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TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ...

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Page 1: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,











Approved for public release; distribution isunlimited.

Distribution authorized to U.S. Gov't. agenciesand their contractors;Administrative/Operational Use; 15 FEB 1969.Other requests shall be referred to Office ofthe Adjutant General (Army), Washington, DC20310.

AGO ltr 29 Apr 1980 ; AGO ltr 29 Apr 1980

Page 2: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

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Page 3: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,




WASHINGTON. D.C. 20310 . )



A&AM-P (M) (13 May 69) FOR OT UT 691085



21 May 1969

Operational Report - Lessons Learned, Headquarters, Amerlcal Division Artillery, Period Ending 31 January 1969 (U)


THIS nOei'MENT CONTfT S ■Nr^'r -'T'P-J fFcTT.,..OEFENSE OF Tiff . • • • • . t ■ THE r.STIONAt•'SPIONAFF 1«'A- t, I. ‘rArtliV;! OF THE

' • ' 'T3 n;o /o/i.

1. Subject report is forwArded for review and evaluation in accordance with paragraph 5b, AR 525-15. Evaluations and corrective actions should be reported to ACSFOR OT UT, Operational Reports Branch, within 90 days of receipt of covering letter.

2. Information contained in this report is provided to insure appropriate benefits in the future from lessons learned during current operations and may be adapted for use in developing training material.


iFcuucR<u r* urrvuAM

1 InclKENNETH G. WICKHAM Major General, USA The Adjutant General


Commanding GeneralsUS Continental Army Comnand US Army Combat Developments Command


US Army War CollegeUS Army Command and General Staff College

Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School Army Missile and Munitions School Army Ordnance School

S J>'9Ta(l«d undassmen when separatedArmy Southeastern Signal irOfll ClaSSlfled iPClOSUre.Army Transportation School











Page 4: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,



Copies furnished: Office, Chief of Staff, US Army Deputy Chiefs of Staff Chief of Research and Development Assistant Chiefs of Staff Chief of Engineers Commanding Generals

US Army Materiel Command US Army Weapons Command

Director, Weapons Systems Evaluation Group Defense Documentation Center Security Officer, Hudson Institute Commanding Officers

US Army Limited War Laboratory US Army Logistics, Doctrine Systems & Readiness Agency Amerlcal Division Artillery

Commandant, Armed Forces Staff College


Page 5: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,


D^üHTflbl-T Of THE ABKi hoadquartara juaorical Division ArtiUory

Afv San Francisoo 96374

15 Fobruary 1969 AVDF-iiTCO

üüriJ-C'l': üporational haport - Masons tearnod (KCS-caai-65)

Sii. DlbüdWUTiai

U (c; Section Is üporations: faignificuit ^ctlvitio»

a. Conanands

(U Thu folXowing units are assigned, attached, or OPCOW:

3d Battalion, 16th ArtiUory (155T)« Attnohü*

3d Battalion, 18th ArtiUory («"/l7annibf)s Attached

l8t BattaUon, 82d ArtiUory (l55T/8--^): Assigned

6th BattaUon, 5*th Artillery (Ha**): H^lgnod

Battury G, 55th ArtiUory (Md). Assigned

251 st ÜoTjntenftortar Radar Dataonmont: Assißncd

252d uountomortar Radar üetochwonts Assigned

(2) Division Artillsry monitors th. activities of tho diro.t support battalions of th« three infnntry farieados.

6th Battalion, 11th ArtiUery: Assigned 11th Ught Infantry Brigacw

. Lt BattaUon. 14th ArtiUery: ££* 198th Ught xnf^try

3d BattaUon, 82d Artillery; Aligned 196th light Infantry


DOD DIR 5200.10

F*R or CT CONFIDENTIAL Inclosure £

Page 6: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

CONFIDENTIAL W» Operation« s

(1) Support Artillery VITOB

(a) Hoe.vy ortlllury support eontinuus to bu available throughout the dlvielon r.roa of operation». Two batterloe of haavy nrtillury wesro moved to hlnh long and Tra Bong Special Forces camps to providu heavy artillery support beyond the division boundary and extend the sphere of influence of the division. Both moves requirod extensive engineer work to muks the roads passable for the heavy self-propelled artillery.

(b) Medium artillery continues to bo nvailnblu throughout tho division area of operations. In order to provide this support, many of the batteries have had to operate as split fire units. One battery of medium artillery continues to operate in direct support of the 1st Squadron, 1st Cavalry.

(c) Light artillery units made 40 moves during the period, with most of the displacements being madu by air. Ihe provisional fourth firing battery in each direct support battalion again provided added coverage for the large brigade AU's.

(d) Artillery aimmnitlon expenditures and percent of observed fires by caliber for thu reporting period arc as follows:




8 in

(2) Division Artillery provided supporting fires for tho following operations of the Amerieal Division:

Operation Vornon Lake II 2 Nov 68 to present

Operation Hardin Falls 2 Dec 68 to present

Operation Fayette Canyon 15 Dec 68 to present

Operation Russell Beech 13 Jan 69 to present

(a) Vornon Lake II

J., uporation Vurnon Lake II cenmeneod at 020601 November 1968 with the 11th Infantry Brigade conducting the operation«

£. Division Artillery supported the operation as follows:

£. B/6/11 moved fron LZ Popper (bS 496716) to LZ Cork (BS 448612) on

/ a



168,530 62

83,750 41

18,176 30

11,986 8.8

Page 7: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

CONFIDENTIAL 2 November, with onu platoon (2 howitzers) moving to LZ Voluntoor (fl& 348593) on 2 Jccumbcr, and leturning to LZ Cork on 13 üeoember, rcmr.ining at LZ Cork through thu end of the reporting period. D/6/ll moved from LZ Pepper to LZ Cork on 2 hovembor, then to LZ Amy (BS 473526) on 11 November, romaining through th^ und of the reporting period. On^ platoon (2 howitzers) of k/t/\y movod from LZ Dragon (BS 730528? to LZ Can (öS 393502) on 19 Wovember, thon to hinh Lonfe special forces Cnnp (bS 536513) on 21 Wovember, returning to LZ Dragon and out of the Vornon J-aku II AO on 23 Wovembori

b. Medium ortillory. One platoon (2 howitzers) moved from Hill 54 (BT 394144) to L2 Cork and become ÜrCOU to 6/llth Arty on 14 Novombor. The pln- toun wr.s attached to C/l/82, which was further attached to 6/llth Arty. On 2 January, one platoon (2 howitzors) C/l/82, moved from LZ Liz (BS 753432) to LZ üiay (öS 471524), remaining through the end of reporting period.

