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TJ and Inkarra goes to India

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This fall 2012, Teen Journey and Inkarri offer the opportunity to experience a once-in-a-lifetime journey that takes young people around the world and into their hearts. Come on this eye opening and soul-inspiring trip to the sacred east and sit at the feet of the Dalai Lama and Tibetan monks in Southern India. Experience first hand the ancient tradition of receiving direct teachings of spiritual knowledge from world masters as well as exploring the vibrant cultures both within and outside the monastery walls. 
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Cultural Exchange for Our Youth Teen Journey Goes to India to a Tibetan Monastery with INKARRI Jangchup Lamrim Teachings by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet Nov 29-Dec 8, 2012 Registration Deadline Sept 10th! Register Here

Cultural Exchange for Our Youth

Teen Journey Goes to Indiato a Tibetan Monastery with INKARRI

Jangchup Lamrim Teachings by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here

Life Time Journey

Around The World And Into The Heart

This fall 2012 Teen Journey and Inkarri offer the opportunity to experience a once-in-a-lifetime journey that takes young people around the world and into their hearts

Come on this eye opening and soul-inspiring trip to the sacred east and sit at the feet of the Dalai Lama and Tibetan monks in Southern India Experience first hand the ancient tradition of receiving direct teachings of spiritual knowledge from world masters as well as exploring the vibrant cultures both within and outside the monastery walls

A Cultural Exchange for the Great Awakening The teen years are one of the most pivotal times in life when there is a great awakening mental emotional and spiritual

For young people to discover who they truly are it is essential that they face and overcome challenges Through an inner struggle guided by elders they can safely find a new sense of self worth and power Once their hearts are opened to deep understanding and trust then they are able to step into their new status as young men and women who are able to join the larger community with their gifts

A Different Way A New View

For the past four years Teen Journey has offered an alternative program that dares to take the inner rather than simply the outer journey Interacting directly with completely different traditions and cultures allows young people the unique opportunity to make informed choices about their world This fall Teen Journey teams up with Inkarri and the remarkable Juan Ruiz Naupari in a rare invitation to visit the Dalai Lamarsquos world-renowned monastery where young people will be exposed to sacred teachings meditation and prayer Additional work with Juan Ruiz includes Pneuma Breathwork with a brief introduction to the Path of Knowledge a syntesis of psychology and spirituality In addition to morning satsang (listening to sacred teachings) there will be daily free time to play and interact with their peers the young monks within the monastery as well as visits into the bustling rich culture of the market places and the mystery of this part of northern India

This fall explore an inner and outer journey that will shape your life forever

Eighteen Jangchup Lamrim Commentaries

In 2002 HE Ling Choktrul Rinpoche requested His Holiness the Dalai Lama to give teachings on the Eight Great Lamrim texts at the three great seats of learning i n s o u t h I n d i a S e r a D r e p u n g a n d G a d e n Monasteries His Holiness very kindly accepted that request and so starting this year on 30 November 2012 and continuing for 10-15 days His Holiness will teach on texts of the Stages of the Path at both monasteries of Gaden and Drepung in Mungod Tibetan settlement In late 2013 His Holiness will continue these teachings at Sera Monastery in Bylakuppe The following is the list of the individual texts and their authors that His Holiness has so kindly agreed to teach at that time


1) Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment (byang chub lam gyi sgron me) by Jowo Je Atisha (jo bo rje dpal ldan atisha)

2) The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim chen mo) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

3) The Medium Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim lsquobring po) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

4) The Concise Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim bsdus don) also known as Song of the Stages of the Path (lam rim nyams mgur) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

5) The Essence of Refined Gold - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim gser zhun ma) by His Holiness the Third Dalai Lama Sonam Gyatso (rgyal mchog sku phreng gsum pa bsod nams rgya mtsho)

6) The Easy Path - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim bde lam) by Panchen Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen (pan chen blo bzang chos rgyan)

7) The Sacred Words of Manjushri - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim lsquojam dpal zhal lung) by His Holiness the Fifth Dalai Lama Lobsang Gyatso (rgyal mchog sku phreng lnga pa chen po ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho)

8) The Swift Path - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim myur lam) by Panchen Lobsang Yeshe (pan chen blo bzang ye she)

9) Essence of Fine Speech - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim legs gsung nying khu) by Ngawang Drakpa of Dagpo (dwags po sgom chen ngag dbang grags pa)

The texts above are Atisharsquos Lamp for the Path together with the Eight Great Commentaries on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Lamrim)

10) The Three Principle Aspects of the Path (lam gtso rnam gsum) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

11) Foundation of All Good Qualities (yon tan gzhir gyur ma) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

12) Destiny Fulfilled The Spiritual Biography of Lama Tsong Khapa (rtogs brjod mdun legs ma) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

13) The Essence of Nectar - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim bdud rtsi snying po) by Kongpo Lama Yeshe Tsondru (kong po bla ma ye shes brtson lsquogrus)

14) The Southern Lineage - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lho rgyud lam rim)by Je Gendun Jamyang (rje dge lsquodun lsquojam dbyangs)

15) Zhamar Panditarsquos Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (zhwa dmar lam rim) by The Fourth Amdo Zhamar Gendun Tenzin Gyatso (a mdo bla ma dge lsquodun bstan lsquodzin rgya mtsho)

16) Zhamar Panditarsquos Treatise on Special Insight (zhwa dmar lhag mthong) by The Fourth Amdo Zhamar Gendun Tenzin Gyatso (a mdo bla ma dge lsquodun bstan lsquodzin rgya mtsho)

17) Liberation in the Palm of Onersquos Hand (lam rim rnam grol lag bcangs) Spoken by Pabongka Rinpoche (skyabs rje pha bong kha bde chen snying pos gsung) Compiled by Trijang Rinpoche (skyabs rje yongs lsquodzin khri byang rin po ches phyogs bsgrigs mdzad

18) Textual Outline for the Medium Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim lsquobring porsquoi sa bcad) by Trijang Rinpoche (skyabs rje yongs lsquodzin khri byang rin po che)

His Holiness is expected to teach these eighteen Jangchup Lamrim texts together subject by subject For example His Holiness is expected to teach the sections on precious human rebirth from each of the eighteen Lamrim texts all together followed by the sections on death and impermanence from all of the eighteen texts and so forth Therefore it is expected that none of the eighteen texts will be completed until the very end of the entire series of Jangchup Lamrim Teachings

This information is from the Jangchup Lamrim Teaching Organizing Committee and Yongzin Lingtsang Labrang (Translated from Tibetan by Simon Houlton May 2012 All errors are his alone)

His Holiness will teach in Tibetan language and there will be an FM broadcast of the simultaneous translation into Chinese English and certain other languages Therefore please bring an FM radio with headphones so as not to disturb others who are listening in a different language

Juan is the founder and director of the Inkarri Multicultural Organization and the creator of Pneuma System or The Path of Knowledge - a new synthesis of psychology and spirituality One of the principal tools within this system is Pneuma Breathwork a practice that facilitates access into amplified states of consciousness and in combination with the teachings offers a powerful path for spiritual transformation

For more than thirty years Juan has given conferences at numerous institutes universities and congresses He also shares a great legacy of teachings and practices - inspired by his guide and master The Golden Eagle - through the seminars retreats and training courses that he leads in the Pneuma System

His teachings range from the transpersonal to the mythic covering transcendental topics such as unveiling the knowledge that was set down by the f irst Christians in the Gnostic manuscripts of Nag Hamadi

Youth will experience personal insight or revelation

In many mystical traditions experiences of direct insight or revelation are considered indispensable for genuine spiritual growth Pneuma Breathwork offers us a transpersonal experience of Truth through which the veils of our limited ego-identification temporarily lift and we are able to experience our ever-present Inner Being and the many latent virtues contained within it Incorporated into the process is music and mandala making

breath amp transcendence

Juan Ruiz Naupari - founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA


Inkarri Multicultural Association USA

Inkarri has a long history of collaboration with Tibetan Buddhism particularly with the Gaden Shartse Monastery and the Gelugpa lineage led by HH the Dalai Lama

Since 1992 Inkarri has organized the annual

World Tour for Inner Peace in Europe and the

Americas thereby actively participating in the

dissemination of the religious culture and

spirituality of the TIbetan people In the process

funding has been generated to support the

preservation of their monasteries and their rich

spiritual heritage

In 2004 Inkarri organized HH the Dalai Lamas

visit to Puerto Rico for an International

ecumenical gathering Inkarri Multicultural

Association has also translated the book

Memoirs of Lama Keutsang Rinpoche into

Spanish and it provides ongoing support to

monasteries lamas and sponsors young

Tibetan monks Most recently Inkarri was the

principal sponsor and organizer for the Buddha

Maitreya Initiation at the Gaden Shartse

Monastery in India in Feb of 2011 a unique

initiation retreat offered for the first time by HH

the Dalai Lama

Inkarris support of the Tibetan people goes by

the name of the Buddha Maitreya Project The

Buddha Maitreya is the Buddha of Universal

Love He is represented here through the

collaborative work between Inkarri and the

Tibetan People for the advent of a new

illuminated culture

Inkarri opens the door for Teen Journey to experience and learn within the renown Gaden Monastery with the Dalia Lama Tibetan Monks and founder of Inkarri Juan Ruiz Naupari

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Gaden Shartse

Established 1409

Gaden Monastery is one of the most renowned monasteries of Tibet It was actually specified by the Buddha - Sakyamuni himself 2500 years before its founding date in 1409

Gaden Monastery and Drepung Monastery are located in the Doeguling Tibetan Settlement in Mundgod in the North Kanara district of Karnataka State South India approximately 400km north of Bangalore (Bengaluru) and 600km south of Mumbai (Bombay) The nearest large city is Hubli which is approximately 45km north

ldquoUntil modern times when it became mostly a civic task education was considered a sacred work It was sacred because it involved the indwelling spirit in the student and because it required an awakened spirit in the teachers Spirit to spirit genius to genius soul to soul go the true lessons that help young people become themselves Ultimately each person holds the key to the story trying to be lived from within but first someone else must help unlock the mystery of onersquos liferdquo

-Michael Meade

This multi-cultural experience is a trip of a life time working with world masters while gaining appreciation for Indiaʼs and Tibetan cultures customs traditions and rituals

Cultural Exchange

Where do youth get their myths today

ldquoThey make them up themselves This is why we have graffiti all over the city These kids have their own gangs and their own initiations and their own morality and theyrsquore doing the best they canrdquo

Joseph Campbell The Power of Myth (p 9)

In order to discover their true power and who they are it is necessary for the teen to face and overcome challenges Through their struggles they discover a new sense of self worth and inner power They then are able to step into their new status as a young man or woman in the larger community

create amp



daily life

market place

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Teen Journey Society Teen Journey is a Vancouver BC based

non-profit organization created to empower

youth with a vision of interconnectedness

to see themselves as members of a global

village that live from the heart with passion

and purpose Founded on the established

research and t ime-tested practices

blending indigenous wisdom with the

human potential movement Teen Journey is

a transformational program for youth in

search of inner guidance Led by local and

international leaders in the fields of arts

science and personal development Teen

Journey participants learn the value of self-

inquiry as a means to change themselves

and the world around them Following an

intensive 7 day Rite of Passage Teen

Journey maintains a year-long program

designed to nurture the va lues of

community self-inquiry and creativity

cultivated over the 7 days

Teen Journey is a global community of dedicated loving and conscious people who have come together with the intention of being in service to the future caretakers of our planet our Youth

Catherine ThemblayZamir Dhanji Charles Cho

Show me your youth and I will show you the future of your nation- Georges Vanier

Jonathan Bean

IntentionTo empower and inspire youth through self real ization and connection with the global vi l lage


bull To provide both practical and

personal mentorship to the youth

involved in Teen Journey

bull To grow relationships that can

bridge the generation gap ndash

between youth parents and


bull To rebuild a relationship of trust

between youth and adults and

create a safe space where young

people can create their own


bull To connect the youth of Teen

Journey to an internat ional

community and give them an

opportunity to experience new

cultures and perspectives

MISSIONThe vision of Teen Journey came to Ela Rezmer in a remarkable and unexpected call from her heart to create a community where teens could fully explore and discover themselves their talents and their values

She began gathering people who are passionately committed to themselves and their inner journey people who also have the desire to share their gifts and wisdom with teens These mentors help and guide young people through their own personal journey of self discovery Without hesitation these leaders came to Teen Journey giving their time their stories and their inspiration

Answering the call is a group of volunteers and mentors consisting of elders from first nations around Vancouver as well as elders from Africa and Peru ndash people committed to bridging tribal wisdom with modern culture Many people have contributed their time and energy to Teen Journey including people like Malidoma Someacute Dr Vernon Woolfe and Juan Ruiz Naupari founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA ndash people who are passionate and renowned professionals in their respective fields As an organization we already exist in a global village and are re-connecting with the roots and traditions

of the cultures around us to connect the wisdom of sages and scientists Each of the passionate and committed volunteers and leaders of Teen Journey brings a lifetime of self-exploration and mentorship to our community and its events

The people of Teen Journey have united around a purpose Every mentor leader and volunteer has come together around a common cause to be in service to youth The underlying purpose and vision of Teen Journey constantly attracts new and remarkable people hellipand we would like you to be one of them

Vision TJ is the journey to the wisdom of the heart to discover who we are

Ela Rezmer


The Journey - Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Trip Includesbull Transportation from Hubli to

Gaden Shartse Monastery and return

bull 9 nights accommodation at Gaden Shartse Monastery

bull Trip Leaders Ela Rezmer Zamir Dhanji Catherine Tremblay amp Michelle Staples (filmmaker)

bull All meals (vegetarian)bull Daily participation in Dalai Lama

teachings to Tibetan Monks (with English translation)

bull Breath work with Juan Ruiz Naupauri

bull Exploration of local landscape and markets

bull Cultural Exchange with Monks and local community

bull Donations to Monks and Monastery

bull Chanting meditating being part of daily tasks like working with monks in the kitchen creating gardens learning debates and many more fun activities

Trip Does Not IncludeAirfare to Hubli India (connect through international gateway of Mumbai)

bull Cancellation amp Medical Insurance (as us for a quote)

bull Meals amp drinks not specifiedbull Fees to obtain valid passportbull Fees to obtain Indian Tourist Visabull Fees to obtain Protected Area

Permitbull Any items of a personal nature

such as laundry drinks and telephone calls

bull Any item that is not specifically detailed on our website or materials

Price USD $230000 per person(Price does not Include airfare to Hubli India)

Document Requirements1 Valid Passport (valid for 6 months from date of return)2 India Tourist Visa (obtained from your local India Consulate)3 Protected Area Permit (PAP) Gaden and Drepung Monasteries are part of a Tibetan refugee settlement area which is classified by the Government of India as a Restricted Area Therefore all foreign visitors to these monasteries are required to have a Protected Area Permit (PAP) All the information and links to application forms will be given to you upon registration

Registrations for this journey are being handled bySacred Earth Journeys (BC Reg 28465)Tel (604) 874-7922 Fax (604) 909-1717Toll Free 1-877-874-7922

Email helensacredearthjourneyscaWebsite - Click Here

An Award-Winning Travel Company Specializing in Sacred Journeys Wellness Travel amp Yoga Retreats and Wisdom Teachings

For more information about this journey please contact Teen Journey Society

Email Teen Journey - teenjourneyhotmailcomJoin us on Facebook

Registration Deadline Sept 10thPlease note that the PAP application takes time to process Therefore you should apply as soon as possible It is NOT necessary to already have an Indian Visa in order to apply for the PAP however if you (andor your teen) are interested in joining us for this life-changing trip you must register by Sept 10th


I learned a lot about myself and finally I feel like my

life is just starting I realize things about me that I have

never realize before and the reason for these things -

Kinte 16

The camp made a huge difference in every way for my

life Thank you for making Teen Journey possible -

Hayley 17

I will have more confidence in my actions And

remember to breathe in times of stress I will not judge

others because by judging others and making

comparisons I am only closing myself off to things and

experiences I will remember that life is only one aspect

of our whole being and our connection to each other

and the Earth is the fire that burns within us and makes

us who we are There is no me and you us and them -

Maya 17

My daughter doesnt like committing to anything

especially something that takes her away from home

She didnt even want to go to Teen Journey but on her

return she wanted to sign up for the next year

Attending the monthly activities is something she looks

forward to I know it doesnt sound like a big deal but it

is I am grateful to Teen Journey for giving my daughter

a place where she can be herself and challenged to see

the possibilities of more - Victoria Keddis


OFFICE HOURSMonday - 1000 am to 500 pmTuesday - 600 pm to 900 pm604-261-4155


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here

Life Time Journey

Around The World And Into The Heart

This fall 2012 Teen Journey and Inkarri offer the opportunity to experience a once-in-a-lifetime journey that takes young people around the world and into their hearts

Come on this eye opening and soul-inspiring trip to the sacred east and sit at the feet of the Dalai Lama and Tibetan monks in Southern India Experience first hand the ancient tradition of receiving direct teachings of spiritual knowledge from world masters as well as exploring the vibrant cultures both within and outside the monastery walls

A Cultural Exchange for the Great Awakening The teen years are one of the most pivotal times in life when there is a great awakening mental emotional and spiritual

For young people to discover who they truly are it is essential that they face and overcome challenges Through an inner struggle guided by elders they can safely find a new sense of self worth and power Once their hearts are opened to deep understanding and trust then they are able to step into their new status as young men and women who are able to join the larger community with their gifts

A Different Way A New View

For the past four years Teen Journey has offered an alternative program that dares to take the inner rather than simply the outer journey Interacting directly with completely different traditions and cultures allows young people the unique opportunity to make informed choices about their world This fall Teen Journey teams up with Inkarri and the remarkable Juan Ruiz Naupari in a rare invitation to visit the Dalai Lamarsquos world-renowned monastery where young people will be exposed to sacred teachings meditation and prayer Additional work with Juan Ruiz includes Pneuma Breathwork with a brief introduction to the Path of Knowledge a syntesis of psychology and spirituality In addition to morning satsang (listening to sacred teachings) there will be daily free time to play and interact with their peers the young monks within the monastery as well as visits into the bustling rich culture of the market places and the mystery of this part of northern India

This fall explore an inner and outer journey that will shape your life forever

Eighteen Jangchup Lamrim Commentaries

In 2002 HE Ling Choktrul Rinpoche requested His Holiness the Dalai Lama to give teachings on the Eight Great Lamrim texts at the three great seats of learning i n s o u t h I n d i a S e r a D r e p u n g a n d G a d e n Monasteries His Holiness very kindly accepted that request and so starting this year on 30 November 2012 and continuing for 10-15 days His Holiness will teach on texts of the Stages of the Path at both monasteries of Gaden and Drepung in Mungod Tibetan settlement In late 2013 His Holiness will continue these teachings at Sera Monastery in Bylakuppe The following is the list of the individual texts and their authors that His Holiness has so kindly agreed to teach at that time


1) Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment (byang chub lam gyi sgron me) by Jowo Je Atisha (jo bo rje dpal ldan atisha)

2) The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim chen mo) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

3) The Medium Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim lsquobring po) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

4) The Concise Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim bsdus don) also known as Song of the Stages of the Path (lam rim nyams mgur) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

5) The Essence of Refined Gold - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim gser zhun ma) by His Holiness the Third Dalai Lama Sonam Gyatso (rgyal mchog sku phreng gsum pa bsod nams rgya mtsho)

6) The Easy Path - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim bde lam) by Panchen Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen (pan chen blo bzang chos rgyan)

7) The Sacred Words of Manjushri - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim lsquojam dpal zhal lung) by His Holiness the Fifth Dalai Lama Lobsang Gyatso (rgyal mchog sku phreng lnga pa chen po ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho)

8) The Swift Path - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim myur lam) by Panchen Lobsang Yeshe (pan chen blo bzang ye she)

9) Essence of Fine Speech - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim legs gsung nying khu) by Ngawang Drakpa of Dagpo (dwags po sgom chen ngag dbang grags pa)

The texts above are Atisharsquos Lamp for the Path together with the Eight Great Commentaries on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Lamrim)

10) The Three Principle Aspects of the Path (lam gtso rnam gsum) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

11) Foundation of All Good Qualities (yon tan gzhir gyur ma) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

12) Destiny Fulfilled The Spiritual Biography of Lama Tsong Khapa (rtogs brjod mdun legs ma) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

13) The Essence of Nectar - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim bdud rtsi snying po) by Kongpo Lama Yeshe Tsondru (kong po bla ma ye shes brtson lsquogrus)

14) The Southern Lineage - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lho rgyud lam rim)by Je Gendun Jamyang (rje dge lsquodun lsquojam dbyangs)

15) Zhamar Panditarsquos Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (zhwa dmar lam rim) by The Fourth Amdo Zhamar Gendun Tenzin Gyatso (a mdo bla ma dge lsquodun bstan lsquodzin rgya mtsho)

16) Zhamar Panditarsquos Treatise on Special Insight (zhwa dmar lhag mthong) by The Fourth Amdo Zhamar Gendun Tenzin Gyatso (a mdo bla ma dge lsquodun bstan lsquodzin rgya mtsho)

17) Liberation in the Palm of Onersquos Hand (lam rim rnam grol lag bcangs) Spoken by Pabongka Rinpoche (skyabs rje pha bong kha bde chen snying pos gsung) Compiled by Trijang Rinpoche (skyabs rje yongs lsquodzin khri byang rin po ches phyogs bsgrigs mdzad

18) Textual Outline for the Medium Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim lsquobring porsquoi sa bcad) by Trijang Rinpoche (skyabs rje yongs lsquodzin khri byang rin po che)

His Holiness is expected to teach these eighteen Jangchup Lamrim texts together subject by subject For example His Holiness is expected to teach the sections on precious human rebirth from each of the eighteen Lamrim texts all together followed by the sections on death and impermanence from all of the eighteen texts and so forth Therefore it is expected that none of the eighteen texts will be completed until the very end of the entire series of Jangchup Lamrim Teachings

