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Books are Like Cookies, Everyone Can Find One They Like
TNB NEWSLETTER VOLUME 4: BOOKS ARE LIKE COOKIES, EVERYONE CAN FIND ONE THEY LIKE http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/view-image.php? image=10414&picture=christmas-cookies&large=1



Wow, its hard to believe that December is here already. Our Christmas tree is up, the stockings are hung, and the season is about to begin. A local radio station is playing Christmas music already and the decorations are hung on the streetlamps with care in our quaint little town.

December is also a time for gift giving, Santa and children, peace on earth and goodwill toward men. Do you have the Christmas spirit? If you dont, you need it. If you have it, share it.~BethanieIN THIS ISSUE . . .

. . . . . . . Books, Books, & More Booksby Bethanie Armstrong

. . . . . . . Start Your Book Review Site with Books You Haveby Rebecca Graf

. . . . . . . My Favorite Classics Booksby Bethanie Armstrong

. . . . . . . Book Genresby Bethanie Armstrong

. . . . . . . Featured AuthorIvan Amberlake

. . . . . . . Poetic Journeys: Battling Death in Do not go gently into that good night

by Rebecca Graf

. . . . . . . Featured PoemsNatasha Rose

. . . . . . . Serial Novels

. . . . . . . Books Now Available

. . . . . . . Blog Hops


So many books, so little time. I have a reading list a mile long and I add to that all the time. It makes me wonder if I will ever get through the whole thing. Then new books come out and I add those. I have so many bookcases and bookshelves in my house and I have actually read most of those. Well, then Amazon decided to come out with KINDLE. Guess what, I have a KINDLE app on my iPad and that list has now grown to unbelievable proportions. I also own a NOOK. That is also full of books on my to-read list.

When will I ever get them read? I have no idea. I add to all of the above mentioned ones, constantly and I think I have enough reading material to last me three lifetimes. You know what else? I am also an author, so add time for doing that. I have finally decided to create a Bethanies Books and Reviews Blog. It will force me to make time for that and in so doing, make time for myself. That is something I dont have much of, because I have a million priorities. I also homeschool my kids. I can only imagine what is going through everyones minds right now. However, not to worry. I will get that done just like everything else. I am happiest when I am busyno problem there. So have yourself a little break and read a book. You will be amazed at how relaxing it is. Everyone can find a book they like! Happy Reading!




Love to read? Want to share that love? You can do that with a book review site. If you are a book lover, you already have the biggest source you need to get started the books you already have.

Read the Books on Your Shelf

I dont know about you, but I have hundreds of books on my shelves just waiting to be read. Ive bought them over the years and never touched them. Ive had them given to me as gifts. In fact, I have boxes of books in the basement and in the attic. I even have tons of them in the storage locker. I have a plethora of books waiting on me to read them. I dont have to go buy any. They are right there for me to read.

The same can probably be said about you. If you love books, you have books everywhere: shelves, on tables, under beds, and in closets. You have all the resources you need. Just dive in and begin reading. You now have an excuse to read those neglected books and escape into all sorts of worlds.

Read Books You Love Over Again

You should also have many books that youve read over the years. Why not read them again? It is like visiting an old friend. Take the time to relish them oncemore and discover new things between the pages. Explain that experience on your site. Share with your readers.

I have returned to old loves and classics that I read in high school but promptly forgot about them. In doing so, I have found new loves and have shared with others how. Those have been some of my biggest hits. People miss out on so much in high school when forced to read books. Now that Im older, I can relate to them better.

You dont have to go spend a fortune in books to start your book review site. That does sound tempting though. For now, just read what you have. No expense and hours of fun.- See more at: http://www.abookloverslibrary.com/4/post/2013/03/start-your-book-review-site-with-the-books-you-have.html#sthash.DS9Xldsp.dpuf~Rebecca Graf


So Im not sure how much this will interest you, but I have some favorite classics books.

Mark Twain, one of my favorite classics authors wrote The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. These are two of my favorite classics written by him.

Two of my favorite classics series, although for children, are The Little House Books and Anne of Green Gables books. Most girls love these books The Little House Books were written by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Anne of Green Gables books were written by L. M. Montgomery.

Jules Verne wrote Journey to the Center of the Earth one of the books I absolutely loved the story behind. I wonder how many people believe there really might be a place like that.

Hugh Lofting wrote the Dr. Doolittle books, also deemed childrens books, but enjoyable stories too.

