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100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally [ The Ultimate List ] By: Ali Kuoppala Founder, AnabolicMen.com

100 Ways To Increase

Testosterone Naturally

[ The Ultimate List ]


Ali Kuoppala

Founder, AnabolicMen.com

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 2

What if I told you, that you won’t need synthetic steroids, patches, gels, creams, or

pellets to increase testosterone levels naturally. Would you be up to the challenge?

In fact you can increase testosterone naturally far more than you ever knew was

possible; with the help of these 100 ways to increase testosterone levels

naturally that I am giving you right here for free.

Some of these free ways to naturally increase testosterone levels can be found on

various sources around the internet. Still most of the ways introduced on this list

are completely new tricks on the field of natural testosterone.

As I have been furiously researching the whole field of natural testosterone past

these few years, I have never managed to find a list with more than 20 ways to

naturally increase testosterone levels. For a long time, even before putting up this

website, I have had the idea of making a list of 100 ways to increase testosterone

naturally stuck at the back of my head.

Now after all those years, I humbly present you the 100 Ways To Increase

Testosterone Naturally list.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 3

1. Increase Testosterone With Strength training

One of the best things by far to

increase our testosterone levels

is: Strength training.

This shouldn’t come of as a

surprise to you. I mean just take a

look at those guys, they’re manly

as fuck.

Of course there’s also some

scientific insights too, as this

study found out that it didn’t

matter if the subjects were young

or old, still a significant increase in testosterone was noted after strength training


So to increase your male testosterone levels. Hit the gym. Or lift rocks. Whatever

you come up with.

2. Big Multi-joint Movements Increase Testosterone

The way you are

training at the gym

matters a lot. By

working out small

muscles on machines

you are not generating

good hormonal

response at all. On the

other hand if you are

practicing those big

compound movements

preached by the big

guys, you will most

certainly create a huge

hormonal response

from them.

The best 3 multi-joint movements (called the big three) include – squats, bench press,

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 4

and deadlift

This study found out that the good old squat made the body produce more

testosterone and growth hormone than leg press on a machine.

3. Consume Enough Dietary Fat

It’s not a secret that you

need to consume a lot

dietary fat to increase



In one study

researchers found out

that low fat diets

lowered testosterone

levels dramatically, but

the high fat diets

created the opposite

effect, a sharp increase

in serum testosterone.

Click here to read my bigger post on fats and how they impact your testosterone


4. Testosterone I/O

The Testosterone I/O is a program by Christopher

Walker who naturally increased his testosterone

levels from 11 ng/dl to 1192 ng/dl, he had a brain

tumor that was suppressing the production of

testosterone, despite the tumor, Chris was able to

raise his testosterone significantly, now imagine what

kind of results the program will bring to a man with

no tumor…

Christopher masters the endocrine system from top

to bottom and I seem to share tons of similar

opinions on natural hormones with him, so that’s

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 5

why you should check out the Testosterone I/O e-book here. It’s the ultimate all-in-

one guide to natural testosterone.

5. Eat Some Cholesterol

One of the final stages of

the whole testosterone making process inside a male body is the work that leydig

cells do inside of the testicles.

The cells literally convert cholesterol to free testosterone. Read more about this

conversion here.

By eating more cholesterol you are consuming the most essential building block

that is needed to increase testosterone.

6. Low Repetitions With

high Volume

Many studies clearly indicate that

the best way to exercise is by

using heavy load of weights and

working out sets with low

repetitions. This way to exercise

has been proven to increase

testosterone far more than any

other way of exercise in all of the

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 6

studies done on the subject of testosterone and weight lifting.

7. Lose the excess fat

Fat cells are filled

with estrogen, a female

hormone that is

notorious for it’s ability

to lower testosterone


Studies suggest that the

more higher the fat

percentage, the higher

your estrogen levels will

be, and thus far lower

the testosterone. So a

simple action to

increase testosterone

levels naturally is just to

lose the excess fat.

8. The Man Diet

The Man Diet from Chad Howse is an amazing e-

book on how to maximize your natural

testosterone production trough your diet, and

it’s also ridiculously cheap for what it’s worth.

So I can wholeheartedly say that this copy is

worth every penny, as Chad and I share very

similar opinions on testosterone and dietary


Click here to Check out the Man Diet by Chad


100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 7

9. Control your stress levels

The main stress hormone,

cortisol, is associated with low

Testosterone levels. So obviously

you should try to avoid things

that increase cortisol production.

Stress is one of the biggest causes

of high cortisol levels, so avoiding

all those stressful situations

would aid greatly in your journey

towards high testosterone levels.

For a big guide on ways to crush down your cortisol, you should read this post.

10. Keep Your Workouts Short

When you are working out, try to keep your

workouts short in duration to naturally increase

testosterone levels.

That’s because the longer you workout, the

higher your cortisol levels will climb. High

cortisol, as stated above, leads to lowered

testosterone levels.

The ideal length of a gym workout for example,

would be less than 45 minutes, because the

serum cortisol has been shown to spike

significantly after 45 minutes into the training.

So high intensity with high volume, for a

short duration = the biggest release in

testosterone production.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 8

11. Avoid overtraining

Overtraining has been linked to

lowered testosterone levels. It will

keep your cortisol levels elevated for

a long period of time and during all of

that time you will have suppressed

testosterone levels.

To find out how cortisol destroys your

testosterone read this post.

