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{ ' ' ', i ' t'. \ . . 0 ' : . " \ ' . ..... _ -. ' ' , 1 . _.,. - F4WJ11J"ftne =W'e1-come- - Tickets ' . :( .. ' ... ' •, ' ' ,. ' ' • + •• ' , - tiUlto' whic_!l 1uch doeumentq 8re ecru- Mddamf'S c. c. Chase of Ruf. week'i faaue. tlnfzt!a-. doao a. Fall ot Three j, ' i ' ' ) ' .. ' ' ' . Richard Wettefein Many of our people w.iU rem• ember Richard Wettatelo. · en- "'! ·( ' .;. r ,.: __ · ..... , ... .. -- __ .......__ . ' . ' •, " -- . ' ' ,, ! l . '
Page 1: Tickets - archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · i ' t'. \ . . 0 ' . : " \ • • ' . ..... _ -. • • ' ' •


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F4WJ11J"ftne =W'e1-come- -Tickets ~f!l'

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, - ~- tiUlto' whic_!l 1uch doeumentq 8re ecru- Mddamf'S c. c. Chase of Ruf. week'i faaue. tlnfzt!a-. doao ~nd--A. a. Fall ot Three ---;--#~

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-Contributed~ .

Richard Wettefein

Many of our people w.iU rem• ember Richard Wettatelo. · en-

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Page 2: Tickets - archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · i ' t'. \ . . 0 ' . : " \ • • ' . ..... _ -. • • ' ' •

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collap:lo ogolnnt tho Yonltces lnnt ran. lost little tlmo tnk· tng over the lead nnd hove played at a atcody IJDII mo11t

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ol the ~1Jii-f~~~~ l.-'~"'""'il--~-n ~ l I

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moat lmp-or\Jlnt lac­ton ln their piny bovo bcfln lhe pU.ch· lni of Ducky WpJ. tera and tho all­around work ot BtU BucltJ Walt.ra Werber. W111ters ccenu'headcd tor a season as brilUant •• that wh!~h he had tn 1030. Toke Werber out of the Red lnfield and It would uc so badly lhe weight of ll would dra1 lhe team down.

1be DJldren ••Ye exceeded the expeetatloaa of r..u,., JtacPJzall u4

• abaMt met tlloif-~·.trlJ!6'1'ltiokt711 tau. Lar17 aald.JII tile earlJ lpriaJ .. wa•t f.lllwk the Dt4pn WHUJ 1te u reocS •• u.e, were bat 7ear, while tbe faaa elab.net1 Cle "aaaaL AH. of coane. Uae7 remala tile m01t ueiUur team Ia ltaaeltaU.


A Quick Comcboclc The robuslnen ol lhe Dod1en'

aplrll wna emphll!Jized by lhe man­ner In which they threw on tho ef· tecta of the lola ol lhwe two camcs to the Glantt on Memorial day • That. 1l must be remember~. was­more than jubt the lou ot o double­header. It wa. a bitter, humlUnt· tnr nnd total ddelit suffered on the home arounds at the hand• of o hal· ed enemy and wllh all tho rona who poa111bly could be pocked Into Eb­betll field looking on. It was enough to have thrown lhem oJI their atrtdo Cor a couple of weeks at least, but lhc1 bc~~mced right bnek from It ruJ onl1 o thoroughly ttamo outllt could.

Once more ~o Durocher It dem· .alraUJSr hla aklU aa manarer •• he pldet . tho Dodren put bump• aach •• that defeat br the Glanta

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Tree,.,., ... ~~,.~11-!."~P'I ·. ~ . '

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it was the rough roads . . . , ....• ~ ... -..~ -· Ediei-itrori•t think there's ·'"'"~" more work on this pJnne thon on a de luxe sedan•

women- J)n~engero save us a lot of gadgets and fnn. ey stuff. We won't hove to worry where to put the vanity case an~ ash trily.

Edael-We con

telling mel . . .... .... ... . . -~-

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DENVER HOTELS DOT2L TOURS, 1468 Llll .. la a& C.Uax. Modl!m, olean, overJooJctn.:_ C,.pftol ~OWld.t. RATES ll.IOJ ISATQ ~ 111',

--ISOOJt MANUIICRIPTS ift'.uiTED-Meri· torloua works <l1 PUbUc lntvrost 01) ~~~ llib­fecta. Wrlto for .free booklet. Mqln Paii­IJ•JaJ•• <:•,. ~~ l'lt"l!lrr.IU., JStst•-. Jean.

Aid for Hard of:Hearing -


Embroidered Picture Of Freedom's Lady

• AVNT M.\k'IJL\ . 8U tfl.w "'EUsu a~, 1111 ..

