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Time to Turn the Page(s) · 2020. 12. 24. · 12345 West Main St., An 1 JANUARY 2021 VOLUME XXIII...

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JANUARY 2021 VOLUME XXIII ——— ISSUE 5 Time to Turn the Page(s) - By: Pastor Michael Woldt If I had a nickel every me Ive heard someone say, I cant wait to be done with 2020,” I may not be a rich man, but I would have more than enough money to buy a specialty drink at Starbucks. It s me to turn the page on the pandemic, the masks, the distancing the polics, the riots, and all the other disrupons to life that came with 2020, right? But the raonal part of our brains reminds us that nothing really changes with the flip of a calendar. We leave the year we call 2020, but our unwanted troubles follow us into 2021. Oh yes, me eventually does bring change. Vaccines are developed. Protocols refined. Herd immunity might be achieved. The pendulum swings back and forth in polics. Red hot issues cool down as people move on to the next cause. But a calendar change cannot erase the evil residing in every human heart. Time does not slow the decay of a world spoiled by sin. The devil does not stop his scheming at the beginning of a new year. 2021 will present new and unancipated challenges for most of us. So, whats the answer? To live in despair? To adopt a fatalisc atude? Is the greatest comfort we can find found in the phrase, It is what it is”? Hardly! Its me to turn the page not the page of a calendar, but the pages found in the book we call the Holy Bible! Its me to turn the page and find a word of hope spoken by the Almighty God directly to you. Where will you turn? Will you find your word of hope for the New Year in Romans, chapter 8? There are quite a few to choose from. Verse 18: I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Verse 28: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Verses 31,32: What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Verses 38,39: For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, ] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creaon, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Or perhaps you might turn the pages of the bible to the Old Testament, remembering passages like Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plan I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. Or how about one of the special verses from the Psalms: Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me. (50:15)! Turn the pages of your bible (or fire up your favorite bible app!) and discover anew your hope for the New Year! Place your confidence in the Savior who loved you enough to carry your burden of sin and guilt to Calvarys cross and lay down his life, so that your eternal future is secure and bright, no maer what the numbers on the calendar might be.
  • 12345 West Main St., An 1

    JANUARY 2021



    ISSUE 5

    Time to Turn the Page(s) - By: Pastor Michael Woldt

    If I had a nickel every time I’ve heard someone say, “I can’t wait to be done with 2020,” I may not be a

    rich man, but I would have more than enough money to buy a specialty drink at Starbucks. It’s time to turn

    the page on the pandemic, the masks, the distancing the politics, the riots, and all the other disruptions to

    life that came with 2020, right? But the rational part of our brains reminds us that nothing really changes

    with the flip of a calendar. We leave the year we call 2020, but our unwanted troubles follow us into 2021.

    Oh yes, time eventually does bring change. Vaccines are developed. Protocols refined. Herd immunity

    might be achieved. The pendulum swings back and forth in politics. Red hot issues cool down as people

    move on to the next cause. But a calendar change cannot erase the evil residing in every human heart.

    Time does not slow the decay of a world spoiled by sin. The devil does not stop his scheming at the

    beginning of a new year. 2021 will present new and unanticipated challenges for most of us.

    So, what’s the answer? To live in despair? To adopt a fatalistic attitude? Is the greatest comfort we can

    find found in the phrase, “It is what it is”? Hardly! It’s time to turn the page … not the page of a calendar,

    but the pages found in the book we call the Holy Bible!

    It’s time to turn the page and find a word of hope spoken by the Almighty God directly to you. Where will

    you turn? Will you find your word of hope for the New Year in Romans, chapter 8? There are quite a few

    to choose from. Verse 18: I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that

    will be revealed in us. Verse 28: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love

    him, who have been called according to his purpose. Verses 31,32: What, then, shall we say in response to

    these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up

    for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Verses 38,39: For I am

    convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,] neither the present nor the future, nor

    any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the

    love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Or perhaps you might turn the pages of the bible to the Old Testament, remembering passages like

    Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plan I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm

    you. Plans to give you hope and a future. Or how about one of the special verses from the Psalms: Call on

    me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me. (50:15)!

