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Three Motives and Reasons the Faith.-english-Gustav Theodor Fechner.

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  • 7/27/2019 Three Motives and Reasons the Faith.-english-Gustav Theodor Fechner.



    Three motives and reasonsthe


    Gustav Theodor Fechner.


    Printed and published by Breitkopf and Hartel.

    , 1863.


    Each person has his faith area, partly to cover the different areas, some of them

    move apart. True knowledge is but only one, is not the only one true faith? Some say

    rather that it is right and proper that each had its particular faith.

    The question is first of all: What is faith against the knowledge? Because a part of

    the essence of both is still in their relationships with each other. Is it a fraternal,friendly, hostile? Has the knowledge to be the servant of the faith or the faith to hide

    themselves from the light of knowledge as the owl? They are stapled as the two heads

    of Janus at each other, so that each looks in a different direction, each only sees what

    the other does not? Or can only see different than each other did the same to his other


    These are old questions, is an old dispute, which today is still waiting for the

    discharge. Rather than take it but here again, this pamphlet goes away from the

    hassles a way in which there is no occasion for the dispute, because the answer will

    almost before the question. What is its purpose other?

    So great is the faith area and the area of the believer, it is so dark and so many ways

    to run it together sometimes, sometimes apart. Few ever think about it, why they

    believe what they believe, what little they entitled to believe what they believe, few

    make it right is right and many lose over the thought even the faith, because they

    have not taken the rights . This little book has grown out of thinking about what is the

    right and the guarantee of rights in matters of faith, and his intention again to lead

    thinking the way that has appeared to us than the right, a path on which to faith rather

    gained than is lost. I describe briefly the task of this book go to show how faith grows out of his

    motives, to let the motives of faith to grow reasons, and thus to leave the faith grow

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    The main objects of faith are three, and so we are also three main motives and find

    as a result, three main reasons for the faith, but do not separate the objects, but to the

    band, what they have in the nature of things, a band add in man.

    The Common of the motives and reasons I unite under the name ofprinciples offaith, and so I can also say it should be here around the principles of faith.

    We have many textbooks of faith, they are taught only to the most. We have been in

    evidence for the existence of God, the Hereafter and angels, but they are only

    applicable for the scholars there, and faith is all there.Did not even make the reasons

    of faith accessible to everyone and catchy? But many would like to believe and can

    not believe only, and she will learn the faith from his textbooks, or books for

    edification, requiring him ready to build the missing? But in this little book is trying

    to teach the faith to build the faith without the scholarship of the textbooks or the

    condition of devotional books need to. It is all so simple, clear, understandable and obvious antecedents to almost self-

    evident in the fact that I get, however, you find it is rather too much than too little,

    when one is accustomed to find it otherwise so different in these things. And is also

    the word believer be satisfied that I take the most important words, he believes, really

    just the words of reason believers so that I take them all the way to the reason, and

    the unbelieving so that I his grounds of unbelief raise themselves to religious reasons,

    since the opposition between the three, in which the life of faith ring moves, almost

    more than it depends on other things that they will not do justice to the self, in which

    they seek their justice against each other. Finally the progress of the Faith dares here about his previous position also will be

    forgiven even after the most faithful expect the fixed retirement of faith to its


    So Getrste you book a small congregation, and the tree, which sleeps in the

    acorn. Do you have a small piece of the germs of this tree.

    ContentI. Faith and knowledge in general.

    II The area faith in the strict sense.

    III. motives and reasons (principles) of faith in general.

    IV Historical, practical and theoretical principle of faith in general.

    V. The historical principle.

    VI. The practical principle.

    VII The theoretical principle.Argument of the spirit.

    's argument from the body.

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    VIII position of an exact science of body and soul (with regard to the question of

    nerves) to the faith.

    IX. questions of how faith first came to humanity, and how the motives and reasons

    of belief in the existence of God rooted in the existence of God.

    X. The Orthodox and the free position.XI. retrospect, overview, foresight.

    XII. conclusion.


    Faith and knowledge in general.

    Like all general concepts can also take faith in different size and style. Rather than

    argue, however, as he was to take, we simply explain what we here understand and

    want to look under that name. Enough so that if we remain within the limits of

    language use, and those stuck fixed only for the purposes of the following analysis, as

    they are in the fluctuations of use.

    Perhaps we would do well to proceed as often as it happens commonly.

    In the broadest sense, and now you understand what I mean by faith an assent to

    what is not through experience or logical conclusion, what is the mathematical


    Should I hereafter also explain what I mean by holding for true experience, logical

    conclusion mathematics? But you can see well that I will not be ready or would not

    come to the beginning, what is it supposed to do here.The language used and thecontext of the consideration must be sufficient to allow the Neuter understand what

    should be understood below, and only Neuter it should be here.

    I wanted to write a metaphysics of faith, however, I would have to go deeper into

    all sides term relationships, go back to the most abstract, emanating from the last, as

    if it were the first. But what it could lead? Once seemed to me that all metaphysics,

    dogma, mysticism and mythological figures of faith from the darkness rather than

    leads into the darkness, I am not permitted to enter into their depth. What we seek is

    above this depth.

    In that broad sense in which we first conceived the belief that his term is indifferent

    to its content. You can believe that there is a God and that there is a hell, war or peace

    will, of thirteen sitting at the table, this year one will die, so what you can not believe

    everything. It is incredible what is believed everything in the world, and of all that is

    believed is believed the opposite. The most blatant superstition is faith even in this

    broad sense of the faith.

    But in a narrow sense, when Faith, Love, Hope puts together, for example, on the

    faith as man's last refuge has, from the Blessed Are by faith, of matters of faith, belief

    sources, religious people talking, one understands and I understand under believeonly faith in the highest and last things, ie God, the afterlife, higher spiritual

    existence. Hand over most everything that is certainly in those ways, and that's why

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    we speak of faith, preferably. So faith is in the narrower sense only the highest area of

    faith in a broader sense.

    From time immemorial, people have medical conditions linked to it even in the

    existence of the objects of this faith and the faith and sought the highest and most

    general band in that faith. In this respect it is also calledreligious faith as

    distinguished from vulgar faith.

    To this belief in the strict sense, it is preferably act here, but since he broadly shares

    the common characteristics and relationships of faith, which are independent of the

    nature of what is believed, it will apply to take this time being considered.

    According to some, it would certainly seem that the belief in the highest and last

    things in general quite different in nature, quite different sources and consequences

    have, but the belief in some what different things to what here and there, what

    tomorrow or the next of Use will be or not to be the year that he was something

    absolutely Furthermore offender or even something specific in every aspect. Andshould it really can somehow hold with superstition into one? - But first and

    foremost, faith is the highest and last things a assent to the existence and nature of the

    things to which it refers, as any other faith, without having to be done by logic and

    experience certainly can, so something has but conceptually it common, and it is

    itself part of the role of the following to show that the specific belief in the highest

    and last things is just only the fact that these things are the highest and last, the

    highest and last of the are but where we all live and move, and the motives and

    reasons for any belief that is located on the highest summits in relation to it, is the

    most complete and finish together. So firm can be no faith when faith in these things,

    so resounding no motives, no binding reasons so far and no profound

    consequences. Why? Because the motives, reasons, consequences of the belief in

    common, highest and last things bear the nature of its objects, the highest and last to

    be most common of which being but where acts of our lives, and endeavors and


    Faith is like a high pyramid. The motives and reasons of all faith walk of a broad

    base of the religious faith as a final ruling upper together, and the same is very much

    mistaken, he who seeks the top of the pyramid as something Secreted above the

    pyramid, and who makes no view of the base , half wrong, who only half does it. One can believe that something is, and believe that is something to be trusted, then

    faith is trust. This sense is often the belief in the Bible. But it is rooted in the one of

    another faith, how could anyone believe that is something to be trusted, not even

    from the thought that it is. As the Bible says, "Without faith it is impossible to please

    God, because anyone who comes to God must believe that he is, and those who seek

    him, will be a rewarder" While (Ebr. XI 6th) requires the belief in the first sense yet

    of an increase of determinants to be the last, but they grow out of the right belief in

    the rights also of yourself. So it is therefore not necessary to separate the

    consideration regarding it. What knowledge is against the faith now?

