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tmrmil imrsuanl {C•A). imrtionsagency;, (sip) [)c (). {npr):.! {epa-•) (}. npr. (¯ ¯ ¯ ¯] ¯...

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72624 Federal. Register/Vol. 7ti, No. 227/Fri(|ay. Novc,nbe, r 25, 2011/Ruh,'s and Regulations ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 40 CFR Part 52 [EPA-RO3-OAR-2010-0476; FRL--9495-6] Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; State of Maryland; Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone and the 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards AGENCY: Envir( mmmlt •tl ])r• it e.(:( i= )n .,\g(.'nc:y (El'A). ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: EPA is al)pr,,\'ing State. Imple.mmltation Phm (SIP) submiltals from (h(.' ,'qla(e. {.if Maryland imrsuanl h) tho Ch:ao Air Act {C•A). •lVhen(:vl:;r new or revis•,l national ambient air quality standards (N-\AQS) are promulgated. Ihe CA;\ requir(.>s shlles I. submil a plan lot (he iml)lomeil(a(ion, mainh:nani:e. and e.nfrlrconl(.,rlt of such NAs\QS. The. plan is rl.'qui,'ed hi address hltsic program eh,.munts, includinR, hut nnl ]imih:d (.J rogulat. Jrv. gll'tl(lltll'tl. nl•milorhl•, m(icleling, legal aulh(•ri(\,. and adt;quato rusource.s necessan, lo iissurt, Hl(itinfnHlll •tmi milinhtllilrl(:(.l (Jr the slandar(Is. Those t.'h;mmlls rift; rnl;:rmd Io ilS inl'l';ish'uclurt; rtnluirt,menls. Mar\,iand has Ill;:ldtJ sul)milh(Is iiddr(;sshlg Ihi; hll'rash'uclLn'(: r(;quir(;m(!nls t'•)i" lhe 10.(17 It-tlour (izlinll •ill(I fintJ lmrticuhllo nlalior (PM2.s} NAAQS and the 2001i lIM:• NAAQS. This m:litm ;tt)l).'(,v•:s i)(,rliollS lir ihl)sl.l suhmi t(llls. DATES: E.(foc[ivt• ]-)ut•': "rllis fhlal ruh; is offi;clive on L)ocemtlur 27. 701 1. ADDRESSES: EPA has eshiblished u dockol for Ihis m:licm undllr L}t}cklll ID Nurrlb•;r EPA-ROfI-()AR-7(I10--O471i. All (Iocum0nls in (ht: dockol ;lro lish;d in Ihi. I ]III!,)ff!WWW.I'¢'U, III(Ilion,%,P, OV \'VIII) site.. Although lisied in lho (.qec(runi(: d(.ck(•l, s.mu infi)rmalion is n[.t publicly availahh;, i.i.'., c(,nfiden(i•ll business informali{,n (CBI)(,r ulhor information whose, disclosure is r(.,strii:l.e,d bv siatul•). Ct;rtain olhor malt)riul, such as ccq)yrighh:d mat(;ria], is not plac:•)d on tht.' Inh:rm:t aml will bt.' pulHicly." availahh; on]v in hard copy form. Public:Iv a\'ailal)le docket matorials art, > avliil•il)h; oilller eit;cli'onicallv Ihrough hltf):/ltl'ww.iI;,,gil]tllions.Fov ,)r in hard c, qly" for puhlic insp(:clion during nc wmu] businuss h.urs •tl the. Air Proh;cli,_m Division. [ I.S. Environnmnhd Proh.'c:li, m Agency'. Region Ill. 1(151) A,'ch Sift:t.'(, l)hiiii(hJllJhia, Pu, nnsvlvarii•t 19103. (k.)l)i0s of lh(; ,'qlrt((: subnliil;ll are u\,ailahh.• al Ihv, Marvl•tnd l)v.l)i•rlm.nl ,d' (hi; En\'irolmmnl. 1811(I Washinglon B,,uh)wiM. BMlimor(:. Marvhuul ;'1230. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marih, n Powt•rs. {215) 814-2:1118. •)i" by I;llli(i]" i(I t)OIV•;I,'•.III(II'ilvn(•!OIItI.J{OV. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Throught)ul this documonl, whr:nt.'vt;r " W(I,'" "l.iS," ill" "our" is Us(;(J, •(; mP,}til EPA. I. Background ()n S•.q)tt:mbcr 12. 2011 171i i"R 51i130), EPA published a n()li(:l; ,[ I)rotn•sed ruh:making (NPR) I•)r Ihl: Slah,' id" Maryland. The NPR pl'•qiusu'd alipr..val .f IvJan,land submittals lhat pr+.\,ido ih...' inl'rils(rui:lure (,'],mmnls Sl),;(:il'i•}(I in CAA s(:cti, m 1 10(a}{2)(A), {B), (C), (D)(ii). (E). (I;), ((1}, (H). (I), (K), (L}, and (M}, ()l' portions Ih0l'ool'. nu'cessar\' Io imlih:menl, miiintl-ihl, and (;llt'•r(:t.; lhtl 19.q7 8-hnur .zlinil im(I PM:.• NA:\QS and Ih(: 2006 PM2.s NAAQ& 'l'ho fi,rma] sulm]illuls I)v tlw, ,qhi(e o[ Mi(rvli(nd clah;d luly 27, 2007 and NovoillbHr 30. 211117 a(tdross(.'d Ihe sl;clion 11(1(n}{2) rolll.lironlonls for lhtl 1(J(,17 It-h()ur (.JT.ljfli[, I NAAOS: the submittals dated April 3. 2008 and April 16. 2010 addressud (ho s(;(:l ion 11 El{((i{2} rl;{iuiremt;nls fl )i" Ih•; 1997 p.nl.2.5 N,'\AQ.%: im(l ih(: suhmilhils (iait;d April 16.2010 iin(] luh' 21, 2010 addi-(:sstld I he sl.cl bin 11 (l{ii}l:*) rt;quirornt;nls f(w Ihe 70(lli PM:.$ NAAQS. II. Summary of SIP Revision 'rhu, submil(als ru'fl'.ren(:ed in the Background st:c-lion of this rulcmaking it(:litql a(hlr(;ss Ihe infraslructurt,' ele, nlenls Slie, cifie(l in CAA secti,m 1 l(){a!