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ToMorrn L EDITION bt DNOt1OFINAL-ffalo 0022000 4 Uittercs Kllroy and Vandegrlft Kis-singer ¬ and...

Date post: 13-Oct-2020
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r I itl- Il I A i I- itPt I J rl > a tlALUL13 L EDITION JGRESPJ EDION = BRYANSSECOND CHOICE ON TICKET IS STANCHflflO New York Man Has Good Chance With Gray Out l of the Running I DEPENDS ON MURPHY Believed Stanchfp 1s Nomina tion Would Offset Sher man Up the State J5F MARTIN GREEN jBpecUl from The rtipondent Evening World Staff Cor DENVER Col July 3John n 0tanchfl W of Sew York looms up tnr ibis rwrnoon M a leader hi the race the VicePresidential nomination William J Bryan wants Judge Gray t l Delaware for his running mate i lull there extols strong doubt ae to I hether Gray would consent to mn on ftt tall of the ticket- In Ue Judge Gray persists In refus- ing the nomination the plane will go to New York or New Rutland with the I thine Javorinr New York Much will Bepeni upon Clurlns F Murphy attl- 4ud By making concessions to Bryan IM can Imve the naming of the Vlce J identlal candidate with Gray out ot- 4ie running flrr n favors Stanchfleld- JBvr any other candidate from New ork Mr 8tincMeld conies from Elmira and hllJ nomination would conuterbal Vnc whatever upState advantage the H publlc may have gained from Bie nomination of James S Sherman Archibcld McNeil of Connecticut Is- in the contest for the nomination and chances may be considered fair be Bailie he has the backing of Bryans persons friend Alexander Troup ef Bridgeport Francis Burton Hard on has a strong boom backed by or linlied labor Interests and Samuel Oompera favors Harrison Angry at Parker- An amazing amount of bitterness has been stirred up In the Bryan advance funrd here over the reported Intention Of Jude Alton B Parker to present to the Convention a resolution which shall under the guise of eulogizing Grover Cleveland land a solid elap tipan Will lam Jennings Bryan and the Bryan pol- fcfei Judge Parker upon his arrlva1 hero this afternoon found himself far from popular If Judge Parker insists upon presenting his resolution In the form given out In New York It Is quite likely that he will be jubjccted to discourteous treatment- The present plan of the Bryan man- agers ¬ la to allow a man known to them- to submit a resolution of satisfactory tenor concerning the services and lift cf the late President Cleveland before Judge Parker Is recognized Titan tin Parker resolutions can be offered only I as a substitute and can be voted down The Brooklyn Content The arrival of Charles P Murphy Budge Parker nnd Pat McCarren late this afternoon will serve to put plenty of ginger Into the nntoconvenllon pro- ceedings ¬ Botb McCarren and Murphy- will soon be In conference with the Bryan managers about the conteets In Brooklyn McCarren In in tho position of not carina particularly whether he wine or not lie Is against Bryan any how In or out of the convention and lands no show of statins his dele- gates ¬ unless the Bryan people who control the Arrangements should de- cldii to recognize them as a means of disciplining Charles P Murphy The Johnson and Gray booms are gajplnjf for breath today like a fish out of water Although on the fare of thinfcl there Is absolutely no chance of defeating Bryan for the nomination the Johnson managers betray a can gulne which Indicates the pOI les lon of somathlng In the nature of a bomojhell They are playing a pretty etrohg brand of politics and may spring a big sensation at nny minute F 125000 INTERSTATE CLAIM- WAStIIdTDN r July 3A demand for I12JOOO with Interest- the targeit amount the intprstato Com- merce ¬ i Comml lon has over been called upon to grant Is mado In n complaint filed today by Henry K Meeker as surviving of Meeker com- pany ¬ Pennsylvania anthracite coal dealers against tie Erie Huiqtielmhru I and Weeternj and the WllkesRarre and lUllruad Companies h Th comrnliilon U requested to tlx a reasonable Joint rate for tmntportntlon of between the anthracite coal In Pennsylvania and Kdgewatcr and Weehawken N J lli lnUtCO- O8otii mUll 0IanDIDI1II1II14- I a- s I1i = DETECTIVE SAYS- MOTHER FORCED CHILD TO STEAL Watched Her Urging Boy in Store and Then Made Ares That a mother made her flreycar old child Meal food was the storjr May Durnlon a detective In a Broad- way department tore told Magistrate Wahle n tho Jefferson Market Court th afternoon JIlss luirnlon arresed the woman n- Clav lr Hilli Spanlerwltz of- Klxtyrlxth street and Avenue A after notching her for half an hour With iri lvran VttJ heir II f vycaroidc- lrlld Jovph ° Why ltd you tell that boy to steal thuM things1 aske Mlss Durnlonj pointing to the childs bulging blouse whluh was filled wlah hosiery hand- kerchiefs ¬ I and other small knickknack all to to the value of J185 The woman muttered a reply In broken English The child was taken from Its mother and sent to the Gerry SO la rooms and will be arraigned In the Loll drens Court tomorrow The mother was taken to the Jefferson Market Court where she was held In J5W bonds The little boy was not willing to steal said Miss Durnlon to thu Court Twice I ww Its mother sp vak to hm In her own tongue and then his little hand reached to the counter and picked- off something He wouU look at his mother and at a sign from her shove- It Into his little blouse When I asked I him who told him to steal he said My mama ToDays Baseball in Other Cities e NATIONAL LEAGUE- At Pittaburg Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M- Plttsburg 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 7 llatterlesOverall and Moran Willis and Gibson Umpires Johnstone and Emslle AMERICAN LEAGUE- At Chicago- St LoulsChlcago name postponed rain At Philadelphia Philadelphia and Boston game post- poned ¬ on account of rain At Cleveland Detroit 000000le- veland 000000 Batteries Donovan anil Schmidt Lie hardt and Bernie Umpire Evans EASTERN LEAGUE- At Baltimore Providence 02003 Baltimore 1 1 tOO Uatlorles aFrock and Peterson Hardy and Robinson UmplroTaft At Rochester Montreal 1000000 Rochester 1020001 HatterlM Stnnley and McManus fan ¬ nister and Butler Umpire Kclley At Jersey City Newark 0 01100020 1 Jersey City I 0 2 0 0 0 a 0 hJ lUttcrlesMUiiler and manage M- on and FItzgerald UmpireStafford rod Connelly At Buffalo Toronto 0 000000011Bu- ffalo 0022000 4 Uittercs Kllroy and Vandegrlft Kis- singer ¬ and Archer UmpireMurray- STREET o CARS COLLIDE A vvMtbound Thirtyfourth street ear 4nwfhcd Into a Ninth avenue car at that crossing about 53 oclock this ccrbusly Injuring a woman and onlld nnd shaking up tire other- uuuengers The reserves or the Went Thirtyseventh street station and an ambulance front RooweH were sum ¬ moned1 Traffic was blookad for more than hilt ant >> ur < r OOCoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I COMPLETE CHARTS OF TODAYS OOC EE1 I OOQOOOOOOOOCCOCOCOCOO0XiQOOOOOOoOQoOOOoooooooooooOO V0000000000000000000000000000000cOc- t WnATIIHItilltfroer ToTfUlit and ToMorrn bt ° c DNOt1OFINAL- r r 7 Circulation Books Open to All I I II Circulation Books Open to 4ii1 RESULTS EDITION I L NEW YORK FRIDAY JULY 31908 PRICE = = ONE CENT EVENING W OHLDRACE CHARTT- HIRTEENTH DAY AT SHEEPSHEAD BAY Weather Cloudy July 3 Track Fast FIRST RACETM Chuctanundai twoyearold ISO added six furloniu Futurity- At 534 enhirle post 230 off 232 Start poor Won Beastly Winner ch g by Clifford FIss1e Owner II P Thltn J z- i 04tx 4tarer 4 I I fin Jock Op III CI lI- 0l h- f eaelf Ill 4 V r p i TIUi iTjiTjttt- 4 