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To the Divine Mercy

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    by litt lestsouls

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    Sr. Benigna Consolata, a Visitation nun of Como, Italy, was born on August 6, 1885, on t he Feastof The Transf iguration of Our Lord. Throughout her life she demonst rated heroic kindness,humility, charity, mortification and obedience, which are evident in her constant sacrifice andsubmission to the Will of God and her superiors, of whom Jesus said: Where there is greater union

    between religious and their Mother, religious souls receive more graces, because I give them to t heMother as into a depository of love

    Sr. Benigna Consolatas childlike conf idence and humility at tracted Jesus like a magnet. Herspirituality, and indeed the revelat ions given to her by Our Lord, are remarkably similarto the lifeand writings of St. Therese, through whom God has deigned to reveal THE TENDERNESSES OFTHE LOVE OF JESUS FOR A LITTLE SOUL, a t itle which He gave to Sr. Benigna for one of hertwo books of revelat ions (the other book being tit led, Vademecum Proposed to Religious Souls).Compare, for example, the following words:

    the Fire of Love is more sanctifying than is the f ire of Purgatory. St. Therese

    Thou shalt make thy Purgatory in the flames of My pure love. Our Lord to Sr. BenignaConsolata, July 14, 1903

    Jesus was pleased to communicate very familiarly with his favoured child, calling her by thesweetest names, such as My Nigna, Nigna of gold, My joy, My lily, My queen, and the appleof My eye. Jesus f requently conversed with her intimately, and revealed to her the secrets of HisSacred Heart, saying, thy writings are destined to make it (Gods mercy) known. Every wordthou writest is a chanter of My mercy. Write as much as possible, since I wish to make use of thee,poor litt le nothing Nigna, lit t le secretary of My love fo r My creatures, thou shalt write, othersshall publish thy writings for the glory of God he who makes a book does not keep themanuscript f or himself; he has it printed that all the world may have it ; so also, My Benigna, will thy

    writings be printed and will do good t o a mult itude of souls, which will augment t hy accidental gloryin Paradise.

    At the end of 1915, aft er a life of charity and self-denial, Jesus spoke thus to His dear daughter:This will be thy last Christmas; I am going to t ake thee to Paradise.(On the day of Sr. Benignaspassing into eternal life): At three oclock, while she rested peacefully in the arms of our Mot her,Sister Benigna Consolata opened her eyes suddenly, appeared to f ix them on a distant andluminous point, and expired sweetly. The confidant of Jesus had gone to be united to t he Heart ofher God! Sr. Benigna Consolata passed from this life to her Heavenly reward in 1916; she died inthe odour of sanctity, and has since had an influence of Fr. Thomas de St. Laurent, Bl. MotherTeresa, Fr. Paul OSullivan, as well as count less other souls, who, through even a brief perusal of

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    her writ ings, have been inflamed with a greater yearning for the things of God.

    May Our Lord bless you through the reading of the following revelations, which proceed from Hismost tender Heart:

    REVELATIONS (with Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat)

    Words on why Our Lord chose Sr. Benigna

    I have chosen thee because thou art wretched and miserable, in order that thou mayst at tributenothing to thyself and know that all good comes from God.

    I use the vilest and most miserable instruments that all may recognise the action of My grace.

    Having no need of strength, I shall lean upon thy weakness. I use the ignorant to confound thestrong.

    I want thee to lend Me thy mind, thy life, thy facult ies, which are My gift s, that thou mayst becomewholly the instrument of My mercy. The desire of seeing My Adorable Heart ever more known andloved ought t o move thee to receive this mission with docility. Accept it, then, through the love

    thou hast f or My Sacred Heart

    Words on Humility

    as long as thou remainest engulfed in thy not hingness- and it is this which attracts to t hee somany graces- I shall be to thee always a God of goodness, a God of mercy, a God of love; by theday in which thou art elated by pride, I shall become to thee a God of just ice. I tell this not tofrighten t hee, but to warn thee, because I love thee so tenderly.

    There is no way that conducts more directly, more securely, more swift ly, and more sweetly toGod than humility. But it is the humility studied in the Gospel, humility learned in My life, humilityprofoundly taught in the Holy Eucharist . If thou seek humility in these three sources, thou wilt ever

    f ind it .

    If thou dost practice humility, thou wilt f ind peace; if thou wilt practice it more perfectly, thou wiltfind more peace; and if thou wilt live and breathe only humility, thou shalt be pursued by My Love,My predilection and My favours, more than a robber is sought for by the police. O Religious Soul, Iwould wish to be able to call thee My Humility, and I shall succeed if thou art faithful to Love.

    When a soul here below is called to converse with God, she ought to be clot hed with humility asGod is clothed with glory. My Jesus, what shall I do? I am going to explain to thee, My Benigna;thou art the Benjamin of Love. Thou shouldst be clot hed with humility, that is, all in thee shouldbreathe humility. Humility will lead thee never to judge anyone; humility will lead thee to regard

    thyself as the servant of all; humility will lead thee to ever accuse thyself. When a soul has beenintroduced by Love into this profound abyss of humility, she walks securely and makes progress,for nothing can stop her.

    Sr. Benigna: My Jesus, is it not pride and presumption on my part to aspire to an end so elevated, Iwho am weakness itself? Jesus: It would be indeed, if thou didst depend on thy own st rength; butif t hou wilt hope for all f rom God, He will sustain thee in thy conflicts and will help thee to surmounall the obstacles that could hinder the reign of pure love in thy soul.

    When there is humility, I give; when I f ind more, I give more; and when I see a soul that lives only ofhumility, desiring only humiliat ions, that soul draws Me like a magnet.

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    Benigna, the more a soul humbles itself, the more it approaches to Me.

    A soul truly obedient is very dear to My Heart; she rests in the arms of God; the God of Lovelavishes upon her kisses and caresses, she makes much headway without growing weary, becauseshe is carried forward as by her own weight.

    Words on Temptat ion

    When I permit t emptation, it is not through cruelty, but to give the soul an opportunity of merit.

    Thou art in such aridity thou canst not see what passes within thee; but be t ranquil, thesediff iculties will disappear; arm thy will! And hast thou not thy God t o sustain thee and make theetriumph? O how I love to see thee combat! Therefore I shall be on my guard against freeing theefrom occasions. Do not be astonished that I speak to thee so familiarly; I act thus with My childrenfor in them I take My delights; but the greater number know not how t o receive and put in practiceMy words of eternal life. Do thou at least receive them and put them to prof it f or thyself andothers.

    Words on Mortification

    If there are few saints it is because there are few mortified souls.

    Sr. Benigna: How sad it is to think that by our immortification and self seeking we may be guilty, soto say, of much evil which would not have been committed if we had the generosity to conquerourselves and thus draw down t he divine light and grace upon souls.

    My Benigna, if souls had more f aith, they would live on mortification as they live on bread,whereas they fly it as they would the plague My Benigna, the farther thou dost advance in theway of mortification, the nearer thou wilt draw to God; it is only the f irst step that costs. Cast aglance upon Jesus on the Cross, and thou wilt see thy program of mortification. Spiritualconsolat ions will be thee recompense; the more thou dost mortify the flesh, the more capable

    thou wilt be of comprehending the things of God. Jesus will dwell in thee according to t he capacityHe finds there.

    Why are there so few contemplatives, so few souls, even among religious, to whom I can impartextraordinary graces? It is because there is not enough mortification. I have sought in vain, I findvery few. This does not do you honour, My spouses! I love you so much, I compassionate you;what I say to you, I say through love; for My desire is to bestow on you great graces, but I cannotdo so unless you are mortified.

    Benigna, few souls walk with a rapid step in the way of love, because there are very few whoenter generously into the way of sacrifice. If one is constant in sacrif ice, she is constant in love: ifshe falters in sacrif ice, she falters in love.

    (June 13, 1915, the Feast of the Sacred Heart): He said to me in a sweet, sad tone: My Benigna,give Me souls! The plaintive words of my Adorable Master moved me profoundly- How shall I giveThee souls, my Jesus- By sacrifices, He responded. Souls are not saved if nothing is done forthem. I died on the Cross to save them. I ask of thee no great t hing- only a word withheld, a lookrepressed, a pleasant thought banished, in a word all that restrains and mortif ies nature. Theselittle things, united to My infinite merits, acquire a great value.

    The touchstone of sanctity is mort ification; and the love of comforts is the ruin of sanctity.

    There is an austere sanctit and these souls honour Me b their sanctit . There is a sanct it more

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    sweet , more accessible, and these honour Me by their sweetness. My Jesus, and which pleasesThee the most? O My Benigna, it always pleases Me most where there is most love. I prefer lessausterity and more charity t han more austerity and less charity. I love more the heart which beatsonly for Me than a body exterminated by fasts, but in which there still resides a lit t le self- love.