c. Heavy artillery. C/3/18 supported Vernon Ißkv II from positions nt LZ Uragcn and LZ üronce (riS Ö12396) until 12 Deccmbor v*ien they moved by road to iiinh i-ong äpecial Forces Camp, closing on 14 Dectmbor.

d. Artillery organization for combat;

6th Battalion, nth Artillery (1O5T) DS 11th infantry Brigade

Battery C, 1st Battalion, Ö2d Artillery (+) (155T) Attached 6/11 Arty

Battery C, 3el Battalion, 18th Artillery (8"/l75) OS

(b) Oporntion Hardin Falls

J,. Operation Hardin Falls commenced at 020601 De cumber 1966 with tho l/l Cavali^ conducting an r.cceloratod pacification progrwn.

£. Artillory support was provided by Battery A, 3d Bfttalion, 16th Artil- lury (155T), positioned at Hr.wk Hill (BT 224311). One platoon was moved out of thu AO on 14 Decembor 1968 and rutumed on 2 January 1969.

(c) Operation Fayotto Canyon

J[. Operation Fayotto Canyon commenced at 150601 December 1968 vdth tho 196th infantry Brigade conducting the operation.

gj. Division Artillery supported the operation as follows«

4. Operation was supported by A/3/82 fron LZ Ross (BT 028341) and LZ Kydor (AT 946343) and D/3/82, who moved from LZ Brldy (BT 133453) tc LZ Cacti (JT Ü6O473; on 14 December, returning to LZ Baldy en 2 January.

b. Medium artillory. Une platoon (2 howitaors) ef Battery Ji, 3d Bat- talion, 16th Artillery moved from Hawk Hill (BT 224311) to LZ Baldy on 14 Deccmbor, returning te hawk Hill on 2 January. Battery A (-), Ist Battalion, 82d Artillory moved freia Hill 54 (BT 397143) by road to LZ Koss on 12 Docem- bor, thon moved by air to LZ Sooner (AT ö69359) vn 13 December. Battery A (-) moved out of the AO on 1-2 January. Battery C, 3cl Battalion, l6th Artillery supported the operation from LZ Ko&s until 9 January, when 4 howitzers *«ro moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross«



Page 8: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

CONFIDENTIAL c. Hofivy artillery. Battery B, 3d dnttelion, 18th Xrtlllery euppcrtud

the opuK'.ticn from LZ it^ss »hroughtut thu pori^d.

d. Artillory organization for combat:

3d Battalion, Ö2d Artillery (1O5T) DS 196th Infantry ürignefei

Battery A (-), let Battnlion, 82d Artillery (155T) Attached 3/82 ^.rty

Platoon, a-ittory A, 3d Bnttallon, 16th Artillery (155T) Heinforoing 3/82 ürty

Battery C, 3d Battalion, 16th artillery (155T) GS-* 3/82 Arty

Battery A, 3d Battalion, 10th .jrtillury (8"/l75) GS

(d) Operation Russell Betoh

J.. Operation ItusscllB^ach ccmnioncgd at 130700 January 1969 under the ountrol of Task Force Cooksoy. Operation ma a Joint operation with US riarinus Special Landing Force and elements of the 2d ARVN Division,

g. Division Artillery supported the operation as follows:

£. Operation was supported by A/l/l4 from IZ North (BS 72590?) and B/1/14 frJii U. South (BS 702827). A/l/M* moved to LZ South on 17 January.

£. Modium artillery support was provided by platoon of B/l/82 and pla- toon of D/l/82 frou LZ Dottio (BS 631855) from 13 «fanuary t^ 27 January, whon the 135mm platoon moved to LZ South.

c. Artillory organization for eombat:

Ist Battalion, 14th totillery (105T) DS 198th Infantry Brigade

Platoon, Bf.ttory B, 1st Battalion, 82d iO-tillery (155T) iteinf orclng l/l4th uety

Platoon, Battery D, 1st Battalion, 82d Artillery (8,,SP) ilüinfcrcing l/l4th «rty

(e) Chu Lai T,.ÜR

±. Operations in the Chu Lai TA0H were conducted by 198th Infantry Bri- gade, TF Cooksey, and 11th Infantry Brigade.

2» Division Artillery provided the following support for the TAQRi

£• Light artillery moved frequently to support operations throughout the TAüB.. At the beginning of the reporting period, the direct support batteries wer« located at the following fire support bases:


Page 9: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,


«/1/1A Arty LZ CiaW (üE 5719^3)

ß/l/14 Arty LZ Xoung (BT 188158)

C/1/14 Arty LZ Üuff (üb 539^25)

D/l/14 Arty Fat City (uS 439075)

Uno plntoon of k/s/M, moved freri LZ Gator to LZ buff on 14 Ni-vcmbor, to LZ Ltottie on 17 iiovcinbur, returning to LZ Gator on 5 December, nnd A/1/14 moved to Operation Hussoll Beach on 13 Or.nuary. B/1/14 raovad to LZ Buff en 29 Hovombor, to LZ Dottie on 26 üccombsr, to LZ Pjiris (BS 480828) on 28 Decem- bur, returning to LZ üettie on 5 January, and to Oporati.n Kusscll Bi-nch on 13 January. C/1/14 moved to Orogon AO on 14 Wcvomber. One platoon of U/l/14 mcvod to LZ Gator on 13 January. C/6/ll moved from Due Hio /Ju to LZ Buff on 18 January to support an operation north of tho Song Tra Khoc hivcr, and west of QL 1«

b, iiedium artillory. Ist Battalion, 82d Artillery (-) had battorics in the f .11 wing lccati';n8 at the start of the period.