Slretlnnn 122 I tb 31 2 Netter 12 8 a I t ia 111 Connauaht taner 1Z2 2 2 I 2 a J l I Ct 43 14- all torl lrl 4 R Ii 4 4 lcrerthy 12 to 12 I 111 2l lIanLur 112 S I 1I is a I Mctinlel 20 o o 2tDantVDIXOfl 3 110 R S r II ullen O H If 30 1- 2EJJrd SoratcheilleMor Ittlco t Tii7 Titclllt- ullll Mn straight and true and savin crniml nt the turn won eaIlt Selct- mn was carried out by Connaneht Rinzer and lost thereby The others were never dangerou- iHipr tlNlT ItAUE The KlkwuodT i > uroldj jelllnKi spa aiaj one mile At wn 300 off am Start good Won eailly Winner b jr by Dlue- ipiraw Hunch Owner Sam Emery Time 110 Index Starters Wtit i 0 In Jockeys OP Ill Ct F- l4Araee Si II I 11 I Sweet 7t te- S2 a SII James It BradY 1O 2 J1 11 2 2 Garner 4 7 e- d8 2 I 2 Great Plrat 1011 a 21 2 3 a r Dun 10 B a 55- 4q Frlnatte lH 1 7 O 4 4 Mcabey SS 85 32 35 H 723 Cstlewo1 1101 4 41 j i C ottr IC 15 ttI 4 2 422 orneob 111 I 73 it f1O tctinIeI I j a I 12- j7 Eiri Court III j Ill 1 7 1 threve I 2 21 s J I MalaKS Araefe ran a stood rare He lay in behind to the turn Into the stretch where he moved UD srone on the outside and lakltii ih lead wa only tallonlnir at the end Jimn H Hradv had plenty of peed and hung on hiler thin usual Great Pirate nun on well Fnzetle ran A rjfliire Orhprs ne I r jn c lo- uFTujTiilItt > RAiE = iildelUi twoyMroldi handicap S li J added FiTj and a tJ furlonss Futurity course At lost 3M otto 1tl Start fair Wnn easily Winner b c by Gold n Maxim Miss Uudannn OB nor Xeataillt ttahleTime1OO45 ila Urtere 11s St l L4 4 Ftn Jockey Op lii CI PI S- NPeeptot 1 t1IVV1 I Notter 2 jjj 2 j H- u Gl1dln ntlle WII 3 3 3b a I Jllhert IS 20 a j 37 Joe MIttth lId 5 St 2 I 3 J Tee 710 D 8S 81 14 S21 Summer Night lid I I I 4 4 McCarthy 20 I IJ S 4 lIarlm Maid lilt 4 4 43 II 51 Mcrahey 10 It 00 5 52 237 Von Lear lilt 1 61 t IO lirussell 1i ao 20 1- 0EUhVlr 5 = 1 7 7 7 E 0 101210 4 Scnitchd Conniusht Ranker Edward > acllff Taboo Cavallere lYeoentor ma as If much the bet Oltdlni Belle closed with a ruiN Joe Madden clfmM > ome rroundbut waeovrwelghte4 eunmerIrht showed aoeed LyJJI- tF FOIIUII UKThe Thistle threeyearolds ami upward aelllnn IVtM added one mil and a furlonir At pot 357 ott tW Start rood Won drlrin Winner ch c by Ornament Eleanor Owner Montrller Slahle TirneiJ 3ii- Monfort Index Starter VtSSt I Fin Jocktl Up hid Fl Bh- WI MOnfrt 110 i 4bj Gliert 6 W83 SItu Spooner 9 II 4 l II 2 l ipten 12 1t S 3 75- 12O Urapple lci i 5 3 3 arnsr 3 IJ 6 aij Jugeler 1E III lit 10 4 Mrtintei 7 II 75- Itv Marathon lIt 2 8 P 2 5b Mccarthy IS 7O III 6 3- jl ion Enrique 105 1 8 61 V ft Notter I a 72 t it4- Mt UeioUtn II 5 2 I d tI Th J li 91 2 2 4 26 list Tmlco 110 ttt lItO S Sluegrave 20 2 1o 8 4 d Se tVolf IIl1 3 l V Kh I lIunn S III 10 4 2- Ill Tony itenein 11 j I I I trChtl 2IJ 30 o 10 6- ratlhe ntr tiie Rail rae much iliie best lIe wee badly Irterfsied with on the far turn Spooner ha l tleiitv of srwl hut hone rt the end ijruvlt IloAetl with a ruth Jurler ran a Qn1rkloiP r1e ilo < lnc fro n n hi sun Ton IjonTo ant TLilnuln quit wrh RiK Tne Voi three v ar0ld and uuwardIQ added six ant a- utJO hat furlonn turf course At poet 420 oft 427 tart good Wnn driving Winner b i by Star Shoot 1411Ette Owner W 0ii2iLfltd- ex 33 J SUrtern Wtf St t u Fin Jockey OB HI Cl PI 8h iif Nimbus I I II 2 2G j Iee In 12 s 02 H- Wj Rosben 1 a 2 I P GunH 3i 710 23 la 510 leter ulnee 114 r Xb 31 3 a Netter 2 3 3 110- H IlU1tou 110 2 j 4 4 411 tcUanlI 10 N 12 45 1 C Core 4 ii S S it tueruv Its 1M 70 i3 85- SI Woolipun Wi 1 6 ijl Ii rPve Ho 20- Sioilts naiL ItO 7 1 77 1 VnIh lilt 1Wl iIt 10 4- ecratoedOxrori Delirium Hall ioverjltn NImbus ahowe1 big Impronment ant liked the grass course He raced with Rose ben all the ay dUd outKamed him at th end Roseben ran his usual food race and was unler a tries the tist few fnrore 7iTxrti flCEThe Monitor threeyeirolfrand uowird elflnit 01 added 5 one nod a furlong At poet 430 off lOP Start rood Won driving Winner ch crby Flar Shoot Jennie ClAY Ovnfr P J ltyfr rI- mImrnft ndex r4 a4 i Iln Jnckeye Op ill Ct PISNi- SThioiiauk 105 i 124T irDanlet 6 S 7 52 11 412 Culrneurte ill I II P P 2 f Duean t 2 31 85 11- V Trash lli 5 j j 3 t Saet 10 IC C 2 In Block Oak Ito SI 7 71 4C Lesch 10 it 2 I 610 Wlnnne Ia It IC g 52 Yorke lIMd 110 1e 3Y 1 10 Tipping t 3 ireve U 2 I tns Gu cotton 100 5 a I it 7 McCorthy Li ill 10 4tei Lone 13011 II i If Ii s tptnn 15 tI IS II 3- jl0l SuItor Girt 10 12 10 to P J Lee 1 1 to 3lI 10 S 413 CountermenS 105 II 12 H t2 11 totle I I C 10 5- 1t Totni 10 I3 5 II 11 t Muserave 6 7 7 52 1- HO Iltllton Mill Un 14 U 45 IS 12 BroccolI 20 to 30 10 5 3 K iraptet ICG 2 2 i 1 lt Notter In 12 In I 2 Maxie Witt 110 IS tI ti Garner 10 5i IS 6 3 Rrok dow Scratched DArkie 8 raclnftcn Great Ilrnt te Momauk closol with a rush IllmEorni himcat the end trash held on w- ellMONfORT BEATS SrOONm FAVORITES HAVf BAD DAY Is BY VINCINT TR11tVOR Special to TIle Evening World SHEEPSHEAD BAY July 3A nose was all that separated Spooner from his first victory of the year In the fourth race he led into the stretch by a comfortable margin only to give way in toe last few strides to a determined rush by Monfort Grapple closed too in the stretch and got up to be a close third This was one of the hardest races of the day Bedouins chances were well liked as were those of Don Enrique and Juggler Mnnfnrt vns In a measure over- looked ¬ and NO was the light weighted Spooner T ny Bonero led all the way to the stretch turn followed by Spooner and Marathon where the flrstnamed had enough and the race looked to bo between Spooner nnd Marathon lllght hero Marathon shut up and droppelj bad Little Upton on Spooner looked around nnd went to pieces and Gilbert had only to keep his mount straight and went on to win No Change In Conditions Tim crowd was the largest of any day slncij the antibetting law went Into effect The police were on hand us Interfere with any- body ¬ usual but did not The association officers had no announcement or comment to make on Judge Ulrcliofts decisiOn It evidently boliu the plan to have a thorough In- terpretation ¬ of the decision before tak- ing ¬ any action netting went on In much the same way as It has since the new law knocked- out the posting of odds and record- ing of wagers The Saratoga Racing Association Mtu- iMtied entry blanks for four rcfrime takes tIre Saratoga Handicap Mer- chants nnd Citizens Handicap the Catsklll Handicap und the Ueverwyd- 3teeplcchae All will have reduced values and close on July 13 Sea Cliff Wins Opene- rS Cliff wm a lucky wInner of the opsolof Y at Tb Whltny loldlne i a 1 won only because Connaught Rangir ran almost to the outside fence at the stretch turn carrying Selectman with him Both lost several lengths In do- ing so Slut Sea Cliff following was enabled to skin the rail and come on easily to win from Selectman which closed fast to beat Connaught Ranger- for the place Tom Chllds one of the oldest book tiinkors ails arrested In the field by two of the sheriffs men Chllds denies that he wee doing any business anj It seems that one of the sheriffs men agreed with him The other however Insisted upon making the arrest I Arasee Takes Second Arafeo with an apprentice boy named Sweet In the saddle won the second race Arasee followed the pace of James 11 Brady to the stretch and then cam away to win easily Brady held on more gamely than usual and lasted long enough to be second In front of Great Pirate The favorite Frbctte showed a- very poor race Preceptor Wins Again Preceptor won the third race easily After they