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AV I S IT is respectfully inv ited to th is E stab l i shm en t from Am ericanLad ie s and G en t lem en v i s i t ing London . E s tab l ished in the

cen tre of the \Ves t- end for m ore than three -quarters of a cen tury, theH ou se enjoy s a reputat ion for the sale of the very bes t c las s of G oods


of B ri t ish and Fore ign m anufacture . The bu sine ss is conducted on theReady- m oney princ iple , and every article m arked the lowe s t price forprom pt paym en t wi thout d iscoun t. All interm ediate profi ts are avoidedby purchas ing d irec t in th e bes t m arke ts , and no pains are spared top lace re l iab le and choice goods before the pub lic, at the lowes t possib leri ces .pThe i n creas ing num ber of annua l v i s i tors to E ngland from the

U n i ted State s has tor so m e t im e pas t induced the F irm t o give especia la t ten t ion to the requ irem en ts of their A m erican connect ion. An extralarge stock o f those G oods m ore genera l ly apprec iated by Am ericanLadies is a lways kept on hand. L yons Si lks I rish Popl ins of the bes td escrip t ion at D ub l in m anufacturers’ price s Balbriggan H os iery in finerquali tie s than u sually kep t Sea lskin Jacke t s and Furs of variou s kindsa m agn ificen t cho ice of rea l Bru ssel s and o ther expens ive Lace s , su itedto every toi let te ; a lso the be s t quali ty of B russels and Paris K idG loves .A B ran ch Hou se i n Paris keeps the Man tle , Cos tum e, and M il l inery

D epartm en ts cons tantl y suppl ied w i th every Paris ian N ovel ty as i tleave s the A te l iers of the various


directors of Fren ch Fashion,—whilst

a com ple te organ iza t ion at hom e reproduce s the variou s Mode l s iniden t ical ly the sam e m aterial s

,w i th a differen ce i n price i n favour of

London of 2 5 to 40 per cen t .D re ssm ak ing is an im portan t D epartm en t , and prevai l ing Engl i sh

and French s ty les are ful ly su s tained by com pe ten t ass is tan ts.


Mes srs. D . F . have m ade arrangem en t s b y wh ich the serv icesof their repre sen ta t ive s in Paris and Lyons w il l be placed at the dis

posal of those C l ien t s who m ay w ish t o avai l them se lve s of them .

E very inform a t ion given as to the bes t H ouse s for the purchase of anydescrip t ion of G oods. Purchase s w il l be rece ived, warehou sed , or sentoff to any part of the world. Me ssrs. D . F. beg to recom m end th isarrange m en t as an econom ica l one to all no t thoroughl y acquaintedw i th the Pari s m arket.

LONDON : 2 7 to 3 1 , W igm ore Stree t, an d 1 to 4 ,

W e lb ec li S tre e t, W . ( Close toMe [dug/lam

PAR IS : 17,R u e St. M arc . LY ONS : Q uai St. C la ir.

Page 4: ToAM A VI - forgottenbooks.com · ToAM A VI MESSRS D EBE N H AM FRE E BOD Y ’S D RY G OOD S STORE A VISIT is respectfully invit ed to this Est ablish m ent f ro m Am eric an Ladie
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C O L O U RE D S I L K S .

B L A C K S I L K S .








E M B RO I D E R I E S .

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Page 7: ToAM A VI - forgottenbooks.com · ToAM A VI MESSRS D EBE N H AM FRE E BOD Y ’S D RY G OOD S STORE A VISIT is respectfully invit ed to this Est ablish m ent f ro m Am eric an Ladie


w .

N i ssu i ng the Ten th Num ber of our NEW FASH ION

BOOK w e beg to thank our Subscribers for the

recept ion given to prev ious edi t ion s, and ven ture to

hope the presen t Se r ies w i ll be equal ly successfu l .

Our des i re from the com m enc em en t has been to m ake the

BOOK a usefu l m eans of i n form at ion to LAD I ES re s id ing a t ad istan ce from LOND ON or abroad, and no pain s are spared to

furn i sh re l i able i n form at ion not on ly as to fash ion and s tyle butas to price .

Th is fea ture , in com b ina t ion w i th the arrangem en ts in our


“shop a thom e

,and every endeavour i s m ade

,in the e xecu t ion of com

m i s s ions and se le c t ion of G OOD S, to ensu re th em all the advan

tage s enjoyed by re s iden ts in TOW N .

Any sugge s t ion which w i l l fu r the r th i s obje c t, or rende r theBOOK m ore useful, w i l l be rece ived w i th thanks .

W e beg to rem ain

You rs obed ien tly


Page 8: ToAM A VI - forgottenbooks.com · ToAM A VI MESSRS D EBE N H AM FRE E BOD Y ’S D RY G OOD S STORE A VISIT is respectfully invit ed to this Est ablish m ent f ro m Am eric an Ladie


H E ch ief novelty of the pre sen t season,under this head, is MATE

LASSE, a firm substan tial s ilk m ade in a varie ty of shade s,and

so cal led becau se it is woven to resem b le qu i l t ing in sm al l diam ondsand m ore e laborate des igns , Th is is the spec ial ite of th e year


shows to advantage in dre sses trim m ed with faille .

C lose ly al l ied to th is,is N ATTE (v iz . ,

plaited), the patterns in to wh ichit is woven closely resem bl ing those u sed in cane-work. This is al soto be had in m any co lours .N o thing is so fash ionab le as plain rich silks , two shade s of the sam e

colour be ing often u sed, the e laborate m anner in which they are

trim m ed requ iring a large quant ity of the m a terial .The shades m os t in favour for day wear are dark in tone , v iz

B ROW NS, such as MARRON (Che stnut), C HOCO (Choco late), SPAN ISHBROW N, TOBACCO , BOIS D

’HAV AN E (wood colour), N AVY B LUE ,I ND I GO

,the n ew D am son b lue


, SABR E (V iz . , Steel),SLATE, G RIS RUSSE (Ru ssian G rey), NEGRE (the exact shade ofsm oked pearl s), variou s tone s of STONE COLOUR , PRUNE , SCAB I EUSE ,five shade s of G renat or C laret , from the darker hue s to brigh t garne tand rich L ie de Bordeaux , wh ich is , in fact , the colour of Port wine ,PETUN IA

, two shade s of H ELIOTROPE , POCHARD ,a nam e appl ied to

a varie ty of tones culm inating in a l igh t p ink,and including the

fashionab le Fraises E crase’ es , or Strawberries and Cream ,that pecul iar

cloudy appearan ce be ing a feature in the presen t sty le of colour ;toge ther w ith G REENS

,from M yrtle to brighter and m ore m etal l ic

shade s, SULTAN , D AH IJ A ,

and other reddish t ints .For E ven ing and Ful l D res s Morn ing wear there are som e 1 60 shade sfrom . wh ich to select . For exam ple FLEUR D E PECHE (Peach),PRAI R I E G RASS


,RESEDA , ROU I LLE (viz .

