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ti BiBexford, Boeato. t 78. - NYS Historic...

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m»*i, as •uyn'i". 1 "/'" UnttftlX, Offf II »W»W A * ^HKtll if ?MK dMHcrit WS ADYAJTOi: giroulatton, 8,700 janitor iamaiitmt > »in .1)10 ' (00 •IOW a to «-so 100 IB 5 no »«o iaoo too (SO 800 IOJSS 19 00 is wr n,oo.UQJw.l»rixi 8 00 10 00 11.00 1JM MOO MHO woo 1300 II00 IT 50 9060 9t00 to oo It DO 100 00 .awt oa,«da II110 parysar not »io«e«lng I WKyaaaMonaluns^ceijts- iel*otioasle percent additional lafoUoas far every Una, of epecs occupied tifaxlnsllns 10o«ni*eMb«uoci«dinffiliMi watktherUIisr l o t . alls* ria|BaQtioeil*Qoentft each .Axmotoieeineat iUNlire*, obituaries 8 c U a l l n * Advertisements » ( - » « • provides bylaw iteWnmneateitlseraents.lOperpeut, ertn l»«t»dT#rtU»menl«I«J»M« In advance ftottfctfi}. HOTELS^ ,„letr>» H I S 1 > 'Brlags, Proprietor lgx«*wti7Purcbs^ and made samsimpprt .rovameuts the piKprletor intend* to keen SHotelss can ifffomid in. tbla partof thi . With t h u purpose inrylow he would res- (11/ solicit thsTmbUo patronage. € » * » „ • » . JB«V*jr, "- t b M o o d (formerly- Potsdam l u n c t n ) St I*w «* renw county S Y aMk-ierfsna Oomiwtoi >t Ui notary Euhllo 1 ^?i Utoriuraa? OounsiiorktlMr XonMO- > * 4. 8t\£swrenos< County* t "" 1WT OfTe.n.Yeara'Duration. TheDis- charges Thick, Bloody, and of Foul Odor. Senses of Smell and Taste Wholly Gone. Entirety Cured by « SANFORD'S RADICAL .«, ^KTO^jltafiPdttotiQontiOTCB—Ifo'eJeem. peiiod to waawwiciifto'fiivonjtno trout bonout H4OToimS^»5Kiir,Cr«); hoe been to in.,. For ortoase aba wcoin«y in.the.winter umiim it Uccnmort Mvoro., Tho discharge nn^.hnrnihjck and blooily*flmlUlnB;a,foulo2op,6o b»dlba»m3 preaencoinaroomwith other?VnnjYMvoueHvo to ihemvpnflijweek.-artor, comjtfsnclnB'the via at Bajrro w'fjtallttMT, COM} wis not trairtiedwlth THEO. I* SWIFT, i..* J JkaaMavyanil Oonuselor At Xi&w EctsdHni K Y OakC* on Market 8t over th« lost Omce OJtC Jj •yp'v-a.iufoU, *tc«caor*u3 Couhselor ai l*w Canton t law ay-Co K I ' John A* Vance, Attorney at law Offlco with H X. Kuowlcs lots l o i r T i HE THOMPSON. JUSjBrner and Counselor at I*w MaBBOne Bt. ' '"' Lawrence County bt X 9-tf Get). B. Stuoj-, A\H»*ney»tI*wsnd IsoterySublio fliclmlvlW St. SjisrjnliH Oonatr M Y ""T IMWIB C. IiattEi fcttemtrMid Conmelor^ DeTOttng ltlnu61f « d « <t*«lrto this l)r«oUco o ( U « In all it» bnuictiM ^^uliKTfflr »t JjamnciCo f Y lnorn«Ji»iiilO«im»otor» and SbUclton 1m Baal antey JoUiaffl H Y 1 a HoIntDr f Imtier E. Wadlalclt, MtorM7>ud.floun«efor aliaw and Oorrciwmd; , bafuiUitot otPatonti CoUdam Bt Law Co If T * SSBcolar attantlon etven tocoUootlgg; ^dvavrd Crary, ?at»dini rN^ CoUwtlofla entrqstad to buaTrtll *aaplre prompt attonUoai - J j6t»ia»> ! S JT-aaWW 187J « to«DK«^>,,•^d^,•,»ov.oK^ M1^ ' !,a •- WTEH. Oentlemcoi TU» nackaKe or.Bi*TpBi>'o Cujin iboBtah*Vo.<loniiirithtUlil{Jt-boBtt'for , i!tJfli-e)ncarf t oieracpyuaaation tomo. Tnorfi, /** , WELHOCR»JE foFGRD. ^QRAHD JEUPOIO* Mwnj, 3|or. 15, W7fl. SAHraSD'S RSQIGfiL CURE KiJtonlyflrcmpKTftprcstathocorroilInirdScfihBracs in Laturyu;butiliylttTipnlljotIaac«ort, It rcstorpato MO 11 cattli all tin* fttKunsofthtiheaatrmtittiVd beco o tMTuct<* * j U, ttutl Q^hiblfiany ul lliv; ft>:io<?« lnj. alTcotloiui;- Dofoctlvol25'ip-. ; ' , 'h',SEifiniar(lftml vJ 1 *;'..!"/ Eytia, Painful tind WMii'i^y teyus,. .»„ oi fitnrinCcKayacI^;, ^cttKtln-irt of tUu i\ar, DlB*liarfCc8fromiIlcKaj*,Klnsins?rolK' a In tha Head, BlrMaca^, Neirvona Utsuil- nclio, Fotxio in tJioT-QnJploa.Lasttortbo Senses of Tost© and Smell. Elongation of thQV«Ttla»XaSamRiatlon<)f tut) Tonsils, pntrldSoraTJjroatt'IlcUlIn^or UtM-iilng ConBrbt- Bronchitis, anil Qlcciilug t-i' iho Eirti pflotoiffo contclns Dr. Sanfm-il'B Iniproved InlnUnff'rqbn,.\vliUfoHal.il«t\rcuiU¥ n-oj^n.<.l <li- rcctloiwjoFnafllttollcaswi. PHc..*f. Torsui- \>y nil -wl olesale and retail *Jnn;eitn i'ti -f.-nirn t TonffhDatthtt'D'DlteiIPt3ti8aiiilt it .» v/f EK3 rcctloTui fill TBI OIC t ronirho'tittlioDDlteilPtatiBaiia, 4s FOTTEB, General AEontoo;»«l \. boi £ Ets Bostoo*MaEO. FBOOEEBIMGS Board of Supervisors , Of ST. lAWaEHOE CD01PrT1877. Annual Meeting. '" '' COKTBTOED. SEVENTH DAT Wednesday, Sim. ZUl, 1877, 0 or. m. Ilio Board met pursuant to adjooni- ment, The minutes of jesteriiay were read and approved. .-Mr. Hshor, from commiitee on the internal affairs of towns, citiea and villagegj reporteftbaet the bitt entitled "Aneot to provide for the proteetiDn and preservation offishin the'waters bt Blook take, and, its, tributaries, and to preiioribe and enforce t)ie ooltqlion of Senaltijse for Tiolation Of «atae,-tinder Chapter 482,(tt thftla'we oM87SJ and the actsanjendatorythereto." • •• On^ntioa.thefclH'tfagread thei third time, jifflfiwos p«sefli by the following •vofej-Hlft " Yaw-liun*. SlngaWtt, Bunal. Sborldan. Xlaber, Hmrooittb. Carter. Mtiir, JOODSQII. Al- drUb, Moro. Banford, S*«jl, 8: Valla, Bradford, Hatttns*. 2toblnaoa, Wblta. .BIobardaoQ, Jones. ObapLo, Uarcean. Ugbtb^U, Abram, Kortbrap, 0M>r, Brools, Salmcr, l^ovriB," Orapaar, Bntber- ford-^so. H*y»—none. Sir, *$totitq pretented the bond of Frederick F. Baliih, Bopraintondent of the Poor, elect. On motion of Mr. Richardson, re- ferred to jodioiary committee. Mr. Atwater, from committee, mode the following corrected report ot com- mittee on footing assessment rolls. To tho Honotablo.tha Boa.Rd.of Saperrlaora of St. Eawrenco Ooanty,1877:—Tour Committee on Foot- log Aueasmont Holla report tbo amonnta of Boal and Peraonal Froporty in the aatd Chanty oa set fortb In tbe annoxed table. money for. highway purposes, nnder- Ohapter 482, Invwa of 187S,»nd atip amendatory thereto) Mr. Abram in tpe ehoir. . ._ '. ' On "therising;of$fi,e. committee the chairman thereof reported that the committee of the whole had had tinder consideration the bill ehtiUetJ "An 4°'' to authorize the town of Fowler to borrow money for highway pnrposeij.: anderOhaBt?r 4Si,..Mm of 1871^ a|K the aoU( atteriita'torj tHeretV'hadnW^ some amendmehu; thereto, and as amended recommended its passage. _ „, Thereport was agreed ti and'thehilL ordered-engrossed for a third readiag^ The chair presented the flojlowihg- report of Sjiperintendentaot j|ePoorr TheSaporlntendo^U- or,th» poor of tlie Coanty^ of St Xaittflace; pdnnant'to tbe atatotefor tbo re* Uefof lujlttlit Vtrioli«,I)csltiaTe to preacnt tliclr Annna\ Boportfa%tbey«ar.3n77; 0310 amount appropriated by your Board atltslMtannttalaexalonforSoorHouie :and 01iUdrena*.Bbnievra«,.» .......... Tbeamonntrepbrted- by. $f.n. Packard. OormtyTrcaaorer, attbattune aob^oct to onr order iraa '. Tbe atnonnt.ovordravn try Superintend, ents of laat year's approprlatjanj^ .... OZotai drawn einoe'yonijjuf mee.tb3e.". M^tit8i.fiQ Tbe amount of ordera' drawn pre* •rtotut to tbo date of tbla Mpott IflaafoHowa: t- . • . For tnoOoOntyPoor Honae...:.. $4009^0 For tbo town of Oawosatchfe.... 1217.20 X'oz.tbeObUdrcn'sBoraa...^ .... 02905. For tbe town of Lawrence 17.G0 For tbe town of Waddiagton 12.70 For the town of Qovernoar ...... 4.00 $0^85.50 ThB amonntof ordera drawn by us to de- fray the expenaos of tbo poor ol the aev- eral town«?<o>itamporjiry relief, during ti»5«ii»^ljoiir;»Mhiia.d^,ia,,.......S3s,o-0-e ;:pbaalble'fo¥if0iiip coroir4tfce> to ivldofor tbo'per- ,._., ..--^ - ,.^-- , .'couraeit waato--,, ;poMlble'fo)F&oitir coroiialtfce> to entlroly forflMat ^ W*det«lT»5aitiU£ayj*>und naceaaary aurlngs thooooiti-Betton'OfTtKnrapvellilna of a- ouUdlbfet 1a>d^^ey^»T*i> > >wi a 3ii^J•*'* , * --a < " aor to?«S oare.a.MHMtlKnro^proojtanneivandto parfoet tlteh liaOTony'of th*l)nUaisi,";to'aada low deUUi fucli 1 ' *" SietwoBntbetwoparu. ' the' foundation, and' , ^_ ,_-,-_-,,^„-rji copper roofing andt other inattor«iwbXclrtbiyile(im,-d caaontol. They., bave^orler(/iutSfty(fl**nod'etau»wblebtatb,o|r.; ^graant>wBrftnon^'i4nilUibaTeaopt anltttnuzed ^uatVwSiW^SWnowwttb' SiU> •Wir«rfeBiteiriffi^tb^«anu>by-the oontraot-/ x r a ^ S o •.•:balau^jaaettemm-li%h oitrj detatla, ' - - - "" fpUit-tomttlltwe recomniBBd.. ,..,„^. ,r.t^^jfl*5d'ana:)?ald. to the floct" •tSactotai .•In.iSjBiliaiortjougcoaimltMoae.Ite'to. JltoJ.OO 10Ai9 n l^notr^aviJOjo^Bt^rr^c^mblneil trith lCBt utter thoold>WftW,vsJo.fttwoule-yoar. .Tnby do iH-t pwl- a highly .Medicated Pliwu-rT-forriiloi- the [ lCBt ouratlVBOgKnt lu the yoriilrf modi, hie, —-riyr,ijuT-"-*U!ff.olVO-h0rPfci5U4*lli'—'""'— Tucyraccoinpliabiooro la one • ndu. lucycus 1 *. *hey » -* TtaMaua * Eirarilt- ~ t,taorheya«ndOeusaelota deTOtlnir tbemaelna ex *• la»he5tothojracUMofiaw-nJdW*branehM ^Poladam St Xiwieuco CountJ- S.V "flau. O TiMiH Oxo p. Bxwa 1 ^pirraiciANSj^ -,*• U.U.1VOWK-. \ pHIBIOIASASDSBnOIjON •y MISOEIUKEOUS. A. A. HAH, •* t IBSJIOI OF XHE EEACE, 2^^,*"! TIMW Deeda. Kill* -iondl and Jtorttaica ^^lieaiirl OoolraeS. OfflOA Ho 3 TWoa lttjclr ** 3 iJ!rbnSj«0BWOOD » X SO-U* J(,C. ORAJTEj and.Jniur>uoa ImiUca Motary Snblln with atal -^i,. * S e n t 'WDlwrltolap bonda ttortgama contraeto •V aWaB-andwlUa catonl»telute»at,andlfrll»letteta ^^•iirthoM'WhJi may dealraiueh. aerrlmi r . i Qmo»-lnTiamere»aiooi ..,_,„ i ' Htk Yew* ot "*• Oli-wiS 1 * 1 ^ v « a *y jgB»>rXBl»tt«bnT6h «naaaranaoD .^»r^8at._f''«-»-? 1 J_L\-Z^ a, Ja^ MhaalawlT' * 1 S^»%»ataarih ll I torwioxuiuiloa an* J&nStMWiil tH* l i e and Jar,and - ffiSlTMOOrt««foMlliTMaaiy««te^i»ouUi ^ ! S ! l S r r a « S l S 11 » S.r»nMOUnt.nO» irei 6vi5j-ffi.fctioisKir.tiio cbot. itel evi.A««oit.,o{.!hp;i.unBj. B« imrjSHs-t om'ofiuSHeart. «5 «Vt»AS««!01WO|t ^ W ' K Rei clvMfrc.ctloii*oftitb^ldneya. ,itoi 3yo v Al-ectlon5 frftK-ftStrtntBi oo* o-fact'BUpnei , ^ - owrporacwioru Bcoinn>uund;thatthttjooatlropor- l-mtdl3Covcrtcalirph>rh^Kiuvt«lwcI-(| i a9thnuteB ™B«-^d-tl*t.c4Ult!rnaaoMoCi;D^oMiWMt.c-al of planlajind flhruba WrthKrem!Unlf«ditrlOt.pQC- ttliiliyTofirmKo^ttscWn^ t foil erflaSqanrniOioH'la uaathSMlcMlllo phyr*tfcn law «ioU»rfiMo^ch. / ^too^p.fJ.C-aaits. Tl n ^tyottceteoni[*wurLhlia«!nuta(lo:u>orQt-y lw1o5Slei"t"lWftnrUl!mMt»r<^^^^ r iii»t-«ad<arauiiw,uwtliyWE--UaaPo-r. 1 p-ogffeto^l!o».u»i-.V-aa. •...;, l! 3 <2 < p. - BraBher, 54.02rt,118,930 Canton, 63,647 960,800 Clifton. 01,783 31,923 Colcon, 218,422 214,4-10 DeKMb, -v 60,668 1,868,660 Depeyfltex, 27,809 Edwards, 81,778 Fine, 104,878 Jowler, 34,129 'Qooverneor, 40,081 Hammond, 86,820. Hermon, ' 82,086 'Hopiinton. 178^022 Idwresoe, 28,166 li'bon, 116,774 lVoxnsviUe, 83,424 Uacomb. 87,298 aixttrUr •• '29i876 Uuaens, -.. 80^84 Mbrrletuiiu*,'' '27;«S33 SorfoBci 30,000 1,149,530 62,980 1,023,780 4,000 36,925 7,930 222,840 1'0,020 1,374,680 702,845 -17^500 719,845 142,620 "12,550 155,170 62,320 62,820 2»0,,610 8,040 214,650 672,480 08,800 741,280 286.950 18,450 299,400 211,058 10.02& 221,078 254,450 33,200 28JT,050 067,220 46,860 404,080 742-290 8,960 761,240 281,010 2;950 For exponae of oiuldrsn'a Home, orders drawn at thlg'uat*. 2.054.59 3!hebill.wasread thefjetfo^^tge and fc^er^ajaaaolAaed^etwe tQ toske%ri|n,tj, obtaip,edi leoive ,_^ ,..., claim: 5Coi.92^''--J ii»0^ Imotion-of ,Mr„j{n^nelli .thei bill <nlitle4^>iin ; dtoM&-«>ithonz9?jitie- to»n =bfiS0ai4on to. , b6rSow-*tiai<rBs'e> Jwrineys 5Eaj#tftlli(i axpteaalhedeciaeaisi-lhloiitliitlho butiaieswin J«&uj»a^to,Be«^feSroifa61y»* •- "- .,„---~ ,^-_^-.^..^ adapted to tbe .-ne4d*tf4bis.Urg£aa^sx$wlrig. county; that for- -*-iractlcalutUlt%and;b>nntaiTOf deeign, it cannot? >'espiedhj-jjyalmllai'ofn-oin the state, trad. •----^—•—"-i.wflia^ " " tbatthe>nnoxw bo perfectly aecura. . . Xsttmi _ sa a seiodepQsltaxytrfa&OJttbfi public reeorda of. ttecoirotyi • -aifeigfcii Baled, tbla 22ndSi9Wc5nber, 1877. *;5KKOBAESEB. - ; ^fOBBST; DAI-ZELI,. Laid over iindersthe mles. Mr. Atwater introSocea a bill entitled,' "An act to.BntBo|is;e the town ol Nor- 3 poses, nnaer-«»pJe*«82 >v Ja.'w-»Tof I875f and the oofs amendatory thereto." The bill wits *Bad the flrrt lime, ana! referred to the committee on Bowls and •Bridges, __ - - .;-•',. - • ByHr.3roolis--:Kcsol»ea,ia>t the Clerk of thev cdunty.(rffltI,awrettcyboaatborizba to pnreaaaa •thoJatcstSwiaoff cdtUort- oMho Blatutea of tbo ;ettfo'.ofCNew.York,ibr--tbouaeor conuty, and that tboOSeaauier'or.tborcbuntypay to tao Clerk the Slnount required to ; payfor.tuesame, ?iot to exceed:-- alxteen ddilars-^Adopted. Foroxpon«e»onroOTH-mKSir-cntyear. . Mr o 05apw^8S-iri!0|BJnittee on en- _oro>w.to»*aJ!