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Thurrock Council - Speech, Language and Communication Needs · identified with speech, language and...

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Speech, Language and Communication Needs Services for Children and Young People An information booklet for parents, carers and families living in Thurrock
Page 1: Thurrock Council - Speech, Language and Communication Needs · identified with speech, language and communication needs in their statement. f Contact: Treetops School S 01375 372723

Speech, Language and

Communication Needs

Services for Children and Young People

An information booklet for parents, carers and families living in Thurrock

Page 2: Thurrock Council - Speech, Language and Communication Needs · identified with speech, language and communication needs in their statement. f Contact: Treetops School S 01375 372723
Page 3: Thurrock Council - Speech, Language and Communication Needs · identified with speech, language and communication needs in their statement. f Contact: Treetops School S 01375 372723

ContentsIntroduction Page 4

Specialist provision and support Page 12

Local information Page 15

National organisations Page 17

Useful books and resources Page 20

Training available for parents and carers Page 21

People you may meet Page 5

Support and provision available to all children and young people in Thurrock Page 8

Health Visitor 5

Nursery Nurse 5

Thurrock Parent Partnership Service 5

Speech and Language Therapist 5

Speech and Language Therapists Assistants 5

Paediatrician 6

Audiologist 6

Portage Home Visitor 6

Early Years Area SENCO 6

School SENCO/Inclusion Manager 6

Advisory Teacher (Speech and Language Consultant) 7

Educational Psychologist (EP) 7

Social Worker (Team for Disabled Children) 7

Speech and Language Therapy 12

Corringham Primary Resource Base for Pupils with Specific Language Impairment 12

Chafford Hundred Secondary Speech, Language and Communication Needs Resource Base 13

St Clere’s Secondary Resource Base for Hearing Impaired Students 13

Warren Primary Resource Base for Hearing Impaired Children 14

Beacon Hill School 14

Treetops School 14Bookstart Baby Rhyme Time 8

Children’s Centres 8

Speech and Language Drop-in Servicefor Preschool Children 8

Early Years and Childcare Settings 9

Schools 9

Services and provision providing additional support Page 10

Speech and Language Therapy 10

Chatterbox Group 10

Corringham Development Playgroup 10

Portage 11

I CAN Nursery 11

www.thurrock.gov.uk 3

Page 4: Thurrock Council - Speech, Language and Communication Needs · identified with speech, language and communication needs in their statement. f Contact: Treetops School S 01375 372723

Services for Children and Young People

If you are concerned that your

child has a difficulty with any

of the following:

n listening and attending;

n understanding what is

being said;

n saying words and putting

them in sentences;

n using correct sounds in

words so he/she is


n getting along with others;

There are people you can

contact for advice and

support. Depending on the

age of your child, your first

point of contact could be:

n your Health Visitor;

n the Speech and Language

Drop In Service for

children aged 0-4 years

(Tel: 01375 859161);

n Speakeasy, the Speech

and Language Therapy

Helpline for children aged

4 years and over

(Tel: 07957 934204);

n your pre-school or nursery

Special Educational Needs

Co-ordinator (SENCO);

n your school Inclusion

Manager or SENCO.


This booklet provides information

about services available in

Thurrock for parents, carers and

families who have concerns about

their child’s speech, language and

communication development.


Page 5: Thurrock Council - Speech, Language and Communication Needs · identified with speech, language and communication needs in their statement. f Contact: Treetops School S 01375 372723


People you may meet

Health Visitor

A health visitor is a qualified nurseor midwife with additional specialtraining and experience in childhealth. They visit family homes inthe early years to offer informationon children’s health anddevelopment. You will automaticallyreceive a visit following the birth ofyour child from a named healthvisitor. Your health visitor will giveadvice on all aspects of childdevelopment and will answer anyquestions you have. Your HealthVisitor or Nursery Nurse may referyou to the audiologist if there areconcerns with your child’s speechand language. Your health visitor canalso offer information on how tocontact doctors, hospitals and otherservices in your area.

fContact:Your local health centre

Nursery Nurse

A nursery nurse works alongsidehealth visitors. They are trained inearly child development. They willvisit children at home and identifyany concerns regarding a child’sdevelopment A nursery nurse canprovide you with information andideas on how to support your child’sdevelopment.

f Contact:Your local health centre

Speech and LanguageTherapist

Speech and language therapists aretrained to assess, make a diagnosisand provide advice and therapy ifneeded, if your child has a delay or adifficulty in the development of theirspeech sounds, their words orsentences, their understanding oflanguage, their fluency or theirsocial communication skills. Theywill give you information and ideasto try out to develop their speech orlanguage and may work directly withyou and your child.

