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To Wed Syracusan New Year's Skaters United infultonhistory.com/Newspaper 17/Syracuse NY...

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2 S Telephone 2-3111 SYRACUSE AMERICAN—A Paper for People Who Think— SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 1933. Telephone 2-3111 f MISS ALINE SIMMONS' ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED AT BROOKLYN HOME DANC H. Myron, Medical I Student Daughter of Late Colonel E. A. Simmons Ac- cepts Syracusan. Of wide interest is t&e an- nouncement of the engage- ment of Miss Aline Simmons of B r o o k l y n and Harry Myron Jr., of this city as Miss Simmons is the daugh- ter of the late Col. Edward A. Simmons and her fiance is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Harry Myron of 300 Dudley St., this city. The announcement was mad© known last night by the Miss Simmons' mother. Mrs. Edward A. Simmons, of 1«2S Dltmas av„ and Eagle Bay. Adirondack Mountains, at a dance given at her Brooklyn home. i . - ' < Among those attending were the Misses Claire Alderdiee. Katharine Edwards of Syracuse. Katharine Rippere, Stella Houghton. Helen Hoffman. Doris C. Lee, Marcia JX Rogers, Carol Dickson, Lois Per- kins, Ruth S. Howe. Jane Glenn. Betty Gardiner, Geraldine Mc- Nevin, Dorothy Thomas and Charles Myron, Herbert Myron, Cornelius L. Hay* Jr., John Rip- pere, John Herman Jr., Robert Mills, William B. Ruesell Jr., Roy Johanesen, Joseph J. Edwards of Syracuse, Jack H. Rines, Charles W. Wolaeley, Donald Roe, Harry page. Arthur S. Thomas Jr., Cordia L. Mlddleton, John Keenan and Jack Scale. Also, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Myron, Dr. and Mrs. Cheater H. Myron. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Russell, Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rogers, Dr. and Mrs. Le Grand Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. John N. Hannan, Major and Mrs. John Hoffmann, Colonel and Mrs. James Eben, Mrs. Alfred Alderdiee, Colonel Alfred C. Mc- Nevin and Mr. James D. Taylor. The engagement was made known when the Misses Doris and Betty Simmons, younger daugh- ters of Mrs. Simmons, presented each lady with a corsage of talis- man roses and each man with a boutonniere of gardenias, attached to which was a heart-shaped card bearing the names of Miss Sim- mons and Mr. Myron. Miss Simmons attended Berkeley Institute and is now taking a spe- cial musical course at Dana hall, Wellealey, Mass. Mr. Myron Is a graduate of Amherst College. He is a member of the Delta Kappa Epsiion fraternity and Cotillion, the Senior Honorary Society at Amherst; ale© as a merHber of the freshman claaa of Syracuse Medi- cal College, he is affiliated with the Nu Sigma Nu fraternity. No date has been set for the wed- ding. To Wed Syracusan Miss Burke Now Mrs. Bert Wilbur A pretty home wedding took .place in Chittenango at 8 o'clock on Dec. 25 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Burke when their daughter, Bessie Marguerite, be- came the bride of Bert Wilbur, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilbur. of 5802 S. SalW^at., this city. The home was attractively decorated for the occasion and in keeping with Christmas with two large yule trees, holly and polnsettias. In the spacious liv- ing room, lighted by candles, the ceremony was conducted by Rev. Earl Howland of the Park Avenue M. B. Church of thia city, an uncle of the bridegroom. The wedding march was played by Prof. Albert Anguish of Chit- tenango and Oneida. TEe bride was prettily, gowned, ''in: blue crepe and carried a shower bouquet of Bride roses. She was given in marriage by her father. Mrs. Marvin Brewster of Oneida, an aunt of the bride, was the 'matron of honor, and was gowned in beige crepe, and carried a bouquet of pink roses. A little cousin of the bride, Marleta Rob- erts, of Bridgeport, was .'flower girl and Elmer Tall man of Dur- hamville ' was the little ring Leland Wilbur of 'Syracuse was his brother'* best man. Fifty-tw© guests were present from Syracuse, Oneida, ilion, Bridgeport,"' .Dnfhamville and Sherrili Following .the ceremony an elaborate dinner was served. The bride and groom left immediately afterward for their honeymoon in" the Western part of the stats. •Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur will make their 'home in Chittenango. The bride is a graduate of Chittenango High School and also ,1s a graduate, nurse from the University Hospital of the Good Shepherd, Syracuse., THE engagement of Miss Aline Simmons and Harry Myron Jr. of this city was announced last night at her home in Brooklyn.' Took Place New Year's Eve An attractive New Year's eve wedding was solemnized last evening at 8: SO o^ciock at the Hotel Syracuse when Miss Batta Kappelie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kappelie of Seattle, Wash., became the bride of Clif- ford Drinkwine, son of Mrs. Wiliam A. Drinkwine and the late Mr. Drinkwine. Rev. Arch-Deacon Almon A. Jaynes of the Episcopal diocese officiated. The bride wore a gown of egg- shell satin with a high neckline edged with duchesse lace. The sleeves were long and tight fit- ting and the simple cut skirt ended in a long train. Clusters of orange blossoms were attached to an eggshell colored veil. The bridal bouquet was formed of lilies of the valley, orchids and gardenias. Mrs. Walter