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. Tllfc COUN^lt^. volume jfjN 1. SATURDAY MORINlNVr, APRIL ... · J_' FIlSST OUE HOMES;.THEN OUR...

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_. J_' FIlSST OUE HOMES; .THEN OUR STATE; FINALLY Tllfc NATION; THESE CONSTITUTE OtJTl COUN^lt^. jfjN ' : -> . ._,_,_f_'_. volume 1. THE ORANGEBÜRG NEWS. .so:. PUBLISHED AT ORAN GEBURG-," S. < Every Saturday Morning. SAM CLL DIBBLE, Editor. Vit AHL ES Ji HALL, l\iblisJicr. ..:o:. TERMS OF SURSCRIPT ION. One Copy l>r one year. $'2.0 " Six Mouths.,. 1.0 ti it it Three «' . ö Any one making up a CLUB of FIVE ANNUA SUBSCRIBERS will receive an extra copy FREE OF CHARGE. .:o:. RATES OF ADVERTISING. 1 SqttAft l»t Insertion. $1.5 4. 2«! « . 7 A Squaro cPtislste of 10 lines Brevier or one inc of Advertising space. Contract A«lvertiseaient8 inserted upon the mos liberal terms. MARRIAGE and FUNERAL NOTICES, not es ceediug one Square, inserted without charge. Terms Cash in Advance, .:o:. For further particular*, apply to Mr. Cii.vui.es II Hai.i,. or address SAMUEL DTBltiii", EntTOit ünANOEhutiri News. Orahgeburg, S. 0. feVtt o ly CARDS. BTJLL & SOÖVILL, AGENTS FOR THE Editable Life Insurance Company OF NEW YORK, TOLICI ES N( )N-KOR K HIT A RLE. Dividend Declared Annually to Policy Holden feb 28 td ,T. W. II. LICENSED A CCTJONEER, OfFers his Services .FOR ALL SALES IN THIS DISTRICT At Reasonable Rates. fen 23 * 8tn IZIiAll & DI URLE, Attorneys and Solicitors.. RUSSEL-STREET, ORANGEBTJRG, S. C JAMES F. IZI4R. BAMUEFj DIBBLE, feb 23 * ly e. c. denai x, VATC Ii jM J< 13 3 i AMI J E W E L L E R, Work Neatly Repairetl and Wan-anted', < RUSSELL-STREET, (Opposite Cornelson, Kramer & Co.,) feb 23 c Ü111 tailoring. Daniel W. Robinson Market-street, w:et to Miss Wise's old stand. ORANGERUUG, S. C. Respectfully informs the citizens of this Distric that he is now prepared to do all work in his line o business, with neatness ami despatch. leh 23 c 1111. spring tka1)e~ 1 8 6 7, EZEKIEL <fc IvOlTiST DEALERS IN .STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHING ROOTS AND SHOES, GBOCBIUBS, CROCKERY*, ETC., ETC., ornor Russell and Market-Streets. INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC T< their Stock, which is entirely New, well Select ed and will tic sold at a SMALL* ADVANCE on tin Original Cost. EM A N Ü B L E7. EE I EL.THEODOR E K 611N feb 23 y 1c JJUSLJUL V V AJJJU 'OULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE Tt all his friends and customers that he lias 01 hand n large and well selected stock of TIN WARE, Mnnufaettired by himself, which he will sell at vcr low RATES. also . AN ASSORT .MUNT OF STOVES AND HOUSE FURNISHIM G 0,0 1) S , WHICH ARE SOLI) AT C U A R L E S T O N PHI C E S. REPAIRING und other Work done to order at th Shortest Notice. Call aad see for Yourselves, _POETRY. « (From All the Year Hound.] Tho Clouds, Dark and heavy-bosomed Clouds, Denning on ibe streams of wind, Dressing on in frowning crowds, Throngs before und throngs behind; Sweep the high and empty air, ltock nor barrier rises there. O, descend not for the bird That delights to ride the waves! Have ye not already heard Of those black and whirling graves, Sens on gallant vessels piled, Screams of fear and sorrow wild? O'er the deep mid-ocean parts, Many a son and father sails ; Islo and Continent have hearts Anxious at the growing gales. Cbnin those mighty reckless wings, "Which the Hying Tempest swings! Change and lie in softer light ; Drop the glittering rainbow showers; Bring again the'snowdrops white, Maideitdicrahls of the Mowers; Let the Spring with happy eyes See her own bright sun arise! [From the Eclectic Magazine.] Disguise. Many gohlcd noiv'rots Ho In the orbs of April daises; Many m.:!* ,,,0vc ,uo" c*ve Can discern thai J-«'«*V gn*eö. Many hearts that careless seem, Have no lack of feeling deep: Prattle they like pebbled streams; Thus they hide the thoughts they keep. And. alas! while silver strings Only Wake w ith silver tones, Timid Truth a music Hing-» Which belies the thoughts she owns. LITER AR-Y. s l r. c r k i). The Marked Money, CIIAPTKll T. MERCHANT AND Ct.KHK. Mr. ElKs Utiii'iinll kept one of those larts stores so common in nourishing country town when: every article of produce is bought IVoi the fanners round, about, and where every kin of goods usually needed ill the country is kcj for sale. lie was a sharp featured, shrewi looking man, somewhat turned of fifty, an hard as a diamond, at a trade. He could btl tlsc best of produce at the cheapest rales, an he c.'Htld sell his auction-bought goods at alain ilii'Jv high juices. In short, he never failed t make a roii'id profit at both ends of the ha gain, ile did jtpt hesitate to overstep tli hounds of honesty, when ho had a fair chanci though he always did it in silt!1 =i ma.vuer tin his old adage UA bargain is a bargain' won.1 safely shield him. "Lyman," said he one day, to his son. young man some twenty years of age* and a must the counterpart of his lather, save I ha he showed more recklessness of dispositioi .did you make a trade with fanner Jones7" "Yes." "What did you charge him for that sitga and tea." '.Twenty-two cents for the sugar, anil half dollar for the tea. 31 tide him believe 'twa extra nice, you see." "That's right. And what did you charg him for the eollbo "Ah, there I had him ! I made the old ma believe 'twas extra old .lava.charged hii forty-one cents." "J'retty good, my son, only you might hav put on the half cent. You see you can nmk a great point out of that. When you come th half cents over them they think you arc shav ing closer down to cost. lint you did vor well. Lyniau. Now what did you allow Jone for his beans V "One dollar twenty-live cents." "O, you shouldn't have done that. A do! lar, or dollar an' ten would have been enough. "Hut they were, nice ones, lather; careful! picked and clean." "You should have made him believe the were poorer." -But how :"' "Why, when you found the old man ha beans to exchange for his goods, you shottl have taken a handful of poor ones from one < our barrels, and watched your opportunity t scatter them over the top of his. Don't yo