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    Again, it is important again to distinguish a closer and more important. What is

    known in the narrowest and strictest sense, hereby absolutely and

    objectively Certain towards us one believes only what is impossible to imagine

    according to the principle of identity differently or to think about, that's all

    through directexperience, valid logical inference or the latter on Due to the former

    Detected. I know in that sense of knowing that a sensation of red, green, yellow in the world

    is when I have them myself, because nothing can complain about, what is there that is

    there. I know that every triangle includes two right angles in sum, because I can not

    think otherwise, without coming into conflict with the preconceived conditions of the

    triangle, I know on the same grounds in a sphere whose diameter I know from

    experience that their volume and content. Others, however, whether the orange in

    front of me, just as yellow as I see, I can not strictly know, I firmly believe it only

    almost as if I knew it, and as long as I have the cogency of logical inference is not

    itself seen, recognized the impossibility of dissenters resending after the claims ofconceptual match it myself, I can well believe, but do not know that he is so cogent

    and Urban is correct.

    Of what we know for certain, however, is in addition to the very extensive rich

    mathematical truths basically very little, and to draw on the mathematical truths out

    anyway, partly that they only just a matter of knowing less strict, more or less for

    others matter of faith are, in part, that they say nothing about the existence itself, but

    only say that if this is so, then this is so. Mathematics can not prove that there is a

    space of three dimensions, in the draw to lines that can be put boundaries by the that

    it circles are triangles, but only that, if there is a space, triangles, circles within themeaning the definition is from the given this and that follows. Everything that

    happened before us, will be done by us, far done by us and there is the certainty of

    knowledge for us going into that strictest sense of knowledge, she did not have

    enough on their established concepts in the areas of Perceptible over the immediately

    Experienced and analyzable its logical, and combined developable content addition.

    Meanwhile, there are principles of generalization of experienced, laws that are won

    only through self-moderating generalization of the experience, and the more so again

    confirmed in the experience, the longer and the more and the more thoroughly we

    pursue them. These principles and laws, and what follows from it, you wont beexpected in a wider sense to the field of knowledge and we may hereafter expect

    it. The whole science is to generate such knowledge, although the knowledge thus

    generated in the last instance always hangs on the belief that the generalization on

    which we are based and the conclusions drawn will also find their confirmation, as

    those previously in the circle of experience moderating have been found. For neither

    by logic nor experience can be proved that such would occur.

    Who can say that it was proven by experience or mathematics, or both together or

    be proved that the law of gravity applies through all the rooms, will apply throughout

    all time. But it has been found valid, as far and as long as we could trace it by the sky

    and the times. The evidences a faith that does the strictest knowledge of almost equal

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    strength, that it would also further apply, and therefore we expect it self as a matter of

    our knowledge, yes as a matter of strict, the exact knowledge.

    In most of what is called knowledge, but faith is a conditionally, provided that this

    knowledge is based on the assumption of some Felt. So does everything in our

    historical knowledge of the faith in the credibility of sources, all of our experience

    science the belief that seen other right, and only what they have rather seen told ourentire psychology, as far as they do not merely that of a single individual is the belief

    in other people's souls advance. And what would all of our science, when all this faith

    would fall.

    So the man of knowledge does not like too much despise the faith. Of all

    knowledge has its share of some faith; deprive him of the same and forfeit the

    knowledge itself. Not banish faith, but to replace as much as possible through

    knowledge, may be his task as a man of knowledge. As far as possible. And not

    enough knowledge to replace a faith, may be the question of whether faith is ever

    ersetzlich or not, and thereafter the task set out to topple him from the knowledge

    side, or, if not to justify, but to based.

    Is after all the faith nothing more than an imperfect knowledge?

    But that would be to recognize the essence of bad faith. Rather like what we think

    of one thing always about what we know of it, extends, and the determinants of

    beliefs about rich generally speaking, the knowledge and can the inadequacy of the

    latter, which takes place every faith, by other Determinants are added. So much so

    that an assent to the thing comes to pass that. Resistance to that which rests on

    knowledge reasons, often not inferior and one of the objective certainty ofknowledge, not identical, but the holding scales subjective certainty can arise That is

    a certainty that the feeling that it could be otherwise, is just so far as the clear

    consciousness that it could not be otherwise attending. As for the really religious

    man, despite that the existence of those objects of faith exceeds in the existence of

    God, as hard as the naturalist believes Mussulman to the sky with the Houri's to the

    generality of the laws of nature all experience and all mathematics. But can

    Determinants of faith with such knowledge outright come into conflict and often they

    offer. Or why many a word of the Bible is worth more than all the science

    experiments and all speculative philosophy. Luther himself one has the expression:"the Sorbonne has established the highly reprehensible doctrine that what was

    established truth in philosophy, must also apply in theology as truth," and the church

    father Tertullian even said frankly: "credo , quia absurdum est. "He wanted to say:

    My reasons for belief are not only from the knowledge of reasons, they even

    contradict them.

    No less than the reasons rich and the consequences of faith far beyond the


    Faith is not merely produced, he also testifies again, two male children, deeds and

    conclusions, two female, hope and fear. The power of his producers and his sons arein relationship and in the past to prove his own strength. Let us now see, the whole

    action, thought, feeling human is much more determined by the faith of these scions

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    of faith than from knowledge of, since there are so little of what we really know. And

    we look closer, so just created the belief in the highest and last things that exceed our

    knowledge the most, the strongest of all effects. And we see very well, so one of the

    main effects just this, all knowledge about growing, faith itself to promote the

    knowledge, because what did the Christians wiser than the Turks!

    It is true, railways and machinery can not build faith, he must leave the knowledge,although the belief in benefits that are not there yet, and often do not come to build it

    stimulates the knowledge executes only. But there are larger effects of faith, the very

    knowledge resigns or more enters the easement of faith.

    The belief is that has led to the Crusades hundred upon hundreds of thousands from

    west to east and in the trains of the crescent from east to west, which put the Pope on

    the throne and the prince has placed under his feet was that the cities their Dome, the

    villages of their churches, the hills, paths and walkways their chapels and crosses

    were, Greece has peopled with statues and monasteries with monks.

    Think of the tortures imposed for the sake of faith multitudes endured by countless

    martyrs of countless penitents themselves are imposed, how much do people have

    been killed and burnt for the faith, have slaughtered and burned, can be themselves

    have voluntarily plunged to his death.

    "And what more shall I say - includes Paul 1) , having been much counted in the

    same sense - the time would be too short for me, if I tell of Gideon, and of Barak, and

    of Samson, and Jephthah, and David, and Samuel, and the prophets.

    1) Ebr. XI. 32 ff

    Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises,

    stopped the mouths of lions;

    Quenched the power of fire, the sword, entronnnen, are made strong out of

    weakness, became mighty in war, the foreign army have laid prostrate;

    Many have suffered mocking and scourging, moreover of bonds and imprisonment;

    They were stoned, hacked, stabbed, killed by the sword: they went about in furs

    and goat skins, with destitute, afflicted, tormented;

    And gone in misery in the deserts, in the mountains and in dens and caves of the


    These all, having had witness through faith. "

    There is no knowledge in the world that can produce such effects, so to speak,

    overcome death, that is, the fear of death and the fear of killing the defenseless,

    because there is no knowledge that overcomes death itself, ie the can punish fear of

    death lies and ensure the safety of a better life beyond. That must take faith

    andersher, draw its power from another source. The fear of death is innate, how

    powerful is all Congenital, the belief has grown, but it can grow over the fear of


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    What can the mighty, away from the underlying knowledge, and often surpassed all

    of the same determinants, Determinants for his faith, capable of producing the effects

    of such expansion and power? There are quite mystical, can be nothing of them

    show? On the contrary, quite obvious to point to's lightest, except that the eight lots

    of what he sees every day, easy does not see, and thought-provoking rather after what

    just behind the neighbor, as seen by the neighbor, and the single standing there looksfrom one side.