    Words on Reparation

    What is here writ ten in My Heart? LOVE ME! If thou lovest Me, thou wilt repair; if thou repairest,thou wilt console Me; and then thou wilt be a faithful spouse: LOVE, REPARATION,CONSOLATION, FIDELITY Thou wilt not be truly a repairer if thou art content to gazesuperficially on the wounds sinners make in My Heart; they must be examined closely. Sinners hateMe; do thou love Me with all thy strength; sinners blaspheme My Holy Name; do thou praise Me;sinners banish Me from their memory; do thou keep Me ever present before thy mind

    Words on Love and Mercy

    Write, My Benigna, Apost le of My Mercy, write this: The principal thing I desire to make known isthat I am all Love; the greatest pain souls can give Me is to doubt My goodness. Not only does MyHeart feel compassion, but It rejoices when there is much to repair, provided souls have no malice.If thou couldst know how powerfully I would operate in a soul, even f illed with miseries, if she

    would let Me! Love has need of nothing, but it must f ind no resistance. Of ten all that is required ofa soul to render it holy is to let Me act. Imperfections cannot displease Me, unless the souls lovesthem. She should use them as so many steps of the ladder to mount to Me by means of humility,conf idence and love; I descend to the soul that humbles herself, and go t o seek her in hernothingness to unite Myself to her.

    Thou canst not conceive the pleasure I take in fulf illing My mission of Saviour. When sins havebeen pardoned, they become for the soul fountains of graces because they are perpetual sourcesof humility. Everything cont ributes to the advancement of a soul, everything; even herimperfections are in My Divine Hands like so many precious stones, because I change them intoacts of humility, which I inspire the soul to make. If those who build houses could transform the

    debris and all that obstructs t heir work into materials of construct ion, how fortunate they wouldconsider themselves! Well, the f aithful soul does this with the aid of My divine graces; and herfaults, even the gravest and most shameful, become fundamental stones of the edifice of herperfection.

    My Benigna, the thirst I experience of saving the greatest possible number of souls, impels Me toseel generous ones whom I can associate in My work of love.

    Provided I f ind good will in a soul, I am never tired of looking upon its miseries. My love is fed byconsuming miseries; the soul that brings Me the most, if the heart is cont rite and humble, is theone t hat pleases Me most, because she gives Me an opportunity of exercising more fully My of f ice

    of Saviour. But what I wish particularly to say to thee, My Benigna, is that the soul ought never tobe afraid of God, because God is all-merciful; the greatest pleasure of the Sacred Heart of thyJesus is to lead to His Father numerous sinners; they are My glory and My jewels. I love poorsinners so much! Listen, My Benigna, My Joy, write this:- The greatest pleasure souls can give Meis to believe in My love; the more they believe in it , the greater is My pleasure; and if t hey wish thatMy pleasure should be immense, let them place no limits to t heir faith in My love.

    Meditation on the eighth station of the Cross (Jesus consoles the pious women): The attractionof the most sweet Heart of Jesus is to console those who suffer, to compassionate the miseriesof His poor creatures, and ever to show them mercy. Let him who wishes to prove it, come to Me,He says. Let him who would purchase relief and mercy, go to Jesus and present for payment hisvery miseries; and the merciful Jesus will accept them provided they are offered with humility,

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    confidence and love.

    Love and mercy are, as it were, the breath of My most meek Heart. I inspire, that is, I draw intoMyself t he miseries of My poor, weak creatures to consume them in the f ire of My Divine Charity;and then I respire, that is, I breathe forth from My most Loving Heart t hat f ire which devours it andis capable of inflaming many hearts. I must needs consume the miseries of My poor, weakcreatures, and I never t ire of cleansing souls again and again, because I cleanse them in My mostPrecious Blood. Thou canst not believe, O Benigna, the pleasure I experience in the office ofSaviour; it is My happiness; and I make the most beautiful masterpieces precisely from souls that Ihave drawn from the lowest things, from the mud, because I have more material to work upon.

    The more a soul loves purity of heart, the better is she f itt ed fo r converse with God. God actswith t he pure of heart as a mot her acts with her lit t le babe.

    I love men so much! Yes, they have too narrow an idea of the goodness of God, of His mercy, ofHis love for His creatures. They measure God by creatures, and God has no limits; His goodness iswithout bounds. O that man are able to use God and will not do it ! Why is this? Because the worldknows Him not . I am an inf inite treasure which My Father has placed at the disposal of all I lovemen; I love them tenderly as My dear brethren; although there is an infinite distance between themand Me, I make no account of it.

    Words on Distrust

    Write, My Benigna, that all may know this: It is certain that a hundred sins of fend Me more thanone alone; but if this single sin is distrust of Me, it wounds My Heart more than the hundred othersbecause distrust wounds My Heart t o Its innermost core. (These words come directly before theprevious words of Our Lord (I love men so much! This highlights the reason why distrust woundsOur Lord; it is because He loves us and wants to bestow His grace upon us!)

    The greatest injury the demon can cause a soul after having made it f all into sin, is to incite it t odistrust. As long as a soul has confidence, her return is easy; but if the demon succeeds in closing

    the heart with distrust, O how I have to struggle to reconquer it. (Recall the Conversation with aDespairing Soul f rom the diary of St. Faustina, which has been posted in a previous art icle: DivineMercy: Hope for the Despairing).

    (October 23, 1903): He sent me to say to a soul as discouraged as myself: Have confidence,Jesus loves you. I conf essed to Him my embarrassment, never having seen the person. Heanswered by pointing her out to me; This is she. I experienced a moment of hesitation as usual,but my sweet Master reassured me, adding that I ought to obey without fearing that theinspiration might come from the enemy; it being opposed to his plot , for he was trying to cause theloss of this soul by distrust.

    Words on Confidence

    Know that in those painful moments in which it seems as if t he demon is about t o tear thee fromMy Heart, thou art more closely united to Me by the strong bonds of love. Art t hou not the happyprey of Love? How canst thou be afraid of the demon when the Almighty is with thee? I am thecuirass (armour) of thy soul; then fear not the blows destined for thee; a soldier fears not thesnares of the enemy when he knows he is powerfully defended. And what I say to thee is not forthyself alone, but also f or so many souls who are in the same state. I repeat it; I wish thee to makeknown to souls what I teach thee;


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    Meditation on the seventh station of the Cross (Jesus falls the second t ime under the Cross):

    He (the devil) is overcome by unlimited confidence in Jesus; the more frequent the falls, the moreshould conf idence grow in the divine Mercy.

    Words on the Will of God

    Maria, no longer go begging the love of creatures; were they to give themselves entirely to theethou wouldst not be satisfied. God alone can suff ice for thee. Maria, thou hast need of a heart

    which loves thee, which understands thee; it is the Heart o f God thou needest. Speak to Me asthou wouldst to an earthly friend, to whom one tells everything. I know thee, I share thy sufferings,I of fer Myself to be thy Model and on this thou must carefully fully form thyself. Live in such amanner that Jesus may truly live in thee and rule all thy actions, thy desires and thy will. Dost thouunderstand with what perfect ion thou shouldest act if thou wouldst manifest Jesus living andreigning in thee? Even when thou art enduring cruel sufferings, thy countenance must appearsmiling. I desire thou shouldst be sweet and cordial toward all, but especially toward those whogive thee occasions of immolation and sacrifice.

    Love causes the death of Nature to make it rise again to Grace.

    Words on Virtue

    (March 12, 1905): Learn for thine own benefit and teach it t o o thers, that to obtain solid virtue itmust be sought in the Heart of Jesus. Whosoever wishes to be saved has only to t ake refuge inthis Blessed Ark whence he can look out upon the tempest without being shaken by its fury. Obeloved spouse, discover to all the place of refuge thou hast chosen fo r thy perpetual Abode; doMe this charity to t each it to other souls that they may come and f ind Me. I have immensetreasures of grace for all: and whoever comes to Me shall be overwhelmed with them.

    Words on Future Times

    I am preparing the work of My mercy; I desire a new resurrect ion of Society but it will be a work oflove.

    Words on Suff ering

    When thou art suff ering, whether interiorly or exteriorly, do not lose the merit of thy pain; sufferonly for Me. The greater number of souls, often even pious souls, lose much merit by relating whatthey suffer to anyone who will hear them; and although they do not complain, they desire no lessthe sympathy of creatures. When My Divine Heart sends suffering It wills that the soul accept itwith patience and resignation. Such persons believe that their trials will be relieved by pouring themout to the creature; nature is satisf ied, but grace is weakened, and courage fails them afterward tobear their sufferings through pure love. I am going to dictate to t hee Myself the sentiments which

    should animate t hee in the greatest trials. Thou shalt say to thy Spouse:- O Jesus, only Love ofmy heart, I wish to suf fer what I suffer and all Thou wilt have me suff er, for Thy pure love, notbecause of the merits I may acquire, nor for the rewards Thou hast promised me, but only toplease Thee, to praise Thee, to bless Thee, as well in sorrow as in joy.

    Sr. Benigna: Jesus tells me that after His grace, the Cross is the most precious gif t He can maketo a soul.

    Meditation on the twelfth stat ion of the Cross (Jesus dies on the Cross): If souls knew what itmeans to suffer, and suffer for God, not a soul would be found who would not be willing to sufferfor Him.

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    Meditation on the thirteenth stat ion of the Cross (Jesus is taken down f rom the Cross):Whenever a soul receives with faith and love any occasion of suffering, it is as if she received Mein her arms when taken down f rom the Cross; the two arms with which the soul receives Me areresignation and love for My divine Will.

    Words on Intimacy with God

    (September 15, 1904): Thou canst not imagine, O My spouse, the pleasure I experience in

    remaining with My creatures! I am always in search of hearts that love Me, and I f ind only a smallnumber. I lavish upon them the plenitude of My graces; I have so great a love for the souls who arefaithful to Me and let Me do what I please with them, that I am as ready to gratify them as if it werea law to Me.