Speech and LanguageTherapists Assistants

Assistants have experience of workingwith children in pre schools ornurseries and then receive additionaltraining from the speech andlanguage therapy team. They workunder the guidance of the speechand language therapist and follow aspeech and language therapy planto play games that develop speechsounds or language skills. They willalso give you suggestions of thingsyou should try at home.

f Contact:Great Oaks Clinic

S 01268 644102


Thurrock ParentPartnership Services

Thurrock Parent Partnership Serviceis a statutory service offering freeconfidential impartial information,advice and support on educationmatters to parents and carers ofchildren and young people withSpecial Educational Needs (SEN)and/or a disability. The ParentPartnership Service can offersupport to parents and carersthrough our advice line or throughan informal meeting.

f Contact:Thurrock Parent Partnership Service

S 01708 859692

U [email protected]

v www.thurrockparents.org.uk

Page 6: Thurrock Council - Speech, Language and Communication Needs · identified with speech, language and communication needs in their statement. f Contact: Treetops School S 01375 372723

Portage Home Visitor

Portage is a home visiting educationalservice for pre-school children withadditional support needs and theirfamilies. Portage home visitors aretrained to work with children who havesignificant developmental delays. Theservice is based at Treetops School.

f Contact:The Portage Co-ordinator

S 01375 898652

U [email protected]

Early EducationImprovement Officer

The EEIOs provide support for theEarly Years in schools and settings.Support includes offering advicearound the provision of an inclusiveenabling environment and meetingthe needs of each unique child. Theywill signpost to appropriate agenciesfor specific advice. EEIOs promoteand facilitate smooth transitionsbetween settings and into school.

f Contact: The Family Information Service

S 01375 652801

U [email protected]

Services for Children and Young People 6


A Paediatrician is a doctor whospecialises in working with babies andchildren. Paediatricians sometimeswork in hospitals and sometimes forcommunity health services.

f Contact: Your GP


An audiologist carries out and explainshearing tests. If your child needs ahearing aid they will identify the besttype and arrange the fitting. Theyalso monitor your child’s hearing tomake sure that any hearing aidssupplied are appropriate.An audiologist usually refers you

to a doctor who works with deaf andhearing -impaired children. Thisdoctor has a number of titlesincluding Audiological Physician,Community Paediatrician or Ear,Nose and Throat (ENT) Surgeon.

f Contact: Hearing Centre at Basildonand Thurrock Hospital

S 01268 821097

School SENCO/InclusionManager

Every school has a teacher with a specialist responsibility for co-ordinating the provision forchildren with special educationalneeds. This teacher works alongsideclass teachers to ensure allchildren’s needs are identified andmet. In your child’s school, thisteacher may be called a SENCO(special educational needs co-ordinator) or an InclusionManager. If you have any concernsabout your child’s progress in anyarea, including speech, languageand communication needs, you mayask to see the SENCO/InclusionManger in your school.

f Contact: Your GP

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www.thurrock.gov.uk 7

Advisory Teacher (alsoknown as Speech andLanguage Consultant)

Advisory Teachers are employed bythe Local Authority to providesupport for children in schools whomay have a range of additionalneeds. If parents and/or teachersfeel that a child may have speechand language difficulties, the SENCOcan refer the child to the Speechand Language Consultant. TheConsultant will carry out observations,speech and language assessments,monitor progress and offer advice toschools and parents. The teacher willalso liaise with other professionalsand provide a full range of servicesto support the Local Authority’sstatutory assessment process,including providing advice andsupport, attending planningmeetings and annual reviews andoverseeing transitions for childrenidentified with speech, language andcommunication needs in theirstatement.