{2}, "l'h,s,.. > submittals pr. wido fiJr iln[iltllllilnhilii.in, in[lill((;ilillll:l;, ill](I tln fiir(:(lillillll {if Ih(; l(,)g7 8-h[•ur i•zNo(,' NAAO..'g, Ill(,' 1 {.1{,17 I)M2.s NAAQS, and Ih,; 200(i PM:.5 NAAQS. Thu rationalu SUlillllr(ing I•])A's llropnst:d action. hl(:lu(ling Ill•: !•{:(ll)ll ()f hi frlislrui:lUl'( / SIPs in ,(4•m;ral. is eXl)lained in Ihu NPR lind the ((•(:hni(:a] sul)liorl do(:um(nll (TSD) iill(I will m,t h(! r(!sln(od her,;. The 'I'SD is available (mlim: •il http:i/ wivll,.ll•gtl](llJorls.,Rov. D, ickt;I ID nunlbor EI)-\-R(I:Iq)A7.-.21) I (1-047(i. N.J publi(: COlTllrlonls wt;r0 r,:c(;h, od on thu NI'R. III. Final Action EPA is appr, iving tht; Stah; of Maryland submittals Ihal lmi\'i(h; Iht: in l'rast rucl urt; t:h;mm• Is Sl)t;t:i Iie,(I in CAA s,.'c:(i, ,ns 1 lO(aJl2)(A). (B}, (C), (O)(ii), (E). {i"]. (C;), (H). [I), {K). (L). ,n(I (M), (!f I)or(iolls I.ht,q't,'lji'. [lOCtlSSlil'V 10 irnllh;nll.•nl, maintain, and (,•lorc:n Ih(: 191,J7 It-hour oz{ m(; and PM:.• NAAQS and Ihu 20(l!i PM2.• NAAQS. This final rulo is lirnitml h. Ihe infr;istruc(ure (:lom(:rl(s whi(:h %v(lr(l suhjecl hi [']P't's i:llmldoh;nl.'ss I'in(tings pursuailt to CAA s0cli,,n 110(k)(l ) for lh(.; 1 !F.t7 8-hnur ()znn(.' NAAQS dah.'d March 27, 20()P, (73 FR 16205) rind lht.' 1!197 PM-.• NAAQS d;l((:(i ()(:l,)t)(.'r 22, 2008 (7:'1 FR 62(.)02). 'l'h(;se ['irMings I)orlainod (mh, h) wheth,.;r Ihu' submissions w(;r(.' c:omp]et(:, pursuaill t(• St,'clioI] "110(k){1 }(A). ;.).fld (lid I]()1 (:{insliluh} EPA illq}r{)val (}r (lisnlq)r()val {)f su(:h sul)missi()ns. Wilh i'(.'Sl)(•(:l It) Ibis purmil program, on N(,v(:mber 2•.1. 2005 {70 H{ 71(112). EI)A [)romulgat,::d a (:h;ingo lhal nlli(i(; 1 I "ug(,'n .xi(h:s (N()x) a iw(;t:ursor for oz()ll() in (hl.J |)art (] i'ogulalions ill 4(.i CI"ll 51.1(ill ;([1(.1 411 (:t"R 52.21. In ih(: March 27, 21)l)it (:()ml)]•;(m•ess findings. EPA d(:lerminod Ihlil Mar\,land I'Mhul h) sulmlil ;i SIP rt.'vision Io its [)art C l)r(.'vn,llion of Signit'icanl De.h.,riurali, m (PSD} tmrmil i)r• •gl'am h) t'ul h' in(:,)r I. ,rah..' N{)x as ;( l)r(•c:Ul'S,,r fur oz,,n(,'. EPA will laku' st;i)arale a(:lion on the imrtions of s(;cliorl 11(.){a)(2){C} and (]) for lhe. 1997 8-h()ur ,)z()m; m'ld PM_-.• NAAQS and the 2(I(}Ii PM2.:• N-\AQS ils lhm" i'(:bi(o h) .Miu'yhu'id's imrl (] PSD pormil pr,)gram. Two oh;nlonls idcntit]t:d in seclil:)n 1 "10(a){21 arc n()l govornud I)v Ih(; lhr(;e \,ear suhmissi()n (i(,'a(llin(, ()l•sn(:ti()n 110{a}(1) [)l.,(;ause Sll)s in(:(,rl)oraling llOCOSs;(rv hn:al n•)FI;llhthlm(!l]l lir(:;t (:lJillr()ls lit'o, n•)l du(: wilhhl Ihrne, vt,'ai's lit'l!;(" i)rl fin u ]•iil i• )n id" ii now (Jr r!,'\7,isll(I NAAQ.q. I)til r:-ilh(:l" ;ire, du! ), :-it ih(; time lhl; llOll;lltilillmOlll ill'Oil ])lilll rt;quir0m(;nts lll'tl due, l•LlrSU;tnl Io (]AA s¢(:li(m 172. This ii(:li•)n does nol cover theso spucific i:lomo(11s. This vi(:lioll ;ils(} does nnl address lhe requiremenls of si:clion 11()(•i)(2){D)(i) l'or lhe 1.q.q7 8- hour (.)zonu and I)M_-.• N-\AQ,S and the 200(i 1)M2.• NAA(.)S. "l'h(• 1 l()(il)(2)(D)(i){II r(:(tuirt'mt.'n(s hay(: b,.'()n a(l(h'essud by s(.'l)arah; findings issu(.,(l I)v EPA {70 FR 21147. AI)ril 25. 2005 •}.11{1 75 I"]{ 32{i73, lurid t), 2010). and a Fe(h.'ra] imlllem()nlali•m plan {F]I)) (75 FR 45210. Augusl 2. 2010). Th(: 1 lO(u)(2)(D}(i)(II} [)()rliorl ()f thesu' r•;quirl•mt:nts are addressed lhrough 11()(•I)(2) ,'q[P sulm]ilh, ils thal EPA will lake Sel);tr;ile a(:li{ul •m. IV. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews A. (.,em•d IIvquiretm,nts I Ill(Ira' Ih(: CAA. Ih(: A,hninislrator is re, quirt;d h, •tptmlw..: a SIP submission Ihal (:(,ml)li(;s wilh lht• pr()\'isions of II1(; CAA and iil}pli(:ill)h; l.'e(h;ral r(:gulalh)ns. 42 [ I.S.C. 7410(k); 40 C]"II 52.02(a}. Thus. in revi()wing SIP submissions, EPA's r.h.' is t(.) approve stat(..' choices, llr(,vi(lud Ihal (huv. moel the criteria ()1" the CAA. Act:()rdinglv. this it(:li•ln inol'(•lv ;ippr()vo.s slab.' ];IW ;l• me[)(i[l• F(..)d•:ral r{•.[luiri;me,[ils itn(I (h .es n( ,I
Page 1: tmrmil imrsuanl {C•A). imrtionsagency;, (sip) [)c (). {npr):.! {epa-•) (}. npr. (¯ ¯ ¯ ¯] ¯ ¯ ¯}: ¯ {•} id" ¯[.)(}(.•s ((;[• (pr()\' •