EneJoe- 15 tentlr tor ea~:fi ~~auem desired:. "Pattern Mo. .......... · .... . Na·me ••• ,. .................... ~ ........... . Address -~· .... ~~.,~ ............... ~ •••••••

> ' - -



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Page 3: Tickets - archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · i ' t'. \ . . 0 ' . : " \ • • ' . ..... _ -. • • ' ' •

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.. there'a' ~nirh eci11UY· remarkable· .

~. fo~ th~ l'o$t Office q~ .. h.M · ~~~t fotth a · .

. • vex'ita~le ft.r;,od of ''c()nunexrJr · . ··· oratJ.ves'' .during the · la~t · • ·

But the -fact: thM •

!ed··in •--J·-~= . ~onnection with thEf50th· arlni· vers~:ey of the admission -of. Wyolllil)g to the of

. states . gives it more . mer~ly local 91; regiqnal in· terest. ·. ·

To Ameri.cans the name 1'Wyommg" m~ans a variety-· of.things. To a majoiity'of 1.JB ft symbolizes, perhaps more than the name of any other state, the uwud West," and rightly s_o. For .it is doubtful lf other state west of the Mfs.sis.slpp:lh•~sbeen the scene

. ' . •• ... •

' - . ~ ' .

L-ack . of ESsential · Foods Reduces ·ProductiVity~. · " '

cnn sometimes be ..corrected during tho growing acnson, the sure pre­vcntivl! 15 to bnve the noll tested· before planting tlmo. County agents or agronomists at the state agrlcul· turol college oro 11rcpar~ to nna· lyzo soJJ aamplen and provldo larl'l1• era wJth Jn!ormntlon concerning the tertlllzer needs of their 10il. Tho tcsts·will reveal whether there is a liitk ·Of nitrogen, phosphoric acid or potnoh. By following thn rccom; mendnUonn thus obtained, farmers can rcplenmh depleted soil rc&Ou.Jces and be rear:on11bly suro of growing healthy, produetlve crop!l.

farmers Worlc Together · To 'Keep Soil at Horne'

. . ' ..

··' . ' ""· -: ".' ..

~·-MRS. RU'-'D WYETll SPEI\RB Drawer lCI .

'I'' •.. '.

·~" ' k •

Bedford Ullb · · Now York

l!lnclose 10 cents tor Book II.

Name •-:•••••••••••••••••••~•••••••·· --A<Jdr-eN- •••••••• , ,. ~ ..... , •• , .. , • •·, ••

' I • •.

After mal\y single-handed ata temptD to stop the blowing or goOd t()p son from their fields, farmers of Grech!)' county, I{ansna, bock tn 103'1, saw that they 'would hnve to get together tn the fight to keep their soil at home. If a single tann­er tried to hold hia soil down by listing a fleld, the top toU from an unlisted fteld adjoining would blo~i

Depth of lojustlci'J I Led b7 the Durt War fs tho slnk or n11 injustice. The hend Is frequently tho dupe

-Fielding. ot the henrL '

over it and cover up his work. · With the help or farm lenders In

the county. the farmern organized a countrywide crunpaign to ww AAA conservation practices to get aU the l;lnd J.n Jhe county Jist~d nl the same time, and protected by cover crolls IUld strJ_p.crnpping.

The job was hard, but the fnrmers were tor any plan that would 'Brehk the force of the wind nnd keep their soU covered. When the job start-

each {anner an overage of

kept at it-literally day and ntgbt­tmfll It wu finished.

To blake Ute plan thoroughgoing,. th~ county organization adopted a rule that no ta'lmer could get an AAA payment unl~ss he Md all b!J l'!rop land eitlier·in cover crops sttcli iS Sudnn graslf or :sorghum~. or lrr .s\.rlp-cr(lpplng-a strip of c:ovcr to slow down tht'!' wind, then a strip of wlieat or tallow, and then another atrill ·of cover crops. . Lalit year, with sbi: times as much l~d· In cover cro:PS ,aM strip-c:ropoo piJlif n fu 1936, five Utrfts as illany . actel , in ttU®nef · fallow;_ batt· as

