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chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · TIrE WASHINGTON HERALD THURSDAY FEBRUARY 7 1907 9 I I ITALIAN SLAYS...

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TIrE WASHINGTON HERALD THURSDAY FEBRUARY 7 1907 9 I I ITALIAN SLAYS TWO Crazed with Anger Deals Death from Eeyolyer TWO INJURED MEN MAY DIE crr York Railroad Umployc HH- rcfyed Because lie Is Pushed from Line of Men Waiting to Re Paid nUll Attacks the Crowd loitchintr Averted liy the Aid of Police Now York Feb iInfuriated by his trouble with a number of firemen and engineers or the New York Central road AS he steed IN line at the pay car at Fortyafth street and Vanderbilt avenue today Gabriel Ferrera a former employe of the company now employed shoveling enow lot the streetcleaning department shot ad kiltotf two men dangerously wounding a third and slightly injured u fourth The crowd startled for a moment fell back end then ran after the fleeing Italian Several of the nremen beat him severely and they were hunting for a rope with which to lynch blm when Policeman Wilson went to the rescue Ferreras victims were Edward Jones aged twenty shot dead Robert Ayer aged seventeen fireman died on the way to Flower Hospital Alfred Cenoty aged twenty shot in the left arm and Edward Tompkins nreman shot in the stomach and dangerously wounded Ferrera had been employed In the bag gageroom at the Grand Central station but was discharged on the lit of the month Today he wont back to get JJOSfl due him for his work in January He tried to break his way Into the line at the pay oar Instead of going to the end Pnshen 3Iau Ont of Line He pushed Jones out of line and when Tompkins now asja st pushed him out too Tompkins crowded back Into line displacing the Italian and Ferrera pulled out a tons knife and slashed at him Tompkins knocked him down and took the knife away from Mm Ferrera ran to his home at 217 East Fortyftfth street where he lives with his wife and fourteenyearold daughter He set his revolver and returned to the pay ear He no sooner lOt In sight of the men la line before he pulled his pistol and began thing The ttremen who had been waiting in line ran m panic from the scene They hid in every place In the yard where they thought they would be out of the range of the infuriated mans pistol While the crowd was scattered Ferrera turned and ran toward Vanderbilt ave- nue By that time the firemen had re- covered their nerve and started in pur- suit They followed the fleeing Italian down Vanderbilt avenue and overtook him within half a block One of them grabbed him and threw him to the ground Others appeared and trampled upon him to Lynch Him He was lifted to his feet sad several mon reached over the head of the others who heW him Sand struck him in the faceGet a rope and well string him up right here cried one of the men At ones two or three started to find a rope while e others beat and kicked th aasaewin Policeman Wilson who had heard the shouts and saw the came to the rescue and was fol- lowed by other omcers attracted by the excitement The patrol wagon and an ambnhmc from Flower Hospital picked up the dead ml wounded Cenoty Tompkins and Ayers were placed In the ambulance and tarted for the hospital Ayers died just as the wagon started so that it took his body to the institution- As Jones body was being lifted into the patrol wagon to be removed to the QuIt Fiftyfirst street station the brother of the dead man F P Jones a conductor on the railroad looked on the scene from a window of the big depot building That looks like my Brother he said He went down and looked In the wagon and there identified the body Ferrera was taken to the Yorkvflle Po lice Court and Magistrate Moss remanded him to the coroner fireman him ant com- motion dad 4 oft ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ TAILORS CALL ON PRESIDENT IfIt eatiK to Protective AMKoelation Convention Visit White Iloiiie Speaker Cannon Representatives Alex ander and Lftttefield and Commissioner Macfariand will be among the speakers who win address the members of the Mer- chant Tailors National Protective Asso- ciation at a banquet at the Arlington this evening The dinner will bring the fourth annual convention of the organization to The several hundred delegates who by the way are among the best dressed men in the country and decide the fashions in male attire for all the United States marched to the White House yesterday afternoon and were received in the East Room by President Roosevelt Many of them were accompanied by their wives who also were dressed immaculately and would do justice to any fashion plate John Patterson of New York the attor- ney for the association addressed the convention at the morning session on Legal Dress Reform Practical demon- strations of cutting and fitting were given by J H Walker of Peoria and J E Spann of Chicago After the White House reception the delegation was photographed en the front steps of the State War and Navy Build- ing The remainder of the afternoon was spent to sightseeing MARRIAGK LICENSES RaTnmnd R Ramcu J5 Hallimaia Md and Mand J Frej S ReistcrtowB Md Rev Richard P WBHam Minted C Robertson niihmuuu Va and Mattie F Turner Manchester Va Rev Wet too Bomer Clarence H KaMerwhtte a sad Flareaet Ntw- oon a Neb of Rirhmand Va Rer J R Me LamdUta Matthew D Gregory 22 sad Virginia D Balder Rn 17 Rev WflUam O Dram John C KahVBbach CoOf RMK Md sad Matilda II Eels M Hancroft Vn lisa I Maprirr- Edwaid R Wbtwden IL and LytHa A I 31 Rev F yf RristoL Frederick A Wolf 22 and Math A MitkcU 11 Mac F M Bristol William T H Silver 3prh Md and Estelte U Phelpa O Rev P J C RlppchBeyer 21 and Tram R IMny- of Barumore Md Rev Bntjene A WilHam Wallace Chhwren M ad AdeBa X Xel son 2C Rer R P WttOams- Archia L Payne 2 CWtoa Va aad Mary V Sumstme 21 Rayoane N J Rer X Jim A FMaserald a and Oertmd M- rUlin K Rev J R Ktsleher- Irvmc A Ran 3S and nat M GaOaJma A Rev Ilash T StepbcBson- WiUard D WQHamaoa 2L and Kdna Van Morn 24 Raw Wflham Leeetiae Derrhx Charles F MaUaa 9 ItoMnke Vs aad Ahnot- E Brown ST ItaHimorr Md C 8 R mtr Jna- tk of tho peace Rudolph W Rev W Doothm Srrather and Betda M w B Porter William Coltman and Ram Chtt- vt Prteretmrc Va ROT Jama M Lee W K Faster WilUaa Blake sad Item a A Itrr S L Otmtant Robert C iUHfceom sad Aaa V darter Re W Bhan JatMtaa Caleb S Raw S MR Ouna Si Ilw J McUsaMai Sea HtacJmsll awl Xm Qt9 HL Rw- U II limit f adOBe aID O- Hm se- T aid Ns Co DrM T CO LOllED a II If Chazias Osncr I JiIaJ Ia r B So b p h t Js flan aop 4 Z Her and 1 irush per sem and ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = DELMAS IN CHARGE OF THAWS DEFENSE CONTINUED PROM FIRST PAGK from a number of decisions notably the Pekarz cue recently decided in which it was held that a lay witness could testify as to whether the acts of the defendant were rational or Irrational but not a to his mental condition But Justice Fits gerald didnt agree with Mr Jeromes contention and Martin Green to whom the question had been submitted at the morning session was recalled to the stand Thereupon Air Del mas reframed his question so as to agree exactly with one in the Packingham case decided in ISSfl which the Court of Appeals held was admissible Mr Delmas asked Mr Green If the acts of Thaw after the shooting indicated that he was rational or irrational Irrational That satisfied Mr Delmas and Mr Jerome who knows Mr Green as the au thor of The Man Higher Up for whom Mr Jerome has hunted wanted to know If Air Greene could regard himself an ex- pert on mental diseases Mr Green mod- estly admitted that he didnt and after some other questions he said he judged that Thaws mental condition was not at all what it should have been on that night because of his acts after the shoot- ing Thomas McCnlcb Called There was a whispered conference be- tween Mr Delmas and Mr HartrMge and Mr Delmas called out Thomas McCaleb There was a stir In the court- room for every one there knew that McCaleb and Truxton Beate the socalled International clubman were the Thaw party on the night Stanford White was killed Mr Delmas withdrew for a moment from the room When re turned McCaleb was on the stand and had been sworn Meantime McCaleb who was nervous had been fidgetting around in the witness chair He is a smoothfaced rather sharpfeatured young man who looks his age about His voice Is mild almost soft and with brown hair not very thick and parted in the middle he looked the youngmanabouttown type He said his home Is in San Francisco that he knew Harry Thaw and that he was with him on the night of the shoot- ing He was with him in the roof gar- den at the time of the shooting and in the party worn Mrs Evelyn Thaw and Beale They had seats for Mamslle Champagne and they got to the roof about tt They took seals on the Madison avenue side at the Twenty seventh street corner The musical hodgepodge was going on they en- tered They left before the show was over he said Mr Delmas got him to describe the manner of leaving Mrs Thaw arose to leave said Me Caleb crossing his legs and shifting his chair and I being on the aisle seat arose She Joined me and as we went out I laughingly addressed some trivial casual remark about the play We had reached or almost reached the arch leading to the elevator on the Twenty sixth street side when three pistol shots Mr Delmas interrupted the narrative- to get McCaleb to explain how he sad firs Thaw walked side by side He could not tell how far Thaw and BeaJe were behind them because he H4 not look behind And when we had reached or almost reached arch continued McCaleb leaning forward within a few paces of the elevator three pistol shots in rapid succession suddenly fell upon my hear- ing I stopped I heard Mrs Thaw who had already turned around exclaim My God he is shot There upon I turned and Axed my gaze directly upon her There she stood pale tremu ra apparent astonishment gasteg ahead I then looked in the direction whence she was looking although mark you I did not AVnrniiiK from Jerome A warning from Mr Jerome stopped McCaleb from telling what he did not Well said McCaleb the next thing I saw a lot of people gathering around a certain point at a certain place a certain distance from us And the next thing I saw was Mr Thaw with a pistol extend- ed in his hand with the butt end turned upward McCaleb illustrated the position of the arm and the pistol but he not tell which hand it was Mr made him describe just how the thing appeared lit he S 1 when the then Iou see could Del see ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ to him At that time McCaleb said Thaw was within a few paces of his wife and then h approached