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TiIG - history.navy.mil

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:�7 Dticenb�r 1941. 4u.oidf io \lttlkin,J about u ui t on thtJ vuranclu. /ork progres�dng on the r�Hlio clear:inc,;.

28 D;::ca,1ber 1941. Yestt.rday letter· f"rom D. o. advi ..JJ nJ TiIG to '-v,,cuate the Sis vers. Not one word 1�rom �i �µop. The terrible .lot that :1ay L)c awaiting the Sistert1 do ... c;n't de�n to penatrate-'11im. (�t this t.ilile tiler t·is I1UCh coni'lt"'i On und W1C.'tlr'Winty • n hit�her Bri tiJh Gov Jl"l1Illent circles as to \/hethcir the tTn!)an.;:sc would 1>.:,netrate Fts i'ar as rh1adalca.,2J..) He cannot h&vo 1 .. eud or have the sli6hte .. -t idea of thebastiali "t:/ of' Japs at war. Tho :J. o. h1-ts W6r·1ed enou.;."l about what C<.tll be exp6,.:ted. 'ister Leone :i..s not 1:\lal1n..; \/ell. Have .iu.rued Sistoz• 1leine tlmt evacuution is Ver;; Ur(lent for ieter Leo�1s, but voluntE.ry. I told t.hem they we1'e nll ;1ad to want to s1.,ay back 1-rhen u.ll v1hi te wol'len hnve already Leen cvac:uatsd.

al Du,:tmber 1941. Clec1.rinr; and ;·Q1'<l�n on Tsu ,1 .ef ·�11 Wldcr wey, Plann.iu..; to build a hcuse for 0ict,ert. <.U"!� .:.;a�.i.J, ty t:1ere.

l January 1942. vtJ 11 no news fromVi.::ale (Dish op rs H ad<.uarters)

6 Janu· ry 1842. Still no new; Cro:a 'lisule.

8 -J�nuarJ l9.t;2. rwo Chinase laUJJC:1es c. -lt..tl ('1'hese Chinest:t sold combs, cd.ico, �tc., and purchused copra.) I bought a lot. 01· odds and enc..� fro .. Ln� i..;11lm: • .uan. (Ha e�1!t t>i ·111.,��n of' his lc...!it 20£ for stores, huying ri.ca a.l'ld oda.s and �mis ) \/er new£ is .3ettinJ very· baa. (1.'hid inforrnbtion ,.V\.!S racaivec trorn tne 0hinesa.) No mn:s ri�o:ii Vis.tla.

10 J&Jucil'y l.942. !;ent i..ittil to Visctle ptir '1V.!:Lruna" (One of the Chir:ese boats.)

ll Januar-iJ l �2. ,u't·;;. Vctl "ti • .tJlll' 1 w:i ti1 Bi t.;i 1op on hoL.rd. On his \·1�y

to .nvu vu (fldxt riis�;ion down the coasta:atout s.i.xty 1 ti .ies.) .:-,isnop apparently avoide d:....,,,j�rous to:)iCrl.

12 JantU:.ry 1942. �.:..fI�d c.. whole swug oi' bust1 peop.!.c- t,o buil� the housa!;> on Tsupuna. ··1�ee fi Vb s:ci lliniss par •,eek. They work e1 :ht hours a au,y (Th� avc;:rt:tge \'JOrkj 1_; de\v wtt:: n.5nt-- ho111•s .:.'ive and t. hlaf daya a ·,tc:;cK t'or 2-1/2 shilliilt,i�) Bishop lo,da all rjce back on Loard. (Nine bags'-'"the !"nt1 ..:.r took on ..... )

12 JanuUJ·y 1942. Gave the 11 suck11 to ull -.:·,ha bnsh workc1·s ,.,ho ··;ere � doL1b rot·ten wo1•k.

19 Jar.tUcll'.Y 19£12. The t•,,o houses on '.1:supu11fa nc-cii·jng conpl.:.tjon.

18 February ..1.342. Di& mgeting of men and young men l"E:: the st··rting OJ..' t. school. (The e<:hools broke up i'l1en the .j;..t;,ariest er.t�rec. th_ , 'E:.I'• The schoold woulo. be auppo1·tecl by gar·dens made b) t.hf' /i4��l'":J.) Si:,...'ty delegat�s from various vlllc.c;�s. ---......,

19 Februar·y 1942. -JTiV:31 "B<w.t�'' (A �j xtG ;1 ,"oot. launch froP! Vinal�.) On board Father Jcb.Hlv11 w'1d Si.st��r Bva�;-.aline. (,�.i-t.her '!all 1 1as at


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t.ruut.ments. (Tre1tr.1ents :i.nclude L,.tlldQ,jint; soros, :Jiving pill&, f,.tc.) sick cu.tl. inland. Kimo \It.ts persuaded to go back t.o his wi�e .. Ko Domi has left a lecal husband but tJti ll re:f\..ses to go buck to her• 01,m hudoand. LehVP. for hom�.