made the run for home NotI ter sticking to the rail came away eas- ily ¬ The Vicar and Summer Night ran prominently to the turn and lien tailed T Gliding Hello well thought of by he wise set i> through the stretch Continued on Second Page Nflw Jersey Central for Clknroo1 Park vutomoMIt lUcn July 4 Lipreti itrvlce to- jnx Drench Ml allnil route W tlrcl S- Ia nso A MI Ubertr HI SW II- Sinli via Sandy Hook rout itMmen W t S5 aSs 1030 A sm Ctdlf St 915 1000 1100 A U rrtYln In lime lot ncti Iaa I Wc I RESULTS OFTOflAYS BASEBALL GAMES BROOKLYN 1 BOSTON I SCORE BY INNINGS Brooklyn 1 000000001 Boston I 00100002 3 Special to The Evening World BOSTON July 3Nothlns less that thy leadership of the second division will Mtlsfy Donovan he fald today as he trotted out his Trolley D3lger for the second game with the Dovco Kelley put young McCarthy the Ha ern League recruit In the box and XK Intyre tried to help out on the ambi- tion ¬ of his boss The approach of the holiday tomorrow served to keep down the attendance First Inning Butch walked Maloney sacrificed and was out Graham to McGann Hun mel out Hannafln to McGann Lum IeI singled scoring Uurch Jordan flied to Beaumont ONE RUN Kelley singled Dahlen sacrifices to Jordan Beaumont tile reached first out to Maloney McGinn on Sheehana error drow a past Hannafln went out Sheehan to Jordan NO RUNS Second Inning 8he han tiled to Rltchey Lewis out Dahlein to McGann Bergen filed to Dahlen NO RUNS Browne tiled to Lewis QraJuim walk- ed McCarthy struck out Graham out Eteillne Bercen to Hummel NO RUNS Third Inning Mcintyre out MoCarthy to JlcGann- Burcfh out DaWen to Median Ma- loney out Qrahain to McOann NO HUNS Kolley tripled between Malone and Iumley Dahlen tiled out to Buroh lie JumolJt drove a hot liner whloh Jor dan turrfbted but threw to Hummel In time to got the cemre fielder at first but Kelley scored on the play Me- Gxvnn flied out to Maloney ONE RUN Fourth Inning Hummel out Riche to McGann Lumley beat out an Infield hit Jordan forced Lumley Dnhlen to Rltchey Jrdon out stealing Graham Co Dahlen Nu RUNS- flhlcey filed out to Burch Hannartn waited for four wide ones Browne singled to right Hannafln going to sec- ond ¬ Graham out Lewis to Jordan McCarthy flied out to Hummel NO RUNS Fifth Inning Sheehan out Dihlen to McGann Lewis drove a slashing single to right and stole second on the first ball pltohed Dahlen took In Bergrens line drive and threw to Rltchey doubling up Lewis NO RUNS Kelley popped to Hummel Dahlen drove a wicked line drive to the left Held fence but only got one bass Ikvumiont flied to Sheehan Rltchey- Fingled but Lewis made a sensational onehanrteJ stop holding Dahlen na third With the bw 1111 1 Hanninn hit to Lewis forcing Rltchev at second NO RUNS Sixth Inning Mclntyre singled to right Hunch sc rlllced Hannafin to McGann Maloney popped to Hannalln Hummel ground- ed ¬ out to McGann NO RUNS Browne safe at llrflst on Jordans Ivnl throw to Mcintyre Graham sac- rificed ¬ Mcintyre to Jordan McCarthy out Humtnol to Jordan Browne tak- ing ¬ third Kelley out Hummel to Jor- dan ¬ NO RUNS Seventh Inning Lmnlev filed out to Kelley Jordan out Rltchey to McGann Sheehan out Dihlen to McGonn NO RUNS Dflhlen out Hummel to Jordan Beau- mont ¬ safe when Hummel fumbled his had frounder McGami out Sheehan to Jorclin Hltchey was deliberately paceill- iy McIntyre Hanninn lined out to Iowls NO RUNS Eighth Inning Lewis out Rltchey to McOitm Ber- gen singled to left Mcintyre out Mc- Carthy ¬ to McGann Burch got a nur on balls Maloney forced Burch Ritchey to Dahlen NO HUNS Browne hit to Hummel who threw low to Jordan allowing the Boston out llclrter to take second Graham lied out to Hummel McCarthy tiled out to Ma- lone Kelley drew a pass Dahlin 8in gled jut fast play hy Sheehan and Lewis prevented Browne from going further than third Beaumont doubled scoring Drown and Kelley Dnhlen going ROOSEVELT RIDES TOPOLO MATCH t1racts More Attention Than Game Itself at Meadow bioL President Hoovsvelt attended A polo nwitch on the grounds of the Meadow brook Hunt Club near Henipstrnl L t this Afternoon and his presence at racted more attention from the spe ta irs than the contest The President roe over from Oyster Hay on horse hack Assistant Secretary of Stoic Rob- ert ¬ Bacon accompanied the President EVIL aUMJIEll 8C11KDULB iindl Hook haute now la Uel la M- flltloo to rtrultr seroice extra trio irlll ut- TtulB IIs da JBlr t front W it Sod tRI flrach Sa uttiht AG arrhlu la tew TorY II> p V e- lJ t BROOKLYN n II PO A E liurch K 1 0 2 0 0 Mnloney cf 0 0 3 0 0 Hummel 2b 0 II 5 I 2 Iumley rf 0 2 0 0 0 Jordan Ib 0 II 9 1 1 Sheehan 3b 0 0 I 2 1 Lewis ss 0 1 3 1 0 Hergen c 0 1 r 1 0 Mcintyre p 0 1 0 2 0 Totals 1 5 24 11 4 BOSTON 11 H TO A E Kelley If 2 2 2 0 0 Dahlen ss 0 2 4 7 0 Beaumont cf 0 1 1 0 0 Mcftann lb 0 0 15 0 0 Hltchey 21 0 1 3 4 0 Hannafln 3b 0 0 1 2 0 Browne rf 1 1 1 0 0 Graham c 0 0 0 3 0 McCarthy p 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 3 7 27 17 0 First face on BallsOff Mcintyre B off McCarthy 2 Left on Bases Boston 12 Brook- lyn ¬ Struck OutBy Mcintyre 1 TwoBajie Hit Beaumont Stolen Pa es Lewis tlav Duhlen to Rltche- yUmplrcODay to third McOann out Hummel to Jor- dan TWO RUNS Ninth nnlng Hummel filed edt to Browne Jump oilt Dahlen to McQnnn Jordan flIed out to Kelley NO RUNS BY 0 0 0 2 I Special to TlieEvenlnK World > WASHINGTON July 1Manager El erfeld of the Highlanders viewed the game today from the grand stand hav- ing ¬ been suspended by telegraph by Ban Johnson for arguing with and tip tug put out of the game by Ol oiighlln In the last series on the home grounds Jack Klclnow managed the team In mbcrfolds place First Inning Niles was hit and got caught off first Smith to Krccman to Altizer Then Keeler followed with a long single whloti was wasted AS both Morlanty and Hemphlll wen thrown out by Shlpke NO RUNS Luck favored Washington with cheap runs Milan was xnfu on Niless mt > of his hot grounder rinlpko fanned Stahl playing first I ost Oinley- grouiijer ant lw runners were base when the side should have been retired Pickering was second nut ale on strikes Streets single to centre scored Milan Freeman drew four balls again mllng the bjsios Altliers scratch Infield hit scored Qanlty McBrldo forced Altltcr Ball to Niles iWO BUNS j Second Inning nail was fooled on strides Stahl grounded out to freeman imalslitcd- Cunroy put up a tly hack of second which Milan caught In a most sensa- tional ¬ manner Milan camp In till tilt and grabbed the ball at his shoe tops and then tumbled over anti over for two somersaults NO RUNS Conroy threw out Smith Nibs threw out Milan Shlpke singled vast Conroy ind vs forced by Oanloy Is Niles un tsstJUd NO RUNS Third Inning Klrlnow fanned Lake xlngleil to cen in Nibs Illtd to Intiky Redo forctil bake McBrldo to A NO unxsI- lclttTlng tingled to right and was forced at second by Street from Con roy to NHes I peman out Hall to Stall Street reaching second Altizer ItiKled to right scoring Street Con roy thrmv out Mcllrlde ONE RUN Fourth Inning Morlarlty grounjid oJt to short Ball fed to 1rllll NO HUNS VnuKhn from Texas took Lakes place In the box with Hweenpr catching Instfad of Klelnow Snlth was the first man to face Vmiicn and ulngled to walked Vaughn also right lan for Shljike pitch- ing ¬ four straight balls filling the bases Nuns made an error on Gftnleys grounder scoring Smith but Hall re- covered ¬ the b1 hack of Nile aprt thr v- MUn out the plate Ganley anti were caught trying a double hllkl Shlpke being retired Vauxn to mall to oCnroy