and she ex- claimed My God Oh Harry what have you done She exclaimed again Oh Harry what have you done He replied I have saved your life He kissed her The last sentence McCaleb seemed to put in as an afterthought Delmas was quick to catch the Upon those words inquired Mr Del alas rising out of his chair He kissed her upon those words Yes sir replied McCaleb with more strength to his voice than he had been using He used other expressions but in the allpervading excitement I do not now recall them Then Beale came up McCaleb started- to repeat what he had said to Beale but be was shut off by Mr Delmas who de- clared very sweetly that what McCaleb said to Basic might be objectionable but if no one had a complaint on that score was willing to have it all come out Mr Jerome said nothing and McCaleb after a pause was told to go ahead by Mr Delmas- I said to Mr Beale said the witness pointing to Mr Thaw He has killed a man I did not know who it was To- gether Mr Beale and I entered the eleva- tor which was fairly crowded with peo- ple including Mr and Mrs Thaw and the man who had Mr Thaw under arrest We all went down in the elevator together anti when we arrived on the sidewalk Mr Thaw was turned over to a policeman and then It was he said to Mr Beate Mr Thaw said to Mr Beale Take my wife to the hotel and call up somebody Carnegie or word to that effect At once Mr Delmas asked McCaleb the question he asks all witnesses who saw Thaw after the shooting Was he rational or Irrational Irrational sakI McCaleb without hes- itancy To Cafe Martin Mr Delmas had McCalebs version of what he knew of the killing of White so he took McCateb to the Cafe Martin where he Thaw Mrs Thaw and Beate had had dinner before they went to the roof garden During the course of the dinner said Mr did you notice anything peculiar hi the appearance or change of appearance of the lady of Ute party McCaleb was willing enough hut Mr Jeromes objection stopped his answer That sent Mr Delmas on another tack one of the many he took during the day when the Jerome objections made kin path stormy DM you notice any communication betwen Mr Thaw and his wife that even- ing at the table said Mr Delmas slowly counting out each word for its proper effect I remember seeing Mrs Thaw ask for a pencil and subsequently puss a note to Mr Thaw bald McCaJeb Mrs Thaw gut the pencil from Thaw McCaleb said but he didnt see her write anything He was sure about Thaw passing her a pen- cil and then she handed a piece of paper to Thaw It was a slip of paper accord tag to McCalebs description and it was DW Mr Thaw make tiny remark When he Del cueS folded ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ he received the slip of paper asked Mr Delmas I didnt hear any remark replied Mc Caleb Did you notice anything In the appear- ance of Mr Thaw at that time as affected by the piece of paper or the receipt of it said Mri Delmas repeating the ques- tion which Justice Fitzgerald had ruled out a few minutes before Again Mr Jerome was on his feet with an qbjoctlon Justice Fitzgerald agreed with Mr Je rome saying that part of the question as affected by this piece of paper was certainly objectionable- It was the first time the note from Mrs Thaw to her husband had been brought Into the testimony although Immediately after the shooting Thaw told a reporter about it Other than a few persons no one knows the exact words on the note Thaw said that night that there was a reference to Stanford White Whatever was on the note does not seem to worry Thaw or his counsel for as it soon Ir Delmas was anxious to got It before the jury right there- Of course the contents of that paper insisted Mr Delmas with a show of feel- ing Is impossible for me to prove by that witness I am informed that that paper hi in the possession of the learned district attorney If I am correctly in formed I shall ask for its production Del urns Appciil Iciiored I will sustain the objection in the form that It Is put said Justice Fitz- gerald ignoring Mr Delmas appeal to Mr Jerome I was not aware of the contents in that way said Mr Delmas apologetic- ally If I am correctly informed I now call for the production of that paper if it is In the possession of the learned dis- trict attorneys office A wave of hand from Mr Damns to ward the had no effect on Mr Je romes back the only thing Mr Delmas could see of the district attorney who was sitting right in front of him right to Mr Jerome was young Mr Garvan in whose possession reposes the secrets of the prosecutions case His back was to Mr Delmas There was not a sound In the courtroom Mr Jerome never budged He looked straight ahead So did Mr Garvan Through their glasses they ap- peared to be trying to pierce the Simmons paintings on the wall back of the judges bench Make him answer said Associate Hartrtdge leaning over to brother Del inns is there no response called Mr Del mas So far as Justice Fitzgerald was concerned he took no notice Mr Jerome and Mr Garvan might have been images 1 caM upon you Mr District Attorney- to produce the paper proclaimed Mr Delmas Then be saw it was no use No one oa the other side of the ran was going to pay any attention to him It was a good piece of acting by Mr Dctmas anti he carried it gracefully to a close in a little speech There be no response he said with no trace of malice or bitterness I take it that the silence of the learned district attorney Is due not to discourtesy but to a proper conception of his duties In the matter and I shall therefore have to prove the contents of that paper hi an- other way I simply desire to ask the witness now whether upon the reception of that paper he noticed any change hi the appearance of Mr Xo Objection Time Mr Jerome made no objection this time and McCateb who had been twitching his lingers said he didnt notice any change in Thaws expression In fact he could not remember of having looked at him at all He knew that Thaw got the paper Otherwise he paid no attention to the Incident No statement was forth- coming later from Mr Jerome about the paper but it was apparent that the pros- ecution has the new and the defense It Of course Mrs Evelyn Thaw who will be a witness can ten what she wrote and why she wrote U After their dinner the party started from Martins for the roof garden Mc recollection was that he and Mrs Thaw walked ahead and Basis and Thaw followed It was noted as that both after leering Martins and just before the shooting Beale and Thaw were together while each time Mrs Thaw and were together Before asking McCaleb who bought the tickets for the roof garden there was a confer- ence between Messrs DeUnas Hartridge and Gteason It wes the second time that Mr Delmas asked about those tickets McCaleb did not know when they were purchased or by whom but he said by Thaw as be was the host de- veloped It Jury Thaw This Caleb ether pe- culiar caleb evi- dently next knows ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ During the time that you were seated together at dinner was there any discus sion as to whether you would stay longer at the Cafe need not answer as there Is going to be an objection or whether you should proceed without de- lay to the roof garden T Mr faunas asked He guessed right about the objection as Mr Jerome was instantly on his feet with one It was upheld by Justice FIts gerald Mr Delmas then attempted to get McCaleb to say whether there had been any statement by Thaw on the subject This was ruled out by Justice Fitzgerald Mr Jerome saying that statements made by the defendant in his own behalf and not connected with the shooting were not admissabte Justice Fitzgerald remarking that he could not conceive whet was the object of the question just then took the same view Therefore said Mr Delmas hewing r win accede to your honors suggestion and close the examination Courtroom Laughed McCaleb settled back in his chair and Mr Jerome got up and looked at him for a second Then a twinkle appeared in Mr Jeromes eye wee smile came his mouth and McCateb responded with a broader smile It was not apparent then what caused the two to smile but it came later and then It was the courtroom lauglMdperhapc at the expense of both of them McCaleb toW Mr Jerome tbatTKe net Thaw In San Francisco about a year be- fore the shooting He was sure of that but he also had an Ides that he met him in Parts some years ago but then It a boating acquaintance It was about twelve years ago McCalab thought when he knew Thaw in Parts Since the San Francisco meeting he had seen Thaw a number of times but never had any commercial or business relations with him He did not know Evelyn Ncsbit until lie met her as Mrs Harry K Thaw he said He saw Thaw several times in the week prior to the shooting He dined with him at the Lorraine where the Thaws mother and sisterssUll live Mr Jerome wanted to know who was present at the dinner McCaleb had no desire to tell Must I he asked If you please yes said Mr Jerome There was a Mr Stecklaml or a name something like it and I think a Miss McKenzie antI Mr Thaw and his wife Ilow many times did you dine with the defendant and his wife when Miss Mc KenKie was In the party asked Mr Jerome That was the only time I dined with Miss McKenzie said McCalab Now Mr McCaleb said Mr Jerome you and I have talked about this thing before If you pay attention to the ques- tion you can answer It Jerome Angry Mr Jerome was jumping at the witness who was not pleased lie said ho under- stood Mr Jeromes questions about his opinion on Thaws rationality and Mr Jerome then naked what his occupation was McCaleb replied that he was sec- retary for the California Association Mr Jerome oUted for the salary McCaleb wanted to knew if lie haLl to tell and Martinyou a und s- only Deco inCH f ¬ ¬ ¬ Mr Delmas piped up that he hail It was 180 a month and then Increased Before that he did literary work Mr Jerome for about the fifteenth time read the question and McCaleb looked at Justice FltageraW then at Mr Jerome and finally at Thaws counsel I can give a laymans opinion not an experts opinion he said Thats all saW Mr Jerome sitting down But Mr Delmas wanted more from Mc Caleb He wanted to know about conversation with Mr Jerome It several days after the shooting eight ten days At an uptown club said Mc Caleb first Then he said it was at the Union Club He also made a statement- to Mr Garvan at the district attorneys office It was a sworn statement and Mr Garvan very kindly sent it to him he said and he signed It Then he returned It to the district attorneys office He had seen It since Then Mr Delmas inquired if there was anything said on the roof garden about leaving before the show was over or wait- ing until the end