;u1te truth-. ct thilt quotJttlon- many acres in whe~tt; and· twtc:e as With cutabi: .tesehfation• aa to many acres: ol l~d etopli lor their . "weadng deadlJt -weaponsr ¥.er~ live atock, theslf tarrtl~r. tepotteci h • t .......... ~ 1 a- that 1hey h~d. th~ Wliid ha~ard un-. a~~ ... U.Io;ui&te 1 apparen~ to der control. 1( the}' .:ontbtue: what· .itiYoile whci bu. evet 'flpel\t 8 thev Jiave ·_i$ta. tteaf·· . n.~., "" ...... _ .... oue· .t.ai -vacation o-n ·;a. n'looem Wyoming ~ .. , ~ ..,..m;; • m " ciud! ranch. hid tot the ·thout· d nature Will. cotnp e~e 1be ~QP1 ,

aan~· of Atnericw WM · · • · · · · ·· · · " di'ivE!tt ie!'toli \V)'omlng' the tr· ~t~l . f'_~-s·ee·t' n· . e· ~e·· Jl' <i&. of tbi•, auotati(ln !rom the 1>1 JJJ .a. = ace ot 'i<The .Vlrsmitm" is aJso Whm Jnsec:ts t~;~iute- ·a tlirm crop;

... , ~h.: e attack or~n co~~ iit the edge apparo;::lb.:. . • t .. • "* td (. d "'~.if · • "'.tbe moutiubiw are. tbet'i!. fir and shin· o .. ~ ·~ "e • qrcnt~t • or Wuua and.-. Jnt. and t11e tWlliJht, tnd the fnfinlt.e lto~ at -th~ center. -lUbe i~ni::e towS' · · eUtb. and 1li11 arr . tllat: •eems totevet or e(:{gcat of tht.tffeldi!i ue aitl'active

1I!: =.ro~::Sn~llre;::t;~tt:1:V~erc J: tti bir~s, th! farmer bnB un' uuxlUaey wMtil th.r bOrtemiltt wltlt.IIJj pasWttnl( 11M qt Befl!tls(;l J~gaiMt tJ1e1:in$ccts;

· thO\JI{J\dlf So l!f(•tta" •td Rit dot!a tru1 o:h bt d b "' . ·. •il~bnlill :;Hm w~mt -rmsttetf< 'that ·. • . • . 1( !I ti'UW e aJ,ile to dc~h·oy : ;ov w4!U tot th!J filltMri'U!n' to ·~•t• ~i;n~ ot the .. infi(!{:i$ bt!ore the fn .. ·rl:,t.tftbfit:f~~a\·~·~~.lf.f tecta· can l!lY .tbtir eggs.1'bll\·i$ on·e

. lJ6' lftMe -.t• nlm·PllOJ) l)':r « u,.lliil 1:1t thl! r~a•oni- tha~ roai maklf tt. -thiJI•tnQ~-tiia~t yw w1n'·"" ·eo- .n.• tCJ make. tm. ea~'c!1·ot .fl~id.~t ca~ 1aiil1M vn-·t~~e 111Challvn., au come att tr•ctlve. to ·WUdlif¢. "" " .fDf ~ P~ wtt!t~ oellri!W.. · ,

. "' . . . .. •





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lli•.O•itti-'•m.t:Jtests,CAiia.s ..... as~alowlii' "•• tH ....... ftf th liS •tit•r et tie Nra••t-. . ta••-•••tft•• • ..,., ..... tW ........... ...... ,., ........ ,.,.. ..... , ..




. roa nm MU.DNE''*· · bT.tlll toOI.ltEU, EXTU. fi.AYH•





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- - t .. K -I THE Q.U __ .LOO ... •

P.ubilahed w (ieJdy In the lhtert•t or Carrl1oso and Llu~ohJ Co!Jn~y,N.r.

A. £: BURKE, Editor and l'ubllaJJer . .

Lartu& Clrculatloa I• 'n..ll Cou•tJ

SUBBORIP'J'ION RATJ:S !JI• roontba, In advann. Ooe J•ar, In adva11ce -

• . ,fl.-(10 i2.00 . ' __..;---------...-. -

. oarJ t!, IDJ 11 at . tbe po1t at · Carrlaoao, New Mexico, un!Jer £1111 Ace

of llareb 8, 18'liJ. . ' ------.,.--------AdnrUelng form• clo•e Wedntllday

nl noon. New•· colurm•• elo•e 'J'hUrl· d•J ni~eht. :-IT yiau do riot r-eceive your t<taper rejlularly, plea•• noU fy l.he l'DD•

I •her. Advertl•lnK r•te• on appllca• - · tlon •

----------MEMBER -.A ft'nr y PIUf Nl'lllrloPU ITNDICI>TI IN AIUIIIICJ\

. .Y1J1U _ Offlu Phone No.24


"i!n Jlnblaua"

Capitan, N. M.

Spanish Disheef

M 118. n. M. P'LOREI:I, Pnop. ...

New Shoe Shop· B. D. MANCIIA, J•rop.

