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Date post: 09-Mar-2016
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Pg 1-4 Strong not skinny Pg 5-10 Let’s Board

Pg 11-14 Fitsteps Pg 15-16 Lorna Jane

Pg 17-19 The Banana Girl Pg 20-21 Lorna Jane

Pg 22-24 The Benefits of Excerise Pg 25-27 When I Went Vegan

Pg 28 Victoria Secret Pg 29 Win a gym membership

Pg 30-31 David Greensmith Photogrpahy

Pg 32-33 Victoria Secret Pg 33-35 Nike Pg 37 Mango

Pg 38 Tone Gym Pg 39-40 Deprive or Survive

Pg 41-42 What’s Hot What’s Yum Pg 43-47 Dr Laurie Steelsmith





Strong. Not Skinny.

Never have I ever heard of such a REAL movement in the fitness world usually with countless and ridiculous fads. I could not be more in love with it. I’m a big advocate for the movement making its entrance into female lives all over the world. It all started with a few words, Strong is the New Skinny, and trust me these caught on. First taking social media by storm with the intention of encouraging women to skip the whole diet scene and trade it for weight and cross training.




As the phrase began to gain emphasis it began to make it all over clothing, (especially gym attire), social media, health blogs / websites and pinterest . Strong is the New Skinny. “It’s a refreshing perspective on the idealization of beauty. It emphasizes an individualized body image that focuses on fit rather than size suggestive descriptors like “thin” or “fat”. Because “strong” comes in all shapes and sizes.” (Abi Reiland – cross fit and fitness expert) I could not agree more. Women and young girls need to notice this movement. You should not strive for skinny! You should strive for fitness, strive for strength, inside and out. So from me, and most fitness experts all over the world, the “Strong not Skinny” movement gets a big thumbs up. http://tessandjess.wordpress.com/2012/



LET’S BOARD -TRAVIS RICE Ranked by world renowned critics as the most influential and best all round snowboarded to hit the slopes in recent times, today interviewer Sophie Simmons got a chance to hang out with American professional Snowboarder, Travis Rice. (Sophie Simmons: SS) (Travis Rice: TR) SS: So, Travis how do you feel about being ranked the most influential and best all round snowboarder in recent history?

TR: Well you know, to be honest in my opinion I’m not, I just try and whatever happens, happens. I think that everyone has a different opinion and view of who they think is the most influential and best all round rider. I don’t focus on technique, honestly I just let loose. The more you overthink things the worse I reckon you get. I’m honoured that people think so highly of me though.

“If we want authenticity we have to initiate it”



SS: So then who would you rank as the most influential and best all round snowboarder in recent history? TR: Ah crap, umm to be honest there’s so much raw and organic talent out there it’s basically impossible to choose. For me I would have to say a few of the boys I worked with on the set of Art of Flight, Scotty Lago, Nicholas Muller and Jeremy Jones. They just inspire me, we are insanely competitive against one another but at the same time insanely supportive. We motivate each other and so personally, that’s what makes them so influential within my snowboarding life, plus they manage to just nail everything so they’re pretty good all rounders too.

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SS: How was filming the Art of Flight, compared to the many other movies you’ve been cast in and helped produce? TR: I loved it. The filming took us to some of the most unreal places and uncharted snow I’ve ever experienced in my life. It was scary man, but totally worth it, I mean, we’ll never find our real potential unless we push ourselves to find it. All the films I’ve been apart of, I’ve been honoured to take part in but this, this one in particular has got to be up there as one of my favourites. The filming and the experience I gained was totally unreal, we went to some of the wildest places on earth and we had to learn how to do things the right way, to help each other and to take our skills to the next level, just to survive. Just to ski, to snowboard, just to do one line in these incredible places, it’s what we live for, it’s the thrill we live for.

SS: How did you manage to stay fit enough throughout the filming? I can’t understand how you could snowboard all day everyday. Don’t you tire out? TR: Actually, the majority of our days are spent as down days. You know, all the snow and glaciers we have out there meant that of course, we got a hell of a lot of unpredictable weather. The weather out there is hard to read, everybody’s always trying to nit pick and are checking the weather constantly, but we just like to wake up in the morning and look out the window. That’s the ultimate test. You don’t always go with the weather forecast, you go with what’s going on outside your window.