Wagner, of Roch- ester, the bride's sister, was matron of honor, wore a shell pink crepe with a low cut back and worn with a caplet of shaded pink Wedded crystals. She had on blue slip- pers and carried a bouquet of blue, forget-me-nots, white roses and gypsophalia. A similar cut gown in blue crepe was worn by Mrs. Willard Rich, sister of the groom, as bridesmaid. Her slip- pers were pkik crepe and she carried a bouquet of pink forget- me-nots, white roses and gypso- phalia. Constance Rich, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Rich, was flower girl and was dressed in shell pink organdie and carried a basket of rose petals. The bride- groom's mother, Mrs. William A. Drinkwine, selected a black and white gown trimmed with white crystal beads. She wore a shoul- der bouquet of gardenias. George Vreeland, of New York, formerly of Syracuse, was the best man. Following the cere- mony, supper was served at the hotel for members of the family and friends who attended the wedding. The table was decorated with the bridal bouquets and banked with white roses. Mr. and Mrs. Drinkwine left on a wedding trip for Havana, Cuba, the bride wearing a traveling costume of gray with matching hat, shoes, gloves and bag.. Her coat was bordered with gray fox. Upon their return, they will reside at 528 W. Onondaga st. Rotary Anns to Conduct Meeting f The Women of Rotary will have an important sewing meet- ing Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Charles Montague, 217 Bradford blvd. A large attendance is de- sired and .all are to bring sewing machines and box luncheons. At the last sewing meeting, held with Mrs. A. M. Le Mes- surier, 3600 Midland av., bed- spreads were made for Camp Hillcrest. The following "Rotary Anns" were present: Mrs. Arthur N. Ellis, president; Mrs. Henry Neejer, chairman of sewing; Mrs. Newton Bartel, Mrs. W. M. Boi- ler, Mrs. H. J. Brayton, Mrs. Garrett H. Brown, Mrs. Roy W. Carpenter, Mrs. J. D. Edwards, Mrs. E. J. Frost, Mrs. Joseph Hughes, Mrs. Willis A. Ingalls, Mrs. Charles Montague, Mrs. Theodore Poole, Mrs. G. W. Pul- ver, Mrs. Willard W. Seymour, Miss Mary Shea, Mrs. P. J. Simons Jr., Mrs. T. K. Smith and Mrs. Morton D. Whitford. THE marriage of Jessie M. Burke of Chittenango and Bert Wilbur of this city took place last Sunday night at her home. Tea for Crispins Among the charming afternoon events of the holiday season is the tea which Mr. and Mrs. M. Crouse Klock are having today compll- / mentary to Mr. Klock's daughter* and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ben- jamin Crispin of New York, who have come to their home to spend the holidays. Mrs. Crispin was the charming Laurie Klock. New Year's At Sperry Home, Dr. Earl E Sperry and his sis- ter, Miss Celia E. Sperry, will be hosts tomorrow afternoon from 5 to 7 o'clock at 105 Concord pi., for an "at home" to their friends. Christmas colors will decorate the rooms and red roses and tapers of the same color will be need on the refreshment table. Assisting Doctor Sperry and Miss Sperry will be Miss Margaret Seymour, Miss Marguerite Stephenson, Mrs. Albert P. Fow- ler, Mrs. William E. Mosher and Mrs. Burgess Johnson. Invited to call are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker Andrews, Dr. and Mrs. R. Freeman Jenney, Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Candee Brown Sr., the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Albert C. Ful- ton, Mrs. Jennie Rose Morris, Miss Ella Pharis, Mrs. Mildred S. Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Peck, Edward L. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Skerritt, Albert Van Duyn Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barber, Dean and Mrs. Paul S. Andrews, Dean and Mrs. Ernest Griffiths, Miss Martha McMillen, Miss Mary McMillen, Dr. Adelaide Dutcher, Dr. and Mrs. William E Mosher, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis P. Smith Sr., Miss Anna W. Olm- sted. Also Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brag- don of North Andover, Mass., Mrs. Edward F. Hall, Mrs. Jane M. Bartels, Prof, and Mrs. Herbert N. Shenton, Dr. Burgess Johnson, Mrs. Downing of Los Angeles, Calif. ? James Johnson, Dean and Mrs. iHarold L. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mackenzie, Judge and Mrs. Edmund H. Lewis, Mrs. Howard Norton Cole, the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Harrison Hadley, Dr. and Mrs. William A. Groat, * the Rev. and Mrs. Arthur B. Mer- riman, the Rev. W. Paul Thomp- son, Miss Lillian Northrup, Mies Alice E. Northrup, Col. and Mrs. Frederick Pest, Prof, and Mrs. Horace A. Eaton, Dr. and Mrs. Frederick J. O'Connor, Prof, and Mrs. Ralph Harlow, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Haight of Skaneateles. From Cazenovia are Mrs. Town- send Glover Jackson, Mrs. Mary Howe, Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. Stephenson, Miss Margaret Steb- bins, the Rev. and Mrs. John Taylor Rose. C6 Lures Skaters Manv It was a merry evening at the coliseum last Wednesday night. A skating party arranged by John Johnson and Robert Wright, two of Syracuse's well-known sports- men, for their many friends, was a novel as well as a most enter- taining affair. After two jolly hours of skating and whirling on the ice, the guests were served c"offee and doughnuts at the warm luncheonette in the coli- seum. