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TIM ( XNA3IA BJBE : &ATURD.AY , SEPTEiMBEIl 20 , 189O. THE CITY , Thcrolorcd citizens ol Oinnhn. will cclobiulo tlio annlvoimry of tliclr eman- cipation ¬ on next Jlondny oicnlngutf- loodiich liall. The permit for Iho ne-w St. Joseph's liosnilnlwns Issued from tlio olllco of the building inspector yesterday. The InilldliiK h to bo crectd at a cost of- tl2 ! , < Kl- O.Ernest . Stuht has commenced Iho erec- tion ¬ ola throe-story and InHoiiicut liolol- nt Klovenlh and Jvlnson streets. The structure will liavo sifronhtfo of sixty- fix f col on Mn sou a ml Hovcuty-fivo foot on lllovcnlh hlioot Tlio building will bo of ( it. pressed lirleU , Iriinmod with 1'ortiifjo rod saiulstouo. It will contain fiflj-flvo rooms ) xvilh all modern Improvements nnd Is to bo completed nnd reader for oceuininey by Uoccrabor- JIUSTUlSMOTi : THK 1)1111 ) , O M rK < iulrcM Will Sot Here- nl'tcr - ho 1'iiitl Cor 8wec | liiK All of the members wore present nttlic meeting oftboboard of publlcworltsycslcruajrt- iftcriioon. . 'L'licro ivorohnlta dozen bidden fortho construction of towers In districts Xos , 117 , 118 nnd 110. lL , Kccros &Co. secured the contract for iiuttintflu tlicHcrucrs i iDistricts 11"and 118 , vhlloUnihnin I'nik captured the con- tract In r > istrict No. 111) . Tlio contract to pwilo Twentyseventh- stroit froiiil'oi > |icton ! to Jllcltor street wtu- nwuiilcil to .InHIM Connelly lit 110liicouu- jicr cubic jnrilwhile the contraction.nruling Thirtieth sfrect from Anici avenue to the city limitsnortli , WiimiwurJcd toKU. 1'lielun- nt ' 109-10 cents ] icr cubic yiml- .Clmlrinnn . liirkhauwr said n number ol- BtrccU had not been swept as provided for In Uio contrsici- .JSiijfinccrTUlson . snldho hail stitcti to tlio- streetsvvt'cpors Unit It would 1)3 better to- Icnvotho dirt spread upon the sticcts than to- Bwcrplt into UioL'uttitH itiullcuMiit in piles lie snlil tliat thcillrt hncL not aUvnys been liaulctl wlillo tlio streets heavy , and lusiithcuscihe luul notified the iiupac- tor - nml tliit an soon mho coulUMr. Squires lin.il | iurforiiiotl the worlc.- Air. . Illikliiuncr said Squlrr ) had hccn- nllouccl bills for Rwccplugwliciothoitrccb hail not bu'll toiicliud. " You tire mistaken , " said Mr. Tlllson , "Well , wo vlll rub this nil out mid com- mence OUT ngalii , and in future , tlio buw (.weening of the sticcts ilon't count , but I- nndilltloti totho sweeping , tbo illit must lie hauled away uml the streets cleaned , " said Mr. Fumy. ' That Is satisfactory ' " saiil IMr, Ivicrstcad , "nuill iiuno Mr. Stuifres' hill boallovcil. " Tbis pleased all the members ami the bill ol t'l'C-&fti ' for llio mouth ending -iVvigust 15 was allowed. The following estimates were nllowd : J- .O. . . Corfoy.brick culvcit on Mower avenue , over Siuidlo cicolc , $1,7K1S ; the Burlier asphalt ( omiuny , paving Twenty-ninth street , from Jaikson to lllekory , Sli1iJT.li Ilupli Murpliv. pavine ISlcvcnth street , from Niiliolas to Clarlc. $3O ! itH ; C. U Vood- woitb - , willingI'uulllo street , fioiu Twenty- ninth to Thirty-second , $1-MUC ; Hugl- iMuiphy , curljluK 'J'blrt.v-llrsfc ' street , from Ctuf to Davenport , i-'S.O'J ; Davenpoit , from U'hlrty-scroiul avouvoto 'Ihlrty-llrsb , ttuS.CTi ; Twenty-third street , from Capitol avenue t- oCuinlnt ? street , $ ! I , ± J.S ; Thirtieth avenue , from Popploton avenue , to iiason street.S- 1.HIO.70. . . ' ' 'The only fortunothab was over Icttme I- smy honor , " suld John If. Dally , as ho put i- na llek against ? west , Icavcnvoith- stieet the street cur company lias ira- tiu a new line- ."Tho . saino old story , " said Ivlr. Ivlerstead.- "I . ut ono tulk at a time , " leinarkcd the chairman.- Jlr. . . 33allyVM Rtvcn tlio lloor nnd recited the history of the manner In vhich bo liad built the sewer, how ho had rclalil tlio pave- ment ¬ and then the car coinnaiiy had torn I- tup aim liad refused to put it back in placo.- Ho . was Interrupted hy.Mr. Ulcrstcsul , vho- atnted that a lot oC the pavement had been washed avvaj' while 1_ > aily vas under co- ntmrt - to put tlio street in proper sliaiJO , The matter was loft uusettleii and the board will investigate. " 1 want to brin R this matter before the board"said C. K. Squires. "The chairman of this loarcl has stopped mo In my paving want thobonrd to kiiOAvlIIwas within the STJCdllcatlons In thomatteroC la- ying ¬ as plialtu in , " "You were not the specifications , " snld thochairman.- Vo . " wore , and you know them is a lot o- fd d lascality Roliiff on , " rotoitcd Mr. Squires , "That's all riglit , " excitedly remarked Blrltlmuser , as ho grew red in the face. ( Jotting out of his chair and edging over towards the clmiriMii.IUr.Satilrea exclaimed , "You think so, butyou have Icon talking to- tlio press nml uro tryliiKtopo betorothe pu- hlicandln - this way iet a character for your- self ¬ , Nou' iftherols nnythingvrong - vlth- tliat priiclo arousingfor nhinder course don't you show up ornutupl"- Iho chairman took up this point , nnd hur- rying ¬ into the front ottico came bade - lth- lialf a dozen ciffar boxcsflllecl with grtuol.t- iand. . . alaj, ' . broken stone nud small pebUes , and ns ho placed them on the table In front ot Mr. Squires. excitedly exclaimed : ' 'ThisIs thostulIMr. Squiresisv- vorkltigofT clithocity. " Cotitluuinfe'lie , said : "ThisIs worse than pravel.and everyIxxly Isnows It's but little ucttcr than dirt. In most of the cities they use stones tliat arc fully an inch sniiare. " "WhatcltiesJ" asked Mr. Sijiilres- ."New . York nnd a do en others tliat I can mention , " put in thochairman , "I111 bet you can't ' n a ino n city where they use better cinder course than that now before you , " ictui-iied Squires- ."JJotjou . # 01 can , " said Blrkhausor , who ivavcdbis hand uiid went into his pocket for the mone- y."Youmu'tbot . licro"sald Mr. lillson , ns lie rapped on the table- ."Then . lotus no out and scotho vorlc, for , Iho bostproof of the puddinp Is in chcnlng ? Iho Btrliifj, nud lam notafralcj to let the lioaril Inspect what I am doing , " continued Jlr. Squires , "ABrced"saldMr. 3umyand the board adjourned totho streets in the vicinity oC- Doclgo and Thirty-fourth , whcro the paving Is In iiregrcss. _ "Why , now 1 cannot got enough toeat , ' says onoluily who formerly had 110 appetite , but took Hood's Sai-saparillu. 3 [ ri"lno ( License !* . The followlngr marriage licenses is- sued ¬ ly Judge Slilelds ycstcnlny : Namaaad oillrcas , Atjo.- I . I Henry Flcfoldt, Domilngton . , , , . .27- QretuMocnUiiKi ( Bcnniugton . IS- i William , Jolinson , Omaha . 28- lEdithKovcll , Omaha . . ,,. .J > 3 The American WineCo.of St. Louis.mnlco the celebrated imperial chnmpagno. If you can't get It at ho me , oiJer direct. Manager Miner has secured Beach 5.- Howcn' . nilnsti-els for next Sunday evening? ut the Grand opera house. The ongngemeu- Is for ono night only , as tloy had only Urn one night open. They appear at A.udubonl- a. . , Saturday night , vrhcro they liavo had fo- Eomotlmo past a gunranteo awaiting1 them On .Monday they go to Ida Orovo. So It was nplecoot good lortunosccurliiK theni for th- Onxnd for Sunday ovenlntr. Several Omah- iiooplo who saw thorn ot Dokimoy's ' , -Couuc- lllullj , last Tuesday cvciilntrvero mue- rilcasea wllh the very clcvor pcrformanc that they gave. The prices will bo popular reserved scats being 15 ! , 35 and M cents , am the t ale will opeu thia inonilug ut- o'clock. . _ Ancvontof unusual importance next wee Bt Bojd's Opera House will bo Daniel Proli- man's production of "Tho 1'rinco nnd Th Pauper , " the brilliant successful stage ver don ot thosiunoimme , Thuplay had its eric Inni presentation lastscoson iu I'hlladelphl- whcro It had n run of four melts to crowd 01- houses. . .A six weolc's run which was eve more remarkable in gratifying results fo lowed ut the B wad way Theatre , Now YorV and supplemented by four -weeks n- Iloolcy's Theatre in Chicago. U.'he clilcf n tnictlon of the cast IsElsloLcsllon-uo play & iloublo role. This little nctress IsMillion exception the most rcmarltaMo juronila perf- ormer on tho. stago. Blio nill boiurrvuudct- by ilr. F'rouinun's ' oxccllent company , Tli lolo of acata bc iu at 0 o'clock tbU OijjnnUo Clonk Hnto- .Clilldrca's . cloaluS lo 12 years 1.W , 2 , 2COnndJ. } Blisses' ' jnokots nnd reefers 14 to 1- 8onu SI .50 , 82, 2. 2-5 anil 2. A- XniUct' ' tailor inado walWng jackets 1 . 0 > , 82 , $ 22. ) . 2. 60 and ? 'J- .Indies' . ' plusli jackets 30 nnil Sfllnelio- soiirSS.W ( , S10ttttdll.voLlh15lo S20- .Ijftilios . plush coats -12 indies long(10 ( nil $18 , woi'ti$20 and | 2o- .1'lxtfti . ' hcu vy line woolsluiwls $1 , 81.50- 1'iilslcy ' bc.nor shawls M , Jl.uOnnd } 3 , ShoulilciHhawl9l5c,20c , Ito upto 73c. Shouldcicnnos In plush , nstvju'hanoi'- loth $52,50 , i3y.50up , to $ $10 , clognut- isbortirient. . M ILLINIKY DEl'MlTMKNr.- Tlio ' . largresl stoclc ol line full lx ls , joiinots , ribbons , oslfioh tips ani- lilunies , orn nine nts and fancy fcnthoisnt- ovest ideas ever knoun.