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Threats to Internal & External Validity - Southern Utah University

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The Town Where No One Dies of Cancer Evidence-based Science Proves the Remarkable Power of a 5000-Year-Old "Recipe" hat if ... everyone you know who suffers from cancer suddenly went into permanent remission ? What if, from this day forward, no one ever died of cancer anymore? In the shantytown of Noiva-do-Mar, Brazil, that's what appears to be happening. The people of this Brazilian suburb have a 5,000-year-old "recipe" that they consider to be a "cure for cancer." And it WORKS – not because it treats cancer, but because it gives the immune system optimal support ... stops abnormal (or errant) cells from communicating with each other ... making it impossible for them to grow and spread. That's how permanent remission happens. Hint : The main ingredient in this Brazilian "recipe" is one of the most powerful plant-based substances -- if not THE most powerful -- ever found on earth. Many doctors, like Lee Cowden, M.D., call it "the miraculous natural healer." 8 Father Arno Reckziegel, the friar appointed to the suburban parish of Noiva-do-Mar, said, "Cancer is not a problem for the people of the suburbs. Or rather, it is a problem that has a solution ." In the suburbs and outskirts of this small Brazilian town, Father Reckziegel has witnessed local
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The Town Where No One Dies of Cancer Evidence-based Science Proves the Remarkable Power

of a 5000-Year-Old "Recipe"

hat if ... everyone you know who suffers from cancer suddenly went into permanent remission? What if, from this day forward, no one ever died of cancer anymore?

In the shantytown of Noiva-do-Mar, Brazil, that's what appears to be happening. The people of this Brazilian suburb have a 5,000-year-old "recipe" that they consider to be a "cure for cancer." And it WORKS – not because it treats cancer, but because it gives the immune system optimal support ... stops abnormal (or errant) cells from communicating with each other ... making it impossible for them to grow and spread. That's how permanent remission happens.

Hint: The main ingredient in this Brazilian "recipe" is one of the most powerful plant-based substances -- if not THE most powerful -- ever found on earth. Many doctors, like Lee Cowden, M.D., call it "the miraculous natural healer." 8

Father Arno Reckziegel, the friar appointed to the suburban parish of Noiva-do-Mar, said, "Cancer is not a problem for the people of the suburbs. Or rather, it is a problem that has a solution." In the suburbs and outskirts of this small Brazilian town, Father Reckziegel has witnessed local

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natives going into permanent remission every day by using the "recipe" that has been handed down for generations!

This "Recipe" is Not Just a Folk Remedy -- Even Skeptical Doctors and Oncologists are Astonished!

ather Reckziegel said, "Everyone in the shantytown knows the recipe. No one there dies of cancer because the recipe is not a secret. Only those who do not wish to live die of cancer in the shantytown ... everyone knows the answer. And everyone makes use of it."

In fact, anyone in any part of the world can make use of the recipe -- including you and your loved ones. The simple recipe, which has only 3 ingredients, appears below. But make no mistake. Although the recipe is simple, cheap and natural, it is definitely not just a folk remedy that is unsubstantiated. It has been scientifically validated, and has been the subject of many clinical studies. [Note: U.S. Federal regulations prohibit anyone from making any claims regarding any natural "cure" for cancer and we do not make any such claim. We are simply reporting the fact that people in Noiva-do-Mar rely on simple, natural nutrition to achieve and maintain optimal health.] Word has spread beyond the walls of Noiva-do-Mar, and now, physicians and clinics around the world have recommended this recipe for many years. The medical community has even categorized this recipe a Stage IV Supplemental Therapy, often used with Stage IV protocols like radiation and chemotherapy.

What Doctors Are Saying About the Recipe

Dr. Paolo Lissoni is one of the top oncologists in the world. At the St. Gerardo Hospital in Milan, Italy, division of oncology, Dr. Lissoni along with 6 other top scientists, conducted a study using the recipe on 240 patients. The results were ABSOLUTLEY ASTONISHING. The study verified that the recipe inhibits the proliferation of errant cells (thereby supporting permanent remission) ... exhibits immune-stimulating and antioxidant effects .. enhances patients' survival time ... and reduces toxicities, as proven by radiological evaluations. 2


Dr. Giuseppe Nacci, M.D., a distinguished pioneer of

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nuclear medicine, and author of "Thousand Plants Against Cancer Without Chemo-Therapy" also confirms the therapeutic benefits of this recipe. He participated in the first experiments on humans using oncological (cancer) radio-immuno therapy. His research of the recipe found that it normalizes the biochemical functioning of the body in 2 to 6 months. 5

Read below for more information on doctors and health practitioners who are recommending the recipe

to their patients.