Daphne du Marier wrote Rebecca. That was a really good book, a little creepy, but still enjoyable.

Charles Dickens, one of the authors I hold very high upon my list of favorites. He wrote A Christmas Carol, Olvier Twist, and A Tale of Two Cities, among so many others, but these are my favorites.

Shakespeare is the top of my list of favorites. Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Macbeth, although considered books, all were plays, but these are my favorites out of the many he wrote. Most kids in school cringe at the name, but once you have seen his work in person you will have an entirely different outlook on Shakespeare. I had the privilege of going to the Shakespeare Festival in Montgomery, Alabama my junior year in high school, one of the best field trips ever.

Now, get ready to cringe, because for some reason when I tell others my next favorite book, they always do. Yes, I liked Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. It was one of the longest books I had ever read, and was honestly surprised at myself that I actually read it all the way through. At first I considered it a daunting task, but once I started reading it. It was rather easy. So whether you like it or not is your own opinion.

Reading is a matter of preference. Some books that many others like, I do not. Many books that I like, others do not. To each is own; besides, reading is a personal thing anyway. HAPPY READING!!



There are so many book genres today, that it confuses me. There are some I have never heard of before too, such as, steampunk. What is steampunk? Microsoft Word doesnt even recognize it. I am getting red lines under it as we speak. Haha! Then there are those that after seeing one or two books within that genre, I can figure out what it means. Take dystopian. After reading a couple of synopses in that genre I have figured out what it means. Dystopian is books about a parallel or future earth or even different world that is similar to earth, but everything bad. Obviously it is the opposite of utopia. Never even thought about that until I looked it up one day. That would have been a simple explanation.

Then there are genres that you could pretty much figure out, but they are new anyway. Genres such as urban fantasy, a book that takes place in a city with all kinds of supernatural things in it, has turned out to be one of my favorites. A book that is somewhat new that is in that category is called The Beholder. I had the privilege of speaking with its author on numerous occasions. He is an excellent author. Read on if you want to know more, about The Beholder. By the way, it is an excellent book! ~Bethanie

FEATURED AUTHORIvan AmberlakeThe Beholder

Ivan Amberlake is a paranormal fantasy author and member of a self-published writers group called Breakwater Harbor Books. He was born in Belarus, where he currently lives. In 2009 he graduated from Vitebsk State University and in 2010 he got a Masters Degree in Teaching Foreign Languages. He loves music, action movies and sitcoms, sunsets and the sound of rain pattering against the roof. For news and updates about Ivan Amberlake, visit: www.breakwaterharborbooks.com www.ivanamberlake.weebly.com Kindle Paperback


Around the world people die under mysterious circumstances. Each has a sign. Each is a piece of a jigsaw puzzle. A NYC interior designer Jason Walker receives a message saying he is the final piece.

Emily Ethan, a startling beauty with supernatural powers, appears and tells Jason that powers dormant within him are about to wake. He is the only person who can prevent darkness from enslaving the world. He is the Beholder whose advent has been awaited for many years.

Setting out on a journey with Emily, Jason discovers the world he could have never imagined, but the greatest surprise arrives the moment he realizes he has fallen in love with Emily.


Amazon US http://amzn.com/B00B7TG2DCAmazon UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00B7TG2DCAmazon CA http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00B7TG2DCSmashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/318599Barnes&Noble http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-beholder-ivan-amberlake/1115566434?ean=2940044564329Kobo http://www.kobobooks.com/ebook/The-Beholder-Paranormal-Fantasy-Book/book-4qplLb8y3UabyWsHMznZtQ/page1.html?s=vW9yXSuKzEeK0zXzq8zHwg&r=3Formats available





Searing pain shot up Pariahs spine, burning like acid and paralyzing him, sucking out his breath. All he could do was stare as an effulgent creature emerged from the circle, brighter than the explosion of a supernova, and watch that violent star head in his direction. The closer she got, the more she stifled the darkness inside him. Disgust rose as he sensed what was happening. It was as though love had been sewn into his hateful mind; twinges of conscience were waking in him, eradicating his inherent evil.

He tried to slow time, to stop the burning pain, but she knew how to block his attempts and make him suffer even more. The laws of physics meant as little to her as they did to him, and both abused their gifts to attain their aims. She was quicker than any of the Sighted ones who had previously crossed his path. He knew she was just as aware of him as he was of her, but she was stronger. For the first time in his dark existence, Pariah knew fear.

