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Together Forever 11pt · Do not belittle each other in company. Remember that you are ... it is the...

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TOGETHER FOREVER TO INCREASE THE FEELINGS AND LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER: · Never let the honeymoon feeling cease. Take walks, hold hands, maintain eye contact when speaking to each other. Give genuine “Love is kind; Love endures and bears all things.” You're looking to the time when you've crossed the river yonder, when you'll spring back, again to young men and women, to live together forever. William Branham · Have Mutual Interests: You need something that is interesting to you both to talk about and share. Try to engage mostly in those activities that you two can enjoy together. Spend time together doing projects, outings, visiting together or speaking on the Word; praying together etc. Therefore, create an atmosphere of oneness or togetherness by sharing interests you both can enjoy. · A Particular interest: Take an interest in what each other is doing and love doing. Be involved in some way, serving one another. You love whom you serve. That means: try to accommodate each other in his/ her individual activities. Share this particular interest. Be your husband's greatest supporter. The husband may learn that since she is interested in baking and cooking, he may be able to make her feel special by spending some time also in the preparations. Or he may realize that just praising or admiring her work, while she is at it will be a tremendous boost to her. Finally don't do anything that might mean spending too much time away from each other. Marriage is hard work. For a successful marriage, we need to be willing to diligently work on our marriage. We become what we repeatedly do and our lives reflect and are a result of what we constantly do. Therefore it is not talent that makes us achieve, but our willingness to conduct ourselves in such a way, that would bring about harmony and peace. For marital compatibility or becoming one we need to “submit ourselves to one another in the fear of the Lord”. · Do your utmost to meet each other's vital needs. If anyone of those needs is not met, there is a vacuum and it leaves one feeling unfulfilled in some way. These unmet needs could lead to much frustration and unhappiness. It may also cause that one may look elsewhere to have those needs met; and this may bring about trouble in the marriage.
Page 1: Together Forever 11pt · Do not belittle each other in company. Remember that you are ... it is the unkindest way of punishment for any one. It is unfair and unreasonable. Silent



· Never let the honeymoon feeling cease. Take walks, hold hands,

maintain eye contact when speaking to each other. Give genuine

“Love is kind; Love endures and bears all things.” �

You're looking to the time when you've crossed the river yonder, when you'll

spring back, again to young men and women, to live together forever.�William Branham

· Have Mutual Interests: You need something that is interesting to you

both to talk about and share. Try to engage mostly in those activities that

you two can enjoy together. Spend time together doing projects, outings,

visiting together or speaking on the Word; praying together etc.

Therefore, create an atmosphere of oneness or togetherness by sharing

interests you both can enjoy.

· A Particular interest: Take an interest in what each other is doing and

love doing. Be involved in some way, serving one another. You love

whom you serve. That means: try to accommodate each other in his/ her

individual activities. Share this particular interest. Be your husband's

greatest supporter. The husband may learn that since she is interested in

baking and cooking, he may be able to make her feel special by spending

some time also in the preparations. Or he may realize that just praising or

admiring her work, while she is at it will be a tremendous boost to her.

Finally don't do anything that might mean spending too much time away

from each other.

Marriage is hard work. For a successful marriage, we need to be willing to diligently work on our marriage. We become what we repeatedly do and our lives reflect and are a result of what we constantly do. Therefore it is not talent that makes us achieve, but our willingness to conduct ourselves in such a way, that would bring about harmony and peace. For marital compatibility or becoming one we need to “submit ourselves to one another in the fear of the Lord”.

· Do your utmost to meet each other's vital needs. If anyone of those

needs is not met, there is a vacuum and it leaves one feeling unfulfilled in

some way. These unmet needs could lead to much frustration and

unhappiness. It may also cause that one may look elsewhere to have those

needs met; and this may bring about trouble in the marriage.

Page 2: Together Forever 11pt · Do not belittle each other in company. Remember that you are ... it is the unkindest way of punishment for any one. It is unfair and unreasonable. Silent

· Encourage one another during stressful times. Listen calmly and tell

each other that it matters to you what he/ she is going through. Offer

comfort in some practical or helpful way. Tell him that you understand his

loss. Hold her while she cries.

· Create boundaries around your marriage. Never dishonor or

humiliate one another through humor, or share secrets of your union. Be


· Remember to say “I am sorry” with a right kind of attitude. “I am

sorry I offended you”. “I am sorry you feel that way”. “Please forgive

me”. Speak tenderly to one another. Remember whom you are

addressing…. A son / daughter of God.

compliments. Listen to one another. Be Lovers.

