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Together! Outline of “Our” Ministry

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Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together! Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook 1 Outline of “Our” Ministry What do we do? The Good Mood Foundation ministers to people who have a mental illness, addiction issue or mood related struggles. What is a Mental Illness? A mental illness occurs when the brain becomes “broken.” When the brain ceases to function correctly the body doesn’t work either. Medications bring the brain’s chemistry back into a “normal” range. When this happens the patient recovers and normal functioning returns. People who have a mental illness are NOT crazy. MANY famous people in EVERY field of endeavor have struggled with mental illness. There are MANY people in the Bible including; Job, Moses, King David and Jesus Christ who openly struggled with mood issues, too. What is an Addiction Issue? There is a place in the brain that releases chemicals which makes a person feel good. Exercise, praise music and marital relations makes a person feel good—with no regrets. Overeating, heroin and cocaine use, and illicit sex makes a person feel good— with plenty of regrets. EVERYONE is an addict. We either choice to medicate ourselves in righteous or unrighteous ways. Why is this “Our” Ministry? You know someone who has a diagnosed mental illness, addiction issue or mood related struggles. Who is Mike Attar? I’m an Israeli and I believed the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the age of 19. I started the Good Mood Foundation in 2005 and wrote “My Pursuit of a Good Mood.” I receive no salary, royalty or financial benefit from this ministry. It’s a labor of LOVE! How do we Minister? We conduct “Engaging with God” group every Sunday afternoon. This is a dramatic, energetic, Biblical and multimedia presentation that introduces and reconnects the patients to the God of the Bible.

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


Outline of “Our” Ministry What do we do?

The Good Mood Foundation ministers to people who have a mental illness, addiction issue or mood related struggles.

What is a Mental Illness?

A mental illness occurs when the brain becomes “broken.” When the brain ceases to function correctly the body doesn’t work either. Medications bring the brain’s chemistry back into a “normal” range. When this happens the patient recovers and normal functioning returns. People who have a mental illness are NOT crazy. MANY famous people in EVERY field of endeavor have struggled with mental illness. There are MANY people in the Bible including; Job, Moses, King David and Jesus Christ who openly struggled with mood issues, too.

What is an Addiction Issue?

There is a place in the brain that releases chemicals which makes a person feel good. Exercise, praise music and marital relations makes a person feel good—with no regrets. Overeating, heroin and cocaine use, and illicit sex makes a person feel good—with plenty of regrets. EVERYONE is an addict. We either choice to medicate ourselves in righteous or unrighteous ways.

Why is this “Our” Ministry?

You know someone who has a diagnosed mental illness, addiction issue or mood related struggles.

Who is Mike Attar?

I’m an Israeli and I believed the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the age of 19. I started the Good Mood Foundation in 2005 and wrote “My Pursuit of a Good Mood.” I receive no salary, royalty or financial benefit from this ministry. It’s a labor of LOVE!

How do we Minister?

We conduct “Engaging with God” group every Sunday afternoon. This is a dramatic, energetic, Biblical and multimedia presentation that introduces and reconnects the patients to the God of the Bible.

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


Our Story

“Engaging with God” is a “peer to peer” ministry

Our ministry brings the Church of Jesus Christ into the psychiatric and addiction hospital

“A disability ministry isn’t a disability ministry until the disabled are ministering to

the disabled.” Joni Tada

The purpose of the “Engaging with God” group is to introduce and reconnect patients to the God of the Bible. Our ministry unintentionally aligns with the “five love languages” mentioned in the book The Five Love Languages. The Spirit led us to meet the needs of the patients in this way. They are…

1-Serving: My assistant and I return to the hospital in the afternoon to set up for the “Engaging with God” group. After set-up, we kneel and pray over each chair. We ask God to bring His “sheep” to group and to have His way in each of the patient’s lives. In group, we deal with the three issues that affect mental and spiritual health. In the comprehensive workbook each patient receives we cover:

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


1. The issue of forgiveness—In the first section, I share my story of how I finally forgave the Nazis for killing my family in Poland during WWII. I also share how I was forgiven for the theft of four silver trumpets. Then I encourage the patients to begin the process of forgiving those who have hurt them and to ask for forgiveness from those they have hurt.