McCateb said he didnt hear any such conversation There Mr Delmas dropped McCaleb who wasnt en- joying himself a bit and Mr Jerome took him up again He showed him a three page typewritten document which turned out to be the statement he made to the district attorney After the stenographer had taken it down McCateb made some corrections in fnk on Mr Jerome evidently thought that Mc caleb got a copy of It but he said he had not The statement was sent to Mc Caleb at th Union Club where he cor- rected it Mr Jerome tackled McCateii again wanted to know the hour that be saw McCateb at the Union Club He could not remember how late It was How many drinks did you have asked Mr Jerome suddenly Rail Drink with Jerome Well I had one with you said Mc Caleb apparently unconscious of saying anything funny but Instantly there was an explosion In the courtroom Justice Fitagcrald sternly rebuked everybody adding that If any Impropriety was called to his attention the person weald be pun ishedWhat may I ask MId Mr Demos suavely did the teamed district attorney take for a drink that sight If he can remember wggsatad Mr Jerome Do you think you could remember said Mr Delmas 1 think be took the same aa I did saM McCateb I will exclude this I do not think it is helpful said Justice Pitx erald sad away went McCateb his hoods thrust deep in his trousers pockets Lionel Strauss a portrait painter with- a studio at 121 W Fortysecond street was on the roof garden U night White was kilted He saw Thaw right after the shooting His face was very pale he said His eyes gave me the impression as if they were bulging they probably were not but the white was showing a great dial and his mouth was almost color a- very peculiar expression of the Ups that would be remembered for some time Dr Duuninr Ilounllcd Then Dr John T Drcmar of who was questioned by Mr Gteason oa Tuesday was called by Mr Detains He knew John Ross son of Washington and Margaret Copely Ross the latter being a sister of Mrs William Thaw Mr Jerome brought out that Washington Ross had MO common blood with toe Thaw or Copely family after Mr Delmas had asked if Dr Deemar had known the condition of mind of John Ross for a number of years Thereupon Mr Jerome objected to the ad- mission of the testimony There was another long argument on the subject as to whether the Affinity of persons not directly of the Thw stock should be admitted Justice FUsgerald in- dicated that he would decide that it was not adnrissabte unless It was shown that there was no insanity on the other line connected with the Thaw stock He re- served decision on th question however until tomorrow morning LONDON PAPERS GET YELLOW Stnlil ICnprUsh IroKK UMON Pictures About Tlmw Trial London Feb 1 Tb London papers have broken over all precedent in hand flag the Thaw murder trial as seventy two different pictures of Mrs Evelyn Neabtt Thaw printed la various journals attest Never before baa a murder trial been so profusely Illustrated in the staid English press The relationship of the the was or I It He PIt ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ prisoner to the Countess of Yarmouth Is partly respoisible In addition to the pictures scattered through the daily newspapers leading weekly periodicals like the Illustrated News are giving fullpage pictures of the woman in the case her husband and their relatives In the weekly press a favorite caption seems to be The Millionaire Murder in New York An Attractive Morning Gown J I 2 WASHINGTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED ALPHABETICALLY BAKERY M HOLZBELERLEINS FAMOUS DREAD awl CELKBUATBD CAKES Most dtHcNMs and wbdoMme Liars par order with your grocer totter HARDER HERALD SHAVING PARLOR Phono IM MTH ST N Mala M- H A DAVIS Late rf Bond Bfcfc Prspr CAFE AND LUXCI1 ROOM BTcCRYSTALS CAPE MM Fourteenth aw Jflntdass Uptown DtelBB- Koom Oysters and Oaase Cafftfl Evarytbtoc at Pojwtar Prto CONFECTIONER JESSE COOK KB ST N W DAKDHUFF CURB J M Turners Soalpo Hair Tonic WW MM par dandmff All drae and berbers Vile lIe and P O lien FANCY GROCERIES S W HENRY M0 PLXNA AVH N V- BDPWB 001TFBB W1XBS AVD LIQUORS GROORRS Private Stock Whisky 75c a Quart AWST above ercrytMB JAS D DUKMtULrX Ida and I Ma w Wfott aod Laartxa Bpeextt- kHIGHUHADK TAILORING A H COOPER TAILOK AXD VALB- Tm ti N W D C fMfcl 10 indies INVALIDS SUPPLIES A J McKEE CO MMBjhctara iMfMtten of liM Mat amid I nlM fen ArtJMpeAfe A- TwSea7t attosdMt JEWELER CARL A DOUBET m Writ ST NW WstchBMknr anti Jeweler Kodak and SapgHsf- cLADIUS TAILORS R ROSS BURT MM YOU ST NV DraMteloth tetu itt linedfeua SB p We an- oest taflona perfect at gnaxaote W DIHcI8M n lee CrHIB SXJ a Allen Rtcla net IitletaWlrak I tti w lit sad lair l 1 t Y 1 wIth lending Mom 1b me asks > DAILY COURT RECORD DISTRICT COURTS Court of Appeals Mr JoaUce Robb Heavy L Tbaaiaa Gcorce B Seat Caartea H JINaiam A Tthailiu sad Fnuxfe Ravto van adndtted to practice Xo I7M Mamas va Adaaaa ajgajsaat eoataaMd- by Mr S H Gieay sad Mr 3 3 Dafttactati tee appeUee soil coadaded by Mr K ItBbsi Jackm for appeBaata- Xo rm J akiM va FaneO avaBBiiat c aa- Meaced by Mr C F Dtan las anaxBaat OOKX by Mr M R Rewtaad and Me B appaBae and coadaded by Mr a F Oisnj tor appeOaat- Xe C4L r Gnana L A Maaey for appa Patent appeal Ko 3a Oady va Lanrtoy Ded to role per chief Jaatk Hhraard- AariKoneaU for today Oa bearfntXo 41 Riddto va Gwaoa Apaa- Vbuat satiny U A Pulley attaratyi- Wlbaa ft Rmrkadak So 7 va DMrlet af G attornry J B A abtr hi appaaaaa Jtttor- acy 3B M TbOBMU Smote caXo MM Tafctoa vs PUtoaetphhi- Bmtthnore sad Waabingtoa Railway Cessntay Ap pattoata attoneya X H Jackaoa If JC Dark aad F F Samba appaDeea attoraeya McKi- Xo Me Sell va Waahinfton Baihray and Etoctrto Cceapaar Apptltoata attorney MeMne Church cppeDeeft attoraeya WarSald ft DoftO- Xo MM Adams Kxprcaa Cavpaay va Adaanv- Appeflaafa attorneya W 8 Tbataaa sad T Theaaai appaOee attoraeya A B Wabb and Franc Xa JIM Moore va Praatl Apprttanfc Mice aev I ckie Fttkon A tIcs attflrwr J J Daraacton and C C Jam N XieahU va Oaltonaf Appenaafa attor- aen Ledde Fattoa ft COB J A THamey and R- ft Xoa UBi Baratow va Caafeal Tanks Ooav- pany Appeftaata attornaya F J llnjan and W J Laiobert sppeBect attoraeya R Row SOB and O T Umtop- Xe nV Dark va Dada Appttcanfs attaraeys- M X Richardaon and J A Cohb appeihWa a- r M H Olante Na BBf Secartty and TraM Cwnanay- va Dbtrfct cf Cahuabia Appettaafi attotneya A B Browne and G K RawOton appoBtea attor- Btja K H TboBMu sad F H Stevens Equity Court Xo 1 CHIBF JU8TIC1I CLABAUC- HIlamil va Dowamt BMnunari ovenakd hove to aaawer enptolaaBf tattdtor E L Gin defeadaafa aottdtor W K Letter Beha n B ha aiumlteewt of aurriaat saMuel Coaiplaioaaff atUdtor Crandal Mackey linden va Hadea appearance of abeeat defend saMuel Cflmplaraant toociton J 3C FM bury and M R Hollander herMan vt Butler Kftreare to naditor Coa- vpUnaafs aoUcitcra Biaadanbiiu- dafeadaafa apjidton husSies Colbert ft Hamil- ton sad Oorf I Koawr- DlekerMn va DkkMtoa argaed sad BBbmttted- OtmnlaiBBBfa aoeidtar Baker SBbeehy k lisps aafaadaata laUdtan A A Lipaeamta mud W M defend CbaaplatoBaf aoBdtor A A Upteamk- Maxm va Waaah title vetted i iniiililinnl ndmae juaiiaitan Comphiinama aoUdtor W 11 l ukto tar today X Sarlth va Uakfard Attorney I TBhMnaoBKlrner ft Waodaid- Xo BUL CoaUey vt Sister Attoraeya W Gwyane Oardtoer WflUam K PawMoB- Xo B5 Tbomac va Them Attorneys IHmey VidardUtnWn- NV Hailer vt AmcHcaa aavmai Baak At X 1O Lancaater vt LaiMattor Attorneys King BnwMHognes ft Gray Hfiuity Court Xo 2 JLSTICK GOULD Weavers ra Deawrs able Fabmary Complainant solicitor H B leakeD defendants aoUdtor B F Doyle Hatrtoon va Smith et aL appearance of abtent defendants ornd Ctmi atii afa taHcncr J JM ttaum- Kiaatow va Unknown Heir of Riehaid appearance cf absent defendants ordered Oam- nhimanf nliettor A S Taylor Itoaweit va Hoswell appearance of abfcnt t ordered Cvmpmbmntt Solicitor dwht inBHHt- Karrtooti vt llantton errWe to Rqaay crt X L Camplamatifg PoHeMor 11 B MonUw- aaTeadaHfi aoMdtcr Thomaa D Xaaat Jr SariOe va Crti et aL ibatitMtiea of trades saMuel Compa iw f taMtitoT Faltea Lade ImbiBiaiBH for X m Mercer va MCMET Attorney Oatey Pmsnt The CIa1 Jvalas Mr Kce 8 Miser for X of c Leak S ILL ICI u Ii T Nary anti JIll anu fL w to 01 oil L JIlL k T 1 k nile to return JL lie r i MnrdssL Jntks liSa ot Wife Mm Itaata aiaasM sass teat Flsmeay appall Rem aimsei A asa ulik ehcias labs Daridse appoisted is- IS IN teals Je5eWo sa ceutuspt Slang today < = Xo 15S Ihvwa vm ItotntBiy Pawdtr Ctompaay et- L Attorney OlatBtB- X ilL Itch vt Itch et aL Attorneys Smfth- Mathrr Xo 1C Title Gaanwty Sanry Caaq By vs D fMUy et aL Attoraeya WantarBtracf llnftjr and Phnaky Circuit Court Xo 1 ItlSTlCB WRIGilT herbs vs vefwlet Jar phdnttf for llamtur attorneys II Carmt Otborne I VetlAtt E W Hammond sad F W IMnvm d- feadanfa attoraeya A Wofthtogtoa and C J Fanlkaer- Adaaa va Rabbttt jadsmeat by default Pteia- ttffs attoraeya IlamOtoa Oeftert Ilamatoet a J llwphj- Knateriiai vs HaoOnc TartHct lee defendant rabx of protNTty 4A llahvtfcr attonKya Itarlndale a andaiita artora ya Tacwer ft Km yea and B S usda Maarader v IattreU eaaUaaed far the term Phktetir attorneYs Rahton SMdont and W K- Hfchardsoa deft ftUoraeya Ilamfttoa CW bert UamMoa MOb w I bjS conthjaed for the torn Plain tire attorney W J Lambert defendants attor- neys UraodeBburx ft Braadaiiburg Low vs Ilalttaore and Itniliaai Om a j- Tcrdict fur plaintiff for ft sad JMsmta JkrhV W i i I Ohio sal kim lN hops 5 > > A1AUKET SUPPLIES DUPONT MARKET COMPANY melT Penaa Ave NW DWYKU PQOUE Prow E Oar Complete Use et MBATii AND WM TWBNTiTUIUD AND L STS NW heels Jnecrkf and ProvteioBS and VtattaMet Hoaa Uree l Masts a gpoahiK- y31I511C1IAXT TAILOR 318 B ST NW Otoaabc AHerinE and Uepairifle Neatly Dt at Short Notice MERChANT TAILOR MORRIS BACHRACH SB K Start NW Lot Me Do Your ALTBHAT1ONS CLKAXIN- GMBXS TAILOR J T ENGLISH Tailor FIFTEENTH MOD I bTS N W Ito better ta here sear dotMnc yet in atsmr or alterations naad- eSIISNS WEAR SOL HERZOG 1416 14th St N the RaauiaitoB that Uw Mt Kt Anon Brand Callers Moaueh Cast SWrt- thawn m latest detfc m and pattcrnc MILLiNERY ZIMMERMAm 616 13th St ATTRACTIVE MILLINBBY Ctrreat Prltt Between F lid G MACIIINK SHOPS G W FORSBERG MACH1KI4T AND BOILER MAKER Warta ad wharf Sta and Water w sad V at aw Phone Mats m sad ORIENTAL RUGS AND M N HEKIMIAN only escttHtv Oriental Hue Store la- Wimautnet Untune dettKB EicJasrw CORNKR IXTii AND U eTKBOTa N W POULTRY SUPPLIES Southern Poultry Supply Company M E Street Northeast a P S MULTOM OVUM Producer S P S CUttK PICTURE FRAMES LOUIS J OHLMER of Picture Frame and Unbotstetr and Kograftoei restored i liCk at aw S SUPLLUIS M CARL G MAIER pleas