Vl/B2 Arty Hill 54 (BS 397143)

b/l/82 Arty LZ Gator (BS 57396j)

D/l/82 Arty LZ Dottio (BS 630853)

One platoon of A/l/82 moved to Vornon Lake II AO on 14 November. Battery A (-) moved to LZ Sooner on 12-13 December and was attached to 3/82 Arty, re- turning to Hill 54 on 1 January and occupying new fire suppiTt base at Fat City on 8 January. B/1/14 moved cnu pLitoon to LZ Dottie- on 14 »'ovember and moved a second platoon to Hill 54 on 12 December, with battery headquarters and one platoon remaining it LZ Gator. One platoon moved from LZ Dottie to LZ Gator on 26 Deecmbor, with a second platoon moving from Hill 54 early on 1 January. Una platoon moved from LZ Gat;.r to LZ Dottie to provide battlefield illumination in the vicinity of Qucng Ngai, with the second platoon moving t^ LZ Dottio to reinforce C/6/ll Arty operating west of QL 1. D/l/82 remained at LZ Dottie until 8 January, when one pL'.toon was moved to Fat City to provide 8" support to the northern portion of the TAOR.

.c. Heavy artillery was positioned at Hill 54 until 3 January when A/3/18 Arty ccimcnoed the move to Tra Bong Special Forces Camp (B3 342883), closing on 5 January»

d. Artillory organization for combat:

Ist BattaHcn, 14th Artillery (1O5T) DS 198th Infantry "Brigado

ist flattalicn, 82d Artillery (-) (l55T/8"bP; GS-* l/l4 Arty

Battery A, 3d Battalion, 18th Artillery GS

(f) Due Pho AO


Page 10: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

CONFIDENTIAL J,. Oporc.ticns continued in the Due Hie „u under c:.ntr:l <-C 11th Infantry


2. Divisi. n Artillery provided the folio-wing support for the ;.0:

a. iy6/l1 reeved ona platoon fron LZ Drngn to Vern-n hcko 11 "0 '-« 19 November, returning to 17. Dragon • n 20 fiovembw. On 11 December, «/«>/11 moved frcm LZ Drag.n to LZ «It (Bö 73Ü358), returning on 17 December. One platen mcvod to vicinity of Nghia Hr.nh (B3 611625) to support a blrcking position on 16 January, returning to LZ Dragon on 22 Jr.nuary. C/6/11 sup- ported the AU frwn LZ Thunder (dS 869310) until 1 January, when r-n. plaV'R wie moved to LZ Charlie flrown (öS 928220), returning on 3 Jrjiuary. C/ö/H nv.ved tc Chu Lai TAUK .n 18 Or.nunry.

b. C/l/82 prvidod medium to-tillcry support to Due Fho 40 with battery (-) at LZ Liz (BS 757432) and one pOatoen at LZ Thunder BS 869318), until 2 January, when one platoon moved from LZ Uz to LZ >Jiiy (BS /»71524J.

c. Hce.w artillery support was provided by C/3/18 from positions at LZ DrcKWi anu LZ drr.ncc (iib 612397) until 12 Deeomber, when the road move to S^g Social Forces Camp (BS 534515) commenced, with the battery closing on 14 December.

d. Artillery organization for e- mbat:

6th Br.ttaUon, 11th Artillery (-) (l05T) OS 11th Infantry Brigade

Battery C, 1st Battalion, 82d ArtiUery (155T) Attached 6/11 ,jety

Battery C, 3d Battalion, 18th Artillery (8"/l75SP) GS

(g) Oragpn >.U

1. Operations continued in th- Oregon AO with elements of the 196th Brigado, 198th Brigade, and l/l Cav conducting operations.

2. Division ArtiUery provided the following support for the i;üi

a. il/3/82 supported the AO from LZ itess, vdth one V^toon ttLZ^rdor frA "cv^er U> 3 January. B/3/82 remained at LZ Center (^50250) during the period. C/3/82 suppcrtod the AO fro. LZ West <*T 990250), moving a platoon to LZ Karen (AT 914238) on 14 ^l^'^^^fiT^ UT 869359) on 5 December, moving to LZ West on 12 December, then to LZ Ewen on 16 January. D/3/'82 supported the A0 frcm LZ Baldy until 14 Decera- IZ^Z the teS moved to li Cacti (3T 060473), returning to LZ Baldy on 2 Jam^y: c/t/14 provided support from LZ Bowraan (BT ?W}*™ $£***• bor to 19 January, Wien the battery moved to LZ Professional (BT 173076;.

h. Madium «rtiUepy support f r the AC was prevised by 3d BattaUon, l6thArtlllery. A/3/l6 pr^vlrtod direct support for l/l Cav from «*• ^P- port base locat«d at hawk Hill (BT 2243-11). B/3/16 provided »upport from Thien Phuoc Special Fores. Camp (BT 105142), moving a pl*t%on to ^ «••*

(üT 988249) on 31 Deeomber. C/3/l6 supixMfted the Ä0 from LZ Ross, with two platoons moving to iZ Bydor ari .9. Ji4Wa*y.


Page 11: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

CONFIDENTIAL e. Heavy itrtllXery support wai provided by b/3/18 fmtt LZ Hce».

^. «rtillary crganiaatl on for ccmbr.t:

3d Battalion, 82d iirtillepy (l05T) DS 196th Infantry Brigade

1st Battalicn, 14th ijrtUlery (-) (l05T) DS 198th Infantry Brlpade

3d Battalion, 16th ijrtlUary (-) (155T) GS-R 3/82d -rty

Battery A, 3d Battalion, 16th /o-tlllory (155T) DS 1/1 Cavalry

Brttery B; 3d Battalion, 18th Artillery (8"/l75) GS

c. Ccuntarme rtar radar detachments (

(1) 25lBt Qi Radar Detachment Is poeltionod at LZ Cork (BS 456609) with priwary sector t* thu south and southwest*

(2) 252d CM Kadar Detachment Is positioned at ArtiUüry hill (BT 515039) with primary sector t; the northviust into tho rocket bult around Chu lai.

d. ßr.ttory C (friG), 55th Artilleiy has boon deplored throughout tho division AO in primarily a ground defense rolu, previdlng fire base and installation security, firing supprasslvo fires, »nd security fi.r con- voys and road Clearing oporations» The weapons aru deployed in 20 dif- ferent sunl-pemanont positions, facilitating their dlsplaeomont In sup- port of newly establlshod fire bases or assigned grcund support eiiseions.

e. 3d Platoon, 0 Battery (SL), 29th ArtlUery has been deployed throughout the division AO, being used extensively to provide battle- field lULumination and as a navigational aid for the supported infantry« Wharevur pcsslblo, searchlight positioning is ooll> cated, on one fire base, with the Wuad $0 caliber maohinuguns. 'forget detection and re- sponsive engagement have been greatly enhanced in providing security for isolated fire oases*

f. 6th Battalion, 56th irtllleryi SbCBET, forwarded under separate cover*



Page 12: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

CONFIDENTIAL « öliCTION 2> Lessons Lgamud; Cmmnndor's Ubsürvati ns, iüvp.luaticn«,

Koc'-nunondations t

a* fursonnel«

(1) ühcrtüge i-f .a-tlllwry Chiefs r.f Scctin .-jid Gunners.