It happened too quickly. With ease, she breached the vicious circle he and the others had formed, and shot past, leaving a comet trail twinkling in her wake. Pariah stared after her, thinking through the decision shed made. The trail was a block, not an attack. The Ethan girl had decided to protect herself from the shadows evil mind rather than use her power to kill him.

How nobleand naveto spare your enemys life, Pariah mused.

His confidence returned, but his hands still glowed bright from her energy. He dispersed the vapor trail shed left and warped his mouth to let out a horrific banshee howl. The terrible sound reverberated off the walls, rising in magnitude, and he hoped the amplified echo might hamper her flight. His brethren chimed in to reinforce the cursing howl as they swished past and darted after her, but Pariah remained stationary, suffering the agony of having been imbued with her Light.

He reached his hands in her direction, slowing her nimble movements as much as he could, but the distance between them only increased. Wasting no timefor he had no more to losehe threw himself forward, steadily gaining speed, watching tunnels rush by on either side. Acting purely on instinct, Pariah cut a rupture in space and flung himself into the blackness. This time he exited much closer to her, and his success spurred him on to try again.

Cutplunge into blacknessreturn to reality. That was the process.

The sickening light came closer with every surge. Understanding his intentions, the others reassembled to help the Evil One coax the girl into the trap. Pariah was desperate, aware he would only get one chance. He took a final plunge into the ruptured darkness and the action brought him through at last. He reappeared directly in front of her, and she braked, glowing with that detestable light.

For a brief moment, Pariah managed to discern her face, the amber eyes wide with fear. Then it was gone in an eruption of burning brightness. He sent a wave of dark energy at her, and her shield disintegrated. Pariahs fury transformed into a victorious pulse; he had broken her defenses, and now she lay convulsing with pain, his deadly energy choking the life out of her.I will have to say this is one of the best books I have read. Pick up a copy of it. You will not be disappointed. HAPPY READING!!


POETIC JOURNEYSBattling Death in Do not go gently into that good nightBy: Rebecca Graf

In reading Post Modernism works, one cannot ignore Dylan Thomas Do not go gently into that good night. The trend of Post Modernism is one that covers a vast area of cultural avenues, but within Thomas poem it can more be seen with a greater emphasis on the bodyas physical beings in a physical world (Lye). Thomas discusses physical death as he says, Do not go gentle into that good night, / Old age should burn and rave at close of day. He poetically explains how the body ages and heads toward peace yet fights it to stay within the physical world. He encourages the person to fight and not let death just take them. He says man should Rage, rage against the dying of the light and try to keep within the physical realm. Thomas does not go into an exploration of the soul. He focuses on the physical and the desire to stay alive and not cross over. Poets throughout the ages mention the heart and the soul and beauty of ones legacy after death. Thomas does not want that. He wants the person to fight the inevitable and keep the physical intact though it might decay.

Works Cited:

John Lye. Some Attributes of Post-Modernist Literature. Department of English Language and Literature. Brock University. Web. 18 September 2012.

Dylan Thomas. Do not go gently into that good night. Poets.org. Web. 18 September 2012.


SuperWhere are they when you need them?Flying through the sky looking for dangerWhat colors do you look for,When you need a hero?

The red, white, and blue of Captain America?The super solider of WWIIWho was frozen in time for 65 yearsTo Avenge us now

Blue, black, and red?The human spider, spidey, web slinger, The Amazing Spider-Man!He swings through the air, his spidey sense tinglingDon't think one last dance with Mary Jane will keeling him from fighting

Wanting gold and red? Then you need Iron ManA scratch on his suit won't keep him from saving the dayBut an Iron Man wannabe mightJust hold on, be patient, he'll be there to fight

The flashy green of the Green Lantern?In brightest day, in blackest nightHis ring is charged, he's ready to fightBeware his power... Green Lantern's light!

Black of Batman? Or green, red, and yellow Robin?With flashy toys and quick movesThey stay in the shadowsTo watch over you

If you need a heroJust give them a callNo matter the colorThey'll be there for you

2013 by Natasha RoseUsed by permissionElectric FeelThis connective linkMakes me thinkI've met you beforeBut from where?

