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To My Friends and Customers. - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 17. · To MyFriends and Customers....

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To My Friends and Customers. As I look back over Sentember 1st, 1906,1 think of nineteen years ago when I first launched my little bark upon the great business sea. I often think of those who have helped me to steer my bark successfuly, and I still want your aid As an encentive to show our mutual benefit I have been to the Northern and Eastern markets looking after our interest, and have just returned home after purchasing one of the largest stocks of Dry ßoods, Kotions, Hats, Shoes and Clothing ever shown in the City of Orangeburg. The Shoe Department is composed of Leading Brands. The famous Zeigler Bros' Shoe of Phil¬ adelphia for Ladies, Misses and Babies. While I was North, I had the pleasure of going all over this factory and I don't bsleive there is a shoe made in the United States with as much care as Zeigler Bros' Shoes are. For men and boys the famous W. L. Douglas Shoe of Brocton, Mass with forty years reputation of honest shoe making, have already won their way into the hearts of the men and boys. I make a specialty of shoes and I be- leive that any thing you want in that line can be found at my place. The Dress Goods Department is composed of all the latest materials. Shadow plaids, Silks, solid colors, chks, varigated and plaids. Our black goods in prices from the ch ap woosted at 10c per yard to the silks warp Henrietta from 90c to §1.50 per yard are values seldom see. I am showing a black brown and grey scillian (nothing better for shirts) 52 inch wide at 48c per yard. Anything in white goods may be found here. The Clothing Department is the most complete shown this Bide of New York. We take care of the small boy from two years old that weighs 20 or 25 lbs to the large man who weighs 350 lbs We fit the fat boy and the slim toy; the tall man and the short man. In fact we can lit any thing that wears pants. AGENTS FOR W.LDÖÜGLAS SHOES; Best in the World. : The Domestic Department In the Domestic Department you can find anything in sea island homespun from 5c to 8c per yard. Drill rugs from 6 1-4 to 20c per yard. Bed Tuck- ings from 5 to 25c per yard. Bleaching from 5 to 12\c per yard. Cam¬ bric from 5 to 12|c per yard. Chk Hompspun from 4^ to 10c per yd. Brown and Black sheeting from 20 to 35c per' yard. I am also showing the best linen sheeting at 89c ever shown in the town. Table Linens from 20c to$1.50 per yard. Flannels in white and red from 12.V to 75c per yard A full line of crashes in cotton and linen from 5c to. 20c per yard. The greatest line of cotton and linen towels from 10c to $1.00 per pair. Everything in blankets from 50c a pair to $8 00 per pr. The most beau¬ tiful line of quilts ever shown in the city. Prices from 1.00 to $8.00. Our down quilts are dreams of lovliness. Friends, anything that is kept in the ' Domestic Department can be found at my place. Oar Hat Department composed of several leading brands such as Stetson, Royal Coat, Davidson and the Royal Limited. Any style and size may be found in this depart- ranging from 25c to $5.00. M msm My Haberdasher Department My Haberdasher Department is complete with Shirts 25cts to 1.50 apiece. Belts, Garters, Underwear. The cheapest and best Supenders all prices. Best 4 ply Collars ever sold on the market for 10 cents. Neck Wear aU prices and shapes to please the most fatidious. Friends, I have tried to be in a position to serve every one that come my way. Remember When You Are In Want Of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes And Hats That GEO. ZEIGLER S IS THE PLACE. 