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To the Minister of Finance · 2.8.2 Provident Fund The Bank of Thailand's Rules and Regulations for...

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Report of Independent Auditors To the Minister of Finance We have audited the Balance Sheet as of December 31,2000 and 1999, and the Profit and Loss Account for eachyear then ended of the Bank of Thailand (excluding the Issue Department). These financial statements are the responsibility of the Bank of Thailand's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on thesefinancial statements basedon our audits. We conducted our audits in accordancewith generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perfonn the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the fmancial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimatesmade by management,as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. As describedin Note 9 to the fmancial statements, the Bank of Thailand recorded the unrealized loss from foreign exchangerevaluation, under managed float system, of foreign assets and liabilities as deferred assetswhich will be amortized over 5 years. This decision is reasonable and confonns to certain centralbanks practice.However, if the Bank of Thailand followed generallyaccepted accounting principles, total assetswould be decreased by Baht 16,683.6 million and Baht 33,367.1 million in 2000 and 1999,respectively.Additionally, if the Bank of Thailand recordedthe unrealizedloss as expense in 1997, the loss from foreign exchange and net loss of 2000 would be decreased by Baht 16,683.6million, and those of 1999would be decreased by Baht 16,683.6 million. In our opinion, except for the effects in the third paragraph, the aforementioned fmancial statements present fairly, in all materialrespects, the fmancial position as of December 31, 2000
Page 1: To the Minister of Finance · 2.8.2 Provident Fund The Bank of Thailand's Rules and Regulations for Provident Fund B.E. 2539 stated that the BOT and the employees who are the members

Report of Independent Auditors

To the Minister of Finance

We have audited the Balance Sheet as of December 31,2000 and 1999, and the Profit

and Loss Account for each year then ended of the Bank of Thailand (excluding the Issue Department).

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Bank of Thailand's management. Our

responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.

Those standards require that we plan and perfonn the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether

the fmancial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis,

evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes

assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as

evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable

basis for our opinion.

As described in Note 9 to the fmancial statements, the Bank of Thailand recorded the

unrealized loss from foreign exchange revaluation, under managed float system, of foreign assets and

liabilities as deferred assets which will be amortized over 5 years. This decision is reasonable and

confonns to certain central banks practice. However, if the Bank of Thailand followed generally accepted

accounting principles, total assets would be decreased by Baht 16,683.6 million and Baht 33,367.1

million in 2000 and 1999, respectively. Additionally, if the Bank of Thailand recorded the unrealized loss

as expense in 1997, the loss from foreign exchange and net loss of 2000 would be decreased by Baht

16,683.6 million, and those of 1999 would be decreased by Baht 16,683.6 million.

In our opinion, except for the effects in the third paragraph, the aforementioned

fmancial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the fmancial position as of December 31, 2000

Page 2: To the Minister of Finance · 2.8.2 Provident Fund The Bank of Thailand's Rules and Regulations for Provident Fund B.E. 2539 stated that the BOT and the employees who are the members

and 1999, and the results of operations for each year then ended of the Bank of Thailand (excluding the

Issue Department), in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

(signed) Pradharn Darbphechra

(Mr. Pradharn Darbphechra)

Acting the Governor of the State Audit Office

(signed) Wibulpen Hitapan

(Ms. Wibulpen Hitapan)

Auditor In-charge

The State Audit Office

March 20, 2001

Page 3: To the Minister of Finance · 2.8.2 Provident Fund The Bank of Thailand's Rules and Regulations for Provident Fund B.E. 2539 stated that the BOT and the employees who are the members

Bank of Thailand

Balance Sheet

As at December 31, 2000 and 1999

2.Q.QQ 122.2

Million Baht Million Baht


Cash and Deposits

Cash 7,021.0 9,347.1

Balance at the Treasury 6,082.1 29,936.7

Deposits at banks abroad 42,183.4 80,970.7

55,286.5 120,254.5

Holdings of Special Drawing Rights (Note 3) 3,575.4 9,673.7

Investments (Note 4)

Domestic Securities 123,003.9 170,244.4

Foreign Securities 168,325.3 60,207.3

291,329.2 230,451.7

Securities purchased under resale agreements (Note 5) 430,278.0 362,409.0

Loans and Promissory Notes

Loans (Note 6) 3,302.3 3,216.7

Promissory Notes (Note 7) 8,985.6 6,345.0

12,287.9 9,561.7

Other Assets (Note 8) 74,513.5 94,640.6

Defened Unrealized Loss from Foreign Exchange

under Managed Float System (Note 9) 16,683.6 33,367.1

Total Assets 883,954.1 860,358.3

The accompanying notes fonn part of these [mancial statements.