- i,000 . ! , dozen ladles' fclu > cr , line linen and Jiip. fclllc liuridkcrclilofs on- sim'Ial sale Saturday. Spcul.il snlo lace ) . oiiibroiilcrieJ , rucliingi ) , tollot articles nnd notions , cAUPJirs. ctiRTAO's , 3DitA.rrRiis.- Tlio : . constantly Increasing faalos make it posslblo toijet In now iityles every dsiy. It shows that poplo want good fitiiiidartl ingrain carpets at- 30c5c,40c ! ! , , lie and 50e , AvortK fiom SOc lo'oc. Wlioro clso cnnyougob sucliMil- ucs - ? Government standard wool , extra siiiwr , at G5cU3c , , CSc and "oc , vortli"5c- to $ $1.52.- 5.LooUnt . our in tap- ostrlcs - , body brusbolol vetsinofiuottos , jv.Miuii6tors nnd royal ulltons iinil com- pare ¬ piices. Every style Is absolutely new.- DH . VTERT1S. SHADES. CUIITA1NS- .Liicoboi'iinfor . ciu-talns or fancy vork- Scyai'il , Imported scrim nt 7c , lOe , 12o and 15c. I'ongeosilk for draperies lie , 17c20in.nil2' ! > c. Itnpoi'todfcillcaliiilatn and Tsmcy colors COo , GOcG5c , nnd. 75c- .Kcv . stjlos dotted Swlsn forilrnporlcsors- asli cui'talna nt 15c , 520i' , 5oc , UOc nndI- 5c. ! . LJICC curtains ut7oe,65c , $1 , SI,25 , SI.60 , up toS.25 } pair ; woith $ $2 up to S7fiO- .liest . quality table oilclotli , ( jnarant- ccil - , 17o jard. Iinincnso assortment roclc djo shades , posltivc-ly fast colors , inado to order or mounted 011 best bol- facllng - sprlnpr tellers , at special low lirlces , liest LTollnmlshades , "hotli plain nnd fringed,011 best spring rollers , lc ! , iije , 3peindr oc ; usual pi'lca : :5oc to5c. Striking saloon dolls , iLlbuins nnQ- fanoy ( foods , IlAYDliN 33KOS. , Carpets and upliolstcr- y.r'ii.sstrox . H- Soutli Oiiiiilu * SoJionl Court ! Tnnihlo- Co 11 ( In 11 : il 'I ill Seine in lief- .Junge . Doane lieard arguments ycstercln.y for and apalnsfc llio contltiuauco ot thotcmi- warjlnjunttlon - In the matter ol the South Oraahaschool hoard muddle.- It . -will IM recilled that John Carroll rec- eived ¬ a certlllcato of cleotioaas nmoinbor ott- lio "boarO. Ilia opponent , Koheit ITunston , contested tlioinalteiin tlio cour.tv court , the contest aucl lias hem hciiUng olllcouutil wv.Frnnlt J. Persons , president of the board , refusing to recognise Mr. l tinston , then (jot out a temporary Injunction restraining I'unston , from acting lu tlio ca- pacity of i . inetnheroE the board , and also res- training Van Alton. Uoblnsou and Blfito , othermotnlicrs ottlie board , fro in recognizing Funston olllciallj- JudgoDoane - , Oeclinccl to order tbc tempor- ary iiiunctlon ] inaJo permanent , and , virtu- ally , lield tliat lAmstou cannot liointerfered- with. . The case ulll ba heard In full early In tno September term of the district court. County Court. Prank CT. Raingo has comincuceJ n suit in the county court to recover a judgment ol 5 12.llfroiuDeicro ) & Walhvey ,a coxiplo ol printers -who i-cntcd his basemcut at the corner oC 3IItoonth nnd Ilarney streets The men. Jailed to payacouplo ofnionths rent and lioncothis sui- t.Thoghobtol . the county hospital appeared In the county court yesterday ufternoonwhen Benjamin Melqiilst sued Itcsati A WaUh and Dennis Cunningham. In lib -petition Mel- luistallegel - ( that onOotohcr 1 , 1SSTbo en- tered Into acontnct with the defendants to furnish them the cut stone to bo used In the construction oC the county hospital ; tlut ho- J7t)03 ) ; thntln Jiccordancoith the tonns of- tlio contract ho furnished the stouo jirlor to April 1SS9. but that U 1.91 remains unpaltl and which the defendants icfusoto liquidate- ..District . . Court. Fairbanks , IMoiso it Co , havocommenced- replevin proceedings in the district court against Ella IVI , Dyer , Omaha ISatioiial bank and the Omaha typo foundry , to recover pos- session of a stationary engine and a largo quantity of belting , ct- e.llcpublican . CeiiirnlGniimiifctcc.- Tlio . county republican centra ) connnittco will hold a meeting this atteinoon at the Millaid hotel. _ Lily Soap Vivo .Onta A. Cake Tla tlio AVabawh Routo.- OnSoptomler . 9,23 and October 11 the Wabasli lll sell round trip tickets to points in Texas , Arkansas , Tennessee, Mississippi , Zouisiana , A.labamziGeor- plivaud , - Florida at Half Paio , good for 150 days. Roinomljcr tlioVnbasli Is the quickest roxito South antl Southeast. Reclining Chair nud. Pullman IJutTe- tSlceplngCarson all trains. Only 35 hours to St. louis. 321 " " Clmttanoogu , 40 " "NowOrlcans , 401 " "Now York , with cori'csiiondiiijj fast tlmo to all points South nnd cast , Fortlcltcts and lulllafomuttlon inropfanl to routes , also fora copy of the Southern Ilomescokors- Guldo , call attheWa"bish 1'ickctOillco , 1502Farnain street , OmnhaoL' , viitoG , IS" . Clajtoii , N"oi'tlivc3torn Passenger Agent , Oimilia , Neb- .ALji . lit in I-Jvery Jlcrth , To tlio Chicago. MllTOulceo & St. Paul railway belongs tlio credit ot being the first in the country to rouuco the matter of cloctrlo Lighting oC trains to scloiitillo- perfection. . Oao of the novel ( eatxirc- sintrouuccu , In tlio bleeping cars is a patent clcctrlo reading lamp In each section. "With this luxurious provision reading at night before antl after retir- ing ¬ becomes ns coinlortablo as by day , and wlicn retiring tlio toilet may bo made In comfort and seclusion. The berth reading lamp In the PulLnmii sleeping cars i-im on the Chicago , JIll- waukoofc - St. 3.iul railvay , between Omalln Chicago , la patented , nnd cannot bo used Ly any otlior railroad company. It ia the greatest Improve- ment - oltho ago. Try it and bo co- nvinced ¬ , Sleoplngr cars leavoIho Union Pacldo depot , Omaha , ntO:10n. : mdaily , arriv- ing ¬ at Chicago at 0:30 : a, m. Secure tickets nnd sloopliiff car bertha ntlJnlon Ticket olllco. 15OU-'arnam strooUBarkor Block ), Omaha- .J . , K. 1'HESTW, P. A. KASII , Pass.gont. . Geu'l Agon- kVttUrLiljSoarwul , float. run LiiNiiJ 'so rsixso.v.l- louljlc : . Trnulc t9 IHKtujr DonlcTnrd- ntxla Hincle One llcyoiul.- Mr. . . E. A. , llensori snjs tbcro is prospect ola settlement ol the controversy between the rcsldentioC Benson place and the Omalio street railway company , regarding the extens- lon oltho lines Of that corporation to Hen- ion.It vlll bo remembered that the Onmlia mot- or company la consldcwtlonoC ( 5OOOc.ish , , nboutforty acres of ground together the light ol Avay alonj ? mllltjiry , ngrccdto ejleiiU thelrlltiolo Benson I'laco before July last- .Shoilly . alter tlio agreement had been en- tered Into, Iho motor and tlio street railway companies consolidated- .Tliorcslclcnts . idotit ? Iho proposed line held tliat the new corporatlou , the Omahn tticct railway company , which Hi-cff outof tliocon * solidntlon , should fu 11111 the contriict ot the motor pco pi- e.Forsoveral . months , the matter has been discussed , the combination holding the opini- on tliat It IUH notholilcti by the contract on- tercdlnto by tl cinotorcoiile | ) , tlio rosldoiita and the sulscrlliers totho iigiveinmt liolclltig- Hie contraiy. The Dta tid or the latter lia ) been streiiBtli- died by the holding o ( BOVCM ! inectioKs ot- lironeity ounces In that section oltho city nt- hfchlt WM deckled to dlscontlnno (uitro- iiiiBaofthoitrcctuar company suid truvul luy way ot the Halt line- .Tliui3duyliOMCvcr . , Mr. Denson received n notice from tlie street railway pooiilo set- tin p forth the conditions upon they would bo satisfied to construct tlio road.- Tlio conditions illtTcr slifhtly from those oritrinally established by tlio motor company , IMr Uciison , jcsterdav ivturncd 1111 nll3 v lT setting forlh hi ? ulllitiKiioss to accept tlio terms sllRlit niodilleations. These mocllllftitions would in no sense nlTeetlho in- totcits - of the ralhvny people , though they inure more 1uvor.ibly to The other psir- ties Interested- .jVttho . next mcotiiig of llio railway com- pany , therefore tlio matter will bo adjusted nndns a consequence a double traelc will b- oluidns rnrns Military boulewrdwlth a sin- pie traolc nml "turnouts" thence to liensoii- .Tlienexv . lite will bo ahout two miles nncl a half In length. Headache , neuminui , oizziiicss wrvonv ness, sjiairas, slcoplewticsi , euiod by 3r. ) Miles' ' Nervlno , Samples free at Huhn. k- Co.'s , 15tlinnd Doiigla- t.Itccclvcil . " :10" on t.TicVny. . A mnti arrived nt the Merchants hotel Wednesday afternoon and registered ns "A.- V. . . Thorn psoii , Pueblo " Howas assigned n- room. . Ahout , So'cloclc Tlmrsihy siltcrnoei- itbo chambermaid attempted to open tbo door ot tlio room , but foniu- lIt locked. She nolillod the cleik- vholool d through the tiiiiisoiniindsautho man lying on the bed. A bell hey was put through tlio transom and the door opene- d.Thoclorlicxainiiiccltlio . body of tlio guest nntlfouiidit still , altho ugh life was c- xtitict - , .A pbjsiciaiivas summoned iir- onounced - the man dead and the body was ic- movul - toMaul'sundertalilnf ; establishment.- Mlirco . letters were found in the dead man's pockets signed , "l-'roiii your loving mother , " Onowas iii tcd Omahn , bSS , a soooud was from Ottuniva , la , and tbo otlicr from Spiing "N'alley , Ills. Tholast were dated tkh year , the third ouo liavin boon written in Juno last. Itvascviilciit f 10:11 : tliotonoof the letters that the recipient bal been in llio- inountiiins In sc.irchof licalthas all tbo le- tters ¬ ex picsseil the liopo that no would return well uiulstro up. The dcceascil was evidently a telegraph operator , as bo had eortilieatcs stating Unit ho had Hissed a satlsfaetoiy c.vmiitiationnn- dvasnnalilleato uct as operator on tlio De- nver ¬ fc Riodx-ando railway. 