f Contact: Treetops School

S 01375 372723

Educational Psychologist(EP)

An EP has training in psychology,experience of working with childrenand young people and post graduatetraining in educational psychology.EPs help children and young peoplewho may have difficulties with theirlearning, behaviour, communication,social and emotional development.EPs work with educational settings,parents and other professionals tohelp them understand and supportchildren and young people. EPs alsomeet with children and young peopleto gain a better understanding oftheir needs and views.

f Contact: Educational PsychologyService

S 01375 652558

Social Worker (Team forDisabled Children)

Social workers provide informationand support to children and youngpeople (birth to 18 years) withdisabilities and their families andcarers who live within the Thurrockarea. A social worker will meet withthe child and important people intheir lives, including otherprofessionals, to assess their needsand look to provide services to meetthose needs. The social workerworks with children and youngpeople who have a substantialdifficulty, either permanent ortemporary, in achieving their fullpotential.

f Contact: Team for Disabled Children

S 01375 652633

People you may meet

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Services for Children and Young People 8

Bookstart Baby Rhyme Time

Weekly rhyme times run in 9libraries across the borough for allparents/carers and their babies andtoddlers. This is a chance to sharefavourite nursery and finger rhymesand learn new ones to share. Veryyoung babies love to listen and asthey grow they begin to join in andlearn the sounds and actions. Thesesessions are free and open to all.Learning rhymes is great fun andhelps to develop early languagecommunication and learning skills.

f Contact: The Bookstart Co-ordinator

S 01375 413976

U [email protected]

Children’s Centres

Children’s centres offer a widevariety of services and opportunitiesfor parents, families and children,aged 0-5 years. Services include:early education and childcare; childand family health provision; familysupport, including support forparents with special needs; andparental outreach. You can just walkinto your local children’s centre toask about the services they offer ortalk to someone about your concerns.They will signpost you to the mostappropriate service. The centreshave close links with the speech andlanguage therapy team. Each centrealso has an information board onspeech and language development.

f Contact: Family Information Service

S 01375 652801

U [email protected]

Speech and Language Drop-in Service forPreschool Children

Do you have concerns about yourchild’s speech and languagedevelopment? Then come along to aSpeech and Language Drop-in tospeak to a Speech and LanguageTherapist. The Speech and LanguageDrop-in is an informal advice servicefor parents of preschool children. Itruns across Children’s Centres in theSouth West Essex NHS area, includingThurrock. During the session a parentis asked for some information abouttheir child’s early development, theSpeech and Language Therapistobserves the child playing and thendiscusses observations with theparent and decides together whatshould happen next.

f Contact: Speech and Language Therapy

S 01375 859161

Support and provisionavailable to all children and young people in Thurrock

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www.thurrock.gov.uk 9

Early Years andChildcare Settings

All nurseries (including schoolnurseries), pre-schools, playgroupsand childminders offer inclusiveearly education opportunities for allchildren. All children are individualand every setting has aresponsibility to meet a child’sindividual needs and ensure eachchild enjoys and benefits from theactivities on offer. All settings have aSENCO who you can talk to if youhave concerns about your child’sdevelopment. The setting maydiscuss an individual education plan(IEP) for your child with you. This willset out activities that will help yourchild develop specific skills,including language andcommunication skills.

f Contact: The Family Information Service

S 01375 652801

U [email protected]


Most children’s individual needs willbe met in their local mainstreamschool. All schools provide supportfor children who are experiencingdifficulties with their learning, thiswill include support to develop theirspeech, language andcommunication skills. The nature andlevel of this help will depend on theneeds of each individual child. Allschools have a SENCO, or InclusionManager, whose role it is to co-ordinate the support and consult withother professionals to ensure theright support is provided. The schoolwill discuss an individual educationplan (IEP) for your child with you.This will set out the skills your childneeds to develop, and the supportand strategies to develop these skills.

The SENCO may talk to you aboutreferring to other agencies (egadvisory teacher, speech andlanguage therapist or educationalpsychologist). The SENCO may alsotalk to you about completing a CAF(Common Assessment Framework)to see if there are other factorsaffecting your child’s progress.