What is This "Recipe" -- and How Was It Discovered?

hile almost everyone has heard of the extraordinary therapeutic ability of aloe vera, almost no one has heard of aloe arborescens -- except those living in regions of the world where it grows naturally, and the few who've had access to it over the years in

specialty herb shops. Aloe arborescens is the ingredient that gives the Brazilian recipe its seemingly "miraculous" health benefits. [See amazing case studies below.] Aloe arborescens is one of the 300+ known species of the aloe family. It is not to be confused with its famous relative, aloe vera, which has been celebrated for centuries for its medicinal properties. Aloe arborescens has only been recently found to be the most powerful aloe ever found -- though it has been available as part of the food supply for decades. This little-known "superfood" contains all the essential nutrients necessary to sustain life -- including 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids, phytonutrients, monosaccharides, polysaccharides, terpenoids, proteins, essential fatty acids and enzymes, to name a few.

Recent clinical studies reveal the broad-based immune health benefits from aloe arborescens are due in part to the synergistic activity among the various therapeutic constituents found in the sap ... gel ... and the entire whole leaf. Aloe arborescens contains over 200 biologically active compounds, and has the highest concentration of key nutrients of all the known aloe varieties, including aloe vera. Aloe arborescens has demonstrated an extraordinary ability to help alleviate a wide variety of health conditions. Even Hippocrates, the "Father of Modern Medicine," used it 2,400 years ago to heal many diseases.11. But by far, the most stunning health benefit of aloe arborescens is its ability to support normal structure and functioning, thereby allowing permanent remission.

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In 1988, Father Romano Zago, who at the time was at the San Antonio parish in Pouso Novo, Brazil, heard about the aloe arborescens recipe from his fellow friar, Father Reckziegel. Since then, he's had the opportunity to witness the results for himself.

Father Zago was shocked and amazed by the "miraculous" results of this recipe that it inspired him to write the book titled Cancer Can Be Cured. In the book, he reveals the amazing recipe consisting of only 3 ingredients (see below).

Today, this recipe has spared thousands worldwide from suffering and dying. One such person was Giovanni Mariani. On pages 25-27 of Cancer Can Be Cured, Father Zago tells the story of Giovanni of Forqueta, Brazil, who had been given a terminal diagnosis. His doctors said, "There is no cure for his case ... he only has a few days to live." Father Zago gave the aloe arborescens recipe to Giovanni's wife, Gemma, and asked her to give the bed-ridden Giovanni the natural remedy 3 times a day. Gemma was skeptical, so she didn't give it to Giovanni. But their son, Rubens, did.

Soon thereafter, Rubens reported that the swelling in his father's stomach, which was as large as a tennis ball, had disappeared! After a few days, Giovanni left his bed ... started to walk up and down the hallway, and then outside. And soon after, he returned to work. As of 2002 when Father Zago first documented this true story ... Giovanni Mariani was still alive at over 80 years old -- and in perfect health.

Upon witnessing dozens of patients like Giovanni experiencing remarkable therapeutic benefits after drinking this potent tonic and hearing of thousands more with the same results, Father Romano Zago has now spent more than 20 years researching the science behind the miraculous stories of health restoration that this recipe has spawned.

Father Romano Zago, OFM (Order of the Friars Minor), Brazilian scholar and author

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The Aloe Arborescens "Recipe" as presented in Father Zago's book, "Cancer

Can Be Cured"

The ingredients of the "recipe" are simple: 3 or 4 large leaves of aloe arborescens (must be at least 5 years old), 1/2 kilo (1.1 pounds) of bees' honey (raw and unrefined, not synthetic), and 6-8 teaspoons of distillate. Clean the leaves with a dry cloth, and remove the spines. Then, cut them into pieces and blend them together with the honey and distillate until smooth. The recommended dosage for taking the resulting tonic is 1 tablespoon 3 times a day (preferably before meals) for 10 consecutive days. Then, stop for 10 days and then start again.