,rus t colour),

very rich,resem bl ing French Mu s tard in tone CHAIR or Flesh colour,


,PONCEAU (or Poppy), ROSE D E CH I NE (or

rich Rose colour), C ER ISE, CREVETTE (the colour of a prawn), andG ROS B LEU . These can all be had in rich Fail le or G rosgrain inw idths varying from 2 3 to 2 6 inches , at 7/ 8/ and

The so—called O ttom an silk , having a coarse rib,is particularl y

su itable for trim m ings and m il linery. It can be had in all the newe s tand m os t de l icate co lours

,price I per yard.

Jet B lacks w ith a coarse rib are m os t fash ionab le for b lack silks,the price s vary from to per yard .

For B ridal dre sse s rich white silks are stil l u sed, bu t wh ite sat insare t/ze fash ion

,e spec ial ly the m ore cos tly k ind known as D UCH ESSE

Sat in , of a rich Cream y hue , and vary ing in price from to 2 1/Ordinary satin

,2 2 inche s w ide, can be had from to per yard .

There is a m arked im provem en t in the m anufacture of Popl ins , wh ichare now m ade in all shade s 2 4 inche s w ide at a yard, and narrowerat They are spec ial ly to be recom m ended for the ir durab il ity andthe graceful w ay in wh ich they can be appl ied to the pre sen t style oftun ics and tabl iers .N ever

,perhaps , has Ve lve t been so general ly worn at al l season s of

the year. It is to be had in som e 85 shade s , both in the bes t qual i t yfrom 1 2 / to 2 0/ a yard, and in what is known as Schappe , w i th wh icha l ittle cot ton is introduced in the back , but th e re sul t is so good thatit can now be appl ied w ith advan tage to M il linery and Trim m ing purposes. The price range s from to a yard, and it is spe c ial lyadapted for the plain Ve lve t Sk irt s so m uch in vogue .

Page 9: ToAM A VI - forgottenbooks.com · ToAM A VI MESSRS D EBE N H AM FRE E BOD Y ’S D RY G OOD S STORE A VISIT is respectfully invit ed to this Est ablish m ent f ro m Am eric an Ladie


IL K COSTUMES are very e laborate ly m ade and richly trim m ed, indeed

never was there m ore m aterial used, there is l i teral ly flounce over floun ceand tun ic over tun ic .

ery l it t le trim m ing except the silk, ve l ve t , beads and fur are used a

new k ind of fiossy si l k daisy fringe has been in troduced and the newes t m akeof but tons have a silk ne twork over them .

A great deal of Piece Ve lvet of the sam e colour as the dress is in troduced inAutum n and W in ter D resses brough t from Paris. Bands of ve l ve t som e

hal f yard deep are often carried across the fron t breadths, confin ing the fulnessat the back, where they term inate in bows and sash ends . There is very l i t t letrim m ing on the back breadths save a flounce at the edge, and when not

fron cé at the top they are arranged in broad box plai ts one over the other.

The skirts are inordinate ly long and are t ied back t igh t ly, giv ing the appearanceof swathing the fig ure in fron t .Froncis, or G athers, are as m uch in V ogue as during the sum m er

,and are

used on fron t breadths , and som et im es at the upper par t of the back of thesk irt

,and on the sleeves the m odes of gathering be ing various.

The F loun ces on the skirt are generally w ide at the back and gathered, be ingedged w ith narrow p lissé frills, v iz . , plai ted all one way and caught down on lyhalf the length . Those on the back always differ from the fron t , if there are

any, these are general ly narrower, or v ice Bern i . Puffings at the side are som e

t im es used, bu t side trim m ings are not so m uch adopted as earl ier in the year.

The Bodices have all basques, and are generally m ade as sleeve less jacke ts ofvelve t , or of the shade of the m aterial in term ixed w ith the res t of the costum e.

Som e t im es these have revers, or poin ted col lars at the throat , m ade of plaitedsilk

, or they are fas tened down the fron t wi th bands and but tons crossing eachother. Viol in backs are also the fashion , viz . , a p iece in .

the V shape, differingfrom the rest , in troduced in to the back . The sleeves fit closely to the arm , and

have cuffs and but tons .

MATELASSE has a very rich appearance both for sleeve less jacke ts and

polonaises . Very l it tle trim m ing is requ ired. They are worn w ith silk skirtsand are the newest fashion of the season .

A m ong other pre t ty styles of skirt trim m ing is the in troduct ion of a“fron cefron t of a con trast ing colour

,open ing in the cen tre wi th a w ide heading, to

display the skirt underneath . On the le ft side is a t iny pocke t m ade of froncési lk , rem inding one of som e of the dain ty Norm andy baske ts .

B lack ve lve t tabl ier tun ics deep in fron t and rounded at the back where theyterm inate be low sash ends of rich grosgrain ribbon are perfec t works of art, inthe m at ter of e laborate beading designs w ith which they are covered. Theyare edged e ither w ith fringe or fur, and have sleeve less jacke ts to m at ch.

J U P O N S .

A VERY serviceable k ind of W in ter and Autum n underskirt is the WovenFe l t . They are m ade m uch longer than he re tofore , and can be had in

all colours from G rey to brigh t Red , s im ply bound with black bra id at theedge , and m ade up ready for wear. They are both warm and l igh t priceThe new coloured skirt ing is sure to be wel l worn . I t is of a l igh t W'

ool lenm aterial , in sober t ints, wi th broad and narrow stripes of brigh t - coloured sil kin troduced, as, for exam ple , the Brown has Red or Maize s tripes ; the D arkBlue has L igh t B lue, P ink , or Red and the Black and the Stone have Scarle t ,&C . It is 4 2 in ches w ide , and is in tended to be m ade up the se l vage w ay, thestripes going perpendicularly. It is a yard

,and about three yards and a

hal f are requ ired .