1 0wtM> Fire Insurance, Insure your farm residences, barns, stables, out buildings and tenant bouses, also stock, borses, mules, buggies, wagons, car¬ riages and harness for 3-4 of old bne rates in the Carolina Mutual of Spartanburg. N6 assesments. Also bale Cotton on the farm at a much smaller rate than old line Cos. charge. No ware bouse charges and no assessments for rates on Co tton Address me 7-19-5 i it..n......i IIM^MMNNNM REAL ESTATE. § o g i _i -: a i i I am in toucb at all times <$ ? with both sellers and purchas- $ ers of Real Estate. Ifyouwisli | to buy or sell it will pay you | to see me before doing so. It £ ? costs you nothing unless sale ® i. l m IS made. 1 i Jas. M. >wwwwww»»f*y*#ww+* LOWMAN & SHECUT, Physicians and Surgeons, zity and County Calls Accetped. Office at Lowman Drug Company, Orangcburg, S c. DENIlM. ice Second st3»y Edisto Building. Orangeburg, S: C. .Office hours 8 a. m. 6p. m. Agent, Orangeburg, S. C. www Derler in Hay, Corn, Oats Stock & Chicken Food Best Tenn. Rock Lime Best Portland Cement Plaster Parish, Plastering Hair. ALSO Staple Groceries. See me before buying or telephone your orders. Next door to the dispensary. 252 - Thone - 252 CCCC 0 CCDS TCCOOOODCC CCC CCO'J Surety Bonds. For Administrator, Guardians, Trustees. Receivers, Dispensers, Casli- jrr Attachment, or any other position of trust executed without delay in the NATIONAL SURETY COM-I I'ANV. Don't ask your friend to sign your BOND.let us write it for YOU. Kates reasonable. Wolle & Berry, Phone 55.A 1 ATTORNEYS CUTTON CÄOP FIGURED BXiSEORETARX HES¬ TER OF NEW ORLEANS. He Fixes the Total Value oi the Crop for the Season at $641,720,- 434 The annual report on the United States cotton crop for 1905-06, issued by Secretary Hester, of the New Or¬ leans cotton exchange, is summarized as follows: Be puts the cotton from 1905 OS at 11,345,988 bales, a decrease of 2,219,¦ 897 under that of 1904-05. He ears that comoared with last year, in round figures Texas, inoluding Indian Territory, has fallen off 558,- 000 bales. The group known as other gulf states, coruüh.ing of Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tonne^e, Mis- sour), O-daooma. Utah and Kansas, has decreased i 431,00t), and groups of Atlantic States (aiaDams, Georgia, Florida, Nortn Carolina, Santa Oaro- Una Kentucky and Virglnls), nas lost j231,000. THE crop by STATICS. [ Mr. Hester'k report on the cottcn 'crop of sue ftffdrent s-ates is given as follows, io th minds of bales: Alabama, 1,389 against 1,470 last year; Arkansas, 635 atralnBt 9U5; Flor¬ ida, 80 S.t/a!oi<r, »9; Gtomui, 1,900 against 1 975; LDuisiana, 525 against; 1,100; Mississippi. 1.232 aga 1**1,777; Norcn Otrolin*, 734 4^*l»ht 775; Soucü Carolina, 1,175 against 1 20U; Tenn¬ essee, 647 axains*. 691; Texas and In dlan Territory, 3 026 t«aiust 3 584 Totol crop this year 11,346 agaiuat 13,566 last year. He makes toe total production of Indian Territory, which Is included in Texas, 351,260 bales aealnst 509,749 !ast year; of Oklahoma 324,446 agairst 319,231 last year; of Missouri 42 754 Dales against 47 698 last year, tue two la*fc beirjg lcoluQed under the head of Tennessee, etc. toe average bale He puts tne average commercial value of this crop at 856 56 per bale, against 843 31 labt year, and the total value of the r.rop at 8641,720,434, against 8628,195.359 last year. He states thi i white &uis crop waa prac¬ tically 2 200,000 bales less than that of last year, it sold for 812,252 075 more. He gives details of prices, shoeing that taking the cotton beit as a whole, the highest figure for mldahug during too year was 12 1 »jpor pound, reach¬ ed In December, 1905, and toe lowest 9 5 16 in August, 1906, and the aver¬ age value per pour;d was 11 7 louo compared v»lih 8 98 100 cents Jan yesr. He pu' s the avsrage weight per bale ..t 510 yi lüü pcuuos, sh wing a de¬ cease utcier last year of 467 luO. Mr. Hester makes the uc:uai growth ior Dhe saa:oa 11,161,000, andsaya that &he last report oi me oensus bureau o? cotton Rlnned does not cover told year's entire growth, that even with due allowance