    Words on the Sorrow of Our Lords Heart

    Sr. Benigna: He revealed to me the sorrow of His Heart at being robbed of the love which is due toHim, while souls are making so bad a use of it everywhere. He compared Himself to a beggar whosees food t hrown away and spoiled right befo re His eyes, food which would prevent Him fromdying of starvat ion.

    (August 31, 1904): Behold. I beg the love of My creatures, who refuse it t o Me and squander itupon things which pass away. They do not even think of giving it to Me. If thou knewest, Maria,how painful it is to love so much and not to be loved! I do not grow weary, I am always seekinglove and no one gives it to me; not only will they not love Me; they hate Me. Dost thou know whathinders Me from striking sinners? It is the prayers of the just; they disarm My divine Justice.

    O My Benigna! what gives Me most pain is to see the indifference, the hatred they have for Me.They fly f rom Me as they would from a robber or an assassin; from Me, who ask only to replenishsouls with My graces: but I cannot do it because they do not desire them. My Benigna, I thirst forthe love of My creatures. The Seraphim love Me ardently, the saints love Me, and their love is pureand perfect. I have great love in Heaven, yet I come to earth to seek it because on earth their love

    is free. As Jesus saw His Benjamin aff licted at what she had just heard, He consoled her: Benigna, I have good souls, even in the world; and in them I take My delight. They are the oases inwhich I repose in the midst of the desert.

    (October 17, 1904): The wicked t riumph; few souls remain faithful; they abandon Me to seek forhappiness where it is not to be found. O My spouse, can they be happy while violating a law soholy, so good and easy as Mine?

    Words on Divine Just ice

    I take away everything that is spoiled and corrupted so that the evil may not become greater.

    Other Words of Our Lord

    (After suffering much aridity): My Jesus, what is it that leads Thee to speak to me again?Benigna, it is the humiliation of thy soul and thy constant f idelity in spite of aridity; if thou f indestno joy in it, I f ind it, My Benigna. My Jesus, how couldst Thou suffer this state to last so long at ime? It was for thy good; I wish to prepare thee to receive new graces; I have taken awayconsolat ions so as to give thee an opportunity to practice perfect charity. One Ave Maria (HailMary) said without sensible fervour, but with a pure will in t ime of aridity, has much more value inMy eyes, than an ent ire Rosary recited in the midst of consolations.

    O, M Beni na! be the A ostle of M love! Cr aloud so that all the world ma hear, that I hun er,

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    thirst, I die to be received by My creatures, and they make so lit t le account of it! O do thou atleast, My Benigna, make as many spiritual communions as possible to supply for the Sacramentalcommunions which are not made. One every quarter of an hour is not enough. Make them shorter,but more numerous. If a wife saw her spouse dying of hunger, she would go from door to door tobeg for Him. My Benigna, seek to draw souls to receive Me in Holy Communion Thou art theApostle of My Love; but when thy body shall be under the earth, and thy soul in Heaven like a lit t leatom in My Heart for all eternity, then it will be thy Mother who will make known to souls what thoushalt have writ ten.

    Meditation on the f ift h station of the Cross (Jesus is aided by the Cyrenean): Religious soul, saysJesus, thou art My Cyrenean whom, in My infinite love, I have chosen that I may lay upon thee theburden which oppresses Me, the burden of My love, of My mercy, which is unknown to t he world. Itwill be thy mission to console the inf inite love of God, which seeks solace from its lit t le creature.

    Consider: I wish to raise up thy Lazaruses, thy sinful brethren of whom there are so many: conductMe to their sepulchre. And where is the sepulchre? Behold, one is buried in the vice of gluttony;well, this is his sepulchre; by pract icing mort ification of the taste thou wilt conduct Me to hissepulchre; another is immersed in other vices; he is dead; thou by leading an angelic life wilt leadMe to his sepulchre. But be at tent ive: I gave the command and made the dead arise; yet he wasbound, and I ordered those around to loose his hands; do t hou pursue the practices of

    mortification to complete the work of the resurrection of sinners and obtain for them deliverancefrom their evil habits.

    Faith shows you the value of purity of intent ion; it is as if you should unite all your actions to Myinfinite merits- as if you should immerse them all in My most Precious Blood.


    (March 15, 1905): Knowest thou the shortest way to arrive at Heaven? It is that of conf idence inMy merits and fidelity to grace.

    The litt le ones are my weakness.

    *For more revelations given to Sr. Benigna Consolata Ferrero, search her name in the search bar(above where it says Recent posts).

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    Humility is truth (St. Padre Pio)

    the Truth will set you free (John 8:32)

    Therefore humility will set you free.

    (If this post contains more admonishments, it is for our own good!)

    This post is addressed to the following: to those who get discouraged; to those who are cold orlukewarm; to those who are in any way att ached to venial sin; to those who havent adopted thehabit of mental prayer; to t hose who distrust God and pray half-heartedly to all! Let me sharesomething very briefly from my own experience: the remedy for discouragement, scruples,vice, sadness, doubts, distrust (etc.) is humility (of course I am still not humble, but God hasrevealed many liberating truths t o me)! Of course it is God Who brings this about ; nevertheless,

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    without humility we cannot receive Gods gifts (God resists the proud -James 4:6).

    Here are some MAXIMS to help you see the value of humility (which we MUST pray for every day;for example, by saying Jesus, meek and humble of Heart, make my heart like unto Thine.):

    + Humility reaps mercy; pride reaps just ice: as long as thou remainest engulfed in thynothingness- and it is this which attracts to t hee so many graces- I shall be to thee always a Godof goodness, a God o f mercy, a God of love; by the day in which thou art elated by pride, I shallbecome to t hee a God of justice. I tell this not to frighten thee, but to warn thee, because I love theeso tenderly. Jesus to Sr. Benigna Consolata (The reason God is such a great lover of humility isthat He is a great lover of truth. Humility is, in fact, t ruth, whilepride is nothing but lying. St.Vincent de Paul)

    + It is only by the measure of thy humility t hat thou canst hope to please God and savethyself, because it is certain that God will save the humble of spirit. Fr. Cajetan

    + There is no way that conducts more direct ly, more securely, more swif t ly, and moresweetly to God than humility. But it is the humility st udied in the Gospel, humility learned in Mylife, humility prof oundly taught in the Holy Eucharist . If thou seek humility in these three sources,thou wilt ever find it. Jesus to Sr. Benigna Consolata

    + The more humble we are, the more we receive: When there is humility, I give; when I findmore, I give more Jesus to Sr. Benigna Consolata

    + pride is t he beginning of all sin. [Ecclus. x, 15] If we examine all our falls into sin,whether venial or grave, the cause will always be found in some hidden pride - Fr. Cajetan

    + To overcome sin, we must distrust ourselves and trust God: He fills with His grace thosehearts which are emptied of self t hat is to say, which have neither self-esteem nor self-conf idence and do not rely upon their own st rength. Fr. Cajetan

    + Humility makes the pract ise of virtue easy: Impregnate yourself with humility, and you willsoon find that all ot her virtues will fo llow without any effort on your part. Fr. Cajetan

    + Humility is necessary for salvation: in Paradise there is no saint who was not humble. FrCajetan

    + Pride begets f rustration, anger, agitation: The heart of the proud man is like a stormy sea,never at rest: Like the raging sea which cannot rest [Isa. lvii, 20] The more the heart is filled withself-love, so much the greater will be its anxiety and agitat ion. This maxim is indeed true; forwhenever I feel myself inwardly irritated, disturbed and angered by some adversity which hasbefallen me, I need not look elsewhere for t he cause of such feelings than within myself , and Ishould always do well to say: If I were truly humble I should not be disquieted. My great agitat ion is

    an evident proo f which ought to convince me that my self-love is great and dominant andpowerful within me, and is the tyrant which torments and gives me no peace. If I feel aggrieved bysome sharp word that has been said to me, or by some discourtesy shown me, from whence doesthis feeling of pain proceed? From my pride alone. Oh, if I were t ruly humble, what calm, whatpeace and happiness would my soul not enjoy! And this promise of Jesus Christ is infallible: Learnof Me, because I am meek and humble of heart, and you shall f ind rest to your souls. [Matt . xi, 29] Fr. Cajetan

    + Humility begets happiness, gratitude, peace, virtue, love: the heart of the humble is fullycont ent in its humilityRich in his being low [James i, 10]and is always calm and tranquil andwithout fear that anything in this world should disturb him, and shall rest with confidence. [Isa. xiv

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    30] Fr. Cajetan

    + Humility is the foundation of all the other virtues hence, in the soul in which this virtue doesnot exist there cannot be any other virtue except in mere appearance. St. Augustine

    + Temptat ions are f or our own good: When I permit temptat ion, it is not through cruelty, but togive the soul an opportunity of merit. (God is faithful, who will not suff er you to be temptedabove that which you are able (to bear). 1 Corinthians 10:13. To reach Heaven it is necessary tolove God How else can we show we love God but by doing His will and combatting sin?)

    + God is infinitely merciful: The mercy of God is infinite and neverrefuses to forgive sinners. Jesus to Sr. Josefa Menendez

    + God is infinite lyjust: forall his works are truth, and his ways justice; and those that walk inpride he is able to abase. (Daniel 4:37) (In our day and age, there is too much ignorance about thenature of sin. But without this knowledge, we cannot be humble. Mortal sin truly deserveseverlast ing punishment because it is infinitely opposed to Gods goodness- as hard as that is forus to comprehend (we can always be forgiven of such sins, of course). Only when we know andbelieve this can we be truly grateful for Gods mercy; truly humbled that God still loves us infinitely;truly distrustful of our own capacity t o overcome sin without the aid of Gods grace etc.