Quil ted Sat in skirts are st i l l worn,though not so generally. They are to be

had in thoroughly good qual ity from 3 5/

Page 10: ToAM A VI - forgottenbooks.com · ToAM A VI MESSRS D EBE N H AM FRE E BOD Y ’S D RY G OOD S STORE A VISIT is respectfully invit ed to this Est ablish m ent f ro m Am eric an Ladie


TH E m aterials that find m os t favour for Au tum n and Win ter dresses, are thevarious k inds of HOME SPUN S , ranging in price from to peryard according to quali ty and

-width . They are chiefly m anufactured in neutralt ints, such as greys, drabs, and stones, and are m ade up e ither as sk irts

,t un ics, and basqued bodices , or ’

as polonaises, and skirts—about 1 7 yards be ingrequired for the lat ter. But tons and rows of s t it chings or st it ched bands arech iefly used as trim m ings. . They are .both l igh t and w arm , and no m aterialperhaps could be m ore thorough ly serviceable they s tand any am oun t of wearand tear and weather, and are suitable for the m oors, yach t ing trave l l ing, anddaily use , the addi t ion of a handsom e Norw egian be l t and s im i lar fem in inekn ick -h acks , which give style, m ak ing them m ore dressy if required .

A m ong the m any varie ties are the fol lowingN ORW EG IAN C LOTH , at the yard, m ade in grey

,drab, and stone shades.

MONTROSE HOMESPUN S , at per yard, in various l igh t shades ,— som e

plain , som e twi ll .I NVERBERVIE C LOTH , a yard, is spec ial ly adapted for early Autum n

w ear. Be ing all wool it is very l igh t and serviceable,and is to be had in the

Heather M ix ture , Browns, G reys, &C .


BALMORAL CHEVIOT, at a yard, is of a heav ier m ake , and tw il led ;narrow black diagonal s tripes be ing in troduced w i th som e of the grey andbrown tones . In Navy blue the price is 3 /3 .

COTSW OLD HOME SPU N, at a yard, is spec ial ly soft and l igh t w ear, thoughth ick and warm . This is also tw i l led wi th diagonal s tripes .

PENMAENMAW R C LOTH is speck led, and is an im prove m ent'

on the old usefulW insey,being thicker and m ade in be t ter colours, price 54 inches wide .

BR/EMAR C LOTH , 54 in ches wide , at a yard, is of se l f colour, hav ing adiaper pat tern in terwoven, and is exceedingly fashionable in Paris trim m ed wi thbrown si lk .Of K ENMORE or CHECK ED HOMESPUN S

,at a yard, 54 inches w ide, and

2 7in ches wide at 2 1 1 , there are two varie t ies,— the one hav ing large bold check s,

the other broken on es . Checks are com ing on ce m ore in to vogue , and thesem ake styl ish dresses, or are adm irably adapted for trim m ing plain colours .

TROSSACH C LOTH, at 2 /6 a'

yard, soft and loose in m ake , has a diagonal pat ternin terwoven . G rey is the prevai ling tone

,w ith a p ink t inge som e t im es in troduced.

SNOW D ON C LOTH , at and per yard of 2 7 in ches, has dots of w hi teor colour here and there , and the HELVE LLYN C LOTH has a sm al ler diagonalspot of l ight ye l low or red in troduced.

I R I SH FR IEZ ES , at and a yard, close ly rese m ble Hom espuns,bu t have a rough nap '

on the surface .

SERG ES, espe cial ly the Hand-m ade Serges, from 1 a yard, are s t il l in fash ion .

They are to be had in Royal as we l l as in Navy B lue . Wool Serges in Prune,G reen , and N avy B lue vary from and per yard, the w idth being2 9 to 3 2 inches .

A m ong the l igh ter kind of WOOLLEN m aterials m ade in a varie ty of fashionable colours and m os t su i table for dem i -m z


son dresses, are the MATELASSEROUBAIX , from per yard, so-Cal led from the rese m blance of its pat ternsto Si lk Mate lasse ; D IAG ONAL POPL IN S , at a yard ; CAVEND I SH C LOTH, 2inches w ide , a yard, sm al l in terwoven diam onds being its d is t in ct ive feature ;G AU FRE CASHMERE

, the in te rwoven pat tern recal l ing the cakes of that nam e , is

m ade in Stones, Brow n s, and Navy B lues, 48 in ches, at 6/6 , and is special ly Suited

for polonaises,to be w orn over sil k sk irts ; Fan cy se l f-s triped POPL IN S , 2 8 inches

w ide , a yard, in Slate colour, G reys, C e ladon ,Pochard


C LOTH and W' OOLLEN POPL IN S are to be had in all the fashionable shades , l igh tand dark, price from to I , these drape w e l l and are ladyl ike gracefu l w ear


as also is PARQU ETE C LOTH , wh ich is 2 6 in ches w ide , at and m ade en t ire l yinW ool. CASHMERES in all colours vary from 2 /6 and 3 1 1 to and are s ti l l worn .

One of the nove l t ies of the season is C ORD ED VELVETEEN , m ade in Brow n ,Stone , Prune, Navy B lue , and G reen . I t is part icularly sui table for Sleeve lessJacke ts and trim m ings, e ither w i th plain Velve teen , or wool len m aterials, andis in troduced wi th excellen t e ffect on Hom espuns. The price varies from towidth 2 7 inches.

Page 11: ToAM A VI - forgottenbooks.com · ToAM A VI MESSRS D EBE N H AM FRE E BOD Y ’S D RY G OOD S STORE A VISIT is respectfully invit ed to this Est ablish m ent f ro m Am eric an Ladie


H E Costu m es this season are all m ade w i th sk irts of a walking length and

e i ther tun ics and basqued bodices , or polonaises . The s tyles m os t in voguewi l l be bes t gleaned from the accom panying m ode ls and the descriptions appended ,

wh ich can be reproduced in Hom espuns or in any of the m aterials enum erated on

pageBaige , or undyed sheep's wool , is , from its durabi li ty, softness and l igh tness ,par t icularly serviceab le , and very pre t ty cost um es are m ade of it , with flounced

skirts , draped tun ics edged wi th Bege plaitings of the m aterial , and bodicesw i th jockey bas que , wh i le som e of the tun ics are fron cés or gathered.