2. The issue of walking in the Spirit—In this section we explain the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We know group reconnects a lot of patients back to God because of the comments they make on their evaluations. God has led many patients to faith in His Son Jesus Christ during group time. When that happens we pray over that person and give them a “Welcome into the Kingdom” package, and then we clap! We also explain that everyone has a moment-by-moment choice to make—to live by the Spirit or to live by the flesh.

3. The issue of overcoming a mind filled with negative thoughts and negative emotions—I explain how watching, listening and singing to praise and worship music is one of the BEST ways to overcome negative thoughts and emotions. To close out group, we sing two praise songs which leads into prayer time and an invitation to whisper, “You’re going to get well.”

2-Gifts: On Sunday at 7:30A.M. I arrive before the patients return to the unit from breakfast. I leave 15 sets of books (a Bible, my book and three others banded together) along with other devotional books for the patients. With these gifts we minister and bless. Why? The patients in the hospital are “unplugged.” They have no Internet, cell phone or computer. Most patients arrive at the hospital with just the clothes on their back, so they’re happy to receive books and are open to ideas that present new hope. We strive to be wise and frugal stewards, selecting appropriate material available at deeply discounted prices. In the afternoon, patients can take additional books from our resource table. We’ve also donated 10 MP3 players (with 500 praise songs) for their use while in the hospital. This is huge and the patients love it. Keep in mind that the hospital cannot provide books, Bibles or MP3 players, but our ministry can. 3-Words of affirmation: My assistant and I write a personal note of encouragement to every patient that attended group and deliver them on Monday morning. Inside the envelope is another devotional book. We also provide our contact information if the patient wants to call us for prayer and/or a hospital visitation.

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


4- Personal touch and affirming words: At the hospital we end every “Engaging with God” group with prayer. I kneel down and place my hand on the patient’s shoulder (with their permission). I press in close and pray for them. After that, I ask if I can give the patient a hug (they always say yes). While giving the hug I softly declare, “You’re going to get WELL, you’re going to get WELL, you ARE going to get well.” Professional mental health providers cannot do this. But as a “peer,” I can! Keep in mind that it takes ALL five love languages for us to earn the right to provide a hug and to speak hope directly into the patient’s ear. 5-Time: I’m “all-in” and have invested the last nine years developing our ministry. During this time, I have not received any salary, royalty or any financial benefit from our ministry. I serve because God gave me the heart to serve our ministry clients. Our ministry has now expanded from my home office to the garage. There, I unpack and inventory books, print and bind patient workbooks and answer emails. I LOVE what WE do! God is using our “Engaging with God” group ministry to introduce and reconnect the patients to Himself—the God of the Bible.

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


The Steps of Our Ministry 1. During the week, God prepares the hearts of the patients, hospital staff, our volunteers

and me for what He is going to do in and through us. 2. Patient workbooks are produced and bound. Gifts “sets” are produced. 3. Patients are brought “sets”-gifts of Bibles and Christian books on Sunday morning. 4. Patients talk among themselves. “Look what ‘someone’ brought us.” 5. Patients often are allowed to eat cookies we bring the staff in the morning. 6. Patient cafeteria is prepared for “Engaging with God” group in the afternoon. 7. Patient chairs in the cafeteria are touched as we knell and pray over them. 8. Patients are greeted and engaged by my assistant and escorted into the cafeteria. 9. Patients hear and receive a dynamic, hope filled, high energy presentation by one of

their peers. This Biblical presentation provides relevant answers to the top three causes for moods struggles. They are: a spirit of unforgiveness, a life that is not Spirit led and a mind filled with negative thoughts and emotions.

10. Patients are engaged as they sing with Hillsong’s “Mighty to Save” and Kirk Franklin’s song “Brighter Day” as they perform on the cafeteria TV.