Overtraining should be taken

seriously, as it’s not only bad for your

testosterone, but also for your heart

and other muscles.

12. Sleep and Get More Natural Testosterone

Most of your testosterone will be produced during the time you are sleeping,

especially in the REM-stages of sleep.

Dozens of studies have

concluded that when you sleep

less, you’ll produce less

testosterone, and when you

sleep more, you’ll produce more


Also the quality of your sleep

matters a lot.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 9

13. Avoid soy products

Soy is a very strong phyto-

estrogen that will directly increase

your serum estrogen levels, and

by that occurrence your

testosterone levels will decrease.

Vegetarians are constantly trying

to prove this fact wrong, but so

far evidence shows pretty clearly

that soy lowers testosterone. Men

that go trough the sex change

operation usually eat a lot of soy

products because soy is famous for its feminizing effects.

14. Avoid binge drinking

A glass or two of red wine will

be beneficial to your health, but

consuming two bottles of red

wine in one night will seriously

interfere with your testosterone

production. Studies state the

following about binge drinking:

It reduces testicle size, it

increases the conversion of

testosterone to estrogen, it

lowers testosterone levels

dramatically and it causes man-


100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 10

15. Nuts Are Good For Your Nuts

Eating nuts is good for

your nuts. According to

the studies, almost any

kinds of nuts will

naturally increase

testosterone levels –

plus the fact that most

of them are delicious.

They’re filled with

essential fats needed in


production, along with

natural arginine, which

makes your body produce more nitric oxide.

16. Body language can skyrocket testosterone

Recent study states that

when you portray

masculine body language,

your serum testosterone

levels will spike


The major signs of

masculine body language

include: Standing up

straight, looking people

into the eyes, taking up

space and walking slowly. In fact one study noted that you can increase

testosterone levels naturally by up to 20% in less than 2 minutes with only the use

of body language – read more here.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 11

17. Intermittent Fasting

Every time you

consume a meal, insulin

and cortisol levels will

spike up. This

occurrence then leads

to lowered serum

testosterone levels.

That’s why I use the

Intermittent Fasting

eating style.

Intermittent Fasting is

not a diet, more

accurate terms for it

would be lifestyle or

eating pattern. One

example of a working IF pattern would be this: Fast for 16 hours -> consume all daily

calories in the time frame of 8 hours -> repeat.

For more detailed post about fasting and it’s effects on weight loss, check out

the Ultimate Guide to Intermittent Fasting

18. Iodine increases Testosterone Levels Significantly

Iodine is something that

most of the population lacks

badly. It’s one of the most

important minerals for our

body and can be found in

every cell. Iodine is very

important for testosterone

production and it aids your

thyroid gland to produce


If you’re gonna supplement

with iodine, try this one.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 12

19. L-Taurine Will Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels

In a rat study, L-taurine was seen to

increase testosterone naturally by

200%! Rats have almost identical

reproductive system when

compared to humans, so it would

most likely be beneficial to consume

some L-Taurine as a supplement.

If you’re gonna supplement with

taurine, try this high quality pure L-

taurine out!

20. Boron Boosts Testosterone

In a study conducted with the

mineral called Boron, researchers

found out that Boron will lead to

a significant boost in serum

testosterone levels, along with

lowered serum estrogen levels.

It’s also quite cheap to

supplement with.

This is the highest quality liquid

boron supplement available.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 13

21. Eat Organic Foods To Raise the T

Organic foods contain no pesticides, chemicals, or any other unnatural additives.

That’s why I always eat organic foods.

Most of those normal grocery store foods

are loaded with chemicals that tend to

mimic estrogen, and as you know by now,

this occurrence lowers testosterone

levels. Other thing about non-organic

foods is that almost all of those non-

organic meats are filled with synthetic

hormone traces.

Here’s my post on chemicals and their

effect on testosterone

22. Try To Avoid Excessive Beer Consumption

Thiss one’s really hard

for you guys I know…

Still, I have to bring you

the bad news: Beer is

filled with highly

estrogenic hops, which

will directly stimulate

the estrogen production

in the male body, and

that’s not a good thing

at all.

I have to admit that I’m

still consuming beer once in a while, some habits aren’t worth giving up, and in my

opinion beer is one of them.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 14

23. Eat Red Meat

Red meat is awesome for your

testosterone production as it’s

filled with natural

cholesterol, saturated fat, and

other favorable compounds that

will help your body to produce


Nutrients like coenzyme Q10,

carnitine, and a host of other

beneficial ingredients are all

present in red meat, and those will also help your body to make more T.

So don’t underestimate the power of meat to a man, ever.

24. Quit smoking

Cigarettes contain over 7

500 chemicals that will

wreck havoc in your

sensitive endocrine system.

Smoking will harm your

health in many different

ways, but the one that

conserns me the most is the

lowered testosterone levels

it causes. I know that

quitting this habit can be

really hard, but if you

seriously want to increase

testosterone levels naturally

it’s almost mandatory.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 15

25. Chop Down Trees To Raise Testosterone

Chopping down trees… At least it

feels manly as fuck.

And one recent study actually

proves the testosterone raising

benefits of the good old wood

chopping! As in the journal of

Evolution and Human Behavior,

there was this trial conducted on

Bolivian men, which shows that

after a session of chopping trees,

their subject males saliva

testosterone levels increased by a

whopping 40% on average.

So if you’re offered the possibility to go knock down some timber, then do it.