for old cotton carried over the ginners' returns seem short by several hundred thousand bales of the actual orop. SPINDLES IN THE SOUTH. He estimates the spindles In the south at 9,760,192 old, Idle and not complete, against 9,205,649 last year. The net gain In the number of south* era mills over last year has been 17, making the total now 794. Of these these 741 haye been In operation dur¬ ing the year, 20 are Idle and 33 are In course of erection, 14 old and ou6 of date concerns which ceased business have been crossed.off the list. The consumption has been divided a3 fol¬ lows: Alabama, 2?9 885, Increase 16,013. Arkansas, 3 372, Increase 132. Georgia, 514 673, Increase 31,338. Kentucky, 28,371, inorease 2 529. Louisiana, 17,697, Inorease 3,621. Mississippi, 41,298, Increase 1,170. Missouri, 7,240, inorease 779. North Carolina, 694,405, Inorease 92,255. S-tuth Carolina, 666,715, inorease 41,525. Tennessee. 58,402, inoreane 6,955. Texas, 36 896 Increase 8,123. Virginia, 65 261 inoreaso 6 260. Totals, 2.374,225, inorease 210,720. I'".crease ov«r >u*r before iuai, 454,- 973. "Wanted to Lynch Him. The A Hanta Journal says after shooting a negro woman and her Rii- year-old son, George McHenry, a ne¬ gro, narrowly escaped a lynohing late Tuesdiy nlgüt at tbe hands of mem¬ bers t f bis own race. About midnight a negro row developed near the corner .'if Piedmont avenne and Ellis street During the controversy a bullet, said to nave bean fired by McHenry, passed entirely through tbe Shoulder of the child and af-er^ards landed in the siomach of itci motber, who gave her name 83 Hottie Griggo. 0.*>ner negroeh present becacce highly lncenwd and began chasing McHenry, wich tM avowed Intention cf lynching hl-n. It is Jika'y that the man would have been rou^bly bandied but for rhe cp- por? une arrival of Call Officers Danton, ;nd Gallaher. who had spr-e iliv re-' sponded to a telephone call. McHenry was arrested and is now held ?.t nead- qusTterß on the charge, of assault wPh Intent to murder. Toe injured wo¬ man and ci.ild were carried to t ie Grady hospital, li ,th will probably recover. A Kray.-» U»rl. At Auburn, N. n., on Lilrn Massa- bessic, In the territic Fquall of Thurs¬ day :-.fi^rnoon, M;si Helen E. Jr)yce, 18 >c;'.r3 old, of Mapiewooi, Mass., rescued four rrcn from a disabled steam launch. The waves wrre dash* Ing over the little craft and shq was, drifting rapidly to the shoals when) Mi h J jyce, rushing to a sk'tl at ¦.; cottage, jumped it and put off. 3 t xh she puiied her 1 oU under the h-o. o*! the launch the latter irrounded and! th* waves rolled completely over It. Tiking the four m<sn aboard, Mi38| J :yca rowed into calmer water near the shore. TERRIBLE MISTAKE. Saint Iionis Woman (lent "Yee" to the Wrong Man. A dispatch from St. Louis says Mrs. Robert T. Sturgeon, wife of the as¬ sistant cashier of the Merchants' Laolede National Bank, who blunder¬ ed into accepting his proposal of mar¬ riage by sending him an acceptance intended for another, has disappeared Her husband is suing her for divorce. The Sturgeons were married Id February 1900. The bride was Miss Amy Bay, a daughter of a Virginia family, a young society womsn of this city and an intimate friend of Mrs. Rosemary Sartorls, the grandaughter of President Grant. She was a'pretty girl of great charm and her suitors were many. For three years it was muah of a butterfly chase between Sturgeon and a band- some young Kentuoklan. Each was jealous of the other and Miss Bay never gave either the slightest im pression as to whioh she preferred. She corresponded regularly, went riding and playetf golf with both. Taen the two Fultors wrote to the gin on the same day.not the ordinary kind of love letter, but an appeal such aa a man writes onoe In a life time. And M!bs May answered. To the Kentuculan the reply v/as: **I love you. Yes." To Sturgeon: "I love you. But.no." Tneo In her feverish haste, with