We met face-to-faceIn this God forsaken placeBut you are my reasonIn wanting to stay

Strange things are happeningWeird dreams are formingBut you make it seem okayI feel safe when you're near

Help me understandThese pains I can't withstandHold me in your electric touchAnd never let go

2013 by Natasha RoseUsed by permission


The works that follow are works in progress. Each issue will feature the next chapter.Leigh

By: Rebecca GrafChapter 3

The days went by with a charged current in the air. Mark and I were civil to each other, but nothing more. Work was hectic as usual, though having a relaxed lunch with George almost every day calmed me down. Surprisingly, having someone around during lunch wasnt as unpleasant as I had imagined it would be.

What was most surprising was how much I began opening up to George. He proved to be a great listener. Talking to him was easy and seemed natural, like it was something I was supposed to do. My need for someone to unload on must have been greater than I realized. Without even thinking about it, my tense relationship with the in-laws became the topic of discussion during one of our lunches. Then it progressed to my mother, sister, aunt, the boys, and eventually, my marriage. How much did I open up to him? He knew about everything and everyone in my life. And I didn't mind one bit.

The situation with the in-laws only grew worse at one of the weekly dinners Mark and I had with his parents. This meal was at Nathan and Abigails house. There was a weekly rotation between our house, their house, and a restaurant picked by Abigail. It was his mother's opinion that my cooking needed help and she seemed to have made it her goal to improve it. The nights at Abigails house were meant to show me firsthand how to cook specific dishes. This was always held the week after we went to a restaurant where that particular dish was served. I would be exposed to how well it was received at the restaurant, then shown how to prepare it at home the next week. The third week was the when my skill in cooking the dish was demonstrated. This was the week to learn the right way to cook a beef roast. Before I left work, I eyed the drugs that the patients had and wondered if I could slip them into my pocket before the dinner. Sadly, I left empty-handed and dreaded the meal that evening.

Friday nights used to be fun, but when we moved to the same town as Abigail, they turned into nights of torture. I remember that first Friday night. Since I was the one who foolishly invited them over for the first time, the blame is all mine. My entire week was spent excitedly planning the meal roast chicken, steamed vegetables, rice, and homemade apple pie. Even though my stomach was full of butterflies, the table looked spectacular and the food was turning out great. Though I had been married to Mark seven years, we had always lived a good distance away. This would be the first time we were near my in-laws.

Abigail was always a character, but a person does not really get to know someone until they are around them a good deal. I quickly learned that getting to know Abigail was not going to be pleasant.

The first sign of just how difficult pleasing Abigail was going to be came when the front door was opened by Mark to let his parents in. Abigail sniffed the pleasantly scented air and glanced around the tidy living room as though she had walked into a cesspool. I had taken off work to scrub the tiny apartment and get it ready for the meal. To see Abigails face scrunched up in displeasure made my heart fall and tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

Throughout the dinner, comments were dropped about how displeasing the meal was to her the chicken was too dry, the vegetables were not seasoned enough, the rice was undercooked, and from the taste of it, the apple pie must have been store-bought. It took all of my might to not break down into tears. As I cleaned up that night, crocodile tears flowed down my face. My chest tightened as I held back the sobs that were racking the inside of my body. Mark was watching the last of a ballgame while I dealt with the pain alone in the galley kitchen. He didnt see the big deal.

Later that night, I mentioned to Mark how hurtful his mothers comments were. You know I agree with you, Leigh, but what can be done? She is who she is.

Why didn't you say something or come to my defense? I asked, surprised at his calm response.

I will if she does it again, but you know Mom. She lets you know what she thinks.

I felt about two inches tall.

A few days later, Abigail called Mark and suggested that we go to her house next Friday night. Leigh obviously needs a little guidance in cooking. How you have survived on it all these years? I am amazed. Why dont you two come over and Ill have her help me cook? To my utter dismay, Mark agreed.

As soon as he hung up the phone, the question that I had been fighting back forced its way out of my mouth. How could you agree to such a thing? You didn't even ask me!

Come on, Leigh. She just wants to help. This might be the opportunity you two need to bond, he replied.

Tears flowed quickly and heavily as I slammed the door behind me and left for a long walk in the neighborhood. The last thing I wanted to do was bond with that impossible woman.

What Mark could not see was that this was to be the pattern for the next thirteen years. Week after week went by with me hearing how obvious it was that I barely knew how to boil water. Truth is, I actually was a very good cook. I might not have known every cooking term or how to prepare a wide variety of foods, but it was always tasty. That is, until I served it to Abigail.