If your child’s difficulties are ongoingand complex and the school feelthey require additional support tomeet your child’s needs, they maydiscuss making a request to theLocal Authority to undertake astatutory assessment of your child’sspecial educational needs.

f Contact: Your child’s school

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Services for Children and Young People 10

Speech and LanguageTherapy

If your child has a significant delayin their speech or languagedevelopment you might be seen atyour local community clinic. Yourchild might be seen by a therapist oran assistant for a block of therapy,for 6 to 8 weeks. You will beinvolved in the sessions and will beshown ways to help develop theirspeech sounds or their language.Your child will then be given sometime to practice and use their newskills and seen again after a fewmonths to see if further therapy isneeded.

Your child might be seen as part of agroup of other similar children.You might just be given things to tryat home, with similar suggestionsgiven to nursery or school.

f Contact: S 01268 644102

Anyone can refer a child – youdon’t need to go to your GP orhealth visitor

Chatterbox Group(Invite through Speechand Language Drop-in)

Children who attend the Speech AndLanguage Drop-in may be invited toattend Chatterbox. Chatterbox is aweekly language group for parentsand pre-school children based inChildren’s Centres and run byChildren’s Centre staff who havebeen trained by Speech andLanguage Therapy.

The sessions include:

n Free play - Parents and childrenplay together with activities andtoys. Parents can also talk to thegroup leaders about their child’slanguage.

n Snack Time - Children areencouraged to sit and have asnack with activities to developlanguage.

n Group Time - Parents andchildren sit in a circle for grouplanguage activities.

f Contact: Speech and Language Therapy

S 01375 859161

CorringhamDevelopment Playgroup

The development playgroup is agroup of no more than 6 childrenrun by 2 trained Nursery Nurses. It isfunded by South West Essexcommunity services. Children arereferred by their Paediatrician,Health Visitor, Specialist HealthVisitor or other professional betweenthe ages of 2 and 4 years.Children have been assessed ashaving delay in more than one areaof development such as self helpskills, social interaction skills,communication skills and motorskills.

f Contact: Specialist Health Visitor

S 01375 674436

Services and provisionproviding additional support

Children access these services and provisions following a referral by aHealth or Children’s Services professional.

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www.thurrock.gov.uk 11


Portage is a home-visitingeducational service for pre-schoolchildren with additional supportneeds and their families. The serviceis for children under the age of 5years who are not in full-timeeducational provision. The child willhave significant delay in two or moreareas of development. Portageprovides an early interventionservice. A trained home visitor visitsthe family at home, enabling thechild to work in a relaxedatmosphere in familiar surroundings.

f Contact:The Portage Co-ordinator

S 01375 898652

U [email protected]

I CAN Nursery

I CAN at Thurrock opened in January2003 to provide inclusive speechand language therapy to pre-schoolchildren with speech and languagedifficulties.

The centre is one of a nationalnetwork, developed by I CAN, thecharity that helps children with acommunication disability across theUK, in partnership with ThurrockCouncil and Basildon PCT.

The centre is based within themainstream nursery at ChaffordHundred Primary School. Thenursery consists of 26 mainstreamchildren and up to an additional 10 I CAN children in the morning and26 mainstream children and up toan additional five I CAN children inthe afternoon.

Children are referred to the centreby their community speech andlanguage therapist because they areexperiencing some difficulties witheither:

n understanding what is being saidto him/her;

n saying words and putting theminto sentences;

n using correct sounds in words sohe/she is understood.

Children are placed within themainstream nursery and aresupported by 3 additional specialiststaff (speech and languagetherapist, teacher and learningsupport assistant). This allows themto develop their language skills atthe same time as they enjoy andbenefit from a mainstream nurseryenvironment.