understand ?" "Yes, L see now lather." "Tlint's right. We must live and thrivi you see, and he who makes the most, conic out best at the end. Always take advantap, of a customer when von can. but he. rmrefill an SATURDAY MORI This was the way tho lather taught his son and how that sun profited by it, tlio sequel wil show. "By the way, Lyman," continued the oh man, "I have discovered who it is that has beei robbing my money drawer. "Ah I" uttered the son, turning at that mo incut to arrange u piece of calico, which didu' need any fixing at all. "And who is it ?" "Wilton Cunningham." "I shouldn't wonder in the least. I neve liked the fellow, und I have often wondcre what made you keep him." '.I wouldn't have kept him" only that he i such a remarkably smart book-keeper, an such a beautiful writer, too. He ain't fit *t trade." "No; you can never make him believe it' right to drive a snug trade. Rut how did yo manage to detect him. "I'll tell you." returned tho old man. "La* week I took particular notice of some silve dollars that were in the money drawer, anil determined that 1 would set a trap for tho thie! I took four of 4ho pieces and crossed thei: very carefully, and in such a manner that on not acquainted with the secret would not b likely to notice it; then I put them back hit the drawer. Next morning one of them wa gone, and as all our trade the day before ha been barter or credit. I knew that it could u< have been given in change. Of course m suspicious fell upon Wilton, and 1 at once la gan to look about to see where he had spoil money, and I found that he had paid Mr. YYi ley for his mother's rent. I went to Mr. Wi lev. and asked to see the money Wilton ha pain !:L'»b n»d 1 lot.'"'' m)' crossed dolfar atuoti it. It's as plain as daylight.' "Certainly it is," said fjyman. '.There can he on doubt about it,"added iV% old man. in a confident tone; and then, with sarcastic sneer, he said: "His seeming hot: esty is nil the result of fear, lie dares in make a bold trade, but he can steal in the da; I though." CHAPTER IT. T!IK ACC.'SATU'N. Jits! then a customer entered,and while Mi Randall was trading with him. Wilton Cm urn -ham came in. The latter was not ovi one-and-twenly, and though "appearances nr deceit fid," yet it would be bal d work t make a physiognomist believe that he Could b capable of theft. The young clerk weid in mediately to his desk, ami as soon as Mr. Rai dull was at liberty, lie joined him. ..Von need not open your books this morn ir.g sir." said the trader. The young man looked round in surprise. "Mr. Cunningham," continued Kandall, .. have discovered who it is that has bei ti, for s ong a time, robbing my money-drawer." "Ah 1" "Yes, sir. 1 have trapped him, and yo mil}' judge of my surprise upon finding it to b none other than Wilton Cunningham." "Do you mean me, sir?" uttered the yoiini man. stepping down from his stool and buhl I facing ins accuser. .¦Of course I do. and I have proof of what say." "N'» man. Mr. Randall, can produce a pron of dishonesty »»c " -Not quite so fast. sii. r>id you not pay I Mr. Willey the rent for the house which you mother occupies ?" "1 did, sir." . And did you not give liim this dollar?' asked Mr. Kandall. producing tlie dollar he Inn crossed. "1 might have done it. sir, for I paid bin several silver dollars." "Ay," returned the old man. with a sort o triumphant look, . and that dollar was sttilei from my drawer last Wednesday night, and yoi paid it away on the same night. Now, hoi came you by i< .'" .If I paid it to Mr. Willey." "Hut you d!d pay it to him. II« can swea to that." ' "Then, sir, 1 know not where I got it. had several of them. Home my mother ha taken for butter and cheese, and sonic 1 hav laid away." "Yes. some you have laid away! f/iut (lol lar, sir. you took from my drawer last Wcdnci day evening. You stole it !" "Mr. Kandall," said Wilton, in a tone o calm indignity. -I hardly know bow to tiiee your charge. To deny i: would be only to eon tradict you; but I do deny it, and I call oi (iod to witness that I never, to my kuowledgt 1 wronged a man to the amount of a cent. 1 shall see Mr. Willey, sir." I' "Do so. 1 will ijo with yob at mice." Accordingly Mr. Kandall and his clerk se oil'. They Ibmul Mr. Willey, ami thai genth man, though he felt much friendship lor tb young man, could not but declare that tb j crossed dollar had been received from him H Wilton could not deny it ; he had not notice* e any particular marks upon the money he Ii; 1 naid. and he could rtnlv rmlornin tin- !u«<>vhi.» NlNVr, APRIL 6,1867. (irav/er. Tic felt grieved to soo that a shulc of suspicion rested upon the face of Mr. Willey, and lio then saw how strong was the evidence agniwjBt him. He turned away to hide the tear that started from his eye, and his heart swelled with n painful emotion. '."^'Squire Bullnrd at homo ?'. asked Mr. Handull, after the facts in tho case had been sufficiently discussed. "No. He's gone down to Portland, but he'll be a* home to-night," returned Mr. WiHcy. "Good heavens! Mr. Randall, you do not mean to make a legal investigation of this case?" cried Wilton, turning pale and tremb¬ ling like an aspen. "Most assuredly I do," calmly returned the trauer. "If you are innocent you will have nothing to fear." "And suppose I cannot prove that inno¬ cence ?" "That's j list what I'm afraid of," half ironi¬ cally returned Randall. "<) God!" ejaculated the youth, clasping his hands together in tortured agony. "What have 1 done that 1 should come to this ?" Mr. >\ illey betran to show evident sitrns ol ropijRXanec that lie had been - instrumental in bringing this about, and as ttandall noticed it. he made haste to cut the meeting short. "You need not go back to the store with me." he said to his clerk, "but 1 shall see you this Ovoninir;" CHAPTER III. KXI LTANT.1 >KSPONDIN(I. Wilton Cunniilghum turned his steps home¬ ward, but his walk was slow und sad. He knew the disposition of Mr. Randall, that he was hard-hearted, grasping, avaricious, and capa¬ ble of doing anything that might answer his .f.