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Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012

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  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    Wim Wenders,Wings of Desire is a 1987 Franco-

    German romantic fantasy lm. The Film is set in

    the old divisioned Berlin before the demise ofthe wall.

    The lm is about invisible, immortal angels who

    populate Berlin and listen to the thoughts ofthe human inhabitants and comfort those who arein distress. Even though the city is denselypopulated, many of the people are isolated and

    estranged from their loved ones. One of theangels falls in love with a beautiful, lonelytrapeze artist.

    The angel chooses to become human so that he canexperience the human sensory pleasures, rangingfrom enjoying food to touching a loved one, andso that have a chance at human love with the

    trapeze artist.

    The lm is shot in both a rich, sepia-tonedblack-and-white and colour, with the former

    being used to represent the world asexperienced by the angels.

    Project 1.1 Wings of DesireContext

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    Project 1.1 Wings of Desire_ChronogramChronogram 1

    The rst Chronogram to the right here was drawnto get an understanding of the space within the

    library scene of the lm.

    Exploring the idea of the light intensity withinthe lm conveys the sense of two worlds meeting,

    the human domain and the evangelical domain.

    The chronogram set out to desribe the scenethrough the lense of the camera. The blue lines

    and triangles indicate the perspectives of thecamera and the red symbolise the movement of thelense within the space. The teal line represents

    the sound used within the scene, i felt it im-portand to map the sound as the scene plays withthe senses and conveys the two worlds depictedin the lm.

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    Project 1.1 Wings of Desire_ChronogramChronogram 2
















    2.27 3.21

    Scene 1

    Scene 3 Scene 4



    Scene 2


  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    Project 1.2 MultiplicityOne and Several spacesSite - Spitatelds and BanglatownThe Tourist


    Christ Church anchor for

    area of exploratrion

    Spitalelds has unlate as the City o

    The area has a weapopulation. It theto london througho

    The 17th Century sarea in the form osettled in this arNantes in 1685. TH

    industry and builtto today.

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    The Tourist

    Jack the Ripper

    Spitalelds - Sites of Interest

    Sites of interest

    Christ Church

    Project 1.2 MultiplicityOne and Several spacesConcept -

    The concept to tackle the brief

    Multiplicity: one and several spaceswas to explore Spitalelds to gain anunderstanding of the area and to awaken myschizophrenic self.

    Having explored the area and through researchconducted i chose to analyse the site throughthe eyes of of a schizophrenic tourist with a

    Jack the Ripper complex.

    Through Exploring the area today the touristis reminded of the Brutal murders of 1888.The tourists exploration of the area and thebuilding that remain form the ripper era set

    the narrative of the lm.

    The narative of the lm is how the reaminingfacades and vists to the murder sotes evokes

    the ripper complex inside the tourist.

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    Project 1.2 MultiplicityOne and Several spacesConcept

    Spitalelds 1888 murder Sites

    Murder Sites today

    Bucks Row now known as

    Durward StreetBerner Street as Henrique Str

    Hanbury Street

    Jack the Ripper is the best-known name givento an unidentied serial killer who was

    active in the largely impoverished areas inand around the Whitechapel district of Londonin 1888. By the later 19th century innerSpitalelds had eclipsed rival claimants to

    the dubious distinction of being the worstcriminal rookery of London with commonlodging-houses in the Flower and Dean Streetarea being a focus for the activities of

    robbers and prostitutes. The latter street wasdubbed in 1881 as being perhaps the foulestand most dangerous street in the metropolis.

    Another claimant to the distinction of beingthe worst street in London was nearby DorsetStreet, which was highlighted by the brutalkilling and mutilation of a young woman in her

    lodgings This was the climax of a whole seriesof slayings of local prostitutes that becameknown as the Whitechapel Murders.