11. Patients receive personal prayer. 12. Patients are hugged (with their permission) and “You ARE going to get well” is

whispered repeatedly into their ear. 13. Patient (most) say that their mood has improved on their evaluation form, provide

additional prayer requests and evaluate our ministry. 14. Patients can also request a personal hand written note of encouragement on their

evaluation form. 15. Patients who didn’t get a “set” in the morning can pick one up from our resource table. 16. Patients and staff are personally thanked for allowing us to come and minister as we

pack up and leave the hospital. 17. Patients can request and use one of ten MP3 players (with over 500 songs) we have

provided for their use while in the hospital. 18. Patients can call me or my assistant if they want personal prayer, hospital visitation or

want to sit with us at church after they get out of the hospital. 19. Patients tell the hospital staff how “Engaging with God” and our ministry has impacted

them and we are invited back for another week of ministry. 20. Patients receive their personal hand written note of encouragement on Monday. 21. Patients continue to engage with God as they reflect on the hope, love and

encouragement this ministry has brought to them in the hospital.

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


My Love and Motivation for Ministry This is my mom. We were invited to a Hawaiian dinner and mom won the pineapple she is holding for her artistic talents. She also won the door prize of a bath towel. As you can see, mom is very happy tonight. But mom has had it hard. Mom survived the Holocaust. Mom was born in Poland a week before the Nazi's invaded which began WWII. She and her sister were immediately given to two Gentile Polish families along with piles of money to be raised as Gentiles. My grandfather Nathaniel was also one of the founding leaders of the Zionist movement at the turn of the century. Zionists believe that the Jewish people have a BIBLICAL RIGHT to their God given land—Israel. Nathaniel had a Ph.D. in history and owned several businesses. He had an incredible collection of first edition books. HE LOVED BOOKS. Grandmother said that when the Nazi Commander came into her home he was moved to tears by the vastness of Nathaniel’s book collection of first editions. He burned them before shooting my grandfather in the head in front of my grandmother. Grandmother survived in the "underground." The REST of our family was killed and everything they owned confiscated and destroyed. I am HONORED to have been given his name as my middle name. I am honored and privileged to be a Jew and to have been born in Israel. As a result of filming “Schindler’s List,” Steven Spielberg founded the Shoah Foundation. The purpose of the Shoah Foundation is to interview survivors of the Holocaust (on camera) and to create a video archive so that the “world will never forget.” In 1997, my mom was selected and her story was captured as evidence of the atrocities that occurred during the Holocaust. FACT: The Jewish people have the highest percentage of mental illness than any OTHER people group. Why? NO ONE really knows. Maybe the trauma of the Holocaust. MANY family members struggle with mental health issues. Now that you know this truth about the Jewish people. It is my prayer that you will minister with empathy, compassion and the love of our Savior to—His chosen!

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


Mike’s Messianic Testimony I was born in Haifa, Israel, and moved to New York City at the age of three, when my family immigrated to the United States. I grew up in a reformed Jewish home, observing the Jewish Feasts occasionally, but not faithfully. Through my encounter with mentors from Waco, Texas (Paul J. Meyer and Gary O’Malley) I began to read the Bible and attend church services. I came to understand that the Bible consisted of the Old Testament—a picture book prophesying and foreshadowing a Jewish Messiah. I also came to understand that during Old Testament times God’s people would come to the tabernacle area with a spotless, pure sacrifice onto which the sins of the individual making the sacrifice would be symbolically placed. The people met with a priest because individuals could not atone for sins and have fellowship with God directly. These sacrifices were repeatedly made to atone for sin, and restore the one making the sacrifice into right fellowship with God—until the next sin. It was never-ending. I read how God longed for all people to humble themselves and confess their sin, and come back to Him through the required and appropriate sacrifices. God, throughout the Old Testament, was planning to introduce a better and final sacrifice. The Jews knew this person of promise as “Messiah.” Whoever eventually came claiming to be the foreshadowed Messiah would have to be right one-hundred percent in regard to all Old Testament prophecy. I was fascinated with the prophetic descriptions of where the Messiah would be born, live, how and why He would have to die. So, after reading the Bible and New Testament all day, every day, for about three weeks, I made a monumental decision to embrace the New Testament’s teaching concerning the Gospel—Jesus Christ died as a substitute for my sin and rose from the dead on the third day. My eyes were finally opened—Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of all of the Old Testament prophesies and all things Jewish. I concluded that Jesus Christ was who He said He was—“God—the Messiah.”