Over the years, I succeeded in cooking two things that met Abigails approval. I managed to get the steamed vegetables right and learned to make, in her words, a passable chicken noodle soup. It didn't matter that Mark and I hated our vegetables seasoned in that manner. Whenever Abigail came for dinner, I made steamed vegetables the way Abigail liked them. It was one less dish to hear her complain about.

On this particular Friday night, we all sat down to Abigails meal of beef loin in a red wine and shitake mushroom sauce with garlic and dill mashed potatoes, cream of mushroom green beans, and bread pudding for desert. As usual, I had been instructed how it should all be properly prepared. Abigail always made sure that my notebook was out and open so I could write down every step. That part had been so easy to learn how to play.

The food was excellent as always. I focused on savoring the food as Mark and his parents got on another long rant about the latest activity in politics. Suddenly the conversation changed course and was directed at me. Where had this come from?

Leigh, did you finally get that school business out of your head? Abigail asked pointedly as she delicately sliced her beef loin before eating it. I hope you have realized how ridiculous that idea was. You already have a job that you need to focus on promoting and two teenage sons that obviously you have not spent enough time with.

The red wine of the beef churned up the acid in my stomach and threatened to bless me with a repeat taste experience. It became difficult to breathe and my palms began to sweat. Confrontation loomed before me and all I wanted to do was crawl under the table. Much to my delight and surprise, Mark stepped up and interceded.

Whats wrong with Leigh going back to school? I think it's great she wants to further her education. He set his fork down and looked at his mother.

Abigail looked at him in disbelief. Mark, can't you see that it would be utter foolishness for her to seek some other career when she already has one? She should be looking at getting promoted and moving up the ladder. After all, you did pay for her to get her nursing degree. She should not be ungrateful and throw all that away.

Another arrow right at the heart. I just knew that all the wonderful food I had just consumed would end up on her stark white linen tablecloth. Hell had arrived again.

Mom, I fully support Leigh in this decision. I see nothing wrong with her finding something she enjoys and doing it. Mark might have thought he was standing up to his mother, but to me his words were received differently. He seemed to look at my desire to go back to school as a hobby and not anything that should be taken seriously.

In Abigail's eyes, she was being confronted and that was not acceptable. She turned the conversation back to politics where she could be more in control. I withdrew further and tried to pretend that I was somewhere else. Friday nights were such a delight.

Chapter 4As we walked back up towards the house, Jace and Tucker were walking out of the house. They met us in the middle, between the house and the fields.

So where do you girls want to start?

At the same time Sierra and I said, At the stables.

Ok, we have to pass a few places to get there. Well tell you about those as we go.

Jace stared at me; it made me feel fluttery, but more self-conscious fluttery. I just knew he was looking at the bruise on my face. So, I let my hair fall between us.

When he realized I knew he was staring, he turned away quickly. I had to admit Jace was a very good-looking guy. I wondered if he had a girlfriend, I was shocked at myself for thinking that, but I was not about to ask him. It was really nice the way he treated us as members of his family. He seemed to be a good big brother. I had to know something though, so I asked him as we walked.



Your Mom said you were going to stay on this farm and run it after your dad couldnt do it anymore. Dont you want to go anywhere?

You know my mom asked me that same question when I told her my plans, but no, I dont want to go anywhere. I love this place. I mean, look around, this place is beautiful. Its called Heaven on Earth. Where else would you want to go? I love being in the middle of the outdoors. Farming is definitely the life for me. I have plans for this place. Theres so much possibility.

As I looked around, I saw how right he was. The sunlight fell just so, filtering through the trees. It was as if I could catch the sunbeams and when I did the warmth from the sun filled me. It was winter, some snow still lay on the ground in places the sun hadnt reached yet. The air was fresh and pepperminty. I wondered where that smell came from. I couldn't see where. This place was absolutely beautiful.

I can see why you would never want to leave it. What about the rest of your family?

Well, Holt and I will be coming back for sure. Were going to build houses on this land and stay here. Holt has some ideas about building some new camp cabins so we can take in more campers. Those that come here love it and dont want to leave, its almost like they are spellbound. Tucker, as he pointed to him, wants to go off, so Im not sure if hell decide to come back here. He hasnt made up his mind completely or told Mom of his plans yet. He has already picked him out a plot of land at the back of the farm though, if he decides to stay. Holt and I have too. Mom and Dad know about Holts plans and theyve already given him the piece that he wants. His house has already been started. Ill show you that too. First stop though is the stables. I looked back to Sierra and Tucker, who were a ways behind us, and they seemed to be engrossed in conversation as he was telling her about the farm.