· Reminisce on the day/ days you met. Revisit old places that were special

to you both.

· Speak well to each other and about each other before family and

friends. Do not belittle each other in company. Remember that you are

speaking about a son / daughter of God, worthy of your respect. A man

that will speak poorly about his wife is not wise, as he is speaking poorly

of himself; and vice versa.

· Be silent on certain matters; drop the subject that causes a problem for

now; and pray about the situation. Do not continue to remind, talk about

the subject, nor bring it up. Allow time to sort out the matter and pray. The

wife should earnestly not continue to pursue a matter, but to refer her

husband in prayer to the Lord, who is her husband's Head; and the Lord

will speak to him. Both parties can learn patience to take its course.

· Do not give the silent treatment. When either one isolate the spouse by

not talking to her / him, it is the unkindest way of punishment for any one.

It is unfair and unreasonable. Silent Treatment is when a person uses

silence to convey anger or grievances by ignoring or not speaking to the

spouse at home or even in company. The spouse is made to feel unworthy

or guilty and so this form of punishing him/her is handed out. He or she is

then pressurized to apologize without knowing the reason for being

isolated and ignored. This manner is a form of manipulation and

intimidation, leaving an unhappy spouse often times depressed,

bewildered and upset.

· Do not use an unkind form of communication: e.g. Verbal Abuse. It is

a form of manipulation, whereby words are used to belittle, insult,

condemn or scorn the individual. This ill treatment can take the form of

2 Together Forever

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And was talking about men losing their affections for their wife and don't love them as they did when they were sweethearts, shame on you. You ought to do it; she's always your sweetheart. Absolutely, that's the part she should be. And you should treat her like that. Oh, never let that little honeymoon cease, 'cause it isn't going to in heaven. It's going to be just perfectly one there. � Time Tested Memorials - William Branham

Time Tested Memorials - William Branham

Catholic boy come to me not long ago, his wife was separated. he said, "Billy, I hate to come to you; I'm a Catholic, and you a Protestant." Said, "A priest run me out of my home awhile ago." And I said, "What's the matter with him." He said, "Well," he told me, said, "I drink a little," and said, "of a night, I work hard." And said, "My wife thinks I ought to come in every night and kiss her and hug her and make it out just like that we was fixing to get married." Said, "We married, and got a bunch of kids." And said, "If we... That's time..." I said, "Whoop, wait a minute, boy, you're wrong; you're wrong. That's just the same as it was before you're married. See? You must always remember." I said, "She's forty years old now at the time where she really needs your attention."

· Take care not to remind one another of what his / her supposedly duties

are. No amount of telling or reminding each other of what we are

supposed to be doing will produce the required or desired effect. How we

do it is important. We can request but we cannot command nor

demand, persuade or nag one another into compliance. Our requests

should be unselfish.

name calling in a negative way, by these repeated insulting and belittling

comments.�Rather praise him a little and see what he will do for you. A

steady diet of approval would do us all good.

· Lastly your boundary wall is forgiveness. Forgive instantly and

constantly. Don't let your hurt feelings rule your behaviour, since you

have experienced God's Love for you. Forgive so that grievances are laid

to rest. Do not bring up “past wrongs”, committing all to God.


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For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. �Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. �

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

EPHESIANS 5: 18 - 33 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing, making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.�

So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.

Be interested in what he is doing. Learn his recreational likes and join him or accompany him to it, so that he associates these as the most enjoyable moments with you. Compliment his work; Support him. Be fully attentive while he is speaking to others. Show him you are interested in what he is saying and doing.

Never reject him, but at all times respond to him in a pleasing way, because it is meaningful to him. As a couple you can have an intimate relationship that both find repeatedly satisfying. Do nothing to put him off. Anything will come across as a rejection. Be his wife/ his lover. Encourage him in this area in many ways.

Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.


For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.


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Create a home that offers him a refuge from the stresses of life, a haven... peace and quiet to come home to. Manage the household responsibilities in such a way that it will encourage him to want to be at home with the family. Make “Home coming time” special; all other activities done in advance, so that he gets preference and you give him your full attention, when he arrives.

Keep yourself well-groomed. He must be proud of you at all times; tastefully dressed in public as befitting the wife of an honorable man; and attracted to you in private, where you “dress exclusively” for him.

The world's a looking for something today. When your little wife told you she'd be your sweetheart and wife, she was looking for somebody to love her. And when you promised your husband, he was looking for somebody when he come in tired and weary from working all day, some little wife to put her arms around him and kindly brush his hair back, and tell him how much she loved him. That's what causes separation in families, is the neglect of love. � Hear Ye Him - William Branham

He is going to fail you, offend and misunderstand you. He is going to disappoint you by his actions and words. Count these as human shortcomings or weaknesses and not sin. To maintain and keep your marriage together, learn to instantly and constantly forgive him.