Page 4: To the Minister of Finance · 2.8.2 Provident Fund The Bank of Thailand's Rules and Regulations for Provident Fund B.E. 2539 stated that the BOT and the employees who are the members

Bank of Thailand

Balance Sheet

As at December 31, 2000 and 1999

2J2QQ l22.2.

Million Baht Million Baht



Government 35,899.6 52,087.7

Banks 55,954.1 59,705.7

Others (Note 10) 436,715.0 430,125.8

528,568.7 541,919.2

Allocations of Special Drawing Rights (Note 11) 4,771.5 4,354.3

Special Drawing Right Certificates -9,527.8

Securities sold under repurchase agreements (Note 5) 217,878.0 172,877.0

Bank of Thailand Bonds 1,625.1 5,268.8

Other Liabilities (Note 12) 259,528.4 201,893.6

Total Liabilities 1,012,371.7 935,840.7


Initial Capital 20.0 20.0

Deficit (76,126.5) (62,928.0)

Reserve for Stabilization of Profit payable

to the Government 624.1 624.1

Profit and Loss for the year (52,935.2) (13,198.5)

Total Capital (128,417.6) (75,482.4)

Total Liabilities and Capital 883,954.1 860,358.3

The accompanying notes form part of these fmancial statements.

(signed) Tanya Sirivedhin

(Mrs. Tanya Sirivedhin)

Deputy Governor (Corporate Support Services)

for Governor

(signed) Tanya Sirivedhin (signed) Weerasak Rujirakul

(Mrs. Tanya Sirivedhin) (Mr. Weerasak Rujirakul)

Deputy Governor Senior Director, Accounting Group

Page 5: To the Minister of Finance · 2.8.2 Provident Fund The Bank of Thailand's Rules and Regulations for Provident Fund B.E. 2539 stated that the BOT and the employees who are the members

Bank of Thailand

Profit and Loss Account

For the year ended December 31,2000 and 1999

2.Q.QQ 1.2..29.

Million Baht Million Baht


Interest 22,732.9 21,376.1

Discount 1,375.4 2,177.2

Commission 185.8 141.5

Others (Note 13) 3,257.0 5,830.9

Total Revenues 27,551.1 29,525.7


Salaries, wages and remunerations 2,074.7 2,073.5

Other expenses (Note 14) 61,395.8 23,645.7

Provision for provident fund and pension fund 332.2 321.4

Total Expenses 63,802.7 26,040.6

Net Operating Profit (Loss) (36,251.6) 3,485.1

Less: Amortization of deferred unrealized loss from

foreign exchange under managed float system 16,683.6 16,683.6

Net Profit (Loss) (52,935.2) (13,198.5)

The accompanying notes form part of these fmancial statements.

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1. Form of Presentation of Accounts

The financial statements of the Bank of Thailand (BOT) have been prepared in

compliance with Chapter 5 of the Royal Decree Regulating the Affairs of the Bank of Thailand

B.E. 2485, excluding the accounts of the Issue Department, the Note Printing Works and the

Financial Institution Development Fund.

2. Summa~ of Significant Accounting Policies

2.1 Revenues Recognition

Interest revenue is recognized on a time proportion basis that takes into account the

effective yield on the asset. Other revenues are accounted for on an accrual basis.

2.2 Exl2enses Recognition

Expenses are accounted for on an accrual basis.

2.3 Investments

Since the BOT is responsible for conducting monetary policies, managing the

international reserves, and acting as "lender of last resort" to the fmancia1 institutions, investments

in securities are stated at cost after amortization of the premium or discount.

2.4 Loans and Promissorx Notes

Loans and Promissory Notes are stated at carrying balances of principals.

