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Titanic review

Date post: 09-Jan-2017
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Page 1: Titanic review


Page 2: Titanic review

When did the Titanic cast off?

Page 3: Titanic review

APRIL 10, 1912

Page 4: Titanic review

Who was the captain of the Titanic?

Page 5: Titanic review


Page 6: Titanic review

What was the name of the book that gave an eerie prophecy of things to come? Who was the author?

Page 7: Titanic review
Page 8: Titanic review

What class of passengers were restricted by gates and other barriers from leaving their area?

Page 9: Titanic review

3rd class

Trivia:Cost of a Third-Class ticket (one way): £3/$15 to £8/$40 ($172 to $460 today).

Page 10: Titanic review

What class of passengers had a glass dome over their staircase?

Page 11: Titanic review

1st class

Page 12: Titanic review

What was the date the Titanic sank including the year?

Page 13: Titanic review

April 15, 1912

*Remember the Titanic hit the iceberg on April 14th, but did not sink until after midnight on the 15th.

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How many warnings of ice did the Titanic receive in total?

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Page 16: Titanic review

Why did people consider the Titanic to be safe?

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It was said to be unsinkable.

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What ocean was the Titanic traveling?

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Page 20: Titanic review

What ship came to the rescue of the survivors?

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How many watertight compartments did the Titanic have?

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164 compartments could completely fill, and it would still float.

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Why were some people unable to leave the sinking ship?

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There were not enough lifeboats on board.

Page 26: Titanic review

Who/What was most responsible for the sinking of the Titanic?(NOT THE ICEBERG!)

Page 27: Titanic review

W ho/W hat is to B lam e?

T h om as A n drew s?S hip B u i lder

J . B ru ce Ism a y?S h ip own er

C a p ta in S m ith? W hite S ta r L in e?C om pa ny

W H O W A S R E S P O N S IB L E ?

What do you think?

Page 28: Titanic review

Only the


could afford a 1st class ticket.


Fill in the blank with a vocabulary term.

Page 29: Titanic review

Some people said it was anOMEN

when the New York almost collidedwith the Titanic when it cast off.


Page 30: Titanic review

Know your vocabulary! Look at page 107