1'hcroere only COceutsIn money found in thopoclccts. The Tcmains WCN very much emueiate- danilluidcverynppcarr.iicooC that of a person in the laststugc ) ofconsuniptiou. The man foity years of ape. The chlof oiwrator of the Union Pacific railway telojjniplud yesterday to tlio chief operator of the Denver it liio Oiandoiail- vay - to see IE Thompson bad been Inthocm- ploy oC that road. If be was so employed it will bo possible to locate his u-la tires sis em- ployes ¬ iiiorequtredto state a nuuiberof facts of this nature wbcn entering the service of- tlio road. Thoiisoof calomel for derangements of the liur lias ruined many a Hno constitution. Those -who , for similar trou bios , hive tried Aycr's Pills testify to their efficacy In thor- oughly ¬ rcineiljIriK- the malailyvithout , in- jury ¬ to the system. Heart Tailuro of > ti-s. Ilorak. The inquest over tbo rorailns oE Mrs. JTranelallorakvliodied , In the jail Wednes- day ¬ , yesterday morning- .IgnutzIIorak . , tbo husbandsaid his wife had been si ok for eight or ten days iinclhad been very Highly nt times. The day before slevastalccnto the jailsbo had coniplainetl- of belngsicliand nslccdhini tostnrnt lioino from hs } work. Ho did so anil duiinR the day slio covered herself wlilio lylntr ontho- Dcd and soon after bo noticed herUvistitig and turnhiR In tlio bed. tteuucovcrctl her and found sliohadstufTcda handUcrchiof Into her throat. Ho could not remove it mid sent fora physician. As tlio husband could not- .iinnugohor . she tal n totho county jail. Louis Hochnie , a deputy ] illcrstiid , the womanhad been hrought to the Jail in tbo patrol wagon Sliovas iiotnolcnt at first Duthada spism the next d.iy. Sbowas found deadVedncsdayaud the county phy- sician ¬ , sent for.- Dr. . . Oalbraitli testifiedthatliohnd made nn- nutopsyoii the A'ictlm nnd found ono of tbo valves of tbo heart contracted nnd bound down in such a way as to prevent free circu- lation. ¬ . Thiscondillon was sufllcicnt , in his opinion , to account for the periods of insanity towltichtho woman wassuljjcct. This closed the testimony nnd tlio juiyret- urnodaverilict that the deceased bad como to her death from heart failure. 1002. Sixteenth and Fnrnain streets is the now rtoclc Island llclcet olllco. Tick- ets ¬ to all points cist at loivost ratos- .I . aucnstcr Against J'roliilitioji. Josepli whitman of Lmcolala In the city ill1. Whitman ia iiresident of the Lancastci county pci-aoniil rights league , which now has ainoniheiTiblpoC 1100. , lie stutos thatLari castor county will give a majority of betiveei 1,500 and 2, <XIO iiBJinst the prohibitory amend incut- .i . nuriciircslltneo rrOTQ-u In million * olhom- lor < mor tUann qiurlur ol a Ctinlurjr. It Is mad b- Ilia Unltod Btatos aoTS-nmcnl Kmloraod &r th- bea i of tin uroDtunivnltlci nt the StionKu- irureilind Most llulthful Dr I'rlcoiCrcia IlakI- UK I'o clerCoj notconttla uinniaalalliaa or alum. Bold onlr In cans. - - > Nowr Turk. Chl ia. 8nn- 'H T.lrot1'lllM net aiUimlly on tlio- cttllil , liott llcute fciimlo or tuflrui- ol <l KCas upou ttio vigoroiuirtfiu. Tiitt'KlTt- tonttotho w Blt itomacta , bowi- ili , klduoy * mt l bladder * . To Ihcw * orKiitt their itronif tlienlnjqnulltl l- kre tvoudcrfnl * cuutlntr tlimm o two * their iuuotloua iiliajoutli , Sold Evorywlioroi'O- nice,3O ' Pimples Arc iiilnre'icnorlito ctlmliiald pol n from llio blomt. Tli IB icmlt inny Ixncccmipllsliciln- m cl tno res ttuotmlly , nwcllw agtccaWy , through the proper excretory channels , the uscof.Ajttrs Sarsni arllla. " For several years 1 was IroiilW vlth tolls ami caruncle ). IncostliiR akut fora- tfincily.lt oocnrreilto inc IhatAycrtSanv- pirlll.iliaii loon mcil lumy latlici'ilanilly- llh , excellent 'success , .mil 1 thought tlu- cvhntuas powli for the lithe nvouM also t o good lor tlio son , Thitc or lour tollies of- tlita incdlclnociitiicly cinctl ut , ami I into not since In more than two ) earj- hail a- loll , | iliii | > leer , nny oilier ciiiitlvclrouMc | . 1 can conscientiously (poaVc In tliclilRlicst terms of jer's Siira | arnii , uml many Scnra'cxpcrli'ttco ' In tlio '' "il ! business e- nnlilca - me to spcjk liilclllB ntly.-C. M- .llatndtl . , familuiid , Iii- A's ' SavsaparailaVKEP- AIIED IlTf- DB. . . J, C. AVER & CO. , Xowell , JVTw- s.ilibotlln.tS. . . AVurlli $3 bottlt , LJrsB.etts3tlBBtts Physicians , Silicons anil Spttlallsl- s.14O8D01rGLj.AS . S OMAHA , NE1) . Th e most nidnl ; tulf i vonlilv lmo-vu spec- tlio - Uiillod SiatoiTlielr Inn ex- romiirkiblo - * UU mill universal sueI- n - th U'ciitinont uiid ciiruof Nervous , Cliponlo uml Htir luiit DlsoawM. rntltlo thcsn- ciulnint plitslc'lani to tlio full roiiHclcncoof the nlHlctoilpvetywlivro. Tlioy cu.irjinloo : .V CKUTAtN AND 1'OSiriVE CUKE for Iho ziwful ( ircutinf eitly vJco utidthe uutntr- oiia - o lls tint follow inft * train.- L'UIVVTK . , ltlUUO AMJSKIX DISEVSE3- liioi - llly. < ' | ) 'l'ly nnd ncmmiieiit lycuru- l.NIlfoi'9 . ( nEIULlTl' A.M ) SEXUAIj UIS- OIIDEUS - j-lclil icidlljlo Uiclr sUUCul treat- PEI.E" - , . riS'CTJIA AND 11EOTAL TJI.CEIt- Siiumutoudcurid ( without pilti or detention 11 YWlOcnijFJ ANT VA-lllCOCEkB porina- nc'iitly - nnd aucoisMf ully c'urod liu-vcry case- .SVIMIIUR . UUXOIWHKA , OLUK I' , Hpcr- mat <irrhei,8oulnil AU'.ilciiMS , J.infc Mnnliooil , MKlitKmlsslims , Decayed ractiltlcn , 1'uinalo- IVuiikncsannil : ill cleliciito JKorders pcuullar- lo ollliur MX positively ciir'tl. M rvlliisall- liiiiolloiiulilNorilors lliit : , rcHtiltfrntnyoutli- lul - fnlllusor thocxucunt inituroycar- a."IPir"Tli . 1 1 ! l3' Miit il iirrmsiiw n tly- J A i -IU ivimired , x > mionl eon i > l to , without , ciittluR causllu OTilllatitloti Curcn- alTetlcd nt homo by | KLt-l t vliliout u 1110- uiCJit's nulnor aim > yaiic <j.- TO . YOUNG AMD MIDDLE-AGED MtN.- A . < JIIIR f III ?1 ? Tlio awful IIcot of tOU Ivli > - Ulv I. , carl y vloo wliioli tjrliifi- orjrjinlo wcakiuM , destroy In : Iwlli uiliul and body , with all Its clrc.iiled ills poruiancnty- curd. . AtHrcs * * those liohavolm- U - Rl"1 ! ! ? 10. LJljL J-w Jjulrcd tlioiii ! rlvoM by li- npr - | er IndulKone'itnil Rollliiryliil > lls , wlilcl- iruliibotliiAlnU and tody , unfittingthunifurb- usiness. . sttulyot.tnarrlaKft- MAltKIi : ! ) 51K.V ortlioM ! ctilcrlnjon th t Ufe.awuroof physical dobllityqulckly , OUR , SUCOE333 upon facts. rirst-L'ractlcal oxpcrl- enco. - . ticcoiid Evnrycaso lssi > celillylucllcil , tlius BturtliiR rljljt. Tlilrd Modlclnos nro prepared In our lalionttory ciaetly to milt each case , tliunITcctli ) !; out Injur- y.Drs. . . Betts & Belts , H09 DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA. NE- B.GHA.Y'3 . ' SPECIFIC 3VIED1C11SE. .. . . .., _ , .. THE CHEAT: . . -- -- .. . . , . . . . K.V < iIISII lltM- n > v. n unfillI- IIB euro for Sem- inal ¬ U'cilkncii , 8licn atorrliD : . IintioU'iicy ' , ami all cll'ci o3tintq- iicnco of iolf- nlin - - Ci as UIHS . -, _ _ _ of Memory.I'nl- v( rnl l.n.altmU> I'nlnln llmlliichIlliurcus of M lon PremntiiroOlrt- Acn.imd immy clliur ilNcasci tlmt luntl lo Insanity or ronmnipilon iml a. frcmn.turo unfo- .I"Trulliartlciilirs . | Inoyr | nni | lilpt , vlilch wcil- cflrolo * - Fenclfrcoliy mnllto every ono. S3TTlio8)e- cliicMcclldno - iHiiilil jil II pcriinctiiirc * . orslx fiok- "Koitor - 5 r will bo went frcoby mail on receipt of- luo monoj.by ii ilree ; nir THE GOO DMAJ D1LTG ! CO , , n 10 F-AitN-AM S'Jitnisr , OMAHA , Unit.- Onucconnt . of counterfeits wo Invo adopted the rolloff ruppcr , t'io ' only Komilnc ;. I1 or Acco- noinlc LIEBIS- Coirpaoy's coolfcry. Use it for Soups , Sauces , 3M.ide Wslics , ( Game , -Fish , etc. ) Aspic OL- IMcut - Jelly , Keeps iwfcclly in all cli- nutosfoimy length EXTRACT of time , nnU Is cheap- er ¬ nud of liner ilavoi- rthn iiny other stoek.- orty . OF BEEF pounds oC lean lcof ) of the value of about ft,5i Genuine only with. Justus von Lieliljj's signatm-o as shown- PORTING EPPS'S COCOA. BREAK : FA ST.