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Tidings January 2012

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Tidings January 2012
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The Newsletter of St Matthias’ Church January 2012 TIDINGS 1835-2012 View online at www.stmatthias.ie
Page 1: Tidings January 2012

The Newsletter of St Matthias’ Church

January 2012

TIDINGS 1835-2012

View online at www.stmatthias.ie

Page 2: Tidings January 2012


Holy Communion at 10.30am Wednesdays 4th, 11th, 18th, & 25th.

St. Matthias’ is a welcoming Anglican church in

South County Dublin, with a vision to live life to the

full. We are committed to sharing the good news

about Jesus through building relationships and

engaging with our community.

Sunday 9am 10:30am 7pm

1st 10:30am All Age Worship

8th Holy Communion Holy Communion Lectio Divina

15th Holy Communion Morning Worship Holy Communion

with healing prayer

22nd Holy Communion Holy Communion Compline

29th Holy Communion Morning Worship Holy Communion


Page 3: Tidings January 2012


The Rector Writes...

Dear friends

Happy New Year!

I very much hope the Christmas celebrations afforded quality time

for all the important relationships in your life. As we know,

relationships are the bedrock of our lives. Our relationships will

help us to retain our sense of identity and dignity in uncertain and

difficult times.

The heart of the Christian message is the wonderful truth that

we are loved by God (John 3: 16). Indeed, God is love (1 John 4: 8). Knowing that we are loved enables us to face the challenges that

confront us on a day by day basis. Love enables us to love others, to

put our faith in God, and to hope in the promises that are ours in Christ.

Towards the end of his letter to the Romans Paul leaves his hard pressed

readers with a practical and very relational manifesto for life:

‘Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honour one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God’s people in need. Practise hospitality.’ (Romans 12: 9-13)

I invite you to reflect on these

few verses and to allow them to

shape your approach to life and

relationships for the year ahead.

In Christ’s love Will iam

William Olhausen. Here are

my detai l s . Please get in

touch .

t . 0 1 2 8 5 2 2 2 8

m . 0 8 7 1 6 6 0 3 5 6

e . w o l h a u s e n @ g m a i l . c o m

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If the date you have been scheduled for is not possible please feel free to swap with

someone else on the rota. Please deal directly with the person concerned and

remember to make contact with them in good time!

If you are reading from an Epistle please conclude the reading with the words: This

is the Word of the Lord.

If you are reading from the Gospel only use the wording for a Communion service if

it is in fact a communion service. Otherwise please conclude the reading with the

words: This is the word of the Lord. The congregation need only stand for a Gospel

reading if it is Communion.

Finally, whether you are reading or leading prayers please remember to speak slowly, clearly and loudly! Even with a mic’ the volume is not sufficient for all members of the congregation.

Many thanks for your participation in our worship.

Sunday Reading Prayers

1st NY’s Day

Rachel Olhausen Bob Wallace Isaiah 61:10-62:3 Luke 2: 15-21

Tony Quinn


Helen Stillman Peter Fisher Acts 19: 1-7 Mark 1: 4-11 Barbara Bates


Tanya Olhausen Lynda Harvey Psalm 139: 1-5, 12-18 John 1: 43-51

Gillian Keogh


Alistair Doyle Terry Bates Jonah 3: 1-5,10 Mark 1: 14-20

Olivia Downey


Mark Perrem Barbara Grace Deuteronomy 18: 15-20 Mark 1: 21-28

Jeanne Salter



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A Word From The Curate

As we commence a New Year we all share at least something in common—we

do not know for certain what the future holds for each one of us. Some of the issues facing us may include;

Employment and financial pressures

Health concerns, both for ourselves and our loved ones

Looking at the broader canvas, we look forward to;

Euro 2012 and The Olympics

where we will follow the fortunes of teams and individuals who strive to be the best that they can be.

In our own parish, we look forward to welcoming and supporting all who have

chosen to offer themselves for Confirmation.