9 t.farch 1342. Leave f"o1•La1:1oro. Sleep there. Chi:U'tt:tr Lavo1'Q launch from ''Snowy 11 Rhodes.

10 · ·arch 10'12. To Vj sale (Bi s'lo J's lleud<1tort,ara). Per�•mde Fati.er Scanlon to bring supplies to •rqn.i'."a.T',Jre. Ho load� his boat "Dea ta" vi th caunec Intk.tiJ, kut•osana, :.:'lour ciild on� '1 ... ·,· of su�,Jr A, 11 Md!'ch 1942. Scanlon leavus 'for ·'on,;ar.xre. I go b .• •.!k to l.nvoro. L ... o.Vd la,mch and \1..llk � o dt luvu. !He�p . .:.t Labi.

12 lt!a1 ·ch 1842. ol _ I 1 .... 3 .. �r. h1bi. -nJ :l''tioH:o. iJo.:iilon c ..... 116 .. .:.tt l.,.:ib:i ou r?.is w::..:; I .. <'. �om ·ront;uI\.rc:. r leava f'or :.i.nJ..c.11d fo:r 1otogoma. Holu Church Co1"Vi:. in two ,uvorces anc1 ona bi,{W"JY c,we. 13 r,fc'..rch 1942. Hold HQ, s at. Tatogo.ua, ,\bC>dt aj.t-{hty iJ1jecti<.ns. I,aa ve lii:t.'C..XL'Wlt en t'oo t, t'or,i l'i tu·o.

16 Uarch 1942. J�·c..l,b'e L,or� lubo1•. :H c-k r: :.11 ut .;ut:,1.1. 24 lfarch l9c\?, $e.i1<.1 C':i lett.t3rs to 1�1.tvur·o and ,1.ola Ctt!•rj f-d by hc..:.d ::1!.ll"I who 1:.. un hiH \lo.;J there • .3 .tt.pri l J.�2. ..�udt.l:.l ... uiw • .i. �L<>ut, fi ·,1 ; 1wvi.retl 1Jeo f>l�. ,1.fte1' churc�, school r1-..et::intJ. Poopl� decj c..1.e to wu1'.k . • ·�L::nL 1"or- upkeop of. eel 001.c. Villa. ·er.s vrl 11 work in rel,·;fS rl. th tht:dr Gni... f's as l o�ses. 10 n.oril 1942. Grapevine nowsq The co..:rt at hirjTJao ),0. gave Nikola .:i.Tld Tuho a Whi ri::__; :::ind f-JIU' .iCnv,l p1•l:JOl1 ."'.:>I l"'.1:p.1 of :-·..inoh1. vt::Ver,il men .ere callee • o Paripao tv couJ' '-• The Govl.il·nt11£:mt j s get.tjne m!:td �al11ng pec;.>l� like t:lis. Sjx ili::ys wulki11g. (T}e govt-rnment wus i l hi., iIJ.i at Pell'ipa.C)

12 A. )rj, .l 1842. Hsc,d ViUIJ. pab:.dng on hi1;;1 ;.,h;) 1.0 ; aripao under c;;.l'.rest .. (v.�. = v;11a.-r ;111at,<1b,e 9·,,r.c. ct.lls 1'or to ">�u-j1 .... o (o.o.). l \:r.rit� to Lavoro (Snowy HhoacJes)Z. J-\US�ie hat.

w:i th ... ony boys ld t tel"s "ro , .� Send hifl't an

19 Apr.i 1 l8q,�., A 1't·nch of ratw·lri11g !J!" lr:vJn�r·s f'1•or.1 Parepao passing. :ro le'3Gt,er n-011 Vhc.lJ. ,/ar nows i� ruuch \10:..·se. (1'bis inforn�t,ion W'd.6 brought b;r tha n�:i on;.-:t· 1 ret1""•1 1'i n,J) • 20 Apri J. 1942. Seud J..., �., l,Gr _ Lo .JirlO,/'\J. � �ak :1i1 t.0 ..) 1 i i)oat. i. o cof e and pi ck up f'tt thar .il;c ""�·IUllu ...i�� '-�� t.ur•n lli!.! to Vi f) .1. ,, He has co· ·..1let..ely r�covi:#l'dd i.100 wt:·i,;hri 13 · :;� Jt.ono (,\ ·,n,o· e .: 8 "'onrt.ecn potmcl:3)

27 �pri l 1342. .J.llO\/y tal�e; t3 b\.tt.he I' Bn.1�,1:-u1...; u.1 i/j l'.,&lo. .11.loi ;;if. lc,�vcs -4-

I I r


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