As we walked, we passed by two buildings on the way. Jace explained that one was the barn they kept the harvesting equipment in and the other is where they kept things for the camp. Finally we came to the stables. The doors had been opened on either end to let in the fresh air. All the horses had already been taken out. I wondered where they were, slightly disappointed that the horses werent in the barn. They took us through the stables and showed us where everything we needed to take care of the horses was and then we walked out the back doors of the stables, to the pasture in the middle of their property. I didnt even know it was there.

It was like every corner we turned held a new and beautiful secret. I finally saw where the pepperminty smell came from. The pasture was about four acres, all ten of the horses were out there among these amazingly beautiful flowers. They were all over the place, and it was the dead of winter. As I bent down to touch them, their four petals seemed to be lined on the edges with silver. The way the sun hit them they sparkled beautifully. There were hundreds of them. I wanted to ask about how they grew in the dead of winter. In my mind I heard the words be still and know. It was strange, that one phrase seemed to answer all of my questions.

Beyond the pasture you could see the riding track. Some of the horses chose to run it, and it wasnt enclosed, but they never ran away. They must have loved where they lived. The horses were beautiful, not a black one anywhere, but many different light shades of hair with brown mixed in, no black though. There were American Creams, Golden American Saddlebreds, Morgans, American Paint Horses, and Racking Horses. Id never seen so many different ones on one ranch.

Jace jumped the fence. One horse in particular saw him and came towards him. It was a Golden American Saddlebred, kind of a creamy white with a golden hue and white mane and tail. He just stood there and let it come to him, I guess so it wouldnt spook the others. Once the horse reached him Jace held up his hand and it butted Jaces hand. Tucker did the same thing and an American Paint came to him. They both introduced their horses. Jaces horse was named Jasper and Tuckers horse was named Rowdy. Sierra took to Rowdy immediately.

I held my hand to Jasper as he nuzzled me. He pressed his head against my hand. Jace smiled. He wants you to pet him.

He was such a sweet horse. I could tell Jace took a lot of time with him. Then all the horses in the pasture started walking towards us. I guess they were coming to check out the new humans.

All the horses started neighing. Jace looked at his watch. Snack time for them, which is why theyre all coming towards us. Ill be right back.

I turned and watched as Jace ran back up to the stables. He came back with two buckets of apples and two buckets of carrots. He set it down beside the fence away from the horses. You have to watch them they can be sneaky. Thats why we have the buckets pulled away from the fence. Pick up some apple slices and some carrot sticks. Sometimes they want both. Sometimes they want one or the other. Let them choose. Hold out your hands and let them get it out.

Part of my work is the horses so Ill be helping you, so will Tucker. Their schedule is written down for you. So if youre unsure about something and were not around you can look at the schedule. Once you get used to everything it becomes second nature. I know you two are going to love it here. It really lives up to its name. So where to next?

Wherever you want to take us, we will follow.

Ok, lets work our way down the road past the horse pasture, and Ill show you the camp. We also have a hothouse where Mom grows things that arent acclimated for Nebraska, like tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers, things like that. Come on and well take you and show you that.

We followed them up the hill back towards the house, but took a different path to the right. There, right at the top of the path was a greenhouse. He opened it and took us inside. The warmth of the greenhouse was incredibly welcoming. There were all sorts of plants in there. She even had several flowers in there too. In the background I heard classical music playing.

Jace, what does your mom do with the flowers?

She sells them to florists and uses them to make centerpieces for Sunday dinner. Things like that. If you look out back, youll see the van she uses to deliver them to florists. She is a woman of many talents and her cooking is out of this world. She did tell you that we have eight other brothers and sisters didnt she?

Yeah, she did and gave us a rundown on what each of them does and whether theyre married and if they have kids.

Tucker laughed. Thats my Mom. Shes proud of us. So is it just you two and your brothers?

Yes, just the four of us. Holden and Eli are really good to us. Theyve had to take care of us a lot. Now, once again, we have been thrown on them, especially Holden, but Mom had no choice.