W- AD Well ate Bra Ht CO- De WAftS aa J raw IltO VISIONS amid PREtiINU EXPtltT VORK tsa ills CAR IWPS ROUt with and cntta Plaintiffs attorney C J Morniiy defendants attorneys HamihoB Colbert ft Ham Bton Ray vt Foy ndnrintotrator on triat natattsTeil- mlTi ill i attorneys MMM 1 f BaHB A I DEMos RartaB m lOUaa sales ice new trial atod- PIsbjUTa attoraeya Calvert Ydtott Ilaaaaoad- Bntva dafradanta attoraeya A Wmttilaejaa C J aaitaaaaato for today Xo Ill Ray va Pot Attoraeya W W Sear aa asS Ifaydea Jafcaana 1 L Jabaieei sad K a- Dattoa No m Stead n Gait Attorae Gecta 8 ChaaeWaK A Roatahtrg and D W Bahar limb va detest DJantiBary BMN- Tgeaey HonpHaL Attoraeya B WehbR leon Perry Sun Attomen 3 M- T ytorW C SuNless So i Wright va Baaak Attaraeya W B Aat- Xe B9 Ce a KaUaaml Sank m BryM Alias C A Keipria sad P M r bass MaMas Ctephaae sad Haada lie ML Trader National Sank va Towha At barg Uephaae ud Senile No MT Stuart Ta WaAtoatoa aarhaji lash Attorney A Wnadatd- So Haka vm Xay Attoneya Woh Tbom McKcuey Ftoaaoy Xo m Low va Mtidhaa Attoraeya Uoaajas- ft DoKjUa JJ Oarlinxtoa and 1 D Wrigat Circuit Court Xo- JDSTICB A JDBRSOX- Davia w Ovens toava tBaatod to davaaa W la of bond for llaiatir attoraev W Uwyaa Gardiaar- Aaateoaevto for today Jlo IM Grady va WaahhMjtoa Liaht Oaaa- paay Attoraeya bueadae ft DoasavR Son Perr A Boa sad MeKcaway ft Flaaaery- X K Wyttt Ta Ritoy Attoraera U M DOBBBW fs DoagbM No 2 X Jackaae v later Attorneys W C PneatiBi end G F WUUaaaaM H Beaeh 9 Weeer va I WHBria toa Raiknad Cnaapany Attoraeya J B- I araer and Arthw Peter McKeaney ft Flaaaary- aad X A HneWinr r- Xo m v Dtotriet of Cohaabau Attoraeya C W CtoaettK H TBOBBH No SL Mclatire va Seater AttoraeyaX- OL ML Hawks va Bvnwa A- iWenbantoiiTaeker Keayoa v Criminal Court IVo 1 JUST1CB STAFTORD United States n Jessie L May asaiatt to MB- aa triaL Attoraeys Lee Fallen Cst Criminal Court Xo 2 JUSTICE BARNARD Uaftod States ra J a Harritaa asaiBi wnli a daaserooa weapoa rtfJkl nit xailt by dvaatkai of aunt Attorney CaavbeH Carriagtaa United Stolen va Jones Mclnteah nbbay m diet sulky Attorney J M lUcks Aariaiiaituta fume United Slates va X Burke Uatted Elates vt Arthur Itrry and Joba Levis Court JUSTICE GOULD Batate of Jobs Coker will sad Kraadatc leSion of xlmhitotratioB to Mary J Ocher bind M Attorney II R Mooltoa Busts of S Toewn totteM af anaHaliUaUiii ranted to Marks T 1hetot baud Attorney Charfca H Baiaaaa Estate cf Felix M Hfanoa tellers f dmhiai ties mated to l taad Htnoa bond M Attar aem Sbeehy Shaky IB re Kliaa S Totoav et aL order npuoaetlm Math T Phelps gwudfan bond fen Attorary C H Baoaan- la Anna Chary et aL order appehitha- Daaid Cteary gaardiaB baud HWL Attorney J B Hcrinaa- la re Sonnet Le CVmnt Cask eer aotharixiar certain npaira Attoraey Jaaa fluent Batate of A Lowe of id laUUaUaii- nr a4ed to Jumlt Lowe had TIM Caariea J Marnhy bate of H T b B Monday will MusS Anaji- ia an filed Saints of lusty CwveN wK dated IT UK Slid Baste of Hdward Lander aNt dated XBranibtr- B IMS lied Kftato of XBMHC It Massey nttHiaa atai- Katate of Thoaws F Ottnore petMe far letters of jtdanaaNiatiaB lied Attoraey A II BeB- Bateto of Chartotto R Thwaaa petition far Bia bate of wit Shed Attorney It F Lefebia- BIUTVsnKs No MM Jessie Lowe adniaifitnitrix va Sal then arid Ohio aBroad Compaay s n ntit- MJnX ItetatttTs attontry C J Maruby- X 4K4S John F Cases vs IndependeBt Steam beat sad Barge Company 1M Ibiin tiTs attorney U J lAt No MM Daniel K Jachaon vs Samuel J Tosses gaaml U Payne and Andrew G Parse mien Plaartiffs attorney F S Key Smith No 4R47 Edgar Barton vs Cbanatn Itndd ac- eBBBt IlaiMUr attorney Jaaa ICidoat- XOL site D Capital Two ties Company dan nXM 1Mtira attor- Me lairs Warren and H Shatea No 4MM charles C Barber va Can thMMal Jewell Filtration OoMfMay daaaima- JH Itatatira altonert H F Larch sad R F Oattaday MeeliniticR Lien K UK l Utabw Otoja Comaaay ra- Lwsat U Meyen tour and HobaaBd aisle 4SHLI1 Attorneys Bfaadeabars batg REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS KK T Mont aorthwcat Atano Ware et tts to Joha M Henderson tot spay lat Park View Middftagk Shanmm Incorporated to John H Cottier tot NMR XX M- MX X N street awthweM ofeanBah Block et vii SJcamad J to Thaodore Itfcxk part lot aqnarcSX 3- VSO B street northeaatLottie L Doze to Harvey R and Lillian P Nksoi lot Bf spears H 10- 0Nf Hampiaire tissue nsrthwiBt batwtn M and hayden w w Ie- a1 No A k k P I ft C K IE k Blair k nulL Gel No Nash A KeIITIa ES F is do J 4 U today Probate prWate ol cia k JOe Lee Jet AtIInIcr S fee Slet Willie Baa tWo W York U 41 Bra Iii 11 v 51 fl dMrues Jess sad amman and and P rtiSe ova ismeOmaW IteeA 7 tasneys otdos GcedosWsehlstcs Seassien WsahIad Maser IlL lisa k lie hisllhense sas sad SsileyUone Wons j sod LIaise hunk taMer rdmwIa IN September niledon account 11L8 11705 New Plate 4s > THE OLIVERI PRESS Call and get one U cw calendar SB9 F at nw Phoaa Mate C- HRHNTIXG AGENCY t COLUMBIA RENTING AE GY- W teat noBM and famUicd TAILOR H 0 OHOSCHIH- I FOURTEBKTH ST X W I TIle Beat Work Poeatble at Rcaaonabla PrteM BUSINESS DIRECTORY ALEXANDRIA NATIONAL BANK ba UB facility dined habit sa sMlSfi sensor W f nea hi aru large ad aaaift W A SMOOT CO COAL AIKXANUK1A VA DRY GOODS BENDHEM TTTLT- WHOLB8ALB DKY UUODC AND NOT1OK DBAWIRa item X Fairfax et AJexairfria V- aLlDllilCR AND MILL WORK HENRY K FIELD CO SASH DOORS KRAMKSL- CMRKR OF ALL KXUa- VXEWSPAPERS MAGAZIVBS SHERWOODS NEWS STAND Kc 4 iiiMtns for UuU priated far l a waabMctgu Irio Repel tu hEAL ESTATE List Your Del Ray and St Elmo Lots With JOHN D XORAIOYLB Car King and Strata Pln TING ef J t- It N w thuned floor r ALEXANDRljA Slay COAL 118I 113 is all part of WadInsL MW 10dm Very BANKS everything te Plies X atfectaBralnard H Warner et x to Bialsai 1 II Warner jr put oriftotl lilt 1 spa NtM- Tbtrtfarui treet Bortbwert between U and T- atnetaBrafaiard M Warner et ox to H Warner itarcel deaeribad Midas W lick lot K aqwre 3BB ftt G ttreet northwert between Twelfth and nsrtsntfbt- reeta W Woodward et vz et at t w od ward A LoUawp udsiiial lot I and past at a muses L Mimi aorthwst batMea KSath mA Ma 91 to ts O- ortaHMl lot 2 oris al leia I to U ssd put atvilaad MehJnM Hame to teak a i Fm ViewMiddaugh ft Charles and Minnie R Dradaaa lit aaaare- 3O ML SUM to OeatsB A Pamahtty 1st H- SastbKKt owner FoBfaeMk tad L ataecO math weatKk MOdretb to D FasMto Fyfe lot 3a aware 37 Stt G sticet aoBtbeaat Xtstt Ibath- atnetaJlolm A Pmbaaa et u to Oaerfa B- CkBda part original tat 4 atroare m S- Raadte KiRblaadaUBitcd State leaky Cussjiny- racnrpeated to WBVaat M SaSsy tot H- bafck H m- MaMinc Mei bta Rxcer I Maaosw et n to wil L itnaet Botoraeat between Fifth and Stttfc skeet Harry Laadvowt et aL to Oecaid T aa Marie XTVnrhae 1 T m mf- lbiaaBUi atreet Bovthveat between Q sal It auatu Gearne X Maaainaei et aL- DBBDS OP TRUST goons ttlEaweh C Mordaad et vx to W Lambirt ad Leak F Hiifeailrer to F Oocb Jn years I par cast IMKMcb C Merdaad et n to Ws J LaaaiMl aad Loedt P Ttuasiiir to fttmt- WBBaai F Gate SUN three yea S get met SPJBBW R Nfcbd et ra to Leoa fdbri- mt ed WfiHaai R MoCieSkj to aeeaw the Cuaa nriil IMOWMC C mmf of Wa trial C Cotaasbia CJM tine yeaia S par met tevdMuraaltr lot aStlVter P Mea her to Cbarle W Rtcrt- eaJ J DoBcfcae to ames Jafea W Ritlfely KB three yeses per e a taal umn- aBy Jail inUmt ia lot WUtolHcaXiebalaa LnefcbocMtr to Alexaadcr H Dell and Frank J Locbbaebfcf to seeast lain tore DeMo 1IH OM year I per eta aoau any lot I- VirwRarUn W FMk K n to K tInsel Sa l and Walter K liSten to aecwe MevarA 1 Wttaa W three years 5 per ceat aeaaHMWu aNy lot e aqvare 3931 auw to R Fraatsi Herbert T Shannon to lecore MkUaasli- bjinstn Inc SM wMthiy payMatfa i vet ewt tot e spare 3M Charlaa UitxUinj- et BZ to B Fraoefc Saul and Jams F t ecore the Horn Sariae Bank 191 thrre aft S tar met ejaarterly lot a aqoan SB- Ocorse A ItBBphrey et BX to B hands Hani and Walter E Hilton to arena MisaiM I WU- OB JSM three years 5 per ant i naaiiilly lot fl aqvare 3W awe to B Fraaete 8s l and Herbert T Shames to some 3liddaiidl k ShaBBoa Inc H Btoathlr pajBuaitl TW- S per rest lot 3M- Separe 37D Fraakna Iyle et BX to FradBrlc V McKewter and K Dodd to aarave not net Hfldreth O and aar JBBTI 5 per rent seanaaaBaOy tot Square BWHarvey R Sited et BX to Fnmk T Rawnapi and Harry a Welch to assay Uttie- U 91SI one to amatfaix iinafba I vv met tot BT to Charlaa F ant Roser T MKeheO to aanm Per petaal BBfldiac Ataoaattoa RJW tot SL- SOJBMV 3aTboBHH V Saaith and Oaicaw A traateea and W B Maaa Son to toonv K JohaMB and Baaa to ae- eare the Iei Mutual Life laainuata Caiapaay- laVM Tear 5 per met mart aaaaittyS- VMW ai A aea M SBBfvBa et iir XttMi D to Michael J tVrfbert and Ueont W Ray to roast Jobs D BnlUvaa nM oat year wariaBiwally tot K- Sojaan WMary U Fo to Union Caam- paay to aero teotfe K ItaaMttoa sad the Waehfajgtoa IXWB and Trait Cuaepaay treaties ytjeot ow aiM two yeara S per meet met OoaaeetScat Avenue taBdaMaBd K Span haiti et rtr Arnold W to Joba T Ama add aaaiart A Dewy to aecare the Cilaaiimrii- tAiwae li Uaad CManaay JMaX OBB to stat aix laaatha and thrae ymn i per eaaa mona SMeaaOjr Jots to IT btock 1 BUIlDING PERMITS DoOdles laepeetar And ycateraar hjaaad tin To Them Hyde for oae warehoaat is MM f 13 G Meat Mrthwcft arthHecta Maisli Peter tariWer WttHBaa S Speaotf intaaalid east T H Bert for repairs add altrratJaaa to store at OS Peaaaylvaala Kvcnae uoHhaeat iiahierr Albeit W llaat aaflarr S M Maiaftu utlaiaUil- cBkW9Sni Princess Trunks Attached Paris Feb The trunks of Princess Louise the divorced wife of Prince Philip of SaxeCoburgGotba and eldest daughter of King eopold of Belgium have been far laC99 the amount of a jewelers bill lias been used Millions of Mothers for their Teetlil It sootbea tho softens the i all pain cores collo and Is the l t i TWENTYFIVE CENTS A BOTTLE jr Past I to a to e JI I Steni r a J2 stone a to bet f x IotIJ J to Mdry 1 Pbce lot pet 2- 1II J W time J- abs lot IT Haw H- rs Mil fS Saul k II fJI amity a hurL OSJohn It us Ssel X lee lot I Trust IIf lot pert Iota S S a pen attach IRS WISLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP children whUo for over Fifty Yeses child ma- o Susd 5 VrWItIdMuI Shana imepusaladi kath teethSine Suit a 1055 sa1bmtoon to lii 3M 5 ha I asS 5 h emr 55 mrs U a and BepI 10 aimS 30 block 50 lots > anem less 10 and IsIsS mud muss 5l5 smby 311 and 101 aisausfly Jibe lbs S Pork and I Wit Sass tunas Levi sesame Men len- a Name per- cent 2 and and 20 fuNssha > >
Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · TIrE WASHINGTON HERALD THURSDAY FEBRUARY 7 1907 9 I I ITALIAN SLAYS TWO Crazed with Anger Deals Death from Eeyolyer TWO INJURED MEN MAY DIE crr York