As Christians, we have a variety of potential commencements to each ‘New

Year’—The Academic Year, Advent and the Calendar Year. I sense that for most of us, the 1st January is the date we readily associate with new beginnings. With this in mind, what do we wish to endeavour to accomplish in 2012? What challenges and goals are we setting out to achieve? How are we hoping to achieve them?

The New Year is also a time to look back on the year just ended. What did we

achieve, what plans did we not fulfil, perhaps either partially or fully? Were those plans simply too ambitious or did some unforeseen event temporarily prevent us from succeeding?

Looking back can be a great source of comfort for the way ahead, particularly if

we consider the many and indeed infinite blessings we receive even in face of difficulties.

The apostle Paul in his letter to the Ephesians wrote the following words,

which I hope will be a source of encouragement to all of us; ‘To him who is able to do immeasurably more that all we ask or imagine…..’

Wishing you a Peaceful 2012. Nial l

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6 continued on p20…...

Robert Waters—Member of the

Reserve unit of the Garda Síochána

The Garda Act, 2005 provided for the

establishment of a Garda Reserve. The

Garda Reserve is a voluntary body

drawn from the community to assist the existing

Service at times when extra personnel are


Reserve Gardaí have the same powers

while on duty as full time members of the Garda

Síochána. The principal role of the Reserve

consists of local patrols and crime reduction

initiatives and Reserve Officers are also called

upon during major events such as the recent

visit of Queen Elizabeth and President Obama.

I joined the Garda Reserve in 2006. I decided to join because I have a strong

sense of pride in Dublin and wanted to give something back to the community. Having

young children growing up here I felt the need to be involved in something that

affected their future.

I received over 150 hours of training over a six-month period which included

legal instruction of Road Traffic Acts, Arrestable Offences, Assaults, Public Order,

~ Maria and Robert Waters ~

Page 7: Tidings January 2012


‘58’ ‘58’ is the title given to a film which addresses the issue of world

poverty. The title is derived from chapter 58 of the Book of Isaiah which is a

call to engage with and on behalf of the poor, the helpless and the oppressed.

This is a truly moving account of the real lives of various people in differing

parts of the world that we share.

I had the privilege and pleasure of attending the Irish Premiere of

this film earlier in November. The attendees ranged from teenagers to—

‘believe it or not’ people even older than I am!! One teenager at

the end of the evening mentioned that he was particularly

moved by something one young boy in this film expressed;

‘My dreams will never come true, so why should

I bother dreaming at all’

To see children robbed of their childhood, and with

essentially none of the opportunities we take for granted is

something, words cannot even begin to address.

I hope that we will have the opportunity in 2012

to host our own presentation of this film. Niall


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Maria Waters (087) 785 1735

Roisin McCabe (087) 054 1995

December was a busy month for the Children of St Matthias’, we made Christmas cards to send home with the Bishop for the children of St Matthias Parish, Gohogo and also learned new songs for the Christingle service.

The children did a fantastic job when they performed their nativity on December 11th for the congregation and I would like to thank all the children and parents who enthusiastically came for the Saturday practise sessions and were so good at sitting quietly while the “back-stage” kinks were ironed out during rehearsals. They remembered all their lines (with just a little help from the TV monitor) and conveyed the message of Christmas perfectly.

St Matthias Sunday Club News

~ Maria Waters ~

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Soon building work will commence on the new Parish

Centre and the children of Sunday Club will embark on a

very exciting project of preparing a TIME CAPSULE to be

placed somewhere in the new extension. This will be

something that each child can contribute to, to tell our

descendants about our faith in 2012.

Sunday Club

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Alpha Course at Johnstown Parish Church Wednesday 1st February at 8pm for eight


Alpha is an excellent way to explore the Christian faith in a

low key and non-threatening environment.

It was very encouraging to host the Alpha Course here in St

Matthias’ last term. This next term, to coincide with Lent,

Johnstown Parish is hosting the next course.