a thousand thoughts whirling through her mind, she mailed the two. And it was the unexpected that happened, for on the following day, glorying in his triuapi, Sturgeon came to claim her. The girl was b«- wilderer), but resizing that she must bave put the letters in the wrong en¬ velopes, she played her part. She was young and so "t- hear Led. and now that. It happened, she could not make her confession. The Kntucklin went away from St. Louis and dropped out of her lift. but apparently net out of h?r he\rt or her mind or her soul. Yet she married Sturgeon, never tolitn^ him that she didn't care for him, f,ave in an amiable, companion-like way. The six years that follo^e^ were far from pleasant. Sturgeon sec realized thati he had won (,he »'f -., i u .20t the hoa;t, ard at laar the two separated. No'-v he is suing for devorce, The error of the hand nas been a bitter cup of gall. Yet it ia not over, for process servers are unable to Und the woman, and Sturgeon cannot pain hit) ^rf>°rlnra. An Organ that will last a life time is what you want. Our Organs have a pure tone and lovely cases. We "can supply you with an Organ that will please in every particul-ir for only $»>5andi~0j delivered. W ite us for our special terms of payment., and forillusi ral ions oi the beautiful Organs referred 10. If you prefer a Piano we have beau tifuland good new Uprights from$18,' up on easy terms. Addicts üalone's Music House, Columbia, S. C. Seasonable Goods. We have put in a nice lot of goods tbat will help yon to keepjool during he Summer Whs. Screen Doors and Windows, Screen Wire Cloth, Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers. Ice Picks, Wire Hammocks, Corded Hammocks, Fly Traps. For Pleasure we have Base Ball Goods, Fish Hooks, Fishing Lines and Poles. Now is the time to Paint your house old or new. We have Jail grades and colors of Paints. Try Muresco Sanitary Wall Coating, it is the beet and prettiest. Special Screen Wire Paint. Make labor light by using our up-to-date Washing Machines and ringers, Asbestos Sad Irons, Large and Small Mouth Fruit^Jara We make a specialty of improved dining room and kitchen lurniture. Call and examine our stock. Arthur Hardware Co., St. Matthews and Elloree, S. C. Tombstones and Monuments. Irepresent three large marble works, and it will pay anybody needing anything in this line to get my prices before buying. You should not fail to mark the last resting place of your loved ones with a stone whose inscription will survive for many years the crumbling touch of timo. It is a duty of love that should be symbolized by something more lasting than flowers watered by tears of grief. Every slab, shaft, tombstone or monument I han¬ dle is a triumph of the stone cutter's, sculptor's and engraver's art and my prices are most reasonable. How about that neglect- grave of mother, or father, sister or brother? Can refer you to work done in this county by the companies I represent, and I think that you will agree that it is first-class in every particular. Also take orders for high-grade sewing machines, pianos and organs. Others are higher in price.hut none better. J. WANNAMAKER, Orangeburg, S. C. Residence on Pearl street between Orange street and Railroad AvennaJ NEW DROP-HEAD MACHINES Bold en nsy payments. Good prices allowed for old Machines in exchaii 3. Second-hand Machines from $5.00 to $15.00. Also parts id attachments furnished for all standard makes. Prompt attention to mail orders. New Bicycles Sold on Easy Payments. AldO Hicycle parts and sundries furnished for all standard makes. Genend llepair Shop for Sewing Machines, Bicycles, Guns, Clocka and Watches. Give me your work. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. H. SMITH. Market Street - . Opposite New Postoffice.
  • To My Friends and Customers.As I look back over Sentember 1st, 1906,1 think of nineteen years ago when I first launched my little bark upon