    Knowledge of Gods justice, rather than frightening us, should make us happy and thankful. Thinkof how much God loves us! Think of the Heaven which awaits those who are humble! You will seehow lamentable pride is when you think, for example, of how unjust it is for us to give in todiscouragement; God died for us; He underwent such cruel sufferings to liberate us from thebonds of sin, and we have the pride to get discouraged when we offend Him?! So you havefailed? You have not failed: you have gained experience. Forward! St. Josemaria Escriva

    + Without Me you can do nothing (John 15:5). We cannot do a single good thing without Godsgrace. This truth applies to every individual, whether or not they know it. No, we cannot be goodwithout God.

    + God, Who is Truth, is the source of all humility:


    - Jesus to Sr. Josefa Menendez

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    This post is for the benefit of those (of ten scrupulous individuals) who strain at an ideal of

    virtue (Jesus to Sr. Josefa) that God does not ask of them, and are thus left feeling overcome,despondent, discouraged, anxious, confused etc. Surely these souls are the minority (theoverwhelming majority need to make more t ime for God!), yet this topic is rarely addressed and it isimportant.

    God does not call us each to the same degree of sanctity:

    Many souls exhaust themselves in ef forts, in acts of generosity, which leave their soul bruised animpoverished, because they strain at an ideal of virtue, of sanct ity that I do not ask of them. Theywill be rewarded for their pure intent ion and their generosity, but t heir efforts do not produce thefruit that t hey would produce if they were united to My will. Jesus to Sr. Mary of the Trinity (no.555)

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    It must be remembered that divine requests are not the same for all souls, even when the soulsare called to walk ident ical ways. What Jesus would ask from a cloistered nun, He wouldnt requirein same way from a nun with an active life, and even less from a person living in the world. Hedoesnt even expect t o get the same thing from all those who are cloistered as He did from Sr.Consolata Fr. Lorenzo Sales (spiritual director o f Sr. Consolata Betrone; taken from TheLitt lest Way of Love)

    To pray always does not mean to perpet ually engage in mental or vocal prayer:

    Doesnt St. Paul tell us that we must sanctify even our mundane actions like eating, drinking,sleeping? Therefore, a restf ul moment, an honest recreation, can also be sanct ified by love andthus transformed into love. Fr. Lorenzo Sales

    St. Therese of Lisieux, The greatest Saint of modern times (St. Pope Pius X) was of ten known tosimply think of God and love Him in that way. We would do well to adopt this method; at leastonce we have advanced in the ways of prayer- when our prayers naturally become simpler. Weshould not let ourselves be weighed down by an excessive amount of devot ions or vocal prayers;that is, if they are unecessary and act as an impediment to our spiritual growth.

    We need t ime f or leisure:

    It is actually a defect [against prudence] to be so st rict, austere and unsociable that one permitsneither oneself nor o thers any recreation t ime. St. Francis de Sales (In III 31)

    From time to time one must recreate and relax in mind and body. St. Francis de Sales (In III 31)

    The teacher who is seen only in the classroom and nowhere else, is a teacher and nothing more;but let him go with his boys to recreation and he becomes a brother. St. John Bosco

    To take the air, to go for a stroll, to enjoy a f riendly chat, to play music, or sing or huntare suchhonest diversions that the only thing needed to utilize them well is simple prudence, which gives to

    all things their rank, t ime, place and measure. St. Francis de Sales (In III 31)

    Games in which winning results f rom bodily or mental dexterity o r activity provide goodrelaxation and are perfectly justified. St. Francis de Sales (In III 31)

    Strive never to lose this supernatural out look, not even at t imes of rest or recreation, which are asimportantin our daily lives as is work itself . St. Josemaria Escriva (Friends of God, 10)

    The story goes that a hunter happened upon St. John the Evangelist ho lding and caressing apartridge. The hunter expressed astonishment that one with so eminent a mind would waste t imeon so insignif icant a t hing. St. John answered him by posing a question: Why is your bow not

    always taut? For fear, replied the hunter, that in remaining taut like that, it would have no forceat all when I needed to use it . So, then do not be surprised, said the Apost le, If I rest my mindfrom t ime to t ime. It will be more dedicated to reflection as a result. St. Francis de Sales (In III 31)

    The saints devoted t ime to leisure:

    St. Charles Borromeo, the holy 16th century archbishop of Milan, was known to relax by playingchess. Once he was asked what he would do if he were to ld by an angel that he would die withinan hour. The saint replied that he would cont inue playing chess for, even as a form of relaxation he would had begun it for the glory of God, and he knew of nothing better than to be called fromthis world while performing an action f or that purpose.

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    Sr. Consolata never allowed herself a voluntary absence from the communal recreations. Far frombeing taciturn, she showed herself to be full of life. In a few instances she composed, and evenread, some poems (rhymed poet ry). When the community would gather near the radio to hear thevoice of the Holy Father, or t o follow certain religious ceremonies, she always part icipated with f ullspiritual joy. She loved song and willingly took part. Had she been permitted, she would voluntarilyhave learnt the art of painting. In the parlour, with her parents or acquaintances, she was able toblend a religious reserve with easiness and amiability. She was never at a loss for spirit f illed words,especially when it became necessary to recover discourses that were taking dangerous turns, etc.

    Fr. Lorenzo Sales

    Furthermore, Sr. Benigna painted, St. Therese performed in plays, St. Teresa and her sistersengaged in leisurely activities (such as singing) daily, Bl. Dina wrote and performed music, Ven.Fulton Sheen was an avid reader etc.

    Doing Gods will is the greatest prayer:

    Never lose sight of the fact that t he Jesus whom you behold dying on the Cross at the end of Hismortal career, is the same Jesus who for thirty years shared the life which is common to all men, inthe bosom of His own family; and He is the same Jesus who all during His three years ministry satdown t o table with men and joined in their banquets. And Jesus was holy, Consolata, the holiest of

    all men! Jesus to Sr. Consolata Betrone

    If we have been lazyand ungrateful, Jesus can repair our past:

    Should it happen that you have spent the greater part of your life in impiety and indif ference, andthat t he sudden approach of the hour of death f ills you with blinding despair Oh! do not letyourself be deceived, for there is still time for pardon. If only one second of life remains to you, inthat one second you can buy back eternal life! Jesus to Sr. Josefa Menendez

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    Love Me, and you will be happy; and the more you love Me, the happier you will be! Evenwhen you f ind yourself in utt er darkness, love will produce light , love will produce strength,and love will produce joy! Jesus to Sr. Consolata Betrone

    Before proceeding, it is necessary that we understand the following: joy, a fruit of love, can onlybereceived (and cultivated) by the humble, as everythinggood we have is a gif t f rom God. We arecalled to be saints f irst and foremost, and nothing less. LOVE is allour hearts were made for(St. Therese); therefore:

    We will never attain joy unless we love; we cannot love unless we f irst receive it; and we cannotreceive Gods love unless we are HUMBLE.

    If we are miserable, we should humbly ask God for the grace to see what is making us so. Thesmall pamphlet, Confession A Litt le Book For the Reluctant by Msgr. Louis Gaston de Seguris a very helpful resource fordestroyingmany of the barriers to spiritual joy, such as pride,discouragement, intentionally withholding (serious) sins in Confession, doubting Gods mercy andgoodness (which is absolutely unlimited), infrequent Confession, presumption etc. If you arescrupulous, lukewarm (or both), or a habitual sinner- whether or not your disposition stems frompride and/or ignorance- you should read this book. A crucial element of humility is that we knowthe truth about sin. If we do not recognise its danger and gravity (most people do not , sadly thesaints surely did and they were full of humility, conf idence, love and gratitude!), how will

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    we appreciate just how merciful God truly is; or how foolish we are in delaying repentance; or givingup the batt le for holiness; or acting in count less other ways that reek of pride, which is directlyopposed to Gods nature, and which we should always seek to avoid farmore than any bodilyillness?! Fortunately, there is no need to despair. Gods goodness and mercy are without limit tothose who (sincerely) repent! The greater the depths of darkness and error t hat He (alone) hasdrawn us from, the greater right we have to count on His unchanging goodness! How consoling isthat! How can we not love such a God with all our hearts?

    (The previous words were necessary in order to establish the fact o f our great need for humility(which is linked to conf idence)- t he f irst link in the chain of love True humility consists in notpresuming on our own strength, but in trust ing to obtain all things from the power of God. St.Thomas Aquinas)



    Some words, then, on purity:

    Purity is the fruit of prayer. Bl. Mother Teresa

    Nothing is so beautiful as a pure soul Purity comes from heaven; we must ask for it f rom God. Ifwe ask for it , we shall obtain it. We must take great care not to lose it . We must shut our heartagainst pride, against sensuality, and all the other passions, as one shuts t he doors and windowsthat nobody may be able to get in. What joy it is to t he guardian angel to conduct a pure soul!The more pure we have been on earth, the nearer we shall be to Him in heavenMy children, wecannot comprehend the power that a pure soul has over the good God. St. John Vianney

    Holy Purity, the queen of virtues, the angelic virtue, is a jewel so precious t hat those who possessit become like the angels of God in heaven, even though clothed in mortal flesh. St. John Bosco

    Jesus more and more desires a throne of pure gold and this throne is your pure heart Yes,Jesus wishes to make a palace in your heart. St. Therese

    With all the strength of my soul I urge you young people to approach the Communion t able asof ten as you can. Feed on this bread of angels whence you will draw all the energy you need tofight inner battles. Because t rue happiness, dear friends, does not consist in the pleasures ofthe world or in earthly things, but in peace of conscience, which we have only if we are purein heart and mind. Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati (According to St. Philip Neri, for example, the HolyEucharist is necessary strength in the battle for purity, which is necessary for communing withGod! Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God!)