    But before we attempt before the remoter the next, but to show this on all sides, we

    meet a second error after the first, as momentous as it may be the first, which is of

    itself a the three sites shows that there below is considered accurate to consider.

    So erroneous it would be to try to make faith merely of knowledge reasons

    dependent, and to see in faith nothing but an imperfect knowledge so erroneous it

    would be to exclude the knowledge reasons of the determinants of the faith whole

    and even in a merely something extrinsic to the Other to see. In our Meistes

    knowledge we found something of faith in detail and conversely, what we know of

    one thing to have a very significant proportion of our faith, has often admittedly only

    hidden content anywhere and is in conflict with other determinants of the faith itself

    as a with such a weight which can be weighed by weigh or circumstances.

    What gives the faith of even the raw savages who knows nothing of astronomy, the

    sun will rise tomorrow, as it is understood today? Only he knows she is today,

    yesterday, day before yesterday, worked out every day since time immemorial. Such

    induction can never be complete, but that in itself incomplete knowledge of what it

    rests, complemented by itself after a psychological laws so as to insurers and firmer

    faith, a lower per supplement is needed.

    What makes us to his own soul, the only one of which we really know, believe in a

    soul of all the other people? That we see their bodies and bodily expressions of the

    same our, what we know bound mind and mental activity. This analogy may

    constitute as little as an inductive inference that knowledge in the strictest sense, but

    what it lacks, just as supplemented again by itself to faith.

    The belief in the highest and last things is certainly not of such a nature that it

    would require only those weak subjective complement the knowledge reasons, we

    expect that neglecting what is believed to knowledge itself.The reasons range ofknowledge here, much less far, the other religious reasons gain the upper hand by far,

    but it would be without the service of knowledge are not sufficient reasons in turn

    and they never come without advantage.

    So the man of faith does not like too much despise the knowledge. His faith would

    be without an empty phrase or bladder.

    After all, is not the lack of knowledge of reasons, but the inadequacy of the same

    perfect a knowledge or an objective certainty in the above sense and complement this

    defect by psychological or other wide reasons characterizes the faith, and only

    relative we like from lack of knowledge of reasons for belief speak when, how often,

    against the other religious reasons can not arise.

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    By enter the determinants of knowledge in the faith with the faith but still

    Determinants, has also the whole area of faith is much larger than that of knowledge,

    presents its influence on life, feeling, thought the knowledge, only faith not enough

    knowledge at all to the highest and last things one might find reason enough to see an

    imperfect faith than vice versa rather in knowledge, and rather to have the faith to the

    knowledge the higher position, if not all, the dispute over the priority of what is onlywith and through each other, at all pointless and would be a misunderstanding of the

    right relationship. So much belief overlooks the knowledge, take him all the

    knowledge, and you have only pure superstition, not even the substance to

    superstition; take the knowledge of all faith, and you have the mathematical void only

    the materialistic wealth, so stand alone with your soul in the world without a soul

    beside, above, before and after you. It's called faith blind to the knowledge, he is

    really against the knowledge about how the blind man's eyes to, that is, apart from his

    eyes, the right knowledge but are of the right eyes of faith. So would find faith but

    only by knowing his way? But can reverse the eyes without all the people find away? But I do not want to accumulate images for which it can ask whether and to

    what extent they meet, for what. Himself to clear to anyone who attaches a clear view

    of the relationship between knowledge and faith

    Also, you will readily admit everything, and Some only provide the exempt them

    what it considered the most and here is to be asserted, the belief in the highest and

    last things. What can because knowledge? Says the same thing: nothing, so we have

    nothing here expect from him; - the Other: There can be nothing here know, the way

    it is just superstition. And so can the knowledge of A, the other falling faith in all

    those same things, in which only the best combination of all forces can lead to bothtruest, best, highest.


    The area faith in the strict sense.

    If even the belief takes the highest and last things with each other faith under the

    same general concept, it remains factually Ungemeines something about each other

    and faith in himself many things in common but with no other.

    First place, he has this in common, that it is a belief in ghosts, for even in the

    afterlife, it is after all spirits, and certifies that he, at least on this side, always faith isdetermined to stay because everyone has the hand always only of his own worldly

    soul you know, while there are other faith, yet faith is this morning knowledge, or the

    desire to raise him to knowledge, but promises one term success. Such a success here

    is the thing to be impossible.

    Meanwhile, he is not the only belief in spirits and hereby not the only one that this

    is true. The same is true of faith in other human souls, animal souls, any neighbor

    souls at all, their existence can be as little as that of God, otherworldly and higher

    spirits are made through direct experience and logical conclusion certainly, and so

    could conversely, the existence of this just as surely be , and it will show that we infact have quite adequate reason to do so.

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    But remains of a faith other than the always somewhat of a higher level, the reasons

    for a need to expand, enhance, to be the other reasons, and the interests of one of the

    project over the other.

    The belief in other people souls for us the next spezialste on animal souls and any

    plant souls have also lying to souls on other celestial bodies, the farthest only casual

    interest, the belief in the last and highest intellectual powers, but about all of theseand any belief at all-powerful, comprehensive, meisterndes all hanging thereon

    interests, most general, highest and ultimate, theoretical and practical interest to the

    people because the believed objects have such, but the farthest only insofar as it is the

    farthest to understand in its generality .

    In God closes after believing the existence of the entire spirit world, indeed the

    world in general, from, takes her band, their head, their first cause, its principle is,

    what names you might need for him to look for the one that the highest for around the

    mean. In Beyond the completion of goals, adjustment of the shortcomings of all this

    life is expected. For the gap between us and God mediations be sought in higher

    spirits. The entirety of this faith but has proven to thinking, feeling, acting mankind

    the most common and most important influence and proved it today.

    This he has himself reduced to the life of the day, however, thus gaining from also

    influence our next and spezialsten interests, but only by general, highest and last

    points of view, as, conversely, the belief in the souls of our neighbors in the state,

    morality and custom rises to higher and more general interests, so that highest and

    most general interests opposed grows and grows through with it, but only in the

    outputs of the spezialsten relationships of the family and the congregation. The

    difference is only relative, but relatively it is, and where there is no point of absolute

    divorce, which is not available here, fortunately, also the relative nor his right and his


    In the common height above all other things, the objects of faith hang in the narrow

    sense closely together and faith hangs together by itself.

    According to the Christian faith God with the angels and souls beyond its common

    residence in heaven, carried the painters paint him even of angels above the clouds

    and carried up the souls after death to him. The saints who rose from the here and in

    the hereafter, and the angels who lived with God from the beginning is to convey anon special occasions, the other steadily between us and God, so many fall souls

    beyond partially together with angels themselves. The resurrected from the dead to

    heaven but Christ driven, Judge of the living and the dead, is also a mediator between

    us and God and himself one with God. So firmly adherent in itself is all in the

    kingdom of heaven who can finally unravel the inextricably Fused yet. And there are

    some Christians who believe in nothing he can not unravel, he believes but if he still

    believes something that the actions of the people, which is most in accordance with

    the will of God, and that is what it the most favorable conditions in the afterlife

    backs, and expects a perfect knowledge of things divine and greater union with Godin the afterlife.