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


What Patients and Others Are Saying

We know we introduce and reconnect a lot of patients back to God because of the comments they make on their evaluations. We also know that God has led many patients to faith in His Son Jesus Christ by His Gospel being proclaimed. During part two of my presentation the Gospel of Jesus Christ is clearly and creatively communicated. At the end of this section, I ask, “Does anyone want to believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the first time?” When this happens my assistant, Jennifer DeFeo, prays over that patient. Then she gives them a ‘Welcome into the Kingdom” package and the rest of the group claps.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the

Jew, then to the Gentile.” Romans 1:16

The following comments are similar to what patients have said over the last three years of our “Engaging with God” ministry. God is GOOD!

Engaging with God” group August 10, 2014 Five patients believed the Gospel of Jesus Christ in today’s group. My assistant Jennifer and I prayed over each of the five. Then we gave them a “Welcome into the Kingdom” Package and the rest of the group spontaneously clapped. “I really needed the group, all of the singing and me becoming a Christian.” “Reestablished my relationship with my precious Savior Jesus.” “Welcoming into God’s Kingdom was awesome to me and believing the Gospel was touching.” “Very uplifting and encouraging.” “What I needed today to smile.” “It helped me to find new meaning in my life.” “Lots of good reminders. There IS Hope!” “It was great, powerful. Comforting and very much needed as I continue my journey of recovery. Amen and thank you!”

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


Engaging with God” group July 13, 2014 “Wonderful and much needed time to praise and honor God.” “Encouraged by the ‘to-dos’ in the workbook.” Presentation is so moving, easy to read, understand and accept.” “God needs to be in our lives.” “I am so much happier.” Engaging with God” group July 6, 2014 “It was uplifting.” “Extraordinary!” “God inspired wellness program.” “Please continue.” “Thank you.”

“Engaging with God” group June 29, 2014 Today we began replacing broken MP3 players our ministry donates to Carrollton Springs Hospital. Patients can't bring electronics and the hospital can't provide any, but we do. I open each device and remove the microphone because recordings are not allowed. And since ear buds or cords are prohibited too, we've found MP3 players with a built in speaker. The praise and worship songs on the MP3 players provide patients hope and God's encouragement through HIS music. During prayer, a woman got up and moved to a corner so she could speak to me privately. “I'm Jewish” she says. My daughter believed the Gospel a few months ago and a local church has been reaching out to us. “Are you a believer?” I asked. “No, I'm not.” “Okay, so can I pray for you and your daughter?” I asked. “Yes! And can you please give an MP3 player to me and my daughter?” “Of course.” I replied. The next day I brought two MP3 players for my Jewish friend. She will be able to pick them up when she leaves the hospital. I’m HAPPY to provide because my Jewish friend is going to hear God’s Word through His songs.

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


“Engaging with God” group June 22, 2014 I took this picture while waiting for my other assistant, Holly Sabin. She was in the unit engaging with the patients and helping the staff gather and shepherd them to the cafeteria. I clearly heard God whispering to me, “It’s all about ME-not you.” I went to the end of the table, knelt down and prayed. During the second section, after the Gospel was creatively presented, I asked if anyone wanted to believe the Gospel for the FIRST time. I say FIRST rather emphatically, because we’re in a hospital and the patients are on medications. Two ladies raised their hands. Holly went over, placed her hand on their shoulders and prayed out loud. Then she gave each a “Welcome into the Kingdom” package. “Is there anyone else?” I asked. A man raised his hand and Holly did the same thing. Then two other women raised their hands. At first, my head was telling me “NO-this isn’t the first time these patients are believing the Gospel for the FIRST time. But then several patients got out of their chairs, knelt down next to two of the ladies, and prayed over them. Many tears and then the patients clapped. I was stunned! This has NEVER happened like this before.