72624 Federal. Register/Vol. 7ti, No. 227/Fri(|ay. Novc,nbe,r 25, 2011/Ruh,'s and Regulations


40 CFR Part 52

[EPA-RO3-OAR-2010-0476; FRL--9495-6]

Approval and Promulgation of AirQuality Implementation Plans; State ofMaryland; Section 110(a)(2)Infrastructure Requirements for the1997 8-Hour Ozone and the 1997 and2006 Fine Particulate Matter NationalAmbient Air Quality Standards

AGENCY: Envir( mmmlt •tl ])r• it e.(:( i= )n

.,\g(.'nc:y (El'A).ACTION: Final rule.

SUMMARY: EPA is al)pr,,\'ing State.Imple.mmltation Phm (SIP) submiltalsfrom (h(.' ,'qla(e. {.if Maryland imrsuanl h)

tho Ch:ao Air Act {C•A). •lVhen(:vl:;r newor revis•,l national ambient air qualitystandards (N-\AQS) are promulgated.Ihe CA;\ requir(.>s shlles I. submil a planlot (he iml)lomeil(a(ion, mainh:nani:e.and e.nfrlrconl(.,rlt of such NAs\QS. The.plan is rl.'qui,'ed hi address hltsicprogram eh,.munts, includinR, hut nnl]imih:d (.J rogulat. Jrv. gll'tl(lltll'tl.

nl•milorhl•, m(icleling, legal aulh(•ri(\,.

and adt;quato rusource.s necessan, loiissurt,• Hl(itinfnHlll •tmi milinhtllilrl(:(.l (Jr

the slandar(Is. Those t.'h;mmlls rift;

rnl;:rmd Io ilS inl'l';ish'uclurt;

rtnluirt,menls. Mar\,iand has Ill;:ldtJsul)milh(Is iiddr(;sshlg Ihi; hll'rash'uclLn'(:

r(;quir(;m(!nls t'•)i" lhe 10.(17 It-tlour (izlinll

•ill(I fintJ lmrticuhllo nlalior (PM2.s}

NAAQS and the 2001i lIM:• NAAQS.This m:litm ;tt)l).'(,v•:s i)(,rliollS lir ihl)sl.l

suhmi t(llls.

DATES: E.(foc[ivt• ]-)ut•': "rllis fhlal ruh; isoffi;clive on L)ocemtlur 27. 701 1.

ADDRESSES: EPA has eshiblished udockol for Ihis m:licm undllr L}t}cklll IDNurrlb•;r EPA-ROfI-()AR-7(I10--O471i. All(Iocum0nls in (ht: dockol ;lro lish;d inIhi. I ]III!,)ff!WWW.I'¢'U,III(Ilion,%,P,OV \'VIII)

site.. Although lisied in lho (.qec(runi(:d(.ck(•l, s.mu infi)rmalion is n[.t publiclyavailahh;, i.i.'., c(,nfiden(i•ll businessinformali{,n (CBI)(,r ulhor informationwhose, disclosure is r(.,strii:l.e,d bv siatul•).

Ct;rtain olhor malt)riul, such asccq)yrighh:d mat(;ria], is not plac:•)d ontht.' Inh:rm:t aml will bt.' pulHicly."availahh; on]v in hard copy form.Public:Iv a\'ailal)le docket matorials art,>

avliil•il)h; oilller eit;cli'onicallv Ihroughhltf):/ltl'ww.iI;,,gil]tllions.Fov ,)r in hardc, qly" for puhlic insp(:clion duringnc wmu] businuss h.urs •tl the. AirProh;cli,_m Division. [ I.S. EnvironnmnhdProh.'c:li, m Agency'. Region Ill. 1(151)

A,'ch Sift:t.'(, l)hiiii(hJllJhia, Pu,nnsvlvarii•t19103. (k.)l)i0s of lh(; ,'qlrt((: subnliil;ll areu\,ailahh.• al Ihv, Marvl•tnd l)v.l)i•rlm.nl ,d'

(hi; En\'irolmmnl. 1811(I WashinglonB,,uh)wiM. BMlimor(:. Marvhuul ;'1230.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:Marih, n Powt•rs. {215) 814-2:1118. •)i" by

I;llli(i]" i(I t)OIV•;I,'•.III(II'ilvn(•!OIItI.J{OV.SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:Throught)ul this documonl, whr:nt.'vt;r" W(I,'" "l.iS," ill" "our" is Us(;(J, •(; mP,}til


I. Background()n S•.q)tt:mbcr 12. 2011 171i i"R 51i130),

EPA published a n()li(:l; ,[ I)rotn•sedruh:making (NPR) I•)r Ihl: Slah,' id"Maryland. The NPR pl'•qiusu'd alipr..val.f IvJan,land submittals lhat pr+.\,ido ih...'inl'rils(rui:lure (,'],mmnls Sl),;(:il'i•}(I inCAA s(:cti, m 1 10(a}{2)(A), {B), (C),(D)(ii). (E). (I;), ((1}, (H). (I), (K), (L}, and(M}, ()l' portions Ih0l'ool'. nu'cessar\' Io

imlih:menl, miiintl-ihl, and (;llt'•r(:t.; lhtl19.q7 8-hnur .zlinil im(I PM:.• NA:\QSand Ih(: 2006 PM2.s NAAQ& 'l'ho fi,rma]

sulm]illuls I)v tlw, ,qhi(e o[ Mi(rvli(ndclah;d luly 27, 2007 and NovoillbHr 30.211117 a(tdross(.'d Ihe sl;clion 11(1(n}{2)

rolll.lironlonls for lhtl 1(J(,17 It-h()ur (.JT.ljfli[,I

NAAOS: the submittals dated April 3.2008 and April 16. 2010 addressud (hos(;(:l ion 11 El{((i{2} rl;{iuiremt;nls fl )i" Ih•;

