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eautiftil pat- I > dffedatslj est taijfob in | befitjalferac- $ Ely Identified-•-*$ I Answer 1 pwi^c#md[ % Stale lartment Speedy Answerfaterp*etedby Washing- ton as Meaning Their Acceptance of President's Proposal for Conference. WASETCf OH, Fefe. 0l-^The repijrof the^Freiich and British pre^alers^ President Wilson's Adriatic note, has beea-reeeifmd hme- f it was announced today 3tf the State Department, p&ejjote \sill not be made publie-here although i t trmjr; be- pwblj#ed in Europe. The. note has been sent tp;the' President it is understood. : ...::r Wilson's proposal for the ^settlement of the Adriatic-pro- blem by a conference" between Italy and-Jngo "Slavia is hoped for bjr officiate,b,ere. who are today* anxiously await- ing the reply of thaAllied Premiers to the-Prisidentfs latest Knote. The reply is understood to have* left London" last night, and should ^bBiii.-the-haads-of the President toda^r. The qiiicfc reply made by the Entente premiers is in- terpreted hexeasan aceept»nce*of the President's proposal, and it is understood that the Italian government is willing to hold a conference With Jugo Slavia in an attempt to reach an agreeiaent^^If the^rOposaf for « conference is accepted and it fails to reach an agreement satisfactory to the United States^ Great Britain and France/then Italy and Jugo.Slavianiflst. stand by the proposal made by the other Allied Countries. * _ * -..--;. Th& prp^osed Jugo-Slav^Italian conference Wa& the only hope helfl out here today for an amicable settlement of the enti^stoa^^ar^ in the^ntire exch^g^ of nt>tes it loomedf^fls. the one possible, way singe President^|1^ son and the -Ehtente Premte tee sho^ndT^sposilaan to swBQ&TOiitf^^ of coMplMiKs w&%laly as tb^KFiffift#^uesBSB, it Wa§ learned tojday^ ItBls coiTespondehce was^iiot sub- mittedtotne tJniledl^es, . . •:. /— :r..- ^ • - The^ State'Bepartetent annoiiriepd today that Great Britain hadconsented B the note of December 1 9th only after it had been agreed that Italy would have an oppor- tunity to reply, thMltM^^ turn, and that it should not be made public at that time. Solomon-Declares He. Would Obey Socialist Mandates as A Legislator . . '•' i. . Albany, Feb. 27—Sharp cross exam- ination by State counsel today batter- ed the defense of Charles Solomen, fighting with four 6j,her Socialist As- semblymen 'for their seats in the As- sembly, and brought from him the ad- mission that* he h a revolutionary so : clalistf that he believes in the general strike;, and .proposed .alway.s. to .hold himself obedient to the instruction of the> Socialist jxirtyjn . condueURg MJixz. *&i'lis~WsiiLt6^ teiMatrfiV ; " - *T ---—;-.-- .^Jludga.Arthur a.-S«frWlaTrd--sprtmgrpr"- a surprise .oa the defense .when .short-, ly before the noon recess, he intro- duced as evidence a photographic copy of a letter, sent by Adol'ph Germer, exe- cutive Secretary'of the Socialist party and'scht out from Socialist Headquar- ters Aug*. 25, 1910, notifying Socialists- elected officers that they must sign a ^resignation blank "so that they may be recalled for cause," Solomon how- ever declared that he haa - never sign-, ed sueh a blank—if ho received in- structions which were '.'within the law" he would hold himself obedient to this party, and Its provision for such obed- ience In the party's constitution. Dur- ing: lila cross -osamlnatlorr he made general denial of .testimony adduced by the state that at a Brooklyn campaign meeting he made disparaging remarks about soldiers conducting a nearby re- cruiting-rally and eventually closed kis meeting fcy "spitting on the flag." B*mbtne*s£? Colby. A:jrM«. Bainbridge Colby, New YorK lawyer, r, has been selected by President Wilson, to sueceeoVRobort Lansing as. Secretary of State, according -to. an official announcement made at the White House. Mr. Colby has accepted the post - - * - „ . . _. r MawhaTLynn Re-Nominated UQV, Smith Wti Head New York State, Democra- tic 'Delegation . atat* Alhany, Fel/. _21~&«# totk f ^ if " rats^..ilumAigb~-Jtbei£ as-fi.ihiPd in ufl^flSciy«?nvejftion hefee' >«">t-i,i..,y, selecte#-'the—sdBli lai-Rp u, the Dempc/atio"Nititlorial &oh<~ ipii'n.ii at San--©ranclseo, adopted, a, pnriA platform end, n^^0soltx0t\,"-$a : stvi. IP,I the delegation #t)'*:S#ti Frioi- ' is' •. i,, vate as-a^-a^lt^oa-^tpmatters. •n..> 'iripgateg-a^laf^lr'SeTebted after '"••-• I'.'ns of cpm*^rt^e r .-fiorflijrpm- '•*•• .mil •aiiituiatipn,ar;'e\i ^p*efhofc Af- ''"» l: Smith anrf"* StJss Mizttbeth ' M "'•'.