Jace touched my arm. Dont be so down on yourself, Cami. The way he talks about the two of you is like he wishes this had happened a long time ago. He has been here since September, and man did he miss you two. Dont tell him I said this, but there were times when I would find him down by the lake almost to the point of crying he missed you two so bad, and he missed Eli too. Ive never seen a brother more dedicated to his younger brother and sisters than he is.

Jace is right, Cami. All he talked about was the three of you.

Jace stared at me and then looked down to the ground. Sierra was just walking along with Tucker listening as we followed Jace down the gravel road.

Cami, can I ask you a personal question?

I stopped walking for a moment, staring at him. That depends on what it is.

Why did your Dad hit you?

I didnt say anything at first. I just kind of stared off down the path we were walking. The memory was so fresh in my mind. I hoped Jace wouldnt think less of me because I had back-talked my Dad.

Im sorry, Cami; its none of my business. Forget I asked.

No, thats ok. I was really angry with my Dad for saying things about Holden that I knew were not true, and I back-talked him and then he backhanded me across the mouth. It was my fault; I shouldnt have back-talked Dad.

Cami, no one deserves to get hit like that. Holden was so angry when he saw you this morning. I didnt even know who you were and it made me mad. Im really sorry that happened to you.

Well, its done and over and we probably wont ever see him again, so can we just drop it?

Sure, consider it dropped.

Thanks, Jace.

After we left the greenhouse, he took us across behind the main house and back down the other side of the horse pasture. As we walked something very strange happened to him. It was like he was seeing me, but not seeing me. I reached up and touched his shoulder. I was about to shake him, and bring him back from wherever his mind had taken him. He faced me and I tried to get him to talk, but he immediately looked down at the ground. I did nothing. I let him continue the lead. We walked into the woods a little ways and there was the most beautiful lake. It wasnt large, maybe about two acres. The sun was beginning to sink and it was glowing out over the water sparkling along the little tiny waves in the water. It was so clear you could almost see the bottom. We stopped by the side of it. Jace looked at both me and Sierra and grinned. Its beautiful isnt it?

Yes. Its so clear. Are there fish in it?

Yeah, there are some brim and small bass in there, but mostly just frogs and turtles.

How deep is it?

About twelve feet give or take. Its great in the summertime too. Campers use it for swimming races and canoeing races. We dont allow gasoline powered boats in it, but we have a couple of paddle boats that Dad will bring out for the campers to use on their free time.

I looked around the shoreline of the lake and saw another path going through the woods. Jace, where does that path lead?

Come on. Ill show you.

We walked down the path. It was through the woods, wide enough for one person on a horse and a person walking on either side or two horses side-by-side. It was nothing but a dirt trail, the same flowers that grew in the horse pasture grew there and scented the trail with peppermint. It smelled so good walking down it. It came out at the camp. Oh, the campers take this path to the lake, right.

You are correct.

What kinds of things do the campers do?

Your typical summer camp things: horseback riding, canoeing, swimming, crafts. We also have softball games and volleyball games and badminton. Theres also archery. We also have board games at night. Its a basic meet and greet time where campers get to know other campers in other cabins. By the end of camp everyone knows everyone and many new friendships have been formed. I love it. Ive worked it every summer since I was fifteen. Well be camp counselors. The camp is left to the counselors. Well each be assigned a cabin. Jillian will be back up.

What about Ashley? Shes younger than Jillian.

Well, thats true, but Jillian offered because of Ashley getting married. Ashley is going to be rather busy working on plans for the wedding.

True, that was nice of your sister to offer. I like your family already, and I havent met any of them, except you and Tucker and of course your Mom and Dad.

Well, Im sure theyll love you too. Now come on. Lets head back up to the house. Its almost time for Mom to start supper and I think shell need your help with that. Were going to head back out to the fields and help finish up the work for the day.

We walked back up to the house. Jace dropped us off at the door as he opened it for us. I noticed Sierra had Tuckers arm and he was escorting her. I grinned as I saw them. Well, it didnt take them long did it? Jace and I both laughed.

No, it didnt. Jace laughed as Sierra and I went back inside to help Mama Ruth. See you at supper, Cami.

Okay, thanks for the tour.

Youre quite welcome. He let the screen door spring shut and went back out to the fields as I watched him. There was something about him I just couldnt put my finger on. I knew who he was, but didnt know who he was. He seemed to hold a secret, now to just find out what it was.

2013 by Bethanie ArmstrongUsed by permission


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