This information is from the Jangchup Lamrim Teaching Organizing Committee and Yongzin Lingtsang Labrang (Translated from Tibetan by Simon Houlton May 2012 All errors are his alone)

His Holiness will teach in Tibetan language and there will be an FM broadcast of the simultaneous translation into Chinese English and certain other languages Therefore please bring an FM radio with headphones so as not to disturb others who are listening in a different language

Juan is the founder and director of the Inkarri Multicultural Organization and the creator of Pneuma System or The Path of Knowledge - a new synthesis of psychology and spirituality One of the principal tools within this system is Pneuma Breathwork a practice that facilitates access into amplified states of consciousness and in combination with the teachings offers a powerful path for spiritual transformation

For more than thirty years Juan has given conferences at numerous institutes universities and congresses He also shares a great legacy of teachings and practices - inspired by his guide and master The Golden Eagle - through the seminars retreats and training courses that he leads in the Pneuma System

His teachings range from the transpersonal to the mythic covering transcendental topics such as unveiling the knowledge that was set down by the f irst Christians in the Gnostic manuscripts of Nag Hamadi

Youth will experience personal insight or revelation

In many mystical traditions experiences of direct insight or revelation are considered indispensable for genuine spiritual growth Pneuma Breathwork offers us a transpersonal experience of Truth through which the veils of our limited ego-identification temporarily lift and we are able to experience our ever-present Inner Being and the many latent virtues contained within it Incorporated into the process is music and mandala making

breath amp transcendence

Juan Ruiz Naupari - founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA


Inkarri Multicultural Association USA

Inkarri has a long history of collaboration with Tibetan Buddhism particularly with the Gaden Shartse Monastery and the Gelugpa lineage led by HH the Dalai Lama

Since 1992 Inkarri has organized the annual

World Tour for Inner Peace in Europe and the

Americas thereby actively participating in the

dissemination of the religious culture and

spirituality of the TIbetan people In the process

funding has been generated to support the

preservation of their monasteries and their rich

spiritual heritage

In 2004 Inkarri organized HH the Dalai Lamas

visit to Puerto Rico for an International

ecumenical gathering Inkarri Multicultural

Association has also translated the book

Memoirs of Lama Keutsang Rinpoche into

Spanish and it provides ongoing support to

monasteries lamas and sponsors young

Tibetan monks Most recently Inkarri was the

principal sponsor and organizer for the Buddha

Maitreya Initiation at the Gaden Shartse

Monastery in India in Feb of 2011 a unique

initiation retreat offered for the first time by HH

the Dalai Lama

Inkarris support of the Tibetan people goes by

the name of the Buddha Maitreya Project The

Buddha Maitreya is the Buddha of Universal

Love He is represented here through the

collaborative work between Inkarri and the

Tibetan People for the advent of a new

illuminated culture

Inkarri opens the door for Teen Journey to experience and learn within the renown Gaden Monastery with the Dalia Lama Tibetan Monks and founder of Inkarri Juan Ruiz Naupari

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Gaden Shartse

Established 1409

Gaden Monastery is one of the most renowned monasteries of Tibet It was actually specified by the Buddha - Sakyamuni himself 2500 years before its founding date in 1409

Gaden Monastery and Drepung Monastery are located in the Doeguling Tibetan Settlement in Mundgod in the North Kanara district of Karnataka State South India approximately 400km north of Bangalore (Bengaluru) and 600km south of Mumbai (Bombay) The nearest large city is Hubli which is approximately 45km north

ldquoUntil modern times when it became mostly a civic task education was considered a sacred work It was sacred because it involved the indwelling spirit in the student and because it required an awakened spirit in the teachers Spirit to spirit genius to genius soul to soul go the true lessons that help young people become themselves Ultimately each person holds the key to the story trying to be lived from within but first someone else must help unlock the mystery of onersquos liferdquo

-Michael Meade

This multi-cultural experience is a trip of a life time working with world masters while gaining appreciation for Indiaʼs and Tibetan cultures customs traditions and rituals

Cultural Exchange

Where do youth get their myths today

ldquoThey make them up themselves This is why we have graffiti all over the city These kids have their own gangs and their own initiations and their own morality and theyrsquore doing the best they canrdquo

Joseph Campbell The Power of Myth (p 9)

In order to discover their true power and who they are it is necessary for the teen to face and overcome challenges Through their struggles they discover a new sense of self worth and inner power They then are able to step into their new status as a young man or woman in the larger community

create amp



daily life

market place

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Teen Journey Society Teen Journey is a Vancouver BC based

non-profit organization created to empower

youth with a vision of interconnectedness

to see themselves as members of a global

village that live from the heart with passion

and purpose Founded on the established

research and t ime-tested practices

blending indigenous wisdom with the

human potential movement Teen Journey is

a transformational program for youth in

search of inner guidance Led by local and

international leaders in the fields of arts

science and personal development Teen

Journey participants learn the value of self-

inquiry as a means to change themselves

and the world around them Following an

intensive 7 day Rite of Passage Teen

Journey maintains a year-long program

designed to nurture the va lues of

community self-inquiry and creativity

cultivated over the 7 days

Teen Journey is a global community of dedicated loving and conscious people who have come together with the intention of being in service to the future caretakers of our planet our Youth

Catherine ThemblayZamir Dhanji Charles Cho

Show me your youth and I will show you the future of your nation- Georges Vanier

Jonathan Bean

IntentionTo empower and inspire youth through self real ization and connection with the global vi l lage


bull To provide both practical and

personal mentorship to the youth

involved in Teen Journey

bull To grow relationships that can

bridge the generation gap ndash

between youth parents and


bull To rebuild a relationship of trust

between youth and adults and

create a safe space where young

people can create their own


bull To connect the youth of Teen

Journey to an internat ional

community and give them an

opportunity to experience new

cultures and perspectives

MISSIONThe vision of Teen Journey came to Ela Rezmer in a remarkable and unexpected call from her heart to create a community where teens could fully explore and discover themselves their talents and their values

She began gathering people who are passionately committed to themselves and their inner journey people who also have the desire to share their gifts and wisdom with teens These mentors help and guide young people through their own personal journey of self discovery Without hesitation these leaders came to Teen Journey giving their time their stories and their inspiration

Answering the call is a group of volunteers and mentors consisting of elders from first nations around Vancouver as well as elders from Africa and Peru ndash people committed to bridging tribal wisdom with modern culture Many people have contributed their time and energy to Teen Journey including people like Malidoma Someacute Dr Vernon Woolfe and Juan Ruiz Naupari founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA ndash people who are passionate and renowned professionals in their respective fields As an organization we already exist in a global village and are re-connecting with the roots and traditions

of the cultures around us to connect the wisdom of sages and scientists Each of the passionate and committed volunteers and leaders of Teen Journey brings a lifetime of self-exploration and mentorship to our community and its events

The people of Teen Journey have united around a purpose Every mentor leader and volunteer has come together around a common cause to be in service to youth The underlying purpose and vision of Teen Journey constantly attracts new and remarkable people hellipand we would like you to be one of them

Vision TJ is the journey to the wisdom of the heart to discover who we are

Ela Rezmer


The Journey - Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Trip Includesbull Transportation from Hubli to

Gaden Shartse Monastery and return

bull 9 nights accommodation at Gaden Shartse Monastery

bull Trip Leaders Ela Rezmer Zamir Dhanji Catherine Tremblay amp Michelle Staples (filmmaker)

bull All meals (vegetarian)bull Daily participation in Dalai Lama

teachings to Tibetan Monks (with English translation)

bull Breath work with Juan Ruiz Naupauri

bull Exploration of local landscape and markets

bull Cultural Exchange with Monks and local community

bull Donations to Monks and Monastery

bull Chanting meditating being part of daily tasks like working with monks in the kitchen creating gardens learning debates and many more fun activities

Trip Does Not IncludeAirfare to Hubli India (connect through international gateway of Mumbai)

bull Cancellation amp Medical Insurance (as us for a quote)

bull Meals amp drinks not specifiedbull Fees to obtain valid passportbull Fees to obtain Indian Tourist Visabull Fees to obtain Protected Area

Permitbull Any items of a personal nature

such as laundry drinks and telephone calls

bull Any item that is not specifically detailed on our website or materials

Price USD $230000 per person(Price does not Include airfare to Hubli India)

Document Requirements1 Valid Passport (valid for 6 months from date of return)2 India Tourist Visa (obtained from your local India Consulate)3 Protected Area Permit (PAP) Gaden and Drepung Monasteries are part of a Tibetan refugee settlement area which is classified by the Government of India as a Restricted Area Therefore all foreign visitors to these monasteries are required to have a Protected Area Permit (PAP) All the information and links to application forms will be given to you upon registration

Registrations for this journey are being handled bySacred Earth Journeys (BC Reg 28465)Tel (604) 874-7922 Fax (604) 909-1717Toll Free 1-877-874-7922

Email helensacredearthjourneyscaWebsite - Click Here

An Award-Winning Travel Company Specializing in Sacred Journeys Wellness Travel amp Yoga Retreats and Wisdom Teachings

For more information about this journey please contact Teen Journey Society

Email Teen Journey - teenjourneyhotmailcomJoin us on Facebook

Registration Deadline Sept 10thPlease note that the PAP application takes time to process Therefore you should apply as soon as possible It is NOT necessary to already have an Indian Visa in order to apply for the PAP however if you (andor your teen) are interested in joining us for this life-changing trip you must register by Sept 10th


I learned a lot about myself and finally I feel like my

life is just starting I realize things about me that I have

never realize before and the reason for these things -

Kinte 16

The camp made a huge difference in every way for my

life Thank you for making Teen Journey possible -

Hayley 17

I will have more confidence in my actions And

remember to breathe in times of stress I will not judge

others because by judging others and making

comparisons I am only closing myself off to things and

experiences I will remember that life is only one aspect

of our whole being and our connection to each other

and the Earth is the fire that burns within us and makes

us who we are There is no me and you us and them -

Maya 17

My daughter doesnt like committing to anything

especially something that takes her away from home

She didnt even want to go to Teen Journey but on her

return she wanted to sign up for the next year

Attending the monthly activities is something she looks

forward to I know it doesnt sound like a big deal but it

is I am grateful to Teen Journey for giving my daughter

a place where she can be herself and challenged to see

the possibilities of more - Victoria Keddis


OFFICE HOURSMonday - 1000 am to 500 pmTuesday - 600 pm to 900 pm604-261-4155


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here

Around The World And Into The Heart

This fall 2012 Teen Journey and Inkarri offer the opportunity to experience a once-in-a-lifetime journey that takes young people around the world and into their hearts

Come on this eye opening and soul-inspiring trip to the sacred east and sit at the feet of the Dalai Lama and Tibetan monks in Southern India Experience first hand the ancient tradition of receiving direct teachings of spiritual knowledge from world masters as well as exploring the vibrant cultures both within and outside the monastery walls

A Cultural Exchange for the Great Awakening The teen years are one of the most pivotal times in life when there is a great awakening mental emotional and spiritual

For young people to discover who they truly are it is essential that they face and overcome challenges Through an inner struggle guided by elders they can safely find a new sense of self worth and power Once their hearts are opened to deep understanding and trust then they are able to step into their new status as young men and women who are able to join the larger community with their gifts

A Different Way A New View

For the past four years Teen Journey has offered an alternative program that dares to take the inner rather than simply the outer journey Interacting directly with completely different traditions and cultures allows young people the unique opportunity to make informed choices about their world This fall Teen Journey teams up with Inkarri and the remarkable Juan Ruiz Naupari in a rare invitation to visit the Dalai Lamarsquos world-renowned monastery where young people will be exposed to sacred teachings meditation and prayer Additional work with Juan Ruiz includes Pneuma Breathwork with a brief introduction to the Path of Knowledge a syntesis of psychology and spirituality In addition to morning satsang (listening to sacred teachings) there will be daily free time to play and interact with their peers the young monks within the monastery as well as visits into the bustling rich culture of the market places and the mystery of this part of northern India

This fall explore an inner and outer journey that will shape your life forever

Eighteen Jangchup Lamrim Commentaries

In 2002 HE Ling Choktrul Rinpoche requested His Holiness the Dalai Lama to give teachings on the Eight Great Lamrim texts at the three great seats of learning i n s o u t h I n d i a S e r a D r e p u n g a n d G a d e n Monasteries His Holiness very kindly accepted that request and so starting this year on 30 November 2012 and continuing for 10-15 days His Holiness will teach on texts of the Stages of the Path at both monasteries of Gaden and Drepung in Mungod Tibetan settlement In late 2013 His Holiness will continue these teachings at Sera Monastery in Bylakuppe The following is the list of the individual texts and their authors that His Holiness has so kindly agreed to teach at that time


1) Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment (byang chub lam gyi sgron me) by Jowo Je Atisha (jo bo rje dpal ldan atisha)

2) The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim chen mo) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

3) The Medium Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim lsquobring po) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

4) The Concise Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim bsdus don) also known as Song of the Stages of the Path (lam rim nyams mgur) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

5) The Essence of Refined Gold - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim gser zhun ma) by His Holiness the Third Dalai Lama Sonam Gyatso (rgyal mchog sku phreng gsum pa bsod nams rgya mtsho)

6) The Easy Path - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim bde lam) by Panchen Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen (pan chen blo bzang chos rgyan)

7) The Sacred Words of Manjushri - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim lsquojam dpal zhal lung) by His Holiness the Fifth Dalai Lama Lobsang Gyatso (rgyal mchog sku phreng lnga pa chen po ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho)

8) The Swift Path - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim myur lam) by Panchen Lobsang Yeshe (pan chen blo bzang ye she)

9) Essence of Fine Speech - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim legs gsung nying khu) by Ngawang Drakpa of Dagpo (dwags po sgom chen ngag dbang grags pa)

The texts above are Atisharsquos Lamp for the Path together with the Eight Great Commentaries on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Lamrim)

10) The Three Principle Aspects of the Path (lam gtso rnam gsum) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

11) Foundation of All Good Qualities (yon tan gzhir gyur ma) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

12) Destiny Fulfilled The Spiritual Biography of Lama Tsong Khapa (rtogs brjod mdun legs ma) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

13) The Essence of Nectar - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim bdud rtsi snying po) by Kongpo Lama Yeshe Tsondru (kong po bla ma ye shes brtson lsquogrus)

14) The Southern Lineage - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lho rgyud lam rim)by Je Gendun Jamyang (rje dge lsquodun lsquojam dbyangs)

15) Zhamar Panditarsquos Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (zhwa dmar lam rim) by The Fourth Amdo Zhamar Gendun Tenzin Gyatso (a mdo bla ma dge lsquodun bstan lsquodzin rgya mtsho)

16) Zhamar Panditarsquos Treatise on Special Insight (zhwa dmar lhag mthong) by The Fourth Amdo Zhamar Gendun Tenzin Gyatso (a mdo bla ma dge lsquodun bstan lsquodzin rgya mtsho)

17) Liberation in the Palm of Onersquos Hand (lam rim rnam grol lag bcangs) Spoken by Pabongka Rinpoche (skyabs rje pha bong kha bde chen snying pos gsung) Compiled by Trijang Rinpoche (skyabs rje yongs lsquodzin khri byang rin po ches phyogs bsgrigs mdzad

18) Textual Outline for the Medium Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim lsquobring porsquoi sa bcad) by Trijang Rinpoche (skyabs rje yongs lsquodzin khri byang rin po che)

His Holiness is expected to teach these eighteen Jangchup Lamrim texts together subject by subject For example His Holiness is expected to teach the sections on precious human rebirth from each of the eighteen Lamrim texts all together followed by the sections on death and impermanence from all of the eighteen texts and so forth Therefore it is expected that none of the eighteen texts will be completed until the very end of the entire series of Jangchup Lamrim Teachings

This information is from the Jangchup Lamrim Teaching Organizing Committee and Yongzin Lingtsang Labrang (Translated from Tibetan by Simon Houlton May 2012 All errors are his alone)

His Holiness will teach in Tibetan language and there will be an FM broadcast of the simultaneous translation into Chinese English and certain other languages Therefore please bring an FM radio with headphones so as not to disturb others who are listening in a different language

Juan is the founder and director of the Inkarri Multicultural Organization and the creator of Pneuma System or The Path of Knowledge - a new synthesis of psychology and spirituality One of the principal tools within this system is Pneuma Breathwork a practice that facilitates access into amplified states of consciousness and in combination with the teachings offers a powerful path for spiritual transformation

For more than thirty years Juan has given conferences at numerous institutes universities and congresses He also shares a great legacy of teachings and practices - inspired by his guide and master The Golden Eagle - through the seminars retreats and training courses that he leads in the Pneuma System

His teachings range from the transpersonal to the mythic covering transcendental topics such as unveiling the knowledge that was set down by the f irst Christians in the Gnostic manuscripts of Nag Hamadi

Youth will experience personal insight or revelation

In many mystical traditions experiences of direct insight or revelation are considered indispensable for genuine spiritual growth Pneuma Breathwork offers us a transpersonal experience of Truth through which the veils of our limited ego-identification temporarily lift and we are able to experience our ever-present Inner Being and the many latent virtues contained within it Incorporated into the process is music and mandala making

breath amp transcendence

Juan Ruiz Naupari - founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA


Inkarri Multicultural Association USA

Inkarri has a long history of collaboration with Tibetan Buddhism particularly with the Gaden Shartse Monastery and the Gelugpa lineage led by HH the Dalai Lama

Since 1992 Inkarri has organized the annual

World Tour for Inner Peace in Europe and the

Americas thereby actively participating in the

dissemination of the religious culture and

spirituality of the TIbetan people In the process

funding has been generated to support the

preservation of their monasteries and their rich

spiritual heritage

In 2004 Inkarri organized HH the Dalai Lamas

visit to Puerto Rico for an International

ecumenical gathering Inkarri Multicultural

Association has also translated the book

Memoirs of Lama Keutsang Rinpoche into

Spanish and it provides ongoing support to

monasteries lamas and sponsors young

Tibetan monks Most recently Inkarri was the

principal sponsor and organizer for the Buddha

Maitreya Initiation at the Gaden Shartse

Monastery in India in Feb of 2011 a unique

initiation retreat offered for the first time by HH

the Dalai Lama

Inkarris support of the Tibetan people goes by

the name of the Buddha Maitreya Project The

Buddha Maitreya is the Buddha of Universal

Love He is represented here through the

collaborative work between Inkarri and the

Tibetan People for the advent of a new

illuminated culture

Inkarri opens the door for Teen Journey to experience and learn within the renown Gaden Monastery with the Dalia Lama Tibetan Monks and founder of Inkarri Juan Ruiz Naupari

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Gaden Shartse

Established 1409

Gaden Monastery is one of the most renowned monasteries of Tibet It was actually specified by the Buddha - Sakyamuni himself 2500 years before its founding date in 1409

Gaden Monastery and Drepung Monastery are located in the Doeguling Tibetan Settlement in Mundgod in the North Kanara district of Karnataka State South India approximately 400km north of Bangalore (Bengaluru) and 600km south of Mumbai (Bombay) The nearest large city is Hubli which is approximately 45km north

ldquoUntil modern times when it became mostly a civic task education was considered a sacred work It was sacred because it involved the indwelling spirit in the student and because it required an awakened spirit in the teachers Spirit to spirit genius to genius soul to soul go the true lessons that help young people become themselves Ultimately each person holds the key to the story trying to be lived from within but first someone else must help unlock the mystery of onersquos liferdquo

-Michael Meade

This multi-cultural experience is a trip of a life time working with world masters while gaining appreciation for Indiaʼs and Tibetan cultures customs traditions and rituals

Cultural Exchange

Where do youth get their myths today

ldquoThey make them up themselves This is why we have graffiti all over the city These kids have their own gangs and their own initiations and their own morality and theyrsquore doing the best they canrdquo

Joseph Campbell The Power of Myth (p 9)

In order to discover their true power and who they are it is necessary for the teen to face and overcome challenges Through their struggles they discover a new sense of self worth and inner power They then are able to step into their new status as a young man or woman in the larger community

create amp



daily life

market place

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Teen Journey Society Teen Journey is a Vancouver BC based

non-profit organization created to empower

youth with a vision of interconnectedness

to see themselves as members of a global

village that live from the heart with passion

and purpose Founded on the established

research and t ime-tested practices

blending indigenous wisdom with the

human potential movement Teen Journey is

a transformational program for youth in

search of inner guidance Led by local and

international leaders in the fields of arts

science and personal development Teen

Journey participants learn the value of self-

inquiry as a means to change themselves

and the world around them Following an

intensive 7 day Rite of Passage Teen

Journey maintains a year-long program

designed to nurture the va lues of

community self-inquiry and creativity

cultivated over the 7 days

Teen Journey is a global community of dedicated loving and conscious people who have come together with the intention of being in service to the future caretakers of our planet our Youth

Catherine ThemblayZamir Dhanji Charles Cho

Show me your youth and I will show you the future of your nation- Georges Vanier

Jonathan Bean

IntentionTo empower and inspire youth through self real ization and connection with the global vi l lage


bull To provide both practical and

personal mentorship to the youth

involved in Teen Journey

bull To grow relationships that can

bridge the generation gap ndash

between youth parents and


bull To rebuild a relationship of trust

between youth and adults and

create a safe space where young

people can create their own


bull To connect the youth of Teen

Journey to an internat ional

community and give them an

opportunity to experience new

cultures and perspectives

MISSIONThe vision of Teen Journey came to Ela Rezmer in a remarkable and unexpected call from her heart to create a community where teens could fully explore and discover themselves their talents and their values