<>>...oJL Now fork; Mlas Harriet Mills of Syracuse and iiotjls•'Des'- »f KuttiUtt, • * •* -*T ; . * '' , " alt ornafeB&^alfeif^'PfeWsW- R16- P"in..u.n Brooklyn; Mrs*. Maurice., & r "i"M.Iiv. Queens-^ ^njimUl~*\. Mpp* i»" ' Wrt«hliigi<j$i; -mtij& ' # . fifevfltt,' .'' IT. r sim . . ' ' t- - - - ' "? * Washington, Fob. 37-John D. Lynn of HochBHJ)er"was nSmlffatedyesterday by- PrestdeW; T?irsoi^ fo U e Chlt«s4. States mai#al for tfr& western district of JSew- -Ytiiik, r ?kfttr c shaK%*tf,is. 1 present federSE'flpSetf foi'the distri Jlis nomination is far another term. ,; - ' • • - : ^ ~ ~ 2 - Anxious As to Note** r~~ Etfecrbn tlie Treaty . » •» Washington, Feb. 27—Conferences of Senate leaders rWere hastily called to- day following. publication of the ex- change of notes between President Wilson and the Allied premiers over the Adriatic situation to determine the effect of the notes on the treaty situation in tho Senate. ^Untm1riS-*EsSS r SJiFare" planning to ^ttacft^-4ho- '«»iwtit»tionaJftv of tho M.i li>- I , C)6velnnd, Feb. 27—10 alleged, Beds were arrested awd seven wagon loads o£ anarchistic literature confiscated in a raid conducted by._Federal agents as-' sisted by police here early today. The suspects were aroused from jt&elr beda and taiten to tlio c'otmtyJitW.- N o ^ e j ^Ic"pa5feTas : lo55rTbagedi alFfceing accused generally of violating United gg'iKrwsr- - . " ••> ~" •- : •: =—r—. British Planie U ? S. four SMpping Losses - - . . , , - London. Feb. 27—The British gov- ernment vias reported -today to haw "sent & note tg Washington regard'n? losses" .austainrd by British shipping companies through the delay of the United States in rele4sing former Ger- man, steamship^ such as the rmp<>i'ator. Would Have l/.S. ' ' Acquire fhse Bermudas A.H. Smith To Again Headli¥.0;i4nes response of the British and French Premiers In their note of Feb. 17th that they'"view With consterna- tion" the threat of the withdrawal of the United States from the League of Nations" and earnestly trust that Jv4tt*ever-+hie-fmal view" 6T "She United" States, government as to the Adriatic settlement may be, they will not'wreck WraTvlioTe ffiaclilripry for dealing with international disputes by with-dra^v- ing from the treaty of 1919 because their view is not adopted in this par- ticular case" was construed by sena-. tors as fresh evidence that the British and French governments are anxious to get the American people isesigror' ' """ LONDON, Feb. 27.w-With the Soviet government: t l nearer fonnal reqognition by the Allies-than-at-any^tim^f since it was set up by Nicholas Lenine and Leon TrotS%i^ in the summer of 1917, warfare on a big scale has ceastfclf^ in Russia. _ ' . iX , The Soviet is maintaining five powerful armies un-r 1 :*! der arms,-but the scattered fighting now reported eonvH sists mainly of patrol encounters or clashes between isolator ed factions of the Bolsheviks dnd the anti-Bed Russians^ A truce reigns throughout northern- Russia for j^fe^fj centrate4 near, the FoMrlrdntier but there ar^ indieal* iV | ,tiomAajy^^^^^^oji©^^too^^ali©rp^^ TO m m CONSTlTUHONAUff 0 1 THE CUMMINS-ESGrilL Railway Unions and Farmers Organizations Opposed to i • - if m£mw Court Action in Event P r e t i S ^ i l - ! i ^ ^ m e Bilfe^Bluinb fae^Brief Wk^^^" Bolshevfir army has been concentrated % ^ Bessarabia ahd*'T|as been threatening 'Rottmatiia wfthr* iiF'" v , vasion, but the belief is expressed that the Allies' sugges-A ' tion that the states bordering on Russia malce immediat^p peace with the Moscow Soviet, will eventually hold up af-lf fensives operated in that theater. Patrol skirmishes havehr^' been reported from the Dneister River line where the <Rou*' manians have prepared fortifications. The only war zone wherefightingof any realimport^ ance has been reported recently is betweenthe sea of k&ay,,^ and the Caspian Sea where the scatteredremnants of P e a i ^ d kin's old army are now stationed. The Soviet forces havfy- been expanding their area of occupation and claim, w * have taken the important city of Rostov on the Don. _ x. 33= NEWS OF RED & JB&n^&^mtbi-TBB jtokmy ners' organization f?L.i?. a V6 ggg&M^yecord against the Cinmmiris^sch bill bv ronrt action i« event" the President signs the measure i^wa»-1€!a«sa- todtty. : Preoeedings. peeking to enjoin the government from' turning back the rffllroaio*3 : "to pfTvaEi ownership March 1st majs-beflledi-.*- At the JVhlto House it Was learned that ^ttemi 1B.* Plumh, attorney for the Railway =Brothciihoods had.filed a brief with the President attacking the con- ^itutumali^tlof—the-bHt fiiirncdf'the' railroad WU fo^ the Presi- dent. The Attorney G^ieraJ fffUlfhed a note declaring that" liow-vvasi^prf 4ho opinion that there Is no* : ooii|tituiional objection to the bill. _ ' J ^ l I l H __ _ "•' a ss?rrr?s~ Single Chamber in Irish Parliaments - '•— Lojidph, Feb. 27—The Irish Par- liaments which the government will seek to establish under the new Home Rule bill will consist of a .single •ehumbct'. eacli, m-'CTJl'diiig to" the tore- cast of-The-Times tddar* upon" tlm details, of the measure. The Bret elec to Sx its prieei" said ttion of members at the two legblatnres .|willbB under; the proportional sj-stem, the -TimesLsays. • :—Thp \Toraiiig Poat announced tlmt •First; ifc places^Tata. Insidious-. f olass distlttctlqn^. ag^lnsj^ rail labo^ by" estab- lishing *h, board "*" " " -'-" Plumb;—*«-fc... : ..