2.5 Prol2e!1Y, 121ant and eQuil2ment

Property, plant and equipment are reported at cost after depreciation.

Buildings and equipment over Baht 10 million are capitalized. The depreciation is

allocated by the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets:

Buildings 5 -10 years

Equipment 3 -5 years

Page 7: To the Minister of Finance · 2.8.2 Provident Fund The Bank of Thailand's Rules and Regulations for Provident Fund B.E. 2539 stated that the BOT and the employees who are the members

The cost of fixed assets jointly used by the Banking Department, the Issue

Department, the Note Printing Works, the Exchange Equalization Fund and the Financial

Institution Development Fund is allocated to each department according to space proportion basis

and actual usage.

2.6 Foreign Currenc): Transactions

During the year then ended, all transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at

annual book rates (the rates on the last working day of the preceding year). Discrepancies of the

actual and the book rates are recorded in the profit and loss account. At year-end, the balances of

foreign assets and liabilities are translated into Baht at new exchange rates prevailing on the

balance sheet date. The discrepancies derived from the translation are also recorded in the profit

and loss account.

2.7 Provision for Contingent Loss on Forward Exchange Contracts

At year-end, commitments under forward exchange contracts with government

agencies and state enterprises are valued by comparing the year-end exchange rates with the

contracted rates. The difference, which is a contingent loss, has been fully provided by the BOT.

This provision is calculated from the contracts with contingent loss only.

2.8 Pension Fund and Provident Fund

2.8.1 Pension Fund The Bank of Thailand's Rules and Regulations for Pension

Fund B.E. 2539 stated that the employees who joined the BOT before December 1, 1996, and are

not the members of the "Provident Fund" have the rights to receive pension when leaving the

BOT according to the regulated conditions. In addition, the Bank of Thailand's Rules and

Regulations for Pension Fund (Amendment No.2) B.E. 2543, dated July 5, 2000, which are

effective from January 1, 1999, have stated the basis of calculation for the employee's benefits.

The BOT has to maintain provisions in accordance with these rules and regulations.

2.8.2 Provident Fund The Bank of Thailand's Rules and Regulations for Provident

Fund B.E. 2539 stated that the BOT and the employees who are the members of Provident Fund

have to make contributions to the Provident Fund according to the regulated conditions. This

Provident Fund has already been registered under the Provident Fund Act B.E. 2530.

Page 8: To the Minister of Finance · 2.8.2 Provident Fund The Bank of Thailand's Rules and Regulations for Provident Fund B.E. 2539 stated that the BOT and the employees who are the members

3. Holdings of Special Drawing Rights

As at December 31, 2000, the Holdings of Special Drawing Rights amounted to SDR

63.4 million, an equivalent of Baht 3,575.4 million.

4. Investments

As at December 31, 2000, the domestic and foreign securities of Baht 123,003.9 million

and Baht 168,325.3 million, respectively, had the market value of Baht 136,208.5 million and

Baht 171,214.4 million, respectively.

5. Securities purchased under resale agreements and Securities sold under

repurchase agreements

For the year ended December 31,2000, the securities purchased under resale agreements

and the securities sold under repurchase agreements had the outstanding balances of Baht

430,278.0 million and Baht 217,878.0 million, respectively. The net purchase position was Baht

212,400.0 million.


Loans to the fmancial institutions are comprised of:

Unit: Million Baht

~ l2.2.2

Financial Assistance to Export Sector 3,274.0 3,188.4

Others 28.3 28.3

Total 3.302.3 3.216.7

Page 9: To the Minister of Finance · 2.8.2 Provident Fund The Bank of Thailand's Rules and Regulations for Provident Fund B.E. 2539 stated that the BOT and the employees who are the members


7. Promissou Notes

In order to grant credits to the economic sectors, the following promissory notes have

been purchased through the financial institutions.

Unit: Million Baht

2.Q.Q.Q 1.2.22

Promissory Notes -Agricultural Sector 1,418.3 1,231.8

Promissory Notes -Export Sector 755.2 825.3

Promissory Notes -Industrial Sector 397.4 4,287.7

Promissory Notes -Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) 6,414.7 -

Others --.JJ.:l.