- "Dr . a Iborovirli knonloclnii ot llio mliirnl lawn wlilch Kowrii ttiooiKMUlloriHUf illvcitlonanil nutri- tion ¬ iiiullpir o oarcrulapiillcallcm nftlics flno jnoipu- ptlciof - will nolcitocl I'upoa. Mr. IIIJIH 1ms prolile- oiirbruutrant tnMcH vlllui dellcuti'lr liuvu- rUKOnlilchnmjriaru - uiinnnyln nviilootir'H kllH I 1 lirtlioiullclu ) uMof Biifhiirllclei oldli-t hit t- ooiiilltutluii mnrliu Kruliuillj blllllup until Hroiu- ononuli toruMlkl v ri tuniluiuy lo ilUravu. Hun Urcdi of nihUounliuliei nroHuiitlniiiiroiinil u ly- taallacknliLrcrer tlicru Is : ik | iolnt. Wonmvo- ntapo nimy n. latsl oliaft UjrkuonInK ouiiclvoi wol- forllHcct iih iuru llcoil , nnjii imiuurlr nonrlilioc framo.'t-.i- . .Mailo tlniply Hltli boiling vattnrornitlk. SolJonljI- nlmlf jiuiiiHl tliv bysroctjn lulitlrd Llinu- Stfi fll ir 'n ' 0i | lliloJUonil8tB- IR. ( . B1ILIY , Graduate Dentist , A Pull Set o ! Teeth , on Rubber For Five Dollars , Anoiloot ( It KiinrantoMl. Tcotli oxtrnotoi- vlllioutpaln or < linar r.iiiul wltlout miiioh- Xlicllcs. OolJ ami tlllliiKs at lowos- rales. . Ili-lUpoinKlOroMii Wotlf. Icutlivltli out pi ales. All work warranted.O- FFICEPAXTON . BLOCK, 167H AND FARMAW- Kutranoo. . Kth street ilovator. Opimci'on until 8 o'oloc- li.LYOM ' . & HEAL UnKorrvu- I Ullllttitnlou d* *. Mulnl br- Co. . * lm Mill K | ik- luemm SPECIFIC CURE lor all , pinnauut A POSIT V tana n.fl- . eiof til UKINARY ntriH5i. Onrei willleaek- botde. treatnutifalli.Fttlldlrectlons where ether ' ot E- WAUL 1 . Prtce , one dollar Bee I'znatire - , For flalo By A DruBBH FALL OVERCOATS. ' This coming week we will make n specialty in Tall Overcoats , We have an variety and no larger or finer assortment can be found anywhere than at our store , If we tyd room cnougli to display them properly tliey would fill more than half of one of our large floors ; asit is , have to crowd them into pretty liigh piles. scarcely know of the many beautiful styles to mention particularly , all the latest shades in fine Meltons , a large variety in popular Black Cheviot , also Clay Worsteds and others , m airy silk lined , and o elegant make. In short , the most dressy garments which the market affords , and what is most attractive about our Fall Overcoats is the prices these arc positively the lowest ever heard of , As our special offering on sale , Alotof nice Melton Overcoats handsome shades , sillc facing and gotten tip at550. We challenge any retail house m the country to show a like bargain , of excellent all AVOO ! Cassiniere Overcoats , in fine Diagonal and a bcaulifiul shade of gray witli good serge lining1 , at 7.00 , worth 1050. * . A lot of very fine Meltons in a new shade , silk faced and satin sleeve lining , at 9.5C Any other Louse charge 15.00 for this coat , AH the above arc well cut and made and perfect fitting garments , which no one need bo ashamed to wear. They have some style about them which is generally not found in garments sold at sucli piices , Our finest grades of overcoats arc marked 12.75 , 11.50 and up to $17.50.- "Hiesc . cannot be excelled for quality of material , workmanship and fit by any tailor made gar- merits. -, . AIL ourotlier departments receive every day new additions of fall goods. All mail orders filled promptly. Send for fall catalogue and samples. Open Lin til S p. m. Saturday , 1O p. 111. Corner 14th and Douglas Streets. CENITO JUAREZ- .Todcvtlo . &] ann fcmctit.or tti- Rexiian Inltrnateal tankinjCo. onccssIonaric- n.Incorpornled . BythcSlatoof Ctilhuahua , Nox- ice , ( orChaiilablo Purposes. GRAND HQNTHIY DRAWIHG , will take place inpubllcnt tuocltyot JuarCE ( for- mer ¬ I; Paso del Jiortcj Mexico. Wednesday , Sept. 24 ' h , 1890 under tlnniprsonal eiiocrvn.on ft < 3cn. . "SOIIIJ- M. . MOMIIV , uml Mr. C.IMII.Oanoi'ie. ' . - boitiKOii CAPITAL TOIZE , SfiP.,000.- Only60,0001icke1s . , ! Only 60,0110 Tickets ! WHOLE TICKETS $4- , HALF TICKETS 32, QUA.RTtfl TICKETS , S- I.IPrhe . of S6 0,000 . 560,002a- ivizcof 10,11)0 ) . . .. . . ioww- ll'rlstoof MWO . D.KK : il'rlzcaof l.OOOmcri . . 3XX ) 101'rlzcsof ' ( Xle.ioli . 'AW- WBfll'r'zwof lOOeicli . 6.0O- O1001'rizcsof Ml moll . B.OO- Oa&Ol'rizcsof aOdicli . 7,50- 0.Appro . buiitlou J'rlzcs.- lOOPrlzesoC . J f0o.icll . t5OO- OJOOl'rli'MOt IWlCiicll . ,0M- 1001'rlzcDotr ! ' ucucli . 2,500- COJTonnlnalsloSCflOOOI'rloofKOcacli. . Sll.OfiO- M TorijiualstoS10l001liIzoofUOoacli. ) 6uai IQUPrizeiarwiiintirglo . S125.070- Vo , tin unlersiBtitd. hereby ccillljr tint tlio- Banco Ti'aclomlut Jlexlrojn Clilnunlinit hmondoi- nwll - from tlioMoxIcan iMcriuiiloiiu IDniiKIni ; Co- .tJiouccciiiry . l iuli lo irmruntro tlio pnyncnt of- allprl Ciilnt nlii tlin Sriiu Lnlvrlail unrcz.- Wo . lurlliurctrtlfylhutBO wiildiptrtlBo nil the n.rranu 3mciitKnnt Inporfon mnniiwo mill control a II llio dnv-'lnci of ilils t illcry.Mul tint tlio name arocotid ctu lwltlihniioHi , liilrneeB , nd In uooJf- &UU toward H Ail i > : irtpt | . JOHNS. WlOSBY ommlsRlnnc- r.Snpervlscrforlho . Covurrincnt.I- lnnytlckotilrnwln . !; a trlzo lucnttothaunilarpi- eiicul. - . in farornluiiwilltii' culkctuUaud remitted to llio owner tboreof.frooof cliiren.1- C . no AH n IHtovROM , I'rcs.EI l'iONiitlonul Uanlc. l 1u.io , Tel T 1VAXTKH , For club ratcor nnr oilier Inforrantlnn , Trlto to- tlioiitidetKlBtid , Htntlnir jmir ivljro ncluariy. Jtb- Hliiio. . Coiinty.HruilixiiUNuiiilK'r. JMoro raplil tic- IlTcryvrlll - bo aisurcilby your tMicto ln nil c'iiv ' ; opolK'nrlni l- ; your f ullinUlrcss. City of Juurcz , 2Iozlco. . ) Semi rcmlttmcosfor tickets by ortlnary letter , ; cental nine > ttmuy <) nlor.l iic-illir iillcrpru rotn- panlcK.Now - i Itrl : ICii'liance , l > nk tlralt or I'ostel ' COI9.iKlrotiHll ra'lntcrcd IOIIITH to - rouC- OMITI I'ATiox , SKIJINTAIIV- IClllNKY 1JII.IOU8VKSS < 'OSI IM.AIMS- I His K .MInii : ] li.oou , ILKK & COMl'ANY.S- OI.K . 01VTA1-IA ISEQ.- t'Oll . SEI'Ettli COUGHS Oil COLDS Dr. F1. C. Werner's ' COUGH DEOPS . recommended niter BO ven years cl auecessful experiences by the BOO ! nwiiufacturora , Kopp , Dreibus & Co. , STE UI CONFECTIOJJER3 , iioGFamam St. , Oinalia , Neb. Sol 1 everywhere , 5o per pnclrngo. Scud ( or samples. Hi * sufmisw- oilf. . Vile fci iMi .juin * w- Me , C> ri ol Cj tri < < ti i lilo rrnlf. MM, Hixill.- III. * . C ll uovi CtirrnU of tlcrlrlillr tmouih ill U lK- flUTHrutotlii 1(1010 IIXllTII iltll.'IKIII WKE > aTl- lllrelrll liirrnl Felt lnt > * llr , or it farfill 95 GUMu .blLT . ilHavpfiMirv Clwvttl * & ii4 up * H rBllt > c lir * nllrlur 4lD irirtt raaclh * . BMl d| iDpbl < irr * * io co , ma uai ** CHKAUU. in Omaha. Medical and Surgical Korlho treUmontor ilKMIIlOXIC .VN'DSUIMIO.VL 1)I3KVSE § n 3 , Appllnnoaj for iloformillai nitl- TruitCa. . lliMt. I'jcll'.tliM , A.pp'ir.itu und Ko.-iie.llo * for HUOJIS fill tronlniuiitoC tonn nf ilHimo r c | lrln iiicJliMlor Hiirilc'il irjatnrnt. OV15 lliNllllSI AVI ) risrvKIVI3 111) JMH 1'OU I'A'I'IIIN'I'-l ' Allbloodillsoincs Hiiccaasf ully troito 1. SrpUlllilo | > oliou niniv < l fro ntlio r rt without infrciitf. N'owllustor.itlxs rruntmuntfdr lot ! of Tltal pjn-ur I'lirllo * untlilo tililt 11 iiny In- tr > ale l nlliinnoby comsponilffnco. AIlcjimniinlmtlDiit ontl It'iui'il. MH llclni or liKlrnm inti MPIII u- mnllor cxpruisiciMirclypuck'il , immtrkito lii.llo.iucoiitonti oriondar Onoporsiit il Inlorvlav proforro'l.- C . : llimrt consultni orrenil lilatorjot your ciso amlwo | ll "en1 Ira pliln wrnj |iur out HOOK 'l'OI12N l-'Uti : 11 i m Private Special or Normua UUoasos , Itii.iotonor , Syplilll * Olojt , arid Vurluojjlo , itltli ( iu04tloa.- lat. . . A < idrcs3 Onialia Medical and Surgical Institute. Corner Oth mid Ilarnoy Streets , The Fall OiBrcoat- a thing of "beauty nnd we have special pride in the gar- ments ¬ in that line , which we arc able to shew our customers tin's season. In style and finish they have never leen suipassed.- CHlLDflEWS . PARLOAS- On second floor. Take the elevator : TO WEAK Buffi rltixfmni the clXtcUfit luuthiul iTrori , oorlrt- fecar. . wuilnicifnkiitn. . IcutiimiuiixKl. ! . , 1 Mill -v lunult Irrnllm ( Kralpil ) cinitnlnlnK full . or homo ran * . HlKllof ohirvra , X- up If oil lil inrtllrtltMirkiMiovnl iMitriul by rxrjr- ln jvhnU iirrroim tml ltlilllutr l. A'.C. DIAMONDS , WATCHES , Etc. Our pules on both DIAMONDS and WATCHES have been lATb- UALLY - LAKGT or to our CUT PUIOllS. Our stock of MOUNTED DIAMONDS ( 't-U- tin ) ; pretty low , sowelmvo jusithct- a largo numliCL" of C1LOK I' STONES ol OUR OWN IMPOR- TATION ¬ , txiulvo offer thoiii ut H SMALL ADVANCE AlJoNi : COST. Tlio setting * com rho a- lurco vnriotv of SOLITAI ! im l- CI.USTKR , "KINGS , SI CiLE STUDS , EAR-RING ti.tmON'C'UKS ' LACE I'lNrf.PJ-lNDANTSA HUH 01 ( NVUItiNTS , SLKEVil. HIT- TONS , COLLAR HUTTONS.- B . HAC I'.LKTS ' , N 13 0 K L A CK S- .LOCKIITS. . . otc , SPECIAL , DE- SIGNS OF SK'ITJNGS inaaoaixd- LOOS 1-1 STONI1S of nil MOUNTED TO orumu. R..j . ieai- Snpphiros , Kmcralds , Pearls , tuul nil otticr precious stones , mounted ami loose- .OUU . GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE of AVATOIIES is still ui progress.- SOLI . ! ) COL , ! ) for Lnuioant $15 , $ 0 , $25 , $30to , : , S10 , 845 , $50 , nu dim wird.- GENTLEMEN'S . ' SOLID GOLD WATCHES of all Idncls , from ? 2o- ujito the ilnost griidos ( Elt'iu.Wal- thnin - , Howard , etc ) . LADIES' and CUNTS' TINE GOLD FILLKD WATCHES , American movements , wiirriiutou from 15 to l2o yours , only Sli.76 ; worth $ io and upward. SOLID SILVER WATCHES , $5,75 , $8 , $10 , ST. , $15nnd up. NICKEL WATCEins , K50K5.7 5 and $ 5 , SOLID GOLD CHAINS AN- LOCKI'l'S ] ' ; 110LLKU 1MAT1 CHAINS AND OIJAHISIS sold if- tItr.UUOKD PRICES to Diirclinsors ofVatchcailurliiK this Bale. 5,000 Kl 'B SOLID fjOLD FIN- GKUJUNOS - from 31 to 10 each- .QflTtValcb . UcpairlDg a Specialty , NOTIGlC-Strnnfjcrs vlstlnB the eity are respccttully Invltod to cull und takci a look through our ostiAt lislitncnt , vhuLlior wlshlntr topurj j clinso guuclsor not. ' MIX MEYER Sixteenth andlanmiu ; Streets , FEMALE