The centre also supports children,parents and staff in other early yearssettings in Thurrock by offeringtraining courses and opportunities toobserve practice & borrowresources.

f Contact:Chafford Hundred Primary School

S 01375 484490

Page 12: Thurrock Council - Speech, Language and Communication Needs · identified with speech, language and communication needs in their statement. f Contact: Treetops School S 01375 372723

Services for Children and Young People 12

Specialist Speech andLanguage Therapy

If your child has a socialcommunication difficulty as part ofan autistic spectrum disorder, acomplex special need, such as alearning disability or physicaldisability, hearing impairment,specific language disorder orstammer you will meet a therapist orassistant from one of our specialistteams. They have specialist trainingand additional skills so they cansupport you and your child tomaximise their communication skillsusing all appropriate availabletechniques – signing, computers,picture communication and talking.

f Contact: S 01268 644102

Corringham PrimaryResource Base for Pupilswith Specific LanguageImpairment*

The specialist provision, based inCorringham Primary School, catersfor 20 primary aged pupils from allover the Thurrock area. There aretwo resource bases covering KeyStage 1 (10 pupils) and Key Stage 2(10 pupils).

Pupils in the resource base will havea statement of special educationalneeds identifying a specificlanguage impairment or speechdisorder as assessed by the speechand language therapy service andan Educational Psychologist. Thesechildren also need to be able tobenefit from contact with amainstream class. The resourcebases are attached to themainstream primary school and the

base children are involved inmainstream lessons and activities –typically Maths, P.E, Games andMusic. Children also attendassembly and have lunch andplaytimes with the mainstreamschool. Inclusion increases as thechildren’s skills progress.

The children have regular speechand language therapy and thetherapy team works closely with thebase teachers. A specialist senioreducational psychologist andspecialist advisory teacher alsoprovide support to the resource base.

f Contact: Corringham Primary School

S 01375 672157

Specialist provisionand support

All children will have a statementof special educational needs toaccess the specialist educationalprovision marked with a *

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www.thurrock.gov.uk 13

Chafford HundredSecondary Speech,Language andCommunication NeedsResource Base*

This specialist provision, based inChafford Hundred Campus School,caters for secondary aged pupilsfrom all over the Thurrock area.There are 20 places available in KeyStages 3 and 4, and 8 places in KeyStage 5 (Sixth Form).

All pupils will have a statement ofspecial educational needs identifyinga specific language impairment,speech disorder or a socialcommunication disorder. Pupils haveaccess to a mainstream secondarycurriculum through inclusion inmainstream lessons.

They will also have a programme ofspeech and language skillsdevelopment drawn up in consultationwith a speech and language therapistand access to small group teachingfollowing individual or small groupprogrammes, dependent on individualneeds. At secondary level there is aparticular focus on pupil’s personal,social, communication andindependence skills in preparation forfurther education and employment.

A specialist senior educationalpsychologist and specialist advisoryteacher also provide support to theresource base.

f Contact: Chafford Hundred Businessand Enterprise College

S 01375 484580

St Clere’s SecondaryResource Base forHearing ImpairedStudents*

The specialist provision, based at St Clere’s school, supportssecondary aged deaf and hearingimpaired students in Thurrock whohave a statement for specialeducational needs. The students aresupported by two qualified teachersof the deaf, communication supportworkers, deaf instructors andspecialist learning supportassistants.

The role of the resource base is tosupport the deaf and hearingimpaired students educationally,socially and emotionally to ensurethey are fully included in school lifealongside their hearing peers.Students are encouraged to becomeconfident, independent members ofthe school community. Somestudents communicate throughBritish Sign Language whilst othersuse oral communication. Moststudents wear hearing aids andhave additional FM radio aidequipment to help them accessspoken information in lessons.

f Contact: St Clere’s School

S 01375 641001

Page 14: Thurrock Council - Speech, Language and Communication Needs · identified with speech, language and communication needs in their statement. f Contact: Treetops School S 01375 372723

Services for Children and Young People 14

Specialist provision and support

Warren PrimaryResource Base forHearing ImpairedChildren*

Warren Primary School is thedesignated school for primary ageddeaf and hearing impaired childrenwho live in Thurrock. The childrenwho are included in the resourcebase have a severe to profoundhearing loss.