-'wi^ cnds; but he knew not thcnvnV tho ends trader had in view.ends which will hi: ea.sib/ understood by a slight conversation at the tyorc. ..Lyinan." said Mr. Randall, after he had returned from Mr. Willey's, "I've got young Cunningham hard and fast. The evidence is clear,«und if Billiard gets home before dark, T'-s»flh»vo him examined and hound over for trial this very night." ..But von don't really mean to try Wilton for i- i , * * - thclt, do you ?" asked Lyinan. "Of course 1 do. I>,. you suppose a man shall rob me with impunity?" ..But you might turn hint off, father, and keep back his last c|tiarter's salary;" "You don't know all, Lyinan. The young fellow might have been likely, hadn't this thin;.: have turned up, to have proved :i dan¬ gerous rival to us." ".How so, lather:" .¦B\ sotting up an opposition store." "But he hasn't t!:,: en; ital." "He ein raise it. though. That old Jones was inhere this morning has offered t" ml him two th msand dollars, and others have offered to advance him money if he will open a new store." ..That would be ratlicr dangerous business for you," remarked Lymtin, in a thoughtful mood; -f *111 he woiit do it n >w," the old man re¬ turned, with considerable satisfaction. "This lhini: will shut him up." \\ lion \\ ilton reached hi> home, lie found his mother sitting in her front room, and he :it J once told her all that hail passed. She was ,',..; :'¦.. .-. .,!ick. but not for u single instant did shcciitcrtaii! » question with regard to the en¬ tire innocence of her dear hoy. She was con¬ fident that ail the money she had given her son Inwards paving thcrcnt, she lltid received from !,..ü!::!i«!. aü.I that she had had it in her pos- so.-si.nii for several weeks he fore it was thus paid out. 'I'he conversation between the mother and child was long and earnest, but they could liml no clue to the solving of tin1 difficulty. All looked dark ami gloomy. After dinner. Wilton put on his hat and took , I si lew '.urn- in the garden. lie seemed to he struggling with Some strong desire, und more j than once he laid his hand upon the latch of s the gaie. ami then turned and went back again. At length he placed his hand upon his brow, ami muttered a few incoherent sentences to himself. When he looked up again, he was pale and sad. but appeared no longer undecided, lie opened the gate and passed out into the street, and turning to tin- h ft he walked away from tin- village. At the distance oi half a mile, he came to a small white farm house, where lived Mr. Prnkc, one of the thriftiest farmers in the town, and as he turned up the pink-bordered wall, that led to the door, he was met h) a hapjvy, laughing, beautiful girl who cuine running out to meet him. "Why, what is the matter, dear Wilton?" she exclaimed, as .-he. not iced the pallor that overspread his features. . ('nine into the house and I will tell you," he ret limed. I I ( Courhulal !n our AV.»7.] A child thus defines gossip: It's when nobody don't Jo notliinir: ami soniebodv irocs and tells HUMOROUS . Cousin Sully Dillanl. by hamilton c. jones. [PuhlUlltid by Request."] Scene..A Court of Justice in North Caro¬ lina. A beardless disciple of Themis rises and thus addresses the Court: "May it please your Worships, and you, gentlemen of the jury, ninee it has become my fortune (good or bad I will not say.) to exercise myself in legal disquisition, it-has never befallen mo to bo obliged to prose¬ cute so direlully marked assault.a more wilful, violent, and dangerous battery, and finally a more diabolical breach of tho peace, has seldom happened in a civilized country ; and I dare say it seldom has been your duty to pass upon one so shocking to benevolent feelings, as this which took place over at Capiuiu Rice's in in this county; but you will hear from the witnesses." The witnesses being sworn, two or three were examined and deposed : One said that he beard the noise but did not sec the fight; an- r>ther that tie saw (be row, but did not know who struck first, and another that he was very drunk and couldn't tell much about the skrim- magc. Lawyer Chops.I am sorry, gentlemen, to have occupied yohr time with the stupidity of the witnesses examined. It" arises, gent le¬ bten. iVom a misapprehension on my part. Had I known, as I now do, that I had a witness who was acquainted with all the circumstances of the case, and who was able to make himself clearly understood to the court and jury, I should not have trespassed so long on your pa¬ tience. Come forward, Mr. Harris, and be sv.orn. So forward comes the witness, a fat, chufTy old man. a "lcctlc" corned, and took his oath with an air. Chops.Harris, we wish you to tell about tin; riot that happened the other day at Captain Rice's, and as a good deal of time has already been wuatcd in (drtmiulocutUlu, wy witdt you, to be compendious, at the same time as explicit as possible. Harris.Adzakly (giving the lawyer a know¬ ing wink, at the same time clearing his throat). Captain Rico be gin a treat, cousin Sally Dil- lartl she come to our house and axed me if ihy wife, she moutn't go. I tohl cousin Sally Dil- lard that my wife was j.rly, being as how she had a touch of the rheuinntis in Ihe hip. and i the bi j swamp was up in the road, there bavin' been a great deal of rain lately, hut howsoever us it was she, cousin Sally Dillanl, my wife she mout go.* Well, cousin Sally Diilurd then axed me if Mose he moutn't I tohl cousin Dillard that he was foreman of the crap, and the crap was smartly in the grass; but. how- somcver, as it was she. cousin Sally Dillard. Mose he mout go. Chops.Tn the name of common sense. Mr. Harris, what do you mean by this rigma¬ role? Witness.Captain Rico he gin a treat, and cousin Sally Dillard she come over to my house and axed me if my wife she moutn't go, and 1 told cousin Sally Dillard Chops.Stop} sir. if you please, we don't want to hear about your cousin Sally Dillard or your wife; tell us about the fight at Hive's. Witness.Well, 1 will sir, if you will let me. Chops.Well, sir, go on. Witness.Well, sir, Captain Rice he yin a treat, and cousin Sally Dillard she come over [ to my house, and axed me if my wife she mout Chops.here it is again. \\ iliiu.-.