    The pagans have taken a few one supreme God, angels take lesser gods, instead of

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    physical countless souls shadows. Down to those Seitab to the islands of the blessed,

    even some who drive more than shadows to topThe whole world is to them a world

    of gods, Pluto sits under the earth, then go the saddest shade; Zeus on Olympus, then

    the happiest of heroes and thus even to the company of gods. So here play world of

    the gods and other world through each other and fall in part looking at each

    other. Where Ibis, cow be worshiped as divine, you can also take the souls after deathin animals. And many nations mixed linked at all of the dead service confused with

    the gods service in a way that we of course have long since my addition.

    In short, the religious beliefs of the highest and last things is a connected world in

    itself, as the real world of the lower common things, which we know only one higher

    than this lower world.

    , Weis, here and there, one or drop the other of the three moments of faith from the

    band can; - on time and in complete faith of humanity it can not happen - but then

    only by falling right across from the faith or as a residue the whole faith itself

    receives only a scanty because each can its power only through the relationship with

    the other kept as each member expires, which are separated from the whole. And any

    atrophy or lack of development of one or another moment is always regarded as a

    defect which expels about yourself, faith can not stop there, must develop soft or


    The Jews have long believed in God before they clearly believed in a life after

    death, although it was a vestigial idea of Sheol. Today they believe in heaven and

    hell, and hope to come once in Abraham's bosom. The Jewish faith is so tough, he

    could not stand on that stunting.

    The Buddhists believe in an otherworldly life without some believe in a personal

    God, and yet have their idols, temples and prayers. The deposited Buddha himself as

    one idol; - where God is absent, idols can not easily be missing, - but that they have

    no God above their idols, will be one of the reasons that the end of days will have no

    Buddhism, and all other reasons are more or less dependent on this. Some among us

    believe in God without believing in an afterlife and personal ghosts between us and

    God, but as dead, cold, abstract, empty, helpless is this belief, so to say they believe

    in God, only God's sake, and would lose the poor God not much.

    Power, life, wealth, beauty, sublimity of religious belief depends on the coherentdevelopment of his three-contained living moments. Probably has a religion or

    denomination already reached the ideal in this regard? Yes, some do not see the ideal

    rather than in the greatest possible atrophy most possible development of a moment?


    motives and reasons (principles) of faith in general.

    The Determinants of faith, as we said, hand over the knowledge, and after the great

    inadequacy of the determinants of knowledge in relation to the last and highest things

    and yet so widely used and powerful belief we had extremely powerful determinantsto faith in these things require. What can they be?

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    The revelation believer is easily done with the answer. The belief in these things is

    itself revealed by God to man. Well, in the last analysis all and certainly preferably

    faith in God from God will even depend. Yes every true belief depends in a sense on

    the part of a revelation of existence of what is believed. Or could be cogently believe

    in the existence of even a tree No one ever saw or heard of the noise a leaf. Which

    indeed the revelation of believers only that it is not the existence of the whole of Godcan enter contact seen at once in the existence of the small people, not, not cogent but

    the belief in the existence of God could be, of not having his existence somehow in

    our visible inside entered says. So is there really the God in whom we believe, we

    must also believe that he had somehow once as revealed to us, so that we can believe

    in him, and the belief in one true God is of itself a belief in a true revelation. The only

    question is in what way geschahe revelation. God spoke to the people as a man? Why

    not you? Initially, yes, it is as the Bible says he who believes in's word the Bible, and

    further he did it through his with his only son and also by supernatural inspiration of

    prophets, evangelists, apostles, popes, saints, councils Reformers. But since all thisyourself just only a matter of faith, for others also rather is a matter of unbelief, then

    the motives and reasons for such a belief, where they exist, are also among the

    general motives and reasons of faith, which we consider below must find, and we can

    not start with the premise of it.

    Let's be open: The Revelation believer who collapsed on the word of the Bible,

    perhaps even of Luther or of the Pope, as such relies upon a rock, from which no

    chunks may fall, for fear of the whole faith is, is this have to face the task of entering

    all position forward. He can not tolerate what he now holds even for the fixed output

    of all judgment and the highest over all evil, will still undergo an assessment and anyquestion, there is for him no authority to do so. And verily, he is right to demand

    anything of the sort from religion itself we will eventually make this demand, but if it

    is already there for him, asks someone else is whether and where it is there; There is

    much to do made for revelation. Reject the question is no answer, but we can only

    wish the answer, which asks, want to help the search, which searches.

    On closer inspection one can determine the reasons for faith motives , which the

    faith drive , and reasons which to entitle differ. The statement of a reason we call an

    argument. Motives and reasons together or the Common of the motives and reasons,

    as I said, principles of faith. Has now probably so you can ask at the very beginning, the faith anything other

    than motives or reasons more than knowledge of what goes into it, and what but

    never enough to certainty?

    In truth, he has no reasons that are not related to the completion of the motifs, and

    thus none of the evidence, only those which are sufficient for conviction, otherwise

    he would not knowledge and belief. What so ever the belief may be justified and

    supported by knowledge side doubts remain possible, however, doubt may be foolish,

    but he always remains possible, without coming into conflict with logic and

    experience, which is on the point.From all that for the existence of God, after all,

    which speaks for the generality of the laws of nature, doubtful but the materialist

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    naturalist on the existence of God, the Orthodox theologian to the generality of the

    laws of nature, so he doubts not merely that he denies. The one doubt may be so

    foolish as the others, but remains equally possible, and the error of a can be proven

    any more than that of the other. Only the same folly can thereby prove that he belongs

    in the highest degree, what else allwrts considered folly.

    A goal of the off-examined by the human society on ways in which he can hope tomeet only the same ausnahmsweiser foolishness to Run the gates. A goal of which

    prefers the useful and the harmful even declared it more useful than the most useful,

    one regrets the gates. A goal of the foundation of the certainty in the most unlikely

    looking, one doubts his intellect.

    Only just lay in matters of faith, of course, some to another, even opposite,

    scale. Keeps all the people who have believed before him and believe him what he

    himself does not believe, for fools, of those who do not prefer the harmful disbelief

    the most useful faith with him, and says: Credo quia absurdum est.

    For all this there's no argument. For all the arguments for faith is only able to rely

    on what is in the smallest and meanest things as folly and wisdom than to assert itself

    in the highest and last things, and in this sense the motives of faith themselves to raise


    In fact, however, a primary object of the following will be to show how the reasons

    which justify the belief that only the highest generalization, summary, culmination,

    clarification, correction position of the motives that drive them to believe, in short,

    what I call the completion Designs call them, are, so that man to just whose sake,

    indeed to believe everything and to whose account the sake of which he reallybelieves, - and how beautiful and good is it that it is so. But also to show that an

    authoritative restriction, correction, cleaning thereof is herein incorporated by each of

    themselves at the same time. What half and individually inadequate and even

    untriftig, and most subjects are there, and can be quite full and combined in the

    largest public grant full cogency, and take the half of what the people driving here

    and there for faith to its Untriftigkeit discard sake, you have it to the full cogency

    rather only to supplement and meet. What a moment aside as part of the stage as a

    whole or a whole has its truth and justification, can to the whole, where the summit

    will be wrong and untriftig; take it to discard its Untriftigkelt sake, one has to thegrade on which it is cogent, only minimize and limit. This limitation and hereby

    correction, but the various motifs make itself

    The Negro believes that a rock, a tree, a snake or something else like a

    god. Why? The priests and the elders said's so, he needs to believe in something

    which has powers over the human out to where people forces are no longer sufficient,

    nor expect help if by magic, sacrifice or prayer from him, and as he did the forces

    Nature does not know, but so much of it knows that it the hand over his, why should

    the snake, the rock, the tree is not as good as any other object of them to be the

    essence to which he needs the faith after any perhaps quite random, association tiedthe idea of the greatness of it. Depending on the raw man, so easily and so raw he

    generalized. Since we have motives of faith that change here and there, so and so can