At Warren we offer a child-centredapproach to communication,recognising and using their linguisticstrengths. We are supported byspecialist staff including a speechand language therapist.

f Contact: Warren Primary School

S 01375 482288

Beacon Hill School*

Beacon Hill is a special school forpupils/students aged 3-19 years,who have severe, or profound andcomplex needs, or physical andneurological impairments. BeaconHill is a specialist college for sensoryand physical needs with expertise inmovement education, alternativeand augmentative communicationand information and communicationtechnology. The school also hasspecial expertise in education forchildren with sensory impairments.The school has a full-time speechand language therapist and accessto the full range of healthprofessionals.

f Contact: Beacon Hill School

S 01708 852006

Treetops School*

Treetops is a special school forpupils aged 3-19 years. All pupils atthe school have learning difficultiesranging from moderate to morecomplex and follow the NationalCurriculum at a pace and levelappropriate to their needs. Asignificant number of pupils are onthe autistic continuum and manyhave associated speech, languageand communication needs. Theschool has specialist status forcommunication and interaction. Theyoperate a special ABA/VB (AppliedBehaviour Analysis/VerbalBehaviour) specialist unit for thosepupils on the autistic continuum whoneed an intense learningenvironment. This unit caters forchildren from nursery age through tothe post 16 The school has a full-time speech and language therapistand access to a range of othertherapeutic support.

f Contact: Treetops School

S 01375 372723

Page 15: Thurrock Council - Speech, Language and Communication Needs · identified with speech, language and communication needs in their statement. f Contact: Treetops School S 01375 372723

www.thurrock.gov.uk 15


AFASIC is the UK charity representingchildren and young adults withcommunication impairments, workingfor their inclusion in society andsupporting their parents and carers.Afasic has a club in Redbridge foryoung people aged 11 to 19 years withspeech and language impairments,their siblings and friends. The socialclub meets at Downshall Centre inSeven Kings every Friday evening interm time from 7 - 9.30 pm.

f Contact: Thurrock contact: Sue Pudney

S 01375 670547Social club: Clare Davies-Jones

S 0208 317 1644

U [email protected] www.afasic.org.uk

Dyspraxia Foundation(Essex)

The Essex group offers a monthlynewsletter, a telephone helpline, a monthly parents’ group meetingand family social activities. A list offorthcoming activities is available onthe website (Essex). Suggestions foractivities (or fund raising ideas) fromall members of the group arewelcome.

f Contact: Co-ordinator: Michaela Munden

[email protected]

v www.dyspraxiafoundation.org.uk

Early Support

This service is for children withcomplex needs. Referrals are usuallymade by healthcare professionals.The referral panel meet on amonthly basis.

f Contact: Co-ordinator: Zoë Daniels

S 01375 898652

U [email protected]

Family InformationService

FIS provides free, impartialinformation and advice on:

n childcare options;

n working family guidance;

n family support;

n working in childcare.

f Contact: Thurrock Family Information Service,Children, Education and Families, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, Essex RM17 6GF

S 01375 652801

U [email protected] www.askthurrock.org.uk

Out & About

Out & About enables disabledchildren and young people to havefun and enjoy their choice ofuniversal leisure activities – theordinary everyday activities that allchildren want to enjoy. Out & Aboutis based in Suffolk, but operateslocal team in Thurrock. A referralform is available on their website.

f Contact: S 0845 241 2576

U [email protected] www.oaa.co.uk

Local information

Page 16: Thurrock Council - Speech, Language and Communication Needs · identified with speech, language and communication needs in their statement. f Contact: Treetops School S 01375 372723

Parent SchoolPartnership Service

Provides information, advice anddirect, impartial, confidential supportto parents/carers of children whohave, or may have, specialeducational needs. IndependentParental Supporters (IPS) available.

f Contact:Culver Centre,Daiglen Drive, South Ockendon, Essex RM15 5AY

U [email protected]

v www.thurrockparents.org.uk

SNAP (Special Needs andParents)

SNAP is a support group for parentsand carers of children with specialneeds or a disability.

