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To Love Again Ministries February 2012 #4

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We are women equipping women to love God, love their husbands, and love their children. We encourage spiritual growth through biblical principles. We address emotional needs and teach practical life skills.
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1 Letters By Kimberly Borst Read All About It! The 6 th Love Language Acrostic Prayer The Art of Walking on Water Moderation 6 th Love Language Recipe Mirror, Mirror You are Blessed! Issue #4 February 2012 Check out our video segments “Morsels of Truth.” A Morsel Of Truth “Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that honors God. They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers. Instead, they should teach others what is good. These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands.“ Titus 2:3-5 T o L o v e A g a i n M i n i s t r i e s N e w s l e t t e r Q. H o w d o y o u b e c o m e a b e t t e r m i s t r e s s o f y o u r d o m a i n w i t h o u t e m a s c u l a t i n g y o u r h u s b a n d ? A . It’s an admirable task getting your house in order. You are wise in not wanting to treat your husband like a child, even if he occasionally resembles one. Treating a man like a child will only increase childishness. Start by affirming your husband every time he does help out… Continued on page 12 www.toloveagainministries.org
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Dolor Sit Amet

Letters By Kimberly Borst

Read All About It!

• The 6th Love Language • Acrostic Prayer • The Art of Walking on Water • Moderation • 6th Love Language Recipe • Mirror, Mirror • You are Blessed!

Issue #4 February 2012

Check out our video segments “Morsels of Truth.”

A Morsel Of Truth

“Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that honors God. They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers. Instead, they should teach others what is good. These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands.“

Titus 2:3-5

Read All About It!

To Love Again Ministries


Q. How do you become a better mistress of your domain without emasculating your husband?

A. It’s an admirable task getting your house in order. You are wise in not wanting to treat your husband like a child, even if he occasionally resembles one. Treating a man like a child will only increase childishness. Start by affirming your husband every time he does help out… Continued on page 12


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Dolor Sit Amet

Manhandling Handling Your Man With Care

Issue #4 February 2012


The 6th Love Language....By Care Grey Young

Tonight I sit here at my computer pondering what to write about... I mean I am really not a writer. I am in fact a homemaker, a wife, and a mother. Sure I dabble in different things but the above mentioned are the occupations most dear to my heart.

I have held many stations: EMT, childcare coordinator for a mega church, receptionist, florist, and yes, even a cake decorator. I was happily tooling around in my 2nd occupation above, minding my own business, serving God and taking care of my own children and others’ when, after 18 years in a happy, wonderful marriage, tragedy struck and I lost my first husband to a massive heart attack. He was only 41 and I was 37.

That tragic event is actually where this story begins.......Where the 6th love language comes into play. You see, I was lost, trying to care for my 3 wonderful kids, manage my job and keep it together. God was so faithful to me during my time as a single mom. There was a lot of juggling to be done: that is for certain. During my time of inexplicable grief I found I had a passion for cooking. I had always had a gift for being able to taste a particular dish and then be able to duplicate it in my own kitchen, but who had the time, or the money? I surely didn't as a single mom, so I only practiced this gift on occasion. I found that when I cooked I was happy and relaxed; it was a stress reliever for me. Needless to say, life went on day to day. Some days were good and some days were bad, mostly bad though. Sure we had lighter moments but grief was hard and would hit you right between the eyes when you weren't looking. Emotions ran in different directions at different times and would change from happy to sad on a dime.

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Dolor Sit Amet

Almond Cheesecake –

serves 10

1/2 cup whole almonds 1 lb Cream cheese 3/4 cup sugar 3 eggs 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 tsp Almond extract 3/4 cup sour cream

Spread nuts in a baking pan and bake in a preheated 325F oven for 8 minutes or until lightly toasted. Let cool and finely chop. With an electric mixer, beat cheese and sugar until smooth. Mix in eggs, vanilla, Almond extract and sour cream. Reserve 2 tablespoons of nuts, and stir in remaining nuts. Pour batter into a greased 9-inch springform pan. Sprinkle reserved nuts over the top. Bake in the middle of a preheated 325F oven for 25 minutes or until just barely set. Turn off the oven, leave the door ajar, and let cool in the oven for 1 hour longer. Chill.