    31-08 08-09 30-09


    City of London


    1888 Time line through area

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    Project 1.2 MultiplicityOne and Several spacesChronogram


    0.58 1.05 1.10 1.12 1.18 1.24

    0.12 0.20 0.25 0.27

    Timeline opnes with avertical panning shot ofChrist Church. The purposeof this is toanchor the area where thesequence takesplace in efect setting thescene and enablingthe narration to begin.

    These sequences of shots is portraythe character remembering key placefrom his by gone era.

    These shots also help in portraying theold and the new the changing faces ofSpitaelds.

    The voice have now taken hold as thecharacter begins to develope thetendicies of his other self. Still indenial he seeking away from lookerson.The Pan down of the camera movementdipicts his other selftaking hold.

    This seen cuts from the pan up of theprevious shot to a pan down dipictingdepth withinthe surrounding space.

    The sequence then jumps to amoving shot to express thecharacterss distress ashe begins to listen to thevoice in his head. As with wingd of desire i

    wanted utilise shots ofplanes i.e Facadesto enablethe viewer to engage withthe space.

    The story then moves ontoto the other self reaquentinghimself with his formerstomping ground.

    This shot also show thefacades of old and therelation they havewith the church

    The character then begins tolisten to the voice in hishead and begins a journey toexplore theserevelations

    This Pan down sh30 St Mary Axe a notion of theIt also cuts in liner panof Chrindicate the soand the newcentre of worsh

    The character then dfrom snapshots from and it ignites his oselfs memory of the The character tries these emotions.of daas he believes it lemore sinister going

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    The London Borough of Tower Hamlets is aLondon borough to the east of the City of

    London and north of the River Thames. It is inthe eastern part of London and covers much ofthe traditional East End. The borough has apopulation of 220,000, which includes one of

    the highest ethnic minority populations in thecapital, consisting mainly of Bangladeshis.

    Throughout the 19th century, the local

    population increased by an average of 20%every ten years. The building of the docks intensied land use and caused the last marshy

    areas in the south of the parish to be drainedfor housing and industry. In the north of theborough employment was principally in weaving,small household industries like boot and

    furniture. The availability of cheap labourdrew in employers.

    Tower Hamlets occupies a key position within

    London, with the City to the west and theopportunities offered by an area dened asthe East Thames Corridor (stretching from

    Tower Bridge on both sides of the Thamesinto Essex and Kent), to the east. Thedevelopment of Docklands in particular hasplaced Tower Hamlets at the centre of

    Londons future, providing new homes andentertainment but perhaps most dramaticallyof all, a new business centre for the Capital.

    Tower Hamlets occupies a position at thecentre of improvements to the infrastructureof the capital (covering road and rail). Thiscombined with the continuance of major

    development opportunities places Tower Hamletsin a key position to shift the direction ofdevelopment in the capital to the east.Section 6.1 Tower Hamlets UDP. The City : London The Bo

    Project 2.1 urban Design ProjectSpitalelds and BanglatownContext

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    Project 2.1 urban Design ProjectSpitalelds and BanglatownContext

    Spitalelds and Banglatown - Overall Typology

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    Project 2.1 urban Design ProjectSpitalelds and BanglatownContext

    Spitalelds and Banglatown - Education

    There are number of educational facilities ward. The area also houses a large numer of

    level education students due to close proxia number of Universities.

    London Metropolitan University

    Whitechapel Gallery

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    Project 2.1 urban Design ProjectSpitalelds and BanglatownContext

    Spitalelds and Banglatown - Community


    Altab A

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    Project 2.1 urban Design ProjectSpitalelds and BanglatownContext

    Spitalelds and Banglatown - Industry

    Industry within in the area is on the declseeking employment in the city.

    The City on the boundary of the ward is beinto the area. The High streets demise of decline in industry has enables sites to bofce building to be erected bringing an i

    workers to the area.

    the Ward has a high Level of enemployment

    age group 16-25. The ward lies in one of tboroughs in the UK there fore income suppowithin the area.