Archbishop Michael Jackson will

conduct the confirmation service

in St Matthias’ church at 7pm on

Sunday 26th February. For all

those interested in being confirmed

Youth Alpha begins on Sunday

15th January from 6-7pm in the

Parish Centre.

Page 11: Tidings January 2012


At present, the Architect, Quantity Surveyor and our proposed

Contractor are assessing the building work and costs. Hopefully this review

will result in a project that is within our budget.

If the review is satisfactory, we would like to start the work early in

the New Year. The bulk of the redevelopment should take four months or

so to complete.

In addition, in order to comply with the Health and Safety

regulations, we are obliged to remove some asbestos lagging from the

church boiler house. This work will cost about €6,000. Essential repairs to

the church central heating can then be carried out safely.

Parish Centre Redevelopment ~ Bill Fleeton ~


On 27th January Billy Marshall will give a talk on the trip Margaret and himself took across Canada by train. This should be most interesting and will be accompanied by slides. After this we will have a lovely supper followed by a talk on Nordic Walking given by Mary Hyland. Details of this type of walking will appear elsewhere in Tidings (see page 17), including the many health benefits.

This evening will take place in the Parish Centre (unless otherwise notified) commencing at 8pm and is open to all

members of the parish and friends. Please come and swell the crowd for these two very interesting speakers.

Happy New Year to one and all! Jean Paul

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Where do you live?

I live 3 doors from the rectory and only a two minute walk

from the church, very convenient!

How long have you been coming to St Matthias?

I can’t remember how long, but I’d say about 5 or 6 years.

Where do you sit in Church?

I usually sit half way down on the right hand side; I have

changed my seat once or twice to sit with a friend, but it

doesn’t feel the same when I sit somewhere else. My son

Robert has recently taken to sitting on his own, away from

the family, I don’t know why but if I see other people

moving away I shall buy new deodorant!

What do you most like about St Matthias’?

For me, coming to church is about belonging to a

community, I have lived away from my family for over 20

years so I don’t have the local roots and connections that

people have when they remain where they grew up.

About the Interviewee

M a r i a W a t e r s is originally from London but lived in Connecticut in the U.S. for fourteen years before moving to Dublin with her husband, Robert and their three children; Robert, Megan and Ronan. Maria has had many diverse careers from working in advertising to running her own Irish Pub in America. She now runs her own personalised gift business, Monogram.ie.

continued on next page…...

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If you were the Rector, what is the one thing you would like to


I would have a family service on a Saturday or Sunday

afternoon because a lot of sports clubs now have practice on

a Sunday morning and even though the choice should be

easy to choose worship over sport, it isn’t always easy to

explain that to children and encouraging sport as a hobby

is a good thing too.

Do you ever feel close to God? When do you feel close to God? What

do you do to feel close to God?

Because I teach the Sunday Club I feel close to God when I

am preparing the lessons, I like to read my own bible and

then a children’s version of the lesson for that week, it takes

me a while and I always ponder the meanings and I guess

through this I’m also finding answers for myself from God.

What is your favourite Gospel story and why?

Luke 7 36-50 aka ‘The woman with the alabaster jar.’

Because I think what Jesus was trying to tell us in this story

is that nobody is perfect and that people can change. The

woman was a sinner but Jesus was saying that by forgetting

to wash Jesus’ feet and greet him properly when he arrived

in his house that Simon was a sinner too, but God forgave


Name one great blessing you got this year so far.

This year I have been cancer free for 5 years, I had

oesophageal cancer and each day to be alive and see my

children grow is a blessing.

Do you pray? Do you have a favourite time to pray and when?

I sometimes find it hard to sleep and wake a lot in the

middle of the night; I would think a lot at this time and

pray a little. I feel that I have such a fortunate life and I

count my blessings and thank God for every one of them.