"We Owe My Mom's Health and Recovery to This Heaven-Sent Tonic"

Jocelyn's mother suffered from a terminal condition for which they thought there was no hope. "We owe my mom's health and recovery to this heaven-sent tonic," Jocelyn wrote. During her mom's therapy, "She was not nauseous, did not lose her hair, or lose any weight. It was the opposite of all the ... nightmares you hear about. Her hair only thinned, but she still had a full head of hair, and her blood levels were always perfect. The doctor was always dumbfounded at her results every time he saw her and her blood was drawn. "To make this long story short ... my mom had her PET scan and the scan came back NEGATIVE ... Her doctor is still amazed and she is still doing great today, years later." -- Excerpted from a letter from Jocelyn Chang, New Jersey, sent to Luis Quiroz Ravines of The Miracle of Sharing website

See other amazing case studies of health restoration below.

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Why Aloe Arborescens is So Extraordinary in Delivering a Wide Spectrum of Health Benefits

ather Romano Zago writes in his book, Cancer Can Be Cured, that he receives news from people all over the world, throughout 5 continents, about how this recipe has helped thousands regain their health for all areas of the body.

Do you or someone you know suffer from a health problem involving one of the following organs or body systems? [Check all that apply]

Breast Ovaries Rectum Throat

Prostate Brain Bladder Face

Lungs Cerebellum Intestine Lymphatic system

Liver Uterus Kidneys Blood system

Colon Bone Skin Spinal column

According to Father Romano Zago, this recipe is for anyone who's interested in health maintenance or health restoration -- not just those who have a life-threatening or chronic disease since it nutritionally supports normal health function. Dr. Ivan Danhof, Ph.D., M.D., North Texas Research Laboratory, Grand Prairie, Texas, who is recognized as one of the world's top experts on aloe has helped to pioneer critical work aimed at isolating aloe's healing nourishing agents. He has identified over 300 therapeutic properties.13 The mechanisms of action are as follows:

Optimize the functioning of the entire immune system

Detoxify, purify, and cleanse the body (especially cleanse and normalize the blood)

Facilitate the repair of cells, tissues, and organs

Support the body's natural ability to regulate the destruction and elimination of invading foreign matter, including cancer, bacteria, viruses, fungus, and parasites.

Scientists such as Dr. Aldo Facetti, phytology technician and herbalist at the Palatinin Salzano

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Venezia Institute in Italy, found that aloe arborescens is 200% richer in medicinal substances and contains more than 70% of anti-cancer properties compared to Aloe Vera, which contains 40% of these properties. The aloe arborescens recipe has an undeniable ability to provide optimal support to your immune system -- and make the immune system work as it was designed to. Why is this important? Most medical doctors agree that the body's own immune system is capable of healing just about anything -- if it's not suppressed, weakened or compromised. And it is a widely accepted medical belief that when your immune system is working correctly, it's unlikely you'll get cancer -- or any other disease, for that matter.

At any given moment, every person has cancer cells proliferating in the body. It is your immune system that successfully fights off those cancer cells -- as well as other pathogens, viruses and disease microorganisms -- before they have the chance to multiply and turn into a full-blown disease. If your immune system is weakened, compromised or shut down, it is no longer capable of warding off cancer cells, pathogens, viruses and disease microorganisms.

A poor diet, lifestyle, substance abuse, or exposure to harmful elements causes toxicity and inflammation in the body -- and over time,

these can shut down your immune system and cause cells to mutate or turn into cancer.

Why Many Doctors and Health Practitioners are Telling Their Patients About the Recipe

ne of the most famous health centers in the world, the Budwig Center, offers Father Romano Zago's recipe to the Center's clients.

According to the Budwig Center, founded by Dr. Johanna Budwig, a seven-time alternative health Nobel Prize nominee who spent 50 years helping thousands of people regain their health, the Brazilian recipe works to provide the body's immune system a potent remedy for a wide variety of health conditions. 14 There are reportedly more than 1,000 testimonials over the past 20 years of people

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turning their health around for the better.

Other doctors, like Dr. Lloyd Jenkins ... Dr. Steven Nemeroff ... Dr. Frank Shallenberger ... Dr. Tony Jimenez ... and Dr. David Tanton are part of a growing list of doctors who are offering the recipe to their patients as part of integrative therapy.

Even Death Sentences are Reversed

"Over and over, alternative therapies have cured ... when traditional therapies (surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy) have failed miserably. After doctors gave patients their ultimate death sentences, (normally a few months to live), it was then in desperation that some finally turned to alternative therapies." --Dr. David W. Tanton, Ph.D., Holistic Nutrition, Clayton College of Natural Healing 12

The Recipe That Delivers Health Restoration All Over the World

ather Romano Zago receives letters from people all over the world who tell remarkable healing stories. Following are a few case studies of health restoration. [There are countless other amazing case studies that we are unable to include here because compliance to Federal regulations

prohibit us from doing so. We believe these case studies are a reasonable cross-section of the range of typical results that people in the circumstances described have been able to achieve.]