“Engaging with God” group June 15, 2014 “Love you guys in what you do. But I’m not Christian, I’m Hindu.” “Reminded me that I am forgiven.” “It will help me to cope and encourage me to trust in God.” “Fun, eye-opening, affirming.” “Reaffirmed that I need to get closer with God again and to ask for forgiveness from my sins.” “Engaging with God” group June 8, 2014 “I came back to Christ.” “Moving—I teared up—often”

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


“Very Biblical” “Very factual! And engaging!” “Both of you [my assistant Jennifer and I] lifted up my attitude and my spirits” “Engaging with God” group June 1, 2014 “I needed to hear that I’m going to get better.” “It made me feel closer to God and renewed my faith.” “Uplifting-Powerful-Encouraging.” “I asked to bring Jesus into my life.” “I liked the info in the booklet [workbook] and hearing the stories.”

“Engaging with God” group May 25, 2014 “It reminded me that God is the answer to everything.” “The Word was brought to me.” “I enjoyed Mike’s spirit of faith and perseverance. Thank you for your prayers over me…”

“Engaging with God” group May 18, 2014 “Got me back on right track.” “I can feel the heart you put into your beliefs. Vey uplifting.” “This is what I needed to hear.” “Gave me new hope.” “The issue of forgiveness is one that I have been dealing with. It was awesome how that was a big focus today.”

“Engaging with God” group May 11, 2014 “I left with feelings of hope and happiness.” “Very uplifting.” “Bringing God to this place and smiles and encouragement that we are not alone.” “It made me realize how important a community is.” “Very nice to have the opportunity to pray with my peers.” “I love the ways you teach us how to resolve our problems.”

Recently, I prayed for a woman who was clearly distraught and broken. This is very common. We conduct group in the cafeteria so as our group time ends, dinner begins. As I was tearing down, I noticed this same woman in the corner of the cafeteria. She didn’t look any better so I asked my assistant, Jennifer, to go over and talk to her. Twenty minutes later, Jennifer came back to the lobby and said, “(patient) just prayed to receive Jesus Christ.” Wow, some more!

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


A copy of each patient evaluation is read by

the Clinical Director each week and compiled into a report that’s shared with senior


Here’s what the CEO and Clinical Director have to say…

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


Meet our Board of Directors and Advisors

Mike Attar-Founder ”Of all good things I could say about this ministry, NONE is more important and revealing as my ministry to Michelle, my wife of 29 years. I believe this picture says how I feel about her and how proud I am of her. This was taken in 2007 when Michelle graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary. All throughout our marriage, I’ve provided Michelle with the support, encouragement, and resources necessary for her to fulfill her goals and the calling God has given her. Michelle is the crown jewel on my head. Unlike most men who measure success in terms of what they’ve accomplished, I measure success in terms of what I’ve been able to do to help Michelle be successful—at her calling and ministry—not mine. That’s why I’m proud Michelle serves on staff at our home church Bent Tree Bible Fellowship. She’s had many roles in the fifteen years she’s worked there.

Bob Minkert-Vice President Bob has served as our VP for almost three years. Bob is a family man, entrepreneur and owns several “In-Home Service Provider” companies in Atlanta and multi-state regions. This includes: “Just Water Heaters Now,” “Mr. Electric” and “Mr. Rooter” franchises. With God’s enabling, Bob has grown his Mr. Electric franchise from the ground up and is now the largest Mr. Electric franchisee in the company system. “I have known Mike Attar for nearly 30 years. Mike’s love for the Word of God is demonstrated by his close walk with God and a Spirit-filled life. Rising above his own battles with bipolar disorder has allowed God’s grace to impact his life and others through the Good Mood Foundation. I have been blessed weekly in our conference calls hearing the program of the Ministry and how God once again has met the needs of the Ministry. The Good Mood Foundation ministers by getting in the trenches, going out in the community, and sharing the love of Christ and hope to those who battle the cruel aliments of mental disorders and addiction. Through the generosity of others the Good Mood Foundation is able to touch the lives of individuals struggling to recover and have the most basic qualities of life by providing written material, Bibles, DVDs, MP3 players for songs of worship. On more than one occasion I have heard Mike say, ‘Our time is limited in how long we can pray individually for the patients in the hospital. I wish I had more time. One by one…” I think this best characterizes the Good

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


Mood Foundation approach in ministering on a ‘peer-to-peer’ basis. Sharing Christ’s love and hope with others is what I believe we are called to do. The Good Mood Foundation is fulfilling that mission. I have been blessed by supporting the ministry and in my role as Vice President. Little did I know when assuming the role that God would place such a burden on me for reaching individuals who suffer from this affliction. I am thankful for Mike and Michelle, the volunteers and supporters of the Good Mood Foundation.”