SS: What do you do on all these down days then? TR: We try to create a lot of, uh you know, activities. And when you have a crew like this, like ours you kind of need to up the level a bit, up the thrill. Whether that means shooting plates being thrown in the air, being dragged along the snow behind a snow mobile or going wakeboarding on some of the coldest lakes known to existence, we always have to think of new things to be doing. Otherwise I honestly don’t think we’d survive out here. Oh yeah, I nearly forgot we like to blow a lot of crap up too.

SS: [Laughs] Such a typical boy answer. Anyway, I’m getting off topic, this is meant to be fitness related! Do you have a special diet before big events or filming? TR: [Laughs], um yeah of course I do. About a month or so prior to any filming, big trip or events I do a total detox, well a detox in my books anyway [Laughs]. I don’t put any junk into my body, no fast food so unfortunately no McDonalds or anything like that. I try to eat mainly proteins and vegetables. Then a few nights before whatever the event is, I start to pack up on the carbs.

You get hungry, everything that gets put in your body is burnt off within about an hour. It’s insane how much I have to eat to compensate for the amount of energy I’m expending sometimes. Also, if I know I have a big challenge ahead of me I begin training as soon as I hear about the event, whether it’s a year ahead, or a week ahead.

“I Don’t put any junk into my body”

SS: So, what’s your fitness regime then? TR: To be honest, it varies, a hell of a lot. I don’t have any specific training regimes but I do train hard. I know my body, in this sport you have to, I’d probably die out there if I didn’t and so I can tell what needs working on. Whether that’s stability training, agility training, working on my stamina or my strength, I can generally pick what needs improvement. I’ll confess, usually all of the above, plus more [Laughs]. But yeah I think the most important thing in this sport is being in touch with your body. SS: Why’s that then? Why do you place so much importance on being in touch with your body in snowboarding? TR: That’s easy. Without being in touch with my body I’m unable to control it, trust me I NEED control, especially when I’m travelling at incredible speeds down a mountain with snow chasing me bound up to a board. When I’m in touch with my body I know what feels good and what feels bad.


What needs work and improving, what I need to train on and what I don’t. But it’s not just in snowboarding that I think you need to be in touch with your body, yeah duh it’s important! But I think any and everyone needs to be in touch with their bodies. If you weren’t how are you meant to know what your body needs? How are you meant to know when to push yourself and when to stop yourself? I encourage everyone, even the laziest of people, actually especially the laziest [Laughs] to get in touch with their bodies, figure out what their bodies need to feel the best they can and to function the best they can. I don’t care how you achieve it, whether you eat the strictest of diets, train the meanest of them all or neither of the above, just well, just do it, give it a go. At least try, I guarantee you’ll thank me eventually. SS: So is there anything else about keeping fit you think our readers would be interested in hearing? TR: Well, basically as I’ve previously said you just need to stay in touch with your body. Staying in touch with your body is honestly the best advice I think I could give anyone, not just a snowboarder. Oh, and don’t forgot never giving up, I know it sounds cliché but trust me everyone says it for a reason.

“You just need to stay in touch with your body”

Nike Fitness, There’s something at Nike for anyone.

Nike Fitness, There’s something at Nike for anyone.


PHENOMENON “The new dance fitness phenomenon!” Could this be

the new Zumba?

We all know how boring the gym can get after a while. No one can stay motivated with the same exercise routine every single day of their life. No matter how enthusiastic you are about your fitness, repeating the same routine day in and out would drive anyone to boredom. If you had told me that I could get fit while being in stitches and having fun the whole time, I would’ve started a long time ago. Fitsteps, the new fitness craze came to life in 2013 as a result of a collaboration between two of the UK’s most famous ballroom dancers and Britain’s most successful swimmer. Natalie Low, Mark Foster and Ian Waite. Britain’s most successful entertainment show, ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ saw relentless, challenging and remorseless dance training lessons sparking the idea for a fun new fitness regime. The Fitsteps regime came to consist of mixing the graceful steps of Ballroom with the up tempo steps of latin dance, coming together to create a fun, high intensity, energetic and effective workout.


The program is based around twelve of the most popular Latin and Ballroom dances, some of which include the universally popular, Jive, Samba, Tango, Waltz, Quickstep and of course the Cha Cha. And so the craze that is Fitsteps came to life. If you want to stay fit, trim and toned, or become so, Fitsteps is for you. It’s been created to appeal to a large audience, so basically everyone! (even if your hopeless at dancing like me).