Ilrkerlng fanned ONr RUN Fifth Inning Stahl opened with a single through r e trcir54 WI JI H I PHILADELPHiA 3 GlINTS 8 SCORE BY INNINGS X Philadelphia 1002000 0 0 3 Giants 0 1 3 0 3 1 0 0 8 GIANTS H PO A E It Tenney Ib 0 0 2 0 Doyle 2b 2 1 i 4 1 Hrennhan c 1 2 G 0 0 Donlln rf 1 1 0 0 0 Seymour cf 1 1 2 0 01 Devlin 3b 1 1 2 1 0 Shannon Ie 1 2 3 0 0 Brldwcll 0 2 1 5 OJ Crundali p 0 2 1 1 0 Totals i- PiIII4AIELPFIIA 12 27 13 I1 It 11 IPO A B Grant 31 2 1 0 Knabe 2b 0 0 5 2 0 Titus rt 0 2 1 0 0 Magee 0 0 1 0 0 Bransfleld lb Of 3 7 0 1 Osborne c 0 0 3 1 0 Doolln sa 1 2 2 2 I Dooln c 0 0 2 2 0 Sparks p 0 0 0 2 nitchle p 0 0 1 1 Courtney 0 0 0 0 Totals 3 10 21 11 1 for In sixth Bated Spark Hase Hits OffSparkJi 10 In 5 Innings First Base on Dlls T tall 3 2 Kltohlo 1 Sparks IXt on Bused Philadelphia 1 iant8 7- Struck Out byCrandall 2 Sparks ThreeBaao Hits Doolln- TwoBase HltsDoolln Bran telrl 2 Stolen Titus Hit b PitcherDoyle UmplreniKler r HIBHLANDERS5 ENATORS SCORE INNINGS Highlanders 0 1 1 Washington 201 100 on BATTING ORDER- New York Washlntol Nlles 2b rfpelor rf Bhlpke I- 1Morlarlty If Oanlcy If Ilrinphlll cf IMckcrliiR rf Hill ss Htre t C- St ttitl lb Kroiiiiui Ib- Ciinroy to Altlzer b Klclnow c Mvllrlde ss Lake p Smith p Implres Hurst anclEgan- short anti stoln second as Convoy fan- ned ¬ Sweeneys lilt to left put Stuli- lird I 1111 also uncoil NllM tripled to scurlir StnM id Iiiey Smith killed Kcders slzzlcr- nnri threw Willie out at rHI TVO- IllNfl Niles fiunbli1 streets Krounder the uter reaching first At this juncture- thesbro was sent Into the hoc to re Iurc Va ugh atm Krefinan sacrificed Chosbro to Stahl Street going to sec- ond ¬ Street out stealing Sweeney to Conroy NO HUNS Sixth Inning Smith knocked down Morhrltys hot single but could not Held It In time- Ofemphills out LMUrlde to Freeman put Morlarlty on second Altlzer threw- out Ball MtBrldes error on Stahls hard grounder scored Morlarlty Stahl oil1 stealing Street to MeBrlde ONK RUN Mollrlde struck out Niles threw out Hath Bal threw out Milan No BUNS Seventh Inning Conroy baloonet to Ganicy Sweeney- was MoBrlclo to Freeman Chesbro took two bases on wild ilirn jusi llrst Nile hit deep to Freeman and Pltrior Smith ilrnppci- lFreemins awlst at first Chesbro scor- Ing and NIle being safe Sties was spiked In his collision with Freeman and Manning rtm for him at firs- ttn liT I > fmlng Mellrlde to Altlzer ONK RUN SHOT HIMSELF Isaac Sletzky fortyone years old n lithographer who lived with the amlly of Inldor Hoffmnti at No ICO East Broadway committed suicide today by shooting hliu lf In the right tem pie He was found In his room a few moments after the shot was har1 anti he died as he was bein Gouvcrnpur Hiispltal by Dr Falter He Is thought to have been sufferelng with thu heat EDNA AUG SHOCKED- Miss Edna Aug tho vaudeville actress who arrivtd on the Baltic today said ihe refused to appear on a Parts stage ecause of the scanty clothing of liorus girls She said she found the larlsstaKp at a lower ebb of morality ever leen Itbtor A M t Special to TIre Evening World POLO GROUNDS NEW YORK July aThe Giants won the second garni front Philadelphia this afternoon by a score of S to 3 Crandall was very ef fectlve n nil hell the visitors safe at j all stares Sparks was knocked out of the box early In the game and Illtehl took his place Tho crowd numbered about 80 First Inning Grant beat out an Infield hit and took second bas on Knabes sacrifice Grin hall to Titus singled Into right field and Grant scored Doyle caught MiLXees high fly Bianafleld single to right field Osborne hit to who pitched the bl to Doyle It fell fruit his handi he recovered It In 111 to RU throw Titus out at the plate Tenney llVd to Magee Doyle walked but was forced on Bresna hans Ktouiklur Doolln to Knibe Don lln Illti tu Titus NO UlNS Second Inning Doolln slammed a twobagger Into left nil trek third as Boyle threw out Dooln Tcnney got Sparkss grounder ami threw Doolln out at tho plato Grant bonne lmlc ever Doylj hen I forced out Sparks on a grounder to Devlin unassisted NO HUNS Y Seymour was throlvl out by ICnab f Devlin tIled to Shannon walked nut advanced u lose as Brldwell singled nvitr second base On the hit and pin CtMidall drove a sIngle into left Held ant Shannon scored Tenncv forced Crandall Knabe to Doolln BUN 01 Third Innhg Titus nut TInny tr Magee j rnndal was thrown tilt Brld Ten MY llrinxflelil doubled to right Osborns 1 flled to Shannon NO lUNS Doylo was hit hy n pitched ball and j Brpsnahan helped I Ii hy beat Ing out n bunt Both advanced on Devlins Sparks Seymour lieU out a slow one scoring Doyle antI sending Brcsnahan to third base Brpsnahin scored on Devlins fly 1 lo 0 born Shannon drove a Texas leaguer Into right Held nnd Seymour scored Shannon was out stealing sec i ond Dooln to Urchin THREE RUS Fourth Inning 1 Doolln hit to deep centre for three j bises Pooln lined out to Tenney i parks walked Grant singled < pas tirst hsl srorlne Doolln and third base Grant stole sec- ond tase Irhlllllot ICnabes ground- er and out at the plate Ttus was safe on DOllel error an J Grant scored Knabe third base Titus stole second base Magee struck out TWO RfNS Hrldwpll popped out to Knabe Clan dall strifk out Tenney fouled out to Diiiln NO lltXS i Fifth Innlrg- Hrldwoll I threw out Bransfleld Os¬ I borne walkid Doolln fouled to Dsvlln- Divle ina le a teat catch of IMoln- fpiiply bik of vivind base N 0 HUNS Doyle hoot out a slow one and went to icond linn MI liresnnluins sacrillee- Spirks to BraiiKllPld Donlin soaked a KlnKlu Into right Held and Doyle scored llransllpld mulTed Knabos throw ant Seymour wn safe Devlins long sIliKl- esored Donllr but Seymour was out at third hose Osbornn to Imnt Shannon smashtM a slnil Into field and Devlin > or1 IIhlwll banged anothor safe one CiMiidall forfeit IlhlwlI at MOfll base lool TIlllBK lUNS Sixth Inning Courtney batted for Sparks and tiled to Brldwell Grant lifted a foul lly to Shannon Devlin threw out Kmibe NO lUNd Itltrhle plttihlng for riillndelphln Ten valked nnd look second bass sucrltlce Itllchle to Brans hell Ire rmhan loni single to center scored ry hut be was out stpilliu second has n loin to B n trim Donlln was UN ou to llranslleld unassisted ONE Seventh Inning Titus boat out a slow one Magee Ill lo Seymour Titus went to third on Hmnsllclils double 0 I C Ilifc- lOi eiflO walke > tlllln the bases Duo lln tIle 1 to Seymour Dooln forced out Usliorne BridWfll to kyle NO RN3S- oymour flied out to Osborne IVvltn was out to UraTufrH unas Ntnl Shannon popped to Itltihh NO RIV s Eighth Inning Doyle threw out Rltchlr Grant lIbel to HUNS Seymour Knabe struck out NO limit threw out Brldwell CrnIn1 singled to llt field Ten nty Grnul tiled out to Oats rrn NO i HtNS Ninth nnlng Doyle threw out Titus Mapee filed nrMwell threw out IllHlelllOI- WS 1 INSECT BITEKILLS The physicians at St Josephs Hos- pital ¬ Iaterson N J are Infrestftl In i the tenth of a young man at the hos- pital ¬ following tho bite of an Insect t The tOld man was Michael H Me Mantis of No 16 Redwoods avenue On Monday afternoon he was bitten by an Inset Two hour later his faco swell He was then MzeJ with severe pains In the head He wu I removed to the hospital on Wednesday I night The ml wa operated on at the hospital contlnmxl until and head were twice thiJr- nThaalpUr icliins ay ho choked U- dwth S i I- T
Page 1: ToMorrn L EDITION bt DNOt1OFINAL-ffalo 0022000 4 Uittercs Kllroy and Vandegrlft Kis-singer ¬ and Archer UmpireMurray-STREET o CARS COLLIDE A vvMtbound Thirtyfourth street ear 4nwfhcd