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur N. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Babson, Mr. and Mrs. John J. MacWilliams, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sttoner, Mr. and Mrs. Thad Collum, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. De Rouche, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Goes, Miss Ethel Rang, Miss Patricia Moreford, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sefton, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Foertch, Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yar- wood, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus G. Rugg. Also Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Stew- art, Mr .and Mrs. T. B. Ketcham, Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Moore, Miss Jane Sloane, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Diesseroth, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Longley, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bill- ington, Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc- Mahon, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Page, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Amo, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Will, Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Day, Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Picou, . Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Ryan, Mrs. Horace Taylor of Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- > ert D. Chryst. And Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clin- ton Drake, Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Candee Brown Jr., Mrs. Stewart Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Wright, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Humbert, Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Farr, Prof, and Mrs. E. F. Barry, Dr. and Mrs. George A. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Forsythe, Miss Mary Arnold, Miss M. Irene Muench," James McAuliffe, Miss Florence Vedder, Walter Gould - ing, Gwynn W. Hoyt, Charles E Mills, Bernard Dawson, Robert Downey and Donald Johnson. : ZXP^^:^yV?;7ys^??S3-:C; :*:«SE'^Wj '""•• '^ : ^*g'Zi-:**~? Holiday Guest Mr. and Mrs. William R. John- son of Hampton rd, had as their week-end guests over Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Halverson of Ithaca. Mrs. Halverson WM for- merly Lucia Champlin ©f this city. Attended Ball Miss Natalie Heindorf of this city, Frederick Cockerill an<| Harry Letts of Colgate Univer- sity, Hamilton, have returned to their homes after being the house guests of Miss Muriel Stritton of Rome, who gave a formal dinner in their honor preceding the Wise Men's ball. T Candlelight Tea Workers MISS HELEN MURRAY (left), general chairman of the annual social event tomorrow, which the Onondaga General Hospital Flower Guild will sponsor, is dis- cussing plans with the president, Mrs. Frederick A. Kreuzer.—Photo by Staff Photographer. *S:&::W::ft:^^ ANNOUNCEMENT is made by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shea of 204 Maplehurst av. of the engagement of their daughter, Ann, and Perry H. Yorton of Oswego, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yorton of High Bridge rd. —Photograph by Barnard Studio. Radcliffers Young Folk Enjoy Tea Attend Tea Mrs. Paul Shipman Andrews was hostess to the Syracuse Rad- cliffe Club last Tuesday at a tea at her home in Onondaga road. Guests of the club were girls now attending Radcliffe, who are Miss Elizabeth Eaton, Miss Frijs Anne. Bruns, Miss Margaret Pickering of Pasadena. Calif., guest of Misa Bruns; Miss Jane Zimmerman and Miss Elizabeth Burlingame. At the business meeting, which preceded the tea, Miss Eleanor Eaton was elected president of the club and Mrs. Andrews, vice president. Mrs. Hough Mills and Mrs. Howard Viets were retained in their offices of secretary and treasurer, respectively. Miss Elizabeth Cooper, principal of the Buckingham School, Cam- bridge, spoke of the splendid rec- ord Syracuse girls have made at Radcliffe. Students of recent years have been graduates of Goodyear-Bjurlingame School. Other members of the Radcliffe Club present were Mrs. Horace A. Eaton, MissMarjorie Trump, Miss Mary Cooper, Mrs^. Frederick Daniels and Miss Elizabeth But- ler. mm MISS NORTHRUP. Informal Calling At Harrison Home A Christmas tree, yule baskets and decorations applicable to the holiday season made gay the rooms of Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Harrison's home in Summit av. last Sunday and Monday, a cheery place where intimate friends in- formally called. / At dinner were Mrs. C. E. Har- rison, Mrs. John Dienan and daughter, Eveh-n, of St. Louis, Mo., and Mrs. L. D. Ingham, with Mr. and Mrs. Harrison's family. Calling were Joseph Griffin, George Colin, Mrs. Judson, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Meatyard, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson, Miss Mae Sandford, Mr. and Mrs. De Banks Henward Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Paul Wein, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kidd, Mr: and Mrs. H. L. A. Cook. Women s Congress To Have Luncheon The Syracuse Women's Con- gress, Inc., will hold its lunch- eon-meeting in the Hiawatha room of the Onondaga hotel Wed- nesday at 12:15 o'clock. The speaker will be Peter G. Ten Eyck, chairman of the