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To Simply 'Like': The Realities of the Facebook Society

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  • 7/28/2019 To Simply 'Like': The Realities of the Facebook Society


    Running head: TO SIMPLY LIKE

    To Simply Like:

    The Realities behind the

    Implications of the Facebook


    Libby Lussenhop

    Michigan State University

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    Introduction and Methodology

    It is no coincidence that the 2010 movie The Social Network received unprecedented

    ratings and international attention. Since its dramatic birth in 2003, Facebook has seized the

    worlds attention and maintained it through the ambiguity of its purpose. In questioning this

    purpose, however, one encounters a broad, ever-changing answer. Facebook mirrors both the

    close relationships forged through mutual experience as well as the weak ties created through

    numerous group assignments and coincidences; one also recognizes the similarities between the

    self-image and its Facebook profile cognate. Facebook is a social network that was originally

    created to simulate the relationships, interests, and structure of the social experienceso what

    better way to study this culture but through the juxtaposition of the social and the social


    In this study I will take an objective approach to the culture of Facebook, observing

    trends in the Facebook community, utilizing and unpacking key words and phrases found in the

    Facebook sub-cultures, and analyzing the effect of real life on Facebook (and vice versa). To do

    so, I carefully documented my every reaction and interaction within the social network, as well

    as its ties to the three-dimensional world that it is presumed to mirror. I also conducted extensive

    online interviews with over 150 (anonymous) Facebook users so as to observe habitual and

    linguistic trends among individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Finally, I compared social

    studies and theories from Margaret Finders, Thomas Hine, Malcolm Gladwell, and Manuel

    Castells to the realities I faced in my everyday Facebook immersion. In synthesizing the works

    of these accredited scholars with my own findings, I discovered implications within the

    Facebook community that can be extrapolated to real-life society. Still, I discovered several

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    subtleties of Facebook that should serve as red flags to real-life society; in addition to analyzing

    the benefits of Facebook, I am obligated to share its dangers.

    In exposing the culture and subculture of Facebook, especially in terms of the three-

    dimensional world, there are some key terms that I will identify now to prevent future confusion.

    First of all, I will use the term poster to refer to one who posts, as in a Facebook user who

    posts an update or comment. On a more complicated subject, I will frequently differentiate

    between Facebook society and real life society. The larger question here, however, is this:

    what makes Facebook different from real life? Why are the two not interchangeable? After all,

    Facebook was created to mirror real social interactions and relationships. While portions of this

    study will be dedicated to illustrating the differences between the two, I will use some time here

    to give an overview of the separation between Facebook and real life. While real life possesses

    the four cornerstones of this Facebook studythe power in relation to language and literacy, the

    structure in terms of interaction, competition and standards, an influence on the individuals self

    image, and morereal life does not present these cornerstones in a single visual media. While

    all of the implications of the Facebook society are present in real life society, real life society

    does not portray them in the straightforward, constant way that is characteristic of Facebook.

    Simply put, Facebook and real life are separate entities because, although Facebook was created

    to imitate real life, Facebook is limited to its concrete two dimensions online and real life is

    limited to its abstract three dimensions everywhere else. Although the two are closely

    intertwined, they cannot be interchanged. Throughout this study, I will expand on this concept,

    referring to real life as life in three-dimensions, real society, and the like.

    This study will target four key aspects of Facebook, each one found under a different

    section in this response: language and literacy, structural implications, competition, and the

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    users self-image. I will recognize the positive and negative aspects of involvement in the social

    network, especially to the extreme at which most users are immersed within it. Through this

    response essay, I ask that the avid Facebook users remove their heads from the sandor the

    Newsfeedand observe the social network from the objective viewpoint from which I will

    write. By making the all-too-familiar Facebook unfamiliar, I hope to uncover the distortions in

    the social networking mirror, illustrating that Facebook is not the innocent society that it is often

    perceived to be.

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    I. Reading into Facebook:The Power of the Social Network in Terms of Language and Literacy

    In studying the culture of Facebook, one must first study Facebook as a social

    construction. Facebook is unique in that it provides each user with a fundamental structure that

    can be personalized according to how the individual wishes to be portrayed. In a way, using the

    Facebook community is like continuously painting an ongoing, very dynamic self-portrait. In

    addition to the language found verbatim in the Facebook structure, there are also numerous

    language threads found in the more abstract subculture surrounding the social network; in

    conversation about Facebook, users of all ages and backgrounds have a tendency to use similar

    words and phrases that are mere implications of the network. As a whole, Facebook has

    dominated the connotative power of numerous words, phrases, and language threads and has

    shaped the literary community at large in a way that parallels its purposes. This section will

    discuss how Facebook works through and within language in order to become a prominent aspect

    of real life.

    Primarily, Facebook is organized into separate pages with simple titles that have come to

    redefine the titles original connotations. The Wall, for example, is the users homepage,

    where a visitor can view information, pictures, notes, status updates, and posts from the user and

    the users friends, all displayed chronologically in two dimensions. The Wall represents the afore

    mentioned fundamental structure of Facebook; just as the fundamental structure of a home or

    building is comprised of walls, so the Facebook structure is made up of each and every Wall and

    its connectedness to other Walls through friends networks. Also, just as a building is better

    reinforced as the walls are more numerous and interconnected, so the stability of the Facebooks

    functionality is determined by the number of users and by the number of connections between

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    users. The social network becomes increasingly indispensable as smaller networks of friends

    expand and create more connections through mutual friends and shared events. The power of

    Facebook is determined by the users and their reliance on Facebook to maintain their

    connections and individual social networks. This is a prime example of the power of Facebook

    through language; by using the word wall to refer to the individual users contribution to the

    social network, the Facebook structure becomes a more concrete aspect of real life.

