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Tim Turner's Group Ambassador Newsletter

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  • 8/7/2019 Tim Turner's Group Ambassador Newsletter


    To all our dear members of the Republic:

    As the servant Ambassador of the Florida Republic, Istrive each day to fulfill my promise to all those whoelected me, that being said, to fulfill my duties to thebest of my ability, to maintain the highest goals andstandards for our Republic and to bring all peoplewhose intentions for the success of the Republic to-gether as one. I have personally met many of you andhave become good friends, a privilege I cherish. Be-cause of this, the importance of our success for thisRepublic has become even more acute. Many of youhave helped all of your elected servants without recog-nition, and have continued to work tirelessly for thegood of the Republic. It is to all you silent helpers, Iexpress my thanks, from the bottom of my heart for allyour dedication and faithfulness you have shown to usand for us, and our collective cause to be free. And forall of you good people who hold dear, the concept ofthe Republic within you, going about your daily lives

    in faith, you also are the heroes and heroines whohave inspired me to further dedicate my efforts to thesuccess of this Republic. I can safely say that most ofyour elected servants here, and in the nation as awhole, live every day for We the People, and thatincludes Walking the walk, not just talking the talk.Now, we are going to reveal the most exciting andoverdue news you have all been waiting for since theinception of the Republic, the reward all of you sorightly deserve, and earned to hear. Mary Heiler, whois a member of the House of Representatives in ourFlorida Republic, and I, were experiencing muchfrustration after meetings with others within our Re-

    public, regarding our questions pertaining to fundingand forward movement. Remembering a part of myspeech to our Florida Assembly, the day of my elec-tion, where I expressed that Time was of the Es-

    sence, reminded us of the importance of time. Withthis in mind, we decided to seek answers elsewhere.Something had to be done, as our brave people whowere losing their homes and jobs, still loyal to theRepublic, were most definitely on their last lap in ourrace to the finish line. As we began our search forsolutions, much to our surprise, Mary and I were ap-proached by friends of our Republic, and asked tospeak to the people who were part of the originalfunding programs. After meeting with them in Bar-tow, Florida, we laid out our case, and were then gra-ciously offered the chance to present a funding pro-gram to the people. These funding packages that werebeing offered to us are designed to be disseminateddirectly to all 50 Republics, in other words, into thehands of the people of the nation.

    March 2011Susan ChisolmAmbassador

    Ambassadors NewsletterFree State of Florida

    Republic for the united States of America

    It's not what your Republic can do for you,

    it's what you can do for your Republic!

  • 8/7/2019 Tim Turner's Group Ambassador Newsletter


    We chatted at length, and the idea of direct funding wasa concept which Mary and I felt mirrored most closely,the sacred tenant that it is always the people who shouldhave the power and control. Thus, funding directly toeach Republic appears to work brilliantly, dove-tailingseamlessly with any national funding which our Presi-dent says is still to come. Our joy in knowing that we

    could move our Republic forward and the nation as awhole, ameliorating the suffering of our good people,overwhelmed us both, leading us to this extraordinarymoment with you today. As the servant Ambassador forthe Florida Republic , I am anxious to present to you,your opportunity from the White Hats of the world,and on your behalf, we hope to assist in the acceptancethis precious miracle, with your permission, in a timelyfashion. The requirements for the funding are very mini-mal in order to be delivered to all 50 Republics. There ismuch else to tell the members here of the progress al-ready made in our quest to develop the Republic of Flor-ida, now 1,000 souls, but I shall reserve the balance forlater, in view of this paramount development.

    Lastly, I want to thank our White hats for their pa-tience and dedication to the Republic, and to MaryHeiler for her exceptional help in bringing this dream tofruition. We are all anxious to roll up our sleeves andassist all Republics who wish to participate in this his-toric rebirth of freedom. The ball is now in the court ofWe the people. The problems as well as the solutionsare ours to solve.

    May all of you be blessed and guided in your decisions

    to fulfill the will of our people..