1997 p.nl.2.5 N,'\AQ.%: im(l ih(: suhmilhils(iait;d April 16.2010 iin(] luh' 21, 2010addi-(:sstld I he sl.cl bin 11 (l{ii}l:*)rt;quirornt;nls f(w Ihe 70(lli PM:.$NAAQS.II. Summary of SIP Revision

'rhu, submil(als ru'fl'.ren(:ed in theBackground st:c-lion of this rulcmakingit(:litql a(hlr(;ss Ihe infraslructurt,'ele,nlenls Slie,cifie(l in CAA secti,m1 l(){a!{2}, "l'h,s,..> submittals pr. wido fiJriln[iltllllilnhilii.in, in[lill((;ilillll:l;, ill](I

tln fiir(:(lillillll {if Ih(; l(,)g7 8-h[•ur i•zNo(,'

NAAO..'g, Ill(,' 1 {.1{,17 I)M2.s NAAQS, andIh,; 200(i PM:.5 NAAQS. Thu rationaluSUlillllr(ing I•])A's llropnst:d action.hl(:lu(ling Ill•: !•{:(ll)ll ()f hi frlislrui:lUl'( /

SIPs in ,(4•m;ral. is eXl)lained in Ihu NPRlind the ((•(:hni(:a] sul)liorl do(:um(nll(TSD) iill(I will m,t h(! r(!sln(od her,;. The'I'SD is available (mlim: •il http:i/wivll,.ll•gtl](llJorls.,Rov. D, ickt;I ID nunlborEI)-\-R(I:Iq)A7.-.21) I (1-047(i. N.J publi(:COlTllrlonls wt;r0 r,:c(;h,od on thu NI'R.

III. Final ActionEPA is appr, iving tht; Stah; of

Maryland submittals Ihal lmi\'i(h; Iht:in l'rast rucl urt; t:h;mm• Is Sl)t;t:i Iie,(I inCAA s,.'c:(i, ,ns 1 lO(aJl2)(A). (B}, (C),(O)(ii), (E). {i"]. (C;), (H). [I), {K). (L). ,n(I

(M), (!f I)or(iolls I.ht,q't,'lji'. [lOCtlSSlil'V 10irnllh;nll.•nl, maintain, and (,•lorc:n Ih(:

191,J7 It-hour oz{ m(; and PM:.• NAAQSand Ihu 20(l!i PM2.• NAAQS.

This final rulo is lirnitml h. Iheinfr;istruc(ure (:lom(:rl(s whi(:h %v(lr(l

suhjecl hi [']P't's i:llmldoh;nl.'ss I'in(tings

pursuailt to CAA s0cli,,n 110(k)(l ) forlh(.; 1 !F.t7 8-hnur ()znn(.' NAAQS dah.'dMarch 27, 20()P, (73 FR 16205) rind lht.'1!197 PM-.• NAAQS d;l((:(i ()(:l,)t)(.'r 22,

2008 (7:'1 FR 62(.)02). 'l'h(;se ['irMingsI)orlainod (mh, h) wheth,.;r Ihu'submissions w(;r(.' c:omp]et(:, pursuaill t(•

St,'clioI] "110(k){1 }(A). ;.).fld (lid I]()1

(:{insliluh} EPA illq}r{)val (}r (lisnlq)r()val{)f su(:h sul)missi()ns. Wilh i'(.'Sl)(•(:l It)

Ibis purmil program, on N(,v(:mber 2•.1.2005 {70 H{ 71(112). EI)A [)romulgat,::d a(:h;ingo lhal nlli(i(; 1 I "ug(,'n .xi(h:s (N()x)a iw(;t:ursor for oz()ll() in (hl.J |)art (]

i'ogulalions ill 4(.i CI"ll 51.1(ill ;([1(.1 411(:t"R 52.21. In ih(: March 27, 21)l)it

(:()ml)]•;(m•ess findings. EPA d(:lerminod

Ihlil Mar\,land I'Mhul h) sulmlil ;i SIPrt.'vision Io its [)art C l)r(.'vn,llion ofSignit'icanl De.h.,riurali, m (PSD} tmrmili)r• •gl'am h) t'ul h' in(:,)rI. ,rah..' N{)x as ;(

l)r(•c:Ul'S,,r fur oz,,n(,'. EPA will laku'st;i)arale a(:lion on the imrtions ofs(;cliorl 11(.){a)(2){C} and (]) for lhe. 19978-h()ur ,)z()m; m'ld PM_-.• NAAQS and the2(I(}Ii PM2.:• N-\AQS ils lhm" i'(:bi(o h)

.Miu'yhu'id's imrl (] PSD pormil pr,)gram.Two oh;nlonls idcntit]t:d in seclil:)n

1 "10(a){21 arc n()l govornud I)v Ih(; lhr(;e\,ear suhmissi()n (i(,'a(llin(, ()l•sn(:ti()n110{a}(1) [)l.,(;ause Sll)s in(:(,rl)oralingllOCOSs;(rv hn:al n•)FI;llhthlm(!l]l lir(:;t

(:lJillr()ls lit'o, n•)l du(: wilhhl Ihrne, vt,'ai's

lit'l!;(" i)rl fin u ]•iil i• )n id" ii now (Jr r!,'\7,isll(INAAQ.q. I)til r:-ilh(:l" ;ire, du! ), :-it ih(; timelhl; llOll;lltilillmOlll ill'Oil ])lilllrt;quir0m(;nts lll'tl due, l•LlrSU;tnl Io (]AA

s¢(:li(m 172. This ii(:li•)n does nol covertheso spucific i:lomo(11s. This vi(:lioll ;ils(}

does nnl address lhe requiremenls ofsi:clion 11()(•i)(2){D)(i) l'or lhe 1.q.q7 8-

hour (.)zonu and I)M_-.• N-\AQ,S and the200(i 1)M2.• NAA(.)S. "l'h(•1 l()(il)(2)(D)(i){II r(:(tuirt'mt.'n(s hay(: b,.'()na(l(h'essud by s(.'l)arah; findings issu(.,(lI)v EPA {70 FR 21147. AI)ril 25. 2005•}.11{1 75 I"]{ 32{i73, lurid t), 2010). and aFe(h.'ra] imlllem()nlali•m plan {F]I)) (75FR 45210. Augusl 2. 2010). Th(:

1 lO(u)(2)(D}(i)(II} [)()rliorl ()f thesu'r•;quirl•mt:nts are addressed lhrough11()(•I)(2) ,'q[P sulm]ilh,ils thal EPA willlake Sel);tr;ile a(:li{ul •m.

