs who aOlllated In clOy way -~-----------.ot Mr./l. Wall. Mrs. Wall Is PrClI- Little. S~re'n_" ond Gabriel D.In J:lvln" 119 II lovely Vulcntlne tl I b h M I ~~ .....~flIoll, IJUrty llIllt Frldny. Our visitors nt Around en y emp oyed y t e ~co ero Prlnll, Troawrer. Olher membcrn,

lA Ihe purty Wf're: MrD. [,('(' Lawlnn, Apache 'l'rlbo In the position ot Include nll,llY Chino: Anthony C.Slioll I Hob,,'rta I.(lwlna. Mrs John HaWk-I Tribal Clerk. Trellll, and Eugcno Cnihuahuli. Al-

Ina., .Mrll, Arrhlr WlnJ:C'r Sunle H· Sk I /lll, at this meeting Mr. ChorleyJooll WIO::er. and Mrs, I.onnil' hurter. I 00 nesult:J of Ihe llJ)eclal meeting of Wofford 01 Maricopa, Callf., Wllll

~l W" IlUnl! our Valentlne wn" tor the newly~.IrctedDoard ot Dlrec- flPpolnted b)' tho BOord 011 Wagon

POWELL CHEVROLET CO our vlnltoro. OJ" ANNE EVJF1II tora at the MCl:colero Indian Cot- DOllll. Mr. Wottord wos orlglOldly. TIll' 1)lIpllo mnklnJI 100', In our The Warrlorll cealped the Jlall- t'l h ' I A n M d' ot Maricopa and WlllI employed

• ~l'J('lIln~ tl'Dt wert' EllrllhNh San- rrman Bobcatn In the n gome Frl- ce on t elr play' cady a e thcre for the Pl1llt year In a 1I1m-doy nl"ht with a cnore at 46-37. FamilY." which will be put on Uor pnoillon.r 1l'1. rJfi('v Dell Em/tt'r. Dunne .. ~ Murch 20 d 27 R J .- ~

'hon., 461 Tularosa. N. MR. Prltln. IIuynnrd Murtlnf'. David II1gh polnl men were Dilly null1er an. ay onen '" '."

CLAYTON BENNETT R'd M....kn. korrv W,lwn. Prllty 1.1Iw- with 1'1 polntll and JImmy DamCll director. • The Catholic Altor Society of

• U. 0$0 Rop, I 1tI1:. flllv 1\(,(',). Allin [w('. JolIn- with 13 polntn. n' • tho 8t. JCl!:Cph's Mission held a• 'fhe Worrlorll tought a 1051n" onnle ChllBtnln WllJl crowned b I I S d' in tPiton., 3·11---We.1 of Junction on Hiway 70 1 ~'!(:~~(jrU~'i~v:;,~,. ~~~:~~(' ~'rn~~~d battle In the A came as the IlCOr: FlIA Sweetheart by l'rer/ldent u;'elec~r:h?~:oflic::rror 'lbt

:::'.J pc. ':"I'C. ~.:4r.d::'''' .7-:- n;;. _.:' • C::;;I.?~!~ ulul Jllnmh. PorfUln. ('Iln~.':.d up 62.-411 In tavor ot tho ~~a[~e~~;~r;:-:nI~~nMon%\Y~llht coclet\' wore elected on Feb. 2:_~_ __ _ __ .• _.___ Om·alll. 11 IIh poInt men wcre co W c Willi Mrs. Kathleen Knnnenh. PJ'Cllldent;

Nylea l.m:kcy with 13 polntll, Denn prCl:entcd In tho Home Ec buUd- Mn. Sarah PCllO Vlce-Pret>\dent;lIolman with 7 polntn and Alnn Inn. The room woa golly decor- Mm. Trinidad Dniatche~sccrctol'Y';SkeJlrtt with 7 ftnlnt:J. ated In red and wblto nod refrcllh- d M U 0 P I

fluldo::o deteated the St. Petcr'a mcntll ot cuke and punch were an n...... re ~, rwurcr.CrW:llJdel'B In .tho A llamQ .lont Sat- Ilerved. •• .At the Dclla Kapp~ Oammaurduy nlJ:bt tor the cocond time •• Tnlnnt Sh hnld Tu"'''nv n1~'"lhb tC'lIcon with Q llcort) of 4'1-42. Lovelln" {)t tho tootbnll field hall Fcb: 9. In°%w.~ol%orJ1;,"'~;.yHirth point m(!h were Alan Skel- boon completed nnd a naw rend DreunlnJler won th1rd. placo forlett wllh 13 poln" and Earl Mil· hall boon mado around It by tho her plano Ilelectlon of "Tho Waluton with II polnlg. County gradel'll. The next glcp will KI d." n I I II

The Warrlom detea~ tho Cru- be to prepare tho flcld with taPot nMin. O=~~;:r ~~!~.Iladerll alIaln In lho 0 llamo with coil and fertlll%cr. ,---(I ceoro ot 20-11. Lnrry McDaniel A new welJ wID be dug llhorUy. Mr. Wilbur RcdElk and hJg teen-wall hllth polnl man wllh 0 polntn. T I ht th- n·uld· oltere club at MCl:Calero held a