(a; übSEhVi.TtUNj At tho prcsont tine, Divisicn iO-tillcry hna n 60% ioficioncy cf the nuthoriaod h-(>, Sueti n Chiefs (hOS 13B40) and K-5,

Gunners (KOS VJhUO).

(b) iiViJiJjiTlCIJ: riattory Commaidors are Squired t^ roly ?n 1,-4 nr l^wer gr-.Uos tc fill the HCÜ pesitirns. This lack f exporience requires th- Chief of Firing Battery and the Executive Officer to take an increased r io in supervising firing bnttory cperati ns.

(c) KüCUÜM'lDi.iaoN: That an r..lequatc flow ::f qualified pcrscnnel in the grade cf h-5 and h-6, MGS 13BUO be mnintrinod,

(2) ^.rtillory C.mbat Leader Prtgram (Skill Dcvclcpncnt Base).

(a) CWSHiViJlON« The graduates cf this pr gram assigned to the ijnori- cal Division ijrtillery hove increased cverall combat effectiveness cf tho artillery battalions.

(b) üATjOUi.Tiai: The *anerical Divisicn ^xtillery has 64 graduates cf the ijrtillory C-moat Lei .ier Pre grarü assigned; Included are 57 hOS 13B40, U «OS 13Ü20, 2 hOS 13E40, and 1 KOS 13E20. Of those graduates, 3 have boon pr lusted (13Ü40), 1 is currently recniuenled fr pr mfti^n, 11 are nrt reci nmondod f.vr pr<motion and 2 have boon dom-te... Ihu roraaindsr "f por- sonnol are net üllgiblu for promotion at this time.

(c) icXthMLNDiiHW« That the ijrtillory C.-mbnt Lo? dor Prcgram bo contlnuod vdth increased stress en ler.dership»

(3) Shortage ef hadar Oporat-rs ani iiechanics*

(a) UOSEUViJIiait wuallfiod replacements f r Hadar Oporatcrs, MOS 17B20 and Hadar Mechanics, hOS 26ri20 have not been assigned«

(b) hVyXUiJICN« The lack of qualified replacement pers'-nnel in the ra.Jar hOS's requires tho units t- utilize personnel vdth s-ft skill hOS's to fill vacancies. This ultimately results in pfmcti' n t. tt-i* er E-5 and roclaesificatien. It is entirely possibli that school trained pox— Bunuel are being assigned t KVW an'. .Livortud t other HOS's because the units are in effect training their own raiiar operators and mochanicB,

(c) tüsCuijJiND;.TIC»(: That all 17 series MÜS personnel bo assigned tc •• radar units regardless of number cf p sitlm vacancies,

(A) Shortage tf uasic *jtillörymen (13A10).



Page 13: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,


CONFIDENTIAL (a) üdSUtV^TIÜN» Insuffioibnt brsic artiiloryniün (HOS 13..10) rc-

placüwünt» wore .-.Bslgno.i during thu porlci 1 üct.bor 1968 - 31 December 1968,

(b) hV.JiiuTxWt Oho Irek cf qualified .-u-tillerymun requires US^BV V. authorixe assienm^nt :£ feOS's 12.10, 11E20, ani 11B20 to artiOlory units, giving thm auth rity to rocXassify ani,Pr,*:i'^tho^f"ctt" - no- divijials. Coupled with the sevoro sh-rtago ..f qualifiuu NCO's, t^sne- cossitatos an extensive training program in each firing ^ttery. '.pprxx natoly 140 personnel have been retrained and rocOassifiou t^ ISi.lO ;^nf tais reporting peric*. Moreover, at th« close .* ^ pori.d, this clvisicn was short 163 persönnol in l-iOS 13ikl0 anu authcrizod tiOS substituU' n.

(c) KBCCtoMUmOMJ That the pr. ducU^ n cf MOS 13A bo acre clcsely ravnit<.rod ana that adequate porsonnol bo assigned t. maintain the uswOtv goal cf 105».

b. Operations

(l) Gun Direction Computer W-18 (FADAC) - Air Data

(a) UbSüitVATIONJ 'Xhe high density of anny aircraft in the eonbat area has necessitated the ulilisatien of the ^i^rV^^wv fira Center, this warning system reauiros immediate input from artillery firo units in the fom of a GT line (in degrees) and a maximum ordinate prior to firing.

(b) L7AUJATI0N: Althougl" ihe azimuth of fire (mils) .md the maximum ordinate (feet) are available within the computer it requires multiple operator actions to obtain the data.

(c) iuXÄMDAmJNi aircraft density will continue to bo high and the safety for these aircraft is an important c nsidornticnj it is re- ccmiaanded that a modification in the prograitning be considered, *wrsby the I''JJ)AC operator could obtain, in one operation, the necessary data.

(2) GoUocation cf a platoon of MSm Howitaors with a battery of lOJnm Howitzers.

(a) OBSEtiVaXION: In the counterlnsurgoncy environment too of ten the capability to reinforce direct support artillery is lost *"<«•« °«£ ^Stances involved between the positions of the direct support and rein- forcing artillery units»

(b) hViiUATIttl« « platoon of 155«« Howitzers can bo attached to a direct support battery t. provide reinforcing fires, and to «te™ IrtiUery average to jiovide the supported battalion more maneuver roo«. This collocation of artillery als. reduces requirements for J^ «•«*- Sehment of fire brass to support raids and short torn operations outside the 'OSnm range fan.

(c) ttMCUahaMOJiail When direct support batteries are outside of the range of reinforcing artillery units, I55»n Howitzers should be


Page 14: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

CONFIDENTIAL •tt&ctwd and colloeatod with the lOJmn batterlus.

(3) Artillory adJuBtmont training for infantry units.