Now l.ontrd In Old Stand lleroil

' ..

Cowboy Boots &

Shoe Repairing


G .. H. DORSETT Prop.

For Sale 1936 AIRFLow

In rood runnln1 condition with ahnoat Ntw Trrea '1:()0 ~ 18. Price $185.00 . '

-lnqqtre •t Outlook Oftlee-

-=·······~·-····--·· . . F I I $

R.E WARD! , . •• • • ? .. 1 • 7



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• COmpany- . . . ' . . . _•. ' .. ,...... · .. ill· ,.., ~ . ' . . . .. - . .

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. ' • . ~_8-ee.:The New

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~- ----- '·· --------!- --1--' -- . - ---

--F·o-r· --l' -~4--0-· · -- .. . -~4:1 '' . . . " • .. • .. -22 Important. lmprovem"ents-

#\IN£.:e FO:rta· Tr aCter LOW ROUND TRIP

·--------- ---•-------••,R!£5-.:Ju~-----------•-.-- ---------~~~==============~===~~~~; '

II .

aonte •


AIR~ COOLED chair cars and

. coach••· Low•prlced lll'raySttvfeti'(-.ndwlch" ea I0$1, coffco ''' occ.).

• Fares in couritt •lceplpg ,. cars 11nd 1tartdarcl Pull•


-Motor. Truck Lines . '

Dependable·Express Service· to Car·

" .

• •

nzozo oJEi{f!Hnoii~~---­

·3 Times Weekly-


I ' I

cisco's beaud(ul ncwWortd's Fair •.•• then, we uy-ltl SP.nlh..tnJ. PadjiP-bilp yfJJl JJIIIM DOTH JnyJrtlllfiJ to1111 1r1111bh Ulfltl'lJtrl ·

· Enjoy the •peed, comfort and economy. of train travel. Stop over i~ Sourhern CaUrornJa on your way to '01" from San Francisco. Relar c

and luavo fun Jn c:lcan, AIR·COOLBD ttainJ whllc the engineer does the cfdylngl .

Southern Pacific • ••

•· .

t BE~. S. BURNS, Agt. :-: Phon~ 57

Or That Which.Muat ChaUeoae Loyal Citizena

A Betltt of SundaJ F!venlng Add'renee at the Carrizozo lletbodtat Church on.Toplea wblc:b are Time17, under prennt World Conditlona.

v ... 't~ ~- ... _, ..!+ .1!-e ._....,IJ ...... . . . .... ~t~t..;,. • .... ..-. '"'' .. ,." , ••• flit ..... ,.,. ef ,.., ,.... ..... .t tht lll1lft .,..,... ""~1-wARAGEFAe~

At 8:00 O'~lt:H:'k Sundau Eruming :-... .

June 30tb-''3oYittlam, NUJ,m, Faaelem; on a Foundatton or J'attlee and Rhthteouaneu."'

01lme: Celebr•tt oUt N•tfon'• Birthday, '

JUIJ 1th---•'Crlq~w; fta'-Caat, lt.-~.rtJction -and~tti> lndift'erenCf'. u

"':'Co.naldtt our lartllt SllndlniC. Atn11 •. and thit t~upp!ltt .&lren it.. · Jalj 14tb:o•Unemptoyment,P.;Terty. Unreal; 1: a Conllnutn~r Dtmo«'.raey'J

(ThMe i.n thti World'• Rlebeat Natlon)• .Tu1J =bt..:.."l!konomlc IAtq;Ju;. S~lalBa.eurltJJ -and God, f•.

Jul,y 1Jth-"Weak ChtliUan•~ WUb •n.Inadaquattt tdea ot God.''

• •

. '

Carrizozo. Business . Agency· "Q. -"'.~fr.l~.::7~ . ..:=--~-· = --- -~·~: -=~ :::; ____ :.-'7~--·:---:_;;:;;:--_ -=c.-

(rormerly E. M. Brickley & Co.) F. H. -HALL, ·Owner JAMES BRISTER, Mpo •.

F. H. A. Loana-Bililneil Arenti-Real Ea1ato ·Fire IDnrauee-Bonda.:.eattle ·


New Class . \ '

Reuon•ble'Tuitlon-One Yea:t to Pay -'

. 1. P. WBrrE _BLDG. - ROSWELL, N. M •.


--1~--- ·-- - _... - ~- -;~~e:.Cbttatia~futton-.to..<h'u !'~lema). ____ ---- ------+-·--1'--·~ .. -wl:iue!IIdi 1ruft-Ge& Tiili Mcnuay It 'Le.._. n--:-ca..r:· - --~ --• 11 tl" .. ~ .