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    make. But that by all peoples who have risen above the level of animality, the belief

    in a divine being above the people goes that this faith is everywhere in all the last and

    highest matters needed and without it expires human society, that the last insight can

    only find their completion in such a faith in the whole nature of mental and physical

    things, reasons of faith, not just as changing, not the thing itself are also able to make

    different, and preferably folgends we mean by reasons such reasons . The rock is no god, the tree is no god, the snake is no God, the sea is no god, the air

    with thunder and lightning is no God, the earth, the sun and the moon are not God,

    what the Negro, the Egyptians, the Greeks, who believes heath at all. But is all this a

    pure faith mistake? Take all together, you have the world. Is it God? But because of

    the heath says that of all 'that the matter is God? He said only that she was carrying a

    hidden spiritual power behind it, similar to his, only his reaching out. And is it a

    mistake that the whole world is the bearer of a divine spiritual power hidden behind


    The mistake that all individual faith is thus only that looked in detail at individual's

    is laid, which sense only in the whole rests. Add the faith of all the nations by

    themselves and linking it in that you, knpfest the divine spiritual power, which he

    linked to the individual to the whole, so you have the right faith. Set the other hand,

    the power of the individual, it expands to that of the whole,'s right measure to reduce,

    you have the right faith.Every natural object but has a portion of the force with which

    Wielding in all things God transcends all that is human, but he has not the whole, last,


    Also, the dismembering faith of the Gentiles is not the only faith, from the other

    side there is a belief in God as a unified spirit, which is raised high above the world

    of matter, they, his waste has on his stool, his offspring. If the heath faith lacks the

    proper unity of the divine essence, so lacking in this, the living relationship to nature,

    but one may be supplemented by the other and correct in what is missing everyone

    and where everyone is missing, and so the belief is to a in the ubiquitous nature and

    all-ruling God arise as a right faith that all Christians confess the words to without

    making course right earnest with the words.

    If we have the last ground of faith formation, provided there is a real, can be

    attributed to the existence of what is believed, still divides this single reason in itseffects immediately in several determinants or motives. You can try to follow the

    dependence of these motives of faith in the highest and last things of the existence of

    these things, but then must the existence and mode of existence of these things

    presuppose already as a given that condition but to be only through the collection of

    motifs has to justify the true reasons. So instead of starting as a given the existence of

    the highest and last things, and to derive the motives and reasons of the faith of it, we

    have rather only to do with the motives of faith as given, thereafter the reasons of

    faith to give us what we still free is when good reasons for believing in the existence

    and a certain mode of existence of the highest and last things can be found, to think

    backwards, as from this could well go the motives and reasons in us.

    Generally speaking, and as I said, the motives and reasons to believe in these

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    things, that is, the last and highest spiritual existences, none other, than to any mental

    existences, so things in general are; increased just about any other, culminated. And

    why should we eventually higher and a supreme mind for less keep the existence of

    certain as the existence of our neighboring spirits if we just increased corresponding

    motives and reasons culminated find it. If they are, they can not be on hand and

    surface, as for those of course, but it will apply to direct the look up and keep more inheight than when it is the belief in the neighboring ghost, without but, somehow to

    leave the territory of the motives and reasons which have this belief. Also, there are

    no obstacles that more objects the belief in higher spirits and the highest spirit in the

    way, as the belief in the neighboring ghost, if it is not just those greater height of the

    motives and reasons.

    God sees no one, so why believe in it? But you see the soul of your brother? but

    you believe it, so can any case the fact that you do not see a God to the world, are no

    reason, less to believe in him, as in your brother's soul. From this it not even you ask

    to see them, from God seem to require it some to believe in him, and because hemocks the desire, they mock God. A worm is quite different and moves quite

    differently than you, but do you believe in a soul to the worm. So can the fact that the

    world looks very different to you and your little lives do not nachtut the Great, no

    reason lie less in a God to the world as a soul to the worm to believe. The worm but

    has a erbrmlicheren body as you move and pathetic than you, so also do you think a

    worm erbrmlichere soul than you. The world is an unspeakably larger and more

    powerful than your body. Includes your body, your life, and even the history and

    destiny of all peoples to self, and you're just a pathetic particles thereof. Could not

    you then just as well believe in a higher spirit to the world sublime, as aerbrmlichere soul to the worm?

    Now I would believe neither in the soul nor my fellow-men of the worm, if I had

    not also positive reasons for that determination. Now we see purely for the

    experience, what can ever believe in souls us to look further, how far back we find

    the corresponding higher and higher in the faith.

    We believe: 1) because our faith is planted it from childhood. Hindus and other raw

    vegetable people also believe in souls because their faith is planted them from

    childhood, we do not because we, the opposite is planted.

    2) Because we need faith to other human souls find satisfaction in it, so could not

    get along without virtually the same. In animal and plant souls souls this motif as the

    other less claims and therefore also the belief is less common. Even animal souls are

    denied or here and there.

    3) Because the analogy conclusions experience ever reason based on the experience

    corresponding ghost leaves us to take our minds in other bodies. We also require no

    full similarity of other body with our body to accept soul in it, we require a good

    feeling on points, of which we assume that they are characteristic of the soul

    existence, with of course can still ask and argue and really fights what they are. Other motives to faith in the neighboring souls can not be found, just this, and no

    other determining factors, which soon lead us to believe in our neighboring souls

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    more of this, now of that side, but it is also that we are entitled to it unless it fairly be

    taken, only that it can be argued that had completed their version and the wrong

    decisions taken by the decision taken and can legally come into conflict with each

    other and really come. The right version will finally be the one that removes the

    conflict. Purely a priori grounds for that belief, not in the least support were based on

    the above, and reasons at all, heraustrten from the above, there is not. But what is true in this respect for the faith of our neighbor souls, now we hereafter

    the matter is quite as for the belief in the last and highest spirits and even the belief in

    things of any kind Grasp general.


    Historical, practical and theoretical principle

    of faith in general.

    What name also like to wear the motives of faith and what it may apply also to

    believe they carry themselves last on three back, I half distinction of brevity as ahistorical, practical and theoretical, and being only superficially, in order afterwards

    to make the detailed, shortly be formulated.

    Historical motif. One believes what is told us what was believed before us and is

    believed to us.

    Practical design . It is believed that pleases us to believe is, avails.

    Theoretical design . One believes what one finds Determinants in experience and


    None of these motives is informal reducible to the other. Although the historical

    appears from some aspects, not an original, because that someone else may impart

    my faith, he has itself been determining factors have to faith and the message of faith,

    will be to ask for what, and when they again received in one of andersher can be

    communication, it only moves the question further back, and then it seems only the

    theoretical and practical design as the last events of the faith and the message of faith

    to remain. But in terms of a specific belief in revelation, the first message from God

    himself happened to mankind directly or by supernatural inspiration, after which the

    historical subject would be the allerursprnglichste rather, and we let the whole dark

    question of thefirstorigin of faith in humanity at page and ask how today the beliefcomes first to every person, it is nevertheless certain and will continue to find its

    execution, that the child, which the faith of parents and teachers is informed not

    accept him because of the theoretical and practical motif but simply assumes, because

    it is given to him, so that in any case in particular, the historical subject is nowadays

    for every person the most original.

    Instead of a one-sided dependence of the other motifs is rather up to certain limits

    change depending recognize all of each other. The whole design of the faith that has,

    with output possibly developed by a long-lasting effect of the theoretical and

    practical subject of a direct revelation, wears historically at once to the new entrants

    into humanity. If the belief in each generated afresh by mere mediation of theoretical

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    and practical subject, how weak, poor, and he would be ambiguous, even in a few as

    he would ever come to pass. The whole religious capital of humanity as a whole and

    to inherit large parts held together in human history continues. From other side, but if

    not the theoretical and practical design to hold the faith to propagate and develop

    themselves compelled, as its effect would deny the historical, the capital, where it

    always initially descended to consume, disappear. It's like with the blood, and thebusy life of what is already there, gives strength and life and strength, not the food,

    but can not draw power and strength of his life and of rotational himself from the

    blood, and the food it needs.