    Your faithful servant Ambassador,Susan Chisholm

    Susan ChisolmAmbassador

  • 8/7/2019 Tim Turner's Group Ambassador Newsletter




    thankstoallofyou. Attimes,ourstepswere

    small. Attimes,weappearedtobestalledoutand











    year. Theworkthathasbeendonewillallowa












    officialRepublicbusiness. Therearecommittees


    ingusasanationandasapeople. Youshouldtakegreatcomfortinknowingsuchcareanddedication




    els. Therearemanyofyouwhohaveskillswhich



    day. Itisaverysatisfyingfeelingknowingthatour


    changes. Pleasecontactusandletusknowhow

    youcanhelp. Thereismuchtodoandwillbefor


    Weareyourhumbleservants. Thetwelvemem


    large. IamsureIspeakforallofuswhenIwel



    suggestionsorconcerns. Itisagreathonorforme

    personallytoserveinthiscapacity. Therewill




    turegenerations. Pleasejoinusinfortifyingthese







    Mary HeilerHouse Representative

  • 8/7/2019 Tim Turner's Group Ambassador Newsletter


    Volusia County is starting to come out of the ground.Weve had several members join the Republic recently,some of whom traveled far to hear about the excitingpotential the Republic has to restore freedom in Amer-ica. Two of these are Wesley Peek and his fianceElizabeth both of whom have taken active roles.

    Were also pleased that and Dawn of the Barnhousefamily are coming on board. Eric Barnhouse has beenperforming with his band, Scared Straight for more

    than 10 years, and Eric has offered that his band mightperform at member recruiting events and that he mayeven write a song to promote the Florida Republic.

    Kurt Annaheim

    I am only one; but still I amone. I cannot do everything,but I still can do something.I will not refuse to do thesomething I can do.

    Helen Keller

    Columbia County Recruitment Efforts:

    I have been in contact with one of the leaders of thelocal group ofthe NCF Tea Party and went to oneof their meetings to listen to their guest speaker onthe Bill of Rights. I have made several contacts andmembers of the group suggested I speak at one oftheir meetings.

    I have also been in contact with the local CampaignFor Liberty coordinator.She is reading some mate-rial I gave her and checking into the Republic.I am working on being invited to speak at one oftheir meetings too.

    I have recruited a friend of mine who is a teacherand has lived in Columbia County for many dec-ades. He knows a lot of local people. His back-ground is in sales and he is a hard worker. I havebeen talking to him for several years on what's go-ing on in the world, little did I know it would turninto joining the Republic.

    Once I get things going in Columbia County, I will

    be expanding into my other counties.

    If God is with us, who can succeed against us?


    Gordon KingColumbia County

    Kurt Annaheim

    Volusia CountyGordon King

    Columbia County

  • 8/7/2019 Tim Turner's Group Ambassador Newsletter


    Dear Friends:

    As I write this article for our Florida Republic newsletterwe are finalizing our national tour called "Using Com-mon Sense to Restore our Republic." This is really ex-citing as we have done 7 presentations now in Iowa andwill do the fourth in Florida on Sunday February 20th inSun City Center. It is amazing how excited people get atthese events. They are thirsting for knowledge and forreal solutions to our current state of affairs in this coun-try.

    We have 11 events planned in eight different states formy drive out to California and my drive from California

    back to Iowa. We will be returning to Florida in Aprilfor an entire series of events covering most of thestate. If you have not attended one of these events wetrace the history of our founding documents back toThomas Paine and the influence his amazing pamphlet,Common Sense, had on the people of the 13 colo-nies. People leave with a clear understanding of thedifference between indigenous power and surrogatepower and an appreciation for how deeply the foundersunderstood this concept and expressed it in the Declara-tion of Independence.

    The difference between a republic and a democracy be-comes clear as the characteristics of a bottom up struc-ture are compared to those of a top down structure. Myfriends, it is no longer about right vs, left, or conserva-tive vs liberal, it is clearly ALL about top down vs bot-tom up.

    Once we lay out these principles we get to the solution,which is clearly to re-inhabit our original republic whichhas been inactive now since 1861. It is so unbelievablyinspiring for me to see the veil of ignorance removedfrom the hearts and minds of the people attending thesemeetings as they hear this knowledge presented.