• _. I on ft c 0::0 cagcmen "Coke WillI(' on Snturday nightTho Spaghetti Buppcr nponiorcd wlI1 p ay Cnrrlz.ozo for the lllll' for bcnC!f1l of tho club. Mr. ned­

by tho Senior clCl1l!l leuct Sundny home gome of tho ccacon. Firnt Elk reported a vel')' l\Ucccl:llfulaUemoon proved llUCCC'll!ltUJ. A to- game III at 7 p. m. party.tl11 ot obout S25 wall ('Ieared and Cy l,(,land and &Iph McGuirewllJ "0 tor the SCnlor trip that wlU attended the DllItrict b:l!lkotbaU • Word Wela rcccnUY received 01be takcll thlJl SprIng. mCCltllng In Dexter Jut Tucmay to the marriage or Mr. Fronk Ybnrn1

• • • comp etc planll for the tournnment and DCl;jIlo Antone on Jan. 8. 11)54.Thc School Bonrd weuc re-or- thnt will oturt next Thurnda)' ot Tho couple 1!J reJlldlng In tho Car­

Runl%C'd at their leuct meeting on NMMI In Roswell and wlU end rJzo DllltrlcL.'cb. I), Warren Tucker WDlI ro- SDturdny nlcbL The boYD on th~ _.:'"':'~:"':""-:----::::--~::-:­elcelcd prCllldcnt and Dr. W. L. tournament team are: 8my Olllll- (lei TidtellJ OD Ute Ffte 1154norton weuc elected Secretary. cock. AIon Skcllelt. NylC!ll Lackey, Cbl!VrClltl Pkk-Up .. Be Gh'm

It wall decided b)' tho board Delln 1I0lmao. Olen WestoJl non- Away April 15 .1that nil tlcketll t4ken In by tho nle Perry, ~ lIoll. BIllY ItmJer, CLAYTON BENNETI"8",hool lin the rick-up truck that Earl Al1lllon, and Chnrlle 111111. (liven In OUr C.rlo Storewill be given oway ot the Pueblo Manallefll aro: Cecil Clarke ond AtId Ov 8eniu StaUonThC'atre wtil no to the Athletic Ronnie Challt4in. Jl1wa)' " Weal et llCJ1elloDDepnrtment anti the Mu.<:le Depnrt­ment,

• • •The Senlorll have lItartC'd pme-






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Page 5: Thousands'Expected Sunday 'FC?r ~por~s 9ar Round·l:J~Il ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · tlonal 1rnportllnccI tho toltowlna be enleMIn tbe 195. munlclp:aJ


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ClIunCIi OF ('UIU8TM. A. Elkin.. Mlnla_

SU\'leuDlblu StUdy lit II 45 a. m.WOl'llhlp Sllrvlt't" ot 10.45 Q. m.ConununlUn III 11 40 a. m.EVl'nlnll Service 01 '; 00 p. m.

nnST 1lAM'18T cnvltenOrren Tree. N_ ltlelde.

nno. JelIlle F. AUen. PulerSunday St'hool (J'45 0, m.EUgt'll11 Gny. Suptl'rollchlng Sorvll'o. II lOll a. m.Trolnlnu Ulllon 0:30 p, m.Mn. J, D. GlWlWOY, Olrector.}tl'(!ilC'hlnn St'rvlt't'. '7 :30 p. m.Wcdn~C1Y nlaht cervlcc, '7:00,Tho chutt'h whcl'(! llvcrybody 11

~omcbod"d and nobody n IItran,er.11hone loti ·04.


.'rank MJatth..... "utorSunday &hool-IO,OO,MomlllJl Wornhlp-I I :(}().MethodISt Youth f'elluwshlp-3:30.Evcnlnfl ServIce-7 00.

CIlRI8T1AN SCIENCE 8E1\VIOESEvery Sundll7. I p. nt.3 in Rui­

d01l0 Woman's l.'ub, TUUffiCn)'mccUttR fll!lowlnlt t"l'gular corvtcel10cb third Sunda)'. A rordlol weI­('orne is l1xtc:nd!'d to all who tlUl7Wish to attend,



Andy Says-




Be Sure to AU: for Your '1"lcbtIOn the Free Plck.Up,


l'BONE 11

If it is building materlal tha,t you want-

If you don't want to buy and get fast ser­vice on delivery-you better not hangaround and do much talking or Joe orAndy one will sure let you have it.






Herbert Smith


'"'i'_=" I


... as


: ~ , -1-" -i $ •



Alamo Lumber&Supply Co•..... .;1(••1........

MI."" .



.- ",.


Phone 48-83

Someone lold him yqU cquld hear Iheeounda 01 tbe IU b, IIltenln. tq Iheahetl, And he believes It. JIll r.oUlhlulImaglmllon and Impr.ulonlb e mind",qrll alqng wltb Ih. Iqund wavtl qf IheIh.1I tq r.call quilt vividly Ih. rqllin.

ot Ih, wnll and th. pqundlnr of Ih. aurf.Th. alert mind of ,oulh II alwa,. aalceptible to aUUtallon \nd

..perlmentatlon. Thalia wby education II b'lun 10 tarly In Ill. wh.nn.", Id... are ,"Iped more r.adll, b, .acu mind.. Tbll II lb. tim.ql lite wheb character and per.anallly are mqlded.