Alfany Port dis- trict commission. Reservations should be made by Tuesday with either Mrs. H. E. Wilson, 127 Redfield pi., or Mrs. A. S. Hurst, 314 Lennox av. "> Red carnations, green and red candles were used on the tea table last Wednesday to express the holiday at- mosphere at the home of Mrs. Arthur W. Hawkins, the latter arranging the lovely event com pllmentary to her daughter, Janet, at her home in Sum- ner av. Pouring were Mrs. Arthur C. Meeker of Ma- drid and Mrs. Hawkins. As- sisting in dis- pensing hospitality were the Misses Jane Elizabeth Northrup, Eugenis Busten, Masie Dattener and Lucy Hoyt. Calling were the Misses Anne Betts, Eleanor Vincent, Jane and Betty Burlingame, Barbara Still- man, Dorothy Stark. Margaret S a 1 mon, Pa- tricia Pardee, Elizabeth Fol- som. Euretta Em mans, Doro- thea Fisher. Barbara Lewis, Dorothy Davis, Margaret Short, Anne P i n c k, k , Charlotte Che- \ ^M ney, E1 o i s e \ ? Stacy Mildred flmMM0i^!&^mu Acheson, K a t e Miss EUSTEN. Miller, Jane Mary Roth, Helen and Marion Hancock, Anne Fink, Rachael Moore, Fredericka Mesmer, Elsie Grant. Also Barbara Blanchard, Mary Margaret Farmer, Marion John- son, Mary Porter, Elizabeth Flan- agan, Enid Williams, Lucy Tor- rence, Jeanne Taylor, Eugenie Whitney, Jane • Burns. Virginia Whitney, Jane Zinsmeister, Edith Wiles, Dorothy Whitney. Rita Garfield, Ellen DeMello, Adrienne Phelps, Claudia Terry, Dorig Hall, Elizabeth Fearon, Elizabeth Walker, Esther Fielding, Virginia Stacy, Dorothy. Dick. Margaret Munro, Charlotte Bourke. Mar- garet Pohl, Helen Ingalls, Doro- thy Dey, Catherine Federer. Mary Frances Costelle and Clarice Wil- son. Women's Union Meeting The Women's Union of Dan- forth United Church will conduct its annual meeting at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the church parlors. Reports of committees will be in order. There wjlf be election of officers and an infor- mal reception for the new presi- dent, Mrs. Charles Montague, who is to hold that position. Hill Alum United in Marriacje Holiday colors, red and green, made colorful the wedding of Miss Rita Bleyler of Longacres, 5714 S. Salina St., and Glenn E. Manning last Monday night at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, the cere- money being conducted by the rector. Rev. Dr. Henry Harrison Hadley. The bride was given In marriage by her father, Charles B. Bleyler. The church was decorated with pine, holly and poinsettias, and Miss Bleyler's attendants* gowns followed the traditional Christ- mas colors. Miss Bleyler had as her attendants Miss Barbara Chaloux of Homer, maid of honor: Mrs. Frederick Orin Bailer, Mrs. James D. Kelly, Miss Marion Kelly and Miss Alice Murphy, all of Syracuse. Jesse Ferris of Hartford, Conn., was Mr. Manning's best man, with Carlton Jones and Kenneth Fernwald of Norwich and Lewis Newton and Harold Baysinger of Montreal, Canada, as ushers. I The four bridesmaids wore scarab green transparent velvet, moulded to the figure, with higfc- waisted, puff-sleeve jackets and matching hats tilted far over one eye. The maid-of-honor wore the same designed costume of flamingo red transparent velvet- All carried formal bouquets of gardenias. The bride wore a pure whit* gown of bridal satin made prla- cess style, with large mid- Victorian sleeves puffed to trie elbows and fitting tight to tie wrist, where they ended in points over the hands. Her veil was of white tulle and covered the face. It was caught with a single circlet of pearls. It was raised by the maid of honor at the end of the d ceremony. The bridal bouquet was of valley lilies massed solidly with no foliage apparent. Her slippers bore tiny clusters of orange blossoms. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Mrs. Bleyler, mother of the bride, wore a gown of madonna blue crepe on the jacket of which was pinned a corsage of English violets. Her turban and slippers were in matching shade. Mrs. T. J. Manning, mother of the groom, wore bright blue crepe with corsage bouquet of Johanna Hill ' roses tied with silver.. Following the ceremony, a small reception for the families of the bride and groom and the bridal party was held in the Louis room of the Onondaga hotel. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Manning of Nor- wich. Mr. Manning and Miss Bleyler were graduated from Syracuse University in the class of 1830, Mr. Manning being affiliated with Phi Gamma Delta and prominent in athletics. Miss Bleyler is a member of Delta Delta Delta and was one of; the senior women to be initiated into Eta Pi Upsilon, Syracuse University senior wom- en's sorority. Mr. Manning is now athletics director of Lake Placid High School. Mr. and Mrs. Manning flew to New York fo*> a brief wedding trip, after which they will be at home in Lake Placid for the re- mainder of the winter. the hairdresser who dresses your hair to suit your type State Tower Building Coiffure executed by Francois. Free consultation by appointment. Permanent Wave Shampoo and Rinse Finger Wave Haircut Shampoo Finger Wave { $10.00 .ox 2.50 Shampoo— choice of rinse .1.00 Finger Wave 1.00 Haircut 1,00 Manicure 1,00 PHONE 3-9155 \ I \ I •• \ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: To Wed Syracusan New Year's Skaters United infultonhistory.com/Newspaper 17/Syracuse NY Journal/Syracuse NY J… · 2 S Telephone 2-3111 SYRACUSE AMERICAN—A Paper for People Who

