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TI 1243 - Titanium Dioxide as Photocatalyst

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  • 8/19/2019 TI 1243 - Titanium Dioxide as Photocatalyst


    AEROXIDE®, AERODISP® and AEROPERL®Titanium Dioxide as PhotocatalystTechnical Information

  • 8/19/2019 TI 1243 - Titanium Dioxide as Photocatalyst


  • 8/19/2019 TI 1243 - Titanium Dioxide as Photocatalyst



    1.  4

    2.  Fume Titanium Dioxi e 4

    2.1 Production 4

    2.2 Fundamental Properties 5

    2.3 Properties of AEROXIDE® TiO2 P 25 5

    2.4 Properties of AEROXIDE® TiO2 P 90 5

    2.5 Properties of VP AEROPERL® P25 / 20 5

    2.6 Properties of AERODISP® Fumed Titanium Dioxide Dispersions 6

    3.  8

    3.1 Fundamentals 8

    3.2 Photomineralisation 9

    3.3 Photosterilization 9

    3.4 Photoinduced Super Hydrophilicity 10

    3.5 Example Applications 10

    4.  Literature 11

  • 8/19/2019 TI 1243 - Titanium Dioxide as Photocatalyst


    1. Introduction

    Titanium ioxi e is wi e y use as a pigment or paints,

    printing in s, p astics, cosmetics an oo . Typica titanium

    ioxi e pigments are c aracterize y a primary partic e

    size o etween 0.2 an 0.5 µm. In contrast to pigmentary

    titanium ioxi e, t e nanostructure titanium ioxi e pro -

    ucts o Evoni In ustries ave an average primary partic e

    size o etween 14 an 21 nanometers an consequent ya most no pigmentary properties. However, t e primary

    partic e size is on y mentione to in icate t e app ication

    properties o a given pro uct T e supp ie pro uct oes

    not come in t is orm, ut rat er as tig t y on e aggre-

    gates o t e primary partic e, varying in size an s ape to

    impart speci c app ication properties. T ese aggregates

    orm agg omerates uring pro uction usua y into t e pow-

    er or granu ate orm t at is supp ie to customers.

    T e nanostructure titanium ioxi e pro ucts o Evoniare so un er t e tra e names AEROXIDE anAEROPERL an inc u e t e we - nown AEROXIDE

    P25. AEROXIDE TiO P25 is wi e y use as acata yst, cata yst support, an eat sta i izer or si iconeru er. In terms o p otocata ysis AEROXIDE TiO P25

    as een su ject o many stu ies over t e years, inc u -ing its use in wastewater treatment, t e re uction o NOxin ex aust gases, an t e manu acture o anti- acteria ,se -c eaning or anti ogging sur aces. Because o its igp otoactivity, AEROXIDE TiO P25 is oen recognizeas the “gold standard” in photocatalysis [1].

    In or er to provi e you wit t e est so ution or eacapp ication, t e port o io o AEROXIDE TiO2 a so

    inc u es a ig y isperse ume titania, AEROXIDETiO P 90, VP AEROPERL® P 25/20 granulated fumedtitania an AERODISP ispersions t ereo .

    T is Tec nica In ormation escri es t e properties anapp ications o our various nanostructure titanium ioxi epro ucts as p otocata ysts. I you ave any urt er ques-tions, p ease contact our tec nica personne at any time.

    2. Fumed Titanium Dioxide

    Titanium ioxi e occurs in nature in t e mo i cationsruti e, anatase, an roo ite. Ruti e an anatase arepro uce in ustria y, eit er y t e su ate or c ori eprocess, in arge quantities an are use as pigments ancata ysts, an in t e pro uction o ceramic materia s.Titanium ioxi e is o outstan ing importance as a w itepigment ecause o its scattering properties, its c emicasta i ity, an ac o toxicity.

    Titanium ioxi e is t e most important inorganic pigmentin terms o quantity, severa mio. tons are pro uce peryear [2] by two different processes. The older sulfate pro-

    cess epen s on t e rea own o t e titanium-containingaw materia i menite or titanium s ag wit concentrate

    su uric aci . In t e c ori e process, t e titanium-contain-ng raw materia s i menite, eucoxene, natura an synt et-c ruti e, titanium s ag, an anatase are c orinate .

    2.1 Productionvoni s titanium ioxi es are pro uce in a simi ar

    anner to t e AEROSIL process y uti izing titaniumc ori es as raw materia : TiC 4, a ig -purity iqui , isaporize , mixe wit air an y rogen. Imme iate yereaer t e gases are reacte at temperatures etween

    1000 an 2400 °C in a urner ea ing to t e ormationo pure an nanostructure titanium ioxi e accor ing to

    e o owing reaction:

    TiCl4 + 2 H2 + O2 → TiO2 + 4 HCl

    e properties o ume titania pro ucts can e variei e y y a justing t e process parameters.