    Another common language thread is not one found explicitly in the structure of

    Facebook, but rather in the culture surrounding the Facebook construction: Facebook stalking

    or creeping. Revolutionizing the once negative connotations of this verb, the Facebook

    community has turned stalking into a harmless, recreational activity in which one follows the

    posts of a specific individual for any duration of time. Rather than implying danger or

    discomfort, a Facebook stalker is merely one that takes the time to absorb the information that a

    user has injected into the Facebook community. To have numerous stalkers is, in fact, regarded

    as highly as being the most popular student at school, but in a two-dimensional, Facebook-

    literature way. The only way to know if one is being stalked is by confession of the stalker,

    since the Facebook lacks a dependable way to track page hits and hit sources to the personal

    Wall. Therefore, to be a Facebook stalker is often regarded as a positive, even comical title,

    and Facebook users will even compete for the attention ofstalkers. While the alteration of this

    single word may appear harmless, Facebook represents the threat of communal desensitization to

    real social issues. Facebook allows for the mass distribution of information, regardless of its

    relevance to the target community; therefore, the target community possesses a resulting skewed

    perspective of a social concern, sending said concern into a downward spiral of irrelevance and


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    Similarly, Facebook language has found its way from the constrictions of cyberspace into

    everyday conversation in other ways as well. A romantic relationship must be made Facebook

    official in order for it to be of genuine intentions. Facebook users will often refer to aspects of

    real life with thephrase I am a fan, abutton-click function presented on Facebook pages

    designated for popular culture (celebrities, consumer products, television). As a result of the

    communal obsession with Facebook, chatspeak or text lingo has become prevalent in real

    life in addition to being the dominating literary factor within the social network. Abbreviations

    and acronyms found in Facebook messages, posts, and chat often bleed into verbal

    conversationand, alarmingly, even prose written by students, from written notes to

    schoolwork. One can walk down the hall of any high school and hear BTW (By the Way),

    JK (just kidding), or the unforgettable LOL (laugh out loud). Indeed, Facebook and the real

    world have become so interconnected that the abbreviation IRL (In Real Life) is found

    frequently in the social network so as to roughly differentiate two worlds that are indubitably


    While the interconnectivity between the social network and the real world may be

    reassuringin that Facebook reflects real life and functions as a supplement to face timeit is

    disconcerting to recognize the power that Facebook has demonstrated in redefining aspects of the

    English language. However, the power of Facebook in language should be relatively

    unsurprising due to the very function of language in the social network. On Facebook, literacy

    is constructed as a social event (Finders, 1997, p. 54); language serves as a means to the end of

    maintaining social operation. In the words of Margaret Finders (1997), literaciesboth

    sanctioned literacies and literate underlifeserved to maintain particular social roles and

    document particular allegiances (p. 41). In this statement, Finders is discussing the power of

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    language and literacy use amidst junior high girls. In this sense, language is what is written,

    while literacy is the presence of writing itself as it appears within the community. Finders

    expands her description of literacy in the lives of the girls.

    In all of the literate underlife, there existed a tremendous sense of play. Embedded

    within the play, the social queens used literacies for the following purposes: establishing

    a set of agreed-upon norms, competing for social status, connecting within a community,

    staking a claim, and defying authority. Clearly many literate behaviors supported more

    than one function, but all focused on the social aspects. Literate underlife, those literate

    practices that occur away from and in resistance to the institution of schooling, became a

    useful tool to mark status and document one as an insider in this group. Likewise, literate

    underlife was carefully monitored to keep outsiders out of the circle of friends (Finders,

    1997, p. 54-55).

    This passage serves not only to describe literate practices among junior high girls, but it also

    documents the motivations and purposes behind literacy in the Facebook community. The act of

    writing is as meaningful as what is written. Although the literacy and language in both

    communities is oriented around colloquial interaction, the very location and timing of the writing

    serves to maintain the social structure within Facebook, as well as the social structure that

    Facebook exists to reflect.

    Also, the ability to delay ones response contributes to both the placement and content of

    language in the social network. In a phone or face-to-face conversation, there is an expectation to

    respond within a brief period of time that is comfortable for all parties involved. Mere seconds

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    pass between exchanges. On the other hand, the capability to revise a post before sharing it

    implies a great deal of confidence and sincerity, regardless of whether or not any time was taken

    to revise said post. Thus, each word is more significant on Facebook for three main reasons:

    Facebook structure means that the post will exist forever, what was said in the post received

    more prior thought than a spoken statement, and the location of the post implies a target audience

    or friend circle. Language and literacy within Facebook, therefore, cause a juxtaposition of the

    power of prose with the interaction of casual conversation, all within a context of calculated

    exchange. The problems that arise within the social network stem from a lack of understanding

    that those three aspects are interconnected and inseparable; if one disregards the power, the

    interaction, or the context of Facebook language and literacy, the intent of the post can be

    misinterpreted, and the potentially positive effect of Facebook on our linguistic society is

    distorted beyond recognition.

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    II. The Facebook Framework:How Structure has made the Social Network Indispensable

    In Malcolm Gladwells The Tipping Point(2000), the author describes social epidemics

    (p. 10) and the factorsor agents of change (p. 19)that result in a prominent societal trend.