    So the historical subject would be able to little without the theoretical and practical

    how to make and no one has actually reversed the development and design of faith

    alone undertaken. But this co-and mess-operation of motives does not prevent but to

    follow the mode of action of each independently and up to certain limits, so in order

    to know what they work with and through each other, one must know what each

    looks to his side.Especially since the match, which prove the three motifs generallyspeaking, cause faith at all and get in detail and with reference to the particular faith

    does not exist. Rather, we see this in detail here, there, that motif vorwaltend or even

    exclusively, even hostile to the other, escape, and the conflict of motives as likely as

    their subsequent handling. When orthodox Catholicism and Protestantism is the

    historical principle, the vast, the theoretical and the Neukatholizismus the

    philosophical teachings of religion, the teachings of Confucius and the state religions,

    such as practical. What the historical subject would have us believe, will often not

    meet the practical and theoretical, by reason neither conducive to our salvation, nor in

    the nature of things appears to us. From other side, nothing more common than thecovenant of the historical and practical motif against the theoretical subject and

    therefore nothing more common than the dispute between faith and the knowledge,

    and then nothing more common than that one of the triangles, the other two will bend

    under his yoke. Thus, the historical in unilateral arrogance calls the once solid Gone

    and it would be the Heilloseste as necessary to salvation, and want the whole science

    lead on the ropes, the practical determined and monitored according to his purposes,

    the teachers and the teaching, sets the direction of the historical reproduction of faith

    and the influence of science on it, and suggested the theoretical and historical

    quibbles sources faith in his sense of the goodness and sacrifice of truth.

    Not only with each other to fight the three motifs, each also with themselves, and

    how the dispute is often harder than the sects of the religions to which they subject

    themselves, it is with the hassles of motives.

    So argues the historical motif in the belief in the Koran and the Bible, there again

    the faith of the Shi'ites and Sunnis, here the faith of the pope, to Luther and Calvin,

    the practical in the design of faith the part of the priests and rulers to own benefit and

    salvation of all the favor here and there that this side of the benefit, the theoretical in

    the philosophical doctrines, there is so much of her.

    The overall result of human faith is the result of the interaction with and against

    each of the three motifs with each other and in themselves. It remains on the whole a

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    positive result huge, so the mutually opposing action of the motifs themselves

    contributes to make it huge. It is the case of the ever changing and fluctuating, to be

    filled again through evaporation itself, all the more powerful by the fight of his

    waves, sea. Whatever goes into it in detail and staggers, it stays on the whole an

    eternal sea, from which all the rivers draw secretly to pour the scooped the goals of

    the barrel back into it. And even what is running one against another, but hangstogether and basically the whole.

    Here and there occurs a materialist and says: There is no God. That is, it shall be

    additional to the small bucket of his conclusion to exploit the sea and pour away. It

    has existed from the beginning and will exist forever, like the small bucket to scoop

    tired, and what they pay out, running through the air back to sea.

    Matter of history and ethnography of religious belief, it must be to follow the rule

    of three motifs that faith through the centuries and nations, and the reasons for its

    special design in the influence of the historical precedents, reciprocal linkages,

    relationships with nature, plants and needs consult the people on these motifs and to

    consider a wider perspective, a matter of great interest, but which is not the task

    here. Before you can trace the causes which have driven forth faith in humanity, in

    broad terms, it is important to determine their own nature and their relationship to

    each other with clarity, and this is the first task. For this purpose, but they are, above

    all, to take as the eye, where they present the observation immediately clear and

    beyond doubt, that is how they act in the consciousness of men that do not like it

    about in a consciousness of God, or general world order or the idea of history and

    things roots, which we like but last search their roots or the reason of their general


    For it is thus that we are up to the individual effect of the same in the people

    coming down with the consideration of the motives of faith, not to say that the belief

    in humanity was created by an atomistic summation of subjects in each man: but only

    say that the generally higher, reaching up, reasons driven forth the faith in humanity

    that they may be, have been made in each under the influence of the same people

    standing as these motifs claims, but only that communicate directly with the

    experience; only of these, we can even draw conclusions on the nature of the general

    reasons and that thus characterize as otherwise dark lasting, through their effects. So

    on this is first addressing the eye, not to start with mystical and idle speculation,which only to inferential presuppose that of the motives and reasons, which it is not

    only free, but it turns out of course the need of the work of the ascend into the

    motives for people in general caster of humanity, which we will eventually find only

    believed in the existence of a supreme and last things themselves.

    So is not excluded with our experiential observation of nature and work of the

    motifs in their detail, their combinations and conflicts, a coherent story, and higher

    conception of their work in humanity, nor replaced, but prepared and underpinned,

    and the conclusion in a higher believes will be entirely devoted to the progress of the

    following considerations by themselves.

    Each of the three motifs can be uplifting to a real, pronounceable in an argument,

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    collect reason, and thus the fluctuation, the division, the conflict, the straying and

    confusion, though it remains nothing more than what we said, the highest

    generalization, summary, top, clarification, correction position, completion of a short

    side and relevant restriction of the other side of a corresponding motif. Each of the

    three arguments is sufficient for himself, to justify the faith and keep, but only insofar

    as each is collected to the main aspects and make the other subservient may, insofaras it but the other needs, and likewise returned to service the other can occur, the faith

    eventually receives the full support only by the unanimous vote of the three, so one

    should keep only be fully justified him.

    It can be shown that one has the right to be based on what breaks down in history,

    and even hint of what is punctured in the future, to look into the recent swing to, but

    just by showing that just merely that which corresponds to the reason and nature of

    things and the needs of the people, may eventually penetrate and gain support, and

    even there is a continuing tendency. It can be shown that it is right to keep the best for

    the most true, but to come to the knowledge of what is best for all and for all time, theFuens is needed on the historically developed knowledge thereof and the departing

    reasonable insight into the nature of people and things. It can be shown that it is right,

    not only as good, but above all and above all to demand in consideration of the

    highest and last things the sensible and Fairest for the experiential nature of things as

    in the smallest and vulgar, but how limited is the individual reason and experiential

    knowledge of the nature of things, so it will apply again to rely on the historically

    Applicable, and on which to base with that, as the most correct knowledge of what is

    to us the best used in our relations to reverse what serves us best, which is most

    correct. Any dispute between the historical, practical and theoretical motives and raises and

    resolves itself finally into the historical, practical and theoretical reason, within each

    of them, and the battle carries in itself the conditions of the solution.

    In vain we tried to support the faith to the point of one of the three reasons

    alone. The revelation believer who wishes to rely solely on direct revelation from

    God, but must justify the validity of revelation for themselves and others through the

    practical point of view that such a belief especially the otherwise disclose or properly

    called, is the best. He who seeks the best religion for all, he says, that he the religion

    of love, All the best wishes to all, had invented himself, if he had not found them byChrist? So he needs but the historical support. Or he sees around at the thousands of

    BC and the nations round about, if it was so easy to invent this religion. Rather, only

    that he himself was brought up in it, was the highest practical point find it and let

    them make. And who wants to build solely on reason and experience, he looked

    around at the free communities and materialists who just have this principle, but this

    principle, how much he still finds faith in God and eternal life there.

    Rather than discard one of the three building stone, we have to put it to the vault,

    but we need to lift the stones individually.


    The historical principle.

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    A man says to the other. This is the short term of the historical principle. Oral,

    written, it is the same. In this way, the faith of the people propagates to the

    people. But how he first came to mankind?

