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TND Strategy & Learning

Date post: 10-Nov-2015
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training based on organizational strategy and relevant to employee job
THE MEANING OF STRATEGY Strategy can have a number of meanings, namely: A plan, or something equivalent – a direction, a guide, a course of action. A pattern, that is, consistency in behavior over time. A perspective, an organization’s fundamental way of doing things. A ploy, a specific ’manoeuvre’ intended to outwit an opponent or a competitor

Establishing t & d in your organization

THE MEANING OF STRATEGYStrategy can have a number of meanings, namely: A plan, or something equivalent a direction, a guide, a course of action. A pattern, that is, consistency in behavior over time. A perspective, an organizations fundamental way of doing things. A ploy, a specific manoeuvre intended to outwit an opponent or a competitor

STRATEGY AS PLAN & THE ROLE OF T&DEssentially a mix of internal and external environmental analysisStrategic goalsHRM goalsIntertwined (goals/constraints),,,,at least ideally

Needed Role BehaviorsPredictability & Measurement??

STRATEGY AS PLAN & THE ROLE OF T&DGENERALLYTreat people as assets- invest in them- get psychological commitment and use them as competitive advantage (the duplication argument)GENERALLY matching HRM activities and policies to some explicit business strategy

SPECIFICALLY What needs to be done; what needs to be changedMORE SPECIFICALLYWhat critical skills/behaviors are requiredWhat HR processes would result in those KSAsAbilities/resources required to implement those HR processes

Wright and Snell (1998) suggest that seeking fit requires knowledge of the skillsand behaviour needed to implement the strategy, knowledge of the HRM practicesnecessary to elicit those skills and behaviours, and the ability quickly to implementthe desired system of HRM practices.3Wright and Snell (1998) suggest that seeking fit requires knowledge of the skillsand behaviour needed to implement the strategy, knowledge of the HRM practicesnecessary to elicit those skills and behaviours, and the ability quickly to implementthe desired system of HRM practices.

STRATEGY AS PERSPECTIVE & THE ROLE OF T&DWHAT GOES WRONGIt is relatively easy to come up with new and innovatory policies and practice. The challenge is to get them to workother business priorities, short-termismlimited support from line managerslack of resourcesresistance to change and lack of trustSTRATEGY AS PERSPECTIVE & THE ROLE OF T&DGETTING IT RIGHTthe formulation and embedding of a clear vision and set of values (the big idea)The provision of support and advice to line managers on their role in implementing T&D policies and practicesThe development of a positive psychological contract and means of increasing the motivation and commitment of employeesImplementation of high performance work practices, particularly those concerned with job and work design, flexible working, resourcing (recruitment and selection and talent management), employee development (increasing skills and extending the skills base), reward, and giving employees a voiceC LC, IF HR NEEDS TO BE TAKEN SRSLY IT MUST BE GIVEN AWAY,,ITS THE LINE THAT ENSURES THE SUCCESS OF HR.ANAGING RELATIONSHIP.,,,HOLISTIC APPROACH6C Lc, If Hr Needs To Be Taken Seriously It Must Be Given Away,,its The Line That Ensures The Success Of Hr. managing Relationship.,,Holistic Approach

HR STRATEGY DEVELOPMENTStrategy in not that logical and linearIt is emergent and flexibleEspecially the case in HRM strategies

Strategy is much more intuitive and often only visible after the event, seen as emerging patterns of action. This is especially the case when most of the strategy, as in HRM, is to do with internal implementation and performance strategies, not exclusively to do with external market ploys.Non Linear Plan Do Check Gratton

NON LINEAR PLAN DO CHECK GRATTON8HR STRATEGY DEVELOPMENTBecause of its emergent nature following steps are advisedAssess feasibility from an HR point of view, feasibility depends on whether the numbers and types of key people required to make the strategy succeed can be obtained on a timely basis and at a reasonable cost, and whether the behavioral expectations assumed by the strategy are realistic (e.g. retention rates and productivity levels)Determine desirability examine the implications of strategy in terms of valued HR policies (eg, a strategy of rapid retrenchment would have to be called into question by a company with a full employment policy)