    As Gladwell defines social epidemic over the course ofThe Tipping Point, a social epidemic

    refers to any trend that spreads through society and remains prevalent in society for an extended

    period of timenot unlike a contagious disease. The first factor is called The Law of the Few

    (p. 19), which essentially states that certain people are more valuable than others in relation to a

    social epidemic. Different skills are required depending on the trend, but those who possess the

    desired skills cause the social epidemic to explode within communities and make the social

    epidemic incurable, in a sense. In the case of Facebook as a social epidemic, the most valuable

    members are those who add every user with whom they come into contact as friends, those who

    update frequently, those who generate responses and likes, and those who utilize Facebooks

    every aspect to its full extent. Not everyone can contribute to the Law of the Few, but

    everyone is certainly affected by it. Without this small percentage of truly valuable members,

    Facebook would become irrelevant and unused.

    Gladwells (2000) second factor in generating a social epidemic is the Stickiness Factor

    (p. 19), which describes the necessity of a social epidemic to have a meaning or concept that

    sticks in the minds of the people who perceive or experience it. In other words, this is like having

    a more subtle, conceptual slogan that is equally important as its designated worded slogan.

    Facebook is a success because it has social stickiness factors that exceed its simple, practical

    uses. For example, as was observed in section I, the language and literacy of Facebook are often

    reflected in everyday conversation, leaving the voice of the Facebook community ringing in the

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    ears ofthe conversations participants. If Facebook did not engage members of society in such a

    way that they would remember it, have an interest in it, and ultimately have a necessity for it, the

    social network would not remain as successful as it has.

    Thirdly, Malcolm Gladwell proposes that the final agent of change is the Power of

    Context (p. 19), which describes how a change in the environment indefinitely alters the events

    that take place within it. For example, Gladwell gives the example of crime in New York City.

    As the city was physically cleaned upthrough graffiti removal, fixed windows, and fresh paint

    and plantsthe amount of crime in the city drastically decreased. This illustrates that it is human

    nature to be exquisitely sensitive tothe kinds of contextual changes that are capable of tipping

    an epidemic (Gladwell, 2000, p. 29). In the case of Facebook, the environment found in real

    life is paralleled to each and every page of the social network, such as the Wall of any user or the

    Newsfeed. Essentially, the user manufactures a safe environment within the social network in

    which to post and thrive. Since the use of Facebook requires the user to individualize a portion of

    it (to some extent), the social network is highly conducive to participation; every user is provided

    with a highly individualized context in which to share and from which to expand throughout the

    network. Similarly, Facebook allows users to seek out contexts that give them a sense of comfort

    and belonging, allowing for further networking and publicity. Facebook is, in essence, a utopian

    community that provides for the needs of each and every citizen through contexts specifically

    designed for the various sub-networks within it.

    In overview of Gladwells three agents of change, it is evident that Facebook was

    specifically designed to be an incurable social epidemic. Between a variety of expert

    networkers, a flexible, impactful purpose, and a customizable construct, the social network has

    become an integral part of society. Even as a skeletal structure, one can clearly recognize the

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    deliberate steps that the founders of Facebook took to weave the social network into the real life

    society that already existedwhether this was intentional or not. The user determines his or her

    activity within and in relation to the network, meaning that GladwellsLaw of the Few,

    Stickiness Factor, and Power of Context are relevant to Facebook regardless of the users

    individual style and preferences. The social network was structured so as to be a community that

    serves every individual in equal measure, which draws new users into the community, resulting

    in the Facebook social epidemic.

    Furthermore, the Facebook has the advantage of simply being convenient. Users admit to

    being online constantly; having the Facebook available via desktop, laptop, mobile, and iPod

    makes it a priority for sharing information because the luxury is always available. The very

    framework of Facebook requires that one shares information and documents everything through

    ones Wall and Newsfeedso as to keep ones self-image up to date. In this manner, updates are

    constantly arriving in the Newsfeeds of ones friends, providing every Facebook user with a

    steady stream of new information. However, it remains to be noted that the Newsfeed is not

    necessarily comprised of what was once news. Rather than receiving updates concerning major

    world events and ways to improve ones way of life, Facebook users receive news made up of

    their peers lunch food of choice, favorite song lyrics, or gaming requests. (Indeed, many users

    Walls are entirely dominated by Farmville or Mafia Wars icons, two of the many interactive and

    inter-user games presented via Facebook.) The information overload displayed by Facebook

    results in a general, subtle incapability to differentiate between worthwhile, accredited news and

    the offhand thought of a frienda thought that would be overlooked in face-to-face conversation

    or in a phone call. Facebook allows users to personalize the network, but it also gives the average

    member of society the means to document his or her every thought and action, regardless of its

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    magnitude or relevance to the community. Facebook also allows for news of genuine importance

    to be recorded, however, and the result is the unfortunate juxtaposition of valid information and

    useless gabble. In this way, the structure of Facebook is so all-encompassing that it often creates

    a disregard for valuable information of global interest because it is presented next to useless

    information of personal interest.

    Even when analyzed only in the structural sense, Facebook has social implications that

    influence the overall use of the interface. As stated by a Facebook user, it is a visual reassurance

    of ones place in society. Truly, Facebook is a carefully constructed social hierarchy in which

    the number of reigning powers is potentially infinite, and their roles in the social hierarchy are

    entirely undefined. To use the Facebook jargon, the hierarchy is determined by general

    likeability, which will be further discussed in section III under the topic of competitive social

    networking. Through the structure of the Newsfeed, the comment capability, and the like, the

    social network creates a very prominent depiction ofsocietys preference for particular users.