    Turn the pages of your bible (or fire up your favorite bible app!) and discover anew your hope for the

    New Year! Place your confidence in the Savior who loved you enough to carry your burden of sin and guilt

    to Calvary’s cross and lay down his life, so that your eternal future is secure and bright, no matter what the

    numbers on the calendar might be.

  • 2


    Words cannot express the heartfelt gratitude from Northside

    Ministries to everyone who donated gifts this year through our

    Tree of Love. Over 475 gifts were delivered the first week of

    December. It is so humbling to witness such amazing outpouring

    of generosity to those in need. You have certainly made many

    Christmases brighter.

    Thank you.

    David's Star Ladies’ Aid


    Dial 262.677.1639 to hear the pastors’ updates via phone message.


    Even though on-campus learning at Martin Luther College, New Ulm, Minn., has been interrupted for

    a time, we are happy to see that the work of the college to prepare young people for the public

    ministry continues. One visible reminder of that is the announcement that 22 students have

    completed their studies and have received their diplomas and graduated mid-year.

    While most of those students will defer their assignment into the public ministry until next spring,

    several of them will be assigned to their field of labor when the Assignment Committee meets on Fri.,

    Dec. 18.

    Plans have been put in place to welcome students back to campus in January. In addition, President

    Richard Gurgel has announced that the governing board of Martin Luther College will be distributing

    an additional $200,000 in financial assistance to help students who return for the second semester.

    Even in difficult times, God’s work—and his blessings—continue in our congregations and in our


    On behalf of all who work with you and for you in our synod’s mission, have a blessed Christmas!

    Serving together with you in Christ,

    WELS President Mark Schroeder

  • 12345 West Main St., An 3

    David’s Star Lutheran School Invites you to:


    Children will participate in a shortened Preschool or Kindergarten day with their teacher. Your child will sing songs, learn about God, make a craft project, and do other fun lessons.

    Parents are encouraged to stay and fill out the enrollment forms that will be in our concession area.

    While your child is in the classroom, please enjoy a cup of coffee and some refreshments.

    A $50.00 non-refundable tuition pre-payment to hold a seat for your child is required

    at the time of registration.

    4K Preschool: Thursday, January 21, 2021 8:30-10:00am Children must be 4 years old by September 1st.

    3K Preschool: Friday, January 22, 2021 8:30-10:00am

    Children must be 3 years old by September 1st.

    5K Kindergarten: Friday, January 22, 2021 8:30-11:30am Children must be 5 years old by September 1st.

    Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP) is available for students in 5K Kindergarten. Registration online for the school choice program begins February 3, 2021 ending April 16, 2021. Watch for registration link coming soon on our school website www.davidsstar.org

    For teachers to properly plan their day we ask that you please, R.S.V.P to: [email protected] or 262-677-2412.

    Responses will be accepted through Thursday, January 14th.

    http://www.davidsstar.orgmailto:[email protected]

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    Presented by Michelle Markgraf, WELS Kingdom Workers

    Approximately one out of three women and one out of THREE men experience severe intimate relationship

    physical violence (IRV) in their lifetime. This statistic does not include verbal or emotional abuse, which are

    harder to quantify. A popular myth is that abuse occurs less frequently in Christian homes; the reality is far

    different. Christians do not enjoy a special exemption from this sin, yet it is rarely addressed in faith circles.

    This seminar is highly interactive, weaving in activities, videos and group discussions throughout the day. The

    topic is a difficult one, but so important for the church to address. Research shows that survivors who have

    support from their church have more feelings of well-being and are less likely to return to an abusive


    The first part of the day will discuss abuse in all its forms. You will examine the effects of abuse on a survivor

    and how trauma affects a survivor’s thoughts and actions, even long after the abuse if over. You’ll learn about

    some of the many reasons a person will stay in an abusive relationship. The second half of the day discusses

    solutions. First, you’ll explore how you individually can help someone you think might be in an unhealthy

    relationship. From there, you’ll work with fellow church and community members to discuss how, as a church

    and community, you can address the abuse.