    From the first you can only go anywhere if you know it, but must begin with the

    later times, when you do not know it, and see if you can find it on the first circuit

    means. The closing agent to the first emergence of faith but will always remain souncertain as to the first generation, the first state, the first development of man

    himself, and the decision between the very opposite hypotheses are the about only

    thing is always want to be a belief, but we do not believe the reasons in general here,

    but know. So we move at least that question to come back later with some out, and

    instead of asking first how faith first came to mankind, we must first ask just how he

    first comes to every person nowadays.

    It is with the emergence of faith as with all things. In all things, the first emergence

    of the way and is a distinction to be significantly different, such as the emergence of

    the thing repeats itself. The Incurred once saves so to say the means and costs of its

    first emergence in the new creation, where not all but the largest and most important

    part, it contains by the repetition of the conditions of existence to say in his life with

    so canceled.

    What was not among them, a statue, a painting, a poem to create a erstesmal. If the

    work once there, it is easy to cast a thousand times, copied, printed, and recite.

    Only after thousands, probably millions, billions of years that the earth is, could

    result in a human couple. Was only one there, so it was easy to populate the earth, and

    soon it will be hard to defend their overpopulation. Like the languages originated, nobody knows, and nobody would be able to invent

    it's new, and now they are invented every child learns to play.

    What it costs many times for emergency, to light the fire in the stove. If it burns

    once you take in care that does not burn the house.

    To produce a disease, generally exceeds the human art to dampen a disease no less.

    In the all you can by reason of being the first to ask, and you will not find it often,

    the reason of existence is easy to find later, he is simply in what is already there.

    It is so with all things, there is also the belief that.

    As the faith is first created, nobody knows, can you think about this and that

    already. One can also ask whether it would be possible to find it's on New or

    invent. Now he is once formed, true or false, he propagates that man is propagated as

    the language propagates how the fire propagates, as the infection propagates. And the

    man asks why he believes it is one that may not be the last, and whole, but the next

    one and an important part of the whole apt, the answer: Because was believed before

    me and is believed to me.

    In fact, you would be mistaken strong when it was thought that the man believed tomerely conclusions or need. Rather, each person already starts to believe until only

    place you can make reason and need contends, and the belief is probably the majority

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    of people, regardless of continued only through persistence. Again, this is not the

    belief in the highest and last things peculiar, he is just not the exception from what is


    No one is born with belief in God, but anyone with such a general and

    unconditional conditioning to believe everything you tell him, born, it is quite natural

    that he believes in God, when he says of such and therefore for every people, becausemore or less unanimous education influences of lying, also has a more or less

    matching, behaved differently from that of other peoples different beliefs.

    In fact, you can the child, and that every child, almost do everything Any

    white. Say to the child: The moon is the same fall from heaven, and it will look to the

    sky and expect that it falls. Tell him: This dog will begin to speak the same, it will

    last manned, and only wonder that he does not start.

    Is not So perhaps humanity in their childhood faith in God knows been made, and

    shall be continued only because it is made know to Use New every child, and the mannot just as has the opportunity from the non-existence of God on the to convince

    clouds as the moon does not fall and the dog does not talk. Especially if you make

    him to know the thunder is God's voice from the clouds, and this and to support the

    faith through faith?The child is thus rather believe, the more one expects of him to


    To all belief, which is implanted in the child, the child does not require reasons, so

    it would not understand reasons. Also, it is not the beauty, the grandeur, the

    wholesomeness, the Trstlichkeit of faith, whereby it is determined to believe. It feels

    even more firmly in ghosts, the more it makes you afraid. The matter may simply bepsychological: it learns the word, understand the speech only by attachment to facts;

    now it ties conversely, the fact of the word, speech. Or: The child makes all the adults

    so long after, until it has acquired through imitating the skills and abilities to go

    beyond that, and does so much to say of myself in him by. So also faith by the adults

    in the child makes. I like to leave it but that someone summarize the psychological

    basis of the fact even deeper. Here it is only the fact as a reason which is also the

    reason of the fact.

    Instead of having to learn the faith until the child must unlearn the faith, and that

    happens gradually when the man repeatedly hears the word may lie. Then the self-evidence of the association of the real triggers of the word on, gradually weakens the

    faith, and can last even into Fold the opposite. But the more a person remains on the

    child's level, and part of the people remains always close it, the more it continues the

    uncritical belief. The women especially in matters of faith always remain children,

    and the faith of the masses can be of any prophet with a sufficiently strong voice,

    gesture and lead lively power of speech as a water stream through a trough.

    Especially in the field of things, where no experience, no detection of an error by

    the facts is possible. Then, save the faith of the people if it is pushed out to all areas

    of experience. And the less ignorant of the reasons for his faith and has the less heunderstood the reasons for it, the sooner he can kill it and he beats other for dead,

    because then you can also make the less counter-arguments against claims.

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    But he whose mind is matured by experience and thought, who has learned to

    doubt the influence of the historical subject is not revoked, the opinion to him, and

    the authority over him involuntary exerts a power over him, and not easily go back to

    the lost all faith that was implanted in him as a child, but determines itself

    involuntarily much of the training of his mind and his conclusions.

    Especially if it is things that exceed the scope of each circuit, with all hisexperience, and we even see many of the sharpest thinkers after vain struggle to

    determine the true and the best in the field of the highest and last things by his own

    reason, and finally it Despairing, submit to Use New with conscious will of the power

    of the historical principle, which promises to give them back the peace and

    confidence of the child. So, the end returns to the output.

    Here we see how the practical design shall be added to revitalize and strengthen the

    historical. Also look for the self, the plant the faith to someone else to make it

    plausible by concurrence of the other motives, but if this is supported by the historical

    motif of the other motifs, the reverse is equally true. The people, the child will be

    offered reasons of faith, tied his salvation to faith, and the reasons it believes,

    believes the promise, the threat without their own examination believes all historical.

    I will bring an example of how I read it:

    "The Old Man of the Mountain was (in the times of the Crusades), the head of a

    degenerate sect of Muslims who lived in the mountains between Damascus and

    Antioch, and whose name Heissassin (Assassin) has become the general term for

    assassins in many European languages. The followers of the Old Man of the

    Mountains revered him as a living God or as a God-man, in which the deity wasembodied. they fulfilled children of the tenderest age with such a strong and lively

    faith in the divinity of the Old Man of the Mountains and the merit of blind obedience

    to his commands, that many would rather die than wanted to live, and no scruple to

    throw down at his behest of rock or towers or to plunge into another inevitable

    dangers of life. If you won the Old Man of the Mountains with money, so he sent

    assassins before their daggers certainly was not a king in the depths of his palace, not

    a military leader at the center of his warriors. Heissassins murdered the King Conrad

    of Jerusalem, and many others both Christian and Moslem princes and lords., the

    fanatical murderer feared the unermeidlichsten and cruel death, not because they hadthe firm hope that they immediately awaken to the bliss of paradise again, or as a

    beautiful, strong, happy people would be born again. " (Meinert's History of Relig IS

    338,. Arnold III to VII c 149 p 148 p 204 10 Even Marin I. 297 ff.....)

    Here you can see how the blindest submission could be generated in the will of a

    superior, the boldest energy and the staunchest toleration by the moored hope for an

    afterlife, this was but even creates all the way to the historic Prinzipe by the mere

    early implantation, and how here with the poorest faith it is different with the ward,

    which we consider to be the best.

    In such a way we see the faith of the elders pass to the children in the schools,spread from the pulpit, by missionaries, by true and false prophets, and apostles,

    continue on and on. And the more he has already spread, so he finds it easier to

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    further spread, like fire, grab the infection easier to get, the further they have to be

    used. Who can still do last stop?

    To influence the propagation of the faith enters the equally powerful duration. To

    what parents, ancestors, the first parents believed, dare not easily doubt. Gradually

    grow together as the faith with their whole being and life of the people, that it would

    have to give up themselves to abandon him, and really almost always gives him onlywith his subjugation and destruction. The best reasons to fail the solidified faith,

    safer, depending untriftiger the faith, because faith is itself a major source close to the

    reasons and manner, especially in his own stuff. And so the faith of the individual is

    held by the connection at the same time with the whole faith to him and before him.