26.Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally By Winning More

Winning has been

associated with high

testosterone levels. In a

recent study the

researchers measured

serum testosterone levels

from the fans before, and

after the match. Results

showed that the winning

side responded with a huge

increase in testosterone

levels, but the losing side

experienced a significant

drop in serum testosterone.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 16

27. Supplement with zinc

Aromatase enzyme is

the enzyme that

converts free

testosterone into

estrogen. One of the

things that zinc does in

the male body is that it

will hamper the

aromatase enzymes

activity, and stop the

conversion of

testosterone to

estrogen – meaning that

your testosterone levels will increase because of that.

This is the high quality zinc supplement that I use myself.

28. Avoid sugar

Sugar can be very hard

to avoid these days as it

has been added in to

almost everything. The

reason why I’m

suggesting you to drop

sugar is that it’s pretty

notorious for its ability

to lower testosterone


In one study, a meal

containing sugar

lowered serum

testosterone levels by

25%. That wasn’t even a short-term effect! The study reports that testosterone levels

were still clearly lowered hours after the meal.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 17

29. Supplement with vitamin D

Vitamin D is actually not

a vitamin at all, it’s

hormone that regulates

over 1,000 bodily

functions. It’s the key

behind fertility and

muscle growth but

recently it has also been

noted that it plays a key

role in the production of

testosterone. That’s

probably one of the

reasons why you feel so

amazing at a beach vacation.

What’s more better is that vitamin D3 has been shown to increase your free

testosterone levels, which is the most beneficial form of testosterone, that isn’t

bound into SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin)

Read my post about vitamin D and testosterone, here.

30. Supplement with Tongkat Ali

In a study Tongkat Ali was able to

increase testosterone naturally by

a staggering 46%. In another

Brazilian study researchers found

out that it also decreased serum

estrogen levels effectively.

I use this pure Tongkat Ali powder


100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 18

31. Supplement with Suma root

The suma root (Brazilian

gingseng) contains

ecdysterone, a very

powerful natural

compound that has

been studied a lot. One

study found out that

ecdysterone was able to

produce even more

powerful anabolic


than Methandrostenolone and Dianabol, two commonly used steroids.

This Suma tincture does the trick for me.

32. Sprint barefooted in the snow

This one is a bit extreme, but if

you got snow in your area take of

your shoes and do a quick sprint

on the snow barefooted. This will

generate a primal response in

your body to produce more

testosterone and growth


I don’t remember the source

where I first found out about this,

but let me tell you this, it sure

does work!

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 19

33. Carb Back Loading Will Increase Testosterone And


Carb Back Loading is a very unique eating

style created by a physicist name John

Kiefer. It’s basically this: You won’t consume

any carbohydrates before exercising, but

immediately after the workout you will eat

a lot of carbs. At first this might sound a bit

funny cause you really can eat a lot of junk

after the workout, but it still does work

insanely well. It will also naturally increase

testosterone levels for sure, I can guarantee

you that!

Here’s a link to my review about John’s e-


34. Consume BCAA’s

Research shows that if you consume BCAA’s (Branch

Chain Amino Acid’s) both, during and after the

workout. Your testosterone levels will increase


In fact one study shows a staggering 50% increase in

testosterone levels after supplementation with

BCAA’s during strength training.

Testosterone boost is not the only benefit of BCAA’s

as they’re also accelerating recovery and protein

synthesis, so those amino-acids can be hugely

beneficial for all men who are prone to exercise.

This is some high quality bulk BCAA

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 20

35. Don’t go overboard with coffee

Coffee ain’t really that bad for

you, but if you drink about 10

cups a day your cortisol levels will

increase a lot. That’s because that

is what coffee does, it increases

serum cortisol. It’s not a huge

increase though, and couple cups

wont hurt your testosterone a bit,

but overconsumption will.

You might think that this isn’t a

big deal at all, after all it’s just

coffee right?

Wrong, if you drink too much coffee and your cortisol will spike as a results, that’s

gonna seriusly destroy your testosterone levels. You can read more about cortisol

and how to naturally lower it, here.

36. Consume garlic

One Japanese study found out

that rats fed with a mixture

containing 0,8g/100g garlic

powder, gained a huge increase

in serum testosterone levels.

Increase was also noted in sperm

volume, quality, and motility.

You won’t often feel any instant

testosterone like benefits from

foods, but let me tell you this:

Garlic is an exception, as it

delivers the testosterone boosting benefits almost instantly.

Eat couple of raw garlic cloves tonight to see what I mean.

Check out my post on 50 testosterone boosting foods for more foods that boost


100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 21

37. supplement with Omega-3’s

Fish oil has been shown to

increase the production of

luteinizing hormone (the

hormone that triggers

testosterone production inside

leydic cells at testicles). Fish oil

has also been shown to decrease

the activity of SHBG (Sex

Hormone Binding Globulin),

which is known for lowering free

testosterone levels.

This is the product that gives me all the essential fats I need.

38. Check your thyroid

It’s estimated that 85-90% of the

worlds population have got some

stages of underlying thyroid

problems. The most common

one of these is

calledhypothyroidism, which is a

condition where your thyroid

gland is unable to produce

enough of the thyroid hormones

T3 and T4. That causes a host of

serious heart problems in the

body and is notorious for causing

very low testosteronelevels.