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    Project 2.1 urban Design ProjectSpitalelds and BanglatownContext

    The Brick Lane and Fournier Street Conservation Area is oneof the most important historic areas in London.

    It was designated in July 1969 as Fournier Street. It was

    extended in 1978 and again in 1998, when its name was changedto reect Brick Lanes contribution to thecharacter of the area. It was further extended to the west

    and south west in October 2008 with the inclusion ofSt Matthews Church, St Annes Church and Victoria and AlbertCottages. It is one of the largest in Tower Hamlets, runningalong Brick Lane from Bethnal Green Road in the north down to

    Whitechapel in the south.

    It contains some of the most architecturally and historically

    signicant buildings in theBorough, including the exceptional group of 18th centuryhouses around FournierStreet. They comprise the most important early Georgian quar-

    ter in England andinclude Christ Church Spitalelds, designed by NicholasHawksmoor.Bricklane and Fournier Street Conservation Area,

    Tower Hamlets

    Spitalelds and Banglatown - Comercial

    Whitechapel High Street

    j 2 1 b i j

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    Project 2.1 Urban Design ProjectWhitechapel High Street 1843

    P j t 2 1 U b D i P j t

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    Project 2.1 Urban Design ProjectWhitechapel High Street 1934

    Project 2 1 Urban Design Project

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    Project 2.1 Urban Design ProjectWhitechapel High Street 2011

    Project 2 1 Urban Design Project

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    Project 2.1 Urban Design ProjectHigh Street - Decline

    Project 2.1 Urban Design Project

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    Project 2.1 Urban Design ProjectHigh Street - Transformation

    Project 2.2 Urban Design Project

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    j g jHigh Street 2012

    High Street 2012 is an ambitious project toimprove and celebrate one of Londons

    great high streets. This ribbon of London lifeis both everyday and remarkable. It ishistoric and modern, and constantly evolving.The project aims to reconnect places and

    communities, making this high street a placeLondoners can share with the world duringthe Olympics and beyond.

    The high street connects the City to Stratfordand is part of the Olympic and Paralympicmarathon route. While it runs through some

    of the most disadvantaged neighbourhoodsin the capital and is dominated by heavytrafc, it also passes through some of themost culturally diverse and historically rich

    areas of London, with a wonderful range ofexisting buildings, streets, markets, water-ways and many parks and green routes.

    We want to build on the strengths of thisstreet,transform perceptions of the area, en-couragepositive change and stimulate invest-


    High Street 2012

    Its tting that there will be a wonderful,

    vibrant avenue leading to Londons 2012 legacyin the east of the city.Boris Johnson, Mayor of London

    The above statement was the incentive forthe High Street 2012 inititive although withchanges being made by LOGOC the Olympic

    organisers has but a mockery on the agenda.The initial idea was for this to be the mainthorough fair to the Qlympic Park and for theMarathons nal stages returning to the

    stadium. This has now been changes as theorganisers want to give the world the bestexperience of London.

    This is at the cost of those living in thisarea who have endured years of disruption dueto the games and this was to be the only free

    event that the local community would be ableto witness.

    High Street 2012Document

    Project 2.2 Urban Design Project

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    The Past Recalled

    Works began on 64 to 68 Whitechapel HighStreet in February 2010. Building owners

    were engaged through the process and designsfor shop-fronts and colours for signage wereagreed in accordance with the ConservationArea guidance.

    Andrew Hargreaves, Historic Areas Advisor forEnglish Heritage, said: The completion of therepair and restoration works to the exterior

    of this group of late 19th centuryConservation Area buildings marks an excitingstage in the High Street 2012 initiative and

    an invaluable investment in local heritage.He also states by doing this it is creating aworld class high street of which London can beproud and which will be admired by the world

    during the 2012 Games.

    The resonance of his last statement admiredby the world, conjures questions for

    exploration whether or not the work and theinitiatives set out by the high street 2012agenda has any relationship with those that

    mater, the local population that live and work

    on this street and what the legacy if any willbe for them after 2012.