She began gathering people who are passionately committed to themselves and their inner journey people who also have the desire to share their gifts and wisdom with teens These mentors help and guide young people through their own personal journey of self discovery Without hesitation these leaders came to Teen Journey giving their time their stories and their inspiration

Answering the call is a group of volunteers and mentors consisting of elders from first nations around Vancouver as well as elders from Africa and Peru ndash people committed to bridging tribal wisdom with modern culture Many people have contributed their time and energy to Teen Journey including people like Malidoma Someacute Dr Vernon Woolfe and Juan Ruiz Naupari founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA ndash people who are passionate and renowned professionals in their respective fields As an organization we already exist in a global village and are re-connecting with the roots and traditions

of the cultures around us to connect the wisdom of sages and scientists Each of the passionate and committed volunteers and leaders of Teen Journey brings a lifetime of self-exploration and mentorship to our community and its events

The people of Teen Journey have united around a purpose Every mentor leader and volunteer has come together around a common cause to be in service to youth The underlying purpose and vision of Teen Journey constantly attracts new and remarkable people hellipand we would like you to be one of them

Vision TJ is the journey to the wisdom of the heart to discover who we are

Ela Rezmer


The Journey - Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Trip Includesbull Transportation from Hubli to

Gaden Shartse Monastery and return

bull 9 nights accommodation at Gaden Shartse Monastery

bull Trip Leaders Ela Rezmer Zamir Dhanji Catherine Tremblay amp Michelle Staples (filmmaker)

bull All meals (vegetarian)bull Daily participation in Dalai Lama

teachings to Tibetan Monks (with English translation)

bull Breath work with Juan Ruiz Naupauri

bull Exploration of local landscape and markets

bull Cultural Exchange with Monks and local community

bull Donations to Monks and Monastery

bull Chanting meditating being part of daily tasks like working with monks in the kitchen creating gardens learning debates and many more fun activities

Trip Does Not IncludeAirfare to Hubli India (connect through international gateway of Mumbai)

bull Cancellation amp Medical Insurance (as us for a quote)

bull Meals amp drinks not specifiedbull Fees to obtain valid passportbull Fees to obtain Indian Tourist Visabull Fees to obtain Protected Area

Permitbull Any items of a personal nature

such as laundry drinks and telephone calls

bull Any item that is not specifically detailed on our website or materials

Price USD $230000 per person(Price does not Include airfare to Hubli India)

Document Requirements1 Valid Passport (valid for 6 months from date of return)2 India Tourist Visa (obtained from your local India Consulate)3 Protected Area Permit (PAP) Gaden and Drepung Monasteries are part of a Tibetan refugee settlement area which is classified by the Government of India as a Restricted Area Therefore all foreign visitors to these monasteries are required to have a Protected Area Permit (PAP) All the information and links to application forms will be given to you upon registration

Registrations for this journey are being handled bySacred Earth Journeys (BC Reg 28465)Tel (604) 874-7922 Fax (604) 909-1717Toll Free 1-877-874-7922

Email helensacredearthjourneyscaWebsite - Click Here

An Award-Winning Travel Company Specializing in Sacred Journeys Wellness Travel amp Yoga Retreats and Wisdom Teachings

For more information about this journey please contact Teen Journey Society

Email Teen Journey - teenjourneyhotmailcomJoin us on Facebook

Registration Deadline Sept 10thPlease note that the PAP application takes time to process Therefore you should apply as soon as possible It is NOT necessary to already have an Indian Visa in order to apply for the PAP however if you (andor your teen) are interested in joining us for this life-changing trip you must register by Sept 10th


I learned a lot about myself and finally I feel like my

life is just starting I realize things about me that I have

never realize before and the reason for these things -

Kinte 16

The camp made a huge difference in every way for my

life Thank you for making Teen Journey possible -

Hayley 17

I will have more confidence in my actions And

remember to breathe in times of stress I will not judge

others because by judging others and making

comparisons I am only closing myself off to things and

experiences I will remember that life is only one aspect

of our whole being and our connection to each other

and the Earth is the fire that burns within us and makes

us who we are There is no me and you us and them -

Maya 17

My daughter doesnt like committing to anything

especially something that takes her away from home

She didnt even want to go to Teen Journey but on her

return she wanted to sign up for the next year

Attending the monthly activities is something she looks

forward to I know it doesnt sound like a big deal but it

is I am grateful to Teen Journey for giving my daughter

a place where she can be herself and challenged to see

the possibilities of more - Victoria Keddis


OFFICE HOURSMonday - 1000 am to 500 pmTuesday - 600 pm to 900 pm604-261-4155


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here

Eighteen Jangchup Lamrim Commentaries

In 2002 HE Ling Choktrul Rinpoche requested His Holiness the Dalai Lama to give teachings on the Eight Great Lamrim texts at the three great seats of learning i n s o u t h I n d i a S e r a D r e p u n g a n d G a d e n Monasteries His Holiness very kindly accepted that request and so starting this year on 30 November 2012 and continuing for 10-15 days His Holiness will teach on texts of the Stages of the Path at both monasteries of Gaden and Drepung in Mungod Tibetan settlement In late 2013 His Holiness will continue these teachings at Sera Monastery in Bylakuppe The following is the list of the individual texts and their authors that His Holiness has so kindly agreed to teach at that time


1) Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment (byang chub lam gyi sgron me) by Jowo Je Atisha (jo bo rje dpal ldan atisha)

2) The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim chen mo) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

3) The Medium Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim lsquobring po) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

4) The Concise Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim bsdus don) also known as Song of the Stages of the Path (lam rim nyams mgur) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

5) The Essence of Refined Gold - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim gser zhun ma) by His Holiness the Third Dalai Lama Sonam Gyatso (rgyal mchog sku phreng gsum pa bsod nams rgya mtsho)

6) The Easy Path - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim bde lam) by Panchen Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen (pan chen blo bzang chos rgyan)

7) The Sacred Words of Manjushri - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim lsquojam dpal zhal lung) by His Holiness the Fifth Dalai Lama Lobsang Gyatso (rgyal mchog sku phreng lnga pa chen po ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho)

8) The Swift Path - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim myur lam) by Panchen Lobsang Yeshe (pan chen blo bzang ye she)

9) Essence of Fine Speech - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim legs gsung nying khu) by Ngawang Drakpa of Dagpo (dwags po sgom chen ngag dbang grags pa)

The texts above are Atisharsquos Lamp for the Path together with the Eight Great Commentaries on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Lamrim)

10) The Three Principle Aspects of the Path (lam gtso rnam gsum) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

11) Foundation of All Good Qualities (yon tan gzhir gyur ma) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

12) Destiny Fulfilled The Spiritual Biography of Lama Tsong Khapa (rtogs brjod mdun legs ma) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

13) The Essence of Nectar - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim bdud rtsi snying po) by Kongpo Lama Yeshe Tsondru (kong po bla ma ye shes brtson lsquogrus)

14) The Southern Lineage - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lho rgyud lam rim)by Je Gendun Jamyang (rje dge lsquodun lsquojam dbyangs)

15) Zhamar Panditarsquos Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (zhwa dmar lam rim) by The Fourth Amdo Zhamar Gendun Tenzin Gyatso (a mdo bla ma dge lsquodun bstan lsquodzin rgya mtsho)

16) Zhamar Panditarsquos Treatise on Special Insight (zhwa dmar lhag mthong) by The Fourth Amdo Zhamar Gendun Tenzin Gyatso (a mdo bla ma dge lsquodun bstan lsquodzin rgya mtsho)

17) Liberation in the Palm of Onersquos Hand (lam rim rnam grol lag bcangs) Spoken by Pabongka Rinpoche (skyabs rje pha bong kha bde chen snying pos gsung) Compiled by Trijang Rinpoche (skyabs rje yongs lsquodzin khri byang rin po ches phyogs bsgrigs mdzad

18) Textual Outline for the Medium Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim lsquobring porsquoi sa bcad) by Trijang Rinpoche (skyabs rje yongs lsquodzin khri byang rin po che)

His Holiness is expected to teach these eighteen Jangchup Lamrim texts together subject by subject For example His Holiness is expected to teach the sections on precious human rebirth from each of the eighteen Lamrim texts all together followed by the sections on death and impermanence from all of the eighteen texts and so forth Therefore it is expected that none of the eighteen texts will be completed until the very end of the entire series of Jangchup Lamrim Teachings

This information is from the Jangchup Lamrim Teaching Organizing Committee and Yongzin Lingtsang Labrang (Translated from Tibetan by Simon Houlton May 2012 All errors are his alone)

His Holiness will teach in Tibetan language and there will be an FM broadcast of the simultaneous translation into Chinese English and certain other languages Therefore please bring an FM radio with headphones so as not to disturb others who are listening in a different language

Juan is the founder and director of the Inkarri Multicultural Organization and the creator of Pneuma System or The Path of Knowledge - a new synthesis of psychology and spirituality One of the principal tools within this system is Pneuma Breathwork a practice that facilitates access into amplified states of consciousness and in combination with the teachings offers a powerful path for spiritual transformation

For more than thirty years Juan has given conferences at numerous institutes universities and congresses He also shares a great legacy of teachings and practices - inspired by his guide and master The Golden Eagle - through the seminars retreats and training courses that he leads in the Pneuma System

His teachings range from the transpersonal to the mythic covering transcendental topics such as unveiling the knowledge that was set down by the f irst Christians in the Gnostic manuscripts of Nag Hamadi

Youth will experience personal insight or revelation

In many mystical traditions experiences of direct insight or revelation are considered indispensable for genuine spiritual growth Pneuma Breathwork offers us a transpersonal experience of Truth through which the veils of our limited ego-identification temporarily lift and we are able to experience our ever-present Inner Being and the many latent virtues contained within it Incorporated into the process is music and mandala making

breath amp transcendence

Juan Ruiz Naupari - founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA


Inkarri Multicultural Association USA

Inkarri has a long history of collaboration with Tibetan Buddhism particularly with the Gaden Shartse Monastery and the Gelugpa lineage led by HH the Dalai Lama

Since 1992 Inkarri has organized the annual

World Tour for Inner Peace in Europe and the

Americas thereby actively participating in the

dissemination of the religious culture and

spirituality of the TIbetan people In the process

funding has been generated to support the

preservation of their monasteries and their rich

spiritual heritage

In 2004 Inkarri organized HH the Dalai Lamas

visit to Puerto Rico for an International

ecumenical gathering Inkarri Multicultural

Association has also translated the book

Memoirs of Lama Keutsang Rinpoche into

Spanish and it provides ongoing support to

monasteries lamas and sponsors young

Tibetan monks Most recently Inkarri was the

principal sponsor and organizer for the Buddha

Maitreya Initiation at the Gaden Shartse

Monastery in India in Feb of 2011 a unique

initiation retreat offered for the first time by HH

the Dalai Lama

Inkarris support of the Tibetan people goes by

the name of the Buddha Maitreya Project The

Buddha Maitreya is the Buddha of Universal

Love He is represented here through the

collaborative work between Inkarri and the

Tibetan People for the advent of a new

illuminated culture

Inkarri opens the door for Teen Journey to experience and learn within the renown Gaden Monastery with the Dalia Lama Tibetan Monks and founder of Inkarri Juan Ruiz Naupari

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Gaden Shartse

Established 1409

Gaden Monastery is one of the most renowned monasteries of Tibet It was actually specified by the Buddha - Sakyamuni himself 2500 years before its founding date in 1409

Gaden Monastery and Drepung Monastery are located in the Doeguling Tibetan Settlement in Mundgod in the North Kanara district of Karnataka State South India approximately 400km north of Bangalore (Bengaluru) and 600km south of Mumbai (Bombay) The nearest large city is Hubli which is approximately 45km north

ldquoUntil modern times when it became mostly a civic task education was considered a sacred work It was sacred because it involved the indwelling spirit in the student and because it required an awakened spirit in the teachers Spirit to spirit genius to genius soul to soul go the true lessons that help young people become themselves Ultimately each person holds the key to the story trying to be lived from within but first someone else must help unlock the mystery of onersquos liferdquo

-Michael Meade

This multi-cultural experience is a trip of a life time working with world masters while gaining appreciation for Indiaʼs and Tibetan cultures customs traditions and rituals

Cultural Exchange

Where do youth get their myths today

ldquoThey make them up themselves This is why we have graffiti all over the city These kids have their own gangs and their own initiations and their own morality and theyrsquore doing the best they canrdquo

Joseph Campbell The Power of Myth (p 9)

In order to discover their true power and who they are it is necessary for the teen to face and overcome challenges Through their struggles they discover a new sense of self worth and inner power They then are able to step into their new status as a young man or woman in the larger community

create amp



daily life

market place

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Teen Journey Society Teen Journey is a Vancouver BC based

non-profit organization created to empower

youth with a vision of interconnectedness

to see themselves as members of a global

village that live from the heart with passion

and purpose Founded on the established

research and t ime-tested practices

blending indigenous wisdom with the

human potential movement Teen Journey is

a transformational program for youth in

search of inner guidance Led by local and

international leaders in the fields of arts

science and personal development Teen

Journey participants learn the value of self-

inquiry as a means to change themselves

and the world around them Following an

intensive 7 day Rite of Passage Teen

Journey maintains a year-long program

designed to nurture the va lues of

community self-inquiry and creativity

cultivated over the 7 days

Teen Journey is a global community of dedicated loving and conscious people who have come together with the intention of being in service to the future caretakers of our planet our Youth

Catherine ThemblayZamir Dhanji Charles Cho

Show me your youth and I will show you the future of your nation- Georges Vanier

Jonathan Bean

IntentionTo empower and inspire youth through self real ization and connection with the global vi l lage


bull To provide both practical and

personal mentorship to the youth

involved in Teen Journey

bull To grow relationships that can

bridge the generation gap ndash

between youth parents and


bull To rebuild a relationship of trust

between youth and adults and

create a safe space where young

people can create their own


bull To connect the youth of Teen

Journey to an internat ional

community and give them an

opportunity to experience new

cultures and perspectives

MISSIONThe vision of Teen Journey came to Ela Rezmer in a remarkable and unexpected call from her heart to create a community where teens could fully explore and discover themselves their talents and their values

She began gathering people who are passionately committed to themselves and their inner journey people who also have the desire to share their gifts and wisdom with teens These mentors help and guide young people through their own personal journey of self discovery Without hesitation these leaders came to Teen Journey giving their time their stories and their inspiration

Answering the call is a group of volunteers and mentors consisting of elders from first nations around Vancouver as well as elders from Africa and Peru ndash people committed to bridging tribal wisdom with modern culture Many people have contributed their time and energy to Teen Journey including people like Malidoma Someacute Dr Vernon Woolfe and Juan Ruiz Naupari founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA ndash people who are passionate and renowned professionals in their respective fields As an organization we already exist in a global village and are re-connecting with the roots and traditions

of the cultures around us to connect the wisdom of sages and scientists Each of the passionate and committed volunteers and leaders of Teen Journey brings a lifetime of self-exploration and mentorship to our community and its events

The people of Teen Journey have united around a purpose Every mentor leader and volunteer has come together around a common cause to be in service to youth The underlying purpose and vision of Teen Journey constantly attracts new and remarkable people hellipand we would like you to be one of them

Vision TJ is the journey to the wisdom of the heart to discover who we are

Ela Rezmer


The Journey - Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Trip Includesbull Transportation from Hubli to

Gaden Shartse Monastery and return

bull 9 nights accommodation at Gaden Shartse Monastery

bull Trip Leaders Ela Rezmer Zamir Dhanji Catherine Tremblay amp Michelle Staples (filmmaker)

bull All meals (vegetarian)bull Daily participation in Dalai Lama

teachings to Tibetan Monks (with English translation)

bull Breath work with Juan Ruiz Naupauri

bull Exploration of local landscape and markets

bull Cultural Exchange with Monks and local community

bull Donations to Monks and Monastery

bull Chanting meditating being part of daily tasks like working with monks in the kitchen creating gardens learning debates and many more fun activities

Trip Does Not IncludeAirfare to Hubli India (connect through international gateway of Mumbai)

bull Cancellation amp Medical Insurance (as us for a quote)

bull Meals amp drinks not specifiedbull Fees to obtain valid passportbull Fees to obtain Indian Tourist Visabull Fees to obtain Protected Area

Permitbull Any items of a personal nature

such as laundry drinks and telephone calls

bull Any item that is not specifically detailed on our website or materials

Price USD $230000 per person(Price does not Include airfare to Hubli India)

Document Requirements1 Valid Passport (valid for 6 months from date of return)2 India Tourist Visa (obtained from your local India Consulate)3 Protected Area Permit (PAP) Gaden and Drepung Monasteries are part of a Tibetan refugee settlement area which is classified by the Government of India as a Restricted Area Therefore all foreign visitors to these monasteries are required to have a Protected Area Permit (PAP) All the information and links to application forms will be given to you upon registration

Registrations for this journey are being handled bySacred Earth Journeys (BC Reg 28465)Tel (604) 874-7922 Fax (604) 909-1717Toll Free 1-877-874-7922

Email helensacredearthjourneyscaWebsite - Click Here

An Award-Winning Travel Company Specializing in Sacred Journeys Wellness Travel amp Yoga Retreats and Wisdom Teachings

For more information about this journey please contact Teen Journey Society

Email Teen Journey - teenjourneyhotmailcomJoin us on Facebook

Registration Deadline Sept 10thPlease note that the PAP application takes time to process Therefore you should apply as soon as possible It is NOT necessary to already have an Indian Visa in order to apply for the PAP however if you (andor your teen) are interested in joining us for this life-changing trip you must register by Sept 10th


I learned a lot about myself and finally I feel like my

life is just starting I realize things about me that I have

never realize before and the reason for these things -

Kinte 16

The camp made a huge difference in every way for my

life Thank you for making Teen Journey possible -

Hayley 17

I will have more confidence in my actions And

remember to breathe in times of stress I will not judge

others because by judging others and making

comparisons I am only closing myself off to things and

experiences I will remember that life is only one aspect

of our whole being and our connection to each other

and the Earth is the fire that burns within us and makes

us who we are There is no me and you us and them -

Maya 17

My daughter doesnt like committing to anything

especially something that takes her away from home

She didnt even want to go to Teen Journey but on her

return she wanted to sign up for the next year

Attending the monthly activities is something she looks

forward to I know it doesnt sound like a big deal but it

is I am grateful to Teen Journey for giving my daughter

a place where she can be herself and challenged to see

the possibilities of more - Victoria Keddis


OFFICE HOURSMonday - 1000 am to 500 pmTuesday - 600 pm to 900 pm604-261-4155


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here

1) Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment (byang chub lam gyi sgron me) by Jowo Je Atisha (jo bo rje dpal ldan atisha)

2) The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim chen mo) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

3) The Medium Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim lsquobring po) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

4) The Concise Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim bsdus don) also known as Song of the Stages of the Path (lam rim nyams mgur) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

5) The Essence of Refined Gold - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim gser zhun ma) by His Holiness the Third Dalai Lama Sonam Gyatso (rgyal mchog sku phreng gsum pa bsod nams rgya mtsho)

6) The Easy Path - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim bde lam) by Panchen Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen (pan chen blo bzang chos rgyan)

7) The Sacred Words of Manjushri - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim lsquojam dpal zhal lung) by His Holiness the Fifth Dalai Lama Lobsang Gyatso (rgyal mchog sku phreng lnga pa chen po ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho)

8) The Swift Path - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim myur lam) by Panchen Lobsang Yeshe (pan chen blo bzang ye she)

9) Essence of Fine Speech - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim legs gsung nying khu) by Ngawang Drakpa of Dagpo (dwags po sgom chen ngag dbang grags pa)

The texts above are Atisharsquos Lamp for the Path together with the Eight Great Commentaries on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Lamrim)

10) The Three Principle Aspects of the Path (lam gtso rnam gsum) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

11) Foundation of All Good Qualities (yon tan gzhir gyur ma) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

12) Destiny Fulfilled The Spiritual Biography of Lama Tsong Khapa (rtogs brjod mdun legs ma) by Je Tsong Khapa (rje tsong kha pa)

13) The Essence of Nectar - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim bdud rtsi snying po) by Kongpo Lama Yeshe Tsondru (kong po bla ma ye shes brtson lsquogrus)

14) The Southern Lineage - Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lho rgyud lam rim)by Je Gendun Jamyang (rje dge lsquodun lsquojam dbyangs)

15) Zhamar Panditarsquos Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (zhwa dmar lam rim) by The Fourth Amdo Zhamar Gendun Tenzin Gyatso (a mdo bla ma dge lsquodun bstan lsquodzin rgya mtsho)

16) Zhamar Panditarsquos Treatise on Special Insight (zhwa dmar lhag mthong) by The Fourth Amdo Zhamar Gendun Tenzin Gyatso (a mdo bla ma dge lsquodun bstan lsquodzin rgya mtsho)

17) Liberation in the Palm of Onersquos Hand (lam rim rnam grol lag bcangs) Spoken by Pabongka Rinpoche (skyabs rje pha bong kha bde chen snying pos gsung) Compiled by Trijang Rinpoche (skyabs rje yongs lsquodzin khri byang rin po ches phyogs bsgrigs mdzad

18) Textual Outline for the Medium Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim lsquobring porsquoi sa bcad) by Trijang Rinpoche (skyabs rje yongs lsquodzin khri byang rin po che)

His Holiness is expected to teach these eighteen Jangchup Lamrim texts together subject by subject For example His Holiness is expected to teach the sections on precious human rebirth from each of the eighteen Lamrim texts all together followed by the sections on death and impermanence from all of the eighteen texts and so forth Therefore it is expected that none of the eighteen texts will be completed until the very end of the entire series of Jangchup Lamrim Teachings

This information is from the Jangchup Lamrim Teaching Organizing Committee and Yongzin Lingtsang Labrang (Translated from Tibetan by Simon Houlton May 2012 All errors are his alone)