Crazed with Anger DealsDeath from Eeyolyer


crr York Railroad Umployc HH-

rcfyed Because lie Is Pushed fromLine of Men Waiting to Re PaidnUll Attacks the Crowd loitchintrAverted liy the Aid of Police

Now York Feb iInfuriated by histrouble with a number of firemen andengineers or the New York Central roadAS he steed IN line at the pay car atFortyafth street and Vanderbilt avenuetoday Gabriel Ferrera a former employeof the company now employed shovelingenow lot the streetcleaning departmentshot ad kiltotf two men dangerouslywounding a third and slightly injured ufourth

The crowd startled for a moment fellback end then ran after the fleeingItalian Several of the nremen beat himseverely and they were hunting for arope with which to lynch blm whenPoliceman Wilson went to the rescue

Ferreras victims were Edward Jonesaged twenty shot dead RobertAyer aged seventeen fireman died on theway to Flower Hospital Alfred Cenotyaged twenty shot in the left arm andEdward Tompkins nreman shot in thestomach and dangerously wounded

Ferrera had been employed In the baggageroom at the Grand Central stationbut was discharged on the lit of themonth Today he wont back to get JJOSfldue him for his work in January Hetried to break his way Into the line atthe pay oar Instead of going to the end

Pnshen 3Iau Ont of LineHe pushed Jones out of line and when

Tompkins now asja st pushedhim out too Tompkins crowded backInto line displacing the Italian andFerrera pulled out a tons knife andslashed at him Tompkins knocked himdown and took the knife away from Mm

Ferrera ran to his home at 217 EastFortyftfth street where he lives withhis wife and fourteenyearold daughterHe set his revolver and returned to thepay ear He no sooner lOt In sight of themen la line before he pulled his pistoland began thing

The ttremen who had been waiting inline ran m panic from the scene Theyhid in every place In the yard wherethey thought they would be out of therange of the infuriated mans pistolWhile the crowd was scattered Ferreraturned and ran toward Vanderbilt ave-nue By that time the firemen had re-covered their nerve and started in pur-suit They followed the fleeing Italiandown Vanderbilt avenue and overtookhim within half a block One of themgrabbed him and threw him to theground Others appeared and trampledupon him

to Lynch HimHe was lifted to his feet sad several

mon reached over the head of the otherswho heW him Sand struck him in thefaceGet a rope and well string him upright here cried one of the men

At ones two or three started to finda rope while e others beat and kickedth aasaewin Policeman Wilson whohad heard the shouts and saw the

came to the rescue and was fol-lowed by other omcers attracted by theexcitement

The patrol wagon and an ambnhmcfrom Flower Hospital picked up the deadm l wounded Cenoty Tompkins andAyers were placed In the ambulance andtarted for the hospital Ayers died justas the wagon started so that it took his

body to the institution-As Jones body was being lifted into the

patrol wagon to be removed to the QuItFiftyfirst street station the brother ofthe dead man F P Jones a conductor onthe railroad looked on the scene from awindow of the big depot building

That looks like my Brother he saidHe went down and looked In the wagonand there identified the body

Ferrera was taken to the Yorkvflle Police Court and Magistrate Moss remandedhim to the coroner















IfIt eatiK to Protective AMKoelationConvention Visit White Iloiiie

Speaker Cannon Representatives Alexander and Lftttefield and CommissionerMacfariand will be among the speakerswho win address the members of the Mer-chant Tailors National Protective Asso-ciation at a banquet at the Arlington thisevening The dinner will bring the fourthannual convention of the organization to

The several hundred delegates who bythe way are among the best dressed menin the country and decide the fashions inmale attire for all the United Statesmarched to the White House yesterdayafternoon and were received in the EastRoom by President Roosevelt Many ofthem were accompanied by their wiveswho also were dressed immaculately andwould do justice to any fashion plate

John Patterson of New York the attor-ney for the association addressed theconvention at the morning session onLegal Dress Reform Practical demon-strations of cutting and fitting were givenby J H Walker of Peoria and J ESpann of Chicago

After the White House reception thedelegation was photographed en the frontsteps of the State War and Navy Build-ing The remainder of the afternoon wasspent to sightseeing


RaTnmnd R Ramcu J5 Hallimaia Md andMand J Frej S ReistcrtowB Md Rev RichardP WBHam

Minted C Robertson niihmuuu Va andMattie F Turner Manchester Va Rev Wettoo Bomer

Clarence H KaMerwhtte a sad Flareaet Ntw-oon a Neb of Rirhmand Va Rer J R MeLamdUta

Matthew D Gregory 22 sad Virginia D BalderR n 17 Rev WflUam O Dram

John C KahVBbach CoOf RMK Md sadMatilda II Eels M Hancroft Vn lisaI Maprirr-

Edwaid R Wbtwden IL and LytHa A I31 Rev F yf RristoL

Frederick A Wolf 22 and Math A MitkcU11 Mac F M Bristol

William T H Silver 3prh Md andEstelte U Phelpa O Rev P J

C RlppchBeyer 21 and Tram R IMny-of Barumore Md Rev Bntjene A

WilHam Wallace Chhwren M ad AdeBa X Xelson 2C Rer R P WttOams-

Archia L Payne 2 CWtoa Va aad Mary VSumstme 21 Rayoane N J Rer X Jim

A FMaserald a and Oertmd M-rUlin K Rev J R Ktsleher-

Irvmc A Ran 3S and nat M GaOaJma ARev Ilash T StepbcBson-

WiUard D WQHamaoa 2L and Kdna Van Morn24 Raw Wflham Leeetiae Derrhx

Charles F MaUaa 9 ItoMnke Vs aad Ahnot-E Brown ST ItaHimorr Md C 8 R mtr Jna-tk of tho peace

