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TimingAnalysis Presentation v1 1

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Basics of Timing Analysis
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Why Timing Analysis Needed?
Requirement specification of any digital system consists of Functional Spec and Timing Spec.
Functional verification and LEC takes care of verifying the implementation of the functional Spec.
GLS and STA takes care of verifying the implementation of Timing Specifications.
What is Timing Analysis
Any digital circuit comprises of sequential elements such as DFF, Memories, PLL etc.
Each element has its own operating timing limits
To validate that each component meets its own operating restriction.
Each component has its own limit which are bound by the variations in the operating environment.
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Process variation (P)
Supply voltage (V)
Operating Temperature (T)
Because of these parameters governing the behavior of the components, we have three corners
Fast corner (Min)
Slow corner (Max)
Typical corner
Performance of a circuit depends on the delays of the path
To guarantee timing spec be met under any parameter settings, delay is measured at the ‘corners’ of the parameter space.
Measurements are provided in the cell libraries.
Corners are expected to bound the performance.
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Fast process, Highest voltage and Lowest temperature
Checks for the Hold time
Worst Case/Slow Corner/Max Corner:
Checks for Setup Time
Checks for both Hold and Setup Time.
Provides an approximate estimate of the frequency that can be met
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Timing Analysis at PVT corners
Timing analysis should be performed at PVT corners to determine the timing margins
Take the timing parameters at each extreme PVT corner to calculate the timing margins
All active devices in the circuit will specify Min, Typ, and Max values for delays.
We use Min and Max values to find out the worst case minimum delays and worst case maximum delays
Consider separate worst case conditions for data and clock
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When C is high, Q just follows the input.
(It is called a transparent latch)
When C is low, it just retains its state.
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Four different delay parameters are shown.
Signals propagate from C or D input to Q output.
At transitions 1 and 4, latch is initially closed so D input is opposite of Q output.
When C goes to 1, latch opens up and Q output changes after delay
tpLH(CQ) or tpHL(CQ) .
At transitions 2 and 3, the C input is already 1 and the latch is open so Q transparently follows the transition on D with delay tpLH(DQ) or tpHL(DQ).
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Useful timing parameters for a D latch (Cont’d)
D Input must not change in the (shaded) window of time around the falling edge of C.
Window begins at time tsetup before the falling (latching) edge of C which is the setup time.
Window ends at time thold afterward which is the hold time.
If D changes at any time during the setup- and hold- time window, the output of the latch is unpredictable and may become metastable.
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Metastability is the state that exist between either “valid” digital logic state.
Digital circuits have two stable states - but all have a third metastable state halfway between 0 and 1.
When the setup and hold times of a latch/flip-flop are not met, it could be put into the metastable state.
Noise will be amplified and push the latch/flip-flop one way or other.
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Edge triggered D Flip-Flop
Positive edge triggered D F/F combines a pair of D latches and CLK signal.
Samples D input and changes its Q and QN outputs only at the rising edge of a CLK signal.
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Timing Behavior of Positive-edge triggered D Flip-Flop
It has a setup- and hold-time window during which the D input must not change.
This window occurs around the triggering edge of CLK.
If setup and hold times are not met, the flip-flop output goes to metastable state.
If the Flip Flop goes into the metastable state, it will return to a stable state on its own only after a probabilistic delay.
It can also be forced into a stable state by applying another triggering clock edge with a D input that meets the setup- and hold-time requirements.
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Dynamic Timing Analysis
Dynamic Timing Analysis
Determines the full behavior of the circuit for a given set of input stimulus vectors.
Reuse of Functional Verification.
Needs to be exhaustive to cover each and every path.
Limitation of Dynamic Timing Analysis
Basic problem is controllability for complex circuits.
Consumes more run time
Dependent on stimulus vectors
An example circuit
In this example circuit, the path taken or verified depends on the stimulus applied. If stimulus is not exhaustive, timing check is not done for some of the paths. Hence Dynamic Timing analysis is not exhaustive and complete.
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Static Timing Analysis
Static Timing Analysis
Method to determine if a design meets timing constraints w/o having to simulate the design with vectors.
STA consists of three major steps:
Break the design into Fan-in Cone for each destination flop .
Delay of each Fan-in cone is calculated using formal, mathematical techniques instead of vectors.
All path delays are checked against timing constraints
Does not use dynamic logic simulation.
100 % exhaustive for sequential input to sequential output.