«~s»^. •^^te^i^ai ; ^tjh,ec i *ssentiA.l^Bduss' fi-jpw ia Ipft fvPn tn fly lt« nwn prlr^n. "CertFElnir 1 fty^guaranteelng - irives- M}»- <•&& oC the bill Would be.rqude •tors a. jnfe^ujcgj^uj?n_Qf_ five aBdvO»e4'P u WIc today, half per cent, it makes holders of rait securities a dlstlactive privileged class giving lhfit&i.ft fl 'St lien on the prosperity of the 1 country at the ex- pense *& airtrthTer'TSitizens, investors Under the bill -the pj?ople guarantee atf losses' oT*opeta$on suffered by the \, of \ Y..., TP r IM. (U ii' . In. rl T II '• II M . >, \ iirk, Feb. 27^ftcapp6intm6jtt' 'I sniith as president oi ifie New 1 '• ntmi fines and of Other officers, "•'••I'llshlng th? jysteia*-asr'H'--c3p..- 1 rriqr to fedfejai control was ,an- 1 ' -• in'i-e this week' Wiee $IMsi- w, -•III. tllf. lTlf r th., ITlliv l«l:. I., .Was'htaSion, Feb. 2?—Negotiations WiWv Great Britain with a view of tno Uriited States acquiring the -BermHHa Islands IS prdvided in a reaolUtiOTlEiil- U'Oduced in Che Senate to^ay .by '•£&«•* -atoi- -Kenyan. -gftpujtUcan, df lowa.^ Friendiy RelaHoiw With ^ ; &SaF|oviJ|-^)osed. C*%asW rj^ofh - l?»bpH2*^Ssj»t&lteh«ieut pirn"®*- *«?« ^il/^iw Soviet ^ovet'nmeftt a«4 tlie".#j!jovftt*qf "fflTAmfirroIji rrooW rrom."*lfiat fiomi" tjpy- is providved to a .rwolntaffl. tatto- dttced Itt the Senate today .by Sfi&a- tor" "Frances ftpl^Wicaiv^^JMaiTi^nd. '~~^*>'>«'. : ^''* •«''"'" "'•"*' : ' "' *- Mln-related ,|ttdiisttrie* of f, Wit»hinfft"ii. 1 Feb. 2f—Final decree was entered .today in the Di3trict.Su> jjfemcwtti't dissolving the unrelated liiausii-tea of the large packers. » y.6 'waSM In accordance with an '• " ">!e. ^Tjera^femwh* *«))5sf» "«ffo»roMtt reached between Attorney. Insalte, J, '•• Q§03g^-mToT iHiiriqnartprs ^ . w . l m v - f^wft. ould Albw3iii^^jl| To Succeea'll^pilife' i -fb. 2?.—the^nM*' •$$'. "n.ttee vofid ffetirfjSly %i» ! ' - 1 canst) tutt iiiSrl^'&mend- •'•• w shi fic*,» '-in t-iihcwS in ofBBe. ' ^M 'xftD&mW "- r»-«w*d by l\tix•a*»«**sS..Vl&.jBg»- s before it can 'fete mtm ttjjott ';< i •••«(, ' l\es Fwor*Wfe^^ort on Nurses Bill^Expected Albany, Feb. 27—The senate pub- lic health cotninifee, of whiclii.I J eoB*- ard W. H, dlbbs is in.alrr^lnn, next week ii? expected t-i r.'pou <a\orat>lv on tho JJullan nurses bill Before^thls is done, liowevrr, num- erous amendments are to ' be. mad-v among tl-em one t.> i»iiango the metl-Dd in which candidate--? for seiomlors as m,ep>bx?ff- of tho 'joftitt of nxa miner.? shall be designated, : JThe JSTew York State Nurse's' aRSO'd*-* atloii, which h/is supporfed, the b'll for years,' will , meet In TJfo'w Tork ^aturtlas. I E e proposo*} #vmmAuu?}ft» will be cunsldci'.iiU i>y it. IC thqy'are satistaclory to ^r-lti <.i'Kahizii.tian th?^ will he IneortJOTlxteu in the"bill. * #"*•"* tt. • . * + * + * 4 • * • * • . » * ' THE. WEATHEk * & . , . . - -.f^—i , , •*. *«.. Washington, Fib. 27^Jforecast * * for Western New York^Cioudy » * tonight and Saturday, not so cold 4> in western portion, warmer Sat- Albany. Feb. 27—An apfr6.priatIon of S300.00O to meet the Federal appropri- ation' for post rbadb In this state is JMo th<4jJil^waj£-<3Smpaa}f^!SttllO«t ««y v»teM» wufiefj- Irr--ar Wll -fntrJiVhirdfT today Tn their management against exploitation of tlfTfroifJtftFSy* the directors." Attorney- .General»-Palincr today re- IS RECEIVED vr^rm- Seven Were Taken Prisoners by Bolsheviks in Siberia State Appropriation of $300,000 is Asked in Bill Washington, Feb. 27-^FIrsrr"dntaHed noWs of tho capture of the seven Ited <=Jr(«ts workers in Hiberla by the Bot= nlievlks was received liere tjoday In a rable dispatch from Captsiii' Edward Chavptte of Stockton, Oill/otnla, Earlier press dlspatchet' had car- -ried'tlw aiiwa of Ihe capture of on'ly four Red Cross •workers: iKapteiir: at tfatfy'JV Donrilly, of Philai(letpTi% BUII Atlaittie"filtir, Kew*Jersey. ~<Sip> tain -'tTharettft aiEer Belhe. canturtfd was roleiiseil and giv^n passagr through the Itn^s to carry the; ttc.ws of thB safety of the othfp captives. Ttti* remaining captives Were at flrut or- dered to Moscow uruJ they were later permitted to stay at Krasnoyarsk where it is believed they are now lieid. Donally is Kiiffering fjom % broken leg. The others are reported in good health. the legislature by Senate* Kenny M. Sage,, ehairmtth hf -Iho Ktalo r%»iiee eojitmlttfei urasrje. 7 a. m. 12 noTon f p. 'rtt; Temperatures. ,-t^. -4- -•• .-•12' '• it •* •"•"•'t •jva-ve-* Lbc^l, Oattdiiipils: Andtatf - g;erijaiw"e;,..&fld! j.. v ,~ -, •"strue}**tfi« && yes%day after-.'"'!' • noonon tne erest'oif a northwe'st'*: 4* gale. Tlie mercury Sittggexl to. the <t + zero point and was-madcuriusuaUy * • penerating by the hhjh 'wind, * • which also caused the torrokUon JK • of h^eavy* drifts; Todai' the *ind • moderated, but the temperature • continued low. -<<•!