Rudolph WRev W

Doothm Srrather and Betda Mw B Porter

William Coltman and Ram Chtt-vt Prteretmrc Va ROT Jama M Lee

W K FasterWilUaa Blake sad Item a A

Itrr S L OtmtantRobert C iUHfceom sad Aaa V darter

Re W Bhan JatMtaaCaleb S Raw S MR Ouna Si Ilw

J McUsaMaiSea HtacJmsll awl Xm Qt9 HL Rw-

U II limit





aid Ns Co DrMT


Chazias Osncr I JiIaJ Ia







aop 4


and 1 irush per










from a number of decisions notably thePekarz cue recently decided in which itwas held that a lay witness could testifyas to whether the acts of the defendantwere rational or Irrational but not a tohis mental condition But Justice Fitsgerald didnt agree with Mr Jeromescontention and Martin Green to whomthe question had been submitted at themorning session was recalled to thestand Thereupon Air Del mas reframedhis question so as to agree exactly withone in the Packingham case decided inISSfl which the Court of Appeals heldwas admissible Mr Delmas asked MrGreen If the acts of Thaw after theshooting indicated that he was rationalor irrational

IrrationalThat satisfied Mr Delmas and Mr

Jerome who knows Mr Green as the author of The Man Higher Up for whomMr Jerome has hunted wanted to knowIf Air Greene could regard himself an ex-pert on mental diseases Mr Green mod-estly admitted that he didnt and aftersome other questions he said he judgedthat Thaws mental condition was not atall what it should have been on thatnight because of his acts after the shoot-ing

Thomas McCnlcb CalledThere was a whispered conference be-

tween Mr Delmas and Mr HartrMgeand Mr Delmas called out ThomasMcCaleb There was a stir In the court-room for every one there knew thatMcCaleb and Truxton Beate the socalled

International clubman were theThaw party on the night Stanford Whitewas killed Mr Delmas withdrew for amoment from the room When returned McCaleb was on the stand andhad been sworn

Meantime McCaleb who was nervoushad been fidgetting around in the witnesschair He is a smoothfaced rathersharpfeatured young man who lookshis age about His voice Is mildalmost soft and with brown hair notvery thick and parted in the middle helooked the youngmanabouttown typeHe said his home Is in San Franciscothat he knew Harry Thaw and that hewas with him on the night of the shoot-ing He was with him in the roof gar-

den at the time of the shooting and inthe party worn Mrs Evelyn Thaw andBeale They had seats for MamslleChampagne and they got to the roofabout tt They took seals on theMadison avenue side at the Twentyseventh street corner The musicalhodgepodge was going on they en-

tered They left before the show wasover he said Mr Delmas got him todescribe the manner of leaving

Mrs Thaw arose to leave said MeCaleb crossing his legs and shifting hischair and I being on the aisle seatarose She Joined me and as we wentout I laughingly addressed some trivialcasual remark about the play We hadreached or almost reached the archleading to the elevator on the Twentysixth street side when three pistolshots

Mr Delmas interrupted the narrative-to get McCaleb to explain how he sadfirs Thaw walked side by side Hecould not tell how far Thaw and BeaJewere behind them because he H4 notlook behind

And when we had reached or almostreached arch continued McCalebleaning forward within a few paces ofthe elevator three pistol shots in rapidsuccession suddenly fell upon my hear-ing I stopped I heard MrsThaw who had already turned aroundexclaim My God he is shot Thereupon I turned and Axed my gaze directlyupon her There she stood pale tremu

ra apparent astonishment gastegahead I then looked in the directionwhence she was looking although markyou I did not

AVnrniiiK from JeromeA warning from Mr Jerome stopped

McCaleb from telling what he did not

Well said McCaleb the next thingI saw a lot of people gathering around acertain point at a certain place a certaindistance from us And the next thing Isaw was Mr Thaw with a pistol extend-ed in his hand with the butt end turnedupward

McCaleb illustrated the position of thearm and the pistol but he not tellwhich hand it was Mr madehim describe just how the thing appeared























to himAt that time McCaleb said Thaw

was within a few paces of his wifeand then h approached and she ex-claimed My God Oh Harry what haveyou done She exclaimed again OhHarry what have you done He repliedI have saved your life He kissed herThe last sentence McCaleb seemed to

put in as an afterthought Delmas wasquick to catch the

Upon those words inquired Mr Delalas rising out of his chair He kissedher upon those words

Yes sir replied McCaleb with morestrength to his voice than he had beenusing He used other expressions butin the allpervading excitement I do notnow recall them

Then Beale came up McCaleb started-to repeat what he had said to Beale butbe was shut off by Mr Delmas who de-clared very sweetly that what McCalebsaid to Basic might be objectionable butif no one had a complaint on that score

was willing to have it all come outMr Jerome said nothing and McCalebafter a pause was told to go ahead byMr Delmas-

I said to Mr Beale said the witnesspointing to Mr Thaw He has killed a

man I did not know who it was To-gether Mr Beale and I entered the eleva-tor which was fairly crowded with peo-ple including Mr and Mrs Thaw and theman who had Mr Thaw under arrest Weall went down in the elevator togetheranti when we arrived on the sidewalk MrThaw was turned over to a policemanand then It was he said to Mr Beate MrThaw said to Mr Beale Take my wife tothe hotel and call up somebody Carnegie

or word to that effectAt once Mr Delmas asked McCaleb the

question he asks all witnesses who sawThaw after the shooting Was he rationalor Irrational

Irrational sakI McCaleb without hes-itancy

To Cafe MartinMr Delmas had McCalebs version of

what he knew of the killing of White sohe took McCateb to the Cafe Martinwhere he Thaw Mrs Thaw and Beatehad had dinner before they went to theroof garden

During the course of the dinner saidMr did you notice anythingpeculiar hi the appearance or change ofappearance of the lady of Ute party

McCaleb was willing enough hut MrJeromes objection stopped his answerThat sent Mr Delmas on another tackone of the many he took during the daywhen the Jerome objections made kinpath stormy

DM you notice any communicationbetwen Mr Thaw and his wife that even-ing at the table said Mr Delmas slowlycounting out each word for its propereffect

I remember seeing Mrs Thaw ask fora pencil and subsequently puss a note toMr Thaw bald McCaJeb Mrs Thawgut the pencil from Thaw McCaleb saidbut he didnt see her write anything Hewas sure about Thaw passing her a pen-cil and then she handed a piece of paperto Thaw It was a slip of paper accordtag to McCalebs description and it was

DW Mr Thaw make tiny remark When














he received the slip of paper asked MrDelmas

I didnt hear any remark replied McCaleb

Did you notice anything In the appear-ance of Mr Thaw at that time as affectedby the piece of paper or the receipt ofit said Mri Delmas repeating the ques-tion which Justice Fitzgerald had ruledout a few minutes before Again MrJerome was on his feet with an qbjoctlonJustice Fitzgerald agreed with Mr Jerome saying that part of the questionas affected by this piece of paper wascertainly objectionable-

It was the first time the note from MrsThaw to her husband had been broughtInto the testimony although Immediatelyafter the shooting Thaw told a reporterabout it Other than a few persons noone knows the exact words on the noteThaw said that night that there was areference to Stanford White Whateverwas on the note does not seem to worryThaw or his counsel for as it soon

Ir Delmas was anxious to gotIt before the jury right there-

Of course the contents of that paperinsisted Mr Delmas with a show of feel-ing Is impossible for me to prove bythat witness I am informed that thatpaper hi in the possession of the learneddistrict attorney If I am correctly informed I shall ask for its production

Del urns Appciil IciioredI will sustain the objection in the

form that It Is put said Justice Fitz-gerald ignoring Mr Delmas appeal toMr Jerome

I was not aware of the contents inthat way said Mr Delmas apologetic-ally If I am correctly informed I nowcall for the production of that paper if itis In the possession of the learned dis-

trict attorneys officeA wave of hand from Mr Damns to

ward the had no effect on Mr Jeromes back the only thing Mr Delmascould see of the district attorney who wassitting right in front of him rightto Mr Jerome was young Mr Garvan inwhose possession reposes the secrets ofthe prosecutions case His back was toMr Delmas There was not a sound Inthe courtroom Mr Jerome never budgedHe looked straight ahead So did MrGarvan Through their glasses they ap-peared to be trying to pierce the Simmonspaintings on the wall back of the judgesbench

Make him answer said AssociateHartrtdge leaning over to brother Delinns

is there no response called Mr Delmas So far as Justice Fitzgerald wasconcerned he took no notice Mr Jeromeand Mr Garvan might have been images

1 caM upon you Mr District Attorney-to produce the paper proclaimed MrDelmas

Then be saw it was no use No one oathe other side of the ran was going topay any attention to him It was a goodpiece of acting by Mr Dctmas anti hecarried it gracefully to a close in a littlespeech

There be no response he said withno trace of malice or bitterness I takeit that the silence of the learned districtattorney Is due not to discourtesy butto a proper conception of his duties In thematter and I shall therefore have toprove the contents of that paper hi an-other way I simply desire to ask thewitness now whether upon the receptionof that paper he noticed any change hithe appearance of Mr

Xo Objection TimeMr Jerome made no objection this time

and McCateb who had been twitchinghis lingers said he didnt notice anychange in Thaws expression In fact hecould not remember of having looked athim at all He knew that Thaw got thepaper Otherwise he paid no attentionto the Incident No statement was forth-coming later from Mr Jerome about thepaper but it was apparent that the pros-ecution has the new and the defense

It Of course Mrs Evelyn Thawwho will be a witness can ten what shewrote and why she wrote U

After their dinner the party startedfrom Martins for the roof garden Mc

recollection was that he and MrsThaw walked ahead and Basisand Thaw followed It was noted as

that both after leering Martinsand just before the shooting Beale andThaw were together while each time MrsThaw and were together Beforeasking McCaleb who bought the ticketsfor the roof garden there was a confer-ence between Messrs DeUnas Hartridgeand Gteason It wes the second time thatMr Delmas asked about those ticketsMcCaleb did not know when they werepurchased or by whom but he said

by Thaw as be was the host



























During the time that you were seatedtogether at dinner was there any discussion as to whether you would stay longerat the Cafe need not answeras there Is going to be an objection orwhether you should proceed without de-lay to the roof garden T Mr faunasasked

He guessed right about the objection asMr Jerome was instantly on his feetwith one It was upheld by Justice FItsgerald Mr Delmas then attempted toget McCaleb to say whether there had beenany statement by Thaw on the subjectThis was ruled out by Justice FitzgeraldMr Jerome saying that statements madeby the defendant in his own behalf andnot connected with the shooting were notadmissabte Justice Fitzgerald remarkingthat he could not conceive whet was theobject of the question just then took thesame view