For more thyroid info check

out this link.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 22

39. Supplement with magnesium

The study conducted in Selcuk

(Turkey), states that magnesium

supplementation will increase

testosterone levels by 24% in

athletes. Magnesium is also a key

mineral in many important bodily

functions, so supplementation

with it would be very beneficial

for your overall health.

I use this transmedal magnesium oil daily.

40. Having More Sex Will Increase Testosterone Levels


Having more sex will definitely

boost your testosterone naturally.

In fact even having an erection

will significantly increase your

testosterone production. One

study conducted in 1992

examined 4 couples on days that

they did and didn’t have any

sexual activity. Researches soon

found out that testosterone levels

increased on nights after sexual

activity and didn’t fluctuate at all

on the nights where there was no intercourse. Another study conducted on animals

states that even the anticipation of sex will spike up testosterone production.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 23

41. Supplement with D-aspartic Acid

D-aspartic Acid (DAA) is

a non essential amino

acid, but that doesn’t

mean that it’s useless at

all! In a recent study

DAA was able to

produce 33% increase

in testosterone. The

study was conducted

with young men that

already had very high

levels of testosterone in

their system, but still

DAA generated a very

favourable 33% increase in testosterone production.

This is the pure bulk D-AA that I use.

42. Supplement with Mucuna pruriens

If you like to use herbal

supplements in aid to

increase testosterone

naturally, try

out Mucuna Pruriens. It

has been shown to

increase testosterone

levels by 27% and also

decrease prolactin

levels by 33%. Elevated

prolactin levels have

been linked to low

testosterone and low


This Mucuna Pruriens powder really does it for me.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 24

43. Increase Testosterone Levels Significantly With Icariin

Icariin is a compound

that can be found in

some of the natural

testosterone boosters,

like Muira

Puama and Horny Goat

Weed for instance.

Icariin has been shown

to increase testosterone

levels, and also to

increase the blood flow

in to the pelvic area. It

has also similar benefits

as Viagra does, hence

the common name for

icariin – the natural Viagra.

Icariin can also be purchased as an extract.

44. Vitamin C Boosts Testosterone Production

Megadoses of vitamin C will

lower your serum cortisol levels

very effectively. So to increase

testosterone naturally, consider

purchasing some vitamin C.

Low cortisol is not the only

benefit of vitamin C, as high

vitamin C levels in the blood will

also protect your precious

testosterone molecules from


This Camu Camu powder is filled with high absorbing vitamin C

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 25

45. Reservatrol Raises Testosterone

Reservatrol is a natural

compound found in grapes, and

it has been shown to raise

natural testosterone levels by

50% in animal studies. The only

downside to reservatrol is that it

needs to be taken in megadoses

to create significant benefits, but

there’s reservatrol supplements

available if you are not interested

in eating tons of grapes.

Maximum strength Reservatrol.

46. Supplement With Pine Pollen

Pine pollen is in my

opinion by far the

number #1

testosterone booster of

all time. It actually

contains pure

testosterone in it, and

also many other forms

of testosterone such as,




e, androsterone, and

androstenedione. Read

my post about pine pollen here.

This is without a doubt the best quality Pine Pollen tincture available.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 26

47. Start using natural cosmetics

Almost all of unnatural

kinds of cosmetics

contain a big list of

toxic chemicals, the

worst of them are

parabens. Parabens

come in many forms

and they can be found

on shampoos,


moisturizers, shaving

gels, personal



pharmaceuticals, spray

tanning solution, and

toothpaste. They are also used as food additives.

Inside the body parabens act as a very strong estrogen mimics causing decreased

testosterone levels quite effectively.

I suggest that you scan trough your personal cosmetics ingredient list and lookout

for these: Butylparaben, Ethylparaben, Heptylparaben, Methylparaben, or

Propylparaben. And if I were you, I’d throw them out instantly.

Also check out this post on natural personal care items.

48. Consume A Lot Of Berries To Remove Estrogen

Certain berries like,

junipers, aronias and

blueberries are very

testosterone friendly.

These all contain this

compound called Calsium-D-Glucarate. It’s found on the skin of those berries and it

acts like a fiber that sucks in bad estrogens and helps them to exit your body via

your intestines.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 27

49. Consume something that acts as a methylator

The methylation

process in a nutshell is

this: the bad estrogens

are all missing one

methyl group. By eating

food that acts as a

methylator you are

adding that missing

methyl group there. By

that action your body

will start this whole

chelation process.

To make it sound more

simple; chelation basically means that your body flushes out toxins and harmful


One of the best natural methylators out there is beets, and they’re not only a

methylator, as beets will also significantly increase your nitric oxide production.

50. The low estrogen trio

Read here about the

low estrogen trio. It’s a

very easy to do solution

to high estrogen levels.

Combining 3 different

foods to really flush

that excess estrogen

out of your body.

In a nutshell the whole

trio is combined of

foods that

contain methylators,


and DIM. That’s the magic trio of substances to drive away female hormones from

your body.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 28

51. Get some sun

Sun exposure is a really good way

to increase testosterone

naturally. The sun rays will start

the natural process of creating

vitamin-D in your skin, and

vitamin-D is really good way to

naturally increase testosterone

levels. By being out in the sun

you’ll get that natural D flowing in

your veins, so it’s much better

way to enjoy the sun than take it

as a supplement.