rI itl-

Il IA iI-

itPtI Jrl


a tlALUL13






New York Man Has Good

Chance With Gray Out

l of the Running



Believed Stanchfp 1s Nomina

tion Would Offset Sher

man Up the State

J5F MARTIN GREENjBpecUl from The

rtipondentEvening World Staff Cor

DENVER Col July 3John n

0tanchfl W of Sew York looms up

tnribis rwrnoon M a leader hi the race

the VicePresidential nomination

William J Bryan wants Judge Gray

t l Delaware for his running mate i

lull there extols strong doubt ae to

I hether Gray would consent to mn on

ftt tall of the ticket-In Ue Judge Gray persists In refus-

ing the nomination the plane will go to

New York or New Rutland with the

I thine Javorinr New York Much will

Bepeni upon Clurlns F Murphy attl-

4ud By making concessions to Bryan

IM can Imve the naming of the Vlce

J identlal candidate with Gray out ot-

4ie running flrr n favors Stanchfleld-

JBvr any other candidate from New

orkMr 8tincMeld conies from Elmira

and hllJ nomination would conuterbalVnc whatever upState advantage theH publlc may have gained from

Bie nomination of James S Sherman

Archibcld McNeil of Connecticut Is-

in the contest for the nomination and

chances may be considered fair be

Bailie he has the backing of Bryanspersons friend Alexander Troup

ef Bridgeport Francis Burton Hardon has a strong boom backed by or

linlied labor Interests and Samuel

Oompera favors Harrison

Angry at Parker-

An amazing amount of bitterness has

been stirred up In the Bryan advance

funrd here over the reported IntentionOf Jude Alton B Parker to present to

the Convention a resolution which shall

under the guise of eulogizing Grover

Cleveland land a solid elap tipan Will

lam Jennings Bryan and the Bryan pol-

fcfeiJudge Parker upon his arrlva1 hero

this afternoon found himself far from

popular If Judge Parker insists upon

presenting his resolution In the form

given out In New York It Is quite likely

that he will be jubjccted to discourteoustreatment-

The present plan of the Bryan man-



la to allow a man known to them-

to submit a resolution of satisfactory

tenor concerning the services and liftcf the late President Cleveland before

Judge Parker Is recognized Titan tin

Parker resolutions can be offered onlyIas a substitute and can be voted down

The Brooklyn ContentThe arrival of Charles P Murphy

Budge Parker nnd Pat McCarren latethis afternoon will serve to put plentyof ginger Into the nntoconvenllon pro-ceedings


Botb McCarren and Murphy-will soon be In conference with theBryan managers about the conteets InBrooklyn McCarren In in tho positionof not carina particularly whether hewine or not lie Is against Bryan anyhow In or out of the convention andlands no show of statins his dele-gates


unless the Bryan people whocontrol the Arrangements should de-

cldii to recognize them as a means ofdisciplining Charles P Murphy

The Johnson and Gray booms aregajplnjf for breath today like a fish outof water Although on the fare ofthinfcl there Is absolutely no chance ofdefeating Bryan for the nominationthe Johnson managers betray a cangulne which Indicates the pOIles lon of somathlng In the nature of abomojhell They are playing a prettyetrohg brand of politics and may springa big sensation at nny minute


WAStIIdTDNr July 3A demandfor I12JOOO with Interest-the targeit amount the intprstato Com-merce


i Comml lon has over been calledupon to grant Is mado In n complaintfiled today by Henry K Meeker assurviving of Meeker com-pany


Pennsylvania anthracite coaldealers against tie Erie Huiqtielmhru

I and Weeternj and the WllkesRarreand lUllruad Companies

h Th comrnliilon U requested to tlx areasonable Joint rate for tmntportntlonof between the anthracite coal

In Pennsylvania and Kdgewatcrand Weehawken N J

lli lnUtCO-O8otii mUll 0IanDIDI1II1II14-



s I1i




Watched Her Urging Boy in

Store and Then Made


That a mother made her flreycarold child Meal food was the storjr

May Durnlon a detective In a Broad-

way department tore told MagistrateWahle n tho Jefferson Market Courtth afternoon

JIlss luirnlon arresed the woman n-

Clav lr Hilli Spanlerwltz of-

Klxtyrlxth street and Avenue A afternotching her for half an hour With

iri lvran VttJ heir II f vycaroidc-

lrlld Jovph°Why ltd you tell that boy to stealthuM things1 aske Mlss Durnlonjpointing to the childs bulging blousewhluh was filled wlah hosiery hand-



and other small knickknackall to to the value of J185

The woman muttered a reply In brokenEnglish The child was taken from Its

mother and sent to the Gerry SO larooms and will be arraigned In the Loll

drens Court tomorrow The motherwas taken to the Jefferson Market Courtwhere she was held In J5W bonds

The little boy was not willing tosteal said Miss Durnlon to thu CourtTwice I ww Its mother sp vak to hm

In her own tongue and then his littlehand reached to the counter and picked-off something He wouU look at hismother and at a sign from her shove-It Into his little blouse When I asked I

him who told him to steal he saidMy mama

ToDaysBaseball in

Other Citiese


At PittaburgChicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M-Plttsburg 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 7

llatterlesOverall and Moran Willisand Gibson Umpires Johnstone andEmslle


At Chicago-

St LoulsChlcago name postponedrain

At PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia and Boston game post-



on account of rainAt Cleveland

Detroit 000000le-veland 000000Batteries Donovan anil Schmidt Lie

hardt and Bernie Umpire Evans


At Baltimore

Providence 02003Baltimore 1 1 tOO

UatlorlesaFrock and Peterson Hardyand Robinson UmplroTaft

At RochesterMontreal 1000000Rochester 1020001

HatterlM Stnnley and McManus fan ¬

nister and Butler Umpire Kclley

At Jersey City

Newark 0 01100020 1

Jersey City I 0 2 0 0 0 a 0 hJlUttcrlesMUiiler and manage M-

on and FItzgerald UmpireStaffordrod Connelly

At BuffaloToronto 0 000000011Bu-ffalo 0022000 4

Uittercs Kllroy and Vandegrlft Kis-singer


and Archer UmpireMurray-



A vvMtbound Thirtyfourth street ear4nwfhcd Into a Ninth avenue car atthat crossing about 53 oclock this

ccrbusly Injuring a womanand onlld nnd shaking up tire other-uuuengers The reserves or the Went

Thirtyseventh street station and anambulance front RooweH were sum ¬

moned1 Traffic was blookad for morethan hilt ant >>ur





OOQOOOOOOOOCCOCOCOCOO0XiQOOOOOOoOQoOOOoooooooooooOO V0000000000000000000000000000000cOc-t

WnATIIHItilltfroer ToTfUlit and ToMorrn

bt °



r7 Circulation Books Open to All I I II Circulation Books Open to 4ii1 RESULTS EDITIONI






Weather Cloudy July 3 Track FastFIRST RACETM Chuctanundai twoyearold ISO added six furloniu Futurity-

At534 enhirle

post 230 off 232 Start poor Won Beastly Winner ch g by CliffordFIss1e Owner II P Thltn J z-

i04tx 4tarer 4 I I fin Jock Op III CI lI-



f eaelf Ill 4 V r p i TIUi iTjiTjttt-4 Slretlnnn 122 I tb 31 2 Netter 12 8 a I t ia111 Connauaht taner 1Z2 2 2 I 2 a J l I Ct 43 14-

all torl lrl 4 R Ii 4 4 lcrerthy 12 to 12 I 111

2l lIanLur 112 S I 1 I is a I Mctinlel 20 o o2tDantVDIXOfl

3110 R S r II ullen O H If 30 1-

2EJJrdSoratcheilleMor Ittlco t Tii7 Titclllt-ullll Mn straight and true and savin crniml nt the turn won eaIlt Selct-

mn was carried out by Connaneht Rinzer and lost thereby The others were neverdangerou-iHipr tlNlT ItAUE The KlkwuodT i > uroldj jelllnKi spa aiaj one mile