• • # * » *.*"*••* « r ' ***** Report Germany Will Hand Over 100 War Graft Soon —r-*—:* Xondoti, Feb. 27—It was c^poi-lvxi "from The ifttgOG this aftoi-HOOii that (Jermany will surrender 100 additional war craft of various classp'-, to the Alliis within the next frw days. «)tll- ieials of aifmir.'ilty WH-n skeptical of j tills report how<n-pr. It was stated | that they did not i-xpect immediate de- livery- of the additional war erart which Germany roust turn over in j reparation for the sinking of lho In- ' tefwd Uerrnau war fleet at Kraj.i j Flow. j French Railway Strike ; Assumes Political Aspect I ' —~~ i -~- Pails, Fib, 27 The Frrmh railway sti'll(P asuwuiiPd a- $i4it!fwl as|n'.-l cn- day. The Parisian syndicaiists itlie Inborcr exti-ernlnts) ait> insisting that the strike should not onl> continue I>ut extend, A "majority of" the federal lallwnj. m+iu ssre e>pposlng gi-iu-ral strike. The gcfWnmcnt \a piannina t,v re- striet rostiasriint meals:, io two dishi-s i on account, of the difficulty in moving food. Director General jJfinets'Aftf: ,, nounced Today EyerV-i thing Is in ReacBnes* Washington, Feb. 27-^I>irector, Geo- oral Klnes apnouncc*d today that all is ready to*tunTtaTra.!tway'Sjrstem^i baclf >* to their plivate owners at 12:0t a, jjfc< Monday. This was the time set in fife* president's proclamation. Mr. HIn4S* announced today that by Monday, ey^ ' ery feature Incident to the .' transfer < iWillvlmve-been perfected. TJhe traasfe A •Ms. Hln.es continued^ wilt not tnlofr;*. Charotto'» cable today' save th» nomeSr of those eaptnr«>a which include tfiat'ffprth any injmedlate. clianso hi ttte upf Wcatloa and pdollngi plans^ to whlcjt many of the" railroads nave asfcfuste-* ttielt" operfitlong With financial %> sitv- Ings, Many other innovations intr«.S ducetl^ under government font rot ais» will be continued the ex*cutlv« an* * ^ nounced. M*-. Illfto^.stated that ps^ttfj v. * cally all of the railway executives that* -', camo to Washington to snrve as b|*^4- aldos In various capacities dining th* >"* .two years of Federal control IWVP r<* \ signed. ' i Mr. Hines paid at the end of 60 days claim.adjustments .ami fcthwu «wtte will have reached a stage that wijl warrant him returning to priv.ito Hfe^ and fesiimlng tlio practice of law fa.^ New York. city. Tn> return of th£ rqads to theij- owners Is to he followed almost immediately by the nctfnit of ' '•railway executives" tn submission q£^. proposals relating to » rates that vviHj. sustnlfi the cralila of th*- roiuIM. General "Diivctor Hints in ids a.imuat^ report to Congress will emplmstep tUe^V ** necessity for some definite potic> In,t»?-, that dii-oction. Mr. Hlnes p\pc«-ts to have hit ivpoi-t ready to fna^e ptihlift." tomorrow, _ ' Td Draft Bill To Keep #' Ships Under U. S, FUg^ l U..M J .tulrcf 4H5^^^ew^^Bs^SBWJJWiisffiman^ BS»^|flK?i^6®r«E"'-J3iDa&B|3>'arafl. Busttmati.- "Star.. Baby," »* i'iW •W§mm m?$lk^m*iiMtt: l t>hmK&%mm in iheir home -tor-'Chicago; *•*•'- .giicWiatt'-ls'tWIfe 'fejei.Hr to' 'ffiiftik Rinsa? feav«Ki.j;.BW«9.',,- -,- -airs. Washington. I->h. 2t-flpjiMij-rs *tb the legislation proposed for Hie fonnu-^* lation of a policy- fw the Arhfrksatt,' Merchant Marine are virtually pleted aornrding to a st.it.-nii-nt made*,? today by Senator Jnnm. nr-putillcon fftkj' Washington, cli.iiruiiin >.f HIP Re:iaB5^»)f Commerop rommlttfe, . <*• '<%» "Tho committer « m roij.»ii ( !e> tne_£«' hearings In a few tlyj-s," Jotn's tm~. &*" nouncetl. "at Which ffitif a .Ruh-com^&g $$$ mlttee will b.e nppniatcif to draft a l»ff^x_* ' which wifl ;iim to insure thf> rpfMifloJt v ?*i"~ of United Ktntfs merchant tlpot undl^i',^' the flag nf the TTnjtrif Stati s and pi'l-,^" 1 vide for h ropnns of sup«i"rtslu« tlpr,*. operation-.of this fleeV'^^, , "i,\- lJ ,- Commission To Deal J tit' With Canada Provide^ »!>, Sees Little Chance of Lower Price lor Sugar .Ks». it'Jtrit. F*i<. 2?— liocsmse-'-^rtf *rre' iiicieaseni. rotistimptjon in this •••••ujiti'y -^ .,-. , ., ^ „- . - . .. ~irw«' ttirra is •'littto ,-h^i.v- .£ an, great Wash'ngtot?, Feb. 27 Aj.po?ntm^|f|| ^duttlon in HNMU « p.1^8, Qm,.eo A.}«".B f -cn»n?Win« to deal vv^tl. t h e g a j ^ States «ugar ^..ftllaalfen. boa;d, tie- j^Kmlnatlnff present test.-Mions •o^. #»-*^ clsi-ed Wjiii^*'->v m;*Ut In .«. t-'in*s ««Portatloh to the uattsd ,jSttttc»jW -TjBJfore' the annual coiiventlonof «he New . Pt'iflf P^P wood ahd 6%«r wwofe wlS Tork VFholesale <Jrocer<) a**..e«sitruh. *h 'Uie malfing.of-paRay is j8-ftvidt}J r 'Jn J -ilfiaaid there,wenWd.'•*.» I» at, a;poi 3 the TJnderWPOd. resolution- jwsr«f^P|^| cfon at iutar tn w^ht •-• 'flie Soriaje: today, •* •,. _^ ; .-,. ^ZJUJ^S > > * TV
Page 1: TO CONSTlTUHONAUfm f 01 THE CUMMINS-ESGrilL IS …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88074668/1920-02-27/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · ipii'n.ii at San--©ranclseo, adopted, a, ... change of notes