These classes are made to appeal to people of all of ages and genders, FAN, the founders of the program are proud to say they’ve had children as young as 9 participate all the way through to even the elderly! In fact, the oldest known participant of the program was 74. Yet all who have participated have claimed to have loved the experience. As the program has been released it is slowly becoming more developed and accomplished, with targeted classes coming into action for the elderly population and the little ones.


Fitness experts and the general public are raving about the Fitsteps phenomenon, sweeping the world. Fitsteps Academy Network (FAN) describes the program as “so much fun you don’t even realise you’re getting fit!’ Now, if you’re thinking yeah right, this is just another fad, everyone will be over this in a week, you’re the furthest possibly from the truth. Fitsteps is a unique program with proven fitness techniques and principles that not only creates a program with “extraordinary wide appeal, but one that also has the potential to create a real and lasting impact on the health of a nation” (FAN). Now it’s important I make a distinction between existing dance classes and Fitsteps. This is a fitness class delivered through dance, not an actual dance class. It’s not about highly technical and precise movements, but more about moving your body in an energetic and enthusiastic way. The emphasis in Fitsteps classes are on helping people towards getting fit, not perfecting the proper techniques and looking like a professional ballerina.It doesn’t matter if you’re a hopeless dancer or not, you just have to move your body. The classes are structured in a way to deliver real and measurable fitness results.

The dances are broken down into easily learnable and comprehendible sections, in which each section has different levels of intensity, ranging from your total beginner to your absolute expert, accommodating everyone, no matter what fitness level you’re at. Fitsteps is dedicated to improving the health of all, no matter the age, weight or fitness of the individual. Fitsteps, “Fitness that’s Strictly Fun”. (FAN)


New Lorna Jane fitness collection 2014 –

available online and in stores now

New Lorna Jane fitness collection 2014

– available online and in stores now

THE BANANA GIRL - FREELEE - Freelee has over come many obstacles in her life. She use to take recreational drugs as well as being anorexic and bulimic. Freelee believes that her life has completely turned around ever since starting the banana girl diet 7 years ago. What is the banana girl diet? Take a look at our one on one interview with Freelee for more information.

What is the Banana girl diet? The banana girl diet isn’t just a normal diet, it’s a high carb raw vegan lifestyle that consist of raw fruits, vegetables and nuts. The daily aim of the diet is to consume 90% carbs, 5% fat and 5% protein. The diet does not consist of any kind of animal products. It is very similar to veganism and other kind of diets such as 80-10-10 diet.


When did you decide to start this diet and why? I first started doing the banana girl diet back in 2006 because I have never really been an exercise fanatic and I felt that going on a strict diet like this would help me control my health and feel happy about who I am.

What are the health benefits of following the banana girl diet? There are so many benefits! Just by doing the banana girl diet, you will not only feel good about your self but you will also notice your skin becoming clearer and much more smoother, you will find yourself having a much faster digestion, along with increased energy and endurance. What kind of things would you eat in a normal day? My diet is pretty consistent; it doesn’t really change that much but that doesn’t bother me at all! I live by the rule to not eat any kind of raw food before 4pm and I’m all for eating mono meals which means I love to eat big quantities of one kind of fruit or vegetable. An average breakfast for me would consist of either 10-15 bananas in a water made smoothie or 20 medual dates with some peppermint drops.

Photo taken from Freelees instagram page - @freeleethebananagirl

From the sound of things, you seem to consume a lot of sugar.. isn’t that unhealthy? No not at all, I often receive this question and I don’t think many people are aware that eating large quantities of natural sugars is not only good for your health but actually vital for it. We all have a sweet tooth for a reason! And we all get cravings for sugary sweets for a reason! Our body is full of cells that run on glucose and in order for everything to function properly, sugar in needed! The more natural sugars you consume, the better!

Photo’s taken from Freelees instagram page - @freeleethebananagirl

What sort of physical activity/activities do you do? Like I said before, I’m no exercise fanatic and like most girls, it takes me a while to get motivated when exercising. However I do have a daily fitness routine that varies depending on where I am. I generally try to run 4-5 times a week, ride my bike as much as possible as well as doing dance or do yoga once a week For more information on Freelee and the banana girl diet, check out Freelees social networking sites below. http://instagram.com/freeleethebananagirl https://www.youtube.com/user/Freelea https://www.facebook.com/TheBananaGirl http://thebananagirl.com

New Lorna Jane fitness collection 2014 – available online and in stores now


It’s true that by being physical activate has many health benefits, but being active also has countless of other benefits, such as making your life much more enjoyable not only for just you but for the people around you to. By doing at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day, you will not only feel much more confident with yourself, but you can also reduce your risk of cancer and other body failures. Being active can improve your mood, strengthen your memory and improve your work ethic at school or work. Workouts can lift your mood and improve positive thinking. When working out, your body releases endorphins that all work together to make you feel good. Studies have shown that exercise can temporarily improve a depressed persons mood. For people with mild to moderate depression, 30 minutes of intense exercise can be just as effective as medication can be for improving someone’s mood.