Braided costum es of all k inds are as m uch in favour as ever ; and Cash m ere

tun ics beaded all over, m ade deep in fron t , rounded at the back , andworn w i th loosebeaded jacke ts to m atch , both edged w i th bead fringe , can be had from 5 % to I O

gu ineas . A varie ty in these are froncés tun ics w ith p erpend icular bands of jetbe tween each gathering. These show to advan tage over the n ew Mate lasséSkirts , edged w i th w ide plai ted s i lk fiounces , price £3 . 1 5 s , or w ith the service ab leb lack s i lk skirts , an alm os t necessary add it ion to every wardrobe . These lat ter arem ade w ith a flounce in fron t , som e half-yard deep , having a crossway hem p iped ,


runn ings in se ts of three at in tervals above fin ishing off w i th a deep heading. At

the back there are two flounces , the lower one , though narrowe r, rese m b l ing that infron t,the upper having a French he m . Price from 5 5/


I . A use ful Cos tum e com posed of Welsh Hom espun . A plain sk irt, w i th seven

rows of s t itching. Three folds of m aterial sim ulate a treb le Tab lier each fold ispiped w i th Ve lve teen . The Tab lier is open at the back , and the Body has a deeppoin t w i th loops of Ribbon and the m aterial attached f al ling over the Tun ic andthe fron t , form s a doub le-breasted jacke t , w ith one row of Button s on ly, and coats leeves . Price 6 8/I I . This cos tum e is m ade in Roubaix , Mate lassé , and Silk . The skirt has twoplissé flounces of the m aterial , and one of s ilk m ade w ith a French hem all arrangedin a rounded form on the fron t breadth , and s traigh t at the back . The tun ic istrim m ed w ith a biais band of the s i lk , is poin ted in fron t and ob long at the back ,one poin t fal ling at the s ide , the other caught up graceful ly. The bodice is m ade

w ith revers and b iais bands of the silk and a plai ted jockey basque . Price £8. 1 5 5 .

I I I . N EED COSTUME —The skirt has a broad band of ve lve teen be tween the

s titchings round the he m . The tun ic is bound with ve lve t , and graceful ly drapedat the back . The bod ice is m ade as a jacke t and Wais t coat , ve lve teen be ingin troduced in the revers


, and basque . Price £5 . 5 5 .

IV. Th is is sui tab le for serges , and soft m aterials . The sk irt has a plaited flounceat the edge , a runner being in troduced at the back , about half a yard from the

wais t , which keeps the fron t plain and the sk irt in its place . The t un ic describesa series of plai ts , l ike a ki lt , and has plaited pocke ts at the s ide . The bod ice hasa wais tcoat , the jacke t be ing m ade to sim ulate a plai ted scarf, crossing in fron t .The basque at the back consis ts of a series of plaited fri l ls . Pri ce £6 . 6 5 .

V. A particularly servi ceab le s tyle of cos tum e , m ade in all kinds of Hom espun .

A plain sk irt w i th several rows of s titching above the hem . A loose-fitting polonaise confined at the wais t by a band ,

out very deep in fron t , where i t fas tens theen tire length w i th a triple row of buttons , the back be ing drawn up in a series of

plaits , over w hich fal ls a long narrow tab at tached to the band ,and s tudded w i th

buttons. The basque of the back of the bodice is not seen, but two long close lyplai ted ends are fastened to it, and fal l be low , hav ing the appearance of a kill .

Coa t s leeves with Inousque taire cuffs . Price £4 . I OS.



U ME .—This e legan t m ode l is form ed by the

back of the sk irt at the top be ing plai ted in to the band w i th a num ber of sm a l ldraw ings , and be low a heading of Si lk to form a deep fiounce ; a sm al l Pl issé15 con t inued round the bot tom of skirt to the fron t

, w here a drawn apron dividedIn the cen tre is carried to the s ides . The Corsage is m ade wi th a nove l k ind ofdrawn


s leeve , the whole trim m ed w i th Black Ostrich -Feather Trim m ing,now so

m uch In vogue . Price , com plete ,from £1 4 . 1 0 5 .

V I I .“TH E H A l D E E BLAC K SILK COSTUME .—A dem i—robe , w i th folded sash

a cross fron t , edged w ith a handsom e Je t ted Fringe . The trim m ing at bot tom ofrobe i s a doub le row of fine Pl issé , headed w ith a very nove l m ode of spacedpu ffings . Corsage w i th basque and t igh t-fitting coat-s lee ves , the whole form inga s tyl ish and nove l costum e

, suitab le for walking or v isi t ing toile t te . Price ,com ple te , from £1 3 . 1 0 8 .

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FOR E ven ing wear, Tun ic s and Bodice s of clear white Mu sl in ,e laborately trim m ed w ith Valenc iennes lace and insertion over

Silk sk irts , are now considered ful l dres s, bu t Tarlatan and Tul le are asm u ch worn as ever, in b lack , wh ite , and such de l icate shade s as

turquoise -b lue,rose de thé , m aize , and eau de N il. H eart- shaped

and square- cu t bod ice s, w i th e lbow s leeve s and ru ffles , are general lyworn b y bride sm aids , the dre sses on the se occasions being m os tl ye i ther G renadine or l igh t Se lf-co loured M u s l in . These s tyle s ofBodice s are al so som e t im es seen in ball-room s , bu t low dre sses arem ore fash ionab le , m ade w ith basques and berthas , the newes t m odebe ing to have a trai l of flowers a long the righ t s ide of '

th e bertha andedging the fron t of the tun ic , or crossing the fron t bread th ; and t obe stric t ly correct, the se flowers should be such as are then in season .

For the arrangem en t of the sk irts of Bal l D re sse s see the acco m panyingMode ls .For D e m i - to ile t te several n ew m a terial s have been in troduced.

the pre tt ies t are the Silk G au ze s in brigh t co lours , having e ithe ra k ind of plaited open -work all over, or al ternate s tripe s of this andthe p lain m aterial . G renadine de So ie , in plain co lours , is now soldat per yard, and the Striped G renadines at 1/ a yard. D am askG auze s and D iam ond Canvas G renadine s , ranging from to ayard

,are exceedingly u seful the Silk Canvase s are to be had in grey


b l ue , m auve , b lack , and white . The whi te D am ask G renad i ne s arem ore cos tly, but are the he igh t of the fashion , and are su i tab le forfroncés fron ts to wh ite s ilks and the l ike . Som e of these have brochéSpots on a transparen t ground. japanese Silks , at a yard


s t il l in dem and, on e of their great m erits be ing tha t they can be hadin all the m os t de l icate co lours . They are suitable ,


am ong otherth ings

,for i nexpens ive tr im m ings to bal l dres ses .

M O D E L S —B A L L D R E S S E S.