(a) QBSEWTi.TlÜM« When »hurt and leng rangv pctr-Is or small in- fantry units aro doplcyed vd-thout Fo's ^r c^mmnndors cxtonsivuly trained in tha use of artillury adjustment, many lucrative artillery tnrguts are not ongagud«

(b) uW^OAJiiTlUi: Service practice for all infantry units within the supported brigades can bo c. nductod t. insure that all membors in the chnin öf ci mmandf from plat, on sorgoant tc c mpany CMnncindor, arc viull versed in all Aspects -f artillery adjustmunts. Short and ling range patrols like- vd;- can be thorouglily scho-lod, t. include extensive briefings and train- ing by the direct support artillery battallcn S3, liais: n - ffioers, and f-rward ; bsorvors. The e«pUiiaitl»s and limitations ■ f artillery units must bo included, as well M, the present artillery unit's disp siticn, Biis training can be accomplished as rifle ennpanios rotate through flro bases and as the shcrt and Irng range pntrcls mnko proparatiens f.r fisld operations.

(c) RLCOw-lENajICN: ^s many membbrs as p ssiblo .f infantry ecm- panies, t include shcrt and Irng rango pntrtl units, sh uld be trained by their supporting artillery battclic n n artillery fire adjustments«

<A) accurate preparation fire in la.untain-us terrr.in.

(n) üBSEhVAXIÜlij Duo U nonavailability <f lecal met statins, firing batteries in mountainous terrain sutetimus must depend -n met date cbtainod in the c.cstal areas. Thus, preparr.ti n fires may nrt be on target as w. uld bo expected*

(b) EV.JUJ/.T1ÜNS Tr. roduoo tho requirement t> adjust preparatory fires because of the met prcblom, each preparation can be chocked by firing a sraoko sr Hi, r und U determine if corrective action is required. I'cr proparatiens planned as extended zone sweeps, it is extremely dif- ficult to adjust the preparation after it has begun since thero is no one specific grid from which t: adjust.

(e) ■ktCctiWJOfc.'i'IOHi «11 planned preparatory fires in mountainous terrain should be updated by firing an rbsorvod chock r und, adjusting fr m that r :und as nocesBrry.

(5) 6400 mil OPT settings.

(a) OBSKrtVAaiONj Tho use of 8-directi' nal OFT sotUngs provides timely, accurate data, and a closer chock with FADAC than the wind card systoia.

(b) WiJJUATIOJs Iho f.naatl-n f c mpesite Ml14ii1 (l55nm) H< wltier/ WHO (8") Hwitzor batoerios withcut n c rapatiblo Fi.DAC program necessi- tates the exclusive use f manual dr.ta f r f no of tho systems* In order to hove accurate firing data in all directions for the wenp n system with- out the sorvicos of VtMi, a method of obtaining valid 8-dlroctlcnal OFT



Page 15: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

CONFIDENTIAL Betting» was dovol' ped by ocnblnlng and condonsing olght DM Form 6-15'» Us A slnclo fTI- fcr «nch ehargo. Th« UBO of (äfiO ril OFT aottlngi *■«>- dueoa tho charoe cf cccputaticnaiL err re inheront t- the wind-card aystom •ainoe «nee applied thoy are vali'l throughout Ö00 mila. «■ The oyotor. pro- viJea a. high degree of accuracy in all directions without additional ccoputationa thua placing all targets within transfer liolts. .

(c) HliCtiUiiiNa.Tiai: It is rcccuraondüd that on O-diiruCti- nnl iiot fcm for each type wonpcn similar t< these attnehud r.s incli.sures 1 and 2 be standardised V raplace thu wind card system,

(6) Preventicn of spadu damage.

(a) OtJSl!hV/.TIOMt ühert bl-cks cf w. d bctwucn tho spades and im- Oudded tr.'iil legs cause dnnago tc tho spadoe ».n the illlW.1 (iSSnm) h^vdt^ zors.

(b) W.JLUH'n.Olli In an offcrt t' insure fast 6400 mil shift capabi- lity, cctag'nal and decagi.nal ahivpod gun pita have bQt>n used. The trail logs f rm a poriphory which have a radius appr ;ximatüly tw>- foot Lirgcr than the shifting radius cf thu iSSnm t wed h^vdtzor. by placing sh' rt bl.cks it hoavy timber between tho spadus and thv: trail Igs, firing can bo accomplished without having tho spadus irabod in tho ground in front of the tr-'il legs. Thus, the howitzer can be shifted en its 6400 mil ep.od shifting jack by tw cann noors since n- effort is roquirod t lift tho spades cut ■ f the ground. Hcwevcr, since the sh rt bl cks ;f v:rd are not always in contact with tho entire roar face :f tho spade, undue stress is pliicod up n the center spado rib. ^.ftor several hundred r'unds are fired at the higher charges, spades dcvol p cracks in the center ribs and t'-zp plates. The spades becme disfigured t- the pint where they ore dangerous t* use and must bo roplr.cud.

(c) itECO'iKU'IDMTiaii The radius -f tho trail leg Periphery should bo nc more than :ne fe.-t larger than the shifting radius rf thu weapon« Tho trail legs should be implanted fr ni six inches V- cno f 't bclew tho surface cf tho gun pit and Icany s< 11 or sand/laturito mixture placed in fr nt cf tho trrll logs. This orrangemont allows the spades t' scat pr perly int tho ground in f r nt of the trail 1< gs and evenly distributes tho atresa on tho spades and trail 1 gs. Tho Iccm or sand/latoritc mix- ture assures relatively uasy raising of the spudos f'.r rapid shifts in dlrecticn.

(7) Use of iUuminatinfe pr joctlle as A navigation aid.

(a) OaSiMV^TiaMt doeauso of dense vogetati n and extended peri ds of p.jr.r visibility caused by fog and low m. vlng clouds, "Smoke High Stroonor" rounds can bo difficult for '.bsurvurs to dutect.

(b) uViJUU^TIUIt lUuminating pr joctilos can bo used as a suitable substitute for Shell, Smoko under very p.or weather c--nditlons or other conditiens cf poor visibility. Tho iUurainating prrjoctilo, fired with a 200 motor height f burst, pr vides a bright flire which is easily spotted,

(c) REGOöam.HCIlJ That durinfc tijno nf fog or low clouds an illu- minating pr-.Joctilc bo used as a navigation aid in liou of Shell, Snoko.