2 S Telephone 2-3111 SYRACUSE AMERICAN—A Paper for People Who Think— SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 1933. Telephone 2-3111 f


H. Myron, Medical

I Student Daughter of Late Colonel

E. A. Simmons Ac­cepts Syracusan.

Of wide interest is t&e an­nouncement of the engage­ment of Miss Aline Simmons of B r o o k l y n and Harry Myron Jr., of this city as Miss Simmons is the daugh­ter of the late Col. Edward A. Simmons and her fiance is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Harry Myron of 300 Dudley St., this city.

The announcement was mad© known last night by the Miss Simmons' mother. Mrs. Edward A. Simmons, of 1«2S Dltmas av„ and Eagle Bay. Adirondack Mountains, a t a dance given a t her Brooklyn home. i . - '<

Among those attending were the Misses Claire Alderdiee. Katharine Edwards of Syracuse. Katharine Rippere, Stella Houghton. Helen Hoffman. Doris C. Lee, Marcia JX Rogers, Carol Dickson, Lois Per­kins, Ruth S. Howe. Jane Glenn. Betty Gardiner, Geraldine Mc-Nevin, Dorothy Thomas and Charles Myron, Herbert Myron, Cornelius L. Hay* Jr., John Rip­pere, John Herman Jr., Robert Mills, William B. Ruesell Jr., Roy Johanesen, Joseph J. Edwards of Syracuse, Jack H. Rines, Charles W. Wolaeley, Donald Roe, Harry page. Arthur S. Thomas Jr., Cordia L. Mlddleton, John Keenan and Jack Scale.

Also, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Myron, Dr. and Mrs. Cheater H. Myron. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Russell, Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rogers, Dr. and Mrs. Le Grand Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. John N. Hannan, Major and Mrs. John Hoffmann, Colonel and Mrs. James Eben, Mrs. Alfred Alderdiee, Colonel Alfred C. Mc-Nevin and Mr. James D. Taylor.

The engagement was made known when the Misses Doris and Betty Simmons, younger daugh­ters of Mrs. Simmons, presented each lady with a corsage of talis­man roses and each man with a boutonniere of gardenias, attached to which was a heart-shaped card bearing the names of Miss Sim­mons and Mr. Myron.

Miss Simmons attended Berkeley Institute and is now taking a spe­cial musical course at Dana hall, Wellealey, Mass. Mr. Myron Is a graduate of Amherst College. He is a member of the Delta Kappa Epsiion fraternity and Cotillion, the Senior Honorary Society at Amherst; ale© as a merHber of the freshman claaa of Syracuse Medi­cal College, he is affiliated with the Nu Sigma Nu fraternity. No date has been set for the wed­ding.

To Wed Syracusan

Miss Burke Now Mrs. Bert Wilbur

A pretty home wedding took .place in Chittenango at 8 o'clock on Dec. 25 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Burke when their daughter, Bessie Marguerite, be­came the bride of Bert Wilbur, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilbur. of 5802 S. SalW^at., this city.

The home was attractively decorated for the occasion and in keeping with Christmas with two large yule trees, holly a n d polnsettias. In the spacious liv­ing room, lighted by candles, the ceremony was conducted by Rev. Earl Howland of the Park Avenue M. B. Church of thia city, an uncle of the bridegroom.

The wedding march was played by Prof. Albert Anguish of Chit­tenango and Oneida. T E e bride was prettily, gowned, ''in: blue crepe and carried a shower bouquet of Bride roses. She was given in marriage by her father. Mrs. Marvin Brewster of Oneida, an aunt of the bride, was the 'matron of honor, and was gowned in beige crepe, and carried a bouquet of pink roses. A little cousin of the bride, Marleta Rob­erts, of Bridgeport, was .'flower girl and Elmer Tall man of Dur-hamville ' was the little ring

Leland Wilbur of 'Syracuse was his brother'* best man.

Fifty-tw© guests were present from Syracuse, Oneida, ilion, Bridgeport,"' .Dnfhamville a n d Sherrili

Following .the ceremony an elaborate dinner was served. The bride and groom left immediately afterward for their honeymoon in" the Western part of the stats. •Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur will make their 'home in Chittenango.

The bride is a graduate of Chittenango High School and also ,1s a graduate, nurse from the University Hospital of the Good Shepherd, Syracuse.,

THE engagement of Miss Aline Simmons and Harry Myron Jr. of this city was announced last night at her home in Brooklyn.'

Took Place New Year's Eve An attractive New Year's eve

wedding was solemnized last evening a t 8: SO o^ciock at the Hotel Syracuse when Miss Batta Kappelie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kappelie of Seattle, Wash., became the bride of Clif­ford Drinkwine, son of Mrs. Wiliam A. Drinkwine and the late Mr. Drinkwine. Rev. Arch-Deacon Almon A. Jaynes of the Episcopal diocese officiated.