eautiftil pat- I > d f f e d a t s l j est taijfob in | be fitj alferac- $ Ely Identified-•-*$ I

Answer 1pwi^c#md[ % Stale lartment

Speedy Answer faterp*eted by Washing­ton as Meaning Their Acceptance of President's Proposal for Conference. WASETCf OH, Fefe. 0l-^The repijrof the^Freiich

and British pre^alers^ President Wilson's Adriatic note, has beea-reeeifmdhme-f it was announced today 3tf the State Department, p&ejjote \sill not be made publie-here although i t trmjr; be- pwblj#ed in Europe. The. note has been sent tp;the' President it is understood. :...::r

Wilson's proposal for the settlement of the Adriatic-pro­blem by a conference" between Italy and-Jngo "Slavia is hoped for bjr officiate,b,ere. who are today* anxiously await­ing the reply of thaAllied Premiers to the-Prisidentfs latest

Knote. The reply is understood to have* left London" last night, and should bBiii.-the-haads-of the President toda r.

The qiiicfc reply made by the Entente premiers is in­terpreted hexeasan aceept»nce*of the President's proposal, and it is understood that the Italian government is willing to hold a conference With Jugo Slavia in an attempt to reach an agreeiaent^^If the^rOposaf for « conference is accepted and it fails to reach an agreement satisfactory to the United States Great Britain and France/then Italy and Jugo.Slavianiflst. stand by the proposal made by the other Allied Countries. * _ * - . . - - ; .

Th& prp^osed Jugo-Slav^Italian conference Wa& the only hope helfl out here today for an amicable settlement of the enti^stoa^^ar^ in the^ntire exch^g^ of nt>tes it loomedf^fls. the one possible, way singe President^|1^ son and the -Ehtente Premte tee sho^ndT^sposilaan to s w B Q & T O i i t f ^ ^

of coMplMiKs w&%laly as tb^KFiffift#^uesBSB, it Wa§ learned tojday ItBls coiTespondehce was iiot sub-mittedtotne tJniledl^es, . . •:. /— :r..- ^ • -

The State'Bepartetent annoiiriepd today that Great Britain hadconsented B the note of December19th only after it had been agreed that Italy would have an oppor­tunity to reply, thMltM^^

• turn, and that it should not be made public at that time.

Solomon-Declares He. Would Obey Socialist Mandates

as A Legislator . . ' • ' i . .

Albany, Feb. 27—Sharp cross exam­ination by State counsel today batter­ed the defense of Charles Solomen, fighting with four 6j,her Socialist As­semblymen 'for their seats in the As­sembly, and brought from him the a d ­mission that* he h a revolutionary so : clalistf that he believes in the general strike;, and .proposed .alway.s. to .hold himself obedient to the instruction of the> Socialist jxirtyjn. condueURg MJixz.

*&i'lis~WsiiLt6^ teiMatrfiV;"-*T ---—;-.--.^Jludga.Arthur a.-S«frWlaTrd--sprtmgrpr"-a surprise .oa the defense .when .short-, ly before the noon recess, he intro­duced as evidence a photographic copy of a letter, sent by Adol'ph Germer, exe­cutive Secretary'of the Socialist party and'scht out from Socialist Headquar­ters Aug*. 25, 1910, notifying Socialists-elected officers that they must sign a ^resignation blank "so that they may be recalled for cause," Solomon how­ever declared that he haa-never sign-, ed sueh a blank—if ho received in­structions which were '.'within the law" he would hold himself obedient to this party, and Its provision for such obed­ience In the party's constitution. Dur­ing: lila cross -osamlnatlorr he made general denial of .testimony adduced by the state that a t a Brooklyn campaign meeting he made disparaging remarks about soldiers conducting a nearby re­cruiting-rally and eventually closed kis meeting fcy "spitting on the flag."

B*mbtne*s£? Colby. A : j r M « .

Bainbridge Colby, New YorK lawyer, r, has been selected b y President Wilson, to sueceeoVRobort Lansing as. Secretary of State, according -to. an official announcement made at the White House. Mr. Colby has accepted the post - - * - „ . . _. r

MawhaTLynn Re-Nominated

UQV, Smith Wti Head New York State, Democra­

tic 'Delegation .

atat* Alhany, Fel/. _21~&«# totk f if " rats^..ilumAigb~-Jtbei£ as-fi.ihiPd in ufl^flSciy«?nvejftion hefee' >«">t-i,i..,y, selecte#-'the—sdBli lai-Rp u, the Dempc/atio"Nititlorial &oh<~ ipii'n.ii a t San--©ranclseo, adopted, a, pnriA platform end, n^^0soltx0t\,"-$a:

stvi. IP,I the delegation #t)'*:S#ti Frioi-' is' •. i,, vate as-a^-a^lt^oa-^tpmatters. •n..> 'iripgateg-a^laf^lr'SeTebted after

'"••-• I'.'ns of cpm*^rt^er.-fiorflijrpm-'•*•• .mil •aiiituiatipn,ar;'e\i ^p*efhofc Af-''"» l: Smith anrf"* StJss Mizttbeth 'M "'•'.<>>...oJL Now fork; Mlas Harriet

Mills of Syracuse and iiotjls•'Des'-»f KuttiUtt, • * •* -*T;. * '' , " alt ornafeB&^alfeif 'PfeWsW- R16-

P"in..u.n Brooklyn; Mrs*. Maurice., & r"i"M.Iiv. Queens-^ ^njimUl~*\. Mpp* i»" ' Wrt«hliigi<j$i; -mtij& ' # . fifevfltt,' .'' IT. r s i m . . ' ' t- - - - ' "? *

Washington, Fob. 37-John D. Lynn of HochBHJ)er"was nSmlffatedyesterday by- PrestdeW; T?irsoi^ fo U e Chlt«s4. States m a i # a l for tfr& western district of JSew- -Ytiiik, r?kfttrcshaK%*tf,is. 1 present federSE'flpSetf foi'the distri Jlis nomination is far another term.