Page 16: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

CONFIDENTIAL (8) Culvert section racks for collapsible drums.

carets SiK ÄÄIS fr'"5 "^being ^^ ^ t<. drain, »niain t^p fire bases. They <-re also difficult

adeptod.' staking torS row J fc^ aC^rrt BC,C^irri8 has been »"««efuUy

P^esiblu on a eUghtl^ wu Jrt n actions onch as cl sely fguthor as drum, into ths Äh f^^5 f^* tho U8er ""^ ^^ lfwr the inccming is free for ecnnlctSg v^os Ld h -"Vürt?d culvert8- ^ *** '* the dr25

(9) ft. «.o c.f th. MB tn trwru« roH)U„ .„r „„.^ „„^

(a) OBb&itVHTlWi Durina a r..ee,ni- -■ hicloe wore attachod t. TflrfL wf **?* 0^mtry mGVc' niao «^ ve- in, IV, and V sSplio». "S^ÄZ -M^" TF?"0 0f ^^^ C^"

tho nine did net cr-^s ^ «rLrir r8il!e StreM1 *W*o*' Scvon f f POlnt. Tho GSBC-S w"u^ii! t £?r '''•nd rcturnt;d t- the starting ercund wuld not suD^ortTT w ? v,*

iv« »oss-ccuntry because the soft divers d^g£ the £ad ^ik^ f^ ^ "r^1^" techniques used by «ido whcolb^o aJ^r AAh. Jl^'8^ tc '^^ Nicies. Iho hiclos wculd'sL^r^^r.a?' HW^ V*? ^^ and thü TO- «inuals, OIK! repair parts »1««: JT Vühicf08 ^^«d "»». technical ccmplet^d the Tm Ä'cS^SC^cd^S ^^l«. One OOER towa t. ccmpl^tion.^ total i?T?0 35; IK'0 5 'ma ? 8cefn'1 tnü Wft8

all nine vehicles. Vc*«^ri.f„^Älb8 rf "«PP1168 «re carrtod by 600 gal water ^d^^^Ä^riÄ^urSflS^ a ^

cperilionf a^ÄS^ccSS^f'? ST ^ in 'UP^^ ^ nogctlatod is ess^ti,! f^, f t£ tii0 rcuto ''in'-i turrain tc bo

c. Training

CO Forward obs«^«-,« and liaison officers« training,

addiUo;nafSSNandN^riae8Äd T™ era<te omce" «^re fully accUiJslSLSv« tfS^^tiL"^8 the ti,,,e ******* *° liaison offlcsr. e"oexve• to the position of forward obsonror or



Page 17: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,



«nw &\ iiVA?i!*riC*i: Dlvi"iün ArtiUery has iritiated a Forward U,8örvora SLt™^ n ^CV' ^««^^n ««1 Gaining CCUTBO. Iho program of ^«^ ? includoe: 14 houre of olassrcon. inatructicn and poetical IS« ^<.»f

h0UreJf ^fi^^nal brUfings and conducted tourB of terJ*Z£S.l /'* i**0 ba80B' and ^ lnfant*y battalion Tactical vi^o ^et^ !.' fldf+u

0Ur! 0f arti11^-- «^"ico practice. Tho aor- vicp practico starts vdth a demonstration ot tho various typos of pro- to i^LS? c ir%COnU«n;ly U8ed in Vlt;tnaM- "tudunts are then required on u^ull t^t ^r ^f* on •e^etöd targets fr-^ an OP position and l^^ff-!^0tB' ^«training is requirod for all in^nlng field ^^7«^^ 8«ld0

10^<*" ^d suppiement« the initial twining

received at the Amorical Cünbat Center.


d. Intelligunco J Unit ted

a, Logisticss

(1) Additional methods for external Ic^nd» -f 8» and l7Jmm CUss V.

.w«4i»wi "t^^"**» Because uf a general shcrtage of Cargo Bngs, A-22, v«^^ r hftU^n! ^•8 V ^PP^3»* « alternate method has bee- de- veloped to acccmplish this raisaion.

(b) W/JUjamt m 55^50-11 roccranends Cargo Bac, A-22 fcr hauUnt

i^TZ* ih%i^X'-vdnil t001"1!«!^ ha» been developed and used to sling load 0" and l75nim pr ;joctile and p-wdcr. ^

l7Siia and 8" Projectiles

Materials required: 2 oa 20», 2 lo>,p-8Ungs 2 oa 3', 3 Itop-alings or endless slings 1 oa clevis assembly

Preparatiom Place uight pallets cf iVSaa cr six pallets of 8 inch w wJ^ ^?? ? ^ r' **: i'lÄeo 'Jn6 20, s:Lin« trough tho t.-.p of each ♦♦ ^ % ,B\ Conn-ct,a11 f'^ »ling ends to the%levis as.ümbljrr ^1^ cLjVi» a«B-BbV t tho two 3' slings or tho two .ndl^ss slings. ^ ^;fi'S" !;e,'uip*)• ** ««»« approximntoly five minutes tc prepare. Ir ??^^na*<?

nrcty,■ ^thor sling can bo placed through the oyebclt cf all i»oJocUlos and also connected t. the clevis asscnibJor. IMs is

^mf^s (8 S^).1"** Prcjüctile'- ^ ^«d ^ißh« 7400 lb. (175«)

17itam and 8" Propellent Charge

"atorials requirodi 4 oa 20«, 2 1- ip-alings t ea clevis assotably 2 oa 3* slings vdth Unk assemblies or endless ■lings.



Page 18: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

CONFIDENTIAL tt-üparatiom flac«, four palluts .f 175rani -r 8 Inch pn ptllont charges in two rows. Wiico -nc 20« sline undur each pnllot, center tho sUng, and attach a cheker hitch at tho t.p. Insun, it is cinchod tightly nnd in tho eontor of oach paUöt. ftxparu vr.ch i' ti^ ether throe pallets in thu some marmor. Attnch the f;.ur sUng ends t the clevis assembly and attach tw? 3' slings or ondloas slinfes t the clevis nesorably. This process requires twe men approximately ten minutes t prepare. Ihe lead »«ighs 7296 lbs (I75ran0 and 6492 lbs (ö inch).

(c) KECaa-iiJJDKTIOH: Ihat the tuchnique described ab've bo adapted as an altörnat« method U thi. ^-22 Carg^ Bag if adequate supplies t;f A-22 aro not available.

(2) Repair parts fc.r hllO and iil07 artillery weapens.