His Holiness will teach in Tibetan language and there will be an FM broadcast of the simultaneous translation into Chinese English and certain other languages Therefore please bring an FM radio with headphones so as not to disturb others who are listening in a different language

Juan is the founder and director of the Inkarri Multicultural Organization and the creator of Pneuma System or The Path of Knowledge - a new synthesis of psychology and spirituality One of the principal tools within this system is Pneuma Breathwork a practice that facilitates access into amplified states of consciousness and in combination with the teachings offers a powerful path for spiritual transformation

For more than thirty years Juan has given conferences at numerous institutes universities and congresses He also shares a great legacy of teachings and practices - inspired by his guide and master The Golden Eagle - through the seminars retreats and training courses that he leads in the Pneuma System

His teachings range from the transpersonal to the mythic covering transcendental topics such as unveiling the knowledge that was set down by the f irst Christians in the Gnostic manuscripts of Nag Hamadi

Youth will experience personal insight or revelation

In many mystical traditions experiences of direct insight or revelation are considered indispensable for genuine spiritual growth Pneuma Breathwork offers us a transpersonal experience of Truth through which the veils of our limited ego-identification temporarily lift and we are able to experience our ever-present Inner Being and the many latent virtues contained within it Incorporated into the process is music and mandala making

breath amp transcendence

Juan Ruiz Naupari - founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA


Inkarri Multicultural Association USA

Inkarri has a long history of collaboration with Tibetan Buddhism particularly with the Gaden Shartse Monastery and the Gelugpa lineage led by HH the Dalai Lama

Since 1992 Inkarri has organized the annual

World Tour for Inner Peace in Europe and the

Americas thereby actively participating in the

dissemination of the religious culture and

spirituality of the TIbetan people In the process

funding has been generated to support the

preservation of their monasteries and their rich

spiritual heritage

In 2004 Inkarri organized HH the Dalai Lamas

visit to Puerto Rico for an International

ecumenical gathering Inkarri Multicultural

Association has also translated the book

Memoirs of Lama Keutsang Rinpoche into

Spanish and it provides ongoing support to

monasteries lamas and sponsors young

Tibetan monks Most recently Inkarri was the

principal sponsor and organizer for the Buddha

Maitreya Initiation at the Gaden Shartse

Monastery in India in Feb of 2011 a unique

initiation retreat offered for the first time by HH

the Dalai Lama

Inkarris support of the Tibetan people goes by

the name of the Buddha Maitreya Project The

Buddha Maitreya is the Buddha of Universal

Love He is represented here through the

collaborative work between Inkarri and the

Tibetan People for the advent of a new

illuminated culture

Inkarri opens the door for Teen Journey to experience and learn within the renown Gaden Monastery with the Dalia Lama Tibetan Monks and founder of Inkarri Juan Ruiz Naupari

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Gaden Shartse

Established 1409

Gaden Monastery is one of the most renowned monasteries of Tibet It was actually specified by the Buddha - Sakyamuni himself 2500 years before its founding date in 1409

Gaden Monastery and Drepung Monastery are located in the Doeguling Tibetan Settlement in Mundgod in the North Kanara district of Karnataka State South India approximately 400km north of Bangalore (Bengaluru) and 600km south of Mumbai (Bombay) The nearest large city is Hubli which is approximately 45km north

ldquoUntil modern times when it became mostly a civic task education was considered a sacred work It was sacred because it involved the indwelling spirit in the student and because it required an awakened spirit in the teachers Spirit to spirit genius to genius soul to soul go the true lessons that help young people become themselves Ultimately each person holds the key to the story trying to be lived from within but first someone else must help unlock the mystery of onersquos liferdquo

-Michael Meade

This multi-cultural experience is a trip of a life time working with world masters while gaining appreciation for Indiaʼs and Tibetan cultures customs traditions and rituals

Cultural Exchange

Where do youth get their myths today

ldquoThey make them up themselves This is why we have graffiti all over the city These kids have their own gangs and their own initiations and their own morality and theyrsquore doing the best they canrdquo

Joseph Campbell The Power of Myth (p 9)

In order to discover their true power and who they are it is necessary for the teen to face and overcome challenges Through their struggles they discover a new sense of self worth and inner power They then are able to step into their new status as a young man or woman in the larger community

create amp



daily life

market place

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Teen Journey Society Teen Journey is a Vancouver BC based

non-profit organization created to empower

youth with a vision of interconnectedness

to see themselves as members of a global

village that live from the heart with passion

and purpose Founded on the established

research and t ime-tested practices

blending indigenous wisdom with the

human potential movement Teen Journey is

a transformational program for youth in

search of inner guidance Led by local and

international leaders in the fields of arts

science and personal development Teen

Journey participants learn the value of self-

inquiry as a means to change themselves

and the world around them Following an

intensive 7 day Rite of Passage Teen

Journey maintains a year-long program

designed to nurture the va lues of

community self-inquiry and creativity

cultivated over the 7 days

Teen Journey is a global community of dedicated loving and conscious people who have come together with the intention of being in service to the future caretakers of our planet our Youth

Catherine ThemblayZamir Dhanji Charles Cho

Show me your youth and I will show you the future of your nation- Georges Vanier

Jonathan Bean

IntentionTo empower and inspire youth through self real ization and connection with the global vi l lage


bull To provide both practical and

personal mentorship to the youth

involved in Teen Journey

bull To grow relationships that can

bridge the generation gap ndash

between youth parents and


bull To rebuild a relationship of trust

between youth and adults and

create a safe space where young

people can create their own


bull To connect the youth of Teen

Journey to an internat ional

community and give them an

opportunity to experience new

cultures and perspectives

MISSIONThe vision of Teen Journey came to Ela Rezmer in a remarkable and unexpected call from her heart to create a community where teens could fully explore and discover themselves their talents and their values

She began gathering people who are passionately committed to themselves and their inner journey people who also have the desire to share their gifts and wisdom with teens These mentors help and guide young people through their own personal journey of self discovery Without hesitation these leaders came to Teen Journey giving their time their stories and their inspiration

Answering the call is a group of volunteers and mentors consisting of elders from first nations around Vancouver as well as elders from Africa and Peru ndash people committed to bridging tribal wisdom with modern culture Many people have contributed their time and energy to Teen Journey including people like Malidoma Someacute Dr Vernon Woolfe and Juan Ruiz Naupari founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA ndash people who are passionate and renowned professionals in their respective fields As an organization we already exist in a global village and are re-connecting with the roots and traditions

of the cultures around us to connect the wisdom of sages and scientists Each of the passionate and committed volunteers and leaders of Teen Journey brings a lifetime of self-exploration and mentorship to our community and its events

The people of Teen Journey have united around a purpose Every mentor leader and volunteer has come together around a common cause to be in service to youth The underlying purpose and vision of Teen Journey constantly attracts new and remarkable people hellipand we would like you to be one of them

Vision TJ is the journey to the wisdom of the heart to discover who we are

Ela Rezmer


The Journey - Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Trip Includesbull Transportation from Hubli to

Gaden Shartse Monastery and return

bull 9 nights accommodation at Gaden Shartse Monastery

bull Trip Leaders Ela Rezmer Zamir Dhanji Catherine Tremblay amp Michelle Staples (filmmaker)

bull All meals (vegetarian)bull Daily participation in Dalai Lama

teachings to Tibetan Monks (with English translation)

bull Breath work with Juan Ruiz Naupauri

bull Exploration of local landscape and markets

bull Cultural Exchange with Monks and local community

bull Donations to Monks and Monastery

bull Chanting meditating being part of daily tasks like working with monks in the kitchen creating gardens learning debates and many more fun activities

Trip Does Not IncludeAirfare to Hubli India (connect through international gateway of Mumbai)

bull Cancellation amp Medical Insurance (as us for a quote)

bull Meals amp drinks not specifiedbull Fees to obtain valid passportbull Fees to obtain Indian Tourist Visabull Fees to obtain Protected Area

Permitbull Any items of a personal nature

such as laundry drinks and telephone calls

bull Any item that is not specifically detailed on our website or materials

Price USD $230000 per person(Price does not Include airfare to Hubli India)

Document Requirements1 Valid Passport (valid for 6 months from date of return)2 India Tourist Visa (obtained from your local India Consulate)3 Protected Area Permit (PAP) Gaden and Drepung Monasteries are part of a Tibetan refugee settlement area which is classified by the Government of India as a Restricted Area Therefore all foreign visitors to these monasteries are required to have a Protected Area Permit (PAP) All the information and links to application forms will be given to you upon registration

Registrations for this journey are being handled bySacred Earth Journeys (BC Reg 28465)Tel (604) 874-7922 Fax (604) 909-1717Toll Free 1-877-874-7922

Email helensacredearthjourneyscaWebsite - Click Here

An Award-Winning Travel Company Specializing in Sacred Journeys Wellness Travel amp Yoga Retreats and Wisdom Teachings

For more information about this journey please contact Teen Journey Society

Email Teen Journey - teenjourneyhotmailcomJoin us on Facebook

Registration Deadline Sept 10thPlease note that the PAP application takes time to process Therefore you should apply as soon as possible It is NOT necessary to already have an Indian Visa in order to apply for the PAP however if you (andor your teen) are interested in joining us for this life-changing trip you must register by Sept 10th


I learned a lot about myself and finally I feel like my

life is just starting I realize things about me that I have

never realize before and the reason for these things -

Kinte 16

The camp made a huge difference in every way for my

life Thank you for making Teen Journey possible -

Hayley 17

I will have more confidence in my actions And

remember to breathe in times of stress I will not judge

others because by judging others and making

comparisons I am only closing myself off to things and

experiences I will remember that life is only one aspect

of our whole being and our connection to each other

and the Earth is the fire that burns within us and makes

us who we are There is no me and you us and them -

Maya 17

My daughter doesnt like committing to anything

especially something that takes her away from home

She didnt even want to go to Teen Journey but on her

return she wanted to sign up for the next year

Attending the monthly activities is something she looks

forward to I know it doesnt sound like a big deal but it

is I am grateful to Teen Journey for giving my daughter

a place where she can be herself and challenged to see

the possibilities of more - Victoria Keddis


OFFICE HOURSMonday - 1000 am to 500 pmTuesday - 600 pm to 900 pm604-261-4155


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here

16) Zhamar Panditarsquos Treatise on Special Insight (zhwa dmar lhag mthong) by The Fourth Amdo Zhamar Gendun Tenzin Gyatso (a mdo bla ma dge lsquodun bstan lsquodzin rgya mtsho)

17) Liberation in the Palm of Onersquos Hand (lam rim rnam grol lag bcangs) Spoken by Pabongka Rinpoche (skyabs rje pha bong kha bde chen snying pos gsung) Compiled by Trijang Rinpoche (skyabs rje yongs lsquodzin khri byang rin po ches phyogs bsgrigs mdzad

18) Textual Outline for the Medium Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim lsquobring porsquoi sa bcad) by Trijang Rinpoche (skyabs rje yongs lsquodzin khri byang rin po che)

His Holiness is expected to teach these eighteen Jangchup Lamrim texts together subject by subject For example His Holiness is expected to teach the sections on precious human rebirth from each of the eighteen Lamrim texts all together followed by the sections on death and impermanence from all of the eighteen texts and so forth Therefore it is expected that none of the eighteen texts will be completed until the very end of the entire series of Jangchup Lamrim Teachings

This information is from the Jangchup Lamrim Teaching Organizing Committee and Yongzin Lingtsang Labrang (Translated from Tibetan by Simon Houlton May 2012 All errors are his alone)

His Holiness will teach in Tibetan language and there will be an FM broadcast of the simultaneous translation into Chinese English and certain other languages Therefore please bring an FM radio with headphones so as not to disturb others who are listening in a different language

Juan is the founder and director of the Inkarri Multicultural Organization and the creator of Pneuma System or The Path of Knowledge - a new synthesis of psychology and spirituality One of the principal tools within this system is Pneuma Breathwork a practice that facilitates access into amplified states of consciousness and in combination with the teachings offers a powerful path for spiritual transformation

For more than thirty years Juan has given conferences at numerous institutes universities and congresses He also shares a great legacy of teachings and practices - inspired by his guide and master The Golden Eagle - through the seminars retreats and training courses that he leads in the Pneuma System

His teachings range from the transpersonal to the mythic covering transcendental topics such as unveiling the knowledge that was set down by the f irst Christians in the Gnostic manuscripts of Nag Hamadi

Youth will experience personal insight or revelation

In many mystical traditions experiences of direct insight or revelation are considered indispensable for genuine spiritual growth Pneuma Breathwork offers us a transpersonal experience of Truth through which the veils of our limited ego-identification temporarily lift and we are able to experience our ever-present Inner Being and the many latent virtues contained within it Incorporated into the process is music and mandala making

breath amp transcendence

Juan Ruiz Naupari - founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA


Inkarri Multicultural Association USA

Inkarri has a long history of collaboration with Tibetan Buddhism particularly with the Gaden Shartse Monastery and the Gelugpa lineage led by HH the Dalai Lama

Since 1992 Inkarri has organized the annual

World Tour for Inner Peace in Europe and the

Americas thereby actively participating in the

dissemination of the religious culture and

spirituality of the TIbetan people In the process

funding has been generated to support the

preservation of their monasteries and their rich

spiritual heritage

In 2004 Inkarri organized HH the Dalai Lamas

visit to Puerto Rico for an International

ecumenical gathering Inkarri Multicultural

Association has also translated the book

Memoirs of Lama Keutsang Rinpoche into

Spanish and it provides ongoing support to

monasteries lamas and sponsors young

Tibetan monks Most recently Inkarri was the

principal sponsor and organizer for the Buddha

Maitreya Initiation at the Gaden Shartse

Monastery in India in Feb of 2011 a unique

initiation retreat offered for the first time by HH

the Dalai Lama

Inkarris support of the Tibetan people goes by

the name of the Buddha Maitreya Project The

Buddha Maitreya is the Buddha of Universal

Love He is represented here through the

collaborative work between Inkarri and the

Tibetan People for the advent of a new

illuminated culture

Inkarri opens the door for Teen Journey to experience and learn within the renown Gaden Monastery with the Dalia Lama Tibetan Monks and founder of Inkarri Juan Ruiz Naupari

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Gaden Shartse

Established 1409

Gaden Monastery is one of the most renowned monasteries of Tibet It was actually specified by the Buddha - Sakyamuni himself 2500 years before its founding date in 1409

Gaden Monastery and Drepung Monastery are located in the Doeguling Tibetan Settlement in Mundgod in the North Kanara district of Karnataka State South India approximately 400km north of Bangalore (Bengaluru) and 600km south of Mumbai (Bombay) The nearest large city is Hubli which is approximately 45km north

ldquoUntil modern times when it became mostly a civic task education was considered a sacred work It was sacred because it involved the indwelling spirit in the student and because it required an awakened spirit in the teachers Spirit to spirit genius to genius soul to soul go the true lessons that help young people become themselves Ultimately each person holds the key to the story trying to be lived from within but first someone else must help unlock the mystery of onersquos liferdquo

-Michael Meade

This multi-cultural experience is a trip of a life time working with world masters while gaining appreciation for Indiaʼs and Tibetan cultures customs traditions and rituals

Cultural Exchange

Where do youth get their myths today

ldquoThey make them up themselves This is why we have graffiti all over the city These kids have their own gangs and their own initiations and their own morality and theyrsquore doing the best they canrdquo

Joseph Campbell The Power of Myth (p 9)

In order to discover their true power and who they are it is necessary for the teen to face and overcome challenges Through their struggles they discover a new sense of self worth and inner power They then are able to step into their new status as a young man or woman in the larger community

create amp



daily life

market place

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Teen Journey Society Teen Journey is a Vancouver BC based

non-profit organization created to empower

youth with a vision of interconnectedness

to see themselves as members of a global

village that live from the heart with passion

and purpose Founded on the established

research and t ime-tested practices

blending indigenous wisdom with the

human potential movement Teen Journey is

a transformational program for youth in

search of inner guidance Led by local and

international leaders in the fields of arts

science and personal development Teen

Journey participants learn the value of self-

inquiry as a means to change themselves

and the world around them Following an

intensive 7 day Rite of Passage Teen

Journey maintains a year-long program

designed to nurture the va lues of

community self-inquiry and creativity

cultivated over the 7 days

Teen Journey is a global community of dedicated loving and conscious people who have come together with the intention of being in service to the future caretakers of our planet our Youth

Catherine ThemblayZamir Dhanji Charles Cho

Show me your youth and I will show you the future of your nation- Georges Vanier

Jonathan Bean

IntentionTo empower and inspire youth through self real ization and connection with the global vi l lage


bull To provide both practical and

personal mentorship to the youth

involved in Teen Journey

bull To grow relationships that can

bridge the generation gap ndash

between youth parents and


bull To rebuild a relationship of trust

between youth and adults and

create a safe space where young

people can create their own


bull To connect the youth of Teen

Journey to an internat ional

community and give them an

opportunity to experience new

cultures and perspectives

MISSIONThe vision of Teen Journey came to Ela Rezmer in a remarkable and unexpected call from her heart to create a community where teens could fully explore and discover themselves their talents and their values

She began gathering people who are passionately committed to themselves and their inner journey people who also have the desire to share their gifts and wisdom with teens These mentors help and guide young people through their own personal journey of self discovery Without hesitation these leaders came to Teen Journey giving their time their stories and their inspiration

Answering the call is a group of volunteers and mentors consisting of elders from first nations around Vancouver as well as elders from Africa and Peru ndash people committed to bridging tribal wisdom with modern culture Many people have contributed their time and energy to Teen Journey including people like Malidoma Someacute Dr Vernon Woolfe and Juan Ruiz Naupari founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA ndash people who are passionate and renowned professionals in their respective fields As an organization we already exist in a global village and are re-connecting with the roots and traditions

of the cultures around us to connect the wisdom of sages and scientists Each of the passionate and committed volunteers and leaders of Teen Journey brings a lifetime of self-exploration and mentorship to our community and its events

The people of Teen Journey have united around a purpose Every mentor leader and volunteer has come together around a common cause to be in service to youth The underlying purpose and vision of Teen Journey constantly attracts new and remarkable people hellipand we would like you to be one of them

Vision TJ is the journey to the wisdom of the heart to discover who we are

Ela Rezmer


The Journey - Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Trip Includesbull Transportation from Hubli to

Gaden Shartse Monastery and return

bull 9 nights accommodation at Gaden Shartse Monastery

bull Trip Leaders Ela Rezmer Zamir Dhanji Catherine Tremblay amp Michelle Staples (filmmaker)

bull All meals (vegetarian)bull Daily participation in Dalai Lama

teachings to Tibetan Monks (with English translation)

bull Breath work with Juan Ruiz Naupauri

bull Exploration of local landscape and markets

bull Cultural Exchange with Monks and local community

bull Donations to Monks and Monastery

bull Chanting meditating being part of daily tasks like working with monks in the kitchen creating gardens learning debates and many more fun activities

Trip Does Not IncludeAirfare to Hubli India (connect through international gateway of Mumbai)

bull Cancellation amp Medical Insurance (as us for a quote)

bull Meals amp drinks not specifiedbull Fees to obtain valid passportbull Fees to obtain Indian Tourist Visabull Fees to obtain Protected Area

Permitbull Any items of a personal nature

such as laundry drinks and telephone calls

bull Any item that is not specifically detailed on our website or materials

Price USD $230000 per person(Price does not Include airfare to Hubli India)

Document Requirements1 Valid Passport (valid for 6 months from date of return)2 India Tourist Visa (obtained from your local India Consulate)3 Protected Area Permit (PAP) Gaden and Drepung Monasteries are part of a Tibetan refugee settlement area which is classified by the Government of India as a Restricted Area Therefore all foreign visitors to these monasteries are required to have a Protected Area Permit (PAP) All the information and links to application forms will be given to you upon registration

Registrations for this journey are being handled bySacred Earth Journeys (BC Reg 28465)Tel (604) 874-7922 Fax (604) 909-1717Toll Free 1-877-874-7922

Email helensacredearthjourneyscaWebsite - Click Here

An Award-Winning Travel Company Specializing in Sacred Journeys Wellness Travel amp Yoga Retreats and Wisdom Teachings

For more information about this journey please contact Teen Journey Society

Email Teen Journey - teenjourneyhotmailcomJoin us on Facebook

Registration Deadline Sept 10thPlease note that the PAP application takes time to process Therefore you should apply as soon as possible It is NOT necessary to already have an Indian Visa in order to apply for the PAP however if you (andor your teen) are interested in joining us for this life-changing trip you must register by Sept 10th


I learned a lot about myself and finally I feel like my

life is just starting I realize things about me that I have

never realize before and the reason for these things -

Kinte 16

The camp made a huge difference in every way for my

life Thank you for making Teen Journey possible -

Hayley 17

I will have more confidence in my actions And

remember to breathe in times of stress I will not judge

others because by judging others and making

comparisons I am only closing myself off to things and

experiences I will remember that life is only one aspect

of our whole being and our connection to each other

and the Earth is the fire that burns within us and makes

us who we are There is no me and you us and them -

Maya 17

My daughter doesnt like committing to anything

especially something that takes her away from home

She didnt even want to go to Teen Journey but on her

return she wanted to sign up for the next year

Attending the monthly activities is something she looks

forward to I know it doesnt sound like a big deal but it

is I am grateful to Teen Journey for giving my daughter

a place where she can be herself and challenged to see

the possibilities of more - Victoria Keddis


OFFICE HOURSMonday - 1000 am to 500 pmTuesday - 600 pm to 900 pm604-261-4155


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here

Juan is the founder and director of the Inkarri Multicultural Organization and the creator of Pneuma System or The Path of Knowledge - a new synthesis of psychology and spirituality One of the principal tools within this system is Pneuma Breathwork a practice that facilitates access into amplified states of consciousness and in combination with the teachings offers a powerful path for spiritual transformation

