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Title page - lps.lexingtonma.org · And like a lightning bolt, a sudden bang from the attacker...

Date post: 01-Sep-2018
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Title page


Table of Contents:

1. Henry Ma

2. Asha Banka

3. Olivia

4. Brian

5. Anshuman

6. Good-bye!


Editor: Anshuman SamantaSupervisor: Ms. Johnson


1. A shoplifter steals a coin from a rare coin shop. On the coin it is dated 250 B.C. If a coin is $30 for every year before Christ it was minted, how much is the coin worth?

2. A man is buying something at Home Depot for his front door. 9 costs $3, 64 costs $6, and 369 costs $9. What is he buying?

3. The governor wanted to have a small dinner party, so he only invited his father’s brother-in-law, his brother’s father-in-law, his father-in-law’s brother, and his brother-in-law’s father. What is the minimum amount of guests invited?

4. An ant walks down a ruler and starts at the 12 inch mark. If it takes him 12 seconds to walk to the 6 inch mark, how long will it take him to go from the six inch mark to the one inch mark?

5. After picking some apricots from your tree, you decide to make some apricot jam. You cut up ten pounds of apricots, blend them together, and place them on the stove. However, after you put them on the stove, you remember that you were supposed to place in one teaspoon of lemon juice for every 12 apricots, and you forget how many you picked. Since there is no way to count the apricots, how do you know how much lemon to add?

6. Farmer Higgs owns three pink pigs, four brown pigs, and one black pig. How many of Higgs’s pigs can say they are the same color as another pig on Higgs farm?

7. A boy rides on the sidewalk on his bicycle. On the bicycle are two bags full of sand. The police begin to suspect that he is stealing something, but only sand is contained in the bags. However, he is stealing something. What is he stealing?

8. A bus driver, a horse carriage, and a motorcycle are waiting at a red light. The bus driver accidentally hit the horn, which scared the horse, which bit the motorcyclist’s ear. Everything was an accident, but who broke the law? Assume it was not a rabid horse, and that it is legal to drive a horse carriage.

Brainteasers from Perplexing puzzles and tantalizing teasers and another book I forget the name of

Bonus: Find the sleeping woman.


ANSWERS:1. $0.00. How could the minter know that Christ would be born 250 years after the

coin was minted?2. Home numbers.3. One. (Nice “party”, governor.)4. 10 seconds.5. Count the pits.6. None, pigs can’t talk.7. Bicycles.8. The motorcyclist was not wearing a helmet, so he broke the law.


Answer to the young woman sleeping:


Summer VacationBy Asha Banka

It’s summertime,

School vacation has begun,

Time for kids to play,

And have fun in the sun

Now the kids, are out of school,

There are trees to climb,

Swimming in the pool.

Time to spend

With special friends

Seems that they’re on the go

Until the days end

But when summer vacation

Is finally through

It’s time to hit the books

And return to school


Life In Quotes


In Japan, broken objects often repaired

wi GOLD. The

flaw seen as a

unique piece of object’s history, which adds

to its beauty. Con r is n u l

b o n.

Life In Quotes



Life In Quotes

Never say goodbye,

Because goodbye means

going away and going

away means forgetting.

- Peter Pan


Part 3 To Billion Lives In A Set of Hands

Sorry if this series goes on for too long. This is the last part! If this is the first time reading the series to you, then simply pick up the last Clarke Barker edition.

“All these failures, can we fix them?” the captain inquired. “I know for certain that the oxygen machine is permanently defected,” a technician

explained.“Then how will we stay conscious?”A crew member asked. “We only have 30 minutes of

the oxygen tank left!”“Well… we can take all the oxygen tank from those couple billion people who died due

to Ventilation explosion…” The entire room fell silent, remembering those billions who had died due to Ventilation, “And this will give each passenger 6 more hours of consciousness, while we sort out a plan,” the captain continued.

“I’ll go and try to fix other malfunctioning systems, captain,” the technician stated.The captain nodded, turned to address his crew, and told them, “I want all the crew

members to go scavenge for those extra oxygen tanks, and give 3 tanks to each passenger.”Within twenty - six minutes, all oxygen tanks had been distributed, giving each person 6

more hours of oxygen. The captain and his crew members tried to sort out what to do.Hour 1, no plan, nothing fixed.Hour 2, no plan, nothing fixed.Hour 3, no plan, and the technician reported that non of the systems were fixable, filling

dread to everybody in the room. There was simply one question with a guaranteed answer in everyone’s minds. “Would

we die?” The answer was “Yes.” But it was really hour 4 the most disturbing and chilling of all. There was a plan established, and it was to send all the crew members off to the

machinery to examine the damage, while the captain continued to stay on the Bridge, watching for any more system failures.

All the crew members had left, it was just the captain in the Command Room, the door tightly locked.

It was eerily quite, so so so silent. But that was soon disrupted by the noise of the door handle to the Command Room jiggling.

“Who’s out there?” The captain called.No reply, and the jiggling had stopped. The captain, not missing a beat, stared at the door, the door that seperated somebody

from him. And suddenly like a giant bang, it came running towards the captain’s mind.“There’s still an attacker on board, who disabled all the systems and led to this state,”

he thought in fear. “Somebody’s trying to do more harm to the systems.” The captain radioed in all the nearest guards and crew members, the closest 1 minute

away.And like a lightning bolt, a sudden bang from the attacker erupted from the door,

banging banging banging. 10

30 seconds until the guard would arrive. The door’s lock was broken, there was just one more lock to go.

20 seconds until the safety of a guard, the second lock was broken, it was now only the captain’s physical strength to hold tight the door.