    I certainly encourage all of you to do these presenta-

    tions. The power point I created with Michael Bishop,our Florida pro tem Governor, has specific scripts forevery slide. Anyone can give this presentation, howeveryou are going to want to read and/or listen to Common

    Sense Revisited. I would also suggest the following

    reading list (see below) I also highly recommend settingup a study group with four to six people who meet regu-larly and go through these materials and Michael Bad-narik's 13 hour constitutional study course which isavailable on line for free.

    It is not going to be a walk in the park to restore ourfounding principles in this country. It is going to takecommitment but it will be great fun and an incrediblyrewarding process. Remember, knowledge is power,and the more knowledge you have the more power youwill wield in this mission. And this is, like the BluesBrother said, A mission from God!

    So please start by going to Commonsenserevisited.comand order some copies, or download it for free and readit on line. You can also pay the $3.00 and listen toit. Then order and read "Whatever Happened to Justice"by Maybury. Get going and get excited and get in-volved! How quickly and how effectively we create thedream of a truly free society is going to depend on you.

    If you read some of the testimonials of those who haveread Common Sense Revisited you will see that it is lifechanging knowledge! I did not know it at the time but Iwrote it for this movement to reinhabit our repub-lic. Please use it to get your friends and everyone you

    know introduced to this knowledge and the reinhabitedrepublic.

    I will leave you with this thought. Our creator gave usfree will and the ability to create a maginificient realityfor ourselves and every human being on thisplanet. When individuals are in an environment wherethey are more able to use their free will they blossomand use much more of their God-given creativity andabilities. Our founding documents helpedto create that structure, but it has beendeeply corrupted. It is now up to each oneof us as individuals to reestablish an even

    better structure based on those originalprinciples.

    Thanks for all that you do and will doClyde Cleveland

    Clyde Cleveland"Indigenous Power Rising" by Clyde Cleveland author of Common Sense Revisited

    Congressman pro tem of the free state of Florida

  • 8/7/2019 Tim Turner's Group Ambassador Newsletter


    Every year about this time is the fall in my garden.The live oak, drops its leaves in January and Februaryeach year and there is a deluge of debris to retrieve sothat it can be deposited in the new Palm Beach Countylarge bins. The bins are in fact so large that if one fallsin, no one would know. The pick-up is now being

    achieved by one person rather than two which presuma-bly saves some money for the city council and doesaway with one worker who may be employed in otherareas or may yet be looking for a job.

    Here is the analogy. There are still many leaves to fallfrom the tree before the new green and growing floratakes their place. A considerable number of the fallingleaves will belong to the personnel of the De Facto ad-ministration. In the restoration of the new parameters,our new green and growing country will once more befree to decide on the future that will no longer be in the

    hands of the deviant.

    Considering that most of HISTORY was populated bythe male of the species and it will no longer be HISTORY, or HER STORY but will be OUR STORY. Letus go out and prosper together as a team.

    G-d be praised.

    Michael Louis, Florida Representative

    Michael LouisFlorida Representative


    Delete box or place a caption here.

    The principles on which we engaged, ofwhichthe charter of our independence isthe record,were sanctioned by the lawsof our being, and webut obeyed them inpursuing undeviatingly thecourse theycalled for.

    Thomas Jefferson,to Georgetown Republicans in 1809

  • 8/7/2019 Tim Turner's Group Ambassador Newsletter


    Hello, my name is Mark Yoder and I am one

    of your Representatives for the Florida Re-

    public. I consider it an honor to have beenasked to write a short piece to be used in

    our first news letter. It is my hope that thefollowing words will exponentially increase

    within you the desire to share your knowl-

    edge of this Republic with all those youknow. I challenge you to find at least one

    more person each day to share the path to

    freedom with.