«a.4to«fcJ............ 4.o-*^N^cTs^bliKrepo«ed*as tJorreotly *n grossed,"the bitt entitled—"An not to Tyenty-tiro jeers ,-of practical «xperlan-e ta t u l a n d and America. The Beat and Largest DSXWOBiain Northern H. Y. UenU- Fall ami Winter clothing cleaned, Mlorreatored-andrnpalred,, Supelrlornnor em. ployedfor PreaalmaniEcpalrliig Oenta' OloUdnt. I*lloa-D»a»e.)nBUxl.MerInoe., Alpaca.,**, Ac V.lT-ts.-Palilej and Bald ahawla dyad or cUanadwilbont Injury to colors. KldQloTsj.OtaUa.d- SwAthm-Or**.' 4- • O O U AJIYsVOtSrOM. ' , ^.^ JMV •* ^ 3KS,OliAlS-t** ' ] Potadara Sept 311> Mi Hi' For Sale or Rent. THE HOLMES HOTEL PROPERTY, «JjB«l8tr*et,!uiWs Vffliie laorftrM for sale ^Ltitor)»lth(i«»»>»ftBlt»r.OH*A)? Or •WW jExok»k«* «b» r«r«, or Other TJlta«* rtn**t* *••'*' ji J JtotiEtB Eroprlator 'madam K»rehM-.lsiT *-•»*. 0«)Xiuuo»."N,t.,a»d JWHalh StiBrockxUle. »^Qooda ; i»c«iv^a»dB«»n^W)>Sr)arsj.. »nAOltt«at?;^A^OWtj*iT, 426^80 858,620 818A65* 31^880-* 229,900 . 500 17,990 -35,945 24,610 3,900 420,780- 371,610 886,110 810,410 238,800 OswcMtoIile, S ^ a S 2,083,487 420,0(50 2,603,52?: fi»,l82 644,060 47,iHO 891,600 Ketwait. 67A20 258,690 8,420 267,110 86,021 47,305 1.7S0 40,035 TotaL -SS0.9B8JOI Beinfftho tunoant of orders outstanding arid un- paid for joux Board to proride for. It will npnexr by this report Out the cxpfin- BU of the Poor Hbtue for food. clotbinR, doctorlflij, ropttlri, .JTisqniue, *nd ill other txpoiuies for tBti'caifxent y o r is > thesmnof ..... ,*. -...:.. Tvu&$8Uli- Smmcly. OrderrfprtrrtoiiiUy dr»wo»4toot29 OrderedmwB'if'ihlJi^te, 1017.15 ^^^ $8,021.74 The nqm)b«r of week* \>oit& at tin. Poor House for tbo y e « jaifdoa^Is eo«, »na tlw* viptaisea of tho initttctlon. of all Unig, «xe / as *bove BU£ed. 48031.74, which letye* ^"bbard * t a trifle tuidos one dolUr per *oefc for WiAptwtoii botwded. The Cotm^^R^iwrwportithitthBre'ii now In his hands,, of money«Ei?lfeable ta the poor fond, sal^ectt*ottfor4briiJt&ffatriapf;K*8^TO. - lBordet.tafflwtth»-qtirr6tw«rj>eiise8 ofthePoor Homo and thS ChJhfein'fc.Homo the (m»ningyRar> we ahair loqitireiOaii'- jipBrpprlstlon of tha suni of .&S900) ATO thoosttla dollan. Inventory ^Stocklr &C-. tin theFoar HOtue rarto, *t the dak of thia repart!i - 1 span of work Jjorstts 8230. 1 span of work horses $200. iipit!cU"c6w4^1t;-i5, atarned ont for beef 51*0, 17 tkttlnghogi J230; 2d pigs and 1 hr-^ding sow$C0,, Erodocoof farrji-rlpO tqusof hay $2180, 20 teas of stta,W $100, SCO bmheln potatoes $319, 4M> bnahala othar^l^l, C0p bashela of'MiSf 5210. Wbiatoliofpe^a'^SO^itigaraitdayrap $90, g rdoiiTegotabliia $125."" Turn ImpIemejjU—Xpo- to planter $S0. 3 ao^W»,wpn4>$l6t\4i'pJatform •pring wafion SJS3.lpiS3f.mscm 5*0. X fsrni'ca'rt? $35, 3 prsv short sleds $30, riong sled $10,1 flleigjfc 535, 1 land ttilI6l?'$55;'^ hajro^eand seed so»er Ses, 2 nwiwlnr'ihachJnw^SliLS, 4-cnltlT»tox* $S5, ldrag. SWrapTo»t^»2^3.diaiDs S0» W hoesfMt. 2grli^teie»e6;?plck»i6S,illorel« a sp»de**12>BO 6 nismir»^Ttt^;»pltcliibi3fs 5S. 2wood sawsrsa, 1 crossont s»nr?$U 1 biiyfijrjcsnd tactle 925, i *ies_ S3, i bnnd»jt*^2, mgirAiteasiis $200, 1 ox jpX& S3, 1 Iron bar $3. X scraper**, 3 Beta double har- ness 835, 3 seta singloharness 510, currycombs and brash 51, 3 wheelbarrows 320. Houiehoja ffumitare—Bedsteads ana bsddlng $1000, ftathsiS beds and bedding Mi,TOchairs «i%' W tshlttr.»»? mealchea.ts$25, stores sad atoropip* 570; patent babe oren $100, a benches Ml* bed Tesaels *38y 1 ikmp !W, 1 «ecretary»10, lsecrstary «2. parli^ farnltare S100, pafls and mllfc pans $55,Uandrr J fomltnrs 325, basins, spQqos, inWesand fQXM ^35ft lboll*Xrbarrolcbnra»a, balt^-panStO, raea* 1 cutter 35> lamps and 3»ntem'Jl*« ^hltih mill «I«i-r- anprorements of farm^laUpIi^telitfeipO, i^sI»oil J biilldfneiiW. Sandries^^Wcorasv,ofw<>od MT1» 1 pair scale* $a5t pode»natWtfJaW*|s f ^ VtdE*> salt Hl f tob»«o«Crv*.tex JdO, sngsr %SS, skletattts' _ >s^ij.-^>ilMw«a^ r^.4ng,MQt clotha tSO, match. 283 SflO- **» s3 - 50 ' K** 3 s^yam : cn hacd *25» shop .W6& ' 400 * ytJU ^5, liittb«rM07bir«6Un>«ho««^»» NoJ of paupers re^Ted'ttojaKovtwabsria, Wfi*. ta Son:mber'13ai,.13TT;>rulK;^ So. <li»charr«d Lanring t;hojearTias'iaa. H^i^iiEraadiirln^thsr; reafwiJa Ko.ords.thi dnrfCEmaJ^irsVav AhseonOed, IX^CUldBaa^pT^ilTi^Ii^ ' raainlogln the hjjaafti males 70. itanafeaal>—V ^-, 15L Insano^hUjade.toJotiol^deallMddninbS. GK>BG£EOBXSSOS«. > *,,"" (jnpfsof Poor. liaid over under the'tttles. * 13a& ,cfoaip prweBiei-.tlie^irftport p% SapeVuifei^eiit pttK* Bodriato Cbu- dxcn'a Home; Gentifimsn, oitfc* Basra, of «oper»iaors;--TJtiB (^iiartn'a.Home ija».nDW-be«n ; in bp«riaoa*"8iiic9, 'th« 6th- of *«b&srj^im^.p»^^t»rt : *»« and thia teporTtot»rs^fiin«lroa*th^^ Itow'w, ^_22i*i „;AJHV8.., S, S. At*AIBE, Cbairian." OamoJlSpn otStt. j&Maia,referretl to 6ommttt^dS^ntaiis»^n, •• U ©amoUouoJ Mr..KttSseUlhoBoarfV , YoBfek«sirsV.TOfS|oiW BM8j%,-„,., 'Aiartch.Moro.:Mt^n',i8««tV;^ell«. i Br«^ »iatIn^aWbS#S»WW#ctodi|o,i^«!Wiei, pb«.ptoTAaicean;BWghtl^,,Abi*?r||»o«top SMr^r^^lplVp^KiwSiS^WOffi'f 1 ' SayirM'oa*.V.^K«||iS;;?;' •^^-rt-f. anfh'orize the. town of Fowler to borrow., money for highway purposes, nnder chapter 482, laws of 1875, and the sots amendatory thereto." _j On motion of Mr. Bnssell, the Board went into Committee of the whole on ttte bill, entitled—"An act to InthorteC the towttof Canton, to, borrow ahd rai» money fortheprirp%8e ofMbnilSmg flb;e. bridge aorosathe riTer Bef^rasae, at 'okj nearxjay'sfalls, innaid town.'nriiler chap- ter 482 of the Iawa of 1875, and acts amendatory, thereto." Mrs At»ater ; m "thtionair. " On the rising of the epmtmltieyh'e flhmrmaiitfierepfreporteathatttio'tjom- mitteo ol tho whole had nndercorisider- atfon tfiebill, entitled— ! Min!act t6 : fnj, thorizethe town of Canton to horro^. and raise money for tbe purpose of ttej bnHding: .the bridge across the rivor Ees< Grasso, at or near Lay's falls, in eaid; townjiinderohapter.182,ofTBiatlSwi ... 1875, and nets amendatory thereto," harjp gon^ethrongh with the same, had" mage soma amendments thereto, and, as am- ended, recommended its passage. The report was ogreedtoiond the bill ordered engrossed for the third reading.. On motion ot Mr. Johnson, the ,bHl, entitled—"Aavno^'to.anthoriz&tUo town" of bowler to Borrow money? <olhighw.aj .purposes; nnd'er chapt^-Wr 'B#B ;0l •1875, and'trje,*cta amendatory thereto,'"' wis read t&'third time,;ayo?ilie!^»™V Was passed by tne foltowiosgrl^Yi*: Yeaat—aloaars. Kingston, BAM^lSoeridaii, .^taber.-ElVSf. Weus,-2*ewcomb, CwteiVHulr,?bh& ,a«t,Aiarlch.BI<ii;B,Matteion. SinfoH. 8»eit.| 8.- ^•StellavBtadforoT. HaatinBs, Bobinso*£TOfeiBIcli~ axo!aozt.Atwxter,.af>ucs; Cbapixr, axaxceac'Xl^it^ hall, Abrstn, ^orllrnrp. aeer. Utooks.. jlelmer; •Isiwla, CraMervEu£berford.-r-33. -Kayr,—aone- Mr. Geer, fromCunnnitteOgpresentfea; the following l^portedfJ^ofj^mittea' oii E^eaand^hstices' jb^p^(t|^ , |.rf ]. .. ^Ix^anowbl&^BoaxdJoWSOT^^ «oui«^SiWrxia^SYcw^n^tte$^a^aea'! «rauea--tax^OrtgotJuatSeSof tb«riJrofcIR,ttat5 -h»v* BceS'Sted'-jBth'' tKa'cletk •nd'the-'rojioifc Oftto tJoaautEcaaSinnui, is followsj.',!rho( » b o I « amottiris^6f flr^-repoit&d.paid by insttcea-^tbeV •treasuxcc^65S115. 3^r^whoWs^ountcf.'fln6B^re^ celve^^twltsasuisr' according to bUt'xepoirfc $1S2Jcv o^wboloainoTtntof ones reported, ie-v MlTed'l^justlccsforcxiieltyto animalais. $l&Qn ! ' pfcwhIcKtbe;sutaxeportea paid tctlVPi iBat^iao s^ifo£ 1 ths%»cietyto preTentcrueity.tO:anln^as; i s ^13.110^ , ^ i e fouowinguamea justlcea^biifPfrX^. Ttexie^thsarao-untx^et opsoalta their.. reBpecSvo,. Baaea-aSoiapaxirfby affidaTits and by-reccipta- ot.Uw,tr»«saler thereof.viz; K Wilte. TltWiCO. flians^aMrH.»,antord. $5.OTJS.-B«ireX»*lO;. BiJ.E«»y}^ll»;!H.aoduatd.$2S.()0i A.f«Kf» ,aoti6hj5ttf#adJ»^v^fJam»a; »3»tc|ner to"tlJe,opmniftte%:anaJwi'"'' '" ned, ;.-. .... -.F-.'i ;=• s-j > '^^>4.~^ Mr..En5settmo'veajto?recbnBider;sthe. ; resolntion relatdvai'to?'oi6: employjienfi oFprlsoners-lhttb»®S#i1 a ^ 0 «^P i , reaolnfasn,- ^ntifi^ifefflaoltitsoiixWi! proviafffor:'ffi^"^ S( ^*- i - J ^- i ^^^ era aentoncddijl ktorinrtuatloii bnilding new, clerk's office, and movett> that the oatft'of 9606.1(H>e assesse.d ion th& ootrnty i.b aocordanee witB tlia-rff- coramendafions of. oaoh report,.and an 'or4er drawn, inif^yOr oTMoore & IFields" thpre;fbr,,J,,C»riSetti '.* <'.. •' ,• -•;,!. < I l l i j Brapl^ord^pfflled^p! the, report ;0f5 the committee on ttinalization. Mr. KiiigSton" inQ^eiS, "td^reconiiiiit .witUihs&n&'6ns>tSiejp4rt'biithe basis.' [ot'i$i&£. 'J^^j^m^^ffTssre dtf mandeoland:tne»m0t!oh.-was. liisfcby the- Yeai^-Bleaar^. ktngaton^JSewcoropV Alilrljh, ^slarces;u?.l^nthant'^ewis^iXuxberford^l8;r.-~-. •Haya-JBeaani.BusaeaK Sheridan. £JBb»j.We31e, Oaxter, Sxubti.Jonhaon;]uatteMn^Banf^rd^Bxaa^ Tord, HMtlnaai^Vhltef -Blcha^daon^3bnes^Abnunr Morthinip, fleer,Bf Ooi^Selfe&OKlS^aOKp. )ll>.E^nglW<n^JolStJh>fei!!BJB6g^ , taken from Braahar. ana. assessed eqni ly pr»''0^ttani!»*nrltS©fc.i^s^ yeas ar^najs.w.eifeaemahdiaf*m $}*9 : moHonwas^pyjhe^foilOttof-Vote^ . Yea^5oi>sr^^^SAlfiicb;sye>M,.Welll ; .taastloBB.. K6bln^rAtwitori.<^iTnf:,'Marotau. ^fea^-Br*ajD^'.''.But»eMa'8ls5!''>.'> »„> . Kay^Mei^;.Bi%>v3h'erldai..Fiiher.T. it' WtSv; ITewcoWjSOBB&uir.rfdh«S'%»o:. ~ltte»ott,SantordUBia<U«awUt»J!Bi»^rfg _,,)SBr^^^r>^e^^0^p^a?^Srj% f * lltjwib^ainJlnoY^^^;tO*rienfft)yitaiinfc; itd'Stbekhqim'-n : Tho^yeas a'namByejwere- ;atirhandiaSn,a;thb;nioaoB -Iostt'by-the, HowmmgSyoSx^'.^ '»•<••••*?!•*}••<.-.'• <* P'YcasS««arst?Wn8sffi?-tohe«A».Weu»«A<-i ^ateS/Oi^nJ^oeauflagbtnall,- AbranH'JtotUoN •' Wmii^MeasirBuiifcSheilSlinK^ * W .HowcorotoV4CarIer,. litur,t;Jobnson^Aldriah-,lSIorei. -HJittejtln,. SaruSj«,.Bw,eet., BradfordT^lSaHngi; 'pnghM. „, th* s"maunt»t/i Ihnndxe^'ahd^.. ^ co»ArW,ft?;*a)nB.»31t anaaiado^ne,l^ofaS:s'oo) .jioimoneyiyrscolfod, " :j«ojty«Mr4aa, lair. Buiiw«tt||bgfe5f|,irt>-. 6E0. KWflt^— '^JV'-W^^ ' J 0D motion; .the report was adopted; * h e OKair-r presented the fodlowjiMji 'teaattr|^si,git§o|t«S;;.^ . v -• ' , , >TO'lhe,Boa&^?flui«rSiatlr*or St. tawrance 0os— i»l.woul«ir«si^trojyiietorfetbo tallowing;oatim. ^tecof.rujmey'aiieceasarylto.box*lae.d la the ttx 3eWo'ta837;i£Sia couuV' lor purposes name* 'KalnV ^'' ' **** ^''- -' - helow_ . uBtatC'faxv i ^kaOfficS.}iiSJja.;. .$71,178 40 Jrionrig^r;; tfUar^iolai "i W* ir^Sl^^^'^^i^^ VV%n^in^ori!4iiKtfnMetl?'tije repof b> iom\ _ n;njo$o' went intosli tKabillVrilil the town :f0r.'bighwi •59,025,1,877,795 iri,i»o j,msm^tM^^^^^m^^n, , '• -;>'WelBlKtWtts4kK>»xai»^^ .'. ja^bfmeffit^^i^ii I*. m. !& Bie- Bist d». of Koxeniheif.lSJge4> nrhcls Bual^«crMrenis^l»rtlJ«ftot?0 Wab'ounaWt-daxWpa^eV 5 !*' 1 !*-*,, .. „„_—,^^.,wv.— «« ir-iirc -SV /Wan* *OK 1KB OtCBltAIBl Weber Piano. * > m la_«» ofJBJflSf'V™'*t? ilnu?ot BOHEKiUniRX. . ' torn* I., ,^ti»4rirtitItiFitW^^ ..,-:'•-',('»" .*7ih'i*¥>*"*.' ' 1»V-al«TOrVHUon ,!»clnSlui tka celelmtedrAI^ t Wupatllioa ,!»cln3lni I . f * THI«$T 1MTHIW0RH. Mil •^s/fa\tiaS£ ctaAafba^- f h e B ^ a i n e t pn^tnliitto sajoniiiv* •.meniV- *K||.• v^'V^ .""' ' ' "\„ *lMi. SiMBell; ftoto Jndieiary..'.eora;, rmttee,reportea;baokthet69blntionasto %MjBS)mmj$l^ ftm*^a•«a5;ao'-•a»'fo , ?Ti^i^^W^O>*f5 , ''2&Tx,^>' i - ."i l ,, ^ * „ ~-toS!2'' 'Opnrt*xpen«M;crt.>. a,vw •l&rd.^fSu«ivlsorijl'JVVs.....-...3.S00. ^^«g1j»Kar^^StoffBes.ion... =25 ;: .B^erreatdicomttjftteO' on aB^rppria- |i,Qng^^«3|l%^J ft ;iiJ;. kl ;_^ Sortblk and aistrjfiite|?the^ rata among the towjjSji -"-'- 1 * reduced from thes ;&nsiaer^tfqn^4pidr#tia«^}*i4s aot; s ©.a^o|^^p»aW'ao|Po;*!)r- aer phaptee^yCaaws of lg!;5,ana acta atttvehaatoryAiherete,". .iaa: rnaaa, no amendmeBtB thereto, and reoomrriend'ed lits.patsage. SheareporK'»as..aWceedto, and. tte.tiiff..tirae'rea:'eng15bsssd^ fBr a "thiroSresaingi ' ',' .: _' On'^o^nJottHSfGi8psaf,-,th>B6ira ^adjdtrrn^dfc';,'*^'.'^ i -';.^; ^ ..? !-.-'.. >- 'flJUlirH- sJMaiSK" - , -,' • ' i^^ti^i^ooi'23&51877;9cT.ni. - . ' 'ThBBdaiiirnef'pnrBh'smtfS^adjon^ •raeht.' The-rajKufea, of jja^raay were. ^a.ana^pnloijaj' • ' "•' *• '• *" ^ %Sl^.Crap^r?fTOjsispeoial cMmmiftee 6n?^e^6nfiiff»^blWay^f»»in;- t Coit8j ftr Biaaeithofollawingjrspprti *<.