Thcrolorcd citizens ol Oinnhn. willcclobiulo tlio annlvoimry of tliclr eman-cipation


on next Jlondny oicnlngutf-loodiich liall.

The permit for Iho ne-w St. Joseph'sliosnilnlwns Issued from tlio olllco ofthe building inspector yesterday. TheInilldliiK h to bo crectd at a cost of-tl2! , < Kl-


Stuht has commenced Iho erec-


ola throe-story and InHoiiicut liolol-nt Klovenlh and Jvlnson streets. Thestructure will liavo sifronhtfo of sixty-fix fcol on Mn sou a ml Hovcuty-fivo footon lllovcnlh hlioot Tlio building willbo of (it. pressed lirleU , Iriinmodwith 1'ortiifjo rod saiulstouo. It willcontain fiflj-flvo rooms ) xvilh all modernImprovements nnd Is to bo completednnd reader for oceuininey by Uoccrabor-

JIUSTUlSMOTi : THK 1)1111) ,

O M rK < iulrcM Will Sot Here-


ho 1'iiitl Cor 8wec | liiKAll of the members wore present nttlic

meeting oftboboard ofpubllcworltsycslcruajrt-iftcriioon. .

'L'licro ivorohnlta dozen bidden forthoconstruction of towers In districts Xos , 117 ,

118 nnd 110.

lL , Kccros &Co. secured the contractfor iiuttintflu tlicHcrucrs i iDistricts 11"and118 , vhlloUnihnin I'nik captured the con-tract In r> istrict No. 111)).

Tlio contract to pwilo Twentyseventh-stroit froiiil'oi >|icton! to Jllcltor street wtu-nwuiilcil to .InHIM Connelly lit 110liicouu-jicr cubic jnrilwhile the contraction.nrulingThirtieth sfrect from Anici avenue to thecity limitsnortli , WiimiwurJcd toKU. 1'lielun-nt


109-10 cents ] icr cubic yiml-.Clmlrinnn


liirkhauwr said n number ol-

BtrccU had not been swept as provided for InUio contrsici-


snldho hail stitcti to tlio-streetsvvt'cpors Unit It would 1)3 better to-

Icnvotho dirt spread upon the sticcts than to-

Bwcrplt into UioL'uttitH itiullcuMiit in pileslie snlil tliat thcillrt hncL not aUvnys beenliaulctl wlillo tlio streets heavy ,

and lusiithcuscihe luul notified the iiupac-


nml tliit an soon mho coulUMr. Squireslin.il | iurforiiiotl the worlc.-


Illikliiuncr said Squlrr ) had hccn-nllouccl bills for Rwccplugwliciothoitrccbhail not bu'll toiicliud.

" You tire mistaken ," said Mr. Tlllson ,

"Well , wo vlll rub this nil out mid com-mence OUT ngalii , and in future , tlio buw(.weening of the sticcts ilon't count , but I-

nndilltloti totho sweeping , tbo illit must lie

hauled away uml the streets cleaned ," said

Mr. Fumy.' That Is satisfactory ' " saiil IMr , Ivicrstcad ,

"nuill iiuno Mr. Stuifres' hill boallovcil. "Tbis pleased all the members ami the bill

ol t'l'C-&fti' for llio mouth ending -iVvigust 15

was allowed.The following estimates were nllowd : J-



. Corfoy.brick culvcit on Mower avenue ,

over Siuidlo cicolc , $1,7K1S ; the Burlierasphalt (omiuny , paving Twenty-ninthstreet , from Jaikson to lllekory , Sli1iJT.liIlupli Murpliv. pavine ISlcvcnth street , fromNiiliolas to Clarlc. $3O ! itH ; C. U Vood-woitb


, willingI'uulllo street , fioiu Twenty-ninth to Thirty-second , $1-MUC ; Hugl-iMuiphy , curljluK 'J'blrt.v-llrsfc' street , fromCtuf to Davenport , i-'S.O'J ; Davenpoit , fromU'hlrty-scroiul avouvoto 'Ihlrty-llrsb , ttuS.CTi ;

Twenty-third street , from Capitol avenue t-oCuinlnt ? street , $! I , ±J.S ; Thirtieth avenue ,

from Popploton avenue , to iiason street.S-



' ''The only fortunothab was over Icttme I-

smy honor ," suld John If. Dally , as ho put i-na llek against ? west, Icavcnvoith-stieet the street cur company lias ira-tiu a new line-


saino old story ," said Ivlr. Ivlerstead.-"I


ut ono tulk at a time , " leinarkcd thechairman.-


. 33allyVM Rtvcn tlio lloor nnd recitedthe history of the manner In vhich bo liadbuilt the sewer, how ho had rclalil tlio pave-ment


and then the car coinnaiiy had torn I-

tup aim liad refused to put it back in placo.-Ho


was Interrupted hy.Mr. Ulcrstcsul , vho-atnted that a lot oC the pavement had beenwashed avvaj' while 1_> aily vas under co-ntmrt


to put tlio street in proper sliaiJO ,

The matter was loft uusettleii and theboard will investigate.

" 1 want to brin R this matter before theboard"said C. K. Squires. "The chairmanof this loarcl has stopped mo In my paving

want thobonrd to kiiOAvlIIwaswithin the STJCdllcatlons In thomatteroC la-ying


as plialtu in ,""You were not the specifications , "

snld thochairman.-Vo

." wore , and you know them is a lot o-

fd d lascality Roliiff on , " rotoitcd Mr.Squires ,

"That's all riglit ," excitedly remarkedBlrltlmuser , as ho grew red in the face.

(Jotting out of his chair and edging overtowards the clmiriMii.IUr.Satilrea exclaimed ,"You think so , butyou have Icon talking to-

tlio press nml uro tryliiKtopo betorothe pu-hlicandln

-this way iet a character for your-


, Nou' iftherols nnythingvrong -vlth-tliat priiclo arousingfor nhinder course

don't you show up ornutupl"-Iho chairman took up this point , nnd hur-


into the front ottico came bade - lth-lialf a dozen ciffar boxcsflllecl with grtuol.t-iand.

.. alaj,'. broken stone nud small pebUes ,

and ns ho placed them on the tableIn front ot Mr. Squires. excitedlyexclaimed : ''ThisIs thostulIMr. Squiresisv-vorkltigofT clithocity. "

Cotitluuinfe'lie, said : "ThisIs worse thanpravel.and everyIxxly Isnows It's but littleucttcr than dirt. In most of the cities theyuse stones tliat arc fully an inch sniiare. "

"WhatcltiesJ" asked Mr. Sijiilres-."New


York nnd a do en others tliat I canmention ," put in thochairman ,

"I111 bet you can't' n a ino n city where theyuse better cinder course than that now beforeyou ," ictui-iied Squires-


#01 can , " said Blrkhausor , whoivavcdbis hand uiid went into his pocket forthe mone-


licro"sald Mr. lillson , nslie rapped on the table-


lotus no out and scotho vorlc, for ,Iho bostproof of the puddinp Is in chcnlng ?Iho Btrliifj , nud lam notafralcj to let thelioaril Inspect what I am doing ," continuedJlr. Squires ,

"ABrced"saldMr. 3umyand the boardadjourned totho streets in the vicinity oC-Doclgo and Thirty-fourth , whcro the pavingIs In iiregrcss. _

"Why , now 1 cannot got enough toeat , 'says onoluily who formerly had 110 appetite ,but took Hood's Sai-saparillu.

3 [ ri"lno( License !* .The followlngr marriage licenses is-


ly Judge Slilelds ycstcnlny :

Namaaad oillrcas , Atjo.-


.I Henry Flcfoldt, Domilngton. , , , . .27-

QretuMocnUiiKi( Bcnniugton. IS-ii William , Jolinson , Omaha. 28-lEdithKovcll , Omaha.. , , . .J >3

The American WineCo.of St. Louis.mnlcothe celebrated imperial chnmpagno. If youcan't get It at ho me , oiJer direct.

Manager Miner has secured Beach 5.-


nilnsti-els for next Sunday evening?ut the Grand opera house. The ongngemeu-Is for ono night only , as tloy had only Urnone night open. They appear at A.udubonl-a. . , Saturday night , vrhcro they liavo had fo-Eomotlmo past a gunranteo awaiting1 themOn .Monday they go to Ida Orovo. So It wasnplecoot good lortunosccurliiK theni for th-Onxnd for Sunday ovenlntr. Several Omah-iiooplo who saw thorn ot Dokimoy's' , -Couuc-lllullj , last Tuesday cvciilntrvero mue-rilcasea wllh the very clcvor pcrformancthat they gave. The prices will bo popularreserved scats being 15! , 35 and M cents , amthe t ale will opeu thia inonilug ut-

o'clock. . _Ancvontof unusual importance next wee

Bt Bojd's Opera House will bo Daniel Proli-man's production of "Tho 1'rinco nnd ThPauper ," the brilliant successful stage verdon ot thosiunoimme , Thuplay had its ericInni presentation lastscoson iu I'hlladelphl-whcro It had n run of four melts to crowd 01-

houses. . .A six weolc's run which was evemore remarkable in gratifying results folowed ut the B wadway Theatre , Now YorVand supplemented by four -weeks n-

Iloolcy's Theatre in Chicago. U.'he clilcf ntnictlon of the cast IsElsloLcsllon-uo play& iloublo role. This little nctress IsMillionexception the most rcmarltaMo juronila perf-ormer on tho. stago. Blio nill boiurrvuudct-by ilr. F'rouinun's' oxccllent company , Tlilolo of acata bc iu at 0 o'clock tbU

OijjnnUo Clonk Hnto-


cloaluS lo 12 years 1.W ,

2, 2COnndJ.}Blisses' ' jnokots nnd reefers 14 to 1-

8onu SI .50 , 82 , 2. 2-5 anil 2. A-

XniUct' ' tailor inado walWng jackets1 . 0> , 82 ,

$22. ) . 2. 60 and ? 'J-


' plusli jackets 30 nnil Sfllnelio-soiirSS.W( , S10ttttdll.voLlh15lo S20-


plush coats -12 indies long(10(

nil $18 , woi'ti$20 and |2o-


' hcuvy line woolsluiwls $1 , 81.50-

1'iilslcy' bc.nor shawls M , Jl.uOnnd } 3 ,

ShoulilciHhawl9l5c,20c , Ito upto 73c.