J)() VQU r•Aa .fat \fit tutur• of Olit NaUQnf . -~---....C..~-~"---~;

I' nu·yc;;u TBINit •• are'lhiprtplrecU . • ®I(• ~J) BEAk.thhe~lao6ati6rhiJ lJj' tbt pu~r,

•. BBV. r. N~ UENNE'l'T . . . c! ! . ll!'cl!!! .'!'!!' i I

' ' "

·~ha-funcl•~we lla'ft anilab1a to lend and to. Jn~eat· ire . dtJI~ !tom thQ&·:prlmary ~urcea: · 1. 'l'hat part ot·bU~ C'JJUal- ind IUrphla.,w,WQh U:nnt fnv&*ted In buftdmr-,- tor•

A Reward of $25.00 will be ~·d fot' ~ return of ttdOda tak•n ttom ou~ aJlant June-&-

Pattin wttl bat be ptolu!cutecil ... ,...... ............. ,I

' · ti1t~fe, ftxtum. &Dd· cqulplllent. 2. IJepc>•it• • ot custom• . era, ifter • auftlclent -abioont .hQ beeiJ •et ralae to ~ake

.. ean of'eutr~rit Wlthdratrala .• !., 'rbe ··~eelS: bi 'iroltitt8 ot4trexpetiQI. · Sfto&idaty •ottreaa t)f lalriabte tunal • ate

·• . •«ord:e4 b_t, tedtaCQ~Jntlnt tltgibis l>tPer'ktid bOir-owtnlt.rJa out ••• .D<lt~t· JICtired br boad• whlcb we. hold. · · "

• ' . - '~. , ~- ' . -e Have §_.,,,I, •. . ' . '

· · :~~'For Sale .. • •

.. '

Site• . ; : ' ~ .. .. ... fJ>• .., '

~ . · Liucoln ·County A&enty , ¥ ••

-~itient·~~-~6~ ,S.nk· o'~ :v•uehn -- · -,C-.rrtiOro-. N ~· M: · - · ...

' . . • . . ·. ... 1\ . . . lliM.blJ . :DIJSDilt,. I • • • I ~~- ,· .·:

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. . · "'lll!llo i~livlnc;lf ~.-oe ae!l.• · th~ UP)lllown Helra

· · . . · No••· De~eaaed ; J.,~, NiUer. lt liv!ng, if 4e~ ·c~~!l•d, t'-' 11nknown helra of

~ .T~:U;:V•Iler d· - - --;;1- - --a·=tJ· . . ... _ •.. _, , , . ec;ease11, all .• _:_J 11nkbQ"P clllllii'anta. -;or lnler-

, eat• fn tbe hereinafter dea­o1'Jbed • pr4tmlse11, a!lvene tA tha""'ta"'cOf--tbe~o<P~Intlff, - .

Defendant•. •




NQtlcf of Pendency oJ Suit 'l'h~J\t~.o! .N(UY llaxlcu!

To hach uf tbe above ilamed tlefencJo. ant.a, a~lnat whom aubatftuted •ervlce la bereby aougbt to bti obtained; Greob' lng: ' · '

. - -- ~

' ! • • .

. ___ ;:.._ __ ., ' ..

. . ' • ·. . ~

. ~ ~""" ..... _, __ -- -- .

- T . d-<> s 0, • . · 1-Weel -· ~ ··· port crutts ' '

L__ --~ ~- ~.- -&~--~Goats~ ~- -· · At Reduc~d · Price~· l .

. '

Ritzy Maid Presses~. $5.95 ·;. 7:95 ' . ' -. W-ash ·~lk· B~~ses ··- $ 3;95 --, ··

. ~ . ·' .

· Hou'se D.resses · ·- $ 1 . 00 -


••••• , ••• 1 .. ~-·-···· ••• ,_ .... -·-~-·-··-····-,···-·-·-·~·~ \'ou and each of you are ·hereby no·

tifte~ tbM~ 'a certain caoae wherein you and ·~cb of you are defendanta, and. Band Ia Corporation ia plaintiff, IJ&Ing • __ ......., __ ..,._......, ____________ ..;,.~--=-

CJvll cauae No. 4771 on the Civil Dock· et,ln the abovect-named Court, I• now

_ . ~ P!ndln¥ agalnat-}'()1J._ . _ _ . ~ ~• · The aeneral object and purpm v~;11 IJiitl 1ult Ia to eltabll•b and quiet plain­tiff'• mre In and to tlie· real ~~tate ana