>:•••• I -r •,i!a ini'SniWrjifcia^Tne : 0'oniftioW;-1undeycoii- .sldeiatlbn^xhe'aperfaXo^por»>fi^^uirb^tt«fton ,non..j«dentanllj^c|W'hafere|&veMQ K-a* !leota ; lflgl(wa*t]acS«b«Wx«r^tt?aht " retort iMtthoict&hW,M\a?itax'*»»iciTOiieous, •-••»~^ecbnxhw6aw.tpe*OS^tt«lSi!asBr«*e? W»c»^.v*tt0e.'!'»OB0a.-.iis>.....V...*i,,ww- ^terait'ol>)as'»m#S>tt0a.... 1,051., ;Sanatlb,asJrlgnKS. 'Op,nxt^xpen«6s>c.^ 0,6OO. 8,000 1,500 18 $33,682 40 >^65ssSn<( I r" B -StiJC«w:-Oir..--. |J!.<E>B.„ i»-,ffiw|(8liU,aorfc' - « -^'WaeltBuifnhsln « •^10I;B..Poa.t-- - Hopiimton :?ft lMlWltbo»U» ." ^UiOlBf-Weller " ' Srs^n-. i. ; Sfsr»Ul Xawrenco jSU»MSfsHay«* ,'- '''. isiifiWiiorttmo ," JJlOSaSSBeiryJ-. . ' ) ' . iSM WrnS Dawler- liahon .OlaiDaHi'Sralhfe « ,-3M7Whi'.Hj™iaon lauiavUle fS2l.' t a'o)ji : 0.''0>aniford' " 322^-v?rSiiiidr,Bi«y (BJSl^ttickiaainefc-^—•". - - 'SallMotby.SoBei tooorab ,325-niMj!ains, -- .« 326iJanieB3Bttt9n!\ ••&• ' : 32? -3: CBobtaaon Madrid 32S W.M. Eiahsr " 10 329 Thos,.Jfishit! . « . 18 330-H.SjZdEnghorn.elaasena, IS SSTTffoMlelany •' °1S 832E.M. Smith " 10 333 Daniel Brown Morristown 0 334 James Garvin " 0 835 Wm. Collins " O 330 Geo. Carpenter Norfolk 0 337 JUL.Ames ". O 338 O. a Jones " 0 339 0.Colton Plorpont 3 310» Batterfield " 3 841 H. J. Barbour •• 3 843. Jamas Brown ParlehyUIo. 16 34AE.H, Perkins " 12 3M«.oi,0:aook '• 15 '24o\8tlasBacon Pltcairn 3 qjosectoor '• 3 •S^WtSphiea* - " ° 3 3taWmj Mathews Potsdam 6 SlfeO. A. Hlno " 12 •3S>,Wm,J,Barmim " 12 ,3ol*lBaaoAIatbewB " 0 ,853. Adam Pike Jr. Botsie 9 ; 353-James Robb " 3 S5l?ir...Steven*on: " 0 a55sB;;11all?to.W., , orobater ,- , leonard admx Koasio 3 85«-A.B,,Shawr." "I1UM011 Mopt^;f;|^ Min trie Boar3 •, m. I^jp^l^f*. - ^. -..S^'^^asEria^Oblo^rte.. -;^n#()g^%|^P%vn^aoBtea|. , - - '•trSysSliteaSiBV SKeridaitT. Haber, *. Ht.WeHa, Kenrcj)ml>'«.iOaitev''Bichaxason,- AbramfHovinxnp, Qe«; ."Brcoks-, Hebner, 0ra'paor>-13. " Mr. Abram moved to 'take': $15,000 from Parishville and add Hopkinton. Hr. Bradfora mijved'jthe previous q<«stion. Curried. 'Cue question was taken oh Mr. Aurora's motion, the yeas and nays were called and the some was lost. The question TTOS then taken on Mr. Kingston's motion to anwn; I the same, *ari^'cawi|a : by4She.-foTTowing vbte^viz: Yesa^eleBSW-BTOMiellitPSf Wells, Carter, aTnlr, JbbjisoTr1.&)^re\JU«fti!fon^Ss3Uoixl;iSv7eetta. Wells, 3rs^bTd;BsstlUgs,--Boblnabli,..'.'WnitC; Blchsxdson, Atwater, ,Johcs^.0h&pin) Maxcaan^ xagbtbnni , Abx»m;Morthxnp-,- Goer, Brooke, Helmex, Jjevta, Stttnerf6rd4-27i. Kays—Messrs. Kingston, Sheridan,., Kewcomb, Aldrich, Crspferi-5.., . Mr.-rShsridan from committee made a report:of"the committee on non resi_- dent and rejected taxes. Theaamehuv- ihg t?een read,, on motion of Mj* Bog.' noli, was recommitted ior .connection. ;,3J& ^r^te^fromsohimitteemaae the ^follQvnngirfi&Srtiof^oomnlittee'ott coiin-. tr bleWslSeoonhlsj' TEp tbe-^tIonorabla^Bo»rd..of.SbpexYlaork ot 8f. xjxwxextbrcouuryt-^Thoucbjnmitteo. to yhora was i^orredrtbo.clBCk?Bjacconnt»; repont itha...fonowtos. iSUt«3nenteoiclBrro^*rWRintea ana. tho.axnouixbJ $earurts4aaa»llbwea-Taexepn; ^ . . ' , '"Ntf- •"' risuiB; - Ttaiidance;-. Ojatm'a. AU!di i&S, i^steMir.-;iatw>eniiOi.- tise'js; *1M<25\ • 13Trla>rCTar^BalpVj!^on,. SSttSS-. S34128- i ^gSwrrttc^t^ffc^ftftii-.- \lotW»C .p* 00. EvsnlniE Sosalon. Friday, November 234 187T, 1 p. m. The Board raet pursuant to aajourn- ment. ... .. «.• Mr. Crapser, fromoomrmttae,rnadethe followimK report of cp|nttitttea on sher- ift's ana clerk's aoconntaS 1 *; , ' To the Honorable the Board of Soplryiaorsol fit' Ijtwrence county:—The Jinderslguedi coxnmtttee to. wl»mwB»i^erri«Sha««SBndiJatlor's accounbl report the. reuowtag^tatexniinjsof oWrnJ-pMsantad . and the amonnta doductedatoeftUCwo* thereout so. "Kam» :?iM^i > M¥.J'^ ;i -'-2WA <<4d-£&eMotfowWis»<«ta6f.gi^^ I««renc*, co'ttUtrJif^««nit4t^^bSf>»#p; •pOlntiAby^ymuTfiBinorADlo^o^SBv xepairs&ofii 'oouywiaBMan- ainajjo&eTjbtulognlafcerKesSd.' .ihe»wv^^uli.»S«p%olitauyift»JSi^i^y/aT»^ ^xaxroilc4tb^sxialxlRbVmeVaao^claUi^xu^ f\SittaaalaeW«^Wa«ythst?'aa»Sirt>a» the; re :SatSa»*&n5OT^tMtlrty3B4*»,l!»eB^ona, with. •aV^-to/m5tn®'ira*SDmtJaBuay.mtto^^^ -Bl»i»^s^4!f^tiW.tla^a>id-il)airt(fit.;of tfie .county; ,*i»^*-ii^ii..«iAin.trt* e^tpen8e>JH^iAbQrr»aS ueo- f -^xenoVite*ud.xeortfan- ..«-. -~ - — jiqcempyjjj. kvoa 'cr-ihowthScjp«iiia-to beoncdoUKand J^'«otra^Ua»»5l»'iaaifr»cU6uEer-.we i^W«ula^k%up«iUiIrfcre^^ • »^f*hm^ibfeK^«e^-«i»}at:jooa•*» ,_, «a« ..... Q.Mertithew.tlo.00;A.O. . .. . tr*8Mwn,».«0. Thf- ttea^uror iep»|*diag|»", WeMieaSobSOiO,- TOecIer Jailor toBfon^R SatBiimtsfor-iinoijpliS by ruiwaiers^teo; o, ^0>mi«, am. tStollowinB jtisaceiliHn.'aied 'npocUaccompaniea'byaffldBTlts stiUng.thatthij ha%ie«lvcftuofiuJs:vil; John S. SBydte.jWU-. Jiam-lI«toiE.liV,«'SVM|e. J. a. Ohorctu-lyman ir^k^ge.M^!-.»att«l. E. Young, Wngdotf !c»,»ra»elJi»iar&eH.B. Haray, 0. attejvjr/}. :xo»ijt»itBWfe<?ia'3Vcll«. H. B. Albro/BflMd. ;Scailn;-.0iaiiea;inBtbx,;.3I. TV. -Tupplfi--JMi«r' vXowats^OiOlvambMlMhVWro-. Pi Smlih v »,^ ——'—"~ > " sir '.iB!!*.Townal«yi JraCaSCiOM ^sloiutoriiKv^-. .—^-. - .- . w - " - ! p A l i 5 f e » h c p e » r a , Bobort- TajTOrlJ ,...-, 30BibKAtt«5!^tK,H.R!tcl--- "--*" ^r^m'Q&JUiiffi^ojBij.fljaac-, -Wmi Jjl'Xb! MUSK ixete nsiatJBAKOE c6., a 'WM'-Mr*^«&*'i(feB^Tf»4B«i>ilvti I ^BOOOiaSOltt'offil'AMlOWVrdw-AS) Itaui ieltirar of DOORS, ' i' 3ASH. f t BLINDS OMotetfcfeatt&uL hhjbtat«5*tta oloai ItSt^MifcooWftolr ':,' ''-'"ltt'l'lB»#i#,Aa*<rt Oo»»«r«W»^^»ol»tfc'lSi«"r l****|? i' rUst<laaawnipanlt«. • •.. U/' . : ;A»M om» »itH.*.tv«^i!Mi*l*»**' l l *"*• * 58 00 40 60. 78 05! 13 SO a-ao; •'-ll'.iI> , , i55E.J.(aaBin,OaweEatchle''K;| *S7 50 46* 88 ,.o « « 1G3170 IX 25 14V 51. Sio sao wot- oo ll.oi 119.H. P. laiawor^aMM,*>W,0g„ lOOO-Qukoyl.-Sberan?''-'.' W«t. 1510,i>^lnga!s, ^ "*•• 7J0S 162JuUusJndsoDiSorlolk, . 12 60 153 O. B. Xhgalsi Canton, , *•; 23 20 SnlttSdetuin'ot in <ceoraax(c'e"to l a w ' ' » • • kafife. , flndthatsevoral ofthe'axcistrorcrn.laajw»tjLBy; otber'townsprosent account* px WanlB^-lrhtah *i» ^, JiaTenot,aMowBd.a»emlng.tl>atthfprfp'a»Biai»»)rt -for the -proouxing ot blank* is JromTiu*. Mlitjsw and; havr tho; ssnte. cbargei. to.^,J»B»al>. W* , atooflnd tbitiho town of oswogabiWWi^iftote; thaOouhryTreaauwr the' sum, otfi(«»ty^ilo#*B* otta^onnt' of exoUB,and.ttoti^-as|»*«m H* OswSgatoblo board, olitostii'. auditors •aoAitsd «a-' iaccoiffltTof'iliiWyidcUarsforsertfoeB M.aald W«m,~ 'SSctfO'cumxaisaionera: anU xhe/^sams^obsjrsMHiiv aSdiownacoonnt, Weitheieforei rocoaatinaid .that; the said account be cbarged 'to tb^coun tjraloeV ah* town credited, witll thirty aonerjr,„ Wratoo aida that, the townjJtOanton'*BB?A«d(t»»jattjeixW 1570. Harvey, Colton,^. 169 T ^ a . AtoheiolsSwVcilo" 12533: 1018 9J0. 160'-ff.B.Hye;BrSaher. i r 65- ' * 0 5 , 161 " ' !«' ? 15 iif JS'i 17800 IM-'OO*' ' 20 Off .20 00. . 1561B 10635, rtl'dto com. oniepalrsi: 162 SI. D. Eaokardi.Oanton, IfiaJudd'eEBonneyi 164 A. J. Gago &'Oo,t 165E. B. Storm, - 1661. V- Sherrjjan, 167S.A.l>dati - 16B O, O'. 'vThsalar, 189' ~ <• - ' •". , S20 Ai J. Gage &O0, «S..,. 2aiJ.BiEUawoxta,', " <. 'Wni.iB.'Bnneri V 170 •Wright Siloati " 102K X5 J.-Gage'SVOOw f ., < lOlffili^SackxiatrS'Son, . CanMjr, aaya- charKaatotbecouuty.and. that the aald^ Oantravbe cxeatted tho same. A'l of M m .. Jpabtlully.mpniltted..- •• *v--~> f M JCaia over nnder rules. - <*P •»Mr; Hewoomb, fromoomntpe5egi. v . :th«iidllovfitie'*epori: of, >eomrr*tfeC°Jr«W .refanoxugt' p^ % * •To tbo.HonorabloBoara of-SuporlrlalMS>itMr4 ^jrrenco.ooun^.TiS cmW«%4aiM«aWUr 1 ^Wo«uBlfeportlh»t.thVi^*te,Wr»i **W ;jfwaus i of;tho,town;of;»e^,,w»«^&WW ^75,.errqneonaiySia.ea5Caoims.'a»bvt»iMolwlti . memray-COlleTwrCf salatowns'aUo t l S O W f e , * .onjb»»aTd!iSst»t«.t7 7*-waaJnthejyaMr»dM«>^flt|. J liked of and p'atiV by Ke««s. CrouJrSolroao ih» J^esorjialpCStato. Ttour otritBltjwSSMn* 3313 2 * 430 50 2876 T4 646.B0. ,.^'-: '• '•* ^r.'. i .-.SB.. B . WHITK.^.,';.. j..T.ogA8m;,'. , .. ^ABBEw.BAsrlSea.; - , -.,• „.*'. ,"•-*,-(-'."j ,- ^'Oonunlttot.-? ' jf^ia-oyer/nnate'thb/JrnjieS; '" ,- 'i '•• J&r. Mhir from' committee made the jbUa*ingreporS:on tjofisteble'a aoeoqnte mXt. ' ' ' ' ..>,.'' '-'. :'.' • - " ACCOUUtSWff 1. ' '"^T<y-ihB-BohorabIe;tliB.B6ardO£BnperTisorsofSt. 'risii<&eneB.Oo^rM^axftinltt«^^ ao- conxtts Ko. 1. repoxt tb%.followiug Btstem4nrot-xn>, s«*ornla^ount««n&oialmr'pceseu$ca by consti^ bios to said commlttoe,ana the kinquuts 'ssxerally ; dadnsea", deducted sad BBdWed ihereens Ko.' Katas, Bcaidence OJ'd Ded'd- all'd 1. Alfred JUdd, PaclShvUle, S 7 20 S 2 60 $ 4 GO 3 >• " « n 5 25 2 25 3 00, ~" UjO 1 00 . „„J»*»?»llB»^ l ' 75 5 O. S-WiUard, i o t r t t x P ^ a ^ l S S t e - l . t B 0 , , JOOlil-SS S61>3-64te8 ...... ... ^ 'E^^OBASSEll. . JBaiiJ^veirmaet.therores.*-V.'!" .'- JErVBraafbrajAom oommittee; made the foBowihgjinienaea iepprt of conv- toiffefedn eariaBzition.---. •^'•.. --'„''- -$-7?''* ^>TX-'>v- •. ,; • - cJ IS tboqjahorabla. th'e'lwia of Supervisors of St-jtawroncoOoim'tyiJIno commltteo on Equalize. tlou of'iAssessrd'entdlous'beBloara' to xnsko the-fol- lowingjtoport, ^ ^ ^ w ^ i n r t x a Towhs. Acres, vat by x«^a«ato:'Talrait'n Aases!r<.i.ded.-Ji..a<!d., 1S77. tiler. r^conu>^Amo»-TWebat8r,H- S". —,.-., ~. ^.A-,,K«n^^^«^er,Hg^ne|bw«osme? «,aidtr»tli>ns Ky»-J« .—,.-=A*i' .ot,C(upl«E4r».of tlwlawsof 1875, ranferrlnaafl- ieWohrtpo>Br»ot^e«lslaSonrrf»nBo«ras Of Sup- :.rTU'or«Seiorio^,diamjiii Mb.autUlca and aWwe4ahoyttatSio*iBon,'of ithcPBoara upon th» . jsxnewonld»i^B3ijaIaa«ithat,by,-rirtuB of The 1st Ifs-^.tx^^casiiemt^mi/mXi***- orisw.oato """ Sl^,tw;«hei^ah'aUSaV!B:thecaM»uft.un* , thBWl»«5Bi^Jaan1i'lKthte*^l^nn- &BX^loBsn&%ppfo^intbi^^»ttholJj>k^ ^tmTO'nutyJsia*;^ 4Blng % T(ai*!lon*tS*rWjh»',pr|naa%sytnJcon«Uon -.roihe'atth'aiid'cloaj^'ttathatbS^ouldbo lhdiet- «18'cnSUlauW,a«Srtntjm^b^B*ai» thi ,reSdrsV> Xia^l9ii«Bt^evaic^atau^^fc|to -hap»%tWth-"»*xterit,*fctSe : SWa^SBM wblch^rejpecMlyjirubulltl^atftoyoucHilnorablo:. * ' -15iw*BIU30ak8L ,«J*wSBoSkuJii'j»SMc«^'K8.-5ta3te»«a ™_ n T .. r ,,^-._ fl .ffiiBf«d«.»v., -wtewWappolht »n»tBmllta**riaw;rn»t»«i X •sf*ii^'i3K,i»P^^oW:eaiBaat:ca^ranlat(oal'> - i,' BoBljrsoSj'S^,t;;ori>dori). *loadsol'l^y,3.1oadioratraw,4b«rrela Ot soap, J|^T^^«na^Ma^;Qn: minnte... oomtmHJee of three, of which he shonld 75 85 14 80 "-' ^Wtoalxn, withdrawn 5 25 13 S.*aunders. Lawrence, 13 GO 14 John A. Thomas, '• 16 S3 15 Wm.E.EcU. oswegatchis, 3 50 19 TTra. Earl, assigned " B,J'..Sbecraan, . » l:7.A>..Coleraatt, t '* t g -wmusili'aasighei- A^erlliOhapmsit andBsai),, .. " OO H.A.BouwoU,asa^ * 'AverllliOHllpSn:' as,! Bean. 7 ?- " •' aoi Ifm. Tlndiai,* sak'd. ' AVerilljIQbagrdaat ' - audBcan, " 21 Geo. Shelps, Busaell, S3.£,0arr,- .1 v » 0-30 15 85' 1 73 75 35 820 1US0 3 40 103 20 19.80 118.32 11 T! .-»1»*»,.„ "B40 46 TO 2 BO —iiO. .rec^n)meu4-;tbitSeaum.of>7^72;be7*nie»a««eia on ibeSowk of*ekklbaxia'theaiacu^tJ«r»^Ml«1»<l .to.thekald^faiy'J..VVclls. ..Wealao findi axcaajstr* ^tax«t^*g7«TlcU'ah'd^n«tSt 5 f' rrs ' —-a-»*- 1880 , 148 SB' . U77 SID -48 SB ithefeforCxcc6mmedtbat*t',37*V.a: >thetoWU,-otr$tbcimolni.ajiA«rirMec.. *,„rabater.//to^di v aonMo.taxto 1 t- •WScoue^i'afEtao^-vTaidbxldgv i of CantonjiraheieaWme, X««°«»****?Wfe ineua-th«>$»?2,..b« »p^ox:tl6n:ea.lw ^ « « 1 t ' J Canton and refunded to the said Jta»or*lfieJB>-^ bridge. *ciuicomroltteeltaTeKa'd-untoWa|dac £ aliosthoiesdltttionoffeic4by-SuperlFlate^a31St»i i % yjibon. vilnatthe wm of $3,bif.reiuti6Sl w"wm •> .iamDawWweald^wr^t'WUJt tha *aa*4t St cnunty oxdai S o . 88 IOC trie ycar.»76,jtti4>(raerl£ !, %f * I- aotts. i 4d34,mtl,lJ8^d5U7$W.78S «430.1« aanton..^63."54r«^6ajM0a^a>iH5JBM lijOOfVS* ColtoB . XalsiS- 2lEtU>al44t,30TO 'SfK— tS3*ft»»«w/»S15 .588,424 KnoysiecRMjTO tOjio.daji 3TlA' 33O.804 S S S a V T S l S S ' ' il^Wal5,27^-!ll5783• , -10«,4W JMS^.ilOWB 63,320»4«: 3illi - 85,334 ISrte..™S*SBl .206,(510 alS.TL S3J140 259,75tt, Siorn* «^ eSUsoaxuriM^g 825,042; »LStels»'•!Wr>«lBU« f».6S9 376W •iHWStaiSKssr. •jilSssiail.e* stsasi 248.035. HMUm »25 57 CS.9B4 319*34 3 t ; » ; a » . S 9 01.448 .448,668' '•M'jSaxl^vmflwJ- ats.ow 'Sffl.dwS'-aoiSK jw.'sra «J,»a^^rep^pfer»»S» fe^S '-»StS''3^>M'l5. ; f-M5u.': o»»egfcbo a ^T3J^.»ffiB*^S a, 9525' r»rlah»ille 59^82, ^fcOSOwMsSMg. JJJj ?iSrn "soK 1tt3o«a««i lass st^or S 5 S S - '.Kf;788; ^oEstO'-a 0160 12,460 aoAOOO StockMni'^608'W&'aa6'.TS134152 «a?a' Sorfonf. of A.