For more than thirty years Juan has given conferences at numerous institutes universities and congresses He also shares a great legacy of teachings and practices - inspired by his guide and master The Golden Eagle - through the seminars retreats and training courses that he leads in the Pneuma System

His teachings range from the transpersonal to the mythic covering transcendental topics such as unveiling the knowledge that was set down by the f irst Christians in the Gnostic manuscripts of Nag Hamadi

Youth will experience personal insight or revelation

In many mystical traditions experiences of direct insight or revelation are considered indispensable for genuine spiritual growth Pneuma Breathwork offers us a transpersonal experience of Truth through which the veils of our limited ego-identification temporarily lift and we are able to experience our ever-present Inner Being and the many latent virtues contained within it Incorporated into the process is music and mandala making

breath amp transcendence

Juan Ruiz Naupari - founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA


Inkarri Multicultural Association USA

Inkarri has a long history of collaboration with Tibetan Buddhism particularly with the Gaden Shartse Monastery and the Gelugpa lineage led by HH the Dalai Lama

Since 1992 Inkarri has organized the annual

World Tour for Inner Peace in Europe and the

Americas thereby actively participating in the

dissemination of the religious culture and

spirituality of the TIbetan people In the process

funding has been generated to support the

preservation of their monasteries and their rich

spiritual heritage

In 2004 Inkarri organized HH the Dalai Lamas

visit to Puerto Rico for an International

ecumenical gathering Inkarri Multicultural

Association has also translated the book

Memoirs of Lama Keutsang Rinpoche into

Spanish and it provides ongoing support to

monasteries lamas and sponsors young

Tibetan monks Most recently Inkarri was the

principal sponsor and organizer for the Buddha

Maitreya Initiation at the Gaden Shartse

Monastery in India in Feb of 2011 a unique

initiation retreat offered for the first time by HH

the Dalai Lama

Inkarris support of the Tibetan people goes by

the name of the Buddha Maitreya Project The

Buddha Maitreya is the Buddha of Universal

Love He is represented here through the

collaborative work between Inkarri and the

Tibetan People for the advent of a new

illuminated culture

Inkarri opens the door for Teen Journey to experience and learn within the renown Gaden Monastery with the Dalia Lama Tibetan Monks and founder of Inkarri Juan Ruiz Naupari

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Gaden Shartse

Established 1409

Gaden Monastery is one of the most renowned monasteries of Tibet It was actually specified by the Buddha - Sakyamuni himself 2500 years before its founding date in 1409

Gaden Monastery and Drepung Monastery are located in the Doeguling Tibetan Settlement in Mundgod in the North Kanara district of Karnataka State South India approximately 400km north of Bangalore (Bengaluru) and 600km south of Mumbai (Bombay) The nearest large city is Hubli which is approximately 45km north

ldquoUntil modern times when it became mostly a civic task education was considered a sacred work It was sacred because it involved the indwelling spirit in the student and because it required an awakened spirit in the teachers Spirit to spirit genius to genius soul to soul go the true lessons that help young people become themselves Ultimately each person holds the key to the story trying to be lived from within but first someone else must help unlock the mystery of onersquos liferdquo

-Michael Meade

This multi-cultural experience is a trip of a life time working with world masters while gaining appreciation for Indiaʼs and Tibetan cultures customs traditions and rituals

Cultural Exchange

Where do youth get their myths today

ldquoThey make them up themselves This is why we have graffiti all over the city These kids have their own gangs and their own initiations and their own morality and theyrsquore doing the best they canrdquo

Joseph Campbell The Power of Myth (p 9)

In order to discover their true power and who they are it is necessary for the teen to face and overcome challenges Through their struggles they discover a new sense of self worth and inner power They then are able to step into their new status as a young man or woman in the larger community

create amp



daily life

market place

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Teen Journey Society Teen Journey is a Vancouver BC based

non-profit organization created to empower

youth with a vision of interconnectedness

to see themselves as members of a global

village that live from the heart with passion

and purpose Founded on the established

research and t ime-tested practices

blending indigenous wisdom with the

human potential movement Teen Journey is

a transformational program for youth in

search of inner guidance Led by local and

international leaders in the fields of arts

science and personal development Teen

Journey participants learn the value of self-

inquiry as a means to change themselves

and the world around them Following an

intensive 7 day Rite of Passage Teen

Journey maintains a year-long program

designed to nurture the va lues of

community self-inquiry and creativity

cultivated over the 7 days

Teen Journey is a global community of dedicated loving and conscious people who have come together with the intention of being in service to the future caretakers of our planet our Youth

Catherine ThemblayZamir Dhanji Charles Cho

Show me your youth and I will show you the future of your nation- Georges Vanier

Jonathan Bean

IntentionTo empower and inspire youth through self real ization and connection with the global vi l lage


bull To provide both practical and

personal mentorship to the youth

involved in Teen Journey

bull To grow relationships that can

bridge the generation gap ndash

between youth parents and


bull To rebuild a relationship of trust

between youth and adults and

create a safe space where young

people can create their own


bull To connect the youth of Teen

Journey to an internat ional

community and give them an

opportunity to experience new

cultures and perspectives

MISSIONThe vision of Teen Journey came to Ela Rezmer in a remarkable and unexpected call from her heart to create a community where teens could fully explore and discover themselves their talents and their values

She began gathering people who are passionately committed to themselves and their inner journey people who also have the desire to share their gifts and wisdom with teens These mentors help and guide young people through their own personal journey of self discovery Without hesitation these leaders came to Teen Journey giving their time their stories and their inspiration

Answering the call is a group of volunteers and mentors consisting of elders from first nations around Vancouver as well as elders from Africa and Peru ndash people committed to bridging tribal wisdom with modern culture Many people have contributed their time and energy to Teen Journey including people like Malidoma Someacute Dr Vernon Woolfe and Juan Ruiz Naupari founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA ndash people who are passionate and renowned professionals in their respective fields As an organization we already exist in a global village and are re-connecting with the roots and traditions

of the cultures around us to connect the wisdom of sages and scientists Each of the passionate and committed volunteers and leaders of Teen Journey brings a lifetime of self-exploration and mentorship to our community and its events

The people of Teen Journey have united around a purpose Every mentor leader and volunteer has come together around a common cause to be in service to youth The underlying purpose and vision of Teen Journey constantly attracts new and remarkable people hellipand we would like you to be one of them

Vision TJ is the journey to the wisdom of the heart to discover who we are

Ela Rezmer


The Journey - Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Trip Includesbull Transportation from Hubli to

Gaden Shartse Monastery and return

bull 9 nights accommodation at Gaden Shartse Monastery

bull Trip Leaders Ela Rezmer Zamir Dhanji Catherine Tremblay amp Michelle Staples (filmmaker)

bull All meals (vegetarian)bull Daily participation in Dalai Lama

teachings to Tibetan Monks (with English translation)

bull Breath work with Juan Ruiz Naupauri

bull Exploration of local landscape and markets

bull Cultural Exchange with Monks and local community

bull Donations to Monks and Monastery

bull Chanting meditating being part of daily tasks like working with monks in the kitchen creating gardens learning debates and many more fun activities

Trip Does Not IncludeAirfare to Hubli India (connect through international gateway of Mumbai)

bull Cancellation amp Medical Insurance (as us for a quote)

bull Meals amp drinks not specifiedbull Fees to obtain valid passportbull Fees to obtain Indian Tourist Visabull Fees to obtain Protected Area

Permitbull Any items of a personal nature

such as laundry drinks and telephone calls

bull Any item that is not specifically detailed on our website or materials

Price USD $230000 per person(Price does not Include airfare to Hubli India)

Document Requirements1 Valid Passport (valid for 6 months from date of return)2 India Tourist Visa (obtained from your local India Consulate)3 Protected Area Permit (PAP) Gaden and Drepung Monasteries are part of a Tibetan refugee settlement area which is classified by the Government of India as a Restricted Area Therefore all foreign visitors to these monasteries are required to have a Protected Area Permit (PAP) All the information and links to application forms will be given to you upon registration

Registrations for this journey are being handled bySacred Earth Journeys (BC Reg 28465)Tel (604) 874-7922 Fax (604) 909-1717Toll Free 1-877-874-7922

Email helensacredearthjourneyscaWebsite - Click Here

An Award-Winning Travel Company Specializing in Sacred Journeys Wellness Travel amp Yoga Retreats and Wisdom Teachings

For more information about this journey please contact Teen Journey Society

Email Teen Journey - teenjourneyhotmailcomJoin us on Facebook

Registration Deadline Sept 10thPlease note that the PAP application takes time to process Therefore you should apply as soon as possible It is NOT necessary to already have an Indian Visa in order to apply for the PAP however if you (andor your teen) are interested in joining us for this life-changing trip you must register by Sept 10th


I learned a lot about myself and finally I feel like my

life is just starting I realize things about me that I have

never realize before and the reason for these things -

Kinte 16

The camp made a huge difference in every way for my

life Thank you for making Teen Journey possible -

Hayley 17

I will have more confidence in my actions And

remember to breathe in times of stress I will not judge

others because by judging others and making

comparisons I am only closing myself off to things and

experiences I will remember that life is only one aspect

of our whole being and our connection to each other

and the Earth is the fire that burns within us and makes

us who we are There is no me and you us and them -

Maya 17

My daughter doesnt like committing to anything

especially something that takes her away from home

She didnt even want to go to Teen Journey but on her

return she wanted to sign up for the next year

Attending the monthly activities is something she looks

forward to I know it doesnt sound like a big deal but it

is I am grateful to Teen Journey for giving my daughter

a place where she can be herself and challenged to see

the possibilities of more - Victoria Keddis


OFFICE HOURSMonday - 1000 am to 500 pmTuesday - 600 pm to 900 pm604-261-4155


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here

Inkarri has a long history of collaboration with Tibetan Buddhism particularly with the Gaden Shartse Monastery and the Gelugpa lineage led by HH the Dalai Lama

Since 1992 Inkarri has organized the annual

World Tour for Inner Peace in Europe and the

Americas thereby actively participating in the

dissemination of the religious culture and

spirituality of the TIbetan people In the process

funding has been generated to support the

preservation of their monasteries and their rich

spiritual heritage

In 2004 Inkarri organized HH the Dalai Lamas

visit to Puerto Rico for an International

ecumenical gathering Inkarri Multicultural

Association has also translated the book

Memoirs of Lama Keutsang Rinpoche into

Spanish and it provides ongoing support to

monasteries lamas and sponsors young

Tibetan monks Most recently Inkarri was the

principal sponsor and organizer for the Buddha

Maitreya Initiation at the Gaden Shartse

Monastery in India in Feb of 2011 a unique

initiation retreat offered for the first time by HH

the Dalai Lama

Inkarris support of the Tibetan people goes by

the name of the Buddha Maitreya Project The

Buddha Maitreya is the Buddha of Universal

Love He is represented here through the

collaborative work between Inkarri and the

Tibetan People for the advent of a new

illuminated culture

Inkarri opens the door for Teen Journey to experience and learn within the renown Gaden Monastery with the Dalia Lama Tibetan Monks and founder of Inkarri Juan Ruiz Naupari

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Gaden Shartse

Established 1409

Gaden Monastery is one of the most renowned monasteries of Tibet It was actually specified by the Buddha - Sakyamuni himself 2500 years before its founding date in 1409

Gaden Monastery and Drepung Monastery are located in the Doeguling Tibetan Settlement in Mundgod in the North Kanara district of Karnataka State South India approximately 400km north of Bangalore (Bengaluru) and 600km south of Mumbai (Bombay) The nearest large city is Hubli which is approximately 45km north

ldquoUntil modern times when it became mostly a civic task education was considered a sacred work It was sacred because it involved the indwelling spirit in the student and because it required an awakened spirit in the teachers Spirit to spirit genius to genius soul to soul go the true lessons that help young people become themselves Ultimately each person holds the key to the story trying to be lived from within but first someone else must help unlock the mystery of onersquos liferdquo

-Michael Meade

This multi-cultural experience is a trip of a life time working with world masters while gaining appreciation for Indiaʼs and Tibetan cultures customs traditions and rituals

Cultural Exchange

Where do youth get their myths today

ldquoThey make them up themselves This is why we have graffiti all over the city These kids have their own gangs and their own initiations and their own morality and theyrsquore doing the best they canrdquo

Joseph Campbell The Power of Myth (p 9)

In order to discover their true power and who they are it is necessary for the teen to face and overcome challenges Through their struggles they discover a new sense of self worth and inner power They then are able to step into their new status as a young man or woman in the larger community

create amp



daily life

market place

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Teen Journey Society Teen Journey is a Vancouver BC based

non-profit organization created to empower

youth with a vision of interconnectedness

to see themselves as members of a global

village that live from the heart with passion

and purpose Founded on the established

research and t ime-tested practices

blending indigenous wisdom with the

human potential movement Teen Journey is

a transformational program for youth in

search of inner guidance Led by local and

international leaders in the fields of arts

science and personal development Teen

Journey participants learn the value of self-

inquiry as a means to change themselves

and the world around them Following an

intensive 7 day Rite of Passage Teen

Journey maintains a year-long program

designed to nurture the va lues of

community self-inquiry and creativity

cultivated over the 7 days

Teen Journey is a global community of dedicated loving and conscious people who have come together with the intention of being in service to the future caretakers of our planet our Youth

Catherine ThemblayZamir Dhanji Charles Cho

Show me your youth and I will show you the future of your nation- Georges Vanier

Jonathan Bean

IntentionTo empower and inspire youth through self real ization and connection with the global vi l lage


bull To provide both practical and

personal mentorship to the youth

involved in Teen Journey

bull To grow relationships that can

bridge the generation gap ndash

between youth parents and


bull To rebuild a relationship of trust

between youth and adults and

create a safe space where young

people can create their own


bull To connect the youth of Teen

Journey to an internat ional

community and give them an

opportunity to experience new

cultures and perspectives

MISSIONThe vision of Teen Journey came to Ela Rezmer in a remarkable and unexpected call from her heart to create a community where teens could fully explore and discover themselves their talents and their values

She began gathering people who are passionately committed to themselves and their inner journey people who also have the desire to share their gifts and wisdom with teens These mentors help and guide young people through their own personal journey of self discovery Without hesitation these leaders came to Teen Journey giving their time their stories and their inspiration

Answering the call is a group of volunteers and mentors consisting of elders from first nations around Vancouver as well as elders from Africa and Peru ndash people committed to bridging tribal wisdom with modern culture Many people have contributed their time and energy to Teen Journey including people like Malidoma Someacute Dr Vernon Woolfe and Juan Ruiz Naupari founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA ndash people who are passionate and renowned professionals in their respective fields As an organization we already exist in a global village and are re-connecting with the roots and traditions

of the cultures around us to connect the wisdom of sages and scientists Each of the passionate and committed volunteers and leaders of Teen Journey brings a lifetime of self-exploration and mentorship to our community and its events

The people of Teen Journey have united around a purpose Every mentor leader and volunteer has come together around a common cause to be in service to youth The underlying purpose and vision of Teen Journey constantly attracts new and remarkable people hellipand we would like you to be one of them

Vision TJ is the journey to the wisdom of the heart to discover who we are

Ela Rezmer


The Journey - Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Trip Includesbull Transportation from Hubli to

Gaden Shartse Monastery and return

bull 9 nights accommodation at Gaden Shartse Monastery

bull Trip Leaders Ela Rezmer Zamir Dhanji Catherine Tremblay amp Michelle Staples (filmmaker)

bull All meals (vegetarian)bull Daily participation in Dalai Lama

teachings to Tibetan Monks (with English translation)

bull Breath work with Juan Ruiz Naupauri

bull Exploration of local landscape and markets

bull Cultural Exchange with Monks and local community

bull Donations to Monks and Monastery

bull Chanting meditating being part of daily tasks like working with monks in the kitchen creating gardens learning debates and many more fun activities

Trip Does Not IncludeAirfare to Hubli India (connect through international gateway of Mumbai)

bull Cancellation amp Medical Insurance (as us for a quote)

bull Meals amp drinks not specifiedbull Fees to obtain valid passportbull Fees to obtain Indian Tourist Visabull Fees to obtain Protected Area

Permitbull Any items of a personal nature

such as laundry drinks and telephone calls

bull Any item that is not specifically detailed on our website or materials

Price USD $230000 per person(Price does not Include airfare to Hubli India)

Document Requirements1 Valid Passport (valid for 6 months from date of return)2 India Tourist Visa (obtained from your local India Consulate)3 Protected Area Permit (PAP) Gaden and Drepung Monasteries are part of a Tibetan refugee settlement area which is classified by the Government of India as a Restricted Area Therefore all foreign visitors to these monasteries are required to have a Protected Area Permit (PAP) All the information and links to application forms will be given to you upon registration

Registrations for this journey are being handled bySacred Earth Journeys (BC Reg 28465)Tel (604) 874-7922 Fax (604) 909-1717Toll Free 1-877-874-7922

Email helensacredearthjourneyscaWebsite - Click Here

An Award-Winning Travel Company Specializing in Sacred Journeys Wellness Travel amp Yoga Retreats and Wisdom Teachings

For more information about this journey please contact Teen Journey Society

Email Teen Journey - teenjourneyhotmailcomJoin us on Facebook

Registration Deadline Sept 10thPlease note that the PAP application takes time to process Therefore you should apply as soon as possible It is NOT necessary to already have an Indian Visa in order to apply for the PAP however if you (andor your teen) are interested in joining us for this life-changing trip you must register by Sept 10th


I learned a lot about myself and finally I feel like my

life is just starting I realize things about me that I have

never realize before and the reason for these things -

Kinte 16

The camp made a huge difference in every way for my

life Thank you for making Teen Journey possible -

Hayley 17

I will have more confidence in my actions And

remember to breathe in times of stress I will not judge

others because by judging others and making

comparisons I am only closing myself off to things and

experiences I will remember that life is only one aspect

of our whole being and our connection to each other

and the Earth is the fire that burns within us and makes

us who we are There is no me and you us and them -

Maya 17

My daughter doesnt like committing to anything

especially something that takes her away from home

She didnt even want to go to Teen Journey but on her

return she wanted to sign up for the next year

Attending the monthly activities is something she looks

forward to I know it doesnt sound like a big deal but it

is I am grateful to Teen Journey for giving my daughter

a place where she can be herself and challenged to see

the possibilities of more - Victoria Keddis


OFFICE HOURSMonday - 1000 am to 500 pmTuesday - 600 pm to 900 pm604-261-4155


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Gaden Shartse

Established 1409

Gaden Monastery is one of the most renowned monasteries of Tibet It was actually specified by the Buddha - Sakyamuni himself 2500 years before its founding date in 1409

Gaden Monastery and Drepung Monastery are located in the Doeguling Tibetan Settlement in Mundgod in the North Kanara district of Karnataka State South India approximately 400km north of Bangalore (Bengaluru) and 600km south of Mumbai (Bombay) The nearest large city is Hubli which is approximately 45km north

ldquoUntil modern times when it became mostly a civic task education was considered a sacred work It was sacred because it involved the indwelling spirit in the student and because it required an awakened spirit in the teachers Spirit to spirit genius to genius soul to soul go the true lessons that help young people become themselves Ultimately each person holds the key to the story trying to be lived from within but first someone else must help unlock the mystery of onersquos liferdquo

-Michael Meade

This multi-cultural experience is a trip of a life time working with world masters while gaining appreciation for Indiaʼs and Tibetan cultures customs traditions and rituals

Cultural Exchange

Where do youth get their myths today

ldquoThey make them up themselves This is why we have graffiti all over the city These kids have their own gangs and their own initiations and their own morality and theyrsquore doing the best they canrdquo

Joseph Campbell The Power of Myth (p 9)

In order to discover their true power and who they are it is necessary for the teen to face and overcome challenges Through their struggles they discover a new sense of self worth and inner power They then are able to step into their new status as a young man or woman in the larger community

create amp



daily life

market place

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Teen Journey Society Teen Journey is a Vancouver BC based

non-profit organization created to empower

youth with a vision of interconnectedness

to see themselves as members of a global

village that live from the heart with passion

and purpose Founded on the established

research and t ime-tested practices

blending indigenous wisdom with the

human potential movement Teen Journey is

a transformational program for youth in

search of inner guidance Led by local and

international leaders in the fields of arts

science and personal development Teen

Journey participants learn the value of self-

inquiry as a means to change themselves

and the world around them Following an

intensive 7 day Rite of Passage Teen

Journey maintains a year-long program

designed to nurture the va lues of

community self-inquiry and creativity

cultivated over the 7 days

Teen Journey is a global community of dedicated loving and conscious people who have come together with the intention of being in service to the future caretakers of our planet our Youth

Catherine ThemblayZamir Dhanji Charles Cho

Show me your youth and I will show you the future of your nation- Georges Vanier

Jonathan Bean

IntentionTo empower and inspire youth through self real ization and connection with the global vi l lage


bull To provide both practical and

personal mentorship to the youth

involved in Teen Journey

bull To grow relationships that can

bridge the generation gap ndash

between youth parents and


bull To rebuild a relationship of trust

between youth and adults and

create a safe space where young

people can create their own


bull To connect the youth of Teen

Journey to an internat ional

community and give them an

opportunity to experience new

cultures and perspectives

MISSIONThe vision of Teen Journey came to Ela Rezmer in a remarkable and unexpected call from her heart to create a community where teens could fully explore and discover themselves their talents and their values

She began gathering people who are passionately committed to themselves and their inner journey people who also have the desire to share their gifts and wisdom with teens These mentors help and guide young people through their own personal journey of self discovery Without hesitation these leaders came to Teen Journey giving their time their stories and their inspiration