    If all My betrothed would love Me, I would pour Heaven into t heir hearts even while t heyst ill dwelt upon the earth, for Heaven is enjoyed by loving Me! Jesus to Sr. ConsolataBetrone

    The more you love Me, the more you will become holy. Jesus to Sr. Consolata Betrone (Ifyou want to be happy, be holy. If you want to be very happy be very holy. - St.Francis XavierSeelos)

    Only that which is eternal can satisfy us. St. Therese

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    Because I am Love, all Love, I cannot cease communicating to My creatures t he joy ofloving! The joy of sharing My happiness. Jesus to Sr. Josefa Menendez

    The only happiness here below is to strive to be always content with what Jesus gives us. St.Therese

    Your joy is to strip yourselves and be dependent on Me alone. My joy is to be able to prove to youthe prodigality of My love. Jesus to Sr. Mary of the Trinity

    When suff ering is accepted with love, it is no longer suffering, but it is changed into joy. St.Therese

    If we want to enjoy interior peace, it is necessary to have one will and one desire: to love Jesuscrucif ied, employing all our faculties and energies for t his purpose. St. Francis de Sales

    I have united Myself so closely to thee, by the chains of My love, that I cannot live happily withoutthee. Jesus to St . Gertrude (Similarly, Jesus, in taking on a sinless human heart- t he most tenderof all hearts!- makes Himself in need of our love! He even yearns for our love and salvation! Bl.John Paul II calls this one of the GREAT mercies of God).

    Some advice on growing in love: Keep correct ing some fault in yourself, but do not do t histhrough coercion but through love. Without doubt the Lord will supply what is missing to keepyou close to Him, so long as fo r your part you love Him alone and seek to follow Him alone Assoon as you are conscious of being tempted, fo llow the example of children when they see a wolfor a bear out in the country. They immediately run to the arms of their fat her or mother, or at leastcall to them for help and protection. In the same way, turn to God and implore His mercy and help St. Francis de Sales

    In order to be Christian, our lives must be a cont inual renunciat ion and sacrifice. However, weknow that t he dif f icult ies of this world are nothing compared to the eternal happiness that awaitsus, where there will be no limit to our joy, no end to our happiness, and we shall enjoy unimaginable

    peace. And so, young people, learn from our Lord Jesus Christ the meaning of sacrif ice. Bl. PierGiorgio Frassati

    Ah, if you understood! How happy each soul could be in My int imacy! That pett inesses thatblindyou would, of themselves, disappear in this ever-growing quest for Love

    Jesus to Sr. Mary of the Trinity

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    do not grow tired nor fear to be importunate, for prayer is the key that opens everydoor.

    Jesus to Sr. Josef a Menendez

    The holy man of prayer and suff ering, St. Padre Pio, said: Prayer is the best weapon we have. It isa key opening Gods Heart. Similarly, St. Augustine said: Prayer is the key t o Heaven. St.Alphonsus reminds us that we mustpray.

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    The purpose of this article is to f ill you with an ongoing desire for prayer, which will cont inue togrow and inflame your heart with love the more you pray. We must always remember that prayer isnot only an immense gift, a treasure (St. Alphonsus), something we have not deserved (St.John Vianney), but also that prayer is: our duty, for our own good, for Gods glory, for thesalvation of souls, for peace, and for every ot her good thing that comes from God ALONE.

    There are count less stories in the Bible and the lives of the saints about the power of prayer:miracles, the conversion of count less sinners, resurrections, miraculous cures, the release of

    thousands of souls from Purgatory Christ ians in part icular have the great responsibility of askingtheir Heavenly Father to supply for their own needs and the needs of their brothers and sisters,Christian or not. As the Mystical Body of Christ, we simply MUST pray as did our divine Model,Jesus Christ.

    (This article is too short to possibly explain (in any detail) how to pray well; for this I recommendnone other than the great classic, The Ways of Mental Prayer by Vital Lehodey. This bookcontains the wisdom of many saints and masters of prayer, such as St. Teresa of Avila and St.Bernard. Their wisdom, which was acquired through much prayer, will greatly assist yours. Listen tothe words of St. Teresa: The devil knows that he has lost the soul that perseveringly pract icesmental prayer.)

    *Please ask God for t he grace to love prayer and to love Him! Otherwise, all this reading will not doyou much good.*


    The f ruit and the purpose of prayer is to be one with and like God in all things. - Bl. Julian ofNorwich

    Prayer is NECESSARY (for growing in virtue, doing Gods will etc.):

    The body is nourished by material food, and the interior man by prayer. St. Augustine

    The air which we breathe, the bread which we eat, t he heart which throbs in our bosoms, are notmore necessary for man that he may live as a human being, than is prayer for t he Christ ian that hemay live as a Christian. St. John Eudes

    We need to be able to pray. We need prayer just like we need air. Without prayer, we can donothing. Bl. Mother Teresa

    Prayer is the oxygen of the soul. St . Padre Pio

    It is simply impossible to lead, without prayer, a virtuous life. St. John Chrysostom

    Let him never cease from prayer who has once begun it, be his life ever so wicked; for prayer isthe way to amend it, and without prayer such amendment will be much more diff icult. St. Teresaof Avila

    How of ten I failed in my duty t o God, because I was not leaning on the strong pillar of prayer. St. Teresa of Avila

    Without prayer I could not work for even half an hour. I get my strength f rom God through prayer. Bl. Mother Teresa

    The more you are tempted, the more you must persevere in prayer. Bl. Angela of Foligno

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    It is impossible for a person who prays regularly to remain in serious sin; because the two areincompatible, one or the ot her will have to be given up. St. Teresa of Avila

    Prayer is DELIGHTFUL:

    Prayer is a foretaste of Heaven, an overflow of Paradise. It never leaves us without sweetnessTroubles melt away before a fervent prayer like snow before the sun. St. John Vianney

    Prayer is a wine which makes glad the heart of man. St. Bernard

    Pray to God; God is your f riend and your dear f riend. God is alive. St. Padre Pio

    My children, your heart is poor and narrow; but prayer enlarges it , and renders it capable of lovingGod. St. John Vianney

    Troubles melt away before a fervent prayer like snow before the sun. - St. John Vianney

    Francis used to say, If you, O servant of God, are upset, for any reason whatever, you shouldimmediately rise up to prayer, and you should remain in the presence of the Most High Father foras long as it t akes for Him to restore to you the joy of your salvation. -Thomas of Celano

    Because the eyes of the Lord are upon t he just, and his ears unto their prayers. - 1 Peter 3:12(How happy we would be to communicate with our favourite actor or musician, or writer. Well, inprayer we communicate with God, the Blessed Virgin, the saints!)

    Prayer PLEASES GOD:

    By prayer man gives God t he greatest glory possible. St. Peter Julian Eymard

    Our prayer is an incense which he receives with extreme pleasure. St. John Vianney

    Pray to the Lord because even God needs our prayers. St . Padre Pio (God uses our prayers andsufferings to save souls and to shower graces on the world.)

    God waits for us to ask Him, and even inspires us to ask for His help. St . Pascal Baylon

    He would not urge us to ask unless He was willing to give. St. August ine

    when we ask graces of God, He not only hears us, but in a certain sense thanks us. St. MaryMagdalene of Pazzi

    God, as the infinite goodness, in wishing to pour out Himself upon others, has, so to speak, aninfinite longing to distribute his gifts; but He wishes to be besought : hence it f ollows, that when He

    sees Himself entreated by a soul, He receives so much pleasure, that in a certain sense He thanksthat soul for it . St. Alphonsus Liguori

    Prayer is a great GIFT:

    We have not deserved to pray; but God, in his goodness, has permitt ed us to speak to him. St.John Vianney (Please ask God for the grace to realise the profound t ruth of these words)

    Prayer is mans greatest virtue. St. Peter Julian Eymard

    He who prays most receives most . St. Alphonsus

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    Our Lord gives to souls of prayer a deep understanding of Himself . He never deceives them. St.Peter Julian Eymard


    Pray, pray to t he Lord with me, because the whole world needs prayer. St. Padre Pio

    Prayer is POWERFUL:

    The power of prayer is really tremendous. St. Therese

    God being willing to give us all we want, we ought always to pray with entire conf idence. St.Pascal Baylon

    Prayer is st ronger than all the demons. St. Bernard

    When prayer is poured fort h, sins are covered. St. Ambrose


    We ought always to pray and not to f aint. (Luke 18:1)

    I have discovered how t o pray in an extremely eff icacious manner. The Heart of Jesus is also myheart since I am a member of His body and with this Heart I will pray to God, my Father, and myprayer will always be heard. St. Katherine Mary Drexel (this method of prayer has been practisedby many great saints, and even encouraged by Our Lord to Sr. Josefa Menendez)

    The sacred gif t of prayer is in the right hand of our Saviour, and according to the measure thatyou empty yourself of yourself , that is of love of your senses and of your own will, and makeprogress in root ing yourself in holy humility, to t hat extent the Lord will speak to your heart. St.Padre Pio

    The ROSARY IS THE MOST POWERFUL PRAYER (apart f rom the Mass):

    Of all prayers the Rosary is the most beautiful and the richest in graces; of all it is the one which ismost pleasing to Mary, the Virgin Most Holy. Therefore, love the Rosary and recite it every daywith devot ion: this is the testament which I leave unto you so that you may remember me by it. St. Pius X (Who St. Padre Pio called the holiest Pope since St. Peter!)