    Additionally, the Newsfeed is programmed to show ones favorite friends posts before the

    rest. For example, of my 1400 Facebook friends, I see the updates of only 50 to 100 friends.

    Thus, I will comment and like more posts of these friends, resulting in a continued Newsfeed

    preference for those same friendstherefore, my Newsfeed continues to show only these

    friends. As a byproduct of the smart Newsfeed, Facebook almost chooses my friends for me.

    Unless I specifically visit a different friends Wall to comment on a post, that person may

    become entirely forgotten in my Facebook community. The smart Newsfeed is one of the most

    prominent methods incorporated into the Facebook structure to determine relations between

    users, although it appears to be nothing more malignant than an ingenious programming concept.

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    Additionally, the structure of Facebook has a sizeable impact on both communication and

    relationships. Even with the friend-organizing function, the social network is notorious for the

    blurring of the boundary between friend and acquaintance, as stated by a critical Facebook

    user. While one can place Facebook friends in different categories such as family orschool,

    Facebook lacks the capability to differentiate between actual context- and emotion-driven types

    of relationships. The social network links every user with the same, infinite spool of yarn

    when, in reality, some relationships merit a standalone steel cable while still others require

    nothing stronger than tooth floss. The skewed, robotic system of systematically linking people

    together results in a similar social structure in the three-dimensional world, in which the strength

    of relationships is approached in a logical manner rather than in a way that is reflective of

    genuine social context. As a result of social networking, relationships are based on the mental

    tallying of interactions.

    As a byproduct of these robotic relationships, the structure of Facebook has automated

    communication. Efficiency (as noted in section III) is most desirable; conversation is a means to

    an end; much interaction has a mock-serious, impersonal tonality that is appreciated both

    comically and sincerely. By Facebooks creation of an efficient means of communication, it has

    also presented a mass-production style of connection with other users. Through this objective,

    mundane style of conversing, communication via Facebook has assisted in the blurring of the

    boundary between different types of friends. Impersonal communication leads to robotic

    interaction, which directly corresponds with relationships founded on frequency of Wall posts

    and not genuine emotional ties.

    An addition to the automated communication style within the Facebook community is the

    like, which is a simple option given under every post to each and every friend of the poster

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    one may press the like button if one has nothing to add to the post, or ignore the post

    altogether. There is also a like function for every comment added to any post, so that one has

    the option of liking a comment if the post itself is not to ones liking. The like button is a

    powerful factor in the success of Facebookin maintaining the strength of weak ties (Gladwell),

    because with a single like, one projects his or her name onto the posters Wall and under the

    radar of fellow likers of the post, and makes him- or herself visible to the posters friends. In a

    split second, the liker has made him- or her-self exposed to hundreds, or even thousands of

    individuals with a single like. It is an effortless means to creating and reinforcing bonds within

    a community that is distant by nature. Where one would normally leave a brief message in order

    to stay in touch, participants in the Facebook community need only press a button to perpetuate

    communicationor so it would seem to the user. What Facebook users forget is the benefit of

    losing efficiency for the sake of clarity and sincerity. As the like and other Facebook

    communication methods continuously expand into the three-dimensional world of interaction,

    the substance and thought behind communication continues to decline.

    The danger presented by the structure of Facebookis the users growing disability to

    separate Facebook structure from real societal structure. A common language thread among

    Facebook users is a reliance or dependence on the social network. The Facebook interface

    was designed so as to be user-friendly and useful for every individual, and is continuously

    updated with the goal of remaining so. However, it is evident that the discussed structural

    implications of the network have become the users only means of making sense of real society.

    Facebook users demonstrate a desire to categorize every aspect of society, from friends to events

    to status updates. The challenge of every Facebook user who wishes to fully experience life in

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    three dimensions should be to exist without categories; through a detour from the organized

    tendencies of Facebook, one can determine ones own social role and context.

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    III. The Facebook Celebrity:Viewing Social Networking through a Competitive Lens

    In his bookconcerning societys urge to shop, I Want That! How We All Became

    Shoppers, Thomas Hine (2002) analyzed the relationship between shopping and human

    psychology. He portrayed the natural process of trading currency for goods as being comparable

    to sexual activity, especially in reference to competition. Hines describes this theory thusly:

    Indeed, shopping has a lot in common with sex: Just about everybody does it. Some

    people brag about how well they do it. Some keep it a secret. Most people worry, at least

    a little, about whether they do it right. And both sex and shopping provide ample

    opportunities to make really foolish choices. Some shopping is, like sex, an effort to

    fulfill fundamental biological needs. But shopping, like sex, is often playful, though the

    play is very serious. In sexual relationships we learn about ourselves in relationship to

    another person. In shopping, we define ourselves through our relationships to things and

    to the meanings that our society attributes to them (Hines, 2002, p. ix).