Shouldcicnnos In plush , nstvju'hanoi'-loth $52,50 , i3y.50up, to $$10 , clognut-isbortirient. .


' .largresl stoclc ol line full lx ls ,

joiinots , ribbons , oslfioh tips ani-

lilunies , orn nine nts and fancy fcnthoisnt-ovest ideas ever knoun.-



!, dozen ladles' fclu> cr , linelinen and Jiip. fclllc liuridkcrclilofs on-

sim'Ial sale Saturday. Spcul.il snlo lace) .

oiiibroiilcrieJ , rucliingi ) , tollot articlesnnd notions ,

cAUPJirs. ctiRTAO's , 3DitA.rrRiis.-Tlio

: .

constantly Increasing faalos makeit posslblo toijet In now iityles everydsiy. It shows that poplo want good

fitiiiidartl ingrain carpets at-30c5c,40c! ! , , lie and 50e , AvortK fiom SOc

lo'oc. Wlioro clso cnnyougob sucliMil-ucs


Government standard wool , extrasiiiwr , at G5cU3c, , CSc and "oc , vortli"5c-to $$1.52.-


our in tap-


, body brusbolol vetsinofiuottos ,

jv.Miuii6tors nnd royal ulltons iinil com-


piices. Every style Is absolutelynew.-



ciu-talns or fancy vork-Scyai'il , Imported scrim nt 7c , lOe , 12oand 15c. I'ongeosilk for draperies lie ,

17c20in.nil2'! >c. Itnpoi'todfcillcaliiilatnand Tsmcy colors COo , GOcG5c, nnd. 75c-


stjlos dotted Swlsn forilrnporlcsors-asli cui'talna nt 15c , 520i' , 5oc , UOc nndI-

5c.! . LJICC curtains ut7oe,65c , $$1 , SI,25,SI.60 , up toS.25} pair ; woith $$2 up toS7fiO-


quality table oilclotli , (jnarant-ccil

-, 17o jard. Iinincnso assortment

roclc djo shades , posltivc-ly fast colors ,inado to order or mounted 011 best bol-facllng

-sprlnpr tellers , at special low

lirlces , liest LTollnmlshades , "hotli plainnnd fringed,011 best spring rollers , lc! ,iije , 3peindr oc ; usual pi'lca ::5oc to5c.

Striking saloon dolls , iLlbuins nnQ-fanoy (foods , IlAYDliN 33KOS. ,

Carpets and upliolstcr-




Soutli Oiiiiilu * SoJionl Court! Tnnihlo-Co 11 ( In 11 : il 'I ill Seine in lief-


.Doane lieard arguments ycstercln.y

for and apalnsfc llio contltiuauco ot thotcmi-warjlnjunttlon

-In the matter ol the South

Oraahaschool hoard muddle.-It


-will IM recilled that John Carroll rec-


a certlllcato of cleotioaas nmoinbor ott-

lio "boarO. Ilia opponent , Koheit ITunston ,

contested tlioinalteiin tlio cour.tv court ,

the contest aucl lias hem hciiUng olllcouutilwv.Frnnlt J. Persons , president of the board ,

refusing to recognise Mr. l tinston ,

then (jot out a temporary Injunctionrestraining I'unston , from acting lu tlio ca-pacity of i . inetnheroE the board , and also res-

training Van Alton. Uoblnsou and Blfito ,othermotnlicrs ottlie board , fro in recognizingFunston olllciallj-


Oeclinccl to order tbc tempor-ary iiiunctlon] inaJo permanent, and , virtu-ally , lield tliat lAmstou cannot liointerfered-with. .The case ulll ba heard In full early In tno

September term of the district court.

County Court.Prank CT. Raingo has comincuceJ n suit in

the county court to recover a judgment ol5 12.llfroiuDeicro) & Walhvey , a coxiplo olprinters -who i-cntcd his basemcut at thecorner oC 3IItoonth nnd Ilarney streets Themen. Jailed to payacouplo ofnionths rent andlioncothis sui-


the county hospital appearedIn the county court yesterday ufternoonwhenBenjamin Melqiilst sued Itcsati A WaUh andDennis Cunningham. In lib -petition Mel-luistallegel


( that onOotohcr 1 , 1SSTbo en-tered Into acontnct with the defendants tofurnish them the cut stone to bo used In theconstruction oC the county hospital ; tlut ho-

J7t)03) ; thntln Jiccordancoith the tonns of-

tlio contract ho furnished the stouo jirlor toApril 1SS9. but that U 1.91 remains unpaltland which the defendants icfusoto liquidate-



. Court.Fairbanks , IMoiso it Co , havocommenced-

replevin proceedings in the district courtagainst Ella IVI , Dyer , Omaha ISatioiial bankand the Omaha typo foundry , to recover pos-session of a stationary engine and a largoquantity of belting , ct-




.county republican centra ) connnittco

will hold a meeting this atteinoon at theMillaid hotel. _




Tla tlio AVabawh Routo.-OnSoptomler

.9,23 and October 11 the

Wabasli lll sell round trip tickets topoints in Texas , Arkansas , Tennessee,

Mississippi , Zouisiana , A.labamziGeor-plivaud

, -

Florida at Half Paio , good for150 days. Roinomljcr tlioVnbasli Is thequickest roxito South antl Southeast.Reclining Chair nud. Pullman IJutTe-tSlceplngCarson all trains. Only

35 hours to St. louis.321 " " Clmttanoogu ,40 " "NowOrlcans ,401 " "Now York ,

with cori'csiiondiiijj fast tlmo to all

points South nnd cast , Fortlcltcts andlulllafomuttlon inropfanl to routes , alsofora copy of the Southern Ilomescokors-Guldo , call attheWa"bish 1'ickctOillco ,1502Farnain street , OmnhaoL', viitoG ,

IS" . Clajtoii , N"oi'tlivc3torn PassengerAgent , Oimilia , Neb-



lit in I-Jvery Jlcrth ,

To tlio Chicago. MllTOulceo & St. Paulrailway belongs tlio credit ot being thefirst in the country to rouuco the matterof cloctrlo Lighting oC trains to scloiitillo-perfection. . Oao of the novel (eatxirc-sintrouuccu , In tlio bleeping cars is apatent clcctrlo reading lamp In eachsection. "With this luxurious provisionreading at night before antl after retir-ing


becomes ns coinlortablo as by day ,and wlicn retiring tlio toilet may bomade In comfort and seclusion. Theberth reading lamp In the PulLnmiisleeping cars i-im on the Chicago , JIll-waukoofc

-St. 3.iul railvay , between

Omalln Chicago , la patented, nndcannot bo used Ly any otlior railroadcompany. It ia the greatest Improve-ment

-oltho ago. Try it and bo co-



Sleoplngr cars leavoIho Union Pacldodepot , Omaha, ntO:10n.: mdaily , arriv-ing


at Chicago at 0:30: a, m. Securetickets nnd sloopliiff car bertha ntlJnlonTicket olllco. 15OU-'arnam strooUBarkorBlock ), Omaha-.J

., K. 1'HESTW , P. A. KASII ,

Pass.gont. . Geu'l Agon-




run LiiNiiJ 'so rsixso.v.l-


: .

Trnulc t9 IHKtujr DonlcTnrd-ntxla Hincle One llcyoiul.-


.. E. A. , llensori snjs tbcro is prospect

ola settlement ol the controversy betweenthe rcsldentioC Benson place and the Omaliostreet railway company , regardingthe extens-

lon oltho lines Of that corporation to Hen-

ion.It vlll bo remembered that the Onmlia mot-

or company la consldcwtlonoC (5OOOc.ish, ,

nboutforty acres of ground togetherthe light ol Avay alonj ? mllltjiry ,

ngrccdto ejleiiU thelrlltiolo Benson I'lacobefore July last-


alter tlio agreement had been en-tered Into, Iho motor and tlio street railwaycompanies consolidated-


idotit? Iho proposed line heldtliat the new corporatlou , the Omahn tticctrailway company , which Hi-cff outof tliocon*

solidntlon , should fu 11111 the contriict ot themotor pco pi-


months , the matter has beendiscussed , the combination holding the opini-on tliat It IUH notholilcti by the contract on-tercdlnto by tl cinotorcoiile| ) , tlio rosldoiitaand the sulscrlliers totho iigiveinmt liolclltig-Hie contraiy.

The Dta tid or the latter lia) been streiiBtli-died by the holding o ( BOVCM ! inectioKs ot-

lironeity ounces In that section oltho city nt-

hfchlt WM deckled to dlscontlnno (uitro-iiiiBaofthoitrcctuar company suid truvul luy

way ot the Halt line-.Tliui3duyliOMCvcr


, Mr. Denson receivedn notice from tlie street railway pooiilo set-tin p forth the conditions upon theywould bo satisfied to construct tlio road.-

Tlio conditions illtTcr slifhtly from thoseoritrinally established by tlio motor company ,

IMr Uciison , jcsterdav ivturncd 1111 nll3 v lT

setting forlh hi ? ulllitiKiioss to accepttlio terms sllRlit niodilleations. Thesemocllllftitions would in no sense nlTeetlho in-


of the ralhvny people , though theyinure more 1uvor.ibly to The other psir-

ties Interested-.jVttho

.next mcotiiig of llio railway com-

pany , therefore tlio matter will bo adjustednndns a consequence a double traelc will b-

oluidns rnrns Military boulewrdwlth a sin-pie traolc nml "turnouts" thence to liensoii-.Tlienexv


lite will bo ahout two miles nncl a

half In length.

Headache , neuminui , oizziiicss wrvonvness , sjiairas, slcoplewticsi , euiod by 3r.)

Miles' ' Nervlno , Samples free at Huhn. k-

Co.'s , 15tlinnd Doiigla-



" :10" on t.TicVny. .

A mnti arrived nt the Merchants hotelWednesday afternoon and registered ns "A.-



. Thorn psoii , Pueblo " Howas assigned n-

room.. Ahout , So'cloclc Tlmrsihy siltcrnoei-itbo chambermaid attempted to opentbo door ot tlio room , but foniu-lIt locked. She nolillod the cleik-vholool d through the tiiiiisoiniindsauthoman lying on the bed. A bell hey was putthrough tlio transom and the door opene-d.Thoclorlicxainiiiccltlio


body of tlio guestnntlfouiidit still , altho ugh life was c-xtitict


.A pbjsiciaiivas summoned iir-onounced

-the man dead and the body was ic-


toMaul'sundertalilnf ; establishment.-Mlirco


letters were found in the dead man'spockets signed , "l-'roiii your loving mother , "Onowas iii tcd Omahn , bSS , a soooud wasfrom Ottuniva , la , and tbo otlicr fromSpiing "N'alley , Ills. Tholast were datedtkh year , the third ouo liavin boon writtenin Juno last. Itvascviilciit f 10:11: tliotonoofthe letters that the recipient bal been in llio-

inountiiins In sc.irchof licalthas all tbo le-


ex picsseil the liopo that no would returnwell uiulstro up.