(aj ObSJuvVATION: The i-illO and hl07 are frequently inoperative as a result of an inz-duquato supply -f a few critical repair parts, lütamples cf theSB parts are as fcllrws:

ITbK psM

Carrier, Traversing tieohanism 2520-733-8163 Uifrerontial assembly 2520-937-3133 Valve, &. Ian-id 2520-736^0242 Switch, (4.1 Pressure 2520-736-233 Valve, a-ü'ety liolief 4820-719-6348 Tuoe, /.oseBibly, a^tal 2590-955-5498 Hydraulic Klcvatint, wt< r 2520-733-8144 Cylinder 2520-730-6645 Cylinder /.ssembly 1025-863-7786 Screw, Cap Hex h^-ad 5305-655-9279 Switch, üensitivo 5930-699-9065 Pump, itctary 4320-745-7865 nctor, DC 6105-513-9631 funp, H;tp.ry, P^wer Driven 2910-862-6931 Drive Assombly 2520-909-2460 üolts, V, (sot f 4J 3Q30-780-8001 Screw 5305-502-5037

(b) LV;XUiiTIüN: ,. ohi rtagc -f repair parts has resulted in several weapens being in;porative for pori ds ^f 3 days t ■ 3 weeks.

(0) HJäCGhiJiMD..TIüHi Ihät' ccntinulng emphasis ba placed on bringing the Prescribed lead list up to the authorised level of stcckago.

(3) W* prcgran-fcr hlOf/tonO rtptillory woapon«,

(*) Q&SJiaVATIOMt Tha BIA prcraif ppovldos tr a ooapleto dlkaasenr» bling and cleaning ftt aU hesyy artillery woapen« en a quartopJy ba*is. Brth 'rdnaiwe popsrnnel anrthe wsaptn'» crewraMÄÖPi"perfcrt this maln- Unancct;. include the roplaceraont of all unserviceable part«. Ihe ef- fectivenoBS of the program for the Mi07 and Ml 10 howUsen has proven to be of United value due to a general shortage of repair parts at the or- ganlMtional and support maintenance levels.


Page 19: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

CONFIDENTIAL (bj LVJJJÜATIüN« Bid B&k prcernn boton n 1 II v 68 f r tho purpvse

of improving tho raptoriol r^.'dinoss f MOV/hl IO/578 carriagbs by al- lowing sufficient time for euppcrt tiaintonanoe, ;'.ssiatod by crews and unit maintcnanco p^rs.nncl, t- 1 vcrarul th^ nnxuiawnt and nutoraftlvo

.^«P'onünts cf each carTia£o. !•• eupp rt this i^ff rt, rjr.anizntioail and support molntunrnco sheps wcro auth^rizud t uso iujVt B.M, ASL & PLL roquisitirns. Thore has buen no aitnifievnt impr vomunt In the availability r-f those ropoir parts. Specific shrrtages that havo do- layod thu pre griua VOM hydraulic me tors, PTÜ bolts, anti r.uxiliary drives,

- (c) HliCtftiMisWDuTIOHj The H&tt prigrnm for tho "107/^110 bo suspended until such time that repair parts era available at organiaati-'n and sup- port uaintonance levels.

(4) Gun Cirecticnal C-mputer J1-18 (iitDüC) Üallistic Program Tapoa

ta) OüSEKVATICM: The Phase III, Issue 2, Ballistic PJfcgram Tapes for thb F,JikC are not available to support the nenstandard artillery coi»- binatlcna presently used in Vietnam.

(b) EVjJJJi.TIOH: In Juno 1968, this heackjuartors coordinated this prcblom area vdth the U5ARV C3 ' ffico. On 13 July 1968, a message was forwarded.by the CO, iunorical W.vision outllng the required program tape operational noods:

(1) 8 inch Howitser, W1l0/l55nim Howitsor, M114A1

(2) 8 inch Howitser, Mll0/l05nm Hc.wltzor, Hl01A1

(3) l75raniGun, Iil07/l55«an Howitzer, MllW.I

(4) I75inm Gun, kl07/l05nia Howitzer, wiOli^l

(5) I55mn howltior, WllAnl/lOJrnn Howitzer, MlOUl

Headquarters, US«KV initiated acti n with tho Ccmbat Dovelcpmont Command on this natter n 10 Uctober and subsequently requested tho status of the program tapes n 22 Deeembor 1968. In December this headquarters made on inquiry to tho Commanding General, United States iJnay Field ArtiUory Cen- ter« In response, information has been received indicating that tho Issue 2 (hovised) tapes will be available in February or haroh.

(c) haCÜMWfcNDfcTlÜM« That f'llnw up acti n bo taken to expedite the delivery of tho program tapes*

f. Organization« Unitted

g< Other: Ctaltted


l !_

Page 20: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,


3. SUCTION 3, HoaJqunrturB, Departmunt of tho -a-my burvcy Drta: Nogr.- tivo Input.

2 Incl ' ' /I^fftEHCE W. JÜNc.s/jR. ae ^ Cclcnul, Fioll Af-tlUery




I Dept of the iirny («CSFOR-DA) /.CcfS F;-r Fcreu Dtvolcpinent, kaehlnfctcn, D.C. 20310

2-3 ßüpt <.f thu .JTiny OtCSFÜTt-DA) i.CofS For Frrce Dcvul.pment, Wftshingtvii, D.C. 20310, THiiUi Cr.rara.-.ndir.g General, Americel Division, APO 96374

4-5 Ccmmnn ier-in-Chicf, Ub iirray Pacific, ATTN: GPOP-DT, ;f0 96558

6-7-8 C:;inman-!in6 Ganoral, US iirmy Vietnam, «TTO: /.VHGC-DST, iJO 96307

9-10 Cciananiing Genural, idncrlcal Divisi n, üTTO: AVDF-GC, ,£0 96374

II Ccmmanllng General, Amurical Dlvislcn, ;.T1U: AVDF-HL, iJO 96374

12 6th Battalion, 11th ..rtillery 13 ist Battalion, 14th Artillery 14 3i Battalion, 16th iirtillery 15 3d Battalion, löth ijrtillery 16 lat battalion, 821 ijrtillery 17 3d Battalion, 82d .jrtillory 18 6th Battalion, 56th .jrtillary 19 3d Platoon, Battary G, 29th ijrtillery 20 Battery G, 55th Artillery 21 - 25 File, Div iirty S3



Page 21: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

. CONFIDENTIALAVIF-GC (15 F«b 69) l»t IndSUBJBCTt OparatlAMLl Atpori Lasson* LMmea (tearlcftl Division ArtlUsiy)

DA, Hssdqusrtsrs, Aasrie&l Division, AFO SF 9637A } |H/\p

TOt Cosasnding Gensrsl, Dbltod States Angr Vietnam, APO ->F 96375

1. Poroarded l»reiri.th is the subject report of the Americal Division ArtiUerj for the period ending 31 January 1969 •

2. This Headquarters concurs with the observations and recomnendatlons con­tained in the basic co*mnication except paragraph 2e(3) (c). Section II, Heneoncur with the rsconaendatlon to suspend the R4R program for the M-107/ M-UO howitser*. The critical problem is to obtain the required repair parts prior to the complete disassembly of the weapons. The ACofS, G4 le currently engaged in requesting contact teams from appropriate maintenance support activities for on-site inspection of the weapons ton days to two weeks prior to the date the weapons are disassembled. This program is ex­pected te identify specific parts that will have to be replaced in order for this consand to take necessary action to obtain the required parts prior to disassembly of the weapons.