Open 9am – 3pm weekdays duringterm time.

f Contact:The SNAP Centre,Pastoral Way, Warley, Brentwood, Essex CM14 5WF

S 01277 211300

U [email protected]

Services for Children and Young People 16

Speakeasy – Speech andLanguage helpline

A phone line answered by a speechand language therapist to answerquestions, give advice and discussreferrals – available for parents,SENCOs, teachers, educationalcolleagues and medical colleagues.Available every Monday afternoonfrom 1pm – 4pm

f Contact:S 07957 934204

The Sunshine Centre

The Sunshine Centre hosts a rangeof services for disabled children andtheir parents designed to providepractical hands-on support to localfamilies. The services include familydrop-ins, specialist support groupsand a toddler group.

f Contact:The Sunshine Centre,1 Civic Square, Tilbury,Essex RM18 8AD

S 01375 413525

Local information

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www.thurrock.gov.uk 17

Association of speechand language therapistsin independent practice(ASLTIP)

ASLTIP provides information and acontact point for members of thepublic searching for a privateSpeech and Language Therapist(SLT). All ASLTIP therapists areregistered with the Royal College ofSpeech and Language Therapistsand the Health Professions Counciland are committed to good businessstandards.

f Contact:v www.helpwithtalking.com

The Better WorldCampaign (BT)

The aim of this campaign is to helpthe children most in need, developcommunication skills and give youngpeople a voice.The website providesa full range of free resources forchildren and young people.

f Contact:v www.btbetterworld.com

ACE (South)

Information on assisted andaugmented communication andcommunication aids.

f Contact:Wayneflete Road, Oxford OX3 8DD

S 01865 763508

v www.ace-centre.org.uk


Parent led UK organisation thatprovides Information, advice andsupport to parents/carers andchildren and young people who havespeech, language andcommunication impairments.

f Contact:2nd Floor, 50-52 Great Sutton Street, London EC1V ODJ

S Helpline: 08453 55 5577S 020 7490 9410 X 020 7251 2834

U [email protected] www.afasic.org.uk

British StammeringAssociation (BSA)

For information, support and alistening ear, speak to someone onthe confidential, local rate helpline.

f Contact:15 Old Ford Road, London E2 9PJ

S Helpline: 0845 603 2001S 020 8983 1003X 020 8983 3591

v www.stammering.org


Free electronic mail service foryoung people with speech, hearingor learning difficulties.

fContact:The Chatback Trust, 6 St Mary’s Crescent, Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV31 1JL

S 01926 888333X 01926 771707

U [email protected] www.atschool.eduweb.co.uk/


National organisations

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Services for Children and Young People 18

Early Support

Early Support is a Governmentprogramme that aims to improve thedelivery of services to disabledchildren under three and theirfamilies. Early Support has produceda series of booklets that providedetailed information for parents/carerson a range of disabilities anddevelopmental difficulties.

f Contact:www.earlysupport.org.uk

The Dyspraxia Foundation

A network of local groups offeringsupport and activities, specifically forchildren with Dyspraxia. A resourcecentre is available for moreinformation, treatments and diagnosis

f Contact:8 West Alley, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG5 1EG

S Helpline: 01462 454986S 01462 455016X 01462 455052

U [email protected]

v www.dyspraxiafoundation.org.uk

Cleft Lip and PalateAssociation (CLAPA)

The website answers some of themost commonly asked questionsabout cleft lip and palate andprovides information on the servicesand advice offered by CLAPA .

f Contact:1st Floor, Green Man Tower, 332 Goswell Road, EC1V 7LQ

S 20 7833 4883X 020 7833 5999

v www.clapa.com


A national helpline for details of localsupport groups for specificconditions.

f Contact:209-211 City Road,London EC1V 1JN

S 0808 808 3555S Textphone: 0808 808 3556

U [email protected]@cafamily.org.uk

v www.cafamily.org.uk


ICAN is the charity that helpschildren with speech and languagedifficulties. ICAN provides a uniquecombination of specialist therapy,teaching and care for children,information for families, and trainingfor teachers and other professionals.

f Contact:4 Dyers Buildings, Holborn, London EC1N 2QP

S 0845 225 4071X 0845 225 4072

U [email protected] www.ican.org.uk


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National organisations

www.thurrock.gov.uk 19

The National AutisticSociety

The National Autistic Society (NAS) isthe UK's leading charity for peopleaffected by autism. Founded in1962, by a group of parents whowere passionate about ensuring abetter future for their children, thecharity provides a wide range ofservices, advice and support.

f Contact:393 City Road, London EC1V 1NG

S 0207 833 2299X 0207 833 9666

U [email protected] v www.nas.org.uk


Signalong is a manualcommunication system thatsupports spoken language.