To serve, remove pan sides and place fresh berries of the season on top, enjoy.


Bill, my first husband, was an artist, and exactly 8 months and 2 weeks after he passed, our church had an art show. He used to show his paintings in art shows, so I was compelled to put his paintings in this show. I arrived at the church that evening to place his paintings in “receiving,” where you take paintings in to be collected by the people giving the show. From there they determine where the artwork will hang and in what categories. I walked up to the table, looked up and there was a very nice man with bright blue eyes, dark hair, and a smile that would put even the most crazed person instantly at ease. The first thing I thought was “Tall, Dark and Handsome.” The next thing I did was look down to see if there was a ring on his left ring finger. I was shocked at myself! I thought, “Are you nuts?! You’re still grieving and your head is not screwed on straight right now! So just get that out of your head now!” But I was relieved to see when I looked at his hand that his finger was vacant....no ring in sight.

Now I have to tell you that the art show went well and I proceeded to beat myself up for weeks over noticing this man, and the world continued to spin on it's axis. I say that because I really felt like I shattered the earth when I noticed the guy at the “receiving” table. I mean seriously, I was raking myself over the coals when God spoke to me. He said “Isn't it good to be alive?” I stopped.... “What?” (I am often caught talking to myself, but trust me I am not really talking to myself, because no matter where you are or what you are doing, God is ALWAYS there! Anyway,) I said “What?” and He, the Lord of my life, repeated, “Isn't it good to be alive?” Puzzled I asked “What do you mean?” He said “Baby (He always calls me that) the day your husband died you felt like you died too...well you didn't. You're not dead and the fact you noticed that man proves it and that is OKAY!” I was so stunned I had to sit down. I knew I wasn't ready to move forward but the Lord was right (go figure!). I was alive and I still had emotions and He was okay that I had them.....and so was my late husband Bill.

Fast-forward 6 months: another art show. This time I helped organize the show, and who do you suppose I was working with? You got it, Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome. We became friends. Not super close friends, but friends. We worked side by side and the art show was great fun. Once the show was over we would see each other here and there at church. We would talk in the hall and wave if we saw each other. I learned a few things about him. I learned that he had 2 kids and was saddened to find out that he and his wife were separated. I learned that he really wanted her to come home. He wanted his home to be whole. I understood. My family wasn't whole. In fact we had a big hole. I missed my husband. He missed his wife. I committed to pray for her to reconcile with him. I prayed for my broken heart to be healed. I prayed for many months. We barely saw each other at church. God was doing a work.

Issue #4 February 2012

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Fast-forward again 6 months to Christmas Eve. It's been a year and a half now since my husband died. This is never an easy holiday for those who have lost the ones they loved. I was driving to church to sing in our Christmas Eve service when God asked me “What do you want for Christmas?” “Seriously?” I questioned. I know I said it out loud. God replied, “Seriously child, what do you want for Christmas.” I didn't want to answer too quickly. When God asks you something like that you know He will give it to you, so I paused in thought. While I was pondering, I realized I hadn't seen Tall, Dark and Handsome for 3 months. So I said “Lord, I haven't seen this man for 3 months and I am concerned about him. He is going through a lot. I want to see him and talk to him so I know he is okay.” I knew God was going to answer me.