The dcceascil was evidently a telegraphoperator , as bo had eortilieatcs stating Unitho had Hissed a satlsfaetoiy c.vmiitiationnn-dvasnnalilleato uct as operator on tlio De-


fc Riodx-ando railway. 1'hcroere onlyCOceutsIn money found in thopoclccts.

The Tcmains WCN very much emueiate-danilluidcverynppcarr.iicooC that of a personin the laststugc ) ofconsuniptiou. The man

foity years of ape.The chlof oiwrator of the Union Pacific

railway telojjniplud yesterday to tlio chiefoperator of the Denver it liio Oiandoiail-


to see IE Thompson bad been Inthocm-ploy oC that road. If be was so employed itwill bo possible to locate his u-latires sis em-


iiiorequtredto state a nuuiberof factsof this nature wbcn entering the service of-tlio road.

Thoiisoof calomel for derangements of theliur lias ruined many a Hno constitution.Those -who , for similar trou bios , hive triedAycr's Pills testify to their efficacy In thor-oughly


rcineiljIriK- the malailyvithout, in-


to the system.

Heart Tailuro of > ti-s. Ilorak.The inquest over tbo rorailns oE Mrs.

JTranelallorakvliodied, In the jail Wednes-day


, yesterday morning-.IgnutzIIorak

., tbo husbandsaid his wife

had been si ok for eight or ten days iinclhadbeen very Highly nt times. The day beforeslevastalccnto the jailsbo had coniplainetl-of belngsicliand nslccdhini tostnrnt lioinofrom hs} work. Ho did so anil duiinR theday slio covered herself wlilio lylntr ontho-Dcd and soon after bo noticed herUvistitigand turnhiR In tlio bed. tteuucovcrctl herand found sliohadstufTcda handUcrchiof Intoher throat. Ho could not remove it mid sentfora physician. As tlio husband could not-.iinnugohor

.she tal n totho county jail.

Louis Hochnie , a deputy ] illcrstiid, thewomanhad been hrought to the Jail in tbopatrol wagon Sliovas iiotnolcnt at firstDuthada spism the next d.iy. Sbowasfound deadVedncsdayaud the county phy-sician

¬, sent for.-


. Oalbraitli testifiedthatliohnd made nn-nutopsyoii the A'ictlm nnd found ono of tbovalves of tbo heart contracted nnd bounddown in such a way as to prevent free circu-lation.


. Thiscondillon was sufllcicnt , in hisopinion , to account for the periods of insanitytowltichtho woman wassuljjcct.

This closed the testimony nnd tlio juiyret-urnodaverilict that the deceased bad comoto her death from heart failure.

1002. Sixteenth and Fnrnain streets isthe now rtoclc Island llclcet olllco. Tick-ets


to all points cist at loivost ratos-



aucnstcr Against J'roliilitioji.Josepli whitman of Lmcolala In the city

ill1. Whitman ia iiresident of the Lancastcicounty pci-aoniil rights league , which now hasainoniheiTiblpoC 1100., lie stutos thatLaricastor county will give a majority of betiveei1,500 and 2 ,<XIO iiBJinst the prohibitory amendincut-



nuriciircslltneo rrOTQ-u In million * olhom-lor


mor tUann qiurlur ol a Ctinlurjr. It Is mad b-

Ilia Unltod Btatos aoTS-nmcnl Kmloraod &r th-bea i of tin uroDtunivnltlci nt the StionKu-irureilind Most llulthful Dr I'rlcoiCrcia IlakI-UK I'o clerCoj notconttla uinniaalalliaa or alum.Bold onlr In cans.- - >

Nowr Turk. Chl ia. 8nn-

'H T.lrot1'lllM net aiUimlly on tlio-cttllil , liott llcute fciimlo or tuflrui-ol <l KCas upou ttio vigoroiuirtfiu.


tonttotho w Blt itomacta , bowi-ili , klduoy * mt l bladder *. To Ihcw *

orKiitt their itronif tlienlnjqnulltl l-

kre tvoudcrfnl * cuutlntr tlimm o

two* their iuuotloua iiliajoutli ,

Sold Evorywlioroi'O-nice,3O


PimplesArc iiilnre'icnorlito ctlmliiald pol n fromllio blomt. Tli IB icmlt inny Ixncccmipllsliciln-m cl tno res ttuotmlly , nwcllw agtccaWy ,

through the proper excretory channels ,the uscof.Ajttrs Sarsni arllla.

" For several years 1 was IroiilW vlthtolls ami caruncle ) . IncostliiR akut fora-tfincily.lt oocnrreilto inc IhatAycrtSanv-pirlll.iliaii loon mcil lumy latlici'ilanilly-llh

,excellent 'success , .mil 1 thought tlu-

cvhntuas powli for the lithe nvouM also t ogood lor tlio son , Thitc or lour tollies of-

tlita incdlclnociitiicly cinctl ut , ami I intonot since In more than two )earj- hail a-

loll , | iliii | > leer, nny oilier ciiiitlvclrouMc| .1 can conscientiously (poaVc In tliclilRlicstterms of jer's Siira | arnii , uml manyScnra'cxpcrli'ttco' In tlio ' ' "il! business e-


-me to spcjk liilclllB ntly.-C. M-


, familuiid , Iii-A's' SavsaparailaVKEP-


DB. . . J , C. AVER & CO. , Xowell , JVTw-


.. AVurlli $3 bottlt ,


, Silicons anil Spttlallsl-s.14O8D01rGLj.AS



Th e most nidnl ; tulf i vonlilv lmo-vu spec-tlio


Uiillod SiatoiTlielr Inn ex-romiirkiblo


*UU mill universal sueI-n


th U'ciitinont uiid ciiruof Nervous ,

Cliponlo uml Htir luiit DlsoawM. rntltlo thcsn-ciulnint plitslc'lani to tlio full roiiHclcncoofthe nlHlctoilpvetywlivro. Tlioy cu.irjinloo :

.V CKUTAtN AND 1'OSiriVE CUKE forIho ziwful ( ircutinf eitly vJco utidthe uutntr-oiia


o lls tint follow inft * train.-L'UIVVTK


liioi- llly. < ' | ) 'l'ly nnd ncmmiieiit lycuru-l.NIlfoi'9




j-lclil icidlljlo Uiclr sUUCul treat-




. riS'CTJIA AND 11EOTAL TJI.CEIt-Siiumutoudcurid( without pilti or detention11 YWlOcnijFJ ANT VA-lllCOCEkB porina-


nnd aucoisMf ully c'urod liu-vcry case-.SVIMIIUR


UUXOIWHKA , OLUK I' , Hpcr-mat <irrhei,8oulnil AU'.ilciiMS , J.infc Mnnliooil ,

MKlitKmlsslims , Decayed ractiltlcn , 1'uinalo-IVuiikncsannil : ill cleliciito JKorders pcuullar-lo ollliur MX positively ciir'tl. M rvlliisall-liiiiolloiiulilNorilors lliit: , rcHtiltfrntnyoutli-lul

-fnlllusor thocxucunt inituroycar-


1 1 ! l3' Miit il iirrmsiiw n tly-J A i -IU ivimired , x>mionl eon i > l to ,

without , ciittluR causllu OTilllatitloti Curcn-alTetlcd nt homo by |KLt-l t vliliout u 1110-

uiCJit's nulnor aim > yaiic <j.-




.<JIIIR f III? 1? Tlio awful IIcot of

tOU Ivli >- Ulv I., carl y vloo wliioli tjrliifi-orjrjinlo wcakiuM , destroy In : Iwlli uiliul andbody , with all Its clrc.iiled ills poruiancnty-curd. .

AtHrcs * * those liohavolm-U

-Rl"1! ! ?

10. LJljL J-w Jjulrcd tlioiii ! rlvoM by li-npr

-| er IndulKone'itnil Rollliiryliil > lls , wlilcl-

iruliibotliiAlnU and tody , unfittingthunifurb-usiness. . sttulyot.tnarrlaKft-

MAltKIi: ! ) 51K.V ortlioM! ctilcrlnjon th tUfe.awuroof physical dobllityqulckly,

OUR , SUCOE333upon facts. rirst-L'ractlcal oxpcrl-


. ticcoiid Evnrycaso lssi > celillylucllcil ,

tlius BturtliiR rljljt. Tlilrd Modlclnos nroprepared In our lalionttory ciaetly to milteach case , tliunITcctli ) !; out Injur-


. Betts & Belts ,




' SPECIFIC 3VIED1C11SE.. . . . . . , _ , . . THE CHEAT: . . - - - - .. . . , . . ..

K.V < iIISII lltM-n > v. n unfillI-IIB euro for Sem-inal

¬U'cilkncii ,

8licn atorrliD : .IintioU'iicy' , amiall cll'ci o3tintq-

iicnco of iolf-nlin

-- Ci as UIHS

. - , _ _ _ of Memory.I'nl-v( rnl l.n.altmU>

I'nlnln llmlliichIlliurcus of M lon PremntiiroOlrt-Acn.imd immy clliur ilNcasci tlmt luntl lo Insanityor ronmnipilon iml a. frcmn.turo unfo-


| Inoyr |nni | lilpt , vlilch wcil-cflrolo

* -Fenclfrcoliy mnllto every ono. S3TTlio8)e-


iHiiilil jil II pcriinctiiirc * . orslx fiok-"Koitor

-5 r will bo went frcoby mail on receipt of-

luo monoj.by ii ilree ; nir


n 10 F-AitN-AM S'Jitnisr , OMAHA , Unit.-Onucconnt

.of counterfeits wo Invo adopted the

rolloff ruppcr , t'io' only Komilnc; .

I1 or Acco-noinlcLIEBIS-


coolfcry. Useit for Soups , Sauces ,3M.ide Wslics , ( Game ,-Fish , etc. ) Aspic OL-


Jelly , Keepsiwfcclly in all cli-nutosfoimy length

EXTRACT of time , nnU Is cheap-er


nud of liner ilavoi-rthn iiny other stoek.-



OF BEEF pounds oC leanlcof) of the value ofabout ft,5i

Genuine only with.

Justus von Lieliljj'ssignatm-o as shown-




.a Iborovirli knonloclnii ot llio mliirnl lawn

wlilch Kowrii ttiooiKMUlloriHUf illvcitlonanil nutri-tion

¬iiiullpir o oarcrulapiillcallcm nftlics flno jnoipu-


will nolcitocl I'upoa. Mr. IIIJIH 1ms prolile-oiirbruutrant tnMcH vlllui dellcuti'lr liuvu-rUKOnlilchnmjriaru

-uiinnnyln nviilootir'H kllH I

1 lirtlioiullclu) uMof Biifhiirllclei oldli-t hit t-

ooiiilltutluii mnrliu Kruliuillj blllllup until Hroiu-ononuli toruMlkl v ri tuniluiuy lo ilUravu. HunUrcdi of nihUounliuliei nroHuiitlniiiiroiinil u ly-taallacknliLrcrer tlicru Is : ik | iolnt. Wonmvo-ntapo nimy n. latsl oliaft UjrkuonInK ouiiclvoi wol-forllHcct iih iuru llcoil , nnjii imiuurlr nonrliliocframo.'t-.i- .