The best workout for improving mental health is yoga. People have used yoga for many years to reduce tension and stress whilst also dramatically lifting their mood and improving the way that they think. When doing Yoga, you focus on a range of stretching, breathing techniques and motions that create a release of negative thoughts and emotions in the body. Exercise can also help us sleep better at night. The more active that your body is during the day, the more likely your body will be able to rest during the night making it much easier for you to fall asleep at night.

Doctor Steven King, sleep doctor and author of the hit seller Doctor Sleep says “ It is important for the human body that we increase the amount of physical activity that we do daily so that we give our bodies enough stimulation during the day so that you are not restless at night. It is important to know that for our bodies to get the best nights sleep possible, we should not be exercising within 3-4 hours of going to bed as your mind is still being active whilst you are trying to rest.”

Studies have also shown that by being active and by doing exercise daily, you can reduce your risk of several types of cancers and other body failures such as heart and kidney diseases. By being active, you are more likely to feel confident about yourself and by being confident; you open yourself up to living a much happier and healthier life.

When I Went


Veganism has become a dietary trend for many young females in today’s society. Many girls believe that becoming vegan will help them loose weight and to live a healthier lifestyle. I have one question about veganism that I would like to ask all of you.. Is becoming a Vegan really as good for you as people make it out to be? A couple of weeks ago I decided to go on a 30 day Vegan trial to see if I liked it and to see what sort of positive or negative effects it could have on my body. Before I share with you what I discovered through out my 30-day trial, I thought that it would be extremely important that I share with all of you what a vegan diet exactly is and what it involves. A veganism diet is a very sticked type of vegetarian diet that excludes all animal- delivered products; this includes all types of meats, eggs and dairy products. Most vegans also do not eat or drink any products that are processed using animal products. Veganism leaves people with a very short selection of foods to choose from.


A Vegan Recipe I Tried, which can be found at: http://avocadopesto.com/2012/04/10/raw-vegan-collard-wraps/

What I discovered. Throughout the 30 days of my vegan trial, I discovered that going vegan was a lot harder than I though it would be. My initial though was that my body would fare and benefit well without meats and dairy products, however I was wrong. I found it extremely hard to find nice and easy meals that were appropriate for this specific diet type.

Having the temptation of the animal delivered products that were stored with in the entire grocery store was extremely hard to overcome to. Although finding and preparing meals was hard, I found that the hardest thing about going vegan was finding things to eat at social events and at restaurants.

Reactions from other people. I’m not the type of person that goes around announcing to everyone about new diet I’m trying, but food is such an important part of human life that it was tough to escape questions from other people. I received mixed reactions from people once they found out about my new diet and the majority of them were not positive reactions. Of course I had my close family members and friends that were extremely supportive and helpful during the process of my trial but they were also very quick to tell me to be careful and to look after myself.

Personal changes and effects. Personally, I found that my body went through quite a lot of negative changes through out the 30-day trial. I notice myself starting to feel a lot drowsier and I started to feel tired much more quickly when exercising. I also notice that my skin wasn’t as clear as it usually is, breakouts began to appear and my skin didn’t feel as soft as it usually is. Personally, I would not recommend completely going Vegan until you have done a trial like the one I have done. You never know how you’re body will react to the change in diet. Veganism isn’t for everyone, but if you want to try it then go for it. It was an interesting experience.

Feel good and look good when you work out today


Get your photo taken today

Get your photo taken today

Feel good and look good when you work out today

Feel good and look good when you work out today

Nike Fitness,

There’s something at

Nike for anyone.



It seems that every week someone is finding a new diet craze. From low-fat to low-carb everyone is falling for the ‘new and improved’ fad diets. So what exactly is a fad diet? A fad diet is a diet that guarantees very rapid weight loss. These diets are not scientifically researched and may be harmful to your health. Many fad diets limit your total energy intake and although it is true that you need to burn more energy than you consume to lose weight, fad diets take it to the extreme.