……continued from previous page Under the Spotlight

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The start of the year is always a busy few months in scouts. The last few

months have been spent learning new skills for use outdoors and camping such

as map reading, trangia cooking, and knots as well as the usual fun and

games on a Thursday night. During the winter months, we are not allowed to

camp outdoors for weekends away because of the cold. Instead we spent our

Christmas weekend away in the Ovoca Manor hostel in county Arklow. We

arrived in Ovoca on the evening of Friday, 16th of December, all excited for the

weekend that lay ahead. This Christmas weekend is known by most of our

scouts (and leaders) to be one of the best in the whole year. The weekend was

filled with great activities, our annual scout talent show “Ovocas got

talent” and some truly festive cheer. I think I can safely say that all

really enjoyed it.

We are all very much looking forward to the new year of scouting. We

have a lot lined up for the 2012 scouting year. Namely, our first troop activity of

the new 47th Ballybrack scouting year, our A n nua l P arent s and

F r iend s H ike . This will take place on Sunday January 8th,

meeting at the Glendalough hotel car park at 10.30 am .

It promises to be a really nice day out, with lots of familiar and not so familiar

faces and all are welcome. Here is a photo taken after last years hike.

~ Jamie Aherne ~ (47th Ballybrack Venture Scout)

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nordic walking


Improves Heart Health Nordic Walking is a full

body exercise using reportedly 90% of body’s muscles. It is proven to be an appropriate

and efficient way to increase fitness and endurance.

Weight Reduction/Control Because more muscles are used, the use of energy

is about 40% higher compared to normal walking. (Burns about 400calories per hour

compared with 280 calories per hour for normal walking.)

Reduced Impact on joints People with mobility issues or with poor balance or

coordination feel more stable and confident when walking with poles. Poles are a safety

factor on slippery surfaces.

Improvement in upper body muscle

tone The muscles most actively involved are the

forearm extensor and flexor muscles, the rear part of

the shoulder muscles, the large pectoral muscles and the

broad back muscles.

Improvement in back health Nordic Walking encourages people to walk

more actively, to lengthen the spine. The action of pushing

through the poles activates the core muscles (deep abdominal

muscles) of the trunk together with other back muscles resulting

in a release of tension in neck and shoulder muscles.

Improvement in bone density Thereby prevent or

lessen the progression of osteoporosis.

Release of Stress Exercise in green space has been

shown to improve mental well-being, induce relaxation and

improve quality of sleep.

Mary Hyland M.C.S.P. Dip.Phys NUI—Chartered Physiotherapist.

Nordic Walking Instructor Tel (087) 294 2269 E-mail: [email protected]

Page 18: Tidings January 2012


Open to all. Meets monthly 8pm every second Wednesday at “The

Graduate” Lounge (Upstairs), Rochestown Ave, Killiney.

Remaining talks for 2011-12 season

Wed 11th January—Maps before ‘Sat-Nav’—History of Land Survey by Brian


Wed 8th February—Living in Dublin and Ballybrack in 1911 by Jim Scannell

Wed 14th March—The real story of the “Kerlouge” by Pat Sweeney

Wed 11th April—The finding of the Great Deer at Ballybeta Bog, Glencullen by

Padraig Lappin

Wed 9th May—The Irish Cottage by Tom Moran

There is a small admission fee of €3 per talk (students/unwaged €2) or; opt for a

season subscription €15 (couples/family €20) admittance to all talks.

Killiney & Ballybrack Historical Society

P l e a s e c o n t a c t : Richard Dolan 087 618 1212

Anna O’Connor 01 285 2817 Tom Moran 01 284 0524.


TO Al l the St Mat thias’ F lower Fai r ies

You may remember William thanking two elves who had very

kindly carried out an early Spring clean in the Vestry. Well, now

we are at the turn of the year and I would like to thank that other

band of 'little' folk who have been working away throughout the

whole year....it's our Flower Fairies! This bunch give their time

and talents week by week and their handiwork is much

appreciated by all St Matthias' worshippers.