I sang in each of 3 services that day. Service 1...no Tall, Dark and Handsome. Service 2, still no Tall, Dark and Handsome. Here we are at the 3rd service, It was the last song of the evening. Candles were lit and it was beautiful. I was looking at the back of the church. In 5 minutes we would be done and I would head home to get ready for Christmas morning. As I looked to the back of the auditorium I saw the door open and in walks Tall, Dark and Handsome. I was stunned and elated all at the same time. God did it! (Duh!) The service ended and I hauled it to the back of the auditorium. I walked up to Tall, Dark and Handsome and said “Where have you been!?” He said ,“I was driving home on I-25 when I felt like I needed to come here… So I did.” I said “Really? Well you have been missed. I haven't seen you in quite awhile.” He responded, “Yeah I've been dealing with a lot of stuff lately.” I reiterated, “Well just know you have been missed. It is really good to see you.” I threw my arms around him and gave him a big hug and then I proceeded to walk to my office. He gave a confused look to his friend who he was talking to before I walked up. I think I heard his friend say, “I think she missed you,” then I heard them chuckle. “Thank you God he's okay” was my only thought.

The next day was Christmas. We had our traditional Christmas morning. It was good. We were all healing and I continually found myself deep in thought. In my ear I kept hearing “Call Tall, Dark and Handsome” over and over. I proceeded to rebuke each thought as it came, but it kept coming. I continued rebuking it, when the voice I know so well said, “Stop rebuking this, you know it's me and I said call him!” I retorted, “No, I don't call men!” He said “Is that so!? Fine, don't call, but that sleep you now treasure because you finally got it back will be interrupted all night tonight praying for Tall, Dark and Handsome if you disobey me by not calling him.” I was floored. The creator of the universe was unhappy with me because I refused to call a man. Kind of rattles your brain doesn't it? All I could think was “I don't believe this!” So I did what every woman who loves God would do....I found the number and I called Tall, Dark and Handsome.

Issue #4 February 2012


Strawberries –

serves about 1 pound

1 pint fresh strawberries, washed and patted dry, stems intact, and thoroughly air-dried 8 ounces good-quality bittersweet chocolate, broken into chunks 1 tablespoon solid white vegetable shortening


Prepare ahead: Wrap pieces of styrofoam in plastic wrap for fruit to rest and drip on. You can also use any firm-fleshed fruit, such as cantelope or orange halves.

Pour about 1 inch of water into bottom of a double-boiler and heat to hot but not simmering. Melt chocolate and shortening in top of double-boiler, stirring occasionally until completely melted and smooth. Remove top pot and place on a heat-safe tripod. Let cool for about 5 minutes. While chocolate cools a bit, carefully spear strawberries with toothpicks. Working quickly, swirl each strawberry gently in the chocolate about halfway up the fruit and place inverted on toothpicks into the styrofoam to cool and harden. When done, add a few sprinkles for fun before they dry, then place in refrigerator to further set chocolate shell.

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We talked for three hours.... three hours! He told me that on Christmas Eve he received the papers from his wife requesting a divorce and he had to sign them. My heart broke for him. You could hear the depression in his voice. I could feel the heaviness in his heart. I knew what loss felt like; I knew what it was like to have the future you thought you were going to have fade away into the abyss. We talked about loss, we talked about hurt and then we talked about movies. We talked about everything and then some more. I could tell that he felt a little better by the end of our conversation. We hung up and then we didn't see each other again for four months. But each day I thought about him and prayed for him.

Fast-forward past those four months. It was sometime in April and my daughter was singing at church in the kids choir. I was at the front of the stage during the pre-concert rehearsal taking pictures when all of the sudden everything went black. Someone’s hands were covering my eyes and I heard a familiar voice say, ”Guess who!?” It was Tall, Dark and Handsome! I asked how he was doing and he said he was much better and moving forward with his life. He said he was concentrating on raising his kids and serving God. I told him that is what I was doing too and we had a good conversation. We watched our little girls sing and sat together during the concert. I smiled all the way home. I had a spring in my step that had been missing for 2 years. Yes I was alive. I was moving forward.

A few weeks later I was driving home on the highway. I passed the busy street where Tall, Dark and Handsome had told me, in some prior conversation, was where he lived and worked. I jokingly said, “Wow, now would be a really great time to run out of gas.” You know the saying “Be careful what you pray for....” Well I was talking to myself again and guess who was listening. I went on down the highway, took my exit, and even though my gas tank registered 1/8th of a tank, my car stopped dead.... deader than a doornail. I tried to get it to turn over several times....to no avail! I sat back in my seat and began to laugh. I said to the Lord, “If you have the audacity to answer that silly prayer then I have the audacity to call for help.” With that I picked up my phone and I called... you guessed it... Tall, Dark and Handsome.