^ please do stop. Witness.'Well, sir, what do you want ? Chops.Wo want to know about the fight, and you must no*, proceed with this imperti¬ nent story. Do you know anything about the matter before the Court'/ Witness.To be sure I do Chops.Well, go on then, and tell it, and nothing else. Witness.-Well, Captain Rice, he gin a treat Cle-ps.This is intolerable. May it please the Court. 1 move that the witness be commit¬ ted for :i contempt. He seems to be trilling with this Court. Court.Witness you are before the court of justice, and unless you behave yourself in a more becoming manner, you will be sent to jail; s.» begin, and tell what you know about the light at Rices. Witness (somewhat alarmed.) Well, gentle¬ men. Captain Rice he gin a treat, and Cousin Sally Dillard. Court.(after deliberating) Mr. Attorney, the Court is of tho opinion that we. may save by letting the witness go on in his own way. P/rocoodj Mr. Harris, with your story, but stick to the point. "Witness.Yes, gentlemen. Well, Captain it:.... i.« .i .r\:n«-,i JN U M15ER T; she mdutcu't go. I told cÖüainSiiily Diilarcf thut my wife she was poorly, being as how she had the rhuinatis in her hip, and the big swamp wa.s up; however, as it was she,- cousin Sally Dfllurd my wife she ntout go. Cousin Sally Dil-- lard, then axed mc if Mose he* moutn't gOi I told' cousin Sally Dillurd as how Mose was the fore¬ man of the crap, sind the crap was, smartly in the grass, but howsouiever,.au it wasche, cqusin Sally Dillard, Mose he mout go.. So they goes on together, Moso, my wife, mid cousin Sally Dillard, and they comes to. the big swamp, and it was.up, as I was telliu' you; but being as how there wits a log across the big Swamp,, cousin Sally Dillard and Mo^c, like genteel folks, they walked the log, but my wife, like n fool, jest lusted her costts'and waded right through. . Chops.Heaven and earth, this is too bad;' but go op. Witness."Well, that's sill I know about, the fight..Express. f .... r__2_ " l;' _ Urn in Crop vs. Cotton Crop in the South. Tt is computed that half of the cotton crop of the past year has already gone to tho market, $im lmf) produced ^to tho cotton-growers, a hundred and thirty-five millions of dollars. Some weeks ago the New Orleans papers reck¬ oned the amount at over a hundred ^millions, and considerable (jUantities of cotton have come forward since. The cotton-growing States have received and appropriated'the sivails of half the crop, and it is even Said that the'¦ re-" liiainder will hardly suffice to meet the demands of creditors for supplies heretofore received;, and for pay for the supplies .which they will need before smother grain or cotton crop can be pro¬ duced. The avails of tho cotton crop, of the past season will leave little money in the South. Money io there very scsirce. had is likely so to he while the South continues to depend' upon the West f. r corn, Hour and bacon, and upon the East for many articles of manufacture that might be made at home. The cotton crop of the current year, though the season may bo more favorable than the last, will not, as is thought, exceed, that of the past jcuri Outturn gwriy»»g will be checked by want of capital to pay labour sind purchase supplies, lu this state of the case, it is the obvious policy of the cotton planters to direct their attention more earnestly than heretofore to the production of grain and provisions..Preparations for cotton culture must he inside in this month or earlier, but it is reported from various quarters that no in¬ creased breadth of land is to be put in cotton, and man)- plantations Worked las? year' have boon abandoned. The great resources of the South is. therefore, to be found in an application of a large force to the cultivation of corn. This crop, which may be matured in August next, will afford groat relief. Its cultivation requires less labor than that of cotton, rice or sugar, and it. is the material not oidy for bread, but for animal food. The value of a crop of corn equal to all' the necessities of the South for food, rarssi W vastly greater than the value even of an in¬ creased crop of cotton rft present prices. Rations for fifty thousand individuals for five months co-.t a million of dollars. A hundred' millions of dollars would not supply withrationsr- for one year a greater number thajt two millions' of people, or one fourth of the population of the Southern States. The first object of the Southern planters will be, no doubt, to produce an ample supply of grain and provisions for tho ensuing year, though labor and capital may be for that purpose withdrawn to- some extent from the cotton culture. [ National 'Intelligencer'.' Fattening Hogs. The editor of the Oermuntow'n Telegraphy having made inquiries of a farmer.as to the profitableness of pork raising and the best way to feed hogs, received a reply, the substance of which was: 1. That feeding grain1.especially" corn.to hogs, will pay better Irian' would tho1 same amount fed to any other kind of farm" stock. . They should be fed in-such a manner as to gain a pound a day. In other words, the hog, sit a year old, should weigh three hundred sind sixty live pounds. Creator weight than4 this can be produced, but the increase would not pay the extra expense necessary to procure it. '1. One bushel of good sheHciKcorn, made into meal and fed to the hogs regularly, ittstfcn quantity as to prevent them from fretting fov more, will produce from live to seven pounds of pork during the months of October and No¬ vember. After this season of the year, mote f ed is required and less pork produced accord¬ ing to the quantity of feed. 3 An important point is to keep the hog growing sill the time .not starving them to mere bog frames, during the Summer, and then attempting to finish off quickly on the arrival id' eold weather. 4. When put up in the fall.indeed during tho entire season.a comfortable shelter should ho provided, so that the hogs may avail themselves of it whenever n storm occurs, but when the
Page 1: . Tllfc COUN^lt^. volume jfjN 1. SATURDAY MORINlNVr, APRIL ... · J_' FIlSST OUE HOMES;.THEN OUR STATE; FINALLY Tllfc NATION;THESE CONSTITUTE OtJTl COUN^lt^. jfjN ' volume1.:->.._,_,_f_'_.