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An STA tool
Computes its performance bounds
Outputs a pass or fail
Cone Based Analysis
Exhaustive Timing coverage
Vectors not required
Assertions and reports are concise and easy to interpret
Pessimistic (too conservative).
If you are doing worst case analysis then path delay considered is worst for all the elements within the path where-as in actual scenario it might not be so worse.
It might happen that the PVT may not correspond to the real working environment but still we need to close timing in all corners.
Difficult to get correct timing models/parameters for Analog components to perform STA. Not a limitation from STA tool point of view.
100 % path coverage is possible because no design specific pattern is required
Facilitates less designer involvement
Constraints (sdc/tcl) : The design related data
Net Delays
Parasitics (SPEF) : These are the parasitics of the design extracted from physical design tools.
SDF : Standard Delay Format file containing back-annotated delays.
Models (lib/db): The delay model of every cell in the library
Reports : The timing paths report which can be used for analyzing.
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Gate delay
Transistors within a gate, take a finite amount of time to switch. This means that a change on the input of a gate takes a finite amount of time to cause a change on the output.
Net delay
The delay between the time a signal is first applied to the net and the time it reaches other devices connected to that net.
[Source : Timing Analysis Basics presentation from Cadence]
Stage Delay
Gate delay
Delays encountered in digital circuitry are composed of two principle components: gate delay and net (interconnect) delay.
Historically gate delay has been the major limiting factor but with device sizes reaching sub-micron dimensions, internal interconnect delays and component interconnect delays dominate the gate delays.
Depending on the process technology, different physical elements have different levels of contribution. Major change in recent years is the contribution of RC to circuit delay. RC is not a major contributing factor above 0. micron process technology. Below 0.5, RC becomes the dominant factor in determining delays.
Propagation delay: This is the time required for a signal to propagate through a gate or net. For gates, this is the time it takes for a event at the gate input to affect the gate output. For nets, it is the delay between the time a signal is first applied to the net and the time it reaches other devices connected to that net.
Each stage delay represents the time required to propagate a signal from the input of one gate to the input of the next.
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Gate Delay
Delay through a cell is often determined by the cell’s intrinsic delay, load that it is driving, and input transition (slew)
Transition is the time it takes for the pin to change state
[Source : Timing Analysis Basics presentation from Cadence]
Intrinsic delay is defined as the delay between an input, and output pin pair of a cell, when a near-zero slew is applied to the input pin, and the output pin does not see any load ( no-load condition ).
Propagation delay: This is the time required for a signal to propagate through a gate or net. For gates, this is the time it takes for a event at the gate input to affect the gate output. For nets, it is the delay between the time a signal is first applied to the net and the time it reaches other devices connected to that net.
Delay is the time difference between the input signal crossing a threshold point and the output signal crossing a threshold point.
Propagation delay 1/voltage supply
Net Delay
Interconnect causes the timing arc to be from pin to pin
These net delays are computed using wireload model estimation, or are computed using back-annotated delay information if available
[Source : Timing Analysis Basics presentation from Cadence]
v -> v
Propagation delay: This is the time required for a signal to propagate through a gate or net. For gates, this is the time it takes for a event at the gate input to affect the gate output. For nets, it is the delay between the time a signal is first applied to the net and the time it reaches other devices connected to that net.
prior to Layout of a chip, cell delay are taken from technology library (known as .lib) whereas net parasitic and delays can not be calculated accurately .So timing tool will assume R and  C based on Wire Load Model (WLM) .
  Wire Load Model is a set of tables:
      netfanout v/s load
      netfanout v/s resistance
      netfaout v/s area.
 These WLM are simple table look up models which
calculates load (capacitance), resistance, area, based on fanout .i.e., for a value of fanout you will have statistical values for resistance and load.
Netdelay is a function of net capacitance. RC delay is the net delay; Every routing net has resistance and capacitance.
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What is a Timing path?
A timing path is a point-to-point path in a design which can propagate data from from one flip-flop to another
Each path has a startpoint and an endpoint
Startpoints (Input ports, Clock pins of flip-flops)
Endpoints ( Output ports, Data input pins of flip-flops)
Each path has a startpoint and an endpoint.
The startpoint is a place in the design where data is launched by a clock edge. The data is propagated through combinational logic in the path and then captured at the endpoint by another clock edge.
The startpoint of a path is a clock pin of a sequential element, or possibly an input port of the design (because the input data can be launched from some external source).