    2.2 Fundamental Propertiesvoni s titanium ioxi e pro ucts are w ite pow ersit ig speci c sur ace areas. T e pro ucts are pure

    itanium ioxi e wit an anatase content o 80 – 90 yeig t wit a sma portion o ruti e. T ey are not sur ace

    reate . As mentione a ove, Evoni s titanium ioxi esare exce ent p otocata ysts. T is is ue to t e very igsur ace area an t e mixe anatase an ruti e crystastructure. Accor ing to Hurum et a t e ruti e acts as anantenna to exten t e p otoactivity into visi e wave-engt s an t e structura arrangement o t e simi ari y

    size TiO2 crysta ites creates cata ytic „ ot spots at t e

    utile-anatase interface“ 3 .

    As can e seen rom Figure 1 t e pigmentary proper-ies white pigments have primary particle sizes around

    200 – 500 nm are no longer relevant for nanostructuredartic es.


    Primary particle size [nm]

    Figure 1 Influence of the primary particle size in nm on theransparency o t tan um ox e

  • 8/19/2019 TI 1243 - Titanium Dioxide as Photocatalyst



    5 nm

    Figure 2 mages o 2 P25 depicting the primary crystals right graph and their aggregates and agglomerates left graph .

    Figure 3 - mages o 2 P25 left and AEROXIDE® TiO P 90 right

    2.3 Properties of AEROXIDE® TiO2 P 25AEROXIDE TiO P25 is a ne w ite pow er wit

    y rop c c aracter cause y y roxy groups on t esurface [4]. It consists of aggregated primary particles.

    e aggregates are severa un re nm in size an t erimary partic es ave a mean iameter o approx. 21 nm.article size and density of ca. 4 g / cm lead to a spe-

    cific surface of approx. 50 m /g. Due to the formation

    o aggregates an agg omerates, t e tampe ensity oAEROXIDE TiO P25 is only about 130 g / l (determinedacc. to DIN ISO 787 XI . The weight ratio of anataseand rutile is approximately 80 20. Both crystal forms areetragona ut wit i erent imensions o t e e emen-ary ce . At 300 °C, a s ow conversion o anatase to t eore sta e ruti e structure egins. At temperatures

    ig er t an 00 °C, t e conversion runs aster com ineit a re uction o t e speci c sur ace. AEROXIDE TiO25 is suita e or many app ications t at require a ig


    2.4 Properties of AEROXIDE® TiO2 P 90W ereas t e average primary partic e size rom

    s nm, von eve ope yariation o t e pro uction parameters anot er gra e in

    or er to increase t e p otocata ytic properties: T e resu ts AEROXIDE TiO2 P 90, a pro uct wit an average

    primary partic e size o 14 nm. Figure 3 s ows t e pri-mary partic e sizes o AEROXIDE TiO2  n contrast

    o AEROXIDE TiO P25.

    2.5 Properties of VP AEROPERL® P25 / 20As a ust ree a ternative to AEROXIDE TiO2 P25 weoffer a product grade named VP AEROPERL® P25 20.

    s spec a granu ate t tan um ox e w t an averageparticle size of 20 µm (Figure 4) enables easy separation

    ue to goo se imentation. Moreover VP AEROPERL25 20 allows improved handling properties due to

    exce ent owa i ity an a ig tampe ensity.

  • 8/19/2019 TI 1243 - Titanium Dioxide as Photocatalyst


    Figure 4 Images of VP AEROPERL® P25 20

    Table 1ys co-c em ca ata o , 2 P 90 and VP AEROPERL® P25 20

    Parameter (test method) Unit AEROXIDE® TiO2 P25 AEROXIDE® TiO2 P 90 VP AEROPERL® P25 / 20

    Specific surface area BET 2  g ± 1 ± ± 1

    pin 4 % dispersion

    . – . . – . . – .

    ampe ens tyacc. to DIN EN ISO 787

    g l approx. 1 approx. 1 approx.

    o sture2 hours at 105 °C

    wt.- ≤1. ≤ . ≤ .

    gnt on oss2 hours at 1000 °C based on material dried

    for 2 hours at 105 °C

    wt.- ≤ . ≤ . ≤ .

    2 contentbased on ignited material

    wt.- > . > . > .

    Average particle size SEM µm

    T e ata represent typica va ues an not pro uction parameters.