Why Iben do w. h"ltate 10 oh.n to Irup Ihll qppqrtunhyP Whydo we I.t Sunday after Sunda, roll by wltbqut brlnclnr qur c:blldrentq Ibe servlctl qf lb. Cburc:hl Her. Ih. molt wqnderral Id... andplanl ror lIvln. are pan.d qn Iq receptlv. younit mind.. Not Idl.nollona. but tbou,bll qf love. undenlandl"l. and brotberhoqd Ir.

Implanted. oJ

Emble your child and encoma,. the chUdrenor qlh.n 10 rec:elvl tb.u prlc.lnl benefit..

It will mun much to them now. , • evenmene later.


Prom - Pin~ve - LIU - BcIbbl __ RaneShadqwave - Tqn) - NuUitonlo - Richard Budnut

Ruidoso's Spring Clean-Upis set for March 3­

!uIdOlO'. Frlgldalre Dealer WIDna'f"e on DIsplay Very Soon the

1954 LIne of Products.Both Events Are Worth Your Interest


-and we have Tqnette and Nntles Baby Hair Treatmentand Jqhnacln's Daby ShampclO

Poatofflc8 Block




Mt VueSho.DYnDd.....:rnThHhe





May PutManIn Governor Race I



.. -'


.. ,.

-- -~

, '

. "




Stop robbing~ fight SOfket to 'fill cnothfrf Havillspate bulbs to I'epfci(e btlm-ours when" they occur.

Terfti ·bomt c sod&ut of bright new bulbi In ther.c:omni.nd.deorrecf Ib~..... today. e.t them

• {rom your IfghfLulb creaf.r Or' Chcitge th.mc""yout nght. bill af 011' offtc•• 151'..fght •• pd¢.J"......gbOd Ught f. thepl


.........._.. '" ---- ",,' ,, , ,. --,' . ., -'.' ;i. -, .'.


, '

BILL BLAKELEY .Oqmplete Guare


Official Brak~ Be Light Station

FOR SALE-~onAuJomatlc Cloth. Drler

- '

We Sell and Install

Tanks and Appliapces



Hamql" l'roducts

Call 67·04 Collld For SemceIN LINCOLN COUNTY



. ,

, '\"" ,.'. ,~ ,i"'" j.tk:

,~(j)~,2.k,ii' ".,,' ""," .' .~1Sl1..'. '- -.jv••:.- '

- '\tIJ,.~_ .~J ',"...d..,.. ...,'cr---~1,



PROPANE and BUTANEPhone 67·04 Ruidoso

•••• is forEfficient Operation

Yes, Butane Gas is efficient as a fuel forboth heating and cpoking. It works per_fectly in 'your hot water heater, too. May

. yours serve you regularly, "promptly?

" "1 ' ' '; ,

. ,;-

" " -'S·f< ¢

.:> :\. \

" ,

GO illl··

'. . '. ';



:'·,~.-nd~j i""'"'".....B~...,,,..~....,,~,,'.....~..,..,....Ar.....,', ~O.....un.,.......,.'.....d-J....a'~,.:..:'~C.....O.....IJl.....~....C",;':O~UD.....-'....' ';"'ty"',....,~~~' ••.rn.~Q' C';J~ Bilir The Kid ~::==~_ will I'~~~~.tW~~~~~..i:i.; . Ne~ N,~~~',~~,9~ "" ~ , ComeFromAIIJ'w Of The World . :~~<l~ i:sv;~:O~:~:~h~~~~V~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiii--~~iiiiiii,-"',.~'.~.., liI,~,iiii'#liiiiiiAliI,iiiiii.iii,__~~:4;r¢J'!lRO~"iAA;Vl.Slto~l~t" .....By, Travll Do ~p:,;" "" , ~t week, l'Jran'm' Ro~rts. ' " . , Earl KeaUn~ ot .Albuquerque, lor.- . '., tnl~:, ',. ,', ."'. ' , , " " . , ,r, , I'r ,&asi wlffik we SlUd that FoRE Maypi/' ot ClU'li2:ozo, 't9rwarc;led a Mr, and Mrs. -Wes R~~l moved merl,y ot .Alamogotdo, will conduct· . , .-,ft4 •

' , Ct1~CK DAY woUld be here soon, l!=tter trom En,tarid to John Boy~ trom ~an :Pa~,rll:io to their, RuidOSO the servlcell which will be held " ,'" '., ' .. l'a: '.',:' '" ' ',,', . ' , " ' Marth 3, au day lpng, hilS been lan, G!.I6todilln o( the Old Court- pr9~erty thW week, each evenlpg lit 7:30 p, Ill. Slng- ............"...""'1IIt~. .~, . set to give Itee c/licks, '2;000 chickS house Museum in Lincoln, It bll!l M~ Faye Webb and Agnes in~ will be conducted by loclll tal~ ~. 'M", 'I- ,W',a,y G r'a ' orlt~red that dllY. See Lincoln been addressed to liThe May\>r, 'IBant dllllwk ere Albuquerque visitors' en. Rev.' O. L. Oldhllm I.S host My;raWater, S1mtemsa ge COJ,lJlty Feed and Implement ad in City Hall, Linco1Jl City, Lincoln as wee • • PllstOl'. ~ .. _