V I I I . This Tarla tan dre ss has pre tty s ide tr i m m ings and reversedplai t ings . Al ternate box plaitings and I m pératrice pl issés reach to

the pouf at the wais t, and there i s a handsom e sat in sash . PriceIX . This is a very serviceab le s tyle for b lack n et. It has a tab l ie r

com posed of diagonal fo lds , edged w i th wh ite b londe , and defined bycrosscu t bands of b lack sat in ; be low are plaited flounces , and the

sk irt at the back is puffed to the wais t . PriceX . Th is can be m ade in white , b lack , or co loured net, A perpen

dicular gathering goe s down the cen tre of the fron t bread th so m e

seven or e igh t inches w ide . From th is radiate diagona l folds of then e t to the waist , edged w ith wh i te bugled b londe . The back hasplissés flounces , and a large pouf at the wais t in term ixed with sat in.Price 5 . 5 s .

A VARI ETY of sim ple D re sse s, i n Tarlatan and Mu sl in , su itable foryoung lad ie s , from 2 1 upwards and Bridesm aids’ D re sse s from the

sam e price .

Skew/2 5 s of tile L ales/ D esign s f orw arderlpos l -f ree on application .

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N Man tles the new MATE LASSE is also m uch used, this woven qu il ted si lk ,which looks as though wadded, showing to great advan tage edged withfur

, to wh ich silk braid is som e t im es added. FU R is great ly in fash ion fort rim m ing, espe cial l y Bear fringe , Skunk , and L us tred Beaver.

Tigh t -fitting jacke ts are the m ode st il l, both w ith deep and short basques ; bu tthere are a varie t y of new shapes th is season , which w i l l be best explained bythe fol low ing Mode ls .

C LOTHS of eve ry kind, frieze and plain,are m ade in to Man tles and jacke ts ,

and Sealsk in , both plain and t rim m ed w ith fur, and Ve l ve ts are as fashionableas in form er season s .

A m ong the Nove l t ies is a long and very com fortable Travel l ing jacke t ofth ick Frieze C loth , bound w ith Ve lve t and trim m ed w ith but ton s . Anotherk ind of t rave l l ing w raps , re v ivals of an old fashion , are long B lack Silk roundC loaks , l in ed w ith rabbi t sk in , hav ing a hood at the back and fas ten ing in thefron t w i th s il ver C lasps . Ve ry usefu l for E ven ing and Seas ide wear are thepre t t y \V oollen Scarf Shaw ls, edged w ith daisy fringe , w h ich are e i the r p ink

,blue , or red, the cen t re white , un less the en t ire shaw l is whi te or of one un iformt in t . Thrown care less ly round the shoulders, crossing in fron t , the ends fall ingat the back , they have a m os t. grace ful effec t .


X I . A useful t igh t-fi tting jacke t for Seas ide and Coun try wear, doub le-breasted ,

m ade w i th short basques , revers and t igh t s leeves . I t is edged w ith broad braid,

a narrower braiding being in troduced on the s leeves and back. Price 6 3 /X I I. A doub le -breasted jacke t in plain,

fan cy , and Pifot cloths ; de m i -fittingback

, and loose fron t trim m ed wi th broad and narrow braid . Price from 5

X I I I . A s tylish doub le -breasted C loth jacke t , fas ten ing at the s ide , trim m ed

w i th narrow crossway folds of s ilk , s t itched , and buttons . The col lar stands up ,the basques are doub le , and there are pocke ts under the arm . Price 95/X IV. C loth suitab le f or e lderly lad ies , edged w ith skunk and broad braid ,


loose in fron t and sem i t igh t-fitting at the back , the sleeves large . Prlce £6 . 1 5 5 .

XV . A very d ist ingué design in Mate lassé and Ve lve t , m ade w ith a ruff, theve lve t be ing in troduced as a trim m ing and giv ing the appearan ce of a sleeve lessjacke t trim m ed w ith beaded gim p and fringe . Price £1 1 . 1 0 5 .

XVI . Is of Mate lassé , close-fl i tting , w ith a short basque at the back and a longone in fron t , s tyl ish pocke ts be ing placed under the arm . The s leeves are s lashedso as to d isplay s i lk plait ings

,the whole edged w ith fur. Price £7. 1 5 5 . sam e

de s ign in C loth, £6 . 6 3 .

XV I I . This is one of the n ewes t and m os t s tyl ish shapes , w e l l su ited to youngand graceful figures . I t is m ade in Mate lassé C loth . The low er basque , whichdescribes a poin t in fron t and fastens at the back , is pu t on separate ly the deepbasque of the jacke t fal ls over i t, both are edged w ith Bear fringe and som e fouror five rows of braid

, which are carried in a curved form to the wais t , w ith a m os tbecom ing e ffect to the figure , the jacke t be ing close -fitting. The s leeves are coatshaped , w i th rows of button s on them to m at ch the fron t . Price £5 . 1 8s . 6d .

XVI I I . A Cloth se m i - fitting jacke t , edged w ith Bear fringe and cord , the

s leeves large , the basques deep and doub le at the back , rows of st it ching form ingan effect ive trim m ing . Price £5 . I OS.

X IX . The Trave l l ing Waterproof. I t is m ade in two shades of grey. Its

usefulness is enhanced by its adm it t ing of seve ral m od ificat ions . I t can e ither beworn as


a long loose polonaise,cove ring the en t ire dress and confined at the wais t

w ith a band , or as a tun ic caugh t up w ith the tabs , which are at tached ,and a sleeve

le ss jacke t added . Price £2 . 1 2 5 . 6d . and £3 . 3 5 .

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HE accessorie s of the to ile tte which com e under th is head tendso m uch to give an air of fin ish


to the gen eral appearance,

that good dre s sers pay no t a little attention to them .

Bows of variou s k inds are s t il l worn in the hair,wi th others of the

sam e shade at the ‘ne ck . Now that the Arto is N oeud is the prevail ings tyle of dress ing the hair

,Bows for the Gatagon are am ong the

nove l t ies .Sashe s are as m u ch in vogue as ever, and Chate laine Bags appeari ndispensab le . A com b inat ion of the two, for E ven ing wear, deserve sspec ial descript ion . A ribbon band goe s round the waist , and a loopof ribbon crosse s the fron t to the s ide , where are elaborate bows andends as there are :at the back bu t


a t the s ide , as w e l l as the bows ,is a da in ty Chate laine

Bag, m ade of froncé Silk , no t unl ike a wal lbaske t in form ,

hav ing a deep ga thered heading all round.

Fash ionab le Fans are as large as las t year : som e are edged w i thfeathers

,bu t black

,wh ite

,s tone - co lour

,or p ink s ilk exqu isitel y pain ted

w i th flow ers are the prevail ing s tyle .