    Galatians 6:10 tells us to “do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”

    Attend and find out how you can help someone who is suffering from abuse! Learn how to extend God’s

    grace to the survivor while assisting him/her on the journey to safety and healing.

    Join us at David’s Star on Wednesday, January 6th at 11:00 AM in the church for a short talk, or Saturday,

    January 23rd for a full day.


    Michelle Markgraf is a graduate of Martin Luther College, and she spent several years as a teacher in WELS

    classrooms. The Lord’s words in Matthew 25, “Whatever you have done for the least of these… you have done

    for me” led her to begin volunteering at the Sioux Falls, SD rape and domestic abuse crisis center as an

    advocate in 2011. During her time as an advocate, she worked with over 200 sexual assault survivors. She

    became executive director for the same agency in 2015, where she worked with a staff of 18 people who

    provided counseling and advocacy services to survivors of sexual and domestic violence. The agency also

    offered a batterer intervention program for abusers. In 2018 she became an adjunct professor for the

    University of South Dakota, teaching a Family Violence class. In 2019 Michelle brought this experience to

    Kingdom Workers to start a program that helps churches support survivors of relationship abuse. She

    currently lives in New Ulm, MN with her husband, Pete.


  • 12345 West Main St., An 5

    Membership Report (Pastor Woldt) Incoming: none Outgoing: none

    Pastor’s Report (Pastor Woldt) We marvel at the Lord’s grace in allowing gospel ministry to continue during the

    times of this pandemic. The cooperation of the congregation has been remarkable when it comes to following

    protocols that have been established for the safety of all (whether we understand and agree with all of them or

    not.) We continue to pray for opportunities to serve our congregation members more fully, especially those who

    are in assisted living situations where visitation has been limited or not permitted at all. Pastor Loescher will be

    self-isolating due to COVID and some changes will be made to the Wednesday Advent service.

    Buildings and Grounds (Brian Lee) Church Carpet: will set up a selection committee in January. Lights in the back

    parking lot need to be updated; Clean up in the woods is going well. Could use more people with chain saw to cut

    wood piled along road side. Will continue to work until weather prevents us from getting into the woods.

    Compiling a list of items to be completed during Christmas break.

    Board of Education (Jason Walz) School Choice: Motion approved to continue the Choice program for the 2021-

    2022 school year. Motion approved to no raise tuition for the 2021-2022 school year. Motion approved for a

    $50.00 nonrefundable registration fee for 3k and 4k.

    Board of Elders (Dan Bolha) Planning to hold Elder’s planning meeting this coming spring/summer. Letters were

    sent to the congregation about the Christmas season services. Member calling members to begin when

    volunteers secured.

    Old Business - Joint Work with Morning Star – exploratory worship to be held in January. Elections update-

    members are willing to serve an additional 6 months. 2021 ministry budget informational meeting scheduled for

    January 17 @ 9:10am in the gym.

    Treasurer Report (Josh Boeldt) - 2020 Nov. Operating Budget- Thank God from whom all blessings flow! While

    the total offerings for November were 27% lower than the budgeted offerings, we did receive our first school

    choice deposit of $33,200. Thus, the total income for the month was 13.4% higher than budget but is 4.8% lower

    for the year to date. The actual expenses for November were 9.4% higher than the budgeted amount for the

    month but they are 1.0% lower than budget for the year to date. The actual change for the month was $5,960

    better than the anticipated budgeted change for the month. The overall fund balance at the end of November

    shows a deficit of $93,341.

    2020 Nov. Ministries Beyond our Congregation - The remittances in November for the WELS mission were 36%

    lower than budgeted, while the KMLHS operating mission remittances were 27% lower than budget. The KML

    Joyful Noise remittances were 56% lower than the amount budgeted for. The total amount remitted for all

    missions was about 30% lower than the amount budgeted for November, and they are 7.1% lower for the year to


    2020 Nov. Building/Dedicated Fund - The mortgage loan balance at the end of November is $680,456. The

    council’s objective is to maintain a $100,000 cushion in the building fund debt account—our balance at 11/30/20

    was $68,726. This balance is up about 46% from last month.