    The Rosary is the weapon. St. Padre Pio

    Hail Mary is the most beautiful of prayers after the Our Father & the most beautiful complimentyou can give to Mary. St. Louis de Montfort

    When the Holy Rosary is said well, it gives Jesus and Mary more glory and is more meritoriousthan any other prayer. St. Louis de Montfort

    There is no problem, I tell you, no matter how diff icult it is, that we cannot solve by the prayer ofthe Holy Rosary. Sister Lucia (one of the seers of Fatima, and an obedient child of the Church,d. 2005)

    Say the Rosary every day. Our Lady of Fatima (who asked us to pray the Rosary each of thesix times she appeared at Fatima)


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    Let us pray and continue to pray, because intense and fervent prayer pierces the heavens and isbacked up by a Divine guarantee. St. Padre Pio

    What have we to fear? It is love t hat calls us; love that gives all; love t hat provides all, willaccomplish all; love that can wish only what is good for us. Impossible, then, to respond t o loveot herwise than by conf idence. And since it is boundless love t hat invites us, let us respond also bya boundless conf idence. Rev. Andre Prevot

    Some words of encouragement:

    Do not distress yourself about your prayers. It is not always necessary to employ words, eveninwardly, it is enough to raise your heart and let it rest on our Lord, to look lovingly up toward thisdivine Lover of our souls for between lovers the eyes speak more eloquently than the tongue. St. Francis de Sales

    Pray with your whole being even though you think it has no savour for you. For such prayer is veryprof itable even though you feel nothing, though you see nothing, even though it seems impossibleto you. It is in dryness and barrenness, in sickness and feebleness that your prayer is most pleasingto me, even though you think that it has lit t le savour for you. Jesus to Bl. Julian of Norwich

    It is better to say one Pater Noster (Our Father) fervently and devout ly than a thousand with nodevot ion and full of distract ion. St. Edmund

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    **I have added some very useful quotes to my post An Infallible Cure for Scrupulosity e.g. abouthow t o different iate between thinking and willing (this post can be found on the right hand side ofthe page under Archives, August 2012. Also, I apologise that this post is not about prayer, as Imentioned earlier. I havent yet had time to construct it.**

    My appeal is addressed to all: to those consecrated in religion and those living in theworld, to the good and to sinners, to the learned and the illiterate, to those in authority andto those who obey. To each of them I come to say: if you seek happiness you will find it in

    Me. If riches, I am inf inite wealth. If you desire peace, in Me alone is peace found. I am Mercyand Love! and I must be sovereign King.

    Yes, in spite of its miseries, a soul can love Me to folly . . . But realize that I am speaking only offaults of frailty and inadvertence, not of willed sin or voluntary infidelity. Of fer your life, imperfectas it is, that all My chosen souls may realize the beautiful mission t hat they can carry out throughtheir ordinary actions and in their daily struggles. Let them never forget that I have pref erredthem to so many others, not because of their goodness, but because of theirwretchedness . . . I am all love, and t hat f lame in Me consumes all their weakness. I will againtell you the secret s of My Heart . . . But the desire which consumes Me is ever the same: Itis that souls may know My Heart bet ter and better. (October 20, 1922).

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    Come . . . enter My Heart. How easy it is for a mere nothing to lose itself in that abyss of love.That is how I will consume your littleness and nothingness. I will act through you, speak throughyou, and make Myself known through you. How many will f ind life in My words! How many will takenew courage as they understand the fruit to be drawn from their efforts! A lit t le act of generosity,of patience, of poverty . . . may become treasure that will win a great number of souls to My Heart . . (August 7, 1922)

    I do not look at the act itself, I look at the intention. The smallest act, if done out of love, acquiressuch merit that it gives Me immense consolation . . . I want only love, I ask for nothing else.(September 8, 1922)

    I so much want souls to understand this! It is not the action in itself that is of value; it is theintent ion with which it is done. When I swept and labored in the workshop of Nazareth, I gave asmuch glory to My Father as when I preached during My Public Life. There are many souls who in theeyes of the world f ill important posts and they give My Heart great glory; this is true. But I havemany hidden souls who in their humble labors are very useful workers in My vineyard, for they aremoved by love, and they know how to cover their deeds with supernatural gold by bathing them inMy Blood. My love goes so far that My souls can draw great t reasure out of mere nothing. Whenas soon as they wake they unite t hemselves to Me and of fer their whole day with a burning desirethat My Heart may use it f or the prof it of souls.

    I do not say that by the fact o f My choice, a soul is freed from her faults and wretchedness. Thatsoul may and will fall often again, but if she humbles herself, if she recognizes her nothingness, ifshe tries to repair her faults by lit t le acts of generosity and love, if she confides and surrendersherself once more to My Heart . . . she gives Me more glory and can do more good to ot her souls,than if she had never fallen. Miseries and weaknesses are of no consequence, what I do ask ofthem is love.

    Write f or My souls: The soul who constant ly unites her life with Mine glorif ies Me and does a greatwork fo r souls. Thus, if engaged in work of no value in itself . . . if she bathes it in My Blood orunites it t o the work I Myself did during My mortal life, it will greatly prof it souls . . . more perhaps,

    than if she had preached to the whole world . . . and that, whether she studies, speaks or writes . . .whether she sews, sweeps or rests . . . provided first that the act is sanctioned by obedience orduty and not done f rom mere caprice; secondly: that it is done in intimate union with Me, with greatpurity of intent ion and covered with My Blood.

    . . when with love they perfo rm their duties, hour by hour and moment by moment . . . How great isthe t reasure they amass in one day! I will reveal My love to them more and more . . . it isinexhaustible and how easy it is for a loving soul to let itself be guided by Love. (November 30,1922).

    My Heart is all love and it embraces all souls, but how can I make My chosen souls understand

    My special love for them and how I wish to use them to save sinners and so many souls who areexposed to the perils of the world? For this reason I would like them to know how much I desiretheir perfection, and that it consists in doing their ordinary actions in int imate union with Me. If theyonce grasped this, they could divinize their life and all their activities by this close union with MyHeart . . . and how great is the value of a divinized day! When a soul is burnt up with desire to love,nothing is a burden to her, but if she feels cold and spiritless everything becomes hard and difficult. . . let her then come to My Heart to revive her courage . . . Let her of fer Me her deject ion, and uniteit t o My fervor; then she may rest content, for her day will be of incomparable value to souls.Allhuman miseries are known to My Heart , and My compassion for them is great .

    But I desire souls to unite themselves to Me not only in a general way. I long for t his union t o beconstant and intimate, as it is between friends who live together: for even if they are not talking all

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    the time, at least t hey look at each other, and their mutual affectionate litt le kindnesses are thefruit of their love.

    When a soul is in peace and consolation, doubtless it is easier for her to think of Me, but if she isin the t hroes of desolation and anguish, she need not fear. I am content with a glance. Iunderstand, and this mere look will draw down on her special proofs of My tenderness. I will repeatagain to souls how My Heart loves them . . . for I want them to know Me thoroughly, that they maymake Me known to t hose I place in their care. I ardently desire My chosen souls to f ix their eyes onMe, and never turn them away . . . and among t hem there should be no mediocrity which usually isthe result of a misunderstanding of My love. No! it is neither dif f icult nor hard to love My Heart, buton the contrary, it is sweet and easy. They need do nothing extraordinary to attain to a highdegree of love: purity of intent ion, be the act ion great or small . . . intimate union with My Heart,and love will do the rest. (December 2, 1922).

    Yes, I am that Jesus who loves souls tenderly . . . Behold this Heart that never ceases calling themguarding them, and caring for them . . . Behold this Heart on fire with longing for their love, butespecially for the love of My chosen ones.

    Love t ransforms their most ordinary actions and gives them an infinite value, but it does more: MyHeart loves My chosen souls so tenderly, that I wish to use their miseries, their weaknesses, and

    of ten even their faults. Souls that see themselves overwhelmed with miseries, att ribute nothinggood to t hemselves, and their very abjectness clothes them with a certain humility that they wouldnot have if they saw themselves to be less imperfect . When therefore in the course of apostolicwork or in the carrying out of duties, a consciousness of their incapacity is forced upon them . . . orwhen they experience a kind of repugnance to helping souls towards perfect ion to which theyknow themselves to be still strangers, such souls are compelled to humble themselves in the dust,and should this self-knowledge impel them to My feet, asking pardon for their halt ing efforts,begging of My Heart t he strength and courage they need, it is hardly possible for them to conceivehow lovingly My Heart goes out to them and how marvellously fruit ful I will make their labors.Those whose generosity is not equal to these daily endeavors and sacrifices will see their lives goby full only of promise which never comes to fruit ion.