Scarve s for the n eck are to be had i n great varie ty, e i ther in Silk orC repe de Ch ine

,— of the lat ter the newe s t have d iagonal sat in stripe s ,

and are m ade in all colours . Som e of the be s t Silk Scarves '


b rocaded flowers in art ist ic de s igns u pon them ,wh ile so m e are

e labora te l y trim m ed w i th Valen c ienne s Lace and insert ion . CheckScarve s for bats and Foulard Scarve s are am ong the spc

c ialite’

s of theseason .


XXI . This Sash -can be m ade in any shade of colour. Am ong the com

b inations that look bes t are rose de Chine w i th p ink roses, turquo ise -blue w ithg loire de D ijon roses , and black w i th m aize flow ers . I t has a ribbon w aistbandand the broad ribbon crosses the en t ire fron t breadth, form ing a how on one

ing on the left s ide of the sk irt is a larger bow of frayed ribbon , in term ixedw ith flow e rs , the ends hav ing knot ted fringe . Price 2 1/The Bow is a spec i m en of one of m any bow s for the hair, intended to beworn on the Catogan ,

w ith the Artois Noeud. I t rese m bles a sham rock , be ingcom posed of de licate leaves form ed of ribbon frayed at the edge , a loop of ribbongo ing round the hair. PriceX X . and X X I I . These Chatelaine Bags are of the shape m os t w orn , and are

at tached to the w ais t by a brooch pin con cealed beneath a how . One is trim m ed

e n t i re ly w ith bugled lace , - the othe r w ith beaded gim p, hav ing a bugle fringe .

They are both use fu l as we l l as ornam en tal add it ions to the toi le t te , and ho lda great deal . Price fromX XIII . This Apron consis ts of a series of perpendicular gatherings w ith bandsof black bug led trim m ing be tween , and is edged w i th beaded je t. PriceXX I V. A tas te ful Apron t rim m ed w ith diagonal plai t ings of si l k , fringed

at the edge“and dotted w i th beads. It has a pocke t at one side, and is surunded by a plaited flounce . Price

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THE rage for F ichus

,Ruffles , and al l k inds of da in ty Lingerie for

D ay and Even ing wear, has in no way dim in ished, and they areto be had in endles s varie ty in Tulle , Mu s l in , Lace , Silk , &c .

Beaded Lace s of all k inds are the fa sh ion now. W h ite Lace isheaded w i th s i lver bugle s



,garnet , b lue s tee l , andam ethys t beads , and shows to great advan tage at n igh t b lack beads ,garne t, am ethys t and b lue s tee l , however , show be s t on b la ck lace .

The newes t s ty le of C o l lars and Cufl'

s are l inen,trim m ed wi th

Valenc iennes lace and insertion . The Cu ffs are rounded and edgedwi th lace , having a box-pla it on the outs ide of th e arm the Co l lar tocorrespond.


XXV. TH E CLARIBEL RUFF . -This could be worn for ful l dress m orn ing w ear ,or would sm arten up a dark s ilk for d inner w ear. A band of Coarse ribbed s ilkgoes round the neck and is con t inued as a kind of breast -plate down the fron t


w here it is fin ished off w i th bows . I t has a_plai t ing of m us l in ins ide

, nex t thethroat . PriceXXVI . BEAD E D TUN IC AND SLEEV ELE SS jAC K ET .

—This w il l give a goodidea of the fashionab le t un ics and s leeve less jacke ts now worn . They are m ade of

a l ternate s tripes of yak , beaded lace , and b lack Cashm ere . They are to be hadin infin ite varie ty. Som e tim es the Cashm ere is replaced by Ve lve t . For Even ingthey are now be ing m ade of whi te b londe beaded w ith si lver bugles and pearls ,having s tripes of white or som e l igh t- coloured s i lk be tween .

XX V I I . TH E WAISTCOAT RUFF is of ve lve t and lace and al m os t cove rs thefron t of the bodice ; it has a plaiting of t ul le edged w ith b lack beads in s ide .PriceXXV I I I . PATTI RUFF . —This is a s tiff ruff a la Henri I I I . Made up on

w ire , i t is poin ted at the back , where is a large bow . The s i lk wh ich fal ls on theshoulders from under the ruff is edged w ith beaded lace , and bow s go down the

fron t . The ins ide of th is ruff is of a con tras ting colour to the outs ide . PriceXX IX . FICHU OF PINK SIC IL IENNE .

—Th is is very pre t ty for E ven ing or D ayw ear. I t is a half handkerchief of p ink Sici l ienne edged with Valen ciennes lacebeaded by wh i te bugles . I t has a ruff at the back , and crosses in fron t w ith a

how . The new m aterial of wh ich it is m ade is m os t de l icate ly soft and becom ing .


G L O V E SH E Brusse ls Glove s are s trongly to be recom m e nded for the ir durability a nd good fi t


com b ined w ith cheapn e ss . They are to be had w ith one button for w ith two for

and in w hi te and light colours w ith thre e button s for and four but tons The yare a lso sold w ith s ix button s—a m ultiplicity of buttons be ing now the fashion .

The Span ish Glove s , in w hite and ligh t colours are a nove lty. They are i m ported directfrom Barce lona , and are thorough ly good, profi table w ear,be ing particularly w e l l sew n .The y are in expe n s ive , as the fol low ing price s prove —Tw o buttons , three but tons , 3 3four buttons

,s ix button s

,Gan ts de Stiede , w hich find so m uch favour now for

travelling and hard w ear, are to be had w ith tw o button s for w ith thre e for andfour, A Garden Glove,w ith gaun tle ts and no but ton s

, be in g particularly soft in s ide,is

a great boon for coun try w ear, so are the Russian Calf Glove s, w hich are double - sew n , andlas t an incredible tim e,though the y on ly cos t som e of the sam e kind having an

e m broidered gaun tle t , w h ich fi ts particularly com fortable to the w ris t, cos t The bestParis K id Glove s are w ith one but ton , and w ith tw o.

The button less g love s,w h ich reach half-way t ip the arm , are one of the nove ltie s of theyear.Gen tle m e n

s K id Gloves are priced as fol low s a pair ; the bes t Paris , Russ ianCalf,

Cape driving glove s , The new Span ish glove s in wh ite and l ight colours forge n tle m en are for one button , and for two, the la tter be ing the m ost fashionable .