Total 8.985.6 6345.0

8. Other Assets

Unit: Million Baht

2.Q.Q.Q 1.2.22

Quota Subscribed to IMP 60,983.0 55,650.7

Investment in other organizations 1,780.2-

Property, plant and equipment 3,920.8 3,924.5

Staff Loans 1,689.5 1,581.0

Others 6.140.0 33.484.4

Total 74.513.5 94.640.6

8.1 Quota Subscribed to International Monetarx Fund OMF)

Quota Subscribed to IMF represents the balance paid in foreign currencies and Baht.

As at December 31, 2000, the outstanding amount was SDR 1,081.9 million, an equivalent of

Baht 60,983.0 million.

For the balance paid in Baht, a corresponding liability exists in the form of IMF

Current Account (Note 10.1), and Non-Negotiable and Non-Interest Bearing Promissory Notes

(Note 12).

8.2 Investment in other organizations

In 2000, the BOT, with the approval of the Ministry of Finance, has acquired 3,000

shares (25% paid) of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).

Page 10: To the Minister of Finance · 2.8.2 Provident Fund The Bank of Thailand's Rules and Regulations for Provident Fund B.E. 2539 stated that the BOT and the employees who are the members

8.3 PrO12e!1Y. 12lant and eQui12ment

Unit: MillionJBaht

Balance Changing in Book Value Balance

Ian 1.2000 Increase Decrease Dec 31, 2000

Land 2,455.1 40.3 -2,495.4

Buildings 1,872.3 26.2 -1,898.5

Equipment -11.8..,1 ~ -=- 350.2

Total 4,506.1 238.0 -4,744.1

Less: Accumulated depreciation (581.6) (241.7) -=- (823.3)

Property, plant and equipment, net 3,924.5 ~ ~ 3,920.8

The depreciation of buildings and equipment for the year was Baht 241.7 million.

9. Deferred Unrealized Loss from Foreign Exchange under Managed Float S~stem

In 1997, the BOT introduced Managed Float System and had the unrealized loss from

foreign exchange revaluation of Baht 83,417.9 million. From 1997 fiscal period, this unrealized

loss has been amortized over 5 years, approximately Baht 16,683.6 million per year.

10. Other De12osits

Unit: Million Baht


IMP Current Account 147,433.4 155,391.2

Current Account under Swap Agreement 207,938.0 191,436.6

Foreign currency deposits from

the Government and state enterprises 2,241.4 1,006.9

Deposits from fmancial institutions and other organizations 79.102.2 82,291.1

Total 436.715.0 430.125.8

10.1 International Monet~ Fund (IMP) Current Account

IMP Current Account includes liabilities under IMP Stand-by Arrangement which is

a part of the IMP Support Package. As at December 31,2000, the outstanding liabilities amounted

to SDR 2,350.0 million, an equivalent of Baht 117,954.1 million (1999: SDR 2,500.0 million, an

equivalent of Baht 125,782.4 million).

Page 11: To the Minister of Finance · 2.8.2 Provident Fund The Bank of Thailand's Rules and Regulations for Provident Fund B.E. 2539 stated that the BOT and the employees who are the members

At year-end, the total amount is revalued against the SDR at the exchange rates

prevailing on the balance sheet date. Adjustments on revaluations are recorded in the "Valuation

Adjustments -IMF Current Account" (Note 12).

lO.2 Current Account under Swap Agreement

Current Account under Swap Agreement represents liabilities to the central banks

under Currency Swap Agreement which is a part of the IMF Support Package. The balance, as at

December 31,2000, was Baht 207,938.0 million, equivalent to US$ 4,906.5 million (1999: Baht

191,436.6 million, equivalent to US$ 4,906.5 million).

At year-end, the amount is revalued at the exchange rates prevailing on the balance

sheet date. Adjustments on revaluations are recorded in the "Valuation Adjustments -Current

Account under Swap Agreement" (Note 12).

11. Allocations of Special Drawing Rights

International Monetary Fund (IMP) member countries are allocated Special Drawing

Rights in proportion to their subscriptions to the IMF. For the year ended 2000, the BOT was

allocated the balance of SDR 84.7 million, an equivalent of Baht 4,771.5 million.