Understand and appreciate him more than anyone else. Remind him of his value and his achievements. Be proud of him. Show and tell him that you believe in him. Do not give him advice. Even your well meaning advice may seem that you do not trust him to do well. Take care not to criticize, belittle or embarrass him in company or in private. Be respectful at all times. Your behaviour should not be determined by his treating you less than you desire. Be an uncritical listener. Make him a hero to your children. A steady diet of praise is needed at all times.

His Needs6

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Learning To Meet Her Emotional Needs:

Ephesians 5: 18-33

· To the woman Affection is the strength of the union. Therefore, create an

environment of affection that expresses your love to her. If woman does

not receive love from her husband, everything else in life, all other

achievements become insignificant or worthless to her.

· Words are meaningful to her. Tell her: I will take care of you. I will

protect you. You are important to me.�You tell her that you love her

with words, flowers and gifts; lots of hugs or a gentle touch. Set aside

time to talk to her. Never be too busy to talk to her. The conversation

must not be critical, negative or disapproving, but positive and helpful.

Keep eye contact when talking to her. Listening to her is meaningful to

her especially if she tells you of something important to her or her day.

Be interested in her.

· Be involved in the training, teaching, discipline and guidance of the

children. A woman values the man's / father's influence and presence in

the children's upbringing.

· Forgiveness – your wife is going to fail you, offend and misunderstand

you. She is going to disappoint you by her actions and words. Learn to

instantly and constantly forgive her. Hold nothing against her. Just love

her by showing affection by giving quality time and words of affirmation.

· A woman appreciates honesty & openness. Give her a sense of security

and have an open communication with her. Share everything about

yourself to her, as she needs to know you better than anyone else. Tell her

everything, whether it is positive or negative about your feelings, events

of your past, and your plans for the future. Never leave her with false

impressions. You must be truthful about your intentions, thoughts, your

feelings and behaviour. You must make her feel secure and that she can

trust you.

· Provide financial support. A man has the responsibility to provide

for the family living expenses.


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Then, another thing, after she does that, after she has fulfilled her vows, and took her marriage, and took her husband's-to-be name, the bridegroom's name, then she's heir of everything he possesses. She's the heir of everything. Your wife is an heir of everything you possess.

Hebrews - William Branham

Marriage is honourable, but it should be entered prayerfully and reverently. And genuine love for that woman will bind you together forever. "What you bind on the earth, I'll bind in Heaven." When you walk down the street yonder, she may get old and gray and wrinkled, but that same love you had for her when she was a young, beautiful woman, you'll still have it. You may get stoop-shouldered, bald-headed, and wrinkled-faced and everything else, but she'll love you just like you did when you stand with wide shoulders and curly hair, if it's really God. For you're looking to the time when you've crossed the river yonder, when you'll spring back, again to young men and women, to live together forever. That's God's Eternal promise. He said He would do it. He, not only that... We'll get to it in a minute. He swore He would do it. �

The main ingredient to maintain and keep your marriage together is an

understanding of each other's needs and a willingness to overlook your frailties

and failures. How can you have faith in your wife if you don't love her? That's in phileo. Now how about in agapao, to God? How can it be if you don't love God? If you said you loved your wife, and never tell her about it, and never set down and make love to her, expressed it to her, kiss her, hug her, and tell her she's the best cook in the country, all the things that you know, and how pretty she is, and how much you love her; if you don't do that, she'll never know it. That's the way. If you do love her, you express it. That's the way we do to God. When we love Him, we tell Him about it. We set down and we adore Him, and worship Him. And, see, love drives us to that. Desperations - William Branham

The Marriage Of The Lamb - William Branham

We got so many things we have to do, so much responsibility that we have to face. Everybody has got to face a certain responsibility. When you--when you come to--to choose your wife, to get married, or choose your husband, you--you've got to take a responsibility. And then you must remember... Maybe you build a home; it's a nice pretty home. And then, remember, as a married woman, you got to think of the responsibility of raising children. And you got to think of them pretty, slick walls is going to have little, dirty handprints all over them. Then you


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A Man Running From The Presence - William Branham

got the responsibility of educating your children. You got the responsibility of clothing and feeding. Everything is a responsibility. And it's so easy, when the responsibilities face us, to shirk from them. And we find out that marriage is a responsibility, in all manners�

10 Her Needs

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