Therefore said Mr Delmas hewingr win accede to your honors suggestion

and close the examinationCourtroom Laughed

McCaleb settled back in his chair andMr Jerome got up and looked at him fora second Then a twinkle appeared in MrJeromes eye wee smile camehis mouth and McCateb responded with abroader smile It was not apparent thenwhat caused the two to smile but it camelater and then It was the courtroomlauglMdperhapc at the expense of bothof them

McCaleb toW Mr Jerome tbatTKe netThaw In San Francisco about a year be-fore the shooting He was sure of thatbut he also had an Ides that he met himin Parts some years ago but then It

a boating acquaintance It wasabout twelve years ago McCalabthought when he knew Thaw in PartsSince the San Francisco meeting he hadseen Thaw a number of times but neverhad any commercial or business relationswith him

He did not know Evelyn Ncsbit until liemet her as Mrs Harry K Thaw he said

He saw Thaw several times in the weekprior to the shooting He dined with himat the Lorraine where the Thaws motherand sisterssUll live Mr Jerome wantedto know who was present at the dinnerMcCaleb had no desire to tell Must Ihe asked

If you please yes said Mr JeromeThere was a Mr Stecklaml or a name

something like it and I think a MissMcKenzie antI Mr Thaw and his wife

Ilow many times did you dine with thedefendant and his wife when Miss McKenKie was In the party asked MrJerome

That was the only time I dined withMiss McKenzie said McCalab

Now Mr McCaleb said Mr Jeromeyou and I have talked about this thing

before If you pay attention to the ques-tion you can answer It

Jerome AngryMr Jerome was jumping at the witness

who was not pleased lie said ho under-stood Mr Jeromes questions about hisopinion on Thaws rationality and MrJerome then naked what his occupationwas McCaleb replied that he was sec-retary for the California Association MrJerome oUted for the salary McCalebwanted to knew if lie haLl to tell and


a und


Deco inCH





Mr Delmas piped up that he hail It was180 a month and then Increased Before

that he did literary workMr Jerome for about the fifteenth time

read the question and McCaleb looked atJustice FltageraW then at Mr Jeromeand finally at Thaws counsel

I can give a laymans opinion not anexperts opinion he said

Thats all saW Mr Jerome sittingdown

But Mr Delmas wanted more from McCaleb He wanted to know aboutconversation with Mr Jerome Itseveral days after the shooting eightten days At an uptown club said McCaleb first Then he said it was at theUnion Club He also made a statement-to Mr Garvan at the district attorneysoffice It was a sworn statement and MrGarvan very kindly sent it to him he saidand he signed It Then he returned It tothe district attorneys office He had seenIt since

Then Mr Delmas inquired if there wasanything said on the roof garden aboutleaving before the show was over or wait-ing until the end McCateb said he didnthear any such conversation There MrDelmas dropped McCaleb who wasnt en-joying himself a bit and Mr Jerome tookhim up again He showed him a threepage typewritten document which turnedout to be the statement he made to thedistrict attorney After the stenographerhad taken it down McCateb made somecorrections in fnk on

Mr Jerome evidently thought that Mccaleb got a copy of It but he said hehad not The statement was sent to McCaleb at th Union Club where he cor-rected it

Mr Jerome tackled McCateii againwanted to know the hour that be sawMcCateb at the Union Club He couldnot remember how late It was

How many drinks did you haveasked Mr Jerome suddenly

Rail Drink with JeromeWell I had one with you said Mc

Caleb apparently unconscious of sayinganything funny but Instantly there wasan explosion In the courtroom JusticeFitagcrald sternly rebuked everybodyadding that If any Impropriety was calledto his attention the person weald be pun

ishedWhat may I ask MId Mr Demossuavely did the teamed district attorneytake for a drink that sight

If he can remember wggsatad MrJerome

Do you think you could remembersaid Mr Delmas

1 think be took the same aa I did saMMcCateb

I will exclude this I do not think itis helpful said Justice Pitx erald sadaway went McCateb his hoods thrustdeep in his trousers pockets

Lionel Strauss a portrait painter with-a studio at 121 W Fortysecond streetwas on the roof garden U night Whitewas kilted He saw Thaw right afterthe shooting

His face was very pale he said Hiseyes gave me the impression as if theywere bulging they probably were notbut the white was showing a great dialand his mouth was almost color a-

very peculiar expression of the Ups thatwould be remembered for some time

Dr Duuninr IlounllcdThen Dr John T Drcmar of

who was questioned by Mr Gteason oaTuesday was called by Mr Detains Heknew John Ross son of Washington andMargaret Copely Ross the latter being asister of Mrs William Thaw Mr Jeromebrought out that Washington Ross had MO

common blood with toe Thaw or Copelyfamily after Mr Delmas had asked ifDr Deemar had known the condition ofmind of John Ross for a number of yearsThereupon Mr Jerome objected to the ad-mission of the testimony

There was another long argument onthe subject as to whether the Affinity ofpersons not directly of the Thw stockshould be admitted Justice FUsgerald in-

dicated that he would decide that it wasnot adnrissabte unless It was shown thatthere was no insanity on the other lineconnected with the Thaw stock He re-served decision on th question howeveruntil tomorrow morning


Stnlil ICnprUsh IroKK UMON PicturesAbout Tlmw Trial

London Feb 1 Tb London papershave broken over all precedent in handflag the Thaw murder trial as seventytwo different pictures of Mrs EvelynNeabtt Thaw printed la various journalsattest Never before baa a murder trialbeen so profusely Illustrated in the staidEnglish press The relationship of the















prisoner to the Countess of Yarmouth Ispartly respoisible

In addition to the pictures scatteredthrough the daily newspapers leadingweekly periodicals like the IllustratedNews are giving fullpage pictures ofthe woman in the case her husbandand their relatives In the weekly pressa favorite caption seems to be TheMillionaire Murder in New York

An Attractive Morning GownJ I





Most dtHcNMs and wbdoMme Liars parorder with your grocer totter



H A DAVIS Late rf Bond Bfcfc Prspr


BTcCRYSTALS CAPEMM Fourteenth aw Jflntdass Uptown DtelBB-

Koom Oysters and Oaase CafftflEvarytbtoc at Pojwtar Prto




J M Turners Soalpo Hair TonicWW MM par dandmff All drae

and berbers Vile lIe and P O lien





Private Stock Whisky 75c a QuartAWST above ercrytMB JAS D DUKMtULrX

Ida and I Ma w Wfott aod Laartxa Bpeextt-



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A J McKEE COMMBjhctara iMfMtten of liM Mat amid I nlM

fen ArtJMpeAfe A-

TwSea7t attosdMt



WstchBMknr anti Jeweler Kodak and SapgHsf-



DraMteloth tetu itt linedfeua SB p We an-oest taflona perfect at gnaxaote


DIHcI8M n lee CrHIB SXJ a AllenRtcla net IitletaWlrak

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Court of Appeals

Mr JoaUce RobbHeavy L Tbaaiaa Gcorce B Seat Caartea H

JINaiam A Tthailiu sad Fnuxfe Ravtovan adndtted to practice

Xo I7M Mamas va Adaaaa ajgajsaat eoataaMd-by Mr S H Gieay sad Mr 3 3 Dafttactati teeappeUee soil coadaded by Mr K ItBbsi Jackmfor appeBaata-

Xo rm J akiM va FaneO avaBBiiat c aa-Meaced by Mr C F Dtan las anaxBaat OOKX

by Mr M R Rewtaad and Me BappaBae and coadaded by Mr a F Oisnj torappeOaat-

Xe C4L r GnanaL A Maaey for appa

Patent appeal Ko 3a Oady va Lanrtoy Ded

to role per chief Jaatk Hhraard-AariKoneaU for todayOa bearfntXo 41 Riddto va Gwaoa Apaa-

Vbuat satiny U A Pulley attaratyi-Wlbaa ft Rmrkadak

So 7 va DMrlet af G

attornry J B A abtr hi appaaaaa Jtttor-acy 3B M TbOBMU

Smote caXo MM Tafctoa vs PUtoaetphhi-Bmtthnore sad Waabingtoa Railway Cessntay Appattoata attoneya X H Jackaoa If JC Darkaad F F Samba appaDeea attoraeya McKi-

Xo Me Sell va Waahinfton Baihray andEtoctrto Cceapaar Apptltoata attorney MeMneChurch cppeDeeft attoraeya WarSald ft DoftO-

Xo MM Adams Kxprcaa Cavpaay va Adaanv-Appeflaafa attorneya W 8 Tbataaa sad TTheaaai appaOee attoraeya A B Wabb and

FrancXa JIM Moore va Praatl Apprttanfc Mice

aev I ckie Fttkon A tIcs attflrwrJ J Daraacton and C C Jam

N XieahU va Oaltonaf Appenaafa attor-aen Ledde Fattoa ft COB J A THamey and R-

ftXoa UBi Baratow va Caafeal Tanks Ooav-

pany Appeftaata attornaya F J llnjan and WJ Laiobert sppeBect attoraeya R RowSOB and O T Umtop-

Xe nV Dark va Dada Appttcanfs attaraeys-M X Richardaon and J A Cohb appeihWa a-

r M H OlanteNa BBf Secartty and TraM Cwnanay-

va Dbtrfct cf Cahuabia Appettaafi attotneya AB Browne and G K RawOton appoBtea attor-Btja K H TboBMu sad F H Stevens


HIlamil va Dowamt BMnunari ovenakdhove to aaawer enptolaaBf tattdtor E L Gindefeadaafa aottdtor W K Letter

Beha n B ha aiumlteewt of aurriaat saMuelCoaiplaioaaff atUdtor Crandal Mackey

linden va Hadea appearance of abeeat defendsaMuel Cflmplaraant toociton J 3C FM

bury and M R HollanderherMan vt Butler Kftreare to naditor Coa-

vpUnaafs aoUcitcra Biaadanbiiu-dafeadaafa apjidton husSies Colbert ft Hamil-ton sad Oorf I Koawr-

DlekerMn va DkkMtoa argaed sad BBbmttted-OtmnlaiBBBfa aoeidtar Baker SBbeehy k lispsaafaadaata laUdtan A A Lipaeamta mud W M

defend CbaaplatoBaf aoBdtor A A Upteamk-Maxm va Waaah title vetted i iniiililinnlndmae juaiiaitan Comphiinama aoUdtor W

11 l uktotar today

X Sarlth va Uakfard Attorney ITBhMnaoBKlrner ft Waodaid-Xo BUL CoaUey vt Sister Attoraeya W

Gwyane Oardtoer WflUam K PawMoB-Xo B5 Tbomac va Them Attorneys IHmey

VidardUtnWn-NV Hailer vt AmcHcaa aavmai Baak At

X 1O Lancaater vt LaiMattor AttorneysKing BnwMHognes ft Gray

Hfiuity Court Xo 2JLSTICK GOULD

Weavers ra Deawrsable Fabmary Complainant solicitor H BleakeD defendants aoUdtor B F Doyle