Yes! He came to my rescue within minutes. I told him I didn't have a gas can, so he said he’d bring me one. However, while I was waiting, a passing motorist stopped and gave me one. I told him I really didn't need it as I had a friend on the way with one but he insisted. So there I was, once gas-can-less but now holding a can when Tall, Dark and Handsome pulled up behind me. There I was standing sheepishly, holding my bright red gas can, grinning from ear to ear. He got out of his car looked at me and said, “No gas can?” I said “I can explain” “Sure you can” he replied. Grinning, he walked over, flipped open the gas cap and began to fill the tank. “Really I didn't have this before... earlier” I stuttered. He said “Sure you didn't” I said “Seriously I just got this from a passerby” “Uh huh” he chuckled, grinning from ear to ear. He was so handsome and my butterflies were flying everywhere. I figured I would just stop talking now before I hurt myself.

Issue #4 February 2012

Red Velvet Ice

2 pounds fresh cranberries 4 cups unsweetened apple juice (seperate into 2 cups each) 3/4 cup of sugar 1 teaspoon grated orange rind

Wash cranberries, combine with only 2 cups apple juice and sugar in a large pot. Cook on high/medium high until cranberries pop... about 8 minutes. Put through a food mill. Add remaining ingredients and chill. Put this mixture into an electric freezer or a hand cranked one. Read the directions on your freezer for the time or crank till it freezes. Serve frozen mixture in champagne glasses. Top off with pitted bing cherries.

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The next day I was walking about 2 feet off the ground when I got to work. My assistant Katie saw my stupid silly grin and asked what was up. I relayed my story and we both laughed until our sides hurt. We decided the next order of business was for me to thank Tall, Dark and Handsome for his help. I decided the best way to do so would to be to give the best thank you gift a man could receive..... cookies.

By now you are probably thinking ‘what is this about, what is the 6th love language....is she EVER going to get on with it!?’ Well now after many pages I confess we have now passed through the intro and are now heading into the 6th Love Language. Yes I am totally serious. Well mostly serious.

I drove home after work. I proceeded to bake the most awesome and chewy m & m filled cookies… and they weren't just little average size cookies they were HUGE. I made about 20 of them. Then I prepared a big basket with blue tissue paper. I placed each cookie in presentation form and wrapped the basket in shrinkable cellophane. I then put on a nice big bow. That upscale cookie shop that sells cookies at designer prices couldn't have done a better job than I had done. I would deliver them the next day.

I drove with great anticipation and a big smile to where I knew he worked. I figured I would drop them off at the front desk and they would deliver them to where he was in the building. Little did I know the place where he worked was like trying to get into Fort Knox, so that didn't work. Bummer! What would I do now? I remembered that he said he lived 5 minutes tops from his work and he had just moved into this new apartment. So I drove up and down the street. Only one new apartment complex: that had to be it! (I really should have been a detective) I went to the manager’s office and asked if Tall, Dark and Handsome lived there. She said he did...she knew who he was right away (of COURSE she did). She said she would make sure he got them if they survived the day in the office without being eaten.

Issue #4 February 2012

Sweet Tart Bread

(Lemon Yogurt Bread)

3 cups flour 1 tsp salt 1 tsp soda 1/2 tsp baking powder 1 cup blanched almonds 3 eggs 1 cup oil 1 3/4 cup sugar 1 pint lemon yogurt 1 tbsp lemon extract

Sift flour, salt, soda and baking powder. Stir in nuts and set aside. Beat eggs in a large bowl. Add oil and sugar. Cream well. Add lemon yogurt and extract. Combine wet and dry ingredients. Beat thoroughly. Bake 1 hour in large loaf pan at 350 degrees. Test with toothpick. Cool on rack for 10 minutes before taking out of pan.