A fad diet usually cuts out carbohydrates in order to make you lose weight. When you consume carbohydrates, they are stored in your muscles and liver. When you limit carbohydrates in your diet, your body burns what carbs you have stored and this creates weight loss on the scales. What these diets don’t tell you is that as soon as you start eating carbohydrates again, they will be stored back in the muscles and liver and your weight will go back to what it was when you started. Fad diets that limit what you can eat can also put you into a yo-yo dieting cycle. A yo-yo dieting cycle is when you are successful in loosing the weight, but unsuccessful in maintaining the weight loss long-term. You then attempt to lose the regained weight, and the cycle starts again.

So how many times have you tried to lose those pesky pounds by falling for a fad diet? Whether with Atkins, South Beach, or other deceptive diets, numerous dieters are wondering whether or not the pounds they’re loosing will stay lost. Tired of facing the same boring foods night after night, many people are rethinking this dieting extreme.

No matter what type of diet is in the media, whether low-carbohydrate, low- calorie, or low-fat, someone always has a gimmick to sell that’s supposed to help you lose weight. But has anyone been able to stay on one of these deprivation diets for a long period of time? Were they able to lose weight and if so did the pounds stay off once they went back to a more normal eating style?

The thing is, if a fad diet worked, everyone would be on it, and stay on it. The reality is that fad diets don't work to help you lose weight and keep it off.

So what does work? Eating healthy and exercising. That's it, plain and simple. If you really want to lose weight, the most effective way is to eat a variety of healthy foods, exercise for at least 30 minutes every day, and keep your portion sizes under control. You don’t need to deprive your body of the good nutrients for a fad diet that doesn’t work.


WHAT’S HOT! 5-minute healthy strawberry frozen

yoghurt. Don’t fall for the “fat – free” labels

on supermarket brands. This frozen yoghurt has natural sugars and is quick

and easy.

Easy homemade mango fruit role –

ups that only need one ingredient! It’s

a great healthy alternative that

tastes absolutely phenomenal and has nothing but

fruit in it.

This Green Juice is all natural with no sugars and all the energy needed to get you through the day. It’s a quick and easy recipe that anyone can follow to make this delicious blend.



Strawberry Frozen Yoghurt:



Mango Fruit Role – ups:: http://www.justataste.com/2013/07/healthy-homemade-mango-fruit-roll-ups-


Green Juice: http://www.justataste.com/2013/06/bl



bodies  as  a  way  to  hel

p  them    I’ve  recently   read  that  in  

Interview: Dr. Laurie Steelsmith on the

Steelsmith Natural Health Centre By Annie Wilmot

Dr. Laurie Steelsmith is a naturopathy physician who is dedicated to helping people empower themselves and create great health with natural medicine. She has been in practice for twenty years and in her practice, she combines the benefits of healing techniques from the Western naturopathic tradition with the ancient art of Chinese medicine. She is a licensed naturopathic physician and acupuncturist, and is also the co-author of the best-selling book Natural Choices for Women’s Health.

When  did  you  found  Steelsmith  natural  health  centre?    In  1996  I  founded  the  Steelsmith  Natural  Health  Centre  and  in  2005  we  expanded  and  we  opened  up  a  fifteen  hundred  square  foot  space  and  hired  other  doctors  to  join  us  because  we  wanted  to  create  a  state  of  the  art  natural  medicine  facility  to  serve  the  people  of  Honolulu.      What  do  you  offer  at  Steelsmith  Natural  Health  Centre?    We  have  some  of  the  highest  quality  and  best-­‐trained  naturopathic  physicians.  In  addition  we  also  have  some  of  the  best  therapies  to  offer  our  patients.    

What  do  some  of  these  therapies  include?    Some  of  these  therapies  include  acupuncture,  dietary  counseling  in  addition  we  do  homeopathy,  we  prescribe  natural  hormones  and  we  will  prescribe  prescription  drugs  when  we  need  to  however  we  often  don’t  have  to.      Why  is  it  often  that  you  don’t  have  to  prescribe  prescription  drugs  to  patients?    This  is  because  we’re  so  busy  helping  our  patients  transform  their  bodies  as  a  way  to  help  them  transform  their  lives.    

