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Thursday and friday learning

Date post: 05-Dec-2014
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Handwriting/Typing Spend 10 minutes on your handwriting/typing. You can use the links on the blog to take you to sites where you can develop your typing skills. Or copy the following poem (written by Emily) in you neatest handwriting. Quiet wind hovers Sloshy ground sticks Steamy pools twirl Never-ending doors knocking Crazy dreams awake I loved the time there. I will never let it go. Reading Read the following and answer the questions. Make sure your answers are detailed and use full answers. ROOM 25 LEARNING Thursday 17 and Friday 18 June
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 Handwriting/Typing Spend 10 minutes on your handwriting/typing. You can use the links on the blog to take you to sites where you can develop your typing skills. Or copy the following poem (written by Emily) in you neatest handwriting. Quiet wind hovers Sloshy ground sticks Steamy pools twirl Never-ending doors knocking Crazy dreams awake I loved the time there. I will never let it go.

Reading Read the following and answer the questions. Make sure your answers are detailed and use full answers.

ROOM 25 LEARNING Thursday 17 and Friday 18 June

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If you can print it off, highlight the key words as you read. This will help you identify the main ideas. Dogs

Dogs were domesticated from wolves over 10,000 years ago in the Middle East as people started to realize dogs' great potential in guarding and hunting. This is evident from ancient cave paintings which often depict dogs assisting men during hunting. Today there are over 200 million dogs being kept as pets with North America having the largest share.

The dog is not a pure carnivore. It eats fruits, vegetables as well as meat and should be considered an omnivore. Its internal organs are similar to those of humans although externally both species look very different. The body of a dog basically provides strength and speed. The paws have pads which act as shock absorbers when they run or leap.

Dogs have excellent sense of smell because their noses have long smelling membranes. Their sense of hearing is also much better than human beings. They are able to swivel their ears so as to focus on the source of the sound. However, they do not see things in colour but in black, white and shades of grey.

The average life span of a dog is tweleve years. The first year is equal to fifteen human years, the second is nine and thereafter, each dog year is four human years. This means dogs age much faster and live the equivalent of about sixty-four human years.

1. Why did Man domesticate dogs?



2. Why is the dog not a pure carnivore?



3. Would you describe a dog's vision as excellent? If not, why?

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4. When we say that 1 dog year is equal to several human years,

what are we actually referring to?



Safe From Bombs It was past midnight and the air raid sirens began to wail all

over the city. This warning meant that there was going to be an air raid from the enemies.

A little boy was woken by the siren. He ran quickly downstairs to his parents. Together they ran out into the garden towards a door half-buried in the earth. They hurried in and closed the door behind them and soon they could hear the drone of aeroplanes overhead as they hid in the air raid shelter. They could feel the earth shake as bombs began to fall.

In the shelter, the little boy was tucked into bed by his mother. Next to his bed was a little night-light, just in case he was afraid. He didn't like being in the shelter, even though it was a safe place to be. It was both hot and stuffy with water leaking from the walls and ceiling. Sometimes he had to stay there for hours.

Many families built shelters in their gardens. Those who didn't had to run to public shelters. Many spent the night in underground railway stations just to be safe from the bombs.

During the Second War World, which began in 1939, there were thousands of air raids. Towns all over Europe were destroyed by bombs and hundreds of thousand of innocent men, women and children were killed. This was the first time that war had put everyone in danger because in the past, it was mainly the soldiers on the battlefield who were likely to be killed.

1. How did the boy know there was going to be an air raid?



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2. How would you describe the condition of his air raid shelter.



3. How did the Second World War affect Europe?



4. What did those without their own air raid shelter do for




5. Which words describe to you that the shelter was hidden.



Writing Yesterday you had the opportunity to write an information report about bones. Have a go at planning an Information report about one of the planets. You can use the following graphic organiser to plan or you can use your own.

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Once complete, follow the Banks Avenue writing process and write your report. Publish it in a creative way. Make sure you proofread your work.

Check the Success Criteria Take it a step further: If you would like feedback on your Information Report, please email it to…… [email protected]

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Maths- Room 25 (Interchange)

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Maths- Room 26/27 (Interchange


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Spelling- Write the number of the correct answer in the brackets.

1. These football players from England are finding it hard to ________

to the equatorial climate.