, ; - ' • • • - : ^ • ~ ~ 2 -

Anxious A s to Note** r~~ Etfecrbn tlie Treaty

— . — » • »

Washington, Feb. 27—Conferences of Senate leaders rWere hastily called to­day following. publication of the ex­change of notes between President Wilson and the Allied premiers over the Adriatic situation to determine the effect of the notes on the treaty situation in tho Senate.

^Untm1riS-*EsSSr SJiFare" planning to ^ttacft^-4ho- '«»iwtit»tionaJftv of tho

M . i

l i > - I ,

C)6velnnd, Feb. 27—10 alleged, Beds were arrested awd seven wagon loads o£ anarchistic literature confiscated in a raid conducted by._Federal agents as- ' sisted by police here early today. The suspects were aroused from jt&elr beda and taiten to tlio c'otmtyJitW.- N o ^ e j

^Ic"pa5feTas : lo55rTbagedi alFfceing accused generally of violating United

gg'iKrwsr- - . — " ••> ~" • - : • : = — r — .

British Planie U? S. four SMpping Losses

• - - . . , • — , -

London. Feb. 27—The British gov­ernment vias reported -today to haw "sent & note tg Washington regard'n? losses" .austainrd by British shipping companies through the delay of the United States in rele4sing former Ger­man, steamship^ such as the rmp<>i'ator.

Would Have l / . S . ' ' Acquire fhse Bermudas

A.H. Smith To Again H e a d l i ¥ . 0 ; i 4 n e s

response of the British and French Premiers In their note of Feb. 17th that they'"view With consterna­tion" the threat of the withdrawal of the United States from the League of Nations" and earnestly trust that Jv4tt*ever-+hie-fmal view" 6T "She United" States, government as to the Adriatic settlement may be, they will not'wreck WraTvlioTe ffiaclilripry for dealing with international disputes by with-dra^v-ing from the treaty of 1919 because their view is not adopted in this par­ticular case" was construed by sena-. tors as fresh evidence that the British and French governments are anxious to get the American people isesigror' ' """

LONDON, Feb. 27.w-With the Soviet government: t l nearer fonnal reqognition by the Allies-than-at-any^tim^f since it was set up by Nicholas Lenine and Leon TrotS%i^ in the summer of 1917, warfare on a big scale has ceastfclf in Russia. _ ' . iX ,

The Soviet is maintaining five powerful armies un-r1:*! der arms,-but the scattered fighting now reported eonvH sists mainly of patrol encounters or clashes between isolator ed factions of the Bolsheviks dnd the anti-Bed Russians^

A truce reigns throughout northern- Russia for j^fe^fj

centrate4 near, the FoMrlrdntier but there ar^ indieal* i V | , t iomAajy^^^^^^oj i©^^too^^al i©rp^^


Railway Unions and Farmers Organizations Opposed to i • - if m£mw Court Action in Event P r e t i S ^ i l - !

i ^ ^ m e Bilfe^Bluinb fae^Brief W k ^ ^ ^ "

Bolshevfir army has been concentrated %^ Bessarabia ahd*'T|as been threatening 'Rottmatiia wfthr* iiF'" v, vasion, but the belief is expressed that the Allies' sugges-A ' tion that the states bordering on Russia malce immediat^p peace with the Moscow Soviet, will eventually hold up af-lf fensives operated in that theater. Patrol skirmishes havehr ' been reported from the Dneister River line where the <Rou*' manians have prepared fortifications.

The only war zone where fighting of any realimport^ ance has been reported recently is betweenthe sea of k&ay,,^ and the Caspian Sea where the scatteredremnants of Peai^d kin's old army are now stationed. The Soviet forces havfy-been expanding their area of occupation and claim, w * have taken the important city of Rostov on the Don. _ x.



& JB&n^&^mtbi-TBB jtokmy ners' organization

f?L.i?.aV6 ggg&M^yecord against the

Cinmmiris^sch bill b v ronrt action i« event" the President signs the measure i^wa»-1€!a«sa- todtty.:

Preoeedings. peeking to enjoin the government from' turning back the rffllroaio*3:"to pfTvaEi ownership March 1st majs-beflledi-.*-

At the JVhlto House it Was learned that ^ttemi 1B.* Plumh, attorney for the Railway =Brothciihoods had.filed a brief with the President attacking the con-^itutumali^tlof—the-bHt

fiiirncdf'the' railroad WU fo the Presi­dent. The Attorney G^ieraJ fffUlfhed a note declaring that" liow-vvasi prf 4ho opinion that there Is no*:ooii|tituiional objection to the bill. _ ' J ^ l I l H __ _

"•' a ss?rrr?s~

Single Chamber in Irish Parliaments

- ' • — Lojidph, Feb. 27—The Irish Par­

liaments which the government will seek to establish under the new Home Rule bill will consist of a .single •ehumbct'. eacli, m-'CTJl'diiig to" the tore-cast of-The-Times tddar* upon" tlm details, of the measure. The Bret elec

to Sx its prieei" said ttion of members at the two legblatnres . |willbB under; the proportional sj-stem,

the -TimesLsays. • :—Thp \Toraiiig Poat announced tlmt

•First; ifc places^Tata. Insidious-. folass distlttctlqn^. ag^lnsj^ rail labo^ by" estab­lishing *h, board "*" " " - ' - " Plumb;—*«-fc...:..«~s»^.

•^^te^i^ai ;^tjh,ec i*ssentiA.l^Bduss' fi-jpw ia Ipft fvPn tn fly lt« nwn prlr^n.

"CertFElnir1 fty^guaranteelng - irives- M}»- <•&& oC the bill Would be.rqude •tors a. jnfe^ujcgj^uj?n_Qf_ five aBdvO»e4'PuWIc today, half per cent, it makes holders of rait securities a dlstlactive privileged class giving lhfit&i.ft fl'St lien on the prosperity of the1 country at the ex-pense *& airtrthTer'TSitizens, investors

Under the bill -the pj?ople guarantee atf losses' oT*opeta$on suffered by the

\, of \ Y.. . , TP r IM.