    the great business sea. I often think of those who have helped me to steer my bark successfuly, and I still want youraid As an encentive to show our mutual benefit I have been to the Northern and Eastern markets looking after ourinterest, and have just returned home after purchasing one of the largest stocks of Dry ßoods, Kotions, Hats, Shoes andClothing ever shown in the City of Orangeburg.

    The Shoe Departmentis composed of Leading Brands. The famous Zeigler Bros' Shoe of Phil¬adelphia for Ladies, Misses and Babies. While I was North, I had thepleasure of going all over this factory and I don't bsleive there is a shoemade in the United States with as much care as Zeigler Bros' Shoes are.For men and boys the famous W. L. Douglas Shoe of Brocton, Mass withforty years reputation of honest shoe making, have already won their wayinto the hearts of the men and boys. I make a specialty of shoes and I be-leive that any thing you want in that line can be found at my place.

    The Dress Goods Departmentis composed of all the latest materials. Shadow plaids, Silks, solid colors,chks, varigated and plaids. Our black goods in prices from the ch apwoosted at 10c per yard to the silks warp Henrietta from 90c to §1.50 peryard are values seldom see. I am showing a black brown and grey scillian(nothing better for shirts) 52 inch wide at 48c per yard. Anything inwhite goods may be found here.

    The Clothing Departmentis the most complete shown this Bide of New York. We take care of thesmall boy from two years old that weighs 20 or 25 lbs to the large man whoweighs 350 lbs We fit the fat boy and the slim toy; the tall man and theshort man. In fact we can lit any thing that wears pants.


    W.LDÖÜGLAS SHOES;Best in the World. :

    The Domestic DepartmentIn the Domestic Department you can find anything in sea island homespunfrom 5c to 8c per yard. Drill rugs from 6 1-4 to 20c per yard. Bed Tuck-ings from 5 to 25c per yard. Bleaching from 5 to 12\c per yard. Cam¬bric from 5 to 12|c per yard. Chk Hompspun from 4^ to 10c per yd.Brown and Black sheeting from 20 to 35c per' yard. I am also showingthe best linen sheeting at 89c ever shown in the town. Table Linens from20c to$1.50 per yard. Flannels in white and red from 12.V to 75c peryard A full line of crashes in cotton and linen from 5c to. 20c per yard.The greatest line of cotton and linen towels from 10c to $1.00 per pair.Everything in blankets from 50c a pair to $8 00 per pr. The most beau¬tiful line of quilts ever shown in the city. Prices from 1.00 to $8.00. Ourdown quilts are dreams of lovliness. Friends, anything that is kept in the

    ' Domestic Department can be found at my place.Oar Hat Department

    composed of several leading brands such as Stetson, Royal Coat, Davidsonand the Royal Limited. Any style and size may be found in this depart-ranging from 25c to $5.00. M msm

    My Haberdasher DepartmentMy Haberdasher Department is complete with Shirts 25cts to 1.50 apiece.Belts, Garters, Underwear. The cheapest and best Supenders all prices.Best 4 ply Collars ever sold on the market for 10 cents. Neck Wear aUprices and shapes to please the most fatidious. Friends, I have tried to bein a position to serve every one that come my way.

    Remember When You Are In Want Of Dry Goods, Notions,Clothing, Shoes And Hats That




    Fire Insurance,Insure your farm residences, barns, stables, out buildings andtenant bouses, also stock, borses, mules, buggies, wagons, car¬riages and harness for 3-4 of old bne rates in the CarolinaMutual of Spartanburg. N6 assesments. Also bale Cotton onthe farm at a much smaller rate than old line Cos. charge. Noware bouse charges and no assessments for rates on Co ttonAddress me


    iit..n......i IIM^MMNNNM







    I am in toucb at all times wwwwww»»f*y*#ww+*

    LOWMAN & SHECUT,Physicians and Surgeons,

    zity and County Calls Accetped.Office atLowman Drug Company,

    Orangcburg, S c.

    DENIlM.ice Second st3»y Edisto Building.

    Orangeburg, S: C..Office hours 8 a. m. 6p. m.

    Agent, Orangeburg, S. C.


    Derler in

    Hay, Corn, OatsStock & Chicken FoodBest Tenn. Rock LimeBest Portland CementPlaster Parish,

    Plastering Hair.ALSO

    Staple Groceries.See me before buying or

    telephone your orders.Next door to the dispensary.252 - Thone - 252


    Surety Bonds.For Administrator, Guardians,

    Trustees. Receivers, Dispensers, Casli-jrr Attachment, or any other positionof trust executed without delay inthe NATIONAL SURETY COM-II'ANV. Don't ask your friend tosign your BOND.let us write it forYOU. Kates reasonable.

