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Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the...

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Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA (and tomorrow…depending on how much we get through!): Find your seat – seating chart Complete Student Count Review Evacuation Route – Meet with 1 st Period Teacher! Review Lunch Schedules Review Lunch Time and Outside Expectations Language Arts Letter – Read and fill-in blanks Critical Vocabulary List expectations with letter home Robert Frost – Due Friday, September 16 th (two weeks) 5 Why’s - Purpose of Language Arts Personal Poem – passed out Frameworks A-C Skeleton Man – Read Aloud FOR 6/7 LA BLOCK: Student Count and Pink Copy to Office ASAP Student Release Dismissal Forms
Page 1: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Thursday, Sept 1

At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor

TODAY’S AGENDA (and tomorrow…depending on how much we get through!):◦ Find your seat – seating chart◦ Complete Student Count◦ Review Evacuation Route – Meet with 1st Period Teacher! ◦ Review Lunch Schedules◦ Review Lunch Time and Outside Expectations◦ Language Arts Letter – Read and fill-in blanks

Critical Vocabulary List expectations with letter home Robert Frost – Due Friday, September 16th (two weeks)

◦ 5 Why’s - Purpose of Language Arts◦ Personal Poem – passed out◦ Frameworks A-C◦ Skeleton Man – Read Aloud

◦ FOR 6/7 LA BLOCK:◦ Student Count and Pink Copy to Office ASAP◦ Student Release Dismissal Forms

Page 2: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Class Stuff

◦Student Count◦Evacuation Route – Meet with 1st Period Teacher!

◦Lunch Schedules◦Lunch Time and Outside Expectations

Page 3: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Language Arts Letter

As we read through the student letter, fill in the blanks to complete the letter.

When complete, take the letter home, review it with your parents, sign it and return it on Tuesday, Sept 6th.

Page 4: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Course Overview

7th Grade Language ArtsMrs. Harlan2011-2012

Course Overview for Language Arts: Basic grammar, usage and marks of punctuation Six Trait Writing Assessment Writing skills & assignments - journal, expository,

creative, persuasive, & reports. Oral presentations, speeches, and poem memorizations Reading skills and analyzing various genres of literature Vocabulary

Page 5: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.


Grading: A 100 - 95% C 77 - 72% A- 94 - 90% C- 71 - 70% B+ 89 - 88% D+ 69 - 68% B 87 - 82% D 67 - 63% B- 81 - 80% D- 62 - 60% C+ 79 - 78% F Anything below

60% Overall grade is divided into the following categories: Test/Quizzes = 35% of total grade Projects/Presentations = 35% of total grade Class/Home/Practice Work = 30% of total grade

1st and 2nd quarter grades are combined for the first semester cumulative grade and 3rd and 4th quarter grades are combined for the second semester cumulative grade.

Page 6: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.


Composition Books: Please purchase 2 composition books (no

spirals, only taped backing).

One will stay in the classroom for journal writing and assessments.

The other will be used for note taking.

Page 7: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Critical Vocabulary

Critical Vocabulary List for 7th grade. Students will be tested weekly and are expected to

chart their own progress and the progress of the class. Test scores will not be posted in the grade book until 4th

quarter. The list has 112 words and we will use different

strategies to learn the words throughout the year. Please show the list of words and give the explanation

letter to your parents and review the yearlong expectations for the vocabulary list with them.

Page 8: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Ideas to Help with Vocabulary

Flash Cards, Artistic Flash CardsWrite 5 timesVocabulary Cards: Picture, example,

definition, and part of speech. Write the words in a sentence.Complete a crossword puzzle.Say them aloud or make a song.Practice every night and do not wait until

the night before the test!MovementFortune Teller/Flip Flop

Page 9: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Reading Requirements

Reading: Reading is a crucial skill for success in life. YOU

HAVE TO READ TO BE A PROFICIENT READER! Some students read a book every other day and others run screaming from the library.

This year, all students must read 15 novels over the course of 9 academic months (September-May).

This is in addition to the class novels we will be completing in class. We read 4 - 6 class novels throughout the year.

Think of it this way, if you don’t practice your favorite sport, you’ll never improve. Many student athletes practice daily for over an hour. Why shouldn’t reading be the same?

Page 10: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Assessed Reading Skills

Main Idea and Supporting DetailsSummarizingVocabularyMaking Inferences and PredictionsUnderstanding Literary Elements and Text

FeaturesMaking Connections (cause and effect)Comparing and ContrastingEvaluatingAnalyzing the Author’s PurposeExtending Beyond the Text

Page 11: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.