    My wife and I are truly blessed, in that welive in a small, tightly knit community

    where we all know our neighbors and ex-

    change pies, cakes and other goodies fromtime to time as well as surplus veggies from

    our back-yard gardens. Just recently, ourneighbor knocked on our door and delivered

    a gallon zip-lock bag filled with fresh caughtdolphin fillets. We all watch-out for each

    others property and pets while one of us is

    away. In my opinion, this is at a minimum,

    the way members of a community shouldinteract if we are to be able to defend ourhomes and families against crime and intru-

    sion by any person weather real or artifi-

    cial. (see definition of person at usle-


    Last week my wife and I were invited to our

    neighbors house for dinner. They were en-tertaining some of their friends from out of

    town and wanted us to meet them.Well, as we were eating and conversing with

    some of our new found acquaintances,

    somehow we came upon on the topic of how

    nowadays, in so many communities,neighbors although they may smile andwave at each other, don't really have any

    relationship beyond this. It is sad that wehave come to this as a society. Weather or

    not you blame the technological advance-ments which have virtually allowed almost

    unlimited communication without physical

    (face-to-face) interaction, the contentmentof many to just sit and watch television and

    have little or no interest in anything else orallowing our lives to be so dominated by a

    profession or job that we find little time for

    our families let alone our friends andneighbors, the end result is the same. In

    many instances, we have become a nation ofsouls "disconnected" from those around us,

    separated from those which we are in closest

    proximity to, and as ridiculous as this hasbecome we are missing the larger perhaps

    most important result of this "disconnect".

    The fact is, as a result of this "disconnect"we are left divided and more vulnerable to

    attack. (Divide and Conquer). We are thereeveryone. We have all seen the news clips

    where senseless violence is being bestowedupon another human being as people just

    Mark YoderHouse Representative

  • 8/7/2019 Tim Turner's Group Ambassador Newsletter


    stand idly by and do nothing. Now, we even

    see and hear that people will film a hideous

    act with their "personal media device" and"tweet" about or send it to "Face-book" while

    someone is injured or even killed. Unfortu-nately, this type of "robot mentality" has be-

    come the accepted norm while a human act

    of kindness or compassion is the "once in ablue moon" occurrence. Now, I am not blam-

    ing anyone, for this is what we have been

    molded into by those that would have us toobusy "getting ours" to be bothered with a life

    which includes genuinely caring about othersoutside our own families and in even some

    cases those "genuine " feelings do not existwithin our families as a whole. But again, it

    is easier to control a society in this condition.Now, you probably have an idea where I am

    going with this. We need to ... No, WE MUST

    regain our ability to forge those solid rela-tionships with our neighbors and WE MUST

    once again get together with people fromour neighborhoods and have "block parties"

    and "cookouts" with those same people. WEMUST have the kind of relationships with

    each other that if we notice a friend or

    neighbor's child doing something potentiallyharmful to themselves or another that we

    can mention it or even intervene out of

    genuine concern without fear of being told to"mind your own business". WE MUST get

    back to the "it takes a village to raise achild" mentality, and renounce this "you

    can't tell me what to do" attitude that so

    many young people have for adults(sometimes even their parents).

    Correcting our course will start with WE THEPEOPLE COMING TOGETHER ON A COMMU-

    NITY LEVEL FIRST. If you have not men-

    tioned the Florida Republic to all your familymembers, friends and neighbors then I

    would ask.What are you waitingfor? Believe me, I understand that there are

    a multitude of reasons which we can tell our-selves that justifies sequestering what we

    have come to know from some that we dealwith on a daily basis. But if you do not share

    your knowledge of the Republic, you are de-

    nying these people access to the tools withwhich they can then use to regain the free-

    doms and power over their own lives anddestiny. Ultimately, the decision will be

    theirs to make of course, but it is our job asfriends and neighbors to see that all those

    we know or come to know, have the knowl-

    edge to make an informed and rational deci-sion. You only need mention it one time,

    hand them a notice of a nearby meeting or

    assembly, or do like I do and copy a screenshot of the home page from the Republic for

    Florida website, highlight the web address atthe bottom of the page, and pass these out.

    Plant those seeds and watch them grow!