    Throughout this analysis, one could very easily replace shopping with Facebook and

    the theory would still be extremely applicable. There are those who are more talented at

    networking than othersin reference to the Law of the Few fromGladwells (2000) strength

    of weak ties from section II. Facebook users often compete for recognition as one of the Few

    in the Facebook social epidemic. For some Facebook users, it is used as a highly publicized

    outlet, while others maintain their Wall in modest silence out of self-consciousnessbe it in

    respect to the competitive wittiness of ones updatesor the versatility of ones posts. As far as

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    foolish choices are concerned, both Facebook and sex can have inescapable repercussions,

    should one conduct oneself in a way that is less than appropriate in any given context. On

    Facebook, it may be a thoughtlessly rude comment or an angry status update, carelessly cast into

    cyberspace in a moment of weaknessor perhaps in a moment of competitive haste to out-do a

    fellow user. In respect to biological needs, every human being certainly craves attention from

    others, and Facebook is a means to fulfill this necessityalthough Facebook is more of a means

    to demonstrate how much attention a user receives. While an attention craving is not altogether

    analogous to the biological need to reproduce, there is still a sense of urgency about receiving

    notice (or notifications, to use Facebook terminology) from a fellow being, because with notice

    comes status. The following section, however, exists chiefly to target the remainder of the

    passage: the idea of serious play, the relationships that stem from this play, and the meaning

    constructed around the interactions regarded as harmless to the untrained eye that can all be

    traced back to the fundamental aspect of competition in the Facebook community.

    In respect to social function, Facebook is a venerable vessel for competition. As stated by

    Manuel Castells (2010) in his composition entitled The Power of Identity, one could explain

    Facebooks structure in our competitive society thusly: In simple terms, identities organize the

    meaning, while roles organize the functions (p. 7). This explanation encompasses the

    construction of the social hierarchy within the Facebook community, especially in terms of

    inclusion and exclusion. Individuals contribute to the definition of Facebookwho is a member

    and what is postedbut the role of each member in the network determines why the network is

    used by different levels of the social hierarchy. The amount and variety of posting, the number of

    friends, the frequency of updates, and the overall likeability of a user generally determines his

    or her role in the Facebook hierarchy.

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    Frequent posters and updaters are generally accepted in the social network at large, free

    to post wherever, whenever. Therefore, users are constantly competing for this invincible status,

    in which style and placement of ones posts are overshadowed by the users superior place

    within the Facebook social hierarchy. In reference to style and placement of a post, users will

    admit that it is occasionally not socially acceptable to write on a certain persons Wall, or to

    send a friend request to a certain user. This social acceptance, or a lack thereof, is generally a

    byproduct of face-to-face interaction; the more one interacts with a person in real life, the more

    appropriate it is to Facebook that person. However, it is not necessarily advisable to, for

    example, post a joke on the Wall of a classmate with whom you have had classes over the past

    decade, unless it is a joke that you specifically have in common with that person. In the chatter

    composing the spoken sub-culture of Facebook, out-of-place posts are discussed with disdain

    and the poster is regarded as being less than a functional member of society. In the act of

    writing, students inadvertently may mark themselves as outsiders by writing a message judged

    inappropriate by others (Finders, 1997, p. 44). Users constantly fight the looming threat of

    becoming an outsider due to a deviation from the social expectations of the user in reference to

    Facebook. The social network requires users to be completely dependent on fellow users for

    acceptance and reciprocation, and are subliminally excluded from the community if they do not

    meet social standards.

    Therefore, the competitive element within the Facebook network revolves around

    sustaining a level of likeability that is high enough to excuse one from worrying about the

    appropriate wording, placement, and timing of a post. As the likeability of any user is

    determined by fellow userswho are all attempting to outdo the likeability of any other user

    as welleach comment and likepossesses a heavy weight on the scale oflikeability. The

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    omnipresent spirit of competition results in a diminished frequency ofliking while

    simultaneously lending great power to the likes that do appear on a post. The like, in

    addition to being a structural function of Facebook (as described in section II), is a clear means

    of illustrating who is in support of whom when it comes to climbing the social ladder of the


    To expand on the support between users, Margaret Finders discusses a similar

    conundrum in respect to yearbook signing among junior high girls. Allegiances became visible

    in both the act of writing and in the messages themselves. What is written and to whom is

    controlled by ones social status (Finders, 1997, p. 43). The allegiances on Facebook are not

    determined by who is friends with whom, but rather the individuals who conduct reciprocal

    interactions. The more back-and-forth discourse between individuals, the more apparent their

    allegiancejust like in real life. Also, different styles of writing are appropriate for different

    tiers of the Facebook structure, and if the dialect rule is broken, the speaker is shunned from the

    Facebook society. The dialect rule refers to the length of a post, the level of spelling and

    grammatical correctness, and the mood or tonality of a post in any given context. There is an

    expected informal, brief dialect between best friends, and a more formal interaction between

    classmates posting about a group project, for example. These expectations cannot be altered by a

    single person or that one person is excluded from likeability status. Making other users

    uncomfortable through a change in habit is not the way to compete for the attention of Facebook

    users that regard the social network as a predictable space. In this sense, the allegiances in the

    Facebook network are demonstrated and perpetuated in similar ways to real lifein reciprocal

    conversation and a similar style of communicatingand, therefore, the allegiances of Facebook

    are most likely the most honest representation of real society in the context of Facebook.

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    However, the element of competition is incalculably more prevalent in Facebook, in that the user

    strives to maintain numerous allegiances, and strives just as enthusiastically to make these

    allegiances apparent.