    Deveopmenta pro ucts are a e e wit t e VP esignation. T eir commerciaization epen s on mar et response.

    100 µm10 µm

  • 8/19/2019 TI 1243 - Titanium Dioxide as Photocatalyst


    2.6 Properties of AERODISP® Fumed Titanium Dioxide Dispersions

    Figure 5 ua ty o spersons can vary s gn cant y

    n or er to meet t e customer requirements Evoniapp ies severa posttreatment an an ing tec no ogies.

    voni s ispersion tec no ogy a ows pro ucing sta eater ase ispersions wit particu ate istri utions

    e e ow 0.1 µm aggregate sizes. To ac ieve t esesma iameters a ig energy mi ing step is app ie .

    ese tai or-ma e ispersions are pre erre in app ica-ions in w ic a very ig transparency an a very ig

    p otoactivity are require .

    Table 2ys co-c em ca ata o an sp.

    Parameter (test method) Unit AERODISP® W 740 X VP Disp. W 2730 X

     con enbased on material ignited at 1000 °C

    t. ± ±


    DIN EN ISO 787 9

     – –

    scos tyBrookfield 50 rpm, 20 °C

    m a s < <

    ggregate s zed-50 value

    < . < .

    Density 20 °C g / cm³ . 1.

    e ata represent typica va ues an not pro uction parameters.

    Deveopmenta pro ucts are a e e wit t e VP esignation. T eir commerciaization epen s on mar et response.

  • 8/19/2019 TI 1243 - Titanium Dioxide as Photocatalyst


    3. Photocatalytic Applications

    3.1 FundamentalsIn or er to un erstan semicon uctor p otoc emistry,t ree mo es o action nee to e iscusse : P otomin-era ization, p otosteri ization an p otoin uce superhydrophilicity 5, 6, 7 .

    Titanium ioxi e is a ig t-sensitive semicon uctor, ana sor s e ectromagnetic ra iation in t e near UV region.T e energy i erence etween t e va ence an t econ uctivity an s in t e so i state is 3.05 eV or ruti ean 3.29 eV or anatase, correspon ing to an a sorption

    an at < 415 nm or ruti e an < 385 nm or anatase8, 9 .

    A sorption o ig t energy causes an e ectron to e pro-mote rom t e va ence an to t e con uction an(Figure 6). This electron and the simultaneously createdpositive e ectron o e can move on t e sur ace o t e




    Figure 6 as c pr nc p e o t e p otoact v ty o t tan um ox e

    solid where it can take part in redox reactions 10 .or examp e, water mo ecu es can e oxi ize , w ic are

    common y a sor e onto t e titanium ioxi e sur ace,generat ng ra ica s. T ese ra ica s are a ar stron-ger oxi izing agent t an eit er ozone or c orine, ot

    nown as strong oxi ants. On t e ot er an , re uctionof oxygen forming superoxide anions O -•  and in asecond reduction step peroxide anions O 2-  can occur.

    ese anions ear interme iate oxi izing power. Aese oxi izing species can cause comp ete oxi ation o

    organic compounds to carbon dioxide and water [11].

    e anatase orm requires ig er ig t energy t an t euti e orm, ut s ows a stronger p otoactivity. T is cane exp aine wit t e onger i etime o t e excite state

    n anatase an t e etter a sorption o oxygen in anionicorm at the anatase surface 12 .

  • 8/19/2019 TI 1243 - Titanium Dioxide as Photocatalyst


    3.2 Photomineralisationepen ing on t e reaction con itions, organic compoun s

    can e u y minera ize to t e o owing en pro ucts:

    organic molecules → CO2 + H2O

    organic N-compounds → HNO3 + CO2 + H2O

    organic S-compounds→

    H2SO4 + CO2 + H2O

    organic Cl-compounds → HCl + CO2 + H2O

    i usion to t e cata yst sur ace is t e rate- eterminingstep. In iqui p ase reactions, t e generation o variousnterme iate ecomposition pro ucts occurs. In some

    cases, t ese interme iate pro ucts inactivate t e cata-lyst surface [13]. Reactions found in the literature usingAEROXIDE TiO P25 an UV- ig t inc u e t e comp etedecomposition of phenol 14, 15 , chlorophenols 16 ,nitroaromates 17 , aromatic amines 18 , agriculturaleffl uents 19 , and crude oil in water 20 .

    Figure 7 s ows typica ecomposition rates o 4-c oro-p eno an ic oroacetic aci using AEROXIDE TiO2

    25 irra iate wit a 500 W ig -pressure mercuryapor lamp concentrations: 1 g l titanium dioxide cata-

    lyst; 120 mg / l chlorohydrocarbon; TOC= total organiccarbon).

