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Tipos de Carnaval

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Carnaval Carnival


What´s the Carnival?Carnival is a festive season which occurs immediately before Lent; the main events are usually during February. Carnival typically involves a public celebration or parade combining some elements of a circus, mask and public street party. The Brazilian Carnival is one of the best-known celebrations today, but many cities and regions worldwide celebrate with large, popular, and days-long events. The Carnival of Rio de Janeiro is the biggest Carnival in the world, and the biggest popular party on the planet, according to the Guinness Book of World Records 2010. The Rio de Janeiro Carnival is also considered the world's most famous.Others importants carnivals are the Cadiz´s Carnival and the Canaria´s Carnival that are spanish

Carnaval de Canarias

Carnival of Canarias

The Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife is held each February It is considered the second-most popular and internationally-known carnival, after the one held in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). In 1980, it was declared a Tourist Festival of International Interest. The Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife aspires to become a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The festivities on the streets of Santa Cruz de Tenerife start on the Friday before Carnival with an opening parade, until Ash Wednesday. The festival has two parts: the official Carnival, and the Carnival on the street.

Official Carnival:The official carnival has more than a hundred groups, including murgas, comparsas, rondallas and other musical groups. The street carnival is more loosely organized, and comprises the people celebrating on the streets. Thousands of people come each day to the streets to participate, most of whom wear a disguise in accordance with Carnival tradition.

- Murgas: Group of people who sing with letters that usually becomes critical to the policy, but also the problems of society in general carried out with humor and irony, the compositions are based on folk songs, to which I changed the lyrics, with murgueros whistles. The group is usually small and is accompanied only by percussion.

- Comparsas: The dance troupes are groups that organize a presentation of music, dance and color that brings to life the colorful carnival parades They are composed of three distinct parts "batucada" which is what provides the percussion and sound, "the Town" which brings its characters and "ballet" that develops choreographies.

- The Rondallas of Tenerife is a musical formations typical of the island of Tenerife. They consist of a male or mixed chorus and a group of pulse and spike. The code that is interpreted by these formations ranging from fragments of opera, operettas, world music, etc..

The street Carnival:The street carnival is more loosely organized, and comprises the people celebrating on the streets. Thousands of people come each day to the streets to participate, most of whom wear a disguise in accordance with Carnival tradition.

Carnival Of Cadiz

The Carnival of Cádiz is one of the best-known carnivals in Spain. In the Carnival of Cadiz There are diferents way:

Musical groups- The chirigotas are well-known witty and satiric groups that waiting

for the whole year to sing about politics, topics in the news, and everyday circumstances, while all of the members wear identical costumes. Each chirigota has a wide repertoire of songs. They sing in the streets and squares, at improvised venues like outdoor staircases or portals, and in established open-air tablaos organized by the carnival clubs

- The choirs are larger groups that travel through the streets on open flat-bed carts or wagons, singing, with a small ensemble of guitars and lutes. Their characteristic composition is the "Carnival Tango", and they alternate between comical and serious repertory, with special emphasis on lyrical homages to the city and its people. The costumes are, by far, the most sophisticated and elaborate of all.

- The comparsas are the serious counterparts to the chirigotas in Cádiz. Poetic lyrics and criticisms are their main ingredients. They usually tend to have a more elaborate polyphony, and they are easily recognized by the typical countertenor voice.

- The quartets (cuartetos), that, oddly, can be composed of five, four, or three members. They do not bring a guitar, only a kazoo and two sticks, that they use to mark the rhythm. They use set-piece theater scenes (pre-written skits), improvisations, and music, and they are purely comical.

Musical formsMusical forms

- The Presentation is the first piece sung to present the characterisation of the group, called its tipo. The style of the music is absolutely free and unstructured. It can take the form of a well-known form, an original composition, or even a spoken-word recitation.

- The Couplet is sung by the chirigotas, comparsas, choirs, and quartets. They are short satirical songs with a refrain that is always related to the costume and the characterisation of the group.

- The Pasodoble is a longer song without a refrain, and it is usually (but not always) serious, criticising something that happened during the previous year or rendering an homage to someone. They are sung by the comparsas and the chirigotas.

- The Tango, with its characteristic gaditano rhythm is sung only by the choirs, accompanied by their orchestras, and they are mostly poetical compositions.

- The Potpourri, sung by all of the groups, changing the lyrics of well-known songs of the year or any other kind of music, sometimes depending on the group's tipo.

Carnival Of Brasil

The Brazilian Carnival is an annual celebration that takes place forty days before Easter. It has some variations with its European counterpart and also differences along the Brazilian territory. In the late nineteenth century, cordões were introduced in Rio de Janeiro and consisted of groups of people walking through the streets playing music and dancing. The cordões were the ancestors of modern samba. There are two types the carnivals of Brasil: Carnival in the northeastern and Carnival Amazon

Carnival in the northeastern: Carnival in Brazil is characterized by the color carnival blocos There are expressions of Brazilian culture. These people desfilam sambam and organized in semi-clad fantasies. Some of asthmatic blocos competitions he participate Brazilian Carnival is also characterized by sound car where the genre musics reproducem ax, samba and swinguera, and where many people are dancing, singing, drinking, and kissing.

Carnival of Bahia: In the state of Bahia, celebrates carnival, using so-called electric trios, which are trucks fitted with large speakers and a platform where musicians play different rhythms, mainly ax.In cities like Bahia and Buzio, the celebrations are done directly on the streets and dance to present the electric trios.

Carnival Amazon: Amazon Carnival is an annual festival held in July in the city of Parintis and starred for two main blocks: Garantido and Capricious. It is based on local folk elements and indigenous culture.

Carnival in Rio de JaneiroThe parades take place in the Sambodromo and major Samba Schools are, In Rio de JaneiroMangueira, Portela, Salgueiro, Beija-Flor, Imperatriz, Império Serrano, Vibrant, União da Ilha, Estacio de Sa, do Viradouro States.

Carnival in Sao Paulo:The parades take place in the Sambodromo and major Samba School. The parade starts with the simplest escolas, which are not official and is intended to lift the spirits of the spectators at the peak, when then enter the avenue the official group escolas and more luxurious.

Vocabulario: - worldwide : En todo el mundo- held: Declaro lo siguiente- World Heritage: Patrimonio de la humanidad- Parade: Desfile- Comprises: Consta de - Accordance: De acuerdo- Folk songs: Las canciones populares- Troupes: Comparsas- Develops: Desarrolla- Disguise: Disfraz

- witty: Ingeniosa- Whole: Total- Squares: Plazas- Staircases: Escaleras- Wagons: Vagones- Polyphony: Polifonia- Oddly: Por extraño que- Counterpart: Contraparte- Trucks: Camiones- Intended: Destinado