** , ffspat*r J o^tbe.^^rpW^S!lho&.jin^ia^'yBa*>^ .alleges' la loaf. It Is nrAcxom^anied,by;pjroper iroof. OEroqulred security. % theraforet »4f|se ithat no .payment bB made.unless sala ord^rlbs>jBT«- ssbntooSoratBacCuntyfuUr indeimiUlaxI, fm*S*i' also considsxod Iho Petition .preientad hY jakper TlsmSo'rtb*up, of Herpont. prtytoe^aa^fcLstur* egual.to thoamount ot -the SUtaand.cpftBty$ixon 810220 ba xofundodtothb towh Of Pl«B»St M |-» ccnatof irrccasuvthe.suxa total.of tb*-^- 11 -"- the roU'.ent aaldtown as roj|ortea , bj: twa-*o u cammlttes for tho year 1876 to the, «u2»0Sy'-'W*..,r&a..however .that DMI —™ amount: was still further increased by thf Mlaiua- . lngoohunittes of that year.. Wo tbafsaiarf nU.to to -^Vcover.wherelnenjfcjaetlco iadonathft town of memaM»y19»aCa^IJth»tClrp^j(aaJ^awmB«lW thaltbe prayer in aald retl«TO be.d«l>*afl«,*he i piattarof thVpetltionot H.8..TUoSr^fjmiassnaI «e meientadby aupoiTisor'WhibJi praj&» P S S S p of.att-aaacsamenl of $2000 on aocouatjM ar * -contract hiving boon surrendered te-^Uft „. .committee do- respectfully decline to-rwwiraspi B.a.ATwmat"' iirfiiiitcaaiigar'iri St 35 7 05 67 SO l,65i|7SSlt|?i .^KTV,'Coofj.A.', »• -Sff^B. ^catar^ Harmon. S»».IiHi.axalikmJ., •*<>SiS5PM^Oo,nm)tt».~svraiS^ij: wte 5a)l . !> _ _6veo>tlwteinS -ieESlt be' ».». B. Piorw.^aacomi .aX'itoptiEffi.tifi* th>{.'th^ '" ^cSaUS6^a^|'lJ»lcli^LHlialn^W _ ^$t$i§irt©^^^ ,tlBBuiti«fS^«»nolhVr. ttd JfttfB-. am :^mM^&^^^^^0i'^^%«m*P : ' ^B»«!*aB^l eW»g«'toii»y c S T O t e • « } /i-^.-rr-.. ^ .T5.... i _ a . . u ^ ttt»..T. SbJchr:Ibm^c^eiatt*deela twj.fr|.fewjiia ^wthftSiCAigoisSffis mar xF-^»s"=^2« 29 . 30 78 15 15 47 70 20 00 -6 00' 13 05 !S40 14 40 10 00 7 70 325 7 75 000- 500 2 10 20 13S 10 00 wlthorawn 12 00 12*> 80 John .ftlchMsou, ilacomb, 5 29 31» . - -»• , withdrawn 6 00 6 OO .34 Jo«!hlanBoweu. Wad'ton. 4.25 2 00 «*•»?. o. J'atdln. •• 2*eo aio. SljCKeBotg, Masseua. W 25. TOOr- :3i BiBexford, Boeato. t 78. I IS,, t J.tT. arcOCrm'k. Oswa'bie' 55 St . ,. HViVTirm, Macomb,. 8j,8j! SSOi: 3. B. Murshy.Oawc'tchls,, WasSS) SO Wm. Earl. " ISJtTOJ 33 05 U-90 ; 59-85 14 00 1185 228 13.05 9 55 leys* . -wsi; BBAWOBDroialxraau. IaiS' ovejr unaeRiuBsrpie%K «•" Mr. Shertdto»fto»vcornioitte», m»ae tho foUowine'amenaed *efioW" of. oom- milt«6 oh^nok.toti^ntriBia »«3eotea tax.es: ,V''3'*'.-". •''" ?"*'."*. ••"I.ltll.t SJSfi. iS'SfS Si* "ft - e; » ; »wS iSikKB'rssiij.sM*,, .. .,6' 11 I § B* SwrexuW'c^unW?^'^MBirsi|«d«.. apuroprl»klbhshe*ew|th-»ubmIt tho 161 port and-xccommeua tho foUowtogapr- lorSUteitax...... 7orcl«rk?8omcebontts p^owa-j. Jot'Jnterest'bnbonda..„ ^OfTOJ j, Forsalarleftcountyofljoers....... . OsBQ-pfl 4 gerlnaaHn aajtams ......... Y ''SSS.ffi t Scrcouxtjexpoluies.,.. j MHfSt ' .Ior/rS»ra.iot-Sn86r«Bors, a *R<Hijr SOEnOTWsldenWchboltsx... . -\ 800*1 JtoteBMUOgxaJheryoonrt of aeaslona* « t , | C'^BWYorkitSitttnUonfoitbBbllnoV ~ T{ s SorOr^B-Healcy ..... ,-...i...»3i'M, _ r ^^ Emla«,l.Bogoboom... 6V7«. X . f t ^ . 7 1 rorAlfrea*.-aalMs..j .ar»t$ fi m«( } « He^Ydrk^Htatiqns,mroSaf«Ba,4Mii)i<, •**• f 1 VrBSfnCTbonJiatycali SW^f » j w TojrBJf -' ayltof6*lnxaju»:'crirmYialis *^<" **T! V'! IS U«htl««|iba«4fUta4]. MACHINIST -.j>i8aiL I.flft;a6fcb*i ; ' laouva.iiafj, —pwwet tofth* clergy-. 't^^^Wjni^^^ ''at«tnWtlfet3«*B^rlW.tt>.l«3»v,te !t*5>«Wf'hlrojr-^'- —•"""•"I" tlWt W ,„_^_^w^raaa^»hm&.ttSuttott *S5sork 7 of'i(iirrUWwn not irtuted. ^jri^n*fSEr..Kosaoil v ,thirSttaei!g itKiStte^ottVoytiWistir^iva^^ ti»Tli»;omia8lfe%ps>y toll aMOttat-Qr, m'B'ro>«s, otf ffiiPQnp'^; ei* """"' vine oa;.|li>'qoainitte*w ilWIaSat'lhe. *um; of 940 -id': IheBberiff for wuhing ^<ve.cSun'eC4alrn)r.ttia on'- eased from serving ssonfet Mth the °- ;Sffl^g»le'&f&t»|##P?fa§of^} •i M*tap6ft^oB^^A«pwfctttT: «. *w^4^P(aflKJBfe5iyBl^^^^"» mentf '•.Jte4j^«?fc|:ear^ipjw«^j Y-1„ •nd iwanufaetUrJir »>f tho Improved BRAD PUNCH. * % u t wtvM ••peolBllr «.« aU««t(m that ,^wr»d(iteJ»,-ih«fbllo«m|ple««of«««eliin(rii 1 Jfogino tattei 28ftist;Mi 1 <• •«•.' 10 s " tifttPltooft ".''•• itiMiglitOrillv 118tlnoUSortonlfa»<3hWfc--- x ewnoit um\\ MUa mm.. at ^fo»u ©tat i*tht> ohwps^ ImMMneilMMIlTt, m-mmmMv XrUraoo's».)|<il|aii IJ. ^fe Boardmet S S » i Aldrioh p r i w i i S p i S lodtolrinfe ^tVjJo'n'l' -ijSfeftSiS!-«'.. .' „,,• .Gouw«euK^t3R(i*ti(ri.liiBi,ia77. TO the. Bcnonble BM^crf.Sc^ioVa.it. IJW-. ,'«Bityf aentlctuen:-iaWB jSWaoniirablelBody mm •»... - . i ^ AascumentJS «uttre>So»sf;_ j«taJo«t6#Sa , MotUonal, Wiw. »a liJtprWoor great conV«H .oir bocoueoteathis. SUte tax. , aaorn s h a l l •tofjrooap. ABof wblcUlsxespectBttllL A»alBIBt,. •VHBIilAsij: I. O.KQOI s j i s w t s i o t T * *a'iSCft' lauimiiHslt '. \ ^tTiir»Sr3i«S52) • w>.w liSs f «ffint^«'R«».2rlt,W 768121. .270,21 U,*i li^ferasa' 55i3t 24,49 !®«f a »-^l^4S 9 M.T0 31U3 U». ^te IioirloTreranctor'rsisf'.-'^" 1 ;,^'- Mr. Crapser,, torn eomniitEee oiisher- iffj'sand jailor's acrjatmtsi'-r^paiSaJP'fc SeSSlatiOi»», 0^S0Bt.-'^1^01^3^ pjsovide, ^mploynijnfc. of^asofte^««a4. tenoodV to coaBnement tS "hard' labor in *fc-e:eouuW]ail, bi'w. lawrtjnee, andek Ofia*pterfeW:33t*lo*18m'* The'xeso. ;luubiwa1ijxe8^tii*s«ona>tirn XO/. ferfed^the.comtiuttee of the whole. , .'Mr^^g^^JfrMi- cfflmmitte* made (rtustee School: . .... fei«3ib;'iaoHon o f m^§^0$ ••' «r;.Chapinjfrbrtt,jrtai^:6'B-e% grSedbifls, 'ropo1fel';k<^e|tly eri^ jSfffiorSeAh* towa'0t|Q#a:^t«irrow- * ,K ^' i fe.toonwB.for"«m4itjp»ot »•' S#ie bridgw»||W«.«J*ef JH* '• town, nnder chapter « 3 , ham of 1875, and acta tinendatoi? rfwrtio." Mr. Bradford, from ©oamitteo, made »b* following Boport ot Oommutee on aqaahaAtion. (Thia Oteport was WPoommttted for tjorreeiion Seo ninth d w l ' ,r lAia o»er undor the jiiles. « M>. Vote, from commiWee on Uoada aodBnager, repottoa the bill, entM«a JfflH* ^BmE*;2tisS' iBiiroh. t4ai» »«a--dteiTJtibh*ffom^fe.': non lesideni 'hot'Sreribtisly _„ ..^,,. r .--„...,•-..., .»« TowOltiritof the t9«»>irf^Biob;-Bttoli hrirls;*iro <atoatei*»%«aiBcripho»l of all «nori non iwa&tltofKowiieaoy tliea in 1 sucli^to1f&:»p:a«tteWtt«ti og. o*r i oef0ro?tli%'flra«a*3r : otsMaJ-'ie eaoh year,'»£&Ma&rjt)to tAiAiStfoBatta proper ; gmriBB()n<Jt''-*le Uvii so !oh!mg»& 3Hitittotinri , i«asoarriea jna .&ftO«oIuti6riSi asamenaea, adoptoa. . *HQn moHbn of Mr; BroBks; tt» ae> fidSntt an the UandB 61 the »peoial'«om- mittet oMlalnis tor rejairtto,Cotut Tttoiise a n i Jail, wewrttiatted baok to LthfcajUMffc-'lr* *M«* tO>i^l* , P'OPOf C0D1 ' mittees. ' '' By.Mr.Buako'ni-Bewlvaai MBit upon pajmeol tottiOottntr'JKaHurerior St. lUwroBc*counttr of£ab«lanM.anarrw^oitta.5SeMatoDampe. ttneaon.contract pnroluw j t part ot old Sow thetfcte^Sj&^W^^ oh. I s c? §' sio.soJTO.m 15,75 , , ' „J»«,0»_ lor snpr»rtof p«ft ^OThotUeoxpeatt** au5 children's home.... , . WS»*W TO rniatcurreut»x»en»M •* P»»r h B . . sadchMrtn'a;honj»th8cn»ntaeye«rr; OOtOO Rlr^oh'o^lcommIaaloneis$20O eaoh to bwasscssea on each assembly diet 800 00 iisiaSw ;g8TO«JS7,1tt2i !!4 ..^. ^SSaSaM* " •"- So?SiJ-l«S» 350.72 2S6.TO £awrencQ StbW tt.01 2T.68 _ STojiawss 78;78 5,24 6^5 ^ 15,81. 18JS* - ' 3.00 4,50 3,00 53.9aslSV88.!r,9ft 'Mox>itn.^,S6 1.06.. 10.74 B-orfant.48*l 2.68 10,75 Oaw!e.a95,28 .100,38 P'VlUO. 14,61 0,35 83,67 *icrp"fc.9S,«7 8,71720.86 itto'rxWH,}; 70,46 MLSBIE. * » . 1 S 8 55,88 Btodk'Irn.oa 3,50 Wao'ldh. 6-.18 Oil»v 15J17 9,08 94,0069.30 7 J 3 41,600.16 . ^'8,28; -i 13g.84119.60 .^^OJ; **?• •>' Total November 23,1877. CHAB.„RIcaUBM)bK; j. a. BOBWrxars, E.H.ATWAT|at laid over under the rules Mr. IaghthalWromBpeoialoommitteB to. visit poor house, made the following reports ' , . To to Honorable. Ins BOAM.ofSnt^rVlwJM ttr i thccwanty'ofSt-Lfewrence. GentlerwiB ^W«4h*A-^ tmdoxsignid oomniltteo eppolntea^SSaUttf O«unty.-*soc,atou<a»h«jin8; perfo.ta#. tt«» jfttlesi aaslgnea to them Tfdtiia. moat 4 M M M , l a p o t t .comtor^W.ocndiiton. ahat|hit.starA»wj»BM*«*tf d •agemeiSteicarktbJrtnshqufc'-aofw-MjrBwa^ 'S .of Buparvisdra of Sto ittec ore. constable,'i. ... following sUloaienfcbfc a'clalms sreaenteU by^coti^ „ . „ ^ E a t o o : amduxiia.aeVar. itaa^aano^theraoni ; ,.,. ... ssluauck- Ota Deard.-r.AilM) •90"*,B.Oxano-Canton *24t30f«TJB8;*.203is- OtlHVIotBtWrielr " 423.65 « « 85860 oiwat.aoranet >• . -WTO Wjd 03P. Buforlsoeele 6730 4410 Sw..KO^pen^&o^*toa|65. 830,- WJ-iD.Srcd&,PeSalh. ' »W» 5 72, 06O.Il.l'«cilLrd:M6rpeut 28.80 97.0, aunUngttn). OSWchle • 9SBolf«ttWwelul . •'• LOOW.a^oJek Mt*slro*. Jofw.W^ra^lUBialMttt. ed.T»ale#atab«iy,ii' T05- 705 . 6W S65.- OS50, ... Mio; .^ feo;!l**mi9M5^:64*«8»,7A13:Sij3«M®^|t WilVABBAaRr^ . ' , -., •£ wBiazo: -impm, ittft a^optefttaif tKfc,B^*lora«irt)a!, ci.*. irSSSi^iiSofiw»mo5^ to S » Board pf8»pe«.Tt.aer»ah4 oomjalto W» aaedlngtoWeldaiprtvldoaihowwar ha shall ha NtUued that the raualnlaa; lands are (codaMrai trior Uebalaaoftot the mortgager Adopted Mr Kioh»rd»on asked and ootsined leave to withdraw olaun Ntv87, Mr Atwater asked and obtiinfld leave to withdraw olaim No US Mr. JoneaMkedand obtained loavo to •withdraw olaim No 97. Mr. Hastings a»k«d una obtained to intMawArik Say?*. 10'l.A.Ii.Eoater?.-..';>v. lOSD.S.Blsk^-Maaria.'S. < 104 - « , <W„ ' 105 Geo. M«,l?»»«nea-W»,..,. n.Toun».Q«wejt»tchl« IMB.B.Kejftoiji -•'- '. . i07F.p.Hu?pK£ Cjujtfc ' 10«;.B>Bi apnlp :,•/,',« los « Satvto "Ooltitf Wh>, Grant Kdwarda Ak,&»UkrS:l«iaria IBBObTrlSelsflrtlasooxt 114 Wm rjelgton Hammond 115 p * A Srouoh .JTlne 118,D JV stoBhena » 117 J> J Crabb Norfolk 1W llO.L. A. atcOarteBElabOtt iaffoao at<r«r»or(illk 1211) D JalmetjrdrrUtown 12» Joseph Vsthowa Colion 1S9IL Ourley Potadem 134 0 J.Waldtott MS J 0 Btf ester lHWm Srltt 12' D % Brown »4<r;„ 30 «Mra-ttj .ioa*»w Tttaaabpteftiwoj. ... aemed M sUtMin the-reporti . / '*'M*i ^4fe^.n*oomTHit^,nf%aB-tBB &lTaviinKli»i»rt, - «t; tS*'. eo»Wtteo on % m w •''•*'"•''>' " Vf •' '••'!' : '*n.llie&6n?»»ble|fewM^ub«vls6Wot8i. iw^c^fttyi^!n«im ^ atolRhMP^nr^ on- «Suctaakth»rerj«St. ^oJ-TtbijihlajnoBt* 'aubxolttsa.; : S0,f*nbernl81»„ Hi8 _ UQBaBiflf WIIIUSTB lima ttr , .• SAlIOaXWEtVI/ V *•On inoKon o£ Mi. Crapser, tbe report s#asVaabpted. , ' ;Mr. Crapser moved that the claim* , : ar|rn ! rig"from tie-repairs and ^p»f*« irienfe-of'the conrfrlionse ana IKO, b*>i»r ferred to a special committee, of vrtiieh -i htv should not be tv member Oarriea, : > : ThoOhsir appointedas snehoommit tee: Messrs. Bntherford, More «n4 At- MtC BhBsell moved that * Metal ooxnrnitteeof two, of whioh im'oflintj- clerk shall be one, be aprjointed for the "88'e»""W4s 9»iD' W80. a*!* ym- i»y« *:-':?, Wm. 1870 «0« 1170 , 790 100, 609 m ' .440 48SB' lOW-Bsffi' OW .(.10. 330 4925 410 T'O 1850 13 50 345 343 1600 160 3085 1100 I t 08 800 7 78 890 80 1848 7180 la to .^rjS^hcecointyj-raounaaralgh •5i5iBr\l«ana.:.tS«6»W0h»tet. ,a*)i—, 'HW '"JiaSs*'. '»auiiiSi(is£ wa- 1 »isoV'd'.Au'a 1925 410 770 280 BoyhoVls fcCox.OOM'r '281.. "' 232^ S.H»rrltt, 5n 234 13 50 1836 1108 800 728 »"'" 30413 48 49 M S 97 18 10 28 2W 19 88 47080' OT70 30190' 1190 15' 288 » • ««. ,i!» or IS ! 16 2 lS»jrifj foeasodi 84716 91 -fSt-sl tHr» 40 II liJONJS •WMiBllADroBD, LTH ElsBEB, _ Ooxoinltiee £*ut ov»r nnder the rale*. , Mr. Wells, from oommltt**, tattle the t JoUoT*l^wlioAof oomtiaittos on eioi»« bomtnittee of three, Stt*6feft»H,t j On motiorrot M s At**tert% BoarS went into" ootumBtoe'- of lUa\ whole on the bitt entitled. »An act to authorize the town Of Norfolk to bor«J* ttOttoy forbighway purpose*; nude? Ulutptaat 48% laws of 1875, and acts amendatory tli«reto;.%,.W*.,MM[«tonip.tto*hair. Oh the rising, of the committee the chairman thereof roported that tho committee o l the whole had hart Tender oonsideratiort tho bill entitled "An act tp'anthofizo the town of Norfolk to borrow money for highway pntt undor Crrtpter 482, Laws ofl87S. acta imendatory thoroto," had i •onto amendments J thereto, and M amended, reoommonded iUj»»*if».- Tho report was antedIto «*4»# ML 4 [proosii auf ail instil*! &ett J -.rash* it
Page 1: ti BiBexford, Boeato. t 78. - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031769/1877-12... · m»*i, as •uyn'i". 1"/'" UnttftlX, Offf II »W»W A* ^HKtll if ?MK dMHcrit