    But there are ot hers, and it is of them I now speak, who begin their day with a very good willand desire to prove their love. They pledge themselves to self-denial or generosity in this or thatcircumstance . . . But when the time comes they are prevented by self-love, temperament, health,or I know not what, from carrying out what a few hours before they quite sincerely purposed to doNevertheless they speedily acknowledge their weakness and, filled with shame, beg for pardon,humble themselves, and renew their promise . . . Ah! Let them know that these souls please Me asmuch as if they had nothing with which to reproach themselves. (December 12, 1922).

    I want to forgive. I want to reign over souls and pardon all nations. I want to rule souls, nations,the whole world. My peace must be extended over the entire universe, but in a special way over

    this dear count ry [France] where devot ion to My Heart f irst took root . . . O that I might be itspeace, its life, its King. I am Wisdom and Beatitude! I am Love and Mercy! I am Peace, I shall reign! Iwill shower My mercies on the world to wipe out its ingrat itude. To make reparation for its crimes, Iwill choose vict ims who will obtain pardon . . . for there are in the world many whose desire is toplease Me . . . and there are moreover generous souls who will sacrif ice everything they possess,that I may use them according to My will and good pleasure. My reign will be one of peace and loveand I shall inaugurate it by compassion on all: such is the end I have in view, and this is the greatwork of My love.

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    Now I will briefly explain the three spiritual principles that were introduced in the previous post:


    2. WITHOUT God we can do NOTHING. (John 15:5)

    3. WITH God we can do ALL THINGS. (Philippians 4:13)

    1. Everything is a grace, everything is the direct effect of our Fathers Love diff iculties,cont radict ions, humiliations, all the souls miseries, her burdens, her needs everything, becausethrough t hem, she learns humility, realizes her weakness everything is a grace becauseeverything is Gods gift . Whatever be the character of life or its unexpected events to the heartthat loves, all is well. St. Therese of Lisieux

    All the ways of the Lord are mercy and truth, to them that seek after his covenant and histestimonies. (Psalm 25:10)

    And we know t hat t o t hem that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as,

    according to his purpose, are called to be saints. (Romans 8:28)

    Everything that we experience in life is a part of Gods loving Providence. Therefore, we can andshould be grateful for everything! Not easy is it! But through prayer, Gods grace can achieve this.Certainly there are many things in the world (and within ourselves) that are not as they ought tobe, but we must not give up on that account. God alone can fix these things and He requires ourheart, our co-operat ion and our conf idence: Wherein lies the limit of My power over you? In yourconf idence. (Jesus to Sr. Mary of the Trinity). We would do well to ask God every day for thegrace of boundless conf idence (see my post, Prayer to Obtain the Grace of BoundlessConfidence). Remember that we will still have to f ight courageously against sin and temptat ion.Of ten we fall into discouragement because we rely too much on our own strength. If we onlypersevered in trust we would not become discouraged so easily, having the assurance that victoryis on our side (of course, we will st ill fall somet imes; only a special grace from God can keep usfrom all sin).

    2. /3. Indeed, our impotence (helplessness) is radical. Without Me you can do nothing, says OurSaviour. In the supernatural order, this impotence is absolute. Heed well the teachings of thetheologians. Without grace, man cannot observe the commandments of God for a long time or intheir to tality. Without grace, he cannot resist all the temptations, sometimes so violent, thatassault him. Without grace, we cannot have a good t hought (2 Corinthians 3:5); we cannot evenmake the shortest prayer; without it, we cannot even invoke with piety the holy name of Jesus.Everything that we do in the supernatural order comes to us from God alone. Even in the naturalorder, it is still God who gives us victory. Fr. Thomas de Saint-Laurent

    The implications of this teaching are so great, so consoling, so beautiful, and so humblingthat I cannot do it just ice! If we are tempted to judge our neighbour, fo r example, let us remember,Without Me you can do nothing (we would be abysses of sin and misery without t he gif t of Godsgrace); if we have the desire to be a saint but fear that we have missed our opportunity, let usremember, Without Me you can do nothing ( God would not inspire unattainable desires; I can,then, in spite o f my litt leness, aspire to sanct ity. St. Therese; Do not be afraid! Jesus has givenyou t he desire to be good. He will help you. St . Francis de Sales); if we fear that God wouldreject our sincere desire to love Him, let us remember, Without Me you can do nothing (Thedesire to love is love. St. Pio; repentance is a grace from God; they cannot then despair,since Thy paternal call is followed by so much mercy. St . Mechtilde); if we are overcome by

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    severe temptat ions, let us remember, Without Me you can do nothing ( God is faithful and willnot allow you to be tempted beyond your strength 1 Corinthians 10:13); if we have fallenthousands of t imes into sin, but wish to amend our lives, let us remember, Without Me you can donothing (we would not have this desire if it were not for God, and God does not deceive). Let us,therefore, cultivate a profound distrust of self , and a boundless trust in God!

    Hopefully it is now clear to you why the truth about our absolute impotence/helplessness is soimportant for us to grasp, and so helpful in the batt le against discouragement. Why else would St.Paul have exclaimed, When I am weak then I am strong (2 Cor. 12: 10); why would St. Theresehave said, It is my weakness that gives me all my st rength; why would Bl. Dina Belanger have said,I am penetrated with my nothingness, I feel myself poor, weak, and powerless. But because ofthis, my conf idence in Jesus is like a shoreless ocean, engulfing the abyss of my misery?

    That is it : the knowledge of our own weakness and misery should inspire us with distrust of self ,t rust in God, gratitude for Gods infinite kindness, love, conf idence treasures of infinite value!These treasures must be sought t hrough prayer, first and foremost.*

    Here are some quotes to help you bet ter appreciate and discover these t reasures:

    My grace will never fail you. Jesus to Sr. Josefa Menendez

    If t hou wouldst please Me, trust in Me; if thou wouldst please Me more, trust st ill more; ifthou wouldst please Me immensely, trust in Me immensely; but thy trust can never equalthe desire of My Heart. An act of conf idence pleases Me so much because it honours Mydearest attributes: goodness and Mercy. Jesus to Sr. Benigna Consolata

    [Regarding the words, Without Me you can do nothing]:This is for you the most comfortingsaying in the Gospel, because it excuses all your weaknesses and throws you in completeabandonment upon the Heart of God. There, dissolved in a single act of love, you may askwhat you will, and it will be granted you! Jesus to Sr. Consolata Betrone

    I know that Jesus is in me it is he who does everything in me: I do no thing. St. Therese (Ofcourse, this does not mean that grace will do everything for us; we must f ight.)

    I can do nothing alone; my own will, however hard I exert it, does not suffice; my own plans,however astutely and systematically devised, all fail. So, there is nothing for me to do but to handmyself over to God, truly and wholly, so that he may use, or for that matter, in his wisdom not use,whatever capacity I possess to serve him. St. Francis de Sales

    Do not reflect on your helplessness; My Heart is powerful enough to sustain you. It is yours; takefrom it all you need. Jesus to Sr. Josefa Menendez

    I can refuse nothing to one who relies entirely on Me. Souls are too lit t le conscious of how much I

    want to help them and how much I am glorified by their trust. Jesus to Sr. Josefa Menendez

    I require nothing of you beyond what is already yours. Jesus to Sr. Josefa Menendez

    Trust always in Jesus! If only you knew how much pleasure that gives Me. Grant me this solace totrust in Me even in the shadow o f death. Jesus to Sr. Consolata Betrone

    You are astonished that often an effort that seemed impossible to make, instead of exhausting,strengthens you. It is not astonishing, it is true: I never allow Myself t o be outdone by generosityMany souls deprive themselves of many graces because they refuse to make ef forts which seemimpossible to t hem, which are only of fered to the generosity of their initiative. Jesus to Sr. Mary

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    of the Trinity

    *If I could recommend one book to Christians/Catholics, it would probably be The Ways of MentalPrayer by Vital Lehodey. Not only will it re-iterate what I have writ ten, but it will teach you manyot her sublime truths, such as about how to pray well, how to obtain many graces, and how toprogress through the initial stages of prayer to contemplation. I assure you that to pray well is tolive well, and to live well is to die well. Please purchase this book and read it many t imes!

    (My next post will be on prayer).

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    This post is quite lengthy, but when the ideas contained within it are properly understood, theaffect on our lives will be prof ound and potentially life-changing (as it has been for me)

    In the previous post I said that I would provide a key to understanding the insights provided i.e. akey to overcoming discouragement. Firstly, it is necessary to include a word about trials and Godsjustice. Without this understanding we are likely to fall prey to discouragement and ingratitude,

    which often stem from ignorance (this can be remedied or prevented t o a large degree by prayer,spiritual reading and meditat ion). (The book Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence will surelyhelp you to see that everything God wills or permits is for our benefit).

    We must not deceive ourselves- the road to perfect ion and eternal happiness is marked withtemptation and suffering. But that should be no reason for discouragement- they are there forown good (e.g. to acquire virtue, to show love of God, or to share in His precious gif t of the Cross)A single act of love, fo r example, suff ices to merit f or us a reward that will be enjoyed eternally!Thus it could be said that t he value of an act of love infinitely surpasses the value of any createdgood or earthly pleasure! Do we really believe this? Do we value love and virtue as much as weshould? Let us beg God f or t his grace!