The bride wore a gown of egg­shell satin with a high neckline edged with duchesse lace. The sleeves were long and tight fit­ting and the simple cut skirt ended in a long train. Clusters of orange blossoms were attached to an eggshell colored veil. The bridal bouquet was formed of lilies of the valley, orchids and gardenias.

Mrs. Walter Wagner, of Roch­ester, the bride's sister, was matron of honor, wore a shell pink crepe with a low cut back and worn with a caplet of shaded pink


crystals. She had on blue slip­pers and carried a bouquet of blue, forget-me-nots, white roses and gypsophalia. A similar cut gown in blue crepe was worn by Mrs. Willard Rich, sister of the groom, as bridesmaid. Her slip­pers were pkik crepe and she carried a bouquet of pink forget-me-nots, white roses and gypso­phalia. Constance Rich, daugh­ter of Mr. and Mrs. Rich, was flower girl and was dressed in shell pink organdie and carried a basket of rose petals. The bride­groom's mother, Mrs. William A. Drinkwine, selected a black and white gown trimmed with white crystal beads. She wore a shoul­der bouquet of gardenias.

George Vreeland, of New York, formerly of Syracuse, was the best man. Following the cere­mony, supper was served at the hotel for members of the family and friends who attended the wedding. The table was decorated with the bridal bouquets and banked with white roses.

Mr. and Mrs. Drinkwine left on a wedding trip for Havana, Cuba, the bride wearing a traveling costume of gray with matching hat, shoes, gloves and bag.. Her coat was bordered with gray fox. Upon their return, they will reside at 528 W. Onondaga st.

Rotary Anns to Conduct Meeting

f The Women of Rotary will have an important sewing meet­ing Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Charles Montague, 217 Bradford blvd. A large attendance is de­sired and .all are to bring sewing machines and box luncheons.

At the last sewing meeting, held with Mrs. A. M. Le Mes-surier, 3600 Midland av., bed­spreads were made for Camp Hillcrest. The following "Rotary Anns" were present: Mrs. Arthur N. Ellis, president; Mrs. Henry Neejer, chairman of sewing; Mrs. Newton Bartel, Mrs. W. M. Boi­ler, Mrs. H. J. Brayton, Mrs. Garrett H. Brown, Mrs. Roy W. Carpenter, Mrs. J. D. Edwards, Mrs. E. J. Frost, Mrs. Joseph Hughes, Mrs. Willis A. Ingalls, Mrs. Charles Montague, Mrs. Theodore Poole, Mrs. G. W. Pul-ver, • Mrs. Willard W. Seymour, Miss Mary Shea, Mrs. P. J. Simons Jr., Mrs. T. K. Smith and Mrs. Morton D. Whitford.

T H E marriage of Jessie M. Burke of Chittenango and Bert Wilbur of this city took place last Sunday night at her home.

Tea for Crispins Among the charming afternoon

events of the holiday season is the tea which Mr. and Mrs. M. Crouse Klock are having today compll- / mentary to Mr. Klock's daughter* and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ben­jamin Crispin of New York, who have come to their home to spend the holidays. Mrs. Crispin was the charming Laurie Klock.

New Year's At Sperry

Home, Dr. Earl E Sperry and his sis­

ter, Miss Celia E. Sperry, will be hosts tomorrow afternoon from 5 to 7 o'clock at 105 Concord pi., for an "at home" to their friends. Christmas colors will decorate the rooms and red roses and tapers of the same color will be need on the refreshment table.

Assisting Doctor Sperry and Miss Sperry will be Miss Margaret Seymour, Miss M a r g u e r i t e Stephenson, Mrs. Albert P. Fow­ler, Mrs. William E. Mosher and Mrs. Burgess Johnson.

Invited to call are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker Andrews, Dr. and Mrs. R. Freeman Jenney, Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Candee Brown Sr., the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Albert C. Ful­ton, Mrs. Jennie Rose Morris, Miss Ella Pharis, Mrs. Mildred S. Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Peck, Edward L. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Skerritt, Albert Van Duyn Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barber, Dean and Mrs. Paul S. Andrews, Dean and Mrs. Ernest Griffiths, Miss Martha McMillen, Miss Mary McMillen, Dr. Adelaide Dutcher, Dr. and Mrs. William E Mosher, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis P. Smith Sr., Miss Anna W. Olm­sted.

Also Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brag-don of North Andover, Mass., Mrs. Edward F. Hall, Mrs. Jane M. Bartels, Prof, and Mrs. Herbert N. Shenton, Dr. Burgess Johnson, Mrs. Downing of Los Angeles, Calif.? James Johnson, Dean and Mrs. iHarold L. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mackenzie, Judge and Mrs. Edmund H. Lewis, Mrs. Howard Norton Cole, the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Harrison Hadley, Dr. and Mrs. William A. Groat, * the Rev. and Mrs. Arthur B. Mer-riman, the Rev. W. Paul Thomp­son, Miss Lillian Northrup, Mies Alice E. Northrup, Col. and Mrs. Frederick Pest, Prof, and Mrs. Horace A. Eaton, Dr. and Mrs. Frederick J. O'Connor, Prof, and Mrs. Ralph Harlow, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Haight of Skaneateles. From Cazenovia are Mrs. Town-send Glover Jackson, Mrs. Mary Howe, Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. Stephenson, Miss Margaret Steb-bins, the Rev. and Mrs. John Taylor Rose.