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Advertisements »(-»«• provides bylaw iteWnmneateitlseraents.lOperpeut, ertn l»«t»dT#rtU»menl«I«J»M« In advance



,„letr>» H I S 1 > 'Brlags, Proprietor lgx«*wti7Purcbs^ and made samsimpprt

.rovameuts the piKprletor intend* to keen SHotelss can ifffomid in. tbla partof thi

. With thu purpose inrylow he would res-(11/ solicit thsTmbUo patronage.

€ » * » „ • » . JB«V*jr, "-tbMood (formerly- Potsdam lunctn) St I*w

«* renw county S Y aMk-ierfsna Oomiwtoi >t U i notary Euhllo

1 ^ ? i Utoriuraa? OounsiiorktlMr XonMO-> * 4 . 8t\£swrenos< County* t " " 1WT

OfTe.n.Yeara'Duration. TheDis-charges Thick, Bloody, and of Foul Odor. Senses of Smell and Taste Wholly Gone. Entirety • Cured by «

SANFORD'S RADICAL . « , ^KTO^jltafiPdttotiQontiOTCB—Ifo'eJeem. peiiod to waawwiciifto' fii vonjtno trout bonout H4OToimS^»5Kiir,Cr«); hoe been to in.,. For ortoase aba wcoin«y in.the.winter umiim it Uccnmort Mvoro., Tho discharge nn .hnrnihjck and blooily*flmlUlnB;a,foulo2op,6o b»dlba»m3 preaencoinaroomwith other?VnnjYMvoueHvo to ihemvpnflijweek.-artor, comjtfsnclnB'the via at Bajrro w'fjtallttMT, C O M } wis not trairtiedwlth

T H E O . I * S W I F T , i . . * J

JkaaMavyanil Oonuselor At Xi&w EctsdHni K Y OakC* on Market 8t over th« lost Omce OJtC

Jj •yp'v-a.iufoU, *tc«caor*u3 Couhselor ai l*w Canton t law ay-Co K I „

' J o h n A * V a n c e , Attorney at law Offlco with H X. Kuowlcs lots l o i r

T i H E T H O M P S O N . JUSjBrner and Counselor at I*w MaBBOne Bt. ' '"' Lawrence County bt X 9-tf

Get). B . Stuoj-, A\H»*ney»tI*wsnd IsoterySublio fliclmlvlW St. SjisrjnliH Oonatr M Y ""T

I M W I B C . IiattEi fcttemtrMid Conmelor^ DeTOttng ltlnu61f « d « <t*«lrto this l)r«oUco o(U« In all it» bnuictiM ^^uliKTfflr »t JjamnciCo f Y

lnorn«Ji»iiilO«im»otor» and SbUclton 1m Baal antey JoUiaffl H Y

1 a HoIntDr f I m t i e r E . W a d l a l c l t ,

MtorM7>ud.floun«efor aliaw and Oorrciwmd; , bafuiUitot otPatonti CoUdam Bt Law Co If T

* SSBcolar attantlon etven tocoUootlgg;

^dvavrd Crary,

?at»dinirN^ CoUwtlofla entrqstad to buaTrtll *aaplre prompt attonUoai

-Jj6t»ia»> !S JT-aaWW 187J «


Oentlemcoi TU» nackaKe or.Bi*TpBi>'o Cujin


t oieracpyuaaation t o m o . Tnorfi, /** , WELHOCR»JE foFGRD.

^QRAHD JEUPOIO* Mwnj, 3|or. 15, W7fl.

SAHraSD'S RSQIGfiL CURE KiJtonlyflrcmpKTftprcstathocorroilInirdScfihBracs in Laturyu;butiliylttTipnlljotIaac«ort, It rcstorpato M O 11 cattli all tin* fttKunsofthtiheaatrmtittiVd beco o tMTuct<* * j U, ttutl Q^hiblfiany ul lliv; ft>:io<?« lnj. alTcotloiui;-

Dofoctlvol25'ip-. ; ' , 'h ' ,SEifiniar(lftml vJ1*;'..!"/ Eyt ia , P a i n f u l t i n d WMii'i^y teyus,. .»„ o i fitnrinCcKayacI^;, ^cttKtln-irt o f tUu i \ a r , DlB*l iar fCc8fromiI lcKaj* ,Klns ins?ro lK' a I n t h a H e a d , B l rMaca^ , Neirvona Utsuil-nc l io , Fo tx io i n t J i o T - Q n J p l o a . L a s t t o r t b o S e n s e s o f Tost© a n d S m e l l . E l o n g a t i o n of thQV«Tt la»XaSamRia t lon<)f tu t ) T o n s i l s , p n t r l d S o r a T J j r o a t t ' I l c U l I n ^ o r UtM-iilng ConBrbt- B r o n c h i t i s , a n i l Q l c c i i l u g t-i' i h o

E i r t i pflotoiffo contclns Dr. Sanfm-il'B Iniproved InlnUnff'rqbn,.\vliUfoHal.il«t\rcuiU¥ n-oj^n.<.l <li-rcctloiwjoFnafllttollcaswi. PHc..*f. Torsui- \>y nil -wl olesale and retail *Jnn;eitn i ' t i -f.-nirn t TonffhDatthtt'D'DlteiIPt3ti8aiiilt i t .» v/f EK3 rcctloTui fill TBI OIC t ronirho'tittlioDDlteilPtatiBaiia, 4s FOTTEB, General AEontoo;»«l \ . boi £ Ets Bostoo*MaEO.


Board of Supervisors , Of ST. l A W a E H O E C D 0 1 P r T 1 8 7 7 .

Annual Meeting. '" ''


SEVENTH DAT Wednesday, Sim. ZUl, 1877, 0 or. m.

Ilio Board met pursuant to adjooni-ment, The minutes of jesteriiay were read and approved. .-Mr. Hshor, from commiitee on the internal affairs of towns, citiea and villagegj reporteftbaet the bitt entitled "Aneot to provide for the proteetiDn and preservation of fish in the'waters bt Blook take, and, its, tributaries, and to preiioribe and enforce t)ie ooltqlion of Senaltijse for Tiolation Of «atae,-tinder Chapter 482,(tt thftla'we oM87SJ and the actsanjendatorythereto." • ••

On^ntioa.thefclH'tfagread thei third time, jifflfiwos p«sefli by the following •vofej-Hlft "

Yaw-liun*. SlngaWtt, Bunal. Sborldan. Xlaber, Hmrooittb. Carter. Mtiir, JOODSQII. Al-drUb, Moro. Banford, S*«jl, 8: Valla, Bradford, Hatttns*. 2toblnaoa, Wblta. .BIobardaoQ, Jones. ObapLo, Uarcean. Ugbtb^U, Abram, Kortbrap, 0M>r, Brools, Salmcr, l ovriB," Orapaar, Bntber-ford-^so.

H*y»—none. Sir, *$totitq pretented the bond of

Frederick F . Baliih, Bopraintondent of the Poor, elect.

On motion of Mr. Richardson, re­ferred to jodioiary committee.

Mr. Atwater, from committee, mode the following corrected report ot com­mittee on footing assessment rolls.

To tho Honotablo.tha Boa.Rd.of Saperrlaora of St. Eawrenco Ooanty,1877:—Tour Committee on Foot-log Aueasmont Holla report tbo amonnta of Boal and Peraonal Froporty in the aatd Chanty oa set fortb In tbe annoxed table.

money for. highway purposes, nnder-Ohapter 482, Invwa of 187S,»nd atip amendatory thereto) Mr. Abram in tpe ehoir. . ._ '. '

On "the rising; of$fi,e. committee the chairman thereof reported that the committee of the whole had had tinder consideration the bill ehtiUetJ "An 4°'' to authorize the town of Fowler to borrow money for highway pnrposeij.: anderOhaBt?r 4Si,..Mm of 1871 a|K the aoU( atteriita'torj tHeretV'hadnW^ some amendmehu; thereto, and as amended recommended its passage. _ „,

Thereport was agreed ti and'thehilL ordered-engrossed for a third readiag^

The chair presented the flojlowihg-report of Sjiperintendentaot j|ePoorr

TheSaporlntendo^U- or , th» poor of tlie Coanty^ of S t Xaittflace; p d n n a n t ' t o tbe a ta to tefor tbo re* Uefof l u j l t t l i t Vtrioli«,I)csltiaTe t o preacnt tliclr Annna\ Boportfa%tbey«ar.3n77; 0310 amount appropriated b y your Board

a t l t s lMtannt ta laexalonforSoorHouie :and 01iUdrena*.Bbnievra«, .» . . . . . . . . . .

Tbeamonnt repbr ted- by. $ f . n . Packard. OormtyTrcaaorer, a t t b a t t u n e aob^oct to onr order iraa '.

Tbe atnonnt.ovordravn try Superintend, ents of laat year's appropr la t jan j^ . . . . OZotai d rawn einoe'yoni j j u f mee.tb3e.". M^tit8i.fiQ

T b e amount of ordera' drawn pre* •rtotut to tbo date of tb la Mpott IflaafoHowa: t- . • .

F o r tnoOoOntyPoor Honae . . . : . . $4009^0 F o r tbo town of Oawosatchfe.... 1217.20 X'oz. tbeObUdrcn 'sBoraa. . .^ . . . . 0 2 9 0 5 . F o r tbe town of Lawrence 17.G0 For tbe town of Waddiagton 12.70 For the town of Qovernoa r . . . . . . 4.00

$0^85.50 ThB amonntof ordera drawn by u s to de­

fray the expenaos of t b o poor ol t h e aev-eral town«?<o>itamporjiry relief, dur ing ti»5«ii»^ljoiir;»Mhiia.d^,ia,,.......S3s,o-0-e

;:pbaalble'fo¥if0iiip coroir4tfce> to ivldofor tbo'per-

,._., ..--^ - ,. -- , .'couraeit waa to--, , ;poMlble'fo)F&oitir coroiialtfce> to entlroly forflMat ^ W*det«lT»5aitiU£ayj*>und naceaaary aurlngs thooooiti-Betton'OfTtKnrapvellilna of a- ouUdlbfet 1a>d^^ey^»T*i>>>wia3ii^J•*'*,* --a <"aor to?«S oare.a.MHMtlKnro^proojtanneivandto parfoet tlteh liaOTony'of th*l)nUaisi,";to'aada low deUUi fucli1

' *" SietwoBntbetwoparu. ' the' foundation, and'

, _ ,_-,-_-,,^„-rji copper roofing andt other inattor«iwbXclrtbiyile(im,-d caaontol. They., bave^orler(/iutSfty(fl**nod'etau»wblebtatb,o|r.; ^graant>wBrftnon^'i4nilUibaTeaopt anltttnuzed ^ u a t V w S i W ^ S W n o w w t t b ' S i U > •Wir«rfeBiteiriffi^tb^«anu>by-the oontraot-/ xra^So •.•:balau^jaaettemm-li%h oitrj detatla, ' - - - "" fpUit-tomttlltwe recomniBBd.. , . . , „^ . ,r.t^^jfl*5d'ana:)?ald. to the floct" •tSactotai .•In.iSjBiliaiortjougcoaimltMoae.Ite'to.



n l^notr^aviJOjo^Bt^rr^c^mblneil trith lCBt


thoold>WftW,vsJo.fttwoule-yoar. .Tnby do iH-t pwl-

a highly .Medicated Pliwu-rT-forriiloi- the [ lCBt ouratlVBOgKnt lu the yor i i l r f modi, hie, —-riyr,ijuT-"-*U!ff.olVO-h0rPfci5U4*lli'—'""'—

Tucyraccoinpliabiooro la one • ndu. lucycus1*. *hey

» -* TtaMaua * Eirarilt-~ t,taorheya«ndOeusaelota deTOtlnir tbemaelna ex

* • la»he5tothojracUMofiaw-nJdW*branehM ^Poladam St Xiwieuco CountJ- S.V

"flau. O TiMiH Oxo p . Bxwa 1

pirraiciANSj -,*• U . U . 1 V O W K - . \ pHIBIOIASASDSBnOIjON


A. A . H A H , •* t I B S J I O I O F XHE EEACE,

2 ^ ^ , * " ! T I M W Deeda. Ki l l* - iondl and J t o r t t a i c a ^ ^ l i e a i i r l OoolraeS. OfflOA Ho 3 T W o a l t t jc l r ** 3iJ!rbnSj«0BWOOD » X SO-U*

J( ,C. ORAJTEj and.Jniur>uoa ImiUca Motary Snblln with atal -^i,.

* S e n t 'WDlwrltolap bonda ttortgama contraeto •V aWaB-andwlUa catonl»telute»at,andlfrll»letteta ^^•iirthoM'WhJi may dealraiueh. aerrlmi r . i Qmo»-lnTiamere»aiooi . . , _ , „

i ' Htk Yew* ot "*• Oli-wiS1*1^ v « a * y

jgB»>rXBl»tt«bnT6h «naaaranaoD

.^»r^8at._f''«-»-?1 J_L \ -Z^ a, Ja^ • M h a a l a w l T '

* 1 S^»%»ataar ih l l I torwioxuiuiloa an* J & n S t M W i i l tH* l i e and Jar,and

- ffiSlTMOOrt««foMlliTMaaiy««te^i»ouUi

^ ! S ! l S r r a « S l S 11 » S.r»nMOUnt.nO»

• irei 6vi5j-ffi.fctioisKir.tiio cbot. itel evi.A««oit.,o{.!hp;i.unBj. B« imrjSHs-t om'ofiuSHeart. «5 «Vt»AS««!01WO|t ^ W ' K Rei clvMfrc.ctloii*oftitb ldneya.

,itoi 3yovAl-ectlon5 frftK-ftStrtntBi

oo* o-fact'BUpnei , ^ -owrporacwioru Bcoinn>uund;thatthttjooatlropor-l-mtdl3Covcrtcalirph>rh^Kiuvt«lwcI-(|ia9thnuteB ™B«-^d-tl*t.c4Ult!rnaaoMoCi;D^oMiWMt.c-al of planlajind flhruba WrthKrem!Unlf«ditrlOt.pQC-ttliiliyTofirmKo^ttscWn^ t foi l e r f l a S q a n r n i O i o H ' l a u a a t h S M l c M l l l o phyr*tfcn l a w «ioU»rfiMo^ch.

/ ^ t o o ^ p . f J . C - a a i t s .

Tl n tyottceteoni[*wurLhlia«!nuta(lo:u>orQt-y lw1o5Slei"t"lWftnrUl!mMt»r<^^^^

r iii»t-«ad<arauiiw,uwtliyWE--UaaPo-r. 1 p-ogffeto^l!o».u»i-.V-aa. • . . . ; ,

l !

3 < 2 < p. -

BraBher, 54.02rt,118,930

Canton, 63,647 960,800

Clifton. 01,783 31,923

Colcon, 218,422 214,4-10

DeKMb, -v 60,668 1,868,660

Depeyfltex, 27,809

Edwards, 81,778

Fine, 104,878

Jowler, 34,129

'Qooverneor, 40,081

Hammond, 86,820.

Hermon, ' 82,086

'Hopiinton. 178^022

Idwresoe, 28,166

li'bon, 116,774

lVoxnsviUe, 83,424

Uacomb. 87,298

aixttrUr •• '29i876

Uuaens, - . . 80^84

Mbrrletuiiu*,'' '27;«S33


30,000 1,149,530

62,980 1,023,780

4,000 36,925

7,930 222,840

1'0,020 1,374,680

702,845 -17^500 719,845

142,620 "12,550 155,170

62,320 62,820

2»0,,610 8,040 214,650

672,480 08,800 741,280

286.950 18,450 299,400

211,058 10.02& 221,078

254,450 33,200 28JT,050

067,220 46,860 404,080

742-290 8,960 761,240

281,010 2;950

For exponae of oiuldrsn'a Home, orders drawn at thlg'uat*. 2.054.59

3!hebill.wasread thefjetfo^^tge and

fc^er^ajaaaolAaed^etwe tQ

toske%ri|n,tj, obtaip,edi leoive ,_^ ,..., claim: 5Coi.92 ''--J

ii»0^ Imotion-of ,Mr„j{n^nelli .thei bill <nlitle4 >iin;dtoM&-«>ithonz9?jitie- to»n =bfiS0ai4on to.,b6rSow-*tiai<rBs'e> Jwrineys


axpteaalhedeciaeaisi-lhloiitliitlho butiaieswin J«&uj»a^to,Be«^feSroifa61y»* •- "-.,„---~ ,^-_^-.^..^ adapted to tbe .-ne4d*tf4bis.Urg£aa^sx$wlrig. county; that for--*-iractlcalutUlt%and;b>nntaiTOf deeign, it cannot?

>'espiedhj-jjyalmllai'ofn-oin the state, trad. •----^—•—"-i.wflia^ — " "

tbatthe>nnoxw bo perfectly aecura. . . Xsttmi _ sa a seiodepQsltaxytrfa&OJttbfi public reeorda of. ttecoirotyi • -aifeigfcii

Baled, tbla 22ndSi9Wc5nber, 1877. *;5KKOBAESEB.

- ; fOBBST; DAI-ZELI,. Laid over iindersthe m l e s .

Mr. Atwater introSocea a b i l l entitled,' "An act to.BntBo|is;e the t o w n ol Nor-3

poses , nnaer-«»pJe*«82>vJa.'w-»Tof I875f and the oofs amendatory thereto ."

T h e bill wits *Bad the flrrt lime, ana! referred to the committee o n Bowls and •Bridges, __ - - .;-•',. - •

ByHr.3roolis--:Kcsol»ea,ia>t the Clerk of thev cdunty.(rffltI,awrettcyboaatborizba to pnreaaaa •thoJatcstSwiaoff cdtUort- oMho Blatutea of tbo ;ettfo'.ofCNew.York,ibr--tbouaeor conuty, and that tboOSeaauier'or.tborcbuntypay to tao Clerk the Slnount required to;payfor.tuesame, ?iot to exceed:--alxteen ddilars-^Adopted.

Foroxpon«e»onroOTH-mKSir-cntyear. . Mr o 05apw^8S- ir i !0 |BJnit tee on e n -_oro>w.to»*aJ!«a.4to«fcJ............ 4 . o - * ^ N ^ c T s ^ b l i K r e p o « e d * a s tJorreotly * n

grossed,"the bi t t en t i t l ed—"An not to

Tyenty-tiro jeers ,-of practical «xperlan-e ta tu land and America. The Beat and Largest DSXWOBiain Northern H. Y.

UenU- Fall ami Winter clothing cleaned, Mlorreatored-andrnpalred,, Supelrlornnor em. ployedfor PreaalmaniEcpalrliig Oenta' OloUdnt.

I*lloa-D»a»e.)nBUxl.MerInoe., Alpaca.,**, Ac V.lT-ts.-Palilej and Bald ahawla dyad or cUanadwilbont Injury to colors. KldQloTsj .OtaUa .d- SwAthm-Or**. '

4-• O O U AJIYsVOtSrOM. '

, ^.^ JMV •* ^ 3KS,OliAlS-t** ' ] Potadara Sept 311> Mi Hi'

For Sale or Rent.

THE HOLMES HOTEL PROPERTY, «JjB«l8tr*et,!uiWs Vffliie laorftrM for sale ^Ltitor)»lth(i«»»>»ftBlt»r.OH*A)? Or

•WW jExok»k«* «b» r « r « , o r Other TJlta«* rtn**t*

*••'*' ji J JtotiEtB Eroprlator 'madam K»rehM-.lsiT *-•»*.

0«)Xiuuo»."N,t.,a»d JWHalh StiBrockxUle. »^Qooda;i»c«iv^a»dB«»n^W)>Sr)arsj..







. 500









238,800 OswcMtoIile,

S ^ a S 2,083,487 420,0(50 2,603,52?:

fi»,l82 644,060 47,iHO 891,600 Ketwait.

67A20 258,690 8,420 267,110

86,021 47,305 1.7S0 40,035

TotaL -SS0.9B8JOI Beinfftho tunoant of orders outstanding arid u n ­

paid for joux Board to proride for. I t will npnexr by th is repor t Out t h e cxpfin-

B U of the Poor Hb tue for food. clotbinR, • doctorlflij, ropttlri, .JTisqniue, *nd i l l other txpoiuies for tBti'caifxent y o r is > t h e s m n o f . . . . . , * . - . . . : . .Tvu&$8Uli-

Smmcly. OrderrfprtrrtoiiiUy dr»wo»4toot29 OrderedmwB' i f ' ih lJ i^ te , 1017.15

^ ^ ^ $8,021.74 The nqm)b«r of week* \>oit& a t t in. Poor House

for tbo y e « j a i f d o a ^ I s eo« , » n a tlw* viptaisea of tho ini t t tc t lon. of all Unig, «xe / as *bove BU£ed. 48031.74, which le tye* ^ " b b a r d * t a trifle tuidos one dolUr pe r *oefc for WiAptwtoii botwded.