A fairy is defined as a small imaginary being with magical powers. Thankfully our

fairies are not figments of our imagination but they certainly possess magical

powers in their fingertips! Wel l done fairies, we are enchanted by your posies

week by week. Sheelagh.

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Winter Club Activities

January—Talk with slides about Billy

Marshall’s train journey across Canada.

Telephone Terry at (01) 285 8461.

February—Visit to Dublin Castle. Telephone

Terry at (01) 285 8461.

If you would like to be included in our list of

email addresses (25 already), please would you

send it to Jean at [email protected].

Social Clubs

Our first meeting for the New

Year is on Friday 20th January

8pm at 10 Auburn Ave, Dun

Laoghaire to discuss

the American author

John Irving’s “A Prayer for Owen

Meany” tackling the subject of

religion and belief. Our next

double book (published as one volume) for

the February meeting is “If

This Is A Man” & “The

Truce” by Primo Levi, an

Italian Jewish chemist &

writer, chronicling his

accounts on the year he spent as an

Auschwitz concentration camp prisoner

and on his long odyssey in eastern Europe

to return home after release from

Auschwitz, respectively. If you would like

to find out more about the Book Club,

please contact Bill Fleeton at (01) 282 4247.

ST MATTHIAS’ XMAS MEN'S Nite OUT ~ Eddie Kinlan ~

William invited all the men in the Parish to the Graduate Pub

on Wed 21st Dec for a social get together drink. It was a very

successful night and 24 men turned up. William wished

everybody a Happy Christmas and he hoped that the men will

come together again in the New Year. All the men enjoyed the

evening thoroughly socialising and in getting to know each


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On Wednesday 7th December, 2011 we had a most enjoyable meal

at the Glenview Hotel. This is the 5th time we have been at the

Glenview and the excellent turn

out of 28 helped to

make it a great success.

The Management

and Staff looked after us

extremely well and sent us on our

way with mince pies. It was nice

to see some young new faces at the event and to welcome William,

we hope he brought home at least one mince pie to Tanya. People

were in no hurry home and I am very glad everyone enjoyed

themselves. Thank you all very much for coming...Terry.

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Chris tmas Scenes at S t Matth ias ’

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Light r Moments http://www.guy-sports.com/humor/


A New Year Prayer For the Elderly

God, grant me the senility to forget the people I never

liked anyway,

The good fortune to run into the ones that I do,

And the eyesight to tell the difference.

New Year: Time to Diet

Dieting - New Year


2008 I will get my weight down

below 180 pounds.

2009 I will follow my new diet

religiously until I get below

200 pounds.

2010 I will develop a realistic

attitude about my weight.

2011 I will work out 3 days a week.

2012 I will try to drive past a gym at

least once a week.

Page 23: Tidings January 2012



One of God's main jobs is making people. He makes them to replace the

ones that die so there will be enough people to take care of things on earth.

He doesn't make grown-ups, just babies. I think because they are smaller

and easier to make. That way He doesn't have to take up His valuable time

teaching them to talk and walk. He can just leave that to mothers and


God's second most important job is listening to prayers. An awful lot of this

goes on, since some people, like preachers and things, pray at times besides

bedtime. God doesn't have time to listen to the radio or TV because of this.

Because He hears everything, there must be a terrible lot of noise in His ears,

unless He has thought of a way to turn it off. God sees everything and hears

everything and is everywhere which keeps Him pretty busy. So you shouldn't

go wasting His time by going over your mom and dad's head asking for

something they said you couldn't have. Atheists are people who don't

believe in God. I don't think there are any in Chula Vista. At least there

aren't any who come to our church.

Jesus is God's Son. He used to do all the hard work like walking on water

and performing miracles and trying to teach the people who didn't want to

learn about God. They finally got tired of Him preaching to them and they

crucified Him.

But He was good and kind, like His Father and He told His Father that they

didn't know what they were doing and to forgive them and God said O.K.