K id Glove s are to be had in all s iz es , even the ve ry s m alle st for Ch ildren , for w hom . also,W oollen , W orsted, and Cotton Gloves are prepared .

H O S I E R Y D E P A R T M E N T .

S I LK and spun Silk Hose in w hite, black, and dark colours . T inted colours for eve n ing

w ear,pla in and fancy Lis le Thread and Cotton Hose , Cashm e re and Me rino H ose inPlain and D e rby Ribbed. Seve ral nove l tie s in Fre nch Cash m e re Hose . Children ’

s Hos ie ryin a ll s i z e s and a var ie ty of special patterns.

L A D IE s’


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TH E Bonnets of the season st i l l so close ly resem ble hats, it Is d ifficul t tote l l the one from the other. Strings are on l y worn by e lde rly ladies


and nearl y all have flat crow ns and are turned up in fron t . Fe l t w il l benab le both for bats and bonne ts, and a profusion of feathers, m ore par

ticularly undyed Os trich . jet, espe cial ly blue jet, and blue stee l are as m uchw orn as e ver, and the last nove l ty is the in t roduct ion of the Moons tone ,m oun ted as a jew e l . Si lk and ve l ve t com bined are m uch used , and it is st i l lthe fashion for the bonne t to be m ade of the sam e silk as the dress . A m ongthe Paris pat terns one of the bes t for th is purpose has a soft crown m ade

of a k ind of double pu ffing of the s i lk surrounded by a ve l ve t bandeau ofa darker shade , a pin of Moons tone in the cen t re over the forehead.

H e l iotrope and Pon ceau are s t il l great ly in favour. The lat te r is brightand gen eral ly becom ing. A Paris bonne t of black tu l le and headed lace ofthe Marie Stuart form has a Bandeau of Pon ceau vel ve t and an Aigre t te of

the sam e colour. The hats are of fel t or straw , and are very general ly turnedtip at the s ide , w ith a bun ch of flowers or feathers .

Morn ing C aps of lace and m usl in are s t il l in fash ion— Mob caps, Charlot te

Cordays and the l ike . There is also a great varie ty in those in tended for E vening w ear. One of the pre t t iest from Pari s has a pink s i l k scarf loosely t iedround the m us l in crown ,

and a bunch of roses at the side . Som e are larger thanhere tofore and droop grace fully over the hair at the back. Foulard is alsom uch in troduced in the trim m ing of headdresses .

One of the m os t taste ful nove l t ies is the Span ish Man til la and scarf comb ined . One end of the black lace rests on the top of the head, wi th a largeblack ribbon bow . Fal l ing graceful ly about the neck, another bow at taches itto the le ft shoulder ; it then crosses in fron t, the ends ty ing loose l y at the back .

Price 79/

M O D E L S .

XXX . Brow n or B lack Fe l t H at trim m ed round w ith a fan cy s ilk scarf andve lve t , and a handsom e ve lve t bow and feathers at the side . Price fromXXX I .—A fe l t or ch ip hat. The flat low crown has large bows at the side , a

b ird '

s head in the fron t and two long feathers behind .

XXX I I . Morn ing Cap of la'

ce , m usl in , and ribbon , having no crown,and su it

ab le for young m a trons . Price fromXXX I I I . This dain ty l it tle head-dress for Even ing w ear con s ists of a series of

b lue ribbon bow s surrounding a m other—of-pearl ornam en t not un l ike the breastplate of a L ife G uardsm an . Price fromXXX IV. A very be com ing Morn ing C ap . The crown is com posed of m usl in ,

i s trim m ed w ith M ech l in or Valen cienn es lace , w ith a ribbon bow in fron t . The

ribbon s carried round the back of the C ap and term inate w ith how and ends .

Price fromXXXV . A bonne t of brown ve lve t edged w ith s ilk , having long droopingundyed ostrich - feathers fal l ing over the crown . Price from 3 5/

XXXVI . A Black Ve lve t Bonne t of the Pam e la form lined w ith pink s ilk , longends of p ink ribbon fall ing over the hair at the back , and a qui l l ing of tul lecom ing nex t the face . It has p ink bow s and b lackberries outs ide . Price from

XXXVI I . A styl ish Bonne t com posed of brown s i lk ve lve t turned up w ithb lue . I t has a bow in fron t and Aigre t te at the side of e ither colour. Pricefrom

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S dresses for the presen t season are now m ade of Serge , Hom e

spun trim m ed w i th checks of the sam e , janus Cord , and Ve lve teen , w i thtrim m ings of corded ve lve teen . Feather trim m ings and bra idings are very general lyused . ForoutdoorwearNorfolk b louses arebe ing m ade toge therw ith basqued jacke ts .

For l it tle girls the L orne scarves are pre t ty and useful these are m ade in thick fe l tcloth or Connem ara cloth ; they are generally scarle t , and are m ere scarves w i thhoods , surrounded by wors ted fringe . They cross in fron t and tie toge ther at theback . The Edinburgh scarves are m uch the sam e , save that they are shaped .

There is a great choice just now in children '

s hats and bonne ts . Those thatcom e from Paris are of the m ost e laborate descript ion , and are m ade of de l icateshades of si lk ,

w ith ve lve t , feathers and flowers by way of trim m ing , and are not

unlike in shape those .worn by the ir e lders though on ly in tended for children of

two years . Babies'

hats and bonne ts are sti l l m ade of whi te sat in (som e t im es

e laborate ly braided), sat in ribbon ,terry , and whi te fe l t white ve lve t bonne ts be ing

the las t novel ty for lit t le girls . Hats and bonne ts are both drawn and qui l ted ,

wh ile som e of the hats are turned up in fron t .E very descript ion of laye t tes and ch i ldren ’

s things , including baske ts , bassinettes ,robes, pe l isses , hos iery, and gloves , are kept in great varie ty .


XXXVI I I. TH E SPENCER —This is m ade in coloured Cavendish cloth, having a border

ing of undyed os trich-feathers . I t is kilted from the w aist at the back, and has a flounce of

s ilk w ith a French he m in fron t . I t has the se m blance of a jacke t , and ' has a s ilk sa sh .

I t is pe cul iarly s tyl ish . Price from 6 3 /

XXXIX . The jAN U S.—A costum e com posed of l igh t Hom e spun . The


skirt is so

kilted and ope ns dow n the fron t . The jacke t fi tting at the back and the whole i s tri m m ed

W ith natural feathe r trim m ing. Price from 45/XL

. D ON CARLOS B LOU SE FOR B0vs .—The skirt and bodice are all in on e , and are m ade

up i n a se ries of plaits . A large square sailor’

s collar fal ls_

at the back. It opens at the s ide ,

and i s tri m m ed w ith white guipure and large buttons . Pr iceX L I .