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About 2 hours after dropping the cookies off my phone buzzed. It was a text message that read. “You didn't have to, but you did. :D” Tall Dark and Handsome got his cookies. I too was smiling. Well, skipping ahead again a few weeks and many, many 4-hour phone calls later, he finally asked me to meet him for coffee. We met at a quaint coffee shop downtown filled with beautiful antique furnishings and the best coffee in town (My older brother is a coffee roaster and supplies this particular shop). I found a table and sat down. I looked up and in walked Tall, Dark and Handsome. He sat down, looked me in the eye and said, “So what is this?” “What do you mean what is this?” “This” he said, gesturing to me and then back to himself; “Us?” I grinned and said. “I don't know either but at the very least it will be an awesome friendship.” He looked a bit relieved and said “Since we have been talking I haven't been able to stop thinking about you... is that nuts?” I replied “I think about you all of the time too.” He ran his fingers through his hair, looked up at me and said “We should go on a date then, shouldn't we?” Grinning I say, “Yeah, I suppose we should.” Well, long story short, we decided a family date would be best. We decided to go hiking. I told him I would pack lunch and meet him at his favorite hiking spot. Once again the 6th love language is about to be put into play.

It was a Saturday and we met up at a beautiful park in our town with large red rocks and green trees. You could see purple mountains behind the large red cliffs. It was gorgeous. There was snow still on the mountain peak and the sky was robin’s egg blue. Just gorgeous. We took the kids and hiked around. When it was time for lunch we went back to the cars where I pulled out a large picnic basket. Tall, Dark and Handsome was pretty excited at seeing that basket. He had envisioned brown paper sacks filled with PBJ's, chips and a twinkie. Not on my watch, no sirree. We had a marvelous lunch that day in the park with the amazing scenery and perfect weather. It was not PB&J's- it was fried chicken, potato salad, baked beans (my mom's recipe) and chocolaty, gooey, chocolate chip cookies- all homemade.

This story could go on for days (especially with me at the wheel) so I will condense it to say that 8 months later, I married Tall, Dark and Handsome. He proposed to me in the very park where we had that first lunch date. Later I asked him “Why in the world did you pick me?” He said 3 things... 1.You’re cute (He says I remind him of Thumper's girlfriend in the Disney movie Bambi) 2. You had your head screwed on straight (Translation: I wasn't needy) 3. You could cook. It was then that I realized my husband’s true love language. It was not the normal 5 we have learned about. There is truly a 6th. It isn't about the food itself; it is the love that goes into the things I make especially for him. It is a simple thing. It is not crazy or extravagant. It is cooking with love to please the one you love.

I have cooked many meals since then and we are as happy as ever. One time someone asked me, “What is your husband’s love language?” I simply responded, “The 6th one”.

Issue #4 February 2012

Bacon-Cream Cheese

Stuffed Mushrooms

8 oz. Cream cheese, softened 4-6 strips of bacon, fried and crumbled; reserve fat 1 small onion, finely chopped 20-25 large mushrooms, stems removed finely chopped

Saute onion and mushroom stems in bacon fat until tender. Drain off excess fat. Mix crumbled bacon, onion and stems with softened cream cheese until the mixture is workable. Stuff each mushroom and bake at 350 degrees F for 10-15 minutes. Finish under the broiler just until tops are golden. Serve them as a side dish or as a main dish.

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Dolor Sit Amet

Domestic Engineering 101 Mastering your home and making it beautiful

The 6th Love Language Recipe

(These may or may not get you a husband but they will surely make those around you very happy)

M&M's Cookies2 1/4 cups of flour 1 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. salt Mix first 3 ingredients in a small bowl set aside ¾ cups of sugar¾ cups of brown sugar 1 tsp. almond extract ¼ cup butter ¾ cups shortening In a separate bowl cream together the above ingredients. Into the creamed ingredients mix in 2 eggs. Mix dry ingredients into the wet ingredients. By Hand Stir in one 12 oz. pkg of M&M's candies. Chill dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Preheat oven to 350 Drop by rounded teaspoon full’s onto greased cookie sheet Bake for 12 min (10 min for some ovens) (For HUGE cookies use a small to medium sized ice cream scoop) Bake 12- 15 minutes keep checking after 12 min.