12. Other Liabilities

Unit: Million Baht

2..Q.Q..Q 12.22

Non-Negotiable and Non-Interest Bearing

Promissory Notes payable to IMF 24,824.6 24,824.6

Loans under IMF Support Package 175,227.5 167,998.5

Foreign securities sold under repurchase agreements 20,125.6-

Provision for special purpose 693.9 -

Valuation Adjustments -IMF Current Account 21,186.4 4,029.6

Valuation Adjustments -Current Account

under Swap Agreement 4,327.0 (7,344.7)

Others 13.143.4 12.385.6

Total 259.528.4 201.893.6

Page 12: To the Minister of Finance · 2.8.2 Provident Fund The Bank of Thailand's Rules and Regulations for Provident Fund B.E. 2539 stated that the BOT and the employees who are the members

12.1 Loans under IMF Support Package

As at December 31, 2000, the outstanding balance of loans under IMF Support

Package was Baht 175,227.5 million, equivalent to US$ 4,050.4 million.

12.2 Foreign securities sold under repurchase agreements

Foreign securities sold under repurchase agreements are repo transactions between

BOT and international financial institutions. As at December 31,2000, the outstanding balance of

the securities was Baht 20,125.6 million, equivalent to US$ 465.2 million.

12.3 Provision for special pu!1:!°se

In 2000, the BOT has transferred gold and foreign currency, donated from Luangta

Mahabua, Royal Thai Army, and Thai Helps Thai Fund, into the "Currency Reserve" account of

the Issue Department. In compliance with the Currency Act B.E. 2501, the BOT has to increase

the notes in circulation by the equal amount. As a result, the balance of Baht 693.9 million has

been maintained in the "Provision for special purpose" account.

13. Other Revenues

Unit: Million Baht

2.Q.QQ 1m

Net income from repo transactions 2,984.8 4,068.7

Others 272.2 1.762.2

Total 3.257.0 5,830.9

14. Other Expenses

Unit: Million Baht

2.Q.QQ 1m

Loss on foreign currency 35,825.9 3,191.2

Interest expenses on IMF Support Package 23,924.5 18,542.0

Interest expenses on BOT Bonds 292.8 673.9

Depreciation of buildings and equipment 241.7 341.4

Other operating expenses 1,110.9 897.2

Total 61.395.8 23,645.7

Page 13: To the Minister of Finance · 2.8.2 Provident Fund The Bank of Thailand's Rules and Regulations for Provident Fund B.E. 2539 stated that the BOT and the employees who are the members

15. Statement of Cash Flows

Unit: Million Baht

moo 1229-

Cash flow from operating activities

Net Income (Loss) (52,935.2) (13,198.5)

Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to

net cash flow from operating activities:

Net (Increase) Decrease in accrued revenues 1,927.5 208.7

Net Increase (Decrease) in accrued expenses 1,312.9 1,291.2

Depreciation expense 241.7 341.4

(Gain) Loss on foreign currency 25,906.1 19,522.8

Amortization of deferred unrealized loss from

foreign exchange under managed float system 16,683.6 16,683.6

Gain on sale of buildings and equipment -(23.2)

Profit (Loss) from operation before changing in

operating assets/liabilities (6,863.4) 24,826.0

(Increase) Decrease in Operating Assets

Deposits at banks abroad 42,249.1 (28,169.5)

Holdings of Special Drawing Rights 6,410.9 4,638.7

Securities purchased under resale agreements (67,869.0) 332,579.0

Loans and Promissory Notes (2,726.2) 1,939.6

Investments in Domestic Securities 46,934.3 (17,061.2)

Investments in Foreign Securities (90,504.9) 97,495.1

Other assets 24,721.2 (6,719.5)

Increase (Decrease) in Operating Liabilities

Deposits (22,190.4) (73,399.7)

Securities sold under repurchase agreements 45,001.0 (368,752.0)

BOT Bonds (3,620.0) (5,406.0)

Other liabilities 7,741.8 18,363.1

Net cash flow from operating activities {20,715.6} 09,666.4}

Page 14: To the Minister of Finance · 2.8.2 Provident Fund The Bank of Thailand's Rules and Regulations for Provident Fund B.E. 2539 stated that the BOT and the employees who are the members