His Dad (God) appreciated everything that He had done and all His hard

work on earth so He told Him He didn't have to go out on the road anymore.

He could stay in heaven. So He did.

And now He helps His Dad out by listening to prayers and seeing things

which are important for God to take care of and which ones He can take

care of Himself without having to bother God. Like a secretary, only more


continued on p24…...

How to ‘explain God’?

Th i s was posted on the Inte rnet and was sa id to be wr i t ten

by Danny Dutton, age 8, f rom Chula V i s ta, Cal i fo rn ia, fo r

h i s th i rd grade homework "Explain God" .

Page 24: Tidings January 2012


……continued from p6 Being a Gardai Reserve

Human Rights, Garda Powers, Crime Reporting and also self-defence training and

training on the Garda IT system. I was officially sworn in at the Garda Training

College in Templemore in June 2007 by the late Brian Lenihan when he was

Minister for Justice.

I am based in Kevin Street Garda Station, which is one of the busiest stations

in the Country. I am assigned to a unit and have found that I am welcomed as a

key member of their team, often giving advice to younger officers with perhaps less

‘life experience’ than I would have.

I have been involved in many diverse roles from escorting President

McAleese to official functions to being at the side of the pitch at many Shamrock

Rovers vs St Pat’s football matches, two major rival Dublin teams!

I work most Friday nights “on the beat” in town and have witnessed many

diverse scenes. It is clear that alcohol and drugs play a major part in crime in

Dublin and I feel that my experiences in the Reserve has given me an insight into

how to protect my own family and others. I have witnessed

……continued from p23 Did you know...How to Explain God?

You can pray anytime you want and they are sure to help you because they

got it worked out so one of them is on duty all the time.

You should always go to Church on Sunday because it makes God happy,

and if there's anybody you want to make happy, it's God.

Don't skip church to do something you think will be more fun like going to

the beach. This is wrong. And besides the sun doesn't come out at the

beach until noon anyway.

If you don't believe in God, besides being an atheist, you will be very lonely,

because your parents can't go everywhere with you, like to camp, but God

can. It is good to know He's around you when you're scared in the dark or

when you can't swim and you get thrown into real deep water by big kids.

But you shouldn't just always think of what God can do for you. I figure God put me here and He can take me back anytime He pleases. And that ' s why I bel ieve in God.

continued on p25…...

Page 25: Tidings January 2012


ROTAS January Sundays 10.30am

1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th




Bob & Sheelagh


Richard & Mary


Chris & Helen


Peter & Pat


Niall & Daphne



Ringing Bob Wallace John Wallace Victor Freeman Les Grant Richard Hill

Flower New Year Week ending 7th

Anne Cuppage

Week ending 14th

Anne Cuppage

Week ending 21st

Jess Sweetnam

Week ending 28th

Jess Sweetnam


New Year

Mary Hill &

Georgina Farrar

Week ending 7th

Helen Gerty &

Claris Haughton

Week ending 14th

Vanya Kavanagh

& Adrienne


Week ending 21st

Becky Breach &

Sally Anderson

Week ending 28th

Beverly Grant &

Cathy Malseed

……continued from p24 Being a Gardai Reserve

human-trafficking, riots, burglary and assault, been the first at the scene of a

gang-murder but have also been present at the saving of a life and the

mundane duty of directing traffic but perhaps the most difficult role I have

undertaken is informing families of the loss of a loved-one.

I thoroughly enjoy my time in the Garda Reserve

and proud to be a member of An Garda Síochána.

Page 26: Tidings January 2012






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Page 27: Tidings January 2012


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For more information on Tidings advertising, please contact Joan McLoughlin at (01) 285 1928.







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Page 28: Tidings January 2012




Rector Rev Dr William Olhausen 285 2228


Curate Rev Niall Stratford 493 7535

Select Vestry

Hon Secretary Jackie Hayes 285 6034

Parish Centre

Coordinator Lynda Harvey 282 6129


Administrator Susie Tyler 087 679 7589