The endpoint of a path is a data input pin of a sequential element, or possibly an output port of the design (because the output data can be captured by some external sink).
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Setup & Hold Times
Setup Time: the amount of time the synchronous input (D) must be stable before the active edge of clock
Hold Time: the amount of time the synchronous input (D) must be stable after the active edge of clock.
Together, the setup time and hold time form a Data Required Window, the time around a clock edge in which data must be stable.
[Source : Altera’s Timing Analysis Introduction presentation]
Setup and hold checks are the most common types of timing checks used in timing verification
Synchronous inputs (e.g. D) have Setup, Hold time specification with respect to the CLOCK input
These checks specify that the data input must remain stable for a specified interval before and after the clock input changes
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The data valid time available after meeting the setup requirement
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The data valid time available after meeting the hold requirement
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Setup Time Requirement
Assumption in the above formulae
Interconnect delays & Clock Skews ignored.
Effect of Interconnect delay & clock skew can be analyzed in a similar fashion as an exercise.
While calculating the setup margins, minimum clock path delays and maximum data path delays should be considered.
Worst case is the one where clock reaches the receiver at the earliest and data reaches with maximum delay
For calculating hold margin, maximum clock path delays and minimum data path delays should be considered.
Worst case is the one where clock reaches the receiver at the latest and data reaches at the earliest
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For a sequential circuit, the following timing parameters are given -
tcomb = 1 ns, min and 8 ns, max
tffpd = 2 ns, min and 10 ns, max
tsetup = 2 ns, min & max
thold = 1 ns, min & max
Calculate Setup Margin at 25 Mhz clk frequency, Maximum frequency and the hold margin?
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Arrival time:
Time elapsed for a signal to arrive at a certain point.
To calculate the arrival time, delay calculation of all the component of the path will be required.
Required time:
Latest time at which a signal can arrive without making the clock cycle longer than desired.
It is the difference between the required time and the arrival time.
This is the amount of time by which a violation is avoided
E.g.: for a setup constraint, if a signal must reach a cell input at no later than 8 ns and is determined to arrive at 5 ns, the slack is 3 ns.
A slack of 0 means that the constraint is just barely satisfied.
A negative slack indicates a timing violation.
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Hold violation
Setup Violation
Hold violation is caused when the clock travels slower than the path from one register to another – allowing data to penetrate two registers in the same clock tick, or might destroy the integrity of the latched data.
Setup Violation is caused if the data signal gets delayed from the source flip-flop, so that the data signal has that much less time to reach the destination flip-flop before the next clock tick.
Which is more dangerous – setup violation or hold violation?
Hold violation is more serious than a setup violation because it cannot be fixed by increasing the clock period.
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Data Arrival Time
The time for data to arrive at destination register’s D input
Data Arrival Time = launch edge + Tclk1 + Tco +Tdata
[Source : Altera’s Timing Analysis Introduction presentation]
Clock Arrival Time
The time for clock to arrive at destination register’s clock input
Clock Arrival Time = latch edge + Tclk2
[Source : Altera’s Timing Analysis Introduction presentation]
Data Required Time - Setup
The minimum time required for the data to get latched into the destination register
Data Required Time = Clock Arrival Time – Tsu
[Source : Altera’s Timing Analysis Introduction presentation]
Relative to REG2
Data Required Time - Hold
The minimum time required for the data to get latched into the destination register
Data Required Time = Clock Arrival Time + Th
[Source : Altera’s Timing Analysis Introduction presentation]
Setup Slack
The margin by which the setup timing requirement is met. It ensures launched data arrives in time to meet the latching requirement.
[Source : Altera’s Timing Analysis Introduction presentation]
Positive slack
Arrival time (max) = clock delay FF1 (max) +clock-to-Q delay FF1 (max) + comb. Delay( max)
Required time = clock adjust + clock delay FF2 (min) - set up time FF2
Slack = Required time - Arrival time (since we want data to arrive before it is required)
clock adjust = clock period (since setup is analyzed at next edge)
A setup constraint specifies how much time is necessary for data to be available at the input of a sequential device before the clock edge that captures the data in the device. This constraint enforces a maximum delay on the data path relative to the clock path.
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Hold Slack
The margin by which the hold timing requirement is met. It ensures latch data is not corrupted by data from another launch edge. It also prevents “double-clocking”.