10 seconds to go, the captain’s strength was cut off by a sudden swing, and suddenly, the captain was on the ground, knocked by the opening door, and the attacker came into the Command Room. He was wearing a hood and all back, no signs of any facial features.

The captain, hidden behind the swung open door, watched in horror as the attacker struggled to find a button.

The captain suddenly felt a gut wrenching feeling when he saw the attacker go for the Destroy All Systems button.

He lunged at the attacker, subduing him from pressing the button, and just in the nick of time, to safe the captain and the entire ship, was a guard who rushed in.

The attacker - now in restraints and sitting tight in a chair - had his mask taken off. And there was the attacker, more alien like than human. He had bright yellow eyes,

sunken in mouth, puffy cheeks, and a wrinkled forehead. But most weird perhaps, were the wires sticking out from his bald head.

The captain - his crew members back - faced the person who had almost killed the world.

1 hour left until there would be no more oxygen. “You’ve got a lot of explaining to do,” the captain said forcefully.And the attacker started talking furiously and slowly, pinning out each one of his words. “I work on Spaceship X, and we all live on that spaceship, in full power of outer space.

But - but now, Earth would go off and do what we were supposed to be good at, and fly around, just as good as us. I am here to destroy your motive, so we can remain the best of the best! And still, Spaceship X has the best technology in the universe, we could easily fix all your major problems in 30 minutes.

The captain grinned, and said, “Oh? You can? Then you’d better fix it.”45 minutes until the passengers and crew would be deprived of oxygen. The attacker, now as a hostage, had no choice but to fix every problem in order to return

to his own spaceship. It took longer than 30 minutes, 45 minutes instead, but still extremely quick.

Finally, everything on the spaceship was back to normal, all problems solved. “Thank you,” the captain told the hostage. “We have never seen anybody so talented

than you, and to thank you, we would like to show you a thing you’ve probably never seen before.”

The captain pushed a sunflower in a pot towards the strange creature. The hostage was stunned about the gift. “This is so intriguing! We will begin studying it

immediately back on Spaceship X.” The two shook hands, and soon the Spaceship X member left. “Well, I think I see a chance that we might join forces with Spaceship X,” the captain

said.Indeed, after surviving the impossible, the future for those who still remained alive

seemed prosperous, and very bright. It looked brighter than ever before. 11

The Monthly ScoopBy Anshuman Samanta

Welcome to the very final edition of the Monthly Scoop for this school year! We’ll be covering a variety of topics this month.

Trump and Kim Jong Un Decide Summit LocationOn Thursday, May 10th, President Trump tweeted that he had decided on the

location and date for a historic summit between him and Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea, to discuss the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. This comes within short time of another historic summit in late April, when Kim met with the leader of the North’s closest neighbor, South Korea, who is Moon Jae-In. There, the possibility of denuclearization was discusses as well.

The tweet included the info that the summit was to take place in Singapore, on June 12th. “We will both try to make it a very special moment for World Peace!” he tweeted.

It also comes only hours after the stepping onto U.S. soil of 3 North Korean detainees, who were released a day or two before during Mike Pompeo’s, the current secretary of state, visit to Pyongyang.

It is hoped that this occasion will help forward the fact that Kim Jong Un is willing to try to denuclearize the peninsula, and improve relations with other countries.

UPDATE: On May 24, 2018, Trump announced that the meet will be called off due to “aggressive” and “hostile” behavior by Kim Jong Un. He kept the option open if Kim would “change his mind”, but it is unlikely. It is very unfortunate that this meeting is not going to take place.

Hawaii Volcano, Kilauea, EruptsDon’t plan a vacation to Hawaii anytime soon.Kilauea is an active volcano on Hawaii’s biggest island, aptly named the Big Island.

On April 30, 2018, the crater floor of Kilauea collapsed, which sent tons of lava cascading back into the mountain. Scientists and geologists predicted an eruption set to occur within a few days, and unfortunately, they were correct. Kilauea sent lava flows and gas ruptures through the towns below. Fissures opened on streets, through which first gas came, them magma erupted.

Residents have been, and still are, being evacuated. This is not made easy, however, by the fact that the fissures and eruptions cut across roadways and transport lines. In one particularly powerful (and viral) image, a time-lapse image of a lava flow consuming a car in flames has become a symbol of Kilauea’s wrath.

The fissures come up rather quickly, and can sometime be explosive. These cut across roads, trees, and sometimes the unfortunate house. Even worse still is the fact that Kilauea is all set to have a massive explosion at the crater anytime within the next


few weeks. This explosion could send rubble and boulders hurled down the mountainside, as well as faster lava flows.

We can only hope that all residents are evacuated by this time, and that no one gets hurt.

Long Running Malaysia Election ResultsMahathir Mohamad, age 92, has won the Malaysian prime minister elections. But

this is an important international event. The backstory to this is a long one. Mohamad took control of Malaysia as PM in the

1970’s, and held control of his party for over 2 decades. But his policies did not please all, and his retirement was welcomed. His heir, Najib Razak, won easily in the next elections.

But scandals plagued his regime, and Najib became unpopular. In the recent election, Mahathir decided that retirement would have to wait- Najib could not run the country again, as he had no rival.

Mahathir ran again. In the beginning of the elections, Najib was winning. But an upset happened, and by the end, Mahathir had won the elections.

Najib’s career is essentially over. His party lost many seats in Parliament, and they are not likely to have much power again. The coincidence is that Mahathir fought against the party he ran in for decades.

It is hoped that the old leader can help again the country from its troubles. We shall see with the passage of time.

Well, that’s it for now folks. We hope you enjoyed the Monthly Scoop and the Barker. We’ll see you next year!