Unit: Million Baht

2..Q.Q.Q 122.2

Cash flow from investing activities

Net (Increase) Decrease in property, plant and equipment (42.9J. (2LQ}

Net cash flow from investing activities f4:2..2} (2Lill

Cash flow from financing activities

Net Increase (Decrease) in Liabilities under IMF Stand-by

Arrangement and Current Account under Swap Agreement (7,529.0) 29,817.7

Net Increase (Decrease) in Loans under IMP Support Package -17.985.0

Net cash flow from financing activities (7,529.0) 47,802.7

Effects of exchange rates changes 623.5 362.6

Net cash flow from all activities (27,67..0) 28,401.9

Cash as at January 1 45,636:7 17,234.8

Cash as at December 31 17.965.7 45.636.7

Supplementary information for cash flows

Cash paid during the year

Interest expenses 23,050.8 18,120.5

Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash 7,021.0 9,347.1

Balance at the Treasury 6,082.1 29,936.7

Deposits at banks abroad (at call) 4.862.6 6,352.9

Total 17.965.7 45.636.7

16. Contingency

As at December 31,2000, the BOT has outstanding forward contracts as follows:

16.1 The BOT has outstanding forward contracts to sell US$ 2,135.6 million which will

be due in 2001-2002. By comparing the forward rat~ to the 2000 year-end rate, the BOT would

have a contingent loss of Baht 3,390.0 million which will be recorded in the profit and loss

account when the contracts are due.

Page 15: To the Minister of Finance · 2.8.2 Provident Fund The Bank of Thailand's Rules and Regulations for Provident Fund B.E. 2539 stated that the BOT and the employees who are the members

16.2 In 1998, the BOT entered into a swap agreement with a state enterprise to sell Yen

4,000.0 million and buy US$ 39.0 million in 2003. After applying the 2000 prevailing year-end

rate, the BOT would have a contingent gain of Baht 175.5 million which will be recorded in the

profit and loss account when the contracts are due.

17. Risk Management of International Reserves

17.1 The Reserve Management Committee is responsible for the elaboration of the risk

management framework. The framework covers various aspects of risk, for example, market risk

and credit risk. The procedure to determine the framework comprises of considering and modeling

the key risk factors, evaluating the risk-adjusted returns, and allocating risk exposure for

international reserve management.

17.2 The Treasury Risk Management and Operations Department of the Financial

Markets Operations Group is responsible for studying methods and techniques employed in

analyzing and evaluating risk. It coordinates with the Financial Markets and Reserve Management

Department to determine the investment strategy, as well as control risk for international reserve

management. The Reserve Management Committee then uses the acquired information to

determine the framework and evaluate the investment results on a regular basis.

17.3 The core objectives underpinning the risk management practices of international

reserve management are:

(1) To determine the optimal resources allocation (asset and currency) derived from

benchmarks, and the optimal risk tolerance level for international reserve management.

(2) To maintain sufficient liquidity for monetary stability.

(3) To control risk according to the investment policy.

17.4 The risk management policy is embedded within the investment decision process of

the international reserves, not merely just within risk control.

17.5 The risk management process for the international reserves is as follows:

(1) In order to achieve the risk management objectives for each individual portfolio,

a clearly defmed benchmark that aligns with the strategic objectives is required so that the

deviation from the target can be detected.

Page 16: To the Minister of Finance · 2.8.2 Provident Fund The Bank of Thailand's Rules and Regulations for Provident Fund B.E. 2539 stated that the BOT and the employees who are the members

(2) The international reserve management has an investment horizon of three

months. It uses macroeconomic analysis to project interest rate and exchange rate trends.

(3) To maximize the risk-adjusted return, the formulated strategies for currency,

market, and deviation from the duration, in accordance with the specialty and investment

opportunity, are combined to construct a strategic portfolio allocation.

(4) Absolute VaR (Value-at-Risk) method is employed to capture the overall market

risk exposure.

(5) To monitor and control market and credit risks within the predetermined risk

tolerance level.

(6) Analysis of returns, measured against a predetermined benchmark, would

determine the underlying factors that affect returns. Moreover, the risk-adjusted returns help in

evaluating the performance across portfolios.