[Source : Altera’s Timing Analysis Introduction presentation]
“Double-clocking” is when data is data arrival time is so low when compared to the clock arrival time that it is clocked through two subsequent register stages during one clock cycle
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Positive slack
Arrival time = clock delay FF1 (min) +clock-to-Q delay FF1 (min) + comb. Delay( min)
Required time = clock adjust + clock delay FF2 (max) + hold time FF2
Slack = Arrival time - Required time (since we want data to arrive after it is required)
clock adjust = 0 (since hold is analyzed at same edge)
A hold constraint specifies how much time is necessary for data to be stable at the input of a sequential device after the clock edge that captures the data in the device. This constraint enforces a minimum delay on the data path relative to the clock path.
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Recovery & Removal
Recovery time is the minimum time that an asynchronous control must be stable before the clock active-edge transition, when async signal is asserted.
Removal time is the minimum length of time that an asynchronous control must be stable after the clock active-edge transition, when async signal is deasserted.
Asynch resets are synchronized before giving to CLRZ (reset) pin of flip-flops
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I/O Analysis
Analyzing I/O performance in a synchronous design uses the same slack equations
Must include external device & PCB timing parameters
[Source : Altera’s Timing Analysis Introduction presentation]
How many timing paths?
Path 1 starts at an input port and ends at the data input of a sequential element.
Path 2 starts at the clock pin of a sequential element and ends at the data input of a sequential element.
Path 3 starts at the clock pin of a sequential element and ends at an output port.
Path 4 starts at an input port and ends at an output port.
Path 1
Path 2
Path 3
Path 4
A combinational logic cloud might contain multiple paths. Tool (PrimeTime) uses the longest path to calculate a maximum delay or the shortest path to calculate a minimum delay.
A combinational logic cloud might contain multiple paths. Tool (PrimeTime) uses the longest path to calculate a maximum delay or the shortest path to calculate a minimum delay.
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Register to Register
Register to Output port
[Source : Timing Analysis Basics presentation from Cadence]
[Source : Timing Analysis Basics presentation from Cadence]
[Source : Timing Analysis Basics presentation from Cadence]
External_delay = comb delay + setup
[Source : Timing Analysis Basics presentation from Cadence]
Understanding Timing Paths: Input Port to Output Port
Input delay and output delay are set with respect to a clock
Default single-cycle
Setup requirement:
Hold requirement:
Combinational paths have no clocks defined for the module
Setup requirement:
Hold requirement:
[Source : Timing Analysis Basics presentation from Cadence]
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More Reports :
Endpoint: U_vpe/U0vpu/U1thra/U7vpu_fpu/Ux_vpu_fmac_mc/RES_W_reg[22]
Path Group: vpe_clk
Path Type: min
U_vpe/U0vpu/U1thra/U7vpu_fpu/Ux_vpu_fmac_mc/NORM_X3_reg[19]/CK (SDFFQX4AD)
0.032 0.000 0.756 r
U_vpe/U0vpu/U1thra/U7vpu_fpu/Ux_vpu_fmac_mc/NORM_X3_reg[19]/Q (SDFFQX4AD)
0.074 0.083 & 0.840 f
U_vpe/U0vpu/U1thra/U7vpu_fpu/Ux_vpu_fmac_mc/C20579/I6853_C1_1__n_4 (net)
4 0.073
U_vpe/U0vpu/U1thra/U7vpu_fpu/Ux_vpu_fmac_mc/C20579/I6853_C1_1__n_10 (net)
14 0.127
U_vpe/U0vpu/U1thra/U7vpu_fpu/Ux_vpu_fmac_mc/C20579/I6853_C1_1__n_22 (net)
8 0.046
U_vpe/U0vpu/U1thra/U7vpu_fpu/Ux_vpu_fmac_mc/C20579/I6853_C1_1__n_21 (net)
1 0.018
U_vpe/U0vpu/U1thra/U7vpu_fpu/Ux_vpu_fmac_mc/C20579/I7115_C4_8_C4/Y (CLKMX2X12AD)