52. Cycle natural testosterone boosters

Here’s my list of working natural

testosterone boosters, and here’s

my guide on how to cycle those

boosters. In a nutshell the whole

cycling means that you are not

consuming all of those herbs at

the same time. That’s how you

can completely avoid the actions

of natural resistance to these

supplements, that would build up

otherwise. So cycling those bad

boys will naturally increase testosterone levels big time!

53. Stop the porn induced masturbation

Let’s face it. Every single male does this, and

some even suggest that it increases

testosterone. That’s one hell of a weird claim

considering that masturbation to porn will

significantly lower the activity in your androgen

and dopamine receptors. That will certainly

crush your testosterone levels!

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 29

PS - You absolutely have to watch this clip now.

54. HIIT Skyrockets Anabolic Hormones

HIIT (High Intensity Interval

Exercise) is a very good way to

increase testosterone naturally.

One great way to see this in

effect is to start looking at the

difference between a marathon

runner and a sprinter. The

marathon runners are really

skinny and fragile, as if they are

not having any testosterone

inside their bodies. But sprinters

on the other hand are huge and

muscular, almost like weight lifters. That phenomenon is caused by the way

sprinters train; they practice a lot of HIIT and short sprints, that have been

scientifically shown to skyrocket natural testosterone and human growth hormone


55.Avoid Mercury

Mercury is one of those really

nasty toxins that really destroys

your testosterone levels. That’s

why you should be very cautious

about the quality of the fish you

consume, because it has been

shown that fish caught from

polluted waters contains a lot of

mercury traces. So keep this in

mind when at your journey to

increase testosterone.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 30

56. peak 8

Peak 8 is a revolutionary workout

method created by Dr. Joseph

Mercola. In a nutshell it goes like

this: you start by warming up for

couple of minutes, then exercise

for 30 seconds with the highest

intensity you possibly can, and

after that just cool down for 90

seconds, then repeat the

procedure 7 times. Peak 8 has

been proven to increase testosterone and growth hormone levels very effectively.

You can read all about it at Dr. Mercolas websites.

57. Jumping

One study noticed that by

jumping, our lymphatic system

activates and that somehow

raises our testosterone levels. So

how would you jump then? -Well

for example: trampoline,

parkour, skip rope, and many

other kinds of activities include


The increase in testosterone is

not the only benefit of jumping,

as it’s also hugely beneficial for

your lymphatic system, and effectively accelerates autophagy, which means that

your body will start to flush out excess chemicals from your body.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 31

58. Avoid fluoride

Fluoride is toxic. It’s been stated

in many studies and that’s a cold

hard fact. These days fluoride is

everywhere; it’s in our toothpaste

and recently it was found even in

our drinking water… Fluoride acts

in body by hampering all the

activity of iodine and by taking it’s

place on all of our cells. This

occurrence happens because

they’re both halogens, but

fluoride is lighter and when that

fluoride enters our glands and sensivite endocrine system, it will do some serious

harm there. So avoid it like a plague!

59. Avoid chlorine

Cholrine is also a halogen and

lighter than iodine. It will act

same way in our body that

fluoride does, so take a look in

that number 58. Just like fluoride,

chlorine is also toxic and it will

wreck havoc in your body. It’s

well capable to lower

testosterone levels in many

different ways.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 32

60.Avoid bromine

Bromine should also be avoided

for the same reasons as fluoride

and chlorine. Bromine is also a

halogen thats lighter than iodine,

and will cause all of the same

problems as those two stated


So to increase testosterone

naturally you should supplement

with iodine and avoid fluoride,

chlorine, and bromine


61. Do not eat too much fiber

Low fat and high fiber diets lower

testosterone levels and it’s a

scientific fact. In one study high

fiber diet resulted in 12%

decrease in serum testosterone.

It’s ok to eat some fiber, just don’t

over do it.

One trick that I do to balance out

the bad effects of fiber is to eat

oats, which contain steroidal

saponins that will increase your

testosterone levels, so that will lessen the harmful effects of fiber a lot.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 33

62. Explosive Intensity Will Increase Testosterone Naturally

Research shows that high volume

with low repetitions is not the

only way to increase testosterone

naturally when working out. It

has now been shown that if you

workout with “explosive intensity”

your testosterone levels will

increase. So I suggest that you

spike up your workouts a bit for

increased testosterone


63. High protein diet causes low testosterone

Certain amounts of high quality protein is needed for healthy testosterone levels,

but if you eat too much protein in

your diet you will essentially leave less

room for fats and carbohydrates.

Everything needs to be in a perfect

balance for testosterone to increase,

and by consuming too much protein

you will wreck that. So the thing to

remember from this is that you don’t

really need to supplement with a huge

load of protein even when


64. Don’t be a vegetarian

Vegetarian diets have been linked to very

low testosterone levels. That’s not really

hard to guess though, because for

vegetarians it’s really hard to get those

healthy saturated fats and cholesterol in

their diet, and the fact that they consume

a lot of soy won’t help either. One study

showed that men who change from

vegetarian diet to high fat carnivore diet

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 34

increased their testosterone levels by 30%

65. Play Golf To Boost T Levels

By playing golf you essentially hit

the ball with a golf stick and that

creates a very primal response

inside your body; which in fact

has been studied to increase

testosterone levels naturally.