    Within the Facebook society, there is also a mutual expectation that updates and posts

    should be witty in some respect; if not witty and casual, a post must have tremendous meaning,

    and any update that falls in between witty and meaningful is ignored or attacked. In observing

    the yearbook signing habits of junior high girls, Finders (1997) noted that if one believed she

    was not savvy enough to create an appropriate text or powerful enough to forgo judgment,

    often, out of fear of marking oneself as an outsider, one just scribbled safe messages such as

    Have a good summer or See ya next year (p. 44). While this junior high trend may sound

    familiar, it is alarming in that Facebook solicits a remarkably similar response from each and

    every user. The safe message on Facebook is pressing the like button, or perhaps posting a

    generic, simply likeable status about the enjoyable weather or a deliberately irritating

    television persona. Users are encouraged to be competitive in wit and meaning, because these

    two factors directly correlate with the likeability of the usera significant likeability being

    the ultimate goal of every Facebook user.

    Due to this additional social expectation, cyber-bullying emerges through Facebook

    and creates a tense atmosphere of inclusion, exclusion, and forced conformity. On the subject of

    yearbooks among junior high girls, Margaret Finders (1997) makes another observation that may

    be interpreted in terms of the social network of Facebook as well: Unknowingly, some are

    allowed to speak while others are silenced, some to write while others are written upon

    (Finders, 1997, p. 47). A clever status update may be invaded by users that disagree with the

    context of the update as opposed to the update itselfin other words, a status may lose any

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    likeability because the user that posted it may not have any likeability in the first place. In

    contrast, an entirely average update may receive extensive positive attention because the higher a

    users likeability level, the more users want to be associated with that user. Thus, cyber-

    bullying is a means of including and excluding oneself and others for the express purpose of

    heightening ones perceived social standing.

    Modern society is known for hiding behind a screen, but none of this hiding is quite so

    cowardly as Facebook cyber-bullying. The most prominent element of cyber-bullying is the

    power in the delay. There is a great sense of security in the knowledge that one can wait for the

    most impactful response to arrive in the mind, ready to be transferred through the keyboard to

    the Newsfeed of countless Facebook users. When the battling posts, comments, and comebacks

    appear in the Newsfeed, however, fellow users do not witness the time spent thinking of what to

    sayall that is visible is the quality and effect of the response. A scatterbrained insulter may

    appear eloquent and scathing online, an illusion that serves the dual purpose of bullying the

    victim into retreat and boosting the insulters ego. This results in an endless cycle in which users

    are continually silenced while abusers cultivate greater and greater opinions of themselves, until

    the number of users that are allowed to post updates has been severely depleted. In terms of

    competition, cyber-bullying is a method of eliminating the competition; since it cannot be

    prevented or even slowed, it is one of the most prominent trends both within the Facebook

    community and in the Facebook subculture.

    As a general rule, Facebook use inspires competitioncompetition that too frequently

    evolves into interactions that benefit very few users. Every Facebook user is running the same

    race with a common finish linethe finish line being the highest level of likeability and the

    race being the networking skills required to reach it. As a society that is founded on mutual

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    obligation to one another for success, the Facebook community should be an encouraging and

    polite one, but this is clearly not the case. Users depend on one another for social status within

    the social network, but the prominence of cyber-bullying has severely diminished the level of

    trust within the community. Ideally, Facebook would develop a sense of healthy competition or a

    complete lack thereof, in which the social expectation is solely that users respect one another as

    members of a society with a common goal: the sharing of thoughts and information.

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    IV. The Facebook Funhouse Mirror:How the Individual is Portrayed in the Social Network

    In a mental health study concerning teenagers and the growing Facebook obsession,

    researchers recognized the risk of depression among users due to the skewed view (Tanner

    2011) of the community offered by the social network. The author of the research article,

    Lindsey Tanner (2011), describes the key problem thusly: Online, there's no way to see facial

    expressions or read body language that provide context. Through the research, psychologists

    discovered the powerful impact of Facebook on the self-image of the user. There is an acute

    awareness of ones number of friends, the amount of interaction with those friends, and ones

    own likeability. The question that emerges from the topic of Facebook and self-image is not

    whether or not Facebook influences the users perceptions of the self,but how the social network

    has managed to instill itself as a societal mirror within individualsregardless of the

    individuals recognition of this installment.

    Primarily, one must recognize that the user, in creating a Facebook account, is essentially

    constructing a counterpart persona that lives, breathes, and grows within the social network.

    However, unlike the real world, Facebookoffers a readymade template forthe creation of this

    online alter ego; while there is comparison between individuals in the real world, Facebook

    makes the ability to compare individuals infinitely more straightforward. The template offers

    the same information of every member: education, work, family, birthday, photos, and a list of

    friends, among a few other informational pages. In the words of Castells (2010) concerning

    social networking and identity:

    It is easy to agree on the fact that, from a sociological perspective, all identities are

    constructed. The real issue is how, from what, by whom, and for what. The construction

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    of identities uses building materials from history, from geography, from biology, from

    productive and reproductive institutions, from collective memory and from personal

    fantasies, from power apparatuses and religious revelations. But individuals, social

    groups, and societies process all these materials, and rearrange their meaning, according

    to social determinations and cultural projects that are rooted in their social structure, and

    in their space/time framework (p. 7).