, . this paper for Pllrticulars. This III Coun~y, New Mexico, U. S. A.," " ~i~........... , WES~TGHOlJSEAPPLIANCES', " ,'. . a good opportunity to grow some alld ~t hlld manJ' quesUonlj con~ . . " '. '. ,a,,u,.,

fryers to restock your deep~.treeze -«;elrnincg

ButYWthe Kid and the Lln~ Welcome Sports Car Owners and Race Fansl Inter':"Mounta.'n Supplyor just eat them as they get ripe. cO n .ount,Y. ar. ,. ,An e:lCpensive brooder is not need.. Mrs. Boylan hllS been replying ,

Servl«t D ed to brood a small number 01 to all such inquiries, and will Ildd HO~ PERMANENTS AND REFILLS- John"Buckn,erchicks. Come by the Lincoln Coun.. this letter to her list otcone­ty Feed Store and see how it Is sl?9ndents. At prestmt, there aredone. Come b~!U1d flU out appli- four steady correspondents in Eng-cation lor FRl!:E CHICKS. I land and Jl.ustralia Who, have reast. ". all they ,clln lind in_print on the

~;;;;~;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~IWe want to re~annoullce thll SUbject of BlUy the Kid, and whoturkey meeting Ilt Roswell, Feb. want stU! more information and.. '. , . , , 18, 10:30 11. m. at the Nickson Ho- pictures of the Kid or hl.S habitats. • COO'K'S LOG CAB INtel. We have COnfirmation from Besides the ct;lrl'CSpondenl.S in .:B1Jl'9'ers .., Steaks .., Chicken. J. H. Tidwell, of the Tidwell Tur- England and Australia, Mrs. Boy-

key Ranch, Destlemona, Tex., that lafl replies to several letters from , l'roprle&ary and SundriesBeef Stew .., Home Mad.e Pie he will be at -me meetlng.~. thl.S country each week. Sqme let- .MDJt SJL\KES SANDWlOJDS Tidwell delivers his poults in_per- ters come from researchers, some ~ ..

OUR STEAKS ADE 10 Oz. .IN SI~B son. Come by Lincoln County Feed trom Ilction writers, and many ,f"'" .. qr call and let us knqW if yqU from school chlldren all over the

AND YOU GET IIALJ.l' A CmOKEN plan to be at this meeting. We needIU. S. All replies are accompaniedWbeJ:a lr~ Order Our DeUelolla Frfej Ohlckeu to know. by the little bllOldet of Informa-

WE OLOSE ON WEDNESDAYS There I.S good profit to be mllde t10n ,Iven to visitors to the Old, in turkeys. The turkey industry Coqrthouse. Also, when It Is re-

FRON'TIER 'CAFE should fit into the small lann and quested, a blbllqgraphy on BUI,yorchard business nicely. AlthouBh the Kid Is sent with the repl,y'

... it is not best to depend' entirely on "The custOOians at the MuseumUoUJWcpo4, New IIIexIoo • ran~ lor growing turkey" it does receive and answer mail directed

~iii~~'~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cut downqn feed costs to have to the Chamber 01 Commerce of,some range. TurkeYs will utilize Lincoln, the Mayor ot Lincoln,a lot 01 green weeds and grall, as ,Tow)! Clerk, Poliee Chiet, FU-ewell as many Insects in the 01'< Chief, Town Librarian, and· evenchards.· the Federated Women's Clubl qf

The beat time tq get turkey ~~In·Bo Ian ....- varipclults I.S ab<lut 'Ix monthl before .."". y enjoy, .."" et"it is planned to market them. Tur of titles, but wW be happy tqrk malt th i ~ the day when Lincoln Town cJll1.:n:. up ~q Z:"~6~~!&~1i~~~ bqthastt ot lhalVlklng all ,th



CialstoSo look up the date when tho tur- a pec>p e 0 to wr. e era •

key mat"ket wW mOlt Weely bedesIrable, then count bac1c aboutsix or IOven months. That is thebeat tIme tq qtder pclults.

Now, a few ideas on turJte"management may help. It is notprofitable to carry turkey. overunless the grower wishes to gointo the turkey ellg bUilneu. TUr­key. and chickens do not do vel")'well on the ome range, beeaWle Claiming It can m~ter 100,000the turkeyS come dqwn with pclul- vqtes the executive tioatd qf thetry diseases that chickens may toI- Tourist IndUltrle, Council qf Newerate. A, soon lIlI turkeys are full Mexico Friday oid It would putfeathered, 8 to 10 weeks old, thO)' Itl own clllldidate in the governor'.shquld be put out on treJh ground race if a councll committee. alterwith plenty of shade and fresh a scI'CCnlng, could not approve'anywater. No poultl")' housing is ne- 011 the announced eubcrll4torialcessary. A hlih vitamin teed is candidates.needed dUMB the growing period The statement WIlD made by carlto get tho betlt gllins. Then a tat~ DeBord qf Ruidoso, 'pclkcsman tqrlenlng raUon tor about tour to.1x tho council followlnl( on oil-daywedtll and they are ready Iqr mar-us!on at the HUton 1I0tel in AI~kot. buqucrque.