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    Psalm 46:1

    “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”

    Winter Safety Tips

    Caring for yourself during the winter months is very important while remaining as physically active as able. Extra

    precautions are necessary to prevent outdoor falls and potential injuries. Check the weather forecast first thing

    in the morning. Adjust your schedule so that you are not out during the coldest part of the day which is typically

    during the early morning hours. Paying attention to a few simple ideas may save you from injury or


    Reduce your risk of slipping and falling by wearing shoes which are appropriate for the weather conditions and

    for the terrain you will be traversing. Snow, ice, and generalized wetness can create potentially dangerous

    situations when proper apparel is not worn. If you need a cane or walker, use it to steady your gait. Make certain

    to consider and assess your destination prior to leaving your home.

    Do not go outside, even for a short period of time, without appropriate winter clothing. Wear layers of loose

    fitting, lightweight, warm clothing. Keep your head covered and try to stay as dry as you can while avoiding the

    wind. Mittens that are snug at the wrist are more effective than gloves. When you're cold, your body pulls blood

    from your hands and feet to your core to warm up your overall body temperature and vital organs. This leads to

    decreased blood flow to your extremities, which can cause frostbite. There is value in a good pair of gloves,

    winter boots, and warm socks. Covering your mouth with a warm scarf or head wrap will protect your lungs from

    the cold air too. Early in the season, evaluate your winter apparel and adjust as necessary to assist in your winter

    safety plan.

    Carry your cell phone or another device that allows you access to a loved one or emergency personnel should

    you have an outdoor incident. It is a mistake to think that you will always be able to rise after a fall. Remember

    to take frequent breaks if you are shoveling, enjoying snowshoeing, skiing, sledding, or walking in the snow.

    Decrease the risk of an overuse injury by warming up with a few stretches before heading outdoors.

    Most of all, be careful, aware and remember to keep safety first.

    Resting in His Care,

    Polly Schellinger, RN, BSN

    Parish Nurse David’s Star


  • 12345 West Main St., An 7

    December, 2020

    The Handiwork


    Ephesian 2: 10 (NIV) For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,

    which God prepared in advance for us to do. Zambia is blessed because it has proclaimed Jesus Christ publicly by declaring the country as a Christian

    Nation. Does it mean that all citizens are Christian? Does it mean that all national behaviour of the people is

    Christ like? That is a yes and no answer. Mostly people behave in a certain way as a show or demonstration of

    belonging to a certain belief. Advent being part of what we celebrate calls for a troubled soul, poor and

    imperfect, having hope and looking forward to the coming of Jesus Christ as a baby in our hearts and as a judge

    at the end of the world. It may not be a troubled soul but, the soul that comes to understand the grace that God

    demonstrated through the coming of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. It is the unmerited favour of God toward

    man that today we speak of salvation through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ came and did all the work for us to be

    redeemed from the power of Satan, sin, and eternal death. Indeed, we are justified by faith alone.

    The work of salvation was completed on the cross by Jesus Christ. He then reminds us that children of

    God are his handiwork, created for Himself to spread the gospel. The Lutheran Mission Rural Health Centre is

    one such platform where Christians can demonstrate Christs love through acts of faith as has been done by the

    clinic staff, Pastors and others in United States of America under the leadership of the Central Africa Medical

    Mission Committee. God demonstrated his love to all the people of the earth through the life and work of his son

    Jesus. He desires that we show our faith in him with works of love.

    Therefore, this 2020 Advent, besides the good news of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, brings a lot of

    smiles because of the good works done around the Lutheran Mission clinic. Mwembezhi has been in the midst of

    the hardship that came with Covid 19. Gifts like clothes, pens, pencils, pill bottles, baby blankets, and operational

    funds have helped us care for people. Imagine a baby born at the clinic without clothes from the parents who

    cannot afford them, but, being helped by someone that took the time to make a dress or buy clothes for these

    babies. Indeed, we are a team that will strive to support the gospel ministry in the Lutheran Church. It is the good

    will from so many people who have supported the work of God, Glory and honour be to God for the favour given

    to us.