IV. Statutory and Executive OrderReviews

A. (.,em•d IIvquiretm,ntsI Ill(Ira' Ih(: CAA. Ih(: A,hninislrator is

re,quirt;d h, •tptmlw..: a SIP submissionIhal (:(,ml)li(;s wilh lht• pr()\'isions of II1(;

CAA and iil}pli(:ill)h; l.'e(h;ral r(:gulalh)ns.42 [ I.S.C. 7410(k); 40 C]"II 52.02(a}.Thus. in revi()wing SIP submissions,EPA's r.h.' is t(.) approve stat(..' choices,

llr(,vi(lud Ihal (huv. moel the criteria ()1"

the CAA. Act:()rdinglv. this it(:li•ln

inol'(•lv ;ippr()vo.s slab.' ];IW ;l• me[)(i[l•F(..)d•:ral r{•.[luiri;me,[ils itn(I (h .es n( ,I

Page 2: tmrmil imrsuanl {C•A). imrtionsagency;, (sip) [)c (). {npr):.! {epa-•) (}. npr. (¯ ¯ ¯ ¯] ¯ ¯ ¯}: ¯ {•} id" ¯[.)(}(.•s ((;[• (pr()\' •

Federal Register/Vol. 7ti, No. 227/Friday. Novt,'mller 2,5, 2(111/Ruh,'s and Regulations 72625

1,1 addili,)n, this rule. dous mJl huve.Tribal implicali,ms iis Sllecifi•:d llvExut;uli\'t; ()rdcr 1317,5 (fi5 FR I;7")49.N, weml)er !l, 20or)), becaust• the SIP isn•t appi'twcd Io app].v in Indian �:ounlr\']oclih:d in lhe slale., and EPA mflcs lhal"il will not impose substantial directc:usls on 'l'rilml g•,vt:rnmttnls q,i' prec:mplTribal hlw.

IL Sohmis.•iorl Io (]ongrt,ss ttrltt lht•Comutmlh•r f "tnlt,nz/

"l'ht• (]tlngn;ssi•ina] Rtn.'iew At:l, 5l.f.,•g.(L IIO1 el seq,, as added by lht: SmallBusinoss l•.ogu]ah.•ry IAnfnrt:emt;nll"airnt:ss ,'\el of 19!16, gem'rully pru\.,idt:sthal bel'orc il ruh: may taku oft'ell, lheugcnt:.v pn•mulgliling the rule muslsul)mi! a ruh; rt;p•,rt, which includes u(:lq)y (it" Ihe ruh;. h• i;ac:h H,ust• of Iht;(]•mgrt:ss ((rid tc• Iht• (]cmlph-•llh:r (;eneral

cJl" Ihu l!nilud 5l:•llt!s. EPA will submil are.p•rt �:•mhiining this acti•ua and •flherrequired intr•rmalion t•l lhc l I.S. Sonatu,Ihe [!.S. Hllus•: (ff I,h;prt;st:nhttivus. antilho ('omplr!•lh;r (;eneral r•t' the t lnitetiSt(lies pritJr hi publit:atitJn cfftht: ruh" inIhe Federal Register. A mai,•r ruh,>

(:;ill(lilt lake uffia:l until tltl du\,s afh•r ilis puhlisht;d in Ih!: Federal Register.This action is nol a "'maior ruh:" asd,:finl,.d In" .5 li.S.(L 1404(2).

(). Petitions fin" ]udk'kfl lfOviow

shall not l)•Sll•om: I11o tfffet:livorn;ss tit"sut:il rLl](: ( ir ilCI ((in.

This aclicm, llOrhiining h• Maryland's

set:li•Jn 1 I0(ii}(2) infraslrucluri: ,<q[Psubmi tlals for lho 1097 8-hnur •Jz•nc:

and PM_-._• NA:kQS. and Ihl,, 2(lll(i [I.ITI.-.:•N,.tstQS. inav ili!l I)t; chalh,ngod ]fli0.r illin'r•t:o•:dings h) enfort:•: ils rt:quirt:menls.(S,:p. s,:t:lion 3117(II)(2).)

List of Subje•,•s in 40 CFR Part 52

Ellvir•lnm•;nl•,i] i)r•Jli;c:litln. Airll•,lluliiln c'•)ntl't•l. Inc:ortlontti•n• byrel'•q'i:n(:e. Nitrnf4i:n dinxidl:. ()z•in{:,Pal'l it:u]ah; real h;r. Ri:pt•rl iilg andi'i:c:ordkt:i:ping n:,luiremt.:nls. V•d;.ilih:, )rgilil it: (:• im [)l •t.lll(I s,

Ililled: Now:nihcr 14.21)11.

W.C. Early.¯ \•:tino Ih:.,,h,n,/Adsninislmt,r. 17•Loion 1I!.

40 (:FR parl .52 is amumh:d as I'•dhlws:


¯ I. 'l'tlt: uu Ill, u'itv cilalion fur 40 CI"Rllarl 52 c'•mlinut;s t• read as t'nlh)ws:

Authority: 4"> II.S.C. 7401 pl .';•v1.

Subpart V•Maryland

¯ 2. In § 52.1070. tht: hibh:in paragraph{1:) is arnendt;d by adding tnllrit!s ;it the•:lltl or lilt; htlilu flJr •'•tll:l ion 1 lO[a)(2}[nfraslruclurt; Reiluir0mt.qlts for lhe 10!17II-Hnur ()zlllltl NAAQ•, ,'qt!l;lirln

1111(;I}(2) In fraslru(:turo lll;quiri:munlsfl•r the 1!197 p.m._,, NAAQS. andSc(:li•in 110(a)(2} hl frasli'ut:lur•:R!:quiremt;nls for the 2(lOft [).m.=.•NAAQS. The amt,'ndm,:nls mad Its

ti ,llclws:

§ 52.1070 Identification of plan.

illllloS•; lu;hlititula] ruquir•;ill!;lllS lleyundth<ise, imp•lst;d by" stiltll law. [4(ir thair(,ason, tills aclion:

¯ Is not ii "significant rugulahlr\'actium'" subtract t• review by the (Jfl'iceof Managmm:rll and Fludgei uml,:rExocuti\'e ()nh;r 1214(i11 (51t t"R 51 735,()ch.•ber 4, 1!1!13):