· raun, and· tbu aame · tho ••

CoiJntJ. of Lincoln, Statu of .New lie~· • a(COj and Jn .. CtfOPI 'l ~Q ,:-ft! • 'l'~Wnlhlp

6 $outh, 'Range 1'1 But, 'ana In Sec· tlon• 20, 21 and 29 In Townahlp 6 Bodtb, Ranre 18 Eaat, N. U. P. M., araln•~ tho advnaa clalma of you and Jac!h of and cl

or you, or uy you, atid to forever bar and eatop you and aaclt of JOU from bavlnc or claim fog anrllen uporr, or rf~tbt or true to, ·or lnttrut fn aald real eatate and pro­pll:tJ,

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tidlll~ Coiti, Suite, Dte•ae• limd at tht Surkt ·Gift

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Term.s of French Armistice. Denounced by Great Bri~i~ · Fighting on Continent ·Ceases

(EDITOR'S NOTE-WbeJa oplnlou are expree1ed lA Ulese are thoae of the ncwa aaal)'ll and aol llecetl&rD)' ot. Ul ..

a..,.. ...... ------ ~Jeaud 111 We!Jiem New'Jla~r, 11'!1~;,"""""=~""""~~~-I~Jli!!IIJ!!I"'~10I£E~!!!!I!I~IJ!

With France humbled, Enrland becomes the lmmedbde objeotlve oJ German tmd Italian blltzkrler tactics of Invasion. CIUzeu thrOIJ.;houc· the Urltlsb lale11 bave been organized Into various seml·mllUary rroups tore· alst In' all~osslble manner 11uch an lnva11lon. In the above picture a de­tachmertt of "parlisltots," an organization designed to "take care" _or para· chute troops that may be dropped, It shown at practice, "somewbere In Enrland." "J•aruholll" use rUJes and shotguns, ammunition being sup­plied by lhe aovemment and tarrets of cla;r plreons and toy baiJoops are used.

II GERMAN WAR: f'rpnch Tt'Tnu

gns, etc. Germany also was forced to admit Its "war guilt," In n self· condemnntory clause of the treaty.

riou• e~JPrE:~6iiQI rm4 ~'h?a~ . . . . T/~e Republican cou·mer-answer, to tlii1~ wa~ "totalitarianiam!' Colonel Knqx wa• ·~,,ppi:)sP.d to have 1ai4 that ll•e Pre!fident agreed not-·1o ru!f. for a third, term, and RCJoJJe• velt wa1 uml~r•tood unequivocally~ to have told him •o. That remained

·to be &een. Earlier, the Pre11ident had lt#cl that any coalition cabinet conception 'wasjjcocl,cyed." Thing• were becoming more and mort:-complicated. ·

. RED CROSS: • Looks Things Over

lnter.nationol Red Cross officials personally investlgat!ld war-prisoner c~mps In En~and, France and Ger­many, and pronounced things uni· formly decent, humane,· nnd proper. Thls came as a cheerful verdict In a dark hour.

'11' i!Qe'med .that 'Germany had l,Q Anglo-French prlsoner11, to every one German in Allied hands. And if It counted In the Belgians, Dutch, Po1es, eta., lhe ratto beeame. star-•

w Ukln tH~ wt>~ <lf.tol' -Adoll -t"'"' + -111~mtd~'HJ!!brrot¢---:-:-::-::::---=:~~~ IN hod begun hlu lnvnolon onn £ - • -· - qoorter ·many

.. The criUco to wor.k on lhe h kl 1 1 b b •-lhl' low C'oun Lrit>n, Frnncc had w om were wor ng n n or n"~" French army. It woo brave, weU t 11 atgn<'d 1111 nrmtotlt>t> with Gcrmnny 1 a ons. ,

ond ltolv 1 o combotunt for only two equipped, perfectly trnlned. But t The Red Cross further reported it ' won trained for defe~1slvo fortress wcl'knl ond the "bottlr of Frnnct>" hod handled netlrly a million let-warfare, which wns to its credit, and

wn11 ended. did not kriow how tO riumeuvor In tors nnd commtg~lcntlons, between In n wnr that hu11 been llltnngl' In the open field. All modem forces war prisoners and their rel'lUVe~

many r<'opcctn It woo not nurprlnlng went bock homo - wherever 1'home"

• • •

~ Bearint-posters-demanding--a~-ntrong- -r:.atJc-nal- -tt~ase.~!1;;J.p~:.e:crve .lt"l free:'l<olfil .won fu ~ !l·ll:'l. tha fnlltl:!· ers of our nation•" these five girls, dressed in Revolutionary war soldiers' uniforms, r«1de up Fifth avenqe,1 New York city, in a JJorse-drawn victoria, to observe the 165th anniversary o1 the Battle of Bunker Bill.