Issue #4 February 2012

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Acrostic Prayer By: Holly Rhody

As Christian parents, we are often reminded of the importance to pray for our children. With all that is happening in our world today, knowing where to start with our prayers or even how to pray, can feel overwhelming. At those overwhelming moments, I have used an acrostic poem method that gives me focused direction for my prayers. Before I created the poem,

I intently prayed through each letter of my sons’ names to ask the Lord how He wanted me to pray. I am humbled when I realize that God knows my two sons far better than I. He created them and has ordained future plans for the gifts and talents He has given them. These are the acrostic prayers that the Lord has given me to pray. I have them memorized, so that I can pray through them anytime and anywhere. Perhaps this method would be helpful for you, too, as you pray specifically for each of your children. S—see the calling on his life at an early age T—that he would be a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit E—evangelism would be one of his strengths V—very intimate relationship with the Lord E—each Fruit of the Spirit would be evident in his life N—not go before “ordinary” men (Unsure of meaning, but feel I am supposed to pray for) M—man of God all of his days I—intimate relationship with the Lord T—that he would know the calling on his life at an early age C—Christ follower H—heart and hands of help…he would take notice of those that need help E—evangelism would be one of his strengths L—love the Lord with all of his heart, soul, mind and strength L—love others above himself

Raising Blessings Loving your Children Conception through Adulthood

Issue #3 January 2012

Issue #4 February 2012

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Issue #2 December 2011

The Art of Walking on Water By: Kimberly Borst

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17 When we hear the voice of the Lord in our hearts or in the Bible we are stirred to believe the impossible could be possible. That response inside of us is the seedling of faith that God plants in us. When Peter left the boat to join Jesus it was in response to Jesus saying come. The next thing he did was step where it’s not possible to step: on top of the water. Faith grows as we begin to walk where Jesus walks, in love, showing kindness, being positive. He never doubted what the Father revealed to Him. God never lies. Peter’s ability to stay on the surface of the water only diminished when he took his eyes off of Jesus and focused on the storm. There are plenty of storms in life that can make us question what we believe. Looking back to the Lord is easily accomplished through calling on Him and through praise. Praising and thanking God lift us up out of the deep waters of doubt and discouragement. Walking on water is an art worth learning and miracles are worth the wait.

Wisdom's Call Leaving Folly Behind and Finding Wisdom

Virtuous Chic Modesty and Moderation with Style

Moderation By: Kimberly Borst

“Everything is permissible” but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible” but not everything is constructive. Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others. 1Corinthians 10:23,24 (NIV) As new covenant believers we have a lot of freedom. Jesus said that He came to give us abundant life. In the midst of these truths we also are instructed to live lives worthy of the gospel and exhorted not to use God’s grace as a license for immorality. Living a life of moderation is a blessing and obverts a lot of trouble. Reserve zeal and passion for the things of God. A holy life draws others to Christ and honors God. Our indulgence and over-indulgence in the things of this world can so easily become a stumbling block for those around us, opening a door to the devil that is not easily closed. When we begin to live our lives centered around things other than loving God and loving others, we’re in trouble. “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God even as I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.” 1Corinthains 10:31-33

Issue #4 February 2012

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Issue #4 February 2012

Just for You. Ways to take care of yourself so you can care of others.