The C o t m ^ ^ R ^ i w r w p o r t i t h i t t h B r e ' i i now In his hands,, of money«Ei?lfeable t a the poor fond, sal^ectt*ottfor4briiJt&ffatriapf;K*8^TO. -

lBordet.tafflwtth»-qtirr6tw«rj>eiise8 o f thePoor Homo and thS ChJhfein'fc.Homo the (m»ningyRar> we ahair loqitireiOaii'- jipBrpprlstlon of tha suni o f .&S900) ATO thoos t t la d o l l a n .

Inventory ^Stocklr &C-. tin theFoar HOtue r a r t o , *t the dak of thia repart!i

-1 span of work Jjorstts 8230. 1 span of work horses $200. iipit!cU"c6w4^1t;-i5, a t a r n e d ont for beef 51*0, 17 tkt t lnghogi J230; 2d pigs and 1 hr-^ding sow$C0,, Erodocoof farrji-rlpO t q u s o f hay $2180, 20 teas of stta,W $100, SCO bmheln potatoes $319, 4M> bnahala o t h a r ^ l ^ l , C0p bashela of'MiSf 5210. Wbia to l io fpe^a '^SO^i t igara i tdayrap $90, grdoiiTegotabliia $125."" T u r n ImpIemejjU—Xpo-

to planter $S0. 3 ao^W»,wpn4>$l6t \4i 'pJatform •pr ing wafion SJS3.lpiS3f.mscm 5*0. X fsrni'ca'rt? $35, 3 prsv shor t sleds $30, r i o n g sled $10,1 flleigjfc 535, 1 land ttilI6l?'$55;'^ h a j r o ^ e a n d seed s o » e r Ses, 2 nwiwlnr'ihachJnw^SliLS, 4-cnltlT»tox* $S5, l d r a g . SWrapTo» t^»2^3 .d ia iDs S0» W hoesfMt. 2g r l i ^ t e i e»e6 ;?p lck» i6S , i l l o re l« a sp»de**12>BO 6 n i smi r»^T t t ^ ;»p l t c l i i b i3 f s 5S. 2wood sawsrsa, 1 crossont s»nr?$U 1 biiyfijrjcsnd tactle 925, i *ies_ S3, i b n n d » j t * ^ 2 , mgirAiteasiis $200, 1 ox jpX& S3, 1 I ron bar $3. X scraper**, 3 Beta double ha r ­ness 835, 3 seta singloharness 510, cur rycombs and b r a sh 51, 3 wheelbarrows 320. Houiehoja ffumitare—Bedsteads a n a bsddlng $1000, ftathsiS beds and bedding M i , TO chairs « i%' W t s h l t t r . » » ? mealchea.ts$25, s tores s a d a to rop ip* 570; pa ten t babe oren $100, a benches Ml* bed Tesaels *38y 1 ikmp !W, 1 «ecretary»10, l s e c r s t a r y « 2 . p a r l i ^ farnl tare S100, pafls and mllfc pans $ 5 5 , U a n d r r J

foml tn r s 325, basins, spQqos, i n W e s a n d fQXM ^35ft l b o l l * X r b a r r o l c b n r a » a , b a l t ^ - p a n S t O , raea*1

cut ter 35> lamps a n d 3»ntem'Jl*« hltih mi l l «I«i-r-anprorements of farm^laUpIi^telitfeipO, i ^ s I » o i l J

bii l ldfneiiW. Sandries^^Wcorasv,ofw<>od MT1» 1 pa i r scale* $a5 tpode»natWtfJaW*|s f ^ VtdE*> sa l t H l f tob»«o«Crv*.tex JdO, sngs r %SS, skletattts '

_ > s ^ i j . - ^ > i l M w « a ^ r^ .4ng ,MQ t c lo tha tSO, match . 283 SflO- **» s 3 - 5 0 ' K**3 s ^ y a m : c n h a c d *25» shop .W6& ' 4 0 0 * y t J U ^ 5 , l i i t tb«rM07bir«6Un>«ho««^»»

No J of paupers r e^Ted ' t t o j aKov twabs r i a , Wfi*. t a Son:mber'13ai,.13TT;>rulK;^ S o . <li»charr«d

Lanring t;ho j ea rTias ' i aa . H ^ i ^ i i E r a a d i i r l n ^ t h s r ; r e a f w i J a K o . o r d s . t h i d n r f C E m a J ^ i r s V a v AhseonOed, I X ^ C U l d B a a ^ p T ^ i l T i ^ I i ^ ' raainlogln the hjjaafti males 70. itanafeaal>—V ^ - , 15L I n s a n o ^ h U j a d e . t o J o t i o l ^ d e a l l M d d n i n b S .

GK>BG£EOBXSSOS«. > *,,"" (jnpfsof Poor. l iaid over under the'tttles. * 13a& ,cfoaip prweBiei-.tlie^irftport p %

SapeVuifei^eiit pttK* B o d r i a t o Cbu-dxcn'a Home;

Gentifimsn, oitfc* Basra, of «oper»iaors;--TJtiB (^iiartn'a.Home ija».nDW-be«n;in bp«riaoa*"8iiic9, 'th« 6th- of * « b & s r j ^ i m ^ . p » ^ ^ t » r t :*»« and thia teporTtot»rs^fiin«lroa*th^^

Itow'w, ^ _ 2 2 i * i

„ ;AJHV8. . ,

S, S . At*AIBE, Cbairian."

OamoJlSpn otStt. j&Maia,referretl to 6ommttt^dS^ntaiis»^n, ••

U ©amoUouoJ Mr..KttSseUlhoBoarfV

, YoBfek«sirsV.TOfS|oiW BM8j%,-„,., 'Aiartch.Moro.:Mt^n',i8««tV;^ell«.iBr«^ »iatIn^aWbS#S»WW#ctodi |o, i^«!Wiei , pb«.ptoTAaicean;BWghtl^,,Abi*?r||»o«top S M r ^ r ^ ^ l p l V p ^ K i w S i S ^ W O f f i ' f 1

' SayirM'oa*.V.^K«||iS;;?;'

• ^ ^ - r t - f .

anfh'orize the. town of Fowler to borrow., money for highway purposes, nnder chapter 482, laws of 1875, and the sots amendatory thereto." _ j

O n motion of Mr. Bnssell , the Board went into Committee of the whole o n ttte bill, entitled—"An act t o InthorteC the towttof Canton, to, borrow ahd r a i » money fortheprirp%8e ofMbnilSmg flb;e. bridge aorosathe riTer Bef^rasae, at 'okj nearxjay'sfalls, innaid town.'nriiler chap­ter 482 o f the Iawa of 1875, and acts amendatory, thereto." Mrs At»ater ;m "thtionair. "

On the rising of the epmtmlt ieyh'e flhmrmaiitfierepfreporteathatttio'tjom-mitteo ol tho whole had nndercorisider-atfon tfiebill , entitled— !Min!act t6 :fnj, thorizethe town of Canton t o horro^. and raise money for t b e purpose of t t e j bnHding: .the bridge across t h e rivor Ees< Grasso, at or near Lay's falls, in eaid; townjiinderohapter.182,ofTBiatlSwi ... 1875, and nets amendatory thereto," harjp gon^ethrongh with the same, had" mage soma amendments thereto, and, as am-ended, recommended i t s passage.

T h e report was ogreedto iond the b i l l ordered engrossed for the th ird reading..

O n motion ot Mr. Johnson, the ,bHl, entitled—"Aavno^'to.anthoriz&tUo town" of b o w l e r to Borrow money? <olhighw.aj

.purposes; nnd'er c h a p t ^ - W r 'B#B ; 0 l •1875, and'trje,*cta amendatory thereto,'"' w i s read t&' th ird time,;ayo?ilie!^»™V Was passed b y t n e f o l t o w i o s g r l ^ Y i * :

Yeaat—aloaars. Kingston, BAM^lSoeridaii, . taber.-ElVSf. Weus,-2*ewcomb, CwteiVHulr,?bh& ,a«t,Aiarlch.BI<ii;B,Matteion. SinfoH. 8»eit.| 8.-•StellavBtadforoT. HaatinBs, Bobinso*£TOfeiBIcli~ axo!aozt.Atwxter,.af>ucs; Cbapixr, axaxceac'Xl^it^ hall, Abrstn, ^orllrnrp. aeer. Utooks.. jlelmer; •Isiwla, CraMervEu£berford.-r-33. -Kayr,—aone-

Mr. Geer, fromCunnnitteOgpresentfea; the following l portedfJ ofj mittea' oii E^eaand^hstices' jb^p^(t|^ , |.rf ].

. . ^ I x ^ a n o w b l & ^ B o a x d J o W S O T ^ ^ « o u i « ^ S i W r x i a ^ S Y c w ^ n ^ t t e $ ^ a ^ a e a ' !

« r a u e a - - t a x ^ O r t g o t J u a t S e S o f tb«riJrofcIR,ttat5 -h»v* BceS'Sted'- jBth' ' tKa 'c le tk •nd'the-'rojioifc Of t t o tJoaautEcaaSinnui, i s followsj.',!rho( » b o I « amottiris^6f flr^-repoit&d.paid b y i n s t t c e a - ^ t b e V

•treasuxcc^65S115. 3^r^whoWs^ountcf. 'fln6B^re^ c e l v e ^ ^ t w l t s a s u i s r ' according to bUt'xepoirfc $1S2Jcv o^wbo loa inoT tn to f ones reported, ie-v MlTed ' l^ jus t lccsforcxi ie l ty to animalais. $l&Qn!' pfcwhIcKtbe;sutaxeportea pa id tc t lVPi iBat^iao s ^ i f o £ 1 t h s % » c i e t y t o preTentcrueity.tO:anln^as; i s ^13.110^ , ^ i e fouowinguamea justlcea^biifPfrX^. Ttexie^thsarao-untx^et opsoalta their.. reBpecSvo,. B a a e a - a S o i a p a x i r f b y affidaTits a n d by-reccipta-ot.Uw,tr»«saler thereof.viz; K Wil te . T l t W i C O . flians^aMrH.»,antord. $5.OTJS.-B«ireX»*lO;. B i J . E « » y } ^ l l » ; ! H . a o d u a t d . $ 2 S . ( ) 0 i A . f « K f »

,aoti6hj5ttf#adJ»^v^fJam»a; »3»tc|ner to"tlJe,opmniftte%:anaJwi'"'' '" n e d , ;.-. .... -.F-.'i ;=• s - j > ' ^^>4 .~^

Mr..En5settmo'veajto?recbnBider;sthe.; resolntion relatdvai'to?'oi6: employjienfi oFprlsoners-lhttb»®S#i1a^0«^Pi, reaolnfasn,- ^ntifi^ifefflaoltitsoiixWi! proviafffor:'ffi^"^S(^*-i-J^-i^^^ era aentoncddijl ktorinrtuatloii

bnilding new, clerk's office, and movett> that the oatft'of 9606.1(H>e assesse.d ion th& ootrnty i.b aocordanee witB tlia-rff-coramendafions of. oaoh report,.and an 'or4er drawn, inif yOr oTMoore & IFields" thpre;fbr,,J,,C»riSetti '.* <'.. • •' ,• -•;,!. < I l l i j Brapl ord pfflled p! the, report ;0f5 the committee on ttinalization.

Mr. KiiigSton" inQ eiS, "td^reconiiiiit .witUihs&n&'6ns>tSiejp4rt'biithe basis.' [ot'i$i&£. 'J^^j^m^^ffTssre dtf mandeoland:tne»m0t!oh.-was. liisfcby the-

Yeai -Bleaar . ktngaton^JSewcoropV Alilrljh, ^slarces;u?.l^nthant'^ewis^iXuxberford^l8;r.-~-.

•Haya-JBeaani.BusaeaK Sheridan. £JBb»j.We31e, Oaxter, Sxubti.Jonhaon;]uatteMn^Banf^rd^Bxaa^ Tord, HMtlnaai Vhltef -Blcha^daon^3bnes^Abnunr Morthinip, fleer,Bf Ooi^Selfe&OKlS^aOKp.


taken from Braahar. ana. assessed eqni ly pr»''0^ttani!»*nrltS©fc.i^s^ yeas ar^najs.w.eifeaemahdiaf*m $}*9:

moHonwas^pyjhe^foilOttof-Vote^ . Yea^5oi>sr^^^SAlfi icb;sye>M,.Welll ; .taastloBB.. K6bln^rAtwitori.<^iTnf:,'Marotau. ^fea^-Br*ajD^'.''.But»eMa'8ls5!''>.'> »„> . Kay^Mei^;.Bi%>v3h'erldai..Fiiher.T. i t ' WtSv; ITewcoWjSOBB&uir.rfdh«S'%»o:. ~ltte»ott ,SantordUBia<U«awUt»J!Bi»^rfg _ , , ) S B r ^ ^ ^ r > ^ e ^ ^ 0 ^ p ^ a ? ^ S r j % f * lltjwib^ainJlnoY^^^;tO*rienfft)yitaiinfc; itd'Stbekhqim'-n :Tho^yeas a'namByejwere-;atirhandiaSn,a;thb;nioaoB -Iostt'by-the, HowmmgSyoSx^'.^ '»•<••••*?!•*}••<.-.'• <* P'YcasS««arst?Wn8sffi?-tohe«A».Weu»«A<-i ^ateS/Oi^nJ^oeauflagbtnall,- AbranH'JtotUoN

•' Wmii^MeasirBuiifcSheilSlinK^ * W .HowcorotoV4CarIer,. litur,t;Jobnson^Aldriah-,lSIorei. -HJittejtln,. SaruSj«,.Bw,eet., BradfordT^lSaHngi;

'pnghM. „ , th* s"maunt»t/i Ihnndxe^'ahd^.. ^ co»ArW,ft?;*a)nB.»31t

anaaiado^ne,l ofaS:s'oo) .jioimoneyiyrscolfod, " :j«ojty«Mr4aa, lair.


6E0. KWflt — '^JV'-W^^ ' J0D motion; .the report was adopted; *he OKair-r presented the fodlowjiMji

'teaattr|^si,git§o|t«S;;.^ . v -• ' , , >TO'lhe,Boa&^?flui«rSiatlr*or St. tawrance 0os— i»l.woul«ir«si^trojyiietorfetbo tallowing;oatim. ^tecof.rujmey'aiieceasarylto.box*lae.d la the ttx 3eWo'ta837;i£Sia couuV' lor purposes name* 'KalnV '' ' **** ^''- -' -helow_ . uBtatC'faxv i^kaOfficS.}iiSJja.;.

.$71,178 40

Jrionrig^r;; tfUar^iolai

"i W* i r ^ S l ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ i ^ ^ VV%n in^ori!4iiKtfnMetl?'tije repofb>

iom\ _ n;njo$o'

went intosli tKabillVrilil the town :f0r.'bighwi

•59,025,1,877,795 iri,i»o j,msm^tM^^^^^m^^n, , '• • - ; > ' W e l B l K t W t t s 4 k K > » x a i » ^ ^ . ' .

ja^bfmeffit^^i^ii I*. m.

!& Bie- Bist d». of Koxeniheif.lSJge4> „ nrhcls Bual^«crMrenis^l»rtlJ«ftot?0

Wab'ounaWt-daxWpa^eV5!*'1!*-*,, .. „„_—,^^. ,wv.— «« ir-iirc

- S V

/Wan* *OK 1KB OtCBltAIBl

Weber Piano.

• * >

m la_«» ofJBJflSf'V™'*t? ilnu?ot

BOHEKiUniRX. . '

torn* I . , ,^ti»4rirtitItiFitW^^

. . , - : ' • - ' , ( ' » " .*7ih'i*¥>*"*.' '

1»V-al«TOrVHUon ,!»clnSlui tka celelmtedrAI^ t Wupatllioa ,!»cln3lni I

. f * THI«$T 1MTHIW0RH. Mil

•^s/fa\tiaS£ ctaAafba -

fheB^ainet pn^tnliitto sajoniiiv* •.meniV- *K||.• v 'V^ .""' ' ' "\„ *lMi. SiMBell; ftoto Jndieiary..'.eora;, rmttee,reportea;baokthet69blntionasto

%MjBS)mmj$l^ ftm*^a•«a5;ao'-•a»'fo,

?Ti^i^^W^O>*f5,''2&Tx,^>'i- ."i l ,, * „ ~-toS!2''

'Opnrt*xpen«M;crt.>. a,vw •l&rd.^fSu«ivlsorijl'JVVs.....-...3.S00. ^^«g1j»Kar^^StoffBes.ion... =25

;: .B^erreatdicomttjftteO' on aB^rppria-|i,Qng^^«3|l%^Jft;iiJ;.kl;_^

Sortb lk and aistrjfiite|?the^ rata among the towjjSji -"-'-1* • reduced from thes

;&nsiaer tfqn^4pidr#tia«^}*i4s aot;

s © . a ^ o | ^ ^ p » a W ' a o | P o ; * ! ) r -aer p h a p t e e ^ y C a a w s of l g ! ; 5 , a n a acta

atttvehaatoryAiherete,". . i aa : rnaaa, n o amendmeBtB thereto, and reoomrriend'ed lits.patsage. SheareporK'»as..aWceedto, and. tte.tiiff..tirae'rea:'eng15bsssd^ fBr a "thiroSresaingi ' ',' .: _' On'^o^nJottHSfGi8psaf , - , th>B6ira ^adjdtrrn^dfc';,'*^'.'^i-';.^; ^ ..?

!-.-'.. >- 'flJUlirH- sJMaiSK" - , -,' • ' i^^t i^ i^oo i '23&51877;9cT.n i . - . ' 'ThBBdaiiirnef'pnrBh'smtfS^adjon^ •raeht.' The-rajKufea, of j j a ^ r a a y were. ^ a . a n a ^ p n l o i j a j ' • ' "•' *• '• *" ^ %Sl^.Crap^r?fTOjsispeoial cMmmiftee 6n?^e^6nfiiff»^blWay^f»»in;- tCoit8 jftr Biaaeithofollawingjrspprti *<.>:•••• I -r •,i!a ini'SniWrjifcia^Tne :0'oniftioW;-1undeycoii-

.sldeiatlbn^xhe'aperfaXo^por»>fi^^uirb^tt«fton ,non..j«dentanllj^c|W'hafere|&veMQ K-a* !leota;lflgl(wa*t]acS«b«Wx«r^tt?aht " retort iMtthoict&hW,M\a?itax'*»»iciTOiieous, •-••»~^ecbnxhw6aw.tpe*OS^tt«lSi!asBr«*e?

W»c»^.v*tt0e.'!'»OB0a.-.iis>.....V...*i,,ww-^terait'ol>)as'»m#S>tt0a.... 1,051., ;Sanatlb,asJrlgnKS. 'Op,nxt xpen«6s>c.

0,6OO. 8,000 1,500


$33,682 40


|J!.<E>B.„ i»-,ffiw|(8liU,aorfc' - « •

-^ 'Wae l tBu i fnhs ln « •^10I;B..Poa.t-- - Hopiimton : ? f t l M l W l t b o » U » . " ^UiOlBf-Weller " ' Srs^n-. i . ;Sfsr»Ul Xawrenco jSU»MSfsHay«* ,'- ' ' ' . i s i i f iWiior t tmo ," JJlOSaSSBeiryJ-. . ' ) ' . iSM WrnS Dawler- l i ahon .OlaiDaHi'Sralhfe «

,-3M7Whi' .Hj™iaon lauiavUle fS2l.'ta'o)ji:0.''0>aniford' " 322^-v?rSiiiidr,Bi«y

(BJSl^ t t i ck iaa inefc -^—•" . - -'Sa l lMotby .SoBe i tooorab ,325-n iMj!a ins , • -- .« 326iJanieB3Bttt9n!\••&• ' : 32? -3: C B o b t a a o n Madrid 32S W.M. E i a h s r " 10 329 Thos,.Jfishit! . « . 18 330-H.SjZdEnghorn.elaasena, I S SSTTffoMlelany •' °1S 8 3 2 E . M . Smi th " 10 333 Daniel Brown Morristown 0 334 James Garvin " 0 835 Wm. Collins " O 330 Geo. Carpenter Norfolk 0 337 JUL.Ames " . O 338 O. a Jones " 0 339 0 .Co l ton Plorpont 3 3 1 0 » Batterfield " 3 841 H. J . Barbour •• 3 843. Jamas Brown ParlehyUIo. 16 34AE.H, Perkins " 12 3M«.oi,0:aook '• 15 '24o\8tlasBacon Pltcairn 3 q j o s e c t o o r '• 3 •S^WtSphiea* - " ° 3 3taWmj Mathews Potsdam 6 SlfeO. A. Hlno " 12 •3S>,Wm,J,Barmim " 12 ,3ol*lBaaoAIatbewB " 0 ,853. Adam Pike Jr. Botsie 9 ; 353-James Robb " 3 S5l?ir...Steven*on: " 0 a55sB;;11all?to.W.,,orobater ,- , l e o n a r d admx Koasio 3

85«-A.B,,Shawr." "I1UM011

Mopt^;f;|^ Min trie Boar3

•, m .