KLP KNW UR CURRENT STATE,,,SNAPSHOT OF UR CURRENT COMPETENCIES,,,DESIRABILTY MEANS LOOKIN BEYOND THE OBVIOUS,,AFRAID PEOPLE ARE NOT GOOD LEARNERS9Klp Know Ur Current State,,,snapshot Of Ur Current Competencies,,,desirabilty Means Lookin Beyond The Obvious,,afraid People Are Not Good Learners



POLITICAL & LEGISLATIVE ISSUES: a long term developmental plan to change behavior & attitudes

EXTERNAL FACTORSSOCIAL FACTORSLegitimacyFemale work forceContractual and part time workers



EXTERNAL FACTORSTECHNOLOGYUncertainty new methods of working are developedMulti skilling (ensuring that people have a range of skills that enable them to work flexibly on a variety of tasks, often within a team working environment New technology can therefore present a considerable threat to employeesDeskilling tele-working, supervisionFlexibilty no role predictability continuity,,team work attitude

Flexibilty no role predictability continuity,,team work attitude13INTERNAL FACTORSBUSINESS STRATEGY

CULTURECulture is critical for high commitmentCulture needs reinforcement through communications, T&D and reward systems

T& D as a tool for culture propagationSelecting a methodologyGenerally , open cultures facilitate learning


Design- Mechanistic to OrganicDecision Autonomy- centralization to decentralization


INTERNAL LABOUR MARKETSTRATEGIC ALIGNMENTIF NOT DONE;Ad hoc demands from senior managementDemands from line managersRequests from individualsGood ideas seen else whereRepetition of previous years actionsSTRATEGIC ALIGNMENTConflict of objectivesLost opportunities on hindsightLoss of credibilitySTRATEGIC ALIGNMENTTHE FOUR AREAS;SKILLS: emphasized skills, new skills & skills not needed anymoreKNOWLEDGE: external environment /internal workings of organizationATTITUDES: supervision style, beliefCULTURE: most potent shift to achieve strategic goalsSTRATEGIC ALIGNMENTINPUT INTO HR PLAN;

A snap shot of skills knowledge and abilitiesDirecting recruitmentTwo way trafficThe Strategic Role of T&DWork today is essentially a relationship- between the employer and employee

Work remains a central interest in the lives of most people. If they won the lottery, 39 per cent would quit work, but most of the others would continue working. Asked to cite the three most important things they look for in a job, 70 per cent of respondents cited pay, 62 per cent wanted interesting and varied work and only22 per cent were looking for job securityExpectations, comparisons

Expectations, comparisons21CONTEXTUAL FACTORS IN RELATIONSHIPUnitary and pluralist frames of referenceOrganizations are assumed as harmonious and integrated entities May be argued for some organizationsIt can be argued that this is a managerialist assumptionOrganizations as coalitions of interest groupsDifferent interests and values are legitimate and should be respected


Downsizing , Delayering , Flexibility Employees work longer hours, stress rises, career opportunities are reduced and morale and motivation fallUnder the pressures to be competitive and to achieve cost leadership, organizations are not only downsizing but are also engaging people on short-term contracts and make no pretence that they are there to provide careers. They want specific contributions to achieving organizational goals now and, so far as people are concerned, they may let the future take care of itself, believing that they can purchase the talent required as and when necessary. This may be short-sighted, but it is the way many businesses now operateCONTEXTUAL FACTORS IN RELATIONSHIP2. The lean organization Two important takeaways;The issue is not to launch lean but to sustain itmany initiatives fail because they do not take into account the people implicationsKLPscommunication and participation in decision making (removal of uncertainty)shop-floor empowerment and problem-solving practices (T&D, Supervisory attitudes)emphasis on horizontal business processes rather than vertical structures

CONTEXTUAL FACTORS IN RELATIONSHIP3. Mobile workersWorking at home or on the moveManaging a distant relationship is not easy Managers will have to find new ways to control these mobile workers, possibly based on capturing workers hearts and minds to create a culture of hard work even at a distance.

The reality of employment relationship today In general there is far less security in employment today, and the old tradition of the life-long career is no longer so much in evidence. Employers are less likely to be committed to their employees. At the same time, employees tend to be less committed to their employers and more committed to their careers, which they may perceive are likely to progress better if they change jobs rather than remain with their present employer. They are concerned with their employability, and are determined to extract as much value as possible from their present employment to provide for their future elsewhere

The Strategic Role of T&DProvide scope for lateral career development

Investment in T&D

In other words they should take steps to improve employability of their employees

The Strategic Role of T&DThe training and expertise of employees determines the skills available to the firm.