At wn 300 off am Start good Won eailly Winner b jr by Dlue-


Hunch Owner Sam Emery Time 110Index Starters Wtit i 0 In Jockeys OP Ill Ct F-


II I 11 I Sweet 7t te-


James It BradY 1O 2 J1 11 2 2 Garner 4 7 e-

d82 I

2 Great Plrat 1011 a 21 2 3 a r Dun 10 B a 55-

4q Frlnatte lH 1 7 O 4 4 Mcabey SS 85 32 35 H723 Cstlewo1 1101 4 41 j i C ottr IC 15 ttI 4 2

422 orneob 111 I 73 it f1O tctinIeI I j a I 12-

j7 Eiri Court III j Ill 1 7 1 threve I 2 21 s JI MalaKS

Araefe ran a stood rare He lay in behind to the turn Into the stretch where hemoved UD srone on the outside and lakltii ih lead wa only tallonlnir at the endJimn H Hradv had plenty of peed and hung on hiler thin usual Great Pirate nunon well Fnzetle ran A rjfliire Orhprs ne I r jn c lo-uFTujTiilItt > RAiE = iildelUi twoyMroldi handicap S li J added FiTj and a

tJ furlonss Futurity courseAt lost 3M otto 1tl Start fair Wnn easily Winner b c by Gold n Maxim

Miss Uudannn OB nor Xeataillt ttahleTime1OO45ila Urtere 11s St l L4 4 Ftn Jockey Op lii CI PI S-

NPeeptot1 t1IVV1 I Notter 2 jjj 2 j H-u Gl1dln ntlle WII 3 3 3b a I Jllhert IS 20 a j

37 Joe MIttth lId 5 St 2 I 3 J Tee 710 D 8S 81 14S21 Summer Night lid I I I 4 4 McCarthy 20 I IJ S 4

lIarlm Maid lilt 4 4 43 II 51 Mcrahey 10 It 00 5 52237 Von Lear lilt 1 61 t IO lirussell 1i ao 20 1-


= 1 7 7 7 E 0 101210 4

Scnitchd Conniusht Ranker Edward >acllff Taboo CavallerelYeoentor ma as If much the bet Oltdlni Belle closed with a ruiN Joe Madden

clfmM > ome rroundbut waeovrwelghte4 eunmerIrht showed aoeed LyJJI-tF FOIIUII UKThe Thistle threeyearolds ami upward aelllnn IVtM added

one mil and a furlonirAt pot 357 ott tW Start rood Won drlrin Winner ch c by Ornament

Eleanor Owner Montrller Slahle TirneiJ 3ii-


Index Starter VtSSt I Fin Jocktl Up hid Fl Bh-

WI MOnfrt 110 i 4bj Gliert 6 W83SItu Spooner 9 II 4 l I I 2 l ipten 12 1t S 3 75-12O Urapple lci i 5 3 3 arnsr 3 IJ 6

aij Jugeler 1E III lit 10 4 Mrtintei 7 II 75-

Itv Marathon lIt 2 8 P 2 5b Mccarthy IS 7O III 6 3-

jl ion Enrique 105 1 8 61 V ft Notter I a 72 t it4-

Mt UeioUtn II 5 2 I d tI Th J li 91 2 2 4 26list Tmlco 110 ttt lItO S Sluegrave 20 2 1o 8 4

d Se tVolf IIl1 3 l V Kh I lIunn S III 10 4 2-

Ill Tony itenein 11 j I I I trChtl 2IJ 30 o 10 6-

ratlhe ntr tiie Railrae muchiliie best lIe wee badly Irterfsied with on the far turn Spooner

ha l tleiitv of srwl hut hone rt the end ijruvlt IloAetl with a ruth Jurler ran aQn1rkloiP r1e ilo < lnc fro n n hi sun Ton IjonTo ant TLilnuln quit

wrh RiK Tne Voi three v ar0ld and uuwardIQ added six ant a-

utJO hat furlonn turf courseAt poet 420 oft 427 tart good Wnn driving Winner b i by Star Shoot

1411Ette Owner W 0ii2iLfltd-ex

33J SUrtern Wtf St t u Fin Jockey OB HI Cl PI 8h

iif Nimbus I I II 2 2G j Iee In 12 s 02 H-Wj Rosben 1 a 2 I P GunH 3i 710 23 la510 leter ulnee 114 r Xb 31 3 a Netter 2 3 3 110-

H IlU1tou 110 2 j 4 4 411 tcUanlI 10 N 12 451 C Core 4 ii S S it tueruv Its 1M 70 i3 85-

SI Woolipun Wi 1 6 ijl Ii rPve Ho 20-

Sioilts naiL ItO 7 1 77 1 VnIh lilt 1Wl iIt 10 4-

ecratoedOxrori Delirium Hall ioverjltnNImbus ahowe1 big Impronment ant liked the grass course He raced with Rose

ben all the ay dUd outKamed him at th end Roseben ran his usual food race andwas unler a tries the tist few fnrore

7iTxrti flCEThe Monitor threeyeirolfrand uowird elflnit 01 added5 one nod a furlong

At poet 430 off lOP Start rood Won driving Winner ch crby Flar ShootJennie ClAY Ovnfr P J ltyfr rI-mImrnftndex r4 a4 i Iln Jnckeye Op ill Ct PISNi-SThioiiauk 105 i 124T irDanlet 6 S 7 52 11

412 Culrneurte ill I II P P 2 f Duean t 2 31 85 11-

V Trash lli 5 j j 3 t Saet 10 IC C 2

In Block Oak Ito SI 7 71 4C Lesch 10 it 2 I

610 Wlnnne Ia It IC g 52 Yorke lIMd110 1e 3Y


10 Tipping t 3 ireve U 2 I

tns Gu cotton 100 5 a I it 7 McCorthy Li ill 10

4tei Lone 13011 II i If Ii s tptnn 15 tI IS II 3-

jl0l SuItor Girt 10 12 10 to P J Lee 1 1 to 3lI 10 S

413 CountermenS 105 II 12 H t2 11 totle I I C 10 5-

1t Totni 10 I3 5 II 11 t Muserave 6 7 7 52 1-

HO Iltllton Mill Un 14 U 45 IS 12 BroccolI 20 to 30 10 53 K iraptet ICG 2 2 i 1 lt Notter In 12 In I 2

Maxie Witt 110 IS tI ti Garner 10 5i IS 6 3

Rrok dow Scratched DArkie 8 raclnftcn Great Ilrnt teMomauk closol with a rush IllmEorni himcat the end trash held on w-




BY VINCINT TR11tVORSpecial to TIle Evening World

SHEEPSHEAD BAY July 3A nose was all that separated

Spooner from his first victory of the year In the fourth race he led

into the stretch by a comfortable margin only to give way in toe last

few strides to a determined rush by Monfort Grapple closed too in

the stretch and got up to be a close third This was one of the hardest

races of the day Bedouins chances were well liked as were those of

Don Enrique and JugglerMnnfnrt vns In a measure over-



and NO was the light weightedSpooner T ny Bonero led all the way

to the stretch turn followed by Spooner

and Marathon where the flrstnamedhad enough and the race looked to bo

between Spooner nnd Marathon lllght

hero Marathon shut up and droppelj

badLittle Upton on Spooner looked around

nnd went to pieces and Gilbert hadonly to keep his mount straight andwent on to win

No Change In Conditions

Tim crowd was the largest of any dayslncij the antibetting law went Into

effect The police were on hand us

Interfere with any-


¬usual but did not

The association officers had no

announcement or comment to make on

Judge Ulrcliofts decisiOn It evidently

boliu the plan to have a thorough In-



of the decision before tak-



any actionnetting went on In much the same

way as It has since the new law knocked-

out the posting of odds and record-

ing of wagersThe Saratoga Racing Association Mtu-

iMtied entry blanks for four rcfrime

takes tIre Saratoga Handicap Mer-

chants nnd Citizens Handicap theCatsklll Handicap und the Ueverwyd-

3teeplcchae All will have reduced

values and close on July 13

Sea Cliff Wins Opene-

rS Cliff wm a lucky wInner of theopsolof Y at Tb Whltny loldlne



won only because Connaught Rangirran almost to the outside fence at thestretch turn carrying Selectman withhim Both lost several lengths In do-

ing so Slut Sea Cliff following wasenabled to skin the rail and come oneasily to win from Selectman whichclosed fast to beat Connaught Ranger-for the place

Tom Chllds one of the oldest booktiinkors ails arrested In the field bytwo of the sheriffs men Chllds deniesthat he wee doing any business anj It

seems that one of the sheriffs menagreed with him The other howeverInsisted upon making the arrest

I Arasee Takes SecondArafeo with an apprentice boy named

Sweet In the saddle won the secondrace Arasee followed the pace of James11 Brady to the stretch and then camaway to win easily Brady held on moregamely than usual and lasted longenough to be second In front of GreatPirate The favorite Frbctte showed a-

very poor racePreceptor Wins Again

Preceptor won the third race easilyAfter they made the run for home NotIter sticking to the rail came away eas-ily