Answering the call is a group of volunteers and mentors consisting of elders from first nations around Vancouver as well as elders from Africa and Peru ndash people committed to bridging tribal wisdom with modern culture Many people have contributed their time and energy to Teen Journey including people like Malidoma Someacute Dr Vernon Woolfe and Juan Ruiz Naupari founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA ndash people who are passionate and renowned professionals in their respective fields As an organization we already exist in a global village and are re-connecting with the roots and traditions

of the cultures around us to connect the wisdom of sages and scientists Each of the passionate and committed volunteers and leaders of Teen Journey brings a lifetime of self-exploration and mentorship to our community and its events

The people of Teen Journey have united around a purpose Every mentor leader and volunteer has come together around a common cause to be in service to youth The underlying purpose and vision of Teen Journey constantly attracts new and remarkable people hellipand we would like you to be one of them

Vision TJ is the journey to the wisdom of the heart to discover who we are

Ela Rezmer


The Journey - Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Trip Includesbull Transportation from Hubli to

Gaden Shartse Monastery and return

bull 9 nights accommodation at Gaden Shartse Monastery

bull Trip Leaders Ela Rezmer Zamir Dhanji Catherine Tremblay amp Michelle Staples (filmmaker)

bull All meals (vegetarian)bull Daily participation in Dalai Lama

teachings to Tibetan Monks (with English translation)

bull Breath work with Juan Ruiz Naupauri

bull Exploration of local landscape and markets

bull Cultural Exchange with Monks and local community

bull Donations to Monks and Monastery

bull Chanting meditating being part of daily tasks like working with monks in the kitchen creating gardens learning debates and many more fun activities

Trip Does Not IncludeAirfare to Hubli India (connect through international gateway of Mumbai)

bull Cancellation amp Medical Insurance (as us for a quote)

bull Meals amp drinks not specifiedbull Fees to obtain valid passportbull Fees to obtain Indian Tourist Visabull Fees to obtain Protected Area

Permitbull Any items of a personal nature

such as laundry drinks and telephone calls

bull Any item that is not specifically detailed on our website or materials

Price USD $230000 per person(Price does not Include airfare to Hubli India)

Document Requirements1 Valid Passport (valid for 6 months from date of return)2 India Tourist Visa (obtained from your local India Consulate)3 Protected Area Permit (PAP) Gaden and Drepung Monasteries are part of a Tibetan refugee settlement area which is classified by the Government of India as a Restricted Area Therefore all foreign visitors to these monasteries are required to have a Protected Area Permit (PAP) All the information and links to application forms will be given to you upon registration

Registrations for this journey are being handled bySacred Earth Journeys (BC Reg 28465)Tel (604) 874-7922 Fax (604) 909-1717Toll Free 1-877-874-7922

Email helensacredearthjourneyscaWebsite - Click Here

An Award-Winning Travel Company Specializing in Sacred Journeys Wellness Travel amp Yoga Retreats and Wisdom Teachings

For more information about this journey please contact Teen Journey Society

Email Teen Journey - teenjourneyhotmailcomJoin us on Facebook

Registration Deadline Sept 10thPlease note that the PAP application takes time to process Therefore you should apply as soon as possible It is NOT necessary to already have an Indian Visa in order to apply for the PAP however if you (andor your teen) are interested in joining us for this life-changing trip you must register by Sept 10th


I learned a lot about myself and finally I feel like my

life is just starting I realize things about me that I have

never realize before and the reason for these things -

Kinte 16

The camp made a huge difference in every way for my

life Thank you for making Teen Journey possible -

Hayley 17

I will have more confidence in my actions And

remember to breathe in times of stress I will not judge

others because by judging others and making

comparisons I am only closing myself off to things and

experiences I will remember that life is only one aspect

of our whole being and our connection to each other

and the Earth is the fire that burns within us and makes

us who we are There is no me and you us and them -

Maya 17

My daughter doesnt like committing to anything

especially something that takes her away from home

She didnt even want to go to Teen Journey but on her

return she wanted to sign up for the next year

Attending the monthly activities is something she looks

forward to I know it doesnt sound like a big deal but it

is I am grateful to Teen Journey for giving my daughter

a place where she can be herself and challenged to see

the possibilities of more - Victoria Keddis


OFFICE HOURSMonday - 1000 am to 500 pmTuesday - 600 pm to 900 pm604-261-4155


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here

Gaden Monastery and Drepung Monastery are located in the Doeguling Tibetan Settlement in Mundgod in the North Kanara district of Karnataka State South India approximately 400km north of Bangalore (Bengaluru) and 600km south of Mumbai (Bombay) The nearest large city is Hubli which is approximately 45km north

ldquoUntil modern times when it became mostly a civic task education was considered a sacred work It was sacred because it involved the indwelling spirit in the student and because it required an awakened spirit in the teachers Spirit to spirit genius to genius soul to soul go the true lessons that help young people become themselves Ultimately each person holds the key to the story trying to be lived from within but first someone else must help unlock the mystery of onersquos liferdquo

-Michael Meade

This multi-cultural experience is a trip of a life time working with world masters while gaining appreciation for Indiaʼs and Tibetan cultures customs traditions and rituals

Cultural Exchange

Where do youth get their myths today

ldquoThey make them up themselves This is why we have graffiti all over the city These kids have their own gangs and their own initiations and their own morality and theyrsquore doing the best they canrdquo

Joseph Campbell The Power of Myth (p 9)

In order to discover their true power and who they are it is necessary for the teen to face and overcome challenges Through their struggles they discover a new sense of self worth and inner power They then are able to step into their new status as a young man or woman in the larger community

create amp



daily life

market place

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Teen Journey Society Teen Journey is a Vancouver BC based

non-profit organization created to empower

youth with a vision of interconnectedness

to see themselves as members of a global

village that live from the heart with passion

and purpose Founded on the established

research and t ime-tested practices

blending indigenous wisdom with the

human potential movement Teen Journey is

a transformational program for youth in

search of inner guidance Led by local and

international leaders in the fields of arts

science and personal development Teen

Journey participants learn the value of self-

inquiry as a means to change themselves

and the world around them Following an

intensive 7 day Rite of Passage Teen

Journey maintains a year-long program

designed to nurture the va lues of

community self-inquiry and creativity

cultivated over the 7 days

Teen Journey is a global community of dedicated loving and conscious people who have come together with the intention of being in service to the future caretakers of our planet our Youth

Catherine ThemblayZamir Dhanji Charles Cho

Show me your youth and I will show you the future of your nation- Georges Vanier

Jonathan Bean

IntentionTo empower and inspire youth through self real ization and connection with the global vi l lage


bull To provide both practical and

personal mentorship to the youth

involved in Teen Journey

bull To grow relationships that can

bridge the generation gap ndash

between youth parents and


bull To rebuild a relationship of trust

between youth and adults and

create a safe space where young

people can create their own


bull To connect the youth of Teen

Journey to an internat ional

community and give them an

opportunity to experience new

cultures and perspectives

MISSIONThe vision of Teen Journey came to Ela Rezmer in a remarkable and unexpected call from her heart to create a community where teens could fully explore and discover themselves their talents and their values

She began gathering people who are passionately committed to themselves and their inner journey people who also have the desire to share their gifts and wisdom with teens These mentors help and guide young people through their own personal journey of self discovery Without hesitation these leaders came to Teen Journey giving their time their stories and their inspiration

Answering the call is a group of volunteers and mentors consisting of elders from first nations around Vancouver as well as elders from Africa and Peru ndash people committed to bridging tribal wisdom with modern culture Many people have contributed their time and energy to Teen Journey including people like Malidoma Someacute Dr Vernon Woolfe and Juan Ruiz Naupari founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA ndash people who are passionate and renowned professionals in their respective fields As an organization we already exist in a global village and are re-connecting with the roots and traditions

of the cultures around us to connect the wisdom of sages and scientists Each of the passionate and committed volunteers and leaders of Teen Journey brings a lifetime of self-exploration and mentorship to our community and its events

The people of Teen Journey have united around a purpose Every mentor leader and volunteer has come together around a common cause to be in service to youth The underlying purpose and vision of Teen Journey constantly attracts new and remarkable people hellipand we would like you to be one of them

Vision TJ is the journey to the wisdom of the heart to discover who we are

Ela Rezmer


The Journey - Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Trip Includesbull Transportation from Hubli to

Gaden Shartse Monastery and return

bull 9 nights accommodation at Gaden Shartse Monastery

bull Trip Leaders Ela Rezmer Zamir Dhanji Catherine Tremblay amp Michelle Staples (filmmaker)

bull All meals (vegetarian)bull Daily participation in Dalai Lama

teachings to Tibetan Monks (with English translation)

bull Breath work with Juan Ruiz Naupauri

bull Exploration of local landscape and markets

bull Cultural Exchange with Monks and local community

bull Donations to Monks and Monastery

bull Chanting meditating being part of daily tasks like working with monks in the kitchen creating gardens learning debates and many more fun activities

Trip Does Not IncludeAirfare to Hubli India (connect through international gateway of Mumbai)

bull Cancellation amp Medical Insurance (as us for a quote)

bull Meals amp drinks not specifiedbull Fees to obtain valid passportbull Fees to obtain Indian Tourist Visabull Fees to obtain Protected Area

Permitbull Any items of a personal nature

such as laundry drinks and telephone calls

bull Any item that is not specifically detailed on our website or materials

Price USD $230000 per person(Price does not Include airfare to Hubli India)

Document Requirements1 Valid Passport (valid for 6 months from date of return)2 India Tourist Visa (obtained from your local India Consulate)3 Protected Area Permit (PAP) Gaden and Drepung Monasteries are part of a Tibetan refugee settlement area which is classified by the Government of India as a Restricted Area Therefore all foreign visitors to these monasteries are required to have a Protected Area Permit (PAP) All the information and links to application forms will be given to you upon registration

Registrations for this journey are being handled bySacred Earth Journeys (BC Reg 28465)Tel (604) 874-7922 Fax (604) 909-1717Toll Free 1-877-874-7922

Email helensacredearthjourneyscaWebsite - Click Here

An Award-Winning Travel Company Specializing in Sacred Journeys Wellness Travel amp Yoga Retreats and Wisdom Teachings

For more information about this journey please contact Teen Journey Society

Email Teen Journey - teenjourneyhotmailcomJoin us on Facebook

Registration Deadline Sept 10thPlease note that the PAP application takes time to process Therefore you should apply as soon as possible It is NOT necessary to already have an Indian Visa in order to apply for the PAP however if you (andor your teen) are interested in joining us for this life-changing trip you must register by Sept 10th


I learned a lot about myself and finally I feel like my

life is just starting I realize things about me that I have

never realize before and the reason for these things -

Kinte 16

The camp made a huge difference in every way for my

life Thank you for making Teen Journey possible -

Hayley 17

I will have more confidence in my actions And

remember to breathe in times of stress I will not judge

others because by judging others and making

comparisons I am only closing myself off to things and

experiences I will remember that life is only one aspect

of our whole being and our connection to each other

and the Earth is the fire that burns within us and makes

us who we are There is no me and you us and them -

Maya 17

My daughter doesnt like committing to anything

especially something that takes her away from home

She didnt even want to go to Teen Journey but on her

return she wanted to sign up for the next year

Attending the monthly activities is something she looks

forward to I know it doesnt sound like a big deal but it

is I am grateful to Teen Journey for giving my daughter

a place where she can be herself and challenged to see

the possibilities of more - Victoria Keddis


OFFICE HOURSMonday - 1000 am to 500 pmTuesday - 600 pm to 900 pm604-261-4155


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here

ldquoUntil modern times when it became mostly a civic task education was considered a sacred work It was sacred because it involved the indwelling spirit in the student and because it required an awakened spirit in the teachers Spirit to spirit genius to genius soul to soul go the true lessons that help young people become themselves Ultimately each person holds the key to the story trying to be lived from within but first someone else must help unlock the mystery of onersquos liferdquo

-Michael Meade

This multi-cultural experience is a trip of a life time working with world masters while gaining appreciation for Indiaʼs and Tibetan cultures customs traditions and rituals

Cultural Exchange

Where do youth get their myths today

ldquoThey make them up themselves This is why we have graffiti all over the city These kids have their own gangs and their own initiations and their own morality and theyrsquore doing the best they canrdquo

Joseph Campbell The Power of Myth (p 9)

In order to discover their true power and who they are it is necessary for the teen to face and overcome challenges Through their struggles they discover a new sense of self worth and inner power They then are able to step into their new status as a young man or woman in the larger community

create amp



daily life

market place

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Teen Journey Society Teen Journey is a Vancouver BC based

non-profit organization created to empower

youth with a vision of interconnectedness

to see themselves as members of a global

village that live from the heart with passion

and purpose Founded on the established

research and t ime-tested practices

blending indigenous wisdom with the

human potential movement Teen Journey is

a transformational program for youth in

search of inner guidance Led by local and

international leaders in the fields of arts

science and personal development Teen

Journey participants learn the value of self-

inquiry as a means to change themselves

and the world around them Following an

intensive 7 day Rite of Passage Teen

Journey maintains a year-long program

designed to nurture the va lues of

community self-inquiry and creativity

cultivated over the 7 days

Teen Journey is a global community of dedicated loving and conscious people who have come together with the intention of being in service to the future caretakers of our planet our Youth

Catherine ThemblayZamir Dhanji Charles Cho

Show me your youth and I will show you the future of your nation- Georges Vanier

Jonathan Bean

IntentionTo empower and inspire youth through self real ization and connection with the global vi l lage


bull To provide both practical and

personal mentorship to the youth

involved in Teen Journey

bull To grow relationships that can

bridge the generation gap ndash

between youth parents and


bull To rebuild a relationship of trust

between youth and adults and

create a safe space where young

people can create their own


bull To connect the youth of Teen

Journey to an internat ional

community and give them an

opportunity to experience new

cultures and perspectives

MISSIONThe vision of Teen Journey came to Ela Rezmer in a remarkable and unexpected call from her heart to create a community where teens could fully explore and discover themselves their talents and their values

She began gathering people who are passionately committed to themselves and their inner journey people who also have the desire to share their gifts and wisdom with teens These mentors help and guide young people through their own personal journey of self discovery Without hesitation these leaders came to Teen Journey giving their time their stories and their inspiration

Answering the call is a group of volunteers and mentors consisting of elders from first nations around Vancouver as well as elders from Africa and Peru ndash people committed to bridging tribal wisdom with modern culture Many people have contributed their time and energy to Teen Journey including people like Malidoma Someacute Dr Vernon Woolfe and Juan Ruiz Naupari founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA ndash people who are passionate and renowned professionals in their respective fields As an organization we already exist in a global village and are re-connecting with the roots and traditions

of the cultures around us to connect the wisdom of sages and scientists Each of the passionate and committed volunteers and leaders of Teen Journey brings a lifetime of self-exploration and mentorship to our community and its events

The people of Teen Journey have united around a purpose Every mentor leader and volunteer has come together around a common cause to be in service to youth The underlying purpose and vision of Teen Journey constantly attracts new and remarkable people hellipand we would like you to be one of them

Vision TJ is the journey to the wisdom of the heart to discover who we are

Ela Rezmer


The Journey - Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Trip Includesbull Transportation from Hubli to

Gaden Shartse Monastery and return

bull 9 nights accommodation at Gaden Shartse Monastery

bull Trip Leaders Ela Rezmer Zamir Dhanji Catherine Tremblay amp Michelle Staples (filmmaker)

bull All meals (vegetarian)bull Daily participation in Dalai Lama

teachings to Tibetan Monks (with English translation)

bull Breath work with Juan Ruiz Naupauri

bull Exploration of local landscape and markets

bull Cultural Exchange with Monks and local community

bull Donations to Monks and Monastery

bull Chanting meditating being part of daily tasks like working with monks in the kitchen creating gardens learning debates and many more fun activities

Trip Does Not IncludeAirfare to Hubli India (connect through international gateway of Mumbai)

bull Cancellation amp Medical Insurance (as us for a quote)

bull Meals amp drinks not specifiedbull Fees to obtain valid passportbull Fees to obtain Indian Tourist Visabull Fees to obtain Protected Area

Permitbull Any items of a personal nature

such as laundry drinks and telephone calls

bull Any item that is not specifically detailed on our website or materials

Price USD $230000 per person(Price does not Include airfare to Hubli India)

Document Requirements1 Valid Passport (valid for 6 months from date of return)2 India Tourist Visa (obtained from your local India Consulate)3 Protected Area Permit (PAP) Gaden and Drepung Monasteries are part of a Tibetan refugee settlement area which is classified by the Government of India as a Restricted Area Therefore all foreign visitors to these monasteries are required to have a Protected Area Permit (PAP) All the information and links to application forms will be given to you upon registration

Registrations for this journey are being handled bySacred Earth Journeys (BC Reg 28465)Tel (604) 874-7922 Fax (604) 909-1717Toll Free 1-877-874-7922

Email helensacredearthjourneyscaWebsite - Click Here

An Award-Winning Travel Company Specializing in Sacred Journeys Wellness Travel amp Yoga Retreats and Wisdom Teachings

For more information about this journey please contact Teen Journey Society

Email Teen Journey - teenjourneyhotmailcomJoin us on Facebook

Registration Deadline Sept 10thPlease note that the PAP application takes time to process Therefore you should apply as soon as possible It is NOT necessary to already have an Indian Visa in order to apply for the PAP however if you (andor your teen) are interested in joining us for this life-changing trip you must register by Sept 10th


I learned a lot about myself and finally I feel like my

life is just starting I realize things about me that I have

never realize before and the reason for these things -

Kinte 16

The camp made a huge difference in every way for my

life Thank you for making Teen Journey possible -

Hayley 17

I will have more confidence in my actions And

remember to breathe in times of stress I will not judge

others because by judging others and making

comparisons I am only closing myself off to things and

experiences I will remember that life is only one aspect

of our whole being and our connection to each other

and the Earth is the fire that burns within us and makes

us who we are There is no me and you us and them -

Maya 17

My daughter doesnt like committing to anything

especially something that takes her away from home

She didnt even want to go to Teen Journey but on her

return she wanted to sign up for the next year

Attending the monthly activities is something she looks

forward to I know it doesnt sound like a big deal but it

is I am grateful to Teen Journey for giving my daughter

a place where she can be herself and challenged to see

the possibilities of more - Victoria Keddis


OFFICE HOURSMonday - 1000 am to 500 pmTuesday - 600 pm to 900 pm604-261-4155


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here

Where do youth get their myths today

ldquoThey make them up themselves This is why we have graffiti all over the city These kids have their own gangs and their own initiations and their own morality and theyrsquore doing the best they canrdquo

Joseph Campbell The Power of Myth (p 9)

In order to discover their true power and who they are it is necessary for the teen to face and overcome challenges Through their struggles they discover a new sense of self worth and inner power They then are able to step into their new status as a young man or woman in the larger community

create amp



daily life

market place

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Teen Journey Society Teen Journey is a Vancouver BC based

non-profit organization created to empower

youth with a vision of interconnectedness

to see themselves as members of a global

village that live from the heart with passion

and purpose Founded on the established

research and t ime-tested practices

blending indigenous wisdom with the

human potential movement Teen Journey is

a transformational program for youth in

search of inner guidance Led by local and

international leaders in the fields of arts

science and personal development Teen

Journey participants learn the value of self-

inquiry as a means to change themselves

and the world around them Following an

intensive 7 day Rite of Passage Teen

Journey maintains a year-long program

designed to nurture the va lues of

community self-inquiry and creativity

cultivated over the 7 days

Teen Journey is a global community of dedicated loving and conscious people who have come together with the intention of being in service to the future caretakers of our planet our Youth

Catherine ThemblayZamir Dhanji Charles Cho

Show me your youth and I will show you the future of your nation- Georges Vanier

Jonathan Bean

IntentionTo empower and inspire youth through self real ization and connection with the global vi l lage


bull To provide both practical and

personal mentorship to the youth

involved in Teen Journey

bull To grow relationships that can

bridge the generation gap ndash

between youth parents and


bull To rebuild a relationship of trust

between youth and adults and

create a safe space where young

people can create their own


bull To connect the youth of Teen

Journey to an internat ional

community and give them an

opportunity to experience new

cultures and perspectives

MISSIONThe vision of Teen Journey came to Ela Rezmer in a remarkable and unexpected call from her heart to create a community where teens could fully explore and discover themselves their talents and their values

She began gathering people who are passionately committed to themselves and their inner journey people who also have the desire to share their gifts and wisdom with teens These mentors help and guide young people through their own personal journey of self discovery Without hesitation these leaders came to Teen Journey giving their time their stories and their inspiration

Answering the call is a group of volunteers and mentors consisting of elders from first nations around Vancouver as well as elders from Africa and Peru ndash people committed to bridging tribal wisdom with modern culture Many people have contributed their time and energy to Teen Journey including people like Malidoma Someacute Dr Vernon Woolfe and Juan Ruiz Naupari founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA ndash people who are passionate and renowned professionals in their respective fields As an organization we already exist in a global village and are re-connecting with the roots and traditions

of the cultures around us to connect the wisdom of sages and scientists Each of the passionate and committed volunteers and leaders of Teen Journey brings a lifetime of self-exploration and mentorship to our community and its events

The people of Teen Journey have united around a purpose Every mentor leader and volunteer has come together around a common cause to be in service to youth The underlying purpose and vision of Teen Journey constantly attracts new and remarkable people hellipand we would like you to be one of them

Vision TJ is the journey to the wisdom of the heart to discover who we are

Ela Rezmer


The Journey - Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Trip Includesbull Transportation from Hubli to

Gaden Shartse Monastery and return

bull 9 nights accommodation at Gaden Shartse Monastery

bull Trip Leaders Ela Rezmer Zamir Dhanji Catherine Tremblay amp Michelle Staples (filmmaker)

bull All meals (vegetarian)bull Daily participation in Dalai Lama

teachings to Tibetan Monks (with English translation)

bull Breath work with Juan Ruiz Naupauri

bull Exploration of local landscape and markets

bull Cultural Exchange with Monks and local community

bull Donations to Monks and Monastery

bull Chanting meditating being part of daily tasks like working with monks in the kitchen creating gardens learning debates and many more fun activities