Barbara Blessing-Outgoing Treasurer

Barbara has served for almost three years and will be rolling off the board by year-end. Barbara is active in her community after a career serving in federal government; directing finance and other domestic programs in IT, logistics, HR, security, facilities management, audit and international regulatory compliance. Barbara continues to support the federal government via the private sector. “From the time of meeting Mike Attar, over ten years ago, the desire of his heart has been to serve others. Mike is the one who made sure everyone at a Bible study felt welcomed and cared about, Mike was the one asking everyone if they needed anything, Mike was the one cleaning the room, Mike was the one... Several years ago, Mike became the one to share his story and to share how he has returned to a Good Mood. The journey has been a long one for Mike, but he has been faithful in seeking God's will for the ministry, and pursuing helping others each step of the way. The Good Mood Foundation has operated on just over $11,500 in giving for 2012, serving the patients at Carrollton Springs. Mike's desire is to open the Good Mood Foundation to a second hospital this year. He has been faithful, in his pursuit of a Good Mood, and sharing that path with others. May we share the path with Mike.”

Blake Decker-Incoming Treasurer

Blake is CPA, currently working for an investment planning and advisory company in Dallas, Texas. He joined the GMF board after getting to know Mike and seeing how much God was working through the ministry to share the Word and Love of God. “From the first time I met Mike, I could see the passion he had for the Lord and his desire to bring God’s Word, Love and Comfort to people struggling with mental illness. In today’s world where so many look down on or ignore people in need, it is wonderful to see Mike living out the Gospel message of spreading the Word to those in need.”

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


Michelle Attar-Founder’s Wife and Advisor

“Mike cares about those with mood struggles and their loved ones. He empathetically relates to people who need encouragement in dealing with their struggles. Mike pursues the better way to engage people who seek to live life in a good mood. In short, he knows, he cares, he acts, and he connects. Mike has bi-polar disorder, but he chooses not to allow the illness to destroy his life. Rather, he practices what he preaches every day. He accepts the diagnosis. He takes his meds. He has healthy habits and he trusts God in it all. Fortunately, God put us together as partners for life. I support Mike in his ministry and he supports me in mine. Because of this, we both thrive. I love you, honey. Your greatest fan, your wife, Michelle.”

Jennifer DeFeo-Founder’s Assistant and Advisor “I didn't know what to expect as a volunteer so I was stunned when I saw firsthand the positive effect that this ministry has on the patients. Mike has taken a huge disability, a thorn in the flesh, and turned it into a masterpiece of a ministry. Rather, as he would say, this is entirely the work of the Holy Spirit. Mike has yielded in obedience to the vision that God has for him. He readily shares his struggles and triumphs with others who are just starting their journey. His ministry is one of inspiration, humor, sharing the gospel openly, and praying for specific requests that these precious, seared and broken men and women ask for. These people who are depressed and hopeless walk into the room expecting nothing more than another group session. They leave with joy, a song of praise in their minds, and an expectation that this Jesus that they heard about can lift them out of this deep dark hole and give them life everlasting. Moreover, He can give them abundant life that starts right where they are. They know that they can look to Him as part of their healing. Mike graciously gives a variety of books that speak of his faith in Jesus Christ. He receives no salary for what he does, and he relies on the generosity of others to purchase the books that these patients pick up and hold close to their hearts. They know that these treasured books will teach them more about the God that has been shown to them in the group session. Mike knows that he might never see these men and women again so the books that he gives away follow these patients into the life that they return to when they leave this hospital. I can't say enough about this wonderful ministry. I feel so privileged to be a part of it. I love to see Mike's heart lifted as he sees a large group of hurting men and women starting toward our room. We both know that their lives will be touched, perhaps changed forever. Mike's quick smile and twinkle in his eyes as he starts the session set the tone for an uplifting experience for these people. He never tires of it. His enthusiasm is never dampened. Each group is a brand new opportunity through the power of the Holy Spirit to affect a radical change in people who thought that there was no hope for them.

