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Title: The Right to Not be Made Fun of or Teased Amendment ...

Date post: 17-Mar-2022
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Amendment 1 (Andres) Title: The Right to Not be Made Fun of or Teased Teasing is a act of hurting someone else's feelings even if you did it with purpose, or not. Joking is when you are saying something that you know will not hurt the subject. Teasing is when you say something that the subject doesn’t like or hurts them. This includes everyone that we are with and in our room. The people in our classroom shall not have the right to tease other classmates or adults. This means you can not make fun of someone even if you don’t know you are. If the subject you are making fun of tells you stop and you don’t there shall be consequences arranged. These include: apologizing to the person and missing a recess. Instead of going out for recess you will fill out a sheet of paper to reflect on what you did. A minor consequence may be a small talk with the teacher and subject. Our classroom will be a much better place if we just don’t tease at all.

Amendment 1 (Andres)Title: The Right to Not be Made Fun of or Teased Teasing is a act of hurting someone else's feelings even if you did it with purpose, or not. Joking is when you are saying something that you know will not hurt the subject. Teasing is when you say something that the subject doesn’t like or hurts them. This includes everyone that we are with and in our room. The people in our classroom shall not have the right to tease other classmates or adults. This means you can not make fun of someone even if you don’t know you are. If the subject you are making fun of tells you stop and you don’t there shall be consequences arranged. These include: apologizing to the person and missing a recess. Instead of going out for recess you will fill out a sheet of paper to reflect on what you did. A minor consequence may be a small talk with the teacher and subject. Our classroom will be a much better place if we just don’t tease at all.

Amendment 4 (Charlie)Title: Responsible Tool Use Explanation ParagraphStudents cannot misuse their class equipment, whether it's against you or just to mess around for fun. Items you could classify as things that can easily get you in trouble is stuff like shape cards, recess balls, Chromebooks, and other stuff like water bottles. Acts you can commit with these items are actions like swinging around your water-bottle, or slamming your keyboard. Students who play with their items, like bending their rulers or just doodling with their pencil, will have a consequence. A Major offense, which can land you a timeout, could be hurting someone. A minor offense, such as bending your ruler, would simply result in a verbal warning from the teacher. This amendment includes all tools in our school. Although offenses are sorted by major and minor, the consequences can vary. If you throw a basketball at someone, it would land you a higher consequence due to it being worse than other major offenses such as hitting somebody with a ruler, because the ball would be more dangerous. This amendment ensures all classmates are protected from harm, and complete their work.

Amendment 5 (Jair)Title: Being Able To Be Proven InnocentExplanation paragraph

If you are accused of something you haven’t done you can plead the fifth Class Amendment. This means you can state how you are innocent, if whoever accused you of something like stealing their homework assignment, and is not listening with open ears they will have to drop it. This includes everyone in our class guests, teachers, principles ,and students. If you are proven innocent who ever accused you must apologize because they almost got you in trouble for something you didn’t do and lose 9 minutes of their recess. But if you are proven guilty you will lose 10 minutes of your recess for lying to the whole class. If these guidelines are not followed he/she will have to talk to Mr. melanson and who ever got involved with the conflict.

Amendment 6 (Eve)Title: The Right To Be Free From Gender Discrimination Explanation Paragraph

Gender discrimanation will not be tolerated in the classroom and any were the students/teachers who are involved in the class go. The people who are included in this amendment are students, teachers( including special teachers and specialists who help the students in the class.)and other.

Amendment 7 (Penn)Title: The Technoledgy AmendmentExplanation Paragraph

No person shall in this class will disobey this amendment in this class. That includes teachers and other people who enter the class room, even for only one time. No man, women ,or kid shall vandalize a Chromebook. This includes putting a sticker on a Chromebook sketching on a Chromebook or any other acts of vandalising a Chromebook. If you drop and break a Chromebook, witch follows, This amendment states that this amendment does not state that dropping your Chromebook is illegal. If you do punishments will be passed out by the teacher. The teacher will decide what is the punishment and if there is one. If you go on to Youtube you shall get your chromebook banned. It depends on how long. You could be watching something unopropet so you will get more days banned. If you do get your Chromebook banned you can get 2 days-one school year, with your Chromebook banned. If you go on to a unapropet game for inside recess you will get banned all so. You can not monkey with settings on your Chromebook. If you do you shall talk to the teacher. If you post something on the internet you will outside of school or in school about a fellow classmate, you need to ask permission first. This amendment is The Technology Amendment.

Amendment 8 (Violet)Title: Doing Your Classwork/Homework You go to school to get work done and learn new things, right? Well getting your work done is one of the top priorities and it should be taken seriously. You shouldn't be looking around the room while your really supposed to be getting your work done. Another idea is not doing your homework.. You could be doing your homework but your actually not really doing it… If you're confused here's what mean. Lets say your doing your homework and your in the car you can’t really understand what they wrote, their handwriting is sloppy. It just looks like they didn’t try! Another way of not doing your homework is you keep saying “Oh I’ll do my homework in 5 minutes!”