U_vpe/U0vpu/U1thra/U7vpu_fpu/Ux_vpu_fmac_mc/N4473_6 (net)
1 0.007
U_vpe/U0vpu/U1thra/U7vpu_fpu/Ux_vpu_fmac_mc/N4473_5 (net)
1 0.036
U_vpe/U0vpu/U1thra/U7vpu_fpu/Ux_vpu_fmac_mc/C20579/I7123_C4_40_C3/Y (AOI22X4AD)
U_vpe/U0vpu/U1thra/U7vpu_fpu/Ux_vpu_fmac_mc/N5295_7 (net)
1 0.081
U_vpe/U0vpu/U1thra/U7vpu_fpu/Ux_vpu_fmac_mc/N5295_8 (net)
1 0.071
clock reconvergence pessimism -0.124 1.263
inter-clock uncertainty 0.100 1.363
U_vpe/U0vpu/U1thra/U7vpu_fpu/Ux_vpu_fmac_mc/RES_W_reg[22]/CK (SDFFQX2AD)
data required time 1.339
Endpoint: U_vpe/U3vpu/U13dmemb/U1DMEM00/u0/u0
Path Group: vpe_clk
Path Type: min
U_vpe/U3vpu/U13dmemb/U1DMEM00_mbist/mbistWrapperLogic/mbistPartialWriteData_reg_reg[3]/CK (SDFFTRX4AD)
U_vpe/U3vpu/U13dmemb/toMem_TD_0_63_3 (net)
1 0.003
U_vpe/U3vpu/U13dmemb/toMem_TD_0_63_1 (net)
9 0.102
clock reconvergence pessimism -0.105 0.752
inter-clock uncertainty 0.100 0.852
U_vpe/U3vpu/U13dmemb/U1DMEM00/u0/u0/CLK (rfrw_512x64_wm4) 0.852 r
data required time 0.883
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R: Cell delay when Output pin transitions from 0->1
F: Cell delay when Output pin transitions from 1->0
What is the longest data arrival time?
What is the shortest data arrival time?
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Lab Session 3
Delays given are :
U1 = 1.1 ns, U2 = 1.1 ns, U3 = 1 ns, U4 = 0.11ns, U5 = 0.11ns
Clk2Q = 0.5 ns max, 0.4 ns min, Tsu = 0.21ns
TH= 0.1ns
Calculate (i) Data Arrival Time for setup, (ii) Data Required time for setup, (iii) Setup Slack, i.e. is setup timing met? (iv) Data Required time for Hold, (v) Hold Slack, i.e. is hold timing met?
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Lab Session 4
Perform Setup/Hold Analysis for the following circuitry and report slack. If there are any timing violations, suggest fixes that can be done on the circuit so that the circuit operates within the stated timing objective.
Frequency of CLK = 100 MHz
Setup time of Flip-Flop (FF1, FF2, FF3, FF4 etc) = 2 ns
Hold time of Flip-Flop (FF1, FF2, FF3, FF4 etc) = 1 ns
Clock to Q delay of Flip-Flop (FF1, FF2, FF3, FF4 etc)  = 300 ps.
Propagation delay of Buffers in the library (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 etc) is 500 ps.
Propagation delay of 2:1 Mux in the library (M1 etc) from input IN1/IN2 to OUT is 1 ns.
Propagation delay of 2:1 Mux in the library (M1 etc) from input SEL to OUT is 500 ps.
Assume all net delays as zero.
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Lab Session 5
For the circuit shown below, find the maximum frequency of CLK? Also draw the output waveform of SIGA for input CLK at the maximum frequency.
Setup time of D Flip-Flop (D-FF) = 2 ns
Hold time of D Flip-Flop (D-FF) = 1 ns
Clock to Q delay of Flip-Flop (D-FF)  = 500 ps.
Propagation delay of the Invertor (I1) = 500 ps.
Assume all net delays as zero.
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Lab Session 6
In the circuit given below what is the maximum delay allowed in the combo cloud to operate the circuit at 100MHz.  
   Clk to Q of Flop = 1ns
    Flop Setup Time = 700ps
     Flop Hold Time   = 300ps
   (Assume Wire Delays and Inverter Delay I1 are Zero and the Duty cycle is 50%)
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What is the function of this circuit?
Which of the following is correct?  (Answer the questions based on the figure below)
Compared to Figure 1 In Figure 2 FF2 Setup margin increased and Hold margin increased
Compared to Figure 1 In Figure 2 FF2 Setup margin decreased and hold margin increased
Compared to Figure 1 In Figure 2 FF2 Setup margin decreased and hold margin decreased
Compared to Figure 1 In Figure 2 FF2 Setup margin increased and hold margin decreased
Ans: (b)
Need for Timing Analysis