I Tho council mcotlng Wllll ottend~RUIDOSO mOB SOOOOL ed by 12 membel'll reprountlnlf thoTO ENTER l'LAY OONTEST New Mexico RClltourant Aml..

Silver City N. M. (Bpl)-The New Mexico 1Iotel Ansn.• tho New25th Annulll iliih School One-Act Moxlcq Motor-Hotol AMn.. thqPloy FCllUvoI, 8pOl1llOred by Alpha Lounge and Paclalso Al:!ln. andPill Omega, drolJUlUc fraternity ot nc:;ort OperatoJ"ll.Now Mexico WClltern college wUl NlNIpartlsa"lhJp Declaredbo frc::cnted April 20-24 In LIght Dee1llrlnll lfull nonplutlllan thoHnl auditorium In connllCtion with councIl named DeBord and DlIvo iii ., .o cqllego'll CllJ'cor conference. Woolf qf Glqrletto to a eommlttcc

FltlC(!n r:choo1Jl havo tentatively to "r:crC(!n" annqunccd candldatt'lllIcC(!pted -UlvltaUolU to partielpato ot belth plIrtl~"lllI to theirIn thlll yell1"'l tesUvnl. Including knClWlcdge qt ond Inte~lIt In thqRuldo::o. touriJ:lt bulIinCllll ond Illl Importnncc

Tho playu. Individual callt mem- to the cconom,y ot New ·Mexlco."Ix!ro nnd lllage hnndD will be n:c- Thlll looklnn-ovor announcedqgnJud tor the quality of tholr candldatllJl will be undertak..nwork and roted: Dupcrlqr, excol~ promptly, and, It nC'el!llll3ry. theIcnt. 1l00d or DatlJltactory. Ono cClUncU'D qwn cllndldat.. tor nom. _ ~qualified jUdge will eVllluate tho Inotlon wlU be nnMunced betor£'plllyu. the Republican and Dt'mOt"rotll'

C4!rUflcDtCll ot rotlnn will bel convcntlOI1ll oro held. the ('olln('11gIven oCJOro. DingO CroWD and oold.

--!!!!!!!!=====:==========~7!~~~!!!!!!~~~~~~r:c§hOO~1Jl~.=:=~=:....:=:...:::. DeBord Q;lld tho touri!lt Indus-- trlCll ol~ndy hnvl' In mtnd a per-ron oeccptable to the IndU!ltry tortho nqvemor'a roce.

('tho RUldol:O Newo "brokl''' thelItOry at who tho council had com­mitted to MIn tor governor byphonlnR a tip to radio and nClWll-

FoI~rhf:I~~~tl~~~:::'1h~~~~11pll.'ked WlUl L. P. D100dwqrth, for­mer RUldooo News publtJher nndonce a cnndldote tor the Dcmo~

l'rollc nomination for that office.)Want Nq Empty Protnbn

"Wo're not out alter emptypromll:ea," OeBoI"d Imld. "We orobuslncs.qmen who bave been kick­ed around long tmough ond o~golnll tq dq oomethlnR obelut It.

"The tourillt IndWltry Is the big­gest indWltry in the C1llte." OeBoI"d$nld. "nnd our orgnnizlltlon f.g outto get lendcrnhlp up state (Santa IFe) which 19 In~ In build­Ing ~ndllry rolllill to our DOlntlll01 enchantment. drnmatizing our",enlc spoll;, buildIng new facll1t1eawhIch wlll hold tourtstll In NewIMexico.

"We need Inlonnntlon boothlInt Ipoints ot entry to tell tourfgts whatthe~ 19 to I:Ee In New Mexico."DeBord llllid.

He saId more reservall'llfshouldbe built to serve both QJI mliAielpolwllter supplies nnd QJI boating,swimming nnd rocrentlon nttrnc.UOI1ll.

The Tourl9ts Industrieg Councilspokesman $nld the council h311 noquarrel with the Hlghwll7 Depart.mont's Tourtllt Burenu.Ilureau'. lqb Praised

"The burenu III doing a good JobnUracting vaelltlon19ta here." Dc.Bard Imld. "But something mUlltbe done to keep them in New Mex­Ico. They would ll1nY if they knewwhere to p.o, what to see nod hndgood roods to fellch the Inonu­ments, S(!enle spots, mountainsites."

He said this could be done withthe saine lIlnount of money nowIlted _on highways.

"The highwllys nrc being bumIn the wrong places:' he laid.

.Thll ,TourJtt BUreau now spends$282,000 8 .feat' to advertise the .state, he aaJd. It atttllctions in theIlUlte were' accessible . by goodroads.. a greaUy expanded ClUUayIn highways and the like wquldmore' than jill,)' tot themsel'le$ Inthe~.<It the itafe.; be laid.