¯ I_)ll•:s n,lt imp(ise i-in infilrmali(in(:(•]ll.;clio[1 burdt;n ulld0r li•c Firo\'ision••t lht; Palltww•lrk R•;dut:licm Acl [44I r.,%.C. 3501 •'! spq,}"

¯ Is �:q!rlil'it:d ;is mfl hay(n,, asignit]canl (;ccinomic impacl Oll it

sul)slanlia] rluml)or of small •;nliliesun(lor Ihtl ]ll:gtilattirv Fh..;xilli lih.' ,.\1:1

1.5 I 1.,%.(]. It01 pl s•xt,}:¯ [.)•it:s n•ll t:llnlilin illlV unfundt;d

iriltild al e nr simon i fi cail llyllr un iq ucly;ll'tl;(:l small •( •\,t;rnmt:lllS, its rh:scrillcdin lht: I lnfuil(tt;d Maridah;s Rlll'ornl A(:I

of ll.t.q5 (Pull. L. 1|14-4)"¯ Dittos Dill ha.I'l! l"t;dt;riilism

imp lical \ins as spet:i fi•;d in Ext:t:uli\¢()nh:r 1 3132 (64 I,'R 43255. Auoust 10,1!1!1!t)'-

¯ Is not tin t•c:(momically signifit:iinlrogu]alrlry action bast;d (•n hoallh til"s;il'ell\' risks subiect h• Ext;culivc Order1304-5 1132 FR 10814.5. April 2:>,, 1•1•i7):

¯ Is hill ii signil'i¢:anl r(:.gu]ahwv ii(:lil•llsub(col to Ext;culive, ()rder 1;121 i (li(i I"R211355. May 22, 2001)"

¯ Is nnt subjt;cl h• tht; rt.;(luiromt:nls t•l":q•,'clilln 1201} tlf Ihe Nali•nalTt:¢:hntlhlgy 'l'r;mslbr and Advanc:t:mt:nl I lndi:r seclil)n 307(b)(I) ,il'tht.: (]AA.Acl ,)1" I!I!15 (15 I:.S.(]. 272 Illill.•) btJ(:iitlS(l l.u:tilions tilt judicial i't;\'it:w (if liltsiipl)iicalitnl tll Ihosu i't,qitlirt:mellls w•,uld acli•)n rntlSl I)tl I'i],:d ill Ih(; I rnih;d Slfill;slit; inr-nsiste.nt with the CAA: and (]•tii'l clt'Alll•eals flu" lhe itlllWcltlriah:

¯ L)ol)s nlll l)ro\,idt; EPA with Iho circuil I)%." lilrlil:.lrv 7'4. :>017. Filing it

discrelitlmirv aulh•wil\. hi ;iddr•ss, as lu!lili+ln f•lr rm:•lnsidHralinn by the:at)l)ropriah;, (lisl)rcli.iorliullah; hum(in Adlllillish'ahn" of Itlis final ruit: duos lll)l

hoallh �•r envirollmental tit'(ells, using •if['t:cl the finality nf Ihis Itc:li<lri tT•r lhulll';tclil:fllilt,' itll(l legally i'lt!l'missii)h'•, i)Lil'li(ist,'s nt¯iudil:ial I'tWIP, W ill"lr rll)tls itmclll•ds, under Ex,:t:uli\.'l; ()rder 1211!11t •xlClld Iht; limt; within whh:h it pt;lilion(.5(I I"R 71f12!]. l"ei)ruarv lfi. 111£i4). f[.ir jutlic:ial rt:view mav I1• filed, ;ill(J [IJ} * • *

Name of non-regulatory SIP Staterevision Applicable geographic area submittal EPA approval date Additional explanation


Section 110(a)(2) InfrastructureRequirements for •e 19978-Hour Ozone NAAQS.

Statewide ................................ 7/27/07, 11/30/07

Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Statewide ................................ 4/3/08,Requirements for the, 1997 4/16/10PM=> NAAQS.

Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Statewide ................................ 4/16/10.Requirements for the 2006 7/21/10PM:.• NAAQS.

11/25/11, [Insert page numberwhere the document begins].

11/25111, [Insert page numberwhere the document begins].

11/25111, [Insert page numberwhere the document begins].

This action addresses the fol-lowing CAA elements orportions thereof:110(a)(2)(A), (B). (C), (D)(ii),(El. (F), (G), (Hi. (d), (K),(L), and (M).

This action addresses the fol-lowing CAA elements orportions thereof:110(a)(2)(A),. (B), (C),(D)(ii), (El, (F). (G), (Hi. (d),(K), (L). and (M).

This action addresses the fol-lowing CAA elements orportions thereof:110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(ii),(E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K),(L), and (M).

Page 3: tmrmil imrsuanl {C•A). imrtionsagency;, (sip) [)c (). {npr):.! {epa-•) (}. npr. (¯ ¯ ¯ ¯] ¯ ¯ ¯}: ¯ {•} id" ¯[.)(}(.•s ((;[• (pr()\' •

72626 Federal Register/Vol. 7t•, Nt). 227/Friday. Now,qnl)cr 25, 2011/Ruh}s und Rl,•gulations

II'R i)or. 20| l- ?,02!)() Filed i l-J t-I |: Ih45 aridBILUNG CODE 6560-50-P


40 CFR Part 52

[EPA-R03-OAR-2011---0603; FRL-9493-1]

Approval and Promulgation of AirQuality Implementation Plans;Delaware; Amendments to the Controlof Volatile Organic CompoundEmissions From Offset LithographicPrinting and Letterpress Printing

AGENCY: Erlv]r(nlnl,;ntlil ])roh;{:li[)n

ACTION: I"ina] rule.