Trip Does Not IncludeAirfare to Hubli India (connect through international gateway of Mumbai)

bull Cancellation amp Medical Insurance (as us for a quote)

bull Meals amp drinks not specifiedbull Fees to obtain valid passportbull Fees to obtain Indian Tourist Visabull Fees to obtain Protected Area

Permitbull Any items of a personal nature

such as laundry drinks and telephone calls

bull Any item that is not specifically detailed on our website or materials

Price USD $230000 per person(Price does not Include airfare to Hubli India)

Document Requirements1 Valid Passport (valid for 6 months from date of return)2 India Tourist Visa (obtained from your local India Consulate)3 Protected Area Permit (PAP) Gaden and Drepung Monasteries are part of a Tibetan refugee settlement area which is classified by the Government of India as a Restricted Area Therefore all foreign visitors to these monasteries are required to have a Protected Area Permit (PAP) All the information and links to application forms will be given to you upon registration

Registrations for this journey are being handled bySacred Earth Journeys (BC Reg 28465)Tel (604) 874-7922 Fax (604) 909-1717Toll Free 1-877-874-7922

Email helensacredearthjourneyscaWebsite - Click Here

An Award-Winning Travel Company Specializing in Sacred Journeys Wellness Travel amp Yoga Retreats and Wisdom Teachings

For more information about this journey please contact Teen Journey Society

Email Teen Journey - teenjourneyhotmailcomJoin us on Facebook

Registration Deadline Sept 10thPlease note that the PAP application takes time to process Therefore you should apply as soon as possible It is NOT necessary to already have an Indian Visa in order to apply for the PAP however if you (andor your teen) are interested in joining us for this life-changing trip you must register by Sept 10th


I learned a lot about myself and finally I feel like my

life is just starting I realize things about me that I have

never realize before and the reason for these things -

Kinte 16

The camp made a huge difference in every way for my

life Thank you for making Teen Journey possible -

Hayley 17

I will have more confidence in my actions And

remember to breathe in times of stress I will not judge

others because by judging others and making

comparisons I am only closing myself off to things and

experiences I will remember that life is only one aspect

of our whole being and our connection to each other

and the Earth is the fire that burns within us and makes

us who we are There is no me and you us and them -

Maya 17

My daughter doesnt like committing to anything

especially something that takes her away from home

She didnt even want to go to Teen Journey but on her

return she wanted to sign up for the next year

Attending the monthly activities is something she looks

forward to I know it doesnt sound like a big deal but it

is I am grateful to Teen Journey for giving my daughter

a place where she can be herself and challenged to see

the possibilities of more - Victoria Keddis


OFFICE HOURSMonday - 1000 am to 500 pmTuesday - 600 pm to 900 pm604-261-4155


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here

create amp



daily life

market place

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Teen Journey Society Teen Journey is a Vancouver BC based

non-profit organization created to empower

youth with a vision of interconnectedness

to see themselves as members of a global

village that live from the heart with passion

and purpose Founded on the established

research and t ime-tested practices

blending indigenous wisdom with the

human potential movement Teen Journey is

a transformational program for youth in

search of inner guidance Led by local and

international leaders in the fields of arts

science and personal development Teen

Journey participants learn the value of self-

inquiry as a means to change themselves

and the world around them Following an

intensive 7 day Rite of Passage Teen

Journey maintains a year-long program

designed to nurture the va lues of

community self-inquiry and creativity

cultivated over the 7 days

Teen Journey is a global community of dedicated loving and conscious people who have come together with the intention of being in service to the future caretakers of our planet our Youth

Catherine ThemblayZamir Dhanji Charles Cho

Show me your youth and I will show you the future of your nation- Georges Vanier

Jonathan Bean

IntentionTo empower and inspire youth through self real ization and connection with the global vi l lage


bull To provide both practical and

personal mentorship to the youth

involved in Teen Journey

bull To grow relationships that can

bridge the generation gap ndash

between youth parents and


bull To rebuild a relationship of trust

between youth and adults and

create a safe space where young

people can create their own


bull To connect the youth of Teen

Journey to an internat ional

community and give them an

opportunity to experience new

cultures and perspectives

MISSIONThe vision of Teen Journey came to Ela Rezmer in a remarkable and unexpected call from her heart to create a community where teens could fully explore and discover themselves their talents and their values

She began gathering people who are passionately committed to themselves and their inner journey people who also have the desire to share their gifts and wisdom with teens These mentors help and guide young people through their own personal journey of self discovery Without hesitation these leaders came to Teen Journey giving their time their stories and their inspiration

Answering the call is a group of volunteers and mentors consisting of elders from first nations around Vancouver as well as elders from Africa and Peru ndash people committed to bridging tribal wisdom with modern culture Many people have contributed their time and energy to Teen Journey including people like Malidoma Someacute Dr Vernon Woolfe and Juan Ruiz Naupari founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA ndash people who are passionate and renowned professionals in their respective fields As an organization we already exist in a global village and are re-connecting with the roots and traditions

of the cultures around us to connect the wisdom of sages and scientists Each of the passionate and committed volunteers and leaders of Teen Journey brings a lifetime of self-exploration and mentorship to our community and its events

The people of Teen Journey have united around a purpose Every mentor leader and volunteer has come together around a common cause to be in service to youth The underlying purpose and vision of Teen Journey constantly attracts new and remarkable people hellipand we would like you to be one of them

Vision TJ is the journey to the wisdom of the heart to discover who we are

Ela Rezmer


The Journey - Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Trip Includesbull Transportation from Hubli to

Gaden Shartse Monastery and return

bull 9 nights accommodation at Gaden Shartse Monastery

bull Trip Leaders Ela Rezmer Zamir Dhanji Catherine Tremblay amp Michelle Staples (filmmaker)

bull All meals (vegetarian)bull Daily participation in Dalai Lama

teachings to Tibetan Monks (with English translation)

bull Breath work with Juan Ruiz Naupauri

bull Exploration of local landscape and markets

bull Cultural Exchange with Monks and local community

bull Donations to Monks and Monastery

bull Chanting meditating being part of daily tasks like working with monks in the kitchen creating gardens learning debates and many more fun activities

Trip Does Not IncludeAirfare to Hubli India (connect through international gateway of Mumbai)

bull Cancellation amp Medical Insurance (as us for a quote)

bull Meals amp drinks not specifiedbull Fees to obtain valid passportbull Fees to obtain Indian Tourist Visabull Fees to obtain Protected Area

Permitbull Any items of a personal nature

such as laundry drinks and telephone calls

bull Any item that is not specifically detailed on our website or materials

Price USD $230000 per person(Price does not Include airfare to Hubli India)

Document Requirements1 Valid Passport (valid for 6 months from date of return)2 India Tourist Visa (obtained from your local India Consulate)3 Protected Area Permit (PAP) Gaden and Drepung Monasteries are part of a Tibetan refugee settlement area which is classified by the Government of India as a Restricted Area Therefore all foreign visitors to these monasteries are required to have a Protected Area Permit (PAP) All the information and links to application forms will be given to you upon registration

Registrations for this journey are being handled bySacred Earth Journeys (BC Reg 28465)Tel (604) 874-7922 Fax (604) 909-1717Toll Free 1-877-874-7922

Email helensacredearthjourneyscaWebsite - Click Here

An Award-Winning Travel Company Specializing in Sacred Journeys Wellness Travel amp Yoga Retreats and Wisdom Teachings

For more information about this journey please contact Teen Journey Society

Email Teen Journey - teenjourneyhotmailcomJoin us on Facebook

Registration Deadline Sept 10thPlease note that the PAP application takes time to process Therefore you should apply as soon as possible It is NOT necessary to already have an Indian Visa in order to apply for the PAP however if you (andor your teen) are interested in joining us for this life-changing trip you must register by Sept 10th


I learned a lot about myself and finally I feel like my

life is just starting I realize things about me that I have

never realize before and the reason for these things -

Kinte 16

The camp made a huge difference in every way for my

life Thank you for making Teen Journey possible -

Hayley 17

I will have more confidence in my actions And

remember to breathe in times of stress I will not judge

others because by judging others and making

comparisons I am only closing myself off to things and

experiences I will remember that life is only one aspect

of our whole being and our connection to each other

and the Earth is the fire that burns within us and makes

us who we are There is no me and you us and them -

Maya 17

My daughter doesnt like committing to anything

especially something that takes her away from home

She didnt even want to go to Teen Journey but on her

return she wanted to sign up for the next year

Attending the monthly activities is something she looks

forward to I know it doesnt sound like a big deal but it

is I am grateful to Teen Journey for giving my daughter

a place where she can be herself and challenged to see

the possibilities of more - Victoria Keddis


OFFICE HOURSMonday - 1000 am to 500 pmTuesday - 600 pm to 900 pm604-261-4155


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here



daily life

market place

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Teen Journey Society Teen Journey is a Vancouver BC based

non-profit organization created to empower

youth with a vision of interconnectedness

to see themselves as members of a global

village that live from the heart with passion

and purpose Founded on the established

research and t ime-tested practices

blending indigenous wisdom with the

human potential movement Teen Journey is

a transformational program for youth in

search of inner guidance Led by local and

international leaders in the fields of arts

science and personal development Teen

Journey participants learn the value of self-

inquiry as a means to change themselves

and the world around them Following an

intensive 7 day Rite of Passage Teen

Journey maintains a year-long program

designed to nurture the va lues of

community self-inquiry and creativity

cultivated over the 7 days

Teen Journey is a global community of dedicated loving and conscious people who have come together with the intention of being in service to the future caretakers of our planet our Youth

Catherine ThemblayZamir Dhanji Charles Cho

Show me your youth and I will show you the future of your nation- Georges Vanier

Jonathan Bean

IntentionTo empower and inspire youth through self real ization and connection with the global vi l lage


bull To provide both practical and

personal mentorship to the youth

involved in Teen Journey

bull To grow relationships that can

bridge the generation gap ndash

between youth parents and


bull To rebuild a relationship of trust

between youth and adults and

create a safe space where young

people can create their own


bull To connect the youth of Teen

Journey to an internat ional

community and give them an

opportunity to experience new

cultures and perspectives

MISSIONThe vision of Teen Journey came to Ela Rezmer in a remarkable and unexpected call from her heart to create a community where teens could fully explore and discover themselves their talents and their values

She began gathering people who are passionately committed to themselves and their inner journey people who also have the desire to share their gifts and wisdom with teens These mentors help and guide young people through their own personal journey of self discovery Without hesitation these leaders came to Teen Journey giving their time their stories and their inspiration

Answering the call is a group of volunteers and mentors consisting of elders from first nations around Vancouver as well as elders from Africa and Peru ndash people committed to bridging tribal wisdom with modern culture Many people have contributed their time and energy to Teen Journey including people like Malidoma Someacute Dr Vernon Woolfe and Juan Ruiz Naupari founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA ndash people who are passionate and renowned professionals in their respective fields As an organization we already exist in a global village and are re-connecting with the roots and traditions

of the cultures around us to connect the wisdom of sages and scientists Each of the passionate and committed volunteers and leaders of Teen Journey brings a lifetime of self-exploration and mentorship to our community and its events

The people of Teen Journey have united around a purpose Every mentor leader and volunteer has come together around a common cause to be in service to youth The underlying purpose and vision of Teen Journey constantly attracts new and remarkable people hellipand we would like you to be one of them

Vision TJ is the journey to the wisdom of the heart to discover who we are

Ela Rezmer


The Journey - Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Trip Includesbull Transportation from Hubli to

Gaden Shartse Monastery and return

bull 9 nights accommodation at Gaden Shartse Monastery

bull Trip Leaders Ela Rezmer Zamir Dhanji Catherine Tremblay amp Michelle Staples (filmmaker)

bull All meals (vegetarian)bull Daily participation in Dalai Lama

teachings to Tibetan Monks (with English translation)

bull Breath work with Juan Ruiz Naupauri

bull Exploration of local landscape and markets

bull Cultural Exchange with Monks and local community

bull Donations to Monks and Monastery

bull Chanting meditating being part of daily tasks like working with monks in the kitchen creating gardens learning debates and many more fun activities

Trip Does Not IncludeAirfare to Hubli India (connect through international gateway of Mumbai)

bull Cancellation amp Medical Insurance (as us for a quote)

bull Meals amp drinks not specifiedbull Fees to obtain valid passportbull Fees to obtain Indian Tourist Visabull Fees to obtain Protected Area

Permitbull Any items of a personal nature

such as laundry drinks and telephone calls

bull Any item that is not specifically detailed on our website or materials

Price USD $230000 per person(Price does not Include airfare to Hubli India)

Document Requirements1 Valid Passport (valid for 6 months from date of return)2 India Tourist Visa (obtained from your local India Consulate)3 Protected Area Permit (PAP) Gaden and Drepung Monasteries are part of a Tibetan refugee settlement area which is classified by the Government of India as a Restricted Area Therefore all foreign visitors to these monasteries are required to have a Protected Area Permit (PAP) All the information and links to application forms will be given to you upon registration

Registrations for this journey are being handled bySacred Earth Journeys (BC Reg 28465)Tel (604) 874-7922 Fax (604) 909-1717Toll Free 1-877-874-7922

Email helensacredearthjourneyscaWebsite - Click Here

An Award-Winning Travel Company Specializing in Sacred Journeys Wellness Travel amp Yoga Retreats and Wisdom Teachings

For more information about this journey please contact Teen Journey Society

Email Teen Journey - teenjourneyhotmailcomJoin us on Facebook

Registration Deadline Sept 10thPlease note that the PAP application takes time to process Therefore you should apply as soon as possible It is NOT necessary to already have an Indian Visa in order to apply for the PAP however if you (andor your teen) are interested in joining us for this life-changing trip you must register by Sept 10th


I learned a lot about myself and finally I feel like my

life is just starting I realize things about me that I have

never realize before and the reason for these things -

Kinte 16

The camp made a huge difference in every way for my

life Thank you for making Teen Journey possible -

Hayley 17

I will have more confidence in my actions And

remember to breathe in times of stress I will not judge

others because by judging others and making

comparisons I am only closing myself off to things and

experiences I will remember that life is only one aspect

of our whole being and our connection to each other

and the Earth is the fire that burns within us and makes

us who we are There is no me and you us and them -

Maya 17

My daughter doesnt like committing to anything

especially something that takes her away from home

She didnt even want to go to Teen Journey but on her

return she wanted to sign up for the next year

Attending the monthly activities is something she looks

forward to I know it doesnt sound like a big deal but it

is I am grateful to Teen Journey for giving my daughter

a place where she can be herself and challenged to see

the possibilities of more - Victoria Keddis


OFFICE HOURSMonday - 1000 am to 500 pmTuesday - 600 pm to 900 pm604-261-4155


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here

daily life

market place

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Teen Journey Society Teen Journey is a Vancouver BC based

non-profit organization created to empower

youth with a vision of interconnectedness

to see themselves as members of a global

village that live from the heart with passion

and purpose Founded on the established

research and t ime-tested practices

blending indigenous wisdom with the

human potential movement Teen Journey is

a transformational program for youth in

search of inner guidance Led by local and

international leaders in the fields of arts

science and personal development Teen

Journey participants learn the value of self-

inquiry as a means to change themselves

and the world around them Following an

intensive 7 day Rite of Passage Teen

Journey maintains a year-long program

designed to nurture the va lues of

community self-inquiry and creativity

cultivated over the 7 days

Teen Journey is a global community of dedicated loving and conscious people who have come together with the intention of being in service to the future caretakers of our planet our Youth

Catherine ThemblayZamir Dhanji Charles Cho

Show me your youth and I will show you the future of your nation- Georges Vanier

Jonathan Bean

IntentionTo empower and inspire youth through self real ization and connection with the global vi l lage


bull To provide both practical and

personal mentorship to the youth

involved in Teen Journey

bull To grow relationships that can

bridge the generation gap ndash

between youth parents and


bull To rebuild a relationship of trust

between youth and adults and

create a safe space where young

people can create their own


bull To connect the youth of Teen

Journey to an internat ional

community and give them an

opportunity to experience new

cultures and perspectives

MISSIONThe vision of Teen Journey came to Ela Rezmer in a remarkable and unexpected call from her heart to create a community where teens could fully explore and discover themselves their talents and their values

She began gathering people who are passionately committed to themselves and their inner journey people who also have the desire to share their gifts and wisdom with teens These mentors help and guide young people through their own personal journey of self discovery Without hesitation these leaders came to Teen Journey giving their time their stories and their inspiration

Answering the call is a group of volunteers and mentors consisting of elders from first nations around Vancouver as well as elders from Africa and Peru ndash people committed to bridging tribal wisdom with modern culture Many people have contributed their time and energy to Teen Journey including people like Malidoma Someacute Dr Vernon Woolfe and Juan Ruiz Naupari founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA ndash people who are passionate and renowned professionals in their respective fields As an organization we already exist in a global village and are re-connecting with the roots and traditions

of the cultures around us to connect the wisdom of sages and scientists Each of the passionate and committed volunteers and leaders of Teen Journey brings a lifetime of self-exploration and mentorship to our community and its events

The people of Teen Journey have united around a purpose Every mentor leader and volunteer has come together around a common cause to be in service to youth The underlying purpose and vision of Teen Journey constantly attracts new and remarkable people hellipand we would like you to be one of them

Vision TJ is the journey to the wisdom of the heart to discover who we are

Ela Rezmer


The Journey - Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Trip Includesbull Transportation from Hubli to

Gaden Shartse Monastery and return

bull 9 nights accommodation at Gaden Shartse Monastery

bull Trip Leaders Ela Rezmer Zamir Dhanji Catherine Tremblay amp Michelle Staples (filmmaker)

bull All meals (vegetarian)bull Daily participation in Dalai Lama

teachings to Tibetan Monks (with English translation)

bull Breath work with Juan Ruiz Naupauri

bull Exploration of local landscape and markets

bull Cultural Exchange with Monks and local community

bull Donations to Monks and Monastery

bull Chanting meditating being part of daily tasks like working with monks in the kitchen creating gardens learning debates and many more fun activities

Trip Does Not IncludeAirfare to Hubli India (connect through international gateway of Mumbai)

bull Cancellation amp Medical Insurance (as us for a quote)

bull Meals amp drinks not specifiedbull Fees to obtain valid passportbull Fees to obtain Indian Tourist Visabull Fees to obtain Protected Area

Permitbull Any items of a personal nature

such as laundry drinks and telephone calls

bull Any item that is not specifically detailed on our website or materials

Price USD $230000 per person(Price does not Include airfare to Hubli India)

Document Requirements1 Valid Passport (valid for 6 months from date of return)2 India Tourist Visa (obtained from your local India Consulate)3 Protected Area Permit (PAP) Gaden and Drepung Monasteries are part of a Tibetan refugee settlement area which is classified by the Government of India as a Restricted Area Therefore all foreign visitors to these monasteries are required to have a Protected Area Permit (PAP) All the information and links to application forms will be given to you upon registration

Registrations for this journey are being handled bySacred Earth Journeys (BC Reg 28465)Tel (604) 874-7922 Fax (604) 909-1717Toll Free 1-877-874-7922

Email helensacredearthjourneyscaWebsite - Click Here

An Award-Winning Travel Company Specializing in Sacred Journeys Wellness Travel amp Yoga Retreats and Wisdom Teachings

For more information about this journey please contact Teen Journey Society

Email Teen Journey - teenjourneyhotmailcomJoin us on Facebook

Registration Deadline Sept 10thPlease note that the PAP application takes time to process Therefore you should apply as soon as possible It is NOT necessary to already have an Indian Visa in order to apply for the PAP however if you (andor your teen) are interested in joining us for this life-changing trip you must register by Sept 10th


I learned a lot about myself and finally I feel like my

life is just starting I realize things about me that I have

never realize before and the reason for these things -

Kinte 16

The camp made a huge difference in every way for my

life Thank you for making Teen Journey possible -

Hayley 17

I will have more confidence in my actions And

remember to breathe in times of stress I will not judge

others because by judging others and making

comparisons I am only closing myself off to things and

experiences I will remember that life is only one aspect

of our whole being and our connection to each other

and the Earth is the fire that burns within us and makes

us who we are There is no me and you us and them -

Maya 17

My daughter doesnt like committing to anything

especially something that takes her away from home

She didnt even want to go to Teen Journey but on her

return she wanted to sign up for the next year

Attending the monthly activities is something she looks

forward to I know it doesnt sound like a big deal but it

is I am grateful to Teen Journey for giving my daughter

a place where she can be herself and challenged to see

the possibilities of more - Victoria Keddis


OFFICE HOURSMonday - 1000 am to 500 pmTuesday - 600 pm to 900 pm604-261-4155


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here

market place

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Teen Journey Society Teen Journey is a Vancouver BC based

non-profit organization created to empower

youth with a vision of interconnectedness

to see themselves as members of a global

village that live from the heart with passion

and purpose Founded on the established

research and t ime-tested practices

blending indigenous wisdom with the

human potential movement Teen Journey is

a transformational program for youth in

search of inner guidance Led by local and

international leaders in the fields of arts

science and personal development Teen

Journey participants learn the value of self-

inquiry as a means to change themselves

and the world around them Following an

intensive 7 day Rite of Passage Teen

Journey maintains a year-long program

designed to nurture the va lues of

community self-inquiry and creativity

cultivated over the 7 days

Teen Journey is a global community of dedicated loving and conscious people who have come together with the intention of being in service to the future caretakers of our planet our Youth