    Figure 7Decomposition of 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) and dichloroacetic ac id (DCA) using AEROXIDE® TiO2 

    UV-irradiation time [min]

         T     O     C      /     T     O     C


    DCA 4-CP

  • 8/19/2019 TI 1243 - Titanium Dioxide as Photocatalyst


    3.3 PhotosterilizationAs mentione a ove, ra ica s are orme on t e titanium

    ioxi e sur ace w en it is irra iate wit UV ig t. T esera ica s can a so attac t e ce s o microorganisms, sot at nanostructure titanium ioxi e can e ective y euse to in i it t e growt o acteria, viruses, a gae,yeast, mo , an ot er microorganisms on sur aces or iniqui s. AEROXIDE TiO can a so e use in coatings or

    sur aces e ping to prevent isco oration ue to extensivealgae e. g. gloeocapsa magma growth.

    3.4 Photoinduced Super-HydrophilicityAnot er mec anism is iscusse or t e so-ca e p oto-in uce super y rop i icity o serve on sur acescoate wit t in TiO2  ms: UV excitation pro ucese ectron- o e pairs; t ese o es can oxi ize ri ging

    -species to oxygen; t us creating oxygen vacancies .Fo owing a sorption o water a y roxy ation ta es

    ace an t e sur ace properties are c anging to aconsi era y more y rop i ic e aviour. Water contactang es o ess t an 5 ° can e measure an suc sur acesare consi ere as eing super y rop i ic. T e processs reverse in t e ar .

    e se c eaning an e ogging action o suc sur acesarises rom t e act t at irt an grime t at co ects on

    e sur aces is rea i y was e away y water.

    3.5 Example Applicationsere are severa opportunities or ma ing use o t eotocata ytic properties. An exce ent summary, espe-

    cia y ta ing into account t e Japanese mar et is escri en a oo et entit e TiO2 P otocata ysis – Fun amenta s

    and Applications”, Bkc, Inc. Tokyo 1999 by A. Fujishi-a, K. Has imoto an T. Watana e. In a ition a more

    ecently published overview can be found at 1 .

    Table 3otocata ytc e ects an examp e app cat ons

    Effect Example

    otomnera sat on • epo ut ng cement• e c ean ng pa nt• r water pur cat on• eo or sat on

    otoster zat on • ntimicrobial surfaces e. g. roofings and tiles

    oto n uce super y rop c t y • e c ean ng t es an g asses• nt ogg ng m rrors

  • 8/19/2019 TI 1243 - Titanium Dioxide as Photocatalyst


    4 Literature  1 s, ., ee, .- .; . otoc emstry an oto o ogy :

    Chemistry 152, 233 2002

      mann‘s ncyc ope a o n ustr a emstry

      urum, . ., gr os, . ., an ray, . ., a , . an ur-nauer, . ; . ys. em. , 1 ,

    4 Boehm, H. P.; Kolloid Z. & Z. Polym. 227 1 – 2 , 17 1968

      na e, ., ry , . awunyama et a ; . otoc em. oto o .: 137, 53 2000

      atana e, ., a a ma, ., ang, . et a ; n o ms351, 260 (1999)

      u s ma, ., ao, ., ry , .; . otoc em. oto o . . 1,1 2000

      8 Benrath, A.; Z. Wiss. Phot. 14, 217 1915

      9 Renz, C.; Helv. Chim. Acta 4, 962 1921

     1 nse g er, . ., u, ., ates r., . .; em. ev. ,1995

     11 Masaki, Y.; Sumitomo Metal M. 50, No.4, 26 1999

     1 ca an , ., ermann, . .; . ys. em. 1 , 1


     13 Leimbach, J.; Diss. Univ. Regensburg (1995)

     1 att ews, . ., c voy, . .; . otoc em. oto o . .Chem., 64, 231 1992

     1 o o, ., arc, ., art n, ., a m sano, ., ves, ., ca -ani, A.; Applied Catalysis B. Environmental 20, 29 1999

     16 Mills, A., Wang, J.; J. Photochem. Photobiol. A. 118 1 , 531998

     17 Ferry, J. L., Glaze, W. H., J. Phys. Chem. B 102 12 , 22391998

     1 re s, ., r c eys aya, ., arc en o, ; x . ec no .Wastewater Treat., Int. Conf., Paper 51, 9 1996

     1 omero, . , a , ., en a , ., ra , .; . ys. , ,Pr3 283 1999

     20 Nair, M., Luo, Z., Heller, A.; Ind. Eng. Chem., Res. 32 10 ,2318 1993

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