SUMMARY: I.:pA. is ;q}l}rox'ing ;, •hMo,

Imph;mt.'ntati,}n Plan (SIP) revisi,)nsul)milh,d hy thq• Sh,h: .f IJt:lawm'e. The•IP revisi(m ame.n(]s the (:,)nlrol ,ffv,)htli]e (irgani(: (:()mp()und (V()C)(:missions from ol't•t:t lilhooraphi(:printing and ]eltt:rl)r.ss printing. EPA isapl}rtJving Ibis SIP l'(.'visiun I1) lnl.14:l Ihercq u irt:monis ,)f a l'OllsI)na[)lV ;l\';li labh:(:(.mtrul h:chn()h)gy {RA(71") t'ult} 17)r the(,l'f].;t,q lilh(Jgrat)hi(: i)rinling ;1ridIt;lh'r|.)russ prinlirlg (:onln)l It.'chni(tuc,•uhh:liru: ((':PC;) (:aleg()rv in .(:('.,)rdml(:ewilh lhe requir,.:nlc;vlts of Ihc (]lt;m'] AirAct (CAA).DATES: Ej_'lLY'livv Duto: 'l'his final rule is.ff•;(:li\'t; (,n D.t:�-md),;r 27. 2011.ADDRESSES: El),,\ has (•shd)lish•;�l ;t

(iock(;I l'(Jr Ihis ;ll.:lil,iI Lifl{h:r Do(:kt;I [DNumh,.:r EPA-R03-():\I(-2011-0[i03. A]](l(}(:umHnls in the, (l(wk(;t m'e lish,I inlilt hltt):/!wtrw.r(•t•ululions.gov Wt}I}sihL Although listed in lh(: (;lt•clr(,nic(hJ(:kel. s()rn(} inf()rn]ali(•n is ntll l}ulJli(:lya\.'aihd}h;, i.{.'.. I:()nt'idunlial busine.ssinl()rmation (CB[) ()r t.,Ihor int(,mmti()nwh(Jst; (iisc:h)sur(; is rt}stric:h•(t l}v shduh;.Ccrhlin other matcri;tl, suc:h ;is

copyrighted mat0,,rial, is n{)l i}hl(:Cd ()n

thu lnternt;I ;nl(I will [)c pul)liclya\aihd)h; ,rely in hard (:opy f(•rm.Puhlit:ly availahh• (h}t:k÷;l materials areavailabl,• either (;lectr.ni(:ally throughhltt•://1vww.t•t.'gtthztions.oov ,)r in hard(:tq)y ft)r i)ubli(: insl)t:(:li()|l (luringnilrln;ll husiilt;ss ht,urs al the AirPr(•h.;ction Divisi()n. I.I.S. EnvinmmenialPr(}h:(:tit,n Agt;n(:y. 1),egi(,3 Ill. 11'i,S(}

Arch Sln.,el. Phila(h.dphia. Pt.'nnsvl\'ania1(,1111:1. Ctq)it;s [d'lhc ,'ql;tt(: sulnnithtl art;

a\ aihtblt: lit lh,• D(;l;twart: Dt,'l}arlmenl ofN;.ltur;tl Rt:st]urct.}s and t'.'llvironmt;nta](;t ,n I r( )1.89 K ings H igb wuy, P. (). Bt )x

140], Dover, Dt}lawarc 109117,.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: ]{(.JSt:Quinlo. (215} 814-2182. ()n" by ,;mail ;ll



I. Ba(:kground()n ,'�,eph,'mht:r 2:1. 2011 (76 I"R 5(.1118(`)).

EI)A pul}lished ;1 nt)li(:l: ,ff i}r(q},)se(Irulemaking {NPR) I'( u" the; Sluh.! ,ffL}ulawur,.;. Thc NI'R i}roptJsed appr()val111' :.! ]'tlgl]];'ll i1111 Ih;.ll ;inltH}cJs I b,• c, ,nil-, ,111t' V()C emissions ['ram ,)l'lst!llilh(igraphit: i}rinting and h;lit:rl)rv.ssprir}ling {7 DE Admin (:t•(h; 1124..'q(.:(:li,ln 47.11}. The l}urposu ()t Ibis SIPi'c\,isiorl is to t:c)nft)rrn It) tht; new CT(;issu0d by EPA in Sel)h:mber 2006 {EPA-453/R-I)1;-11112) filr I]'le (d'l'sel

lith,graphit: printing industry I13. act(ling(.:()llh'(d I'(:(lUil'i.;lllt;lltS for ]t:ll,il'prt;ssl}rinling O[ml'alitJns. 'l'ht• l'•,rmal SIPrevision Ill;it rt.'.fle(:ts the rat;v,:

ruquircrm.:nts was submittod by ihuD(dawar(, D(;[)arhnent ()1' Natural}(t;s{)urt:(;s ;in(l Envir()nmenhd (:•mlr()l{DNREC} on May 25, 21111.

II. Summary of SIP RevisionDNREC's SIP r,:visi{,n lo ,'q(:t:tit,n 47.11

eXl}an(ls lhe �:•)nir()l (}t' V()C .miss[tinsIu in(:lu(h,• h.it•:rl)l't;ss printing l)n:ss•:sand st.:Is u l} a new and m•)rc stringt..qll (`15

pt,q'ct:n I L'educ:t i( )11 standard l'(•i- lh(}st;t:ontl'tl] s\.slGnls inslalh:.'d afh.;r ,'\pri] 11.201 1 {e.ff;•,t:livt! (lab,' {d' Ihe. S[1 ) revision}.Amendments to Sucti()n 47.0 ;list.)in(:lu(le SlW.(:ifyin,g a (ml:-yt:ar h'ansilionpi;l'it•(I f(u' fal:ililies h, (:omply with Ibt;now rt;quirt;mt;nts and i}rtwidin,qflcxibililv lbr fat'[Ill[us t(, h)(.:utt:UUlSt},;(:ili,;(I h:ml•(•r;dure m,)nitorillg(h;vic:es tbr (:onl r{ ,I s\'shm'ls. ( )lht•rspecific; requir(;menls of Se(:li()n 47.0and Iht: rali(}nale li,r EP:Vs pro[}os{;(Ia(:ti, m are (,'xplaim.,d io the NPR andwill m,I he reshth:(I tl•!n }. N{)l)uhli(:c:,,mmc:nls wt;]'e rcc:eivcd ,)n Ihe NPR.Ill. Final Action

EI)A is apl.)nJving the t:onir(,I of VOC(:nlisSitlns fri)m o['l•t;I ]ilhiigral}]li(:prinling and leltHrliress lirinlin,q {7 DEAdmin (2•d(.'. 1124, Sg(:I ion 4 7.111 as urt;x, isi.n I(, Iht; Dehiwun: SIP. This SIPrt•\'islorl met;Is the retluircmcrtls ,)f ;i

RACT ruh; f<,r the offse.t litho:4ruphi(:t)rinlirxg und lelh:rpress prinling (71'(1c:;-II eg( )ry.