(1) localised (3) adapt

(2) fit (4) climatise ( )

2. There's ________ in the question, it must be corrected.

(1) an error (3) an errata

(2) a fault (4) a mishap ( )

3. Can you ________ what the world would be like without a sun?

(1) imagine (3) fancy

(2) observe (4) determine ( )

4. My daughter ________ to be a lawyer when she grows up.

(1) aspires (3) expires

(2) inspires (4) thinks ( )

5. The sales promoter is giving away free product ________ to potential customers.

(1) examples (3) packets

(2) specimens (4) samples ( )

6. I'm in a bad ________ now. I have not been exercising regularly for the past year.

(1) physique (3) figure

(2) size (4) shape ( )

7. I think we should join the ________ tour around the museum provided by a member of the staff.

(1) delayed (3) promotional

(2) guided (4) self ( )

8. The wound is badly infected, apply some ________ to it.

(1) antibiotic (3) cream

(2) antiseptic (4) antidote ( )

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9. This oceanliner is having an overhaul in the ________.

(1) dock (3) harbour

(2) quay (4) pier ( )

10. He had contacted ________ disease, the doctor said there is no cure available.

(1) a rare (3) an incurable

(2) an unusual (4) an ordinary ( )    

Write the number of the correct answer in the brackets.

1. The book ________ I have just read was written by Charles Dickens. (1) when (3) where (2) which (4) who ( ) 2. All the guests ________ by half past seven but the host and hostess

are nowhere to be seen. (1) arrived (3) have been arrived (2) had arrived (4) having arrived ( ) 3. He ________ by to see you this evening if he is free. (1) drops (3) may drop (2) has dropped (4) dropping ( ) 4. Why walk when we ________ on a bus?

(1) get (3) can get (2) shall get (4) got ( ) 5. Why ________ you add soy sauce to this dish? It is so bland. (1) did (3) didn't (2) would (4) should ( ) 6. The inheritance ________ divided out fairly and everybody should be

happy. (1) is (3) has been (2) was (4) will be ( ) 7. The Colonel was doubtful whether the new recruit can ________ the

plan sucessfully. (1) carry out (3) run in (2) get on (4) fall through ( )

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8. There's a nasty rumour ________ that some directors embezzled

money from the company. (1) moving (3) falling on (2) growing (4) going around ( ) 9. ________ your three minutes up yet? I have an urgent call to make

right away. (1) Isn't (3) Aren't (2) Wasn't (4) Will ( ) 10. Nina has been waiting all this while; she's wondering ________ he is. (1) when (3) where (2) which (4) what (

Inquiry-Immersion Find the similarities and differences between Jupiter and Earth by filling in the Venn diagram.

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I have taken some following information from the Internet for you if you’re unable to use the Internet for research.      Jupiter,  Saturn,  Uranus,  Neptune.  These  are  the  giant  gas  planets.  Scientists  think  they  are  made  of  small,  solid  cores.  Their  interiors  are  fluid.  Lightweight  gases  such  as  hydrogen  and  helium  make  up  most  of  their  mass.  With  all  their  satellites  and  ring  systems,  they  are  very  interesting  to  observe.      3          Jupiter  is  the  largest  planet.  It  is  the  fifth  from  the  sun.  The  length  of  its  year  is  about  4330  Earth  days.  This  is  how  long  it  takes  for  Jupiter  to  make  one  revolution  around  the  sun.  It  spins  very  fast,  however.  It  takes  only  about  nine  Earth  hours  for  Jupiter  to  make  one  rotation.      4          Jupiter's  diameter  is  eleven  times  larger  than  Earth's.  In  fact,  Jupiter  is  only  ten  times  smaller  than  the  sun.  This  giant  planet  makes  up  about  70  percent  of  all  the  planetary  matter  in  our  solar  system.      5          Jupiter's  atmosphere  is  made  of  mostly  helium  and  hydrogen.  There  are  strong  winds  in  its  upper  atmosphere.  These  cause  violent  storms  that  rage  almost  all  the  time.  The  Great  Red  Spot  is  actually  a  giant  storm.  It  has  been  seen  for  over  300  years.  

Well done for taking responsibility for your own learning and completing the learning tasks at home. I will see you Monday! ;-) Mrs Kingi