This actually covers multiple

other sports too, as it really

doesn’t matter what you’re

hitting, but the actual action of

hitting something with a stick,

bat, etc. will create a primal response in your brain to spike up testosterone


66. Play hockey

Hockey is also a game where you

hit something with a stick and it

also causes the same primal

response than golf does. Hockey

is also fueled with testosterone in

many other aspects so I’d say

that it’s clearly one of the best

sports if you are looking for an

increase in testosterone.

Actually one study shows that

even watching a hockey game

from the audience will create an increase in salivary testosterone levels.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 35

67. Skip the margarine

From my post called Butter vs.

Margarine can be clearly seen

how destructive margarine is to

your testosterone levels. So go

read that post for detailed

information about that so called

“health food”.

One fun fact about margarine, is

that it’s 2 molecules away from


68.Never overheat your testicles

Your testicles hang in a pouch

outside of your body for a

reason, and the reason is that

your balls should always be a bit

cooler than your normal body

temperature. If you heat them up

by wearing tight boxers or by

taking long hot baths, you are

just basically lowering your

testosterone levels.

I’ts been studied that if your balls

are heated up to the same level

as your body temperature,

testosterone and sperm production will just simply stop until they are cool again –

Read this post for more information.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 36

69. Stop eating those small meals multiple times a day

This is something that goes

pretty hard against everything

that fitness people preach about;

but by eating many small meals

you are just lowering your

testosterone and growth

hormone levels with every meal.

That’s why intermittent

Fasting and Carb Back

Loading are so anabolic – both

focus on eating bigger meals not

so often.

70. Avoid chemicals

There are over 50

million chemicals listed

as of now. Most of

those chemicals will

wreck havoc in our very

sensitive endocrine

system, and the fact is

that many of those

chemicals directly

mimic estrogen in our

bodies. Avoiding all

chemicals completely is

in fact impossible now,

but you can still avoid

most of them

effectively by eating

organic, using organic cosmetics, and avoiding plastics.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 37

71. Push trough your limits

By this I mean working

out as hard as you

possibly can. I base this

claim on a study where

the researchers found

out, that if an average

Joe suddenly jumps out

of he’s couch and runs a sprint, he’s testosterone and growth hormone levels will

skyrocket trough the roof. On the other hand if an elite sprinter does the same

thing, he excerts far more less of those anabolic hormones. That happens because

the seasoned elite athlete didn’t really push trough he’s limits, but the average Joe

sure did. So to increase testosterone naturally, go past your limits.

72. Calisthenics Will Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally

Studies suggest that by doing a

calisthenics workout you will

trigger certain endocrine system

responses, and one of them is

testosterone production. It’s not

even sure why this is happening

but frankly, I don’t even care. For

me it’s enough to know that

calisthenics increase testosterone


If you don’t know what are

chalistenics, the image on the left should tell you something. They’re bodyweight


73. Hill sprinting For Natural Testosterone

Hill sprinting is something that nicely combines intensity with being explosive. The

way how you can push yourself through the limits on those sprints makes hill

sprinting a very good way to increase testosterone naturally.

I’d also say that hill sprinting might just be the most awesome exercise to burn fat,

as I have never ever done anything as intense as doing these sprints with a proper

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 38


So if you’re really looking to burn of that stubborn belly fat, instead of doing some

shitty low pace cardio for hours, go run 15 minutes of agressive sprints up on some

hill, preferably with a mate who challenges you to give 110%.

74. Fight sports

All the fight sports like boxing

and wrestling for instance are

well known for their ability to

raise testosterone. Why wouldn’t

they increase it? They are

everything you would expect

from a high testosterone event.

Fighting in general will also

increase your testosterone levels,

as it’s one of the most primal

things that a man can do these

days, but instead of starting a bar fight, start boxing or something similar.

75. Do not restric your calories too much

If you restrict your normal calorie

consumption too much, it is for

certain that testosterone levels

will fall down as a result.

So if you are doing Intermittent

fasting, or any other kind of diet

where you fast for some time,

make sure that you will still get

those calories when feasting.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 39

76. Do not go too low on carbs

It’s true that carbohydrates will

cause your insulin levels to spike,

and that spike will lead to

lowered testosterone production.

Still you shouldn’t go too low on

them, because recent study

shows that very low carb diets

will lead into low testosterone

levels. So make sure that you do

get carbs, but also make sure

that you ain’t eating them all the

time, scattered around your day. That would only spike your insulin all the time.

77. Avoid hormone replacement therapy

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is

the thing that doctors always preach

about. In reality it’s nothing more but

taking synthetic steroids. That’s because

in HRT you will most likely be injected

with synthetic testosterone or given gels,

creams, and pellets that will also contain

synthetic male hormones. That will

surely increase your testosterone levels

for a while, but it’s very costly thing to

start, and here’s what will happen when

you stop: Your testicles will shutdown

during the HRT because there is

testosterone suddenly coming into your

body from somewhere else. That’s why

your testicles really won’t need to do

anything, and when you stop the HRT

your testicles will remain that way. They

are on a long vacation and are not

planning on returning for a while…

That’s the main reason why people using

synthetic hormones usually end up having man-boobs, shriveled up testicles, and

hair loss.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 40

78. Consume raw chocolate And Your Testicles Will Thank You

The chocolate found on

grocery stores is

actually very far from

the real deal. It contains

low cacao percentage

and it will get heated up

during the production.

The heat destroys all of

the biochemical

benefits and

antioxidants from those

kinds of chocolates.


chocolate is not heated

at any part of the


process, and it contains huge load of antioxidants and biochemical compounds that

nourish the human body. Raw chocolate also contains a lot of essential vitamins,

minerals, and antioxidants for your testosterone levels.

