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Title: Build EPA Apps in the Cloud Dr. Brand Niemann Former US EPA Senior Enterprise Architect and...

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Title: Build EPA Apps in the Cloud Dr. Brand Niemann Former US EPA Senior Enterprise Architect and Data Scientist Current Binary Group Senior Enterprise Architect and Data Scientist September 16, 2011
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  • Title: Build EPA Apps in the Cloud Dr. Brand Niemann Former US EPA Senior Enterprise Architect and Data Scientist Current Binary Group Senior Enterprise Architect and Data Scientist September 16, 2011
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  • Home Page http://semanticommunity.info/AOL_Government/EPA_Announces_Apps_for_the_Environment_Challenge
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  • Description Stage I: While Dr. Brand Niemann was the Senior Enterprise Architect and Data Scientist at the US EPA, he published a paper entitled "Put Your Desktop in the Cloud in Support of the Open Government Directive and a Data.gov/Semantic" (Published in a Paper April 19, 2010). Then he developed his own Open Government Plan and Build over 42 Apps related to his EPA work and over 25 Data Science Products related to his work for Data.gov and other interagency activities.Published in a Paper April 19, 2010EPA workData Science Products
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  • Description Stage II: Since leaving the US EPA after 30+ years of federal service, Dr. Niemann has continued to work on EPA, Data.gov, and international data applications as Director and Senior Data Scientist for the Semantic Community and AOL Government as a "data blogger". The June 9th announcement of the EPA Apps for the Environment by Administrator Lisa Jackson was a very significant development because in the broader perspective it made it possible for Dr. Niemann to build on Stage I and envision a Stage III which would make this an even more valuable and sustainable program. Dr. Niemann decided to subdivide Stage II into a Phase I (Making EPA Data More Useful in the Cloud) and Phase II (Chesapeake Bay Program Stats and Indicators in the Cloud) because the 30 data sets needed to be put into a more useful form and because the Chesapeake Bay data sets offered more opportunities for meaningful integration and use by decision makers and the public than the 30 data sets.Semantic CommunityAOL GovernmentPhase IPhase II
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  • Description Stage III: The presentation at the Geospatial Summit this week on "GIS Integrating and Sharing Data: Lessons Learned from the EPA" by Lisa Jenkins & David G. Smith, US EPA, highlighted the need to integrate all the complicated backend business processes from Stage I in a state-or-the-art dynamic case management platform like Be Informed which Dr. Niemann is currently piloting for DoD, Army, Veterans Administration, and other clients of the Binary Group (Username: guest and Password: guest) where Dr. Niemann is currently employed as a Senior Enterprise Architect and Data Scientist. The results of Stage III with Be Informed would be integrated with the results of Stage II. This means this contest sets the stage for a longer-term more sustainable and meaningful activity where these "contest apps" have a permanent home and broader purpose (see request for success stories by Whitehouse Office of Open Innovation).presentationBinary Grouprequest
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  • Links StageDates Self-Service Cloud Platforms URLs I 2009 - 2010 MindTouch and Spotfire (supports mobile apps like the iPad) http://semanticommunity.info/#EPA_Activities http://semanticommunity.info/#Data_Science_Products II June 9 - September 16, 2011 MindTouch and Spotfire (supports mobile apps like the iPad) http://semanticommunity.info/AOL_Government/EPA_Announces_Apps_for_the_Envir onment_Challenge http://semanticommunity.info/Chesapeake_Bay_Program IIIOngoing Be Informed (supports mobile apps like the iPad) http://www.beinformed.com/BeInformed/website/en/EN/BrandNiemann?init=true http://cloud.binarygroup.comhttp://cloud.binarygroup.com Username: guest and Password: guest
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  • List of Data Used Stage I: EPA work and Data Science ProductsEPA workData Science Products Stage II: Phase I (Making EPA Data More Useful in the Cloud) and Phase II (Chesapeake Bay Program Stats and Indicators)Phase IPhase II Stage III: In Process Based on the Data Sources Used in Phases I and II.
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  • Installation Instructions Not Applicable. This was done with self- service cloud platforms-as-a-service.
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  • Video Stage I: Put Your Desktop in the Cloud in Support of the Open Government Directive and a Data.gov/Semantic My Open Government Plan 42 Apps Related to EPA work 25 Data Science Products Related to Data.gov and Other Interagency Work Stage 2: Semantic Community AOL Government Phase I: Making EPA Data More Useful in the Cloud Phase II: Chesapeake Bay Program Stats and Indicators in the Cloud Stage 3: Binary Group (Username: guest and Password: guest) Be Informed
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  • Put Your Desktop in the Cloud in Support of the Open Government Directive and a Data.gov/Semantic http://semanticweb.com/put-your-desktop-in-the-cloud-to-support-the-open-government-directive-and-data-gov-semantic_b15540?red=su
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  • My Open Government Plan http://semanticommunity.info/EPA/Web_2.0_Pilot_Wiki/My_Open_Gov_Plan
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  • EPA Activities http://semanticommunity.info/#EPA_Activities See Next Slide
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  • EPA BP Oil Spill Data Tools http://semanticommunity.info/EPA/EPA_BP_Oil_Spill_Data_Tools Puts Data Within Four Mouse Clicks: 1.See the Data 2.Sort/Filter the Data 3.Download the Data 4.Share the Data (iPad App)
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  • Data Science Products http://semanticommunity.info/#Data_Science_Products Product Consists of Five Items See Next Slide
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  • EPA Ontology http://semanticommunity.info/EPA/EPA_Ontology
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  • Semantic Community http://semanticommunity.info/#section_4
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  • AOL Government http://gov.aol.com/2011/07/11/build-epa-apps-for-the-environment-in-the-cloud-phase-i-helping/
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  • Phase I: Making EPA Data More Useful in the Cloud http://semanticommunity.info/AOL_Government/EPA_Announces_Apps_for_the_Environment_Challenge#Spotfire
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  • Phase II: Chesapeake Bay Program Stats and Indicators in the Cloud http://semanticommunity.info/Chesapeake_Bay_Program
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  • Binary Group at LandWarNet 2011 http://cloud.binarygroup.com/Binary_at_LandWarNet_2011 Username: guest and Password: guest
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  • Binary Group at LandWarNet 2011 http://cloud.binarygroup.com/Binary_at_LandWarNet_2011 Username: guest and Password: guest
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  • Be Informed http://www.beinformed.com/BeInformed/website/en/EN/BrandNiemann?init=true See Demo Video On YouTube