The adaptability of employees determines the strategic flexibility of the firm.

The commitment and loyalty of employees determine the firms ability to maintain competitive advantage.STRATEGIC ALIGNMENTSOME QUESTIONS?Do you understand the strategic needs of the business?Do you regularly talk to senior managers to understand business needs?Are there training programs that are not worth the effort?How does your training program align with strategic objectives?STRATEGIC ALIGNMENTSOME QUESTIONS? Who receives majority of trainings in your organization?Is the primary focus management or operations or both?Are there groups of employees that are significantly undertrained? Do you invest resources in training your suppliers or business partners?STRATEGIC ALIGNMENTSOME QUESTIONS?Given your strategic objectives, what are the key groups that need to be trained?Are your methods appropriate?Do you distinguish between important and urgent needs?What Is Learning?

Is There A Universal Theory Of Learning?

What Is Learning To You?32BEHAVIORISMClassical Conditioning

Instrumental Conditioning- Law of Effect

Operant Conditioning

Understanding REINFORCEMENTBEHAVIORISMNeed to foster REPITATIVE knowledge

Out comes are predictable, precise & measurable

Learning can be broken down in steps

Driving a car/ Operating a machineBEHAVIORISMTeam Work- lets take you as an example

KLPs Socialization- unlearningTraining on teamwork Incentivization Supervisory feedback-buy in, knowledge of appropriate behaviors, applicationEffective feedback-we will get back to itBEHAVIORISMWork place habits-John the machinist

KLPsOrganizational costsStress, irritants, complaints---CULTUREInaccurate diagnosis look busy do nothing

USING FEEDBACK AS A REINFORCERBe SpecificBe ImmediateRemember the IntangiblesSmall steps---Small SuccessesRemain Unpredictable

B. F. Skinner Beyond Freedom and Dignity, 1973BEHAVIORAL MANAGEMENTStep 1: Identification of critical performance behaviors

Step 2: Measurement of Behavior

Step 3: A-B-C Analysis

Step 4: An intervention strategyKEY TAKEAWAYsNot leaving things to chance

Ensure ability before giving consequences

Avoid wrong associations

Non performance- a reward????

Taking too long

KEY TAKEAWAYSImproving the situation

Trainer can suggest situational changes- both physical and social

Avoid blame, Prevent future problemsCOGNITIVISM Edward Tolman- Expectancy Theory

Perception and learning

Short Term Memory Long Term MemoryPerceptual Organization

The Human Mind Is HOLISTICKLPs ?The Law of Similarity

Trees in different shapes The Law of Proximity

Two men and the table. When you look at a you see (a man + a man) + a table. When you look at b you see (a man + a table) + a man. The Law of Continuity

The Law of Good form or Pragnanz

The critical importance of prior learning

KLPsMemory-some initial rules for effective trainingFrom sensory memory to short term memory


MOTIVATION and its KLPSSelf Efficacy- In a training ContextPrior ExperiencesBehavioral ModelsOthers feedback

Organizational responsibilitiesTrainers responsibilitiesWhat is CHUNKING??Meaning comes from OrganizingTime flies you cannot they go by too swiftly

You do chunking

If you do it, apply it in your trainingShort Term Memory-some toolsDual coding theoryRehearsal MnemonicsMemory devices SCHEMA

What is a SCHEMA??Elaborate network of abstract mental structuresSchemata are always organized meaningfullySchema within schemaSchema can change with new informationSchema can be reorganized

How schema helps learning??Prior knowledge linkage

Categorizing, remembering, comprehending and problem solving

Sometimes schema interferes with new informationLong Term memoryAssimilation vs. Accommodation

The case of Tom, Harry and their Dad

Meaningful LearningRote learning-memorization without understandingMeaningful learning- relational manner, spread of activation

HIERARCHICAL RETRIVAL SYSTEMSocial Learning TheoryAlbert BanduraModeling/ Imitating--symbolic IMPORTANCE