Signalong is a signing system whichoffers children and those aroundthem a valuable communication aid.

f Contact:The Signalong Group, Stratford House,Waterside Court, Neptune Close, Rochester,Kent ME4 4NZ

S 0870 774 3752

v www.signalong.org.uk

Talking Point

Extensive information is availableonline for parents/carers andprofessionals about speech andlanguage development and speechand language difficulties.

f Contact:v www.talkingpoint.org.uk


Page 20: Thurrock Council - Speech, Language and Communication Needs · identified with speech, language and communication needs in their statement. f Contact: Treetops School S 01375 372723

Services for Children and Young People 20

Aladdin’s Cave: Beacon Hill SchoolSpecialist Sensory Libraryand Resource Base

As a parent, guardian, carer, relativeor someone who works with people with special needs you are eligible tojoin and borrow resources.

Aladdin’s Cave has sound beams,bubble tubes, projection equipment,portable ball pools, musicalinstruments, fibre optics, switchaccessible toys, sensory kits, storysacks and much, much more.

To see our online catalogue andopening times visit our website:v www.beaconhill.thurrock.sch.uk

Baby Talk

Sally WardArrow Books LtdISBN 13: 9780099297208


You can download a version of theCommunication Cookbook or order afree published copy from I CAN. v www.ican.org.uk/resources

Early Supportinformation, materialsand resources

Available online from:v www.dcsf.gov.uk/everychild


Help Me Speak – aparent’s guide to speechand language therapy

Jenny BarrettSouvenir Press, 1994ISBN 0-285-63180-2


A range of books, resources andDVDs can be ordered onlinev www.ican.org.uk/resources

Learning to Talk

James LawDorling Kindersley, 2004ISBN 0751 338885

Let’s Talk – learninglanguage in everydaysettings (2nd ed)

Roy McConkey and Penny PriceSouvenir Press, 1998ISBN 038565023x

Let’s Talk with theUnder 5’s Handouts

The handouts are ideal for parents,child minders and under 5spractitioners wanting some basicskills and knowledge.

Order through Elklanv www.elklan.co.uk

Let's Talk with 5-9sHandouts

The handouts are ideal for parents,child minders and those workingwith 5-9s wanting some basic skillsand knowledge.

Order through Elklanv www.elklan.co.uk

Listen to your child – a parent’s guide tochildren’s language

David CrystalPenguin, 1986ISBN 0140110151

Useful books andresource information

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www.thurrock.gov.uk 21

British Sign Language

The Signature website providesinformation on qualifications andtraining centres offering training in:

n Deaf Awareness

n British/Irish Sign Language

n Communicating Through English

n Deafblind Communication

f Contact:v www.signature.org.uk



Chatterbox is a weekly languagegroup for parents and pre-schoolchildren based in Children’s Centresand run by Children’s Centre staff

who have been trained by Speechand Language Therapy. Chatterbox is by invitation only.

f Contact:Speech and Language Therapy

S 01375 859 161

Portage Workshop

The Portage service run an annual 4day workshop. It is suitable forparents, carers and staff workingwith young children who havedevelopmental needs, includingspeech, language and communication.

f Contact:The Portage Co-ordinator

S 01375 898652

U [email protected]


Signalong is a manualcommunication system thatsupports spoken language. Thurrock offer Signalong courses forparents, carers, nurseries pre-schools and schools, as asigning system which offers childrenand those around a valuable aid tocommunication

f Contact:The Signalong administrator

S 01375 898652

Training availablefor parents and carers

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Services for Children and Young People 22

My useful information

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For more information, please contact:

Family Information ServiceThurrock Council

Civic Offices, New Road,Grays, Thurrock,Essex RM17 6SL

Telephone: 01375 652801Email: [email protected]

Visit: www.askthurrock.org.uk