C6 Lures Skaters

Manv It was a merry evening at the

coliseum last Wednesday night. A skating party arranged by John Johnson and Robert Wright, two of Syracuse's well-known sports­men, for their many friends, was a novel as well as a most enter­taining affair. After two jolly hours of skating and whirling on the ice, the guests were served c"offee and doughnuts at the warm luncheonette in the coli­seum.

Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur N. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Babson, Mr. and Mrs. John J. MacWilliams, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sttoner, Mr. and Mrs. Thad Collum, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. De Rouche, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Goes, Miss Ethel Rang, Miss Patricia Moreford, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sefton, Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ence Foertch, Mr. and Mrs. How­ard Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yar-wood, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus G. Rugg.

Also Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Stew­art, Mr .and Mrs. T. B. Ketcham, Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Moore, Miss Jane Sloane, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Diesseroth, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Longley, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bill-ington, Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc-Mahon, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Page, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Amo, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Will, Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Day, Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Picou, . Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Ryan, Mrs. Horace Taylor of Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- > ert D. Chryst.

And Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clin­ton Drake, Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Candee Brown Jr., Mrs. Stewart Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Wright, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Humbert, Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Farr, Prof, and Mrs. E. F. Barry, Dr. and Mrs. George A. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Forsythe, Miss Mary Arnold, Miss M. Irene Muench," James McAuliffe, Miss Florence Vedder, Walter Gould -ing, Gwynn W. Hoyt, Charles E Mills, Bernard Dawson, Robert Downey and Donald Johnson.

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Holiday Guest Mr. and Mrs. William R. John­

son of Hampton rd, had as their week-end guests over Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Halverson of Ithaca. Mrs. Halverson W M for­merly Lucia Champlin ©f this city.

Attended Ball Miss Natalie Heindorf of this

city, Frederick Cockerill an<| Harry Letts of Colgate Univer­sity, Hamilton, have returned to their homes after being the house guests of Miss Muriel Stritton of Rome, who gave a formal dinner in their honor preceding the Wise Men's ball.


Candlelight Tea Workers

MISS HELEN MURRAY (left), general chairman of the annual social event tomorrow, which the Onondaga General Hospital Flower Guild will sponsor, is dis­cussing plans with the president, Mrs. Frederick A. Kreuzer.—Photo by Staff Photographer.


ANNOUNCEMENT is made by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shea of 204 Maplehurst av. of the engagement of their daughter, Ann, and Perry H. Yorton of Oswego, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yorton of High Bridge rd. —Photograph by Barnard Studio.

Radcliffers Young Folk Enjoy Tea Attend Tea

Mrs. Paul Shipman Andrews was hostess to the Syracuse Rad­cliffe Club last Tuesday at a tea at her home in Onondaga road. Guests of the club were girls now attending Radcliffe, who are Miss Elizabeth Eaton, Miss Frijs Anne. Bruns, Miss Margaret Pickering of Pasadena. Calif., guest of Misa Bruns; Miss Jane Zimmerman and Miss Elizabeth Burlingame.

At the business meeting, which preceded the tea, Miss Eleanor Eaton was elected president of the club and Mrs. Andrews, vice president. Mrs. Hough Mills and Mrs. Howard Viets were retained in their offices of secretary and treasurer, respectively.

Miss Elizabeth Cooper, principal of the Buckingham School, Cam­bridge, spoke of the splendid rec­ord Syracuse girls have made at Radcliffe. Students of recent years have been graduates of Goodyear-Bjurlingame School.

Other members of the Radcliffe Club present were Mrs. Horace A. Eaton, MissMarjorie Trump, Miss Mary Cooper, Mrs . Frederick Daniels and Miss Elizabeth But­ler.


Informal Calling At Harrison Home

A Christmas tree, yule baskets and decorations applicable to the holiday season made gay the rooms of Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Harrison's home in Summit av. last Sunday and Monday, a cheery place where intimate friends in­formally called. / At dinner were Mrs. C. E. Har­

rison, Mrs. John Dienan and daughter, Eveh-n, of St. Louis, Mo., and Mrs. L. D. Ingham, with Mr. and Mrs. Harrison's family. Calling were Joseph Griffin, George Colin, Mrs. Judson, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Meatyard, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson, Miss Mae Sandford, Mr. and Mrs. De Banks Henward Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Paul Wein, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kidd, Mr: and Mrs. H. L. A. Cook.

Women s Congress To Have Luncheon The Syracuse Women's Con­

gress, Inc., will hold its lunch­eon-meeting in the Hiawatha room of the Onondaga hotel Wed­nesday at 12:15 o'clock. The speaker will be Peter G. Ten Eyck, chairman of the Alfany Port dis­trict commission.