DOO DIR S200.10

Page 22: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

AVHGC-DST (15 Feb 69) 2d Ind SUBJECT: Operational Report-Lassons Learned (RCS-CSFOR-65)


TO: Commander in Chief, United States Army, Pacific, ATTN: GPOP-DT. APO 96558 '

1. This headquarters has reviewed the Operational Report-Lessons Learned or the quarterly period ending 31 January 1969 from Headquarters, Americal

uivision Artillery,

2. Cooments follow;

2«m' m'^To^T ooncernln«up«»oim»l Shortages, page 8, paragraphs

ZaW, (3; and (4}. Nonconcur with reconmendations. USARV is currently 58.4 percent of Its authorised strength in KOS 13340 as compared to 58 6 percent of authorized strength in the Americal Division. I-OS 17320 is a severe shortage KOS in USARV with the Americal Division slightly below the coranand average. Action will be taken to bring the division up to the command average. KOS 26B20 Is a USARV shortage KOS. The Americal Division is above the USARV average In this KOS. USARV is currently at 91.0 per- cent of authorised strength In KOS 13A10 as compared to 90.8 percent Tut; fill in the Americal Division.

b. Reference Item concerning Repair parts for K110 and K107 artillerv weapons, page 14, paragraph 2e(2); concur. Repair parts required will * continue to be requisitioned in order to fill Authorized Stockage Levels ?? Sr.08?ribed I,oad Ll8t»' Frequent reconciliation of requisitions with the DSu is recoamended to insure the validity of requisitions. In some cases and with the approval of the Supporting Maintenance Activity, a ser- viceable part may be removed from the end items being evacuated for re- build to remove a »Imllsr item off deadline providing a like unserviceable part is placed cm the item being evacuated. Unit will be notified of the above.

D ■.■■f.LiRe£^ren06 itaB eono«™in8 G«« Direction Computer, K-18 (FADAC) iS^AHÄ^IS&Jf*8'^' P«^"!* 2^>5 concur. On 22 December 1968, USARV 0-4 dispatched a follow-up message requesting current status

The «.^«''f^^J'?!!0!11^ ?lr 8hipMnt when ^I*8 «" «vailable. «n«^!!r^!*^,i0at#?^h?t dwl0Pl*nt 1» bsing «qpedited, however the programs must be completely documented, thoroughly tested, and matched with current operator instructions. ■«■»««u



Cy furn: Auhtant Adjutant General Americal Div Arty Americal Div J f

Page 23: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

GPOP-DT (15 Fab 69) 3d Ind (U) SUBJKTs ?P««"«««1 »«Port of HQ. A-.rlc.l Div Arty for Period Ending

31 January 1969, IC8 CSrOR-65 (Rl)

HQ, US Army, Pacific, APO San Praneltco 96558 SS9

10: A..l.t.nt Chl.f of Staff for Forca Development. Department of the Army, Waahlngton, D. C. 20310 p-"-«« or cne

l1;d0«i!.«?!dqUJrter, h«« •»■1"«f«> «"bJ-ct report and forwarding iÄ^bliSconcur, in th'r#port' •' lndor"d' ex"pt " obt.f^r«^ 5ar'8r:ph 2b« 2d Moraament. Concur with action to obtain required repair parti prior to dlaaaaembly of weapons.


L s:rcr.TT CPT, AGC At;) AG


Page 24: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

CWJ. Jg., toBLaLiUHOQ-6000 160. r 1 09

UUQR ...

Std Oi 0.1 ►0,?iTB T5!MP inndl ? >25,„

Cop Va3

? -7*7^7.6TffO.T 1#P A aa 9 j-Oy/i.9fi

VE m/s 1 J!7 RG+.n ^ 17*9> jm m/a unit

COTT* TJV BO' ; ptr /i' /j\ Ajh

tfrwD TITP

7)TT? riP vra (Mvn 9^00 ^900 1^000 6600SH vrora T3TTJ . ■ .._iTnn^ SPRRT^

--------------- j—_

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Page 25: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

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Page 26: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

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Page 27: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

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Page 28: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

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Page 29: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,

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Page 30: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,


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Page 31: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,


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Page 32: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,




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Page 33: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,


' «••"«'ORT »«eUHITY Cl-AtllCieATION

HQ, OACSFOR, DA, Washington, D. C. 20310


Confidential lb. anoui*


Operational Report - Lessons Learned, Hq, Amerlcal Division Artillery

• C»>»« a' rm^mn «M IMIMIT* Imtnf

&$&£&$&£ unl^ enttay^n ^ynte^nsurgencY operation». 1 Nov ft« ^n 31 Jan M.

CO, Anerlcal Division Artillery


15 February 1969 CONTRACT OK «niNT MO.

*. »nOJKCT NO.









■ S7.HÄ3oroP°"T "O'1' f*"»" ••••' """6.t. «At nur fc. Maffnad


OACSFOR, DA, Washington, D.C 20310


DD .rr..l473 UNCLASSIFIED SMUrily ClaasincaUan

Page 34: TO - dtic.mil · Army Armor School Army Field Artillery School Army Infantry School ... moved to LZ Ifyder and tho other platoon remained at LZ Ross« 3 ... Battery B, 3d dnttelion,




T*.IS HAS •€£•» Dtt:tITU>

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K KSSrttc'.IOIIS AAE lf»OSC£) t««M

:rt uu M*j ftttojmm.

DISTtlliiTMi SIAlDfll h

jap»*3vio rcA •ti.fAsf;

DliTKIlUfTIOIl wm.lM|U£.