    Mark YoderHouse Representative

  • 8/7/2019 Tim Turner's Group Ambassador Newsletter


    Its my fist day on the job and the boss says Imalready two weeks behind! Boy, dont we allfeel like that? Talk about overwhelming.As the Regional Ambassador for the extremewest end of the panhandle I can finally say thatI am (somewhat) organized and definitely mov-ing in the right direction. I am sure that every-

    one would agree that all this bringing up acountry will be a lot easier after the nationalannouncements. But if it were easy it probablywouldnt be as much fun, now would it?Our first two assembly meetings, out of the re-quired three, will be held this Wednesday andSaturday. So far we have approximately 25members in each of two counties. At this pointthey should have all been through the RedBeckman Jury class and are currently viewingthe Michael Badnarik Constitution classes.

    This coming week I hope to break into the localConstitutional study club, the Ron Paul Asso-ciation and any other clubs I can locate thatmight hold potential members.

    At this time I feel that I have a better under-standing on the direction of things in move-ment. I still have a lot of unanswered questionsbut can see that we are getting support. I amconfident that we are not alone as I once

    thought we were. I am confident that all of thehard stuff is behind us! Its all downhill fromhere. Lets keep on keeping on.

    Jim Costa

    Jim Costa

    Regional Ambassador

    First DayI just wanted to express how grateful I am tobe a part of the new republic of Florida. It isquite a privilege to be a part of the future ofthis great nation we live in. We are currentlymaking adjustments to better our Floridaconstitution and things are moving forwardwith excellence. As we see more and morepeople wanting to get back to the originalintent that our founding fathers had forWethe People, I find a great satisfaction in

    watching the people wake up and realizethey do have a say in the way their govern-ment should be run. Every day, more andmore are finding out about this restorationand becoming a useful part of it. I look for-ward to the day when we all see this countryget back to being the great nation we allrespected. I find myself working with many,many people who have a vision for our fu-ture and our children and grand children'sfuture. With their knowledge of the constitu-tion and deep belief in the people, we willsee great things in our future. We know

    God has His hands on this work or it wouldnever have come this far. May He continueto watch over and bless us in all we do.

    Dan Graves

    Dan Graves

    Speaker of the Houseof the Republic of Florida

    "Life is not about waiting for thestorms to pass...it's about learninghow to dance in the rain!"

  • 8/7/2019 Tim Turner's Group Ambassador Newsletter


    A website for Regional and County Ambassa-dors is now operational.

    The purpose of this site is for the open ex-change of ideas, assets, training materials andwork product that might be of value to our co-partners in creating a better Florida for poster-ity.

    Let's admit it, we are all Imperfect idi-ots ambassadors feeling our way through adark room right now.So lets not be bashful. Speak up so that thosethat follow us don't have to make the samemistakes we may have made.

    This is a open user site which any member canpost to them self. This site does not requirespecial at-home software.You can post directly or email Jim Costa to

    upload for you.A TEST page is available for you to practiceon, so help yourself to it.

    Please contact Jim Costa for access to the web-site.

    Gabe Nichols

    Broward CountyWebsite for Ambassadors

    Dear Members of the Republic,

    This is Gabe Nichols, the Florida Republic Regional Am-bassador of Broward County. I am happy to report asolid group is forming here. We have high hopes as wemove Into the month of March, with new meeting loca-tions we will post them next week.

    A member of our group, Andy Valisalo has been in con-tact with two groups of Tea party members, who seemdisillusioned with the newly elected Congress for theirpart in the renewal of the Patriot Act. For all of you outthere this is a very promising group, given this recentevent. Also many of you are probably experiencing thesame thing Ive come across when talking about the Re-public to people for their first time. For those of you whoare running into resistance here is a tip that works for me.Clarifying what the Republic is about. Try to share Whatit is not, first defuse the wrong ideas.

    People may think we are a religious group, a militiagroup, or a political party. I found the best way to handlethis, is to tell them up front that none of these things aretrue. This will allay their fears and suspicions. That willclear the way for you to share with them what the Repub-lic is, and how the Republic will benefit them.

    Good Members of the Republic if only, each andevery one of you would sign up just one neighbor, one

    friend, or one co-worker, we could double our numbersand stand this Republic up. I leave you with thisthought

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