--------------------------------------·--------------~----------~------~ .. -----------


.'• ' ' ' ' ·.

.,: . ,. ...

•• > '

War · Planes Sta~led .

by ·French _ Peace '

tiiBl the flrnt nawa of the tcrmo l'nd- need ormor, but F~re~n~c~h~a~r~m~or~~~fm~l~g;ht~be~. ~A~p~p;a~re~n~t~ly~,;~~h~a~vr.e+fi! ------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o~r~m~o~r~went ~~~~

rothrr thon Berlin, Rome or Porlo. bile lnnkn nnCl nrmored cars. Thn Holland, Belgium, Frnnec; but Brtllnh offit"lnlu nnnounccd that gums of tho Moglnot line pointed duo ttonnl atrocity- dnto came lcnldng "through frtr:mdly French oourccn" cnllt, and were too cumbersome. to out of Poland-datn that' reHected Utry hod ll'nrnl'd thot tcrmn of at- equally unfavorably on Germ""• turn Into rcvcrne. Hence, when \}le ...... , m tntlce lnC'Iudrd. (1) Complete de- Germano llnnkcd thll line, and took Poles, ond Russians. mubtllzo hon of ~,rcnch lond forcco It In the rear, after the of A lU.ERICA ••


(2) u.urrondcr of the French Oet>t; ~l=.:.ru~""i-rn~F'1r'F=T=...==~-..t:l~ -~~~11-tilof don, tho Uno and Its recrlly

holt of FrnnC'c, <4> merchant nhlp- "llhcllfioh" became almost hcllplctss. ptna to remain In hqrne porto until M h 1 d


further trnffl<' woa nvthorllcd by ennw llo, the German motor ze G"rmany and Italy; (B) oil French columna cleaned up Uu; French chan· lnformollon obout nnvol minco to br nel cotuit down to Nnntca In Brit· "IVI'n Hiller ond 11 . portion or tony, took Tours and Lyons, and • captured ?ol) now French tankfl, 400 Frnnco'11 navy ID to cngogr In mine- Just-dl.lllvcrcd American alrplnnes

1 IIWN•ptng along Frt•nch portn. Thl'nc In th" mnln were the con- and two 35,0()().tcJn French warships,

dtllono ll! JWncc dcmundcd nearly completed. The French gov• many and her ally Italy. Tho French covc.>rnmt>nt hl'ndt'd by M arahnl lll:mrl Pctnln oa premll'f. DlflliNI tho nrmtntkc. dPdart:>d n 4PY nl mourning Wtnnton Churchill, Brlllnh prime mmlotl'r, wnn quiC'k to &cold hill old ally and dt.>dnrt•d In cOcd, thnt whtll! pt•OC"t' hod come to Fro.nt•t>~ll wan not thr ''peaco with ho11or''. thnt J>l'lnln hod J:OUflht. Rumorn of\ a provi!llonal French sovornment with lwodqunrtcro In London wore lll'nrd In olllctnl qunr· tern.

After the flllhllng hnd cctwl'd on tht> continent, one major fnct otood out the mighty ormt'd forceo thnt on lhllcr'a now had but one objcc· Uve Uw t"omplt'tc dt>fent of Orcol Brataln. Bcrlm 11nd Home were op­Umtnllc thnt It could soon be DC· compltahcd. London wru~ nurc that It could not, and Brllbh circles re­mmdcd the world that the Rome­Bcrltn nxto had nUll tcJ break the lron rtns of England's powerful navy. G(lrman T (lrnu

To complete tl\o record, the ttrtn;l tho Germann got nt Versnllles In 1D1!1 Included: loss ~u colonies • • tnlll!on • lou or a

iron sup. ply; loss of tho entire German naVJ i Jo.t!l of the entlrc Gtrma.n ntuchnnl marine: more than $30,000.000,000 to be pnid ln wnr "rcpnroUoM" ; llml· tatlon of tho Gormnn nrmy to 100,000 12-yenr regulars: nbolltl!ln ot Ger­man tonka, pllllles, submarines, bll lUllS, bill wnrahlpA, general 11taff,


• • • in the IICIV.S

. . . ' .

Touru, to Bordeaux, to Blarrltz; tho fnaclnt-mtndcd Conllcan, Jean Chl· appc, Dnlndlcr'o mortal foe, hod token charge ln Paris; o.nd tho two nurvtvtng Potln ncwnpopers, Vic· tolro and MoUn, wore more nntl· Reynaud than they v;crG anU.Cer· mnn. The grca\ Zolo wrote a book about the Franco-German wnr of lll70, called "Dcbncln." ThlB 1040 debacle wa&J070, all over ogoln.