Hatrtoon va Smith et aL appearance of abtentdefendants ornd Ctmi atii afa taHcncr J JMttaum-

Kiaatow va Unknown Heir of Riehaidappearance cf absent defendants ordered Oam-nhimanf nliettor A S Taylor

Itoaweit va Hoswell appearance of abfcntt ordered Cvmpmbmntt Solicitor dwht


Karrtooti vt llantton errWe to Rqaay crtX L Camplamatifg PoHeMor 11 B MonUw-aaTeadaHfi aoMdtcr Thomaa D Xaaat Jr

SariOe va Crti et aL ibatitMtiea of tradessaMuel Compa iw f taMtitoT Faltea Lade

ImbiBiaiBH forX m Mercer va MCMET Attorney Oatey

Pmsnt The CIa1 Jvalas Mr Kce

8 Miser for


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Xo 15S Ihvwa vm ItotntBiy Pawdtr Ctompaay et-L Attorney OlatBtB-X ilL Itch vt Itch et aL Attorneys Smfth-

MathrrXo 1C Title Gaanwty Sanry Caaq By vs

D fMUy et aL Attoraeya WantarBtracf llnftjrand Phnaky

Circuit Court Xo 1ItlSTlCB WRIGilT

herbs vs vefwlet Jar phdnttf forllamtur attorneys II Carmt Otborne I

VetlAtt E W Hammond sad F W IMnvm d-

feadanfa attoraeya A Wofthtogtoa and C JFanlkaer-

Adaaa va Rabbttt jadsmeat by default Pteia-ttffs attoraeya IlamOtoa Oeftert Ilamatoet aJ llwphj-

Knateriiai vs HaoOnc TartHct lee defendantrabx of protNTty 4A llahvtfcr attonKya

Itarlndale a andaiita artora ya Tacwer ft Kmyea and B S usda

Maarader v IattreU eaaUaaed far the termPhktetir attorneYs Rahton SMdont and W K-

Hfchardsoa deft ftUoraeya Ilamfttoa CW

bert UamMoaMOb w I bjS conthjaed for the torn Plain

tire attorney W J Lambert defendants attor-neys UraodeBburx ft Braadaiiburg

Low vs Ilalttaore and Itniliaai Om a j-

Tcrdict fur plaintiff for ft sad JMsmta JkrhV


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DWYKU PQOUE ProwE Oar Complete Use et



heels Jnecrkf and ProvteioBS andVtattaMet Hoaa Uree l Masts a gpoahiK-


318 B ST NWOtoaabc AHerinE and Uepairifle Neatly Dt at

Short Notice






Ito better ta here sear dotMnc yet inatsmr or alterations naad-


SOL HERZOG 1416 14th St Nthe RaauiaitoB that Uw Mt KtAnon Brand Callers Moaueh Cast SWrt-

thawn m latest detfc m and pattcrnc



Between F lid G



Warta ad wharf Sta and Water wsad V at aw Phone Mats m sad


M N HEKIMIANonly escttHtv Oriental Hue Store la-

Wimautnet Untune dettKB EicJasrwCORNKR IXTii AND U eTKBOTa N W


Southern Poultry Supply CompanyM E Street Northeasta P S MULTOM OVUM Producer



LOUIS J OHLMERof Picture Frame and Unbotstetrand Kograftoei restored

i liCk at aw





W-AD Well

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with and cntta Plaintiffs attorney C J Morniiydefendants attorneys HamihoB Colbert ft HamBton

Ray vt Foy ndnrintotrator on triat natattsTeil-

mlTi ill i attorneys MMM 1 f BaHB A IDEMos

RartaB m lOUaa sales ice new trial atod-PIsbjUTa attoraeya Calvert Ydtott Ilaaaaoad-Bntva dafradanta attoraeya A Wmttilaejaa

C Jaaitaaaaato for today

Xo Ill Ray va Pot Attoraeya W W Searaa asS Ifaydea Jafcaana 1 L Jabaieei sad K a-

DattoaNo m Stead n Gait Attorae Gecta 8

ChaaeWaK A Roatahtrg and D W Baharlimb va detest DJantiBary BMN-

Tgeaey HonpHaL Attoraeya B WehbR leonPerry Sun

Attomen 3 M-

T ytorW C SuNlessSo i Wright va Baaak Attaraeya W B Aat-

Xe B9 Ce a KaUaaml Sank m BryM AliasC A Keipria sad P M r

bass MaMas Ctephaae sad Haadalie ML Trader National Sank va Towha At

barg Uephaae ud SenileNo MT Stuart Ta WaAtoatoa aarhaji lash

Attorney A Wnadatd-So Haka vm Xay Attoneya Woh

Tbom McKcuey FtoaaoyXo m Low va Mtidhaa Attoraeya Uoaajas-

ft DoKjUa J J Oarlinxtoa and 1 D Wrigat

Circuit Court Xo-

JDSTICB A JDBRSOX-Davia w Ovens toava tBaatod to davaaa W la

of bond for llaiatir attoraev WUwyaa Gardiaar-

Aaateoaevto for todayJlo IM Grady va WaahhMjtoa Liaht Oaaa-

paay Attoraeya bueadae ft DoasavR SonPerr A Boa sad MeKcaway ft Flaaaery-

X K Wyttt Ta Ritoy Attoraera U MDOBBBW fs DoagbMNo 2 X Jackaae v later Attorneys W C

PneatiBi end G F WUUaaaaM H Beaeh9 Weeer va I

WHBria toa Raiknad Cnaapany Attoraeya J B-

I araer and Arthw Peter McKeaney ft Flaaaary-aad X A HneWinr r-

Xo m v Dtotriet of Cohaabau AttoraeyaC W CtoaettK H TBOBBH

No SL Mclatire va Seater AttoraeyaX-

OL ML Hawks va Bvnwa A-

iWenbantoiiTaeker Keayoav

Criminal Court IVo 1JUST1CB STAFTORD

United States n Jessie L May asaiatt to MB-aa triaL Attoraeys Lee Fallen Cst

Criminal Court Xo 2JUSTICE BARNARD

Uaftod States ra J a Harritaa asaiBi wnli adaaserooa weapoa rtfJkl nit xailt by dvaatkaiof aunt Attorney CaavbeH Carriagtaa

United Stolen va Jones Mclnteah nbbay mdiet sulky Attorney J M lUcks

Aariaiiaituta fume

United Slates va X BurkeUatted Elates vt Arthur Itrry and Joba Levis


Batate of Jobs Cokerwill sad Kraadatc leSion of xlmhitotratioB to MaryJ Ocher bind M Attorney II R Mooltoa

Busts of S Toewn totteM af anaHaliUaUiiiranted to Marks T 1hetot baud Attorney

Charfca H BaiaaaaEstate cf Felix M Hfanoa tellers f dmhiai

ties mated to l taad Htnoa bond M Attaraem Sbeehy Shaky

IB re Kliaa S Totoav et aL order npuoaetlmMath T Phelps gwudfan bond fen AttoraryC H Baoaan-

la Anna Chary et aL order appehitha-Daaid Cteary gaardiaB baud HWL Attorney JB Hcrinaa-

la re Sonnet Le CVmnt Cask eer aotharixiarcertain npaira Attoraey Jaaa fluent

Batate of A Lowe of id laUUaUaii-nr a4ed to Jumlt Lowe had TIMCaariea J Marnhy

bate of H T b B Monday will MusS Anaji-ia an filed

Saints of lusty CwveN wK datedIT UK Slid

Baste of Hdward Lander aNt dated XBranibtr-B IMS lied

Kftato of XBMHC It Massey nttHiaa atai-

Katate of Thoaws F Ottnore petMe far lettersof jtdanaaNiatiaB lied Attoraey A II BeB-

Bateto of Chartotto R Thwaaa petition far Biabate of wit Shed Attorney It F Lefebia-

BIUTVsnKsNo MM Jessie Lowe adniaifitnitrix va Sal

then arid Ohio aBroad Compaay s n ntit-MJnX ItetatttTs attontry C J Maruby-X 4K4S John F Cases vs IndependeBt Steam

beat sad Barge Company 1M IbiintiTs attorney U J lAtNo MM Daniel K Jachaon vs Samuel J Tossesgaaml U Payne and Andrew G Parse mien

Plaartiffs attorney F S Key SmithNo 4R47 Edgar Barton vs Cbanatn Itndd ac-

eBBBt IlaiMUr attorney Jaaa ICidoat-XOL site D Capital Two

ties Company dan nXM 1Mtira attor-Me lairs Warren and H Shatea

No 4MM charles C Barber va CanthMMal Jewell Filtration OoMfMay daaaima-

JH Itatatira altonert H F Larch sad RF Oattaday

MeeliniticR LienK UK l Utabw Otoja Comaaay ra-

Lwsat U Meyen tour and HobaaBdaisle 4SHLI1 Attorneys Bfaadeabarsbatg


KK T Mont aorthwcat Atano Ware et tts toJoha M Henderson tot spay lat

Park View Middftagk Shanmm Incorporated toJohn H Cottier tot NMR XX M-

MX X N street awthweM ofeanBah Block et viiSJcamad J to Thaodore Itfcxk part lotaqnarcSX 3-

VSO B street northeaatLottie L Doze to HarveyR and Lillian P Nksoi lot Bf spearsH


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THE OLIVERI PRESSCall and get one U cw calendarSB9 F at nw Phoaa Mate C-


COLUMBIA RENTING AE GY-W teat noBM and famUicd



I TIle Beat Work Poeatble at Rcaaonabla PrteM


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sensor W f nea hi aru large ad aaaift





AND NOT1OK DBAWIRaitem X Fairfax et AJexairfria V-





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X atfectaBralnard H Warner et x to Bialsai 1

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atnetaBrafaiard M Warner et ox toH Warner itarcel deaeribad

Midas W lick lot K aqwre 3BB fttG ttreet northwert between Twelfth and nsrtsntfbt-

reeta W Woodward et vz et at t w odward A LoUawp udsiiial lot I and pastat a muses

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aft S tar met ejaarterly lot a aqoan SB-Ocorse A ItBBphrey et BX to B hands Haniand Walter E Hilton to arena MisaiM I WU-

OB JSM three years 5 per ant i naaiiillylot fl aqvare 3W awe to B Fraaete 8s l andHerbert T Shames to some 3liddaiidl kShaBBoa Inc H Btoathlr pajBuaitl TW-

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SOJBMV 3aTboBHH V Saaith and Oaicaw Atraateea and W B Maaa Son to

toonv K JohaMB and Baaa to ae-

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