: -> . ._,_,_f_'_.

volume 1.



Every Saturday Morning.

SAMCLL DIBBLE, Editor.VitAHLES Ji HALL, l\iblisJicr.


One Copy l>r one year. $'2.0.« " Six Mouths.,. 1.0ti it it Three «'

. öAny one making up a CLUB of FIVE ANNUA

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RATES OF ADVERTISING.1 SqttAft l»t Insertion. $1.54. i« 2«! «

. 7A Squaro cPtislste of 10 lines Brevier or one inc

of Advertising space.Contract A«lvertiseaient8 inserted upon the mos

liberal terms.


ceediug one Square, inserted without charge.

Terms Cash in Advance,.:o:.

For further particular*, apply to Mr. Cii.vui.es IIHai.i,. or address

SAMUEL DTBltiii",EntTOit ünANOEhutiri News.

Orahgeburg, S. 0.feVtt o ly



Editable Life Insurance CompanyOF NEW YORK,

TOLICI ES N( )N-KOR K HITA RLE.Dividend Declared Annually to Policy Holden

feb 28 td



At Reasonable Rates.fen 23 *8tn

IZIiAll & DI URLE,Attorneys and Solicitors..



feb 23 *ly

e. c. denai x,VATC Ii jM J± J< 13 3 i


J E W E L L E R,Work Neatly Repairetl and Wan-anted',

< RUSSELL-STREET,(Opposite Cornelson, Kramer & Co.,)

feb 23 cÜ111

tailoring.Daniel W. Robinson

Market-street, w:et to Miss Wise's old stand.ORANGERUUG, S. C.

Respectfully informs the citizens of this Districthat he is now prepared to do all work in his line obusiness, with neatness ami despatch.leh 23 c 1111.

spring tka1)e~1 8 6 7,



CROCKERY*, ETC., ETC.,ornor Russell and Market-Streets.

INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC T<their Stock, which is entirely New, well Select

ed and will tic sold at a SMALL* ADVANCE on tinOriginal Cost.EM A N Ü B L E7. EE IEL.THEODOR E K611Nfeb 23 y1c


all his friends and customers that he lias 01hand n large and well selected stock of

TIN WARE,Mnnufaettired by himself, which he will sell at vcr

low RATES.also .



C U A R L E S T O N PHI C E S.REPAIRING und other Work done to order at th

Shortest Notice.Call aad see for Yourselves,

_POETRY.« (From All the Year Hound.]

Tho Clouds,

Dark and heavy-bosomed Clouds,Denning on ibe streams of wind,

Dressing on in frowning crowds,Throngs before und throngs behind;

Sweep the high and empty air,ltock nor barrier rises there.

O, descend not for the birdThat delights to ride the waves!

Have ye not already heardOf those black and whirling graves,

Sens on gallant vessels piled,Screams of fear and sorrow wild?

O'er the deep mid-ocean parts,Many a son and father sails ;

Islo and Continent have heartsAnxious at the growing gales.

Cbnin those mighty reckless wings,"Which the Hying Tempest swings!

Change and lie in softer light ;

Drop the glittering rainbow showers;Bring again the'snowdrops white,

Maideitdicrahls of the Mowers;Let the Spring with happy eyesSee her own bright sun arise!

[From the Eclectic Magazine.]Disguise.

Many gohlcd noiv'rots HoIn the orbs of April daises;

Many m.:!* ,,,0vc ,uo" c*veCan discern thai J-«'«*V gn*eö.

Many hearts that careless seem,Have no lack of feeling deep:

Prattle they like pebbled streams;Thus they hide the thoughts they keep.

And. alas! while silver stringsOnly Wake w ith silver tones,

Timid Truth a music Hing-»Which belies the thoughts she owns.

LITER AR-Y.s l r. c r k i).

The Marked Money,CIIAPTKll T.


Mr. ElKs Utiii'iinll kept one of those lartsstores so common in nourishing country townwhen: every article of produce is bought IVoithe fanners round, about, and where every kinof goods usually needed ill the country is kcjfor sale. lie was a sharp featured, shrewilooking man, somewhat turned of fifty, an

hard as a diamond, at a trade. He could btltlsc best of produce at the cheapest rales, an

he c.'Htld sell his auction-bought goods at alainilii'Jv high juices. In short, he never failed t

make a roii'id profit at both ends of the hagain, ile did jtpt hesitate to overstep tlihounds of honesty, when ho had a fair chancithough he always did it in silt!1 =i ma.vuer tinhis old adage UA bargain is a bargain' won.1safely shield him.

"Lyman," said he one day, to his son.

young man some twenty years of age* and a

must the counterpart of his lather, save I hahe showed more recklessness of dispositioi.did you make a trade with fanner Jones7""Yes.""What did you charge him for that sitga

and tea."

'.Twenty-two cents for the sugar, anil halfdollar for the tea. 31 tide him believe 'twaextra nice, you see."

"That's right. And what did you charghim for the eollbo

"Ah, there I had him ! I made the old ma

believe 'twas extra old .lava.charged hiiforty-one cents."

"J'retty good, my son, only you might havput on the half cent. You see you can nmka great point out of that. When you come thhalf cents over them they think you arc shaving closer down to cost. lint you did vorwell. Lyniau. Now what did you allow Jonefor his beans V"One dollar twenty-live cents.""O, you shouldn't have done that. A do!

lar, or dollar an' ten would have been enough."Hut they were, nice ones, lather; careful!

picked and clean.""You should have made him believe the

were poorer."-But how :"'"Why, when you found the old man ha

beans to exchange for his goods, you shottlhave taken a handful of poor ones from one <

our barrels, and watched your opportunity t

scatter them over the top of his. Don't younderstand ?"