Reservations should be made by Tuesday with either Mrs. H. E. Wilson, 127 Redfield pi., or Mrs. A. S. Hurst, 314 Lennox av. ">

Red carnations, green and red candles were used on the tea table last Wednesday to express the holiday at­mosphere at the home of Mrs. A r t h u r W. Hawkins, the latter arranging the lovely event c o m pllmentary to her daughter, Janet, a t her home in Sum­ner av.

Pouring were Mrs. Arthur C. Meeker of Ma­drid and Mrs. Hawkins. As­sisting in dis­pensing hospitality were the Misses Jane Elizabeth Northrup, Eugenis Busten, Masie Dattener and Lucy Hoyt.

Calling were the Misses Anne Betts, Eleanor Vincent, Jane and Betty Burlingame, Barbara Still-

man, Dorothy Stark. Margaret S a 1 mon, Pa­tricia Pardee, Elizabeth Fol-som. Euretta Em mans, Doro­

t h e a F i s h e r . Barbara Lewis, Dorothy Davis, Margaret Short, Anne P i n c k,

k, Charlotte Che-

\ ^M ney, E1 o i s e

\ ? • Stacy Mildred flmMM0i^!&^mu Acheson, K a t e

Miss EUSTEN. M i l l e r , Jane M a r y R o t h ,

Helen and Marion Hancock, Anne Fink, Rachael Moore, Fredericka Mesmer, Elsie Grant.

Also Barbara Blanchard, Mary Margaret Farmer, Marion John­son, Mary Porter, Elizabeth Flan­agan, Enid Williams, Lucy Tor-rence, Jeanne Taylor, Eugenie Whitney, Jane • Burns. Virginia Whitney, Jane Zinsmeister, Edith Wiles, Dorothy Whitney. Rita Garfield, Ellen DeMello, Adrienne Phelps, Claudia Terry, Dorig Hall, Elizabeth Fearon, Elizabeth Walker, Esther Fielding, Virginia Stacy, Dorothy. Dick. Margaret Munro, Charlotte Bourke. Mar­garet Pohl, Helen Ingalls, Doro­thy Dey, Catherine Federer. Mary Frances Costelle and Clarice Wil­son.

Women's Union Meeting The Women's Union of Dan-

forth United Church will conduct its annual meeting at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the church parlors. Reports of committees will be in order. There wjlf be election of officers and an infor­mal reception for the new presi­dent, Mrs. Charles Montague, who is to hold that position.

Hill Alum United in Marriacje

Holiday colors, red and green, made colorful the wedding of Miss Rita Bleyler of Longacres, 5714 S. Salina St., and Glenn E. Manning last Monday night at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, the cere-money being conducted by the rector. Rev. Dr. Henry Harrison Hadley. The bride was given In marriage by her father, Charles B. Bleyler.

The church was decorated with pine, holly and poinsettias, and Miss Bleyler's attendants* gowns followed the traditional Christ­mas colors. Miss Bleyler had as her attendants Miss Barbara Chaloux of Homer, maid of honor: Mrs. Frederick Orin Bailer, Mrs. James D. Kelly, Miss Marion Kelly and Miss Alice Murphy, all of Syracuse.

Jesse Ferris of Hartford, Conn., was Mr. Manning's best man, with Carlton Jones and Kenneth Fernwald of Norwich and Lewis Newton and Harold Baysinger of Montreal, Canada, as ushers. I

The four bridesmaids wore scarab green transparent velvet, moulded to the figure, with higfc-waisted, puff-sleeve jackets and matching hats tilted far over one eye. The maid-of-honor wore the same designed costume of flamingo red transparent velvet-All carried formal bouquets of gardenias.

The bride wore a pure whit* gown of bridal satin made prla-cess style, with large mid-Victorian sleeves puffed to trie elbows and fitting tight to t i e wrist, where they ended in points over the hands. Her veil was of white tulle and covered the face. It was caught with a single circlet of pearls. It was raised by the maid of honor at the end of the


ceremony. The bridal bouquet was of valley lilies massed solidly with no foliage apparent. Her slippers bore tiny clusters of orange blossoms. The bride was given in marriage by her father.

Mrs. Bleyler, mother of the bride, wore a gown of madonna blue crepe on the jacket of which was pinned a corsage of English violets. Her turban and slippers were in matching shade. Mrs. T. J. Manning, mother of the groom, wore bright blue crepe with a« corsage bouquet of Johanna Hill ' roses tied with silver..

Following the ceremony, a small reception for the families of the bride and groom and the bridal party was held in the Louis room of the Onondaga hotel.

The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Manning of Nor­wich.

Mr. Manning and Miss Bleyler were graduated from Syracuse University in the class of 1830, Mr. Manning being affiliated with Phi Gamma Delta and prominent in athletics. Miss Bleyler is a member of Delta Delta Delta and was one of; the senior women to be initiated into Eta Pi Upsilon, Syracuse University senior wom­en's sorority. Mr. Manning is now athletics director of Lake Placid High School.

Mr. and Mrs. Manning flew to New York fo*> a brief wedding trip, after which they will be at home in Lake Placid for the re­mainder of the winter.

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