    "The more we - as I read in a mission reports from Amoy in China 1) - are known to

    the people, the more apparent to us is the powerful influence that the prevailing

    superstition and fear to call by opposition to same as a nerd put on them.'s the simple

    fact that idolatry has been common for centuries among them, a very sufficient proof

    that they completely over raises the need to test for the vast majority of the lower

    classes. "

    1) Calw Missionsbl. 1847 1 July. No. 13th

    And elsewhere 2) : "I made a Brahmans on the upside of idolatry attention,

    whereupon he replied. So did our forefathers, and we must do it well, no real

    Bramahne can leave the religion of his fathers Each tribe has its own religion, Padre

    (missionaries) theirs and ours that we. "

    2) In a letter Dr. Haug's. from Pune in western East Indies. 7 Sept., 1861. Abroad in 1862. No. 5

    But what has he, now the unbeliever asks for a reason, a faith for value and claims

    to validity, which takes place in this manner all the way to the same principle as fire

    and plague its spread through humanity, a belief that its main root in the credulity has

    adopted the Child and the people without understanding, spread by those who do not

    have it often himself, and remains so confident as childish and effeminate, the foolish

    man remains who cherishes him, and capture of the rational only is by sacrificing

    reason. Do not have thousands and thousands of errors and tales spread in the sameway, and yet we see the faith of the peoples, he is not fully manifest error and fairy

    tales? And a belief does not contradict the other? The poets, priests and rulers have

    invented it, and now he goes around the world.

    These objections are on the surface, but let's go a little deeper.

    It is true that faith is accepted by everyone without first reasons: it does not require

    the theoretical and practical subject, but will not be detained without reason in

    general. Of the Child, in lower elementary and peoples layers yes, but that's not what

    keeps him in the long run. The child is not child forever, the nations grow, and in

    every nation grow some over the others, and some of the people on the other up, andthe adults have dominion over the children and the faith of the children and of the

    part of the people which remains on the child's level. In adults, but the faith has to

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    pass his samples. You know he is not often in detail, but it is and it is always a

    whole. He has survived a French revolution, he has a year were 1848, he survived the

    attack of the materialists of all time, and he will be all over. And if some sacrifice

    after a long test of reason even reason to believe, it must still be the reason apart from

    the most important reasons for faith itself. If above all priests and rulers strive to

    plant it, if even those striving to plant it, do not do it themselves, so there must bevery broad and compelling reasons for binding to plant him. So let's historic

    reproduction in itself a reason more adequately to hold the fort planted to be true, but

    it may have returned to the community and the necessity of reproduction in general

    and compelling reasons.

    And again, if the historically propagated belief in general is full of errors and fairy

    tales, and faith against the other runs, the specific provisions and arrangements of the

    faith of the general and essential points are to be distinguished thereof. The relative

    agreement about the fact that it is a divine overand otherworldly to give the human

    this world, and that man's highest and ultimate salvation was put into the relationshipto develop, through all the ages and nations is quite wonderful. So also must therefor,

    not for the Changing and Competing in the belief that a general validity and force of

    reasons is required. And as much as we like to give special form of the price of faith,

    we have therefore not abandon all faith. One should not pour baby with the

    bathwater; God will pour you out with the bathwater?

    The great achievement of the contradictions that appear in knowledge, is not to lift

    the knowledge, but to promote it, because every solution of a contradiction

    knowledge walks up the steps. Should it be different in faith?

    To say that the story of God and the afterlife has spread like any other mythical and

    bears the stamp of any other fable, as the very fact of the distribution itself is thus in

    contradiction and even how much else Where is the fable, the tale otherwise obtained

    such distribution, such duration so firm belief would have produced. While there are

    probably some children's fairy tales and fables that one since ages in India told as

    with us, but these are also very special rarities, their distribution is only very poorly

    against the Faith of God, and what is the main thing that everyone keeps them. fables

    in India and here Rather, the historical subject would be able, not to spread the great

    fable of God and the afterlife so far so long to get into power, if it would really be a

    fable. For here the following observation occurs, appropriate to finally lead us to theargument from design.

    Error and truth have in common that they can reproduce historical, and that the

    spread is all the easier, the farther it has taken root, the belief holds the easier the

    longer it has been held, but it is the difference that goes with the truth indefinitely,

    with the error of only up to certain limits, by the true faith, how it spreads, somewhat

    resistant helpful and conducive to something resistant to going against the wrong

    thing, and with the proliferation Duration of faith also grows and finally needed

    outweighs the benefit of the true faith. And it's not hard to find.

    Why do we call a belief true and good? Because it is the nature of things and the

    needs of the people. Why wrong and bad? Because he that is in conflict. What

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    follows already a priori ? The more the faith spread and the longer it lasts, the more

    opportunity it will offer and find to develop his correspondence or his conflict with

    the nature of things and of men, and to prove, to the same main effects and

    consequences arise only develop in accordance with its scope and duration. From the

    correspondence is an advantageforfrom the conflict a counteraction againstmust

    emerge his distant dissemination and longer preservation, which grows with thespread and duration. In a word, it is the ratio of the theoretical and practical principle,

    which determines the final success. The historical principle is in itself the good and

    bad, true and false beliefs equal stead, but it is related to it in an opposite situation to

    the theoretical and practical Prinzipe. The ultimate goal is to match all in all

    relationships, and they can be found only in a true and good faith rather than


    It is also here with faith as with fire. Caught fire so much easier to get, the more it

    has already resorted to, but also consumed the easier his substance, and would long

    be considered on the earth, if not always nachwchse new substance. Thus, a beliefthat the substance does not always re-grows from the nature of things and a true and

    general needs of the people who do not persist in the length. The longer it endures,

    the more he has resorted to himself, the more his conflicts with the nature of people

    and things develop its adverse effects accumulate and spread, the closer he moves his

    turning points, and so we see any error, fall fable after another, but the truth is

    consolidating more and strengthen, gain greater and firmer ground.

    Each and every evil bad faith in faith once reached to any time those turning point

    beyond which his distant spread and its duration increases the farther its decline over

    the conditions of its growth. Then begins when it is the belief of employees by verygeneral terms, to the whole belief au sick. The initially powerless against the power

    of the historical principle persons struggling theoretical and practical principles are

    gaining ground, the more, the more they themselves with new weapons of the

    historical principle of the quantity torrent cutting or compelling power of speech and

    deeds can waffnen. Unbelief, in those times, where the historic principle loses its old

    power back time looking here and there, outstrip the faith, while a flock of old

    creditors opposed to the tighter and tighter together chart him under the flag of the

    historical principle, until finally the decided defeat of disbelief and the overgrowth of

    the old faith by the new yourself. And it's no different with the temporary weakeningof faith in the periods of transition to such as the streams flow for a time more

    economical to swell after the stronger.

    So many foolish and harmful belief would not even last as long and spread so far if

    it does not collapse executed with mostly good and true, and both could be so easy

    and simple divorced, has struck again in connection to the people root. Only one in

    the whole and true faith can improve the existing ones are overthrown, and that is the

    need to overcome all the power of persistence, which gives the historical principle of

    the once existing beliefs. Only closer not watched in themselves, but in virtue of his

    connection with some predominantly truths and goods, and not on, so the paradoxthat the foolish and harmful in one faith through the theoretical and practical

    principle, while it is running, but can be kept arises forever, but until the master in the

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    whole and finds bessseren truer faith.

    From other side, the historical principle also comes into conflict with itself by is the

    nature of the wrong and bad faith itself to rest on unilateral determination and reasons

    therefore generally not be able to. So faith starts against the faith to