    Wolle & Berry,Phone 55.A 1 ATTORNEYS



    He Fixes the Total Value oi the Cropfor the Season at $641,720,-

    434The annual report on the United

    States cotton crop for 1905-06, issuedby Secretary Hester, of the New Or¬leans cotton exchange, is summarizedas follows:Be puts the cotton from 1905 OS at

    11,345,988 bales, a decrease of 2,219,¦897 under that of 1904-05.He ears that comoared with last

    year, in round figures Texas, inoludingIndian Territory, has fallen off 558,-000 bales. The group known as othergulf states, coruüh.ing of Louisiana,Arkansas, Mississippi, Tonne^e, Mis-sour), O-daooma. Utah and Kansas,has decreased i 431,00t), and groupsof Atlantic States (aiaDams, Georgia,Florida, Nortn Carolina, Santa Oaro-Una Kentucky and Virglnls), nas lostj231,000.

    THE crop by STATICS.

    [ Mr. Hester'k report on the cottcn'crop of sue ftffdrent s-ates is given asfollows, io th minds of bales:Alabama, 1,389 against 1,470 last

    year; Arkansas, 635 atralnBt 9U5; Flor¬ida, 80 S.t/a!oi°rlnra.

    An Organthat will last a life time is what youwant. Our Organs have a pure toneand lovely cases. We "can supplyyou with an Organ that will please inevery particul-ir for only $»>5andi~0jdelivered. W ite us for our specialterms of payment., and forillusi ral ionsoi the beautiful Organs referred 10.

    If you prefer a Piano we have beautifuland good new Uprights from$18,'up on easy terms.

    Addicts üalone's Music House,Columbia, S. C.

    Seasonable Goods.We have put in a nice lot of goods tbat will help yon to keepjool duringhe Summer Whs.

    Screen Doors and Windows, Screen Wire Cloth,Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers.Ice Picks, Wire Hammocks,Corded Hammocks, Fly Traps.For Pleasure we haveBase Ball Goods,

    Fish Hooks,Fishing Lines and Poles.

    Now is the time to Paint your house old or new. We have Jail gradesand colors of Paints. Try Muresco Sanitary Wall Coating, it is the beetand prettiest. Special Screen Wire Paint.Make labor light by using our up-to-date Washing Machines and

    ringers, Asbestos Sad Irons, Large and Small Mouth Fruit^JaraWe make a specialty of improved dining room and kitchen lurniture.

    Call and examine our stock.

    Arthur Hardware Co.,St. Matthews and Elloree, S. C.

    Tombstones and Monuments.Irepresent three large marble works, and it will pay anybody

    needing anything in this line to get my prices before buying.You should not failto mark the last resting place of your lovedones with a stone whose inscription will survive for many yearsthe crumbling touch of timo. It is a duty of love that should besymbolized by something more lasting than flowers watered bytears of grief. Every slab, shaft, tombstone or monument I han¬dle is a triumph of the stone cutter's, sculptor's and engraver'sart and my prices are most reasonable. How about that neglect-grave of mother, or father, sister or brother? Can refer you towork done in this county by the companies I represent, and I thinkthat you will agree that it is first-class in every particular.

    Also take orders for high-grade sewing machines, pianos andorgans. Others are higher in price.hut none better.

    J. WANNAMAKER, Orangeburg, S. C.Residence on Pearl street between Orange street and Railroad AvennaJ

    NEW DROP-HEAD MACHINESBold en nsy payments. Good prices allowed for old Machines inexchaii 3. Second-hand Machines from $5.00 to $15.00. Alsoparts id attachments furnished for all standard makes. Promptattention to mail orders.

    New Bicycles Sold on Easy Payments.AldO Hicycle parts and sundries furnished for all standard makes.Genend llepair Shop for Sewing Machines, Bicycles, Guns, Clocka

    and Watches.Give me your work. Satisfaction guaranteed.

    J. H. SMITH.Market Street - . Opposite New Postoffice.