    In conclusion

    We need to stand firm in this troubled world and witness the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

    We can do better to start this from our homes through to our working environments. Sometimes it may appear

    to be a challenge to do good works as a handiwork, but it all begins with each one of us. It can be a good thing if

    we would take a deep reflection of our calling in whatever area God has placed us, be it a husband, wife, medical

    staff, or position of leadership.

    As Lutheran Mwembezhi Rural Health Centre we wish you a Happy Advent.

    Blessings to you.

    Alisad Banda

    Clinic Administrator- Zambia


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    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



    Year's Day

    9:30 AM



    5:00 PM Worship

    Service w/ Holy

    Comm #9


    7:45 AM Worship Service w/ Holy

    Comm #1

    9:10 AM Worship Service w/ Holy

    Comm #2

    10:30 AM Worship Service w/ Holy

    Comm #3

    4 5 6

    10:00 AM Bible

    Study (Church)

    11:00 AM




    7 8 9

    5:00 PM Worship

    Service w/ Holy

    Comm #4


    7:45 AM Worship Service w/ Holy

    Comm #5

    9:10 AM Children's & Adult Bible Study

    9:10 AM Worship Service w/ Holy

    Comm #6

    10:30 AM Worship Service w/ Holy

    Comm #7

    11 12

    7:00 PM




    10:00 AM Bible


    11:00 AM

    OWLS Annual





    7:00 PM

    Ladies' Aid



    15 16

    5:00 PM Worship

    Service w/ Holy

    Comm #8


    7:45 AM Worship Service w/ Holy

    Comm #9

    9:10 AM Informational Budget Meeting


    9:10 AM Worship Service w/ Holy

    Comm #1

    10:30 AM Worship Service w/ Holy

    18 19 20

    10:00 AM Bible

    Study (Church)


    7:00 PM




    22 23

    Domestic Violence

    Seminar (Church)

    5:00 PM Worship

    Service w/ Holy

    Comm #3


    7:45 AM Worship Service w/ Holy

    Comm #4

    9:10 AM Children's & Adult Bible Study

    9:10 AM Worship Service w/ Holy

    Comm #5

    10:30 AM Worship Service w/ Holy

    25 26

    6:30 PM




    10:00 AM Bible

    Study (Church)

    28 29 30

    5:00 PM Worship

    Service w/ Holy

    Comm #7


    7:45 AM Worship Service w/ Holy

    Comm #8

    9:10 AM Children's & Adult Bible Study

    9:10 AM Worship Service w/ Holy

    Comm #9

    10:30 AM Worship Service w/ Holy

    Livestream Opportunities

    Saturday services (5 pm)

    Sunday Adult Bible Studies (9:10 am)

    Wednesday Bible Studies (10 am)

    Live at the times listed above. Archived on our website to view anytime.

  • 12345 West Main St., An 9

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    Pastor Kurt W. Loescher

    Pastor Michael A. Woldt

    Worship Schedule

    Please visit our website

    www.davidsstar.org for updates.

    Also Available

    David’s Star Lutheran School

    K3 Preschool - Grade 8

    Principal: Mr. Timothy Gustafson

    [email protected]

    David’s Star Evangelical Lutheran Church 2740 David’s Star Drive

    Jackson, WI 53037

    (262) 677-2412 / www.davidsstar.org

    Mission Statement David’s Star Evangelical Lutheran Church

    This congregation shall strive to proclaim the Law and Gospel; to lead sinners to repentance and faith in Christ Jesus for life and salvation; to strengthen believers in faith and sanctification through the Means of Grace; to equip believers as disciples, stewards, and witnesses for sharing the Gospel of Jesus with our fellowmen. The continuing purpose of this congregation, as a group of Christians, and ultimate objective, is to serve all people in God’s world with his Gospel. All members of this congregation shall strive to proclaim the joys of Christian life and to witness for Christ to the best of their individual abilities. (1 John 5:1-10)

    A Publication of David’s Star Evangelical Lutheran Church