I jp l f*. - ^. -..S^'^^asEria^Oblo^rte..

-;^n#()g^%|^P%vn^aoBtea|.,- -

'•trSysSliteaSiBV SKeridaitT. Haber, *. Ht.WeHa, Kenrcj)ml>'«.iOaitev''Bichaxason,- AbramfHovinxnp, Qe«; ."Brcoks-, Hebner, 0ra'paor>-13. "

Mr. Abram moved to 'take': $15,000 from Parishville and add Hopkinton.

H r . Bradfora mijved'jthe previous q<«stion. Curried.

'Cue question was taken oh Mr. Aurora's motion, the yeas and nays were cal led and the some was lost.

T h e question TTOS then taken on Mr. Kingston's motion to anwn; I the same,

*ari^'cawi|a:by4She.-foTTowing vbte^viz: Yesa^eleBSW-BTOMiellitPSf Wells, Carter, aTnlr,

JbbjisoTr1.&)^re\JU«fti!fon^Ss3Uoixl;iSv7eetta. Wells, 3rs^bTd;BsstlUgs,--Boblnabli,..'.'WnitC; Blchsxdson, A twa te r , , Johcs^ .0h&pin) Maxcaan^ xagbtbnni

, Abx»m;Morthxnp-,- Goer, Brooke, Helmex, Jjevta, Stttnerf6rd4-27i.

Kays—Messrs. Kingston, Sheridan,., Kewcomb, Aldr ich , Crspferi-5..,

. Mr.-rShsridan from committee made a report:of"the committee o n non resi_-d e n t and rejected taxes . Theaamehuv-i h g t?een read,, o n motion of M j * Bog.' noli , was recommitted ior .connection. ; , 3 J & ^r^te^fromsohimit teemaae the

^follQvnngirfi&Srtiof^oomnlittee'ott coiin-. t r bleWslSeoonhlsj'

TEp tbe- tIonorabla^Bo»rd..of.SbpexYlaork ot 8f. xjxwxextbrcouuryt- Thoucbjnmitteo. to yhora was i orredrtbo.clBCk?Bjacconnt»; repont itha...fonowtos. iSUt«3nenteoiclBrro^*rWRintea ana. tho.axnouixbJ $earurts4aaa»llbwea-Taexepn; ^ . . •' , '"Ntf- •"' risuiB; - Ttaiidance;-. Ojatm'a. AU!di i&S, i^steMir.-;iatw>eniiOi.- tise'js; *1M<25\

• 13Trla>rCTar^BalpVj!^on,. SSttSS-. S34128-i ^ g S w r r t t c ^ t ^ f f c ^ f t f t i i - . - \lotW»C .p* 00.

EvsnlniE Sosalon. Friday, November 2 3 4 187T, 1 p . m . T h e Board raet pursuant t o aajourn-

ment. ... . . «.• • Mr. Crapser, fromoomrmttae,rnadethe

followimK report of cp|nttitttea o n sher-ift's a n a clerk's aoconntaS1*; , '

To the Honorable the Board of Soplryiaorsol fit' Ijtwrence county:—The Jinderslguedi coxnmtttee to. wl»mwB»i^erri«Sha««SBndiJatlor's accounbl report the. reuowtag tatexniinjsof oWrnJ-pMsantad

. and the amonnta doductedatoeftUCwo* thereout

so. "Kam» :?iM^i>M¥.J'^;i-'-2WA

<<4d-£&eMotfowWis»<«ta6f.gi^^ I««renc*, co'ttUtrJif^««nit4t^^bSf>»#p; •pOlntiAby^ymuTfiBinorADlo^o^SBv xepairs&ofii 'oouywiaBMan- ainajjo&eTjbtulognlafcerKesSd.' .ihe»wv^^uli.»S«p%olitauyift»JSi^i^y/aT»^ ^xaxroilc4tb^sxialxlRbVmeVaao^claUi^xu^ f\SittaaalaeW«^Wa«ythst?'aa»Sirt>a» the; r e :SatSa»*&n5OT^tMtlrty3B4*»,l!»eB^ona, with. •aV^-to/m5tn®'ira*SDmtJaBuay.mtto^^^ -Bl»i»^s^4!f^tiW.tla^a>id-il)airt(fit.;of tfie .county; ,*i»^*-ii^ii..«iAin.trt* e tpen8e>JH iAbQrr»aS ueo-

—f-^xenoVite*ud.xeortfan-..«-. -~ - — jiqcempyjjj.

kvoa 'cr-ihowthScjp«iiia-to beoncdoUKand J^'«otra^Ua»»5l»'iaaifr»cU6uEer-.we

i^W«ula^k%up«iUiIr fcre^^ • » ^ f * h m ^ i b f e K ^ « e ^ - « i » } a t : j o o a • * »

,_, «a« .....

Q.Mertithew.tlo.00;A.O. . .. . tr*8Mwn,».«0. Thf- ttea^uror iep»|*diag|»", WeMieaSobSOiO,- TOecIer Jailor toBfon^R SatBiimtsfor-iinoijpliS by ruiwaiers^teo; o , ^0>mi«, am. tStollowinB jtisaceiliHn.'aied 'npocUaccompaniea'byaffldBTlts stiUng.thatthij ha%ie«lvcftuofiuJs:vil; John S. SBydte.jWU-. Jiam-lI«toiE.liV,«'SVM|e. J. a. Ohorctu-lyman i r^k^ge .M^!- .»a t t« l . E. Young, Wngdotf !c»,»ra»elJi»iar&eH.B. Haray, 0. attejvjr/}.

:xo»ijt»itBWfe<?ia'3Vcll«. H. B. Albro/BflMd. ;Scailn;-.0iaiiea;inBtbx,;.3I. TV. -Tupplfi--JMi«r' vXowats OiOlvambMlMhVWro-. Pi Sml ih v » ,^ ——'—"~>"sir'.iB!!*.Townal«yi JraCaSCiOM ^sloiutoriiKv^-. .—^-. - .- . w-"-!pAli5fe»hcpe»ra, Bobort- TajTOrlJ ,...-,30BibKAtt«5!^tK,H.R!tcl--- "--*"

^r^m'Q&JUiiffi^ojBij.fljaac-, -Wmi Jjl'Xb!

MUSK ixete nsiatJBAKOE c6., a 'WM'-Mr*^«&*'i(feB^Tf»4B«i>ilvti

I ^BOOOiaSOltt'offil'AMlOWVrdw-AS)

Itaui ieltirar of


i' 3ASH.



hhjbtat«5*tta oloai ItSt^MifcooWftolr

':,' ' ' - ' " l t t ' l ' l B » # i # , A a * < r t

Oo»»«r«W»^^»ol»tfc ' lS i«"r l****|? i ' rUst<laaawnipanlt«. • •.. U/' . : ;A»M om» »itH.*.tv«^i!Mi*l*»**'ll *"*•

* 58 00 40 60. 78 05! 13 SO

a-ao; •'-ll'.iI>,,

i 5 5 E . J . ( a a B i n , O a w e E a t c h l e ' ' K ; | *S7 50 46* 88 , . o « « 1G3170 IX 25 14V 51.

Sio • sao wot- oo ll.oi

119.H. P. laiawor^aMM,*>W,0g„ lOOO-Qukoyl.-Sberan?''-'.' W«t. 1510,i>^lnga!s, ^ "*•• 7J0S 162JuUusJndsoDiSorlolk, . 12 60 153 O. B. Xhgalsi Canton, , *•; 23 20

SnlttSdetuin'ot in <ceoraax(c'e"to law''»•• kafife. , flndthatsevoral ofthe'axcistrorcrn.laajw»tjLBy; otber'townsprosent account* px WanlB -lrhtah *i» , JiaTenot,aMowBd.a»emlng.tl>atthfprfp'a»Biai»»)rt -for the -proouxing ot blank* is JromTiu*. Mlitjsw and; havr tho; ssnte. cbargei. to.^,J»B»al>. W* , atooflnd tbitiho town of oswogabiWWi^iftote; thaOouhryTreaauwr the' sum, otfi(«»ty^ilo#*B* otta^onnt' of exoUB,and.ttoti^-as|»*«m H* OswSgatoblo board, olitostii'. auditors •aoAitsd «a-' iaccoiffltTof'iliiWyidcUarsforsertfoeB M.aald W«m,~ 'SSctfO'cumxaisaionera: anU xhe/^sams^obsjrsMHiiv aSdiownacoonnt, Weitheieforei rocoaatinaid .that; the said account be cbarged 'to tb^coun tjr aloeV ah* town credited, witll thirty aonerjr,„ Wratoo aida that, the townjJtOanton'*BB?A«d(t»»jattjeixW

1570. Harvey, Colton,^.

169 T ^ a . Atohe io l sSwVci lo" 12533: 1 0 1 8 9 J 0 . 160'-ff.B.Hye;BrSaher. i r 65- ' * 0 5 , 161 " ' !«' • ? 1 5 i i f JS'i

17800 IM-'OO*' ' 20 Off .20 00.

. 1561B 1 0 6 3 5 , rtl'dto c o m . oniepalrsi :

162 SI. D. Eaokardi.Oanton, IfiaJudd'eEBonneyi 164 A. J . Gago &'Oo,t 165E. B. Storm, -1 6 6 1 . V- Sherrjjan, 1 6 7 S . A . l > d a t i -

16B O, O'. 'vThsalar, 189' ~ <• - ' •" . , S20 Ai J . Gage & O 0 , « S . . , . 2a iJ .BiEUawoxta , ' , "

<. 'Wni.iB. 'Bnneri V 170 •Wright S i loa t i " 102K X5 J.-Gage'SVOOw f ., < • lOl f f i l i^Sackxia t rS 'Son , .



charKaa to tbecouu ty .and . t h a t t h e aald^ Oantravbe cxeatted tho s a m e . A'l of M m . . Jpabtlully.mpniltted..- • • *v--~> f M

JCaia over nnder rules . - <*P •»Mr; Hewoomb, fromoomntpe5egi . v .

:th«iidllovfitie'*epori: • of, >eomrr*tfeC°Jr«W .refanoxugt' p^ % *

•To tbo.HonorabloBoara of-SuporlrlalMS>itMr4 ^jrrenco.ooun^.TiS cmW«%4aiM«aWUr 1 ^Wo«uBlfeportlh»t.thVi^*te,Wr»i **W ;jfwaus iof;tho,town;of;»e^,,w»«^&WW ^75,.errqneonaiySia.ea5Caoims.'a»bvt»iMolwlti .

memray-COlleTwrCf salatowns'aUo t l S O W f e , * .onjb»»aTd!iSst»t«.t7 7*-waaJnthejyaMr»dM«>^flt|. J liked of and p'atiV by Ke««s. CrouJrSolroao ih» J^esorjialpCStato. Ttour otritBltjwSSMn*

3313 2 * 430 50 2876 T4 646.B0.

, . ^ ' - : '• • '•* r.'. i .-.SB.. B . WHITK.^., ';.. j..T.ogA8m;,'. , • .. ^ABBEw.BAsrlSea.; -

, -.,• „.*'. ,"•-*,-(-'."j ,- ^'Oonunlttot.-? ' jf ia-oyer/nnate'thb/JrnjieS; '" ,- 'i '•• • J&r. Mhir from' committee made the jbUa*ingreporS:on tjofisteble'a aoeoqnte mXt. ' ' ' ' ..>,.'' '-'. :'.' • -

" • ACCOUUtSWff 1 . ' '"^T<y-ihB-BohorabIe;tliB.B6ardO£BnperTisorsofSt. ' r i s i i < & e n e B . O o ^ r M ^ a x f t i n l t t « ^ ^ ao-conxtts Ko. 1. repoxt tb%.followiug Btstem4nrot-xn>, s«*orn la^ount««n&oia lmr 'pceseu$ca b y const i^ b i o s t o said comml t toe , ana the kinquuts 'ssxerally ; dadnsea", deducted s a d BBdWed ihereens Ko. ' Katas, Bcaidence OJ'd Ded'd- a l l ' d

1. Alfred JUdd, PaclShvUle, S 7 20 S 2 60 $ 4 GO 3 >• " « n 5 25 2 25 3 00,

~" U j O 1 00 . • „ „ J » * » ? » l l B » ^ l ' 7 5

5 O. S-WiUard, i o t r t t x P ^ a ^ l S S t e - l . t B 0 , ,

JOOlil-SS S61>3-64te8 . . . . . . . . . ^ ' E ^ ^ O B A S S E l l .

. JBaiiJ^veirmaet.therores.*-V.'!"

.'- JErVBraafbrajAom oommittee; made the foBowihgjinienaea iepprt of conv-toiffefedn eariaBzition.---.

•^ ' • . . --'„''- -$-7?''* ^>TX-'>v- •. ,; • - cJ I S tboqjahorabla . t h ' e ' l w i a of Supervisors of

St-j tawroncoOoim'tyiJIno commlt teo on Equal ize . tlou of'iAssessrd'entdlous'beBloara' t o xnsko the-fol-lowingj topor t , ^ ^ ^ w ^ i n r t x a

Towhs. • Acres, v a t b y x « ^ a « a t o : ' T a l r a i t ' n Aases!r<.i.ded.-Ji..a<!d., 1S77.

tiler. r^conu>^Amo»-TWebat8r,H- S". —,.- . , ~ . ^ . A - , , K « n ^ ^ ^ « ^ e r , H g ^ n e | b w « o s m e ? «,aidtr»t l i>ns Ky»-J«


.ot,C(upl«E4r».of tlwlawsof 1875, ranferrlnaafl-ieWohrtpo>Br»ot^e«lslaSonrrf»nBo«ras Of Sup-:.rTU'or«Seiorio^,diamjiiiMb.autUlca and aWwe4ahoyttatSio*iBon,'of ithcPBoara upon th»

. jsxnewonld»i^B3ijaIaa«ithat,by,-rirtuB of The 1st Ifs-^.tx^^casiiemt^mi/mXi***- orisw.oato

""" Sl^,tw;«hei^ah'aUSaV!B:thecaM»uft.un* , „ thBWl»«5Bi^Jaan1i'lKthte*^l^nn-

&BX^loBsn&%ppfo^intbi^^»ttholJj>k^ ^tmTO'nutyJsia*;^ 4Blng%T(ai*!lon*tS*rWjh»',pr|naa%sytnJcon«Uon -.roihe'atth'aiid'cloaj^'ttathatbS^ouldbo lhdiet-«18'cnSUlauW,a«Srtntjm^b^B*ai» thi ,reSdrsV> X i a ^ l 9 i i « B t ^ e v a i c ^ a t a u ^ ^ f c | t o

-hap»%tWth-"»*xterit,*fctSe:SWa^SBM wblch^rejpecMlyjirubulltl^atftoyoucHilnorablo:.

* ' -15iw*BIU30ak8L ,«J*wSBoSkuJii'j»SMc«^'K8.-5ta3te»«a

™ _ n „ T . . r , , ^ - . _ f l . f f i i B f « d « . » v . , -wtewWappolht »n»tBmllta**riaw;rn»t»«i X

•sf*ii^'i3K,i»P^^oW:eaiBaat:ca^ranlat(oal'> -i,' BoBljrsoSj'S^,t;;ori>dori).

*loadsol'l^y,3.1oadioratraw,4b«rrela Ot soap,

J|^T^^«na^Ma^;Qn: minnte...

oomtmHJee of three, of which he shonld

75 85 14 80

"-' ^Wtoalxn, withdrawn 5 25

13 S.*aunders. Lawrence, 13 GO 14 John A. Thomas, '• 16 S3 15 Wm.E.EcU. oswegatchis, 3 50 19 TTra. Earl, assigned

" B,J'..Sbecraan, . » l:7.A>..Coleraatt, t '* t g -wmusili'aasighei-

A^erlliOhapmsit andBsai),, .. "

OO H.A.BouwoU,asa^ * 'AverllliOHllpSn:' •

as,! Bean.7?- " •' aoi Ifm. Tlndiai,* sak'd.

' AVerilljIQbagrdaat ' - audBcan, "

21 Geo. Shelps, Busaell, S3.£,0arr,- .1 v »

0-30 15 85'

1 73

75 35 8 2 0

1 U S 0 3 40 103 20

19.80 118.32 11 T !

.-»1»*»,.„ " B 4 0

46 TO

2 BO — i i O . . rec^n)meu4-; tbi tSeaum.of>7^72;be7*nie»a««eia on ibeSowk of*ekklbaxia' theaiacu^tJ«r»^Ml«1»<l .to.thekald^faiy'J..VVclls. ..Wealao findi axcaajstr* ^ t a x « t ^ * g 7 « T l c U ' a h ' d ^ n « t S t 5 f ' r r s ' — - a - » * -

1 8 8 0 , 148 SB' . U 7 7

S I D -48 SB

ithefeforCxcc6mmedtbat*t ' ,37*V.a: >thetoWU,-otr$tbcimolni.ajiA«rirMec.. * , „ r a b a t e r . / / t o ^ d i v a o n M o . t a x t o 1 t -• W S c o u e ^ i ' a f E t a o ^ - v T a i d b x l d g v i of C a n t o n j i r a h e i e a W m e , X « « ° « » * * * * ? W f e ineua-th«>$»?2,..b« »p^ox:tl6n:ea.lw ^ « « 1 t ' J Canton a n d refunded t o t h e said Jta»or*lfieJB>-^ bridge. *c iu i comro l t t e e l t aTeKa 'd -un toWa |dac £ aliosthoiesdlt t t ionoffeic4by-SuperlFlate^a31St»i i % yjibon. vilnatthe wm of $3,bif.reiuti6Sl w"wm •>

. i a m D a w W w e a l d ^ w r ^ t ' W U J t t ha * a a * 4 t S t cnunty o x d a i S o . 88 IOC trie ycar .»76, j t t i4>(raer l£ ! ,%f

* I - a o t t s . i 4 d 3 4 , m t l , l J 8 ^ d 5 U 7 $ W . 7 8 S «430.1« aan ton . . ^63 . "54r«^6a jM0a^a>iH5JBM lijOOfVS*

ColtoB . X a l s i S - 2 l E t U > a l 4 4 t , 3 0 T O ' S f K — t S 3 * f t » » « w / » S 1 5 .588,424 KnoysiecRMjTO t O j i o . d a j i 3 T l A ' 33O.804 SSSaVTSlSS' ' il^Wal5,27^-!ll5783•,-10«,4W J M S ^ . i l O W B 6 3 , 3 2 0 » 4 « : 3 i l l i - 85,334 I S r t e . . ™ S * S B l .206,(510 alS.TL S3J140 259,75tt,

Siorn* « ^ eSUsoaxuriM^g 825,042; » L S t e l s » ' • ! W r > « l B U « f».6S9 376W •iHWStaiSKssr. •jilSssiail.e* stsasi 248.035.