    The following words- rather than incit ing fear- should prevent confusion or presumption, such asthat which stems from the belief t hat all are saved automatically, thus rendering suffering uselessand cruel, rather than a necessary part of Gods loving Providence, which desires not the death ofthe wicked, but that the wicked should turn from his ways, and live (Hebrews 12:6; Ezekiel 18:23):

    The sinner would like God to be merciful without being just, but this is impossible such wouldnot be goodness, but a lack of just ice. St. Alphonsus Liguori

    God is not the Father of Judgement, but only the Father of Mercy, and punishment comes fromour own selves. St. Bernard

    Put simply: God is not indifferent to evil (which affects every being in some way). No, God is Love.Love must necessarily be opposed to evil. Even when God punishes, He acts f rom love (Hebrews12:6). We must believe this firmly, keeping in mind that sin- an infinite offence- is the worst evil, andthat God wants to save us from its effects. Only God truly knows the nature and gravity of sin; ascreated, finite beings we cannot fully comprehend it. We must never believe that God is unjust orunfair (this is impossible). With this truth in mind, let us always be full of gratitude towards GodWho is so merciful towards sinners! Even if you had committed every sin imaginable, God wouldstill love you (see my earlier posts if you doubt this); it is up to us to respond to Gods grace,remembering the following words of Our Lord:

    Consolata, you must never forget that I always am, and love t o be, kind and merciful towards My

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    creatures. Jesus to Sr. Consolata Betrone

    I seek not hing so much as to exercise Mercy cont inually. Jesus to Sr. Benigna ConsolataFerrero

    God only distributes justice when He is bound to do so:

    If only you knew how I suffer when I must dispense justice. You see, My Heart needs to becomforted; It wishes to dispense mercy, not just ice! Jesus to Sr. Consolata Betrone

    The door of My Justice is shut and locked; and I open it only to him who compels Me to do so;but I never open it spontaneously To exercise Justice is for Me to go against the current; it doesviolence to Me. Jesus to Sr. Benigna Consolata Ferrero

    We must have blind t rust in Gods loving Providence, which is never harsh, but alwayscompassionate: Everything comes from love; all is ordained for the salvation of man. God doesnothing without this goal in mind. (St. Catherine of Siena). As the Mystical Body of Christ (1 Cor.12:27), we can expect to undergo similar sufferings to our Divine Master- the Divine Model whichwe must imitate: Jesus Christ Himself. Is this a reason to get discouraged? No! We must see thisas an immense privilege! After all, suffering is a medicine for salvation, the greatest gift

    God could bestow on His Elect on earth, a kiss that Jesus hanging from the cross bestows onpersons whom He loves in a special way, a great favour (St. Augustine; St. Louis de Montfort; St.Bonaventure; St. Teresa).

    Regardless of what we experience in life- whether it be suff ering, scruples, the death of a lovedone, or dryness in prayer- we must submit to Gods incomprehensible, wise and infinitely-lovingplans. Such trust gives great glory to God and it is intrinsic to our happiness and salvation. Distrustof God closes our hearts and wounds His most tender Heart, which thirsts for our love!

    It is very important for us- t hrough prayer, meditat ion and spiritual reading- to f ix in our hearts andminds the promises of God, the love and mercy of God, the value of an act o f love, the graces

    that He has given us, the graces that He wishes to give us etc. In a word, everything that will inspireus with love, gratitude, humility, confidence etc. This is a lifelong effort . Once you have committedto doing this you are ready to hear the (or at least ONE) key to overcoming discouragement; togrowing in love of God; to fulfilling Gods will and thus att aining to happiness and salvation. Here itis, in the form of three principles (just think three/Trinity):


    2. WITHOUT God we can do NOTHING. (John 15:5)

    3. WITH God we can do ALL THINGS. (Philippians 4:13)

    (I will explain these principles in the following post, which will be uploaded within a few hours at themost).

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    Despondency and discouragement are a disease; they do not proceed from God, and they do usno good whatsoever. Let us follow, then, the example of Bl. Mary of Jesus Crucif ied, who, aft erhaving succumbed to despair, renewed her faith and conf idence in her loving Saviour, Who wishesonly to bestow on us His grace and blessings. Below are some quotes and maxims that will help

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    you to stand strong against this pernicious temptation. The key to understanding these insightswill be supplied in the next post (Overcoming Despondency part 2).

    Everything comes from love; all is ordained for t he salvation of man. God does nothing withoutthis goal in mind. St. Catherine of Siena

    Dont let temptat ions frighten you; they are the trials of the souls whom God wants to t est whenhe sees they have the necessary strength to sustain the struggle, thus weaving the crown of glorywith their own hands. St. Pio of Pietrelcina

    Bear in mind that the more the enemy assaults you, the closer God is to your soul. Think about,and penetrate t his great and comforting truth. St. Pio of Pietrelcina

    Without the burden of aff lictions it is impossible to reach the height o f grace. The gift s of graceincrease as the st ruggles increase. St. Rose of Lima

    Virtue is nothing without the trial of temptat ion, for there is no conf lict without an enemy, novictory without strife. St. Leo t he Great

    When God intends to grant a man any part icular virtue, it is His way to let him be tempted to t he

    opposite vice. St. Philip Neri (The same saint says that, when tempted, we must immediatelyhave recourse to prayer).

    Jesus of fers you the cross, a very heavy cross, and you are afraid of not being able to carry itwithout giving way. Why? Our Beloved Himself fell three times on the way to Calvary, and whyshould we not imitate Him? St. Therese

    It is by batt le against t emptat ions that we give God f ruits of our love. -St. John Vianney

    Let nothing trouble you, let nothing frighten you. All things are passing; God never changes.Patience obtains all things. He who possesses God lacks nothing: God alone suffices. St.Teresa of Avila

    It is the nature of our enemy to become powerless, lose courage, and take to f light as soon as aperson who is following the spiritual life stands courageously against his temptat ions and doesexactly the opposite of what he suggests. Saint Ignatius of Loyola

    When tempted, invoke your angel. He is more eager to help you than you are to be helped! Ignorethe devil and do not be afraid of him; He trembles and flees at the sight of your guardian angel. St. John Bosco

    I do not reward for good results but for the patience and hardship undergone for My sake. Jesus to Sr. Josefa Menendez

    You have wounded Me both by word and deed; still I wish to do you good and to let you share allMy treasures They [souls] have not understood My Heart. For it is their very dest itut ion andfailings that incline My goodness toward them. And when acknowledging their helplessness andweakness, they humble themselves and have recourse to Me trustfully, then indeed they give memore glory than before their fault. Jesus to Sr. Josefa Menendez

    Believe Me, it is with trials that I send My greatest graces. Jesus to Sr. Mary of the Trinity

    It is not when everything is going well that you love Me. It is when everything is going wrong, and inspite of it your soul remains united to Me, peaceful, occupied only in dif fusing a good spirit .

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    Jesus to Sr. Mary of the Trinity

    One opportunity of forgiving, of overcoming evil by good, is a great present on My part. Jesusto Sr. Mary of the Trinity

    A lit t le eff ort and pain, then such a great reward- and already her below the reward of seeing lovegenerosity, and the Faith spread irresistibly, like a spot of oil. Jesus to Sr. Mary of the Trinity

    See, My lit t le daughter, I really have to send trials to those whom I love in order to wrench them

    out of the network of habits or errors wherein you run the risk of burying yourself . The disciplesare not above the Master: it is by the Cross that I saved the world. Jesus to Sr. Mary of theTrinity

    If you invoke the Blessed Virgin when you are tempted, she will come at once to your help, andSatan will leave you. St. John Vianney

    There is no more evident sign that anyone is a saint and of the number of the elect, than to seehim leading a good life and at the same time a prey to desolation, suffering, and trials. SaintAloysius Gonzaga

    The more you are tempted, the more I will love you. St. Francis of Assisi to one of his Brot hers

    Although we do not feel conf idence in God, we must not fail to make acts of hope. Distrust ofourselves and of our own strength should be accompanied by humility and faith, which obtain thegrace of conf idence in God. The more unfortunate we are, the more we should have conf idence inHim who sees our state, and who can come to our assistance. No one t rusts in God withoutreaping the fruits of his hope. The soul should remain tranquil and rely on Him who can give theincrease to what has been sown and planted. We must not cease to labour, but in to iling we musttrust in God f or t he success of our works. St. Francis de Sales

    Be grateful fo r trials and t ribulations! When all is going well, we forget God; only in adversity do weseek Him for comfort. St . Francis de Sales

    It is not new to fall; what is wrong is to lie down af ter you have fallen. Remember where you stoodbefore you f ell. The devil once mocked you, but now he will know that you can rise stronger thanever before Do not draw back from the mercy of God. St. Abraham Kidunaia

    The trials that seem to defy our hope and ruin the very foundations of all patience are meant, bythe Spirit o f God, to make our hope more and more perfect , basing it ent irely in God, removingevery visible support that can be found in this world. For a hope that rests on temporal power ortemporal happiness is not theological. It is merely human, and has no supernatural strength to giveus. Father Thomas Merton, OCSO

    Dear friends, dont be surprised at the f iery trials you are going through, as if something strangewere happening to you. Instead, be very glad because these trials will make you partners withChrist in his suffering, and afterward you will have the wonderful joy of sharing his glory when it isdisplayed to all the world. 1 Peter 4:12-13

    The longer the t rial to which God subjects you, the greater the goodness in comfort ing you duringthe time of the trial and in the exaltat ion after the combat. St. Pio of Pietrelcina

    There is always a great temptation to discouragement and distrust even after our sins have beenforgiven. We feel th