SPAN ISH COST U ME —Th is useful l ittle dre ss is of the Prince ss form , open ing infron t, w i th a bra id- like trim m ing at e ither side . I t has a band on ly at the oack and can be

m ade i n a var ie ty of use ful m aterials . FromXLI I


—This is m ade in dark cloth , and is edged w ith a bordering ofndyed ostrich- feather trim m ing. D ow n the fron t are frogs and bra id ings of the sam e shade

as the feathers .I t has hanging s leeve s , and is suitable for a g irl from 6 to 1 2 years old.


In Pe tticoats one of the bcs tpatterns for dayw ear has a deep kilted flounce all round, w he e lsof e m brm de ry appearing on the outs ide of each plait ; it has the advan tage of iron ing eas ily .

l'or Even ing w ear the y are m ade very long and e laborate ly trim m ed w ith plaitings , lace , ande m broide ry. The re are various n ew arrange m en ts of stiff skirts for even ing w ear. A m ongthe be st are those m ade in check m uslin

,but ton ing dow n the fron t and having a se rie s of

flounce s at the back,under the two upper one s of w hich are tape runne rs that draw the mtogethe r, and m ake the m m ore boufl


an te . In addition to this , a double puff of the cross-cu tm us l in , 15 m ade to button on at the wais t , so as to iron m ore eas ily.The w ashing s tee l suitable for all cl im ate s is a spe'cial ite to be high ly recom m ended. The

n ew es t Crinole ttes from Paris are m ade of red Cashm e re , they button dow n the fron t, bti thave on ly ste e ls at the back the ir peculiar feature be ing , that , in addition to the usua l s te e lsi n tape -runners , they have outside these a se ries of red Cashm e re flounce s edged w ith stee l .In D re ss ing


and B reakfas t Gow ns there is a grea t varie ty. F lann e ls braided in whiteand black bra id s t i ll hold the ir ow n in publ ic e st im ation . A n ew kind of se rge in rich orien talcolours and

opatte rns has jus t been in troduced , toge the r w ith som e gre y flanne ls , having p ink,

blue , or w h ite s tripe s. These look particularly w e ll trim m ed w ith fur to m atch .


The new es t s tyle of breakfast dress is m ade of Grey Cash m ere surrounded by a flouncetr i m m ed W ith Clare t-colour. The fron t of the body and skirt is cut in one , and is all clare te laborate ly fronc"e , the colour is carried on to the back in double pla its , and is in troducedin to the s leeves i n a series of puffs in the H enri I I I . style .

NOTE—A sm al l book.

con ta in ing estim ate s for.

W edd ing Trousseaux,Laye ttes, I ndiaOutfi ts, and e very req m srte i n underclothing i s publ ished in connection w ith this D epartm en t,

and W i ll be forwarded pos t-free on application.

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Page 37: ToAM A VI - forgottenbooks.com · ToAM A VI MESSRS D EBE N H AM FRE E BOD Y ’S D RY G OOD S STORE A VISIT is respectfully invit ed to this Est ablish m ent f ro m Am eric an Ladie


TH E addi t ional fac i l i t ies now offered for the conveyance of Parce l s ,and our in creas ing connect ion in I ndia and the C olon ie s , have inducedu s to organ ize a D EPARTMENT for the careful execu t ion of FORE I G NORD ERS.

COMM ISSI ONS for G oods no t kept i n our Stock are prom ptly executedon the be s t term s


All O rders under the value of £2 0 should be accom pan ied by aRem ittan ce or order for Paym en t on som e London H ou se , coveringthe am oun t for G oods and I nsuran ce . Orders above [ 2 0 w il l beexecu ted i f half the am oun t i s sent i n advan ce

,— the Balan ce to be

paid on the arrival Of the G oods.P articular atten t ion is paid to the PACK I NG O F G OOD S, to insure,as far as poss ib le

,the ir de l ivery in good condit ion and in the absen ce

of Spec ial I nstruct ions,Cases w il l be forwarded by the qu ickes t and

m os t econo m ica l conveyance.


SMALL PARCELS under the val ue 0 f£2 0 , and not exceeding two fee tb y one foo t by one foo t i n m easurem en t

,and no t we igh ing m ore than

fi fty pounds,wi l l be de l ivered at ( my part Tow n or D istrict i n I ndia

at a through rate of per lb. I nsurance can be effected up to 3

val ue for £10 value for and £2 0 value for PREPAYMENT O F FRE IGHT IS OPT I ONAL.

LARGE PARCELS are u sual ly despat ched w '

ri Suez Canal , by wh ichRoute packages can be del ivered in I ndia i n about 40 days , at a verym oderate cos t . In order to Offer every convenience to C us tom ers inI ndia

,w e have m ade arrangem en ts wh ich w il l enab le the m to ob tain

Patterns Of N ove l tie s in Silks , Popl ins , D re s s Material s , &c ., from

our Agen ts ,~MESSRS. W



,H are Street


PARCELS forwarded to al l parts of the U N I TED STATES by theE xpre ss and Agen cy CO.

,and the Freigh t and D uty col lected on

de l ivery if de s ired (C . O . D .)


POST- O FF ICE O RD ERS fi zzy/able at V ere Street, W .

Wy um /r. 67° Son s,P r in ters , G re a t Queen Strr

’et, L ondon ,W .C

Page 38: ToAM A VI - forgottenbooks.com · ToAM A VI MESSRS D EBE N H AM FRE E BOD Y ’S D RY G OOD S STORE A VISIT is respectfully invit ed to this Est ablish m ent f ro m Am eric an Ladie

Any 0] the Models illus trated can be m ade to m easure,

and a Fi t guaran teed if a Pattern Bodice be sen t as a

guide f or siz e. A Bodice can be forwarded through the

pos t ; but If this course . is inconven ien t, the followingm easurem en ts wi/f '



Round N eck inches.Round Shoulders (over Arm s)Round Bust (under Arm s)

.D to E . D epth of ShoulderF to G . L ength of Arm ,

ins ide seam

H to I . N eck to“Waist (back)7 to If . L ength of Sk irt (fron t)1 to L . L ength of Skirt (back)A cross the Ches tA cross the BackRound the \V aist

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W YMA N s S ONS . J ' r/ w f 'l'.


f r'

fw (jut e-p r .S " I ( i NDON W C .