Amendment 8 - Part 2 (Violet)Title: Doing Your Classwork/Homework Then they keep going and going and going and not ending up even doing their homework. Now, let’s talk about punishment. First you will get a warning this is just the teacher telling you that you shouldn't do it again and they expect homework the next day. The next punishment is sitting out a recess and doing your work you might think “Why would you do that?” that's because you will learn your lesson and learn to always do your work. The third punishment is a letter home your parents might have to watch you do your homework ( I can admit it's kind of of creepy but you chose it). Now how about we talk about classwork. Since your in my class you know that we have something called the catch up work chart. This helps us get our work done and finished. The catch up work chart was made by my awesome teacher Mr, Melanson so I give all the credit to him for the amazing and academic idea. You now should know why to do your work. It could end with serious consequences if you don't do your work. This is very important I would definitely recommend this.

Amendment 9 (Ava)Title: No Conversation in Class Explanation Paragraph

We shall not talk during others are (teachers,students, and specials teachers). We will not have any side conversation (side conversations like talking about work and get off topic) like during school. We will stay on topic in conversation. We will not go up to a friend and start talking super loud in hallway or in classroom. During class do not shout out when not told to. Punishment is will be reminded 5 times and after t if you do it so many time talking in hallways or in class you will have to have a talk with the teacher you are around at that moment

In class

Amendment 10 (Conor)Title: safetyExplanation Paragraph

If you want to be safe you can't run in the classroom or the halls. If you run in the classroom or halls mr.Melansoon will talk to you and ask you why you did it and if you still do it and he told you to stop before he would tell your parents. If you don't want to trip you could tie your shoes so you don't fall and hurt yourself. If you don't want to get in trouble don't try to hurt people if you do hurt people you would be sent to the principal's office and mr.Melanson would tell your parents that you hurt someone they you would have to tell the person you hurt that your sorry.

Amendment 11 (Jeremiah)Title: Talking Behind Backs

This amendment will protect your privacy from spreading around either true or false. For example, let's say Josh here told his friend he hates someone in the class. I call that RG for Real Gossip. For another example, let's say Josh lies that somebody's mom has passed away. Ands spreads the word to the whole class. That's what I call FG for Fake Gossip. If you don't follow this rule and someone points out that your spreading gossip, you will HAVE to have a conversation with the teacher, and the person who you gossiped about. Once again an example of this is let's say Josh gossiped that Jamal punched someone in the face. And it's not true. Josh will have to apologize about lying about Jamal. And for gossiping, you will get a letter home to your parents. BUT if it's true, then JAMAL will have to apologize to the TEACHER about what heś done, and get a letter home. And Josh will also get a letter home, WHY? Because instead of just telling the teacher about the RG (Real Gossip) he instead tells the whole class. This Amendment will make sure nobody Gossips either RG (real Gossip) or FG (Fake Gossip). And remember if you have something to say about someone SAY IT don't just tell other people about it because that leads to what we call gossip.

Amendment 12 (Matthew)Title: BullyingExplanation Paragraph

DO NOT BULLY!!! If you bully someone your consequents will be, talking to the teacher, or if it happens again you will get a call home and also get sent to the principal’s office. For example: let’s say John said your clothes are ugly, then Jack reported to the teacher “John is bullying me,” “he said I have ugly clothing!”

Amendment 14 (Olivia)Title: Being Respectful To Others This amendment includes everyone in our classroom including students and teachers. What does this mean? This means to treat people the way you want to be treated. This also means that we should raise our hand when necessary so that we are not being disrespectful when others are speaking. We should keep our hands to ourselves and not touch other people's belongings. We will not ask personal questions about people’s home life and we will not talk about people's personal life. This also means when we are in line or at are tables we will not be right on top of each other and get into people's personal space. If you were to do any number of these things you would have to talk to Mr. Melanson or any other teacher in the room.

Amendment 15 (Jaden)Title: Responsible for self not others Explanation Paragraph

This amendment only applies for students who are already in our classroom and students that are visiting our classroom. Every student must own up to work and not make someone else responsible for your choices. You may not make anyone responsible except yourself if you forgot to do your work or bring something in. An example of this would be telling your teacher you forgot to bring your homework in or you saying, “Oh, I must have forgot again”. If this procedure is not followed the following will play the role as a punishment: a talk with Mr.Melanson or a chat with your parents for not being responsible. Students will also be responsible for their personal items such as there water bottle, and backpack. Being responsible for yourself and not others means to be mature enough to not blame other people than yourself for not being responsible.