WritingWe will write in several forms this year… quick journal notes, paragraphs, or 5 paragraph papers are our most common forms of writing. Our goal is to write everyday while practicing improving our ideas and elaboration skills, organization, word choice, voice, sentence fluency, and conventions.

We will learn and complete ALL of the steps to the writing process and most major papers take one to two weeks to complete and often are 100+ points in the grade book.

Page 12: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Assessed Writing Skills

IdeasOrganizationWord ChoiceVoiceSentence FluencyConventionsWriting Process

Page 13: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Speeches and Poem Memorizations

Speeches and Poem Memorizations: Most weeks students will have a poem

memorization or formal speech. Our focus is to support one another and help coach each student to improve their oral speaking skills.

This may seem intimidating at first but by the end of the year, students laugh at their beginning of the year jitters. With time and practice, all students improve and are thankful for the skill base.

Page 14: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Assessed Oral Presentation Skills

VoiceEnunciationEye ContactPostureSpeech ContentPreparation - note cards and time

Page 15: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

First Poem Memorization is due Friday, September 16th.

“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost

Page 16: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth;

The took the other, as just as fair,And having perhaps the better claim,Because it was grassy and wanted wear;Though as for that the passing thereHad worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black.Oh, I kept the first for another day!Yet knowing how way leads on to way,I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence;Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.

Page 17: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.


Page 18: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Poetry and National Endowment for the Arts

A Harvard Professor spoke about the power of words. ◦Helen Vendler states--spoken,sung,and

written– “a poem can be a companion through life.”

“Poetry should be taught from the beginning with good poems… memorizing and reciting and choral recitation and choral singing and all those things that feed into the appreciation of poetry.”

Page 19: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Poetry and MemorizationVendler continued-

“… it can be done. Children’s minds are enormously active and retentive.”

“… a resource that can keep them company through life, something they would be sorry to have missed.”

“It should be central to the language arts.”

“… we do often suffer from just these low expectations. You just don’t expect that these kids can do this anymore, and that’s distressing.”

“Poets have words for those emotions we don’t possess.”

Page 20: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.


“Memorizing poetry helps students master public speaking skills, build self-confidence, and learn about their literary heritage.”

-National Endowment for the Arts.

Page 21: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

WIKI Space and Home Communication

Communication between home and school is very important.

Students are expected to be honest and forthright with their parents concerning their academics and school environment.

Knowing that some communication can “get lost” in the day to day shuffle, I try to keep my Wiki Space updated with current assignments and class news. I will admit, some weeks I am better than others!

Do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns or questions.

Wiki space address: harlanlawikispaces.com

Page 22: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.


Progress Reports:

Students will be given grade updates and a list of missing assignments every two weeks (usually on Fridays). Please use family access to check grades.

Page 23: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Assessments (tests)

Assessment of Knowledge: Many of the tests I will be giving over the year

will be cumulative tests (build from one test to another so students don’t forget information).

Students will be required to interact and demonstrate knowledge through questioning practices, journal entries, entrance and exit slips, teacher-student interviews, quick writes, tests/quizzes and speeches.

Many tests will include matching, multiple choice, and essay questions.

I will give at least a two-day notice for tests.

Page 24: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.


The thing to remember with assessments is students need to study. So often, students do not take the necessary time to prepare for their tests or presentations. It is a skill they need to utilize and practice.

I give at least two days notice for all tests and I may give a pop quiz every now and then. All major projects and tests are given with plenty of notice.

I will not accept major papers, projects, and speeches if they are late - only with an excused absence will I accept it.

Page 25: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.


Homework: All assignments not completed during

class time need to be completed at home and turned in the following day. There will be times when I expect assignments to be completed at home. I do not believe in “busy work” and will only expect supplemental work when it is needed.

Page 26: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Late Assignments

Late Assignments: I expect assignments to be turned in on time. I will accept late work on a decreasing scale.

◦Up to one week late, work will be accepted for 70% credit.

After a week, work will not be accepted. When turning in late work, make sure your name,

assignment title, and date are listed on the top RIGHT side of the paper.

All late assignments MUST be dated with my ink stamp and turned into the late assignment basket.

Major papers, projects and speeches will NOT BE ACCEPTED late.

Page 27: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Excused Absences

Excused Absence◦If students have an excused absence, they

need to make-up the work. ◦ It is the student’s responsibility to find out what

was missed and to retrieve the homework. Students will be given time, equivalent to the amount of days absent, to make-up the work (under very special circumstances I can extend the days available for make-up work).

◦This includes tests! ◦If students need my help to make-up work it

must schedule an appointment with me BEFORE, DURING LUNCH, OR AFTER SCHOOL.

◦ I will not take class time to retrieve work or answering questions.