Micol, a 13-year-old girl suffered from a brain condition since she was five. She had three surgeries at the Oncological Centre in Paris -- perhaps the most famous in the world. However, the condition persisted, and nothing could calm Micol's pain. But a fourth operation was not possible. After taking a bottle of the aloe treatment, the child was no longer in pain. She could ride her bike, play and talk. After taking a second round of the recipe, the results of another cycle of tests showed that she had returned to good health.1


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Gregorio from Milan, Italy, had a bladder condition that required surgery. The doctors in Como were preparing to operate, but couldn't decide whether to remove the bladder and replace it with a plastic one -- or leave him without a bladder. After taking two rounds of the recipe, Gregorio returned to a state of wellness. The doctors were astounded! Gregorio now lives a normal life with his own, perfectly healthy bladder.1


Miriam's nephew, a man of about 50, had a 12-hour surgery for a throat condition. Three of his other friends underwent the same surgery. The only difference is that he took several bottles of the recipe -- and his friends did not. The happy ending is that now, Miriam's nephew manages properties and leads a normal life. His three friends, who had throat surgery without using the recipe, all died, one after another.1


A Jordanian boy who had a chronic condition that deformed his face, frequently traveled to the United States to receive regular treatments. He took three bottles of the aloe preparation. According to the Sisters of St. Dorothy from the Latin Patriarchate Seminary in Beit Jala, Bethlehem, the boy became healthy again and stopped making those expensive journeys abroad.1


Father Lorenzo, Conventual OFM, had a colon condition. The doctors opened his lower stomach but they could do nothing for him. Before closing him up, they decided by mutual consent to perform a colostomy, to give him the chance -- depending on how well he recovered -- to prolong his life. He began taking the aloe blend and just 3 months after the operation, Father Lorenzo's health was so good that the doctors who had operated on him the first time removed the sack they had applied. The priest (now 70+ years of age) currently lives smiling and happy, and is a sought-after charismatic confessor throughout the world.1


For therapeutic purposes: Take 1 tablespoonful 3 times a day for 10 days. Stop for 10 days. Resume for another 10 days. Continue this regimen until all signs of the health condition disappear. Monitor symptoms and test results regularly.

To summarize, 10 days on, 10 days off, 10 days on, and so on, until full health recovery is achieved.

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For health maintenance: Do the 10-day regimen of 1 tablespoonful 3 times a day, once every

3 months (just 4 times a year). Remember: Your body's own immune system is capable of healing just about any health condition -- if it's not suppressed, weakened or compromised. And when your immune system is working correctly, the likelihood of getting cancer or any other disease is reduced to a minimum. And if you're someone who is looking for a solution for a health condition or disease you're suffering from, what would it be worth if you could be in permanent remission?


The aloe arborescens plants are not harvested until they are at least 5 years old and at the peak of their nutritional potency.

No rain must have occurred during the previous 5 days before harvesting.

The aloe arborescens leaves are picked at the right time of the day with the least amount of light -- early morning or late evening -- to preserve the active properties.

The leaves are ground into juice immediately after picking

Optimal immune function fortification and rejuvenation support for serious immune system suppression 3, 4

Gentle cleansing of toxicity for the whole body

Stimulating macrophages and T killer cells

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Supporting the release of interleukins and cytokines which

activate immune cells

Supporting apoptosis

An adjunctive, complementary and integrative health care product without contradictions

Normalizing body functions

Promotes gastrointestinal health

Promotes healthy blood and cardiovascular health

Contains the complete array of aloe's health-promoting, active glucomannan polysaccharides 4% such as mannose (2ml per serving) to guarantee maximum effectiveness in immune system support

Furnishes the body the complete spectrum of aloe's beneficial phytonutrient properties derived from liquid made from the whole leaf of the plant

Many doctors and health practitioners are recommending it to their patients because its health benefits are stunningly undeniable. And it's the exact formula that supports permanent remission, and is used by the people of Noiva-do-Mar, where no one ever dies of cancer.

Some of the Health Benefits

The doses are also the same. The treatment has solved problems of the following nature:

• Acidity of the stomach, Gastritis, Ulcer. • Conjunctivitis, Rubefaction (redness). • Callosities (calluses). • Spots on the skin, Small wounds on the scalp. • Dandruff. • Rheumatism, Arthritis.