BecIlUSct ot dUlnter&t ttl Santa

~~~~~dlng~~ftf~~fthe Industry ts haYirlg trouble pt..tJnt1oi1g·teHn tOMato ." . dand b\t11d hew tourlIt taet;j~

• -$' , - > - ,"-'-'<", t .-i-'jt--·-n' t,. '. ne.-.'~~p~~s=t~~l¥ ~ "",'.................."...' .....-:.~.....''...'..............._'_,, 'w


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Page 6: Thousands'Expected Sunday 'FC?r ~por~s 9ar Round·l:J~Il ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · tlonal 1rnportllnccI tho toltowlna be enleMIn tbe 195. munlclp:aJ















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•100Lle on genuhU!

CeJote;,;HOlLIe No. '32a.a _.Nalfonallll

II.I,-1'f.J \1 ~ '. AdverliBccl

~!.m ~ ~~~ Il----..

wo'n MOW you how li'flIle, llublltlmUnl homoCUA bo built now-at modeTalD COllI-throughimproved building technIquell nnd uco ofmulU·purpol:o matcrJalrJ 11ko Cclotox InsulaUngShcnthing. ChOO$(! from our many home d~gns,including those in the new Cclolcx BookofHomes. Wo'llhcJp you geL blueprintl,

. coat estimates. Como in today!

...,,--~ziZZ2~~{,~~~i~ii=~§.zSfJ!~g.0ii~i:~r"0·:::~ ,• - ..........• .....·.,;;.·~ .. I

CQNSPLT ,U~ fJR$T1 q~' f ,f

We'll help you,plan a;:J, quality ho"!e that cos's less•• ~ ! ~;:~.' ~'''''!' .- . (, )


I II .;!"D1I1I1lI.I!111I1I II ;,

lox 1640



Right On The COl'nerRight On The' Pri~e

·LO . RRuidbSO, New Mexico Phone 123-01

• Would YOU Enjoy Being THE WINNER?No THOUSANDS of chances agalnll you? Not even ONE chance iagainst you when you 8p8nd your doUlU'l where you g.!: Finest Mer­chBndtle at Fairest Pricuand WIN Frontier Stamps for EVERY DIMEspent. YOU get !h. PRIZE every' time.


Bonnell Hdwe. & Buil • Supplies"hOM 1~1 Ibd40s0, New Mmco

I 1__1111I11II11(11,111112111] I 11121'111I If_III I IlIIn 11_=_. "


,~ -,

, I'

Nlnf Berne O1mtilad Openid

" I ;


Adm.: SOC: 8t IOC



Amaieu.r ProgramsAre ResumedAt Pueblo TheatreT!le popular amateur programs

held at Puehlo Theatro earlier thiswinter were to be rellUmcd Thurll·day nlnht of this wcek. said 811mSkcllett, master of l!cremonlcll.With 8kcllctt nrc membera of hisRocky Mountaineers. who providewcal~m jive belwcen nctl1 by local IontertalncfS who arc conte!lllng torcnsh prlzcs once n week.

Ruidoso .\ . CapitanAdvisory Committee Phone 53.02 Phone 11..11 •On Juvenile Problems . J

Set Up in County '~iiiii~ii;~~~,,:._~r_~...~.,-~.~~''''''~,~,~,,~,~~.~"~,,,,~.~-5'~~3i'i'E·~iii::Ii..ilill;i,iil~tirii~iiililili~J.iJ;:lliliill~i::i7i,:liil~PtM!~,,~,:O:A Lincoln County Advisory- Ii: ..... _-. , r-

comll)lttee on juvenlle problemshas been set up under dlrelltlon .'of District JUdne W. T. Scoggin,

On the county" panel are L.'Parker, Corona; J. H. Morris. nul.dOllOi Albert Kimbrell, Hondo: Ed­wara B.' Choate, Capitan; Mrs.Ofelia Snlas, Lincoln; Rev. ·FatherGeorge Boennlghausen, Cnrrnozo,and Rev. Wm. B. Holmes, Jr.. Rul·doso.

Edward Penfield Lincoln Is on. the 3rd Judicial Dlstrlct Advisory

Council for thlll county. Ot!lcrs OJ)the district group are Byron Dar·den. Las Cruccs, chairman, nndAllnn Walker, Alnmo&:ordo.

A seneral meeting tor all dill­trlet members nnd all memberafrom the lIdvisory committee fromLincoln, Otero and Dona Anacountil'S has been called for April27 at tho courthoWle in Alamo­gordo.

.. ~~·~:'t~••4Jd,lt,'ili_~ln.. I.Ft_,.,nl.MfJl'itl ·..litb'~JtliitJtll"p-.~lili),rrl\@rJf~~_ij~...o!t~~:""...,~::.:~-~:,,:·.:: .' _, '~ "".', ~,- ~"., .. ', "", ''''<;- ,,I- "-'~ .. ' " c'

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RJu':l~ "7lt'ttI