Catherine ThemblayZamir Dhanji Charles Cho

Show me your youth and I will show you the future of your nation- Georges Vanier

Jonathan Bean

IntentionTo empower and inspire youth through self real ization and connection with the global vi l lage


bull To provide both practical and

personal mentorship to the youth

involved in Teen Journey

bull To grow relationships that can

bridge the generation gap ndash

between youth parents and


bull To rebuild a relationship of trust

between youth and adults and

create a safe space where young

people can create their own


bull To connect the youth of Teen

Journey to an internat ional

community and give them an

opportunity to experience new

cultures and perspectives

MISSIONThe vision of Teen Journey came to Ela Rezmer in a remarkable and unexpected call from her heart to create a community where teens could fully explore and discover themselves their talents and their values

She began gathering people who are passionately committed to themselves and their inner journey people who also have the desire to share their gifts and wisdom with teens These mentors help and guide young people through their own personal journey of self discovery Without hesitation these leaders came to Teen Journey giving their time their stories and their inspiration

Answering the call is a group of volunteers and mentors consisting of elders from first nations around Vancouver as well as elders from Africa and Peru ndash people committed to bridging tribal wisdom with modern culture Many people have contributed their time and energy to Teen Journey including people like Malidoma Someacute Dr Vernon Woolfe and Juan Ruiz Naupari founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA ndash people who are passionate and renowned professionals in their respective fields As an organization we already exist in a global village and are re-connecting with the roots and traditions

of the cultures around us to connect the wisdom of sages and scientists Each of the passionate and committed volunteers and leaders of Teen Journey brings a lifetime of self-exploration and mentorship to our community and its events

The people of Teen Journey have united around a purpose Every mentor leader and volunteer has come together around a common cause to be in service to youth The underlying purpose and vision of Teen Journey constantly attracts new and remarkable people hellipand we would like you to be one of them

Vision TJ is the journey to the wisdom of the heart to discover who we are

Ela Rezmer


The Journey - Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Trip Includesbull Transportation from Hubli to

Gaden Shartse Monastery and return

bull 9 nights accommodation at Gaden Shartse Monastery

bull Trip Leaders Ela Rezmer Zamir Dhanji Catherine Tremblay amp Michelle Staples (filmmaker)

bull All meals (vegetarian)bull Daily participation in Dalai Lama

teachings to Tibetan Monks (with English translation)

bull Breath work with Juan Ruiz Naupauri

bull Exploration of local landscape and markets

bull Cultural Exchange with Monks and local community

bull Donations to Monks and Monastery

bull Chanting meditating being part of daily tasks like working with monks in the kitchen creating gardens learning debates and many more fun activities

Trip Does Not IncludeAirfare to Hubli India (connect through international gateway of Mumbai)

bull Cancellation amp Medical Insurance (as us for a quote)

bull Meals amp drinks not specifiedbull Fees to obtain valid passportbull Fees to obtain Indian Tourist Visabull Fees to obtain Protected Area

Permitbull Any items of a personal nature

such as laundry drinks and telephone calls

bull Any item that is not specifically detailed on our website or materials

Price USD $230000 per person(Price does not Include airfare to Hubli India)

Document Requirements1 Valid Passport (valid for 6 months from date of return)2 India Tourist Visa (obtained from your local India Consulate)3 Protected Area Permit (PAP) Gaden and Drepung Monasteries are part of a Tibetan refugee settlement area which is classified by the Government of India as a Restricted Area Therefore all foreign visitors to these monasteries are required to have a Protected Area Permit (PAP) All the information and links to application forms will be given to you upon registration

Registrations for this journey are being handled bySacred Earth Journeys (BC Reg 28465)Tel (604) 874-7922 Fax (604) 909-1717Toll Free 1-877-874-7922

Email helensacredearthjourneyscaWebsite - Click Here

An Award-Winning Travel Company Specializing in Sacred Journeys Wellness Travel amp Yoga Retreats and Wisdom Teachings

For more information about this journey please contact Teen Journey Society

Email Teen Journey - teenjourneyhotmailcomJoin us on Facebook

Registration Deadline Sept 10thPlease note that the PAP application takes time to process Therefore you should apply as soon as possible It is NOT necessary to already have an Indian Visa in order to apply for the PAP however if you (andor your teen) are interested in joining us for this life-changing trip you must register by Sept 10th


I learned a lot about myself and finally I feel like my

life is just starting I realize things about me that I have

never realize before and the reason for these things -

Kinte 16

The camp made a huge difference in every way for my

life Thank you for making Teen Journey possible -

Hayley 17

I will have more confidence in my actions And

remember to breathe in times of stress I will not judge

others because by judging others and making

comparisons I am only closing myself off to things and

experiences I will remember that life is only one aspect

of our whole being and our connection to each other

and the Earth is the fire that burns within us and makes

us who we are There is no me and you us and them -

Maya 17

My daughter doesnt like committing to anything

especially something that takes her away from home

She didnt even want to go to Teen Journey but on her

return she wanted to sign up for the next year

Attending the monthly activities is something she looks

forward to I know it doesnt sound like a big deal but it

is I am grateful to Teen Journey for giving my daughter

a place where she can be herself and challenged to see

the possibilities of more - Victoria Keddis


OFFICE HOURSMonday - 1000 am to 500 pmTuesday - 600 pm to 900 pm604-261-4155


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here

Maecenas aliquam maecenas ligula nostra accumsan taciti Sociis netus non dui cras

Teen Journey Society Teen Journey is a Vancouver BC based

non-profit organization created to empower

youth with a vision of interconnectedness

to see themselves as members of a global

village that live from the heart with passion

and purpose Founded on the established

research and t ime-tested practices

blending indigenous wisdom with the

human potential movement Teen Journey is

a transformational program for youth in

search of inner guidance Led by local and

international leaders in the fields of arts

science and personal development Teen

Journey participants learn the value of self-

inquiry as a means to change themselves

and the world around them Following an

intensive 7 day Rite of Passage Teen

Journey maintains a year-long program

designed to nurture the va lues of

community self-inquiry and creativity

cultivated over the 7 days

Teen Journey is a global community of dedicated loving and conscious people who have come together with the intention of being in service to the future caretakers of our planet our Youth

Catherine ThemblayZamir Dhanji Charles Cho

Show me your youth and I will show you the future of your nation- Georges Vanier

Jonathan Bean

IntentionTo empower and inspire youth through self real ization and connection with the global vi l lage


bull To provide both practical and

personal mentorship to the youth

involved in Teen Journey

bull To grow relationships that can

bridge the generation gap ndash

between youth parents and


bull To rebuild a relationship of trust

between youth and adults and

create a safe space where young

people can create their own


bull To connect the youth of Teen

Journey to an internat ional

community and give them an

opportunity to experience new

cultures and perspectives

MISSIONThe vision of Teen Journey came to Ela Rezmer in a remarkable and unexpected call from her heart to create a community where teens could fully explore and discover themselves their talents and their values

She began gathering people who are passionately committed to themselves and their inner journey people who also have the desire to share their gifts and wisdom with teens These mentors help and guide young people through their own personal journey of self discovery Without hesitation these leaders came to Teen Journey giving their time their stories and their inspiration

Answering the call is a group of volunteers and mentors consisting of elders from first nations around Vancouver as well as elders from Africa and Peru ndash people committed to bridging tribal wisdom with modern culture Many people have contributed their time and energy to Teen Journey including people like Malidoma Someacute Dr Vernon Woolfe and Juan Ruiz Naupari founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA ndash people who are passionate and renowned professionals in their respective fields As an organization we already exist in a global village and are re-connecting with the roots and traditions

of the cultures around us to connect the wisdom of sages and scientists Each of the passionate and committed volunteers and leaders of Teen Journey brings a lifetime of self-exploration and mentorship to our community and its events

The people of Teen Journey have united around a purpose Every mentor leader and volunteer has come together around a common cause to be in service to youth The underlying purpose and vision of Teen Journey constantly attracts new and remarkable people hellipand we would like you to be one of them

Vision TJ is the journey to the wisdom of the heart to discover who we are

Ela Rezmer


The Journey - Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Trip Includesbull Transportation from Hubli to

Gaden Shartse Monastery and return

bull 9 nights accommodation at Gaden Shartse Monastery

bull Trip Leaders Ela Rezmer Zamir Dhanji Catherine Tremblay amp Michelle Staples (filmmaker)

bull All meals (vegetarian)bull Daily participation in Dalai Lama

teachings to Tibetan Monks (with English translation)

bull Breath work with Juan Ruiz Naupauri

bull Exploration of local landscape and markets

bull Cultural Exchange with Monks and local community

bull Donations to Monks and Monastery

bull Chanting meditating being part of daily tasks like working with monks in the kitchen creating gardens learning debates and many more fun activities

Trip Does Not IncludeAirfare to Hubli India (connect through international gateway of Mumbai)

bull Cancellation amp Medical Insurance (as us for a quote)

bull Meals amp drinks not specifiedbull Fees to obtain valid passportbull Fees to obtain Indian Tourist Visabull Fees to obtain Protected Area

Permitbull Any items of a personal nature

such as laundry drinks and telephone calls

bull Any item that is not specifically detailed on our website or materials

Price USD $230000 per person(Price does not Include airfare to Hubli India)

Document Requirements1 Valid Passport (valid for 6 months from date of return)2 India Tourist Visa (obtained from your local India Consulate)3 Protected Area Permit (PAP) Gaden and Drepung Monasteries are part of a Tibetan refugee settlement area which is classified by the Government of India as a Restricted Area Therefore all foreign visitors to these monasteries are required to have a Protected Area Permit (PAP) All the information and links to application forms will be given to you upon registration

Registrations for this journey are being handled bySacred Earth Journeys (BC Reg 28465)Tel (604) 874-7922 Fax (604) 909-1717Toll Free 1-877-874-7922

Email helensacredearthjourneyscaWebsite - Click Here

An Award-Winning Travel Company Specializing in Sacred Journeys Wellness Travel amp Yoga Retreats and Wisdom Teachings

For more information about this journey please contact Teen Journey Society

Email Teen Journey - teenjourneyhotmailcomJoin us on Facebook

Registration Deadline Sept 10thPlease note that the PAP application takes time to process Therefore you should apply as soon as possible It is NOT necessary to already have an Indian Visa in order to apply for the PAP however if you (andor your teen) are interested in joining us for this life-changing trip you must register by Sept 10th


I learned a lot about myself and finally I feel like my

life is just starting I realize things about me that I have

never realize before and the reason for these things -

Kinte 16

The camp made a huge difference in every way for my

life Thank you for making Teen Journey possible -

Hayley 17

I will have more confidence in my actions And

remember to breathe in times of stress I will not judge

others because by judging others and making

comparisons I am only closing myself off to things and

experiences I will remember that life is only one aspect

of our whole being and our connection to each other

and the Earth is the fire that burns within us and makes

us who we are There is no me and you us and them -

Maya 17

My daughter doesnt like committing to anything

especially something that takes her away from home

She didnt even want to go to Teen Journey but on her

return she wanted to sign up for the next year

Attending the monthly activities is something she looks

forward to I know it doesnt sound like a big deal but it

is I am grateful to Teen Journey for giving my daughter

a place where she can be herself and challenged to see

the possibilities of more - Victoria Keddis


OFFICE HOURSMonday - 1000 am to 500 pmTuesday - 600 pm to 900 pm604-261-4155


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here


bull To provide both practical and

personal mentorship to the youth

involved in Teen Journey

bull To grow relationships that can

bridge the generation gap ndash

between youth parents and


bull To rebuild a relationship of trust

between youth and adults and

create a safe space where young

people can create their own


bull To connect the youth of Teen

Journey to an internat ional

community and give them an

opportunity to experience new

cultures and perspectives

MISSIONThe vision of Teen Journey came to Ela Rezmer in a remarkable and unexpected call from her heart to create a community where teens could fully explore and discover themselves their talents and their values

She began gathering people who are passionately committed to themselves and their inner journey people who also have the desire to share their gifts and wisdom with teens These mentors help and guide young people through their own personal journey of self discovery Without hesitation these leaders came to Teen Journey giving their time their stories and their inspiration

Answering the call is a group of volunteers and mentors consisting of elders from first nations around Vancouver as well as elders from Africa and Peru ndash people committed to bridging tribal wisdom with modern culture Many people have contributed their time and energy to Teen Journey including people like Malidoma Someacute Dr Vernon Woolfe and Juan Ruiz Naupari founder of INKARRI amp PNEUMA ndash people who are passionate and renowned professionals in their respective fields As an organization we already exist in a global village and are re-connecting with the roots and traditions

of the cultures around us to connect the wisdom of sages and scientists Each of the passionate and committed volunteers and leaders of Teen Journey brings a lifetime of self-exploration and mentorship to our community and its events

The people of Teen Journey have united around a purpose Every mentor leader and volunteer has come together around a common cause to be in service to youth The underlying purpose and vision of Teen Journey constantly attracts new and remarkable people hellipand we would like you to be one of them

Vision TJ is the journey to the wisdom of the heart to discover who we are

Ela Rezmer


The Journey - Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Trip Includesbull Transportation from Hubli to

Gaden Shartse Monastery and return

bull 9 nights accommodation at Gaden Shartse Monastery

bull Trip Leaders Ela Rezmer Zamir Dhanji Catherine Tremblay amp Michelle Staples (filmmaker)

bull All meals (vegetarian)bull Daily participation in Dalai Lama

teachings to Tibetan Monks (with English translation)

bull Breath work with Juan Ruiz Naupauri

bull Exploration of local landscape and markets

bull Cultural Exchange with Monks and local community

bull Donations to Monks and Monastery

bull Chanting meditating being part of daily tasks like working with monks in the kitchen creating gardens learning debates and many more fun activities

Trip Does Not IncludeAirfare to Hubli India (connect through international gateway of Mumbai)

bull Cancellation amp Medical Insurance (as us for a quote)

bull Meals amp drinks not specifiedbull Fees to obtain valid passportbull Fees to obtain Indian Tourist Visabull Fees to obtain Protected Area

Permitbull Any items of a personal nature

such as laundry drinks and telephone calls

bull Any item that is not specifically detailed on our website or materials

Price USD $230000 per person(Price does not Include airfare to Hubli India)

Document Requirements1 Valid Passport (valid for 6 months from date of return)2 India Tourist Visa (obtained from your local India Consulate)3 Protected Area Permit (PAP) Gaden and Drepung Monasteries are part of a Tibetan refugee settlement area which is classified by the Government of India as a Restricted Area Therefore all foreign visitors to these monasteries are required to have a Protected Area Permit (PAP) All the information and links to application forms will be given to you upon registration

Registrations for this journey are being handled bySacred Earth Journeys (BC Reg 28465)Tel (604) 874-7922 Fax (604) 909-1717Toll Free 1-877-874-7922

Email helensacredearthjourneyscaWebsite - Click Here

An Award-Winning Travel Company Specializing in Sacred Journeys Wellness Travel amp Yoga Retreats and Wisdom Teachings

For more information about this journey please contact Teen Journey Society

Email Teen Journey - teenjourneyhotmailcomJoin us on Facebook

Registration Deadline Sept 10thPlease note that the PAP application takes time to process Therefore you should apply as soon as possible It is NOT necessary to already have an Indian Visa in order to apply for the PAP however if you (andor your teen) are interested in joining us for this life-changing trip you must register by Sept 10th


I learned a lot about myself and finally I feel like my

life is just starting I realize things about me that I have

never realize before and the reason for these things -

Kinte 16

The camp made a huge difference in every way for my

life Thank you for making Teen Journey possible -

Hayley 17

I will have more confidence in my actions And

remember to breathe in times of stress I will not judge

others because by judging others and making

comparisons I am only closing myself off to things and

experiences I will remember that life is only one aspect

of our whole being and our connection to each other

and the Earth is the fire that burns within us and makes

us who we are There is no me and you us and them -

Maya 17

My daughter doesnt like committing to anything

especially something that takes her away from home

She didnt even want to go to Teen Journey but on her

return she wanted to sign up for the next year

Attending the monthly activities is something she looks

forward to I know it doesnt sound like a big deal but it

is I am grateful to Teen Journey for giving my daughter

a place where she can be herself and challenged to see

the possibilities of more - Victoria Keddis


OFFICE HOURSMonday - 1000 am to 500 pmTuesday - 600 pm to 900 pm604-261-4155


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here

The Journey - Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Trip Includesbull Transportation from Hubli to

Gaden Shartse Monastery and return

bull 9 nights accommodation at Gaden Shartse Monastery

bull Trip Leaders Ela Rezmer Zamir Dhanji Catherine Tremblay amp Michelle Staples (filmmaker)

bull All meals (vegetarian)bull Daily participation in Dalai Lama

teachings to Tibetan Monks (with English translation)

bull Breath work with Juan Ruiz Naupauri

bull Exploration of local landscape and markets

bull Cultural Exchange with Monks and local community

bull Donations to Monks and Monastery

bull Chanting meditating being part of daily tasks like working with monks in the kitchen creating gardens learning debates and many more fun activities

Trip Does Not IncludeAirfare to Hubli India (connect through international gateway of Mumbai)

bull Cancellation amp Medical Insurance (as us for a quote)

bull Meals amp drinks not specifiedbull Fees to obtain valid passportbull Fees to obtain Indian Tourist Visabull Fees to obtain Protected Area

Permitbull Any items of a personal nature

such as laundry drinks and telephone calls

bull Any item that is not specifically detailed on our website or materials

Price USD $230000 per person(Price does not Include airfare to Hubli India)

Document Requirements1 Valid Passport (valid for 6 months from date of return)2 India Tourist Visa (obtained from your local India Consulate)3 Protected Area Permit (PAP) Gaden and Drepung Monasteries are part of a Tibetan refugee settlement area which is classified by the Government of India as a Restricted Area Therefore all foreign visitors to these monasteries are required to have a Protected Area Permit (PAP) All the information and links to application forms will be given to you upon registration

Registrations for this journey are being handled bySacred Earth Journeys (BC Reg 28465)Tel (604) 874-7922 Fax (604) 909-1717Toll Free 1-877-874-7922

Email helensacredearthjourneyscaWebsite - Click Here

An Award-Winning Travel Company Specializing in Sacred Journeys Wellness Travel amp Yoga Retreats and Wisdom Teachings

For more information about this journey please contact Teen Journey Society

Email Teen Journey - teenjourneyhotmailcomJoin us on Facebook

Registration Deadline Sept 10thPlease note that the PAP application takes time to process Therefore you should apply as soon as possible It is NOT necessary to already have an Indian Visa in order to apply for the PAP however if you (andor your teen) are interested in joining us for this life-changing trip you must register by Sept 10th


I learned a lot about myself and finally I feel like my

life is just starting I realize things about me that I have

never realize before and the reason for these things -

Kinte 16

The camp made a huge difference in every way for my

life Thank you for making Teen Journey possible -

Hayley 17

I will have more confidence in my actions And

remember to breathe in times of stress I will not judge

others because by judging others and making

comparisons I am only closing myself off to things and

experiences I will remember that life is only one aspect

of our whole being and our connection to each other

and the Earth is the fire that burns within us and makes

us who we are There is no me and you us and them -

Maya 17

My daughter doesnt like committing to anything

especially something that takes her away from home

She didnt even want to go to Teen Journey but on her

return she wanted to sign up for the next year

Attending the monthly activities is something she looks

forward to I know it doesnt sound like a big deal but it

is I am grateful to Teen Journey for giving my daughter

a place where she can be herself and challenged to see

the possibilities of more - Victoria Keddis


OFFICE HOURSMonday - 1000 am to 500 pmTuesday - 600 pm to 900 pm604-261-4155


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here

Registrations for this journey are being handled bySacred Earth Journeys (BC Reg 28465)Tel (604) 874-7922 Fax (604) 909-1717Toll Free 1-877-874-7922

Email helensacredearthjourneyscaWebsite - Click Here

An Award-Winning Travel Company Specializing in Sacred Journeys Wellness Travel amp Yoga Retreats and Wisdom Teachings

For more information about this journey please contact Teen Journey Society

Email Teen Journey - teenjourneyhotmailcomJoin us on Facebook

Registration Deadline Sept 10thPlease note that the PAP application takes time to process Therefore you should apply as soon as possible It is NOT necessary to already have an Indian Visa in order to apply for the PAP however if you (andor your teen) are interested in joining us for this life-changing trip you must register by Sept 10th


I learned a lot about myself and finally I feel like my

life is just starting I realize things about me that I have

never realize before and the reason for these things -

Kinte 16

The camp made a huge difference in every way for my

life Thank you for making Teen Journey possible -

Hayley 17

I will have more confidence in my actions And

remember to breathe in times of stress I will not judge

others because by judging others and making

comparisons I am only closing myself off to things and

experiences I will remember that life is only one aspect

of our whole being and our connection to each other

and the Earth is the fire that burns within us and makes

us who we are There is no me and you us and them -

Maya 17

My daughter doesnt like committing to anything

especially something that takes her away from home

She didnt even want to go to Teen Journey but on her

return she wanted to sign up for the next year

Attending the monthly activities is something she looks

forward to I know it doesnt sound like a big deal but it

is I am grateful to Teen Journey for giving my daughter

a place where she can be herself and challenged to see

the possibilities of more - Victoria Keddis


OFFICE HOURSMonday - 1000 am to 500 pmTuesday - 600 pm to 900 pm604-261-4155


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here


Designed by Science to SageSudioswwwsciencetosagecom

Teen Journey

Create our future together

Discover who we are through self inquiry

Initiate global changes starting with


Connect to the global village by traveling and

sharing our gifts

Co-create a heart-filled environment that

allows an expansion of consciousness

Bridge the wisdom of the Elders with the

fresh messages of the youth

Design rites of passage that are relevant to

the modern world we live in A paradigm shift on every level the barometer of success at Teen Journey is the quality of

relationships people have with themselves each other and with the planet


Nov 29-Dec 8 2012

Registration Deadline Sept 10th

Register Here