The Vicar and Summer Night ranprominently to the turn and lien tailed

T Gliding Hello well thought of byhe wise set i> through the stretch

Continued on Second Page

Nflw Jersey Central for Clknroo1 ParkvutomoMIt lUcn July 4 Lipreti itrvlce to-

jnx Drench Ml allnil route W tlrcl S-Ia nso A MI Ubertr HI SW II-

Sinli via Sandy Hook rout itMmen Wt S5 aSs 1030 A sm Ctdlf St

915 1000 1100 A U rrtYln In limelot ncti



Wc I



Brooklyn 1 000000001Boston

I 00100002 3

Special to The Evening World

BOSTON July 3Nothlns less that

thy leadership of the second division

will Mtlsfy Donovan he fald today

as he trotted out his Trolley D3lger

for the second game with the Dovco

Kelley put young McCarthy the Ha

ern League recruit In the box and XK

Intyre tried to help out on the ambi-



of his boss The approach of the

holiday tomorrow served to keep

down the attendance

First Inning

Butch walked Maloney sacrificed andwas out Graham to McGann Hun

mel out Hannafln to McGann LumIeI singled scoring Uurch Jordanflied to Beaumont ONE RUN

Kelley singled Dahlen sacrificesto Jordan Beaumont tile

reached firstout to Maloney McGinnon Sheehana error drow a

past Hannafln went out Sheehan toJordan NO RUNS

Second Inning

8he han tiled to Rltchey Lewis out

Dahlein to McGann Bergen filed to

Dahlen NO RUNSBrowne tiled to Lewis QraJuim walk-

ed McCarthy struck out Graham out

Eteillne Bercen to Hummel NORUNS

Third Inning

Mcintyre out MoCarthy to JlcGann-Burcfh out DaWen to Median Ma-

loney out Qrahain to McOann NOHUNS

Kolley tripled between Malone andIumley Dahlen tiled out to Burohlie JumolJt drove a hot liner whloh Jordan turrfbted but threw to Hummel In

time to got the cemre fielder at firstbut Kelley scored on the play Me-

Gxvnn flied out to Maloney ONE RUN

Fourth InningHummel out Riche to McGann

Lumley beat out an Infield hit Jordanforced Lumley Dnhlen to RltcheyJrdon out stealing Graham Co DahlenNu RUNS-

flhlcey filed out to Burch Hannartnwaited for four wide ones Brownesingled to right Hannafln going to sec-


Graham out Lewis to JordanMcCarthy flied out to Hummel NORUNS

Fifth InningSheehan out Dihlen to McGann

Lewis drove a slashing single to rightand stole second on the first ballpltohed Dahlen took In Bergrens linedrive and threw to Rltchey doublingup Lewis NO RUNS

Kelley popped to Hummel Dahlendrove a wicked line drive to the leftHeld fence but only got one bassIkvumiont flied to Sheehan Rltchey-Fingled but Lewis made a sensationalonehanrteJ stop holding Dahlen nathird With the bw 1111 1 Hanninnhit to Lewis forcing Rltchev at secondNO RUNS

Sixth InningMclntyre singled to right Hunch sc

rlllced Hannafin to McGann Maloneypopped to Hannalln Hummel ground-ed


out to McGann NO RUNSBrowne safe at llrflst on Jordans

Ivnl throw to Mcintyre Graham sac-



Mcintyre to Jordan McCarthyout Humtnol to Jordan Browne tak-


third Kelley out Hummel to Jor-


NO RUNSSeventh Inning

Lmnlev filed out to Kelley Jordanout Rltchey to McGann Sheehan outDihlen to McGonn NO RUNS

Dflhlen out Hummel to Jordan Beau-mont


safe when Hummel fumbled hishad frounder McGami out Sheehan toJorclin Hltchey was deliberately paceill-iy McIntyre Hanninn lined out toIowls NO RUNS

Eighth InningLewis out Rltchey to McOitm Ber-

gen singled to left Mcintyre out Mc-


to McGann Burch got a nuron balls Maloney forced Burch Ritcheyto Dahlen NO HUNS

Browne hit to Hummel who threwlow to Jordan allowing the Boston outllclrter to take second Graham lied outto Hummel McCarthy tiled out to Ma-

lone Kelley drew a pass Dahlin 8ingled jut fast play hy Sheehan andLewis prevented Browne from goingfurther than third Beaumont doubledscoring Drown and Kelley Dnhlen going



t1racts More Attention Than

Game Itself at Meadow


President Hoovsvelt attended A polo

nwitch on the grounds of the Meadow

brook Hunt Club near Henipstrnl L

t this Afternoon and his presence atracted more attention from the spe ta

irs than the contest The Presidentroe over from Oyster Hay on horse

hack Assistant Secretary of Stoic Rob-



Bacon accompanied the President


iindl Hook haute now la Uel la M-

flltloo to rtrultr seroice extra trio irlll ut-

TtulBIIs da JBlr t front W it Sod

tRI flrach Sa uttiht AG arrhlu latew TorY II> p V e-

lJ t


liurch K 1 0 2 0 0

Mnloney cf 0 0 3 0 0

Hummel 2b 0 II 5 I 2

Iumley rf 0 2 0 0 0

Jordan Ib 0 II 9 1 1

Sheehan 3b 0 0 I 2 1

Lewis ss 0 1 3 1 0

Hergen c 0 1 r 1 0

Mcintyre p 0 1 0 2 0

Totals 1 5 24 11 4


Kelley If 2 2 2 0 0

Dahlen ss 0 2 4 7 0

Beaumont cf 0 1 1 0 0

Mcftann lb 0 0 15 0 0

Hltchey 21 0 1 3 4 0

Hannafln 3b 0 0 1 2 0

Browne rf 1 1 1 0 0

Graham c 0 0 0 3 0

McCarthy p 0 0 0 1 0

Totals 3 7 27 17 0

First face on BallsOff Mcintyre B

off McCarthy 2

Left on Bases Boston 12 Brook-lyn


Struck OutBy Mcintyre 1

TwoBajie Hit BeaumontStolen Pa es Lewis

tlav Duhlen to Rltche-yUmplrcODay

to third McOann out Hummel to Jor-dan TWO RUNS

Ninth nnlngHummel filed edt to Browne Jump

oilt Dahlen to McQnnn Jordan flIedout to Kelley NO RUNS


0 0 0 2

ISpecial to TlieEvenlnK World >

WASHINGTON July 1Manager El

erfeld of the Highlanders viewed the

game today from the grand stand hav-



been suspended by telegraph by

Ban Johnson for arguing with and tip

tug put out of the game by Ol oiighlln

In the last series on the home grounds

Jack Klclnow managed the team In

mbcrfolds place

First InningNiles was hit and got caught off first

Smith to Krccman to Altizer Then

Keeler followed with a long singlewhloti was wasted AS both Morlantyand Hemphlll wen thrown out byShlpke NO RUNS

Luck favored Washington with cheapruns Milan was xnfu on Niless mt >

of his hot grounder rinlpko fannedStahl playing first I ost Oinley-grouiijer ant lw runners werebase when the side should have beenretired Pickering was second nut aleon strikes Streets single to centrescored Milan Freeman drew four ballsagain mllng the bjsios Altliers scratchInfield hit scored Qanlty McBrldoforced Altltcr Ball to Niles iWOBUNS j

Second Inning

nail was fooled on strides Stahlgrounded out to freeman imalslitcd-Cunroy put up a tly hack of secondwhich Milan caught In a most sensa-tional


manner Milan camp In till tiltand grabbed the ball at his shoe topsand then tumbled over anti over fortwo somersaults NO RUNS

Conroy threw out Smith Nibs threwout Milan Shlpke singled vast Conroyind vs forced by Oanloy Is Niles untsstJUd NO RUNS

Third InningKlrlnow fanned Lake xlngleil to cen

in Nibs Illtd to Intiky Redoforctil bake McBrldo to A NOunxsI-

lclttTlng tingled to right and wasforced at second by Street from Conroy to NHes I peman out Hall toStall Street reaching second AltizerItiKled to right scoring Street Conroy thrmv out Mcllrlde ONE RUN

Fourth InningMorlarlty grounjid oJt to short

Ball fed to1rllll NO HUNSVnuKhn from Texas took Lakes

place In the box with Hweenpr catchingInstfad of Klelnow Snlth was the firstman to face Vmiicn and ulngled to

walked Vaughn alsoright lan for Shljike pitch-ing


four straight balls filling the basesNuns made an error on Gftnleysgrounder scoring Smith but Hall re-


the b1 hack of Nile aprt thr v-MUn out the plate Ganley anti

were caught trying a doublehllklShlpke being retired Vauxn tomall to oCnroy Ilrkerlng fanned ONrRUN