(U ii' . I n . rl

T II '• II M . >,

\ iirk, Feb. 27^ftcapp6intm6jtt' 'I sniith as president oi ifie New 1 '• ntmi fines and of Other officers,

"•'••I'llshlng th? jysteia*-asr'H'--c3p..-1 rriqr to fedfejai control was ,an-1 ' -• in'i-e this week' Wiee $IMsi-


-•III. tllf. lTlf r

th., ITll iv

l«l:. I.,

.Was'htaSion, Feb. 2?—Negotiations WiWv Great Britain with a view of tno Uriited States acquiring the -BermHHa Islands IS prdvided in a reaolUtiOTlEiil-U'Oduced in Che Senate to^ay .by '•£&«•* -atoi- -Kenyan. -gftpujtUcan, df lowa.^

Friendiy RelaHoiw With ^ ; & S a F | o v i J | - ^ ) o s e d .

C*%asW rj^ofh - l?»bpH2*^Ssj»t&lteh«ieut

pirn"®*- * « ? « ^ i l / ^ i w Soviet ^ovet'nmeftt a«4 tlie".#j!jovftt*qf "fflTAmfirroIji rrooW rrom."*lfiat fiomi" tjpy- is providved to a .rwolntaffl. tatto-dttced Itt the Senate today .by Sfi&a-tor" "Frances ftpl^Wicaiv^^JMaiTi^nd.

' ~ ~ ^ * > ' > « ' . : ^ ' ' * • « ' ' " ' " " ' • " * ' : ' " ' * -

Mln-related ,|ttdiisttrie* of f,

Wit»hinfft"ii.1 Feb. 2f—Final decree was entered .today in the Di3trict.Su> jjfemcwtti ' t dissolving the unrelated liiausii-tea of the large packers. »

y.6 'waSM In accordance with an '• " ">!e. ^Tjera^femwh* *«))5sf» "«ffo»roMtt reached between Attorney.

Insalte, J,'•• Q§03g^-mToT iHiiriqnartprs ^ . w . l m v - f^wft.

ould A l b w 3 i i i ^ ^ j l | To Succeea'll^pilife'

i -fb. • 2? .—the^nM* ' •$$'. "n.ttee vofid ffetirfjSly %i»!

' -1 canst) tutt iiiSrl '&mend-•'•• w shi fic*,» '-in • t-iihcwS

in ofBBe. ' ^M 'xftD&mW "- r»-«w*d by l\tix•a*»«**sS..Vl&.jBg»-s before i t can 'fete mtm ttjjott

';< i • • • « ( ,

' l\es

Fwor*Wfe^^ort on Nurses Bill^Expected

Albany, Feb. 27—The senate pub­lic health cotninifee, of whiclii.IJeoB*-ard W. H, dlbbs is in.alrr^lnn, next week ii? expected t-i r.'pou <a\orat>lv on tho JJullan nurses bill

Before^thls is done, liowevrr, num­erous amendments are to ' be. mad-v among tl-em one t.> i»iiango the metl-Dd in which candidate--? for seiomlors as m,ep>bx?ff- of tho 'joftitt of nxa miner.? shall be designated, :

JThe JSTew York State Nurse's' aRSO'd*-* atloii, which h/is supporfed, the b'll for years,' will , meet In TJfo'w Tork ^aturtlas. — IEe proposo*} #vmmAuu?}ft» will be cunsldci'.iiU i>y it. IC thqy'are satistaclory to ^r-lti <.i'Kahizii.tian th?^ will he IneortJOTlxteu in the"bill.

* #"*•"* tt. • . * + * + * 4 • * • * • . » * ' THE. WEATHEk * & . , . . - • - . f ^ — i , , • * .

*«.. Washington, Fib. 27^Jforecast * * for Western New York^Cioudy » * tonight and Saturday, not so cold • 4> in western portion, warmer Sat- •

Albany. Feb. 27—An apfr6.priatIon of S300.00O to meet the Federal appropri­ation' for post rbadb In this state is

JMo th<4jJil^waj£-<3Smpaa}f^!SttllO«t ««y v»teM» wufiefj- Irr--ar Wll -fntrJiVhirdfT today Tn their management against exploitation of tlfTfroifJtftFSy* the directors."

Attorney- .General»-Palincr today re-


Seven Were Taken Prisoners by Bolsheviks in


State Appropriation of $300,000 is Asked in Bill

Washington, Feb. 27-^FIrsrr"dntaHed noWs of tho capture of the seven Ited <=Jr(«ts workers in Hiberla by the Bot= nlievlks was received liere tjoday In a rable dispatch from Captsiii' Edward Chavptte of Stockton, Oill/otnla,

Earlier press dlspatchet' had car--ried'tlw aiiwa of Ihe capture of on'ly four Red Cross •workers: iKapteiir:

at tfatfy'JV Donrilly, of Philai(letpTi% BUII Atlaittie"filtir, Kew*Jersey. ~<Sip> tain -'tTharettft aiEer Belhe. canturtfd was roleiiseil and giv^n passagr through the Itn^s to carry the; ttc.ws of thB safety of the othfp captives. Ttti* remaining captives Were at flrut or­dered to Moscow uruJ they were later permitted to stay at Krasnoyarsk where it is believed they are now lieid.

Donally is Kiiffering fjom % broken leg. The others are reported in good health.

the legislature by Senate* Kenny M. Sage,, ehairmtth hf -Iho Ktalo r%»iiee eojitmlttfei


7 a. m. 12 noTon f p. 'rtt;

Temperatures. ,-t^.