HMUm »25 57 CS.9B4 319*34 3t;»;a».S9 01.448 .448,668'

'•M'jSaxl^vmflwJ- ats.ow 'Sff l .dwS'-aoiSK jw.'sra

«J,»a^^rep^pfer»»S» fe^S '-»StS''3^>M'l5.;f-M5u.':

o»»egfcbo a^T3J^.»ffiB*^Sa ,9525' r»rlah»ille 59^82, ^fcOSOwMsSMg. JJJj ?iSrn "soK 1tt3o«a««i lass st or S 5 S S - '.Kf;788; ^oEstO'-a 0160 12,460 aoAOOO

S t o c k M n i ' ^ 6 0 8 ' W & ' a a 6 ' . T S 1 3 4 1 5 2 « a ? a '


of A.** ,ffspat*r J

o ^ t b e . ^ ^ r p W ^ S ! l h o & . j i n ^ i a ^ ' y B a * > ^

.alleges' l a loaf. I t Is nrAcxom^anied,by;pjroper i roof . OEroqulred secur i ty . % theraforet » 4 f | s e ithat n o .payment bB made.unless sa la ord^rlbs>jBT«-ssbntooSoratBacCuntyfuUr indeimiUlaxI, fm*S*i' also considsxod Iho Pe t i t ion .preientad hY jakper TlsmSo'r tb*up, of H e r p o n t . p r ty toe^aa^fcLs tu r* egual.to t h o a m o u n t ot -the SUtaand.cpf tBty$ixon 810220 ba xofundodto thb t o w h Of P l « B » S t M | - » ccnatof irrccasuvthe.suxa total.of t b * - ^ - 1 1 - " -the roU'.ent a a ld town a s roj |or tea , b j : t w a - * o

u cammlttes for tho year 1876 to the, «u2»0Sy'-'W*..,r&a..however .that DMI —™ amount: was still further increased by thf Mlaiua- . lngoohunittes of that year.. Wo tbafsaiarf nU.to to -^Vcover.wherelnenjfcjaetlco iadonathft town of memaM»y19»aCa^IJth»tClrp^j(aaJ^awmB«lW thaltbe prayer in aald retl«TO be.d«l>*afl«,*he i piattarof thVpetltionot H.8..TUoSr^fjmiassnaI «e meientadby aupoiTisor'WhibJi praj&» P S S S p of.att-aaacsamenl of $2000 on aocouatjM ar * -contract hiving boon surrendered te-^Uft „. .committee do- respectfully decline to-rwwiraspi



S t 35 7 05 67 SO l,65i|7SSlt|?i

.^KTV,'Coofj.A.', »• -Sff B. ^catar^ Harmon. S»».IiHi.axalikmJ., •*<>SiS5PM^Oo,nm)tt».~svra iS^ij:wte5a ) l . !>

_ _6veo>tlwteinS -ieESlt b e ' » . » . B . Piorw.^aacomi .aX'itoptiEffi.tifi* th>{ . ' th^ '" ^cSaUS6^a^ | ' l J» l c l i ^LHl i a ln^W _

^$t$i§irt©^^^ , t lBBui t i« fS^«»nolhVr. ttd JfttfB-. am :^mM^&^^^^^0i'^^%«m*P:' ^B»«!*aB^ leW»g«'toii»y c S T O t e • « } / i - ^ . - r r - . . ^ .T5.... i _ a . . u ^ t t t» . .T. SbJchr:Ibm^c^eiatt*deela twj . f r | . f ewj i i a

^wthftSiCAigoisSffis mar xF-^»s"=^2«

29 .

30 78 15 15 47 70 20 00 - 6 0 0 ' 13 05

!S40 14 40 10 00

7 70 3 2 5 7 75 000-5 0 0 2 10

20 1 3 S

10 00

wlthorawn 12 00 1 2 * > 80 J o h n .ftlchMsou, i l acomb, 5 29 31» . - -»•

, withdrawn 6 00 6 OO .34 Jo«!hlanBoweu. Wad'ton. 4.25 2 00 «*•»?. o. J'atdln. •• 2*eo aio. S l j C K e B o t g , Masseua. W 25. TOOr-

: 3 i BiBexford, Boeato. t 78. I IS,,

t J . tT . arcOCrm'k. Oswa'bie' 55 St . ,.

HViVTirm, Macomb,. 8j,8j! SSOi: 3. B . Murshy.Oawc'tchls,, WasSS)

SO Wm. Ear l . " ISJtTOJ

33 05 U - 9 0 ;

59-85 14 00

1 1 8 5 2 2 8


9 55 leys*

. -wsi; BBAWOBDroialxraau.

I a i S ' ovejr unaeRiuBsrpie%K «•" Mr. Shertdto»fto»vcornioitte», m » a e

tho foUowine'amenaed *efioW" of. oom-milt«6 oh^nok.toti^ntriBia »«3eotea tax.es: ,V''3'*'.-". •''" ?"*'."*.

••"I.ltll.t SJSfi. iS'SfS S i *

"ft - e; » ;»wS iSikKB'rssiij.sM*,, .. .,6'


I § B*

SwrexuW'c^unW?^'^MBirsi|«d«.. apuroprl»klbhshe*ew|th-»ubmIt tho 161 port and-xccommeua tho foUowtogapr-lorSUteitax...... 7orcl«rk?8omcebontts p ^ o w a - j . Jot'Jnterest'bnbonda..„ ^OfTOJ j, Forsalarleftcountyofljoers....... . OsBQ-pfl 4 gerlnaaHn aajtams......... Y ''SSS.ffi t Scrcouxtjexpoluies.,.. j MHfSt ' .Ior/rS»ra.iot-Sn86r«Bors, „ a *R<Hijr SOEnOTWsldenWchboltsx... . -\ 8 0 0 * 1 JtoteBMUOgxaJheryoonrt of aeaslona* « t , |

C'^BWYorkitSitttnUonfoitbBbllnoV ~ T{ s SorOr^B-Healcy.. . . . ,- . . . i . . .»3i'M, _ r^^ Emla«,l.Bogoboom... 6V7«. X.ft^.7 1 rorAlfrea*.-aalMs..j . a r » t $ f i m « ( } «

He^Ydrk^Htatiqns,mroSaf«Ba,4Mii)i<, •**• f 1 VrBSfnCTbonJiatycali S W ^ f » j w


-' ayltof6*lnxaju»:'crirmYialis * <" **T!





- . j>i8aiL I.flft;a6fcb*i;' laouva.iiafj,

—pwwet tofth* clergy-.

' t ^ ^ ^ W j n i ^ ^ ^ ''at«tnWtlfet3«*B^rlW.tt>.l«3»v,te !t*5>«Wf'hlrojr-^'- —•"""•"I" tlWt W

,„_^_^w^raaa^»hm&.ttSuttott *S5sork7of'i(iirrUWwn b« not irtuted.


itKiStte^ottVoytiWistir^iva^^ ti»Tli»;omia8lfe%ps>y toll aMOttat-Qr,

m'B'ro>«s, otf ffiiPQnp'^; ei* """"' vine oa;.|li>'qoainitte*w

ilWIaSat'lhe. *um; of 940 -id': IheBberiff for wuhing ^<ve.cSun'eC4alrn)r.ttia on'-

eased from serving ssonfet Mth the ° -


•i M*tap6ft^oB^^A«pwfctttT:

«. *w^4^P(aflKJBfe5iyBl^^^^"»

mentf '•.Jte4j^«?fc|:ear^ipjw«^j


•nd iwanufaetUrJir »>f tho

Improved BRAD PUNCH. * % u

t wtvM ••peolBllr « .« aU««t(m that


1 Jfogino tattei 28 ftist; M i 1 <• •«•.' 10 s " tifttPltooft " . ' ' • • itiMiglitOrillv 118tlnoUSortonlfa»<3hWfc---x ewnoit um\\ MUa mm.. at fo»u ©tat i*tht> ohwps^




IJ. fe Boardmet

SS»i Aldrioh priwiiSpiS lodtolrinfe tVjJo'n'l' -ijSfeftSiS!-«'.. .'

„,,• .Gouw«euK^t3R(i*ti(ri.liiBi,ia77. TO the. Bcnonble BM^crf.Sc^ioVa.it. IJW-. ,'«Bityf aentlctuen:-iaWB

jSWaoniirablelBody mm •»... - . i ^ AascumentJS

«uttre>So»sf;_ j « t a J o « t 6 # S a

, MotUonal, Wiw. » a liJtprWoor great conV«H


bocoueoteathis. SUte tax. ,

aaorn s h a l l •tofjrooap.

ABof wblcUlsxespectBttllL A»alBIBt, . •VHBIilAsij:

• • I . O.KQOI

sj iswtsiotT* *a'iSCft' lauimiiHslt '. \

tTiir»Sr3i«S52) • w>.w l i S s f«ff int^«'R«».2rlt ,W 768121. .270,21 U,*i l i ^ f e r a s a ' 55i3t 24,49 ! ® « f a » - ^ l ^ 4 S 9 M . T 0 31U3 U » .

^ t e IioirloTreranctor'rsisf'.-'^"1;,^'- • Mr. Crapser,, torn eomniitEee o i i sher-

iffj'sand jailor's acrjatmtsi'-r^paiSaJP'fc SeSSlatiOi»», 0^S0Bt.-'^1^01^3^ pjsovide, ^mploynijnfc. of^asofte^««a4. tenoodV to coaBnement tS "hard' labor in *fc-e:eouuW]ail, bi'w. lawrtjnee, andek Ofia*pterfeW:33t*lo*18m'* The'xeso. ;luubiwa1ijxe8^tii*s«ona>tirn XO/. ferfed^the.comtiuttee of the whole. , .'Mr^^g^^JfrMi- cfflmmitte* made

(rtustee School: . . . . . fei«3ib;'iaoHon o f m ^ § ^ 0 $

••' «r;.Chapinjfrbrtt,jrtai^:6'B-e% grSedbifls, 'ropo1fel';k<^e|tly eri

jSfffiorSeAh* towa'0t|Q#a:^t«irrow-*,K^'ife.toonwB.for"«m4itjp»ot »•'

S#ie bridgw»||W«.«J*ef JH* '•

town, nnder chapter «3 , ham of 1875, and acta tinendatoi? rfwrtio."

Mr. Bradford, from ©oamitteo, made »b* following Boport ot Oommutee on aqaahaAtion.

(Thia Oteport was WPoommttted for tjorreeiion Seo ninth dwl ' , rlAia o»er undor the jiiles. «

M>. Vote, from commiWee on Uoada aodBnager, repottoa the bill, entM«a

JfflH* ^BmE*;2tisS'

iBiiroh. t4ai» »«a--dteiTJtibh*ffom^fe.':

non lesideni 'hot'Sreribtisly _„ .. ,,.r.--„...,•-..., .»« TowOltiritof the t9«»>irf Biob;-Bttoli hrirls;*iro <atoatei*»%«aiBcripho»l of all «nori non iwa&tltofKowiieaoy tliea in1 sucli to1f&:»p:a«tteWtt«ti og. o*rioef0ro?tli%'flra«a*3r: otsMaJ-'ie eaoh year, '»£ &Ma&rjt)to tAiAiSt'» foBatta proper;gmriBB()n<Jt''-*le Uvii so !oh!mg»& 3Hitittotinri,i«asoarriea jna .&ftO«oIuti6riSi asamenaea, adoptoa. . *HQn moHbn of Mr; BroBks; tt» ae> fidSntt an the UandB 61 the »peoial'«om-mittet oMlalnis tor rejairt to, • Cotut Tttoiise ani Jail, wewrttiatted baok to LthfcajUMffc-'lr* * M « * t O > i ^ l * , P 'OPOf C 0 D 1 ' mittees. ' '' By.Mr.Buako'ni-Bewlvaai MBit upon pajmeol tottiOottntr'JKaHurerior St. lUwroBc*counttr of£ab«lanM.anarrw^oitta.5SeMatoDampe. ttneaon.contract o« pnroluw j t part ot old Sow

t h e t f c t e ^ S j & ^ W ^ ^ o h .

I s

c? §' sio.soJTO.m


, , „ ' „J»«,0»_ lor snpr»rtof p«ft ^OThotUeoxpeatt**

au5 children's home.... , . WS»*W TO rniatcurreut»x»en»M •* P»»r h o « B . . sadchMrtn'a;honj»th8cn»ntaeye«rr; OOtOO Rlr^oh'o^lcommIaaloneis$20O eaoh to

bwasscssea on each assembly diet 800 00 iisiaSw

;g8TO«JS7,1tt2i!!4 . . ^ .

^SSaSaM* " •"-So?SiJ-l«S» 350.72 2S6.TO £awrencQ S t b W tt.01 2T.68 _

STojiawss 78;78 5,24

6 ^ 5 ^ 15,81.

18JS* -

' 3.00 4,50 3,00


'Mox>itn.^,S6 1.06.. 10.74 B-orfant.48*l 2.68 10,75 Oaw!e.a95,28 .100,38 P'VlUO. 14,61 0,35 83,67 *icrp"fc.9S,«7 8,71720.86 i t t o ' r x W H , } ; 70,46

MLSBIE. * » . 1 S 8 55,88 B t o d k ' I r n . o a 3,50 Wao ' ldh . 6-.18 Oil»v

15J17 9,08 94,0069.30

7 J 3 4 1 , 6 0 0 . 1 6 . ^ ' 8 , 2 8 ; - i

13g.84119.60 . ^ ^ O J ;

* * ? • •>'

Total November 23,1877. CHAB.„RIcaUBM)bK;

j . a. BOBWrxars, E.H.ATWAT|at laid over under the rules

Mr. IaghthalWromBpeoialoommitteB to. visit poor house, made the following reports ' , . To to Honorable. Ins BOAM.ofSnt rVlwJM ttr i thccwanty'ofSt-Lfewrence. GentlerwiB ^W«4h*A-^ tmdoxsignid oomniltteo eppolntea^SSaUttf O«unty.-*soc,atou<a»h«jin8; perfo.ta#. tt«» jfttlesi aaslgnea to them Tfdtiia. moat 4 M M M , l a p o t t

.comtor^W.ocndiiton. ahat|hit.starA»wj»BM*«*tf d •agemeiSteicarktbJrtnshqufc'-aofw-MjrBwa^ 'S

.of Buparvisdra of Sto ittec ore. constable,'i.

... following sUloaienfcbfc a'clalms sreaenteU by coti

„ . „ ^ E a t o o : amduxiia.aeVar. itaa^aano^theraoni ;

,.,. ... ssluauck- Ota Deard.-r.AilM) •90"*,B.Oxano-Canton *24t30f«TJB8;*.203is-OtlHVIotBtWrielr " 423.65 « « 85860 oiwat.aoranet >• . -WTO Wjd 03P. Buforlsoeele 6730 4410 S w . . K O ^ p e n ^ & o ^ * t o a | 6 5 . 830,-WJ-iD.Srcd&,PeSalh. ' »W» 5 72, 06O.Il.l'«cilLrd:M6rpeut 28.80 97.0, aunUngttn). OSWchle

• 9SBolf«ttWwelul . •'• LOOW.a^oJek Mt*slro*. Jofw.W^ra^lUBialMttt.


T05- 705

. 6 W S65.-OS50, ...


. ^


• • WilVABBAaRr^ . ' ,

-., • •£ wBiazo: -impm,

ittft a^optefttaif tKfc,B^*lora«irt)a!, ci.*.

irSSSi^iiSofiw»mo5^ to S » Board pf8»pe«.Tt.aer»ah4 oomjalto W» aaedlngtoWeldaiprtvldoaihowwar ha shall ha NtUued that the raualnlaa; lands are (codaMrai trior Uebalaaoftot the mortgager Adopted

Mr Kioh»rd»on asked and ootsined leave to withdraw olaun Ntv87,

Mr Atwater asked and obtiinfld leave to withdraw olaim No US

Mr. JoneaMkedand obtained loavo to •withdraw olaim No 97.

Mr. Hastings a»k«d una obtained to intMawArik Say?*.

10 ' l .A. I i .Eoater? . - . . ' ;>v . l O S D . S . B l s k ^ - M a a r i a . ' S . < 104 - « , < W „ ' 105 Geo. M«, l?»»«nea-W», . . , .

n.Toun».Q«wejt»tchl« IMB.B.Kej f to i j i -•'- ' . . i 0 7 F . p . H u ? p K £ C j u j t f c ' 10«;.B>Bi a p n l p :,•/,',« los « S a t v t o "Ooltitf

Wh>, G r a n t Kdwarda

A k , & » U k r S : l « i a r i a IBBObTrlSelsf l r t lasooxt 114 Wm rjelgton Hammond 115 p * A Srouoh .JTlne 118,D JV stoBhena » 117 J> J Crabb Norfolk 1W llO.L. A. atcOarteBElabOtt iaffoao a t < r « r » o r ( i l l k 1211) D J a l m e t j r d r r U t o w n 12» Joseph V s t h o w a Colion 1 S 9 I L Ourley Potadem 134 0 J . W a l d t o t t MS J 0 Btf es te r l H W m S r l t t 12' D % Brown

»4<r;„ 3 0 «Mra-ttj


Tttaaabpteftiwoj. ... aemed M s U t M i n the-reporti „ . / '*'M*i ^ 4 f e ^ . n * o o m T H i t ^ , n f % a B - t B B &lTaviinKli»i»rt, - «t; tS*'. e o » W t t e o on

• % m w •''•*'"•''>' " V f •' '••'!' : '*n.llie&6n?»»ble|fewM^ub«vls6Wot8i. iw^c^fttyi^!n«im^atolRhMP^nr^ on-


^oJ-TtbijihlajnoBt* 'aubxolttsa.;

: S 0 , f * n b e r n l 8 1 » „ H i 8 _ U Q B a B i f l f

WIIIUSTB lima ttr , .• SAlIOaXWEtVI/

V *•On inoKon o£ Mi. Crapser, tbe report s#asVaabpted. , ' ;Mr. Crapser moved that the claim* , :ar|rn!rig"from tie-repairs and ^p»f*« irienfe-of'the conrfrlionse ana IKO, b*>i»r ferred to a special committee, of vrtiieh -i htv should not be tv member Oarriea, :> : ThoOhsir appointedas snehoommit tee: Messrs. Bntherford, More «n4 At-

MtC BhBsell moved that * Metal ooxnrnitteeof two, of whioh im'oflintj-clerk shall be one, be aprjointed for the

"88'e»""W4s 9»iD' W80. a*!* ym-

i»y« *:-':?,Wm. 1870 « 0 « 1170

, 7 9 0 1 0 0 , 6 0 9

m ' .440 48SB' l O W - B s f f i ' O W .(.10. 3 3 0

4925 410 T 'O

1850 13 50 3 4 5 343

1600 1 6 0 3085 1100 I t 08 8 0 0 7 78 8 9 0 80

1848 7180 l a t o


•5i5iBr\l«ana.:.tS«6»W0h»tet. ,a*)i—,

'HW '"JiaSs*'. '»auiiiSi(is£ wa- 1 »isoV'd'.Au'a

1925 410 770

280 BoyhoVls fcCox.OOM'r '281.. "' 232^ S.H»rrltt, 5n 234

13 50 1836 1108

800 7 2 8 »"'"

3 0 4 1 3 48 49

MS 97 1 8 10 28 2W

19 88 47080' OT70


1190 15' 288 » •

««. ,i!» or

IS ! 16


lS»jrifj foeasodi

84716 91 -fSt-sl tHr» 40 II liJONJS •WMiBllADroBD, LTH ElsBEB,

_ Ooxoinltiee £*ut ov»r nnder the rale*.

, Mr. Wells, from oommltt**, tattle the tJoUoT*l^wlioAof oomtiaittos on eioi»«

bomtnittee of three, Stt*6feft»H,t j On motiorrot Ms At**ter t% BoarS went into" ootumBtoe'- of lUa\ whole on the bitt entitled. »An act to authorize the town Of Norfolk to bor«J* ttOttoy forbighway purpose*; nude? Ulutptaat 48% laws of 1875, and acts amendatory tli«reto;.%,.W*.,MM[«tonip.tto*hair.

Oh the rising, of the committee the chairman thereof roported that tho committee ol the whole had hart Tender oonsideratiort tho bill entitled "An act tp'anthofizo the town of Norfolk to borrow money for highway pntt undor Crrtpter 482, Laws ofl87S. acta imendatory thoroto," had i •onto amendments J thereto, and M amended, reoommonded iUj»»*if».-Tho report was antedIto «*4»# ML


[proosii auf ail instil*! & e t t J - .rash*