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


Previous Board Members

Eric Willis-former vice president who served for one year Eric is the “Lead-Community Pastor” at Bent Tree Bible Fellowship in Carrollton, TX. He also serves as the president of “Reclaim Leadership,” a non-profit ministry. “What an incredible vision God has given you to reach out…honored that God has chosen you, as one of our own flock, to develop th Laurie Magers-former vice president who served for over three years Laurie was the executive assistant to Zig Ziglar (Ziglar Training Systems) for over 33 years. Zig recently passed away and Laurie serves Zig’s son, Tom Ziglar. “It was a privilege and a pleasure to work with Mike and Steve Lugar on the Board of the Good Mood Foundation. I continue to admire Mike’s commitment to bringing healing and peace to people with mood struggles, and I will continue to pray for God’s leadership and influence on him and this work. God bless you…” Steve Lugar-former treasurer who served for six years Steve is a managing partner at BHCO Capital Management, Inc., in Dallas, Texas. He also serves on the boards of other profit and non-profit organizations. “It has been joy to watch what started out as merely a dream six short years ago, take root and grow into what has become the Good Mood Foundation. Working with you and seeing your care and concern for those who suffer from mood-related struggles has been a privilege, and I am grateful for the opportunity. GMF fills a void and I pray that God will continue to touch the hearts of those who see the need for Christian-based resources and choose to support GMF in whatever way they can. Love you, Mike!”

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


Ten Years later

What began as an idea in 2004 is now a very relevant ministry operating out of my garage.


My desk, computer, and two B&W printers

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


Our inventoried books for patient gifts.

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


All the consumables for “Engaging with God” group.

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


Our Budget for 2014

Phone, Internet Web hosting, UPS Box $800

Sets of Bibles and books $9,750

Resource table books $6,250

Patient workbooks $3,000

Praise and worship CDs $1,000

Scripture Post-it Notes $1,000

Notes of encouragement books $500

Ministry stickers $450

Postage $350

Capital repairs and upkeep $850

Cookies for the staff every week $500

Staff appreciation Christmas $500

Volunteer appreciation $500

“Close Out” book fund $3,000

NAMI “Walks” Dallas $800

Misc. $750

Total $30,000

Our budget is based on our known expenses incurred in 2013.

Good Mood Foundation Impacting and Serving Our Ministry Clients—Together!

Feel free to contact Mike Attar at 1-877-GMF-8777 (Toll Free Call) or by email at [email protected] Visit us at www.GoodMoodFoundation.org NOW on Facebook


Explanation of key line items We put together and distribute 25 book sets each week for the patients. A “set” consists of three or four books. One of the books is mine, My Pursuit of a Good Mood. We can provide a set for $10.50 or LESS. Topics in the books included in each set tie directly to the concepts we discuss during group. We also distribute Bibles (cost of $1) that we leave with the sets so patients can help themselves. We buy “close-outs” from book distributers for 90% off their original price. The majority of the books we now purchase cost $2 or less for any book. There have been times when supporters gave us funding to buy a specific title that cost more than $2. The gifting of books and the impact they make is transformational. Patients are in a place in their lives where they are OPEN to change and to God’s Word. Workbooks cost about $3 each to produce. Each workbook is 97 pages or 48 pages front and back. The cost for each workbook includes the cost for paper, printer ink, and comb binding. We typically give away 20-25 workbooks each week. We put a devotional book (cost .99) into each note of encouragement that we write to the patients. We also put Scripture Post-it Notes (.99 when available) or similar into each note of encouragement for the women. We provide a worship CD for the patients who request it when they leave the hospital (cost .99). We also put our “Ministry” sticker (with our address) on the back of every Bible and book that we give away. It is our ministry policy NOT to put the patient’s email address or mailing information on our ministry contact list.

You can make a donation using your bank card by

clicking on the Donate button.

If you would like to use a check please send it to:

“Good Mood Foundation”

Attention: Blake Decker, CPA—Treasurer

3715 Main Street, Suite 600, Box 201

The Colony, Texas 75056 A tax deductible receipt will be mailed at the end of the year.