"Yes, L see now lather.""Tlint's right. We must live and thrivi

you see, and he who makes the most, conic

out best at the end. Always take advantap,of a customer when von can. but he. rmrefill an

SATURDAY MORIThis was the way tho lather taught his son

and how that sun profited by it, tlio sequel wilshow."By the way, Lyman," continued the oh

man, "I have discovered who it is that has beeirobbing my money drawer."Ah I" uttered the son, turning at that mo

incut to arrange u piece of calico, which didu'need any fixing at all. "And who is it ?"

"Wilton Cunningham.""I shouldn't wonder in the least. I neve

liked the fellow, und I have often wondcrewhat made you keep him."

'.I wouldn't have kept him" only that he isuch a remarkably smart book-keeper, ansuch a beautiful writer, too. He ain't fit *ttrade."

"No; you can never make him believe it'right to drive a snug trade. Rut how did yomanage to detect him.

"I'll tell you." returned tho old man. "La*week I took particular notice of some silvedollars that were in the money drawer, anildetermined that 1 would set a trap for tho thie!I took four of 4ho pieces and crossed thei:very carefully, and in such a manner that onnot acquainted with the secret would not blikely to notice it; then I put them back hitthe drawer. Next morning one of them wa

gone, and as all our trade the day before habeen barter or credit. I knew that it could u<

have been given in change. Of course m

suspicious fell upon Wilton, and 1 at once lagan to look about to see where he had spoilmoney, and I found that he had paid Mr. YYiley for his mother's rent. I went to Mr. Wilev. and asked to see the money Wilton ha

pain !:L'»b n»d 1 lot.'"'' m)' crossed dolfar atuoti

it. It's as plain as daylight.'"Certainly it is," said fjyman.'.There can he on doubt about it,"added iV%

old man. in a confident tone; and then, withsarcastic sneer, he said: "His seeming hot:esty is nil the result of fear, lie dares in

make a bold trade, but he can steal in the da; Ithough."


Jits! then a customer entered,and while MiRandall was trading with him. Wilton Cmurn -ham came in. The latter was not ovi

one-and-twenly, and though "appearances nr

deceit fid," yet it would be bal d work tmake a physiognomist believe that he Could bcapable of theft. The young clerk weid inmediately to his desk, ami as soon as Mr. Raidull was at liberty, lie joined him.

..Von need not open your books this morn

ir.g sir." said the trader.The young man looked round in surprise."Mr. Cunningham," continued Kandall, ..

have discovered who it is that has bei ti, for s

ong a time, robbing my money-drawer.""Ah 1""Yes, sir. 1 have trapped him, and yo

mil}' judge of my surprise upon finding it to bnone other than Wilton Cunningham.""Do you mean me, sir?" uttered the yoiini

man. stepping down from his stool and buhl Ifacing ins accuser.

.¦Of course I do. and I have proof of whatsay."

"N'» man. Mr. Randall, can produce a pronof dishonesty »»c "

-Not quite so fast. sii. r>id you not pay IMr. Willey the rent for the house which youmother occupies ?"

"1 did, sir.". And did you not give liim this dollar?'

asked Mr. Kandall. producing tlie dollar he Inncrossed.

"1 might have done it. sir, for I paid binseveral silver dollars."

"Ay," returned the old man. with a sort o

triumphant look, . and that dollar was sttileifrom my drawer last Wednesday night, and yoipaid it away on the same night. Now, hoicame you by i< .'".If I paid it to Mr. Willey.""Hut you d!d pay it to him. II« can swea

to that." '

"Then, sir, 1 know not where I got it.had several of them. Home my mother hataken for butter and cheese, and sonic 1 havlaid away."

"Yes. some you have laid away! f/iut (lollar, sir. you took from my drawer last Wcdnciday evening. You stole it !"

"Mr. Kandall," said Wilton, in a tone o

calm indignity. -I hardly know bow to tiiee

your charge. To deny i: would be only to eontradict you; but I do deny it, and I call oi(iod to witness that I never, to my kuowledgt

1 wronged a man to the amount of a cent.1 shall see Mr. Willey, sir."I' "Do so. 1 will ijo with yob at mice."

Accordingly Mr. Kandall and his clerk seoil'. They Ibmul Mr. Willey, ami thai genthman, though he felt much friendship lor tbyoung man, could not but declare that tb

j crossed dollar had been received from himH Wilton could not deny it ; he had not notice*e any particular marks upon the money he Ii;1 naid. and he could rtnlv rmlornin tin- !u«<>vhi.»

NlNVr, APRIL 6,1867.(irav/er. Tic felt grieved to soo that a shulc ofsuspicion rested upon the face of Mr. Willey,and lio then saw how strong was the evidenceagniwjBt him. He turned away to hide the tearthat started from his eye, and his heart swelledwith n painful emotion.

'."^'Squire Bullnrd at homo ?'. asked Mr.Handull, after the facts in tho case had beensufficiently discussed.

"No. He's gone down to Portland, but he'llbe a* home to-night," returned Mr. WiHcy."Good heavens! Mr. Randall, you do not

mean to make a legal investigation of thiscase?" cried Wilton, turning pale and tremb¬ling like an aspen."Most assuredly I do," calmly returned the

trauer. "If you are innocent you will havenothing to fear.""And suppose I cannot prove that inno¬

cence ?""That's j list what I'm afraid of," half ironi¬

cally returned Randall."<) God!" ejaculated the youth, clasping

his hands together in tortured agony. "Whathave 1 done that 1 should come to this ?"