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• Intestinal polyps, Uterine polyps. • Paralysis. • Deafness. • Parkinson’s Disease. • Baldness. • Sinusitis. • Lupus. • Herpes on the vaginal labia or glans. • Psoriasis. • Epilepsy. • Athlete’s foot.

It has also:

• Regulated bowel, eliminating constipation. • Eliminated fungal infections. • Normalized cholesterol. • Regulated blood pressure. • Stimulated the appetite. • Created thinner and softer hair. • Regulated the menstrual cycle in women who have had irregular cycles since

adolescence. • Solved problems of night-time sweating, both in winter or summer. • Improved sexual performance in men in their forties. • Improved breathing capacity in asthma sufferers. • Regenerated an atrophied nail that was nothing but cartilage; strengthened the

nail. • Prevented surgery in cases of prostate cancer in men about to be operated on. • Prevented surgery in cases of cancer of the bladder. • Eliminated persistent acne. • Eliminated catarrh, aiding expectoration. • Solved problems of bad digestion. • Improved bad breath. • Cured varicose ulcers. • Cured ulcers of the retina. • After four jars, cured from toxoplasmosis (cat virus) of the eye. • Led to recovery of sense of smell in people who had been without for many years.

Q. What are the curative effects of Aloe used on its own, as a plant?

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All the healings listed below have been confirmed by experience:

• Fungal infections. • Athlete’s foot. • Callosities in 24 hours without pain. • Fistula on the gums, in the form of a deep and narrow channel. • Tumor between the toes. • Abscesses. • Dandruff, strengthening the scalp; it is a hair tonic. • Insect bites (bee, wasp, spider, mosquito, etc.) • Scalding in domestic accidents. • Burns from x-rays. • Small cuts caused by domestic accidents (powerful cicatrisation, or healing of the

wound.) • Anti-tetanus. • Eczema. • Ophthalmia (inflammation of the eye). • As a suppository, it has cured hemorrhoids. • Dissolved in water, used to clear the liver. • Works well against anemia. • Constipation: it regulates the bowel. • Rheumatism. • Cicatrizes (heals) ulcers of the retina or any other wound to the eye. • Eliminates verrucas (warts). • Effective in combating acne. • Effective in combating worms. • Dissolved in water, it cures acidity of the stomach, gastritis, peptic ulcer.

P.S. Father Romano Zago, OFM (Order of the Friars Minor), Brazilian scholar, aloe researcher and author, publicized this Brazilian immune formula for the benefit of mankind. His name in the trademark/logo recognizes his collaborative contributions and vouches for the authenticity of the original Brazilian Immune Health Formula in each

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1 Cancer Can Be Cured! (2002) Father Romano Zago, OFM

2 A Randomized Study of Chemotherapy Versus Biochemotherapy with Chemotherapy plus Aloe Arborescens in Patients with Metastatic Cancer(2009) DR. PAOLO LISSONI, M.D., FRANCO ROVELLI, FERNANDO BRIVIO, ROMANO ZAGO, MASSIMO COLCIAGO, GIUSEPPINA MESSINA, ADELIO MORA and GIORGIO PORRO Division of Radiation Oncology, Division of Surgery, St. Gerardo Hospital, Monza, Milan, Italy

3 The Great Aloe Book, History, botany, composition, and pharmacological aspects of this legendary plant, USA Edition 2005 Alessandro Bassetti, Stefano Sala

4 Private Research Test on file of constituents of Aloe Arborescens whole leaf juice conducted by U.S. Aloe Research Laboratory

5 Thousand Plants Against Cancer Without Chemo-Therapy (2008) Dr. Giuseppe Nacci, M.D.

8 The Miraculous Healer: An M.D.'s Clinical Perspective Dr. Lee Cowden, M.D.

11 Beating Cancer with Nutrition (2005) Quillin, Patrick

12 Taking the Mystery Out Of Cancer: Cancer Prevention and Cure Is Possible (2011) Dr. David W. Tanton, Ph.D.

13 Dr. Ivan Danhof, Ph.D., M.D., North Texas Research Laboratory, Grand Prairie, Texas http://www.serovera.com/dr-ivan-danhof/ http://www.naturalnews.com/028239_aloe_vera_FDA.html#ixzz297gpKZCH

14 www.budwigcenter.com

DISCLAIMER: The information provided within this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a physician or other health care professional. A health care professional should be consulted before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program. Case studies and testimonials represent a cross-section of the range of results that appear to be typical with this product. None of these case studies and testimonials are intended to guarantee that you, or anyone, will achieve the same results. Results may vary depending upon use and commitment.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent any disease.