• -4 - - • •

.-•12' ' • it •*

• " • " • ' t •jva-ve-*

Lbc^l, Oattdiiipils: Andtatf - g;erijaiw"e;,..&fld! j . . v , ~ -,

•"strue}**tfi« && yes%day after-.'"'!' • noonon tne erest'oif a northwe'st'*: 4* gale. Tlie mercury Sittggexl to. the <t + zero point and was-madcuriusuaUy * • penerating by the hhjh 'wind, * • which also caused the torrokUon JK • of h eavy* drifts; Todai' the *ind • • moderated, but the temperature • continued low. -<<•!• • # * » * . * " * • • * «r' * * * * *

Report Germany Wil l Hand Over 100 War Graft Soon

—r-*—:* Xondoti, Feb. 27—It was c^poi-lvxi

"from The ifttgOG this aftoi-HOOii that (Jermany will surrender 100 additional war craft of various classp'-, to the Alliis within the next frw days. «)tll-

ieials of aifmir.'ilty WH-n skeptical of j tills report how<n-pr. It was stated | that they did not i-xpect immediate de­

livery- of the additional war erart which Germany roust turn over in

j reparation for the sinking of lho In-' tefwd Uerrnau war fleet at Kraj.i j Flow.

j French Railway Strike ; Assumes Political Aspect I ' —~~i-~-

Pails, Fib, 27 The Frrmh railway sti'll(P asuwuiiPd a- $i4it!fwl as|n'.-l cn-day. The Parisian syndicaiists itlie Inborcr exti-ernlnts) ait> insisting that the strike should not onl> continue I>ut extend, A "majority of" the federal lallwnj. m+iu ssre e>pposlng gi-iu-ral strike.

The gcfWnmcnt \a piannina t,v re-striet rostiasriint meals:, io two dishi-s

i on account, of the difficulty in moving food.

Director General jJfinets'Aftf: ,, nounced Today EyerV-i thing I s i n ReacBnes*

Washington, Feb. 27-^I>irector, Geo-oral Klnes apnouncc*d today that all i s • ready to*tunTtaTra.!tway'Sjrstem^i baclf >* to their plivate owners at 12:0t a, jjfc< Monday. This was the time set in fife* president's proclamation. Mr. HIn4S* announced today that by Monday, ey^ ' ery feature Incident to the .' transfer < iWillvlmve-been perfected. TJhe t raasfe A

•Ms. Hln.es continued^ wilt not tnlofr;*. Charotto'» cable today' save th» nomeSr of those eaptnr«>a which include tfiat'ffprth any injmedlate. clianso hi ttte upf

Wcatloa and pdollngi plans^ to whlcjt many of the" railroads nave asfcfuste-* ttielt" operfitlong With financial

%> sitv-

Ings, Many other innovations intr«.S ducetl^ under government font rot ais» will be continued the ex*cutlv« an* * ^ nounced. M*-. Illfto^.stated that ps^ttfj v. * cally all of the railway executives that* -', camo to Washington to snrve as b|*^4-aldos In various capacities dining th* >"* .two years of Federal control IWVP r<* \ signed. ' i

Mr. Hines paid at the end of 60 days claim.adjustments .ami fcthwu «wtte will have reached a stage that wijl warrant him returning to priv.ito H f e ^ and fesiimlng tlio practice of law fa.^ New York. city. Tn> return of th£ rqads to theij- owners Is to he followed almost immediately by the nctfnit of '

'•railway executives" tn submission q£^. proposals relating to » rates that vviHj. sustnlfi the cralila of th*- roiuIM.

General "Diivctor Hints in ids a.imuat^ report to Congress will emplmstep tUe^V ** necessity for some definite potic> In,t»?-, that dii-oction. Mr. Hlnes p\pc«-ts to have hit ivpoi-t ready to fna^e ptihlift." tomorrow, _ '

Td Draft Bill To Keep # ' Ships Under U. S, FUg^ l

U..M J

.tulrcf 4H5^^^ew^^Bs^SBWJJWiisffiman^ BS» |flK?i 6®r«E"'-J3iDa&B|3>'arafl. Busttmati.- "Star.. Baby," »* i'iW •W§mm m?$lk^m*iiMtt:lt>hmK&%mm in iheir home -tor-'Chicago; * • * • ' - .giicWiatt'-ls'tWIfe 'fejei.Hr to' 'ffiiftik Rinsa? feav«Ki.j;.BW«9.',,- -,-


Washington. I->h. 2t-flpjiMij-rs *tb the legislation proposed for Hie fonnu-^* lation of a policy- fw the Arhfrksatt,' Merchant Marine are virtually pleted aornrding to a st.it.-nii-nt made*,? today by Senator Jnnm. nr-putillcon fftkj' Washington, cli.iiruiiin >.f HIP Re:iaB5^»)f Commerop rommlttfe, . <*• '<%»

"Tho committer « m roij.»ii(!e> tne_£«' hearings In a few tlyj-s," Jotn's tm~. &*" nouncetl. "at Which ffitif a .Ruh-com^&g $$$ mlttee will b.e nppniatcif to draft a l»ff^x_* ' which wifl ;iim to insure thf> rpfMifloJtv?*i"~ of United Ktntfs merchant tlpot undl^i',^' the flag nf the TTnjtrif Stati s and pi ' l- ,^"1

vide for h ropnns of sup«i"rtslu« tlpr,*. operation-.of this fleeV'^^, , "i,\-lJ,-

Commission T o Deal J tit' With Canada Provide^ »!>,

Sees Little Chance of Lower Price lor Sugar

.Ks». it'Jtrit. F*i<. 2?— liocsmse-'- rtf *rre' iiicieaseni. rotistimptjon in this •••••ujiti'y • -^ .,-. , ., ^ „- . - . . . ~ i r w « ' ttirra is •'littto ,-h^i.v- .£ an , great Wash'ngtot?, Feb. 27 A j . p o ? n t m ^ | f | | ^dut t lon in HNMU« p.1^8, Qm,.eo A.}«".Bf-cn»n?Win« to deal vv tl. t h e g a j ^ States «ugar ^..ftllaalfen. boa;d, tie- j^Kmlnatlnff present test.-Mions •o^. # » - * ^ clsi-ed Wjiii^*'->v m;*Ut In .«. t - ' i n*s • ««Portatloh to the uattsd ,jSttttc»jW

-TjBJfore' the annual coiiventlonof «he New . Pt'iflf P^P wood ahd 6%«r wwofe wlS Tork VFholesale <Jrocer<) • a**..e«sitruh. *h 'Uie malfing.of-paRay is j8-ftvidt}Jr'Jn J

-ilfiaaid there,wenWd.'•*.» I» at, a;poi3 the TJnderWPOd. resolution- jwsr«f^P|^| cfon at i u t a r tn w^ht •-• • 'flie Soriaje: today, •* •,. _^;.-,. ^ZJUJ^S

• > > *

