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Tony Doyle [email protected] GridPP2 Proposal, BT Meeting, Imperial, 23 July 2003.

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Tony Doyle [email protected]. ac.uk “GridPP2 Proposal”, BT Meeting, Imperial, 23 July 2003
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Tony Doyle [email protected] GridPP2 Proposal, BT Meeting, Imperial, 23 July 2003 Slide 2 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow GridPP2 Proposal http://www.gridpp.ac.uk/docs/gridpp2/ ~30 page proposal + figures/tables + 11 planning documents: 15.Tier-0 16.Tier-1 17.Tier-2 18.The Network Sector 19.Middleware 20.Applications 21.Hardware Requirements 22.Management 23.Travel 24.Dissemination 25.From Testbed to Production Slide 3 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow GridPP Mid-Term Review 1.What has been achieved in the first 18 months? Oversight Committee (May 2003): Conclusion "Excellent progress, management, control, reporting and thinking (both tactical and strategic), we look forward to an equally successful second half of the project as the investments made translate into middleware roll-out and benefits to the HEP experiments. It is difficult to imagine more impressive progress all round." 2.Development in the medium-long term? GridPP1 (09/01-08/04)Prototypeshort Web to Grid GridPP2 (09/04-08/07)Productionmedium Prototype to Production (09/07-) Exploitationlong-term LHC exploitation Slide 4 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Middleware Development Slide 5 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Identifiable progress via testbed monitoring All testbed sites can be said to be truly on a Grid by virtue of their registration in a comprehensive resource information publication scheme, their accessibility via a set of globally enabled resource brokers, and the use of one of the first scalable mechanisms to support distributed virtual communities (VOMS). UK-wide development using EU-DataGrid tools (v1.47). Not yet robust, but sufficient for prototype development. See http://www.gridpp.ac.uk/map/ Testbed Development Slide 6 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow What do we plan to do? Build a Production Grid Components Slide 7 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow GridPP2 Timeline Slide 8 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow High Level Deliverables At the start of each year the Project Management Board will review these in order to specify that years target in terms that can be easily defined and monitored across the Grid. Slide 9 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Tagged release selected for certification Certified release selected for deployment Tagged package Problem reports add unit tested code to repository Run nightly build & auto. tests Grid certification Fix problems Application Certification Build System Certification Testbed ~40CPU Production Testbed ~1000CPU Certified public release for use by apps. 24x7 Build system Test Group WPs Unit Test Build Certification Production Users Development Testbed ~15CPU Individual WP tests Integration Team Integration Overall release tests Releases candidate Tagged Releases Releases candidate Certified Releases Apps. Representatives From Testbed to Production Slide 10 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow GridPP2 Project Map Need to build this in: to identify progress Slide 11 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Projected Hardware Resources Total Resources: 20042007 (note x2 scale change) Slide 12 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Experiment Requirements: UK only Total Requirement: Slide 13 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Middleware, Security and Network Service Evolution Information Services: strategic role within EGEE Slide 14 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Management Conclusion: retain existing structure less development more deployment and use Slide 15 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Roadmap: GridPP2 Proposal GridPP1GridPP2Exploitation Slide 16 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Components: GridPP2 Proposal Slide 17 Tony Doyle - University of GlasgowConclusion We request 23.1m to fund our three-year project, GridPP2 This will provide a Production Grid incorporating 1.access to the Tier-0 Centre at CERN and the LCG deployment releases 2.the UK Tier-1 Centre 3.integration of four distributed Tier-2 centres 4.technical development in Middleware, Security and Networking 5.Grid integration of the experiments The project is in direct support of PPARC's highest priority science programme, the LHC