If you want to try real raw chocolate, try this brand.

79. Consume Bee pollen To Increase Your Testosterone Levels

Bee pollen is the pollen collected

from bees legs after they’ve been

flying trough flowers and plants.

It’s very similar to Pine pollen and

also contains pure testosterone,

like it’s pine cousin. So consume

Bee pollen if you want to increase

your testosterone levels


I supplement with this bee

product which has 3 testosterone

boosting ingredients.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 41

80. Consume vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 is very

essential for healthy


production but it’s very

hard to consume

enough. That’s why I

figured out this weird

trick to get adequate

levels of K2 naturally,

check it out!

Vitamin K2 is in my

opinion one of the

most overlooked

vitamins in the world, I

would go as far as even

saying that it can be even more powerful than vitamin D in some cases, so instead

of focusing those same old abcd’s that you’re used to, try to add in the K2 for some

super awesome benefits for testosterone and bloodflow, increase hemoglobin and


81. Eat onions

In a study conducted at Tabriz

(Iran), Researchers found out a

very cheap and easy way to

increase testosterone levels on

rats. The researchers just took

some onions, juiced them, and

fed to the rats. They noticed that

the testosterone levels actually

tripled! Yes that’s right, onion

juice tripled testosterone levels

on rats.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 42

82. Consume Selenium To Nourish your Leydic Cells

Selenium is needed by your

testicles to produce testosterone.

Defiency in selenium has been

linked to low testosterone levels,

so to increase testosterone

naturally I’d suggest that you

either supplement with selenium

or eat something that is high in

this mineral. One of those foods

would be Brazil nuts, even as

little as 2 of these nuts is enough

to fill the daily requirement for


I usually buy a bulk of these bad boys, and it lasts for months.

83. The ratio between omega-3 and omega-6

If your omega-3 and omega-6

fatty acids are not in optimal

ratio (1:1), will it cause a host of

problems inside your body, and

one of those is low testosterone

levels. These days it has become

almost impossible to obtain that

1:1 ratio that our ancestors had.

It was recently studied that some

americans have this ratio blown

out to 1:40! This is caused by the

over consumption of omega-6

fatty acids, and the fact that we

are not getting any omega-3’s. So avoid those vegetable oils like soybean, canola,

and sunflower oil, and start to consume wild fish with butter and olive oil. These

both are some really nice sources of omega-3’s

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 43

84. Consume High Quality Salts

The basic table salt nowadays is

highly processed and lacks many

key minerals that it originally had

before the manufacturing

process began. Actually the basic

table salt these days contain only

2 minerals, sodium and calsium

chloride. But real salts like

unrefined sea salts and

himalayan crystal salt can contain

up to 80 different minerals.

Another negative aspect in table salt is that some firms actually put fluoride on it

these days, and that will destroy your testosterone levels.

This is as close as you can get to the natural salts.

85. Ejaculation control

In a Japanese study researching

the correlation between

ejaculation and testosterone,

researchers saw minimal

changes to serum testosterone

levels prior 6 days of abstinence.

Then suddenly on the 7th day,

serum testosterone levels

suddenly increased by 145%! The

study only lasted a week and no

further information was


100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 44

86. Say no to steroids

Many bodybuilders will straight

on jump into the world of

steroids when they are first time

told about testosterone, and its

ability to increase muscle mass.

However as you might already

know synthetic testosterone will

pretty much just make your

testicles useless. Your balls are in

no need to produce anything if

you inject testosterone in to the

blood from outer source. So the

thing that happens after you stop taking steroids is that your testicles are not

producing anything anymore. That leads to the growth of man boobs and a host of

other problems. All the same kind of effects that you could expect from hormone

replacement therapy.

87. Consume citrus fruits

Citrus fruits have been linked to a

decrease in estrogen levels, and

like you might already know

leads to an increase in

testosterone levels.

Citrus fruits are also great

for boosting metabolism and

they’re a food that alkalizes your

body, so eat them as much as

you want!

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 45

88. Consume vitamin A

Animal research shows that there

is a clear correlation between

Vitamin A intake and

testosterone levels. Vitamin A not

only increases the production of

testosterone but, according to

the Weston A. Price Foundation,

it also decreases estrogen

production in the male testes.

To reap out the benefits of

vitamin A, you should steer away

from supplements and get it from natural sources.

89. Vitamin E

Vitamin-E has been shown to increase

testosterone levels naturally and also

improve the quality, motility, and volume of

sperm. Also low vitamin-E levels are

associated with high estrogen. So make

sure that you are getting adequate levels of


Vitamin E can also be beneficial for your

skin and hair, which is well, unimportant for

men but still kind of beneficial if you ask

your wife.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 46

90. Supplement with ashwagandha

Aswagandha is one of

the best natural


boosters. A study that

conducted in India,

gave men 5 grams of

ashwagandha powder

daily for 3 months, and

after those 3 months

researchers witnessed

a 40% increase in

testosterone levels.

Ashwagandha is also

known for its ability to

increase hemoglobin

and the amount of red

blood cells – both of those are linked to high testosterone levels.

This Ashwagandha tincture is currently the highest quality that I’m aware of.