.Mailo tlniply Hltli boiling vattnrornitlk. SolJonljI-nlmlf jiuiiiHl tliv bysroctjn lulitlrd Llinu-

Stfi fll ir ''n '0i| lliloJUonil8tB-



. B1ILIY ,Graduate Dentist ,

A Pull Set o! Teeth , on Rubber

For Five Dollars ,

Anoiloot (It KiinrantoMl. Tcotli oxtrnotoi-vlllioutpaln or < linar r.iiiul wltlout miiioh-Xlicllcs. OolJ ami tlllliiKs at lowos-rales. . Ili-lUpoinKlOroMii Wotlf. Icutlivltliout pi ales. All work warranted.O-




Kutranoo. . Kth street ilovator. Opimci'onuntil 8 o'oloc-





I Ullllttitnlou d**.

Mulnl br-Co. .* lm Mill K |ik-

luemm SPECIFICCURE lor all,pinnauutA POSIT V tanan.fl-. eiof til UKINARY ntriH5i. Onrei


treatnutifalli.Fttlldlrectlonswhere ether ' ot E-


1. Prtce , one dollar Bee I'znatire -

, For flalo By A DruBBH

FALL OVERCOATS. 'This coming week we will make n specialty in Tall Overcoats , We have an

variety and no larger or finer assortment can be found anywhere than at our store , If we tydroom cnougli to display them properly tliey would fill more than half of one of our large floors ;asit is , have to crowd them into pretty liigh piles. scarcely know of the manybeautiful styles to mention particularly , all the latest shades in fine Meltons , alarge variety in popular Black Cheviot , also Clay Worsteds and others , m airy silk lined , and o

elegant make. In short , the most dressy garments which the market affords , and what is mostattractive about our Fall Overcoats is the prices these arc positively the lowest ever heard of,

As our special offering on sale ,

Alotof nice Melton Overcoats handsome shades , sillc facing and gottentip at550. We challenge any retail house m the country to show a like bargain ,

of excellent all AVOO ! Cassiniere Overcoats , in fine Diagonal and a bcaulifiul shadeof gray witli good serge lining1 , at 7.00 , worth 1050. *


A lot of very fine Meltons in a new shade , silk faced and satin sleeve lining , at 9.5CAny other Louse charge 15.00 for this coat ,

AH the above arc well cut and made and perfect fitting garments , which no one need boashamed to wear. They have some style about them which is generally not found in garments

sold at sucli piices , Our finest grades of overcoats arc marked 12.75 , 11.50 and up to $17.50.-



cannot be excelled for quality of material , workmanship and fit by any tailor made gar-



.AIL ourotlier departments receive every day new additions of fall goods.

All mail orders filled promptly. Send for fall catalogue and samples.Open Lin til S p. m. Saturday , 1O p. 111.

Corner 14th and Douglas Streets.



&] ann fcmctit.or tti-

Rexiian Inltrnateal tankinjCo. onccssIonaric-



BythcSlatoof Ctilhuahua , Nox-ice , (orChaiilablo Purposes.


will take place inpubllcnt tuocltyot JuarCE ( for-mer


I; Paso del Jiortcj Mexico.

Wednesday , Sept. 24 ' h , 1890under tlnniprsonal eiiocrvn.on ft <3cn. ."SOIIIJ-M. . MOMIIV , uml Mr. C.IMII.Oanoi'ie.' .-





, ! Only 60,0110 Tickets !




of S6 0,000. 560,002a-ivizcof 10,11)0).. . . . . ioww-ll'rlstoof MWO. D.KK:il'rlzcaof l.OOOmcri.. 3XX )

101'rlzcsof' (Xle.ioli. 'AW-WBfll'r'zwof lOOeicli. 6.0O-

O1001'rizcsof Ml moll. B.OO-

Oa&Ol'rizcsof aOdicli. 7,50-0.Appro. buiitlou J'rlzcs.-


J f0o.icll. t5OO-OJOOl'rli'MOt IWlCiicll. ,0M-


' ucucli. 2,500-

COJTonnlnalsloSCflOOOI'rloofKOcacli. . Sll.OfiO-

M TorijiualstoS10l001liIzoofUOoacli.) 6uai

IQUPrizeiarwiiintirglo. S125.070-

Vo , tin unlersiBtitd. hereby ccillljr tint tlio-Banco Ti'aclomlut Jlexlrojn Clilnunlinit hmondoi-nwll


from tlioMoxIcan iMcriuiiloiiu IDniiKIni ; Co-.tJiouccciiiry


l iuli lo irmruntro tlio pnyncnt of-

allprl Ciilnt nlii tlin Sriiu Lnlvrlail unrcz.-Wo

.lurlliurctrtlfylhutBO wiildiptrtlBo nil the

n.rranu 3mciitKnnt Inporfon mnniiwo mill controla II llio dnv-'lnci of ilils t illcry.Mul tint tlio namearocotid ctu lwltlihniioHi , liilrneeB , nd In uooJf-&UU toward H Ail i > : irtpt| .

JOHNS. WlOSBY ommlsRlnnc-




!; a trlzo lucnttothaunilarpi-eiicul.


. in farornluiiwilltii' culkctuUaud remittedto llio owner tboreof.frooof cliiren.1-


no AH n IHtovROM ,

I'rcs.EI l'iONiitlonul Uanlc. l 1u.io , TelT 1VAXTKH ,

For club ratcor nnr oilier Inforrantlnn , Trlto to-

tlioiitidetKlBtid , Htntlnir jmir ivljro ncluariy. Jtb-

Hliiio. . Coiinty.HruilixiiUNuiiilK'r. JMoro raplil tic-IlTcryvrlll


bo aisurcilby your tMicto ln nil c'iiv' ;


; your f ullinUlrcss.

City of Juurcz , 2Iozlco. .)

Semi rcmlttmcosfor tickets by ortlnary letter , ;

cental nine >ttmuy < )nlor.l iic-illir iillcrpru rotn-panlcK.Now

- i

Itrl : ICii'liance , l > nk tlralt or I'ostel'

COI9.iKlrotiHll ra'lntcrcd IOIIITH to

- rouC-








Dr. F1. C. Werner's'

COUGH DEOPS. recommended niter BO ven

years cl auecessful experiences by theBOO! nwiiufacturora ,

Kopp , Dreibus & Co. ,


iioGFamam St. , Oinalia , Neb.Sol 1 everywhere , 5o per pnclrngo.

Scud (or samples.

Hi *sufmisw-

oilf. . Vile fci iMi .juin * w-Me , C> ri ol Cj tri< < ti i lilo rrnlf. MM , Hixill.-


.C ll uovi CtirrnU of tlcrlrlillr tmouih ill U lK-

flUTHrutotlii 1(1010 IIXllTII iltll.'IKIII WKE > aTl-lllrelrll liirrnl Felt lnt > * llr , or it farfill 95 GUMu


ilHavpfiMirv Clwvttl * & ii4 up * H rBllt > c lir*

nllrlur 4lD irirtt raaclh * . BMl d | iDpbl < irr * *io co , ma uai* * CHKAUU. in

Omaha. Medical and Surgical

Korlho treUmontor ilKMIIlOXIC .VN'DSUIMIO.VL 1)I3KVSE § n 3 , Appllnnoaj for iloformillai nitl-TruitCa. . lliMt. I'jcll'.tliM , A.pp'ir.itu und Ko.-iie.llo * for HUOJIS fill tronlniuiitoC tonn nf ilHimo rc | lrln iiicJliMlor Hiirilc'il irjatnrnt. OV15 lliNllllSI AVI ) risrvKIVI3 111)) JMH 1'OU I'A'I'IIIN'I'-l'

Allbloodillsoincs Hiiccaasf ully troito 1. SrpUlllilo | > oliou niniv < l fro ntlio r rt

without infrciitf. N'owllustor.itlxs rruntmuntfdr lot ! of Tltal pjn-ur I'lirllo * untlilo tililt 11 iiny In-

tr > ale l nlliinnoby comsponilffnco. AIlcjimniinlmtlDiit ontl It'iui'il. MH llclni or liKlrnm inti MPIII u-

mnllor cxpruisiciMirclypuck'il , immtrkito lii.llo.iucoiitonti oriondar Onoporsiit il Inlorvlav proforro'l.-C


: llimrt consultni orrenil lilatorjot your ciso amlwo | ll "en1 Ira pliln wrnj | iur out HOOK 'l'OI12Nl-'Uti : 11 i m Private Special or Normua UUoasos , Itii.iotonor , Syplilll * Olojt , arid Vurluojjlo , itltli ( iu04tloa.-lat.. . A <idrcs3

Onialia Medical and Surgical Institute.Corner Oth mid Ilarnoy Streets ,

The Fall OiBrcoat-a thing of "beauty nnd wehave special pride in the gar-


in that line , which wearc able to shew our customerstin's season. In style andfinish they have never leensuipassed.-




On second floor. Take theelevator :

TO WEAKBuffi rltixfmni the clXtcUfit luuthiul iTrori , oorlrt-fecar. . wuilnicifnkiitn. . IcutiimiuiixKl. ! . , 1 Mill

-v lunult Irrnllm ( Kralpil ) cinitnlnlnK full. or homo ran* . HlKllof ohirvra , X-

up If oil lil inrtllrtltMirkiMiovnl iMitriul by rxrjr-ln jvhnU iirrroim tml ltlilllutr l.



WATCHES , Etc.Our pules on both DIAMONDS

and WATCHES have been lATb-UALLY

-LAKGT or to

our CUT PUIOllS. Our stock ofMOUNTED DIAMONDS ( 't-U-

tin ); pretty low , sowelmvo jusithct-a largo numliCL" of C1LOK I'STONES ol OUR OWN IMPOR-TATION


, txiulvo offer thoiii ut H


COST. Tlio setting * com rho a-

lurco vnriotv of SOLITAI ! im l-




HAC I'.LKTS' , N 13 0 K L A C K S-


. otc , SPECIAL , DE-SIGNS OF SK'ITJNGS inaaoaixd-LOOS 1-1 STONI1S of nilMOUNTED TO orumu. R..j. ieai-Snpphiros , Kmcralds , Pearls , tuulnil otticr precious stones , mountedami loose-


GREAT SLAUGHTERSALE of AVATOIIES is still uiprogress.-


! ) COL ,!) forLnuioant $15 , $ 0 , $25 , $30to, : , S10 ,

845 , $50 , nu dim wird.-GENTLEMEN'S


WATCHES of all Idncls , from ?2o-

ujito the ilnost griidos ( Elt'iu.Wal-thnin


, Howard , etc ) .LADIES' and CUNTS' TINE


American movements , wiirriiutoufrom 15 to l2o yours , only Sli.76 ;

worth $io and upward.SOLID SILVER WATCHES ,

$5,75 , $8 , $10 , ST. , $15nnd up.NICKEL WATCEins , K50K5.7 5

and $ 5 ,


] '

; 110LLKU 1MAT1CHAINS AND OIJAHISIS sold if-tItr.UUOKD PRICES to DiirclinsorsofVatchcailurliiK this Bale.

5,000 Kl 'B SOLID fjOLD FIN-


from 31 to 10 each-


UcpairlDg a Specialty ,

NOTIGlC-Strnnfjcrs vlstlnB theeity are respccttully Invltod to cullund takci a look through our ostiAtlislitncnt , vhuLlior wlshlntr topurjj

clinso guuclsor not. '


Sixteenth andlanmiu; Streets ,