Mirror, Mirror By Kimberly borst

As we gaze into the mirror what do we see? There are many different kinds of mirrors to look into. We can see ourselves through the eyes of others and our image shifts from day to day: one day things are going well and we feel great, and the next day some sort of conflict occurs and we feel contemptible. We can find ourselves reflecting on our jobs or accomplishments to define us. Again the measuring stick rises and falls depending on our performance. Then there is the bedroom mirror; would that it’s reflection might be without flaw. There are so many things that we try to define ourselves with, but there is only One who can truly define us. God created us in His image, reconciled us with the life of His son and loves us beyond measure. He is the rock to stand on when everything else slips away. How God sees us is what really matters. Look to God and the next time you see yourself in the mirror remember, you are beautiful to Him and you are loved.

Now the Lord is the Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, [there] is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the

same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord the Spirit.

2 Corinthians3:17,18(ASV)

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Dolor Sit Amet


Question: How do you become a better mistress of your domain without emasculating your husband?I have been struggling with really taking charge of my home, and doing it respectfully. I envision a home that is peaceful, beautiful, organized, and well maintained. I know that comes with a lot of work, which I don't mind, but I would like help. My husband says he wants to help, but when it comes down to it he gives me an attitude, excuses, or just plain ignores me. I don't know how to not mother him or just pick up after him. It is hard enough with two toddlers going behind me and messing everything up- I don't need him doing it too. I find trash, clothes, and toys left in his quake. I feel overwhelmed and like it won't ever end. I feel like I am surfing in a curl and about to be caught in the wave at any second. Often I am stuck in the wave. I just want to get ahead of it and ride it, not let it ride me. Can you help me take my place respectfully?

Answer: It’s an admirable task getting your house in order. You are wise in not wanting to treat your husband like a child, even if he occasionally resembles one. Treating a man like a child will only increase childishness. Start by affirming your husband every time he does help out. Let him know he is appreciated and needed. Present a need and let him figure out a solution. Many men want the opportunity to problem solve and have you value their ability to take care of you. Most men really do want to be the hero. When we get frustrated and just do it all, our husbands will typically respond one of two ways: “Well go ahead, you don’t need me anyway” or “Good, I didn’t want to do that.” This cycle may allow emotional walls to grow high and our relationships to suffer.

This kind of communication is hard for me, I really want my husband to just swoop in and know exactly what I need and want. The problem is that it’s not realistic or fair to expect him to read my mind. It is a vulnerable position to tell our spouse what we want and risk him blowing it off. We have to do our part by communicating clearly and respectfully. Beyond that, we really have no power to make our husbands act according to our will. God has to give us the grace to trust Him even when our wants or needs aren’t being filled. When we bring our needs to God, God can creatively fill them. We just can’t let resentment set in and destroy our relationships.

By: Kimberly Borst

Letters Real Questions, Real Answers.

Issue #4 February 2012

Do you have a question that needs answered? Go to our Ask page and write us, you may see your anonymous question here.

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Dolor Sit Amet


You are Blessed! By: Kimberly Borst

I was having a really bad day not too long ago. When I am really under it like that I call a friend for prayer. On this occasion I found myself seeking help from Beverly Huffman, a great intercessor and friend of mine. As she was praying for me she shared a strategy

she had recently been practicing of praying the Aaronic Blessing. She prayed the blessing over me, my body, my soul (mind, will & emotions), my relationships, my finances, my

dreams and visions, and everything I put my hands to. It was truly a blessing and afterwards I wanted to pass it on. I prayed it over my kids and a few of my friends. There is power in God’s word and the blessings He’s given us in it. Being deliberate to pray this blessing over specific areas of my life gave it new depth and meaning. I want to pass this blessing on to you too. As you read the Aaronic Blessing below, speak it out loud, declare

it over yourself, and receive the blessing God has for you!

Overflowing Heart Discovering your gifts and using them to serve

To Love Again Ministries’ Writers

Kimberly Borst Author, Founder, and Director of To Love Again Ministries.

Layout and graphic design by Keria Shaw Keria Shaw's Portfolio

Holly Rhody Intercessor and Writer.

Issue #4 February 2012

Care Grey Young Writer

“The LORD bless you and keep you;

The LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you;

The LORD, turn His face to you, and give you peace.”

Numbers 6:23-26 NIV