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. Jibilfi . ,

~: I~ "

J'hone 212-01 and We'll Paek Your Order In our SpecialTake-Home Cartonll If )'ou Want to Carr)' Some of

Our Fine Food Out to Eat.

" ."",.~ W'

25 Chicks FREE. with purchase of50 LBS. PURINA CHICK STARTENA


25 LBS. PURINA CmCK STARTENAThlJF onu I. Good for Any AduH 411 Da)' on

WEDNESDAY . MARCH 3Drlnl' your oWn boll. Thra.. Are Ltolhom cot~erel, and makerlne rating. ,

1'1C'aJiCl 1t1'!:llur In Advllnl'e 110 we wUl know how IJ1&It1To PrepAre For.



Phone 32 -Ruidoso - On HIghway 70Wet Itt f._..1 tvllNA CHOWS .. tva'NA fAU svmrrs


.................................................! -- ,----==


I .

, '

. ' .

" '.-


, .






\VELCOME­Snort'Car Racers

and Fans..

Come to See Us!

CONTINUES!\.itL lhe Greatest Bargains

In Our History!"

¥lcGive S. & H. Green Stamps-Ruidoso-


Lions Scrape ByP-TA, 4849,In Cage Tilt


Ben Donathan &SonsBuy Wilson Courtsnen Donathan and 80M, local

building contractol'll, have pur·ChWlCd the Wlbcn Courts In Sky­land on Main RO:Jd, and Ioolt overactive manucement t!lls week. itWlIq announced.

Tho (·ourtn. 7 unItll, llnd a IIlx·room houllo bclonglnn to tho J. E.WlltOnll, were Involved 111· thotrade. Tho Wlllronll ceeured thoDonathnn homo·ln tho trnrumcUon.Tho WlIsoTlll plnn to "l'Cllt tor alIpl!U," MI'll. WllllOn lIald.

Tho courtn weI'(! known all thoold Flolo ~ourtll. which the Wil­cons bought In AprtllOJlt year. ThoDonothans plan to conUnue a I'(!­modellnlt program on the courtswhich tho Wiltollll had begun. •SON OF BONNELLS1I0ME ON LEAV1': APFT"EmKDUTY IN LADIlADOIt

SIn!l 8crgcnnt Dwight E. Bcn­neU, who hM~ with the armY,motor pool In Labrndor, arrivedhere lallt w(!(!k for'n visit w1~homo folJtn. Mr. and Ml'll. Chllrl~Bcnnell, and oth~ relnt/vea In thlloren. He 1.9 to report for .duty In1I1ml1ar work in Yumnl Ariz.,March 7. In the meanUme, he 111worklnlt with hili tather in Bon­nell'lI ~'ood Markel. and ho 1.9 toreturn later thlll year to l1!llIumean active Illtcrest In tho firmwhen ho receives his ~hllrstefrom uniform, thO Inther snld. lie

~"".~5~~~~n~~5~~II~1~.~I~I~~~~~~~II~~~~~~~I~F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.hM been In ccrvlcc four Ycars.

!illlllllllllllllllllllill~lllliillllllllllllllllllllli.llllliiiillllllllllL &~kO~Wgfg'SE

C GROCERY AND :::~~~~~~gn~~::lti~§ MARKET §~;~~~lh'~~:_~lh:

= 1IIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllll~I"111111111111111111111.111111 5ESpecial Prices for Fri.-Sat.-We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities' =• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •• •=No. 303 Gard.llI1d. Pound =i TOMATOES - · • 2for 2ge CHUCK ROAST • • • • 45_ E• •_ "'II •· ,'.- Pound PaNll... Shin Pound •_ r-. ••

i LONGHORN CHEESE. • 49~ PECANS' • • • • • • .28e i- ' .• ,I." I"...•=Grade A Med. DoDD CUdwtde .6..·soS =I EGGS • • • • • • '. 49t Ctrl'GltuNBEANS •1lorII. =•i Golden Brand

=OLEO•• 'I IF '(I 2 II ,.· .' '=Ch... IcSaDbom. WbUlU.b&·, ~ . ....~ ..

ECOFFEE • • • • t' ..&le.BOLOGNA" • • • _i.,.ft_. . , '. ,,; ,,

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~'" 'bi""CO"~'"'~'" • OlJsmr.vt8.•rraJSJJt~~:r ,,' ,and,c,,.,,h;tA 'ii'~t·Itill)CMa~P21!:', ",,1,,:!r'~~'f~t4''''''::''''~''''''IJorton,>:Mel Fairbankll, and an u- "~"'~.,,~,~,,",......, ~",~,"","',"".,~,",""....".." .¥~"'~,"c..,of,""~"','f,",,, "", ,, J' ,','".,",,',,'<;l';;..",' ....:,;;L:"",:,'.;::,~' ',',i ,', ' nt.ftpp',-,""d..f"k~h"",,', ,P.....,.,.. ,,(, ,'D:.;o;I.;I~:.' ......:' '