91. Supplement with Shilajit To Increase Testosterone Levels

By a Factor

Shilajit is a tar like

substance that grows in

the Himalayas. It’s said

that Shilajit is the

cornerstone of

Ayurveda and it clearly

has some pretty nice

testosterone boosting

effects. One study gave

men 200mg of Shilajit

for 90 days and then

witnessed the following

effects: Testosterone

increased by 23.5%,

sperm production

increased by 37.6%,

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 47

oxidative stress levels went down 18%, sperm motility increased by 17.4% and total

sperm count increased by 61.4%.

It was a really hard task to find the real deal, when I was looking for quality Shilajit

around the internet, until I stumbled on to this product which is actually the

masterpiece of a guy who traveled 20 years in the Himalayas looking for the purest

Shilajit. The only downside to this Shilajit is the fact that whenever it’s in stock, it’s

gone in a whim – Authentic Shilajit.

92. Avena sativa Boosts Testosterone

Avena sativa is one of the

saponins that can be found in

oats. It has been shown to

naturally increase testosterone

levels by 105% in a study where it

was combined with nettle roots.

One study also noted that Avena

Sativa was able to unbind

testosterone which was bound to

SHBG, making it “free

testosterone” which is the most

beneficial form of T.

To find out more, read my full post on Avena Sativa and Testosterone.

93. Nettle roots

Nettle roots are well known for their

ability to lower estrogen levels, and as

you can see from the number 92.

above, nettle roots combined with

avena sativa created a nice 105%

increase in testosterone levels.

If you wan’t to learn more about nettle

roots, then read about them on

mytestosterone booster list.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 48

94. Increase Testosterone Naturally By Avoiding depression

I know that once depression gets

really bad it’s not that easy to just

stop being in agony. Still in the

spirit of 100 ways to increase

testosterone naturally, I feel like it

belongs to this list. Depression

has been linked to lowered

testosterone levels, lowered

growth hormone levels and

increased cortisol levels, and

those are some very nasty effects

that will seriously lower your

testosterone levels.

95. Supplement with Fenugreek

Fenugreek has been shown to

naturally increase testosterone

levels, based on a recent study

where the researchers gave

bodybuilders 500mg of Fenugreek

extract for eight weeks. After that

they witnessed a 26% increase in

testosterone and a 1.6kg increase

in lean body mass. It’s not certain

how the Fenugreek does this, but

researchers suggested that

Fenugreek might inhibit the conversion from testosterone to estrogen.

I use this powdered form of Fenugreek to make tinctures.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 49

96. Eat Pomegranate To Nourish Your Testicles

Pomegranate contains

compounds that seem to

increase testosterone naturally

quite well. It’s not certainly sure

how this happens, but

researchers believe that it’s

caused by the active substances

found in pomegranate that

probably stimulate the

concentration of endogenous

antioxidants in the testicles. But

aside of the fact that the

researchers were not sure about how pomegranate increased testosterone, the

study showed a nice 22% boost in testosterone.

97. Ginger Will Increase Testosterone Production

In a controlled human study

conducted in Tikrit (Iran), the

researchers saw a 17.5 increase

in testosterone levels after they

gave the subjects ginger

supplementation. There is still

one thing missing on this study. It

doesn’t show how much ginger

they gave to the men. Without

further information, I will be

consuming a lot of ginger now


100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 50

98. Increase Testosterone Naturally With Royal jelly

Royal jelly is secreted by the

glands in the hypopharynx of

worker bees. It can be bought as

a supplement, and even as little

as 25 milligrams of Royal jelly has

been shown to naturally increase

testosterone levels by 20% in a

controlled human study.

I supplement with this bee

product which has 3 testosterone

boosting ingredients, including

Royal jelly.

99. Parsley Boosts T

Parsley contains a flavonoid

called apigenin. The researchers

at Texas Tech recently found out

that apigening works in the

testicles by stimulating them to

produce more testosterone.

Luckily it’s very cheap to consume

apigening, since 100g of parsley

contains 300mg apigening,

enough to significantly increase

testosterone levels based on that


100. Holy basil

Holy Basil, or Tulsi as it’s called in India,

managed to create some amazing results

in a controlled animal study. The

researchers fed the leaves of holy basil to

rabbits and measured the testosterone

levels after it. The effects were bit more

drastic than the researchers were

expecting. Testosterone levels actually

fluctuated off the scale. That’s right, the

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 51

researchers were able to measure testosterone up to 1500 ng/dl, but after the

rabbits consumed 5 leaves of holy basil, testosterone levels were higher than the

1500 ng/dl mark. That means the scientist were unable to finally tell how much the

holy basil actually increased testosterone, but the conclusion of this study was that

the increase was at least 395%. Now before you get all excited, we have to

remember that this was an animal study. Still something tells me that an increase

that huge in rabbits must create some effects in humans also, cause we do have

considerably similar reproductive systems.

This is the Holy Basil tincture I’m testing soon.


Well here ends the 100 ways to increase testosterone levels naturally list. I’m sure

that with the use of these 100 ways, you can create a significant increase in

testosterone levels naturally. So stay away from those harmful injections and start

to increase testosterone levels by natural means! It’s cheap, fun, and delicious in

some cases.

If you made it this far, I’d love it if you shared this list around. The list can literally be

life changing to all men battling with low testosterone, and I myself have used many

of these ways to increase my testosterone from normal to all the way trough the

upper limits of reference ranges.

100 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally | AnabolicMen.com 52