    The high street 2012 initiative set aboutrestoring it back to its 1700 face. The workcarried out by Julian Harrap Architects set

    about rebuilding the entire faade butreplacing the outer leaf of brick with a similar tile of London stock brick constructionwith elaborate stone cornice at second oor

    level and stone render window surrounds. Thecorner of the block was further delineated bya pediment door surround and a mirroredpediment at roof level, further enriched by

    ball nials.

    The results of these works is merely a face

    lift in attempt to give an impression of aperceived past but has ended up resulting in afalse even Disneyed aesthetic. This could beconstrued as an insight into the true legacy

    of 2012.

    Project 2.1 Urban Design Project

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012



    High Street 2012; Repair and reinstatehistoricBuildings - create idealisedversion of the past.

    THe Olympic Organisation commitee and HighStreet 2012 want to convey to the world anEast london full of History.

    To do this they have created elements ofa false past by the recreation of facadesalong the route. they want to tranport

    tourists back to the East london of old.

    The recreation or Disneyfying of these

    facades is quite conceted as the onlyconcentrate on the facade and not inpreseving the buildings for the futre.

    Project 2.1 Urban Design Projecth

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012



    Project 2.2 Urban Design ProjectTh Sit

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    The Site i have chosen to explore issituated on Whitechapel High Street.

    Presently on the site is a recenltyrefurbished block of 18th Centurybuildings. The facades of which have

    recenlty been refurbished under the HighStreet 2012 inititive.

    The facades of the building was all thatwas restored the builings that liebehind the facade sadly have been

    neglected. It is this point that i wichto explore further. what lies behind thefacade. Is it a chaotic micro city or aplace of nothingness?

    Arial of Spitalelds and Banglatown Ward

    The Site

    Project 2.2 Urban Design ProjectThe Site

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    It is obvious why this block was chosen not

    only because of the grade II listing butthey are framed by the exit of the tubestation and are the rst visual visitorshave of the high street.

    This block has been present since the 1700sbut a lot of its elements were lost during

    the blitz.

    The Site

    Project 2.2 Urban Design ProjectThe Site

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    Works began on 64 to 68 Whitechapel High

    Street in February 2010. Building ownerswere engaged through the process and designsfor shop-fronts and colours for signage wereagreed in accordance with the Conservation

    Area guidance.

    The results of these works is merely a facelift in attempt to give an

    impression of a perceived past but has endedup resulting in a false evenDisneyed aesthetic. This could be

    construed as an insight into the true legacyof 2012.

    The Site

    Project 2.2 Urban Design ProjectThe Site

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    The Site

    Site - Cross Section

    Site - Long Sectiom

    Site Plan - Site location

    Project 2.2 Urban Design ProjectThe Site

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    In order to progress with 3d modeling I

    wanted to get a to know the building in 2drst. In doing so i got a betterunderstanding of the level of detail thatwas reinstated during the restoration


    Project 2.2 Urban Design ProjectThe Site

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    To get an understanding of the Facade and

    intense level of detailing was done inorderto give gravatas to the porject.

    Project 2.3 Urban Design ProjectThe Site

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    Project 2.3 Urban Design ProjectThe Building

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    Project 2.3 Urban Design ProjectThe Building - Concept

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    The concept Behind the design is to create a

    form with multiple functions.

    Taking insoiration from Cedric PricesFun Palace the building i want to achieve is

    a multi function cummunity hub.

    Project 2.3 Urban Design ProjectThe BuildingConcept - Concept

  • 8/3/2019 Tommy Clarke Portfolio Jan 2012


    Concept - Concept

    The concept is to have a range of plug inunits arances around a ramp that climbsthrough the building.

    The Ramp and the external new shell havehave structural implications. They helpwithout the need for buttressing the frontfacade in keeping it upright.

    Vertical Circualtion

    Plug i

    Plug in Units