~~"ti::s\:t~ ~:~'a~~oJ::la~:~TheS,','P',, '" IS,':"·~,.N"',,,O',',',O,'v ",:;':~'3a,·iJb~,'·:" 't~~o'~:,~:;uoa,~~~":!'~~~:~~~?=~j~·. ",rn~~~;~7j~li. "1"~%"'O~~:'I·w:'=:;'........ .. ... ~.. B . . q,Jq~.~. . ",,;,,"~~~.;'<.~""'....I ....."'!!"~ ....:;~'i\U1~·.~~wi.~o~c ~:e·p._T.A. squAd, Ralph Br'eakf',. It.,aN,'.tO,W O1fetlJ1g .... ~- •. , .... , ,eb~~W;l1fc>JI!~~~~'lf~tlim~lO!~~¥=o1~!:~.uJ'iJ!~~ ··aberA1iberUcilR·;;ni~j~d'~t~t:·~~b· ')jG'~iP"~:J.. ::tK~iR~fail'fr~Jit=:M G r - F J Me .. , A' .... ~,. • "'i ' " .....1~ 'Wm ~O+ffi'''''u. r, ,.•,..~. ut)' t _aT son ....Q ' b..'!-V,,: ,." "'.. ' .' ..

""'.Ieh· ",UIlllrye,' C""'orOkny lalfaflllllf.d' ny,ann, 0J-. il'!.q,!Igu~rgu~ tiPCI> ... cP~. .' ·!t·'o';'Cliap·maiian;.,D .J~rot;'lipm co'J}" ft'l ot io~iO~Georg~ ,J!\llt w,~~ ,' ..' '., . ,.:' .... u .. ,grQwerll ,tOQk a;:l .,,,bons.,.. "'. ~ . ','. ""'" ~ ~w ',~'" .. ,. I H" ..... . "'.. " , " , ., •• ..

)" ,. III ' lit I.,u' h~, spIlls, R("- Wl.ltkins, Leo Pagle and otlJerllllaw O.mn-er .' Sqtbl1tlal'i<l f)t.n.uW(iSQWhos~" ••. ' " :.'; .. , ". .. ...• "", ," .!Jon lind .. r .01",,15 Iw L'1'Jns E:1uh service. l1!l1eJJis South :Pt'r~j:jlC~O JtM tile, . '. '>," ,.,.,"', .. • •. J~": ,'"edll('d ulll IL, 1' .. ",,,I·Tl"lIdwr A,,· Homl' "'Nl.' In cOlltumcs that gr;i!ld,chatn~1l)ntle~!l,hlsbf()tIlJ1r, S'" B ,,' n'",', .. : rf"\~/'" ,'~ "," ,~~',~:',:~: 114!J u~::, ,;." ;::~IllI~:~~~~r~:~::~ ~~~::,~~:Vt.~~e t~,OU:hc~O%",;y a~~ Supper ~s'o'eU'~tCh:e'rn~~,·aer~eha~.,wd6~,~.~cfollsm~~ldllli:e····.·· '.' .'.'a",,··C.',','r.",8·.·...... ' . . •rift.S"". '.' . '; ,':", " .'.",1' ., ..",cO' /Inllthl Jr, It", Y <I" ("!I',,/ ll., In I"mpl<:d to drIbble with lrlllllng .~ ....... VnllglUm A'",' ':',1) W,," r".....1 1/, . J"th,·" We're Famous For Our 'tlrllf and ll/,\cOQii plac~tme wopl • ": ,Ihe Blu''', :, ,,' 'l,pllt'd "" II .. I:, /1,,1. Kuu{rnu,lCl II/lilln nunk tho lamb lle~e. Fullernal1cll Of Pic.. - •'rl ""I"""'" )" i ljl,I/I~" Wi'"Il, '-'1I11l1nl! P<JIJlt. ll!l hI! dId In '53, Mexl'can DJ'sL'es (lcAoblll1thetlrlltpiacehaU·bIQod .' '·0'f, ,Lin,-c',olnCounly , ,uthk! ,I I11,01 1/... ~l)l" lui oVl!rhme p"'lOd. !'I\nge fam Deece with aJn Ster- ~

1'I,n Il, 'n,' , 'I' "" j, I'll'Vl/llUl 10 the LlCJnn-P-TA reU Of the Calla rreu having Ule'HJ" {",- ' II,L V. ,I '. I ",,,bl<', till' 5th lind (Jlh grmlcT6 -and also for- grst pl:\r halt·b PQd ewe fieece. B' UTA'N E' DR0 PAN En,"IoIl, ,.. II,. j."" rlllxedin lin llltrumurul cnge ron- .!ler ' coIn COlmty groWefs re- . . ,. - r;' ,.., . ,Tllit!' ',- . I 1,,01,,/,' 1'1,. 'dll., (m'~ welt' cOllched Thick Virginia French Fried cclving one (II' .,more ribbons are"C,'" 1\, I I , ,.1,', .... I. by l<aUrnllwlI, the AQ.llms-on Ranch, B. L. and M. T k dA Ii

.,_. . Ham Steaks . Jumbo Shrimp· L. Watllcm, R. <:E' Nutlc;>;~ J. B. ' an' s an pp' ances$1.50 $1.50 Coals, Slaughter uanch, J.~. Mer.. ,. '. " .'

. rlU; Goodrum Rllnch,Fred Me:\- ' ".. 'Telgue, J. P. McKnight, Jimmy W In II

11 Southern Chicken Fried MeTelgue, L j nco 1n McTelgu\l, e sta ....1'2 . - Romml~ Merritt, MUt Mable and . .Fried Chicken . Steak Clyde Marley.With Thick Toast. WUh Cream GravY,

French Frh~" Thick Toast andand lIone)' French FrIes

$1.75 $1.50

. - . " . ,

, " ~'.,~~~·...;:,.-.~,~~~:'"'#M~t'1:n;;'i.~4\t;·~tt;~~}St.f£·~.!hiii;5)}t:'=i;~;:;;~i.:7;;'$_~~~~~.':.~~;,;~'t;~-~n-:,'~"'.f;~~,.,~;.,..~ ,,~,. !;;:.J:-;:..;~:"-_~~;:;:i;~J,:,:'3.'~~~~:;.;'~~"*.l:.~~'~"i.;~.:'':.,-~.:'.'y "~~..,'). >'-r- :: .'., . "~' . . '. .


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