IV. Statutory and Executive OrderReviews

A. ( h,nt..,tr•] llt,qiHromt,nls(Inth;r th0 CAA. Ihc Adrninistrator is

rt;quirc(I Ic• al}l}r(}v.; 11 SIP sulm]issionlhal c(•ml)lies wilh Ihe im•visions of lhe(:AA and al)t)li(:ahh; l:c(h,'al rcgul t it ns.42 I!.S.C. 7410(k}: 411 ('.I"R 52.112(a).Thus. in r(;vit.wving SIP submissitJns.EPA's r(llll is hi •ll)[)I'{IVe shih! (:h[)it:us.Im)vidcd Ihat ttll;v in(.;t)l Ihe (:riluria oflhe CAA. A(:cord•rigly. Ihis a(:lir}nunP, i'Hly al)lm)\.es shih.! ]:-tw iis nle,elil•g

Fcdi}ral requiremeflls and (Iot,'s nolimpose a(htilional r,!quh'enlenls lit;y()ndihtJsu iml)(•sed bv sial{; law. ]:L,r thatrt!;lson. Ibis ;i(:li[.n:

¯ Is li(ll ii "sionifi(:unl regulatory;il:lit)n" sulljt;(:l hi rt;view Ill.' Iht: ()fl'it:e(if Nllillil•tllllt:lll [1lid Budgt:i Ulld!}rExt.'c:uli\'e ()r(ier 128111i {58 I:R 51 735,()(:it)bur 4. 1!1(.131;

¯ Dolls hill inlp(Jsl; ;in inlT, wmnlii)n(:(dl,..q:lion I)l.lrdcn untJt;r the i)rt)visit•ns()f I he l)al•erwl)rk R(.'(I u(:l i• ,n At:l {44I, l..q.(:, f1`51)1 t.•l S•:tl.);

¯ Is (:t:rlifi,:(I ;is roll hi,\'ing asignificanl ct:,)tl,,mi(: imt)iic:l till 11sul)shulliM numbt.}r of small untiliesun(h;r Iht: Rt.'guhth)ry Fh..,xil)ilih, .,\l;I(5 [.I.S.(.:. 601 1.'1 s('q.):

¯ L)t,t.•s not (:(•iqhlil] ;inv unfufldt;(]mal•dilh; tu' signific:anllv �}r uniquuly;-tl'l't!(:l smull gu\'(;'lnlt;n s, t.is dt;sc:ril)t;din lho I. infurl(h;d Mandatt.;s R(;l'.rm A(:I()f 19!15 (]'ul}. L. ] ()4•):

¯ Does n(fl have l",•(It•'ralismimpli(:;tti•ms ;is sp(•(:il],.'(I in Exe(:ulive()r(hu" 1:11:12 {(;4 I"R 4:1255. i\LIgUSl 1 O,1.(.)!}t.I):

¯ Is n()l all e(:oriomic:ally signifit:anln;gul•lh)ry •l(:li()n basil(] ()rl ht:allb t}r

s;lfelv risks Sul}je(:l h) Ex(.:culivc Or(Jt:r1;104,5 {(i2 |"R 1(`)8B,5. April 2:1. l.q(.i71:

¯ Is not ;t siqnii'i('anl rt;guhtlory at:tiarasubjccl I() Ext;t:ulivc ()rder 13211 {[;6 FR28355. May 22.2[101 }:

¯ Is n()! •ul}i{,.(:l h, reqLnii't;menls ()1'Sccti()n 12{d} of Ihe NalionalTc(:bn(d( ,gy 'l'ransli:r and A(ivun{:t;merll/\(:I {}1" 1(.)(.1`5 (15 { I.,'q.(]. 272 i'l{il{,•} I}l;{;ilus{}al)l)]icali{•l] id" Ih(Ist; r(,,(luh,omt;nls wouldbe, illCi)llsisltlnl vvilh tht; CAA: itn(i

¯ [.)(}(.•S I1(.11 il}'l)\'i(Jt; El),'\ wilh lhc(lis(:rt,qi{•n•lr\, ;lulhorily h) il(Ith'(:ss. ;is

al}l}rt}l}ri•llo. (lisprop,)rlit)nill(; h LIm;ll'l

h{mllh •r (•n\ir(mnit:nhtl [;fret:is, usingi}ra{;ti{:ablu •LI1Cl l(;•;t]ly [)t;rmissi[)]emelh(,ds, until.q" Ex(:(:utive ( )r(ie.r 1 2ttflll{5() I"R 7(;2(.}, ]'t:bruar\, 11i, 1(.)(,.t41.

In additi(m. Ibis ru]t: Ih•(:s n!)l illivt:Tribal iinplications ;ts spc:t:ified byE×e(:uli\,e ()r(It:r 1:11 7`5113,5 FR [;724(.).Novt;m[)er .(I. 21)[)l)), because lhe SIP isI']()l i).[)pr(•vt}d t(! ;q•l)]y in hl(liun (:ounlr\.'h}(:ah•d in lhe s|ah•, •n(I EP..\ rml•.•s lhat-il wi]] not iml}•s(.: substanliu] dircl:l(;[ •sls • •n Tribal g, )\'•rn m(:nls i •r pret:m plTril}al Biw.

B. ,•lt/imis.•ion Io Con.qross urn/tht:('onl t)t rolh•r ( ;enert£

'I'ht; (•onoressi(inal Review Acl..5(I.S.(L 801 pl svq.. as adth:(I by lhe SmallI] u s i nt'.ss Rt;gu hth)iT, E n f{ w(:t:mt:n tI"uirt]t:ss A(:I (ff 19(.J[i. gt:ncral 13' pr( )\' i(h.:slhlil I}c1711"(} il i'uh• 11111\' hikt.' t;{'ft;(:l, Iheag(.illcy pi'•)mulgalin<(.l, lht; rule muslsullmil ii ruh.• l-(,,i)(irl, whi(:h int'.]u(|t.•s •1

{'tlpy (d' lh(,' ruh:, h)!!;ich Hllusu ill" Ib(:Congrt;ss anti I(• th(; C(m•plr(dhu" {;{:nt,'nl]!)f lilt; I rnilt.}(I ,qhlil!,,-;. El)i\ will sul)mil a

Page 4: tmrmil imrsuanl {C•A). imrtionsagency;, (sip) [)c (). {npr):.! {epa-•) (}. npr. (¯ ¯ ¯ ¯] ¯ ¯ ¯}: ¯ {•} id" ¯[.)(}(.•s ((;[• (pr()\' •