    In the words of a Facebook frequenter, Facebookshapes identity through connection. The

    individual is perceived based on who he or she knows instead of based on who he or she is. Each

    user can only modify the foundation from which every user creates an identity. Because of the

    template from which every membercreates an identityalong with the endless lists of friends,

    mutual friends, and relationship statusesthere is truly no conceivable way to exist as a

    standalone member of the Facebook community. This means that the individual perceives him-or

    herself in the context of othersand, if we adhere to the discussion concerning competition in

    section III, the individuals object of comparison is an intensely competitive community that

    portrays itself at its highest point of cleverness and general success. Thus, link between

    Facebook and depression is fortified; the individual places him- or herself, in full awareness of

    his or her flaws, next to the romanticized lives of competitive Facebook personas, and feels less

    than adequate by comparison.Castells (2010), in synchronization with Gladwells (2000) Power of Context, states:

    How, and by whom, different types of identities are constructed, and with what outcomes,

    cannot be addressed in general, abstract terms: it is a matter of social contextThus, our

    discussion must refer to a specific context, the rise of the network society (p. 7). Indeed, not

    only are social identities constructed through the social network, but the very prevalence of

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    social networking in modern society determines the extent to which the internet persona invades

    the three-dimensional persona. Due to the level of importance placed on Facebook as a utility

    and oftentimes as a necessitythe self-image of the user is shaped largely by the image

    projected by Facebook. However, the real danger emerges when the Facebook user forgets that

    he or she does not create the Facebook persona from scratch, but modifies the default persona

    that lies within every Facebook persona, regardless of time, place, or preference. When the

    Facebook user begins to view him- or herself in terms of the Facebook alter ego, the individual

    recognizes the fundamental similarities between Facebook personas in the entire community and

    feels insignificant. The structural conformity of Facebook may lead the user to lose his or her

    sense of individuality.

    In her ethnography analyzing literacy among junior high girls, Margaret Finders (1997)

    writes the following about yearbook signing: Messages were borrowed, erased, and scribbled

    over to present a particular kind of self as well as to document and deny allegiances (Finders,

    1997, p. 41). This truly represents the identity shaped by Facebook. Users borrow thoughts from

    other users and sources, delete posts, comments, and photos, and comment endlessly on a point

    of interest. Not only do these actions contribute to the individualization of the social network, but

    this also defines the user based on his or her sources, interests, and conversational partners. The

    scribblingover of the junior high yearbook is reproduced within the Facebook Profile, as users

    scribble over the monotonous structure and impersonal operations of the social network.

    However, it is crucial that the user recognizes that the scribbled over structure is still present

    underneath the Profile of each and every user, and true individualization is impossible.

    In conjunction with section I, it is crucial to analyze the connotations and implications of

    the Facebook Profile when determining the impact of Facebook on the individualand vice

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    versa. Merriam-Webster (2008) defines a profile as a representation of something in outline.

    The fact that the individual on Facebook is defined by his or her Profile is reflective of the idea

    that the Profile is an incomplete representation of the individual it is expected to define. Thus,

    the individual Facebook useris outlined in terms of the Profile and is perceived by others in

    terms of this silhouette.

    The main reason that the Facebook Profile acts solely as a silhouette is due to the actions

    of the individual; the social network is generally utilized as a means to convey the extremities of

    ones life. Of course, extreme in the context of Facebook is not necessarily extreme in the

    context of real life. The Facebook extreme is anything that snags the attention of other users in

    terms of likeability, be it a clever comment or a strange coincidence. Generally, status updates

    and posts are used to draw attention to something specific, such as a witty thought or an exciting

    occurrence. Every human being has thousands of thoughts every daymost of them mundane

    and unappealingbut only a few of these thoughts will be documented on Facebook, and those

    documented thoughts will no doubt be the very cleverest. Accordingly, the public perception of

    any one user is based solely on his or her most intelligent thoughts and the most interesting

    aspects of his or her lifestyle. This is the key instigator of depressed emotions among Facebook

    addicts, and this is the main reason that Facebook does not provide a useful reflection of the

    user; rather, the social network illustrates a funhouse effect, in which the user is exaggerated in

    some ways and forcibly shrunk in others.

    The shrinking effect of the Facebook funhouse mirror is evident through censorship

    of the user; while Facebook users are free to express themselves to an extent, it is society that

    suggests what should be left out of the social networks discourse. Facebook users call this

    censoring a filter, and oftentimes refer to fellow users based on their concept and utilization of

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    this filter. Just as there are aspects of the self that are not shared in the real world public, so

    there are expectations to omit aspects of the self from the Facebook public. However, while real

    society asks for censorship for the sake of personal modesty, Facebook requests censorship for

    the sake of public appreciation. Participants in the social network are expected to filter out

    those updates and comments that wont please the Facebook community in some way. Thus,

    individuals within the Facebook community find themselves defined by this expectation to

    filter, seeing as this expectation forces them to alter their portrayals of themselvesthat is, if

    they wish to remain at a respectable level in the Facebook hierarchy. The Facebook community

    sets standards, and users are expected to change themselves so as to fit these standards; if the

    user internalizes this altered self, the self-image of the user in real life is altered accordingly.

    Furthermore, no Facebook user is exempt from the laws of the social network due to

    equality of exposition. To use the language of Facebook, it is impossible to keep a low profile

    when it comes to the social network. Beyond privacy settings, every user displays the same type

    of information at a similar frequency and with a similar degree of publicity among his or her

    friends. This displays yet another tool of assimilation among Facebook users; in the three-

    dimensional society, different individuals have a different presence in a group, inspiring various

    dynamics across different social contexts. This is eliminated from Facebook, however, due to the

    template from which every user constructs a more personal identity. For example, real-life

    social dynamics in individuals can be placed on a spectrum ranging from painfully shy to

    exceedingly outspoken, and every aspect of this spectrum is accompanied by appropriate body

    language and the individuals function in an interaction. In the Facebook society, shyness and

    outspokenness can only be differentiated from one another by frequency of postingwhich

    generally does not differ noticeably across personality types due to social expectations of

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    postersand the body language and personal style of interaction are removed from the online

    society. As long as individuals heed the unspoken, unwritten laws of Facebook maintenance,

    every Facebook persona has the same demeanor when it comes to the online social dynamic.