Mr. >\ illey betran to show evident sitrns olropijRXanec that lie had been - instrumental inbringing this about, and as ttandall noticed it.he made haste to cut the meeting short."You need not go back to the store with

me." he said to his clerk, "but 1 shall see youthis Ovoninir;"


Wilton Cunniilghum turned his steps home¬ward, but his walk was slow und sad. He knewthe disposition of Mr. Randall, that he was

hard-hearted, grasping, avaricious, and capa¬ble of doing anything that might answer his

.f.-'wi^ cnds; but he knew not thcnvnV tho endstrader had in view.ends which will hi:

ea.sib/ understood by a slight conversation atthe tyorc.

..Lyinan." said Mr. Randall, after he hadreturned from Mr. Willey's, "I've got youngCunningham hard and fast. The evidence isclear,«und if Billiard gets home before dark,T'-s»flh»vo him examined and hound over fortrial this very night."

..But von don't really mean to try Wilton fori- i ,

* *-

thclt, do you ?" asked Lyinan."Of course 1 do. I>,. you suppose a man

shall rob me with impunity?"..But you might turn hint off, father, and

keep back his last c|tiarter's salary;""You don't know all, Lyinan. The young

fellow might have been likely, hadn't thisthin;.: have turned up, to have proved :i dan¬gerous rival to us."

".How so, lather:".¦B\ sotting up an opposition store.""But he hasn't t!:,: en; ital.""He ein raise it. though. That old Jones

was inhere this morning has offered t"

ml him two th msand dollars, and others haveoffered to advance him money if he will opena new store."

..That would be ratlicr dangerous businessfor you," remarked Lymtin, in a thoughtfulmood;

-f *111 he woiit do it n >w," the old man re¬

turned, with considerable satisfaction. "Thislhini: will shut him up."

\\ lion \\ ilton reached hi> home, lie foundhis mother sitting in her front room, and he :it

J once told her all that hail passed. She was

,',..; :'¦.. .-. .,!ick. but not for u single instant didshcciitcrtaii! » question with regard to the en¬

tire innocence of her dear hoy. She was con¬

fident that ail the money she had given her son

Inwards paving thcrcnt, she lltid received from!,..ü!::!i«!. aü.I that she had had it in her pos-so.-si.nii for several weeks he fore it was thuspaid out.

'I'he conversation between the mother andchild was long and earnest, but they couldliml no clue to the solving of tin1 difficulty.All looked dark ami gloomy.

After dinner. Wilton put on his hat and took, I si lew '.urn- in the garden. lie seemed to he

struggling with Some strong desire, und more

j than once he laid his hand upon the latch ofs the gaie. ami then turned and went back again.

At length he placed his hand upon his brow,ami muttered a few incoherent sentences to

himself. When he looked up again, he was

pale and sad. but appeared no longer undecided,lie opened the gate and passed out into thestreet, and turning to tin- h ft he walked awayfrom tin- village. At the distance oi half a

mile, he came to a small white farm house,where lived Mr. Prnkc, one of the thriftiestfarmers in the town, and as he turned up thepink-bordered wall, that led to the door, he was

met h) a hapjvy, laughing, beautiful girl whocuine running out to meet him."Why, what is the matter, dear Wilton?"

she exclaimed, as .-he. not iced the pallor thatoverspread his features.

. ('nine into the house and I will tell you,"he ret limed.I I ( Courhulal !n our AV.»7.]

A child thus defines gossip: It's when nobodydon't Jo notliinir: ami soniebodv irocs and tells


Cousin Sully Dillanl.

by hamilton c. jones.

[PuhlUlltid by Request."]Scene..A Court of Justice in North Caro¬

lina.A beardless disciple of Themis rises and thus

addresses the Court: "May it please yourWorships, and you, gentlemen of the jury, nineeit has become my fortune (good or bad I willnot say.) to exercise myself in legal disquisition,it-has never befallen mo to bo obliged to prose¬cute so direlully marked assault.a more wilful,violent, and dangerous battery, and finally amore diabolical breach of tho peace, has seldomhappened in a civilized country ; and I daresay it seldom has been your duty to pass uponone so shocking to benevolent feelings, as thiswhich took place over at Capiuiu Rice's inin this county; but you will hear from thewitnesses."The witnesses being sworn, two or three

were examined and deposed : One said that hebeard the noise but did not sec the fight; an-r>ther that tie saw (be row, but did not knowwho struck first, and another that he was verydrunk and couldn't tell much about the skrim-magc.

Lawyer Chops.I am sorry, gentlemen, tohave occupied yohr time with the stupidity ofthe witnesses examined. It" arises, gentle¬bten. iVom a misapprehension on my part. HadI known, as I now do, that I had a witness whowas acquainted with all the circumstances ofthe case, and who was able to make himselfclearly understood to the court and jury, Ishould not have trespassed so long on your pa¬tience. Come forward, Mr. Harris, and besv.orn.

So forward comes the witness, a fat, chufTyold man. a "lcctlc" corned, and took his oathwith an air.

Chops.Harris, we wish you to tell abouttin; riot that happened the other day at CaptainRice's, and as a good deal of time has alreadybeen wuatcd in (drtmiulocutUlu, wy witdt you, tobe compendious, at the same time as explicitas possible.

Harris.Adzakly (giving the lawyer a know¬ing wink, at the same time clearing his throat).Captain Rico be gin a treat, cousin Sally Dil-lartl she come to our house and axed me if ihywife, she moutn't go. I tohl cousin Sally Dil-lard that my wife was j.rly, being as how shehad a touch of the rheuinntis in Ihe hip. and

i the bi j swamp was up in the road, there bavin'been a great deal of rain lately, hut howsoeverus it was she, cousin Sally Dillanl, my wifeshe mout go.* Well, cousin Sally Diilurd thenaxed me ifMose he moutn't gö I tohl cousinDillard that he was foreman of the crap, andthe crap was smartly in the grass; but. how-somcver, as it was she. cousin Sally Dillard.Mose he mout go.Chops.Tn the name of common sense.

Mr. Harris, what do you mean by this rigma¬role?

Witness.Captain Rico he gin a treat, andcousin Sally Dillard she come over to my houseand axed me if my wife she moutn't go, and 1told cousin Sally Dillard

Chops.Stop} sir. if you please, we don'twant to hear about your cousin Sally Dillardor your wife; tell us about the fight at Hive's.