Page 28: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Extra Credit

Extra Credit

Extra credit will be given throughout the year but will be limited to those students who have turned in most of their assignments.

At no time will extra credit be used to replace daily, planned assignments or help a student, at the last minute, pass the class.

Page 29: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.


Supplies: The following list of materials will be needed throughout the

school year. Please see that the materials are in class by Tuesday, September 6th.

  Novel AT ALL TIMES (at appropriate reading level) - from

library or home Composition Books (one left in class and one for note taking) A Section in your Notebook for Language Arts Pencils and Pens 2 Highlighters A package of Post It sticky tabs Box of colored pencils and markers Glue Sticks and Scissors Standard Loose-leaf 81/2" by 11", three-hole punched paper

Page 30: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Classroom Expectations and Class Rules

Classroom Expectations and Class Rules:

Attendance/Tardies: ◦Good attendance is necessary for success in class.

Students are tardy if they are not in their seat ready to begin class when the bell rings.

Materials: ◦Students are expected to have all materials in class

with them every day.

Page 31: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Classroom Procedures: Be on Time, Be on Task, Be Respectful, Be Positive! When students enter the classroom, they should begin

working on the assigned entrance assignment. Listen carefully to instructions. Be on task and work quietly. Stay in their assigned seats. Do not leave class without permission and ALWAYS sign

out. Raise hands to speak. One speaker at a time. I dismiss the class. Students need to wait to pack

belongings until told to do so. Students need to give their best effort!

Respect and Attitude: Students are expected to respect themselves and others

and to have a positive attitude.

Page 32: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Discipline Procedures

Discipline Procedures: Below is a list of my own classroom discipline procedures. If students choose to disregard the above guidelines, the consequence will be:

1. Warning - Verbal and name on board - student is reminded of proper behavior

2. Lunch detention 3. After school detention 4. Parent conference - work on designing a behavior plan 5. Office referral  Procedures are documented. Remember that students are

responsible for their actions. I reserve the right to skip any of the steps if student

behavior warrants it.

Page 33: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Mrs. Harlan’s PET PEEVES

How to SURVIVE 7th GRADEBetween 2:10-2:20 – stay seated and talk quietly.

Please no running around the room.Please do not write on boards with white board pens.

They are expensive and can be ruined when students use them.

Late Work is accepted up to 1 week late.Stay in assigned seats unless given permission to

change.No touching each other, personal items, or running in

room.Do not leave room without permission or signing out.

I have to know where you are at all times.Listen to directions. They are given once with time

allowed for questions.

Page 34: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Pet Peeves continued…

Assignment headings – RIGHT side with full name, assignment title and date.

Bring supplies to class – paper, pencils, novel, and all assignments

Copy of assignments are on the back counter – once gone, I will not make any more copies. HANG ON TO ALL ASSIGNMENTS!

Communication with students and parents is important. Communication should first come from the student and then the parent.

Attendance is very important. Make every effort to have consistent attendance.

Page 35: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.


Every week, students will be randomly selected to find:

◦ Articles on world events and discuss the article with the class


◦ Examples of critical vocabulary words

Once everyone has had a chance to present to the class, we start the random selection over again.

Starting next week, due Friday, September 9th…Block A Conrad and LillyBlock B Nathan and Kyler

Page 36: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Week Overview


◦ weekly vocabulary words are given and tested on Friday◦ poems are handed out and memorizations are recited on Friday◦ students are randomly selected for world event and examples of

critical vocabulary – due Friday◦ Daily Opener is started and completed throughout the week and

turned in on Friday

Tuesday-Thursday:Throughout the week… writing, reading, and vocabulary

skills/assignments are completed

Friday:◦ 2 vocabulary tests – one for weekly words that is graded and the

other for the critical vocabulary words – not graded until 4th quarter but progress is graphed for the first three quarters

◦ Poem memorizations are due◦ World event and examples for critical vocabulary are due◦ Daily opener is completed and turned in

Page 37: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

How to set-up your paper for DAILY OPENERS

Using your own paper, complete the opener for every day of the week and turn in on Friday.

Set-up your paper like this…

NameWeekly Entrance Date

Monday, Date

Tuesday, Date

Wednesday, Date

Thursday, Date

Friday, Date

Page 38: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

5 Why’s

Why is Language Arts important

Complete the handout

Page 39: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.


Begin working on poem.


Page 40: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Frameworks A-C

Let’s get this started ….

Page 41: Thursday, Sept 1 At the front table, grab a class letter Find your assigned seat (posted on the front board) Talk QUIETLY to your neighbor TODAY’S AGENDA.

Skeleton Man – Read Aloud

Author Joseph Bruchac