I’ve  recently  read  that  in  naturopathy  the  doctor  is  a  teacher.  What  are  your  thoughts  on  this?    This  is  absolutely  true.  At  our  health  centre  we  are  teachers  and  one  of  our  primary  goals  is  to  teach  our  patients  how  to  create  wellness  in  their  bodies.  In  fact  that’s  really  our  most  important  goal.  It’s  not  just  for  them  to  be  dependent  on  us  or  for  them  to  always  have  to  take  a  bag  of  pills  because  we  all  know  that  a  bag  of  pills  is  not  what  makes  you  healthy.  What  makes  you  healthy  is  actually  the  decisions  that  you  make  in  each  and  everyday.      

 How  do  you  teach  this  to  your  patients?    So  what  we  do  here  at  Steelsmith  Natural  Health  Centre  is  we  offer  free  lectures  to  all  of  our  patients  to  help  them  learn  how  to  detoxify,  to  help  them  learn  how  to  eat  well  and  change  their  lifestyle.  We  also  have  visiting  psychologists  to  do  workshops  in  our  office  to  help  people  with  the  body  mind  connection.    

 How  many  talks  have  you  done  throughout  your  career  and  why  is  it  that  you  keep  doing  them?    Over  the  past  20  years  I  have  done  hundreds  of  talks  across  the  Honolulu  community  because  I  really  see  that  people  want  to  know  what  they  can  do  to  be  as  healthy  as  they  possibly  can  be  with  natural  medicine.  You  know  you  are  a  powerful  life  force  and  we  just  need  to  tap  into  that  vital  energy  in  your  body  and  give  you  the  right  food,  the  right  nutrition,  make  sure  that  you’re  getting  enough  sleep,  if  your  getting  the  right  kind  of  exercise,  and  sometimes  you  may  need  a  little  hormone  support,  or  you  may  need  a  little  acupuncture,  or  you  may  just  need  a  little  nudge  in  one  direction  or  the  other  to  restore  health  and  wellness  and  that’s  what  our  job  is  here  at  Steelsmith  Natural  Health  Centre.  We’re  here  to  help  you  become  the  healthiest  vital  person  that  you  can  possibly  be.      Thank  you  for  the  interview  Dr.  Steelsmith.  No  thank  you,  it  was  an  absolute  pleasure.    

BUSINESS PROPOSAL: 7th April 2014 The General Manager, Health Magazines, Pitt St, Sydney City

Dear Sir,

Do you want a new money making, exposing hit product? Keep reading .This is a new and exciting proposal for your company, that here at Tone health and fitness magazines we strongly believe will be a hit. An online Health and Fitness magazine for teens and young adults.

Here at Tone magazine we feel that fitness is an important part of living the best life you possibly can. We strive to ensure the ideals of living a healthy, pure and virtuous way are found within our pages.

We at Tone aim to express and portray real values and morals. We aren’t some trashy magazine bursting with worthless gossip, we have meaning and value, we want to help. We believe we have a purpose and duty as a health and fitness magazine to help people on their health and fitness journeys. We are truthful and we are real.

Over half of Australia’s population is engaged in regular physical activity and are reaping the benefits. At Tone, our aim is to cater for this ever growing demographic, the new healthy generations. We aim to provide insight into the health and fitness world, provide pages upon pages of useful tips and advice. Healthy recipes, the latest crazy trends, even some fitness fashion and inspirational stories and motivation to keep you going on your constant journey here and there.

Our online magazine will provide easy access for everyone, specifically those on the go. No more worrying about ripping pages, losing magazines or getting them wet

and ruining them. Goodbye are the days of soggy unreadable pages and hello to the days of clear and concise graphics, writing and interactive engaging information. I can assure you viewers reading our magazine will not just start engaged but end and follow the whole way through being so.

In todays society, people are conscious of their health and they do care about treating their bodies the way they deserve to be treated. Here at Tone, we believe that your body is a temple that needs worshipping to function to its best ability, and so we provide the help that we believe is the key to success in doing so.

Your probably wandering what sets us here at Tone apart from the rest of the hundreds of women’s fitness magazines and its a good question. Tone is a fitness magazine for the youth, for our younger demographic, not middle aged women, women in their late teens and early twenties. Lets be honest, the youngins are the up and coming “health” generation and we aim to cater for them and their health and fitness needs. Tone isn’t an advertising book full of pages of worthless and ridiculous adds and products, can you imagine, a fitness magazine without thousands of worthless adds? At Tone, our aim is to do so. Tone will be useful, Tone will be engaging and Tone will be a hit.

Yours sincerely,

Lucy Bowker,

Annie Wilmott

Sophie Simmons