THIRD TERM: Tiro CamfJaigti

The President, Mr. Roosevelt, ape pointed two connervoUvo Republican colonels to his cabinet, to head the army nnd navy department.!. Tbey wero StLmson, Hoover'll old seer~ tory of atnte lltld Taft'11 old sccz. tory of war, and Knox, Rel!ubUcttn vice presidential candidate in 1930, when be ran with Landon.

The Roosevelt action blew lhe lid off. and the bltterut campaign ln Amerlcm1 history 10t under People nald t.hnt the third term and the World w:rr depended on one' an­other, and hod become an Inter· locking directorate. ·eon&reumen asked RooSt!vcM to resi or sald in private tie be

' ,. 't ·-~ ~

Margaret Woodrow Wilson, dough­tor of the late fresldent Wilson, was reported to be happy Jn n llf~·long Indian mystical cec:t. Morse, they snld, was peaceful and secluded-.

The Harvard graduating class cheered, to the echo, thctr clnss orn. tor, who satd to out or Euro-

an old grad who about rcpont-ing the events of 1917·18.

John Lewin, of tho C. 1, 0., prnloed ex-President Hoover ond said ho had nothing to do with the great Amcri· can deprDfl!llon, blaming poUUclnns tor this libel.

DO<rtors over the nnUon, reported that Euro-blltz.krieglng bad mode Americans llterally nick, due to nervous cmoUo.n and worry:~he war of nervu: they added, waa·produc­·lng ncurotJcs. . . . ..

Twin bombs, within an hour1 went off anonymously in New York clty, outside · tho Gem'lan commercial ngt:mcy, and Comm~t party heado qunrUlu. Ten people were burt. and district attorney (candidate) Dewey got down 1o work at once.

New York elty1 according to cen· ~ figures, now pal '1~ mUllon pc!D'­plc, whleb la halt a mlllion more thnn 10 Tho borough of Queens &aln: 20 per

. . I

These former U. 8. army Northrup A·1'1-A ftrhtlnj plaftt!s, destlnect for Canada, to be ahlpped to Eu.rope, are shown at Mitchell 1ielr1, L. I., where they aro helc1 penrliDr wor.4 from the British toverament. The pla»es were for France, bu& the BrlUsh ma:r take them over.

., •


,.,.,_,_.~- ~---- =---- "'*>o-~- ·~---------------------

·· 4\nother- Notch- fo~--~zi Flyer-- - ----~~--·¥ .,.----- --. ----.---.--------~----·------- ....

' . •.

' l

• . . . •

l ' ' .

I· More Airplanes--

.. - . - ~-----....;..;......,_ 0

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;BEGINS NE:XT ISSUE.: .. . . ' . .. .,

' ~·

• Leason for !July 1 · . • •


him, not saying a of deepest need. words are futile and often only odd. to the son:ow • but how mueb It means in· such on hour to have someone who will sl• lently, and yet sympnthcUcally; stand by. One could wish thilt Jifi trtcnds hnd Cllntlnued ns 'they "began and not. later have spouM· their comfort by many frriportah£ souna: ing but foolish worda wblch Ute Lotd hnd to condemn in the serlOU. words found In Job 42:1, II,

We s)lall see i1ra answer to the question regarding· sUftt~ritig in our lesson Cor July t1 a~J being that tnan might be brought 'to really know Uod and to sec himself in the light of God'li hQ11ness. · ThuJ• by victory· through testing, man pro'lfe8 to him" self ana to his fellow men that God is worthy of our fJ,tUejt confidence • tqat faith .In Him will· bi'l.nt ui. through tlie deepe•t . d$rkness and the seve.-eat·triaL

Cool, Airy .Ou.tfit.. . Qr ~my"

. ~ . ;, • ' .



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Jteom tna Ill w. wautr Dr. CIIJca,o

Eneloaa lS eenlll tn cotna for Paltom No •• ,., ••• •••, Stzct •••• , •• •••

• Name .......••••••.••... : .....•••••• Addte11 .•. , .••••••..... , •.•.• , • • •. ••

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•. .. . • ContacloUJ.Laurblet 'l'bero Js nothlng in the world so

Irresistibly · contagious as laugh· ter nftd good-humor.-Dlckens.

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Old Guard, ·for tb• · re••on that ~ there wu no Old Gu.ard. · ·


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. . ~ .

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Q( the West.-PREHM'S -..... ' .: ..... ,, ---- ~h-----~-------...-~-..-----r-t-----"

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