    In short, the real danger of Facebooks influence on personal identity comes from the

    individuals credence in the social expectations of the social network. Truthfully, identities can

    also be originated from dominant institutions, they become identities only when and if social

    actors internalize them, and construct their meaning around this internalization (Castells, 2010,

    p.7). To take the laws of the Facebook community as the laws unto ones life is to welcome

    assimilation into a congregation made up of entirely different personalities. On the other hand, it

    is undeniable that Facebook provides an inescapable template from which all Facebook

    personas develop, meaning that regardless of ones resistance to the social expectations of

    Facebook, one cannot escape the conformity that is implied in the very architecture of Facebook.

    The safest solution to the issue of identity in Facebook, therefore, is to separate the two selves:

    the actual self and the Facebook self. In doing so, one eliminates the chance that the Facebook

    personaconformed by natureshould contaminate the true individual that legitimately

    participates in the real world.

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    Conclusion: Reflection

    To analyze the culture of Facebook is to study a global community that is constantly

    evolving and becoming something new. I chose to study the Facebook community because, as a

    college student, I have learned that Facebook is almost always the primary means for

    communication, event planning, and distraction. My interest in Facebook is perpetuated by its

    prevalence in my own social circles, both online and in person. In tackling the implications of

    Facebook in terms of real life, I was able to separate two-dimensional Facebook from three-

    dimensional society and recognize how they influence one another.

    What I did not get the chance to unpack, however, were other forms of communication,

    especially texting, phone conversations, Skype, and similar methods of communication that are

    irreplaceable in modern life. Despite the absence of analyses of other communication styles, I am

    pleased with the outcome of this study. In discussing Facebook and social reality as two

    independent, yet interconnected social constructions, I discovered aspects of the social network

    that I either overlooked or chose to ignore previously. As the writing of the paper progressed, I

    continued to learn about the social network in which I have been grossly involved for years, but

    never really observed with a close and critical eye. I discovered its subtleties and can now

    recognize why Facebook has become such a prominent social trend. Due to its very structure

    alone, Facebook has become indispensable in society to an almost alarming extent.

    If I was to expand this paper or start from the beginning again, I would conduct fewer,

    more extensive interviews so as to gather key words and phrases about the social network, but

    also to delve deep into individual users thoughts concerning Facebook. I had approximately 150

    users responses to the same questions, and was able to find linguistic trends due to sheer

    numbers, but it may have been more beneficial to explicitly ask Facebook users specific

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    questions concerning the four cornerstones of this study in order to grasp the individuals

    perceptions of language, literacy, Facebook structure, competition, and the social networking

    self-image. Had I asked more deliberate questions, I could have discussed each cornerstone both

    based on what individual users said about the cornerstones, but also through the trends found in

    the responses from users as a group. This would have resulted in a more in-depth description of

    each cornerstone in this response to the realities of Facebook.

    Additionally, the structure of this study was a challenge on its own; seeing as Facebook is

    successful in part due to its multifaceted nature, it was difficult to find controlling concepts that

    werent deeply intertwined with other concepts. I chose to separate my findings into the four

    cornerstoneslanguage and literacy, structure, competition, and self-imagebecause I believe

    they represent different aspects of the society. Language and literacy function as the abstract

    subculture surrounding the network; in contrast, Facebook structure offers a concrete method to

    study the social networks ties to real life; competition highlights user-to-user interaction; the

    self-image section represents the introspective part of Facebook, to counteract the

    interdependency (or the lack thereof) found in Facebook competition. Overall, my organization

    of Facebook-related topics seemed to fit with the overall theme of comparing Facebook society

    to real life society, because each section offered ties to real life.

    The study of Facebook culture, as a whole, merits more time and explanation than any

    work I could offer in a fragment of one semester. One could publish a novel solely describing

    one of my four Facebook cornerstones, especially since all four cornerstones are so deeply

    intertwined that one could describe all of them while attempting to discuss a single one (which

    may have happened periodically throughout the paper). The greater message in this study, to

    make an overwhelming topic more manageable, is that Facebook and real life are irreversibly

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    interdependentyet they are indubitably so different from one another that they should not be

    utilized as representations for one another. Upon approaching Facebook and its many aspects,

    the key lesson is to check the power of Facebook in real life society, and to assure that Facebook

    is no more than a supplement to ones three-dimensional existence.

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    Castells, M. (2010). The power of identity. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

    Finders, M. (1997).Just girls: Hidden literacies and life in junior high. New York: Sage


    Gladwell, M. (2000). The tipping point; How little things can make a big difference. New York:

    Little, Brown and Company.

    Hine, T. (2002).I want that: How we all became shoppers. New York: HarperCollins.

    Tanner, L. (2011, March 29). Docs warn about teens and 'facebook depression' . The Associated


    profile. 2008. InMerriam-Webster Online Dictionary.

    Retrieved April 26, 2011 from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/profile