Fifth InningStahl opened with a single through

r e trcir54 WI JI H




Philadelphia 1002000 0 0 3Giants 0 1 3 0 3 1 0 0 8

GIANTSH PO A EItTenney Ib 0 0 2 0

Doyle 2b 2 1 i 4 1

Hrennhan c 1 2 G 0 0

Donlln rf 1 1 0 0 0

Seymour cf 1 1 2 0 01

Devlin 3b 1 1 2 1 0

Shannon Ie 1 2 3 0 0

Brldwcll 0 2 1 5 OJ

Crundali p 0 2 1 1 0

Totals i-


12 27 13 I1

It 11 IPO A B

Grant 31 2 1 0

Knabe 2b 0 0 5 2 0

Titus rt 0 2 1 0 0

Magee 0 0 1 0 0

Bransfleld lb Of 3 7 0 1

Osborne c 0 0 3 1 0

Doolln sa 1 2 2 2 I

Dooln c 0 0 2 2 0

Sparks p 0 0 0 2

nitchle p 0 0 1 1

Courtney 0 0 0 0

Totals 3 10 21 11 1

for In sixthBated Spark

Hase Hits OffSparkJi 10 In 5 InningsFirst Base on Dlls T tall 3

2 Kltohlo 1SparksIXt on Bused Philadelphia 1iant8 7-

Struck Out byCrandall 2 SparksThreeBaao Hits Doolln-

TwoBase HltsDoolln Bran telrl 2

Stolen TitusHit b PitcherDoyleUmplreniKler r



Highlanders 0 1 1

Washington 201 100



New York WashlntolNlles 2brfpelor rf Bhlpke I-

1Morlarlty If Oanlcy IfIlrinphlll cf IMckcrliiR rfHill ss Htre t C-

St ttitl lb Kroiiiiui Ib-

Ciinroy to Altlzer bKlclnow c Mvllrlde ssLake p Smith p

Implres Hurst anclEgan-

short anti stoln second as Convoy fan-ned


Sweeneys lilt to left put Stuli-lirdI 1111 also uncoil NllM

tripled to scurlir StnM idIiiey Smith killed Kcders slzzlcr-

nnri threw Willie out at rHI TVO-IllNfl

Niles fiunbli1 streets Krounder theuter reaching first At this juncture-

thesbro was sent Into the hoc to reIurc Va ugh atm Krefinan sacrificed

Chosbro to Stahl Street going to sec-ond


Street out stealing Sweeney toConroy NO HUNS

Sixth InningSmith knocked down Morhrltys hot

single but could not Held It In time-Ofemphills out LMUrlde to Freemanput Morlarlty on second Altlzer threw-out Ball MtBrldes error on Stahlshard grounder scored Morlarlty Stahloil1 stealing Street to MeBrlde ONKRUN

Mollrlde struck out Niles threw outHath Bal threw out Milan NoBUNS

Seventh InningConroy baloonet to Ganicy Sweeney-

was MoBrlclo to FreemanChesbro took two bases onwild ilirn jusi llrst Nile hit deepto Freeman and Pltrior Smith ilrnppci-lFreemins awlst at first Chesbro scor-Ing and NIle being safe Sties wasspiked In his collision with Freemanand Manning rtm for him at firs-

ttnliT I > fmlng Mellrlde toAltlzer ONK RUN


Isaac Sletzky fortyone years old n

lithographer who lived with the amllyof Inldor Hoffmnti at No ICO EastBroadway committed suicide todayby shooting hliu lf In the right tempie He was found In his room a fewmoments after the shot was har1anti he died as he was beinGouvcrnpur Hiispltal by Dr Falter HeIs thought to have been sufferelng withthu heat


Miss Edna Aug tho vaudeville actresswho arrivtd on the Baltic today saidihe refused to appear on a Parts stageecause of the scanty clothing ofliorus girls She said she found the

larlsstaKp at a lower ebb of moralityever leen Itbtor


M t

Special to TIre Evening World

POLO GROUNDS NEW YORK JulyaThe Giants won the second garnifront Philadelphia this afternoon by ascore of S to 3 Crandall was very effectlve n nil hell the visitors safe at j

all stares Sparks was knocked out ofthe box early In the game and Illtehltook his place Tho crowd numberedabout 80

First InningGrant beat out an Infield hit and took

second bas on Knabes sacrifice Grinhall to Titus singled Into rightfield and Grant scored Doyle caughtMiLXees high fly Bianafleld single toright field Osborne hit towho pitched the bl to Doyle It fellfruit his handi he recovered It In

111 toRU

throw Titus out at the plateTenney llVd to Magee Doyle walked

but was forced on Bresnahans Ktouiklur Doolln to Knibe Donlln Illti tu Titus NO UlNS

Second InningDoolln slammed a twobagger Into

left nil trek third as Boyle threw outDooln Tcnney got Sparkss grounderami threw Doolln out at tho platoGrant bonne lmlc ever Doyljhen I forced out Sparks on agrounder to Devlin unassisted NOHUNS Y

Seymour was throlvl out by ICnab fDevlin tIled to Shannon walkednut advanced u lose as Brldwellsingled nvitr second base On the hitand pin CtMidall drove a sIngle intoleft Held ant Shannon scored Tenncvforced Crandall Knabe to DoollnBUN 01

Third InnhgTitus nut TInny tr Magee j

rnndalwas thrown tilt Brld Ten MYllrinxflelil doubled to right Osborns 1

flled to Shannon NO lUNSDoylo was hit hy n pitched ball and j

Brpsnahan helped I Ii hy beatIng out n bunt Both advanced onDevlins SparksSeymour lieU out a slow one scoringDoyle antI sending Brcsnahan to thirdbase Brpsnahin scored on Devlins fly 1

lo 0 born Shannon drove a Texasleaguer Into right Held nnd Seymourscored Shannon was out stealing sec i

ond Dooln to Urchin THREE RUSFourth Inning 1

Doolln hit to deep centre for three jbises Pooln lined out to Tenney i

parks walked Grant singled <pastirst hsl srorlne Doolln andthird base Grant stole sec-

ond tase Irhlllllot ICnabes ground-er and out at the plateTtus was safe on DOllel error an J

Grant scored Knabe third baseTitus stole second base Magee struckout TWO RfNS

Hrldwpll popped out to Knabe Clandall strifk out Tenney fouled out toDiiiln NO lltXS i

Fifth Innlrg-Hrldwoll


threw out Bransfleld Os¬ I

borne walkid Doolln fouled to Dsvlln-Divle ina le a teat catch of IMoln-fpiiply bik of vivind base N 0 HUNS

Doyle hoot out a slow one and wentto icond linn MI liresnnluins sacrillee-Spirks to BraiiKllPld Donlin soaked aKlnKlu Into right Held and Doyle scoredllransllpld mulTed Knabos throw antSeymour wn safe Devlins long sIliKl-esored Donllr but Seymour was out atthird hose Osbornn to Imnt ShannonsmashtM a slnil Into field andDevlin > or1 IIhlwll banged anothorsafe one CiMiidall forfeitIlhlwlI at MOfll base lool

TIlllBK lUNSSixth Inning

Courtney batted for Sparks and tiledto Brldwell Grant lifted a foul lly toShannon Devlin threw out Kmibe NOlUNd

Itltrhle plttihlng for riillndelphlnTen valked nnd look second bass

sucrltlce Itllchle to Branshell Ire rmhan loni single to centerscored ry hut be was out stpilliusecond has n loin to B n trim DonllnwasUNou to llranslleld unassisted ONE

Seventh InningTitus boat out a slow one Magee

Ill lo Seymour Titus went to thirdon Hmnsllclils double 0 I C Ilifc-

lOieiflO walke > tlllln the bases Duolln tIle 1 to Seymour Dooln forced outUsliorne BridWfll to kyle NO RN3S-oymour flied out to Osborne IVvltnwas out to UraTufrH unas NtnlShannon popped to Itltihh NO RIV s

Eighth InningDoyle threw out Rltchlr Grant lIbel


Seymour Knabe struck out NO

limit threw out Brldwell CrnIn1singled to llt field Ten ntyGrnul tiled out to Oats rrn NO


HtNSNinth nnlng

Doyle threw out Titus Mapee filednrMwell threw out IllHlelllOI-WS 1


The physicians at St Josephs Hos-


Iaterson N J are Infrestftl In i

the tenth of a young man at the hos-


following tho bite of an Insect t

The tOld man was Michael H MeMantis of No 16 Redwoods avenueOn Monday afternoon he was bitten byan Inset Two hour later his faco

swell He was then MzeJwith severe pains In the head He wu I

removed to the hospital on Wednesday I

night The ml wa operated on atthe hospital contlnmxluntil and head were twice thiJr-

nThaalpUr icliins ay ho choked U-



i I-