Witness.Well, 1 will sir, if you will letme.

Chops.Well, sir, go on.

Witness.Well, sir, Captain Rice he yin a

treat, and cousin Sally Dillard she come over

[ to my house, and axed me if my wife she mout

Chops.here it is again. \\ iliiu.-.^ please dostop.

Witness.'Well, sir, what do you want ?Chops.Wo want to know about the fight,

and you must no*, proceed with this imperti¬nent story. Do you know anything about thematter before the Court'/

Witness.To be sure I doChops.Well, go on then, and tell it, and

nothing else.Witness.-Well, Captain Rice, he gin a


Cle-ps.This is intolerable. May it pleasethe Court. 1 move that the witness be commit¬ted for :i contempt. He seems to be trillingwith this Court.

Court.Witness you are before the court ofjustice, and unless you behave yourself in a

more becoming manner, you will be sent to jail;s.» begin, and tell what you know about the lightat Rices.

Witness (somewhat alarmed.) Well, gentle¬men. Captain Rice he gin a treat, and CousinSally Dillard.

Court.(after deliberating) Mr. Attorney,the Court is of tho opinion that we. may save

by letting the witness go on in his own way.P/rocoodj Mr. Harris, with your story, butstick to the point.

"Witness.Yes, gentlemen. Well, Captainit:.... i.« .« .i.r\:n«-,i

JN UM15ER T;she mdutcu't go. I told cÖüainSiiily Diilarcfthut my wife she was poorly, being as how shehad the rhuinatis in her hip, and the big swampwa.s up; however, as it was she,- cousin SallyDfllurd my wife she ntout go. Cousin Sally Dil--lard, then axed mc if Mose he* moutn't gOi I told'cousin Sally Dillurd as how Mose was the fore¬man of the crap, sind the crap was, smartly inthe grass, but howsouiever,.au it wasche, cqusinSally Dillard, Mose he mout go.. So they goeson together, Moso, my wife, mid cousin SallyDillard, and they comes to. the big swamp, andit was.up, as I was telliu' you; but being ashow there wits a log across the big Swamp,,cousin Sally Dillard and Mo^c, like genteelfolks, they walked the log, but my wife, like n

fool, jest lusted her costts'and waded rightthrough.. Chops.Heaven and earth, this is too bad;'but go op.

Witness."Well, that's sill I know about, thefight..Express. f

.... r__2_ " '¦ l;'_

Urn in Crop vs. Cotton Crop inthe South.Tt is computed that half of the cotton crop

of the past year has already gone to tho market,$im lmf) produced ^to tho cotton-growers, ahundred and thirty-five millions of dollars.Some weeks ago the New Orleans papers reck¬oned the amount at over a hundred ^millions,and considerable (jUantities of cotton have comeforward since. The cotton-growing Stateshave received and appropriated'the sivails ofhalf the crop, and it is even Said that the'¦ re-"liiainder will hardly suffice to meet the demandsof creditors for supplies heretofore received;,and forpay for the supplies .which they will needbefore smother grain or cotton crop can be pro¬duced. The avails of tho cotton crop, of thepast season will leave little money in the South.Money io there very scsirce. had is likely so tohe while the South continues to depend' uponthe West f. r corn, Hour and bacon, and uponthe East for many articles of manufacture thatmight be made at home. The cotton crop ofthe current year, though the season may bo morefavorable than the last, will not, as is thought,exceed, that of the past jcuri Outturn gwriy»»gwill be checked by want of capital to paylabour sind purchase supplies, lu this state ofthe case, it is the obvious policy of the cottonplanters to direct their attention more earnestlythan heretofore to the production of grain andprovisions..Preparations for cotton culturemust he inside in this month or earlier, but itis reported from various quarters that no in¬creased breadth of land is to be put in cotton,and man)- plantations Worked las? year' haveboon abandoned.Thegreat resources of the South is. therefore,

to be found in an application of a large force tothe cultivation of corn. This crop, which maybe matured in August next, will afford groatrelief. Its cultivation requires less labor thanthat of cotton, rice or sugar, and it. is thematerial not oidy for bread, but for animalfood. The value of a crop of corn equal to all'the necessities of the South for food, rarssi Wvastly greater than the value even of an in¬creased crop of cotton rft present prices.Rations for fifty thousand individuals for fivemonths co-.t a million of dollars. A hundred'millions of dollars would not supply withrationsr-for one year a greater number thajt two millions'of people, or one fourth of the population ofthe Southern States. The first object of theSouthern planters will be, no doubt, to producean ample supply of grain and provisions for thoensuing year, though labor and capital may befor that purpose withdrawn to- some extentfrom the cotton culture.

[ National 'Intelligencer'.'Fattening Hogs.

The editor of the Oermuntow'n Telegraphyhaving made inquiries of a farmer.as to theprofitableness of pork raising and the best wayto feed hogs, received a reply, the substance ofwhich was: 1. That feeding grain1.especially"corn.to hogs, will pay better Irian' would tho1same amount fed to any other kind of farm"stock. . They should be fed in-such a manner

as to gain a pound a day. In other words, thehog, sit a year old, should weigh three hundredsind sixty live pounds. Creator weight than4this can be produced, but the increase wouldnot pay the extra expense necessary to procureit. '1. One bushel of good sheHciKcorn, madeinto meal and fed to the hogs regularly, ittstfcnquantity as to prevent them from fretting fovmore, will produce from live to seven poundsof pork during the months of October and No¬vember. After this season of the year, motef ed is required and less pork produced accord¬ing to the quantity of feed. 3 An importantpoint is to keep the hog growing sill the time.not starving them to mere bog frames, duringthe Summer, and then attempting to finish offquickly on the arrival id' eold weather. 4.When put up in the fall.indeed during thoentire season.a comfortable shelter should hoprovided, so that the hogs may avail themselvesof it whenever n storm occurs, but when the
